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Monday, January 16, 1961, 5.00 p.m. Annex 2: Pubs Office All














One hundred and forty (more or less) dewy-eyed freshmen who enrolled in the engineering faculty on Tuesday., January 3, were gently initiat.ed intn the “clan” OF Wednesday and Thursday, January 4 and 5. Beginning Wednesday morning with their first lectures the frosh were required to wear jackets, shirts, and ties - a startling change from t,he bohemian attire usually sported by engineering types - and, to recite an unspeakably corny bit of doggerel, on command. Wednesday evening the embryo bridge-builders were taken on a conducted tour of the university buildings by their senior “buddies” of the sophomore class. Each sophomore acquired five freshmen on this informative jaunt which covered main points of interest and utility in the Chemistry and Physics Buildings as well as the annexes. Thursday night was designated as “Odd-Job Night” in aid of UNESCO. With the help of CKCR, CKKW, and CKCO TV the community cwas informed that L’. fig Vifi &lle?servl~~cs WI LJlG freshmen were available from 7.00 p.m. on into the night to perform any odd job that was required for the price of a nominal donation to UNESCO. Response to this program was encouraging and jobs such as cleaning and waxing floors, removing Christmas decorations, and shovelling walks and driveways were telephoned in to the Student Offices during the day. That evening the same groups as had been formed the evening previously were re-assembled and sent out to do these chores and others obtained


The Senate and Board of Governors of the University of Waterloo have approved by general door-to-door can- a scholarship program for vass in the district surroundstudents entering or already ing the University. enrolled in the University, A sum of $59.63 in all was ranging in value from $450.00 collected for UNESCO, a to a high of $7,500.00. This new program will begin next small but well-earned tribute from a very co-operative group of freshmen. While the version of the program that was introduced this fall. frosh did all the manual Top award is a University labour, the sophomores supervised and apparently did of Waterloo National Schola pretty good job; no labourmanagement disputes were recorded, in any event. The local radio and TV outlets deserve a big vote of ships will be awarded anthanks from the Initiation Committee for their fine work in publicizing the project on short notice. Several callers mentioned that KW radio in particular gave the scheme enthusiastic coverage. One odd job called in had alent. The National Scholarto be refused -- someone offered a $5.00 donation if the frosh could dig up six tickets to the Saturday night hockey game in Toronto. Fat chance! Initiations officially ended following a record hop at Seagram’s Gym on Monday night. The only catch to this The National Federation one was that all frosh were of Canadian University Sturequired to attend and they dents is t& TT&PA -nrment. VIVI *upA .,.I .sL had to bring a girl. The ing all Canadian University senior students gladly lent Students as a unified group the freshmen their best phone on a national scale. It is the numbers so that they could same type of organization as fulfil1 this requirement. Numthe National Conference of bers like the Police DepartCanadian Universities and ment, the morgue, and simi- Colleges, or the Canadian lar sources of feminity were Association of University readily placed at their dis- Teachers; but exclusively inposal. terested in the needs and The entire program was interests of the students. relatively quiet, but also The principal aim of the NFCUS is to co-ordinate the successful from the Engineering Society point of view. ideas of the University StudFurther refinements and ents with those of other planning along these lines educational groups, and to should result in bigger and make these views known to better initiations in future the public and the governyears. (See Pix Pg. 3) ment.


for Science I in

N. F.


Dr. Stanton’s Calculus test delayed 15 minutes by exeiting Bridge game. Jan. 16-17 Physics and Chemistry tests returned. Jan. 18 Front seats are at a premium in Physics and Chemistry. Jan. 20 Dr. Stanton’s class is now in the lead for “The Worst Class I Ever Had” award. Jan. 24 Dr, Fryer’s Algebra test. Jan. 31 The test is returned. ““Isn’t that interesting.‘” Feb. 1 Common Room out of bounds for Science I. Feb. 2 Bridge is the official game of the Chemistry Coffee Shop. Feb. 3 Dr. Stanton’s class to be given another chance to redeem themselves. Feb. IO “The Worst Class I Ever Had” Shield is awarded. Feb. 14 Doctors Aziz, Dust and Stanton form a trio to sing Valentine songs. Physics Lecture cancelled. Dr. Aziz has larynFeb. 15 gitis. Chemistry laboratory wrecked by explosions. Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Student reprimanded for making nitroglycerine during school hours. Feb. 27 Frictionless pulleys still sticking in Physics experiment. Mar. 2 Surprise English test. Dr. Dust returns to Illinois. Mar. 7 Mar. 16 Bridge tables in the halls. Mar. 17 Bridge made an elective in 61-62. Mar. 22 Last chance Calculus test. Mar. 29 The shield is retained. Lectures end. Apr. 12 Apr, l7 - May 5 Final examinations. June 18 Results released. Average highest in the province. Jan. 13

these are National

Projects, what projects does the NFCUS handle on the l,~cal



following three years of his course. The University will also offer University of Waterloo First Year Scholarships to students with a 75 to 80 percent average in nine Grade 13 papers. In addition a Student Aid Fund offering bursary aid to students in amounts adjusted to the individual need will also be created under the new program. In the modified version of this plan that was introduced this fall there are now 30 students studying under the University of Waterloo scholarships. By next year though, Professor Batke, who is chairman of the University’s scholarship committee, anticipates that there will be 50 students at the University Scholarship level with upwards of 75 students sharing in all phases of the scholarship program.

Henry Ward Beecker

C. U. S.

For example, in 1958 the Federal Government requested a brief on education from the NFCUS, this was prepared by the UBC NFCUS Committee and submitted. To date this brief has been quoted in Parliament 32 different times. This is in addition to the regular meeting with the Cabinet once a year to present their views; from the and separate NFCUS activities on the Provincial level. The best example of this was the successful student strike two years ago in Quebec, which ultimately forced the Quebec Government to accept the Federal grants of aid to the Universities. This in itself greatly reduced the fees, for example in Engineering at The University of Montreal fees were cut by approximately $250.00. And this year the Federal Government has decided to allow tax exemptions for University fees, something that the NFCUS has strived for for years. But

ship could be worth $‘7,500.00 to a student enrolled in the five year Co-operative Engineering Course. Second is the University of Waterloo Tuition Scholarship, available to all students with an average of 80% or highem in nine Grade 13 papers. These Tuition Seh olarships include the full tuition and incidental fees for all years of the student’s course. Also, an 80% average in ,any year of the student’s course enables him to become a University Scholar and to receive full tuition and fees scholarship. A third type of four-year scholarship will also be offered - the University of Waterloo Mathematics Scholarships. These Scholarships carry a value of . $3,000.00, of which $600.00 will be paid in the first year and $800.00 in each of the


thP __- _

services to students, the photo-contests and the shortstory contests, but these are only some of them. For example, there is also the Life Insurance Program through Canadian Premier Life, an insurance program that has been arranged through the NFCUS at greatly reduced rates to University students. They have arranged the exchange of Engineering students with other Universities, a system in which the Canada Council pays the travel grants. The final details of a student magazine, to be distributed to every student in the NFCUS, are just being worked out and arranged now. There is the technical assistance for student projects, such as setting up a student’s union, in which they can draw upon the experience of all the Universities in Canada for advice. They handle the travel arrangements for Exchange Weekends, as for exampie when a number of Mexican University students visited the University of Montreal campus. They have greatly assisted the University of Alberta students in their campaign for student residences by their knowledge of student housing programs at other Universities. In brief, these are some of the more important National and Provincial projects of the National Federation of Canadian University Students. Further articles will continue on to explain some of the International Aspects, as well as going into greater detail on their local activities and the benefits of membership.

The Crow H~nr3T,W~.rcl~R~Pr,hPr,“Am--

erica’s greatest preacher of the last century, could be a,c witty as he was eloquent. One of his cleverest sermons was in defense of that falsely maligned bird, the crow. Said Beecher : In spite of everything that has been said against him, we have a warm side for the good old crow. After all, he is so much like ourselves. He is lazy - and that is human He takes advantage of those weaker than himself and that is manlike. He is sly and hides for tomorrow what he can’t eat - showing a real human providence. He learns tricks much faster than he does useful things - showing a true boy nature. He likes his own colour best, and loves to hear his own voice - which are eminent traits of humanity. He will never work if he can get another to work for him - the most genuine of human traits He is at war with all living things except those of his own kind - and there he is superior to man. He eats whatever he can get his claws upon, and is less mischievous with a full belly than when hungry and that is human. No wonder, then, that men despise Crows - they are too much like men. Take off their wings and put breeches on them and crows would make above average men. Give men wings, increase their smartness a little and some of them would be good enough to be crows.






The Board of Publications wishes to thank the student body for its vote of confidence. The student body feels certain that the newspaper staff can produce a weekly newspaper with an executive staff of 7 members and 2 contributing reporters. Compared with last term’s staff (15 executive and 6 reporters) this must mean that the student body feels the newspaper staff is becoming very proficient. Disillusionment is never pleasing, but this situation is impossible and unless something is done about it the Coryphaeus will cease to be a weekly publication as of this issue. In the annals of university history, no student paper has ever existed with neither a business manager nor an advertising manager, and it is unlikely that the Coryphaeus will establish a new trend. It is still more unlikely that it will contain a variety of interesting news with no arts editor, no news editor, no feature editor, and one student handling circulation and production. The response to our vain appeals for assistance has been especially disheartening from the engineers. The Board of Publications has become unwillingly resigned to the apathetic I-have-no-time response from the arts and science students, but had it not been for the fall quarter engineers, the paper would have folded after the first edition in October. Last term there were 9 engineers, 3 artsmen, and 3 science students on the staff. Out of that, number we lost 9 engineers, no artsmen, and 1 science student. This term’s staff contains 2 engineers, 3 artsmen, and 2 science students. At the express request of the engineers, the Board of Publications was set up in such a way that it would change hands every 3 months. The fall-spring quarter left the campus relatively certain that the winter-summer quarter would carry on. This three-month changeover was intended to benefit the arts and science students as well as the engineers. Those students who work on the staff this term may retire at the beginning of April when the term changes, enabling them to devote their full attention to their studies for final examinations. The Board of Publications will hold a meeting on Monday, January 16, at 4.00 p.m. It urges every student who doesn’t want to see the newspaper fold to be there and to lend his (or her) support. With a large enough staff, no position is especially time-consuming. Many here are new to campus life; others are used to a much larger institution. Because of our small enrollment a larger share of the responsibility for student institutions rests with the individual. It is not a ease of having a select few run the student organizations while the majority participate only in lectures and exams. Everyone must pull his own weight here if this university is to have any campus life at all. This is your campus and your newspaper. Both rise or fall with you. Joanne Rice


is the Angry


Dear Sir; In past weeks letters concerni& the colour of the Arts faculty jackets have been printed. Might I ask a question or two and offer some suggestions. First, were these eolours approved by the Students’ Council as well as the Arts Council? Second. I note that the Arts pedple were told by their administration what their colours would be. I am under the impression that the other faculties were allowed to choose their own. Are the Artsmen not credited by their administration with aby power of discretion in a m&&r that directly concerns them? Next, it has been pointed out that the words ‘Waterloo Arts” were not used on the iackets to avoid confusioh with our neighbour UP the street. The -purple and gold combination is far better known and associated with the U. of W. And has anybody ever seen a purple and gold jacket with the aforementioned words on it? I doubt that there would be any confusion encountered. Might I suggest that it would be wise and would also create a small tradition if a binding colour such as gold was used by all faculties and associated colleges. Gold is suggested since St. Jerome’s and Engineering already use it. There is an objection that lack of combination exists with a single binding colour. Quickly I can calculate 26 two colour combinations -


technically the girls, has the potential necessary to be an angry young man but we plod along because nothing rears its head which we can get angry at. We don’t even try to cram people into a phone booth, but I suppose that is passed. This shows we don’t even pursue fads. Instead of having an intelligent discussion about anything in our common room one only hears “Bid two hearts,” or “Does she have an apartmerit?” or some other mundane comment. Let’s face it, students, in this university we are, to put it very bluntly? a bunch of deadheads lacking thirst for any knowledge beyond that whieh is required of us. Potentially Angry Young Man 84;122.-.

‘The CORYPHAEUS Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2! The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. Chairman - Board of Publicalions: Peter Shantz Editor-in-Chief: George Welsh Associate Editor: Ted Rushton Production and Circulation: Ron Mucy Photographer: Mike McBirnie Arts Editor: Alfred E. Neuman Science Editor: Dennis Cann Engineering Editor: Harry Johnson Correspondance Secretary: Joanne Rice

I doubt that we will have more than this number of faculties, etc. Now some wise Artsman or even Science Student will say “Why must we do what the Engineers have done?” To this I say we must all take our example from somewhere, usually our predecessors. And as much as you might hate to admit it, St. Jerome’s and the Engineers were the first groups here and have set up some pretty good standards for themselves. Hoping that something will be done to bring some order to our jacket and colour problem. I remain Yours faithfully, Nick Hathway, Chem.


Hunter I

When there is a large puddle of mud in the middle of a street most people are satisfied to walk around the puddle and pay no attention to it. They continue to bicker about their own petty problems but ignore the large issue which affects all of them. It isn’t until someone throws something into the puddle and splashes a few people that anything is done. Until someone is splashed, however, everyone is content to ignore the problem. That is exactly what is happenining at this University. The average student of this institution is a smug, complacent,

self xentered

slob. Right in front of him are all the problems of international, national and provincial affairs. Yet what interests the supposedly intelligent student of this University? With what do all the “letters to the editor” deal? Just read the last few issues of the paper! They are concerned with their own petty lits$ problems and nothing . Everyone knows that the group that gets things done in a country, (if and when they get to work) is the nation’s student body. What has the student body of this University done? NOTHING! The student body of this institution sits around on its collective tail and waits. (One cannot help comparing them to the chorus in T. S. Eliot’s “Murder in the


Dear Sir: In his letter in the December 19 issue of The Coryphaeus, Mr. Mewhinney states he is puzzled by a published remark of mine. (“Because of the co-operative nature of our course, we can assist two students with the same amount of money which would be required by a single student in the conventional type of engineering course”). As Mr. Mewhinney explains, the annual expenses a Waterloo student must meet, i.e., room, board, fees, books, clothing, incidentals, are of course essentially the same as for students elsewhere. This is obvious, and my remark can surely not be taken to suggest otherwise. However, he dismisses rather casually the benefit of a


Complacent, C. Stuart Arts

Time Has Come To the U.S. Down to Size

This time the “all-mighty and all-powerful” U.S. has gone too far. Here are some instances which show the “h-olier-than-thou-art” attitude of our “great southern neighbour.” The American Constitution is said to guarantee each person freedom of life and freedom to pursue happiness. Each American citizen is created with equal opportunity. All Americans have equal rights to all the freedoms of the country. Yet, paradoxically, there are places in “the land of the free” where a person with a dark can’t even get a sandwich!


Our great “preachers of freedom” issued all sorts of dire threats to those who invaded Hungary in 1956 to quell the uprising there. Yet when an American diplomat snidely asked a Russian how his revolt in Hungary was going he got the swift and biting reply, “Fine; how’s your


13, 1961


in Little

longer annual period of employment as “a very small advantage.” At Waterloo, engineering students can count on a minimum of 26 weeks of work, whereas at other engineering schools an 18-20 week period is normal. I have assumed a student’s total annual expenses at Waterloo, or any other institution, to be $2100. For a student in financial need, who presumably can give up at least one of wine, women and song, this amount seems adequate. (It strikes me we have a rather small Glee Club!) Annual earnings (26 weeks) for co-operative students at Waterloo, based on a projected five-year average, are taken as $1700; whereas for students at other institutions annual earnings (20 weeks) are assumed as $1300. Thus t.he “annual dollar deficit” for Waterloo students amount to $400 compared with $800. for others. The effectiveness of financial assistance must be measured by the extent to which said aid closes the “dollar gap.” There is of course some variation in earnings and individual expenses, and as Chairman of the Scholarships Committee I would welcome the co-operation of all students in a detailed study of needs. Perhaps Mr. Mewhinney will volunteer to initiate student action so that a combined committee can present a report to The Coryphaeus and prospective donors. T. H. Batke, Chairman, Committee Faculty

on Scholarships, of Engineering.

are Smug,


Cathedral”). They sit and wait, smugly complacent, and refuse to act. The time has come for this student body to stop wait,ing and start moving. We are building tradition now. What kind of tradition are we building? To follow through with the analogy from above let us consider the international scene as being the large mud puddle in everyone’s way. Here’s the bolder: The Cut


to the Editor

of Waterloo

Man By

What I have long regarded as a basic truth now appears to be a hollow fable as far as this University is concerned. There are no angry young men in t’his campus. Where, in heaven’s name, is the fiery, rabble-rousing young radical which one so often



Aii citizens of the United


States of America have a right to an elementary education. Yet six year oZd negro girls had to be escorted to school by federal marshalls to gel that which, according to the Constitution, was their inalienable right!

To top it all off, however, here is a major blunder. The U.S. is continually crying for disarmament or screaming: that some one is committiYng aggression. Yet, when a crisis like the Laotian situation spring up what do they do? They rush planes, ships and nuclearly armed soldiers into t,he area with the justification that the situation there was detrimental to world peace. With this large and powerful world peace 1

force in the are& is in far greater

However. criticism should be constr&tive. It’s quite obvious that the American government is “asking for a fight” and, unless something is done about it, they’ll get it. Now is the time for Canada to get things straightened out. Canada is a member of the truce team appointed to supervise the Indo-China peace treaty. Why hasn’t Ottawa defined her stand on. the issue? (‘“) There is still the occasional outburts of racial or religious prejudice in Canada. It is good to see that Canadians are a little more broadminded than our American “friends.” However, the student body of this University through all these crises, has done nothing! Cont’dPg. 3




Page 3

13, 1961


Jackets and Ties


In the outline of courset ha nded to arts students ir September, the closing sen teirice stated: “All gentlemer of this university are expect, ed to include in their dress I shirt, tie and sports jacket OI blrazer.” No mention war mi of pants so I woulc . ade lagine they are optional .st recently a notice regard’ in;g such dress was posted bs Dcean Thomas requesting th at we adhere to regula ticms. Of the many sport1 jaj zkets in evidence in Sep teimber there remains toda;l only eight or ten studentl I WI 10 wear them regularly. ked various people whs ey don’t dress as requester an.d the answers ranged fron an ignorant unintelligen Tbhy the ---- should I?” tc a( :ompletely sensible answer I already have an art: jafcket which apparently hat th e sanction of the dean W ‘hy then should I put thir ja(cket away and proceed tc ru n up a laundry bill fo: Wl lite shirts?” This point of view real11 hcbids water and is probably supported by the bulk of the St1udents including the engin eers, who have their OWI jai ckets. I asked a similar questior anld various members of the SIl laller faction replied wit1 th ese answers: “I wear the Pr bescribed dress because “It’ Pr lescribed,” said one gra! m ind. “It improves one’ ar lpearance no end am chlanges the atmosphere o th .e school plus changing YC)ur attitude somewhat.” “Look at it this way,’ sa,id yet another. “Trite a it may sound, this is a young liversity with traditions tc ? established and prece dc?nts to be set, so let’ establish precedents to whicl e can point with pride il ter years.” Now this is a really sig ni ficant fact and on this th Ii’Jiackets and ties” mak th leir stand. Both arguments are ration al but one side is correc to regulation ac:cording W hile the other side is not ant vi Thither then “jackets tit 7” Shall we wait for h:!?% and fast edict from th D lean or shall it just b tl-rrown into the great swam of1 indifference as are s m[any subjects around her hich appear controversia’


Professor W. A. E. McBryde, Chairman of the Chemistry Department, has been appointed Acting Dean of the Faculty of Science, succeeding the late Professor B. W. Kelly who died suddenly last May. Born in Ottawa, Professor McBryde took his B.A. and M.A. degrees in chemistry at the University of Toronto. After wartime service with a chemical firm and the R.C.N.V.R., he attended the University of Virginia where he obtained his Ph.D. degree and served on the faculty until his return to the University of Toronto faculty in 1948. Professor McBryde remained on the University of Toronto faculty until coming to Waterloo last July. Another University of Waterloo professor, Ronald M. Davies, will leave Canada within the next month to study at the University of London for the next two or three years. Mr. Davies will be doing research in control systems as well as lecturing in Mechanical Engineering at the University of London. Professor Davies was one of the first faculty members to join the new University of Waterloo, coming here in 1957 as a lecturer in applied physics from a position as an instrument design engineer with Orenda Engines Limited at Malton. Professor Davies received his B.A.&. from the University of Toronto, and an M.Sc. degree from Stanford University; now he has been granted a leave of absence from the University of Waterloo in order to attend the Univer% sity of London.

“Alas! The Artsman Cometh” But look! What thing approach our walls? Oh, woe! Please keep it from our halls. So sweet a life as ours will end When we must call the artsman friend! Words and thoughts philosophical, Spouts and pouts at the technical, Thisikhi;;eso bright and red . Its cry --’ “Outdo the engineer!” Enroaching on our treasured books It deems to wither us with looks. Bigheartedly we let this knave Roam in the world we build and save. Our rever’d tutors are frustrate; Their efforts lost to educate. For he does nought but hoard the girl Whom he brought in from outside world. It seems that we must early learn Some tolerance for those WE spurn. Thusfofri;;rd” artsman, stay Then leave us peace to do one more. Richard Taylor, lAS5 Enaineerinc


Student Enrolment At All Time High students presently enroled in arts and science and 767 in engineering. One girl was included in the group of freshmen which has just registered. She is Gabrielle Casonato, of Welland, Ontario. The freshman travelling the farthest distance was Hector Blake of Happy Valley, Labrador. He is being sponsored by the Grenfell Mission in Labrador.

For the first time in the University of Waterloo’s four-year history, student enrolment passed the 1,000 mark. The previous enrolment, held in October, show?d a registration of 890 students in arts, science, and engineering. With the regisLration of 142 freshmen in the co-operative engineering winter-summer course, the total student population is now 1,032. There are 275 1R



?Question of the Week? Howcum

obs Cont’d All that is needed to get issue straightened out is P good student n or protest!


The students this University should te a few minutes off their ldge games here and there d try organizing a studt march over the Laotian ue or a petition to Ottawa er the Cuban issue. It’s out time this University trts showing a little nationstic spirit. , I realize that, in writing is, I am going out on a lb. However, I would rathgo out on a limb and get wn off than not go out at . Just as long as this stirs 1a little comment. all will well. If this prompts some the smug, complacent, .f-centered slobs around re to get off their tails and y something it has served l purpose.

question is, “What would be a fitting way of killing him?”


To: Dr. J. C. McKegney Dear Sir: Do you think that Eichmann, if he is found guilty, should be imprisoned of executed, bearing in mind the immensity of the charge against him? Dear Sir: This is a very difficult question. I am opposed, on principle, to capital punishment, which I consider to be a bestial and inhuman act. Perhaps, however, in the ease of one so depraved as Eichmann, an exception is necessary. The

Ideally, he should be tortured to death,’ and this would undoubtedly cause a great deal of satisfaction to those whose families suffered in similar fashion as a result of Eichmann’s inhuman actions. An alternative would be to expose him for the rest of his life in a cage in the midst of the former Warsaw Ghetto. However, in keeping with my own principles, I should be compelled to insist that he be imprisoned for life. Yours sincerely, J. C. McKegney

(*) At the time this article is written no action had en taken. Since the comztion of this, Ottawa has commended t.he re-activam of the truce commission.


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Student News








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a team. For those of you Engineers who have not had the opportunity to see the Warriors I would urge you to do so. They are not an extremely tall squad but what they lack in this respect they make up in good speed and accurate shooting. Come out and support the varsity team in the coming season. It’s well worth the effort. But Saturday also saw the J.V.‘s go down to defeat at the hands of Laurentian College of Sudbury by the relatively close score of 55 to 50. Leading scorers for the J.V.‘s were Niziol (14) and Whitey (IO). We wish the J.V.‘s better luck in their next game.

ntion Music A series of recorded musical programmes has been arranged for all students, faculty and others who are interested. They are held every other Sunday afternoon in the Students’ Common Room (Mathematics snd Physics Building), comnencing about 3.00 p.m.



To many people today, the primary cause for the present strife alive in the world is largely due to the workings of the, scientist -that comparatively new creed of individual who, in his own perhaps crude way, has risen into the ranks of the V.I.P. within the past century. Is he today, with his utmost of skills and reasoning, trying to erase all those accomplishments of past generations, merely by the pushing of a button or the pulling of a trigger? Man, with his superior intellect, had his beginning, according to Darwin, by evolution from the ape; and according to the Bible, by the grace of God. From these conflicting initiations, he has slowly advanced, perhaps

mainly by the method of trial and error, to that easily recognizable symbol as ruler of the earth and prober of the universe. However, having taken giant strides in overcoming many of the obstacles of Mother Nature, it seems that while doing so our ‘hero’ has neglected to overcome the obstacles of his own Human Nature. Perhaps that is where he has fallen gravely short.

Located at 193 Albert Street (directly across from Waterloo University College) Renison holds open house from 7.00 - 11.00 p.m. Monday through Friday for students from all campuses in the Twin Cities. Facilities are available for bridge, cribbage, and other card games. There is a good browsing library, and rooms are set aside for individual or group study. The chapel is always open.

Nevertheless, in the past few years those events that have been awe-inspiring and world-shaking, have been of scientific nature, and we, as future graduates into this field of scientific achievement, may be heavily criticised, and even despised, for it is we who shall represent this powerful force, which to the layman has infinite limits and similar possibilities.

“The wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.” T. A. ilZushton


The first programme, featuring THE JAZZ SOLOISTS, was held January 8th. Future programmes will feature music for Brass Instruments, Chamber Music, Folk Songs, Worker’s Songs, Recorded Plays, Jazz Composers. Watch for future announcements of these coming programmes.

Programmes sponsored by the Canterbury Association will be announced from time to time. The faculty of Renison College include : Rev. J. R. Horne, M.A., B.Th. Mr. Horne lectures in philosophy and is presently working on his Ph.D. thesis through Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University. Rev. J. T. McKibbon, B.A., L.Th. Rev. McKibbon is a lecturer in Religious Knowledge. Rev. A. J. Barker, M.A., B.Th. He is a geography lecturer and holds the position of chaplain of Renison College.

For the Anglican students on campus, the following services are held regularly in the Renison College Chapel:

Mr. E. J. Bounsall, M.A., chemistry lecturer, ‘is the proctor of the college and resides there permanently in this capacity.

Communion: 8.00 a.m. Sunday 7.30 a.m. Wednesday

Meeting space is provided for student organizations. Any student group wishing to take advantage of this may do so by contacting Mr. Bounsall at SH Z-0747 any day after 5.00 p.m.

Evensong: 5.15 p.m. Friday


A coffee hour is held every Monday at 4.15. Students and faculty are invited to attend.

A confirmation class is now in progress. It is held every Sunday evening under the direction of the chaplain.

The Canterbury Association, an Anglican students’ group, holds meetings there.

Renison College has something to offer everyone. Drop in often.

SWEENEY’SGROCERY 170 King St. North SH 2-1970 Groceries -- Meats Drugs


I therefore suggest that we, as Engineers, shall have more than just a degree after the date of graduation; for along with those initials, it seems to me we shall receive an obligation to others ---- an obligation of promoting trust and goodwill, of teaching others, and of trying to serve towards that end that is known as peace. For, why shouldn’t we pass on to others that learning and knowledge which has been given to us, plus that which we have discovered for ourselves, that they too might have the chance of living in a world of grace and understanding?


is Renison College?

Renison College is both a spiritual and a recreational centre. Its functions range from being the University of Waterloo’s Anglican seminary to being a friendly battleground for the campus bridge-playing population of Waterloo.



Sports In still another exhibition game the Warriors showed their consistent winning form which everybody hopes they will carry over into the regular league competition against Ryerson this Friday night. The Warriors were victorious over the K-W Seniors by the score of 76 to 47. Leading scorers for the Warriors were Jones (28), Palmer (lo), and Aldridge (9). With such a winning streak going for them, and scores as lop-sided as this one, there is always the danger of overconfidence. Perhaps in this regard I am being too pessimistic because every member of the team has a basketball mind and they play extremely well as


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