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1, No. ‘5









5, 1958

WaterlooU. TakesFirst Step At 4:OO p.m. last Wednesday afternoon, the Hon. Leslie Frost, Prime Minister of the Province of Ontario, officially opened the Associate Faculties’ Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building on the new campus. In his dedicatory remarks, Prime Minister Frost expressed the conviction that graduates of the Applied Science Course would contribute much to the welfare of Canada and mankind in general. Following




entrance of the building was presented to the Prime Minister by Mr. Ira Needles on behalf of the Board of Governors of the Associate Faculties. A congenial atmosphere pervaded the entire ceremony. Officials of Waterloo College, Ball Construction Company, and Shore & Moffat’s architectural tim all 1commented upon the pleasant as1sociations and co-operation they had enjoyed during the construction of the building. PRIME building.

MINISTER FROST displays his best smile during the festivities of opening The ceremonies were well attended by both Arkmen and Engineers.

ApathyAttacks Engineers Too By

G. Rushton

There is; a lot of complaining among the Engineers now, but unfortunately those who complain are too lethargic to do anything about their peeves. The food in the cafeteria is horrible, so they say, but who will take up a petition to have improvements made in it? Our football team is horrible, so they say, but what team is encouraged by a mass of lazy

The Society is pleased to report that all the 3,2 tickets offered to Waterloo students, at half price, for the National Ballet on December 3 are sold. We regret, that because of this unexpected interest, some students were forced to pay full price for tickets. Next year the Society will endeavour to procure enough tickets that all students wishing to attend the ballet will be able to do so at a special rate.

the new


S.L.E.Repori The S.L.E. meeting on Tuesday light, December 2, 1958, wa: tgain an interesting observatior )f parliamentary procedure ant tudent opinions concerning tht jassing of constitutions and tht lisposal of finances.

There were many technicalitie: #hat came up concerning tht <ranting of finances to the en ;ineers but they were final11 7 ;ettled. I, Roy Calder moved that S.L.E P. Iresent a gift to the Campu; s Gueen. There was much con Fusion over the matter of “ticket munchers” to be used at the elec ions and it was finally decide< What is the reason for this? Is *hat S.L.E. purchase two round loled ticket punchers for the it stupidity ? Is it laziness? Or is The budget of the it immaturity ? I think that it is occasion. Undergraduate Society was pre a combination of all of these. The ;ented to:‘eouncil by Ruth Nickel stupidity of those who do not yet I’he budget was accepted with the realize that there is more to life exception of the finances for the than just applying a new formuPsychology Club until such. timc that the Psych. Club presents lae learned in class. The laziness constitution to S.L.E. of those who have yet to realizc that life is what you make it, noi The constitution of the Am just what others do for you. And bassador Club was read to th the immaturity of those who stil S.L.E. by S.L.E. president Ia expect to be pampered and pro. Fraser. There were no contrc vided for like babies, those whc versies and Helga Kutz move cannot yet think for themselves its acceptance. Gary Morton gave a report c It is too late now for any re. Banquet plans c surgence of school spirit in thi: the Christmas Circle K and the budget was ay term. But what of next term: proved by the body. Will there be any improvement? Let us certainly hope so, for z At 11:15 p.m. S.L.E. adjourne d a little tired an d school without spirit is like E its meeting, worn of the affairs of state. fish without life . . . it stinks! spectators who won’t even come bo see them in action? Even one If the most important jobs, that If Class Representative on the Engineering Council, fails to arouse enough interest in some classes to provide a representative who will attend the meetings.

A crowd of students from both aculties gathered outside the juilding to watch the proceedngs. After the ceremony, Prime , dinister Frost conversed with 1 nany of the students, and latex . expressed his pleasure at this ; opportunity of meeting these “fine h roung Canadians”. The official party then toured 1 ,he building. Many excellent exlibits and demonstrations ha6 1 leen set up for the occasion by r nembers of the Engineering P, :aculty and student body. The ?

3pen house continued Wednesday and Thursday evenings, when citizens of the K-W community paid their first visit to the newi building. Dignitaries



More than 250 guests attended a banquet in Seagram Gym following the opening of the building. Members of the Provincial and Federal Parliaments, prominent educationalists, and civic leaders paid tribute to the Associate Faculties. Prime Minister Frost, in addressing the gathering, outlined the development of Waterloo College, and expressed confidence in the foundation of Waterloo University. (Throughout the proceedings the institution was repeatedly referred to as Waterloo University). Mr. Frost related the growth of Waterloo to the growth of other Ontario universities, and made the interesting observation that these institutions almost invariably traced their origins to a school of theology. Dr. Hall, President of U.W.O., Father Siegfried, Chairman of St. Jerome’s College’. Board of Governors, the Chairman of Waterloo College Board of Governors, the mayors of Kitchener and Waterloo, and 0. W. Weichel, M.P. for this riding, each extended congratulations to the Associate Faculties and expressed the hope that the university-to-be would be successful and prominent in the field of higher education.



December 3rd was an important, happy and historic day Eor Waterloo. The value of additional facilities for a university should be judged fa the extent to which they improve the education program on this campus. Certainly the new Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building is designed for that purpose. Consequently, the Xicial Opening should be of primary concern to all of Waterloo’s students to .whom its labs and classrooms are available. The participation opening ceremony was efforts helped to make demonstrated interest ing that their labour


a large group of students in the greatly appreciated by those whose the building a reality. To them, the of the students brings a sense of feelhas been worth-while.

The Prime Minister was noticeably dents’ welcome to him. His spontaneous ing to meet each one of you personally his appreciation for your interest. To t nis, I add



of our

moved by the stureaction of requestwas indicative of










‘T i S



It is a source of amazement to editors to see the majority of people accepting a situation that normally they claim they would not. It is even disheartening to them, because they know that there exists the medium for expression of opinion on the campus. This newspaper has not yet had to print anything in the nature of a criticism of any particular facet of this college. If we could say that there has been nothing objectionable it would be wonderful, but we can’t. All rumours point to the fact that there is a great deal of displeasure over the quality of the food being served in There have been charges and counterthe dining room. charges to the effect that the prices are not in line with the standard of the food. Further charges have been leveled, saying that complaining does no good. Some feel that they were treated as imbeciles for complaining at all. All these rumours, and as yet no one has sent a letter to the editor. If there is a complaint why hasn’t it been directed properly to its source. If this failed why then wasn’t it directed to the public through the paper. The most powerful weapon in this age is public opinion. Some have rumoured that it is the fault of the newspaper for not looking into the situation. This would have had little effect without the support, or even better, the demand of the students at large. In any case members of the newspaper staff wouldn’t be able to supply much information since for a variety of reasons a large percentage of them don’t eat at the Dining Hall. As we said, it is sb amazing to hear that students will allow anything to disturb them when they know that they can do something to correct the disturbance.


E A S 0 N T .o B E

By Marg.

Well, P. & G. has come and gone for another year and if you burned out in Saturday night’s snow you may have had a vague feeling of how Napoleon’s retreating army felt. Now before I go into a ‘hodge podge of ambiquity’ let me say that I enjoyed “Don’t Miss the Boat”. It was a fine production and anyone who had anything to do with it certainly should be congratulated. The show this year was held in Seagram Gym. This was a good idea, mainly because it put P. & Published weekly by the undergraduate students of Waterloo College and G. at the college. And that is Associate Faculties at the office of The Cord Weekly, Room ,105, Willison Hall, where it should be. exactly Phone SH. 4-8471. The opinions expressed are those of the editorial and publication staff, and are not official opinions of the Students’ Council, or the College “Don’t Miss the Boat” compares Administration, unless otherwise noted. favourably with shows put on by Editor-In-Chief: GORD. SMITH other colleges and when we conBusiness Manager : MIKE VALERIOTE Managing Editor: LINDSAY SCOTT sider how large our school is, we Sports Editor: MERRILL GRAHAM Advertising: BERN. SOLOMAN can well say that P. & G. was high Circulation : JOHN TEMPLIN News Editor: GEO. MCCULLOUGH calibre. They tell that this year Photography Editor: TED RUSHTON Layout: MIKE WHITZHEAD P. & G. was “something new”, “created” by students something Printing by The Bean Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd. 372 King Street North, Waterloo, Ontario. at Waterloo, and that should be

Dear Mr. Editor: Over the past weeks much has been said in your paper about the cast of the Purple and Gold Review “Don’t Miss the Boat’,. We thank you for your consideration. But, let us stop for a moment, just where would we, the cast, be without those who worked literally endless hours behind the stag+ In this lies the purpose of the letter. We would like to take our hats off to John Enns, the Business Producer, who, among other things, arranged for the seating, and to Bob Sherwood, our stage manager and his crew, a special handshake and a box of Aspirins for the headaches they received making sure that everything was just right on stage. Special thanks should go to two gentlemen who worked unceasingly behind the scenes, John Garrow and Bill Tremaine. Without John and Bill we would have been at a loss. We can’t thank them enough for the work they did on the planning of the stage’, the lighting and the sets. Ian Fraser must be applauded for taking the time from his busy post as Student Council President to work on arrangements and Thanks, Ian, for orchestration. giving so freely of.your talent. Finally and above all, everyone at Waterloo should bow to the Freshman and the Post-Grad stu‘dent who created “Don’t Miss; the the Boat”. Bob Scott not only directed the show but also contributed the musical score. John Erb, the theatrical producer, gave us tu the vitality that was necessary

L. S. A. The L.S.A. met on Monday, December 1, and a large turnout Miss Elizabeth Janzen, II zeard I’President of the Women’s division of the Progressive ConservaJive Party of Canada, present her vriews on “A Christian Approach ’ ;o Politics”. Miss Janzen emphasized the iact that it was the duty, not only 3f Christians, but of all citizens to use the franchise to elect the person best suited to represent the Zommunity in parliament. She slso stated that in politics many temptations are presented to the individual and the only way to avoid these was through prayer. Intolerance of other beliefs, whether’ they are religious or political, was looked upon with scorn by Miss Janzen. Rather, / she stated, we should be more 1 broadminded and try to see the L other person’s point of view. A$ter a lively question and IL a$&er period, Vespers service , w&s held in the Willison Hall Chapel. Don’t forget the annual L.S.A, Banquet on Dec. 15 at St. Mark’s ; Lutheran Church. Tickets arc h availab>e from Executive members. make his script and the lyric; ; come to life. To Bob and John 1 the cast offers thanks for the 1 honour of staging their firs1 G musical. These are but a few of the man) T who worked behind the scenes . Again we thank them and all the 1 others for their untiring efforts . Most

sincerely, The Cast “Don’t Miss the 1958.



BEUTSCHER VEREIN Despite the bad weather, there vas a good turnout of members guests to the second meeting i tnd C If Deutscher Verein on WednesC lay night, November 26, 1958. Professor Nabert, the guest h ;peaker, reviewed his year’s aca( iemic experiences as an exchange at the University of I lrofessor 1Marsburg. While Mr. Nabert 4spoke, he showed slides of the ; academic and naval life of the Icommunity. The color slides disIclosed many works of architecture as well as many beautiful scenes of the country. Before the meeting adjourned to the L]adies’ . Lounge for lunch, Professor Nabert answered numerous questions concerning his work and /experiences in Germany. Deutscher Verein would like tc thank Professor Nabert for taking time out from a busy schedule to provide this club with a very pleasant and entertaining evening.



reason enough for us to lend our support to P. & G. Generally it could be said that the nucleus was very exuberant while a vast majority - well, they really were not very enthusiastic in many cases. If the show had had more assistance right at the beginning, no doubt there wouldn’t have been the headaches come final week. To get down to base rock, we should do all we can for P. : & G. because it is one of the '1 biggest money ventures in the ! school and it can use all students, Through being . a participant y rather than a spectator a student will receive the satisfaction that : ‘ a show like this can give. Actually, though, those who put so much time into P. & G. don’t do it just : for kicks. It is a school activity : and like every school activity ii _ needs support, not of half or even ; three-quarters, but of all students :

“Man,” says Beaumarchais ' ‘differs from the beast only ir ' drinking without being thirst> T md in making love all yeal 1 -ound.” Since the code of ethic:: ; If our modern day civilizatior ’ md the scarcity of willing partlers somewhat limits the freedonIf indulgence in the latter oj I, ;hese two delightful undertakings , &t is no wonder that Waterlooans ” especially the Waterloo Engin eers, enjoy a little tippling nov and then. After all, who woulc want to revert to a state of beast hood? Drinking is a privilege grantee El to every adult person in the coun try, it is just as legal for student s to drink as it is for a top execu tive or a common labourer to dl 0 so. And yet, so often attacks-ar e hurled against students and thei r partiality to alcoholic beverage; ;. What is so wrong about colleg e people drinking? Students ar e accused of using alcohol as a crutch to overcome social inhibi tions, but even if this is so in a PHILHARMQNIC SPONSORS few cases, they are no mor e GLEE CLUB RECITALS guilty than the rest of the popu .The Philharmonic Society wil; lace. They are berated for drink .sponsor the Waterloo College Glee ing to excess, mainly because cIf Club in a choral recital of Adveni the great exuberance displayed a1t and Christmas music in St. Mat- football games; but it is comma. n thew’s Church, Kitchener. Selec. knowledge as illustrated by th e tions from Bach, Buxtehude, and milk age of the present, that stu lHolst will be sung; accompanied dents have the proverbial schoc ,l by organ, oboe and violin. The spirit with or without the aid c,f recital will take place on Decemspirits. ber 7 at 8 p.m. Now the temperance fanatic !S go from the sublime to the ridicu lRECORDED CONCERTS OPEN lous; one often hears, “Alcohc 11 TO ALL STUDENTS the mind and dulls th e The Philharmonic Society i: clouds brain.” Admittedly we all hav ‘e sponsoring concerts of recordec felt a little cloudy at times, bL 1t classical music every Friday frorr ,as for the dulling of the brair 12:OO to 1:00 p.m. in the Music As proo ;: Room of the Arts Building. I: this is hard to swallow. take a look at the performance c,f you appreciate good music be surf a long list of graduates of co’lto attend the next concert.

Friday, December 5 9.00 p.m.-Waterloo College Ball - Seagram Gym. To the music of Morgan Thomas. Saturday, December 6 4.00 p.m.-Basketball gameSeagram Gym. Jamestown vs. Waterloo. Sunday, December 7 Newman Club - Communion breakfast following 9, a.m. Mass at St. Louis Church. r’uesday, December 9 5.30 p.m.-Phi Delta Pi Dinner meeting Torque Room. 7.00 p.m.-S.L.E. meeting Board Room. l!hursday, December 11 6.310p.m.-Christmas Banquet Seagram Gym. 1Friday, December 12 8.00 p.m.-Candle-light Service - Dining Hall, IvIonday, December 15 6.30 p.m.-L.S.A. - Christmas Banquet-St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Parish Hall. Epriday, December 19 Cessation of classes for Christmas vacation.

Q 4

The Dominion Bureau of Statisreports with some glee that figures show an s ales and income e asing up of the rate at which k business is easing off, which is as proof of Mr. Diefent aken contention that- there is k baker’s but noticeable slowing up a . slow If the slowdown. u In order to clarify the cautious of the experts, it t erminology S hould be noted that a slowing up CIf the slowdown is not as good IS an upturn in the down curve; ; )ut it is a good deal better than e bither a speedup of the slowor a deepening of the downc iown c urve; and it does suggest that t he climate is about right for an 2 adjustment to the re-adjustment. Turning to unemployment we f ind a definite decrease in the r ‘ate of increase, which clearly Eihows that there is a letting up )f the letdown. Of course, if the sslowdown should speed up, the (decrease in the rate of increase (3f unemployment would turn into 2n increase in the rate of decrease Df unemployment. In other words, 1the deceleration would be accelerated. ’ But the indicators suggest rather ;a levelling off, referred to on Bay IStreet as “bumping along rock (Continued page 3, col. 4) t. its


A Monday,

will STAFF Dec.

hold MEETING 8




leges across the country; one will find that it is they who hold down the big jobs and lead our country. It doesn’t look as though the alcohol they drank at college dulled their brains too much. Admittedly drinking can lead to grief, either in the form of the disease alcoholism or as a direct result of some one case of overindulgence; however, it is common sense that freedom to partake in something without the threat of constant rebuke and ridicule would certainly lead to less grief. So, Waterlooans, drink without being thirsty if you want, make love all year round if you can, but don’t revert to a state of beasthood.



5, 1958


Canada is recognized as the hockey centre of one world. And indeed, this is true, for approximately 99.9% of the hockey players who have performed in the N.H.L. were born! in Canada. From the time he is able to hold a stick in his hands, the Canadian youngster begins to play hockey. Thus we are proud of our hockey prowess. In a sports world which usually leaves us out in other categories, we come out on top. It helps to give us some sort of nationalism, an all-important component in our comparatively young country, which hasn’t as yet matured to the point of having her own flag. Thus when the Kelowna Packers went to play in Sweden and Russia, and only, in my estimation, made a mediocre showing, I think we should think earnestly of what the future holds, hockeywise, for Canada as a country. Several years ago these ideas were not even raised. At that time Canada was supreme in the hockey world. But then a secondrate team from Toronto was defeated in the Olympics and sports personalities began to wonder. Russia was developing fast and something had to be done. And so they decided to send “A” hockey teams. over Senior And this met with a fair amount of success. Championships were won by the Penticton “V’s” and Whitby Dunlops. But even with Senior “A” players, the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen lost to the Russians.


There is only one solution as I see it. If we are going to send a hockey team to represent Canada, then we should send the best team or we should send none at all. Let us face the best of the Russians and Swedes with the best in Canada. Then we would have a true representative.

NORM MacLEAN Norm MacLean is a six foot 175 from Marathon, pound veteran Ontario, who played all his minor hockey for Upper Canada College in Toronto. On the ice Norm is indistinguishable from the other players until he is in possession Thus, I would advocate sending of the puck then he transforms the world champions of the into a flash of action and speed. N.H.L. over to play against EuroHe is not a player who stands pean teams next year. As far as out as an individual but is the amateur status goes, it seems to type who is essential for the sucme that anyone being paid up- cess of any team. Last year, Norm wards to $100.00 a week in proved an asset by finishing as Senior “A”. hockey does not fall one of the higher scorers on the into this category. There is only squad. a difference in meaning in the words amateur and professional in Canadian hockey -not in reality. Therefore, if we are going to send professional anyway, let’s send the best.


No one likes to lose when there is no need to do so. The Russians are improving all the time. And I for one would not like to see them come out on top in our National Sport. There is too much nationalism wrapped up in hockey, to let it become run-down. Now is the time to act, not after the damage has been done.


0 P erson

Thus when Kelowna loses two games we begin to wonder again. Will the Russians or Swedes in the winter Olympics be able to defeat the Belleville MacFarlands, Canada’s representative. If such a situation should arise, there would be a great hue and cry again. Canada’s National Sport would have another black eye.






i ng





















The Curling League commenced. last week with :a fair turnout. Five games were played and one game was won by default. The winning teams are as follows: Team # 2 Gary Hancock 12 Brian Ruby 6 Murray Skinkle 4 Dick Frise 8 Bill Simmons 13 Dean Hilts (default) The Committee feels that the turnout for Curling has only been fair. We regret that one day’s schedule had to be called off but aside from this curling has been provided for those interested! We are lucky to get curling time and VIC DURISH free Vic Durish, a veteran of two the fact that it is provided except for special years, does not often bring the of charge, should make it very atcrowd to their feet but he is a events, I would like to urge all dependable player who can be tractive. of the students who signed for counted on to dig out the puck Curling to turn out regularly. and score those clutch goals which of curlers not showing win games. Vic learned his hoc- Because key in his home-town of St. up, the teams have had to be rewith those who turn out Catharines, where he played for arranged regularly replacing ones who both the midget and juvenile haven’t. Check with your skip if teams. At 5’ 10” and 1558 pounds, you cannot turn out regularly. It he does not play a rough tough brand of hockey but is more of is not fair to your team if you are absent and the game has to a fast and elusive type of player be defaulted. who leaves opposing def ensemen flat-footed. Curling requires FULL and ACTIVE participation. A skip’s meeting was also held (Continued from page 2) last week and a Curling Executive bc Ittom”. This will be followed was elected: then a faster bs r a gentle pickup, Chairman-Gary Hancock. piI ckup, a slowdown of the pickVice-Chairman-David Howe. ) and, finally, a levelling off Sec’y-Treasurer-Brian Ruby. Faculty Representativeag;ain. It is hard to tell, before the Mr. Kerr-Lawson siclwdown is completed, whether A meeting for all Curlers will a particular pickup is going to be be held soon, to form committees fa st. At any rate the climate is required for Curling Activities. rii :ht for a pickup this seasonWatch for notices! ! ! es pecially if you are unmarried David Howe, ar td driving a ‘59. . . . Vice-Chairman.













mice 726 Last ’ Thursday the Mules’ hockey team took to the ice at the Waterloo Arena’ and promptly skated off with a 7-4 victory over the visiting McMaster Marlins. It was the first exhibition game of the season for Waterloo and they gave signs for a successful season ahead. The Mules had to come from behind to gain their first win but three unanswered tallies in the middle frame supplied the winning margin. Paul Knox, the starry Mules forward, put his team ahead at 2:17 of the first period, but three McMaster goals by Brown, Wilson and Melinoff with a .goal sandwiched in between by Jack Taylor, gave Mat a 3-2 lead. Then came the big second period. Mike Gendron picked up his first of two goals, followed by counters from Pierce and Witty and the game was sewn up. Gendron and Knox finished the scoring for Waterloo in the third and Brown tallied his second of the evening to make the final reading 7-4. The game saw 12’ penalties called with Waterloo picking up seven. At times the pace was torrid and the Mules, in general, skated around their opponents

with ease. Outstanding in this department was little Gen Hamada who was all over the ice.





The defence was weak although Weiler and Brown played well. The best%lines were that of Knox, Taylor and Files, and the trio of Gendron, Witty and McL#ean. Coach Rafferty played both of his goalies with McKee playing a standout second half. All in all it was a good exhibition and we hope a symbol of things to come.







performance “ALLEN






St. N.



Students SH.


9.30 and



2-0774 1











“Wonder, (2)

on our



11 A.M.





4-8323 SCHOOL












“Love” 7 P.M.

David offers

STUDENT’S Dividend POR7R4f?OR&



for =



every tisMlER&S Waterloo



Chapel preaching


Fltlws SH.


Vespers Soloist:




purchase -



and Refreshments!






\ , *;~,I . ’ I ,o 1 . .I

by Tom ,Dsntly


” Well my f‘riends, now that your , off in a corner by your lonesome, . you need not be ashamed to iead ‘I I_, ‘+‘a / .I . I .s + /c , this article. 8 s Residence life ‘returned to nor, j‘;, ma1 for a while last week as we , ‘a<>~ 1had two successful .tubbings, the’ \ :” most enjoyable being that for Pete is a real nice .’I,,, ’ ’ 8 , Peter Rowdie. ’ guy; just ask him, but\)he unfor. II‘/ j , tunately forgot that his lease was ” ‘\ :. ” up, and was tubbed for using the ,*t\ fs, ’ services of the residence. Early .-‘I, ’ I, *next a.m.. our bearded hustler was ) prematurely, I I _ tubbed to celebrate, .) ,>j I his bbthday. ‘Whilst the- hustler _j ‘8 r a’. was regaining his ’ composure, ,I s’s , ’ three of the boys from Delhi were .\ 1 celebrating all ub ‘and down the ,i’ a ’ 1 third floor. ; I , , I A few of the boys have been b complaining about the lack of hot ’ water.. Now boys this is uncalled ;, ;. . for. Why, I:11 bet lyou.,there *are ;<‘: 2,.\ , people in some parts of the world i ‘.,> 5 who’ wouid’ be thankful just to , .I i soak -their big toe’ in our hot ;r ’ water. And while we’re on the i subject of water, we may state i 7.. tnat tubbings may be prohibited. L. “% sets some of L ’ Since each tubbing the ‘beds on the5 third floor ‘afloat, 1 --a I it has been sugkested that future candidates be, secured iyith rope b and left under the showers. This w will facilitate the reception and *+ ’ allow anylwater that is- spilled : .-- on, the ‘floor to drip into the *I seminary office rather than the . \/ ~, bedrooms on the third floor.1 11 ’ * \Now gentlemen, I want to extend my heartiest congratulations I */ .- ’ to you. A young lady asked me -. to ‘remark on your, manners over the phone. The usual line of \ sordid remarks is daily routine, , but one lady phoned up and asked k -if a .boy might be called and was * ,. prd%ptly told she could go’a little ** I ’ j south, of purgatory. She was so by this invitation, that ; ” *enthused % I to you 4 ‘_ - she asked me to extend greetings. And you ‘j1 . . I her warmest I, i know that my resistance breaks ,time one of our > . 4 down j every / ’ campus chicks allows me the ( privilege of helping her out. Even i / , ’ Miss Perrin said that, and I quote, ._‘ , . ,I j “you ‘would be a real sucker for a sob story”. l'




are paying


Ii yould




R. D. .’


112, 1958




P.M. L- 7




be haunt

foolish on my part to criticize the food. For on such days ‘as last Sun. afternoon the cafeteria has proved that they can put out an excellent meal at a reasonable ’ price. ’ A basic meal of soup, or juice,! meat, vegetables, milk, bread, and butter and dessert “can be had at Huron College and O.A.C. for fifty ,cents& (This is open to correction for I am depending on second hand info. here). Ih my 3wn experience I can go to the Nest, in Kitchener where there is Lots of atmosphere and for one dollar choose from a menu a corn-’ plete dinner and be served at the table. There is no need to enlarge 3n this, similar deals are available at Breslau and the Mag. A ‘discussion of this type could fill several issues of The Cord Weekly and would only result in my winning. Most of the people eating in the dining hall’ would overlook this price if a higher quality meal were available. Continuation of present conditions in the dining hall, is only going to result in customer dissatisfaction which is reflected in the number Of crude’remarks made about the food. Isn’t that the most? I just hope the kitchen staff realizes this isn’t aimed at them. Well dears, if you thought that was a pretty hot subject, float in next week when I’ll let you in on one of the hottest subjects debatable.“ And *it won’t take long. Nom: Girls, when dialing 2,-7382, please let the phone ring, somebody is bound to answer the thing sometime. . . . Honestly. The names of all characters used in all News Fouled-up arT tic&s are, fictitious. Any similarity without a satiric’ purpose is a coincidence. . . . Pity.




’ O&K. here we go, Why are lI#E Nous&, I more and more of today’s young people eating at restaurants? In a bomb-shell, the reason” is that for the quality’ of the food. ) Bya Pat Baldyin we are getting. in the dining hall, You like jazz?, Then come many of us feel, (and I emphawith me, ‘and discover the size the “mans of us”) that we along _.


,, / i

I By Dale Perrln



c will









is king*


We drive through the city, the big city” TO,. of course. The time is shortly after one A.M., Saturday, night. ,The city blazes’ with neon lights, which cast strange shadows on the groups of night People who roam the streets. -We Pass the night club area, and the groups of night people become few and far between. Then we are on Bloor Street, and approaching the shops of the .elite area+ We turn into a far from elite-parking lot. Although it has a uniformed attendant, one glance about the lot shows it to be fringed with the back ends of old

mentally incompetent must be a ’ confession on your part. I don’t recall stating anything even r& motely connected with the, sub-’ j,ect, And,thadks for the suggestion about analyzing the scrawl on the blackboards. Though I don’t resort to blackmaili it ‘might prove,. interesting, eh Mr.. Sandison! j This couple partly disproves the idea that opposites attract. The first ‘writing is the male whom’ we’ll call Hank for convenience, and the second is 1 the .:female’ Harriet. *



Wildin&. At

By the stroke .of your, .‘pen . . . [ can compare you and your for compatibility. But” I-! ‘sweetie” 1oefore I get into this, I, have a i Eew comments to make. The first 1s a form of apology to the two young. iadi’es analyzed in last veek’s ’ column. Unfortunately, he’ printer got the two ’ handwritings in the wrong place. So you must look under the opposite lescription for your emotional nake-up. Now, just a mrd to&Mr. Dontly. Your conclusion that you are



of this elongated lot shines a pinkish light. It illuminates two silver - coloured Hank and Harriet -both have nature. They doors with. small windows at the the same expressive top: Above the doors is a semiare ‘fbasically friendly, warmcircle of glass, monogrammed nearted and affectionate indiwith a significant Hi From behind viduals; Since they both _are this glass comes the eery pink Eriendly and emotionally expressive, they wili be able to underlight. _ We push, open the silver doors, , I! stand and get along fairly well and the strains of jazz reach our with each other. Harriet it apears. A fellow they, call Clem is pears, is a little more independent there to greet us. He has long than ‘Hank, but isn’t domineering grey hair, combed- straight back by any means. Hank has a lot .of, and turning up a bit just under pride and /would, rather conf arm’ the collar of his long black over to the majority than be an indicoat. He is the owner, and WC vidualist. However, I wouldimalater realize that /he is the Wizard gine that they prevent each other Of 0~ in disguise. Who else bul from being extreme in either a wizard would create a place SC direction,. she trying to curb his ‘different from the rest of the pride, and he putting the damper on her independence’. wor1d? Both of them enjoy being We go up a short flight 0: a stairs, and enter a long narrow 7 physically active (not necessarily rOOh, lined with long’ table2 . active in sports) and Harriet About a dozen people sit at thest >I shows a great deal of. rhythm .and tables.* The room is dimly lighted gracefulness. ’ Anybody care fok There are three small chandelier: a dance?. I in the ceiling. One has a red light Poor Harriet has too many -one has a blue light, and the>t.hel irons in the fire. She has numeris’ out. There are candles on, tht ous interests and activities’ but tables. At the end of the roan they tend to confuse her. Hank, are a piano and a bass., The mu, being a more organized indi/making them 1vidual, doesn’t let his interests -produce sweet sounds, very pro# conflict. However, don’t pat yourgressive, but with a distinct beat self on the back Hank for you are Real cool, like., ,. probably ’ the reason for Harriet’s After a time, we go down to thf confusion. basement. This too is dim15 Harriet appears to be a “dreamy lighted. The walls are of rougl er”. Her goals “and ambitions in stone, and there are rough St,& life *are quite visionary and arcs that extend pillars to tht idealistic. Hank is the: practical floor. It reminds us cf what 2 one. He has his foot grmly plantcastle must look like. This is only ed on the ground. But, Hank has logical, for this is the castle where a tendency to underestimate him& Jazz rules. \ ’ \ I A six piece group with a bril, So we sit .and . sip coff eea and liant,, tireless drummer holds the tap our fmgers and stare into floor here. Crazy finger-tap@{ space, TQO, soon, the musicians sounds. The, people here are more pack up their i instruments and numerous, and the table tops wil slip away into the night. . Our soon be worn thin from so mucl eyes are crying for sleep, but we i tapping. hate to leave.,< _ 3 The people may be rougly di We go out through the silver vided into two groupsthose doors, and drive through the now who have given in to the spel deserted city. Then we are. home, of the place, and those who tri and sleep ’ covers all, while desperately $0 resist it. The latte: smokey visions of pianos, drums, group sits and talks, and is im saxophones, etc., float through mediately hated by everyone else dreams.’ ; for attempting to spoil the at I ’ mosphere., SO 8 8 8

self. His goals could be on a ’ higher 1,evel for he is capable of , greater success. than he feels ,himself to be. Now,’ both .of them can help each ‘other here. Hank can check Harriet’s tendency to be a , dreamer and Harriet can encourage Hank to have a more far, ~ reaching goal. It ’ gives me great pleasure to say*,that in this cas,e, Hank is the’ most talkative of the two. Both of them are rather I quiet individuals, but put Hank and Harriet in. a friendly crowd, and Hank will do more talking than will Harriet. . Another 0 thing in Harriet’s favour is that she is very creative:! She could be an excellent seamstress, etc. .Take note, -Hank. She’ll probably be economical in that sense. ’ I’ll conclude this little comparison by stating that Hank and Harriet seem to be a compatible couple, and you’ll probably tigree with me ‘now, /that by ,the stroke of your pen ,. ’ ‘. I can compare you and your “sweetie” for cornpatibility. ,

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