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by Bruce Meharg Chevron staff

“If we don’t ensure cooperation and dialog between management people and representatives of the governing body, we will get the situation where the council is only a rubber stamp for decisions already made by the management people.” That was the fear that federation president Tom Patterson expressed in reference to unicameral government at thursday’s meeting of the university act committee. “Very often, there will be a tendency for council to meet only occasionally and for matters to be prepared by the management people,” he continued. “As a result, there will be a tremendous tendency for the management to make decisions instead of the council. “By the time a matter comes to the council it will already be too developed and it will be impractical for the council to change it. There will not be time to look it over again. We should be concerned with preventing council from standing aside and having little effect.” further supported Patterson his argument with the analogy of the civil service making the real decisions for the federal government.

They talked





Lynn Senate representative Watt agreed. “By the time a matter gets tocouncil, there will already be a broad discussion. What we can do is develop a philosophy of doing things so that discussion develops at lower levels. ” Patterson further supported his argument with the analogy of the civil service making the real decisions for the federal government. Senate representative Lynn Watt agreed. “By the time a matter gets to council, there will already be a broad discussion. What we can do is develop a philosophy of doing things so that discussion develops at lower levels.” Academic vice-president Jay Minas admitted that although the board of governors is currently a rubberstamp, ‘it does have the ultimate responsibility, defines the character of the university, serves as a screen, and is a clearing point for fundamental policies. Chancellor Ira Needles stated, “I have much familiarity with the rubberstamp process. It’.s not peculiar to the board of governors.” He went on to say that the proposed council should have various views represented and allow people with information to be in a better position

Tuesday 4 november



including such matters as the frequency of meetings and the method of selection of external representatives, which has not been spelled out in the act; the operations of the council and committee structure of the university. Commenting on the third area Watt wondered if the bylaws should spell out the roles of the various administrators. Noting the president’s role does not appear in the new draft of the act, he suggested that the bylaws “at least make the inference that the role of the president’s office be decided by council”. It was decided that the byi laws spell out the roles of the president and the deans and also establish a university academic council, a faculty council, provisions for adding new faculties, a graduate council and a research council. Watt asked, “Should the by-


laws stop at a high level or go deeper into the operation of the university? ” “We don’t want excessive detail in this set of bylaws,” Batke replied. Batke touched off another discussion when he said, “The act has no radical changes from the status-quo. Are we wrong for putting our findings on the status-quo? ” Minas replied, “The statusquo is variable enough with respect to the underlying principles of the act. ” Watt agreed. “The use of the term is wrong,” he stated. “We are in a continuously changing situation.” Watt went on to give the example of how the graduate council is evolving. He said that the act “tries to ensure not a system of bylaws with details or a rigid statusquo, but to imply a philosophy of operations to guide future developments. ”


of Waterloo,




the weather


During the university act committee meeting on thursday, operations vicepresident Al Adlington distributed a second draft of the university act, which Adlington and others had assembled to partially include the considerations and comments of previous open meetings. The distribution was limited to only those on the committee although the ,meetings are open. The draft was tabled to be reviewed. The meeting then went on to discuss senate rep Lynn Watt’s request for some direction in the depth involvement of the sub-committee. At the end of the meeting, the group asked Adlington if the press and others, other than the committee members, should have copies of the second draft. Chairman Ted Batke said, “Since the draft has just been tabled without time for review and since the meetings were open, the draft shouldn’t be made public at this time.

debuted Federation of students president Tom Patterson said he was not in favor of the second draft being printed as such, but since it was printed, he saw no reason for it being limited to the committee. Batke clarified his position saying he was concerned that misconceptions might be forthcoming. Academic vicepresident Jay Minas said that “the draft. is not secret, but since the second draft hasn’t. been discussed, I don’t think other people should see it”. Watt said he thought the draft should be available. It was then agreed that the draft would be available, but only on the understanding it hasn’t been reviewed as yet. Adlington then gave the Chevron reporter present a copy with the following notation, signed by Adlington : “Not for release. Draft tabled October 30, 1969 from steering committee. Not officially ceived or considered by committee.”

SFU cadmin threatens charges


to express their views than has been the case with the board of governors. At the first ‘of the meeting chairman Ted Batke asked the committee to make a decision on a request from the college of opt etrists for represental tio n the council. ’ F att said that he opposed it because it was contrary to the structure of the organization, and that acceptance of the college would lead to other requests for representation. Some of the other members of the committee agreed with Watt. “It’s not in order with the kind of body we have in mind. ” Batke summarized before the committee solidly rejected the college’s request. Watt was then’ called on to report the progress of the bylaw subcommittee. He said that there are three areas that the bylaws will consider: the general procedure of the council,

of contempt

BURNABY (CUP)-Backed by prohibitingcourt injunctions nearly every form of protest, the administration at Simon Fraser University is increasing its efforts to throttle students and faculty on strike over administration treatment of the department of political science, sociology and anthropo1WY * In an open letter to the camPUS issued Wednesday, administration president Kenneth Strand said any further picketing, distribution of literature or mass gatherings would bring charges of contempt of court under injunctions issued October 24 and aimed specifically at three PSA profs and 11 students. According to Strand, the court injunctions have already been breached twice: October 23 Strand “was informed” that 30

on page 2


to resign

- Action

came and went.



Support for a citizens’ enquiry into the St. Monica house firings is growing rapidly. United church minister Frank Morgan has received . written support from professional workers in the K-W area, particularly from doctors, psychiatrists, social workers and ministers. Morgan told the Toronto Telegram recently that “something has to be done and if those responsible won’t act then we will pursue the only course open to us”. The issue was brought to the attention of social and family services minister John Yaremko during the October 27 session of the provincial legislature. Yaremko was called upon to order a public enquiry into the dismissals by opposition member Fred Burr NDP-Toronto Riverside). Outside the house, Burr :accused Yaremko of shirking his responsibility in not having an inquiry. According to Edward Good (Liberal-Waterloo north,) “The matter should be looked into to determine whether or not the home is being run in such a man-


to 50 picketers gathered side a room on campus. On Wednesday, he said, the action was repeated. adjacent “Mass gatherings to academic or service entrances or exits, unless authorized by the university, are in contempt of the order of judge Hinkson, ” he said. Among the picketers, Strand said, were “five or six of the named defendants in the injunction order. ” The defendants are professors Louis Feldhammer, J6hn Leggett and Saghir Ahmad, and students J. Harding, J. Cleveland, B. Slocock, A. Hollibaugh, C. Hardy, J. Miller, M. Cohen, B. Enoch, B. Fletcher, B. Plummer and B. Hoffer. The fourteen are also the defendants in a civil suit launched * continued

The entire floor of the campus center pub looked like this after homecoming

on St. Monica

ner that they still qualify for their per-diem rate”. The house is financed by provincial public funds amounting to an estimated $96,000 annually. Yaremko told the house that St. Monica’s is a private institution and he is awaiting a report from the board of directors. The anglican church holds the mortgage on St. Monica’s and has eight representatives on a board of 25 members. Other churches have six members, as have social service organizations. The final five are selected on the basis of services to the house. A meeting of the St. Monica board of directors Wednesday night was attended by social and family services representatives Betty Graham- and Gwen Davenport. During the course of the meeting board members were informed that a public statement explaining the firings would have to be released in the near future. According to board member Nancy-Lou Patterson, this state-

ment will make it quite clear that what happened does not reflect badly on the character of Barbara Evans, who was fired.. Contacted as to the contents of the statement, anglican bishop George Luxton stated that copies will be forwarded to the press after the next board meeting scheduled for the end of november. The annual election of directors takes place at the end of november, and Rev. Harry Janke has indicated his desire to step down as chairman. Steps are now being taken to draw up bylaws with a view to changing the executive structure of the board and to study proposals put forth by the united church. Board member bishop H.F. Appleyard feels that a larger executive representing the various committees would be preferable to the present executive of five. Patterson says that the home is now suitably staffed on a temporary basis and a committee has been established to search for a new director.

Faculty conference to study teuching methods The university is undertaking development program we hope to give prominence to the vital financial support, and has aimportance of our teaching greed to cancel all classes on friday 5 december in order to duties, to inform faculty about new and existing concepts in accommodate a teaching conference. teaching methods, and to encourage individual faculty memThis summer, faculty association president Jim Ford appointbers to take a critical look at ed a professional development . their own teaching with a view to seeking improvement. ” program committee, composed of them eng prof Bob Hudgins, During the conference-Alex McCuaig of the Ontario departphysics prof Bruce Torrie and english prof Roman Dubinski. ment of education will explain The committee has been makthe variety of uses for audiovisual aids in teaching; videoing preparations all summer for the two-day conference, called tapes of classes taught by uniwat profs will be used ,for critical Teaching in the seventies. Committee chairman Dubinski and comparative discussions ; James Daly of the McMaster stated that in reviewing possible areas of interest to the members, history department will speak about the effects of the Hall“It seemed logical that we should consider teaching. Dennis report on future univer“As a group of professional sity students; poli-sci prof Donald Gordon will give a presenacademics, we devote the major portion of our time to teaching; tation; and the conference will conclude with an address by but, paradoxically, few of us have had any formal instruction them eng prof Bob Huang. in effective teaching methods, Dubinski added that the entire program is free of charge, and often conduct our instruction in a haphazard or intuitive “thanks in large part to generous financial assistance from way. ” “In organizing a professional the university. ” SF(J


* continued

by the university administration, charged with causing loss of university revenue-because the administration has had to reimburse students who withdrew from classes because of the PSA strike-unspecified damages and trespassing. Strand said he now considers “the university has taken all reasonable steps to inform” the defendants of the court order, and declared “any further breaches. such as the incidents of October 28 or 29 will result in contempt of court proceedings without further notice. ” Lawyers advising strike participants have said the court order makes violators liable to six months to one year in jail if they distribute any lit-


page I

erature, picket in any way or address any group on campus without the administration’s grant of a lecture booking. Strikers have issued no comment on Strand’s statement, but a general meeting of students was scheduled for thursday presumably to discuss the administration threat. The strike at Simon Fraser began September 24, when the administration refused to negotiate the demotion and phasefiring of 11 PSA profs, and refused to recognize the total student parity operating in the PSA department. Students in history, english, education and philosophy have joined the strike, although classes continue in their disciplines.


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by Peter Marshall Chevron staff

On a field that resembled the veritable quagmire, the McGill redmen put a damper on Waterloo’s homecoming this Saturday. McGill opened the scoring early in the first quarter, four plays after defensive half Bill McKenna intercepted a Dave Groves ’ pass. Dave Fleiszer got the 20-yard touchdown on a pitchout from George Wall on the quarterback option. Sal Lovecchio added a convert. The score went to 9-O when centre Dean Anderson snapped a warrior third down over punter Paul Knill’s head into the end zone for the safety touch. At the three minute mark of the second quarter Chris Rumball rambled 54 yards down the sidelines on a punt return for a touchdown. Lovecchio’s convert made it 16-O. Three plays later another bad snap turned the ball over to the redmen on the eleven. The bad snaps are partially explained by the very wet playing conditions. The defense held and Lovecchio kicked a field goal from the 18 yard line. The warriors threatened to make a contest of the game late in the first half. Doug Downer took a screen pass and behind the blocking of the right side of the line ran for 57 yards to the McGill 15 yard line. Wakefield and Groves carried to the five yard line for a first down. Wakefield and Downer carried into the middle of the line for little gain. Then on a clutch third down the warriors tried the proverbial McLellan pitch-out on a play apparently sent in from coach Delahey. The play worked as well as it has all season and McGill took over on downs. Warriors got the ball back after the redmen punted.

St. Jerome’s The St. Jerome’s bagbiter team won the Delahey trophy, symbol of flag football supremacy, by defeating St. Paul’s college 34-19 on thursday. Their wins against grads 23-O and phys-ed 20-O got them to the finals. The quarterbacking of Jim Ferney who read St. Paul’s defenses well and capitalized on them was responsible for the high score thursday. Credit must be given also to the defensive


Groves moved them well, back into scoring position. He hit Rick Wiedenhoeft for 17 yards and Don Manahan for 8. On a third down play he hit Manahan with a bullet on the 20 yard line. Two plays later Groves threw to Wayne Fox on the five. The warriors were called for offensive interference and the redThe intermen for roughing. ference call prevailed and McGill was awarded the ball, ending the warrior threat. The half ended 19-O for McGill. , In the second half Lovecchio kicked another field goal which was set up by a pass interception by Steve Neville. The last score of the game also was set up by an interception, this one by Bob Berke, and two runs by Fleiszer. Fleiszer got the touchdown as he swam across the goal line. Lovecchio’s convert, a one-banker off the right upright, a one-banker off the right upright, was his twentieth of the year which tied the league record. That point made the score 29-O. McGill is definitely a powerhouse this season. Behind strong blocking they have a great running attack with Ken Aiken and Dave Fleiszer, who alone had over 150 yards in 18 carries. Aiken’s middle running and Fleiszer’s carries on pitch-outs from the quarterback option gave the warrior defense trouble. The defense was not helped, however, by the numerous times the offense gave the ball away. The warrior offense could not establish a running game and were unable to play consistently. Ten times on Saturday the warriors offense proved that they could do it all-run, pass, and kick-all on one series of downs. There were several interesting phenomena on Saturday. It is puzzling why coach Delahey



started Gord McLellan at running back. McLellan weighs under 160 pounds and is not the type of power runner who will succeed on a muddy field. It is also puzzling why the warriors waited until late in the second quarter to begin the short passing game. The warriors do not have a good enough running game nor long passing


game to expect them to succeed on a muddy field in the rain. It was also disheartening to watch the lack of applause that gave Dave his teammates Groves when he was helped off the field late in the game. What class ! ! ! There were two other amazing features of Saturday’s game. First was the number of spectators who stayed till the end of

the game., in the rain and the dark-and couldn’t the lights have been turned on? The second surprise came late in the game. The warriors came close to getting a first down. The referee was prepared to measure it but the McGill team let the warriors have the first down without the measurement. With an attitude like’ that they can’t be all bad! \




line who hurried the opposing quarterback throughout the game. St. Jerome’s also won the intramural soccer and the McKay beating grads trophy by 4-o. They completely dominated the game with accurate passing and good defensive play. Cesare Tucci scored twice with Leighton Powell and Gabor Hermandi adding singles. Grads had only eight shots on goal.

Warriors’ last scoring chance dies as the ball jumps away from quarterback

What pollution?


is c/em,

MES, uni wa t’s pollution probe group, ran into their first major snag this week. During an interview with the two local pollution officers one for water, the other for air, they were informed that the water is clean and the air is fine and there may not in fact be a pollution problem in the K-W area at all. Both pollution officers stated that the whole problem is solved or well on the way to being solved. Neither of the officers could


group tonight

The faculty and grad student action group meets tonight at 8 pm in the campus center TV lounge. The meeting, organized by sot profs Ron Lambert and was incorrectly Fred Kemp, announced for last week. “Diversity of opinion is to be expected and encouraged. We invite the participation of all faculty and grad students who share our desire to have some say in the future directions this university will take,” said Kemp. .

air is fine

give them any details on pollution or the names of companies who might be contributing to it in this area, the latter item being classified information. They were told, however, that because of a lack of staff, the system now depends on cooperation with any companies who might be involved. Before a company is ‘checked out, the pollution officer informs them that he is about to pay a visit. The company then produces all data concerning processes in the factory which


Ottawa (CUP)-It may be a long time before administrators at Carleton University begin to worry about dealing with student parity on departmental committees. Carleton students are having a hard time filling the positions now open to them. When nominations for student positions on 36 university committees-representing 135 positions-closed Wednesday night 59 of them were still uncontested, This despite a campaign to arouse student interest in the committees. “It doesn’t seem to make much sense to talk of parity when we

Action meets

Wait till Howie Petch sees this-drinking in the dressing room after the flag football final. It’s downright scandalous.

J. Durocher.


can’t fill the existing vacancies,” student senator Robin Findlay said. “It’s embarrassing,” he said, -adding that because only one person applied for each of most of the seats, elections scheduled for november 10 to 18 would be held for only about 20 percent of the committee seats. Carleton students won the right to representation two years student ago, and the current representation was established last year after a hard and sometimes bitter fight. The Carleton student council

might produce pollutants. The water pollution officer indicated an interest in using MES to gather information for him, but made it clear that the group could not step on anyone’s toes in the process. The air pollution officer showed little interest in the group, but informed them he would investigate any complaint laid by MES or any private individual. MES was -formed two weeks ago as an action group of math, engineering and science students.

purity and a committee of the university’s new university government have recently called for student parity on all departmental committees. NUG was established last year to institute student participation at all levels of university government. Currently, representation is on the basis of one student to three faculty in a department. Findlay blamed the poor showing on a slow start in organizing for nominations, and said a substantial number of students could not spare the time required for the committee work.

CUSO needs


The Canadian university service overseas has vacancies for 600 more volunteers this year. CUSO sends volunteers to overseas countries to work as teachers, technicians, medics, agricultural experts, and secretaries. As CUSO is a non-political organization, its workers are sent to any country which has a need which cannot be fulfilled locally. Thus, a volunteer might be sent to North Vietnam if he possessed a particular skill which was required there. ’ Rod Haney of CUSO met with interested students thursday in

the campus center and outlined the requirements for prospective volunteers. A degree is by no means necessary, but an applicant should have some particular skill and a pleasing personality. Each applicant is interviewed, and the applications go before a selection committee. Applications approved by the Canadian committee are sent to the overseas organization in question for final selection. Any interested person should contact Jai-me Brooks at the federation of students office, local 2534.


4 november

1969 (l&28)






744-6531 THE MOST










There are four the two student ties in engineering.

candidates for council vacan-

* * * George Wagner, civil 4A, could not be contacted by press time. 3. .I_ .L mechanical 3B, Bob Floyd, feels the university is an integral part of society, maintaining a flow of information between itself and other parts of society while developing methods of analysis which solve the problems of society. “The university should not This is a administer discipline. function of the civil authorities,” “The university act he said. draft is a good thing. It should tend to produce effective, dynamic control by a fair representation of the people involved with the university. ”




* * * Allan Lodberg, electrical 3B, feels there is a definite need for responsible engineering representation on student council. “To provide this representation, I plan to use the engineering society council meetings as a method of direct feedback from the engineers, ” said Lodberg. “AS well, I will call upon my experience on the village council and involvement in engineering club activities to help break down the communications barrier between the campus center and the engineering common room. “I feel very strongly about becoming an engineering representative and because of this I intend to make every effort to provide maximum representivity for all engineers. ”

for... Renzo Bernardini, electrical 2A, says there is no reason for council candidates to talk about representivity or to make promises never to be fulfilled. “Instead it is more important to talk about issues relevant to people’s lives. “Engineers and scientists when united with labor make up the backbone of any society. The people who are only interested in profit have made a mess of the earth-like wars, pollution and military repression. “I think that one of the reasons for this mess lies in the fact that. our scientists have not taken any stands to make sure that their work is used consaid Bernardini. structively,”

science There are two candidates the one vacancy in science.


* * * William Carrothers, chemistry 3, could not be contacted by press time.

George Greene, applied chemistry 2A, is vicepresident of the science society. “I wanted to get on student council because I feel science students should be better represented than they are presently. I feel, being a member of the science society, that I could bridge the gap between the federation and the society. “I am also interested in seeing the federation budget, because I don’t see where our money is going. I have heard rumors of money going to RSM, and we don’t know about it. It is being I feel shoved through council. everyone should know t what’s going on, ” Greene concluded.

Moratorium 2 being planned

A planning meeting for the november Vietnam moratorium will be held tonight at 7: 30 pm in center reading the campus lounge.

there is a Chevron staff meeting today at noon. be there if

YO” can. ( new recruits always welcome) bring your lunch. 4

460 the Chevron



thursaluy graduate There are three candidates for two student council vacancies in the graduate constituency. John Koval, statistics, would have been a fourth candidate, but withdrew his name.

* * *

Robert Epp, computer-science, says society should not be a spectator sport. “When speaking about the university,. this means that we as students should assert our voice in this society and take an active part. “I would hope that the students use the federation to promote any necessary change concerning such issues as the function of the university as a servant of society and the democratization of the university community.” Epp lists his experience as a “peanut gallery observer” of student council and as a Chevron reporter. * * * Gerald Fuller, civil engineering, says he is running becaw he was asked by a number of @zople to do so. “I expect or hope to represent grad students and support those policies that I feel the majority of grads will be in favor of. I do not expect to introduce a lot of new legislation, but would try to support what I feel would be the best legislation for the grads. ” Fuller was civil eng rep on union the graduate student council and took part in the engineering society at another university . * * * computerRoger Kingsley, science, was a member of the GSU council for two years, one term as speaker. He also served a part term as student council speaker. “No man is, by belonging to the university community, free to ignore the needs of society at large. His first responsibility is that imposed in membership



in the entire human community. His responses in this ( ,mmunity are properly motivated by love, and nothing else. “As a result, no one is justified in attempting to coerce or dictate to his fellows, for any cause whatsoever, neither for reasons of social action, nor in the name of law and order,” said Kingsley.

arts There

Cyril Levitt, sociology 4, is running to try to turn student council into a viable union. After the last council meeting, he said, ‘ ‘Ho ward Petch doesn ‘t need to smash student government-at the rate it’s going now, it will smash itself.” Levitt was a council member until the election last fall when he declined to run for re-election in order to work for the radical student movement. In addition to previous council and RSM work, Levitt has been involved in course unions, the federation external-relations board and the Chevron.

are three candidates for the two vacancies in arts. Vern Copeland, psych 4,~ said the primary action he would like to propose to council would be to drop the compulsory fee for a voluntary one. “This would necessitate a more efficient and representative There are two candidates for council. Furthermore, this would arts society president. serve the purpose of making * * * endeavors such as the Chevron more sensitive to its financial Steve Earl, history3, could supporters and further necessitnot be contacted by press time. ate responsible journalism,” he * * * said. Copeland was a candidate for Jim Shawera, also history 3, federation president last novemsaid, “I feel we could have- an her but withdrew in favor of active arts society on campus dohn Hergsma. He was an unthat is beneficial to students. successful candidate for an arts “There are certain bureauseat in the february council cratic appointments to the arts election9 faculty council which must be * * * made. I want to make the arts Louis Silcox, sociology 3, is sot a better social organization, currently a non-voting council with some political affiliations;” member as chairman of the stuShawera was a debating club dent-activities board. member for two years and an He intends to continue his arts rep on faculty council. work on “the more tangible aspects of student government” but has some thoughts to offer Student council will be on other subjects: publishing fulfer state“I personally object to the prostitution of the university ments by candidates in a research.. .The for corporate flyer. The Chevron wishes discipline report makes any sort to 9~9ologize to the canHave of non-conformity risky. didates that couldn’t be you ever wondered why it was reached because of shortwritten?. . .The university act It does age of time. will accomplish little. not begin to emit any breath of freshness as to the nature and role of the university. ” Silcox is also a member of the campus center board and a Chevron contributor.

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4 november

1969 (10:28)





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The big event on campus this week is theJohnny Winter concert friday night in the jock building. He’s the cross-eyed albino with long snowy hair who plays some of the gutsiest! blues guitar you’ve ever heard. Other happenings include: TONIGHT-The Led Zeppelin group at Kitchener memorial auditorium. It could be a worthwhile venture for anyone who’s not wiped out financially and otherwise by homecoming weekend. WEDNESDAY-Waterloo professor Bryce Kendrick speaks on the popu/ation expiosion in the arts theater at 12: 15 pm. THURSDAY--The easter egg, a St. Aethelwold’s production of a canadian play by James Reaney in the arts theater. Runs thru Saturday. FRIDAY-Kitchener-Waterloo art gallery opening of art for architects. This is one of the art gallery of Ontario’s travelling exhibitions and includes, among others, works by Harotd Town, Joyce Wietand, Michael Snow, and Michael Hayden. A total of 33 artists explore the concept of how walls should be used. FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY-a film festival in AL116 showing Hitchcock’s Suspicion, Bergman’s Smiles of a summer night and John Ford’s original Stagecoach. All three films will be shown each night. SATURDAY-the german club presents Straubenfest in the campus center pub, featuring wine, beer, food and music. MONDAY THRU WEDNESDAY-Radio Waterloo celebrates its one-th anniversary with mock broadcasts, crazy commercials, a Petch/Patterson show and many other tidbits. Congratulations, radio Waterloo. Anyone visiting Toronto this week should take in the Ontario art gallery where the sacred andprofane in symbo/ist art just opened. Symbolist art sprang into being in the 19th century as a reaction to science and technology. Like the flower children of today, the symbolists were labelled decadent and unclean, yet they are the precursors of much that is current in what is now generally accepted as modern art. Also of interest in Toronto is the 50th anniversary of Hart house which opens with Tango (monday thru thursday) and finishes up with mourning becomes efectra on Saturday. Canada’s two top actresses both of whom apprenticed at Hart house will play the leads: Kate Reid in Electra and Jane Mallett in Tango. Two good movies open (hopefully) this week in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, namely/l/ice% restaurant and Medium cool. See the listings. LYRIC( 124 King street, Kitchener, 742-0911). The libertine (due to close tonight but may be held over). If the Libertine is not held over Nice’s restaurant will start tomorrow. This is the movie version of Arlo Guthrie’s underground hit record. Arlo plays himself in this chronicle of how one happy-go-lucky hippie folksinger beats the draft. Arthur Penn of Bonnie and Clyde fame directs. CAPITOL (90 King east, Kitchener, 578-3800) The bride wore black a black comedy starring Jeanne Moreau and Where it’s at, a movie for all you hip-swingers, closes tonight. Walt Disney fans will be happy to hear that Darby U’Gill and the little people opens tomorrow. It’s about a little old wino who keeps seeing leprechauns. FOX (161 King east, Kitchener, 745-7091) Easy rider closes tonight. Medium coo/ which starts tomorrow is another with-it movie. The title is McLuhan-like and the violence comes courtesy of the Chicago cops. Director Wexler chronicles a television cameraman’s search for truth at the infamous 1968 democratic party convention. WATERLOO (24 King north, Waterloo, 576-1550) The lion in winter, a costume drama starring Peter O’Toole as Henry II and Katherine Hepburn as his wife, Eleanor of Aquitane. This is an over-acted cheapie movie abounding in bad dialog and trivial intrigues. ODEON (312 King west, Kitchener, 742-9169) The battle of Britain a superproduction about the air war over England in the Longest day style. It features a host of stars, including Laurence Olivier, Michael Redgrave, Michael Caine and a restored spitfire from Galt, Ontario. FAIRVIEW (Fairview shopping plaza, Kitchener, 578-0600) A pair of psychological thrillers, Daddy’s gone a hunting and Twisted nerve close tonight. Back for the umpteenth time is Gone with the wind which starts tomorrow. This classic, which first hit the screen in 1938, is one of the highest grossing movies in Hollywood history, right up there with Sound of music. It stars Clark Gable, Vivian Leigh and a host of other stars, most of whom haye long since vanished to be delegated to the late-late show.






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ROCK SHOW of the YEOMEN Fri Nov. 7 8:30 pm- 12:OO FoodServices Sponsored

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U of W of’70.

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Winter, fountain

a 0 0


-a 0 0 e 00 0 0 0 0 0 0

vintage bl ues

l 0

St. Aethelwold’s presents


The Easter Egg


by Canadian Playwright James Reaney, November 6th, 7th and 8th at 8:OO p.m. Theatre of the Arts - University of Waterloo Admission $1.25, Students - 75~

a -l 0


0 0 0 l l 0 0

Lecture Series NOON LECTURE Wednesday November


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5,lZ: 15 p.m.


l 0 0 8

Lecture: Dr. Bryce Kendrick Admission-Free

0by David


Chevron staff

“He’s dam near the best thing I’ve ever seen” says Albert King, and he should know,’ for when Johnny Winter was only fourteen he used to follow King around the southern small town chitlin circuit to hear King’s sounds. Johnny was 11 when he first heard the blues over the radio back home in Beaumont Texas. He bought’ the records of the great blues men, Little Walter, Lightnin’ Sam, and Muddy Waters and played his guitar and sang along with them. From 14 on and through high school Johnny and his kid brother, Edgar, who now plays piano, bass or any horn, hopped the nearby border into Louissiana to play in joints which ignored their age, or in any Texas spot that let them in. When he quit school Johnny moved to Chicago because “all the blues was being played there”. “I took the first offer I got in a hillbilly cellar the go/den goose. On my night off I’d be on the southside li&enin’ to negroes singin’ the blues. ” Moving back to Beaumont Winters put his own group tog-r and played the Pensacola-to-Atlanta route. TheaJ. in -rlecember 68 rolling stone magazine did a feati &icle on him saying, “He plays some of the gut&& fluid blues guitar you have ever heard”.

BdFPerfly by Jim Win&c Chevron staff

Anyone who went to friday’s Iron Butterfly concert for an evening of good original music had better come to Johnny Winter’s conced tiis friday and try again. The Btitterfly just didn’t make it. The high point of their concert, was probably & records by another group played before any performers came on. Or perhaps it %ns homecoming cochairman Larry Burko stumbling and bumbling over an annoucement for the faculty wives’ wineandcheese party taking place after the concert. . The first half of the evening’3 live entertainment was Judy Mayham, a beerdrinking singer of nondescript description, who accompanied herself on a piano. People are still trying -to decide if she was a put-on. Her pounding chords and hoarsethroated moaning left segments of the audience chanting “run for your life” by the third number. A nearly unanimous chorus of groans and sighs of relief served as her curtain call, following several of the most typical blues arrangements ever written, and a sing-along version of you are my sunshine. At this point, many people


Two weeks later he was drawing overflow crowds at Steve Paul’s the scene in New York. There he jammed with the best and even the New York Times hailed him as “a charismatic performer” and “a fountain of vintage blues”. It took a 2 am jam with Mike Bloomfield, however, at the Fillmore east to jolt him into New York’s consciousness and make him into the superstar he deserves to be. His first album for Columbia gave him full production control. It got all the publicity but with the double tracking and other superfluous complexity some of his brilliance as a guitarist is lost. Although this album is good and very competent I much prefer his first album on Imperial. Listen and you hear raw blues. His guitar work is pure brilliance-heavy and cutting.

Wednesday November


12,4: 15 p.m.



William J. Lederer co-author of “The Ugly American” Author of “A Nation of Sheep”


“America and the World: A New Direction”

0 0


0 .O 0

0 0

series Card-50c at door

Theatre of the Arts





At the Toronto pop festival in june this tall, skinny, black-garbed figure with flowing silverwhite hair made that guitar talk like you’ve never heard before. His performance at Massey hall recently with his brother Edgar was even better. Before and since he has played at the Fillmore’s east and west and just about every other important hall around. We are more than fortunate in having a performer of his caliber on campus for a gig.

u fiasco

speculated she was merely a foil for the .Butterfly, who would sound that much better due to the comparison. Any such hope was quickly dispelled, as the group sounded as bad. if not worse than Mayham. The extremely loud amplification of the group’s efforts could not cover its lack of expertise. Nor did the senseless betweensong mumblings, from the stoned stupor of a bass player, help one forget what has just been excreted from the speakers. After several more attempts to disguise the similarity of various songs, (all of which hailed from the group’s albums) the surprise-concert-ending of the decade was unveiled. “And now”{ stammered one of the comedians “we’re going to end with the song that made all this possible, ln-a-gadda-da&da. .’ He will probably never know how right he was. If it wasn’t for all the Saturday night dope addicts, who every weekend sniff their airplane glue and faithfully huddle around the Victrola to the, strains of in-a-gradda-davida, nearly no-one would know what the Iron Butterfly was. If this had been the only number the group played all night, it might have been pas-

sable. Unfortunately the drivel that preceded the song sounded similar enough to make the selection nothing more than another mutant derivation of their monotone monostyle.




the Jades

Grad. Slhtdents for FULLER

Representation --


for Gerald St. Aethelwold’s players go thru their paces in readiness for thursday nigh t’s opening of The easter egg in the arts th eater.

on~urs. ‘-

Nov. 6







4 november

1969 ( 10:28)



by Bob Verdun Chevron staff A t the recent faculty association dinner in honor of new faculty, Dr. H.E. Petch, president (pro tern), congratulated the faculty association on their work in raising faculty salaries, and pointed out that higher faculty salaries were a very positive contribution to the development of the University of Waterloo, because they allowed the university to attract and retain outstanding academics on faculty. The 1969-70 salary committee feels that this year the University of Waterloo should continue this good work by pushing ahead and setting truly competitive salaries. Only in this way will it be able to attract and retain the outstanding innovative academics to allow it to be able to live up to its claim of being ‘The university of its time ‘*.

So concludes the faculty association’s salary committee report-the one approved at a faculty association general meeting last week. It calls for a 20-percent increase in faculty salaries for 1970-71. _ The association’s salary policy raises a number of questions: Do truly outstanding academics only come and stay for the money they are paid? Are high salaries the only way to make uniwat a university of its time? Why did Howard Petch congratulate the faculty association for pushing salaries up? The present faculty association has a very short history. Before them-eng prof Bob Huang’s term as president in 1968-69, the association was little more than a social body. It originally spawned the faculty club, although the two bodies are now distinct. Under Huang’s leadership, faculty salaries were brought to a position above the provincial average from a level much below the average. One of the reasons this was so easily done last year was the enrolment of 1000 students more than the administration had budgeted for. By the time the overenrolment was known, it was too late to hire sufficient extra faculty. So money was available for the raises. At the same time, however the studentto-faculty ratio went up. In 1967-68, the ratio was 12.7 students for each full-time faculty member. In 196869, the ratio went

up to 15.1. The faculty association speculates that the students-to-faculty ratio could get even worse this year (1969-70). The faculty association also notes that the percentage of the university’s operating budget devoted to faculty salaries dropped from 33.2 percent in 1967-68 to 30.3 percent in 1968-69. ’ Most other universities in Ontario are USing more than 40 percent of their operating budgets for faculty salaries, and the committee on university affairs supposedly has suggested that eventually this percentage will have to increase to more than 50 percent.

Because of its proportion of students in technically and professionally oriented programs, the University of Waterloo has the second-highest level of provincial grants per student. The faculty association also points out that the administration has managed to come up with a surplus in 1968-69 of $685,000. Of this amount, $185,000 will be spent now on miscellaneous capital (building) projects and the rest will be held for payment of the university’s share of buildings if the tenth anniversary capital fund drive is insufficient. The academic faculties are the ‘producing’* divisions of the university. The practices at Waterloo of permitting service departments to set their own budgets independent of the faculties they are presumably serving, is bad business practice and has generally not been used in industry for many years. If the non-academic expenses are so large that funds are lacking for fair academic salaries, this is surely because the priorities for expenditures have not been properly established.

But with these ills as arguments, the faculty association has chosen to demand salary increase for its membership of 20 percent rather than attack the ills. They could have demanded an end to the bureaucratic ineptitude (or bureaucratic pursuit of grandeur) that resulted in overenrolment and poorer quality education. They could have demanded a return to a students-to-faculty ratio that would not inhibit the educational process. They could have demanded a change in the priorities of the university so that real

academic expenses take the greatest share of the budget. They could have asked why Uniwat has such a high proportion of students in technically and professionally oriented programs and at the same time spends such a low proportion of its money on teaching. They could have demanded that the university stop building until it knows what it’s doing rather than let the administration find the money by any manner necessary. They could have asked what the faculties as “producing” divisions are producing. They could have demanded that control of the university be placed where it belongs-with the students and faculty-reducing the administrators to the serving function they’re supposed to fill. But instead, they have said-give us a 20 percent raise and we’ll shut up. A fat prof is a quiet Prof. No wonder Howard Petch congratulated the faculty association for pushing up faculty salaries. * * The faculty assiciation’s salary policy shows remarkable insight, but incredible shortsightedness. They can see through a problem but not past their take-home pay. This would be understandable for a workingman who has an alienating job and has trouble making his non-luxurious ends meet, but not a comfortable and supposedly-intelligent faculty member. Salary committee chairman Jim Leslie represents the faculty association as an observer at the board of governors. At the board’s last meeting, Leslie caught administration treasurer Bruce Gellatly on an important point. Gellatly was telling the board that uniwat was fortunate because it had more budgeting flexibility as a growing institution that one with a steadier enrolment. Leslie asked if there were any other factors available other than increasing the students-to-faculty ratio and Gellatly was stuck for a reply. But Leslie seemed to be satisfied to say we-know-what-your-game-is-so - remember-that-the-next-time-we-want-a-raise. In their salary committee report, they argue that the 5.5 to 6 percent they are demanding as a cost-of-living increase is not ‘I.

really a salary increase because “it merely guarantees the maintenance of the recipient ‘s economic position. ” But the majority of workingmen in this time of inflation are finding it difficult to keep up even with the cost of living. With few exceptions, salary increases they win barely bring them up to the relative position they were at when they last got an increase. The employing business or industry then raises prices more than proportionally and we see the real cause of inflation. But the faculty association is not content to settle with just keeping up with inflation. They are demanding a 2 percent boost because of an increase in the productivity of the country. This is based on a report of the economic council but ignores the warnings in the report about curbing inflation first. Nonsense, say the faculty-we want to “catch up” with the doctors...another 7 percent please. And to top it off, they want a further 5.5 percent for promotions and merit-presumably they get smarter every year. The rest of their salary report is taken up with a cute little game of formulas and procedures such as introducing a “market scheme for setting minima” and taking steps “to keep penetration of the ranks within reasonable limits! ” And while the remnants of the community of scholars are playing this game, they’re not quite sure what to call it. In the beginning of their report, the salary committee states quite gleefully, “By the time the 1969-70 salary minima were established, the administration was describing the process as “negotiations” and that is the term that is now being used in the draft of the revised salary policy. But near the end of their report, they state, “ . . .they are not negotiations in the ‘labor union sense,’ with all that would imply.” Are they trying to say that they are not workers trying to get a decent wage out of a greedy boss or group of bosses, but rather a group of almost-bosses who will be very cooperative if they could only have enough money for a second car, a color TV and a european vacation?


The faculty assoaatlon’s salary policy snows remarkable insight, but incredible shortsightedness. They can see through a problem but not past their take-home pay. 0





466 the Chevron







. . 0~ maybe


we should




a percentage

of their



Media pander to. racial bigotry of Nixon’s ‘forgotten Amkican’ by I.F. Stone

Before and after slavery, the southern oligarchy stayed in power a long time by playing poor white.against black. We hope that Nixon, Agnew and attorney general Mitchell are not toying with the idea of adopting this southern strategy by playing the white middle class against the blacks and the poor. It’was racialism which wrecked the promise of populism in the south. The republicans’ strategists may see a similar hope of using racial prejudices to prevent the rebirth of that coalition which Roosevelt organized as a successful vehicle of social reform. , The first hint of this strategy appeared in Nixon’s acceptance speech, when he appealed to “the great majority of americans, the forgotten americans, the nonshouters, the non-demonstrators. ” Like so many of Nixon’s phrases, this was an echo of other and better voices. Roosevelt had stirred the nation with “the forgotten man.” But his was an appeal to the prejudices of those who had made it, to the middle class and white collar workers now fearful of those pushing up from below. We wonder whether this line is being orchestrated now by the administration’s public relations men. The press is beginning to write about this “forgotten american” in a way that tends not just to report but to legitimize racial ill-feeling, to encourage people to say things aloud they would have been ashamed to say a few years ago. An example was provided by Newsweek’s special issue October 6, The troubled american: a special report on the white majority. There was something more than

objective reporting in the slick advertising copy prose of its introduction. “America has been almost obsessed,” Newsweek began, “with its alienated minorities-the incendiary black militant, and the welfare mothers. .. Suddenly the focus is on the citizen who outnumbers, outvotes and could, if he chose to, outgun the fringe rebel.” “How fed up,” Newsweek continues, “is the little guy, the average white citizen...? Is the country sliding inexorably toward an apocalyptic spasm-perhaps racial or class warfare.. . .? A community worker in a Slavic neighborhood in Milwaukee is quoted as saying, “Everybody wants a gun. They think they’ve heard from black power, wait till they hear from white power-the little slob, GI Joe, the man who breaks his ass and makes this country go....” One is provoked to ask, “Go where?” Newsweek’s reporters even quote one man who said, “We should have a Hitler here to get rid of the troublemakers the way they did with the jews in Germany”not a remark calculated to dissuade blacks from buying guns. Carl T. Rowan spoke for the black community, and we hope for much of the white, when in his column about Newsweek (Washington Star, October 8) he protested “innuendoes.. .that induce and feed paranoia in the average white man.” ’ To some of the misunderstandings dredged up by Newsweek about favoritism to blacks, Rowan replied that the ratio of blacks living below the poverty line is still more than three times that for whites. It would be tragic if that one lunatic remark about Hitler led blacks to think this was typical of the average white man. Unfortunately Newsweek’s presentation encouraged misunderstanding. Read carefully and thoroughly the Newsweek survey leaves one with quite a different impression from its opening pages.

activism, the middle american still has a basic sympathy for the negro’s aspirations...nearly 7 out of 10 agreed that at least some of the demands presented by negro leaders are justified. ” That is quite a majority. Even on law and order the poll’s results differ from the stereotypes. “Only 10 percent of the sampling volunteered crime in their own listing of the nation’s problems.” Two thirds didn’t think police had enough power but “a significant minority worried about a police state.” One housewife commented ironically, “Hitler had law and order. ” One furniture store manager wanted college rioters put in concentration camps but 59 percent thought well of young people and 54 percent agreed “that young people were not unduly critical of their country and that criticism was actually needed. ” Obviously the bigot and the bully ‘are still a small, if noisy, minority. Indeed by page 48, you begin to find that the American middle class remains Iremarkably idealistic and liberal : . .. .only 12 percent thought the country would be better off with George Wallace... there was little enthusiasm for Mr. Nixon ...The chief complaint is not so much the level of taxation but rather that the government has its priorities wrong.. . .only one in three favored a tax cut. . . . the sampling favored added spending for such programs as job training, pollution control, medicare, slum housing, and crime control.. . .a good many thought money was being wasted in foreign aid and defense spending-and even in the afterglow of the moon landing, fully 56 percent thought the government should spend less on space (and they were overwhelmingly fed up with the war). Neither violence, racism nor alienation are peculiar to the United States; they are everywhere on the planetary landscape. Biafra shows what blacks can do to blacks and Ulster what whites can do to whites. The struggle in Ulster for civil rights and equal opportunity is far more bloody than ours, though the bigoted majority and the underprivileged minority look exactly alike and speak in the same brogue. The Newsweek survey, for all its republican-style preliminary preconceptions, shows that the white american middle class is still ready for humane and progressive leadership. History should have taught us by now that in every people there is a potential for evil as for good. Without economic justice and racial reconciliation, our country has no future. Nothing could be worse for america than a leadership which panders to bigotry and smugness, as the “forgotten american” line does.

Files are open One candidate for the student council vacancy in science has alleged shady dealings with federation funds. , All federation files and ledgers are open to any federation member and all budgetary decisions must be approved by the student council. Shady dealings are impossible.

Perhaps it is just an election ploy, for at one point, the candiUnder different instructions the same date says “I am also interested rewrite man, summing up what the re- in seeing the federation budget, porters and the Gallup poll found, might because I don’t know where our have written quite differently. The further money is going,” but since he is one reads, the more it begins to appear that the american middle class white mascience society vicepresident he jority is nowhere near as bad as the sen- should know. sational opening portrait would lead one to Then he says, “I have heard believe. of money going to RSM Those phrases which sounded like a Ku- rumors and we don’t know about it. It is Klux-Klan speaker in a clean sheet were on page 29. But by page 45, Newsweek’s being shoved through council. ” account of its special Gallup poll leads it to admit, “For all his resentment at black




6Safely-sweetened With remarkable ease, governments have just banned the use of cyclamates because tests showed rats fed enormous quantities of artificial sweetener developed cancer of the bladder. The human risk is extremely small compared with other modern hazards-like pollution-but swift action was taken by the same governments that seem to approach polluting as a god-given right of entrepreneurs. The action is typical of the emphasis given to appearances by the people who run this society. An example of this game shows up in highway construction where bridges are often overdesigned by excessive factors and at excessive costs. Why? If a bridge collapsed and killed a couple of people, the blame would be directly attribut, able. But if the money normally wasted on bridge overdesign was spent on other safety measures in the rest of the highway project, there would be a net saving of lives. Perhaps the main reason for concern on cyclamates now is the thalidomide experience. The deformed children born because of that drug are directly attributable to the drug companies and government laxity in its testing responsibility. But in areas where the blame is


not directly attributable, industry and government really don’t care. In Toronto, Ontario Hydro will build a higher smokestack to diffuse rather than eliminate increasing sulphur dioxide and sulphuric acid pollution. International Nickel plays the height-of-stack game in Sudbury with disastrous effects on the green plants in the vicinity. Another example is the Douglas Point heavy water plant which will burn off its excess hydrogen sulphide. Uniwat research administration director James Tomecko was quoted by the K-W record as saying the Douglas Point pollution “would pose no threat of air, water and soil pollution. The amount of sulphuric acid released would be no greater than at Sudbury where hydrogen sulphide is used to extract minerals.” Tomecko is also reported to have said Kitchener ranked higher than Sudbury in air pollution, referring to a dubious study of air pollution in downtown areas. But in any case the message is clear-pollution is alright as long as you can point to something worse or diffuse the pollution by spreading it farther. The government’s approach is rather like ensuring the harmlessness of the artificially-sweetened coating on society’s suicide pill.

Canadian University Press (CUP) member, Underground Syndicate (UPS) member, Liberation News Service- (LNS) and Chevron International News Service (Cl NS) subscribers. The Chevron is published tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students (inc.), University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748; circulation 12,500; editor-in-chief - Bob Verdun. Looks like we won’t regain our sanity until april. Maniacs helping with this issue: Pete Marshall, Eleanor Hyodo, Bruce Mehard, David Rees-Thomas who played coffee-boy, David Hart, Una O’Callaghan, David X, Tom Purdy, Jim Klinck, Bob Epp with an assist from Anita, Alex Smith, dumdum jones, Jim Bowman, Andre Beianger, Paul Lawson, renato ciolfi. A hithere to George Russell from the missus, and don’t forget the Chevron staff meeting at noon today. tuesday

4 november

7969 (10:28)







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468 the Chevron






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