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Representatives and the Represented When a small group is elected to act on behalf of a larger community, as the legislature of a state or the committee of a society, this small group can stand in relation to the larger group in one of two ways. The small group are either the delegates or the representatives of the larger group. If they are the delegates they meet simply as the spokesmen, the mouthpieces, for decisions already reached by those who elected them. Delegates have no freedom of action and no discret.ionary powers. Meetings of delegates are restricted to formal statements of position and counting of votes. Representatives are chosen to attend the meeting on behalf of those who elected them, to listen to the views of others, and to use their own discretion in their actions and in the opinions they express. It has long been accepted that if deliberative assemblies, councils or committees are’ to be effective bodies they must be composed of representatives, not delegates. Indeed, our whole system of government is representative democracy. There is, however, a tendency among those who accept the theory of representation to demand that their representatives behave as delegates whenever these same FeDresentatives use their discr&iona!.y ri,rrht in a manner which off-end‘s some segment of the electors. This is a tendency which must be resisted whenever it appears. The words of Burke to the electors of Bristol in 1774, in raising this very issue, are relevant here: “Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgement; and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to y&r opinion.”


As a means of protecting the representative in the exercise of his right of independent action a theory of representation has been developed under which the i n d i vi d u a 1 representative ceases to be responsible solely to that one section which elected him, and becomes instead a member of a corporate body, collectively responsible to the whole community of electors. That is to say, all the representatives are jointly responsible to all the electors as a unit. The body of representatives are not only entitled, but are obliged, to protect any one of their number from undue pressure from any one segment of the electors. To give way to such pressure is a denial of the democratic process. The fact bf responsibility still remains, but it is a joint responsibility, and if the body of electors becomes dissatisfied with their representatives, they may, in accordance with whatever formal procedure is laid down, move a vote of no-confidence in the representative group. No one section of the electors has any right to compel any one representative to follow any specific course of aetion.







DEC. 8




DR.STAN CHAIRMAN OF GRADUATE STUDIES PsychologyClub The Psychology Club held its second meeting on November 28. Due to extremelv bad weather, the turnouut was extremely poor. The club had as its guest speaker, Mr. Fred Snyder, head of the guidance department of the K-W Collegiate who spoke on the place of the psychologist the school system. Mr. Snyder pointed out that most psychologists who go into teaching are either college professors or teachers of the feeble minded. There is a great need for teachers of sub%ormal children and guidance personnel. He felt that there should be requirements whereby all teachers must have some background in psychology. Mr. Snyder felt that the very best teachers should teach the lower grades, as they influence the children in their most impressionable years. He said that the new requirements for practising psychologists would probably raise the standard of school psychology. Mr. Snyder is quite active in the Kitchener branch of the Ontario Mental Health Association. He pointed out that the psychology club members were welcome as members and the Association would welcome student participation in future projects. He explained the aims of the Mental Health Association and distributed some literatore to club members. The address was followed by a discussion period. The Psychology Club appreciated the opportunity to hear Mr. Snyder. Teenagers: The only peepz;brrho can slam a revolving . Bikini : Something that begins nowhere and ends all of a sudden. Chaperone : Someone who could never make the team but is still in there intercep ting passes. Drive-in: The only place where even in the most modern ears the clutch has not been eliminated. Telephone: The only thing a vacuum cleaner can’t compete with in picking up dirt. Oldest bedtime story . . . Mover over. Character: To have the same ailment the other person is describing and not to mention it. Punctuality: A bad habit of the people who send out bills. Recipe: The way to make a peach cordial ; Buy her a drink. Suspicious Man: One who, when his wife presents him with twins, insists he only recognizes one of them.

One of Ontario’s leading mathematicians, Dr. Ralph G. Stanton, has been appointed Chairman of the Faculty of Graduate Studies at the University of Waterloo. Graduate studies were first offered by the university last year with eight graduate students enrolled in courses leading to Master’s degrees in mathematics. The graduates became the first persons to receive University of Waterloo degrees. This year there are 26 enrolled in graduate studies and the program has been extended to the Ph.D. level with courses in Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Physics, as well as Mathematics. Dr. Stanton, who is also Chairman of the university’s Mathematics Department, has taught at the University of Toronto, the University of Michigan, and Carleton University , in addition to

Waterloo. A native of Lambeth, Ontario, he took his B.A. degree at the University of Western Ontario, and his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Toronto. He won many honours as an undergraduate and graduate student, including fellowships from the National Research Council and the Government of Brazil. While in Brazil, he studied Portugese and later taught this language at the University of Toronto. Dr. Stanton’s fields of main research are Algebra and Applied Statistics. He has been instrumental in introducing Statistics into the Engineering curricula at both Toronto and Waterloo. A book which he has prepared on the application of Numerical Analysis in Sciience and Engineering is being published by PrenticeHall. From 1957 to 1959 he set the examinations in Upper School Algebra for the



Ontario Department of Education. Dr. Stanton is also one of the foremost duplicate bridge players in Ontario and this year he became the first person in the KitchenerWaterloo area to be named a Life Master of the American Contract Bridge League.

_ I _ - _ l _ _ _ _ _ - _ I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P P _ _ _ _ I -

WHAT NOT TO DO IN CASE OF AIR RAID With the advent of the more powerful bombs and the continual fear of war, we thought that certain rules should be drawn up in ease of war. We guarantee that if you abide by the following rules you will have no worries about the years after the war. Why? Because you will be dead. RULES: 1. As soon as bombs start dropping, run. It doesn’t matter where just as long as you run. If you are inside a building, run outside; if you are outside, run inside. 2. Take advantage of opportunity afforded you when air r%id sirens sound the attack warning. for example: (a) (b) (c)

If in a bakery, grab pies and cake, etc. If in bottle.

a tavern,

If in a movie, blonde.



4. If this doesn’t work, place it in the furnace (the Fire Department will come later and take care of things). 5. If an incendiary bomb is found burning in a building throw some gasoline on it. Since you can’t put it out, you might as well have some fun with it. 6. (a) If no gasoline is available, throw a bucket, of water on it and lie down because you won’t live too long anyway.

combustion. explode.


they always save the places for their friends way.

‘7. Always get excited and holler blue murder as it will scare the kids and add fun and confusion to the scene.

If an air raid is made on Canada, you will benefit by reading the above rules, as they have been proven many times.

9. Knock the Air Raid Wardens down if they start to tell you where to go as

WEEKLY Thursday,

2.10 p.m. Meeting 4.00



noon Film AIRBORNE On Target”.

8, 1960

Hughes Aircraft WEAPONS





p.m. - 5.45 p.m. University Chorus..




Company Films “On Guard ~ . . . . .. . . Committee. ..





. .. . . . .. . . . . P145

9, 1960

9.00 p.m. Semi-Formal Dance-“Christmas sponsored by University of Waterloo Science Students. Tickets $2.50 Saturday,

Fantasy” Arts and Seagram . . . . . . .. . Gym

10, 1960

9.30 a.m. - 11.30 a.m. Lecture __ Physics Refresher Course for Secondary School Teachers. “Electromagnetism”. G. E. Reesor . . .. ... . 1.00 p.m. Jayvee Basketball Waterloo. . 3.00 p.m. Varsity town,

best any-

10. If you come into a shelter late at night, don’t take your boots off, for if the shelter is crowded, you may have to use them to clear a space for yourself. ,

8. If you should be the victim of a direct hit, don’t go to pieces. Lie down and you probably won’t be noticed.


3. If you find an unexploded bomb, always pick it up and shake it; the firing pin may be stuck.

(b) This is because the properties of the bomb free the hydrogen from the water

rapid it will


some grab

with fact,


Basketball N.Y.) at Waterloo

St. Jerome’s _. _.

High _. _.


at .

Seagram Gym

Jamestown (JamesSeagram . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .,....., Gym

Page 2


EDITORIAL One of the interesting differences between a new university and an established one is that in a new university there are no traditions. During those important first few years, traditions are established that may last as long as the university itself. It is for this reason that the reputation that a university acquires during its formative years is of the utmost importance. The University of Waterloo finds itself now in this position. What we as the first graduating classes do here will, in all probability, produce a lasting influence on future campus life. This brings up an interesting question: What will be our policy toward student pranks? Will we condemn or condone them? There is no doubt that the execution of student pranks often leaves a bad taste in someone’s mouth (or a bad smell in someone’s ventilation system, as the case may be). Most pranks are at someone’s expense. On the other hand, there is a difference between a prank, which is “a mischevious act” and an out-and-out malicious act. There is not and never will be an excuse for willful destruction or damage. Nearly any fool can show an utter disregard for people and property, but a genuine student prank shows ingenious planning, foresight, and regard for others. It is the cumulative result of applied technical knowledge and natural exuberance. Despite the controversies that rage over student pranks, no established university has been able to stamp them out. Do they have any relative merit in campus life? Just listen to a group of old grads discussing their years of learning in the ivy-covered halls. Their fondest memories are of the limburger cheese they smeared on the dorm radiators, or the crew race they sabotaged by drilling holes in the boats, or the immortal panty raids on the women’s dorms. A glow of well-being fills the room . . . a glow which knits together performers and victims alike in a way that could never be equalled. Good, clean fun never hurt the reputation of any university. Its overall effect has been t.o bring back a great many old memories and to reassure a lot of university grads that this generation is not letting the world go by any more than the last one did. Besides, an understanding businessman could make his fortune from student pranks. He could go from campus to campus as a sales representative of the Fly-by-Night Chicken Hatchery.

L etters


the Edltor

extremely long winded, and that in effect, they say a lot of words without conveying much meaning?” C. Pond:

DEC. 8, I960



Dear Sir: then, Artsmen, you claim to It was with great admirathe UNIVERSITY OF WAtion that I noticed the new TERLOO? Is there no pride faculty jackets on our new in the faculty to which you campus. The arts students belong? certainly picked a very brilliYours truly, ant red for their colours. W. G. Farmer, However, I believe that Chem. Eng. ‘63 the Arts Faculty were unDear Sir: justifiable in placing IJNIHaving read the article VERSITY OF WATERLOO “This Freedom” by Kenyan across the back of their jackets in large bold letters. in the first issue and the Is the Arts Faculty the only letters of repercussion by Messrs. Qualter and Stone in representative of the University of Waterloo? The En- the second, I anticipated a gineers have been on the lively debate for future issues campus the longest of any -if Kenyan could defend his article and opinion. faculty in this new univerConsequently, I anxiously sity but they do not claim to thumbed through the Corybe the University of Waterloo but only ‘WATERLOO EN- phaeus of Nov. 24. My deGINEERS. Also the science bate-hungry mind said . . . having the pride of the En- “Aha!” at the sight of the Kenya?” words, “Whither gineers display WATERLOO SCIENCE on their jackets and proceeded to gobble up make no claim as the Arts the opening paragraphs. Soon that they represent the Uni- however, my rate of reading slowed to match the “turnversity as a whole. I believe that the Arts ing of my stomach” and I students should come down had a hard time trying not to earth and -correct this to be sick. Were such atrocimisrepresentation by relet- ties possible? Or was Kenyan tering the back of their trying to make a bigger impression than by using “exjacketsWATERLOO ARTS. It might be pointed out, aggerated diction” only? As if in reply to my questhat the red and white is not even a close resemblance to tions, I found that the Dethe UNIVERSITY’S colours cember 1960 issue of The Digest carried an of WHITE, GOLD and Reader’s BLACK but is closer to the article called “Terror in Ticolours of McGill. How is it, bet.” The article is based on

For his information, the intensity level of the average, well filled pool hall, doing a noisy and vociferous business, is about 75 decibels. In conclusion, I must state that either Mr. Manning frequents rather quiet pool Travis McPhee Investigates l l l halls, or he has an enormousPrompted by the rather Kenyan would do well to ly overdeveloped threshold level of hearing. I would also brutal verbal attacks on the watch his rear. like to point out to Mr. Kenyan, I have undertaken ::I :k ::I :’I. -I.. Manning that there are a a brief investigation of the Complaints about t.he number of good quality, principles involved in these noise in the Physics Library highly efficient brands of ear attacks. In these investigaled me to conduct a plugs on the current, market tions, rumours were uncov- has series of sound investigations ered to the effect that a on a strictly scientific level. at relatively economical pricpossible affiliation exists be- The results were rather en- es, cotton batting being one of the best. twenn Jomo Kenyatta and lightening. R. Koteles of 3A Mechanical. ::I ::I :: I ::I ::I This possibility is substantiaThe average intensity level ted by Koteles’ self-admisof sound in the Physics I was also very impressed sion to his respect and ad- Library, over a period of 8 by the fact that Mr. Manmiration for Jomo Kenyatta, hours, is 33.4 decibels. This ning, one of our very own in a recent letter to the figure is logical since it is students here at Waterloo, editor in the fourth edition located about 31y0 of the has visited all those sophistlof the Coryphaeus. An even way between the 20 decibel cated universities such as more disturbing fact, especi- level of the average whisper Harvard, M.I.T., and Westally for Kenyan, is the fact and the 65 decibel level of ern. I bet that most of the that, Mr. Koteles is reported ordinary conversation. students here didn’t even by several sources, to have realize that such a distingIn Erie Manning’s letter been seen around the Uniuished, well-travelled man versity carrying assorted sex- to the editor in the fourth was actually walking around he among us, and even interual organs, both male and edition of the Coryphaeus, female, which appear to have states that his impression of mingling with us. previously belonged to a the Physics Library is that ::I :: I ::I :: I ::I of a well filled pool hall, species of goat. doing a noisy and vociferous Prompted by numerous business. By the way of warning, unsavoury remarks about the Cheap-Labour Dept. at Waterloo, I undertook to ask a series of questions to one of Published by the undergraduate students and authorized by the members of this body, namely Mr. C.’ Pond. One of the Board of Publications of the University of Waterloo, his answers seemed to warPublications Room, Student Offices, Annex 2! The University rant publication in this arof Waterloo, Phone SH 5-05’71 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed are those of the individual writers unless otherwise ticle. stated. T. McPhee : Editor-in-Chief: Brendan O’Connor “Mr. Pond, what is your Associate Editor : Adrian Weerheim opinion of the many criticProduction and Circulation : isms raging around the UniWayne Pounder, Ron Mucy, Jim Oldham Advertasing Manager: versity, that most of the Arts Editor: members of the Cheap-LabPeter Shantz George Welsh Business Manager: our Dept. are experts in the Science Editor: art of ‘double talk’, that Dennis Cann Murray French because of the poor quality Photographers: Engineering Editor: Ron Phillips, Brian Reid of elocution, it is extremely Wallace Krawczyk painful to listen to any News Editor: Sports Editor: member for any length of John Stirrat Ian Watson time, that all members are Correspondance Secretary: Joanne Rice


a 345-page report of a legal enquiry committee set up by the International Commission of Jurists, a politically free, non-government organization. The report details the execution of a plot by the Chinese Reds to invade Tibet, obliterate the Buddhist religion, and institute Communism, . humilation, degredation, ridicule, torture, and murder were integral parts of the plan. This outrageous work parallels the aims and endeavors of the Mau Mau, which Kenyan so vividly describes. Although I have a very limited knowledge of things political and world affairs in general, I am now willing to accept Kenyan’s word that such atrocities do exist in Kenya, and if anyone still doubts, I implore him (or her) to read the article referred to and then form his own opinion of the Commission’s report and Kenyan’s articles. The world has seen the Nazis in Buchenwald in the 1940’s and the Communists in Tibet in the 1950’s. Is it now about to witness the Mau Mau in Kanya for the 1960’s? Yours miserably, Richard Taylor, 1A Engineering blades. Most of the ‘beatniks’ who wear beards are really only pseudo-beatniks, and their beards can only be connected with poverty, immaturity, conformity, and lack of responsibility. I am also tempted to wonder if perhaps the ‘black’ in “Blackbeards” beard is really dirt.

“Well, ah - I - ah - think that - ah - in this case, the harumph - solution is - ah intuitively obvious - ah - . What I mean to say is - ah that under the - ah - circumstances, and - cough - ah ::I :: considering the cirumstances a - ah - together with the - ahhhh - numerous implications connected with such a theory - cough - ah - excuse “The Artsman me - that is - mmmmm - a very good question. So to be Cometh” - ah - precise, and to - ah harumph - answer your question, I - ah - will have to look Around these not yet ivyed * walls, at - cough - this matter from - ah - several points of - ah - And through these not yet hallowed halls, view. First, I think that Answering various challengcough - in . . . ” ing calls, The Artsman cometh. T. McPhee: “Never mind, Mr. Pond; I have to go and milk the - Past surly groups of enginah - cows.” eers, Totally devoid of fears, :: :I: ::I :: I ::I Disdaining them as not his peers, Although I think that Mr. The Artsman cometh. G. Welsh’s statement, “that everyone considers t.hat the cultivated chin hair is strictly He comes to this school with passe” is a bit weak, I think a penchant for learning, that ‘Blackbeards’ letter to This flame is encouraged to the editor in the fourth edikeep ever burning. tion of the Coryphaeus which And the girls, they cry in a takes exception to Mr. voice full of yearning Welsh’s statement, is even “The Artsman cometh.” weaker. If the beard is the traditionHis is a noble and good al mark of the intelligencia, undertaking, then it is also the traditional For here is a learned man in mark of the skid row bum the making, who is either too poor or too The world is before him, it’s lazy to shave. When I see his for the taking. some of the shaggy efforts The Artsman cometh. sported by some of the students, I find it hard to And as life goes on from year decide which of the above he to year, is trying to represent. Al- Be you scientist or engineer, though Castro’s army might There’s a cry you will always be a symbol for stimulated be glad to hear, thinking and the restless urge “The Artsman cometh .” to reform, I think that the beards were merely the result G. Welsh Arti I--what else? of a drastic shortage of razor :I:





DEC. 8, 1960



Dear George, ADVICE By





by Yump







Last year I dated a girl, (say girl A). This term I am dating another girl, (say girl B) who is not girl A but is on a par, shall we say with girl A. Since I started dating B, (B is not her name, but. I refer again to the smybolic name). Now I think that, (considering L is love) LA is greater than LB. How now may I find out if my love for A is greater than B without letting B find out my love for A and still find out A’s feelings for me without letting e (e is my boyfriend) find out my feelings for A or B or both and vice-versa. Stephen Dear

E. Driftwood


If you are Y and N is a crowd of screwballs Y plus B plus A plus e equals Y.



I have a big problem. I am in third year engineering and I am married to a very wonderful girl. She really is a gem and I consider myself very lucky, but since I have to study so much (I have to study more than most engineers as I am handicapped by the fact that I am able to spell) that my wife goes out with other men. Now last Saturday she brought one home with her for the weekend and I had to sleep in the guest room. On Sunday morning they insisted on having breakfast in bed and I had to make it! Not only j that, but they insisted on having French Toast for breakfast! Now my problem is I don’t know how to make French Toast! Please help me as I’m sure she will leave me if I don’t soon learn. Poor Dear



Buy a cook .book and a colt 45. After making the French Toast, carry it up to the couple, tell him to take off before you pump him one, and have an enjoyable breakfast with your wife - stupid!







is a Cross between




a humming-bird


a church





Tookless: face it -


From all appearances at recent exhibitions, the University Basketball squad will provide many thrilling moments for local supporters. With any luck at all we should lead our league all the way. An interesting sidelight to the game last Friday was a pack of screaming young ladies (9) from South of the border. It is hoped that their enthusiasm and unbashful vocal support will wear off on some of us (to a milder extent , please).


Let’s taken.


So who says Discrimination is the better part of valour? And what’s this nonsense about regulating student activities at our football games? Such bosh! Give me my freedom, my drink, (and my baton); we’ll show those disciplined types some real, untanned school spirit.


Somebody has stoleli my little red took. I don’t mind the loss of the took itself so very much since I have shared it with the moths for nearly eight years. It is the sentimentality attached to it that I miss. You see, during the past years, many of my former girls friends have proudl’y, at one time or another, worn this little red moth-eaten took too let the world know that they were my queens. Alas, now I am married, and my wife does not recognize my sentimental attachment to it. Tell me, George, what shall I do to substitute this loss of my fond memories?


‘n Yimminy


* Dear


I think I have been to a sufficient number of dances, from “hops” to very refined affairs, to justify my saying that. Canadians do not know how to dance. Dancing is a lost art in Canada. I write this not as a hyperFred Astaire but as one who freely admits that he is in the forefront of a public which is totally devoid of grace as far as dancing is concerned. I am no different from anyone else, I get by, what more do I want? This is my attitude and I have come to realize that because of its prevalence dancing stands at an extremely low ebb as an art form. as a pleasant Dancing, form of good timing, rhythm and co-ordination is nonexistent these days. Perhaps this is a rather harsh opinion but I think it is now regarded as a necessary evil to further social ambitions. There are many reasons why it has degenerated into a two step shuffle but the main one is lack of competent teaching. Through bad publicity, dancing schools are now regarded as bottomless pits into which you throw your money and get nothing in return. Apart from that aspect, people, generally young people, specificially boys think that dancing lessons are almost effeminate; hence they don’t go. The main thing detrimental to good dancing is the habit of “picking up” the art from friends or from dear old mother. Because of this factor the problem becomes

readily apparent; there are many modes of dancing (e.g. fox trot, waltz, rhumba, etc.) each with a definite basic step. Each time these steps are passed from one incompetent to another, the result is a narrowing down to the two things which we accept as dancing: a graceless shuffle and an uncoordinated display of bottom wiggling. I happened to see the Canadian amateur ballroom championships in Toronto some time back and never ‘till then did I realize that two people dancing could be so graceful. What was not suprising however, was that 90% of the finalists, though now living in Canada, originally came from Great Britain or Europe. This may seem irrevelant to you but it only illust.rates my contention that Canadians can’t dance.

An opinion : The Engineering sector of our present student body is learning a bit about politics the proper way. Seems the generally apathetic feelings of the majority towards the local society have suddenly b&en reversed due to a slight sting to the ego. Since you seem to feel that your representative is responsible to you, in the same respect, are you not responsible to your rep. Consider the effects on our national economy if each representative in the House of Commons had to consult his particular constituency regarding all forms of legislature. And they too have parties at your expense. We reap only what we sow.


and Shirt


Same-Day Cor.


Service & Dearborn




The inside story from the White House has it that, come 1961, more presidents will be smoking filter cigarettes than ever before. Could it be that to sell the new President, the U.S. press will call Mr. Kennedy the greatest breakthrough since Harry S? What other country can boa&t a president with a x inch recessed filter for filtering communist propaganda. And instead of retiring to the farm or the golf course for the week-end, will the new President be seeing green forests and mountain streams.






W. U. C. should be complimented on its Purple and Gold show, this year. It may be a rival institution, but everyone connected with this year’s production is deserving of considerable credit, from the way I. see it. Credit must go where credit belongs, for the ingenious attempt at bringing the sense of smell into action at the Wednesday evening performance. Many in the audience expressed the thought that this innovation made the “Grand River”-puns -tremendously realistic. Several of the students from the University were very anxious to take part in the show this As I said before, I manage, year. Since parts were not available for them, they had to I get by, and this is prop,:; write their own. Unfortunately, their entrance was very your attitude too. poorly timed, resulting in a slight disruption of proceedings. again you might not even The audience apparently was very pleased with the adhave an attitude in that you ditions to the show and it is hoped that the reiponsible were totally ignorant of the individuals will be given leading roles in the 1961 profact that there is such a vast duction. amount of room for imInter-school pranks of a much more serious nature than provement. Do not misconthose recently witnessed, will be occurring for years to come. strue me gentlemen, I am not The though and ingenuity back of the pranks, as well as the advocating an immediate resultant reception by the audience, are priceless. That trip to Arthur Murray’s, I’m humour and good will should prevail in all inter-schbol simply asking you to look: relations is of paramount importance to students of both around at, the next dance and campuses. At such times as these rivalries become serious, watch the lack of grace, 1 resulting in damage to property, then, and only then should watch the absence of timing,: definite corrective measures be taken. Should not the watch the only thing you prosecuting person or persons give some thought to the will probably ever see in the far-reaching consequences of such serious actions. Will majority of people, a vast, making a martyr out of the offenders do justice to the cause? common, unvaried and unIt’s been many years between crucifixions. Let’s not have inspired shuffle. it happen this time at Waterloo. G. Welsh




E. FELLNER BARBER SHOP Corner Columbia and Lester Streets

Radio Despatched 4 Erb St. E., Waterloo




Since when do students at this universlty feel that their cultural level is high enough to warrant undue abuse of great artwork. In the process of inverting some of the works currently on display in our Common Room, several were slightly damaged. Realizing that these reproductions are distracting to the bridge players whether upright or inverted, I would suggest that there are many who appreciate these displays. Plans call for new exhibits periodically. It would be unfortunate if these plans were cancelled through the boorishness of a small minority.

For a Cab at Your Door CALL SH 5-4764



* It is a 1lumdinger.

?k *







In the next few weeks 114,000 young Canadians will graduate from high schools, technical institutes and universities and go to work for a living. For job-seekers with the right training, there are plenty of openings, though the opportunities for the untrained are shrinking steadily. William Thompson, director of the Unemployment Insurance commission’s employment service predicts that the 1960’s are going to be highly competitive years in which the Canadian employer will lay it on t.he line to prospective employees: Get an education or don’t bother applying for the years ago a manufacturing employee didn’t job. “Fifteen have to be able to read or write,” says Thompson, “but today he has to be able to read complex instruments, make equipment using complicated adjustments to sensitive charts, measuring devices and slide rules. Employers are finding it more and more difficult to hire people who can absorb training, much less people already trained.” As a consequence, the long term outlook for both the high school and university educated person is good. Greatest demand right now is for technicians. Today, for every engineer there are ten technicians as compared with two technicians a decade ago, and Canada’s 27 technical institutes will turn out 2041 graduates this year of whom 1813 will be engineer-type technicians. The graduating class of 1960 is coming into a remarkably rosy world. Salaries are on the increase and working conditiions are getting better. Here’s how the situation shapes up in the engineering field. Eighteen Canadian universities train engineers Although no one university offers all specialties. Courses in civil, electrical, mechanical, or chemical engineering are available to most potential students within a reasonable distance of their homes. Graduates can expect a job on graduateion, in addition to summer jobs in relat.ed fields while in university. In the past few years supply has nearly caught up with demand although 1959 graduates were employed without difficulty. Freshman enrolments have shown an unexpected decrease in the past two years but personnel experts don’t regard this as a trend. The graduating class this year is expected to exceed 2100. In 1959, engineers were in demand in this mechanical, electrical, and chemical. The federal required 85 graduate engineers in 1959. A labour survey of 2500 employees showed an anticipated employment of engineers up to and including

order: Civil, government department increase in 1960.

Starting salaries: chemical, $300 to $500 a month; civil, $315 to $650; electrical, $275 to $500; geological, $375 to $475; mechanical, $300 to $500; metallurgical, $325 to $600; mining, $325 to $435; petroleum, $400 to $425; physics, $325 to $500.

BASKETBALL Last Saturday at Seagram’s Gym, both Waterloo basketball teams triumphed over their opposition. The Warriors defeated Bryant Stratton College of Buffalo by a score of 83 - 65 to gain their third straight victory in an as yet undefeated season. After leading 51 - 40 at half-time, they continued to pile up points in their one-sided victory. Jones, again the leading scorer on the team with 36 points has the amazing record of 27.6 points per game. Others figuring in the scoring were Palmer with 15, Aldridge (ll), Pando (9), Hann (6), Hickey (4), and Craig (2). Coupled with the Warriors’ victory, the University of Waterloo Jayvees won their first game of the season 58 - 32 over Eastwood Collegiate. Leading 25 - 14 at the half, they continued their domination of play through t.he second half. Jayvee scorers were Ankeman w, Wohlgemut and Whitney (8 apiece), Ridgewell (7), Callahan (6), Richters (5), Niziol and Plowman (4 each) and Walters (2).


DEC, 8, 1960

News of Sorts -




The first year engineers of the U or W have over the past week and, a half been making pilgrimages to Toronto to see King Lear at the Crest Theatre. Undoubtedly it was for one purpose I_ it is on the English cdurse. I, too, went for that reason. I saw Macbeth there last year and frankly, it bored me, the only thing I enjoyed about that evening was a drunk in the audience who was later thrown out. Before I went this time, however,, I polled a few opinions and was surprised to find that many had enjoyed the play and were recommending it. I, too, now recommend it. This writing is n t meant to be a criticism of Bh t e play, only my impressions of it. The theatre was filled with students but during the entire play everyone was quiet except for the comical interludes. The play had a complex yet simple enough plot to be enjoyed by most people - The acting was magnificent and I found that even Edgar (William Job) who had previously given a poor showing was now good. I really liked Edmund (James Douglas) because he put on the part like a real card he first enters like a real villian, black cape and all. The one point I did feel weak, however, was insanity. The lines that the insane had to give were far too well tho;ght out for even the sane& people and the actor exhibited a helplessness towards this point. The net result was that the insane people were for the most part more sane than the sane. Could Shakespeare have been looking into the Twentieth Century? It. must say though that it is the first Shakespearean tragedy that I have really enjoyed. This is the last week it is on and if you have a spare night, go and see it. It will be a dollar well spent. A. Weerheim

This Saturday, December 10, the University of Waterloo Jayvees will host St. Jerome’s High School at 1.00 p.m. Following this game the Warriors play Jamestown College at 3.00 p.m. So for a break in studying and a look at the Warriors and Jayvees in action, attend the games this Saturday at Seagram’s, In Intramural sports, the scores were as follows: HOCKEY Engineering 3 - Science 3 & 2 over Engineering 2. Pre-engineering 5 - 1 over Engineering 1. BASKETBALL Engineering 2 over by 27 - 14. Arts 37 - 13 over eering 1.

SHAKESPEARE (the bard whowroteby the yard) DEPARTMENT

Science Engin-

CURLING AT U OF W In an era when Canada is fast becoming a nation of curlers, when the “Brier” attracts more spectators than the Stanley cup, when Canadian rinks are consistently beating the Scats who developed the game, U of W has missed the boat. We have no varisty team, we have no intra-mural league. Every

Thursday half a dozen determined souls turn up at the Granite Club hoping there will be enough players for one game. In contrast Mike Chernoff’s rink from Queen’s has twice been runner-up to the provincial champions. Someone posted notices stating that curling was available at the Kitchener Granite Club on Thursday afternoons. It’s also available Tuesdays but the notices didn’t mention this. Why hasn’t the athletic council drawn up a schedule as they lave for- hockey, basketbail and bowling? One solution would be to form a curling club to organize curling on the various levels. Intramural competitions, one for NovemberDecember and a second one in January - March, would allow Engineers to participate. Perhaps after a few years of competitive curling on the intramural level we could field a varsity team as good as our football team. Incidentally, curling is free to all U or W students. R. Thompson

Nhile awaiting the arrival of the Bryant Stratton team rom Buffalo, coach Pugliese reviews his strategy with (left o right) Jim Hann, Brian McCormick, and Dick Aldridge.

Jothing seemed to stop little Billy Jones last Saturday, not ven these Buffalo giants. He scored an amazing total of ‘6 points while leading the Warriors to an 83 - 65 victory lver Bryant Stratton College.


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