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Friday, March 29,199 I






Are needed to assist two blind students with library searches, reading and essay writing. If anyone would like to volunteer to help these students, pleas8 Contact Rosemary Ambrose, Services for Persons with Disabilities, NH 205 1, X2229. Sunnyside Home is looking for evening and weekend receptionists. Week days between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on weekends between 8130 a&m. and 700 pm. These positions will give people a chance to both work with seniors and meet the public. If interested contact Chris Cameron, 893-8482, ext. 303. Student Voimter Centrs refers UW students and staff, who are interested in volunteering, to 0rganizaHons on campus and within the K-W Communiv, Open Mondays and Thursdays 11:00 a.m. to 1:OO p.m.

Volunteer nealed to gather information on local MISSING PERSONS and UNSOLVED HOMICIDES as part of a National Campaign. More information available in the Student Volunteer Centre, CClm, ext. 2051 (Monday and Thursday 11 a.m. -1 p.m.) _

FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Chevron Canada Ltd. Scholarship deadline March 28 - available to 38 win:er term. John Deere Ltd. Scholarship - deadline March 28 -available to 38 Mechanical Eng. ZAurata-Erie North America Inc. Award deadline March 28 - available to 38 Elec:rical 81 Computer Eng. Ready Mixed Concrete Assoc. of Ontario qw%rd -deadline March 28 - available to 3B Civil Eng. MS. YOll8S & Part&s Ltd. Scholarship deadline March 28 - available to 3B Civil Eng. FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS Electrohome 75 Anniversary Scholarship - deadline March 26 -availsble to 38 computer Science

Esaendcd Houre - we ar6 open from 8:30 a.m. to t:m p.m. every Thursday. Our @sources include information on various xcupatiorts, employers, educational >pportunities, work/study abroad, and wre.

Colleges of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario, KlP 5Nl. (613) 5631236.

turn on today! R~Q%@ &kups @II now be WEDNESDAYS starting at 12:30 p.m. Please call Sean Brooks x4434 or Patti Fraser x3245 if

HAVE YOU registered for ‘your new Ontario Health Card?? After Jan. 1. 1991.. you’M be asked to present your new Ontarii Health Card for health services in Ontario. For further info about registering, please call your local Ministry of Heatth Office.

you have any questions, Thcrr will be no recycling don8 between April 17 and May 1, 1991 due to exams and change of semester.

CIMdIan meration of Universitv Women - KW - Donations needed for r&in fundraising event of books for our 27th Annual Used Ejaok Sale, To donate call our pickup committee at 864-4866, 5768645, 884-0633 or 665-4247.

Gxaclua* Studen* support your class tree! Envelopes with your $1 donation for Alumni Lane can be dropped off at your society offic8 or the Stubent Alumni hsociation (SCH room 227).

Ufflhe - Wati’s literary periodical. Now accepting stibmissions. Use Offline drop-box in the Fed Office, CC. Call 7257973for more info. AutiN - holds meetings the first Monday of every month at the KiCh8n8r Public Library. Mon., Apr..1 - Janice Kulyk K88fer Mon., May 6 - Lee Bryant Mon., June 3 - Lorraine Williams For more info contact lenore L&a 8241225 ; Susan Gibbons 744-0900; Dale G. Parsons 742- 1495. Cmadh

T.&T& mmtmw ing program In Art &d 1991. t&$8$ Saturdays each mti summer. CatI (416) Tororrto Art Therapy Ave., West, Toronto,

Thmlqmbothefknyvolunteefsthistem who68 help was great@ apprecw JTle?nb8m of the K-W community. dent Vdunt8er centre.

that a part-time trainTherapy will begin in till b8 held on (wo and 3 ww& in the 924-6221 or writ8 to Institute, 216 St. Clair ’ Ontario, M4V 1R2.

Phyhq3 with kloney - is an exhibit at the Museum of Archive of Gam (8urt Mathews Hall). Tues., Wed., Thug., Sk. 2 p.m.to5p.m.; Fridayfrom 1 p.m.to3p.m. with late hours of 6 p.m, to 9 p.m, on Wednasday. There is NO admission charge. fhe exhibit funs until April 26. @@my gnmm beef hamburgers and htidogs will be served on buns produced from organically grown wheti in the Campus Centre only at the Wild Duck Cafe. “Skin on” ff8nch fries from organically grown potatoes cooked in low cholesterol bcwtefhg will also be availabte. (from Food Services).


?3gh S&w1 Reunion - May 4, ;991 a! West Humbef Collegiate lnditut8. Afternoon open house - evening gala. for more info contad the school at 394-6835 or reqwst info by fax at 374-3652.

c . H l


Unchgradute md graduate CALENDARS are recyclable as newsprint. There are boxes in NH Registrars Office and the Campus Centre to drop your old one in. Yauth B International is a nonprofit organization. We are currently l accepting appliitions from Canadians betwe8n 17-25 years old to participate in Project Costa Rica. Schedule is to run from . December 1991 to March 1992 - no experience is necessary! APPLICATION DEADLINE is March 31, 1991, Br more . Information and an application, send a I self-addressed &am* envelope to: Youth Challenge International, 11 Soho Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T lZ6 or call ‘, I! (416) 971-9630.



w-F’s croup - Womyn will answer the phone Monday nights - call 664GLOW Also, rather- than regular meetings on Thursdays, drop by the GLLOW office Mondays from 7-10 to browse the library, talk to other womyn, or just hang out. ARTS debates in HH 139 at 3:30 p.m. All Arts students welcome. For info call ext. 3687,3548 or 3046.


to register. W8lCWl8!



Meetinga - 4 p.m., CCl38A+ If recycling concerns you; come out and share your ideas. Or, if you can vdunmr some time, call Patti Fraser at ext. 3245. -w.- -v-- RvmRY TURSRAY

waterho Public interest Research Group holds its Board of Directors meetings from 4:30 to 6:3O p.m. in DC 03 1. All members welcome! WRRY wmY1sDAY

and about the government debt, national unity and Canada’s role in international politics? If so, thb PC. Youth

A&R* cardruating Students - if still .-king employment, register Alumni Referral Service, Career Servi NH,lOOl.


*ds is a school volunteer program Hhete a child is paired with a volunteer, tilishng a one-to-one relationship to auild the child’s self-esteem and conidence. Urgent need: male and’ female volunteers. Call 742-4380, ~IIW ad k a part of the Caribbean Stulent Asscziation (CSA) every Thursday ;tat$ng Jan. 17 in CC138. Lotsof interestn‘s events we scheduled for this term. See fou there! 1991 B&i& Universities Summer schools Program - Birmingham, London jr Oxford - registration before March 31, 1991. For further info and application orr-ns may be obtained from: Awards Divi;ion, Association of Universities and

Women’s Centre - .holds meetings at 7 p.m. in room 217 at 3:30 p.m. (The Women’s Centre). All are welcome! j

summer are: I 1. Exploring me Grad - July 2 to 5 $85. 2. Niagara Escarpment - July 8 to I cost $95. 3. Niagara Escarpment - July 15 to 19 cost $95.

m -8 c


P.O.E.T.S. Pub 8:30 - 1:OO a.m&, CPH m- 1337. Musicians bring your instruments. Everyone is welcome - licensed.


Good Luck on Exams and Safe Holii&zys!!

] --

House of Debates - argues vehemently about anything and everything in Physics 313 at 5:30 p.m. New members always welcome! Call Sandy 884-5910 or Paul 746-2361 for info.


Global Community Centre in Waterloo. Topic and group vary weeklytao that all women are welcome Bnytime. For more information ext. 3457 or 578-3456. Z,~YI&% Evqlical Fellowship Bible Study. DC1304 at 7~30 pm, Ali are welcome. For more information, call 8845712.

FASS Wtiters Meetings - come be a part of the crew who write that crazy yearly show. Everyone welcome (we mean it). 7:3O p.m. MC5158. Amn&y In-tic& Rights at 7:30 welcome!

- write for Human in CC135. Everyone

Play Go! = beginners and players are invited to free play at Matthews Hall, room 1040, 7:30 p.m. Call ext. 4428, Al\ Year Round! Slavic Students Society meets at 5 to 7 p.m. Everyone welcome I (non-majors ;z\ioyeck bulletin boards in ML for The Fnglhh Society meets at 4:30 p.m. in H.H.262. For more info call ext. 2339. New members are afways welcome! WmY


m murce Centre Extended Hours -8:30 a.m. to 7100 p.m. Our resources include information on various cccupations, employers, educational opportunities, worl+tudy abroad, and more. Jazz Choir - come out and join the fun from 2:45 - 3:45 at Siegfried Hall (near St. Jerome’s Colkqe). No auditions. For more info call Chery, 746-5236. Woaryn’s Gmip - this tgrm rather than Thursday meetings we wjll have Monday night drop-in in the GLLOW office. See “Mondays” for details. WATSFIC - the Waterloo Science Fiction Club, is holding meetings at 6:30. Come out and meet other fans of Science fiction,





Role-playing games. Check in the Clubs Roqm (CC215) for further details.




Eventhough April is our down month, work and idea6are still in the hakhg for our first paper in the Spring/Summer term which comesout Friday,May 3,199l. New volunteerswill be neededso come on down! ’ . Deadlinkswill dill be the same- Mondaysat 5 p.m. the week of the production of the paper.

by - stu-

Grpuixls up: The Undiscovered Generation and Our Future. The Couchiching Institute cm Public Affairs 60th Conference Bt &&&, Ontario Augua 6 1 l 1991, will examine th8 s&hl, ecu& and 8ducaGonal influences affecting youth today. Scholarshipsand student d&our& are available. For information, contact YM3&h7~mmittee Chairperson at (4 16) -

cuss topics of interest with other

ti lechulos presented by WLU and University of Waterloo every Monday a? loon at the Main Branch of the Kitchener Public Library, January 14 to April 8 sxcluding Easter. Winter topics are: March 26 - Free Trade after one year 4pril8 - Natural alternatives to a lawn

It’s Breaktimefor

WATRUC - Mm& 25/9l -will be th8 final meeting, hAay6,1991 willbethefirstmeeting of the next s89W%t8f.

from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. at

Bagels! The Waterloo Jewish Students Association/Hillel presents a weekly Bagel Brunch every Thursday trom 1I:30 am to 1:30 pm in the Campus Centre - Check with Turnkeys for the


01’ 0 a m J& the Warriors Band! Practice every Thwg’iay at !%30 pm in the PAC, room 2012 (Blue North). New and old members welcome We can provide instruments. The Shident Christians Movement meets to discuss issues of injustice. The SCM is an ecumenical group that challenges people to live out their faith in action. for more information call Gennie at 576-0504 or Dave at 884- 1177, GLLQW Volleybau nights are back: at 79 p.m. Call 864-GLOW for details. Gmt zk$&, -


of Franr-

’ to you by LEQ refer to the GEL ltir detail -. Iv8RY FRIDAY --

Do yw think you have a drinking problem? Perhaps Alcoholics Anonymous c%n help. Weekly meetings open to the l public held in the Health & Safety Building -Meeting Room (ask receptionist) on . Fridays at 12:30 pm or call 742061K3. Chineec Christian Fellowship meetings 1 every Friday at 7:00 pm at WLU seminary building, room 201. Contact Mik2 Liu at 747-4065 for rides. Writers’ Work&qx 2-4 p.m. in Psych. * Lounge (PAS Building). Poetry,short 1 ’ stories, scripts, novels, etc. Bring pen- l cils, copies, and an open, critical mind. RA Laoldng for a friendly environment to have both intellectual discussions and fun? Join our weekly discussions at 730 Campus Centre room 138. v-h Association for Baha’i Studies. All welcome! RvmRYSUmAY Laymen’s Evan&elhl Fellowship evening seivice. 7:OO pm at 163 University Ave. W. (MSA), apt 321. Alt are welcome. For more information, call 884-57 12. FASS Writers Meetings - those crazy writers are at it again, and they want YOU. Help write the shows that millions have raved about. 7:30 p.m. MC 5158. Everyone welcome. Univetity Chapel Worship. Service, ).rl Keffer Memorial Chapel, Waterloo l Lutheran Seminary - 11:OO a.m. - an opportunity for all campus people and l others to participate in a regular Sunday worship service of Word and Sacrament. Information: Chaplain Graham E. Morbey, Chaplains Office, MC 4002, ext. ’ 3622. I


Tessand Kim wave a hankieflom the caboose

Fed exe&

term winds down by Peter Brown

Imprint st2kff

Like sands through an hou@as~.. Photo by Joanne

em--0 Imprint staff It was a busy and successful year for Tess Sliwinski in the Federation of Students. After John Vellin@s resignatibn as President in November, SIGnski’s responsibilities as Vice-President, Operations and Finance grew to include the President’s ex officio duties. Her and the Federation’s accomplishments for 199041 have been many. They were responsible for scheduling a new event, Summerfest, during the middle of summer. This


Other improvements implemented by SIiwinski are free noon-hour concerts at the Bombshelter, restructuring the budget, establishing an Athletic Committee for intercollegiate student athletes in need of sponsorship, and cqurchas~g a new event board for the side of ring road. Finan&lly, the Federation is in better standing than it was a year ago, which is quite an accomplishment, says Sliwinski, considering the pre-

Kim Speers has had an eventful year as the Vice-President, University Affati of the Federation of Students. ‘7’ve accomplished.much of what I setout to do,” she told Imprint.“But there are challenges still to be met. The biggest of these is student apathy.” Speers was disappointed by the poor attendance at many Federation-organized events, such as speakers and for-a. “A6 long as the event has beer, people wilI come to it. But anything educational, it’s nearly impossible to get people out,” she said. She also identified campus-wide recycling a6 one of the major chalIenges for the immediate future. ‘Through the student societies and the Students Against the Victimization of the Earth (SAVE), we’ve gut a lot of bins in place and organized pick-up every Tuesday. Unfortunately, that’s not campus-wide yet, because the university just recently hired a Waste Management Coordinator (Pat Fisher).” Speers considers the formation of the Human Rights Board and nGsing awareness about P--ndary underfunding recycling on campus, and sexism to be among her accomplishments. “People were asking me if I&ad become an Imprint staff member with the amount of articles I was writing about women’s issues and underfunding” she said. “I even made it onto






ism on campus. And I made racisman issue on this campus.” The darkest time of the year for S ers was not hard to gum. ’JE finitely (former Fed President) John Vellinga’s resignation,” she admitted. His decision was followed


by a divisive political battle which resulted in Vice-President Tess Sliwinski becoming President under Federation By-Laws. Other programs -headed by Kim include international students being inwated into the cooperative program on a triaI basis,

sent recession

VPGF and President has increased her communication skills and taught her more about her personal abilities and limitations. The event that stands-out as most touching for her was being givep a iece of the Berlin wall by a student rr om Budapest, Hungary who was visiting Waterloo, in appreciation for all of her assistance in helping him to get more information about continuing his studies in Can&~ In closing her comments to Imprint, Tess wanted to thank ali the UW student body and staff for their support throughout, and especially the Federation staff, as “I couldn’t have made it without them.” Sliw-inski plans to attend Carleton University’s School of International Affairs next year where she plans on getting her MA.


Fed mail-outs to first-year students, and housing issues. Speers is headed for a vacation to Portugal for three weeks, and wiIl be attending ei&er the University of Ottawa or Queen’s University in September ina post-graduate or law pm gram.



She says that the thing she learned most about her position-was crisis management and how to think and act quick and effectively* Beinp: Fed

chan@ng the atmosphereof Fed Hull has increasedbusiness,S#winsti says event is an extension of the Homecoming Tent festivities and provides social and recreational outlet for spring semester students. According to Tess, all of the Federation-orgmized activities, from Homecoming to Winterfest, were all successful events financially and in terms of participation. Sheis particularly proud of the pep rally which affirmed Waterloo’s strong school spirit, along with the introduction of “Black Plague spirit tshirts” which were distributed during fresh week Another piece of progress was the conversion of the upper level of Fed Hall to a spurts lounge including pool tables, dart boards, and video games. Changing the atmosphere of Fed Hall has increased business, Sliwinski says.

Photo by Joanne

There’s another measles alert on campus. Anyone enrolled in Anthropology 311 has been exposed and should gu to Health and Safety between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. This is especially

Feminist, lawyer, and activist Mar&u McPhedran was on Campus this W&L See story, page 5. Photo by Dave Thomson



you have never been immunized,’ or were immunized between 1957 and 1980.



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Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991

- N&s


McPhedrait brings tale+:; of rwofessional sexism ’ -. 4


by Katie Driecoll Imprint 8tafE


& DaVe Thomson

The extent to which sexism, racism, and able&m are entrenched subtly in Canadian law, institutions, and self-



regulating professions was a speech given by Marilou ran last Tuesday, March University of Waterloo’s HalL “Law reflects society and column of resbtance,” said

centraI to McPhed26 at the Needles is the last McPhed-

Gift for disabled .

Earlier this year, graduate students from the Engineering Math, and Science faculties formed a Grad Gift Committee with the purpose of raising money to install an automatic door in the Village One cafeteria for disabled students. The Committee sold approximately 2,600 raffle tickets during January and February. After giving out the prizes, they were able to present a cheque for $4,300 to the Co-ordinator of Services for Disabled Persons Florence Thomlison. In the future, the Committee hopes to make this an an&al event that would include all faculties. They also would like to be able to use some of the money for scholarships for disabled students, since there are few currently available, Pictured above are grand prize winner RobertPluge, Grad Gift Raffle organizers Peter von Schilling, Alexander Rink, Ray Hyde, and Kevin Deleenheer presenting the cheque to Florence Thomlinsom Absent are Sandra Duncan and Daphine Moskal.

ran, a feminist, lawyer, and activist. She started her address by sharing a number of anecdotes with an audience of about 45 women and men. A statement she ‘overheard while attending Osgoode HalILaw School by her &ninal law professor ‘Don’t they knoti that girls are for fudcingy - was the catalyst for her becoming a feminist Through this _ encounter and several others involving sexism while articling, McPhedran was able to define her femin&m through political and social activism After working to set~p;arapecrisiscentre,sherealized how many systemic and institutiod &stacks had been set up by a maledominated society which prevented, and continues to prevent women fko~ reporting incidents ,of sexual assault and child abuse. According to Mcl’hedran, these barriers are subtle and they invalidate any attempts to take legal a&ion much less achieve justice. A prime example she cited was our socialized attitudes toward members of selfregulating professions inclpding dottom, clergy, so&l workers, and professors. We are taught that ‘Doctors don’t do that,” McPhedran says. In 1985, she formed the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) to combat systemic discrimination, LEAF intervene when it can at the appeal stage in an attempt to highlight issues that are peripheral to the case but must be dealt with in order to start “building a foundation” . for equality in judicial decisions. She expressed hope that through a growing awareness of these issues, society will prioritize them and find it neceSSiuy to fight for equality” Shifts in media can affect changes in attitudes, but laws change slowly.




Congratulations, Waterloo! You have been chosen to host the CUSEN/RUCEE Secoqd AMU~ Conference in the winter of 1992. The University of Waterloo was awarded the conference over many other Canadian universities vying for th$ bid. CUSEN/RUCEE is the Canadian Unified Student Environment Network or Reseau Unifie Canadien des Etudiants pour I’Environment. network was tonned in January of this year to provide a national voice for student-based environmental groups. Seven representatives from Waterloo attended the first conference at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. The conference theme is the “Campus as Biosphere: Re-evaluating our Education.” The focus will be on creating sustainable camp-. This will include looking at resource issues such as energy, food, and water, as well as waste management, environmental education, and the role of student environmental groups. UW is unique in Canada for being able to showcase numerous projects in sustainable living highlighted by the recent introduction of organic food to the Wild Duck Cafe. Organizers are expecting between 75 to 150 delegates from campuses in all ten provinces and two territories to atind this three-day bilingual conference, and are looking for people to help organize the monstrous task of putting together three days of conference activities complete with

billeting and meals. They strongly encourage any individual or group on campus to join us in organizing any aspect of the conference. The organizers would also like to thank UW Vice-President, Academic and Provost Alan George, Environmental Studies Dean Jim Bater,‘and of Students ViceFederation

I a



UW to host green conference by Birch Behmann Umbach special to Imprint






President, University Affairs Kim Speers for their letters of support. If you would like more information concerning CUSEN/RUCEE, or are k interested in getting involved in the organizing and m&g of the second annual conference, please contact .Bi.rch Behmann at 725-0743 or Colin Umbach at 747-0180.


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6 Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991


Photo by Joanne Sandrin Cover by Stacey Labin


Imprint is:

by Joanne Sandrln

Hey, assholes!Look down here!!

Editor-in-chief Paul Done Atasit3tMt ~~**.C.I~**.I***.***.*.*...~~~ Brown NeWrrEdh ..,...*....*.**~l.****.***.*.***...*...*. vacant News Aaeistant *.....*I..*..........*.*......**.... vacant htu.resEdibr .. .. .. . .. ...*..*.I.......* Sandy AtwaI s&nc4! Editor *.........I...*..........**. Phillip Chee SportsEdi~ .*...............*...*....m*... Rich Nichol .. . .. .. .. .. .. Bill Falshaw Spmts ArtsEdltor John Hymens Arts Afi8wmt .-... .. .. .. . .Bernard Keamey . ..*...*.................. Joanne Sandrin PhotoEditor photo Asahmt . . ... . . ... . .. .. .. Wirn van der Lugt l

This is my last term at UW. After nearly five years here, I have less than three weeks left until my last final. Five years is a long time, and it feels a little strange to be going out into “that bii world.” But how has university prepared me for what Iies ahead? What do I take with me? Surely not much to do with my degree, which by the way is in Mathematics. I lost my interest in that field as soon as the calculus assignments started to pile up. No, I think the experiences I have had at UW have shaped me far more than my courses. Unfortunately, I’m leaving school with a bad taste in my mouth. You see, at the Warriors hockey game on Saturday there were a couple of assholes holding up signs that said No Means Harder and Stop Means PIease. The complete Iack of foresight by these sub-morons stunned me at fitst. And then angered me. How can anyone have functioned in our society for the past few years and not have picked up even a clue that jokes about date mpe ARE NOT FUNNY? Come on boys, wake up! L&e I mentioned I’m a math major, so I like to use statistics to support my point. 111only use a few, to demonstrate a pattern of thought. My source is a compilation of statistics from the “Ontario Women’s Directorate Fact Sheet on Sexual A cqultn which I got from the Federa-

tion of Students. Between 63 and 84 per cent of rapists arean acquaintance of the victim. According to an American college and university date rape survey, one in four of the women surveyed were victims of forcible penetration. Rape. One out of helve of the men surveyed had committed acts that met the legal definition of rape of attempted rape, Yet, 84 per cent of the men who committed rape, as defined by law, said that what they did was definitely not rape. So those are the stats. A little impersonal, perhaps, so I’ll add a personal experience from my first year at UW. One of my neighbows played soccer at school when he was 14 oi so. He and a few friends used to go to one guys’ house and invite a girl over, saying how much one of the guys liked her. That guy would talk her into going downstairs to a room they had a mattress in. He’d screw the girl and then say that one of the other guys had a crush on her too, and the next guy would get his turn. They had an room. Each guy had other storie ced, he said, and anywhere from the soccer team.

alarm clock just outside the got ten minutes with her. He too. Some of them were forsome weren’t. They involved a few guys to the better part of And one girl. As I listened to

as many as I could stomach,1 was amazed at his lack of remorse. Didn’t he feel awful for what he’d done? “No,” he said, “I was young. I was a mper.” Wouldn’t you like to be a pepper too? Since he knew all of them, I asked him if he ever dated any of the& girls. ‘Not a chance. They were sluts,” was his response. Iike I said, that was in first year. The guy was perfectly nice; we got along fine. You’d never know by looking at him that he had such a fucked up outlook The problem is, you can never tell. Back to the assholes at the hockey game. They were Waterloo fans. They were rep-. resentingy0urschool to the rest of the country. And don’t think the rest of the country d&n2 know. There were spectators and media from across Canada at the game. Yes, media. The game was broadcast on TSN that night. Queen’s is stilI known for their “no-meansnow” incident. The University of Calgary is investigating a fraternity where an “altemative” songbook turned up that was full of sexist songs At the University of Houston, members of the Sigma Chi fraternity had written the poem”Rosesare red, Violets are black, I like my date when she’s on her back”on one of the frat house’s walls. And now the assholes of the year at UW have added our campus to the list. Thanks’ boys. C&g Nettddd

Golf courses, tarot cards mand the Green Plan . The PTAN

for Economics


In the February 1991 budget, the federal government introduced the plan for EamomIc lteanmy. This plan contains actions to ensure continued growth regardless of environmental coricems arid improve lives for the rich and famous.

decoration of Cabinet Ministers’ doghouses, and cutting back on funding for: women’s centres, education, transfer payments, the CBC . . . just about any worthwhile program you can think of. * Rebuild the curzditiunsfur eonomic growth - We have already been working on this since day one by privatizing practically all profit-generating crown corporations and drastically reducing the amount of taxes that rich individuals and corporations pay. You would not’believe the amount of loopholes we have legislated to facilitate this goal. wage m ’ c reasesfqr Members of We have been making a very honest effort at meeting this goal: Senators only get their extra $150 a day zythey show up. Additionally, the Cabinet has been kicking around this idea of building a parking garage under the Parliament buildings so MI% won’t have to spend so much money on parking, on the days they attend. This way, it will seem as though they have more money. See? Neat, eh? * Restmining

Canadians want a stable economy that will ensure long-term jobs and op rtunities for themselves and their children PpnfortunatelyJ this budget won’t do the trick, but we’ll do our damndest to convince you that it will The Plan is designed to meet the folIowing gCdS: * LUW~ the rate of inflation - This will be done with a: Ouija Board, some Tarot cards, and tea made from 11 of John Crow’s toenail ClippiI-lgS.

* Eliminate the deJcit - It is only possible to eliminate that big bad deficit by inaea&g spending on the military and the re-

mrliammt -

* Eliminate the needforgovemmertt burrowing - In a couple of years we will have successfully eliminated funding from, or privatized, most government services and programs. Of course, we will continue to .




. .


. l


Staff Fbhwth lknhtbn ,


.......... Laurie TigertDurnas Amt. .................. Mike Sheppard Rike Btikhardt GeneraI Manager .................. Vivian Tambeau CMficeM .............................. Die Ro&gues Bushem Asst; ...................... Michael Clifton ....................... Scott Hendry AdvertishgRep Fraser Ad As&ant .................. ,,Michel-Ann MReacler FrontCover ................................ Stacey L&ii ..“.





Board of Directors President Trevor Blair Paul Done Vice-Pmiident Stacey Lobin SeC&iUy-Treas ......................... . Dmctors at Large ................ ..Joann e Sandrin ............................................................ Dave Thomson ................................................................. Peter Brown ShffI.iaisnn Derek Weiler .....................................


the official student newspaper at the of Waterloo. It is an editohaLly innewspaper published by Imprint Publications, kVaterloo, a coiporation without&are capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint publishes every Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Mail should be addressed to Imprint,Campus Cenbe, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterlc~0, Ontario. N2L 3Gl. Mail cM aIs43be sent via e-mail to i.mprint%vatmath .wslterfoo.edu. Imptint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Subscription rates available upon request, University dependent



fundamentally incompatible with environmental concerns, we slashed the budget for the Green Plan For more ambiguity and vuguentm on this load oJcrup, please culI I-8iW-2674620. Dave Thomson

. .


* Getting rid of bum+s to wnomic growth and length - In 1988, the first step toward this was taken by signing the Free Trade Agreement, which aIlowed many American companies to buy out Canadian industries. We nahually gave them tremendous tax breaks as an added incentive. We also stopped making appointments with those whiny special interest groups that always want money from us. A large part of this goal was accomplished by ignoring the environmental impacts of large construction projects, but only if friends were subcontracted And since capitalism


l .


increase taxes, especially the GST (only a sub tie one per cent every year or two). This will leave us with an extraordinary amount of money which will be used to buy MI% lifetime memberships to exclusive golf courses and restaurants. After all, they will likely be retiring earIier, now that we have a new pension plan in place.

of Cabinet Ministers do some of the work



Contribution List Bi&



JuIia Farquhar,. Green,

Katie Driscoll, Barbara Jo

Jamie Maki, Craig Netterfield,

Jo Noble,


Bryan Smyth, Warrior


Elliotte Friedman,




Dave Thomson, Team



Colin Unkch,



The forum pages are designed to provide an opportunity for all our readers to present their views on various issues. The opinions expressed in letters, columns, or other articles on these pages are strictly those of the authors, not Imprint. Send or hand‘deliver your typed, double-spaced letters to Imprint, CC 140. Imprint is also accessible through e-mail at imprinPwatmath. Be sure to include your phone number with all correspondence. The deadline for submitting letters is 5:OO p.m. Monday. The maximum length for each entry is 400 words, although longer pieces may be accepted at the editor’s discretion. All material is subject to editing.

A ----


L E responds ing a merry time” from 2:30 pm until 900 pm, I feel my decision was entirely justified. I wish I could let you drink until you arc totally polluted, but as a supervisor, I have e job description and the Liquor License Act tc follow. I am paid to care about what happenr to you in the Bombshelter and my responsibility does not end when you leave the pre= mises. I am responsible for your actions until you sober up* If anything happens to you, 1 could face up to $10,000 in fines, and jeopardize the liquor license for the entire university. In reference to your accusation that I was rude, let me ask you this: how long could you or would you be polite with someone who was yelling irrationally and not listening to any of the responses you were giving? Regarding my not giving you my last name, I did not feel it was necessary at the time. How much more information do you need to register a complaint? As to the event leading up to our altercation, the offer is still extended to come and speak with my boss (and myself if you feel it necessary). In fact, I repeatedly said to you at the end of our “incident” that “if you have problems or concerns about the evening’s situation my boss, ‘Dave Playfair, will be here Monday morning and would be more than wiIli.ng to see you.” I find it sad that you had to take this route to resolve your concerns. Once again, I was sorry to see your letter published but in your attempts to belittle me, I feel that you have only succeeded in making yourself look even worse. r

To the1 editor,

A reluctant


to Ms. W. F&an.

I was sorry to see your letter in the last issue of Imprint but, in light of being called rude, power-tripp& and an “(A--LE),” I feel I must respond. As an employee of the Bombshelter, I am occasionally faced with the regrettable task of aslung a patron to leave. This sometimes results in a situation where I am called sundry and unsavoury names. Usually, upon sober reflection, the name-caller is sore, ashamed, and does not press the issue. You, on the other hand, seem not to have benefitted from sober reflection on the incident of March 15, and thus I am compelled to enlighten you. ‘5~~lraSmlmptim that Jonathan was sint+~7 ou; because he lost h&ID is interesting. You qUt’r?i aned me and I explained the situaLl+ but obviously you either did not hear, do not remember, or have conveniently forgotten. Your Jonathan was asked to leave because he was drunk Rationalize this if you wilI, but this was the sole basis of my decision. The fact that you “were not loud or obnoxious” is of little consequence; a quiet drunk is just as dangerous to him/herself arid ofherS as is a loud and obnoxious drunk Each Bombshelter employee is req&d to take a four hour Server Intervention Program course. Part of this program involves methods of identifying people who are intoxicated. Certainly we make mistakes, but considering that you had been”drinking pitchers and hav-

Tine Clarke


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8 Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991


Bomber: the place to be AnopenlettertQ: Tess Sliwinski, Vice-Resident, Kim Speers, Vice-Presidmt, Affair8 Fred Kelly, BusinManager, Students John Leddy, President-elect Steve Millard VpoF-eIti

Finance University kderatim


LimBrice,VPUA-&xt I have been attending the University of Waterloo’s licensed faciIities for about five years now, and some notable’changes have taken place which I would like to question and comment A few days ago, I was sitting in the Campus Centre and I could not help but overhear a conversation involving a group of off-duty Fed Hall staff. The topic was their manager, Chuck McMulIan, his shortcomings, and why business is dying up at Fed Hall. Albeit moralIy wrong to listen to the conversation, I was drawn to it because the subject was all too familiar and repetitive. You see, Chuck McMuIlan has been confusing and generally “pissing off” his staff since he was hired in 1985. Harsh words!?! Of course they are. But I challenge you to ask the majority of past and current staff members about Chuck’s conduct and managerial style. He (as well as the other Fed Hall managers) was never a student here. He does not seem to know what this campus would Iike in a student club. Dwindling business and low attendance support this. My question to you, “the powers that be,% this: why is Chuck McMuUan sti.lI the manager of Federation Hall? He does not seem to have the support or confidentie of the majority of his staff and student body alike. We are paying for a building that is not meeting our needs and I feel we should either be refunded and/or have Chuck McMullan replaced by someone who will represent the students’ best interesb. If you like Chuck so much., give him another job within the Federation of Students, But please be reminded that “in the real world,“many business replace the boss ifproduction is slumping. I mean, how many

coaches have the Leafs had since 1985?! I now would Iike to comment on the Bombshelter. A few years ago, you could not drag me into the I3ombshelter. The decor was drab, music terrible, bounce aggressive and unfriendly. Generally speaking, it was the “last resort” pub. What a difference a manager makes. I would like to commend David Playfair for entirely changing the Bombshelter. From the music and decor to the hospitality of the staff, the Bombshelter has certairdy become the place to be on campus. Playfair is highly respected by his staff and “faithful patrons”alike. Although not perfect, his staff make you want to return. He has made it obvious that he is working in the students’ best interests. . 1 I find it interesting that Playfair left Ped HalI in the summer of 1988. You know, it has been almost three years since Fed HaIl was consistently fun and “the place to be.” This, I believe, is not a cdincidence.

t0 act in the best interests of all parties concerned. In the fourth place, the issues surrounding sexual’ assault are far more complex than those of “pulling a firealarm, &hting a i&cracker, or quiet hour violations.” The analogy made between these actions and seti assault is absurd. It is obvious that sexual assault has a far greater human impact. When dealing with sensitive situations, the Dons are concerned with maintaining confidentiality as opposed to “covering up.” We wilI advise thevictimsofalltheiroptionswhilealsobeing supportive; we can and wiIl do onIy what the @Ii.ms ask of us. FinaUy, we also question the credibility of the article when the most obvious qualified professionals, trained to deal with sexual assault are ‘omitted: namely Health and Safety, and Courtselling Services. The village



U W’s priorities


‘To the editor, To- the editor, We, ‘the Village Dons, would like to address some of the issues raised in the corn-’ mentary “On-Campus rape is being covered up,” Imprint, March 22, 1991. In the first place, the article refers to three cases of “rape” in the villages. We want to clarify that these cases are alleged sexual assaults in the eyes of the law, whereas the * commentary implies that the three accused are rapists. Second, we would like to clarify the role of a Don A Don is a full-time student, whose duties include being available to advise and consult with Villagers. As Dons, we realize that we are not qualified to handle the legal and medical aspects of these situations. However, we are trained to direct both the alleged victim and the accused toward the appropriate professionals, on and offcampus. Third, once notified of such an incident, the VilIage has no legal jurisdiction to pass judgment on the accused. The role Of the Village is

Our pledge at Fastbreaks: Astonishingly good food and drink . served at absurdly low prices in fine surroundings. . i/&?kome to th8 90’s!

’ I am kiting in regards to the article “Oncampus rape in being covered up,” in the March 22 issue of Imprint. +y people have read the statistics on rape, and know it is high. We also know that many rapes probably go unreported. Yet, some women &ill take unnecessary risk of being raped. I believe that the reason is they think it will “never happen to them.” It is necessary to show women that the risk is real! I believe the o&y way to do this is to make it personal'and close to home. I commend aII women who come forward *en they are raped and tell their story- The more personal stories, rather than numbers, wiIl make the issue closer to home, encourag: in other women to be more careful Ti was a rape victim myself. It never would have happened if I was not so naive. I only wish someone could have convinced me of the dangers earlier. When friends are taking unnecessary risks, I will telI them what hap pened to me to scare them into becoming more careful. Rape is a hell of a thing to have

University of ’ JlVaterloo

to live with. If any woman is strong enough to tell her story, she should be encouraged. This University has to determine its priorities. What is more important: the reputation of the University or the safety of women on this ; campus?! Name withheld

by nquest.

Abortion letter #l To the &or, The article written by the Women’s Issues Committe (“Why abortion is a student issue,” March 15,1991 Imprint) raised some important concepts which need to be addressed. The Committee outlhied the goals of rights to education, employment equity, and selfdetermination. Admirable goals they are; unfortunately, the very argument used for them works against them. The Committee St&es that the issue of choice is key to women’s equality, and one important aspect of choice is abortion, The concept implies women will be disadvantaged without the abortion option. That is a w betrayal of women’s abilities because it implies that women are unable to overcome the setback of pregnancy. The truth is that women possess much more potent capabilities than implied Pregnancy should not be narrowly portrayal as the ultimate disabler. Another statement that abortion tragically makes is that the tissue being aborted is worthless. For if it were valued, it would be protected. Since it is not even worth protecth it onIy adds to the difficuky in obtaining other important goals - for example, maternity leave and benefits, job protection for the pregnant, etc. An important aspect ‘of an improved perception (in both sexes) of child bearing and rearing has to include the attribution of increased v&e to children What is needed is a change in values. Society would benefit from’increased value placed upon women in general and child rearing in particular. For ail would acknowledge that the future lies with upcoming


Second Open House Campus Planning Sunday, April 7


UW will hold a second open house on Sunday, April 7, 1991 for the campus community to view displays and a model of the planning firm’s options and possibilities .for the final campus master plan. The master plan process is expected to be completed by the first of June. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The general community has been invited between l-5 p.m. the same day.





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The Xerox Building 180 Columbia Street, W., WATERLOO . .

from 5 p.m.1

Ample free parking is available in Lots R and M (adjacent to Federation Hall); watch for directional signs.

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Forum generations. For a shift to be made in our vaIue9, change has to occur in both men and

women In the area of birth cont~01,men must share the responsibility. It must be ir@ned into the male psyche to take all possible birth

control measures independent of their partners’ precautions. It is questionable whether improved reproductive technology alone will eliminate unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, since men are equaIly responsible for such an occurrence, there must be a mutual effort put into the resolution. It is not only a female problem. Men must support their partner in both emotional and financial terms. The real fear that women have of sexual, violence is a sad commentary on some men’s attitudes. But those attitudes don’t or@nate out of thin air. They are general attitudes from the general population taken to an extreme. Attitudes must be taken seriously. Inappropriate innuendos, coarse jokes, and slips of the tongue must be rebuked for change in behaviour to begin. A shift in sexual idolatry of the physical to the relational would also be 3 benefit. There are no t&e ways to change attitudes, but one has to begin where able, and hopefully over time, results will be seen. The attempt has to be made. Women’s goals will not be met by an enormous “fight” for rights. They will be met only when both sexes realize their mutual, recipro21 responsibilities and common destiny. CC. Gunderaon



The article entitled “Why abortion is a student issue,” printed in Imprint (March 15, 1991), raised a number of important concerns, yet failed to deal with a number of crucial considerations in the abortion debate. The writer(s) of this article maintained that the “issue at stake” in the abortion is&e “is a wow’s right to control her destiny.” The main diffkulty with this assertion is that this is allitisan assertion, not an argument. To assert this belief does not prove it. In fact, this proclamation seems to suggest th;rt the pregnant woman’s destiny is the only destiny to be considered, and indeed takes precedent over the destiny of the fetus. These presuppositions, however, have tremendous ethical’ and legal implications. The question that needs to be addressed, by the writer(s) of the Imprint article is, “Why does the pregnant woman’s right to control her destiny give her the right to terminate the life of the fetus?“The fetus mu& be given consideration in this argument because of the evidence concerning his/her nature. Jules Caries, director of research at France’s National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), and one of the foremost geneticists in the world, stated: ?!lwjm cell is alreu@ the emby of an autonomous living being. . . . In thatfirst cell the profound dynamkm and theprecke direction of lifte appears . . . . In spite uf its$wgility and its immense nee& an autonomous artd genuiwly living being has cume into existeiwe . . . . (ta fecondation 5th edition, Paris, &ewes Universitaim de France, 1947, pp. 81-82)

ail the evidence at our disposal that ConEms the fact that the fetus is a living human, how is it possible to assert one’s right to autonomy supersedes another’s right to exist? Problematic to the argument of those who assert that autonomy does take priority over another’s right to exist, is to argue this Without it creating chaos in other contexts. For example, how would we react to parents who decided that infanticide was a viable altemative to raising their children because the children interfered with their autonomy/ destiny? We might find this action on the parents’ part morally reprehensible; yet, they are employing that same principle to legitimize their action. Nor is the problem bypassed by asserting that because the fetus is dependent upon the woman, the woman therefore has the right to abort the fetus. As in the case above, to assert that person ‘r has the fight to terminate person “Y’ because “Y U is dependent on ‘x” is to develop horrendous implications. Would we really want to employ this type of reasoning in other contexts? For example, does a hospital have a ,right to take the life of someone in intensive care because that person depends on the hospital for his/her existence? Once more, most of us would have grave reservations with this type of reasoning. Why in this case and not in the former case? Certainly, the writer(s) of the Imprint article should be commended for the desire to “fight for women’s equality in society.” The problem that needs to be confronted, however, is how can they believe this end is achieved by violating another’s right to exist?



Abortion letter #2 To the



G.Dann Graduate



I Is student activism an oxymoron? In my political science class weare studying Central American politics. Outburts of laughter are becoming increasingly co-on - our professor has been discussing the key * role that student activists played in the Sandin&a revolution. Most of the people in the class think “student activism” has become an OXJ’fIlOrQll.

At one time I would have agreed, I can think of an “a” word that often follows “student,” but it is apathy, not a&L&t. Apathy has been no stranger to this campus during my last four years here. But I wonder now if apathy should read d&empowerment. It is ironic at best that disenfranchised pet+ ple all over the world are fighting to obtain what we ostensibly have here - political rep resent&ion - yet we cannot puIl ourselves . out of our lethargy long enough to use that power. We have been lulled into complacency by our political system, a system that has made us believe we can pass off our social responsibilities onto our leaders. The problem is compounded when people don’t even use that electoral right - 17 per cent of LIW students voted in the last Federation of Students elections. What ever happened to &allenging the status quo, questioning assumptions (like economic growth is necessary and good for everyone) and trying to change what we don’t like about the world? Isn’t that what students are for? A conservative air has descended on us, one that reeks of establishment. People believe more in market power than political power these days, hence the smart move by “green” companies to market their products as environmentally friendly. Students are no more than people, living in the mainstream, concerned with financial security (which depends more on the numbers on that litde piece of paper you get when you’re finished than cm what you actually learned while you were here) and unwilling to take chances. ‘That ii except for a sbut vocal minOrity.

No UW students (besides the obligatory Feds) marched on Queens Park this year (it’s pathetic that this issue has warranted an annual event) to protest university underfunding. Do students not care that course offerings are being cut, classes are getting larger (professors overworked), facilities lacking or even that tuition fees are rising? (Eight per cent hike next year.)


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10 Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991


by Sandy Atwal

wmt’d. from page 9 The university sub-culture should e an alternative to the larger, indocinated mainstream seety. Univerty is a place for idealism, radicalism, place where views are expressed zgardless of the practicalities of the l eaI” world. So why isn’t it working? Jhy don’t the majority of students ;et involved”? Most students complain that they

do not have enough time, and that’s part of it Heavy course loads, job competition and the “four-month”’ lifestyle in co-op do not leavemuch time for anything else except highlyintensive stress relie*rs (ie. the Bombshelter). Some think that one person cannot make a difference and here is a fundamental problem: the emphasis on individual achievement at university {and North American society in general) has reached such propm-

tions that we are unable to value achievement We’ve in&roup stitutionalized and marketed every different service and need so that we could all become independent .as long as we have the financial means. What we seem to have forgotten, to Paraphrase Canadian environmentalist Judith Plant, is the real security of mutual interdependence. It seems to me that it’s up to students to remind everyone.


The firing of Peter Kormos, the revelation that he hired a wife-beater to help him in his campaign against sexism in advertising and Bob Rae’s Public announcement that university tuition fees are going up eight Per cent have all caused people to cry foul. Many members of the public feel betrayed since they elected an NDP government to get rid of all the politicians and replace them with real people like you and me. Fat chance. _ It seems rather impossible thatPeople wil1 ever stop whining and accept some of the responsibility themselves. When you get right down to it, people vote and elect governments so they can have someone to blame when something goes wrong. Using a government to create social and economic institutions is a method of passing the buck. People like Brian Mulroney, Bob Rae, and Sheila Copps don’t get into politics for the money or the prestige or the fame. They do it because they are tired of having others control their destiny and tired of complaining. If you take a look around, it’s easy to notice that those who do the most complaining about the government are those who know the least about it. Of course, there are le,unate complaints about policy decisions, but we need to able tc cr+?;;Cr uzformatively. To simply babble on about something we know nothing about doesn’t help anybody. For instance, how many times have you seen your Member of Parliament? Do you know what he or she does daily, or what his or her duties entail? 1 would guess probably not. Yet how many times have you complained about his or her job? How my times hive you complained about thegovernment - either federal or provincial? Chances are there is a rather big discrepancy between the two actions. It should be noted that I’m not distinguishing between the political par-. ties. This is because there aren’t big enough differences between any of the parties - Conservative, NDP, Liberal, Reform, Libertarian, or any other to warrant any in-depth discussion of their differences. partySo, having just defended a system of government, I’ve got to say that I really don’t believe in it. We are taught that there is no way of a society existing without a government, that anarchy means without order, people killing each other in the streets, mass confusion. But anarchy means without government, not without order, and we have extremely little confidence in ourselves to say that we couldn’t exist without someone telling us what to do. If we had only a free association of individuals, then this would cause people to be a little more responsible for their actions, and not allow us to use the government as a scapegoat. Maybe then people would be a little less prone to whining about their situation and a bit more responsible. . But I doubt it.

. Re: Last week’s

article entitled






The authors of the article would like to apologize for the accidental exclusion of an important community service that deals with sexual assault. The KWmner4Yaterlcm Sexual Assault Support Centre deals with all forms of sexual assault, operates self-help groups, and will help victims through the medical and legal procedures. The Centre also operates a 24 hour crisis telephone line, at 741-8633. Additionally, it is necessary to clarify that the Turnkey Desk, Women’s issues Board, and the Sexuality Resource Centre are not trained as counselling &vices, but can refer people to professionals who are trained fully in dealing with sexual assault

Mmrstry of Colleges and Universities

you-d be wise to take out a r1’7

rape is bein& covered

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i House

from UW News


The University of Waterloo will hold a second open house dealing with the master plan for developing the university’s lands on Sunday, April 7,1-5 pm in Federation Hall. On display will be the preliminary final report of the master plan. ‘The master plan process is well on target for completion in early summer,” said Dr. Alan George, vicepresident, academic and provost. “We hope that it wilI be ready for presentation to the board of governors for approval at the June board meeting. “The university wants to be sure that advice and comment are available right to the end of the planning process. Thus, we encourage members of the community to attend this final open house at Federation Hall to view the preliminary final report,” George said. The open house will include displays, and possibly models, of the planning firm’s options and possibilities for the final plan. University officials and representatives of the planning firm will be on hand to answer questions. The University and the planners were very pleased with the turnout at the previous open house in January, which drew about 1,000 people. The plan will serve as the University’s master plan for development Well into the next century. Ample free parking will available in Lots Rand M, adjacent to Federation Hall.

Tickets must biz purchased at least 5 days in advance. seats are limited.


Yes,VIA Rail’s 50% student discount applies every day of the week, Friday and Sunday included. So why not get away more often? Nothing beats the train for stretch-out, walk-about comfort - there’s even a light meal with beverage served on most routes. k’s a great place to relax.. . or even study! But discount seats are limited, especiallyon busy routes. So be sure to buy your ticket well in advance. Call a travel agent or VIA RaflTMfor full details. Tickets must be purchased at least 5 days in l

advance. l 50% Student discounts apply to full-time sfudimts with I.D. for Coach Pave/In the Quebec C@lVWndsof corfidbf on& l Seat availatMy is limited and varies depending on the route and day of travel l B/a&out periods applfi including Easter (Mar. 28 - A@ 1) and Christmas (Dec. 15 - Jan. 3) periods l A 10% Student discount applies any time for regular unrestricted travel (no advance purchase). l Other conditions may apply; @ease check.

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Youcouldwin a trip for two by train - for a maximumvalueof $500 per person!Justpick up an entry form whereyou buyqyourtrain ticket at a’VIA Railstation.And let VIA take you away on a fantastic train journeythis summer! No purchasen~cessatyopen to allfirrrl-timestudents78yearsold and over enrolledin a participating universityAskfor full details and conditionsat WARailstationsa

12 Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991


.The death of Resurrection described

by Michael H. CEftcm hprint staff At Resurrection College Seminary, says one soon-tube Catholic priest, “We go against the grain of society in many ways - and we love it!” The prevalent attitude on a university campus - almost any campus is usually not wholly favourable toward religion. Especially if that religion expects its adherents to follow any sort of strict moral cde, or to conform to any dogmatic statements regarding “truth” or some sort of objective reality and purpose for human existence.

Zhe curriculum

as a”form&

To many peode

this sort of lifestvle


is iust


to be,” adds nins, whose programme ?ll. Michael, (of Freelton,

develop participants’ “sense of setice, . . . lead

Resurrection College, a Roman Catholic seminary, has been operating for nearly 30 years (21 years in connection with the University qf Waterloo) on the premise that there is some benefit to be realized from the kind of religious attitude and practice described above. A programme of “first rate spiritual, academic and personal growth”has existed there since 1963, according to Father-Bob Iiddy, the community’s Rector. Father idddy


hy, favours I that he is

as priests &the

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life, not just in education: encouragement to pursue one’s own interests, while at the same time experiencing the kind of training a person needs to develop human qualities, such as honesty, sensitivity, self-awareness, patience and forbearance, concern for others, critical thinking and the pursuit of truth. One does not need to agree with their beliefs to recognize that their programme really does offer those opportunities, cannot which generally, perhaps not at all, be obtained by a mere individual in a mass with other mere individuals, which seems to describe many people’s university experience. Is the programme esoteric and impractical? Hardly. In the February, 1991 STV Newsletter, the author of the lead article characterized such qualities as those of “older peopIe , . , tempered by the wisdom that comes from experience” (David Huron, “A View of UW Engineering’). Is it better to wait until we are “older” for the experiences of life to shape us arbitrarily into the kinds of people we shall be? Or is there not something more attractively and more importantly h--like in the active pursuit and personas shaping of character, even while one is relatively young? The Resurrection seminarians do not see themselves as people somehow better t&n other people. They do recognize that there is a unique, special quality in the lifestyle they have chosen. It is a lifestyle which orients them toward goal setting and goal achievement. It helps them to define their own purposes’ and enables them to fulfill those aims. All university students experience some growth while they are here, but, Rod noted, most other graduates “only appreciate these years in retrospect.” The seminarians’ programme enables them to’k aware of changes in ourselves and what we’re being challenged to do” and to become, while they are doing it. Although most seminarians enroll with the intention of becoming priests, not all necessarily do. They allow themselves and one another to be directed by inner feelings and a sensitivity to their personal needs. Not everyone, they might say, is “called” to be a priest. Eliminating negative pride, greed, or fear, each is encouraged to choose his own course in life, priesthood being only one of many good options. Some people do enroll and subsequently leave the programme. Generally this is not because of disapintment with the seminary, but lEci?l use they have sensed a different focus or “calling” in life. “If in the future I decide priesthood is not for me,” says Rod, “I will have been a better person for being here. . .‘. I have been in the right place at the ril$t time.” Michael adds that the seminary couples enthusiasm for life “with generosity and sensitivity . . . . I wouldn’t like to be anywhere eke.” John concludes, “this spirituality has proven the test of tim& All the saints we honour, their witness is proof that this is true.“Contemporary society prefers things that are “disposable,” he ‘said. Although the selfrealizing methods of the seminary programme seem antiquated or obsolete, present society is hardpressed to find their equal outside of similar religious progammes. ‘This reality”’ John says, “has proved valid.” Going against the grain of contemporary society has been the undeliberate reality of Resurrection College for 28 years. Now society seems to be forcing its will on the college. The Resurrection& haven’t lost hope that the programme will itself be resurrected in the near future - the hope that there are still others who share their vision of humanity, and will want to discover it more WY.

Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991


Course evaluation project at WLU

Ergonomics ‘R’ us from UW News

by Cathy-Jo Noble courtmy The Cord Laurier students may have a better way to choose classes next year. The Wilfrid Laurier University Students Union courSe evaluation project is in the works to provide students with candid reviews of courses offered at WLU. The success of the project counts heavily on volunteers from the

It will be a booklet to be pmvidedfiee to all stzaikms. university community. ‘“this is the first time such a programme has been tied at Laurier, and so far the response has been great,” said WLUSU President Stuart Lewis. The aim of the project is to make a “WLU Course Calendar Supplewhich will contain the ment,” opinions of students about courses they have taken. This will help others students decide which courses they want to take, and what to expect from them. To gather opinion, surveys are being given out to interested students to take to their classes and get filled out by classmates. The results of the surveys will be compiled in the summer and the booklet should be ready for September. It is uncertain at this time as to what form the calendar wiIl finally take, but WLUSU hopes it will be a booklet to be rovided free to all students. Ic e want to cover as many courses as we can, and hopefully in time all courses will be in the calendar sup- plement,” said Dana Pesce, co-. organizer of theproject with Melissa Blease. The surveys include qu&ions on the instructor’s teaching abilities, level of difficulty, interest, and reading material. There are also openended questions concerning features the students like and/or disliked about the course. The surveys are to be done outside of class time so it will not interfere with the class nor require the professor’s permission to do it. “It is a fact that the ten minutes between classes belong. to nobody, and can be used to fill out the survey,” Lmvis said. Department of Political Science chair, Dr. Barry Kay, feels that this type of survey must be approached with a great deal of caution.

Theprofessik’s decisionshoulii be respected ‘In principle I think student evaluations can be a good idea if in f& it is properly undertaken,” Kay said. Kay also said that it was a case of poor judgment for the committee to state that the professor’s permission is not necessary. For the fir&year, at least, the prof’s decision should be respected, Kay added. Pesce explained that the reason it was decided to bypass professors’ permission was so that students would not feel intimidated by their profs. Kay also had concerns about running the survey so late in the year, when class attendance is generally very weak. He felt that open-ended questions could also be a problem since the results will be open to different interpretations. Pesce said that this should not be a problem, since so far the results of the surveys have been quite consistent. A test-run of the survey was done

with the Political Science department earlier this year. The actual survey in place now is the result of an analysis of the test-run results, which found the questions that yield the best results. “We handled the organization of the programme very professionally by having the test-run. We also had a lawyer check out the survey before distribution,” Pesce said. The surveys are available in the Students’Union ofices on the second floor of th$ Student Union Building. The proposed deadline for the surveys was March Z&1991, but Pesce said the date will be extended to ensure a good response. ‘The survey is not out to hurt anyone, but I can understand how some profs may feel threatened,” Pesce said. “But in the long run, it wiIl save students and profs hassles over registering for, and then dropping, courSeS.”

Both Lewis and Pesce said “this is not a witch hunt.”



A new ergonomics program has been created within the Kinesiology Department at the University of Waterloo. This co-operative education program is intended to help prepare graduates who will co,ntribute to solving workplace problems, particularly in safety ergonomics in order to reduce the risk of injury and enhance human performance. The course requirements have been selected to .provide students with a thorough background in the biophysical and behavioural sciences of human motion as well as related measurement and problem-solving skills. The 0 tion integrates courses with related Pour-month work terms, giving students the opportunity to apply what they learn in the classroom to the working world. Students gain the expertise to evaluate and solve the prQblems of human movement in industrial, business, educational, c

rehabilitative, and social settings. Ergonomics is generally defined as the &forts made to make the workplace both comfortable and safe for people performing their jobs. This can range from designing efficient and adjustable clerical work stations to engineering an assembly line task to minimize the risk of injury from loads that must be lifted or from doing tasks that require repetitive motion. Fitting the job to the ‘work whether in the office or in an industrial setting - is dependent upon the workers’ interaction with the surrounding environment. In this expanding career - area, kinesiologists are involved in the assessment and- prtiription of solutions to problems in the workplace. These include personmachine interaction; matching skill, strength, and endurance levels of workers with * job demands; employee fitness; workplace boredom and fatigue; protective equip ment evaluation; and safety; industrial injury mechanisms such as

acute and repetitive strains to the lower back and wrists. This limited-enrolment program requires the completion of 44 term courses and incorporates courses from other departments such as Systems Design Engineering and Management Science. “Much of the initiative for the option came from Prof. Robert Norman, who will become UW’s Dean of Applied Health Sciences in July,” said Prof. Stuart McGill, coordinator of the program. 0ver the past several years, Norman has selected the courses and designed the curriculum for. the option. ‘The option is part of the evolution of the kinesiology program,” said Prof. Pat Bishop, who chairs the department. “It will provide students with the tools to assess human motion in a variety of settings and apply them to workpl?lce safety.” It is anticipated that the first of about 10 students to be admitted to the program will be selected in the spring, with the course work to begin in the fall.

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Use economics

to save environment-or


pay for the clean-up, and when the be discarded or recycled, the company should also pay this cost.. The result will be increased prices and decreased consumption for many industries, but thisisfineit is simply the “market place producing efficiency.” If the cost of a can of pop becomes prohibitive because it costs $4.75 to produce the can, the producer will either go out of business, or find a cheaper container for the pop. And when a person refuses to pay $4.75 for the, can of pop, “the consumer is speaking with more power than any lobby campaign or educational campaign can duplicate.” A central theme of Smith’s speech was that the market is a very powerful instrument that can and should be used to save the environment. Smith pointed out his frustration with a group of environmentalists and scientists that use “empirical evidence and the scientific method” to prove that the planet is being environmentally degraded, and then abandon the scientific method completely when r&-ring to the role of economics in environmental protection. While he pointed out that David Suzuki is not the only person to make


On Friday, March 8, Professor Larry Smith of Waterloo’s own Economics department, presented his views on how economics can save our environment. The event was organized and attended by Environmental and Resource Studies students, who invited the Entrepreneurs Club, Economics Society, PC Youth, NDP, and Young Liberals. In his speech Smith claimed that “unless policies for the environment are made consistent tith economic principles, the protection of the enviironment will fail.” . He insisted that economics% not hostile to It is concerned with the environment.” individual and human welfare, and since a healthy environment is obviously in an individual’s best interest, economics cannot be responsible for raping the etivironment. Smith said that theor&ically, economics “should have been in the forefront of warning about the dangers of environmental wreckage,” and the profession deserve criticism from the environmental moveinent urging a quicker solution to the problem.

Smith advocated “full cost pricing.” Presently, the price one pays a company for a product does not include the true social and environmental costs. If an industry pollutes the environment during production, they Romantkb~~



‘this mistake, and that David Suzuki has done a commendable job in raising environmental awareness in Canada and the world, his statements about economics are “preposterous and fundamentally flawed.”

He feels that making such ridiculous statements about economics undermines any credibility Suzuki may have gained with his scientific assessment of the state of our planet. As a result,the elite of this country tend to ignore him. One misconception that Smith felt should be addressed is Suzuki’s claim that the exponential growth of our economy cannot continue forever. Smith pointed out that “the bulk of Canada’s economic production does not now consume resources to any significant degree,” and that sewices like music, medicine, and teaching, need not be curtailed to make


the planet safe. Endless growth can continue (without an increase in the amount of resoursince the human mind is not finite, and wU continue to come up with marketable services. Following Smith’s speech, there was a short discussion period. Some concern was raised regarding the basic premise that economics is in fact a science. It d ability to accurately measure human values and human happiness was questioned, since a person’s willingness to pay does not necessarily reflect the ces used)

wonthued to page 19

ToSsample or not to sample? (ntat isn’t the question)“* by Doug white special to Imprint

barrier was the Ensoniq Mirage, which came out around 1985. Although it was only an fb bit sampler, it offered features that had previously only been found in extremely expensive keyboards. For instance, the Mirage was totally software-driven, which meant that updates to the operating system were available without the ha&e of replacing hardware. That made it extremely tempting for third-party companies to create alternative operating systems - including systems as complex as full wave table synthesis. Furthermore, much of the power of the Mirage was not in the way it sampled, but in fact what it could do to sounds after they were sampled. Perhaps one of the most difficult things to do when sampling sounds is looping This enabks you to have a sound sustain over a long ciod of time without having incredibly le ngthpey sample times (sample time is directly related to how much memory you have, and computer memory is cheap, but not that cheap). There are two kinds of loo one can create on a sample: single cycle, wr ich is one waveform repeating very rapidly; and multiple cycle, which has many waves repeating. The problem is creating a smooth loop without “clicks and bumps” Sampler designers have devised what is known as %-fade looping,“ whereby the start and end points of the sample are meshed together, creating a seamless loop. Even if a sampler does not have this feature, there are computer programs available which can perform this function. However, it is much easier to perform the operation on a sampler since this means that there is no need to import and export large amounts of data via the relatively slow MIDI data stream. In making tht~ decision as to whether or not a sampler is the instrument for you, it is certain that .you tilt be bombarded with informa-

There are very few keyboard players who haven’t made a decision to buy or not to buy a sampler. It is indeedhardto decidebetween s thesizers which use samples as part of tr eir voicing architecture, and samplers which have a built in analog-to-digital converm ter for converting sound into numerical data. Tfiepurposeofthisarticle~todescribethe positive attributes of getting an actual Sampler. However, the decision is yours and I should warn you now that sampling takesup a lot of time if you really want to get into it. The best analogy that one cm make when trying to discern between a sampler and a synth is this: with a sampler, the user is constantly trying to put sounds into it, whereas withasynth,theuseristqingtogetsounds out of it. In order to qualify this general statement, I should mention that many modern keybo&s can import samples into them. Many ine~riencd users of samplers only find applications for their machines that revolve around frying in vocal parts and sound effects into what are considered completed musical tracks. Simply by lookirtg at the various thirdparty listings of samples available on the market today, one can find a near-inf%te number of sounds ranging from drums to basses to orchestral sounds to classic analog synth sounds.


one may que&ion


ability of samplers to capture the performance-oriented sound of analog instfuments, this isa concern more applicable to older and cheaper models of samplers. Today, you should be. able to find a sampler that will allow you to shape static, raw samples into lush and changing sounds. One of the first samplers to break the price

tion regarding different bit reklutions and sample rates in the literature supplied by the manufacturers. Obviously, the general rule is that higher the resolution and sample rate, the better the sample will be. However,’ there are two factors that one must take into account. First, there are many instances where a “dirty” sample would be desirable. Sampled sounds can gain richness through random noise introduced by lower resolutions. Second, it is not always desirable to use the highest available sam@ng rate; some samlers have rates as high as 52.1 Kilohertz. The P‘CWIL rzlle has always been to take the highest frequency of the sound that you wish to samle and double it to get the best sampling rate. R owever, many people find that there is a lot of noise - whether from ekctromagnetic induction from patch cables etc, or simply from incorrect sampling rates which intrtiuce new frequencies into the sound introduced into the samples when they use rates over 40 Khz. A simple solution to this problem is to use a lower sampling rate. I have found the best results from using rates between 32 and 38 Khz. One might wonder whether there is a lot of fidelity lost, but in fact a sample rate of 32 Khz will yield a playback frequency response of about 16 Khz. The real problem that may occur is in transposition to other pitches. For, as a sample is played back at slower speeds (and thus lower pitches), there can be a lot of graininess in the sound. The solution is to multi-sample the sound at intervals, such as every octave. Thus, even lower-end samplers which have maximum resolution rates of 32 Khz can still be useful live and in the studio. Hopefully, this information will assist you in deciding whether or not 6amplels are for you. With a little work and/or money, it is possible to have access to virtually unlimited

The mcx3t current samplers on the market offer mariy new features previously only found on computers and the most sophisticated keyworkstations, Prices have dropped substantially, which now allows musicians access to N-bit sampling at under $$ooO. It is easy to find support for most sampler9 in terms of enormous presampled sound libraries, so you may find those standard and unusual sounds already sculptured for you. In light of the ever&anging keyboard market, the consumer has many choices, but not all of those choices may be the best for the money. So one possible alternative may be to look at sampling as a flexible and relatively rion-obsoleting option. sounds.

wont’d. from page 14.

Smith speaks entire spfxtrum of their value. Smith countered by Wing out that economics assumes a rationa r consumer, and that economics simply requir= adjustment to find a closer de% tion of values. Another concern mised was that if Canada implemented full cost pricing fust, would there not be a black market of goods from other countries that do not have to pay the full costs of production? Smith admitted that the Crst countries to implement full cost pricing would suffer. He agrees that the policy should be worldwide in scope and that it could t&p decades; but feels that it is not an UnreaIistic gc1~1,and that society should demarrid full cost ---z-z-pncq. Smith’s message? Get the market place working for you. Policies to protect the environment must serve the test of.economic I viability, or they will fail.











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Rushton and the new eugenics ‘I wtite you now to infum you that, shouldpu mgup in such c&vi@ tin one mure OccQsion, pu and other pmtibipmts will be mspndfd jbm the Univetity, and a tmpzss oM(er will be issued against you. ’

tasies and comments of an anonymous French army surgeon, usually referred to as “anthropom”) This, and the fact that the AAAS act ed Rushton’s work, along with the fact that T e was awarded the Guggenheim Fellowship forfoi988/89, betray a 3 lesitimacy “I2tCe-science” “biopolitics.”


RUSmON’S Thisthreatisexcerptedfromaletterwritten by Thomas J. Collins, Provost of the University of Western Ontario (UWO). Dated January 11, 1991, it was delivered to an undergraduate member of the Academic Coalition for Eqality (ACE) following her -pation in a “demonstration” the previous day that Collins claims “(led) to the disruption of Classroom activitv.” The class in e&ion is Fsycholog) 2551 ( Personality and B everopment), taught by Philippe Rushton, The protest involved about 20 people, who p&e&d and sang outside the classroom. After completkg his twc+hour lecture in 90 minutes, Rushton dismissed the class. According to UwO’s student newspaper, ?%e Gazette, the only police officer present at the protest thought that it was “conducted in a responsible manner, and that the protesters were not being disruptive.” Despite this and contrary to the experience of any undergraduate - Collins response was q&k and unequivocal: ‘W?ten a class has to be terminated prematurely, that is the result of disruption.” Then, with the toughest threat he could issue, Collins followed up a statement that LJWO president George Pedersen made on January 2 that no “disruptions” would be tolerated. But what is a “disruption”? Not pickets, for Pedersen himself participated in one last fall against underfunding. The UWO administration has never been specific. Yet an examination of the situation at Western reveals that, however disruptive ACE has been, Philippe Rushton has been no less a nuisance to students and others at UVVO. After all, he started the controversy,but hii right to be on campus has not been threatened by the administration, like the r&hts of ACE members. Why are Pedersen et al so eager to smother anti-Rushton protest and so keen to protect Rushton?


Rushton claims that the three “races” diverged at different times: “In years since emergence from the ancesti hominid line, Mongoloids 41,ooO, Caucas&ls llO,ooO, and Negroids 200,M)o.” His 1989 paper attempted tobring together data on over 50 muKfirious b&&our4 and psychological factors, all of whost &C tibutions ranked @‘Whites” intermediately between “OrienW and ‘Blacks” in some way. These criteti bridged biology and society; they included “brain size and intelligence, rate of maturation sex4ity, per-

Rushton’s theory is easy to under&and, but very difficult to believe or to treat as academic work. It teems with ambiguities, vague terminology, and socially biased concepts, and in the past two years, the vast preponderance of the scientific evaluation has lambasted Rushton. Most of his own sources have charged that Rushton misinterpreted and/or misused their research - including Christopher Stringer, whom Rushton credits for the backbone of his theory: the racial divergence sequence. In addition, not only does Rushton fail to define “Oriental-White-Black,” but he assigns rankings to these group for such categories as “activity level/ “autiousness,” “excitability,” and “sociability.” This is clearly mbiguous terminology, and because it occurs in concert with questionable scientific methods, i.ll0gM use oi data, a failure to 4% close contradictory evidence (even from the same sources), and because it is used to sup port conclusions that reflect typical “rightwing” racist ideology, strong suspicions have been raised about Rushton’s motives. By any scientific standards, his sweeping research is



On Janua& 19,1939, in the Sausalito’Rtim at the San F&n&co Hilton, Rushton delivered a paper, entitled “Evolutionary Biology and Heritable Traits (With Reference to Oriental-White-Black Differences),” to the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Scence (MS). This 13-page paper caused quite an uproar with its claims that economic, political, and so&I conditions of all people can be defined by their “races,” and that there exists a quantifiable, tripartite hierarchy distribution in which ‘Orientals” are on top, “Whites” are second, and ‘%lacks” are last. This was not the first time.that Rushton presented his views on race. He has written prolifically, and has often acknowledged the assistance of other prominent psychologists. He has co-authored titles with at least 34 other academics, While much of his publishing occurs in journals of minor repute, his work, has also appeared in at least 14 more important journals. In 1984, he published his ~erarchical theory in the Annals of Theoretical l%ychology. In 1986, he laid out his theory of biolo@cal determinism in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. In 1987 and 1988, Rushton co-authored two articles in the Journal of Research in Personality in which he argued that racial differences in seyl? 31 morphology and behaviour are the results of C’ ution The reviewers accepted the papr, even though much of the evidence it cited is of extremely dubious quality. (The 1896 fan-

required to rem& apolitical, in November 1989 it proposed the abandonment of social, &xational, and housing policies that aimed at mixing races, arguing that all differences between them are due to the genetically determined inteiligence differential. Harry Weyler, the president of the Pioneer Fund, insisted that “raising the intelligence of blacks or others still remains beyond our capabilitia” Again, on July 8,1990, a letter was printed in the Britbh newspaper 7%e Indepmdmt, to which Rushton was cosignatory. The letter was in response to an article that appeared on March4,1990, in which the Pioneer Fund was criticized for its activitie and its sponsor&p of academk racism. The letter was signed by Weyler and four oth$r Pioneer Fund recipients: Hans Eysenck (v of London), Linda Got&&on (U of Delaware), Richard Lynn (U of Ulster), and Roger Pearson (editor, Mankind Quatier( Together, they defended the Fund and in& ted that their research - founded upon the thesis that race is a b&c and deterministic trait - represents the vanguard of science. Observed raciaJ differences, including crime, illiteracy, poverty and unemployment, are genetically caused. Consequently, “effective” public policies will only be those that seek to apply this conclusion to the “problems of race betterment.” Clearly, Rushton’s acadpmic activities sup port these extra-academic interests. The same is true for the F’ioneer-funded research performed by Eysenck, Lynn, Pearson, Gottfredson, and several others - including the notorious William Shockley and Arthur Jensen, the latter proudly “America’s leading proponent of black inferiority.” Taken together, they form a tightly knit group of people who cite, review, and acknowledge each other’s research and books. They maintain, with money from the Pioneer Fund, the journal Mankind Quarterly, dedicated to “race-science” and “racial history” Many, including Rushton, contribute to fkwnality and Individual Dttewrtts, edited by Eysenck,assisted by Jensen-The combined efforts of these people represent the current phase of a eugenics movement many thought was long dead. *


sonality, and social organization.” Rushton argued that since these were aU distributed in a way that “matched” the claimed racial divesence sequence, there was good reason to htiothesizk a causal link bet&een “race” &d %ese phenomena. More specifically, Rushton believes that all racial differences are manifestations of the genetic “reproduction strategies” of different evolutionary experiences. Africans exhibit prolific reproduction with offspring receiving little parental care, and Orientals pursue restrained reprodution with much parental care. Elaborating, he wrote that “it seems reasonable to postulate that as populations moved north (from Africa) they encountered more challenging environments . . . and thus the more stringent were the selection pressures for intelligence, forward planning, and sexual and personal restiaint.” Based on his research, Rushton made two predictions “about the course of world history”: that the I%ific Rim will develop faster and “eventually outdistance” Europe and North Amerjca; and that because AIDS is a transmitted disease, the sexually “‘uninhibited” Black “race” is endangered.

- CHRISa IYXTER superficial and clearly fails to prove his conelusion that race plays a causal role in personal development. Yet Rushton continues to insist upon its veracity. Why? Is h& simply raci&? In numerous interviews, Rush& has certainly given this impression. For according to Rushton, “all so&I problems in the world are related to ethnicity.” When asked by a Globe and Mail reporter what he would do if a black student complained that a low mark was the result of racism, Rushton replied: “‘. . . let’s face it, that’s what blacks do (ask for special treatment). We’ve had to change everything in educational systems and professional schools to make sure blacks do not fail in large numbers. But if we accept the alternative arguments that blacks aren’t as , intelligent then what we have done is lower the standards to allow more in.” (04/02/89) RUSHTON



Racist or not, Rushton does not work alone. His research has been financed by the American-based Pioneer Fund. Though this fund is tax-exempt and therefore officially


The fund was established in 1937 by the textile machinery millionaire Wickltie Draper. It was incorporated the same year b>;’ two scientists: Harry Laughlin and Frederick Ckbom, both of whom had connections to Nazi eugenics and sterilization laws. The Pioneer Fund is officially chartered to help research into “problems of heredity and eugenics in the human race.” The fund had two purposes: the first was to encourage a Nazi-like breeding programme to propagate those who are “descended predominantly from white persons who settled in the original 13 states prior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States.“The second was to encourage academic research and the “dissemination of information, into the problem of heredity and eugenics.” Some of the earlier activities the fund pursued included the distribution of Nazi eugenic propaganda films, opposition to the desegregation of schools, and efforts to use the House Un-American Activities Committee to send the “genetically inferior” American blacks back to Mea. In 1960, MankindQuatterly was founded in Scotland by Professor R Gayre to promote scientific evidence that “racial fundamentals” are: “all important” in human society. Gay-re was developing further the work of Nazi theoretician Hans F. K. Gunther, and was assisted

by many


and active racists,

including Donald Swann, Robert Kutner, and J. Hofmeyer. Mankbtd Qlrartprrv moved to Washington DC in the late 1970s under the control of Pearson, who had already received much Pioneer funding. Lynn, “the leading proponent of the oriental superiority theory” according to

Barry Mehler, has been associate editor of the journal for Over 15 years. In 1987, Lynn invited Rushton to write an article “which elaborated on the poIitical and social consequences of his biological determinism.” Ultimately, the logic of his theory is that, at the most fundamental level, individuals are subordinate parts of a biological nation, So&l and political conflict, according to Rushton, must be understood as conflicts between gene pools. Racism has its basis in genetics, and egalitarianism brings only frustration. We ought not to interfere with the natural tendency toward racial purity. This entails policies. from raciaI segregation, marriage restrictions, curbs on immigration, pressures on “superior” specimens to reproduce, and pressures on “inferior” (dysgenic) specimens not to reproduce; to more radical measures like (involuntary) sterilization, apartheid, and genocide.

Eugenic&s have spent much of their energy on the issue of intelligence. They stress the inadequacy of “environmentalist” theories to completely account for differences in Intelligence Quotient The ideas that the Pioneer Fund presented in 77~ Independent represent their accumulated ideological capital. That is, through their efforts and those of others, “race-science” has risen to the level of acceptance, such that the Pioneer Fund could gleefully report a survey in which a majority of 661 scientists surveyed believe that racial disproportion in socioeconomic status is not due solely to discrimination and entionmental causes. What they did not mention, however, was that “the single most compelling reason convincing scholars of the genetic component to IQ was the recent barrage of studies on identical twins reared apart.” Barry Meyler, writing in 1990, went on to report that: The source of the barrage is Thomas Bouchard’s Minnesota Twin Study Project. Although only a few articles on personality and character traits have appeared in refereed journals, the Minnesota group has announced conclusions and generated massive publicity about the heritable nature of personality traits In order for the scientific cornmunity to have an opportunity to evaluate the twin study, a book-length monograph is needed. Such a monograph was promised by 1987. The twin project is now entering its second decade and a f&-length study has still not appeared. Yes, the Pioneer Fund supports Bouchard’s study, even though it has not been published in a reputable journal. But it is not kept a sec-

ret. As more time passes, more media coverage continues to impress eugenic ideas and increase their general acceptace. MEDIA


On March 8, 1989, Rushton appeared on the Gerald0 show. That he did so is unsurprising given the tactics that the Pioneer Fund has used in the past. When Jensen published a per in 1969 in the Harvard Educational If;”eview that claimed that genetics accounts for some of the racial differences in okrved intelligence, there was a fIurry of m&b coverage. Excerpts were printed in Tke 2&~&r&y Review and Jensen summarized his ideas in WSNews & World Reprt. Articles appeared in Newsweek, Science Navs, lie Educutional Digest, the N&v York 7Inm. Commonwealth, Nutional Reviav, and the Nav Republic. In fact, Jensen, along with Shockley, became household names as a result of this. Much the same thing has happened with Rushton Rather than trying to develop a scientific theory through the usual channels of publishing and accepting criticism, Rushton has been trying to spread his ideas through the popular press. He has responded to peer-reviews, but has never yielded on any point. Nor does he agree that findings such as his need to report’ with great clarity, preferring to be vague. He does not agree that the limitations of such findhgs need to be emphasized more strongly. In fact, he has ignored any standard for the dissemirration of research results. The strategy of the Pioneer Fund is to use a closed, well-tided group to subvert the peer-review system by using the high status ?f academia to spread propaganda through society, and influence people - their peers included - in this way. And they have enjoyed much success.


Rushton cause? The negative impact of his “theory” on the African community, and Asian as well, has been overlooked. At UWO, people are outraged. In the name of freedom, a public platform has been given to the intellectual backbone of an ominous neofascism. The role played by academia in laying the groundwork for Nazism and apartheid must not be forgotten Their power to legitimate is perhaps the greatest of any group. “ckdmary” racists do not have the same opportunities as tenured ones - Gerald0 does not invite nobodies. But other high-profile people are con~trairted too. In autumn of 1984, Japanese Pri,me Minister Nakasone said that because the American work-force contained so many

Rushton has made more potent assertions, and yet does not apologize. In fact, many rally to his side despite the very strong case that charges Rushton with abuse of his position and scientic incompetence. This is why the Pioneer Fund pursues its aims through academic institutions. But if our universities are to maintain any integrity,then the definition of “academic freedom” must reflect the interests of all those affected, and no *‘Rushton’% should be tolerated.

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Rushton is not simply part of a scientific community that is generally becoming increasingly informed by “race-science.” Rather, he is part of that very small minority that is actively pulIing the scientific community in that direction. He has lent his status as a LMKkprofessor to -pub&lypruTte $F$atil vvF . _ _.. * . Pioneer Fund, whose designs include the institutionabzation of a race hierarchy. Is this “academic freedom”? What about the academic freedom of students? Should we have no say in who funds, and thereby directs, the research of our professors? Should we not have some protection from the insult and the hurt that those like

low-IQ Blacks and Hispanics, the US could not compete economically with Japan. Condemned as a racist, Nakasone later apologized.



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Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991 21


To the fans Before the fat with the pans 1

lady sang-

AU’s were over be ore they started

On behalf of the University of Waterloo Warriors hockey team, I would like to thank our incredible fans fQr a the support shown throughout the year. The dignity and class which you displayed will not be forgotten. There will be a lot of players who will not be back next year due to graduation. However, they will not remember Alberta’s winning goal as much as they will remember the standing ovation we received as we left the ice. You are the best fans in the world and we are sorry we coddn’t bring a National Championship back for you. There will z&o be a lot of players who will be back, myself included, who are all ready and excited about next season when we win the whole thing. We hope you will be back with us bangin your pots and pans and showing al: the other universities that Waterloo fans are second to none. I would also like to wish all the graduating players the best of luck in the future and thank them for startin& Warrior hockey this Waterloo dynasty* Thanks again . . , se you next season. by Steve Udvari key Warriors

(No. 1) for the Hoc-

Jeff BAlantyne (No. 2) Ian Pound (No. 3) Brad Geard (No. 4) Steve Woods (No. 5) Ctig Shaw (No. 6) Cory Keenan (No. 7) Mike Payne (No. 8) John Willianrs (No. 9) Mike Macky (No. IO) Rod Thacker (No. 11) Darren Snyder (No. 12) Steve Schaekr (No. 14) Tony Crisp (No. 15) Ken Fhidema (No. 16) Dave brentz (No. 17) Jim David (NO. 18) Bill Whistle (No. 19) I. Clark Day (No. 20) Jade M&i (No. 21) Gord Chtigan (No. 22)

The Canadian Interunivetsity Athletic Union hockey nationals may have been decided, long before they even took place, back when the head office made up the schedule. Why have the two semi-final games on separate days - Friday night and Saturday afternoon - with the second one less than 24 hours before the championship game on Sunday afternoon? It makes no sense, This arrangement lays out an immediate and obviously unfair advantage - a one day rest period for only one of the two hdists. Either give both teams the break or neither. While NHL playoff series may end at dihFerent times (Le. one-series may go four straight, the other may go to the maximum), at Ieast the league organizers give at least one day of rest to both teams before the Stanley Cup hals. Simple, right? The day of rest is a recovery period for those tired, aching muscles.

ing me, and at times giving me the strength to succeed. I am truly sorry that a National Championship was not in the cards for us this year. However, with your continued suppo* I know there is one just around the comer. Next year, I look forward to joining you in the “zoo,” banging my pots and pans. I wiIl cherish the memories you have provided me for the rest of my life.

cratefullyyoursI No. 21 Jamie Maki F5 F+iwk I’m sorry 1couldn’t puck from the Nationals,



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DoWhile playing for the University of Waterloo for five years, I have seen the building of a hockey dynasty. Along with the progression of the program I have also witnessed the birth of another tradition: the Warrior Hockey Fans. I am lost for words when I try to describe what you, the fans, have meant to me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for support-


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Not everyone can take three days out of their weekend to spectate the event. And surely the same objective could have been reached while still holding the two semis on the same day. (Just make sure there is a threehour break between the contests for an overtime leeway and to give time forthearenastafftoclearthebuilding for the second game admission.) Then both teams advancing to the finals would be on an even keel. I’m sure it would have made for a much closer championship game. But if the all-mighty dollar takes precedence over an exciting, close, and fair national competition, then why bother having it. Its outcome is already determined.

get you a

It is impossible to describe the enormous impact the Warrior Hockey fans had on the team throughout thti 1990-91 season, and ,eswy during’ the playoffs. The pots and pans, the air horns, and, most of all, the unwavering enthusiasm, are memories which all members of the organization will carry with us for the rest of our lives. Thanks to everyone who made 1990-91 a success, especially all those, too numerous to mention, who made my job as General Manager a lot easier and more enjoyable, but never got the credit they deserved. From everyone in the Athletic department, to the countless others who I depended upon day-in and day-out to make things run smoothly, I thank you for everything, You have made my two years with the Hockey Warriors a most enjoyable and memorable experience. Mike

I don’t want to take anything away from the CIAU champions, the UQTR Patriotes, nor make any excuses for the Alberta Golden Bears. Trois Riviera was, unquestionably, the best team in the tournament and probably would have won anyway. But don’t you think the Alberta Golden Bears should have been given the opportunity for an equal rest period, in order to face UQTR at ‘100 per c&t? Furthermore, the fact that Alberta started the championship game just 19 hours after their 73minut*long double-overtime squeaker -over the Waterloo Warriors, tipped the advantage toward the Patriotes even more. I doubt the CIAU schedule planners added the factor of overtime, or double overtime for that matter, into their planning either. What they were probably more concerned with was inoney. By having the two semi-final games on separate days, the CIAU figured it could draw a bigger pot.Come on.

that comes


the hills.

1 I




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22 Imprint, Friday,March 29, 1991


Go west, young men _ by EUiotte FA&IW.CI Halifax is a beautiful city, but that’s no reason it should host the CTAU men’s basketball championship eight years in a row. Two weekends ago, the eight best basketball teams in Canada ventured down to Nova Scotia’s capital for the Final Eight. For some schools - Brandon, British Columbia, and Victoria - the trip is much longer than for others. The eastern teams are screaming about the fact that monetary problems prevent them from making far road trips, Some schools have shut down their football programs because the financial crunch is so bad. But schools ail over the country are feeling that pinch as well. Teams out west should not have to spend thousands of extra dolIars travelling out east every year. It’s almost incredible western schools have not screamed bloody murder since several athletiti programs of their own have fallen to the The best site would be Hamilton’s Copps Coliseum. This type of centralized location would keep travel expenses to a minimum for the eight teams as a whole. It’s almost certain that western teams would prefer this plan and the expenses for the eastern teams wouldn’t be so bad. Before you get into the argument that this makes the Ontario teams richer and gives them even’ more of an advantage, remember that Ontario has more teams invited than anyone else. It’s ridiculous to hold a tournament in the same place for so lung when it only benefits

Nq that% not an obscene gesture, that% the Wanilla Salute”. . . or as cbe an approximakn as the members of the IMPRlNT Intrepid can imagine. . The undefeated (7-O) intrepid ended the long tradition of IMPRINT sporting futility, winning the C-mc C League E-ball Championship 33-30.


Photo by Peter &own

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one or two teams at best, In Ontario, where three or four teams often get invited, it kakes more sense. Cops Coliseum has other advantages. Its centralized location also allows for a bigger fan base - much for the same reason of cheaper travel. Because the Ontario teams were “at home” so to speak, more fans could be expected. Another fact to consider is television. The Sports Network, which graciously decides to cover CIAU sports - much where CBC and CTV have decided to ignore it - is just down the 401 in Toronto. Moving the CIAUs cioser to Hamilton could possibly allow for expanded coverage, something the head honchos in Canadian university sports would slit their wrists for. Finally, a McMaster-Guelph regularseason game packed almost 5,000 people into Copps. It’s almost certain, with teams arriving from across the country, that the fan base would increase. Of course, the CIAU would be best to remember what they do for’the women’s tournament - rotate it from site to site every year. If the Atlantic schools can travel for that tournament, they can travel for this one as well.

But if they want to stick the tourney Same place each year, Copps Coliseum place.

in the is the





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f New!! DOOR ALARM is ideal for rooms or apartments which is by ripcord or panic button. Can be ordered for only taxes and mailing) at the above address. Events” in this issue!!

The WaterlooVlleyball Warriors would like 7*. to thank aUtheir fans for their constant support. They woulflasojike to thank everyone who made:,i the‘, l-990-91 season such a ’ succesis ,. ,. ”


In men’s competitive basketball the Eclectic Hogsmen, the r$. 2., ~&feated+I@ ‘ho. lbyBarbaraJoGreen a, _1 ranked team 64-62 in the Al division. Imprint SpMs Ma& was the triumphant team in the AZkvision. The B hivision champs were the Fuzzy Monkees, Cold Beer It was tearing me up, thinking I Boys, Slam Math, and the X-Men. The X-Men overcame the Faculty team, would no longer be writing to you the Peasants, 36-28. Of course, it was every weekand I had to write just one no surprise that the #1 ranked team, more time. In the past week, most of have the hprint Intrepid, won the Cl the C-R Championships division 33-30, finishing the season finished up and those teams who wme ectoeous deserve their @w undefeated at 7-O. Way to go! reco&kn as winners. C-R hockey has also concluded F&l results are as follows: and the Old Beat Up PigDogs came women’s competitive volleyball out on top in the “A” division. The champions in the “A” division were Charkstown Chiefs, The Boyz, The the Volley Vixens over the Spike SisSnot Nose Kids, and the Walruses ters and the Nerd Magnets defeated were ali successful in their efforts of the NDC Saints in lbe “B” division. taking their respective 9” divisions. competitive volleyball Men’s In the non-ccmtact hockey league. thy champs are numwous, but worthy Simpsons took the championship. To just the same. There were two “A, 3 alI of those hockey buffs who just “r, and 2 “C” divisions and the wincouldn’t give up and battled to the ners of each are listed accordingly: very end, congrats! Hammer and Screw, Hupsing The Co-Instructional Coordinators Dievels, Bombers, CSA, Northern would like to thank all of their parSpikes, Raw Fish, and Power Tools. ticipants and instructors for their time Congrats to all of the volleyball and efforts in mak@ the programs fa~tics who participated.

Campus Ret

successful. This term 6-R hired approximately 25 students to teach in four program areas: cross-country skiing, skating, squash, and tennis. Again, congrats to all the instructors for a fantastic term and you are all invited to apply in September. Anyone interested in becQming a part of C-R’s Instructional Team can do so by submitting an application during the firstweek of each term. Coordinator of Campus Recreation Sally Kemp would like to thank all the C-R staff who spent much time and energy to ensure the success of all the progratns that ran this term. Even though the gyms will be filled with chairs soon, you will still be able to swim, take a fitness class, lift some weights, or go for a walk or jog, but Stay Active! Campus Recreation is gearing up for the Spring Program. If you are going to be here during tic:



C-R will


you with the opportunity for a good time. New programs to look forward to are triathdon training seminars and a new fitness program - Cardio Stepping. 1 guess this is it, again. Take care, have a great summer, and stay active.


Sisters are a no Vision Thing The Sisters of Mercy Ftieratiun Hall March 25

The Sisters of Mercy are perhaps rock’s most majestic collective. Andrew Eldritch, head and founding Sister, ought to be lauded ad infinitum for penning such masterpieces as ‘Temple of bve” and “Firstand Last and Always;” his brilliant sense of epic grandeur contrasts masterfully with his dead-pan lyrics. EIdritch is a true comic. The trouble is, people just seem not to get his humour. He dresses in black’ so his fans do too. He speaks in almost apocalyptic terms eschatological inscope - and his fans think him serious. For shame: Eldritch’s wit is not like the quirkiness

of They Might Be Giants or the ephemeral lunacy of Weird AL He bases his humour on the overseriousness which he uses to chant his slightly daft observations. E&itch’s latest troupe of Sisters includes Tony James, ex of Sigue Sigue Sputnic arid Generation X; their 1990 vinyl offering was the mildly disappointing won’ Thing, an aIbum that largely failed to capture James’s flamboyance and Eldritch’s pomposity. A minor tragedy. A tragedy continued on the concert stage. The band entered Federation Hall greeted by a shroud of mist, mist which was never to abate for the whole evening. Ever. When it got thin, they pumped more. Now, it’s true that Eldritch is no beauty king’ nor is he that animated, unless clutching and bending and twisting a microphone stand can be considered a stage show; we needn’t have seen him at all. Eldritch wisely

left the visuaI entertainment to the interpretive dancers on the side line. They wore black. But the layer of fog removed the band from the audience. of course, such was Eldritch’s purpose alienation is a big theme in Sisters’ pieces. yet, such an occult presentation removes the need to actually play instruments (which I’m sure was not the case) or even to look interested. The fog was a dumb idea. Thus essentially the band on stage did nothing but ,play instruments. That’s it No verbal interaction. No mugging for the crowd. No nothing. On top of that, their presentation of all but two of the songs was lick-for-lick the same as the album versions. I only recall ‘Temple of IAX&’ and “Gimme Shelter” as sounding variant, the former for the better, and the latter for the worse. Why, then, pay $15.00 or $17.00? Why not stay at home, burn some

incense and crank the stereo? A CD costs the same and lasts forever, and it is about as personal. I wouldn’t do it a

Burning Blue Cole Holly


Dancers delight

Cole Trio

Humanities ?heatre March 22,lwl

_-..4_* _--.&

I went to see the Holly Cole Trio on Friday night, and I’m still singing. Well, trying. It would be easier, and a lot less annoying for the people who he with me, if I knew more of the lyrics to “Slow Boat to China.” “Slow Boat to China.” Get reaI, right? Why would I spend the weekend trying to sing “Slow Boat to China”? Simple. The Holly Cole Trio brings new Iife to this old chestnut and to others like it. Holly Cole has a positively thrilling voice, which. is sometimes breathy, sometimes husky, sometimes scorching, but always perfectly controlled. Hey, anyone who can hit that weird interval between “We dish the dirt, it never ends” and ‘The weaker sex, the speaker sex” in “Girl Talk” commands my undying adulation and respect. I’ve practised that one through many a shower, and it always ends in disastrous key changes. That voice, combined with Cole’s sultry stage presence (picture black velvet gloves, crimson velvet dress, and dangly fake jet earrings - with ail of the appropriate gestures) has made me a born-again jazz enthusiast. Seemed like I wasn’t the only one in z&no&-filled Humanities Theatre. Notable performances included (you guessed it) “Slow Boat to China,” about “lust on the hi& seas,” “An Occasional Man”’ “Girl T&” “Melancholy Baby,” and a sl@tly saucy rendition of Doris Day’s “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered.” The Farquhar award for Unquestionably the Best Performance of the Evening went to a burning rendition of “CalIing You,” from

the soundtrack Foolish Heart”

of Baghdad Cafe. **My followed close behind.

“Bossan43&’ and “I Been Redeemed.” Incidentil&, CadelI reIeased her first product (can’t cali them “albums” any more), “Angel Food for Thought,” on Friday. Pick it

pas de deux, portrayed the undeniably emotive powers which modern dance can &obiIize when tempered bv classical influences. This e&real pi&e exhibited the techrtical control &d precision which gives dance its f&de of effortlessne& but this facade onlv emerges as the product of dedicakd trai&g. UW m’usic student Kevin Wilson’s &iginal composition “Are You WI There?” per&tly complemented the trance&Ice drti pla@I out on stage. The most provocative piece so far was “Forgotten Rainbows,’ which dealt with the sexual abuse of children in Canada. Svlvanus Klotz cleverly extracted themes and audis snippets from 77~ wirard of Uz to b&i a dance-oriented exa&nation of the inescapable circles of violence which plague La shockingly high percentage of Canadian children. The addition of a verbal component to the movement soundly drive home the poignancy of the skvivor’s search for her lost childhood. Faculty and guest choreographer contributions to the’ show gave *audiences an atxweciation of-the breadth of dance kurces resident in our university and others resources infrequently presented to the rest of the campus. “Remember Vienna,” a frenetii modem dance solo created by guest choreographer Holly Small and skilfully interpreted by Karen Bennedsen, clearly justifie the collaborative efforts which r-ently have been undertaken between the UW Dance Department and York University’s Dance Department For the audience in attendance ai the Humanities Theatre this pas1 weekend, Spring Action presented a highly entertaining and worthwhik glimpse of a frequently misun dex&ood and underestimated dis cipline on our campus. Kudos mus be extended to everyone associatec with the Dance Department and itz annual concert. The dedication ant hard work of these individw havt provided one of those truly rart occurrences when effective corn4 munication was facilitated withou the dependency upon the word. haunting

by Julia Fanphar special to Imprint


again. The Sisters of Mercy committed the ultimate sin: they were boring.

Hally says smakewl If you gorem. you know how pre-recorded Casdks get all squeaky after you’ve PlaYed them and played them? My COPY of Girl Talk is driving me nuts. I can’t wait until June (or until I buy a CD player) when the Trio’s newpm duct should be available. As delightful as the songs themselves were the anecdotes Cole told about them. Cole’s description of learning “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” from her grandfather’s eighttrack player (while she sat on a phentex cushion, no less) livened up an otherwise disappointing performance of it. She also credits her grandmother w&h teaching her’%ow to live my life interestingly:” all about. “Cruisin”’ and sex in cars. Guess I should talk about the band too, if you can rightly call a fine pianist and a fine bassist a “band.” Phil Dwyer and Paul Novotny replaced Trio regu.?&s Aaron Davis and David Piltch on piano and string bass, respectively. What can I say? All three

seemed to enjoy themselves and hecWed each other constantly. Oh yeah. Dwyer wears great ties and Novotny hums while he strums. Very sexy. Countless reviewers .in countless reviews I’ve read have lab&d Holly Cole everything from a torch diva to the ‘young Queen Cole” (how clever). Rack my brains as I might, I probably can’t dream up any witty new accolades for her, so I’ll just tell you this: Cole is one of the finest, funnies& sexiest perfmrners I have seen in years. Before I go, I should mention Waterloo native Meryn Cadell, who opened ‘Cole’s show with about 20 mirtuta of “pedormance art” - a cross between music and stand-up comedy. You really have to see her act to believe it I, for one, giggled constantly through CadelI’s wisecracking skits about wanting to be a flight attendant, being trampled while watching the Pope, and borrowing a reindeer sweater from a “hunk of burnin’ love.” Cadell’s notables included

In an environment that is preocwith “the word” aS the cupied p&nary channel of self-expression, it is a truli rare occurrence when words relinq&sh this role to a non-verbal form of communication. The deoendency on words can be some&hat perplexing when you consider that movement and music can iust as easily and successfully elicit a fuIl spectrum of emotional response. In an environment so preoccupied by words, no event has better demonstrated the potential of alterMte forms of cotiunication than this past weekend’s presentation of, the Dance DeSpring Action, patient’s annual faculty - and stuiknt concert This mixed repertoire programme deftly conducted its audiences through an intricate network of visual ima&?& and em&ion. From the roIl&&g near-acrobatics of Susan Cash’s “What Am 1 GOIIMDO?"to the fluidly ball&k movement of Laura Prada’s “Seascape,” the performance exposed the- dramatic eloquence th& only the combination of &ong technique, inspired choreography and professionaI production can create. While all three of these components were in evidence, the we$th of choreographic talent within the student body itself is worthy of




Eight of the thirteen works performed in Spn’ng Action were choreographed by Dance studen@. These works demonstratedan admirable level of artistic maturity and inspiration but three pieces typified these characteristics. Lame entitled Gregory’s contribution “When I Sleq . . .” juxtaposed &mental


and elemental

to create initially a cacophony of modem dance. But through the progressive re-organ&&on and integration of the movements and sounds, a coherent whole emerged to demonstrate a unique understanding , of these elements. In a completely different vein, “Stalemate,” Girine McKiU~p’s sound

24 Imprint, Friday,March 29, 1991


. ‘-.


The Frank Interview time in the late summer Imp: Are you still

byFrankSegleni& Imprint staff CourtesyofFMMa~e CKMS-FM


or falL

with Island

AC: No, actually right now I’m not anywhere, I’m just taking my time putting a record together and then once it’s together we’re going to see what’s shaking* tip: u/;ken you s&ned with Mand

771,following interview was dune on Mbrch 15, 1991, be&!& Andrew Cash played the Comme~iul Tavern that Ramis, you were dheirflmt domestic night. signing and you said they had a real “laissezjiiire” attitude when it caye to artistic content. So, why did you leave Imprint: Ii h been two yeim sinceyour them?’ hst album Boomtown cum4 out; whaf AC: Outside of Canada, they were haveyou been up to since then? really uninterested in what I was Andrew Cash: For the first year, mostly touring, and most of this year, I have spent writing primarily, along with a bit of personal travelling and some touring but not a hell of a lot. Just getting things together for another album. I wanted to take a bit more time this time, but I didn’t think that I would take this long. Imp: Any timefiamefir wkn the neb albumL is going to come out? AC: Not really, but ~opddly some-

doi;lg. even though I was touring the US and Europe, so I thought 1 may as well get on to a label which is interested in what I am doing. The people here with Island in Canada were real nice to work with and very helpful, and I may end up back with. Island in CaMda. Imp: Did you find routing in Europe

di$&enr than in Notih America? AC: There is more express their approval

williigness to of disapproval

our music your medicine” -DR* DISC

of what you’re doing on stage in Europe, so if they like you there they really let you know and vice versa. But we had a really good time over there.

Imp: A lot of your songsare about the “‘dehumanization” of Notih American so&y. Is thczrstill what your wn2ing about? AC: Yes, I would say so, that is more or less the avenue I’ve been working in since I started writing songs. You learn more, you grow more, your perspective gets richer and that finds its way into the songs as well.

I.tnp: I read once that with L ‘E&anger (Andrew Cashkformer band)you were touring too much, and didn’t have enough time to write. Do you consider wriring more impotiunt than rouring? AC: Well, they’re both important for different reasons, but I feel more like a songwriter more than anything else right now. Partially because that’s what I’ve been doing for the past’year. But, I think that if the songs are good then you have more to offer when you go out and play. So I really try to emphasize the songs and I sometimes feel the best way to write good songs is to focus in on that rather than worry about fronting a rock band, Imp: Inoticed on the latestrx?lease@m

the GrievousAngels ‘One Job Tuwn“, you had a cuuple of writing creditswith “Staying in on the WEken&” and “When Lme Came Around’: so I assumeyou muststayin touch withfotmer L’E~?z~ngerband member Chuck Angus?


146 King St., W. KITCHENER

Mourning papers With L ‘Etranger you did a lot of benefit concertsaround town. Do you still gti askedto do that a lot? Imp:

AC: Yes, I just did a benefit which kicked off this Toronto Disarmament Network advertising that culminated in a bii rally in October around the environment. I also do stuff for the Ontario Literacy Coalition benefits, stuff around the war, but you could just do benefits all the time, there are so many of them out there. But, I’m also looking for other ways of getting involved apart from benefits because scmdimes they’renot as dktive as

AC: Absolutely, we’ve done quite a bit of writing together this year. Imp: How du you w&e songstogether, doesone of you comeup with most(zs it and then the o&r a& to it ut do you write it at the sume time? AC: Well it depends on the song. “Staying in on Weekends” was a song thatChuckhadanideafor;itun~and he had something wri#eti then we totally picked it ~.an&&mged thelyricb.Westmt&~~~’ toreitdown,andthenbuiltitupagain togethe& h “uwe came Anruncl” li&W? he had the verses ;ubd I h&d the AC:ThMsa&ng&uckandIput chorus, so we just put them together. together, we were tialldng a lot about It happens in ail sort6 of dSfexV?nt how Torunto has been “yuppified” waya’5ometimesan objective ear can d how wo&@ v h b * really make a song geL . have just asmuchclaimon thiscityas those _~~-- - who drive around with car hones. How so many people are E ehg marginaliz@ in their own city. So, it% more of a story of a couple who are feeling less and less welcome ti the city tlyy live in This is my home, all of family-and friends are here, I defmitel~ w disturbthii goingor~Wheny~uc.&icizesomet.hing like that, you have to be car&l to know what angle you’re coming from. If you are criticizing something





out of iove for it, that’s one thing, but if you are criticizing something and you don’t give a shit about it, then that’s something else altogether. This is where I live, this is my town, I feel a lot of love for it, but I don’t thii that should blind one to the realities of the arrogance which is out there in big urban centres, not just Toronto. Imp: Lb you ever go see other perfar-

mm around the city?

AC: I do on and off, I sort of play with an emerging Toronto band called Lazy Grace who are a folky gospel .kind of group and I sit in every once ~awNe~uUnem.rorsorong~so~ of *e rewlved around Grievous the music *ngels scene -..‘bf skydig%ers *

. .


. .





and what I was d&g and a bunch oi bands like this, now that we are branching out we see each other less and less, which is the down side of Kg able to phy myre places than rse 14 clubs m Your home-

Are you going to do any touring uncethe new album comesout?


AC: 111probably get back on the road once this record comes out, but Ill do some more shows around Southern Ontario before the record is made. This is really a mini-tour, I yas just sitting around while this war was breaking out feeling rather helpless, so I thought the only thing I could do was to go out and play some tunes.

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Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991 25


C’mon buckaroos,let’s. *notes hzn an interview Steve Queralt by Christophm Imprint staff


Ride is a band which expresses itself solely through their music and the natural offshoots of their mu& F&r from being linked to any of the hyped scenes of British music and gaining credibility from this linkage, Ride as a band is somewhat of an anomaly. Steve confessed that “we are really quite boring people, you wouldn’t want to read about our personal exploits”. This mind-set definitely runs counter to the incessant prostituting of the personal activities of band member which is the norm of the British music press. Certainly the birth of Happy M& days’ singer Shaun Ryder’s child is a newsworthy event; however, it is harm dly a notable enough event to

with Ride’s


77zeBtitish band Rtie has embarked on their&t Nurth American tour ever. 7h~~~-weektourseestheOxford~~u~ tet cu-heudtining along side Notih Amen’can k&l-mates Lush. 771is tour stqped in at Tomnfu5 RPM &b on Tuesday night. As a precumr zu this show, I had a chance tu speak to Ride’s buss& Steve Quemit about the band and their history. Ride entered 1990 as the “most promising group” for the decade, Their domestic releases thus far, “Smile” and “Nowhere,” have been quietly received but have garnered high critical acclaim. The quartet’s music revives the guitar-powered sound of the sixties combined with driving melodies which give the songs and band’s sound a fresh feel. Production, orchestration and recording is a collective process for the band. * Bassist Steve Queralt concedes that “generaJiy one member has a song idea which they bring forth to the’ band” as a whole. Whereas “the lyrics” and lyr?cal content of the band “are generally the work df (guitarist) Andrew (Bell) .” The band’s Oxford Art School background has.lead them to have a natural affinity toward the packaging of their recorded products The album art and minimalist liner notes speak volumes of the band% overall


~tylisti~ design. Speaking to Steve about the artistic ends of the band, it becomes ap$arentt.hat the band hgs a definite concept of how to represent their work Their ability to have such &$d control of the prtiuction and packaging of their albums is rare for such a young band.


“Controlling the reins (of power) is very important. It’s silly to do aU that work only to have no say regarding; the finished product., We made some mistakes about production early on; however, now we feel we have found a formula that works.”

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. warrant a two-page music press.


in the

&de’s back to basic philosophy which presents them as a &md first and foremost is enigmatic and refreshing. Their first tour of North America is hopefully the first of many. The strength of their latest release, Today Forwer, suggests that this band has the potential to hold the power and intensity which they, indeed, possess today forever. By letting their music speak for themselves Ride comes across as a diverse band which is rich in both class and talent. This high praise just seems natwal for this band which is touted as being “the hope for the nineties,”

26 Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991


77kPoppiesare on patrol by Ctig NetterGeld Imprint staff A year and a half ago, Pop Will Eat Itself played Toronto at the Siboney. It was, in retrospti, one of the most memorable shows that I’ve ever been to. It restored my trust of live rap shows - a trust that had been destroyed a few months earlier by a dismal Public Enemy show at the Concert Hall.. PWEI captured the ~sence of live performance the Public Enemy missed: spontaneity. At the time, Public Enemy were just rapping over top of their albums which sounded awful because the live and recorded vocals were never quite in synch. They also lip-synched a fair bit, which proved that at the time their creativity was still limited to the studio. But the Poppies avoided all of this by using live vocals and even live guitars. They approached their live show like a good rock band would by

1 asked if he felt like a slave to the technology since the band relies on those backing tapes for their live show. “I suppose so, but if we wanted to. do it without the eight-track, we’d have to put about 97 people on stage. It would be a logistical nightmare and we’d be slaves to something else then.” He went on to describe that the whole show isn’t ‘on tape “lock, stock, and barrel. It’s basically just the drums on tape with some of the longer WmpleSthat won’t fit into the

supported them in bndon at the Brkton Academy, I’ve never been as scared in my life as I was going out in front of 5,000 people who hated our guts. We did the first night and got fireworks and coins thrown.at us. And then we had to go out and do it again the next night. We were so scared none of us ate that day. We thought it would be better when we got iqto Europe, but it was worse. After the last gig in Holland we were ask&d, in the interest of everyone’s safety, to go home.”

hop” band. About their mellowing sound, Clint commented “after doing fib is the Lky . . . the music we listened to changed, getting more dance oriented. Hip hop had changed as weIL Bands like De La Soul and Ju@le Brothers werecoming ~rcqh with a mellower edge.” But what about NWA and the harder rapthatwasalso getting p0p~h at the time? “It seems with that big Bay-Boy stuff it’s just a matter of getting the most swear words in one ljne. It gets a bit dull.”

write something new. PWEI aren’l going to become like Beats International who must have put out a few hours worth of remixed stuff from Let Them Eat Bingo. are they? Clint sometimes “doesn’t see the point” of remixes. “It’s such a hit and miss thing really. Sometimes I think ‘ya should have got it right the first time,’ We’ve just done a remix of 92 lkgrm Fahrfnkit for a new ‘ single. Graham and I have done vocals on it with Sylvia, who sings on the album, so we’ve done something different with it rather than just put in a new bass&e or drum-pattern.” All this concern about the music. About creating. It seems like these guys are really mellowing out, like they’re getting old. Well, growing up anyway. The days of “Poppies are Crap” are gone, I suppw. Not that PWEI are touting that “we’re the best band in the world” attitude. They leave that to upstarts like the Charlatans who are doomed

peoplekzve’been throwing~~flat himfor 15years

who jdkd the ficking plug? realizing that a concert is inherently dlfmnr than the studio. Whereas most rap bands offer a lip-synch-anddance routine with the record playing in the background, PWEI give a different show in each city. They11 be unleashing their dog and pony show on April 9 in Toronto at RPM to support their latest effort, Cure@ &My. As part of the usual pre-show hype, I had the chance to speak to spokespoppie Clint Mansell, just home from a tour of Australia, on the big satellite from his home in Stourbridge, England. The record company paid for the call. I asked Clint about ‘that Toronto show. About halfway through, the whole backing tape died. Graham was yelling “who pulled the fucking plug?” through his bullhorn and the rest of the band screamed Nightmare. “You feel a bitof a dickhead when it Clint explained, “but happens,” there’s no point getting too wound up about it There’s nothing you can do; it’s nobody’s fault. You might as well just wait it out and get back on with the show.” Does it happen very often? “We’ve just come back from Australia, and it happened in Brisbane. The club we were playing at didn’t have enough power and we blew up the PA. We were offstage for half an hour, but we went back on and everybody was so -wound up that it was brilliant.”

The; UKKK’s most wanted, samplers that Richard and Adam play on stage.” “When we supported Public Enemy,” he went on, “it was when Professor GIiff wasn’t there, and all of his vocal bits were still going on" Clint was talking about a tour a few years ago where they opened for PE and Run DMC. This was before Pop Will Eat Itself was really wellXnown and I heard that the fans completely hated the band. , % mey did. In 90 uncertain terms. We were pulled of$ the tour after four gigsbec+seitwasjustgettingsohostik. I can honestly say that when we

The problem has come full circle for the band now that they have their own crowd. ‘Just before Christmas they had Alan Vega of Suicide open for them. Ironically, their crowd did “exactly the same thing to him. They threw glasses and stuff like tit at him. We were fucking litid,” Not that Alan minded too much. “He seems to think it’s part of the show. He said people have been throwing stuff at him for 15 years. He loved it” me ~uncl on Pop Wii Eat Itself’s Cum For Sanity certainly favcm~ the their selfsecond half of categorization as a “punk rockfhip

to release a second album even more boring thantheir first and fade into the desolate pit of NextBigThings that preceded them. Pop Will Eat Itself aren’t that arrogant If anything they’re a little too self-critical. It’s like they see themselves as England’s greatest underachievers. Clint says it’s a case where “because we don’t really consider ourselves artists, or musicians, or whatever, journalists think we’re not as important as somebody who does say they’re the greatest band to strut the earth. So you’ve got people saying that Jesus Jones or the Wonderstuff are more successful than we are as if it’s some kind of ticking race. I’m in a band to do what I want to do, to make up the songs that I want to make up. And as far as that goes, we’re a sucChange is a big part of the Pop Will cessful band. But people like to say Eat Itself philosophy. They realize , Well their single got in the charts at that the essential element of pop cuL - number 15, and yours only went in at ture is that it remain current; redun18.’ And when they’re reviewing our dancy causes b0redom both for the records they seem to think that Pop fans and for the band. They’d hate to Will Eat Itself haven’t got it quite right “end up like Morrissey. He just seems -J they want to sound like Jesus like a complete parody of himself. If I Jones, but this is the best that they can wrote a song and it sounded just like manage, People tfy to accuse us of not ‘Can You Dig It?’ what’s the point? It’s really knowing what we’re doing ‘cuz just like an artist painting the same they don’t understand it. We’re doing picture all the time.” what we want to do and it’s their proSounds fair enough to me, but this blem if they don’t understand it, not is a band that has put out their fair Olld’ share of rehes. And let’s face it, Not wanting to pry further into remixing a song has got to be the what _seemed like a touchy subject, I easiest way to avoid having to act@ly asked Clint about the Watchmen film. I heard it that PVVEI will be doing the SoUndtrack







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“You did? That’s the first I’ve heard about it” G&e Sandy, thanks for the great question, I thought Clint con7 timed, “We’d love to do it, there’s no two ways about it. It would be the business. But I’m suti they’d get somebody better than us. Can’t think of who though.” Hmm, what was that I said about not being arrogant? He went on, “I can’t she how it would work, though, with people walking around in superhero costumes. I couldn’t take it seriously. Like Superman and Batman, they just didn’t work for me. All the press hype about Batman said how dark it was. Sure, it was ‘dark, but I can turn the lights up - there was nothing dark about the film. I’d have loved Clint Eastwood to be Batman. Mictiel Keaton was a wimp.” Ill have to agree with him on that one. Having people walk around the screen in superhero costumes is kind of lame. You can’t duplicate the effect of a comic book just by changing the medium to film. The narrative has to be adjusted to suit the screen. And lip-synching to a rap album is lame. The power of the music can’t be projected in cCincert if you approach the live setting with a’ canned act. Pop Will Eat Itself’s let Toronto show proved that they understand this, and that’s why theyfre a great live act.

Imprint, Friday, March 29, 1991 Y;,


Pascal music at WLU k



Filium Deum Laudavint: Easter music special Suttvday~ March 23



by Michael He Clifton Imprint staff True to its form as one of Canada’s leading music schools, Wilfrid Laurier Univetsity presented .a magnificent evening of song last Saturday night Performances were given by the WLJJ Women’s Choir directed by kslie De’Ath, the Laurier Singers directed by Victor Martens, and the evening’8 highlight, Mozart’s Mass in C minor, involving both of thoie parties, and the full WLLJ Choir and WLLJ Symphony, all under Dr. Martens’ direction. The selection of songs fit well as a close to the ZRnten season. The Women’s Choir performed Schubert’s version of the 23rd Psalm, Guissepe Verdi’s ‘laudi alla Vergine Maria” -asongtotheViih&y taken from Dante’s Pamdiso - and Francis Poulenc’s “Ave Verum”. The latter piece, composed in the twentieth century, comes more to the point regarding the Easter season: All

hail thou true, thou holy jlmh of our SuviuurJesus.. . who hasdied.. . F&the sins of all mankind kilowing the Women’s Choir, the I Lazier Singers, sixteen of the School’s best vocal performers, sang “l’hree Graduals” by Anton kkuckner, each segment reiterating the flints made in the songs the Wometi’s Choir had performed: The 23d Psalm suggests God’s care, like a shepherd for his sheep, He makes them rest in green pastures, and beside still waters. Wherever one walks, one may walk with God. Likewise ihe “first Gradual” declared, ‘This place was made by God,” emphasizing God’s ownership of the world, and that it, therefore, is “without reproof,” full of Hi grace. Verdi’s praise of the Virgin really praised the love and tenderness of God which She represents (to Catholics at any rate). As a kind of parallel, the second part of Bruckner’s _ work praised the reliable rightness of God, and of ‘Christ in whose heart is “the law of God,” or love. Fidly, the same message takes precedence in the third part bY Bruckner as in Poulenc’s “Ave Venom”, establishing the setting for the performance of Mozart’s Mass h c minor, which followed the

intermission Even ifit had not been planned that way, Mozart’s Mass could not have helped but be the evening’s highlight. Although this writer is by no means a musicologist, nor even a musician himself, it takes very little aesthetic sense to be aware of the q+ity of the performance. Mozart music and was clearly sensitive to the meaning of the Mass, and the complexity and depth of human emotion that comb&s with the solemn ritualism of the

not merely group worship, but is the product of the cumulative faith of those who attend it. The most powerful segments were the “Qui tollis” and the “Sanctus” and “Benedictus” which completed the event. “Qui tollis” illustrated the weight of the sins of the world which the song tells us Jesus bore. Constant repetition of hard sounding chords represented both the increasing weight of those sins, and more clearly the actual suffering of Christ under the lash, and later when he was nailed event. to the Cross. During the ‘TLaudamus te”, a part of “Sanctus” and ‘Benedictimus” the “Gloria” (a joyful hymn of involve a series of blessings pronounpraise ), for example, the music rises ced in gratitude to God. For this closand falls with a happy, lilting quafity. ing segment the choir explodes with Sometimes the phrases seem to repillustrious hosannahs, while it is resent conversations between repeated over and again, ‘*Blessed is believers as they sing among themhe who cometh in the name of the selves about the glories of God. Lord.“ Soloist Kathryn Jeffrey (mezzo) carThe secret to being a good s&er, it ried the tune carefully, enunciating to believe every expression of praise as if it was . is said, is to be convinci@ what one is singing (which one must her own. s suppose is to be added to the le&g Other solos were .performed by of various techniques of muscle consopranos Ruth Ohlmann and Janice trol and music comprehension). The * Lewis, tenor Mark Rowson and evening of music at. Laurier more baritone John Medina. The benefit of than excelled in this regard, fittingIy including solo performances betbeginning the Easter Season. ween choral pieces is not justto allow those performers a moment to shine (and shine they did!) but it communicates the idea that the Mass is


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Imprint, Friday, March 29, ~991


7iimilla JCrowhere I&rch


Vanilla Ice is melting! The Ice-man believes he has grown too big to play JGtchener. Conseuently, he cancelled his sold out P, s ow at the Ttit, thus disappointinp; the legions of fans he had &pired t6 shell out 25 of their hard-earned dollatrs. (Yes, Virginia, there is no Vanilla Ice show!)-

I= in KitcheW 241991

1by Christopher I[marint staff




In my hearl, I livefor my fans. When 1l’m up hstuge is w&n I like to think I Ivhmv-it. W&n Z’m perfttrpning 1 don I ; iust give 100 pefrent, I give LiXW per1znt. And whq .they’w clapping and me, inside I’m cheeringjw t$5!ngfur 1 - and saying ‘Ihcrnk you” ewy !rin& second, “thank you so much fw v&king this pwible.$or making -my dram cume true. ” I hupe I can kwp on paying you guys back by doing my hart. I’msureas hell goingtutry. (vanilla Ice, rce by Ice)

Unfortunately for the Ice-ster, no one informed him that Kitchener is the home of L&J’s (where superstars play in their Geritol years) which hopefully will never let his VIP Posse (from the Latin: “pose-ee,” “pose-&) in the door to do their sampled Deney Terrio / Dance &ver m&es ‘on stage. Darn. Kitchener has truly rallied against this slight (not L&t ) and will not take this “cold shoulder” lying dam. Lad radio stations have pulled the insipid one’s records from their play Vanilla Ice wasn’t bad He wasn’t lists. Record stores which once afforgood. He wasn’t there. ded Mr. Van Winkle their entire front Vanilla Ice has dropped his facade. ’ windows are now Ice-free in a He has stopped “paying his fans publicity freeze “to the extreme.” back” He has obviousstopped trying Hopefully the R&t is suing the gold to keep the “nice ice” charade from lamay (lame-eh) pants off of ye old continuing (at least in Kitchener anyIce King. Chillin’ effect in full effect. Marketing has not been going that way 1.

well for Ice of late. His bid to combine his two Toronto shows (one at the Concert Hall. the other at Superstars in Mississauia) into one hug; Vanilla Ice love-f& failed as only 7JIOO fans turned out. Their screaming bodies only filled half of Maple Leaf Gafdens. (Harold and Yolanda took up more space then these kids did.) WitKonlv half the Gardens filled the line tolpay to have your pichxre taken beside the life-sized Vanilla Ice cardboard cut-out was disappointingly short. Drat. Vanilla cancelled. So what? What did we miss? The first chance to purchase his new “action figure”? (Don’t call it a doll, it’s not a doll.) The chancetogetanastypapercutgetting 0~ picture taken beside a dumb lifesized’ mock up? (Is it live or Memorex?) Actually, we did not miss much of anything. I?3rentsmissedwaitinginanidlirlg car for little Johnnie or Jennie to come out of their first concert; little Johnnie or Jennie missed out on having an embarrassing confession to make to their peers at University (‘!I had my picture taken beside a cardboard

figure of VSilla Ice”hinda rivals “I saw the Go-Gos...twice”), and I m&edhavingachancetoslagVanilla dI . I ._ Ice’s poncey *white second ...no I dldn It) ~&a~~--~ . Vanilla Iie didn’t perform and we, actually, are all better off because of it. me hppointeteci fans wu recover fromtheirgriefand$eeVanillaEceina

The Ttit, more critk al light. hopefully, w ill win a healthy out-ofCOUII semement which will, make ------I --,‘-promoters think twice about over looking such a fine venue and city. And above all else we won’t have to hear VaniIIa Ice songs anymore or ~i;~yh. Amen and word to y -

Spinathon CKMSspinathcm byCraigN~eldandChri&qh~ Water8 Ixqrint staff

On Friday, April

5, CKMS (Radio

Waterloo 94.5 FM) will embark on Sphmthon 1991. Hosts L~ri Beckstead and Kern San Tosuosso have forsaken any semblance of the sanity which they once possessed in order


to kern CKMS on the air for 24 straighi hours in the hopes of raising funds for the station. This year’s Spinathon has replaced the station’s annual week-long funding drive. The station has changed the funding drive format this year because, although there is a need for funds, there is not a need for a fullblown funding push at this time. Spina&on offers a shorter, more fun and less painful alternative for achieving the same end. This year’s ledge day has targeted the need for K rids in order to accomprish the statior& goal of a power boost from 50 watts to 250 watts. The station’s application for this power boost and subsequent frequency change from 94.5 FM, has been filed with the Canadian Radio Telecommunication Commission and the station is anxiously awaiting its approval. Money raised will also be filtered into general station improvements such as the replacement of some of the more tired pieces of technology. These improvements will consequently greatly enhance the broadcast service of the station. The Spinathon will preempt CKMS’s regular programming for that day. The newscasts will be suspended for the day and, as always, the station wiU broadcast commercialfree. Fledges may be made in advance or while making a song request during the -event. Prizes supplied by Polygram and Warner record companies will be awarded throughout this radio extravaganza. Last years pledging raised over $1,000 for the station. There is no goal set for this year’s funding drive, so the sky’s the limit. This broadcast will take place all day April 5, midnight to midnight So tune in, turn on and pledge money to your campus radio station CKMS 94.5 FM (Radio Waterloo).

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Cross-country.skiing. Fresh air and fun! Take the family and make new tracks.

by Simet

by Rich Nicbl Imprint staff Trailing behind the wave of Christmas time greatest hits albums, British pop star Jimmy Somerville cysts in with a sin&s colkction of

de “Ain’t ve / Johhny and “Run From turing Claudia Brucken. munards’ inaugural selfwas highlighted by the beat “Don’t Leave Me which Somerville pairs Sarah Jane Morris. UP ‘Disc nted” and Clifton Davis’s “Never Can Say Goodbye” are two other meaty selections. The second album released by The Communards, simply titled Red, did not

by Frank SegknieS Imprint daff This release marks the second aIbum of new material from Stompin’ Tom after his self-imposed 14year exile on a farm north of Toronto. The record itself is good, although not as strong as Fidde and Song, which he made about two years ago. The album has a really goofy title, but makes up for it with a cool album cover showing an acoustic guitar through a hole in Stompin’ Tom’s stomping board. The liner notes include a letter from Stompin’ Tom which shows just how much more he cares about his audience than your typical recording artist. An interesting thing about the picture of Tom on the back of the record is that he is wearing what looks like a Casio Data Bank digital watch. It always seemed to me that he wasn’t the digital watch kind af guy. On this record, Stompin’ Tom is joined by the same people with whom he traveled across Canada with on his tour last summer, the Mary MacRay trio. Thus, the songs have the benefit of keyboards, drums, fiddle, and slide guitar to fitl out the sound. Thii is evident on “(I, be) gone with the Wind,” which was previously released onBudtheSpud. The version on this record is slightly sIower and has the slide guitar prominently m.

The most successful single figure to come out of the hop period, and possibIy the e&e history of jazz, in terms of influence, popular acclaim, vd financial reward is Miles Davis. Davis is one of only a handful of players to become household names. His influence was not limited to just one or two particular sounds in jazz; rather, he has played a major part in most of the movements since bop. Composer, leader,and ace trumpet playerDavis has become a jazz institution. Notholdinghisparticuladypricklypersonalily~~thiinisagoodstart in appreciating Davis as a player. Two early recordings by his multi-talented sextet give evidence to his deep understanding of jazz and his own individuality in it. K.&@&e and Milesturm were recorded on@ s@htIy a year apart, but are quite different in intent and achievement. For m-t peaple, these discs will sound like the jazz they are familiar with. This alone attests to the huge influence they have had. You may, in fact, not notice anything particularly unique in the tracks because they have been studied and reproduced by so many, from Iive performances to film soundtracks. Only after some patient but rewarding listening, can you pick out the subtle triumphs these recordings still have. Jazz is, after all, an art form obsessed with subtleties. A lot of critics have discussed these recordings in depth and there is a, wide degree of opinion as to their ultimate worth, but it is enough to say that they are both seminal albums. Milestones is a highly polished sextet composed of Julian Adderly on alto saxophone, John Coltrane on tenor, Red Garland on piano, PhiIIy Joe Jones on drums, and Paul Chambers on bass. AU of these players are influential in their own right and make incredible contributions to this disc. have the substance of the first. Yet too often on this CD, it seems that there is little variety between tracks. This is surprising considering the three projects Somerville has been involved ‘in. Despite his scrawny alien-like visage, Somerville has estabhhed a colossal work ethic in the music industry. His enthusiasm has even created several cover songs, to which Toronto department store. The next four songs on Side A are all pretty slow and for the most part pretty depressing (*‘t this what, peo$e say about Morrisey?). I mean, it’s nice that he sings a tribute to Rita M&Neil, as she deserves it, but the song is rather irritating. Side A ends a high note with ‘St. Ann’s Song and Reel,” which is a great stomping song, but I wish there were more songs like this on the record. Side B starts out with “Made in the Shade,” which I can onIy attribute to Stompin’ Tom being really drunk when he wrote and recorded it. Then come four great songs about Canada: “Land of the Maple Tree,‘l”A Real Canadian GirI,” “Okanagan Okee,” and “No Canadian Dream” This last one is the most notable as it is rather critical of popular radio where ‘Theyll play what they want us to

sound is of bop bop was emergwas trying a difis both tight and

“%d’s Ahead” slows it down and here the interplay between Coltrane and Davis is heard quite clearly. One wilI feed the other notesand phrases to Which the one wiu make a reply. The other members of the band are not excluded, but wait their turn. ‘Two Bass Hit” brings out the cool and the Paul Chambers bass technique captures the moment. Kiti of Blue has been given the rare accolade of being the progenitor of modal jazz. Briefly, modal jazz is a form that implies improvisation on a> series of scales instead of a sequence of chords. This creates an irony in the album title title, for blues are a musical form based squarely on chordal im rovisation, not scales. &I e band consists of some of the same as before, and some substitutions: Julian Adderli, John Coltrane, Wyn Kelly and Bill Evanson piano (Kelly only on Freddy Freeloader), Paul Chambers, and James Cobb on drums. The entire set-up of the se&on is integral to the actual disc. The players were unaware of the arrangements before the session and onIy played the pieces once before they were recorded. The spontaneous nature of the entire disc was one of Miles’ primary goals in this expedient into group improvisation. A friend of mine once remarked that the first track, “So What,” is the easiest nine minutes of jazz, pure listening pleasure. He may be right, To be sure, the piece seems to speed by in its own relaxed manner. Again, the , interpIay between the players is central to the experience. All of the pieces have their own merit md display different avenues that modal jazz creates, The best way to approach the disc is with your own feelings and by letting the music take you where it wants. It never seems the same twice. Both recordings are available on Columbia, where the remastering has been superbly handled by Teo Macero, for clean, pure CD sound. Both are a must for any jazz collection

27th Annull

of the Canadian ” Friday,

April 5 April 6 n



Used Book Sale


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so d&2 expect io hear it on 4107, but I’m sure theyll play it on CKMS if you request it. The Song was recorded five yearsago, but it is&her topical to the situation in Can& today. The album ends with the remake of “(Ill be) Gone With the Wind.”

But overall, there just isn’t enough fiddle music on this record - OK,, maybe I’m partial to fiddle music, but a few more songs which make me want to pound a hole into my floor would have made it a better album. I recommend everyone to go out and buy the album though, if for nothing more than to convince the big record companies that there are people ina Canada who want to hear songs about their own country. Still, with Stompin’ Tom recording aga&, Canada is definitely a better place than it is without him.

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Mm-go’s Cargo is a really funny song about a Newfoundland couple who get the idea to take a load of cow dung to Toronto after one of them buys a clock made of cow dung in a

the critics have not taken a I&i&. But in an attached biography Som&ille defends his actions stating, “if it’s a good song and people-want to hear it - Ill sing it, I don’t see any_ m problem with cov&s.” But in similar fashion to Depeche Mode, a charismatic voice coupled with some jazzy drum sequences will sprout continued success for Jimmy Somerville.

The first piece, “Dr. Jekyll,” establishes the group. The origin but is slightly cooled, a Davis trademark WhiIe hard ing at the same time, with a heavy R&B influence, Davis ferent route. Not soft like the west coast sound, the tune punchy.


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FOR 8ALW 985 Camaro - V6, automatic, power leering, power brakes, T-bar roof, AM/ M cassette, spare wide rims, 85,000 ighway miles - will certify. Only $5.750. or est offer. Call evenings 658-5918. 981 Citation: V6, auto, PS, PB. AM/FM tereo, high mileage, very good condition. 500. obo. Call 746-4444. kmula Prehde - ‘83 - excellent condition, lower sunroof, 5 speed standard, silver, tereo. Must sell. Call 725-7060. $4,900 or est offer. 979 Toyot;l C&a - blue, 5 speed rlanual, 190,000 km, in better shape than odd expect, some rust. $450. obo., as is. ‘e-4809. gvle ti&t to Winnipeg. One way for X?5.00. Departs April 19 from Toronto. ‘hone I-843-3072 anytime.


Tylping & Word Processing. rates. 3342.

Erb and Westmount.

Reasonable Call 743:

Word PNICES&I~? - look no further! Fast, reliable, accurate setvice. Reasonable rates. Call Betty 886-6361. Experienced typist will take care of all your typing needs. Fast efficient service. Westmount-Erb area.’ Phone 886-7 753. Cana&yi@songwriters - Ferron, James Keelaghan Connie Kaldor, (together) in concert at UW, Humanities Theatre. Ticket info 885-4280.

Word me - reasonable rates. Fast, efficient and professional service. Letter quality printing. Call 747-0852.


mmvations done around the wuse or the apartment? Large or small ~bs? D & D Renovations can help you with 111types of carpentry problems. Reasonrble rates. Call 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. or tier 6:00 p.m. at 746-2763.

F&, professionaI word processing by experienced secretary. Letter quality print. Spellcheck, on-campus pickup and delivery. Call Sharon 656-3387.


Z& &k instantly! Basic returns from 615. Pick-up, delivery available. Prepred myformer auditor. Why wait 12 weeks for tour money? 743- 1886.

‘ILUO m - available in house, May to August, 10 minute walk from UW. $225.1 month negotiable, fully furnished including dishes, microwave, fridges, ,IIv, whirlpool+ 2 bathrooms, parking, garage, washer, dryer. Call Dan or Mike, 747-9925.

kletd mmthing to do for the summer! %me out and play ball. Need 3 physically shaped women to play baseball on a mixed slow-pitch league. Leave name and MTIber On answering machine. 6#5245. Znmds -for summer employn8nt. If interested please call the Ktichener Downtown Business Association between 3a.m. to 5 p.m. 744-4921,


&rd worldng, energetic people lo work in Southern and Northern Ontario planting trees. Potential earnings up to $75O$l,ooO per week. Please call (416) 7564165. End of Ycu Blow Out!! Students needed to promote end of year trip to CANCUN MEXICO! Earn commissions $$$, free trips and valuable work experience. Apply now! There are two positions available to start right away, call Student Travel Service a? l8OO-265- 1799 and ask for T.J. Summer joba - Springtime Garden Cerifres Limited is hiring retail salespersons. No experience necessary. Enthusiasm essential. Information and applications available at rmrn I1 15, Needles Hall. ti pitions - for Environment Week Event: Project &-ordinator (April 29-June 6) and Graphic Artist (May I- 15). $%I./ hour. Send resume to WPIRG, GSC 123 by April 10.

H&W m Centre - ‘Round Table Discussion -Thomas Rainey, “Continental Lecturer”, presents The Struggle to Save Lake Baikal at Wilfrid Laurier, Arts and Science Buitding, room 2E4, I:30 p.m. to 3:OO p.m. I%ZSOMI Security Seminar - a talk and demonstration on personal and home securii sponsored by Pioneer Alarms. FREE - everyone welcome. Campus . Cm.

Fall 199l - 5 bedroom unit, parking, laundry facilities, recently renovated, 5-10 minute walk. tease from Sept. ‘9 1 to Aug. ‘92. $1,325.OO/month. 747-4877 or 7421239.

SuznmersubletmMayl -Aug.31.1 bedroom in 2 bedroom apt., toliy furnished, laundry, facilities, parking lot, balcony, dishes, pots & pans included. 504 Glen Elm 20 min. walk to UW. $236./mcnth utilities included - negotiable. Cali Rhonda 8666736. &?l1991-3 bedroom unit, 15 minute walk, near Sunnydale, tease Sept. ‘91 to Aug. ‘92, $760,Imonth. 7256666 or 7421239. lmoa-uppercbanquietfurnished room, share kitchen, bath. $235 -reduced rent if interested in babysitting. Near downtown bus terminal, parking .749-0573. May - Aug. - $4UO./mth, 2 bedroom, newly renovated+ 1 block from Loblaws and subway. Call (4 16) 929-6657 Te m sublet! Huge bedroom in two bedroom apartment for onty $200. (utilities negotiable). Furnished, parking, wOOden deck. Twenty minute walk to UW. Two blocks from Waterloo Town Square. Call Jennifer: 7255073. e - 5 or 6 bedroom apartments 15 minute walk, 2 bath&parking, laundry, 12 months, fall, $l,575./month. (705) 4589173. New

F&l 1991- 5 bedroom house, large rooms, firep#ace, garage, 15 minute walk. Le& Sept. ‘91 to Aug. ‘92. $1,35O./month. 7475810 or 742-i 239, Summer sublet - 4 bedrooms, Columbia Townhouses. Very clean, furnished, parking, laundry, instant maintenance at no charge. Price negotiable. 725-0972. - 1 bedroom in 2 bedroom apartment. 20 minute walk to UW. Fullyfurnished, female non-smoker only. $200./ month. 725-22 16.

fridges, kitchen, livingroom. $200. to $300. (416) 267-6766.

apartment, a must to see! Phone 7250919, clean house.

C~&X phal - summer sublet of Phillip Street townhouse: 4 rooms available, $175./month. Partially furnished, washer, dryer,’ cdour TV, backyard, 1 l/2 bathrooms, 2 minutes to University or Don Cherry’s! Thus and not otherwise. CalI Martin or Joe at 664-6267 now! Don’t pay tilt May!

Sept. 1 - large 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Very clean and quiet, upstairs with balcony, completely furnished, first class, controled entrance, laundry, free parking, on bus route, all utilities included $254. to $329. - depends on number of students, 344 Regina St., N., Waterloo (behind McDonald’s). Please phone 8850843, Mr. Hackenberg anytime.

Sm m - 3 rmms available, Beechwood location, furnlshed, washer, dryer. Rent is negotiable. Call Jerry 8880247 or (416) 763-2476. 3 nunclean females needed for summer townhouse. Very neat, fully furnished, rent negotiable. Call 725-5068. Toronto - summer rooms for rent. $275.1 month including utilities, cable, laundry. On lTC, share kiiche.n and bath with dbr student. Non-smoker only. Call Mon. to Fri. 6-10 p.m. or weekends, (416) 755-1910. 5 minutes - to UW, summer, 6 large furnished rooms, 2 kitchens, near Cheny’s, $200. plus utilities. Neil 884-7638. %ng,le room from May 1 to Aug. 1 - furnished, microwave, colour TV, parking, close to UW and WLU, close to amenities, rent $175./month or best offer. 7460568.

caolfor people interested in marketing an innovative flew product from England For more information call Jim or Andy at 744-8100. Summer jobs - opportunity for a substantial income with an international environrl-rental company. Pdtential earnings of ~Z~9IO-$5,000 per month. Call Marc 725

3 rooms for rent, May 1 - August 31. Fully furnished, 5 minute drive to UW campus, close to grocery and drugstore, $200.1 month





Shep. 4 fy~)ms for rent - at Phillip Street townhouses. May 1 - Sept. 1. Rent negotiable. Call 746-0824. CoSbdents - 3 single and 1 double room. May - Aug. ‘91. Close to St. Clair Subway TTC route. Cable, TV, VCR, PC.,

2 bedmom

apartment - spacious balcony, new appliances, parking for 2, laundry facilities, 225./ month‘ each plus utilities. 247 Erb Stree\, W., number 42. Call 725 5300.

with huge

l!bom8 4 Rent - gorgeous big house, central air, 2 tridges, huge backyard with deck, furnished, washer and dryer, parking, c!ose to beer and liquor store, grocery store, UW and WLU. Call 725-8832. Rent is under $200. Summer sublet - 2 rooms in luxury townhouse next door to UW. Laundry, air, loaded, must see. Nonsmokers only. Option for September lease. Rent negotiable. Call 7259326.

Roc#ne ti rent in furnished house, $400.$420. - plus utilities. May 1. Lawrenceand Pharmacy. Parking, A/C, non-smokers, F7yies preferred. Call Auben (416) 285.

Totant sublet - 1 person needed to share basement apartment. College/Bathursl with 1 non-smoking female student. Furnished, carpeted, clean, microwave and bar. May to August 1991, $350./month, utiiities included. Bev (416) 944-2827.

Studying late? Afraid to walk home? Get the Defender, the most powerful personal security alarm available. $39.95 plus tax. 748-9642.


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After exams - get away to DAYTONA BEACH! includes bus and hotel accommodations for seven nights. Only $229. quad. Please call (416) 549-3422 -Hamilton - after 11 p.m. weekdays. we have an Businoppartuntty exciting entrepreneurial opportunity which is aimed at the Asian speaking community. This virtually untapped market needs someone like you to introduce and promote these high tech, electronic entertainment proIf you ducts which are in demand are interested in this unique, low cost, high profit business opportunity, please call David Parker at 570-6682. l

Summer subet - laundry, controlled entrance, fully furnished, microwave, TV, balcony, close to all amenities, 20 minutes to UW, 5 minutes to Laurier. $1 K/month. Apartment for 4. full bath, double-level

Strip-A-Gram+ ..for all occasions. Male and female. Call Marc 7472121.

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aparlment - May to August, parking, laundry, $180./each, utilities included, Negotiable. Anthony or Charles at 576-8383.

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‘Ihvo Mm furnished,

Individuals interested in a Masters degree program, offered in cooperation with Lesley College ;y4u;220ntact our off ice at (416) Student workshops: March 30’- April 27, 1991.


PRROOWALS w female riding companions required by married country gentleman in local area. English show horses and tack supplied. Apply in writing to: Riding Companions, 1605-53 Water Street, N., Kitchener, Ontario, N2H 5A7.


W&md C~llm~ - to work with developmentally challenged. Every second weekend. Transportation an asset. $lO.O3/hour. Leave message for Carolyn, Wilkinson at 748-4299.

Signs of Spring Craft Show - April 5,6,7, 1991 at University Centre, University of Guetph. The craft show is open to the public between noon and 9 p.m. on Friday, 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 5 p,m. on Sunday. Admission is free. Parking is free after 5 p.m. on Friday and during the weekend. For info call 824I 4 120, ext,-2896. . tipus visit by Dr. Walter Farquharson, moderator of the United Church of Canada. 11:OO a.m. informal Ialk and discussion at St. Paul’s College (MacKirdy Hall). For more details, contact Dean Salter at 885- 1460. d Lbur Phv -Festival ---..- The- Drama - -.Deoart-- -. ment presents a collection of one-act davs. Aoril4 and 5 at 12:30 and April 5 at


m 1991 - 5 bedroom house, renovated, uptown Waterloo area, near all emenities. Lease Sept. ‘91 to Aug. ‘92. $1,325.00/ month. 742-1239 - Mike.


wpAprll4 tity Intenratianal Group 9 will meet at the Kitchener Public Libtiry at 7:00 p.m. - new member orientation is at this time. Guest speaker on Burma (Myanmar) and video “Battle for Burma”. Everyone welcome. For more info call 893-1449.

H&w w Centre - Round Table Discussion - Thomas Rainey, “Continental Lecturer”, presents The problems and Promise of soviet Nature Preserves (Zapovedniki) at the UW, Environmental Studies 1, room 221, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. For info call 885-l 211, ext. 20721 ****

Apartment wanted - unfurnished apartment wanted for two responsible students, close to UW starting September. Call 8849549.

rw waticm - Get your tax return pre>ared quickly and efficiently by a qualified >ersun. Student rates - $15.00. PIease call ‘25-5885.

liner storage - student affurdsble, fully insured contents, close to JW, rented by sq. foot, rent negotiible. Call Rick 7259326.

Univwity of Guelph -the University Centre, YER C.S.A., and the Daily Mercury present Dan Valkos, speaking on “Dreams”. 8:OO p.m. University Centre, room 103. For niore info contact Susan Smith srt 824-4120, ext. 2896.

Fu0d m of Waterloo Region is sp0nsorina an Easter Food Drive, March 28 to M&ch 3lst, 1991. Donations can be dropped off at the Cii Bus in downtown Kiichener, Waterloo and Cambridge between 10 a.m. to 8 p.m* and IO a.m. to 4 p.m. on Easter Sunday. Help fill an empty bus full of food for theneedy.!

-6 MOV@ - residential, small or large abs, in town or out-of-town, students 15% rff, 746-7 160.


also be he,M on April 10,

Word l%~~~ing - fast, accurate and letter quality. Resumes, essays, theses, business reports, etc. Pick-up and delivery arranged. Call Diane 576-1284.


Announcements is Mondays-5 p.m. l

must be Prepaid







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