Sponsorshipform__Milan2013_ENG for IMPRESSIVE

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MILAN 2013 CONGRESS Multidisciplinary International Limb and Amputation CoNference Milano, 22-23 February 2013 Sheraton Milan Malpensa

Expected Participants: 600 SPONSORSHIP REQUEST FORM PLEASE FILL OUT IN BLOCK CAPITALS AND FAX TO: +302109962767 OR EMAIL TO: Stella Constantinou: pr@impressive-world.com NO LATER THAN November 1st 2012 COMPANY/ORGANIZATION________________________________________________________________________________ PERSON TO CONTACT______________________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY AND ZIP CODE________________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE____________________________________________________FAX________________________________________ E-MAIL ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ VAT NUMBER / TAX CODE__________________________________________________________________________________ The undersigned, Mrs/Mr/ Dr. _________________________________________________________declares having full power in stipulating covenants on behalf of the company/organization: ______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ And herewith agrees to sponsor the above congress according to the following form and according to the choice of services corresponding the sponsoring amount. The aforementioned services will be exclusively provided by the Organizing Secretariat of the congress and C.M.E. Provider IMPRESSIVE ApS PCO & Communication, in the manner and time agreed upon by the parties. Moreover, the undersigned pledges to abide by the cancellation policy as follows: up to DECEMBER 10, 2012, 30% penalty of the total amount agreed upon; from DECEMBER 11 up to DECEMBER 31ST, 2012, 50% penalty of the total amount agreed upon, from JANUARY 1ST, 2013, 100% penalty of the total amount agreed upon The cancellation of sponsorship must be sent by certified mail with recorded delivery to: IMPRESSIVE ApS PCO&Communication, official appointed partner agency for Denmark and Greece c/o MERIDIANA EVENTS & EDUCATION srl, for the attention of: Stella Constantinou, Ryvangs Alle 18, Kobenhavn O, DK 2100, Denmark with a copy of this form attached.

Yours faithfully Signature and stamp ___________________________________________________________________________ Date _________________Name in block capitals: __________________________________________________


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