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Presents the

International Scientific Meeting

“ Thyroid Cancer and Environment � 8-10 June 2007 P. NOMIKOS Conference Center, Fira, Santorini, Greece

Final Programme

Meeting Organizing Bureau

Organized by

designed by

www. e-mail: tel./fax: +30 210 9962767 13 Karneadou str. 16346 Ilioupolis, Athens, Greece

Prof. Leonidas Duntas Under the Auspices of Ministry of Health & Solidarism

Internal Medicine and Endocrinology Endocrine Unit, Evgenidion Hospital University of Athens, Greece e-mail:

Santorini (Thira), Greece Akrotiri, Wall-Painting “Spring Fresco�,15th c.B.C One of the most important centers of the Aegean in the prehistoric period. During the early Bronze Age (3rd Millenium B.C.) there was a settlement in Akrotiri. Later on (20th -17th century B.C.), the settlement was expanded and became one of the most significant centers and ports of the Aegean . Its large extent, its perfect urban organization ,its sewage network, the artistic multi-floored buildings with some magnificent mural decorations and the rich furnishing , witness its great development. The variety of imported products found within those buildings show the extension of the foreign relations of Akrotiri. They kept strong relations with Minoan Crete, but they had communication with continental Greece, Dodecanese ,Cyprus, Syria and Egypt. Life in the city came to an abrupt end during the last quarter of the 17th century , when its residents decided to abandon it due to heavy earthquakes. The eruption of the volcano followed. The volcanic elements that covered the city and the whole island protected the buildings and their contents, until today, just like in Pompey. Elements about the settlements in Akrotiri came into light during the second half of 19th century A.C. Systematic excavations began there in 1967 by Professor Spyridon Marinatos under the aegis of the Archaeological Company based in Athens. Marinatos decided to excavate in Akrotiri, hoping to verify an old theory of his, published in the 30s, that the eruption of the Thira volcano caused the destruction of the Minoan civilization. After Marinatos death, in 1974, the excavation continued under the observance of Professor Christos Doumas. No interventions were made on the revealing monuments, except in cases where fixing was needed. The Spring Fresco was found on D2 group of the Akrotiri settlement and it is dated back to 1550 B.C.( a while before the eruption). Today it is exhibited in the Archaelogical Museum of Athens. Group D it is constituted by four buildings .A room in the Eastern building was decorated with the Spring Fresco .The artist attributed with great sensitivity a rocky landscape with blooming red flowers, with swallows flying within . This Fresco covered three walls of a ground floor room and reaches the flooring. We observe a line of volcanic rocks in three colors, yellow, red and blue(or black), that give us an idea of what the whole island looked like. The upper part of the wall is white and is litted up with red flowers ( lilium cchalcedonicum ) with yellow stalks sprouting in three. The flowers seem to move as wind blows. On the north wall two birds with held open the arcs of their wings seem to be making out. On the western wall the birds still seem to be making out, while a third one is coming towards them. On the southern wall the birds with their wings lowered and their head down are moving in opposite directions one another. Their attitude shows the sorrow of breaking up. The Fresco is a hymn to the coming of Spring and comes by a room, that is believed was built for worshiping reasons. The birds remind the corresponding ones in the Cycladic angiography, while the portrayal of the flowers brings to mind the vessels of Phytical rhythm from Crete. But here the birds are not static like they were in the Minoan Crete art. They are described with thin and thick lines .The flowers look like those of the Ancient Triad in Crete and with those found in the house of murals, in Knosos. Moreover such flowers decorated the walls of the mansion in Amnisos

Acknowledgements The Organizing and Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Meeting “Thyroid Cancer and Environment” wishes to express its gratitude to the following sponsors.

MAJOR SPONSORS This meeting is financially supported by


municipality of



Welcome Address

On behalf of my co-president Professor Furio Pacini it is my pleasure to welcome you to the International Scientific Meeting Thyroid Cancer and Environment in Santorini 8-10 June 2007 under the patronage of the European Thyroid Association (ETA) and the Hellenic Ministry of Health and Solidarity. The island of Santorini combines together with its unique beauty the particularity of the volcanic soil that may influence thyroid function and prevalence of disease. There is evidence from various parts of the world associating the volcanic substrate with increased incidence of thyroid nodules and cancer. The International Scientific Meeting in Santorini, dedicated exclusively to thyroid cancer, promises to be of utmost significance in delineating new concept in diagnosis and treatment as well as in evaluation of environmental impact. The program is outstanding thanks to the invaluable contribution of eminent speakers and chairs from Europe, United States and Latin America.

Prof. Leonidas Duntas


Committees of the International Scientific Meeting “Thyroid Cancer and Environment” European Thyroid Association Officers

Invited Speakers and Chairs

President Koehrle Josef, Germany

Alevizaki Maria, Athens, Greece Chrousos George, Athens, Greece Cooper David, Baltimore, USA Dacou - Voutetakis Ekaterini, Athens, Greece Doumas Christos, Athens, Greece Elisei Rossella, Pisa, Italy Feldt - Rasmussen Ulla, Copenhagen, Denmark Gaertner Roland, Muenchen, Germany Jarzab Barbara, Gliwice, Poland Koehrle Josef, Berlin, Germany Mantzoros Christos, Boston, USA Medeiros - Neto Geraldo, Sao Paulo, Brazil Paschke Ralf, Leipzig, Germany Reiners Christoph, Wuerzburg, Germany Reske Sven- Norbert, Ulm, Germany Smyth Peter, Dublin, Ireland Tsatsoulis Agathoklis, Ioannina, Greece Tseleni-Balafouta Sofia, Athens, Greece Wartofsky Leonard, Washington, USA Wiersinga Wilmar, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Williams Dillwyn, Cambridge, UK

Secretary Feldt-Rasmussen Ulla, Denmark

European Thyroid Association Executive Commitee Bakker Onno, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Erdogan Murat, Ankara, Turkey Jarzab Barbara, Gliwice, Poland Paschke Ralf, Leipzig, Germany Rodien Patrice, Angers, France Santoro Massimo, Naples, Italy Szabolcs Istvan, Budapest, Hungary Vitti Paolo, Pisa, Italy Weetman Anthony, Sheffield, UK

Scientific Committee of the International Scientific Meeting Duntas Leonidas, Athens, Greece Pacini Furio, Siena, Italy

Under the auspices of ñ Ministry of Health & Solidarism ñ European Thyroid Association

Meeting Organizing Bureau

Organized by Leonidas Duntas, M.D. Professor of Endocrinology Endocrine Clinic Evgenidion Hospital University of Athens, Greece e-mail: 13, Karneadou str. 16346 Ilioupolis, Athens, Greece Tel. /Fax: +30210 9962767 e-mail:


Final Program Overview European Thyroid Association Presents the International Scientific Meeting “Thyroid Cancer & Environment” Granted 6 CME credits by the EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education Institution of the UEMS)

Friday, 08 June 2007 Hotel Rocabella

Congress Hall


The special lecture: “Santorini, The consequences of an explosion” Doumas Christos, Athens


Welcome Dinner

co sponsored by

municipality of

THERA Saturday, 09 June 2007 Conference Center “P. Nomikos”, Fira

08.00 - 09.00

Lobby area


Conference Center “P. Nomikos”, Fira

09.00 - 09.15

Main Congress Hall

Opening - Welcome Addresses

Session I : Basics in Thyroid Cancer Chairs:

Koehrle Josef (Berlin) , Tseleni-Balafouta Sofia ( Athens)

09.15 - 09.40

Proteomics, Genomics and Thyroid Cancer Paschke Ralf, Leipzig

09.40 - 10.05

Factors and causes of Thyroid Carcinoma: The importance of stratification by pathological classification Williams Dillwyn, Cambridge

10.05 - 10.30

PPARgamma agonists, Adiponectin and Thyroid Cancer Mantzoros Christos, Boston

Conference Center “P. Nomikos”, Fira

10.30 - 11.00


Coffee Break

Sponsored by


Conference Center “P. Nomikos”, Fira

Main Congress Hall

Session II: Clinical I Chairs:

Wiersinga Wilmar (Amsterdam) , Alevizaki Maria (Athens)

11.00 - 11.25

Global rising incidence of Thyroid Cancer: increased detection or higher radiation exposure? Wartofsky Leonard, Washington

11.25 - 11.50

Thyroid Cancer in childhood and adolescence Dacou - Voutetakis Ekaterini, Athens

11.50 - 12.15

Autoimmunity in DTC: Significance and related clinical problems Feldt-Rasmussen Ulla, Copenhagen

12.15 - 12.40

Volcanoes and Thyroid Cancer Duntas Leonidas, Athens

Session III : Clinical II Chairs:

Reske Sven - Norbert (Ulm) , Chrousos George (Athens)

12.45 - 13.10

Imaging in the diagnosis and treatment of DTC Elisei Rossella, Pisa

13.10 - 13.35

TSH Suppression in the long term management of DTC Cooper David, Baltimore

Venue to be announced by the meeting secretariat


Lunch Break

Conference Center “P. Nomikos”, Fira

Main Congress Hall

14.45 - 15.10

Recombinant TSH-aided radioiodine ablation and treatment of DTC: benefits, limitations and dose of radioactivity Pacini Furio, Siena

15.10 - 15.35

An Update on the modalities of treatment of metastatic DTC. Jarzab Barbara, Gliwice


Conference Center “P. Nomikos”, Fira

Main Congress Hall

Session IV: Environment & DTC Chairs:

Medeiros - Neto Geraldo (Sao Paulo) , Tsatsoulis Agathoklis (Ioannina)

15.40 - 16.05

Iodine and DTC Smyth Peter, Dublin

16.05 - 16.30

Radioactivity and Thyroid Cancer Reiners Christoph, Wuerzburg

16.30 - 16.55

The essential role of iodine and iodolactones in growth and apoptosis of thyroid epithelial cells Gaertner Roland, Muenchen

16.55 - 17.20

The role of Selenium and Selenoproteins in Thyroid Cancer Koehrle Josef, Berlin


Synopsis Wiersinga Wilmar, Amsterdam

End of Scientific Program

Conference Center “P. Nomikos”, Fira


Farewell Dinner


Lecturers and Coordinators ALEVIZAKI MARIA: Professor, Endocrine Unit, Evgenidion Hospital, Athens University School of Medicine, Athens, Greece. CHROUSOS GEORGE: Professor, Head of Dept. of Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital, University of Athens, Greece. COOPER DAVID: Professor, Division of Endocrinology Sinai Hospital of Baltimore and International Health, John Hopkins University School of Medicine, President of the ATA, Baltimore, USA. DACOU - VOUTETAKIS EKATERINI: Professor, Dept. of Pediatrics, Agia Sophia Children’s Hospital, University of Athens, Greece. DOUMAS CHRISTOS: Professor, Dept. of Archeology, University of Athens, Greece. DUNTAS LEONIDAS: Professor, Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Endocrine Unit, Evgenidion Hospital, University of Athens, Greece. ELISEI ROSSELLA: Professor, Dept. of Endocrinology & Metabolism, University of Pisa, Italy. FELDT-RASMUSSEN ULLA: Professor, Dept. of Endocrinology, Ringshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Secretary of the ETA, Copenhagen, Denmark. GAERTNER ROLAND: Professor, Dept. of Endocrinology, Medizinische Klinik πnnenstadt, University of Munich, Germany. JARZAB BARBARA: Professor, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine & Endocrine Oncology, University of Gliwice, Poland. KOEHRLE JOSEF: Professor, Dept. of Endocrinology and Molecular Biology, Universitaetsklinikum Charite, University of Berlin, President of the ETA, Berlin, Germany. MANTZOROS CHRISTOS: Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA. MEDEIROS - NETO GERALDO: Professor of Endocrinology, Dept. of Medicine, Hosp. Clinicas University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. PACINI FURIO: Professor, Dept. of Endocrinology, University of Pisa, Siena, Italy. PASCHKE RALF: Professor, Dept. of Medical Clinic and Policlinic III, University Clinic of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. REINERS CHRISTOPH: Professor, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, University Clinic of Wuerzburg, Germany. RESKE SVEN-NORBERT: Professor, Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, University of Ulm, Germany. SMYTH PETER:Professor, Endocrine Laboratory, Dept of Medicine/Woodview, University College of Dublin, Ireland. TSATSOULIS AGATHOKLIS: Professor, Dept. of Endocrinology, University of Ioannina, Greece. TSELENI - BALAFOUTA SOFIA : Professor, Dept. of Pathology, Medical School, University of Athens, Greece. WARTOFSKY LEONARD: Professor, Dept. of Medicine, Washington Hospital Center, Washington D.C.,USA. WIERSINGA WILMAR: Professor, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. WILLIAMS DILLWYN: Professor, Thyroid Carcinogenesis Research Group, Strangeways Research Laboratories, Worts Causeways, Cambridge, UK.


Registration - Information Registration Fees All Professions Residents Accompanying Persons

Before 10 April, 2007 €270,00 €180,00 €80,00

After 11 April, 2007 €350,00 €200,00 €80,00

Delegates Registration Fees, include: ñ Admission to all Scientific Sessions ñ Congress bag containing material kit and Final Program ñ Coffee Break ñ Lunch Break ñ Certificate of Attendance ñ Participation to the Opening Lecture and Welcome Dinner ñ Participation to the Farewell Dinner Accompanying Persons Registration Fees, include: ñ Participation to the Opening Lecture and Welcome Dinner ñ Participation to the Farewell Dinner Please note that reduced fees only apply, if both registration form and payment are received, not later than April 10th, 2007, by Impressive (Meeting Secretariat): Tel. /Fax: + 30 210 99 62767 / e-mail: Terms of Payment Payment of registration and other fees should be made in Euro € as follows : ñ Bank Transfer Please transfer payment to: ALPHA BANK ( Avenue Protopappa Branch) Account name: S. CONSTANTINOU IMPRESSIVE Ltd. Account Number: 361.00.2320.001465 IBAN: GR28 0140 3610 3610 0232 0001 465 SWIFT Code: CRBAGRAAXXX Details of payment: Please do not forget to clearly state your company’s name and the indication International Scientific Meeting “Thyroid Cancer & Environment” Please note that bank charges must be fully covered by the participant ñ Credit Card Please enter your card number and expiry date in the appropriate space on the registration Form. Please note that only MasterCard & VISA credit cards are accepted. Please do not forget to also enter the Card Validation Code (CVC) which is printed on the reverse side of your credit card at the signature panel, after the number of your credit card (additional three digits). Reconfirmations For those registration forms received completed and prepaid (proof of payment) in due time, a confirmation letter and registration number will be received by the delegates from the Meeting Secretariat. YÔu are kindly requested to present this confirmation letter upon your arrival at the pre-registration desk, in order to pick up the congress material. Cancellation Policy - Refunds All cancellations must be sent in written and addressed to Impressive Meeting Secretariat. ñ All written cancellations received by Impressive before April 10, 2007, the amount of € 45,00 will be charged as administrative fees. ñ All written cancellations received by Impressive before April 25, 2007, an amount equal to 50% of the total fees will be refunded. ñ No refund will be possible after April 25, 2007. ñ However a copy of the Meeting Edition could be mailed to the delegate, upon request.


Social Events Friday, June 8th, 2007


Welcome Dinner, Rocabella Hotel, Fira

Saturday, June 9th, 2007 21.00

Farewell Dinner, P. NOMIKOS Conference Center, Fira, Santorini

Receipt of printed invitations concerning social events of the meeting, will be delivered at the preregistration desk at the congress venue, under the condition that a statement of attendance has been filled in and sent in advance. All participants should carry all printed invitations in order to be able to enter social program venue.

Shuttle Buses There will be shuttle bus service from all the hotels of the International Scientific Meeting to: P. NOMIKOS Conference Center with return, for the Opening Ceremony and the Scientific Program on 9th June 2007. P. NOMIKOS Conference Center with return, for the Farewell Dinner, on 9th June 2007. Shuttle bus schedule will be announced, at the Hospitality Desk of each Hotel booked through the Meeting Secretariat

Note: The participant acknowledges that he/she has no right to lodge damage claims against the organisers should the handling of the Meeting be hindered or prevented by unexpected political or economic events or generally by force major, or should the non appearance of speakers or other reasons necessitate programme changes. With registration, the participant accepts this proviso.


General Information Meeting Venue P. NOMIKOS Conference Center, Fira, Santorini, Greece Dates Friday, 8 June 2007 Saturday, 9 June 2007 See the Final Program Overview Official Language English. Climate The average temperature in Santorini island, during June is between 28ÔC - 34ÔC. Certificate of Attendance Granted 6 CME credits by the EACCME (European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education Institution of the UEMS) Address before and after the meeting Impressive 13, Karneadou street 163 46 Ilioupolis, Athens,Greece Tel. / Fax : +30 210 9962767 e-mail: Final Programme A copy of the Final Programme will be handed out to each registered Participant upon presentation of his/ her registration confirmation to the Registration Desk/Secretariat. Please do not forget to bring your confirmation letter. Registration desk/Secretariat All documents will be handed over to the registered participants during the following opening hours: Saturday, June 9, 2007 08.00 - 19.00 Tours and Excursions, Car rental Impressive, the Exclusive and Official Meeting Organizing Bureau is fully responsible in organising a variety of optional tours, excursions, car rental for participants and for accompanying persons as well. To pre-book please contact Impressive. Audiovisual equipment - Slide Reception Data projector, overhead projector and slide projector equipment will be available during the Meeting sessions. Speakers are kindly requested to contact the slide reception desk, at least 1 hour before his/her lecture.


Hotel Accommodation Accommodation has been reserved in several hotels in Santorini by Impressive.



Single Occupancy

Double Occupancy

Triple Occupancy

Price / room/ night on b/b basis

Rocabella Luxury Suites Imerovigli

De Luxe

Studio €260,00

Studio €260,00


Caldera view

Rocabella Luxury Suites Imerovigli

De Luxe

Apartment €280,00

Apartment €280,00

Apartment €320,00

Caldera view

Andromeda Imerovigli

De Luxe

Suites €230,00

Suites €250,00


Caldera view

Xenones Filotera Imerovigli

De Luxe

Apartment €165,00

Apartment €180,00

Sup.Apartment Sup.Apartment €280,00 €240,00 Stand. Studio €195,00

Stand. Studio €215,00

Imerovigli Palace Imerovigli

De Luxe

Suites €250,00

Suites €340,00

Santorini Image Messaria

Superior 4 stars

Room €119,00

Room €140,00

Pegassus Suites Imerovigli

De Luxe

Sup.Studio €205,00

Sup.Studio €215,00

Junior Suite €240,00

Junior Suite €250,00

Trad. Suites €205,00

Trad. Suites €215,00

Junior Suites €230,00

Junior Suites €240,00

Dana Villas Firostefani

De Luxe

Aegean view Caldera view

Caldera view

Caldera view

Caldera view

Above prices are per room per night on bed and American breakfast basis. All applicable taxes are included.There is an obligatory stay of 2 overnights. In order to guarantee your reservation one night deposit, is required. Upon receipt of the deposit, each participant will receive a confirmation letter.


Method of payment Payment of hotel reservation should be made in Euro € as follows : ñ Bank Transfer Please transfer payment to : ALPHA BANK ( Avenue Protopappa Branch) Account name: S. CONSTANTINOU IMPRESSIVE LTD. Account Number: 361.00.2320.001465 IBAN: GR 28 0140 3610 3610 0232 0001 465 SWIFT Code: CRBAGRAAXXX Details of payment Please do not forget to clearly state your company’s name and the indication International Scientific Meeting “Thyroid Cancer & Environment”. Please note that bank charges must be fully covered by the participant ñ Credit Card Please enter your card number and expiry date in the appropriate space on the hotel reservation Form. Please note that only MasterCard & VISA credit cards are accepted. Please do not forget to also enter the Card Validation Code (CVC) which is printed on the reverse side of your credit card at the signature panel, after the number of your credit card (additional three digits). Full pre-payment has to be made to Impressive until, May 5, 2007.

Cancellation Policy - Refunds All cancellations must be sent in written and addressed to Impressive, Meeting Secretariat. ñ All written cancellations received by Impressive, before April 10th 2007, the amount of € 45,00 will be charged as administrative fees. ñ All written cancellations received by Impressive before April 25th, 2007, an amount equal to 50% of the total fees will be refunded. ñ No refund will be possible after April 25th, 2007. Confirmations and receipt of payments will be mailed after this date For participants willing to extend their stay in the hotel, the reduced congress rates will be applied only if reservations and payments are made via Impressive.


Flight Arrangements Impressive the Exclusive and Official Organizing Bureau of the International Scientific Meeting “Thyroid Cancer and Environment” in exclusive co-operation with Navigator Travel, is fully responsible for all flight arrangements and issuing of air tickets for participants and for accompanying persons as well.

ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ

Air A3 A3 A3 A3 A3

Carrier 354 358 350 354 350

Dates 7 June 7 June 8 June 8 June 9 June

Departure from Athens Athens - Santorini Athens - Santorini Athens - Santorini Athens - Santorini Athens - Santorini

ETA Dep/Arr. 11:15 - 12:00 19:00 - 19:45 05:55 - 06:45 11:15 - 12:00 05:55 - 06:45

ñ ñ ñ

Air A3 A3 A3

Carrier 355 359 357

Dates 10 June 10 June 11 June

Departure from Santorini Santorini - Athens Santorini - Athens Santorini - Athens

ETA Dep/Arr. 12:35 - 13:20 20:20 - 21:05 14:00 - 14:45

Cost ñAir ticket cost € 290,00 + airport taxes € 43,00 with Aegean Airlines (A3) Price per person includes shuttle bus transportation from airport to hotel and vice versa, upon arrival and departure. Reservations Deadline: April 20th, 2007 Method of Payment Payment of registration and other fees should be made in Euro € as follows : ñ Bank Transfer Please transfer payment to : ALPHA BANK ( Avenue Protopappa Branch) Account name: S. CONSTANTINOU IMPRESSIVE LTD. Account Number: 361.00.2320.001465 IBAN: GR28 0140 3610 3610 0232 0001 465 SWIFT Code: CRBAGRAAXXX Details of payment: Please do not forget to clearly state your name or your company’s name and the indication International Scientific Meeting “Thyroid Cancer & Environment” Please note that bank charges must be fully covered by the participant ñ Credit Card Please enter your card number and expiry date in the appropriate space on the hotel reservation Form. Please note that only MasterCard & VISA credit cards are accepted. Please do not forget to also enter the Card Validation Code (CVC) which is printed on the reverse side of your credit card at the signature panel, after the number of your credit card (additional three digits). Cancellation Policy-Refunds All cancellations must be sent in written and addressed to Impressive, Meeting Secretariat. ñ All written cancellations received by Impressive, before April 10th, 2007 the amount of €45,00 will be charged as administrative fees. ñ All written cancellations received by Impressive, before April 25th , 2007, an amount equal to 50% of the total fees will be refunded. ñ No refund will be possible after April 25th , 2007.


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Marketing & Communication 単 Event Management 単 Meetings 単 Incentives Management Destinations Management 単 Professional Congress & Conferences Management 13 Karneadou str. 16346, Ilioupolis, Athens, Greece tel./fax: +30 210 9962767 e-mail: Member of Meeting Professionals International

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