OUR STORY Guiding story and principles Aboriginal Land Services is an Emu Nest Initiative. We operate under the Guiding Story and Principles framework of Emu Nest which is grounded in Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing. aboriginallandservices.com.au Purpose Aboriginal Land Services is a sustainable development advisory that specializes in Land Management and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage. Our purpose is to help meet the environmental and cultural heritage needs of today, without compromising those of tomorrow. We achieve our purpose by working with our customers and communities on the workability, certainty, risk, cost, protection and management of the environment and cultural heritage. We are a majority Aboriginal owned and led social enterprise and 50% of our profits are reinvested into training and developing Aboriginal people in heritage and environmental management. Artwork The centre circle represents Aboriginal Lands Services. The other circles are the proud voices of Aboriginal people, speaking for culture and Country. These voices are an integral part of our heritage and environment journey. We believe in supporting Aboriginal strength and challenging the barriers that have excluded Aboriginal people from participating in the heritage and environmental industry. We work in equitable partnerships with Traditional Owners, including offering training on a no-cost basis to equip Traditional Owners with the formal qualifications needed to work across the heritage or environmental sectors. The colours that radiate out across the painting represent the possibilities for brighter futures that emerge from real partnerships between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Painting by Palyku Artist Ambelin Kwaymullina
OUR DIFFERENCE Infrastructure specialists
Remote expertise
We specialise in environmental and Aboriginal cultural heritage approvals for large, complex infrastructure projects and we are familiar with the scoping, budgets, timelines and critical pathways required. We adopt a project management methodology to ensure projects come in on time and on budget.
We have conducted environmental and cultural heritage assessment and programs in some of the most remote locations in Australia. Our team is well versed in the safety, logistics, navigation and planning requirements for remote area work. Social enterprise
Multidisciplinary We operate nationally and have expertise in the legislative requirements across different State and Federal jurisdictions. We have a large multidisciplinary team of environmental consultants, archaeologists, anthropologists, GIS experts and Aboriginal Heritage Officers to meet different project demands and can mobilise a large workforce to meet project timeframes. This allows our customers to have a single source supplier for all land management and cultural heritage requirements. Always Safe We adopt an ‘Always Safe’ approach to all of our projects. Our staff are well versed in the safety requirements in challenging environments due to our extensive experience in remote fieldwork programs for mining and exploration resources. Our portfolio of urban projects has given us experience working alongside heavy machinery, busy infrastructure routes and in public spaces, without compromise to safety.
We are a majority owned Aboriginal company that operates as a social enterprise. We use the power of the marketplace to generate social impact by investing 50% of our profits into the professional training and development of Aboriginal people.
OUR SERVICES - Cultural heritage Advice and approvals ALS provides practical advice about the management frameworks and approval processes that protect Aboriginal heritage and how they relate to your project. Our advice can assist with scoping requirements, approval time frames, budgetary considerations, predictive modeling, identifying key stakeholders and engagement processes. Our advice is designed with three goals in mind: · · ·
Ensure Project compliance with Aboriginal cultural heritage legislation Maximise the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage on the project Minimise project costs
We provide advice on simple projects all the way through to multi-year large scale infrastructure projects. Our Aboriginal cultural heritage advice and approvals services include: · · · · · · ·
Land Access Negotiations Aboriginal Stakeholder consultation, engagement and facilitation Scoping, design and budget of fieldwork programs for approvals Preparation of and submission of government permits, reports and submissions Aboriginal cultural heritage policy development Project audits and previous work reviews Advice on establishment of cultural heritage management systems and processes
Desktop assessments and cultural heritage management plans Aboriginal Land Services provides desktop studies for Aboriginal cultural heritage. Desktop assessments summarise heritage values, identify gaps in knowledge and provide advice on what legislation or codes are relevant to their management. Desktop assessments are critical in providing the data to reduce costs of potential fieldwork programs that may be required as part of an approval process. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management plans outline the protocols and procedures needed to navigate the obligations identified in early advice or desktop assessments. Depending on the specific requirements, ALS can produce a range of desktop assessment, risk-analysis and due diligence tools, such as: · · · · ·
Desktop assessments and gap analysis Predictive modelling for archaeological site location Significance assessment reviews Management and interpretation plans Heritage inductions and procedures
Surveys, excavations and cultural value assessments
Aboriginal Land Services provides the full suite of services required to navigate the cultural heritage assessment and approval process. This includes: · · · ·
Desktop research Liasing and coordinating with Traditional Owner representatives and knowledge holders Archeological and/or ethnographic surveys of the proposed area to be impacted in partnership with local Traditional Owners Logistics coordination
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GIS Mapping and analysis Aerial surveys through drone footage and helicopter surveys On-site and interactive heritage inductions Site condition audits Production of formal reports and recommendations for the relevant statutory authorities or representative bodies Archeological excavations Cultural salvage Ground disturbance monitoring in partnership with local Traditional Owners
Aboriginal Land Services also offers additional support for larger, complex infrastructure projects where Aboriginal cultural heritage approval requirements may require extended surveys and assessments over a large area, sometimes over a number of years. In these cases, we can also serve as an outsourced function for cultural heritage planning and approvals to assist the client with timelines, budgeting, coordination, logistics and project management.
Accredited Training Aboriginal Land Services delivers a nationally recognised training qualification for Aboriginal sites called Certificate III in Aboriginal Site Works (AHC32516). This qualification was created to recognise the skills Traditional Owners have developed over many years managing their own sites and cultural heritage. Training is delivered mostly on-country, and is highly practical in nature. Regular participation in surveys, workshops and discussions is all participants need to build key skills in heritage processes. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means participant’s existing skills can be recognised and shortens the course duration. Graduates can seek employment as: ·
Indigenous rangers
Heritage field officers
Aboriginal tour guides and more…
For Aboriginal Corporations, investing in training can be instrumental for building a heritage services team within the organisation and moving toward sustainable, Aboriginal-owned and run enterprises.
our services - land management Biological and species management
Land and environment management
Aboriginal Land Services have conducted biological and ecological surveys and programs across most biographical regions of Western Australia. Whether it’s a baseline environmental assessment or the development of a species management plan, we can assist you in meeting your regulatory requirements. Our expertise includes:
Our experienced staff can develop and assist with the implementation of Environmental Management Plans and operational procedures that meet the unique needs of your project. Our expertise includes: ·
Biological surveys (EPA level 1 and 2) for environmental impact assessment.
Environmental and Rehabilitation Management Plans (for lands including mine sites, conservation estate, local bushland reserves, private land and Traditional Owner managed lands).
Targeted (threatened) flora and fauna species surveys.
Mine site rehabilitation and closure activities and monitoring.
Short Range Endemic (SRE) surveys, including subterranean fauna.
Ground and surface water sampling and monitoring
Significant Species Management Plans.
Provenance seed bank establishment and collection.
Flora and fauna species population monitoring.
Feral animal management plans and programs.
Introduced flora (weed) management plans and programs.
Ethno-botanical mapping aimed at recording traditional ecological knowledge of local native flora and fauna.
Community conservation management and engagement programs for recovery of species and lands.
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Environmental compliance and audit Our experienced and qualified environmental auditors will work with you to identify compliance issues and ensure the effectiveness of your practices and procedures in meeting regulatory requirements. Our expertise includes: ·
In-house Environmental Compliance Assessments.
External (Third Party) Environmental Compliance Audits.
Prescribed Premises (EP Act Part V) Works Approval applications and scoping.
Environmental license reviews and appeals.
Accredited training Aboriginal Land Services works delivers a Certificate III in Indigenous Land Management (AHC31516) to support Aboriginal ranger programs and Aboriginal people interested in a career in land management and environmental services.
impact Aboriginal Land Services is an Emu Nest Initiative and contributes to the combined direct economic and social impact created by the Emu Nest Group. This impact is a combination of Aboriginal jobs and training, supply chain contracts, community projects and pro bono support.
Workshops We partner with the Wirrapunda Foundation to deliver skills-based workshops in cultural heritage and land management. These workshops allow Aboriginal job seekers to gain critical skills and potentially consider a career in land management or cultural heritage.
Aboriginal suppliers We prioritise procuring goods and services from Aboriginal businesses wherever possible. We work with a large number of Aboriginal subcontractors in all facets of our business from the provision of workwear and stationery through to GIS mapping and field-based consultants.
We offer school-based traineeships to Aboriginal people at high school combining work experience with training in a Certificate II in business and a Certificate II in Community Services. University scholarship
Certified training We reinvest our profit into training Traditional Owners in nationally recognised training qualifications in Certificate III in Aboriginal Site Works (AHC32516) and Certificate III in Indigenous Land Management (AHC31516).
total economic impact
School-based traineeships
In partnership with the University of Western Australia, we have created a University scholarship worth $5,000 per year to an Aboriginal student who is interested in a future career in cultural heritage or Land Management. This scholarship also has an option of paid work experience with Aboriginal Land Services.
$11.9 million
0400 132 744 | blaze@emunest.com.au aboriginallandservices.com.au | ABN 36 601 279 127