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Sponsored by G. & G.

Mr. J. S. Duncan

Club NoticesPsychology

Visits University


On Monday, November 28 the Psychology Club will have as its guest speaker Mr. Fred Snyder, head of the Guidance Department of the K-W Collegiate & Vocational School. He will speak on the place of the psychologist in schools with emphasis on the growing demand for proof of written qualifications for guidance department personnel. Come out and hear this interesting speaker in C-134 at 7.00.



The German Club held its first meeting on Monday, November 14, at the home of Dr. Syek, on 199 Erb Street, in Waterloo. This was an evening of singing and dancing and a good time was had by the more than 40 students who attended. Refreshments were provided and there were facilities for chess and checker playing (provided that the partieipants used German inveetives on their opponents). Future meetings will be announced soon.


is apparently

I put in 8 hours today! You expect me to work too! Stop smiling. Don’t you have enough work to do? Today counts. To hell with tomorrow! Big brother is watching you! War is Peace! Slavery is Freedom! Hate is Love!


It has been theorized and largely established that the energy of the sun and stars results from nuclear transformations. The theory of their structure gives one to believe that the temperature within them is of the order of fifty million degrees Fahrenheit. At these exceedingly high temperatures, atomic nuclei move with sufficiently high velocities that oeeasionally they eome in close eontact and give rise to a nuclear reaction. The actual average energy of the atomic nucleus inside the sun is only two to three thousand volts. This is rather low compared with energies usually found in the atomic nuclei. If the kinetic energy in the sun were as high as the kinetic energy of some protons or alpha-particles (produced on earth), then nuclear reactions would probably go to eompletion in a very short time and the sun would explode, rather than produce energy at a steady rate. The small kinetic energy of nuclei in the sun has the consequence that nuclear reactions take billions of years to go to completion and hence the long life of the sun. There

On Tuesday, November 22, the 50th anniversary of the development of Hydro Electric Power in Waterloo was observed. Mr. J. S. Duncan, chairman of the Ontario Hydro Commission was in town to celebrate the event and to deliver a speech at a public dinner in the evening. During the day Mr. Duncan was a visitor at the University. The reason for his visit can be explained by the fact that at the outset of the co-operative engineering plan, he was one of the men consulted as to its possibility. A director and organizer of the Industrial Foundation of Education, he has backed the plan wholeheartedly since its beginning and it is encouraging to see the interest which he has expressed.


one series of reactions with the right conditions which can account for the energy production of the sun and most of the known stars. These reactions are the following: It will be noted that as a result of the series four hydrogen nuclei have disappeared and one helium nucleus has been formed. The original carbon nucleus has been reproduced at the end of the reactions. Apart from the energy released in gamma-rays and kinetic energy, the net reaction can be written. helium Hydrogen and seems to be the most abundant constituents of the sun. The building up of the helium nucleus release more energy per unit mass than any other type of nuclear reactions. Thus this mechanism employs the most abundant materials in the sun in the most effective matter. In practical application by man, the problem seems to be to produce temperatures sufficiently high to favour this reaction without having the container melt. Wayne


For the past few years the zollege and the University lave had a Christmas Banruet together. This annual ;anquet”provided an oppor;unity fo& the students and staff -(academic and administrative), and close friends, ;o have an enjoyable evening Jogether. This year the University If Waterloo is having its own Christmas Banquet, sponsor?d by the Students’ Council 2nd supported by students 2nd administration. All stud?nts, teachers, and administrative staff are invited to &tend the banquet with, or without, a date (or wife or nusband) . Because it is felt that the Christmas Banquet should be one of the most important social events of the university year, such highlights as 3 procession by the Glee Club snd waiters, dinner music by Mr. Berg, and address by Mr. W. H. Fowler, a presentation of “The Passing Out” ceremony by one of our students, a gift exchange among faculties, a short mu% ieal programme by the Glee Clue, aid carol singing by everyone? have h?en $anned. Although the presentation of the programme contributes much td the sueeess of the banquet, a great deal of its sueeess is dependent on the persons who attend. Therefore you are encouraged to obtain your tickets now from the Business Office on the second floor or from your class representative. The banquet will be held at the Seagram Gymnasium on December 7, Wednesday, 1960, at 6.30 p.m. The dinner is priced at $1.50 per plate.

Introducing The Grey &Gold The Grey and Gold presents dances and social events during the year on behalf of the Engineering Society of the University of Waterloo. Dances are presented under the direction of the first Vice-President of the Engineering Society and are held periodically.

Attention First Year Engineers The C.B.C. is doing a series of half-hour lectures on Shakespeare and his works. This could be a painless yet authoritive supplement to your English course. Next lecture is Monday, November 28, at 10.30 p.m. over CBL, Toronto, 740 kilocycles.


of the




at practice.

SCHOOL We have a glaring need for a school song . . . One which :ould be sung by all faculties at football games, mixed larties, assemblies, and other such events. The entire student body is urged to give consideration ;o this need. The Glee Club is sponsoring the production of such a ;ehool song and any student who can compose words or nusie or both, is urged to submit his or her contribution to: P. BERG, P-226 LET’S MAKE THIS A REAL EFFORT

ANTIPATHY and DELIGHT I gather from the jam(1n . . . ” series is currently packed nature of the libraries Ilaying downtown. Should these days that more than f.)e a barrel of laughs to help the usual number of our t;he bogged down student sometime - serious student those bleary-eyed ] (overcome body have decided that now Idues. is the time when all seriousObtaining nominations for minded hopefuls must come t,he Engineering Society Exup with a respectable aeaE?eutive, last spring, was like jemie effort, or face the lulling teeth. Now it seems embarrassing results. Theref .hat everyone wants to be a Tore - do you not feel that rnember . It would be advantageous to Society Party planned for all concerned to put a stop t;his week-end is due reward to the constant chattert;o the members, for their ing of voices heard in ;erviees to t.he student body. these dens of concentratF lnderstand that this is a ed thought, even at the r *egular affair in Toronto and risk of establishing a re1lo”pe that it will become the spectable atmosphere there;atie here. It is just unforin? But, you say, “I have i ;unate that there are some problems to do.” Who, my 1noisy individuals on the eamFriend, is going to help you of I3us who are in the habit solve those problems on the 1naking much talk while day of judgment? Idoing little work on behalf I’m sure the Registrar’s ,of the University. Sueh perOffice could supply elassIsons would do well to quesrooms for any students detion themselves as to whether termined to collaborate in they object to the spending solving their problems. of Society funds or if it is Highlights of the speech not simply a matter of hurt from the throne read at the pride that they have not opening of Parliament in been invited. Ottawa (last Thursday) inPRIDE ‘is not making a eluded : “Legislation to aufool of yourself. thorize C.M.H.C. loans to The University Cafeteria universities for student resicontinues to function with dences. Called the loeal insuffieient cooking f aeili ties C.M.H.C. Branch Office, but while the faculty enjoy a they have heard nothing as separate lunch room. This yet. They informed me that new room, I understand, will the current rate on Limited officially be for faculty only, Dividend Loans is 5sY,, thus giving the other small with up to 50 years to pay. lunch room back to the Doubtless, the rate would be students for whom it was lowered somewhat, so a tip originally intended. It will of the hatlo to J. D. and no longer b e necessary for company for their eonsiderathe faculty to protect their tion. domain through angry scowls Noting that the food directed at approaching studquality as at a new all time ents. Possibly next year or high in the cafeteria. It was the year after, money will be only a couple of weeks ago provided so .that ill food that it was a chore to work might be cooked and kept up an appetite over what was hot under one roof. being offered. It is hoped that “BLUE NOTE JAZZ the latest high standards CLUB” -- Roll over Beetwill be maintained. hoven, like I dig you the “Please Turn Over”, from mostest. Great kicks man ; the writers of the “Carry see you in the dim lights.





There% No Place Like Ohm THE INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS, INC. 1 East 79th S$.,YNew York 21 . . Once upon when LL= o there liveda time in a small cavity in a dielectric medium a poor struggling dipole by the name of EDDY Current. He was deeply in love with a beautiful coil by the name of ANN ION., the daughter of an influential force in the town, CAT ION. EDDY’S first contact. with her came at a time t = a. As he passed by a beauty parlor in his periodic orbit, he saw her having a standing wave induced in her filaments. He made a fine sight in his beautiful doublet and it was a ease of mutual polarization. “You Shock Me” By a coincidence they met at a dissipation function of the following night. After a few oscillations to the strains of a number (m) played to MO Mentum and his Incandescent Tuning Forks, the couple diffused into the field outside. “Gauss ANN,” he said, “You’re acute angle; I am (d) termined that U shall marry for I sphere that I shall never be happy without you.”

“Oh, Eddy,“. she replied, “don’t be so obtuse. Integrate out here in the alpha rays tonight?” “ANN, are you trying to damp my osculation? Can’t you see I’m in a state of hysteresis over you?” He Can’t


“Now Eddy, be a discrete particle. What will father say?” Alas there was also in this cavity a mean dipole who was resolved to marry the beautiful ANN using eoereive force if necessary. Hearing these murmerings of love, he went to Pi-i’d with fury, and crept stealthily upon the couple with velocity v, his joules drooling with the bestial erg that moved him. “What the infra red are you doing here you flatfooted vial villain?” demanded Eddy. The situation grew tensor. The


Schmidt advanced to choke the beautiful coil : Eddy offered resistance R; his capacity C for absorbing the charge Q was low and Schmidt suffered little lost work content in knocking him out to infinity with a severe blow on his-negative charge. Eddy made a quick comeback with acceleration a, stripping off Schmidt’s elections. This so upset the villian’s Cont’d

on Page



Published by the undergraduate students and authorized by the Board of Publications of the University of Waterloo, Publications Room, Student Offices, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed a$rethose of the individual writers unless otherwise stated. Editor-in-Chief: Brendan O’Connor Associate Editor: Adrian Weerheim Production

and Circulation:

Wayne Pounder, Ron Muey, Jim Oldham Arts


George Welsh



Peter Shantz



Wallace Krawezyk



John Stirrat Correspondance




Peter Shantz Bicsiness





Ron Phillips, News Secretary:





etters to the Editor pipe and poueh, filling the pipe, and lighting it, gives Sir : you a chance to think, while What price must we, the you appear much wiser than student body of this univeryou are. Yet there are vast mental sity, pay in undergoing the pains of developing into a even spiritual, experiences to respectable, organized group be gained from a pipe. Words of individuals?’ I refer speei- seem inadequate to express fically to the barbaric ex- the satisfaction you can gain hibition put on at last Satur- from a short time spent day’s closing football game ensconced in a comfortable by a sizeable representation chair, with nothing but a of our members. I do not feel favourite briar and a pouch that our untamed friends of good mixture for company. were entirely to blame (eon- There must be something in the clouds of fragrant smoke sidering that the opposition’s supporters were also fired up which banishes all harmful ~ righteously so), but we thoughts, and permits only pleasant reflections to redid initiate the hard-feelings by constant chiding and lack main. The sweet. taste of of respect, and hence this tobacco arouses the mind to letter. scale greater heights of wisMay I outline my sugges- dom, to plumb greater deptions for proper conduct in ths of understanding, and you emerge from this seance the future. (1) Have our students sit with the Muses refreshed in in a section of their own, all mind and body. I hope these few paratogether, to coordinate cheering and avoid the ill-effects graphs cleared away some of of jeering and harassing the the misunderstanding which opposing supporters. has surrounded our group. (2) To attempt whole- Perhaps I have even won a hearteely to follow the eheer- few converts. In any ease I leaders in a mueh more am grateful for the chance orderly fashion. In this re- to try to put into words the pleasure I derive from smokspect we were sadly outdone. I feel the cheerleaders de- ing a pipe. Don Curran, serve an apology for the lack Science I of support shown for their enthusiastic efforts. (3) To never again stoop so low as running on the NQ INTEREST? field during the pre-game or Dear Mr. Editor: half-time performance of a It was most surprising to visiting school. The O.A.C. me that a student wished to band had obviously spent know what had happened to many hours practising their the school paper after only music and routines, and eer- one edition had come out. tainly did not deserve to have Even if the sentiments extheir performance impinged pressed by Mr. Root had upon by a horde of un- been logical, one edition thoughtful Waterloo Enginhardly constitutes a trend in eers. If the individuals eon- the format of a student eerned were interested in newspaper. participating in the half-time Mr. Root complained that show, surely we are entitled paper had become “very to half the time allotted, if the and very proper.” our show warrants such eon- important Besihes the fact that these sideration. statements were not sub(4) To refrain from such stantiated, they seem to be childish tricks as attempting odd complaints to to remove band members rather against one’s own studhats, supposedly for souven- make irs. There are surely more ent newspaper. Mr. Root went on to effective and more intelligent capers that can be executed. explain the reason for the These feelings are personal existence of a school paper. The Board of Publications, - derived from attending many Intercollegiate sport- which authorizes the Corying events. I hope they are phaeus, says that the purpose shared by others interested in of the paper is “to present developing a respectable stu- students’ views to the student, to encourage personal dent body here. expression and stimulate orPeter Shantz, Science I I I ininal thought and to provide a source of information for PIPE ANYONE! campus news.” Therefore, if Mr. Root still feels that the Dear Sir: of the paper is not In the column headed purpose to inform, he had better try “Arts and Science Editorial” to convince the Board of of your issue of November 16th, there appeared a re- Publications of that. As for attempting to “an mark which I could not help but notice, and would not unwanted cultural standard” let pass unrebutted. In a it should be pointed out that the Coryphaeus prints all the brief attempt at flippancy, your Arts editor derides a copy possible that it receives noble pastime - the fine art from the students at large. The volume of response to of pipe-smoking. He can be excused for failing to ap- the first edition was enough preciate the merits of this to nullify Mr. Root’s “bet.” A lot more than ten people hobby, but his implication that there is nothing to expressed opinions. Mr. Root seemed to be appreciate is clearly out of taking exception to a great Drder. Permit me to explain, For his benefit and that of deal about the paper. Why Dther unbelievers, the very didn’t he join the staff if he knew so much abou t pubreal merits of pipe-smoking. The mere physical aspects lishing a newspaper? 3f pipe-smoking are enough In English 100 we are to render insignificant the taught an adequate name for small trouble it entails. A Mr. Root’s last paragraph pipe is something substantial mud slinging. Perhaps to occupy the hands. In those iha& why he suggested Mud frequent instances when you Hog. are at a loss for words, the Joanne Rice, mere act of producing the Arts I GENTLEMEN GENTLEMEN!

Sept., 1960 Published by



Ian Watson Joanne Rice

Brian Reid

21 November, 1960 The Editor, The CORYPHAEUS, University of Waterloo. Dear Sir: In the Nov. 16th issue of the Coryphaeus I read with amusement a letter by Mr. John Root eritieizing this paper for what he called, “beComing drunk with its own power .” Certainly the first issue left much to be desired. However, this was by no means due to lack of effort by the paper staff. The blame rests only on people similar to Mr. Root who would rather reap the benefits of others’ labour, do nothing themselves, and when the benefits are not up to their expectations critieize those who have put forth an honest effort. ( Criticism is good when it has just cause and is eonstruetive, but I say to all the “Mr. Roots”; “Please save your criticism until you honestly feel that you have done your part to make things as they should be.” Sincerely yours, Paul Koch, 3A Chemical

Dear Sir: Publication of the Coryphaeus has presented a very interesting problem. It is financially impossible for the Arts and Science students to support this paper alone, and at the present time, the Engineering Society cannot support this paper. After obtaining a copy of the Constitution of The University of Waterloo Engineering Society, which is kept under lock and key, I would like to refer to this doeument : Article X (4) “The official engineering paper shall be called the ‘%nginews” which . . .” Article XIII (1) “Notice of any amendment to this Constitution must be given at general meeting T . . This Constitution mav then be amended by & two-thirds vote at separate meetings of the WinterSummer and Spring-Fall Societies.” Both articles are perfectly clear. It is also perfectly clear that the members of the Executive Committee have disregarded these articles. I can only conclude that paying any part of the cost of publication of the Coryphaeus is unconstitutional and should stop. I also believe that the E xeeutive Commit tee sh.ould once again read the Constitution, and reflect on some of its past decisions which were probably made in haste. John Root, 2BEE The Coryphaeus is not an Engineering Society production. The Engineering Society constitution is available in all libraries. Members of the ‘executive committee’ of the .Board of Publications are in no way subject financially or constitutionally to any other society on campus. Their funds come directly from student fees to administration. Letters of this calibre will not, in the future, be printed.-Ed.







W.HITHER KENYA? It is obvious from their letters that they did at least glance at my article “This Freedom”; published in the November 4 issue. May I thank them for showing their mutual interest and if only for their benefit, point out that this article was intended not as a report of any description but only as a personal opinion. This opinion being based on the fact that I was born and brought up in Kenya. Having lived there until a year ago and being able to converse with the natives in their own universal language ~ Swahili ~ I consider that possibly my opinion of the situation is a fraction more accurate than say, for lack of a better example, that. formed by an overseas political science lecturer from statistical facts obtained in literature which is out of date by at least five or six years. It is a most unpleasant fact that African leaders and African members of the Legislative Council, the very men whom the Secretary of State is proposing to hand over controlling power, are supporting Jsmo Kenyatta. They named him as potential chief minister of Kenya- and elected him on the 15th of May, 1960, as president of the recently formed Kenya African National Union. It is essential that you readers be introduced to him and this can be done most easily by taking a glimpse at the movement he led, the Mau Mau. The original aim of the Mau Mau, as expressed in the oaths of membership, was secretly to unite, discipline, and foster political unconsciousness amongst the Kikiyu Tribe, with the ultimate object of satisfying the political aspirations of its leaders, of whom Kenyatta was chief, if necessary by force. As Mau Mau campaign gained strength the advocator of violence came to the fore, the terms of the oath were amended. Men were made to swear to commit murder when ordered to do so, to steal all they could from the Europeans, to drive the Europeans from the country and to worhsip no leader other than Jomo Kenyatta. Apart from these basic oaths, versions were adopted to meet the needs of the terrorist campaign. For instance the “Batuni” oath binds a man to burn European crops and to kill European-owned catt.le: to steal firearms: to kill anyone when ordered to do so, even his own father or brother; when killing, to cut off heads, extract the eyeballs and drink the liquid from them! The effect of these terrible oaths is only too apparent from the list of atrocities committed by the Mau Mau; the Hari massacre when hundreds of Kikuyu were murdered; the mutilation of vietims; torture before murder; the exhumation of bodies and eating the putrified flesh. Chief Luka’s child was cut in half, its blood drunk, the two halves of the body were flung at the mother who was then killed. Live, pregnant women were split open along the abdomen, while other victims were held down while their heads were slowly sawn Off.

Promotion of the terrorist zangs involved taking anIther oath; the higher the -ank the more ruthless the lath. Some involved ritual cannibalism in which human 3rains, menstrual discharges Lnd urine figured. Other laths necessitated sexual inlercourse with the organs of Lnimals, both men and wom?n going through such rituals. This short account of what Kenya’s peoples have suffer?d at the hands of the Mau MIau will, I hope, suffice to convince your readers that the cult was not a noble, rationalistic movement, but represented the very depths Df depravity. It is something that must not happen again. Unfortunately, the Minister of Defense found it necessary to state in the Legislative Council on May 5, 1960, during the budget debate, that elements of Mau Mau had once more made themselves evident in areas of Kenya; so the monster is not dead. It still constitutes a terrible threat to human decencies in Kenya. I trust that your readers will form their own opinions of such men as Kenyatta, and will ask themselves: “It is unreasonable that decent men and women of all races are appalled at this idea of i;;;;?,, passing into such . It should be understood that we in Kenya do not seek to put the clock back, but insist on decency and justice. Also that which the African people need is stability, education and a higher standard of living. They will not get that is a so-called, “democracy”, which will inevitably lead t,o the dictatorship democracy is designed to avoid - and a dictatorship too of those who defy the wretch responsible for so much misery, bloodshed and degradation. When an African elected member states in the Legislative Council debate that, if the Africans in Kenya want barbarism, they shall have it, it makes one wonder if H.M.G. is ignorant of the situation in Kenya, or that African nationalism is altogether healthy for anyone of any race in Kenya. I fail to see how a person who has never set foot in Kenya, especially at the time of the Mau Mau can say that “the world press gave the fullest possible coverage to the Mau Mau uprising.” Did Mr. Qualter know the entire movements and endless lists of atrocities committed by the Mau Mau? What authority has he to say that the press gave the fullest coverage and is he of the opinion that these so-called “full coverages” were the unbiased truth? If as he says the Hola incident involving a few lunatics received far less publicity than the Mau Mau, involving thousands of people, how is it that he recalls it well enough, (a) to make t.his statement and (b) to say it was not all “unfavourable to British interests?” I thank Mr. Qualter for referring me to Galatians 3:25-29, however, I find no excuse contained therein for such atrocities as these of the Mau Mau; which in themselves are evidence of the decline in Christianity. Does he, when attributing the violence in the Congo to “total lack of preparation for


Dear George, ADVICE TO THE NEEDY By George Bentley Dear George : I am in first year Arts; I 50 to rugger games and work 3n the newspaper staff. Three engineers play rugger and work (?) for the liewspaper. Two of these have their Faults (after all, they’re engineers) but they are nice fellows and good rugger playzrs. The third one is a miserable rugger player and suffers Erom chronic inflammation of the ego. I suggest that he rename his column “Dear Sadist” and try to be more subtle in the future if he can. J. Ann Dear J. I must say that I appeeiate the compliment but I do not play rugger. I am however on the newspaper staff. Subtlety must be abandoned occasionally when dealing with the truth. The truth sometimes hurts which is apparent from your letter. Dear George : The situation is really getting out of hand. It is still almost a month or maybe even a week before the exams, and already the boys are (apparently) too busy to wash their dishes. What! Buy paper dishes you advise me? Get some girls to do it for you? No. Neither would do. Paper dishes would soon create a fire and health hazard in our apartment, while girls would be a constant hazard to our china. Not to speak of ourselves. George, I am desperate. I am eating as a Cannibal now; besides I can’t live on bread alone. Subtle Dear Subtle: Ask the girls over but treat them like the situation - don’t let them get out of hand. Dear George: I am in second year engineering. I recently dated a young lady from the University, who from the first conversations expressed her deep dislike for “necking parties.” The thing that eonfuses me, George, is that when at a party she’s always the first one to jump up and turn out all the lights. HOW would you explain this. C. Idd Dear C. Why try to explain it? Why not make hay while the “sun is not shining?” independence,” feel he is in a position to say that the situation in Kenya is any different? As to my use of a mode of diction, a point stressed by both Mr. Stone and Mr. Qualter, I think I have good cause to be emotional and may perhaps this time completely silence my so-called “guilty conscience,” by sending a chill shiver down their spine rather than tugging at their “heart-strings.” I hope the above will clarify the confusions as to what basis I used for my opinion in “This Freedom” and fortunately, we are all entitled to our own opinions. “Kenyan”


TO FRED A Letter to and OTHERS my Modder Many people who have not already done so, think that Eoming to University is a wonderful opportunity to begin a long and jolly drinking career. After all, why not start drinking while you are here, it’s practically traditional on any campus: beers at the local grog shop throlgh the week, a gay yet subtle passing of flasks and crocks at the football games with incredulous cries of “Hey Charlie! are you really drinking Pepsi straight?” winding things up on a Saturday night at your friends apartment by really getting smashed. It’s all tradition. Don’t forget the prestige on Monday morning when you tell the boys how you really tied one on over the week-end. Great fun, traditional too. I realize that many, perhaps the majority in this school are of an age where they can legally take a drink, but for those who are not, this is to give you a vague idea on how Kitchener-Waterloo attemps to curb under age drinking. Let us take the ease of a hypothetical student called Fred. After Fred has been picked up at “the C----Room” by a member of the local constabulary, he is taken to the magistrate’s court where he is charged. He is open to two charges: one as a found in and the other for consumption. Both these are punishable by a minimum’ fine of ten dollars for cazch charge, however the actual punishment is left to the discretion of the individual magistrate. This lecturing and fining has proved of little value in the past. Fred is acutely ashamed - for a couple of days after which he jumps back onto the merry-go-round, only more cautiously this time. A new more effective policy is being followed by one magistrate and I hope his example will be followed by others. Besides fining Fred, he gives him a sheaf of questions and a book. The questions are pertinent to drinking and the book is to help Fred write his fifteen hundred word essay on “The evils of the grape” or some other similar topic. I think this method is vastly superior to the other because besides the fine which hurts Fred financially, this essay will bring to Fred certain facts on drinking which he can’t help but absorb. The time allotted to the essay depends on Fred, with a month being allowed for its completion. Should Fred take this lightly I believe there is an additional punishment imposed. This is not an attempt to preach or to begin a crusade, it is merely a piece of information specifically relevant to only a few and of only passing interest to the majority of the students. I might add here that some of this article is based on second hand information and is bound to have one or two inaccuracies so any criticisms or comments or corrections submitted by any experienced types in Engineering would be more than welcome. George

Welsh, Arts Editor

Deer Madder, Yu has ben alking me hou I yem doin in the Univereity of Waterlu. I haf bin giving dat question much thot. I didnt know how to tell you about how proud I yem to be hier. We are divided into three grups: the inteligunt, the more inteligunt and the most inteligunt. The inteligunt are zalled the Enginirs becaus they needs dictioneris to reed, so our Arts edditer ses. The more inteligunt is nam?d so because they t,akes seince. I dunno what thet is yet. The comes the most inteligunt : the Artsmen, they don’t need no dietioneries to reed comicology books. I yem proud to be an Artsmen becaus our edditer is a man who knows the eandian Monetary Policy, who is a big men. I am glad thet entrenee averages are not concidered in classifying us into thiese groups, because we needs only sixty perzent to be Artsmen and Enginirs only sixty-for perzent to belong to group one. I must tel you about our edditorial artikle of this week -Its highly eddieational. It has saying of many famus men. But I must confes thet I yem a little eonfoozed as to what he sais I should think. Maybe, Modder you can help me to understand wat all them high gentlemen wants to say to me at et oneet. It must be very importent, for it was writen in the w; aine edditorial. Yew likly hav ben wondering what paper I yem talking about. It’s our new Univercity paper. Everybody says its verry good because its ealled the Coryphaeus and is printet on verry expensiv paper. What dos Coryphaeus mean, Modder? It even has an artikl from an importent company, the Squatt & Leavitt Co. Ltd. It sounds very eddicational and high falootin. I gess I must stop now since I hav a klass in a few minuts. Yur loving Son Fitzgerald III.



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4 No Place like Ohm


men who devote their time to the Eng. Sot. should receive an indication of appreciation. It has been suggested that pins be given the reps, etc. Lack of a faculty crest prohibits this at the moment. Another student thought a dinner would be in order. Both these suggestions would run a larger cost than the presently proposed gettogether. Further conerning the financial side, it might be pointed out that the Grey and Gold did not request spending power of such a large amount. I have since been assured that the final costs will be much less than half this amount. As the elected president of the Engineering Society I back up the decisions of the elected voting representatives your representatives ~ and say that a token of appreciation to t.he reps is in order and that, unfortunately, it is necessary to arouse interest among the engineers in their Engineering Society. I feel that an informal getgether of this type is the best method of answering these problems at this time. In closing I hope that this letter has cleared the air of the wild rumours that have been abounding and I hope your elected representatives will have your full support in this and all other matters of your Engineering Society. Without this support we cannot serve you.

19, 1960.

To the Engineers: It has been brought to my attention that a controversy has arisen over a piece of business concerning the motion that : “spending power of $100 maximum be given the Grey and Gold for the purpose of holding a party for those individuals who are Engineering Society reps or Eecutive and invited guests.” This motion was passed unanimously by the twenty or so representatives who were present. Before voting there was a good deal of discussion on the motion as to the purpose of such a “party” and its reception by the student body. It was also pointed out that the reps were voting for their classes, not for their personal feelings. Two main purposes appeared to be served . . . it would 1. help to arouse interest among the students in their Engineering Society and perhaps ease the trouble we run into each year at nomination time finding people willing to serve on the Executive, and 2. be a small token of appreciation to the reps and others for the work they have done, both now and in the past, to make the Engineering Society the power that it is on campus. It was also defined in this discussion that “invited guests” would be all those people who were felt to have helped the Engineering Soeiety in some way or a,nother ~ both now and in the past. The Executive, who were given the power to compile the list of “invited guests” were to be open to suggestions from the entire Engineering Student Body. NOW, I feel sure we all feel that these ladies and gentle-

Yours faithfully, Hathway, President Engineering Society, University of Waterloo


Nov. 21. At the executive the past” was including the back only to of this term ~

a meeting of the term “in considered as period dating the beginning Oct. 3, 1960.

Sports RUGGER of Waterloo are hosts to Varsity Saturday at 3.00 at Seagram’s

University Toronto next

With Intramural

the bringing to Sports are now

a close of the in full swing.

II from Stadium.


Last week in basketball, Science defeated 2A by the score of 27 to 24. The game between I and Arts was won by default by the Engineers Arts team failed to turn up at the game.


Engineering Engineering because the

In hockey last week, Engineering 1 defeated Engineering 2 by the score of 4 - 2, and the combined team of Engineering 3 and Science eked out a 4 - 3 win over the PreEngineers. The


of the



- conciuded

equilibrium that he was eonverted into cosmic radiation and vanished into the realms of space, leaving Eddy the resultant vector in the eombat. “Our love will not be transient,” said Eddy as he formed a closing circle around her. “Darling we will raise a family of one parameter second order infinitesmals,” murmured ANN happily. And as time t approached infinity they lived happily ever after. Ed. Note-This is taken from the New York IRE Student Quarterly who took it from the Houston IRE Section publication who took it from the Kansas City IRE who Section publication, couldn’t remember where they got it.


I hear



stranger I sit here, quiet and * I 7m remembering the da?$? of danger When I lost my old pal Bill. Let me try to paint a picture Of a spirit reckless, gay: Of a scrappy little Scotsman, That’s my buddy, Bill MaeKay. He was happiest when out working, Never flinging under fire, For you see, he was a lineman And his job was stringing wire. Now I used to laugh to hear him Curse with fluent ease, In a high pitched bark that sounded Like a chippy Pekingese. We’d gone out about midmorning To repair a broken line, And returning to camp to stretch out On our beds ‘till dinner time. We didn’t get the usual warning, Where it came from none can say, But “That shell from out of nowhere” Got my buddy Bill MaeKay. Dust and debris fell around us. What else happened I can’t say, But they found my buddy’s body A full sixty yards away. When this war is but a memory, Still my thoughts will ever drift To Cormelles and my buddy On July the twenty-fifth. Sorry I bored you stanger, But I am feeling blue tonight, For I see a field of poppies And a cross so small and white. Why








HOCKEY Thursday,












8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 9.00

9.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 10.00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Arts vs Eng. 1 Eng. 2A vs Science Science vs Eng. 1 Arts vs Eng. 2A Eng. 1 vs Eng. 2A Arts vs Science

Pre-Eng. vs Eng. 2 Eng. 3-Science vs Eng. 1 Eng. 1 vs Pre-Eng. Eng. 3-Science vs Eng. 2 Eng. 3-Science vs Pre-Eng. Eng. 1 vs Eng. 2 Eng. 1 vs Eng. 3-Science Eng. 2 1)s Pre-Eng.





Paper Awards After the presentation of awards, Mr. J. W. Graham of the University mathematies department will speak on “The Anatomy of Modern Student memComputers.” bers are urged to attend and meet the members of the local branch.

The Kitchener branch of th le E.I.C. will hold a meetin g at the University on N ovember 25 at 7.45 p.m. in the main ampitheatre of building. tk le physics Mr. E. A. Cross, viceaesident of the Engineering lstitute of Canada will atte !nd and will present the vards to the winners of the chnieal paper contest, sponorganSCbred by the student iz ation. Gordon Sterling, 3A won first C ivil Engineering, *ize for his paper on “Open;ope Mining”. Wallace Fletcl ier, now in third year SCience, (formerly in Chemie2~1 Engineering) placed secon “Radi01id with his paper al lion Chemistry of Cyeloht zxane ; Iodine Mixtures.” T hese two papers will be Laced on display in the brary of the physics buildin 45 -



to Present





Mr. G. McK. Dick, president of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and Mr. G. T. Page, General Secretary and Journal Editor visited the University of Waterloo and held a conference with the faculty and student executive of the E. I. C. Student Branch on Wednesday, November 15.



sixteen more girl‘til the days C HRISTMAS FANTASY. 0 in the evening of December 91th, President Hagey, Dean Oi* Arts, Dr. Thomas, and a( :ting Deans of Science, Dr. h!l[cBryde and Dr. Cowan W ill welcome you to ‘THE’ Se!mi-formal dance of the ?ar sponsored by the eom%:.ned Art.s and Science studer It bodies. Come and dance

Fantasy under the mistletoe to ‘the music that moves your feet for you’ created by none other than the fabulous Al Kuntz. During intermission at Seagram’s, drinks and eats will be provided; (not by Seagram’s). All this and more in our 9.00 to 1.00 Fantasy for the special gift price of $2.50 per couple. Tickets will be available soon from your class president.

Sl lopping




















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