1. Draw a rectangle, split it into quarters and sketch a circle.
2. Draw your face shape.
3. Sketching lightly, add in guidelines by dividing your face shape into quarters vertically and ±f ths horizontally.
4. Add in the features. Take your time and remember, they don't have to be exactly the same.
5. Erase the guidelines and add in hair. Finish off any detail in your portrait. Do you have any unique features to add?
Tip: The tops of your ears are level with your eyebrows.
Activity 23
I have the right to medical care when I am ill.
I have a responsibility to take care of my body through personal hygiene.
Activity 26
I have the right to a good, basic education and I do not have to work, but I must attend school.
I have a responsibility to show respect to teachers and be obedient in class. I must study hard and do my best to get good marks.
Apple template SAMPLE
Draw a grasshopper
Activity 35
Locusts: They migrate in large swarms and cause great damage to crops. Like a big storm approaching, the sky turns dark and then the locusts arrive. They settle on a crop and devour everything in sight.
Short-horned grasshopper: These types have short horns. They lay egg pods in the soil. This is a common milkweed locust. Its bright colours warn us it is toxic.
Long-horned grasshopper: These types have very long horns. They lay their eggs on plants. They moult 5 to 7 times before they reach adulthood.
Sounds: Grasshoppers make a distinctive sound by running their hind legs against their wings. Many people across the world eat grasshoppers for the protein they provide.
Aisha Lee
Three little bees up in the trees. Drinking cups of tea that they sat on their knees.
One little bee said, ‘Why don’t we go see our neighbours and offer them some tea!’ They left their seats and got their treats. Then ¶ew to their friends up and down all the streets.
Three little bees happy in trees feel it’s good to help their friends in need.
Make an ant SAMPLE
Draw a mosquito SAMPLE
David Sollis
Announcing your arrival in a high-pitch buzzing-tone. As a tactic for survival you’re seldom on your own.
Red lumps display where you have been. Often felt, though rarely seen.
But if I catch a glimpse of you, my little vampire chum, I’ll make sure you get what you’re due, and squash you with my thumb!
Activity 40
Silkworms: They are farmed for the silk they produce, which is sold at high prices. Silkworms can be eaten. They are high in protein and strengthen the immune system.
Ants: These tiny animals are the planet’s vacuum cleaners. They collect all the crumbs and leftovers. They take dead insects to their nest, and collect the last bits and pieces of animal carcasses. This keeps the soil fertile.
Bees: They pollinate plants and ¶owers, and use nectar to make honey. Honey has many health bene±ts and may even help prevent certain diseases.
Dragon¶ies: They are usually found near water and their food source. They eat mosquito larvae, mosquitoes, ¶ies, moths and midges. They eat all pests in and around the house and garden. They are always hungry and can eat up to 100 mosquitoes a day.
Draw an insect SAMPLE
Fitness game
Start 20 jumping jacks 10 frog hops Skip 10 times
Jump up and down 10 times
Jump 5 steps to the left
10 seconds
2 minutes jog in place
Lift each knee 10 times
Balance on left foot 20 arm circles
15 seconds
Jump rope 15 seconds Balance on right foot 10 seconds Try to touch the clouds 16 jumping jacks