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In the beginning God created‌ Genesis 1:1


I’m excited about the New Year, and the new opportunity to teach our kids. But more specifically, I’m excited about this lesson and its importance in their lives. Satan often attacks the validity of the book of Genesis, because in theology, everything is grounded there. In essence, if we can’t trace it back to Genesis it’s thrown out. Likewise, many schools and groups have attacked the creation understanding of life, in favor of one that omits God. Why? Because they know that if god created it it’s His and we must answer to Him. So with this lesson series the kids will receive the following:

Understanding that they were created by and with a purpose and are not just here by accident Knowledge that they are gloriously made in the image of God and are not just evolved animals

Insight of God as creator and owner of this world and we’re to answer to Him for what we do while here A more deeply grounded faith, not based on mere emotions and hear-say and so much more

I encourage you to use the material in the ‘Resources’ section to equip our children for an encounter with falsehoods like evolution, the Big Bang theory and other unproven things that are taught and mentioned in our schools and culture.

Jamiel Cotman

Week 1 Creation

Here the instructor will take several items such as a smart phone, credit card, watch and tablet, and hand each to previously separated groups of kids. Their job is to study the items, words, logos and pictures to determine who made them. Finally, the instructor will conclude by telling them that even though we can’t see the person who built it, we know someone did. Likewise, even though we cannot see God, we know He is the creator of life. That is to say, life cannot happen by accident or on its own. Life on earth was created. Finally, tell them that just as those people created the items with a purpose, likewise, God made us with a purpose as well. Our lives have meaning through Him. Finally, read through the suggested scriptures and discuss each with class.


A) God is creator

Review scriptures below that cite God as our creator and that we are not just here by accident or random chance

B) We have purpose

Referring to the activity, let the kids know that just as the watch maker made the watch for a reason, just as the phone engineer designed the phone to do something, likewise, we were designed by God to fulfill a distinct purpose.


Suggested Activity Give each group of kids a handout of a mystery case. Make it challenging but difficult enough for them to have to work on. Finally, get each kid to get up and talk about how he or she figured it out based on the clues or evidence. Conclude the lesson by telling them that even though we can’t see God every day, the evidence points to His existence as well. Suggested Scriptures Genesis 1:1 Colossians 1:12-17 Revelation 4:11 Psalm 139:14-19 Hebrews 11:3 Psalm 100:3


Week 2 Evolution Here the instructor will explain to the kids the falsehood of evolution, and why, based on both scripture and facts it is not true.

A) Define evolution

Here, the instructor must show the kids what evolution is, where it is taught, and from where it derived. [See ‘Resources’].

B) Refuting evolution


Next, the instructor must point out the obvious flaws of evolution. [See ‘Resources’].

Suggested Activity

Suggested Scriptures

Psalm 100:3 Ecclesiastes 12:1


Week 3 Evolution vs. Creation

The week 3 instructor will compare evolution to creation using the table in the ‘Resources’ section. Discuss each of the differences with the kids as you go over the suggested scriptures.

Suggested Activity Q&A Here the instructor will ask some common questions about creation and allow the kids to answer. Tough questions [What is evolution? What is creation? What is the best evidence for each] You can also use the template for week 1’s activity to do so.


Suggested Scriptures See ‘Resources’


Resources Answering Questions About Their faith

How to Stand For Christianity in School

How to Stand For Christianity in School 202

Dealing with Rebuttals to their faith


Scriptures about creation

If Evolution were true [exposing the folly of evolution]

Evolution vs. Creation Creation


Proven [Creation proves a creator]

False [nobody has observed evolution]

Starts with God’s Word

Starts with Big bang

Gives us a purpose

Means we’re an accident

Gives us value

Means we’re animals

Gives us equality

Means some are better than others

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