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I feel that John Braun is the man for President of Student Council. I am positive that John has the ability and the desire necessary to do the job that needs to be done in the coming year. John Braun is a second year Honour Science student ma joring in Physics and Chemistry. He certainly is a hard worker both in his studies and in his extracurricular activities. After twp short years at the University John has an impressive record of service in student activities. He has had two years of experience In student government a. Science Representative on Student Council. He is at g;;;?nt L Chairman of. the Building Union Comkittee which is working on ideas ior the Campus . Centre. In addition John is the 61-62 Vice-President of the Science Society. I have observed that John takes 1 ab&tijL;ew?l Y,. ta! kv. I imgq&@-’ &n and the ability ti, tiake‘ decisiotis. He also knows how to encourage others to take responsibility. In other words John Braun is a good leader. Our Student Council needs a president who can take leadership. ‘ John has been active out’ side of student government as well. He ;:::~.s Chairman e of the Christmas Banquet Committee in 1960 and 1961. In this capacity he was responsible for the planning and organization of the Banquek Anyone who attended the Christmas Banquet

I will not deny that th.ere is a certain amount of personal glory in being elected as head of the student body; however, if your Student Council president is a good president, the personal glory is lost in his desire to serve you, the students, as well as he can. You should know that such a desire is part of ‘both Dave and -me. I assure you neither of us, whether as a successful candidate ‘01 as a defeated one, will be inactive in student affairs. It is up to you to decide which candidate will be most effective as S. C. president. Your decision will most likely depend on each candidate’s experience and past actions. Some of my interests have already been presented by my campaign manager. Allow me, however, to mention that, had time allowed, I certainly would have been active in more of the student organizations. The question now is: “What would you like to see Student Council do?” Based

knows that John did a splendid job. John is a member of the Music Council, the University Chorus and the Glee Club. He is also a sportsman, having played on the championship University Volleybti*ms : One &n reahifnji, see th& John Braun is interested in all phases of student activities. Since the ‘function of Student Council is to coordinate and stimulate student activities, its president must have a keen interest in these. I invite you to examine John’s past record of service and his ideas for the future. To me they say one thing: “John Braun is the man for President!” I am sure? that you, the students, will come to the same conclusion. Malcolm Cock, Campaign


on my affection for the University, and concern for student needs and activities, I present the following platform : 1. I wish to see a ‘speedUP’ in the planning and building of our Student Union Building or Campus Centre (as you will). 2. More publication of Student Coullcil business is definitely in order. 3. Student Council must lead the way in activating student interest in student affairs. 4. We, as a student body, contribute a considerable amount of money to NFCUS central ofice. I’m sure that our stpdents can* receive benefits from this association. 5. Either directly or indirectly, our S. C. should sponsor debates centred on controversial topics. Let us not be a University .with no opinions. ‘6. Our University is young, With proper direction, sup Cont’d. on PC&p3f%

Voting will take place on Friday, March 16. * Ballot boxes will be placed in the main foyer of the Physics Building and at St. rerome’s College from 10.00 1.m. to 4.00 p.m. In addition 1 ballot box will be placed in ;eagram’s Stadium Gym, for Engineering Students writng Exams, from 10.00 a.m. ,o 1.30 p.m. Out term engineers will rote when they return from ;heir work term. When voting students will Iresent their yellow Stulent’s Card, i.e., the one ssued by the Registrar’s lffice, and it will be punched )y the officer in charge. Also note, that ballots must be marked with an X’ or they will be spolied. Chief



Memo: from the desk of Barry Wills. To: Graduating %t~dents



* :

Re: Gr$du&ion B&i ‘i962. Response to the sale of ticket options has been very good. Enough people have now indicated their support of this venture to make it entirely feasible. We have some ticket options left and have decided to extend the selling date until Friday, March 16th. Those of you who have not yet purchased ticket options to date have only today . . . tomorrow. We would like to thank the many people who ha,ve purchased ticket options for their interest and support. Barry Wills

On Friday, you will go to the polls and your ittle ballot for the candidate of your choice. As things itand this year, you have a fifty-fifty chance of getting rour man into office. We urge you to read the plat‘arm of both candidates, look at the previous records tnd cast your ballots accordingly - BUT CAST YOUR BALLOTS, this is the point we want to mpress upon you.

. As you know, elections vi11 be held tomorrow for ?resident of the Students Council. The candidate chostn will be responsible for )ver $5000.00 of your money; le will be responsible for )romotion of Waterloo’s remutation off campus. Campus ife will also be his respon;ibility.

other universities and with outside student organizations . is needed. 3. Campus dents Council:




My opponent has outlined the majority of things which need attention. No sincere person can quarrel with his aims although the ’ methods to achieve these aims may vary. *\One thing 1. The Financial ResponsiI feel must be improved is liZ&: To guide the spinding the Students Cou&il - AdIf the $5000.00 aild to receive ministration relationship ;he maximum benefit from Often both parties go their ;hat money requires experi- separate ways because corn- I ?nce that I have received this munication between the two fear as treasurer. is inadequate. 2. The Reputation of The Instead of making many U?tiversity of Waterloo: Wat- vague promises, I will only 2rloo’s reputation is based on say this: “I promise to Ither students’ opinion of fulfil1 the position lur Students Council. It is best of my ability toand theI ’ it conferences. seminars and promise to obtain more stu-. Sicial fun&q th;tt &he &3t participatiork - --- iB‘+...., $tJBik?RtSCk3i);~ 3?iTS~~~t”’ student~activities.” ‘&$$$g~. “,& 11.;-r:K-, ‘;?. ‘XL T.,,;fs-, *- ;r;, is judged: ?%e~ impression’ made at these functions We are a fast flawing ’ forms the basis of outside university and the time to Dpinion. I feel that former mould a strong and active .~ Students Councils have fall- Students Council is 920~. . I : zn down for they have been intend to set a precedent for too “isolated”. Nothing has future council, a prc -dent ever concerned them unless based on action, guided by it affected individual stu- reason and tempered with . i dents. More contact with consideration.

The time for electioni of President and Vice-President of the Science, Students’ Council for the l-962-1963 academic year is here. These elections are not to This week, we are printing be confused with the elec- parts of a letter from &S[r. tions for Students Council. J. R. Amacker, Director Nominations will be re- Food Service and Union, ceived between March 9 and Winsconsin State College, March 16. Voting will be on Stevens Point, Wis., to Lew Taylor, Sec.-Treas. Campus March 23. All undergraduate Science students of the Uni- Centre Committee. This letversity of Waterloo are elig- ter is in reply to, a letter requesting views on the goals ible to vote. of a good Campus Centre Besides electing a Presi- and how the Centre or Union dent and a Vice-President, represented is attaining these there ‘are some amendments goals. Mr. Amacker writes: to the CQiistitution to be “Dear Mr. Taylor: voted on, ‘: .. My congratulations to you the Campus Centre For further details consult and Committee for the approach the bull’eting board opposite you are taking in establishing room 145 (large ampitheatre) the Centre. in the Physics Building. Our Centre has been open for three years and I can say Douglas -B. Evans, ScienGe cozmcil without reservation that it

has completely changei the campus, the student body and the entire college community. Our Centre is, in practice, directed by a student board who has full control over all policies (except Food Service Operations) providing they follow the policies of the College and State of Wisconsin. To me this is our largest achievement. A Centre, if-3 is to be the true living room , of the campus and the so&al recreational centre of the University, should be directed toward. the groups it’ serves and that they should have a large voice in 6ita policies, practices and-’ opCont’d. 0% P;tigs: 9 ‘fPi: \,’ -1r i-i<I



by the :“rndergTaduate student body of the of Waterloo, under the authorizakion of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681 The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society. EditowbChief: George Welsh Associate Editw: Ted Rushton Production cmd Cticulntion : Todd Sew&l News Editor: sue Nichols ’ ’ Engilrzeering &Wor: Larry Barkley Arts Editor: Ron Hornby. Sports : Lawis Taylor Science Editor: Joe Mazur Photogrnphers: Mike Mc3rine, John E&hop University

erations. ’ This philosophy takes considerable patience and the students do make mistakes. With the proper training they are capable of much more than we often realize, particularly where their own activities are concerned. My own personal attitude is often disputed and argued but I continue to most of the Union’s activities on its foundation. It is simply this, ‘With increasing enrollmerits, faculty-student rations, etc., the personal contact between the average faculty member and the individual student is often lost or at least decreased. The students see their professors from eight a.m. to five p.m. in most cases or may have infrequent contact with them at other hours. In order to fulfil1 our obligation of education the whole student, to life as well as in the academic pursuits we must provide some educative process during a portion of the remaining 15 hours each day. To me a Student Centre does this with its many activities, boards, committees, etc. If it can continue to educate the student, however subtly, after 5 p.m. it is performing its role. How you go about achieving these ends of course depends on many factors. I feel it can be done best by letting the students do it themselves, with all the

“not funny enough” to, “too much religion”. We are not publishing a humour sheet, nor is it our intention to issue something which reads like The JVatchtozoer. IV% have been striving for the golden mean, something for everyone. We do the best we can with what we have and find comfort in the old adage, “You can’t please them all”. We have been asked, “What is the specific aim of this newspapei *?” . To speak candidly, there ase no formal aims as such but we consider it our f-:r:ction to provoke and publish student thought on any * -topic whi& we think pertinent. Primarily, we are not a newspaper in the true sense of the word, for two specific reasons: firstly, there are few activities or events on campus which are sf interest to any great part of the student body, you can read “news” in the local daily; secondly, we have an awkward 65 hour deadline to make, and in this period of time, news which may have been current has become old hat. ‘? * c+) ..,l~L,;:?~& ‘39a not get the imp-@&on .t%t-Itiweuub areptin%uiila~~ a~&ogizi~~ *+,c”,A,‘s’%* fmFGtl~lILeF+ie~; 3LlUi-w~ WtXc;diIie 1~3~4~for 4x3 .+i’:~tt “<lstnd other drivel from arm &air-editors are without r’ational _: What do you think? foundation and are most unwelcome. If you have any personal views, drop a line to Campus Centre Committee or tive it to any of the followilcg students: John Braun (SC. II), Lew Taylor (SC. II); Nancy (Arts I), or As we are thoroughly I strongly suspect that if Rutherford aware by now, Dead week professors were told, six Frank Anrep (Eng. V). has been abruptly buried. weeks from the end of the The reason given is the im- year, that their lecture hours possibility of fitting the var- were to be cut by a week, iety of electives allowed stu- they would be as angry dents into a two-week period. as we and as justified in This is most understandable, being so, and would not ported by our Student Counbut the shortness of notice speak as sanctimoniously as cil and student body, the is incomprehensible. the now do, as if six weeks University could eventually That the University was were six months and ample be recognized as a Canadian going to be flexible in the time for a complete reorgancentre of culture. granting of electives, the ization of plans. 7. Student Council hleetRegistrar has known since ings are generally quite For some of us it’s not last Spring. The choices made even a question of reorganizlenghty. More efficient use by students of electives, he ing our work so as to leave of time is possible. has known since September. 8. The S. C. Constitution for study. We can’t! To give us but six weeks time should be completed and Our six weeks afe so stuffed fdrewarning is incredibly un- with work t#hey have a ratified within the next year. businesslike and thoughtless. 9. In addition, I hope to It’s a question Since it has taken the stomach-~aclic~ see the work being done on a of plunging into exams with Registrar twelve months standard University of Watfrom the publication of the no study. erloo jacket completed reasCalendar to realize the diffiMost students have looked onably soon. culty of fitting our exams ahead, as the Registrar seerns 10. And this to the stuinto two weeks, I suggest incapable of doing, and have dents who care to use their that he would be even less planned for and counted on rights : your suggestions, reprepared than some of us to that week. quests, and ‘beefs’ are essenwrite exams without a week’s tial to an active student Some of us will remember study. government. the confusion surrounding I do not know of another I cannot promise to fulfil1 last year’s exam time table. Canadian university which all these aims, but I promise I trlist the plea of inexperiexpects its students to write to make them my motivaexams without a week’s pre- ence and of it being a tion, if I become Student particularly bad year (first paration. Most allow at least Council president. two weeks - some three. year of Arts, etc.) will not I here make two major Certainly none would offi- be submitted again. requests: First, that you Of course he is under no choose wisely the person who obligation to give it, but we will head Student Council and, therefore, will represent would appreciate an explanation from Mr. Hymmen as you in the coming year; to why it has taken so long Second, that in each faculty, to discover the difficulties of you select from the best scheduling our exams in a students, your representatives to Student Council. If two-week period. Dave become president, you . S. Sanders, and he may be assured of my Committee for the digging support. . . Up of Dead Week. John Braun

Re: Evening -111Attended. I should like to begin by saying that I think your criticism of “Three For an Evening” was a fair one. However, even though the criticism was an “amateur” undertaking, I must take exception to three points: 1. Whatever was meant by “Keep climbing, Alvin . . . “, escaped my powers of perception. To say the least the remark was in very poor taste; it has, rather, a taint of gross disrespect. Dr. Dust has a Ph.D. It should be self-evident that even in the most informal atmosphere, “sir” would be a proper form of address unless another was specifically invited. This is common decency. I feel that an apology is warranted. 2. Doug Macintosh did a fine job & a very difficult role as Ian Mackay and I feel he deserves spec’lfic mention. 3. “At the risk of feeding a monster ego . . . “; as far as I am concerned, this is another attempt at humour that never quite materialized - The gentleman with the most monstrous ego of them all was the one who wrote the article. As to the choice of plays, the Drama Council was limited by a lack of funds, ($200 was the total amount available), which had to cover the cost of the +-s, (meagre of necessity) pl.Olting of tickets, royalties, and sundry incidentals such as movers, electricians, etc. J. Bryan Down, Arts II - Drama Council President

of good taste and informality by referring to a professor on campus by his first name and in a rather flippant tone and for this I apologize. I can see that the use of the first name could be construed as disrespect, but I can assure Doctor Dust that no disrespect

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Dear Mr. Editor: Two weeks ago the Coru&aeus, a great deal of ink was used in explaining just why a Student Centre w&s indispensable. Apparently, enormous advantages would derive from bl.lilding such a Centre; we would obtain “School Spirit.” I submit that, +at the present time, building of a Student Centre would be absolutely unjustified. I attended “Three for an Evening” presented by the University Drama and Music Councils. The performances were excellent; Marybeth Boon gave a sensitive rendition of a difficult part in the tragedy; the musical numbers were well done; Terry Jones and Louise Maggio led a fine supporting cast through a hilarious comedy. Yet attendance was very poor; the students of the University iwere not even interested enough to &urn out and support their fellow students. Indeed, the Corvphneus, displaying a lack of responsibility that is rare among student newspapers, did not even write up an article about the forthcoming show; most student newspapers would have done their utmost to publicize the show. The only conclusion I can draw from such facts is that the idea of a Student Centre is being pushed by a small but vocal minority. When the students display enough University spirit to support their own show, when the Corgphneus begins to act in a mature manner as a Unishall have some ‘Concrete evidence that there~ is need for a Student Centre. Yours very truly, R. G. Stanton Ed. Note: “Lack of Responsi&lity” is a phrase which sh.ould not be used lightly. If you check, Dr. Stanton, you will see that in the issue before the plays we devoted one entire column plus two pictures to the publicizing of the performances. As to views on religion, if the discussion of such a topic embarrasses you, I do not believe that .you are under any obligation to read this paper.



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