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achievements of SDGs………………………………………………………………………………50


6.2 Different Building materials Contribution towards SDGs.


Different types of building materials are available and they are involved in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals directly and indirectly. And the importance of construction materials for achieving the agenda 2030 has been clearly reflected in various objectives. For certain targets, however, it will be very difficult to note the effect of building materials on the aim unless we take a closer look at each target.

However, since all 17 goals are intertwined with each other, it is very difficult to figure out the precise dimensions of achieving these goals. Moreover, even though it remains a challenge, it


explains the value of applying SDGs as an indivisible whole. This is the proposed method for understanding the effect of building materials on both of these SDGs.

TABLE 5 A framework demonstrates the performance rating among all types of building materials to the achievements of SDGs.

No. Sustainable Development Goals SDGs.

B.M Contrib ution Grades Contributio n Name Contribution Types Types of Building Materials

1. No Poverty. B Allowing Minimal Contribution All types of Building Materials.

2. Zero Hunger. x Invisible No Contribution ------------

3. Good Health and Well-being.

B+ Strengthening Somewhat Contribution

Promoting the Sustainable and Environmental Friendly Materials.

4. Quality Education. B+ Strengthening Somewhat Contribution

Promoting the Sustainable and Environmental Friendly Materials.

5. Gender Equality. x Invisible No Contribution ------------

6. Clean water and Sanitation.

A Visible Direct Contribution Energy Efficient, Low carbon Building Materials.

7. Affordable and Clean


A Visible Direct Contribution Energy Efficient, Low carbon Building Materials.

8. Decent work and Economic Growth.

B+ Strengthening Somewhat Contribution

Promoting the Sustainable and Environmental Friendly Materials.

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

A+ Clearly Visible Direct - Direct Contributing to SDGs

Vernacular, Green, Environmental Friendly Building Materials.


10. Reduced Inequalities. x Invisible No Contribution ------------

11. Sustainable Cities and


A+ Clearly Visible Direct - Direct Contributing to SDGs

Vernacular, Green, Environmental Friendly Building Materials.

12. Responsible

Consumption and


A Visible Direct Contribution Energy Efficient, Low carbon Building Materials.

13. Climate action. A+ Clearly

Visible Direct - Direct Contributing to SDGs

Vernacular, Green, Environmental Friendly Building Materials.

14. Life below water. B Allowing Minimal

Contribution All types of Building Materials.

15. Life on Land. A+ Clearly

Visible Direct - Direct Contributing to SDGs

Vernacular, Green, Environmental Friendly Building Materials.

16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institution.

x Invisible No Contribution ------------

17. Partnerships for the


B Allowing Minimal Contribution All types of Building Materials.

There are few authors who have proposed the framework for understanding the Contribution of building materials towards SDGs. And they reformed the points according to their Typology and interaction between them. The system has effectively achieved their intention to provide consistent results while defining variables, hypotheses, including interventions which could be used to determine and evaluate the feasibility of building materials and for the building sector to achieve sustainable growth.

6.2.1 Direct - Direct Contribution towards SDGs.

In the above framework, A+ shows the direct-direct contribution towards SDGs and they directly participate in achievement of Goals 9,11,13 and 15. The achievement of the SDGs listed is clearly relevant to the use of Green, vernacular, environmentally friendly, incredibly low energy Building


materials in the construction for structures with different infrastructural facilities are produced, developed, reliable and locally made throughout the world.

6.2.2 Direct Contribution towards SDGs.

A indicates the direct contribution of SDGs in the above framework and they are specifically interested in the achievement of Goals 6,7 and 12. The achievement of the SDGs mentioned is clearly applicable to the use of Energy Efficient, Low Carbon Building materials.

6.2.3 Somewhat Contribution towards SDGs.

B+ refers to the somewhat contribution of the SDGs in the above-mentioned framework and it is contributing in achieving Goals 3,4and 8. The achievement of the above-mentioned SDGs is applicable in Promoting the Sustainable and Environmentally Friendly Materials.

6.2.4 Minimal Contribution towards SDGs.

B applies to the Minimal contribution of the SDGs to the above-mentioned system and leads to the achievement of Goals 1, 14 and 17. All types of Building materials are important to achievement of these Goals.

6.2.5 No Contribution towards SDGs.

X relates to the no contribution of the SDGs to the scheme referred to above and contributes to the achievement of Goals 2, 5, 10 and 16.

6.3 Positive and Negative contributions

Almost, all building materials have direct positive contribution and seen as a visible, clearly visible contribution. The achievement of the above-mentioned Sustainable development goals is directly related to use of renewable, natural, regional, environment - friendly, energy-efficient, and low-energy solutions. The given frameworks show that these alternate solutions, environmentally sustainable and responsible building materials are the most prominent types of building materials that play a major role in achieving the SDGs.


There are no such negative contributions but, applying local building materials produces barriers in some instances like the extraction of local materials from a particular geographical area to create low-cost housing end up to provide some housing to the poor peoples of the region.


This research shows In what ways Building materials can contribute to SDGs and investigated some Building Materials in terms of their thermal performance, construction, availability, etc. This research paper adopts some analysis criteria such as types of contribution, names, Grades and Building Materials types. Although, not each and every linkage between building materials and SDGs were classified on the basis of these analysis criteria. However, the analysis framework is designed to give an overview of how these sustainable materials lead to the achieving for different Goals and targets for Sustainable Development Goals. Based on the case studies, building materials such as Earthen Materials, Bamboo and Hempcrete are the one most important and sustainable Building materials that can take the responsibility for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Although, framework gave some reliable results, the analytical literature review indicates that construction materials vary significantly in their effect on the climate.

There seems to be a lack of information on that subject and further analysis is required. It is proposed that it will help the system with the Sustainable Development Goals and its strategies into a practical framework to be implemented in reality and positively contribute to the decisionmaking process. Furthermore, another advantage of the proposed solution would be that the study directly or indirectly helps planners, project managers, government leaders, experts and infrastructure investors to demonstrate a clear knowledge about the sustainable building materials and SDGs.



This research paper ends with some positive analysis and the information obtained provides useful views mostly on opportunities as well as challenges that affect building materials to encourage sustainability and leads to a classification of further various outcomes that require additional study within the subject.


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