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1, No.












ARTSMEN WINBENEFIT GAME7-O Wednesday night will long be remembered in Waterloo’s history as a night when football and sympathy were combined to produce an enjoyable evening. The score

lees not indicate a one-sided game. Although the Arts team was undoubtedly “stacked” with Varsity regulars, the Engineers offset this factor with an abundi mce of team spirit. Early in the second quarter after a sustained drive, beginning own fifteen yard line, (the ; at their Artsmen scored on a play by Don Archer. Enns converted to make the score 7-O. The Engineers surprised everyone, by fielding a strong and remarkably well drilled team considering the number of practices they were able to hold. The game was evened out by the Artsmen fumbling the same number of times that the Engineers lost the ball on downs. In the stands the story was different. Led by their very attractive cheerleaders recruited from . . . the Chicken Nest, the Engineering fans demonstrated their support for their team. They definitely outclassed the Arts cheering section but the Arts Cheer Leaders deserve credit for their enthusiastic attempts. The dance sponsored by Athey following the game completed the festive evening. To make the occasion more memorable the NFCUS Committee, who co-ordinated this event, reported that they will be able to send in the neighbourhood of 125 dollars’ to the Springhill Disaster Fund in the name of Water100 College. i


members vaded

at dinner last Sunday in the dining hall. The whole conference with tension as the question of Official District was debated.

ion was made known, questions The :ame from all directions. ?ffect was electrifying! The feelng as Mr. Wilf Toole of Kitchener iiwanis so aptly put it was “one If knowing exactly what was lappening and one of indecision.” 4s the debate became more heatzd Western and Waterloo made ;heir stand clear - “Table the Approximately fifty members notion until spring.” The words of Circle K Clubs from Carleton, 3f Mr. Loheed began to ring true: Canadian Memorial Chiropractic ‘Don’t rush your decision. Think College, Ryerson and Western well about it. The decision you gathered at Waterloo to vote on xe making is for others, not for this pressing subject. The meetyourselves.” Finally Carleton, ing, held in the Music Room, was Ryerson and C.M.C.C. realizing chaired by Chuck Beaton, Chair1the affect of this indecision on man of the Unofficial Ontario 1the powers that be, withdrew District. His job proved to be a iJfrom their position rather relucthard one. Opening remarks were #antly and yet in a highly honourmade by Dr. J. G. Hagey, Bill iable manner. After ninety minCowls, President Circle K Club 1utes of sizzling debate it was deWaterloo, and Mr. Ken Loheed, President, Kiwanis International. (Continued page 3, col. 4) The presence of Mr. Loheed itself signified the importance of this meeting.

To be or not to be . . . that was the question. Whether to become an Official District of Circle K International was the issue to be brought under fire at the Convention last Sunday. At first it seemed a fairly cut and dried affair. But this was soon to be changed.



7 .


Following this, the business at hand soon got underway. Were we to approach Kiwanis International to become an Officially Recognized District? The issue was tossed back and forth by a few of the delegates but a feeling of uncertainty seemed to prevail. The issue came to a standstill. It was not until after the Buzz Sessions that the voting was to take , place, At four o’clock the delegate3 i retired to the Torque Room fox . coffee. From here they proceeded 1 to the “Buzz Sessions”. In these h each club shares its experience2 ; in Projects, Program and Membership and in this way help tc ) clear up problems of other clubs, However all the while that undercurrent of uncertainty prevailed . At five-thirty the meeting ir 1 . the Music Room got underway Reports from the various “Buz2 : Sessions” were read but all 1 awaited the report of the Districl t Officers on the mcial D,istricl t problem. As soon as their posi-


Last Thursday brought to z1 lose Treasure Van, a highlighi t C )f W.U.S. activities this year . a formal opening and rib. 1 Ifter 1: Ion cutting ceremony on Tuesday , t he sale of handicrafts from ! C countries was underway. An add, :d feature this year was a re, We of the Sophomore Class arc i ‘reshment booth for student ant naking a tremendous effort tc C :ommunity shoppers. (Continued page 3, col. 2) On Thursday night a clean-q C rew soon dismantled the dis Ilays. A snack afterwards in the I1 showed in a small way ou: E ;ym E appreciation for their efforts.


I’m taking this opportunity tc 1 commend the six fellows whc 1 were nominated for office on the ? fine election campaign.

Now that we have a council and i an executive which is ready tc 1 work let’s not sit back and watch . Let’s co-operate and help in any T way we can to make their job EI little easier. Bill




President .. .... .. ... ... ..!. .. ....Paul Koch L Vice-President ... ... .. ..John Bratton L Sec’y-Treasurer....Bob McKittrick .. Percentage who cast ballots 85.5% Ballots spoiled - 2%.

I hope the three fellows who did 1 not win the election don’t feel the ? amount of work they did was ir 1 The amount of interesi t vain. shown at the polls proves that‘ar excellent amount of school spiril L was generated from the good cam. paigning.


The most spectacular highlight of the students’ social program was announced by the Sophomore CXass last week. This event is the r ecently named “Waterloo College EZall”. In previous years this par4.icular event was called “The ‘unior Prom” but due to the fact hat the name was ambiguous the ;.L.E. proposed the new title. Thus, all the student body, espe‘ially the freshmen, should make m effort to attend the ball. The week previous to the dlance, elections will take place t o name the campus queen. She r nay be a member of any class cIther than the freshman class Iluring the ball last year’s winner 1vi11 crown our new Campus Both she and her twc caueen. i attendants will be presented with TJarious gifts.



The lsed t ;heir ( lent ( :ation.

proceeds from this sale arc by W.U.S. of Canada fo: programme of foreign stu aid and international edu

There are many facets to this From the viewpoint of 1problem. 1the students who desire political fclubs, they feel that they are bejing cheated from the opportunity fof listening to informative speakFinancial figures reflect its out Two visitors came to Council. fers from government, and frees standing success: They brought a report that they 1minded discussions on the imnad prepared‘ themselves. In es- portant 1Receipts: matter of politics. Jon 1 sence, they wanted the S.L.E. to lCreighton, Tuesday .. .. .... ... ... $ 6’69.66 speaking very much on do what it could about getting Wednesday . ... ... . 4951.80 1the side of the Liberals, said that political clubs on this campus. Thursday .. ... ... ... . 430.40 if Religious Clubs, which allowed Herbert Epp, speaking for his the possibility of an Atheist ir own cause and for Peter Nettle, Total - 1958 . ... .. 1,595.86 group, were permitted, then it is gave several good reasons why Total - 1957 . ... .. 1,275.09 only right that political clubs be the Administration should allow permitted, admitting the chance , Isuch clubs. Dean Schaus gave the of a subversive Increase . ... ..$ 320.77 element. The end reasons for the policy of the Ad- result of the discussion is that Many thanks go to all those whl 0 :ministration. He stated that it was the next meeting of the S.L.E. 1helped to make Treasure Van th e :not that they are opposed to the ’ will decide whether or not to success it was. It was throug! h :platforms of the various political petition the Administration to your co-operation and assistant e camps, 1 but that if they were to allow political clubs on this cam:that we were able to better las It - allow one or two political organipus. What do you think of this year’s total. It would indee d zations on campus, they would issue? We would like to know. :make a long list to mention al 11 also have to allow any other poThe other issue that caused those w,ho assisted us. We ca: n litidal groups, including undesirsome debate was on the formation /only thank you one and all! ables like Labour Progressive. of the Judicial Committee. As However, he stated that it would ADVANCE NOTICE (Continued page 2, col. 2) be unhealthy if students did not The visit of Dr. 0. P. Bhatnaga show an interest in the governprofessor of History, Allahaba ment of their country. University, India, on Novembe x A motion to allow a political 19th. Workers for science club, which would bring Plan to see and hear this im l- together all parties, was defeated, portant visitor! Watch for furthe r although Dean Schaus felt that details. the Administration would have See: Bill Tremaine no objection to this. Catharine Smith.. 1

There was a hot time in the )ld Board Room on Tuesday night. Two issues came under fire, although one is of more importance.











Remembrance Day herwe

On November 11 last the dead of the greatest conflicts known to man were honoured at cenotaphs across the country. Those who had died defending the rights of those living and those not even born yet were given two silent minutes of our time. Because of them we can live in relative freedom from anxiety or oppression. Because of them we can write editorials and articles without fear of censorship., Because of them we have the right of petition, freedom of assembly and worship. They died so that we could be sure They deserve honour and glory and of having these privileges. should never be forgotten. But have we remembered them to the exclusion of another institution that deserves an important place ? The number of people who remember Novin our consideration ember 11 far outweighs the number who remember the date of the signing of the United. Nations Charter. / October 2(5 was the thirteenth anniversary of the occasion that should be a by-word to all people. The men who died for us, died in vain if we do not secure the freedoms that they won for us, and only by supporting such valuable organizations as UN and NATO can we assure “peace in our time”.

Friday, November 14 6.30-P&G Executive Business Meeting - Music Room. kmday, November 16. 9 a.m.-Newman Club - Communion Breakfast following 9 a.m. Mass at St. Louis Church. 7 p.m.-P & G Full RehearsalSeagram Gym. Monday, November 17 8 p.m.-L.S.A. Meeting A Music Room. 7 p.m.-P & G Full RehearsalSeagram Gym. ‘Tuesday, November 18 7 p.m.-P & G Full RehearsalSeagram Gym. Yednesday, November 19 7 p.m.-P & G Full RehearsalSeagram Gym. -w.u.s. - Visit of Indian Professor Assembly, Music Room Time to be posted. Published weekly by the undergraduate students of Waterloo College and Thursday, November 20 Associate Faculties at the office of The Cord Weekly, Room 105, Willison Hall, Phone SH. 4-8471. The opinions expressed are those of the editorial and publi7 p.m. -P & G Full Rehearsalcation staff, and are not official opinions of the Students’ Council, or the College Administration. unless otherwisenoted. Seagram Gym. 7.30 p.m.-Canterbury - Men’s Editor-In-Chief: GORD. SMITH Common Room. Managing Editor: LINDSAY SCOTT Business Manager: *MIKE VALERIOTE Sports Editor: MERRILL GRAHAM Advertising : BERN. SOLOMAN iaturday, November 22 Circulation: JOHN TEMPLIN News Editor: GEO. XcCULLUUGH 9.00 a.m.-P & G Photography Editor: TED RUSHTON Layout: MIKE 1~HITEHEAD All Participants Preparation of Gym. Printing by The Bean Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd. ZOTC cadet John Fuchs just after laying the wreath at the 372 King Street North, Waterloo. Ontario. Sunday, November 23 Remembrance Service last Tuesday, observes the twoI minute 2.30 p.m.-P & G - Technical silence honouring the fallen servicemen. and Orchestra with Full Rehearsal. klonday, November 24 7.00 p.m.-P & G Polishing Rehearsal. 1 LETTER TO THE EDITOR P & G RETORT IJuesday, November 25 The P & G report of last week I Dear sirI 7 p.m.-P & G At this time I would like to PHILHARMONIC 15 dollars. Waterloo Students are SOCIETY complimented the executive Full Dress Rehearsal. 1i thank all those connected with being admitted free. You are inwhilst criticizing the performers, National Ballet To Come to S.L.E. Meeting - Tentatively and those not convited to attend these lectures. stressing the fact that people in / Canterbury Kitchener-Waterloo I cancelled. who so charge of the rehearsal in ques- i 1netted with Canterbury RECITAL IS SUCCESS The National Ballet of Canada, Nednesday, November 26 kindly gave their time and helped tion were blameless. Local citizens and members of acclaimed Canada’s greatest inter8.30-P & G opens. to decorate the gym for the staff and student body lational artistic achievement, will the faculty, During the last two weeks ProCanterbury Ball. Without the of Waterloo College attended a appear in the Kitchener Memorial duction Staff rehearsed the first help of so many the decorating \ on Sunday, November 9, luditorium on December 3, at recital scene on three consecutive occaN.F.C.U.S. would not have been finished in in the Music Room. Mary Which1:30 p.m. sions, each time with different (Continued from page 2) time. er, soprano, and William Aide: movements, and finally passed on Students from Waterloo College Special thanks to Dick Day, pianist, rendered classical and auestion: Who may own a NFCUS to something else when the ac- John vi11 be offered tickets at half Erb, Joel Wasser, Mary semi-classical selections from the Life Plan? tions could not be agreed upon. Ellen price. Hicks, George Stephens, 17th century to the present. Ed- inswer: The Producers should assimilate The company consists of 75 with Any full-time student at Liz Stone, John Snelgrove, Paul Bendel, president of the their limited stage experience; a Canadian University that is The Prima Bal- ward Waring, Lon Robertson and all 3 full orchestra. Society, introduced only then will they have re- others connected affiliated with NFCUS, who is larinas are Celia Franca and Lois Philharmonic with the decorhearsals going smoothly. Danseur is the artists. under 35 and in reasonably ating and the preparing of the Smith, the Premier The next event planned by the good health. A rehearsal procedure should food. Special thanks to Bob David Adams. Philharmonic Society will be a The company has appeared have been drawn up long ago, Sherwood for all his work, and to auestion: Who underwrites the recital of choral works performed drawing across the continent, then people whose parts were not Mr. Barker for his assistance with plan for NFCUS? by the Waterloo College Glee praise wherever it went. to be rehearsed would not have the work after the dance. 4nswer: It is both underwritten Club at St. Matthew’s Church The New York Herald Tribune: wasted time attending. Thanking everyone on behalf of and guaranteed by the CanaKitchener, on December 7. “Highlights of our dance years.” It is the Producer’s responsithe executive of Canterbury. dian Premier Life Insurance New York Times: “The corps de bility to see that something conSincerely yours, Company, whose Head Of&e is ballet was precise, unified and in LUTHERAN STUDENT structive results from rehearsals; Rosalie Sztronga. in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is good style throughout.” they are the people who are supASSOCIATION NOTES a Canadian company with On a three week stay in Mexico posed to maintain law and order The second of the series of disCharter from the Federal GovS. L. E. they played to capacity City, cussions on the “Christian and at rehearsals. ernment, and it is licensed in (Continued from page 1) houses every night, receiving 15 Society” is scheduled for Monday However, let’s get behind them all the provinces of Canada minute standing ovations. mentioned before, this committee November 17, in the Music Room and push to make up for this from coast to coast. Canadian In Kitchener, the company will at 8:00 p.m. from Guest speaker foi shortcoming. We can still have is to consist of two members Premier Life is backed finanpresent “Les Sylphides”, “Les this meeting will be Miss Pat a tremendous show and let’s hope each class plus some engineering cially by insurance interests Rendezvous”, and “Ballad”, (an Swatland, representatives. Their purpose is supervisor from thf next year’s staff profits by this with assets in excess of 330 Canadian ballet which to hold a preliminary hearing or original Galt Training School for Girls experience. million dollars. two weeks ago who will speak on the subject the case of an erring student, and had its premier 01 in Ottawa). to give a report to the Adminis “Juvenile Delinquency”. All in Question: What is the cost of the The Philharmonic Society will terested tration. Everyone seems to fee: students and friends arf NFCUS Life Plan? post information about tickets on that such a committee is a good invited to attend. Answer: The cost during the inithe bulletin boards. idea, including the Administra. A bowling party has beer tial term period is $3.50 a year tion. And almost everyone seem! BALLET LECTURES scheduled for this Saturday, Nov, per $l,UUG.OO, and upon converQuestion: What is the NFCUS to feel that the names of thi: ember 14, at 7:30 p.m. See yol Lectures on the history and Life Plan? sion to permanent insurance committee should be kept un. function of ballet are being given at the Waterloo Bowling Lanes low Ordinary Life rates are Answer: A sound and substantial publicized. A few dissenters ex. by eminent authorities every Refreshments afterward at St guaranteed. You can now own plan of Life Insurance protecpressed the idea that there wa: Wednesday Church, Water night at 8 p.m. in the John’s Lutheran Life Insurance at the following tion, with low term premiums no need to make this seem like 2 Music Room. The regular fee is loo. low rates: in the initial years, and guarancloak-and-dagger plot. This re. - $10,000.00 .. .. $ 35.00 a year teed low rates at conversion to porter was in fear of death, wher $25,000.00 . ... $ 87.50 a year a permanent NFCUS plan. If one of the council members notel $50,000.00 . ..* $175.00 a year not converted before, it will that she was busily copying WE NEED YOUR HELP dowr automatically convert to Ordithe names on the committee. Bui Question: May a disability clause COME AND SEE US ! ! nary Life at age 35, or in, 10 the matter was cleared up by r be added? years, which ever is the shorter well-meaning editor, and you] Answer: The plan contains a disaperiod. reporter has not been barred fron bility clause that provides, if Question: Who originated the NF- attending meetings yet. totally disabled, continuance of CUS Life Plan? the protection in force, without After charges of censorship hai further payment of premiums. Answer: It was conceived and been flung about and denied, al: sides came to the agreement thal If still disabled at the expiratailored by University Students tion of the term period, it is (the executive of the National the names were best left un. automatically converted to a Federation of Canadian Univerpublicized. Torture or tormen permanent plan, and continued sity Students) for University me, threaten me with horribh death, and I shall never divulge in force as long as the disability Students, exclusively. (Continued page 2, col. 5) the list! exists.




bfi? w*





14,~ 1958

We are now entering into a new phase of the sports programme and, having completely alienated myself from the football players by general hints of disapproval, I now have to look for new sup, porters and thus turn my thoughts towards the two sports which share the spotlight and will do so for the rest of the term. First of all, let’s look at soccer. On this campus, the position of said game is neither lofty nor overwhelmingly popular. This state of affairs can be attributed to various reasons, first of all the fact that it is sandwiched between two more popular sportsfootball and hockey. Thus the sports interest skips from football to hockey with a mere glance at the boys booting a ball around on the back campus. The second and more difficult problem lies in the fact that Waterloo has never been able to enter into a league. A closer look into this shows that this year the entry form was not submitted in time. Somebody goofed! The present set-up has two leagues-a senior and an intermediate with U. of T., U. of W.O., McMaster, and O1.A.C. represented in both leagues. Ryerson rounds out the roster in the intermediate. It is not too much to say that Waterloo ‘could do very well in the intermediate league and in fact are almost capable of playing in the senior circuit. It seems too bad that a team that could represent our college adequately is not able to do so. We must look foward to exhibition games to show that we can win or at least hold our own. In the only outing so far, the team lost a close one to McMaster 4-2. The future games should tell how well they rate with the others. But these exhibition games are haphazard in that they usually have to be played away, if and when the other team wishes them. To sum up the whole picture, we have missed the boat as far as league competition goes this year. Thus there is very little interest from the spectators. But, we do have a team that is good and is willing. Let’s get behind them and give them our support as fans. We cannot change their status as to participating in a league now but it would indeed be wise to take steps for the future in that direction. Turning to hockey for a moment, it looks like a promising winter. I will have more to say about this in the next issue.



Progress ‘on the new school jacket for the Engineering Section has recently been most evident. Why, in the last week alone, there have been 472 rumours churned out, and that’s only the ones that I’ve heard of! That is more than a rumour and a half for every student in the school. If that isn’t progress, then what is? To be serious though, there have been a few solid facts concerning the jacket that have recently come to light. The cost of the jacket will be under twenty dollars. The colours are GR,AY and GOLD. There will be two inside pockets, these will be found to be very convenient to those students who also wish to carry For the others, a slide rule. though, the ability to carry two mickeys will not be lamented. The lettering on the back will be in block letters, not script. And, the material that the jackets are to be made from is either corduroy or gabardine. However, it still has not been decided whether there will be a zip-in, zip-out lining.

next year design a crest to their liking, and distinctive from the ‘63 crest, and so on as the years roll by. To encourage competition in the design of the crest, a prize could be offered for the best design, either a monetary reward or a jacket itself. There has been one question that has been raised extensively. That is “When are the jackets going to be available?” There now seems to a definite answer ready: “Before the end of this term.”


on the



of the were

scoreboard, try to fight back. They retired 15-8 at RMC last week-end.





7 The Mules kept their rathe r dubious record intact Saturday ii n Kingston by losing 15-8 to R.M.C I. It was the last game of the seasol n eaving the Mules with a 0 - ’7 yecord and on the bottom of the3 eague. However, Waterloo did make z3 Jery good game of it. Consider _

ed1 for our extra point, but by th is time it was too late and the galme had been lost. The highlight of the game was , R: M.C’.‘s passing. With better rece ivers they would have piled up a higher score. The ground attat :k for Mules was once again St1*ong but bogged down on their line. Showing well OU Jn six yard in the losing cause were Dave BL xrns who reeled off a 40 yard and Haissell who ru n and Archer die d much of the ball carrying. 1The final tabulation in the O.A.C. and Mcle: ague shows

ng that they were short-handed #hey held the opposition on sev 1 ?ral occasions only to be beater 1 ly a fluke catch in the end zone , Che ball bounced off two Mule i defenders and ended up in theE! lands of the intended receiver. This was the second touch - lawn for R.M.C. and along wit1 3 single, had given them a 15-1; Lead at three-quarter time. Bu t :he Mules closed the gap whel Archer went over for his secom ; T.D. of the year. Tremaine kick -

of the term and the end of hi S finances. This can be quite a: serious problem if his finance s run out first, for often) the situa -I tion is not serious enough to re Iquire a large loan. A modest loal n of $50 - $100 would be enough tl 0 tide the person- over, until th e end of that quarter at least. Ther 1, once into the industrial I war: k period, with money coming ir 1, the loan could be repaid.

Master on top with a 6(-l record. Thus they share championship honours. There seems to be some doubt whether there will be a play-off game. Perhaps we can find out more about this by the next edition. I


Barron% MEN’S



t3u icl




15c for every $1 .OO purchase (See article this page)

Poumlt~u~ 48 King’




34 King St. S. SH. 5-4232

772 U44G \ Y‘S Dividend

T. A. Rushton One of the problems that sometimes faces students, especially those in their first year, is that of finance. Sometimes, nearing the end of a’ term, the student is faced with a distressing spectacle, that of a race between the end




St. S.






K (Continued from page 1) and orientate cil ded to investigate with the problem until OLlrselves th .e Spring Convention at Carleto n. BALL At the dinner which followed (Continued from page 1) Rc everend Frederick Little spoke make it the most memorable Supplr’es f or i “Good through Goodness”. He event of the year. Decorations Thus there arose the suggestio: n nphasizedthe role of the Service Murray E’. Hill, manager of will be patterned on a definite that a Student Finance Union b Studio, wishes to anlub on the Campus pointing out Murray’s theme, a name band will be in formed, for aiding desirous stu greed arises need nounce to the students of Water; th .at through attendance and, ushers will escort dents in this respect. This SF.1 One suggestion that has recent’ ar id then enters the Service Club loo College and Associate Faculthe couples to their reserved would be organized and run b ly come up is’ that there be a tables. yW ith deed. To be able to give of ties the beginning of the Student’s the students, who would form a: n crest adopted for every class. Dividend Program. On each $1.00 OLlrselves in service to campus The Waterloo College Ball is a executive council to operate th e This would be a crest, designed at Murray’s Studio, ar id community is the role to be of purchases semi-formal affair which only S.F.U. and determine if the appli by the students of each year’s Club. It a 156 dividend will be paid. In; Pl ayed by the Service Waterloo College students, their cations were valid. The S.F.‘C class, and worn only by that par- friends, as truly an inspiring address and dividual records will be kept and and graduates may atconcern itself with smal 1; z ticular class on their jackets. For tend. In order to adhere to the would a student may cash in on his acle to be heeded. loans, the larger loans still bein 65 example, the class graduating in tradition dividends at any time. of past proms only organized To all who attended, the Con- cumulated through the Collegt 2, 1963 would design a particular ?ntion was a thrilling experiIn conjunction with his new couples may attend. This year the and from such sources as th e vc crest for their symbol, this would This was democracy in store’s opening, Murray is running Ball will be held December 5; Dominion-Provincial Loan func 1 er ice. serve to identify them in the 1958, in Seagram . ac tion . . . this was, as Mr. Lo- a free portrait draw every day at Gym. Dancing Of course, in setting up a plai 3 he bed said, the making school. The class of 1964 would use of 5:15 p.m. until Nov. 22nd. Drop will take place from 9:00 p.m. to of this sort, there is the problen 2 Fr Beedom, a thing we take too in and have Murray explain both 1:OO a.m. and admission is $3.08 of financing it. This could bce of ten for granted. ENGINEERING WALLS these plans to you! per couple. by making ai accomplished HAVE EARS Not only is this the opportunity of $5 per student whel Third Floor: Well, I’ve got this to -attend this illustrious ball but assessment he enters the College. With the course wired. All you have to this is also the chance to participresent enrollment this woulc remember is that anything un- pate in the last big social event establish a fund of over $1,500, : der a million ohms is insigniof the year. Let’s make this the WATERLOO very sizeable amount for thi ficant in Electronics, and it’s biggest and best dance in Waterapproximately equal in Light. loo College history. . (Continued page 4, col. 4) 25% DISCOUNT

Student’s DividendProgram


Second Floor: That’s a perfect way to study . . . if you can find a day with 56 hours. Ground Floor: I’ve finally figured why they have a street light down here. It’s so the O.A.C. students can find the building.




St. S.





. c






(This offer


$H. 5-7574

Dial SH. 2-2282





Store only)




good at Waterloo


selection I



St. S.






As the word “Hustle” is such an important word among those members of our society who enjoy freedom of worship (of the I thought it imopposite sex), portant that we should have a clear understanding of the word. In passing we might note the phonetic similarity of the word ’ “hussy”. , In the dictionary under the verb hustle we find the meaning: “1. to proceed or work rapidly or energetically; 2. to push or force and among others one’s way,” “discourteous shoving or pushing or jostling”. The actual discourteous shpving or jostling describes the efforts made between two or more males as they attempt to acquaint themselves with a female. For example witness if you will the procession into Greek IX where thirty men sit down to ! focus their attention for fifty minutes on . . . well, what else but Greek? During this process of hustling, I have seen great football players who pound down the field fearlessly during a game, stand outside the girls’ residence and raise a fuss like a hound dog baying at the moon. While Joe College outfitted in the latest rags sits in the front room of Conrad Hall nervously wringing his hands in the hope that the female concerned will not stand him up; little Junior Join’er calmly sits down beside a luscious blond in the Nest and TELLS her to buy him a cup of java. Let’s face it, buddy, which would you rather be? Well, enough said about hustling, for it’s quite clear that most

( . . . in which episode the author returns to the Waterloo scene after an absence of two golden weeks . . . said silence was occasioned not by temerity at the mild tempest which greeted the column, but by convulsions of laughter at the tempest which rendered writing quite impossible . . .) Loudhorne wanders through the lower corridors of Willison Hall, drawn irresistably by the magnetic attraction of the Cord Weekly office. He resolves next time to approach the Arts Building via Dearborn Street, out of

The Wanderer (A



.He will tread in the pasture ‘Be pulled by the thistles’ ‘rake An‘d forever follow away the pat1 The homeward cattle make. .. I At the, edge of the river’s eddy, He will squat himself in the mud And watch the swirls as theJ swisl again Then go out to the currents. tug He will crouch on the cold, old moor, To his ankles in brown peat-moss And watch the black pack honl away, To leave him still and lost. Driven always on, Sore flesh is never healedAcross the stubble and past corn stooks, / There rolls another field.


No love will ever comfort him, Or give support, or for him feal Nor be there one shall ever know his heart, Or when he stumbles, drop ont tear. In even the blackest rain, Don’t ask him to return them; For he is with the wind, dear, And can’t come home again.



Dontly If the men in Willison Hall are :ompletely satisfied with their 1 methods and the females of Con1 rad Hall are advised to consult I the advisors in Room 324, Willison 1Hall. As a rule, we men of Willison 1Hall are pretty modest about our tButstanding physical characterjistics. But when one of our mem1bers walks off with a trophy from 1the Mr. Southwestern Ontario 4contest, (this person being Mr. IKeith Crouse) we just want all 7you wonderful little people out ;there to know that we think we’re 1pretty good. Some poor disillusioned plumber has put a poster in the Torque Room insinuating that Arts Mer are not all they’re made out to be However we might illustrate how effective the engineers have beer in attacking the men’s residence Indeed they have succeeded, SC far this year in getting one intoxicated infidel into the tub or the fourth floor. Pretty good, kids by the time you’re here six years you might find out where the Library is. Dontly heard a complaint lasl week, to the effect that there arc not enough literary efforts in the Cord Weekly. Well, next week New Fouled-Up, in true literary style, is going to make a shorl but devastating attack on ADMINISTRATION. ( (

By Pat Baldwin round himself wary of a certain At a meeting of the Underman at court. ‘His writing shows By the stroke of your pen . . . nim to be treacherous,’ said the graduate Society, held last Thurscan tell “what” you are. It’s Emperor in the Board Room, surprisingly, and here day evening ue. Your handwriting is the we have the first judgment groups on campus. not of the various mirror of your mind into which represented on the S,L.E. gave Lnner man according to the mark may look, to see your reflection. copies of their charters to the If his hand.” Since this column is new to the Joel Wasser. They also In 1622 an Italian scholar, Ca- president, ord Weekly, and since I am new 1 nillo Baldo published outlined the activities planned by a book with ) the college, I would like to i 2 title that when translated, their respective groups for the reads itroduce myself and the subject Once again, howS’ omething like this: ‘Treating of I 0 oming year. f Grapho-Analysis. was not pre1 Iow a Written Message May . e tver, a full turn-out is endeavourThe only significant thing you leveal the Nature of Qualities 1 *.s ent. The president 1.ng to find out what groups want .eed know about me, is that I or Talents) of the Writer’. V vhich rooms on what dates for m an active member of the InSince that time many people L v rarious activities. Few at the ernational Society of Graphobecome interested in the ; h lave ; nneeting were able to give conLnalysis; the Ontario Chapter of s ubj ect of handwriting analysis, ; c rete details on what they plan irapho-Analysis, and a member f ibbe Michon sta**ed a study of t o do. This could suggest a lack f the Kitchener-Waterloo Gra- t his subject and called it GraphIf planning in almost every camIho-Analysis Study Group. I have ! 0 ilogy. Goethe in Germany be- IO bus group. tudied handwriting analysis for ’ c ame interested in graphology. lmost two years, and have qualiW.U.S. announced that it plans s ;o did Disraeli, Robert and Mrs .ed as a Grapho-Analyst. E srowning, Thomas Carlyle and 1 t o use the Music Room one noon Now, this will all sound like / EEdgar Allan Poe. k tour of each week, for its film treek unless I proceed to explain Gary Franklin is doHowever, Graph0 -Analysis is ; s howings. That is grapho-analysis, so that’s ’ nlot Graphology. ; I: lating his noon hour to run the Grapho-Analysis xactly what I intend to do. so the president sugby Dr. M. I F brojector, ( G.A.) was developed that all members present Graph0 is Greek meaning b rfJ. Bunker, g ;ested a person who originthis film hour a “plug” at writing” or “to write”. Analysis 1 a lly had been interested g ;ive in graphW.U.S. is un: the separating, or tearing apart 0 logy, after many, many years of ! t heir next meeting. or the purpose of examination. S cientific research. In G.A. there ! dlecided on its other undertakings besides the usual ‘he grapho-analyst separates all i: s a Reason back of every rule. f or the year, meeting and supper trokes in writing, taking careful ?‘here is no guesswork, nothing 1 kjusiness each month. .ote of the width, weight, and dlifferent from what you would 1 nneeting BOARD OF PUBLICATIONS ?ngth, and variations of these / f,ace in any scientific subject. The president also announced trokes. He then proceeds to anaMEETING This science has been organized o the members that the Cordyze and give a clear and accurate ’ and written-up Yeekly would run a column for to be studied, like Monday, November 17, 1958 icture of our mental habits and ’ 0Ither sciences. Society clubs The thousands of he Undergraduate lrocesses. 7 p.m. - Room 105, Willison Hall S tudents have organized themo run announcements in brief of Although grapho-analysis maJ r sielves under the direction of Dr upcoming events. Every column )e new to you, it is not new. The : 13unker into the International So. rich used by the clubs besides dea of analyzing handwriting ;his column will cost a small s c:iety of Grapho-Analysis, which ;oes back centuries. According s 1las chapters all over the U.S. ant gum, smaller than others will be o Nancy Saunders writing ir 1 ( Canada, and also such countrie: :harged. To run a whole page of Magazine, “Nineteer 1 i 1s South America, advertising for one event will cost Germany, etc ,he range of this attraction. Hf 2; 3ersonality lundred years ago, in ancien t iorty dollars. So much for historical data This is for adverlraws up outside the office door , 1 Eome, one day, the Emperor Nerc ) 1Chat’s the background materia ising, and not articles. Indecided. He consults his watcl - 1vhich I feel you might want tc ‘I All clubs -lecture in five minutes. . . . were requested to 1Inow before becoming interestec Imm. He weighs the questior reep their activities down to a READING ROOM i n this column. . . . to enter, or not . . . . ? Iare minimum during the last The Library has notified us tha t Now, here is what I propose tc week in November, as this will Fate intervenes. Around the ” t he new reading room in the oh i c lo. Each week, I will deal wit1 le l? and G week. This rule apcorner sweeps a herd of reporters gymnasium is now open All the : clifferent phases and character, :olumnists, plies to the following week, as and other dispens I a: ‘eserve books have been move4 1 i sties of handwriting and I wil well, as the,Waterloo College Ball ibles. They approach with reck - r d Bown there and can be picked uy ) i llustrate my remarks with “your’ will be held then. .ess abandon in a tight little L! 3 and 5 p.m iw 1landwritings. I want this columr 1 group, ricocheting from wall tc3 atny time between Girdle K outlined its proposed c bn week days. Restricted reserve 3 t ;o be of personal interest to yol XI wall. The door is flung wide, the 2 ?lans, the most newsworthy ber Loudhorne is carried through or 11 )ooks will still be kept in the : cmd it will be if you give me :3 !.ng the annual Christmas banThe hours for the read - hsample of your writing to analyie ;he crest. Miraculously, his fee t l ibrary. Juet, to be held December lfl. your name will remair ; : iouch the floor inside. The doo: r i ng room are 8 to 5.15, Monda! irp vaturally, clny group wishing to sponsor a t ,hrough Friday. (zonfidential. Just slip the pape: r ’ slams. The decision is made. should on it into the t (lance after the banquet - Twith your writing Loudhorne quickly puts hi s Joel Wasser. It was sugI nail ‘box in ’ the Arts Building .1, j nform oack to the wall. The chaos with - 1 lorne feels duty-bound to inforn 1 gested that Athey make use of iddressed. to Cord Weekly. .n the room is exquisite. Eleven 1 1 lim that he is reading last week’; s i If you are interested in learn -i this opportunity. separate, yet indistinguishabll e i ssue of the Cord Weekly. Thi: s . The Athletic Directorate reng more about your peculia: r meetings are in progress. Deci - i nformation is dismissed as irre 16 f raits and idiosyncracies, here’ s ’quested three nights, January ;ions are being made on editoria 1 1evant. 7. your 13, for chance, for handwritingi s iand 30, and February policy, advertising, the merits of Two columnists are simultane .- Jthe mirror dances to be held following Basof your mind, int 0 A Torque Room coffee, the layout ’ tously attempting to write up thei r which ket Ball games. I may look to see you of the Yearbook, sex, the fate o-1 iarticles n. . on the same typewrite] reflection. The president told all members Miss Winks, and the format 01 The crowd is growing. Severa 11 to try to keep their meetings in the Cord Weekly. Votes are being couples are dancing in one cornei .n. STUDENT the same room all the time. taken everywhere, and the results The meetings continue all arounc E. (Continued from page 3) are shouted from group to group: A new With apologies for dragging editor is. elected, anI d purpose. Years later, when th until they eventually reach the quickly people out for a seemingly undeposed by a deft jab bIf * l. student leaves the school per editor. a blue pencil. The door opens ant d necessary meeting, Mr. Wasser n manently, his contribution is the: The editor jots down the results shuts. More people arrive. I:n adjourned the gathering, Perhaps returned to him. It has cost hir n Advertising is to be sold at ter fact, if all the people in the offic if everyone had been able to atnothing, yet many students wer cents per cup, Miss Winks is tc were laid end to end, they woul tend who were supposed to atable to benefit from his, as we: edit the Yearbook, the front page stretch from the Arts Building t tend, and if everyone there had as others, co-operation. New stu lof the Cord Weekly shall measure been able to get the information the trolley stop, and look ver dents coming in, and contributin g that the president 36-20-36. needs in order silly. to the S.F.U., would keep th e to do his job of organizing things, The telephone rings. The editor Loudhorne decides to leave scheme going indefinitely. the meeting would have accomanswers. “Cord Weekly . . . oh but the door will no longer oper So far this is merely a sug plished a lot more than it did. it’s you Jerry . . . ten dollars tc He threads his way from des gestion, offered here for the gen show in the fourth . . . right!” H< top to desk top, stepping daintil era1 information and perusal c diligently notes the information over the editor. It is then but the student body. There will b Articles are piling up on the short leap to the window-sill an further mention of it made i As he trudges away editorial desk in mammoth pro. freedom. class by class representatives. Loudhorne notices that his cigar portions. The door opens. A jan ettes are missing from his pocke itor sweeps in a pile of old scrap paper and notes. These are added He looks back. Smoke is issuin Compliments of to the file. Some of the Cord from the- open window. Weekly’s finest articles are glean. “Oh well,” he mumbles philc ;OHN GROSS WOES ed from this source. sophically, “my most significar Waterloo SH. 2-0774 24 King St. N. The editor begins to edit. Hf contribution to the Cord Week is avidly perusing a paper. Loud ly . . .” Dale




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