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1, No.












LE. SAYSNOTO The question of Political Clubs again came before the S.L.E. for consideration, but the council was evidently tired of hearing about this issue, SO it went to rest early. The final decision is that the S.L.E. will not petition the Board of Governors, in a demand for the formation of Political Clubs on this campus. It seems likely that a Political Science Club will be formed in the near future, open to followers of all political beliefs. The interest shown in this club will determine whether it is practical to later petition the Board of Governors for the formation of separate Political Clubs. Poor attendance, probably due to exams, caused the S.L.E. president to open last Tuesday night’s meeting with a blast. He pointed out that members should make a supreme effort to attend, come flood or fire or examinations. He added that those members who did come should make an effort to be on time. The agenda sheet always states the time to be seven P.M. sharp, but members straggle in as late as 7:20.

FAREWELL TO THEENGINEERS A WATERLOO TRADITION THECHRISTMAS BANQUET The gloom of exam time was lifted for a while Thursday evening, when students and staff members alike enjoyed themselves thoroughly at the Christmas Banquet of the S.L.E. Opening the programme was a Boar’s Head Procession, led by a lithe court jester in a red elf costume with plenty of bells. This “fool”, Dick Day, cavorted merrily before a group of carollers, who were followed by some sack-clothed individuals carrying candles. Bringing up the rear were three chefs, one carrying the boar’s head, another a turkey, and the last a flaming Christmas pudding. They created an awesome impression as they paraded around the gymnasium, which had been decorated with Christmas trees, and candles and stars on the wall over the head table. Seated at the head table were the chairman, Am Stover, S.L.E. president, Ian Fraser, Dean Schaus, President Hagey, Dr. Reaman, Rev. J. F. Little, and their ladies. After an opening address by Am Stover, Rev. Little said grace, which was followed by the Queen.


The now starved guests then sat down to a delightful full course turkey dinner that left no one feeling hungry. Throughout the evening, Paul Berg gave renditions on the organ. Immediately after dinner, Garry Morton led the group in singing carols. President Hagey gave a message of welcome, in which he pointed to some of the other events which have marked the term thus far. The main theme of his address was the formation of Waterloo University. He told the guests that it would be a very short while until this step would be accomplished. Following the President’s speech, Ian Fraser spoke on behalf of the S.L.E. His talk was short and straight to the point. He expressed the wish that the spirit of Christmas that comes to us all at this time of year should not come down with the Christmas decorations after the holiday. And he extended traditional Christmas greetings to the guests. The next item on the pro<ramme sheet said: Entertainment . . The Trio. The Trio, consisting of Andy Bald, Dave Zeidman

and Keith Kraus, certainly did entertain to the hilt, as they mad6 like a barber shop quartet minu: one, doing full justice to familial songs and strange ones alike. Rev. Little then gave his Yule. tide Message, on the theme oJ form and fullness in the church The guests listened attentively a$ this brilliant speaker related the Christmas Story to the church oJ today. The carol singing Chat followed this was perhaps more reverend than that of before. But a lighter moment came when the Arts and Engineering Faculties exchanged gifts. Jon Creighton presented Bill Edwards with a gift thal he felt was worthy of any engineer, a monkey wrench. The latter retaliated by giving Jon 2 token of esteem, a tiny gold cup, engraved “The Champion Bull Throwers”. After such a wonderful evening, it was no surprise that many of the guests chose to remain late, and gathered about the organ to sing more carols. A good time was had by all, and the guests no doubt look forward to enjoying the same treat next Christmas.

Another quarter has passed quickly away and we are about to depart for our work assignments scattered throughout Ontario and Quebec. For those of you who are completing your first quarter I hope you have found college life all that you anticipated it to be. During this quarter we have been privileged to be the first students to occupy the new Chemical and Chemistry Engineering Building; and to see Prime Minister Frost officially open this the first of what we hope will be one of many buildings comprising the University of Waterloo. Just as important we have seen the beginning of construction on the Mathematics and Physics Building which will be completed next October. You have elected your first Engineering Society who in the short time they have had have, I feel, accomplished a great deal. Jacket samples have been ordered and should be here for approval at any time. Old exam papers have been sold and thanks goes to Dr. Stanton for helping us in this matter. An investigation and report has been made into the possibilities of operating a used book store. We hope to see this in operation in April. A great deal of work has been done investigating the possibilities of a student loan fund. Although nothing concrete has been set up regarding this fund our thanks go to Geoff Howard for giving his valuable time to this matter. The cafeteria has been dubbed “The Nucleus” by a unanimous vote of the Engineering Society. Last but of most importance a rough draft of our Constitution has been prepared and we hope that by April it will be ready for presentation to the Student body and Administration. We realize that The Cord Weekly has lacked adequate Engineering representation and we hope (Continued on page 7)

It cannot be too strongly emphasized that any student who is elected to an office, or appointed, or who volunteers to do a job, should realize exactly what he is getting into. Every class president and vice-president, every club president, should have had the foresight to see that there would be exams coming up, and that he would still be expected to attend meetings. It seems likely to assume that those who did not realize this, or who apparently had every intention of letting their duty slip occasionally, were campaigning only for a personal victory. Examinations are of course important. But at every meeting of the S.L.E, the same six senior students, including the president, have managed to show up. Last year university work is surely the most important and difficult, but they manage to budget their time so that their duties will not be neglected. The meeting was shorter than the previous one. The Psychological Society presented their club constitution for ratification. Each article evoked the usual amount of criticism and rewording, but the most newsworthy article referred to the name of the club. The addition of the “al” on the end of the first word was considered unnecessary. Consider, by way of illustration, an Economical Club. However, when the representative left, the club was still calling itself the Psychological Society. This club is open to students interested in psychology, in all faculties. The president suggested that the Campus Queen elections were not being run in the best manner, as many students eligible to vote did not know all of the girls on the list, by either appearance or (Continued on page 7)




At Christmas one is supposed to feel both light and serious at once. As an Editor we are expectled to have something to say that is just a little different than usual. We must confess to being completely devoid of fresh at this Christmas time. There is nothing we could say i ideas -that has not already been s,aid many times before; ‘certainly nothing that would be remembered for very long. What is’ there about Christmas that makes a person suddenly quiet’er than before, more personable, sensitive and introspective ? We would like to give you the r#easons but we can’t, simply because ‘we don’t. know them. Nor does anyone else have a really clear idea on this subject. This anniversary is remembered then because of some intangible feelings that affect all Christians. However there / is nothing intangible about the event that is in question: That L I was very real and this world will never be changed so much as it has been by the birth of Christ. So here wle are shedding our editorial callousness and resorting to cliche and saying in a score of lines what is usually said in’ two. I MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ,

Published weekly ‘by the undergraduate students of Waterloo College and Associate Faculties at the office of The Cord Weekly, Room 105, Willison Hall, Phone SH. 49471. The opinions expressed are those of the editorial and publi-‘cation staff, and are not official opinions of the Students’ Council, or the College Administration, unless otherwise noted. Editor-In-Chief: Managing Editor: LINDSAY SCOTT Advertising : BERN. SOLOMAN Circulation:. JOHN TEMPLIN Photography Editor: TED RUSHTON



I .


‘GORD. SMITH Business Manager : MIKE VALERICTE Sports Editor : MERRILL ‘GRAHAM News Editor: GEO. M~cUI;;LGU’GH Layout: MIKE WHITEHEAD

by The Bean Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd. 372 King Street North, Waterlqo, Ontario.

Another Quarter has shot by and the time hgs come to examine its trail. According to the Master Plan we moved into the Chemistry Building and with good luck construction will be finished b,efore we return. There is also a slim possibility that there will be a road to the building by then. After a quiet but lively ‘campaign we managed to elect a President, Vice-President and Smecretary-Treasurer toI the Engineering Society. The Society has held a few meetings and a list of their accomplishments would read as follows: Almost got the new Engineering ‘Jackets, Sold old exam papers and named the lunch rooms twice. Even though this list is short and contains no world shaking accomplishments, Ijcan no.t honestly extend it because ideals and intentions are not accomplishments. I almost forgot the Student office -we have a lovely large office, one stolen. table, several stolen chairs, a phonebook and enough money to buy a filing cabinet. I would like to point out that the reason ‘for no major accomplishment is not because the elected representatives did not work hard at their jobs but because the student body as a whole is dead. This has been pointed out to you so often that I will dwell no longer on it. The list of acco~mplishments next quarter will be no longer if the student body doesn’t ‘t come back to life. The paper in my opinion has been poor. This is not because the help has been poor,’ far from it, most people working on the paper have given too much. The reason for the poor paper has been poor organization, and poor co-operation betw,een the Engineers and Artsmen. This shall be corrected in April. Well, to conclude, every one elected did his best to serve , . you and you did nothing to serve him. But April is spring and in spring new life breaks forth from the dead, and until then Y . . . J. R.

, CLUB REPORTS 1 RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK DEUTSCHER VEREIN * During the week of January On Tuesday, Dec. 10, at 8 p.m., 12th - 16th, 1959, the Waterloo “Deutscher Verein” will present College Chapel Committee will be a German Christmas play. There sponsoring a “Religious Emphasis will be Christmas carols as well W,eek” on the campus. The guest as solos. This should be a very speaker for the week will be the good evening. so plan to attend. l Rev. Dr. Ralph M. Krueger, the EVERYONE; IS WE+LCOME. .a Chaplain of Wittenberg College, Springfield, Ohio. Dr. Krueger will be speaking in Chapel every morning and leading discussion (Science and Engineering Library) groups in the evening. Nov. 27 . . .. .. . .T. Arciszewski ‘The students are urged to give Nov. 28 ... . .. .. A. Bald this program their enthusiastic Dec. 2 . .. . .. ..W. Penagapkd support and’to participate in the program. -Help us to make this All engineering students are requested week a success! to return any books to the library not The Chapel Committee. later than December, 18th, 1958, ‘i ,

To the Editor: ‘Waterloo has no school spirit’, quote, unquote and requote. How many times has -that- idea been elaborated upon since the beginning of this school term? As a Freshman I have’been duly impressed by this obsession - the one thing everyone gets excited abdut - our lack of school spirit. It -occurs in conversations, in grumblings from group executives who were without a group, and before our eyes every week in The Cord Weekly (the eyes of those with enough spirit to read the paper, that is). With such prolific propaganda, how can anyone think otherwise? j Of course we ha,ve no school spirit. I accept the fact, I defend it spiritedly as one of the features of Waterloo College, one thing and which makes it outstanding different from &other. universities. ‘We have nd school spirit.’ We should say it proudly. There’s no reed to shout’and get so frustrated over the fact because nothing much can be, done about it anyhow. To begin with, everyone is rather vague about the precise spirit’. My meaning of ‘school conception of it involves, a comparison. If a school is like a person, then the spirit, that intangible air which you feel as you walk threugh the halls, is like a human personality. And .we all know the basic facts about perSome peqple have sonalities. them, i.e. they are vibrant,, interesting, and alive. *Others don’t, i.e. they are dull, apathetic and dead. ‘Waterloo has no school spirit.’ And . . . we won’t have one for & few years yet. For there’s anrather lamentable fact other about personalities. You can’t change them easily or quickly. They have to grow and develop onI their own, with the influences of heredity and environment. Well, Waterloo College was born into an unexciting, but nice, little town. Named after it,‘we are like afavourite little nephew who .gets patted on the head on Sunday and ignored the, rest of the weekunless he does something naughty. reprimanded, Then he is /severely spankin.g style. Then there’s another environment factor in our personality Kitchener (who is a lot like her brother, only bigger). A good proportion of the students come from Kitchener or other sites which makes them ‘non-resident’ students. This is bad for both of us, and the main reason for our inferiority complex. Students, who live three, four or more miles away from the college miss half of college life before they even start-learning to develop socially and independently away from home, as well as intellectually. They are only in the school a few hours a day for lectures (and how much spirit can you derive from a lecture?) And they don’t have the time (when it takes. one hour each way on the bus) to come up for Glee Club or P &‘G practices in the evenings. Therefore with a stumbling block in our personality like nonresident students (and there will always be students who can’t afford to go to U of T) how can we ever have a well-developed and healthy personality? That is your problem to solve -if you don’t like Waterloo’s personality. Personally, I do. It may be dead, but I like qtiiet, ,meditative intellectual(?) peolple, the stillwaters-run-deep sort of thing. But 1please, let’s ,hear no more complaining, which shows.. an emotionally immature personality who can’t accept circumstances





I Dear Mr. Editor: . It always fills me with a mixture of awe and reverence when I observe a person who portends to be as perfect a person as Mr. I’. Rushton, the perpetrator of a certain series of recent articles, in which he describesall his collegemates as perpetual complainers / 3nd lazy, stupid and immature rabies who require continual pampering. HE wonders why, if everybody must complain, they don’t organize petitions and atThe incident that has caused tend all school events in full the trouble began last year when force. Of course, it is painfully a letter written by Professor obvious that Mr. Rushton himself Harry Crowe to a colleague, some- never complains, even to HIMhow fell into the hands of Dr. self, because HE insinuates that Lockhart, the ‘principal of the if HE had something to complain college. Exactly how he got the about, HE most certainly would letter has never been explained not sit idle, but would bring all beyond what “is thought” to have kinds of forces and influences into happened. The contents of the play. so as to correct the faulty letter that have been made known situation. Since I have never seen also belong to the “is thought” that great man, moving around, category. One reason .given for drganizing mighty petitions, etc., the fact that the controversial I conclude that Mr. Rushton just I note was not published is that never complains. it would defame Prof. Crewe’s It must take a lot of courage ’ character. ’ Ear so perfect a-man’ as Mr. RushWhether Dr. Lockhart is guilty ton to keep attending a college of those things with which he has that contains so .many imperfect been charged, I know not. The people. HE must feel like a denews service reports have’ been voted missionary, surrounded by too sketchy to form the basis for heathens who require his perfect ’ an opinion. On the other hand, the example. news has not carried sufficient However,. in closing, I. would to confirm. the theory that Prolike to point out that in any group fessor Crowe is an admirer of the of people that are thrown tosp.otlight. gether, ‘it is only human’ nature I know from personal experito complain and gripe to a certain ence as a professional reporter extent in a good natured way. It that, during the summer newsis only ,when people stop griping drought, to turn to an expose as that the spirit of the group is in a fresh fountain of copy, is. a real jeopardy. Bill McKibbon. temptation. It is ’ unfortunate, Pity!-Ed. however, that so many lives have been affected by this particular incident. I .I TO EVERYONE WHO, IN P & G This much I can say with cer- ASSISTED This year’s production estabtainty: No matter how wrong Dr. lished a landmark in the history Lockhart was in doing whatever College, and it was it was he did, he did it in the best df Waterloo your unselfish devotion and eninterests of the students of United thusiasm which made the whole College. ’ As for Professor Crowe, a success. I have no first-hand knowledge of enterprise him. John and I will always treasure your wonderful gifts, but they Yours sincerely, were more than we deserved, for Robert J. Tschanz. you had given us in the performante of your individual duties the greatest gift of all, your talent Dear Editor: and abilities. It is impossible in so short a In return may I express my space as this to express enough personal gratitude and appreciathanks to all i those members ,oJ tion and extend to you a very the S,ophomore class and allmemMerry Christmas and every sucbers of other classes as well whc cess in all the New Years to come. ’ aided in making this Waterloc Thank you sincerely, College Ball such a success. ’ Bob Scott, Special mention should be made Director, P & G of the tireless work of everyone on the Ball Committee itself, fo‘r TELEPHONE MESSAGES without them the Ball most cerFOR STUDENTS tainly would have been a failure, The number of telephone calls I only wish it were also possible coming to our switchboard reto extehd an individual thank you questing prompt contact with . to everyone who helped; with students or delivery of messages decorations, ushering or cleaning to students has reached a volume up after. which we must now control. Dear


A year ago a man I have casually met was highly respected by almost everyone who knew him. People of all religious denominations looked upon him as being “an awfully fine man”. Then the press, radio and TV began a conspicuously one-sided attack on his actions. Now, Dr. W. C. Lockhart of United College, Winnipeg, is condemned by almost everyone in Canada.

Henceforth, we must restrict handling of messages for students to those which would reasonably come under the heading of emergency calls. We would theref&e beyond their control. Instead qf appreciate studelyts not leaving grumping: get out and cheer the instructions with people tie call Mules-i resident students. Then them \ through our switchboard they won’t be able to blame our and informing their parents that personality as the reason for unless it is of an emergency nalosing their games. Speaking for ture a telephone call should be non-resident students (if yor made to the student’s residence. haven’t guessed by now), I car ’ We are sure that you will aponly say, regretfully, ‘we’re there preciate the difficulty in contactin spirit’. -M.W, ing students and the time which (I await with trepidation, the is consumed to the detriment of time when M. W. wants his other business. We would appreco-operation, particufavourite organization to take ciate your “immediate” action on in informing your parents some larly question. The amount of rationof this matter, to save embarrassalization needed then will far ment in the future. surpass that used in preparing A. K. Adlington, this letter.-Ed.) Bus. M&. Thank you sincerely, I Bill Tremaine, President, Sophomore Class,








server Marg. By



On November 24, 1958, the report of the Committee investigatim f the “Crowe Affair” was publicised by the Canadian Association o: University Teachers who had formed the Committee last September . The investigation was started at the request of the Queen’s branch 1 of the CAIJT, where Prof. Crowe was working for a year. They fel t that there was the possibility that both academic freedom and aca demic tenure had been violated by the Principal and Board o:f ~ Regents of United College. The Committee formed was accepted b; the aforementioned parties at United College until they learned tha t one of the members had resigned because he had previously beer 1 engaged in discussions of the Crowe case at the meeting of the2 General Council of the United Church in Ottawa. His reason fo: r withdrawing was that his presence might give rise to the suggestior : of impairment of impartiality. Since this left the Committee wit1 only two members to carry on, United College claimed it was no t properly constituted and refused to, and never did meet with the2 * investigating body.


lections were held last week elect a campus queen. (That bit of information is for the Engin eers, many of whom I’m certair t were never informed.) We don .‘t wish to berate the Engineer: s but voting down at the Chc :mistry Building last Thursday amc 3unted to nothing much more tha n a lark. One young man who energy to write got up enough dov vn three names chose them by the “ennie, meanie, minie, mo” SYS'tern. Can’t say that we blame hin 1, he didn’t know any of the girl IS.

The highlights of the case are as follows. Prof. Crowe wrote tc3 Lome of the engineers suggesthis friend Dr. Packer on March 14 and on April 1 Dr. Lockhar t ed that we have pictures of the claims to have received a letter containing Prof. Crowe’s letter am 3 can .didates, while others said that in College Hall. We think you shoulc 3 this typewritten note: “Found we should have “a parade”. Well read it. Some staff loyalty?????” the re are pros and cons to both In the words of the report this developed into “an invasion o f ide, as. privacy which, while inadvertent in the first instance, was deliber ) K low, why was there such a ately sustained by the Principal in that he retained the letter It could well be beneglected to report it to the postal authorities, discussed it with am ; situ lation? se of the time factor involved. revealed its contents to other parties, photostated it, made it the cau i Art s students really don’t spend occasion of a special meeting of the General Faculty Council ant so many months of the year in reported it formally to the Board of Regents”. spend sch 001 but the Engineers “‘The Board then made a decision of crucial importance to Prof .- eve n less. And that, we might Crowe’s future on a shred of evidence, failed to confront him wit1 n say is a big reason for apathy. any charge and gave him no opportunity to speak to any charge.” g short three months it is diffiIt appears that the Board dismissed Crowe using as evidencl e cul t to work up school spirit. his private letter to Dr. Packer. Though the letter is not include1 d comprise about ‘1‘he Engineers in the report it was nevertheless considered by the Committee ant d 1one ?-third of the school. If you’re in its estimation does not warrant summary dismissal. minded you’ll realize PO1itically Only an actual copy of the report can give the best coverage oIf tha t one-third of the votes could the case as it stood last November. Due to recent development S swj ing an election. If that onethere will probably be added to the 150 pages of reports and docu .- thi rd is a new up-and-coming ments an equal number of Appendices. SC kup, the party in power would In the opinion of the writer the CAUT demonstrated its willing ;- be well advised to look into the ness to co-operate at every turn only to be met by rudeness But let us leave the an d prc >blem. audacity on the part of the Principal and Board of Regents of Unite d pol itical analogy and end by sayand the College, Prof. Crowe should also be commended for his restraint i n ing ; that the Arts students the matter. As a permanent faculty member since 19351, raised t o En gineers are separated among an Associate Professor after only six years service; as a vetera n ma ny things, not only by distance, as well. There holding one of the highest honours for bravery, the Military Crosr 3; bu’ t by interests and as a citizen, his rights and privileges have been most flagrant1 y is no oneness felt by all the stuviolated and he has the right to be far more belligerent than he hE 1s de1nts and that was well illustra ted last Thursday. been accused of being. Perhaps that the lot of a growing college The following is taken from the CAUT report and is an astut the engineers don’t know anyobservation of the situation at United College. “The Committe ng about the Arts college (anti would observe that the administration of United College, judged b :y don’t), what does the ‘Arts its conduct, seems to hold the view that religious belief is so fragil lege know about the Engineerthat it may be shattered by a breath of criticism.” ; college and what can be done This is really a condemnation of both Board and Principa out this situation? Those who defend Principal Lockhart on the grounds of his being Christian gentleman are obviously overlooking his actions with th letter, his refusal to discuss the case with Crowe and his attemp’ to intimidate witnesses who were to appear before the Committe A. H. Watson, Chairman of the Board, is no less a culprit for his par in the case. His stubborn refusal to discuss the case or clarify th situation makes him a candidate for the year’s most dislikable mar



Rciydk HAIR

HOI-I DATE A scintillating dress-up coiffure in the Empire trend, so perfectly suited for festive occasions. The eye-catching front has a tiara of tendrils, with curls softly cascading forward into a fling-of-fringe bangs. Face-flattering side curls . . . and there’s a pretty profile wave. Beautiful back, gently rippled and bloused, to cause “backtalk”. Make this the most scene-stealing Christmas ever for your patrons, by dating her up for a “Holidater”.









All eyes look to Winnipeg, awaiting the answer, if one is coming United College has suffered for the indiscreet tactlessness of Lock hart and Watson; let us hope that this case will forever clarify th positions of our professors in our Universities, One more commendation should be handed out at this pair and this one goes to our own Board of Governors at Waterloo. I the eyes of the Faculty, the Board has ALWAYS demonstrated keen awareness of academic freedom and academic tenure.


Prosperous and Healthy



New Year

.. . GEORGE M. BECKER Manager Home Office



‘II King Street North Waterloo, Ontario





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. December





the undertaking. , In this connection students are warned to ‘thoroughly investigate any proposition or arrangement offered to them in accordance with the strictest business standards.

After giving very considerable thought to the matter of student co-operative, housing enterprises the administration of Waterloo College and Waterloo College Associate Faculties finds it necessary to state their position for the guidance of the student body.

CAMPUS QUEEN M&B Vicki Graff ceremony. ’

1958, Miss Joan Reesor and kiss Elspeth King ’

with just


Use of College



of the College



It is hoped that the above items !make the’ College position clear and will serve to ,warn students that co-operative housing enterprises are schemes which should be thoroughly investigated before Those taking. action is taken. leadership in the formation of any such group should recognize their obligation to other members of the student body and those participating should do so with the full knowledge that they must accept the consequences of, their actions.

Students who participate in co-operative housing schemes or otherwise accept financial and other obligations as the occupants or owners of property do so entirely at their own risk. The College must make it clear that it cannot under any circumstances be expected to accept responsibility for the actions of such 1 groups.






manufactyers FOR


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action if the student a conduct unsatisfacour standards.

The College does not wish to appear to be opposed to cooperative housing. It does wish to impress upon the student body that such undertakings are a business enterprise imposing upon the Discipline group all the obligations, both It is assumed that students at legal and moral,’ that society ex~College have attained an age and pects all of us to uphold. As to maturity enabling them to con- whether these are good or bad as duct themselves in a manrier so a part of the life of this College as to bring credit to themselves we can better judge upon examiandctheir College. We know, hownation of experience with the ever, that this is not always the present house, and those which case and as a result it is necessary might follow in the near future. to establish certain measures of _ The Administration discipline. In this regard the College cannot take any different W. C. and A. F, view towards studerits living in a co-operative housing scheme than they take towards students living in other kinds of residence. Accordingly, the student’s conduct and his relationship with the community will be of concern to the College and subject to. disci-

The students -are reminded that their actions must conform to standards imposed by the law and the customs of society. Any group consi,dering a co-operative housing scheme should therefore satisy itself that what it is doing meets with proper legal requirements and the individuals should satisfy itself that what it is doing of sufficient age to participate in



Under no circumstance is the student body or any group of students allowed to make use of the corporate names of Waterloo College or Waterloo College Associate Faculties or any parts thereof in any style or title without prior permission being granted by the President. The college cannot permit use of its name so as 40 denote or imply obligation for the actions of any group over which it does not exert definite measures of control.



of Parents

Parents of students expect the College to provide some superDefinition of vision of and guidance to students Co-operative Housing in their extra-curricular activij The administration will regard ties as well as in their instruction. it is possible for inas Co-operative housing those Furthermore dividuals under age to enter into situations where there exists joint arrangements which might fall occupancy of quarters by students back on the parents should things under a mutual arrangement or not go right. Therefore the Colagreement whereby the premises lege takes the position that it must inform the parents of. all are sold outright to the st,udent students, undertaking obligations group, or leased to -ihe students in a co-operative housing scheme to be occupied by them under or furthermore.living as a tenant their, own supervision. therein that he pas done so.

her two attendanti, after the crowning

- Friday, December 5, Waterloo lovely Joan Reesor was announced College held its annual Ball. Sea- as Campus Queen 1958. gram Gym provided economical The Queen in a soft pink satin advantages but somehow lost the gown ascended to her throne acelegant and formal atmosphere of companied by the applause of her the Walper -House, replacing it many admirers. She donned the with the congeniality and in- royal robe of purple velvet and formainess~ of a college gym. was crowned with a crown of red She received The theme’ “Aquawhirl” ten- and white roses. dered interesting decoration pos- many gifts along with speeches, sibilities which were capitalized popping flash bulbs and enthusion by the sophomore class in their astic applause. S.L.E. President Ian Fraser presented her with an use of a blue, green And white colour scheme. The band added engraved manicure set on behalf to the feeling of the dance with of the student body. A bracelet their’ great variety of music. from the Faculty and a silver tray from the Phi Delta Pi Sorority The highlight of the evening came when the Campus Queen were presented. was crowned. The tenseness of The Q&en ancJ her attendants the event was felt when the music were also presented with the op-’ stopped and Bill Tremaine, Presiportunity to have their portraits dent of the Sophomore Class, taken by various local photocame forward to make the an- graphers. Vicki and Elspeth were nouncement. To add suspense to presented with nosegays of pink the event the two attendants, and white carnations. President Vi&i Graff and E&p&h King, Hagey congratulated the three were announced first. Then came girls and also the student body that long awaited moment when on their fine choice. ,


I?linary Inaintains I;ory by





19, 1958

By Dale


By the stroke of your pen . . . I can tell when you are trying to pull a fast one on me. These words are especially directed at you, Mr. S., for trying to befuddle me, by submitting two of your own handwritings-one supposedly disguised. Tsk, tsk, Mr. S. This incidently brings up an Graph0 -Anainteresting point. lysis can also be used to detect forgery - and is being used by many lawyers and courts in the U.S. and several in Canada. The average Joe, (like Mr. S.), believes that when he changes the slant of his writing, that he has completely disguised it. That is a false impression for although


Perrin the change of slant will blur the picture somewhat, the basic strokes and individual formations will remain the same. They can and no doubt would be detected by a Grapho-Analyst. The more experienced forger also leaves tell-tale signs which can be detected. For one example, a forger usually writes the forged signature slowly and deliberately. This will be detected by comparison with an original specimen of writing. Detecting forgery is just one facet of applied Grapho-Analysis. There are many more. Perhaps at a later date I will elaborate on others. But right now . . . on with the analyzing.

M evy czzristmas

an cl a

Here is a friendly, considerate, rather warm-hearted individual. Since he has an expressive emotional nature, you would probably think him to be somewhat of an extrovert. But strange enough, you are wrong. This writer is reticent, rather shy and timid and inclined towards introversion. He worries about himself and to some extent about what impressions he is making on others. He looks inwardly to criticize and I suppose it castigate himself. would be useless to say to the ’ writer of this letter to stop worrying so much about himself and his negative qualities (real or imaginary) and try to concentrate upon his positive traits and talents. This person has a vivid imagination and some literary talent. He’s the type of person that should (if he hasn’t already)


18 Albert our



St. Cut

H TPY lv ew Y ear

one on me.



offer his talents to The Cord Weekly. Determination, cone entration ability, independence are a few other strong characteristics shown in the writing. The individual likes to be physically active and since the writing shows rhythm and coordination, he is probably an athlete of some kind active in one or more sports. Well, enough said about you: Mr. X. If you want any additional information you’ll have tc ask me in person. Before I sign off for this week I would like to give a wee bit oi advice to Mr. T. in answer to his question. “Love her, DON’T leave her.” Now this is Dorothy Dix saying that . . . by the stroke of your pen I can tell you when you (you





CLomplimente If you’re “Shop

majoring with

in fashion





GOUDIES Department Telephone


AND Since


SH. 3-363 1









by Tom Nothing messes up a column faster than last-minute news event,s. So what does the parking authority do to me minutes before deadline but issue the parking stickers. They had two monthstwo whole months-and they had to do this to me. Well, I’ll fool them, I won’t even mention it.\


Dontly shake off the loose dandruff) an admit shamefully that the bo3 have not held a return party fc the girls. And then my sterlin character male colleagues wondc why they don’t get along bettc with the girls.

7With the end of the term a: mc 1st here, a brief run down o the ? Job Situation is in order. C thf ? 281 students who are lookin for * work, 166 or approximate1 60’ % of these students have de fin ite work assignments. Ther to be fille Ah, it’s Christmas time, tin: le arc ? still ~52 positions to eat, drink and be merry fc )r wi. th companies at the preser And if that isn’t all, the cafe- tomorrow you may be a statistl C. tin le. This means that approxl teria seems to be starting to cut Don’t forget when driving i n ma ltely 78% of the students hav prices. Probably between now and Ontario, jot 1s to go to. This leaves approxj that the new point sy: publication they will completely tern is in effect, and in TO. th: it ma ltely 63 students who do nc ruin me by reducing the controthere is a reduction in points fc )r ha. ve jobs to go to as of Decembe versial price of milk. Moreover, hitting a pedestrian who is on can b 8, 1958. These students with my luck I’ll probably finish dit Tided into two categories, elig crosswalk. . . . For this I shoul typing this column on my 1917 receive an award from the Nz ibl e and non-eligible. Corona and then find a brand tional Safety Council. rhere are 25 students in th new electric model in the board In order to keep the H.D.: noi n-eligible class. Students nc of pubs. By the way, The Cord (Highway Death Toll) figure eli; gible for placement are in tha Weekly is probably one of the few coming in, the CBC Trans-Canad cat egory due to a poor academi news sheets in Canada that lacks Network in affiliation with New ret lord so far. They may improv a typewriter. Fouled-up will be broadcastin thi s record and thereby becom From week to week the clods the latest fatalities as they hay elii gible for placement. This clas down in the WHHC live in fear pen. If you witness a fatalit: is determined by subtracting th of my blundering tongue. At this phone the -information ot you lov irest Mid-term test averag moment they will be wondering local radio station and you wi fro m the highest Mid-term tes what ghastly thing has hit me receive in the mail a long pla avf 3rage, and dividing by foul as the HOTTEST SUBJECT DE- recording of Dirges To Dine B Th e students in the bottom grou: BATABLE. I’m not going to beat with the Leslie Bell Singers. are t not allowed interviews. Thi . i around the bush, boys. Here it is. i;o make sure that only the stv At about this time I shoul !d It’s that ever-loving, dog-nabbed, wish my readers a Merry Chris t- fe: nts who have shown good wor cotton-pickin, foul-smelling, overgo into industry. Th: mas. I say I should because if I ha bits heated TV room. This is beginalso saves the inter don’t, Gord Smith (he’s the gu lY sy: stem ning to sound like Grapes of Students in th: that writes all those nasty ed l- vie ?wer’s’ time. Wrath. . . . Pity. their final exan torials about the dining hall), wi 11 a( lup have irked as soon as possible an In the last week I have missed beat me over the head with aIn averag two phone messages all because old dried up copy of Mad. S;o if they have a passing department wi there has been no person assigned Merry Christmas . . . Happy Ne- W tht 2 co-ordination to plac to answer the telephone. The Year . . . Happy Valentine’s Da lY spz are no effort in trying sports committee has made no . . . Happy Birthday , . . Gute n the ?se students. report on the progress of sports. Schapes . . . . Anyone who has been keepin Very little, if anything, has been For Sale: Twelve lots of ven seeIre has found that there are 3 done re the TV aerial, the proeli gible students who have nc posed washing machine and a son. . . . Saint Nicholas. bet en placed. Mr. W. McKee fe’ REGULAR supply of hot water. The names of all character in th th: St the three co-ordinators Long Sam is going to love me used in News Fouled-up article fie: ld would have positions fc for this, why here I’ve gone and similarit the zse students early in Januar: fictitious. Any drawn up a whole program for are Mr *. McKee also pointed out thz a satiric purpose is a c( the next residence meeting. Fin- without thi .s is the most difficult term t ally, I hang my head low, (to incidence. pl: ice students as there is ver tle activity in the constructio d surveying industries.


. , .




, . .



16 Ontario


St. S.



There is no accurate breaP wn of the wages paid by var s industries but the lowe: tge received was $35.0’0 a wee d the highest was $78.010. Stt nts have made more than $78.C t this was not on a 40-hot :ek. The higher wages wer nerally made in the norther ning areas.

* Loose Fountain




Books Pens












42 King St. W.


SH. 2-4409










* 70













For Christmas and New Year have come to mean’ a time of holiday from academic work, a time for parties and liquid refreshments and so on. A happy New Year wish might involve anything from monetary gain to romantic conquests. In the sports world, a Happy New Year might include anything from Toronto Maple Leafs winning the Stanley Cup or the Mules gaining the-intercollegiate title in basketball. But much as I would like to see all these things, personally I would rather see more important and lasting results in 1959. Much has been said lately, by the way, of criticism concerning the world of sport and its unchristian-like behavior. Ministers, priests and other men of prominence have been attacking the roughness of hockey. Also, such things as selling of lottery tickets at a large American university and quarrels between managers and players have crept into the world of sport. There is scarcely a day that one can pick up a newspaper and not see where some player has been thrown out of a game for detrimental behavior, or has been fined for breaking training rules or some other infraction. And so at Christmas time, we must, as is done in other fields, look at the world of sports and see if it can be strengthened by the Christian influence in which we live. We have to ask ourselves if the Christian principles are being applied in this field to their filllest.



Here it is, the festive season, and time to take up my pen and wish all the readers of The Cord Weekly a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. There does seem to be, however, a goodly number of interpretations as to what is meant by said wishes.

LES FILES Les Files, a returning rightwinger, is a 5’ l*O”, 175 pounder from Wallaceburg, Ontario. During his high school days he was a member of Wallaceburg’s senior championship team and one of the high scorers on the Juvenile “B” squad. At the moment he is a member of the “big” line of Knox, Taylor and Files which did such an effective job against McLes is also active in Master. Track and Field, placing first in cross-country at the annual secondary school meet, and participates in basketball.

Will the following people please check their book shelves for over; due books: :: Berenbaum, Ronald i Bracker, Gerald : Buehlow, Fred . Crouse, Keith ‘, Enns, Robert Graf, Vickie :’ .: Kohli, Jim Lille, John Manz, Sandra Munro, Carol ‘. /:,I Pearson, K. i ii Pletch, Chris : :; Rae, K. ;’ Taylor, Don 4 EARL MCKEE All books are to be returned Earl McKee, our stand-out to the library not later than Dee: goalie from last year, has returnember 19th. Anyone wishing to ed to toil between the posts again take books out for the Christmas this season. Earl is a local boy holidays may do so by signing who got all his hockey experience the Christmas Reserve Book List: in the Waterloo Minor Hockey It would be wise to come in and League where he was a perennial sign if you want to be sure of member of the All-Star Team. securing them for the holidays, Earl is not a big boy, 5’ lo”, 145 These books may be picked up lbs., but his cat-like reflexes and t after December 1’7th. co-ordination enable him to ef:; fectively ward, ofE continual atTo each one of you, we of the staff send our sincere tacks. During the off-season he Library greetings for a most happy Christstays active in athletics by coaching the local intercounty ball mas, rich in the lasting gifts of :: club. Strength and Peace. i, I ’/’

i *:: 1

I myself feel that there is a great deal of room for expansion. It definitely would be too much to ask for perfection but it is not too much to ask that every team, every player, on all levels think seriously of applying Christianity to better the sports world. What better place to set an example than at our own Christmas and enjoy ourcollege here ? Let’s have a Merry selves but let’s keep the true meaning of Christmas to the fore. And then, let’s make it an equally Happy New Year by applying these Christian principals to the world of sports here at Waterloo. A Merry Christmas participate in or enjoy

and a Happy Sports.


\ ,



In Foyer Thursday

to all who


(Continued from page 1) that with your help this situation will be rectified next quarter. Our apologies go to those on their work period who unfortunately did not receive the Cord Weekly this quarter. Because of the cost of mailing and handling all those wishing to receive The Cord Weekly during the work quarter will be required to pay a nominal fee of 504 in the future. As you know the next phase of your course is just as important as the one you are now completing. It is important not only to you as an individual but to Waterloo as a whole. We are new and it is up to us as individuals and as a body to establish a reputation which we can be proud of. So remember, fellows, always give your best both on campus and in industry and on graduation Waterloo Engineers will have their reputation, they won’t have to establish it. My personal thanks go to John Bratton, Bob McKittrick, the class reps, the Administration and all those who have contributed in any way to student functions and activities. Best of luck in your exams, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you next quarter. Paul Koch, President Engineering Society.



scholastic record. word for the wise Princess elections spring.


at 9:50 aam.


Let this be a when the Frosh are held in the










It's For




. .





. stationery

King St. E.


. needs




and Gifts




IN 1959








Vestments Mottos






Supplies Choir



Kite hener







and Friday

One other matter had been tabled for discussion, but had to be postponed until more members would be present. This matter had to do with the Revisions of the Student Union Constitution. To conclude on the same note used at the beginning, lack of support from members certainly becomes discouraging when important issues have to be sidetracked until members decide that they can afford the time to come to the meetings.

For Smartly
















Exclusive to University Stude

thisUNMATCHED 10~cost. $35moo VpEEhRR $57 r s17m50 vpEEA”R

Underwritten and guaranteed by Canadian Premier provinees of Canodo, from coast-to-coast and backed

PARTICULARS OFNFCUS LIFEPLANI THE PLAN--Ordinary Life with special low-rate insurance for first 10 years or to age 35, whichever shorter period. AMOUNT OF INSURANCE-Minimum, $5,000. -no arbitrary limit, individual consideration.

term is the


THE PREMIUM-$3.50 per $1,000 annually during the term period; Ordinary Life rate thereafter. Ordinary Life rates are included and guaranteed in the NFCUS LIFE Plan policy. ELIGIBILITY-All students who are members presentative student society of this university for NFCUS LIFE Insurance.


of the reare eligible

Life Insurance financially

Company by insurance


a Canadian interests with

TOTAL DISABILITY BENEFIT-If totally disabled your protection is continued, in force without further payment of premiums. If still disabled when term period expires, your protection is automatically continued in force on the Ordinary Life plan for the same amount of insurance with all premiums on the new p!an waived until death or earlier recovery.


This application all information



















mail. for

On amounts



up to ink


$10,000, please



a medical ball











Have you flown No 0 If “yes,”


Have have



you you


University Date (If


ever ever


..____.____.._..... month year



_ . Middie



PERM. (6)












Yes 0

as a fare-paying

applied for insurance wi:hout receiv ng a been offered a “rated” policy? Yes Q

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Prov . . ..___________


(8) WEIGHT .._________________ (Y) HEIGHT



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City .______.__..______._..-------------PrQv ._.. ___-_-__home-where mail may be sent If necessary)




-----~------------------------------------------------------Name Last Nnme

- ____--_-______-_____________ (Family







_______________________________________ . . City






-_---_________________________ - ------___--_. First Name




Year Term or berm to A e 35, nearest birthday, whichever perjod, with Ordinary Li 3 e thereafter, (warvzr of aremium (prior con>fer’sron option included).



NO WAR CLAUSE-There is no restriction as to the payment of death benefits if death occurs OS a result of war, declare’d or undeclared, except as outlined for air flight. _. infori’7ation see your or contact:



RIGHT TO ASSIGN-You have the right to assign your NFCUS LIFE policy. This is valuable as an assistance in obtaining loans (for example, foi educational purposes) as in this way the lender may be given a guarantee of payment in the event of premature death.

For further



GENEROUS SETTLEMENT OPTIONS-The NFCUS LIFE Plan contains attractive settlement options whereby the insured at maturity, or the beneficiary, may elect to take the proceeds of the policy in a variety of instalments or on a life annuity basis guaranteed for either 10 years or 20 years but payable in any event for life. ,

occurring as a result of air you are the pilot or member



ADDITIONAL COVERAGE FOR ACCIDENTAL DEATHPolicies may include an Accidental Death Provision at an extra premium of $1.25 per $1,000. This provision will pay the amount of the Accidental Death Benefit in addition ta the face amount of the policy in the event of accidental death.

COVERAGE-Death covered except where of the crew.

below, clip

Use blue or black ink legibile. Thank you.

is on newsprint. must be clearly



in all



REDUCTION IN FIRST YEAR PREMIUM ON CHANGE OR CONVERSION-A reduction of $2.50 per $1,000 of insurance will be allowed from the first premium payable unon the change to Ordinary Life at the end of the term period, or upon conversion of your NFCUS LIFE policy to any plan at any time. For example, if converted at age 25 to $10,000 Ordinary Life the first year premium wouid be $125.40 reduced by $25.00 leaving a net amount payable of $100.40.



EVERY STUDENT NEEDS LIFE INSURANCE!! BECAUSE you need to begin your program NOW-the student who enters his life career with a financial independence program ALREADY STARTED will, other things equal, achieve financial independence sooner - and on a higher ultimate level. NFCUS LIFE provides this “starter” at a price you can afford. BECAUSE you need to insure the investment in your education to protect those who have protected you. Every year, through death by accident or natural causes, there are students who will never return. If someone has sacrificed to help ‘you through University, be sure they are not left with expenses and loans to pay. BECAUSE only thus can you protect your “insurability.” Insurance bought now guarantees your right to permanent insurance for life regardless of changes in your health. WHY THE NFCUS PLAN IS YOUR FIRST CHOICE Remarkable savings achieved by NFCUS mass buying power an advantage gained for University students through their association together in NFCUS. Tailored for University students and available exclusively through affiliation with NFCUS. The group principle brings equal protection to NFCUS students of all ages - up to 35! Non-Canadian students are also eligible if attending Canadian Universities.

TO ENROL . . . Completed the application printed examination is not generally required.

CONVERSION AGE--NFCUS LIFE Plan policies may be converted at the attained age at the date of conversion; or at the age as of the original date of issue of the policy, in which case credit will be given for ALL premiums paid in addition to the conversion credit of $2.50 per $1,000 (see below).


charter, millions.

SpEClAL ENROLLMENT OFFER TO 1st YEAR STUDENTS ONLY First year students may enrol1 on the attached short Form “A” application for up to $10,000 NFCUS LIFE Insurance until December 31. Thereafter complete medical evidence of insurability will be required. A medical examination is not generally required during the enrollment period however the Company reserves the right to request a medical or to decline any application. Students other than first year students may also use this short form and a regular application will be forwarded by the Company.

PRIOR CONVERSION OPTION-While the plan automatically becomes Ordinary Life at the end of the term period, there is an option for prior conversion to Ordinary Life at guaranteed rates without further evidence of insurability. Also, conversion to any Limited Payment Life, Endowment or Pension plan may be arranged.

NON-PARTICIPATING-The NFCUS LIFE Plan is ncnparticipating during the term period, however, at conversion, you may select either CI participating or non-participating permanent plan.

federal $330

A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY Your affiliation in NFCUS makes it possible for you to own $5,000, $10,000, $25,000 or EVEN MORE life insurance on your own exclusive plan covering you during your years at University and several years thereafter if necessary, at an exceedingly low rate, - then, when you are working in your chosen field (or practicing your profession) and are finonciallv established, you begin to pay the premium for permanent Ordinary Life insurance - also at guaranteed low rates.

EFFECTIVE DATE OF INSURANCE-Insurance under each policy takes effect immediately upon the issue of the policy by the Company, whether the first premium has been paid or not.

GRACE PERIOD-A period of 30 days of grace is allowed for the payment of any premium including the first.

Company with assets exceeding

or ___




-.--_--.-._._ ..-.._.._ (15)






f16) AMOUNT OF INSURANCE ‘a-‘$ 5,000 ___-_-_- -_----___- @ $! 7.5c (17) ;AME OF BENEFl.CIARY c] $10,000 ..------------- ---- @ 35.00 0 $25,000 ___________.__-.____ @ 87.50 (18) RELATIONSH!P OF BENEFICIARY TO $ --- ______ @ $3.50 per M $ __________ APPLICANT (Wife, Mother, etc.) __.._.__________-.__________________________------------------------Plus (19) I enclose payment of first year’s premium . . ..________________-----------.. 0 \ check 0 Accidental Death Provision @ Please issue Policy and bill me, 30 days to pay _________________________ -0 j which $1 .25 per M $ ___________________________

Ai1Names in F~!ll.--Fof Example, Maryeejm&iie -~~~~-not--~~~~-lohn-Doe

It is understood I hereby apply above and agree

Chairman, I

and agreed that to the Canadian to pay premiums

the fpregqing statements Premier Life Insurance at the rate, shown.

and answers are Company, Winnipeg,

complete, Canada,

true for

and correctly insurance as

recorded. described






Did you


19 -------


Students other than first and full instructions

------__-------------___-_-_-_______-_____^__._-_________-____Signature of Applicant.


Please be sure!

year students may also complete Form “A”, will be forwarded from the Company.


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