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INTRODUCING THE Waterloo’s Redmen after ing for a first


Jim Hann is grounded by an unidentified pulling in a pass from Max Gould and chargdown.







- A Football

This weekend brought to a close the WaterlooWarfootball season and riors’ included a few foreseen and unforseen events for the students of the University of Waterloo. The events of the weekend commenced Friday night with the staging of a torchlight parade and Pep Rally by the students around a bonfire in the parking lot at Seagram’s Stadium. From there the students, carrying torches and led by the eheerleaders, marched over to the Arts College and sang and cheered for the Warriors. Despite attempts by the residents of the college to “dampen” their spirits, they remained and later returned to the parking lot. Once around the bonfire everyone joined in the cheers and songs led by the cheerleaders. An eEgy of 8ill O.A.C. player was burned in the bonfire to the delight of the spirited Waterloo crowd. The crowd then headed for the dance at the gym where their enthusiasm continued into the early morning. On Saturday, Waterloo students entered Seagram Stadium to find that a party of “interior decorators” from Guelph had been there the night before. The fences


around the stands were “deeoated,” compliments of the Aggies. The letters “O.A.C.” had been painted on the fences and at the back of the stands. Above the press box stood the bold, glaring red letters spelling out “GO REDMEN.” On top of the gym was a cart with “REDMEN” painted on it in plain sight of all outside the stadium. One courageous freshman climbed up and removed it from sight before most of the crowd had arrived. The game, won by O.A.C., featured many excitmg plays, disputed calls, and great spirit on the part of the Warriors and their fans. It also showed that the Waterloo Warriors are to be eontenders in the near future. The game also featured the Guelph O.A.C. band as half-time enter t ainrnent . A display of baton-twirling and precision marching by the band proved a very good half -time show. After the game the O.A.C. rugger team decisively beat the K. W. Pirates to enter the finals of the Intermediate Rugger League with a score of 14 - 8. The weekend closed with the dance on Saturday night at Seagram’s Gym. led

Sports The University of Waterloo Warriors, after two straight wins (over Carleton 16 - 8 and over R.M.C. 27 - 18) were defeated Saturday by the Guelph O.A.C. Aggies by the score of 36 - 19. The Aggies scored early in the first quarter, after being stopped twice inside the Warriors’ five-yard line, on a short pass. The convert was wide and O.A.C. led 6 - 0 until a downfield Warrior march was capped by a pass to Hann, who made a fine jumping catch for the touchdown. Targosz’ convert attempt was blocked and the score remained tied at 6 - 6. The Aggies scored again after a long run set up a ten yard pass for the touchdown. The convert was wide and the O.A.C. held a short-lived lead of 12 - 6. The Warriots scored soon after on a pass from Gould to Aldridge. The convert this time was wide and the score remained 12 - 12 until the last play of the half when O.A.C. scored on a short pass. Again the convert attempt was wide and O.A.C.

18 - 12 at half-time. Early in the second half the Warriors marched downfield to the Aggies’ five-yard line. Stanyar suffered a possible broken wrist while carrying the ball back to the five. From there, on third down, Gould threw to Schellenburg in the end zone. Sehellenburg caught the ball close to the ground but the referee called it incomplete, ruling that he had trapped the ball. From that highly disputed call, the Aggies marched downfield and passed for another unconverted touehdown. They later added two more touchdowns, both unconverted ; one on a fiftyyard run, the other on a pass after recovering a Waterloo fumble. Late in the game a fifty yard pass and run play from Gould to Aldridge gave Waterloo possession on the Aggies’ one-yard line. Again it was Gould to Aldridge on a short pass for the touchdown. The convert attempt this time was good with “Golden Toe” Targosz adding the single point. The score remained 36 - 19 for the rest of the game. John




The 1960 version of the Waterloo Warriors finished fourth in the league, tied with Carleton College Ravens of Ottawa. Both teams had identical records over the season; two wins and five losses. Although the team had a disappointing start this year, it finished strong, winning two of the last three games. This year’s team, led by captains Don Targosz and Dick Aldridge, consisted of thirteen freshmen, most of them playing key positions in their first year of eompetition in the Ontario Intercollegiate Football Conference. The frosh members are quarterback, Gould ; half back and leading scorer, Aldridge; end and second in team scoring, Hann; centres, Miller and Pearson; gaurds, Pouliot, Caldwell, and Sehmulias; tackles, Cruiekshank, Doyle and Riehm; and halfbaeks, Moogk and Koster. With a year of experience behind them these players and the “veterans” of the team such as Stoltz, centre; Kurtz and Czarneeki, guards Stewart and Targotz (who also converts the -Warrior touchdowns), tackles; Graham and Mathies, ends; Sehellenburg, Wood, Phillips, Krzywieki (the punter for the Warriors), Stanyar and Stanyar and Wohlgemut, ha.lfbaeks; should make the Waterloo Warriors a formidable opponent in years to come. Coach Totzke feels eonfident that the Warriors will be vastly improved in the next few years since none of the players will graduate for two years or more. So we will have to wait until next year when the Warriors again enter league competition to see the improvement that coach Totzke has predicted for his warriors. John Stirrat, Sports Editor


Just a line to let you students know that the rugger team is following in the footsteps of the football team. On the weekend of November 5 - 6 the rugger team lost two games. This came as somewhat of a surprise after the exceptionally good showing against the University of Toront,o team the week previously. Perhaps it was the lack of fans (there were three fans there); at any rate the team lost a. game on Saturday, November 5, to the K-W Pirates 19 - 10. Sunday the team lost to O.A.C. 22 - 5. There was an increase in spectators at this game; 7 turned .out, but it didn’t seem to improve the score. The Guelph O.A.C. rugger team will be playing in the Ontario Rugger Union Fnals for the Carling cup on November 19th.

Players and supporters parade which highlighted


of the Warriors the pep rally.





Win Three freshman students at the University of Waterloo have won prizes offered by the Canadian Mathematical Congress for their high standing in the Ontario Grade 13 Departmental Examinations in Problems. A prize of $50 is awarded to the leading student in each of 19 regions of the province. Additional prizes of $50 are made to the five students who rank highest throughout Ontario. Two of the University of Waterloo students were also among the five provincial winners. Donald J. Curran, a graduate of St. Michael’s college School, Toronto, and now attending the Univerd sity of Waterloo was district winner for Etobicoke, Mimico, New Toronto, Weston and York Township. He was also one of the five provincial winners.



A local student, Elizabeth L. Klein, who attended Waterloo-Oxford District High School, won the prize for Brant, Haldimand and Waterloo Counties District. Douglas S. Magnusson of Kenora - Keewatin District High School was district winner for Algoma, Kenora, Manitoulin, Rainy River and Thunder Bay. He was also a provincial winner. All three students are now enrolled in first year Honour Mathematics and Physics at the University of Waterloo. The Problems paper is an optional examination, designed for outstanding mathematics students. Marks obtained in the Problems paper are kept confidential although a suitable standing in Problems is required for admission to some university courses.

Musical Activities Begin at University of Waterloo A programme of musical activities has been launched at the University of Waterloo, A ma.le chorus is the first group to be formed and practices are being held weekly. Paul Berg, of Kitchener, has been appointed Director of Music at the university. Mr. Berg is director of the famed Schneider Male Chorus of Kitehener and is also director of music at Central Presbyterian Church in Galt. According to Mr. Berg, upwards of 20 students and faculty members have already joined the chorus. A repertoire covering all types of music suitable for choral arrangements is being developed.

The university chorus will1 make its debut on Friday, November. 11, when it will take part in the programme at the Mutual Life Auditorium which features Dr. Otto Dibelius, European president of the World Council of Churches, as special speaker. A Christmas concert at the university is also being planned. Bookings are being made for performances at high school assemblies, church services and service club meetings during 1961. A faculty of music eommittee has been established to co-ordinate musical activities at the university. Committee members are R. G. Anthes, H. R. N. Eydt and J. C, MeKegney.





The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate students and authorized by the Board of Publications of the University of Waterloo, Publications Room, Student, Offices, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed are those OC the individual writers unless otherwise Editor-in-Chief: Associate Wayne Arts

Editor: George


Production Pounder,





and Circula!ion: Ron Mucy, Jim Advertising Peter


Enqineering Wallace

Photographers: Ron Phillips, News

Editor: John Stirrat Correspondance



G. R. F. Elliott,


a nation

: Joanne


oaf sitters deputy

and watchers”



in B.C.

In an age of great technical achievement and lack of balanced viewpoint, of colour television and bathroom advertisements, of satellites and nuclear warheads, of highly paid sportsmen and destitute artists, of musical commercials and racial prejudice, when we attribute our faults to our local conditions and our grandmother’s psyche, where the matter of the existence of God or duties pertaining thereto are considered unimportant beside the desire for pleasure and the greed for wealth, there is need for concern. “The slow corrosion of luxurv - the slow erosion of our courage are already beginning to show,” says John Kennedy, speaking of this western eivilization, “Our profits may be up, our standards of living may be up, but so-is our crime rate, so are the sales of tranquilizers and the number of children dropping out of school.” Many a young man grows up without any discipline, without any self control. His guiding instinct in life is merely what he wants, not what is good for him. Anything demanding effort is immediately dismissed. The resulting degradation of moral and intellectual standards is apparent. Dr. Neatly, of the University of Saskatchewan says, “In the 20th century, some 200 years after the enlightenment we encounter a new barbarian. Matters of the mind scorned as ‘highbrow’ and to attempt to enlighten the mind of one’s neighbour is almost as great a presumption as to endeavour to save his soul. He wants entertainment.” Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, when asked if she would like to convey a message to youth of today said, “Hope - my message to you is hope.” There is hope; signs of the regeneration of a thinking spirit come through to those who watch, in sufficient quantity to give hope. This hope, however, is not something to be complacent about ~ “to sit and watch” we must act as part of the revitalizing movement. Albert Schweitzer has accused our age of being “filled with a distain for thinking. I therefore stand and work in the world as one who aims at making men less shallow and morally better by making them think.” How does the university student fit into this? Universities today are rapidly becoming mere technical institutes. When men attend university and men teach in university just for the monetary consideration with no real desire to receive or impart knowledge we have reached a sad impasse indeed. IJniversities are no longer the thought-provoking institutes or sources of thought of this eivilization. The half-doped beatnik is often more capable of original thought than we who are preoccupied with K- suborbitals, exponentials, or Vergil’s use of the past participle. We should therefore set to thinking about our why and wherefore. We must not sit back and watch, pass our exams, and go out of our minds with alcohol. We should ask and decide why are we writing exams? What is the reason and meaning for our indulgence in drink - a frustrated desire to feel good? I_ a clutching after a forbidden freedom? ~ a mere social and enjoyable evening? - a desperate need to be one of the boys? Having asked ourselves these questions we can stand on our principles; advocate them to others, understand the meaning of our existence and be integral persons. Howard Whitman of the Telegram writes: “We’ve soaked ourselves in luxury, we’ve taken to the worhsip of money and pleasure. We’ve twisted moral values to suit ourselves, we‘ve scoffed at integrity. In short, we’ve behaved like great eivilizations of the past when they’ve become overfat and pleasure-riddled __ just before they crumbled.” I believe the remedy for this lies in our hands right now. Are we going “to sit and watch?” As an interesting students have read

sideline example this cdi t;orial.

going to hold forth on the monetary government but on consideration I a vast majority of the engineers for a dictionary so I will content various things which I have noticed


EDITORIAL is becoming

In this column I was policy of the Canadian thought it may send running in a mad panic myself by reflecting on in general.

Editor: Ian Watson




Manager: Shantz

lousiness Manager: Murray French




Science Editor: Peter Shantz Editor: Krawczyk



I -wonder



I have taken a long look at the Artsmen and the results of this look may form an island in this swamp of digressions and loose opinions. It is fine to applaud the fact that you are an Artsman and uphold it verbally against the Epsilon minuses in Engineering and the Deltas in Science but how about a little more tangible support for extra-curricular activities. Take this newspaper for instance; there are two Artsmen on the staff and even at that one of us is a girl. The whole show is being run by engineers and taking that into account they are not doing too badly but that doesn’t say there is no room for improvement. I can hear your cry now, “Who has the time” and others of you damming me for being a super-hedonist. This is not the ease, I am only suggesting that you broaden your scope by latching on to at least one extra-curricular activity. You may be wondering by this time why you are getting this mild blast. Well, this column had its beginnings last week on the gymnasium floor just after Engineering 2A had run us into the ground because we had no substitutes. 1 realize that this is perhaps a poor example as to why YOU should join some activity but the point is to give something a whirl . . . even to the Arts editor telling him how far off the beam he is. George


At*ts Ed,



to the Editor


8, 1960

The Editor, University of Waterloo Student Newspaper, Waterloo, Ontario. Sir : Though I can understand “Kenyan’s” concern about the white man’s position in his country (see “This Free-dam” in November 4 issue of your newspaper), I must deplore his use of emotive diction and his apartheid bias. loaded lan“Kengan’s” guage betrays his prejudice throughout. First, he tries to confug? his readers with that add up to “facts” “truths” that are self-evident to him but not to an intelligent reader __ any political analyst worth his salt is extremely careful in his use of “fact” and “truth”. Then “Kenyan” reveals his annoyance with the black politicians, those “noisy selfseekers after power” who want to “usurp power over the masses and fill their pockets with spoils”; trite though these phrases are, they do not disguise a laissezfaire attitude that limits the right to exploit to those presently doing the exploiting. But t,he best example of emotive diction is this passage : “Two thousand loyalists may be foully murdered during the Mau-Mau; the press-is not interest&d. A handful of depraved lunatics die at HOLA (Mau-Mau detention camp); this makes world news.” How it tugs at the heart-strings to hear that

“loyalists” are “foully murdered”! Surely it is only right that anyone opposing these loyalists (no matter on what grounds) should be described as a “depraved lunatic”, and it is only just that these lunatics should “dia” (note the suggestion of mercy temparing justice in the word “die”, and the overtones of pity and horror in “foully murdered”). Let us now consider “Keynan’s” abuse of logic to convince the reader that he is an authority on his country’s problems. First, he states that he knows the “truth” about Kenya because he lives there; may I suggest that, though Prime Minister Verwoerd lives in South Africa, many highly respected statesmen suspect that his emotional involvement in the tragic situation tends to colour (or should I his concept say “whiten”?) of “truth”. Second, “Kenyan” sets his judgment above that of Her Majesty’s government, who, though they have capable representatives in Kenya, are “in ignorance of conditions in Africa.” Third, he attacks the world press as being “too matter of fact; they want sensationalism” - does not a matterof-fact press want facts? And finally he says that countries which are not Christian (in his emotive language, those “citadels of anti-Christ”) are “places devoid of human virtues.” Would not Christ have reeognized Gandi or Nehru or other non-Christians of similar stature as




having human virtues? “Kenyan” will not do SO, for he knows the “truth” about Kenya and Christianity. Behind “Kenyan’s” exaggerated dietion and lack of logic, however, there arc some points worth eonsidering. One is that black Kenyans are worried (not “aas/ numbers are terrified”) about the results of independence for a politically immature people; tribal warfare and personal vendettas are two of several possibilities that ’ “Kenyan” lists. Yet what country under the thumb of another country for several generations will not encounter these troubles under independence ? - Ireland and India are two of many that come to mind. Do these bogeys then rule out the right of self-determination? As for poli tie al immaturity, how can the blacks achieve political maturity unless they have an opportunity to govern? Incidentally, the black representatives in the Kenya “parliament” have had as many years of political experience as the men who now govern Ghana and Nigeria. “But “Kenyan” is appalled at what would happen (to him and his ilk?) if the “old restraints” were removed. “Chaos and utter degradation,” he says, would inevitably result from giving ignorant blacks the right of selfgovernment. Therefore, he would not give independence to Kenya or any other eountry in similar circumstances, for this freedom would be “freedom from law and order and the decencies of civilized life”. He does not consider that for the blacks it would mean freedom from a system of exploitation that allots the best farmland to the whites and imposes a double pay standard for whites and blacks equally qualified and doing the same job. For “Kenyan” such matters appear to be irrevelant __ Trade Unions, he says, serve only as “intimidators” ; “the decencies of civilized life” must be preserved for him and his African friends, but not made available to the “inferior” blacks. In the face of rising African nationalism, the consequences of applying “Kenyan’s” apartheid plan would be anarchy and bloodshed on the grand scale 1_ South Africa has more to worry about than an indcpendent Kenya. Ethical values,thank goodness, have gone beyond those “Kenyan” epouses. which The United Nations today recognizes the African nations’ demand for equality, for the U. N. charter is based on an ideal of freedom that stresses the importance of every human being and his right to treatment (economical, social, political) on a par with that accorded every other individual in his nation if not in the world. A word of solace to “Kenyan” : the U. N.‘s action in the Congo is an indication that it intends to protect the rights of all groups (even white minorities); so “Kenyan” has a guarantee of fair play if he will but accord it to the non-whites. Yours


James Department betters

to the Editor

S. Stone, of English cent*d

- 3





It has been a good number of weeks now since some omnipotent. power vague dropped his little finger to signal the beginning of this vast piece of construction which is erupting on the campus. I have heard some say that it is the beginnings of a new bowling alley, while others adamantly maintain that it’s a new swimming pool. Still more are of the opinion that it is a vast landscaping effort which was begun as a winter works programme. One particularly malicious rumour has it that it is really the foundation for a vast new engineering building. I cannot attest to the validity of any of these guesses but whatever it is, it appears to be progressing very quickly. In those weeks since September, that arid piece of land, dusty and dry as it was, has been magically transformed into something not unlike an oozy primeval swamp. When I walk along those narrow slippery boardwalks, I feel like some inno-





)ear Sir:


with and JOAN of W.U.C.


CKKW ‘itAD Student


DIAL 1320 SATURDAY, 7.05 p.m. Music __ College __

letters to the Editor cont’d 8th November,


The Editor, Student Newspaper, University of Waterloo. Dear Sir: It read with interest the item “This Freedom” in your issue of November 4th. Your readers, however, would probably appreciate it if “Kenyan” would clarify some confusions and apparen t inaccuracies. 1. What is his authority for the statement that “vast number of African black people are terrified . . .“? How has this information been obtained? Who consulted how many Africans when? How representative were those consulted of general African opinion? What tests were taken to ensure that consulted opinion was representative opinion? 2. What is the basis of his statement that her Majesty’s government is ignorant of conditions in Africa? What sources of information does he have that are not available to the government that has been administering Kenya since 1895? 3. What evidence does he have of bribery and corruption? Can he produce any figures to show that bribery and corruption are more prevalent now than, say, twenty or thirty years ago? Is he able to establish any casual relationship between on bribery and corruption the one hand and the nationalist movement on the other? 4. In “barbarous freedom,

reference to the consequences” of on what grounds is


umed that Kenva will ‘allow the example of” India, where the situation was complicated by intense religious animosities or the Congo, where there was a total lack Df preparation for independ?nce, rather than the West Indian Federation, Ceylon, Nigeria or Malaya, all of which achieved independence with a minimum of violent consequences? 5. How is a trade union movement, limited to some 50,000 urban workers out of a total labour force of some 450,000, able to intimidate a completely non - unionized rural labour force? “Kenyan” would do well to read the Report of the 1953-55 East Africa Royal Commission on labour conditions in the Protectorate. 6. Far from being “not interested” the world press gave the fullest. possible coverage to the Mau Mau uprising and displayed almost unprecededented unanimity in condemning the Mau Mau atrocities. The incidents at the Hola detention camp received far less publicity, not all of it unfavourable to British interests. 7. What is the statistical evidence of the decline of Christianity in Kenya? In regard to Christian ethics I refer “Kenyan” to Galatians 3 (25-29). 8. Who intimidates what press, how? Lack of clarification on the above points would suggest that “Kenyan’s” letter can be dismissed as a farrago of emotional rationalizationf through which a racialist quietens a guilty conscience, Yours

sincerely, T. H . Qualter

Page 3

letters to the Editor cont’d

cent prehistoric creature which is walking on the very edge of a bottomless tar pit. Step off those walks in some places and it is a ease of “Alas poor so and so, I knew him well.” On the outer fringes I saw some poor young chap whose black M.G. had churned forward so far and then had begun to settle at an alarming rate. There was on the owner’s face a look of vapid helplessness so typical of an engineer. The event which prompted this piece of writing, if I may use that term loosely, was a quiet ceremony that took place on campus lately. The first sod was turned for this new building. I think the thing that made the ceremony seem so funny to me, was the fact that besides there being dozens of excavations completed, there was by this time, no sod left to turn. Perhaps I am unjustly burlesquing the ceremony, for who knows, someone may have had the presence of mind to bring along some instant grass seed.



The inherent weakness in ny governing body which elies on free election to learn he peoples’ will, appears to be the indifference of the beople involved. In the elecion for the president of the ngineering society, only 42 To If the eligible voters did vote. t is interesting to note that he majority of this 42y0 was nade up of students from he same year as Nick Hathbway. Does this mean that he election was “rigged”? don’t think so. The large urnout for Nick Hathaway ndieates that his classmates vere interested enough in the uture of the engineering ,oeiety to get out and vote. In my opinion, if Mike 3ribar had been elected, the lighest percentage of voters vould still have been from (hat particular group. The excuse offered by the eemaining 58% of the stulents is that the polls were noved before they could rote. The voting was held irst in the annex cafeteria, md later in the physics luilding lobby. Many of ;hose in the cafeteria who jut off voting until they had inished their meals found ;he polls closed. These same leople were completely iglorant of the fact that polls Mere open in the physics luilding. I feel that there Nas a certain amount of confusion in the way in vhieh the voting process was landled, and I feel that this confusion is not a very egitimate excuse for those ;hat did not vote. However, instead of blamng anyone, I think it would be worthwhile to take a good look at the voting set up itself. Our problem is not unique: one finds it at all levels of government. ‘The first solution that occurred to me was to have eompulsory voting of some form. Further thought along these lines led me to discover that Queen’s University has been effectively using a eompulsory voting system for many years.

Waterloo’s finest supporters from the

Thus I propose that we set up a voting system as follows: 1. Permanent voting places be established in each building of the University. 2. Student be required to register at one of these polls during the election period. 3. Students not registering be required to explain their absence to the engineering society and, if the excuse is not though valid, be required to pay a fine. To elaborate slightly, I do not propose that we require students to vote. If a student wishes to abstain, he has every right to do so. However by compelling registration, we can be assured that each student is fulfilling his responsibility as a member of this University. J. R. Church, 2A Electrical




The current question ask by the paper is, “What should the paper be ea!led?” Both “The Coryphaeus” leader, and ‘Wuntiat” have been suggested. I would like to submit another question and name. Question: What has happened to the School Paper? Answer: It has become very important and very proper. The reason for the existence of a school paper is not to inform, or to attempt to an unwanted cultural standard for the student body, but to encourage free thought and provide some degree of entertainment. The New Paper fell well short of the entertainment mark in my estimation. As for encouraging thinking I am willing to bet that not ten people can recall or will express an opinion about any article in the first issue. A paper showing the proud masthead of B. S. (Bi-Weekly Science) never became drunk with its own importance . . . Perhaps we should try Mud Hog. Stet John


2 E.E.


DIBELIUS Bishop Otto Dibelius, European President of the World Council of Churches, lectures at the Mutual ,Life Auditorium. The students and faculty of the University of Waterloo were indeed fortunate this past weekend to have the opportunity to listen to Bishop Otto Dibelius of East Berlin and Brandenburg. Bishop Dibelius, who is the European president of the World Council of Churches, spoke at the Mutual Life Auditorium on Friday, November 11, at 8.00 p.m. His visit was sponsored by the University of Waterloo and by the Canadian Council of Churches. Bishop Dibelius, well.own for his firm stand ainst Nazism and Comunism, spoke of the neces,y of keeping Berlin from lling into Communist rids. He enumerated many the di%culties that he countered while serving as shop in East Berlin, and iterated his faith that lristianity would survive East Berlin despite all the :orts made the Commun;s to have the population nbrace atheism. Bishop Dibelius’ speech 3s extremely through-proIking and highly interestg and informative. The beech was translated by ev. Dr. J. W. Winterhager, rector of the Berlin Ecuenieal Seminary, who acbmpanied Bishop Dibelius. Music was provided by le University of Waterloo [en’s Chorus, who were aking their first public jpearanee. The chorus sang Hymn of the Netherlands” id James Tupman (Arts I) ,ng a solo of the 23rd salm. The offering that was lken was designated for the rorld Council of Churches efugee and Relief Fund, Id the chairman for the Tening was Dr. J. G. Hagey, resident of the University.

directed some over-spirited Warrior field during half-time ceremonies.

PsychologyClub At the organization meeting held Monday, November 7 the Psychology Club chose the following executive for the 1960-1961 term: President--Jim Rice Vice p”+rident-Gary Secretary-Marybeth Boone Future meetings will be held on Monday evenings. Entertaining and informative meetings have been planned and field trips to out-oftown centres will be taken in the near future.

The next meeting of the Psychology Club will be held Monday, November 28 a,t 7.00 p.m. in Room 134 of the Chemistry building. The guest speaker will be Mr. Fred Snyder, head of the guidance department of K-W Collegia,te and Vocational School who will speak on opportunities for psycholo= gists in schools. This club is open to all students who have taken 01 are taking at least one eoursc in psychology. New members from all faculties, are alway: welcome. Marybeth


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To All


Electrical Engineering Students

Re: Professional


Several of you have asked me which of the professional engineering associations you should join - E.I.C., I.R.E., A.I.E.I%, and so on. Confusion arises, of course, from the fact that there are so many professional engineering organizations which you can join as a student. Quite apart from the natural human “herding” instincts which all of us have, and which causes us to want to belong to some organized group, there are other more tangible aspects of joining at least one professional association. A reputable professional association assists its members throughout their lives in becoming better men in their chosen profession, and better citizens. It strives at improving the standard of the profession, gives employment assistance, promotes and maintains scholarship within the profession, main- tains co-operation between the graduate and the undergraduate engineer, and so on, in keeping with the ideals of the profession and the demands of a healthy society. I therefore recommend ‘that you join at least one professional association. As you engineers, electrical should join either (or both) of the two major electrical engineering associations in North America ~ the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (A.I.E.E.), and the Institute of Radio Engineers (I.R.E.).TheA.I.E.E. founded in 1884, is the older of the two, though the I.R.E. founded in 1912, is the larger in terms of membership. There is not a lot to choose between the two institutions, though the A.I.E.E. has traditionally been associated more with the electrical power and heavy electrical industries than has the I.R.E. ; though the A.I.E.E.‘s activities are now extending more and more into the electronics areas. In particular, a major portion of automatic control systems engineers belong to the A.I.E.E. In addition, the A.I.E.E. has always been strong in certain communication, areas __ particularly in wire line telephone, telegraph, television, and facsimilie systems.


The I.R.E., as its name implies, was born with the age of radio transmission. It leans predominantly in the electronics direction and, as the years have passed, has become the major harbour of radar, digital Computer, semi conductor electronics, and microwave engineering activities. Nevertheless, the two institutions have much in common so far as professional interest is concerned. Perhaps the only reason that They do not merge into a single unit is because they have quite different financial and administrative structures. We do not have either an A.I.E.E. or an I.R.E. Student Branch on campus at the University of Waterloo as yet, simply because both institutions have a regulation which precludes the establishment of a student branch until after the first class has graduated from a university. Our first class (of undergraduate engineers) will as you know, be graduating in the summer of 1962. Preliminary negotiations have already been made towards establishing a Joint A.I.E.E. - I.R.E. Student Branch on campus in the Fall of 1962. You are eligible, however, to join the I.R.E. and A.I.E.E. as independent student members. There is a Kitchener-Waterloo Section of the I.R.E., and Professor G. J. Dufault is official student representative on campus. He has student application blanks and would be pleased to discuss I.R.E. membership with you. The nearest A.I.E.E. Section is at Galt. We do not have an official on-campus A.I.E.E. student representative as yet though Professor W. N. Meikle is a member and would be pleased to advise you on A.I.E.E. affairs. I trust that this information is of some help. Please feel free to drop into my office any time to discuss it further if you wish. B. R. Myers, Dept.


by Sauders Saturday November




8 pm. Admission






Men SH


amjoin half sta-

What Are Hams? Arts and Science claim the Engineers are natural or rather unnatural born hams. The engineers of course need not retaliate to such fits of jealousy. The term “Ham,” when applied to a radio amateur, is not applied in disgust. It was developed very early at the beginning of this century when the English amateurs were called Ams which is a shortening of Amateurs. The Americans took on the term but felt it sounded too British so they added an “H”.




not your Hour, nor in the vain pursuit Of this and that endeavour and dispute; Better be jocund with the fruitful Grape Than sadden after none, or bitter Fruit. The Grape that can with Logic absolute The Two-and-Seventy jarring Sects confute: The sovereign Alchemist that in a trite Life’s leaden Metal into Gold transmute. Come, fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring Your Winter-garment of Repentance fling: The Bird of Time has but a little way To flutter _ and the Bird is on the Wing. From the Rubyiat of Omar Khayyam. Edward Fitzgerald trans.

s1 ould


Dear Tell you.

THE BIBLE SPEAKS Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also ”

E. FELLNER BARBER SHOP Corner Columbia and Lester Streets For


a Cab at Your Iloo~* CALL SH 5-4764


308 King St. West Next to the Biltmore

Radio Despatched 4 Erb St. E., Waterloo

ATTENTION ENGINEERS ENGINEERING CHRISTMAS CARDS IN ENGINEERING COLOURS (Gold print on Gray Velum paper) .$1.00 y2 dozen. , .~. .50c. 1 dozen .._.. -..... 1Oc per single card GET THE DETAILS FROM YOUR CLASS REPS. Outquarter Engineers: Your orders will be accepted by mail. Send request with exact payment l-o: XMAS CARDS c/o Engineering Society, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Sorry


No C.O.D.










t-o a good





STIJDENT Invaluable





experience in establishing yet service to your fellow students. BRENDAN PETER


O’CONNOR, Editor, SHANTZ, Advertising Mp.

or leave your name and phone Nos. box _ outside Registrar’s Office. can







Good : them


There was a young fellow named Fisk, Whose fencing was cxcccdingly brisk, So fast was his action, The Fitz-Gerald contraction, Reduced his rapier to a disk.

COMPONENTS EICO __ Kits SHURE ~ Cartridges UNIVERSITY _ Loudspeakers, etc.


Dear Sir: Previous records show that you have shares in the following companies: 1. American Can Co. Ltd. 2. Interstate Gas Co. Ltd. 3. Western Water Co. Ltd. 4. Northland Tissue Co. Ltd. Because of uncertain mnrket conditions, it is our advice to you at this time that you sit tight on the American Can, hold on to your water, and let the gas go. You will be interested to know that today Northern Tissue touched a new bottom and thousands were wiped clean. Yours very truly, Squatt & Leavitt Co. Ltd.



Dear I: Perhaps you her a hand. George




I am an Engineer in Third Year. &%y problem is a brunette (with long hair) who is ruining my bridge in the Common Room. Her very short skirts distract me so much .that I cannot play properly. What can I do to remedy this situation. I. Beam

I am attending university in my freshman year. My problem is that I am too beautiful. It may sound odd, but after a boy has taken me out three or four times, he stops because he thinks he will not be able to hold me. How can I convince them they are wrong. Good figure



of Discwnirq

Students interested in ateur radio, are urged to the club flow h~a~~~~s~~ the fun is building the tion.


Sauberts The IXstinpished

The long-range plans of the club include a large membership of licenced amateurs (there are only two at present), and of course the wall papering of the with confirmation shack cards from Hams all over the world.

Dear George : I am in first year Arts. Recently I have become interested in an Engineer who is in nearly every activity. I watch him play rugger and help him with his newspaper work. Now he seems to know I’m after him. How can I convince him I’m there as a journalist and not as a pursuer. J. Ann Dear J: Show him a few of your articles.



300 Hazc?l

At the meeting, held on Wednesday, Nov. 9th, the members discussed the problem of the type of transmitter to buy and also of what equipment was needed at present. Plans are to buy a Canadian product if possible. At the same meeting the guestion of a new and larger executive was raised. It was felt that because of a larger and more interested membership the club needs more than just a president and a secretary-treasurer.The president (Erie Manning) and the secretary-treasurer (Ted Hanner) will remain as the executive, but new posts will be added.


of Electrical Engineerinyl.

‘Udlcdltions‘n Fashions

The newly formed Waterloo U Radio Amateurs club will soon be “on the air.” The club, having approximately one hundred and fifty dollars on hand plus another sizable amount promised, plans to go ahead and build the transmitter station. At present the “shack” in Sweitzer House holds only an army surplus “Ninetten” set and some bare furnishings. This will change shortly when the code practice equipment is brought in.


in the Pubs,


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