Up, up and away!
The adve ntures of Ben, Lebo and Hanna
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Reg. No.: 2011/011959/07
Ben, Lebo and Hanna
The adv e ntures of SAMPLE
Phase 11
Dr Nalize Scheepers
Illustrations: Johann Strauss
Compiler: Dr Nalize Scheepers
Designer: Romandi Wagenaar
Editor: Anrica Mills
Illustrations: Johann Strauss
First edition 2018
Owned and published by Optimi, a division of Optimi Central Services (Pty) Ltd. 7 Impala Avenue, Doringkloof, Centurion, 0157 info@optimi.co.za www.optimi.co.za
© Optimi
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Reg. no.: 2011/011959/07
Up, up and away! SAMPLE
“Passengers on ¶ight 458 to London, may now board through Gate 9”. “Who said that?” asks Carin. “The ¶ight announcer,” says Dad. The airport is noisy and busy and there are people everywhere. Ben and Carin are very excited. They are going on holiday – on an aeroplane! They have never ¶own on a plane before. They are ¶ying to New York to visit their aunt. The family walks over to a counter. “Why do we have to wait here?” asks Ben. “We have to check in our luggage,” says Dad. “The plane can only carry a certain amount of weight, otherwise, it can’t take off. ” Ben is a little worried. He packed two extra comic books, a box of his favourite cookies, and his rubber snake. He really hopes the plane doesn’t get stuck on the runway.
The attendant at the counter gives Dad a boarding pass for each of them. On the boarding pass is a seat number so each passenger knows which seat is theirs. “Come along,” says Dad.
“We have to move closer to the boarding gates.”
“Will we have to wait long?” asks Carin. “Only a short while,” says Dad.
“Why don’t you and Ben go over to those big windows and watch the planes take off ? We’ll fetch you when our ¶ight is called.” “Okay,” says Ben and takes Carin’s hand. Mom and Dad sit down at a coffee shop where they can keep an eye on the children.
Ben and Carin watch an enormous plane slowly reverse from its parking bay.
An aircraft signalling marshal in a bright orange jacket stands in front of the plane and directs the pilot. “Are those the things we use to play Ping-Pong?” asks Carin, pointing at the marshal.
Ben laughs, “No, Carin, they are not the same.”
They watch as the plane taxies down the runway. Slowly at ±rst, then faster until suddenly the nose lifts, the plane leaves the ground, and its wheels are tucked in tight.
“Wow!” says Carin. “Planes are like giant birds, except they don’t have feathers and they don’t ¶ap their wings.”
“Passengers on ¶ight 895 to New York, may now board through Gate 11.” “I think that’s us!” says Ben excitedly. They run back to Mom and Dad and together they walk through the last security gate.
Outside, a bus is waiting to take them to their plane. At the plane, they go up a set of stairs and through the plane doors. A friendly ¶ight attendant shows them to their seats. Ben is sitting next to the window and Dad next to him. Mom and Carin are on the opposite side of the aisle. The cabin crew close the plane doors.
A ¶ight attendant asks all the passengers to fasten their seat belts and explains the emergency exit procedure. Ben and Carin listen very carefully to everything she says.
Soon, the plane starts to move. It makes its way slowly to the runway. Each plane has to wait its turn to take off. Ben looks out the window and sees they are moving away from the airport building. The plane picks up speed and Ben sits back in his seat. Suddenly, the plane is in the air.
Ben feels like there are a million butter¶ies in his stomach! He looks down and sees the ground moving further and further away.
The plane climbs higher and higher. When he looks out the window again, the cars look like ants, and the farms and ±elds have turned into a patchwork of green blocks.
The ¶ight to New York will take about 16 hours. The ¶ight attendants bring supper on trolleys. Ben chooses the chicken and salad and there is even a delicious pudding on the tray. Carin is watching a movie, she is wearing earphones and gives Ben a thumbs up – she loves ¶ying! The plane ¶ies on through the night. Ben and Carin fall asleep and cuddle up next to Mom and Dad.
When they wake up, they are about to land at JFK International Airport. Ben yawns and looks out the window. He can see very tall buildings, a wide river and a huge statue of a lady holding a torch. “Welcome to New York,” says the ¶ight attendant. “The weather is perfect at a sunny 25 degrees. We hope you enjoy your stay and thank you for ¶ying with us.” Ben and Carin cannot wait for the plane to land.