research & analysis
strategy & planning
At Impa(o, we believe knowledge is our greatest resource. While vision and intui<on are the hallmark of all great leaders, business intelligence is the compass by which brands navigate.
Great output only comes from great input. And the best insights come from a diverse collec<on of perspec<ves. At Impa(o, we believe great products create great brands.
digital platforms
videography & photography
By design or not, all brands are now digital. Whether for distribu<on or communica<ons, efficiency or engagement, integra<ng digital is now a cost of entry. Impa(o's holis<c approach views web, social and mobile as a fundamental pillar for good brand health.
Mo<on or s<ll, every brand must ar<culate itself consistent with its character. Content is king but content for the sake of content is pointless. Impa(o's award-‐ winning video and photography is rooted in purpose and haselevated brand percep<ons across the globe.
brand identity
brand experience
In simplest terms, a brand's iden<ty is its look, tone and voice. It represents its character and core values. Impa(o's iden<ty system and graphic standards process ar<culates the brand's personality for all stakeholders.
At the core, the sum of a brand's touch points represents its experience. These touch points include all communica<ons, in each media or plaGorm. At Impa(o, we begin with the desired emo<ons following engagement with a brand. The strongest brands bring this to life in three-‐dimensional, physical spaces that engage all human senses.
sponsorship & integrations
print, collateral, & branded merchandise
point of purchase, signage & displays
Appropriate synergies with other brands that share common core values and consumer preferences can be very effec<ve in leveraging equity and consumer affinity. However, at Impa(o our valua<on methodology places the heaviest weight on organic, relevant and valuable integra<ons.
In today's changing landscape, this media is oOen overlooked. In many cases, it is the small things that make the biggest difference. Impa(o's customized approach to unique brand messages and consumer packaged offerings has resulted in millions of impressions – and smiling faces.
Retail is a war. Gaining share of sight and pocket at the zero moment of truth is increasingly difficult. Impa(o understands the real ba(le is in the trenches. Our interac<ve designs have earned brand awareness and purchase in many different environments.
customer relationship management Customers and prospects are every brands most valuable asset. Engaging in conversa<on is the basis for all rela<onships – whatever your perspec<ve. Understanding and apprecia<ng their preferences is the secret to all sustainable rela<onships. At Impa(o, this is our star<ng point.