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fibres; c. hemp shivs for making high-density hemp concrete; d. hemp bast fibres
3. Good Health and Well-being. Allowing Indirectly Enhancing the Medical Infrastructure
4. Quality Education. Allowing Indirectly Advancing the infrastructure with the use of Bamboo structures, furniture...
5. Gender Equality. Invisible No Contribution
6. Clean water and Sanitation. Allowing Indirectly Advancing the infrastructure.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy. Visible Directly low or negative carbon lifecycle.
8. Decent work and Economic Growth.
Allowing Indirectly Helps in creating jobs due to the workforce.
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
Visible Directly By creating efficient design and motivating to use bamboo as a building material.
10. Reduced Inequalities. Allowing Indirectly By building better infrastructure, no one will leave behind.
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production.
13. Climate action.
14. Life below water.
15. Life on Land.
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institution.
Visible Directly By reducing carbon footprint
Visible Directly Bamboos are renewable and recyclable which helps in reducing the consumption and production.
Allowing Indirectly By reducing carbon footprint
Invisible No Contribution
Allowing Indirectly minimising damages and designing in such a way that can enhance biodiversity...
Invisible No Contribution
17. Partnerships for the Goals. Allowing Indirectly By creating partnerships with recognised industries.
In the above framework, all 17 Sustainable Development Goals try to figure out their contribution types, names and they are contributing to SDGs. Bamboo can help in achieving Goal no 3 by enhancing the medical infrastructure. By reducing carbon footprint, they can help in achieving Goals like 7, 11 and 13. By creating partnerships they can achieve Goal 17, by reducing the consumption and production they can achieve goal no 12 and they can also help in achieving Goal no 8 by creating Jobs.
3.3 Hempcrete
Fig. 14. a. Retted Stalk of Hemp Without Bast Fibbers; b. Process hemp shivs along with bast fibres; c. hemp shivs for making high-density hemp concrete; d. hemp bast fibres.
(Tarun jami, 2018)
Hempcrete is a lime-based binder consisting of hemp shives. Hemp is generally named as plants that are widely used for industrial purposes like textile, food, plastic paper etc. Hemp is referred to as carbon negative for its agricultural roots and use of lime as well as other industrial waste as mineral binders. A study finds that hemp, which fulfils the role of preventing insect activity, was present in the lime and plaster of Ellora caves, over 1500 years old Hemp has some extraordinary qualities and researchers discovered that the mixtures contained at least 10% hemp
fibres, which made it bind better, make it insect resistant and also helped to regulate the humidity inside the cave (SINGH et al, 2017). 3.3.1 Properties of Hempcrete
The hemp is majorly divided into two parts.
● Bast
Bast fibres are normally extracted from the hemp straw's retting process and woven into textiles, belts, ropes, etc.
● Hurd
And so far, the Hurd plant has been used as insulation and bedding for animals etc. While, it is also referred to as shivs that are used for purposes of cellulose. Hemp is among the most commonly known and utilized researched material particles in building construction production and hemp is one of the most thoroughly investigated bio-based concrete.
3.3.2 Carbon Footprint and thermal performance
The structures are much more concrete, metal and some other materials in modern days, which they've been produced or cultivated for decades. Concrete output produces CO2, which is the material commonly used in construction. A potential alternative replacement.
Normally, hemp sequesters carbon both within the plant themselves and through sequestering carbon throughout the ground. The quantity of sequestered carbon depends on the characteristics of hemp, when and how it has been produced, and how it has been extracted. It is considered as hemp preserves an approximate 325kilograms of carbon per metric ton of composite hemp.
The hempcrete's thermal conductivity indicate that the scale of a heating plant can also be decreased, reducing the resulting energy consumption and carbon emissions, which may be between 50% and 80% lower than in buildings of traditional concrete blocks structure heated to
the very same U-value as the hempcrete structure. Standard 12-inch-thick walls just provide necessary R-value (~2.5/in.).
3.3.3 Hemp Contribution towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Hemp is considered to be a sustainable, non-toxic, green yet low-energy material that during development requires no chemicals and much less irrigation and fertilizers and pesticides than cotton. If, building Industry built their structures with hemp material, definitely hemp will become one of the most eligible sustainable materials for the environment. However, these Goals can be directly and indirectly achieved by the using of hemp as a building material.
TABLE 3 A General Framework Showing Contribution of Hempcrete to SDGs.
Goals no. Goals Name Contribution Name Contributions Type
1. No Poverty. Invisible No Contribution How ?
2. Zero Hunger. Invisible No Contribution
3. Good Health and Well-being. Allowing Indirectly Enhancing the Medical Infrastructure
4. Quality Education. Allowing Indirectly Advancing the infrastructure.
5. Gender Equality. Invisible No Contribution
6. Clean water and Sanitation. Allowing Indirectly Advancing the infrastructure.
7. Affordable and Clean Energy. Visible Directly low or negative carbon lifecycle.
8. Decent work and Economic Growth.
Allowing Indirectly Helps in creating jobs due to the workforce.
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.
Visible Directly By creating efficient design and motivating to use bamboo as a building material.
10. Reduced Inequalities. Allowing Indirectly
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities.
Visible Directly By reducing carbon footprint
12. Responsible Consumption and Production.
13. Climate action.
14. Life below water.
Allowing Indirectly It can reduce consumption because hemp is highly renewable and biodegradable.
Allowing Indirectly By reducing carbon footprint
Invisible No Contribution
15. Life on Land.
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institution.
Allowing Indirectly minimising damages and designing in such a way that can enhance biodiversity.
Invisible No Contribution
17. Partnerships for the Goals. Allowing Indirectly By creating partnerships with recognised industries.
In the above framework, almost each and every goal is contributing directly or indirectly to SDGs. Hempcrete can help in achieving Goal no 3 and 4 by enhancing the medical, school infrastructure. By reducing carbon footprint, they can help in achieving Goals like 7, 11 and 13. By creating partnerships they can achieve Goal 17, by reducing the consumption and production they can achieve goal no 12 and they can also help in achieving Goal no 8 by creating Jobs.