PLACES THAT Student Life
Highfields Park Thoughts are marathons and desks too close I follow my feet down rabbit-bitten slopes down steps from another era, a glimpse of tarmac across the lake seems so far away…
Impact’s poets explore student life in Nottingham: from favourite locations to living in a student house to treks to Tesco Express.
circular route scenic no matter the season duckweed and decades-old trees a retreat from the rush of living in double time heartbeats and seconds never slowing until I watch the lake rippling, lapping upon its banks. In summer boats come and go, orange as duck beaks. Along the route I side step ducks who wander past, watch webbed feet plop into puddles. There is an open green gate and stepping stones dappled with damp in late September sunlight. A moment’s reflection does the heron look back at you elegant upon a rock? Lauren Winson
Tesco Express Outside: cars at a standstill; Inside: pizza and ping meals. Outside: Notts castle on a hill; Inside: some reet bargains concealed. Outside: Bloody pavement’s a mess; Inside: It’s a Tesco Express. Myron Winter-Brownhill