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S. C. President

Scramble Preamble




by Ted Rushton Executive Assistant The proposed Charter of the Students of Canada received a set-back at the Ontario NFCUS Regional Congress held Jan. 18 to 20 on campus hosted by the U. of W. NFCUS Committee. Jordan Sullivan, president of the Students’ Administrative Council of the U. of T. accePted a mandate to re-write the Dreamble it acceptable to those u&versities to the Charter in order to hake which have indicated opposition. The preamble to the Charter has been the stumbling block so far. The Alma Mater Society (Students’ Council) of Queen’s University rejected the proposed Charter. They contended students should not have special rights or privileges other than their basic rights as -human beings.

S.A.C. President Student Charter.


SuIIivan, who led the opposition view, contended that students do have certain rights and privileges in respect to their roles as students, much the same as thrade unionists claimed certain rights in the past for their workers as inherent, even though it took many years for these

Jordan Sullivan (U. of T.) makes a preliminary statement con&r&g the need of a National He has been mandated to re-write the preamble, it will be submitted to National Congress

3 NO.15



Pro Temp Directorate Established for Centre

The members finally agreed to accept Mr. Brodeur’s recommendation that a preliminary Pro Temp Board of Directors be set up to look into the initial planning concepts of estalishing a Campus Centre.

The generd discussion of the meeting was centred around a four page brief prepared by Claude C. Brodeur, Administrative Ass’t.-Student Affairs.

The Board will be composed of nine students and six members of staff and administration. Representation will be broken down into eight students, (including undergraduate the S.C. president), one graduate student, a faculty rep from each of Engineering, Science and Arts, the Dean of Women, the Administrative Ass’t .-Student Affairs (who will act as vice-chairman) and the Vice-President-Academic (or his delegate) who will chair the meetings. ,

Carleton Editor To National Office CUP presidelit-elect Sid Black this week announced the appointment of Miss Barbara Pickard of Carleton University as the organization’s National Secretary for 1963-64. Miss Pickard, who is currently Managing Editor of the Carleton, ti a 21 year old native of Olds, Alberta. She is in her third year of a four year joumaIism course at Carleton. She is also a member of that university’s NFCUS Committee, where she has done research on Indian

education. Her ’ r appointment completes the coming year% CUP executive. The other member, in addition to Black, is vice-president John MacRarlane of the University of Alberta in Calgary.

S.C. president, John Braun, suggested that the aim of the proposed centre should be to provide the spark to ignite culture in the local student comtumity. I



University Wind Tunnel To Test Hovercraft Designs

Earlier suggested figures listed the proposed cost of any suitably sized and adequate centre as over one million dollars.

Dr. WiIIiam +Uis, head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, will use the tunnel in his research on Ground Effect Machines, popu-

WINTERLAND BALL 9:00 p.m. - Crystal Ballroom, CROWNING OF WINTERLAND 10:00 - lo:30 To take place




p.m. at the Winterland


JUDGING OF SNOWSCULPTURES 1l:OO p.m. THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO ’ u. of w. vs. w. L. u. 2:00 p.m. - Seagram Gym WINTERSONG Folksingers 8:30 p.m.

5. Y. B.

THERE’S SOME SHAPE to this uncompleted entry in the Snow Sculpture Contest. A map on Pg. 4 shows where you can locate the iInished product and eight other entries,. Judging takes place on Sat. at ll:OO.

T. L. Batke, Vice-President, stkessed that this committee is only a temporary’ directorate. It will seek its initial direction from the president and then proceed to draw up its own general terms of feference.

Jan. 26th:


Stewart Goodings, the national president of the NFCUS, also spoke in favour of the Charter as it now stands. He stated that “we should ‘reach for the stars” in setting our ideals for such a Charter, rather than accepting lower and more easily obtainabl egoals. He felt that the students would soon become dissatisfied with such limited goals and would be continually pressing for changes and improvements. The question of EngIish-French bilingualism in Ontario was another important aspect of the Congress. Resolutions were passed encouraging the teaching of French in all grades of public and high school in Ontario. They stated that the emphasis should be placed .on conventional French, to be taught in Ontario as it is in I Quebec. A further resolution included a request to the Board of Broadcast Governors for an increase in French language and cultural programs for English Canada; and encouragement of more exchanges and visits between students and professors of French and English Canadian universities. Miss Barb Pickard, of Carleton University, introduced the problem of the Indians lack of opportunities for Indians in Canadian schools. A comparison was introduced of the per centage number of Indians in schools compared to the total per cent of the rest of the pop&&on in school.

The forty foot wind tunnel in the Engineering building is nearing completion and will be partially operational by the first of next week. The motor and most of the instruments have been installed, with the rest to be added soon. The tunnel has a two by three foot work&g section in which speeds of up to 125 feet per second can be reached.

Jan. 25th:



Representatives of faculty, administration and students met last week and established a Pro Temp Board of Directors to investigate and establish the concept and reality of a Campus Centre at the university.

The brief outlined the general functions of typical university and ,college unions such as a lounge, dining room, art gallery, workshop, theatre, office building, post office and dance and party centre. The brief further emphasized the need of ‘controlled growth of all facilities, the need of a qcentre to coordinate tnd bring together faculty, students and graduates, and the need for mutual student-faculty support. The group agreed on the general concept of a Campus Centre but there were some divergent ideas of what needs is should fulfill. One member suggested that sometimes a professor could not stand to speak to another student after all day in classes. This statement was answered by a’ student who suggested the reverse and asked for separate lounges



to be fully recognized. These rights must be declared in such a Charter,” he maintained, “before they will be accepted by society.”

Judy Orban and Cedric - University Theatre


Several resolutions were passed encouraging action from both the student and governments levels to improve the facilities available to the Indians for higher education, as well as informing them (Indians) fully of the opportunities already available. M&s Pat Little, secretary of the Carleton NFCUS Committee, criticized Canada’s declining committmerits to foreign aid in a world of increasing independence among natohs. She stated that this has been evoking unfavourable comments from both donor and receiver nations about the size and nature of Canadian contributions.

Iarly known as hovercraft. He wiIl study the effects of wind pressures on models to determine the most efficient hovercraft shape. Research into this mode of trans(See Oat. Meets - Pg. 6) portation has been lacking. Hovercraft in commercial use now, fail to attain their theoretical top speed because they run ahead of their air Board Appoints Scott cushion and fall. Dr. FaIIis believes that by using a The University Board of Governors ram wing, a short wing whose efficrecently announced the appointment iency increases with speed, use could of James R. Scott, a native of Seabe made of the crafts forward motion forth, Ont., as assistant to the presito keep it aloft. Fuel consumption dent of the university. should be less than with conventional Scott has been serving as a manmachines, and speeds of up to 125 agement and public relations consuIt= m.p.h. shouId be attainable. ant for the Cam&n Fund to Expand The next three or four months will the University. be spent in calibrating the tunnel in order to determine the environment He is a graduate of U. of T. and in the tunnel. Then, after experiments took post-graduate work in English with models in the tunnel, Dr. Fallis at Toronto and Harvard, prior to expects to build an experimental craft a teaching’ and writing career which took him to the universities of TorThis project is financed by a grant onto, Saskatchewan and Western Ont. which Dr. FaIIis has received from the Can. Defence Research Board. He has been a book editor of the Among the uses for such craft are Toronto Telegram and wrote a syndiminesweeping, air-sea rescue work _ cated book column as weII as contriand transportation over ice, snow, buting articles to national magazines swamp, and water. It could be used and scripts to C&C. wherever surface conditions are such that a conventional vehicle would Mr. Scott, well known in political have difficulty. circles as well, is a former National Gerald MuelIer. Organizer for the Liberal Party.




Page 2




Sports Editor:






25, 1963


Sid Black






S. Comber

News Department: Contributiug

Gerald S. Mueller, Barry Demeter and Hennie Smid Writers: George Welsh and Dave Manders


Marion Harwood, Dave Clark and McKibbon Photography: S.Y.B., and T.R, Advertising: David Ingalls Board of Publications Chairman: Murray French

by Richard S. Comber


Published by the Undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo and its affiliated Colleges under the authorization of the Board of Publications. Letters should be addressed to the Editor, University of Waterloo. Phone 7453911. The opinions expressed represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society.

Member: Canadian University

EDITORIAL Last week under the direction of Claude C. Brodeur, Administrative Assistant - Student Affairs, ‘a group of interested faculty members, administration officials and students .met to make a preliminary investigation and examination of the need of a Campus Centre here at Waterloo. Their initial step was to set up a Pro Tern Board of Directors consisting of a majority of students. This group will make a close and detailed study of the functions of such a Centre on this campus. They will investigate such things as building usage, programs, special services and finances. Based on percentage increase in yearly enrollment, this university is probably one of the most rapidly expanding university in the province. As this university expands the communication system breaks down and it is difficult for faculty and students, or students and administration or any combination of groups, to reach each other both formally and informally during the course of their study and teaching careers here. A Campus Centre, as the focus of attention of ~ discussion and culture would contribute immensely to this campus. Mr. Brodeur has caught the fundamental concept of a Campus Centre in his brief in which he states: “The ideal of a Campus Centre . . . is to provide a place where student, faculty, and graduate can develop the kind of casual, informal relations that lies in the heart of learning.

DEAR SIR: En Francais I have read your issue of January the 11th, 1963, and would you permit me to make a small constructive criticism . . . In your editorial page on the right hand botton, you have written a small paragraph in French; I know that the mistakes are not voluntary but it should read thus:

“Nous souhaitons bonne chance a nos confreres francais, etla nOuS Presseesperons EtudiantejuoirNationale dun meilleur esprit de fraternite dans le futur.” Our newspaper (student) LAMBDA is a bilingual newspaper and perhaps this is why we are so keen on these particular mistakes. But let me say that I am glad that you did make the effort to publish this paragraph in French and con-

gratulate you. Arts


EDITORIAL. NOTES Ted Rushton in his column this week takes the NFCUS organization to task for having high noble ideals and little knowledge in their proposals and resolutions dealing with national and international affairs. We do not agree completely with Mr. Rushton, we do think, however, that the National office might take the, time to visit a new campus, such as ours, during its initial NFCUS membership to guide them and establish some tentative program. It is rather embarassing when a NFCUS committee member is asked what the student gets from NFCUS. The member ultimately resorts to answer with a list of strict material gains, without touching on the most important aspect of NFCUS-the singular National voice strengthened by 125,000 university students across Canada. A Vote of Thanks this Week to: Peter Batson The Winterland

and the




Jean-Jacques Paquette - Laurentiau University Sudbury, Ontario

In Figures I note that there appears to be an error in your article on the European Common Market (Pg. 1, Jan 18). I attended the panel discussions and my notes suggest that the figures

given by Dr . Miller shotid rea&.

“for at most the loss of exports would come to 55 to 157 million dollars,” he said, “.45 to 5% of the gross national product.”

~~~la~,, fan:,“:‘:,


‘63 Committee

FG f7 .


A Plumber.

I-n Question’ I am not an Economics student, but correct me if I’m wrong. Last week (Jan. 18th) on your editorial page you ran what you titled “Board ,of Publications - Budget.” You don’t bother to explain any of the sums listed and it is rather difficult to belive that the Students’ Council would pass such a large sum without question. For instance, in Advertising sales, are the figures (of income) given -net revenue after solicitors’ commissions? Why does CORYPHAEUS the remainder cost $3,900?

two issues of The cost over $1,200 and (13 issues) will only

And why isn’t the recent purchase of a Polaroid camera shown on the expense sheet; I have heard that it cost over $3001 Disgusted Editor’s Note: The camera cost slightly over $235. For answers to your other questions - see your nearest S.C. Rep.

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States was refused entry to Canada last week while on his way to speak to the McGill University Socialist Society. Gus Hall, who is currently appealing a judgement against the U.S. Communist Party for refusing to register itself and its members as agents of a foreign power under the Subversive Activities Control Act, was detained by officials of the Department of Citizenship and Jmmigration for more than an hour before returning to New York. He was refused entry on grounds that a “recognized member of the Communist Party ‘may not enter Canada if his intent is to speak concerning his political field or to further his political views.” If he had been coming for personal or business reasons, he would not have been stopped. Hall complained that “The North American curtain of thought control continues to prevail.” He called the situation “another example of the control of a great part of Canadian life by Wall Street.” The McGill Daily refers to the Canadian Government’s action as “an action questioning the right of free speech in a democratic . society with unfortunate political, and more broadly speaking, philosophical repercussions.” ’ NFCUS has thrown its weight behind a CUP drive to determine the itruth behind charges that the RCMP are investigating political activities on university campii. National NFCUS president Stewart Goodings has directed all campus NFCUS Committees to aid the student newspapers in their efforts to find students who have been approached by the RCMP on political matters. He said that “If students suspect their political moves are being recorded, they could well withdraw themselves from this area, thus weakening one of the great strengths of a university in a democracythat of academic and intellectual curiosity and freedom. The Combined Universities Campaign for Nuclear’ Disarmament (CUCND) is currently sponsoring a petition against the government not to accept Nuclear Arms. It is expected to gather about 10,000 signatures from university students and professors across the country. That’s going to mean a lot of work for the RCMP. Last week the Student Christian Movement officially endorsed the petition. We wonder if each church will save a pew for the Mounties. Nuclear Arms have been much in the news lately, with Mr. Pearson’s recent statement concerning them and the resolutions coming out of last weekend’s Tory Convention. Pearson’s change of heart on the subject has already cost the Liberals three ex-candidates and one of their Members of Parliament has announced that he will not r.un again as a result of it. One of the ex-candidates, Vince Kelly, who cut the Conservative majority in Lanark by more than half has joined the N.D.P. and his loss will be felt greatly in the Liberal party. He is a 25 year old Law student at the University of Toronto and a former Students’ Administrative Council president there. Jack McIntosh, Conservative MP for Swift Current - Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, spoke to a group of students at McGill recently, purportedly on the subject of Nuclear Arms. He declared that Canadian obligations to NORAD and NATO must be honoured and that Canada should shoulder the responsibility for peace with strength. Another Conservative spoke to students last week. George Hees, the Minister of Trade and Commerce was at Waterloo Luthernn University where he defended the Government’s austerity program. The McGill Red and White Review, most successful of Canada’s annual college shows, has announced that their 1963 production will be a satire on Social Credit entitled “Something For Nothing.” John Turner, the Liberal M.P. for the constituency in which McGill is located will be a patron of the revue. Socreds Robert Thompson and Real Caouette have also been asked to serve similarly, but have not yet replied. If this year’s “Red and White” is as successful as another political satire that the McGillians produced in 1957, it will make the entire cast and production staff, in addition to the writers, independently wealthy. In that year, they produced a show entitled “My Fur Lady.” Although intended only to run for five days, they eventually played 400 performances to 300,000 people from coast to coast and grossed over one million dollars. Last Friday, the McMaster Silhouette’s annual “Gag edition” was to have made its appearance on the Hamilton campus. It didn’t make it, and student editors claimed that all the copies of the issue had been collected from the printers by two unidentified men, who, the editors suggested, were students from O.A.C., a traditional Mat rival. In Monday’s Globe and Mail a story was carried saying that the papers had been found abandoned and that they had been taken back to McMaster to be distributed on Monday. That very morning, a copy of the Silhouette gag issue arrived in this office by regular mail. One question immediately comes to mind. How did they get it here so fast if they didn’t have the paper themselves until late in the weekend? Perhaps the whole story of the high-jacking was part of the gag. ’ Another model parliament result here - from Ryerson. The Conservatives won with 2 1 seats while the Liberals got 13 and the N.D.P. picked up seven. Barbar Pickard, managing editor of The Carleton and Secretaryelect of CUP was 21 yesterday. Happy Birthday Barb.





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NEWS Travel Aid

By G. Whiz

Students from Northern Ontario who have not asked for government transportation assistance this year may be given extra time to do so. Normally the cut-off date for applications to the Department of EducaA tion in Toronto is Dec. 1, but the Registrar’s Office has announced that it may still be possible to process further requests if they are received immediately.

write poetry? It can be a very frustrating and unrewarding experience. These two very coy sentences are by way of preface, an attempt to soften the blow which will undoubtedly descend upon the aesthetic sense of the reader who chooses to read any further. Heretofore, I have been very leary about publishing any works in the column and after the brief sampling below, you can understand why. Enough of this false modesty Whiz, fall on. “A Partial Roll Call” “You there in the centre, the one who’s very tall. With the Uniform from World War II, what’s your name?” “Charles De Gaulle .” “Ah yes! the fifth Republic man with powers autocratic. And next to you with wavy hair and atmosphere phlegmatic, Who is that polished politico who I now look upon?” “My enemies call me ‘Dief’ my friend but you can call me John.” “And you there in the silk burnoose, who thinks he’s a demi-god, Who fondled the typist when you came in, what’s your name?” “Ibn Saud.” “And the short bald man with the wart on his nose and the limited alphabet, Your complexion is red and’ you’re lacking a shoe, Will you give me your name?” - - - - - “NYET!” “Ah, here’s a type with a Colgate smile. Come, your name or I pass sir.” “My wife calls me Myron, but to you my friend, It’s Abdul Gammel Nasser.” Ever

try and

Only students from the northern sections of the province are eligible for this aid which amounts to the price of one coach class return fare from the University to their homes, less $10.00. It is available regardless of a student’s method of travel, but only once a year.

Nuclear Fallout . . e Toronto - A battle for signatures is waging at the University of Toronto. With two petitions, one pro and one anti nuclear weapons be circumembers, lated; students, faculty campus organizations and even the university president are takiing sides.

I suppose that enough is enough. One should not expose the reader to too much epic poetry at one sitting. If Ted Reeve can get away with it - so can I. *

* * * A few weeks ago, in the papers and on the radio, there was an intensified coverage on the plight of some of the Canadian Indians: Reports filtered into the public about people starving to death and of others whose teeth were black with decay. Then the reports stopped. Are we to assume that everything is now peaches and cream up in Indianland or, more truthfully, did the government choose to forget about the whole unpleasant business and let it die quietly? About the tooth decay: if the red man doesn’t want to “brusha brusha” every morning, that’s his affair, but people starving to death becomes our affair. Never mind CARE and similar organizations, if starvation exists anywhere in Canada, let us care for the people who are suffering. To use an oldie, “Charity begins at home.” *

‘* * needing help, those Doukhobors must be a thorn in someones side. There have been no definitive articles in the situation out there because of this our attitudes towards these people vacillates between unconcern and embarrassment. What is the sum total of our knowledge of these people? They don’t like their children going to our schools, the men of the sect throw the occasional bomb and the women sometimes make like Gypsy Rose Lee. See what I mean? Speaking

of people


in Canada




RECORDS & HI-F1 Waterloo Square SH 4-3712 10% Student Discount 15%

Student Credits

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The furore started when the local branch of the Combined Universities Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CUCND) recently began asking students to sign a “NO nuclear weapons for Canada” petition which is being circulated nationally by their group.


principals members

The president of the university, Dr. Claude Bissell refused to sign it, however. Writing in the student newspaper, The Varsity, Dr. Bissell said that Canada’s committments to NATO made nuclear arms necessary for our NATO forces. He could see little value in having them on our soil. The pro-nuclear side of the dispute was being upheld by four students who started a committee to distribute a counter-petition supporting the acquisition of the weapons. It has room for 10,000 signatures.


a e l

Libs To Ottawa

Folkniks Gather

The University of Waterloo Liberal Club is planning on sending a large delegation to the 1963 annual convention of the Canadian University Liberal Federation to be held in Ottawa on Feb. 8, 9 and 10. Students who wish to do so, may stay over Feb. 11 and 12 for the annual meeting of National Council of the party. The club is hoping to subsidize the trips of the delegates so as to keep the cost within the average student’s budget. All Liberal Club members are eligible to be delegates. Arrangements are being made on campus by jolly Roger Kingsley, the club’s first vice-president. Discussions on party policy, the consideration of a new federation constitution and the election of officers for 1963-64 will occupy the business sessions of the convention. Delegates will also have the opportunity to meet and talk with members of parliament, senators and key party figures. Banquets, an oratorical contest and social evenings will round out the programme.

The University of Waterloo Folk Song Club resumes operations on Tuesday at 12 noon in room 150 of the Physics and Mathematics Bldg. All students are welcome at these regular meetings, run by club president Martin Kravitz.


Oarsmen Meet The Bowling Club is holding its first meeting of the Winter Term on Monday in the Table Tennis Room at the Seagram Gym at 7:30 p.m. All those interested are invited. ’

Kravitz is also organizing an international folk dance performance group. Organizational meetings for this group will be held on Thursday, Jan. 31 at 12 noon and at 4 p.m. in the Music Workshop on the ground floor of the theatre wing of the Arts Building. Previous dance training would be an asset for any student interested, but it is not mandatory.


Engineer To Speak W. G. Richardson, chief engineer of the Brantford Coach and Body Company will speak to the Mechanical Engineering Club on Thursday, Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. in the Physics Amphitheatre. His subject will be the use of modern materials in the truck manufacturing industry. His firm has recently developed a fibreglass oil tanker for commercial use. He will aIso discuss problems concerned with engineering design in industry.

A word about objectivity

in the Press -

It’s very easy for politics to slip into the objectivity of newspaper columns. For example, last year in Toronto, news about a provincial medical health plan for Ontario was released by John Robarts. It made headlines in the local dailies withbthe same message. The Toronto Telegram’s bannerline (largest headline) on Tuesday, Oct. 16 announced: “Ontario To Get Medicare Plan.” on the same day, the Toronto Star’s main headline read: “Compulsory Medicare Rejected by Robarts.” Although twisted for political purposes, in fact, both were gbsolutely correct. To the man on the street, both were most confusing. (tdc) - 30 -

They claim that Canadian nonparticipation in the nuclear club would in no way influence other countries to keep out. They say that a nation will either join it or keep out only after considering its own imrnediate interests. They also said that refusal to accept nuclear weapons would only lead to further domination of this country by the United States, who would be more inclined to make decisions without iirst consulting us.



“Ask counsel of both times, of the ancient time what is best, of the latter time what is fittest” BACON

Ask me about

Life Insurance!

BOB WAGNER, B.A. - C.L.U. The Mutual Life of Canada Bus.


Then, last week, the National Council of the Student Christian Movement declared its official support for the aims of CUCND and its petition. The establishment of peace and the prospect of nuclear war are the two most critical issues in the affairs of the world today, an SCM statement said. The SCM council urged its local branches to support local CUCND groups on their campii through individual participation. Three U. of T. college and a number of faculty also signed the petition.

Because of the investigation of student political activities, the R.C.M.P., formerly mentioned with pride and respect by every Canadian, is slowly acquiring the reputation of being a red-coated Gestapo. “No comment” from the R.C.M.P. head office is hardly good press for the force. What is the purpose of campus investigations? Well we all know that it’s supposed to be a pinky hunt but a more pertinent question: what prompted this raft of investigations at [this time? Think how the image of Sgt. Preston is suffering - even his great dog King doesn’t speak to him these days. And Dudley Do-Rite, what will happen to his ratings? The entire Bullwinkle show might suffer. And imagine how the musical ride will fare next summer? To the public, every horseman will look like Joe McCarthy, attendance will drop off hence gate receipts will be lower - the Redcoats are cutting their own throats. Seriously, if this “witch hunt” receives any more unfavourable publicity, or if it continues much longer, it will do irreparable damage to the reputation of a force which is Canada’s hallmark. * * * * III times past I have often lampooned young ladies on campus: “Home thoughts from a broad,” “ as warm as a university woman,” “ice cubes in tweeds” and so forth. Any remarks I have made about young women have been made with no malice intended. I wish I could say the same about a certain professor and his remarks to woman undergraduates. The professor is entitled to his opinion, no matter how unsavory, but I wish the man had a better sense of propriety. To express derogatory remarks about women in University is fair ball, but to do so in a mixed lecture is just bad taste. G. Whiz, champion .of women strikes again TARATARAAA!









A well-defined program is offered to prepare candidates for positions of responsibility in: DESIGN ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING APPARATUS MARKETING These positions will afford opportunity for career development to graduates with potential. Professional salary scale and increases based on performance as well as excellent employee fringe benefit plans. Contact the Placement tion, brochures, and

Office interview


detailed appointment.


I page








Maryan Wittig, a local girl, is the Engineering Society’s nominee for the Winterland ‘63 Queen Competition. She has been a secretary for the Mathematics Department of the University of Waterloo ever since her graduation from the Diploma Course at Macdonald Institute in Guelph four years ago.

For all those clever enough to get tickets for the Winterland Ball, there will be a Bar set up in the Terrace Room of the Walper Hotel from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. The Ontario Liquor Laws will apply and identification will therefore be necessary.



Her athletic interests include bowling . (she is one of the high scorers in her league), skating, dancing and water skiing. She has extended her academic interests in home economics to a practical increase in her wardrobe, and has established a wellknown reputation with x her culinary achievements.

The Winterland Committee requests your cooperation and hopes in return that you have a wonderful evening dancing to the original Ronn Metcalfe orchestra directed by Ron Simpson.

She has blond hair, comes up to here should places their down their sternum. think she is just about way, and they wonder else is even bothering competition.

The Winterland Queen will be crowned at about lo:30 by Dr. J. G. Hagey and, with her attendants, will preside over the dance.




blue eyes and six foot men hand halfway The engineers tops in every why anyone to enter the

Q1 will cc

this Selc




The Science Society students were unanimous in their choice of Wendy Suttie as the Science representative in the Winterland ‘63 Queen Competition. Wendy is a Waterloo girl and graduated from Waterloo Collegiate ‘Institute two years ago. She is active in all of the intramural sports and still finds time to help in many campus events. This year she helped to plan the HomeComing Weekend and is to be thanked for making the Coronet Ball a success. Twenty-year old Wendy is in her second year Arts and majors in English. Tipping the scales at 112 pounds, Wendy will certainly give the other candidates a good run for their money. The men of Science have made an excellent choice, and they are convinced that the first Winterland Queen will be this lovely young lady from Waterloo.

The map to the left shows the location of the nine entries in the Winterland ‘63 Snow Sculpturing contest. The following are the supporters and creators of each effort: 1. Lower Engineering 2. Upper Engineering 3. Science II 4. Circle K Club 5. Arts Faculty II. 6. Science I 7. St. Jerome’s 8. Notre Dame 9. Rex&on



Page 5

sudr ‘63

L\ Representing the Arts faculty in the Winterland Queen Competition is 5’ 5” Jackie, a second year Arts student majoring in Geography. Born in Kitchener 20 years ago, hazeleyed Jackie graduated from Eastwood Collegiate.


and. .

n .from Group

Jackie maintains an interest in .the Geography Club and is Liberal in her political views. The Artsmen are sure that their 115 pound beauty is a surefire shoe-in for Winterland Queen.



In her first year Jackie was chosen to act on Students’ Council and, for the past two years, she. has been an outstanding member of the University cheerleading squad. Besides being a bright spot at our sports events, Jackie finds time to participate and qualifies as an excellent horse-woman and a capable handler of the two boards - both on water and snow.


Regular season’s tickets are no good for this game. If you haven’t bought your tickets on campus you can buy them at the door. A local authority on predicting sporting results says that the Pioneers will WafI’le the Hawks.

The Renison College candidate for Winter-land Queen is “the girl with a song for every occasion,” Jean Macklin. Jean was born on a 50 acre dairy farm outside of Agincourt and is the prettiest dairy-maid we’ve ever seen. A first year Arts student majoring in History, Jean came to us from Agincourt Collegiate. While not exectly the sporting type, she participated in basketball and volleyball while captaining the undefeated senior girls’ hockey team. Other school activities included cheerleading, U.N. Club and, for the past two years, Student ‘Council Rep. For the last three summers the choice of Renison men has worked in a settlement camp for underprivileged children and last year acted as senior counsellor. In short, 118 pound Jean is a well-proportioned figure, both physically and socially.

people do not see how 116 pound bundle

can possibly

This grudge ,shaping up as an apportunity for the two universities to settle their differences on the basketball court. Just in case the Battle spreads let’s make. sure that there are plenty , of spectators. out to keep the Hawks and their handlers in their cages.



Gwen, at 17 years of age, has not yet settled on any definite hobbies, being content with trying her hand at many. In the field of athletics she participates in both basketball and baseball,. Gwen’s interests on the university campus are primarily centred about the Newman Club where she acts as secretary. St. Jerome’s


On Saturday, January 26th at 2:00 p.m. the U. of W. Pioneers. will meet the W.LU. Golden Hawks in Seagram Gym.


St, Jerome’s students have shown their good taste by selecting as their candidate for the Winterland ‘63 Queen, 5’ 5” blond Gwen Novak. Gwen is a native of this area and graduated from St. Mary’s High School. At the present she is registered at St. Jerome’s where she is in her first year of Arts.

their blue-eyed,

JAN. 24 - 26



Plan to attend Wintersong, an evening of olksinging featuring Cedric Smith and Judy jr-ban, hailed by Variety as one of Canada’s most xciting new folksinging teams. This event will be he first held in the University Theatre which is built on the lines of the Shakespearian Theatre ,t Stratford. Cedric and Judy have been singing profesionally for two years. Cedric has toured Canada everal times, singing at such clubs as the Fejan n Montreal, Gate of Cleve and the Purple Onion n Toronto, the Black Fly in North Bay and the tage Door. As well as numerous TV and conert appearances in Canada and the U.S., he has .ppeared exclusively at the Black Swan in Stratord (a coffee-house for Festival patrons) for the last two summers and was hailed as a “standout” by a reviewer from Variety. Cedric’s repertoire includes English ballads nd madrigals, blues and protest and work songs, ll lending themselves to his sensitive and lyrical ,oice. This is his first visit to U. of W. . _, . ., .

Miss Judy Oorban, Canadian FoIk Singer

Judy Orban, a 4th year Arts student at U. of T., has appeared in many of the top coffee-houses in Ontario and Quebec. She has been featured at the Bohemian Embassy, the Gate of Cleve, the 5th Peg and the Village Comer in Toronto, the Potpourri in Montreal and the Cat’s Eye and the Black Swan in Stratford. Her concert engagements include performances at Casa Loma, U. of T., O.A.C., and the Mariposa Folk Festival. Last summer, Judy made an unscheduled appearance at the Black Swan where she sang with Cedric Smith. A Variety reviewer who caught the act called them a “natural team” with “rich, beautiful harmony.” Their trademark is “sweetness with a sudden edge” and their “pure clear voices have a remarkable range, whether nearbelting or near-whispering.” Come and see our beautiful theatre and hear this new folk duo. If you haven’t bought your tickets yet, they can be purchased at the, Box O&e in the Arts Building from 8 to 8:30 p.m. on Saturday evening. Don’t miss this event; it’s sure to be one of the highlights of Winterland ‘63.

Pese a



NFCUS delegates, meeting at the U. of W. last wek-end, again plunged headlong into the murky depths of international affairs and foreign policy. Without any backgromd except a collection of unrelated statistics and noble sentiments, resolutions were passed at this Congress encouraging government and student contributions to a varied assortment of idealistic schemes. The majority of students have very little knowledge of the significance or consequences of these schemes; they simply are not informed. Yet NFCUS, which purports to speak for all Canadian university students, issues declarations on behalf df these students. They don’t know whether these declarations enjoy the support or even the i&rest of the majority of students.’ * The present system by which NFCUS issues statements on behalf of Canadian students leaves much opportunity for manipulation by small groups of biased individuals. The majority of the delegates voti on the ideal expres$ed in the resolution, without knowing the practicality or signiscance of the resolution. The lack of information and the pbssible misinterpretation of limited information available was pointed out to the dele-gates by NFCUS national president, Stewart Goodings. His words of caution had little effect on the delegates as they continued to vote for their transitory resolutions. The essential aspect of any decision is the requisite background material on which to base that decision. Such material was almost entirely lacking for many of the resolutions adopted by this Congress. It makes the declarations, despite the noble sentiments behind them, valueless. . Blind fumbling in the dark only serves to increase Canadian students’ reputation for a lack of social awareness and general immaturity. The 1960 NFCUS National Congress - while affirming increased responsibility of students in international tiairs also recommended that proper information be secured On which to base decisions taken in this aspect. This background information has not yet been assembled. I If the delegates at NFCUS Congresses are going to continue to make declarations and resolutions without knowing the wishes of the students on these matters, then the best interest of the individual student would be to dissociate himself from an organization which can not speak for’him - does not speak to him. Are these Congress platitudes designed solely to impress Studetits’ Council of the valuable contribution that NFCUS makes on behalf of all students? In such mundane ways the delegates justify their trip; reports are submitted to the Students’ Council that “our delegation took a very active part in 8 the proceedings, contributing ‘X’ number of resolutions.” Was their trip justified? NFCUS would gain respect if it would cast out resolutions not supported by a solid background of material. The Federation should concentrate bn material about which they have sticient knowledge to make a success. It would be better to have two completely successful projects per year, than to have two dozen that are only talked about and then attacked at the NFCUS Congress because of a “state of student apathy and indifference.” I maintain that students generally are not apathetic; they will vigorously support worthwhile projects provided they understand lhe background and significance of these projects. Until the NFCUS delegates show proper concern in acting for their students, instead of merely dealing with them, I think support for the present self-indulgent Federation should be withhqld.


from Pg. 1)

The Congress adopted resolutions to bring pressure on the government to reverse Canada’s stand on this issue. They recommended an. increased program by NFCUS comn&tees to inform the students on their campii of the problems faced in many of these under-developed nations. Miss Little stated that such a program would greatly enhance the prestige of the NFCUS committees on the campus and national level. University of Ottawa delegates asked for support and assistance in equalizing the grants to their university from the provincial government. Since the U. of 0. is operated by a religious order,’ the Oblate Fathers, the grtits they receive are approximately one-thhd of the rate that applies to most universities in the province. The Waterloo Lutheran University delegation, whose university faces the same diIliculty in receiving grants, had .no covent on this statement by the U. of 0. In view of the increasing finances needed for university expansion, the University of Western Ontario delegation proposed that corporations be allowed a 5% tax exemption. The money saved by the corporation would be provided for the universities’ own use. McMaster University was mandated to invesigate the feasibility, cost and value of preparing a social and economic survey of Ontario university students. Their report on the survey will be presented’ at the Ontario Caucus of the next National Congress. The Student Councils were requested to buy sufficient copies of “Campus Canada” to cover 10% of their campus population. If the, magazine did not sell, the Council would absorb the loss; if the magazine did sell, the Council would recoqer their investment. The success or failure of “Campus Canada” will depend upon the reception given this tist issue; because NFCUS has advocated this so strongly they wish to do everything within their power to ensure its success, Terry Taller of Carleton was appointed the regional co-ordiuator for colkdiug information on the discount services available in various centres. This information would then be sent to all member universities to acquaint their students with the discounts available to them in Dntario. Carleton suggested an investigation of the feasibility -of extending the NFCUS Life Plan to cover people not normally eligible for Life Insurance, for example, diabetics. The National Secretariat will include this recommendatidn in their next discussion with the company that underwrites the NFCUS Life Ins. Plan.



rl 1


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ss, l%q\

Congress Impressions .k By DON, MANDERS


Don Mauders is by his own admission YZo-directeur de FNEUC % l’Universit6 d’Ottawa? He was a delegate to last week’s Ontario Regional NFCUS Congress at ,“hi”ch he entertafned nightiy with readings from his He has here kindly contributed to what he fondly “H‘EItii 2301~01 8 .

-Dammit! What a lousy train -ride!’ It’s‘ not right to encourage piles and other sedatory afflictions. No wonder we hung Donald Gordon in effigy. Bloody straw) seats, damned milk trains. Oh well, I guess it would be alright to settle into a nice quiet residence. St. Jerome’s? No, Notre Dame! Oh, it’s the next one down the breezeway. (Breezeway! It’s a bloody wind tunnel.) Ah, here it is. Room 206. / Guess I’d better take this bottle out of my pocket while I take a shower. Rub iz dub dub, give your back a scrub, clean the dirt, and change your shirt, and run downstairs for grub. There must be an easier way to pick up a bar of soap. Oh well, back to the grind. What’s this? A note? Dear Delegate, We would like to introduce you to the rules of the residence of St. Jerome’s College. Towels are provided, there’s a cafeteria downstairs, and the ‘door is always left open. No aichoiic beverages are allowed on campus. Your friends, The Management. This was my introduction to the University of Waterloo. Actually, outside of the usual problems of a growing campus, such as unlit sidewalks piled high with snow. I was enthralled by the modem-, inity of this campus, by the amomt of room and by the design and the feeling of spaciousness in each of the campus buildings. The opportunity to represent a bilingual institution in a mainly ionolin&al province is a distinct honour, and the privilege of meeting old and new friends becomes lost in the constant struggle of commissions, committees and plenary sessions. This is NFCUS, or as we at the University of Ottawa know it - FNEUC. Why do seventy people come together to discuss matters which are of concern to all Canadian students, but of which few have the necessary interest and/or knowledge? Because NFCUS was established td give Canadian students a-national voice. What did we do here at W%terloo? We discussed problems of mutual concern to the students of the universities of Ontario, and of interest to Canadian students in general. For example, a great concern to the country as a whole., and to university students in general, in addition to being of particular interest to the universities in Ottawa, is bilingualism. No doubt, the immediate support of this topic by students in B.C. or Southern Ontario is not as evident as it is by students in eastern Ontario or northern Mantoba, or in Quebec proper. Canada definitely is a bi-cultural society and it is necessary for the good of the country that an understanding of the bilingual nature of Canada is instilled by this and future generations. The regional congress of NFCUS discussed this topic fully, and mandated the bilingual University of Ottawa and St. Patrick’s College to prepare a brief to be submitted to the Ontario Secondary School Teacher’s Federation and the corresponding primary school organ1 ization in the hope of establishing a standardized and compulsory system of conversational French instruction in Ontario. Hope! That is, to me, one of the aspects of NFCUS that seems to rise above others. The Federation is designed to present the views of Canadian students in many fields, local, national and international. The hope that some concrete action will result from the resolutions and proposals of NFCUS is one of the driving forces behind the organization. We are the responsible ones, (so they say) who will develop the strength of this country. To do so, we plust comprehend the problems with which it is faced. NFCUS is only one body which is capable of culling opinion and forming policy, but it is a national and strong or- . ganization, and has a strong voice in matters of student concern. It 3s this voice which has led to many benefits for the students of Canada, ranging from railway discounts to life insurance plans, from understanding the attitudes of the divetrse student bodies in Ctiada to promoting regional and local student interests. This is the strength of NFCUS, the desire’ and capability to unite the students of Canada as a solid voice of opinion. (ADVERTISEMENT)

.w S Restaurant


’ GROUP L CAPTAIN \G. R. TRUEMNER, A.F.C., C.D. Group Captain G. R. Truemer, A.F.C., C.D., of Ottawa, Director of Personnel Manning Air Force Headquarters, was born at Arthur, Ontario, in 1920. A graduate of the Arthur High School he joined the R.C.A.F. in 1940, G/C Truemer took his pilot training at Virden and Dauphin, Man. After receiving his wings, he became a flying instruc,tor and during the Second World War served in instructional and supervisory capacities with flying schools at Hagarsville, Kingston and Trenton, Ont. In 1946 he was transferred to R.C.A.F. Station Toronto where he was Chief Administrative Officer until his transfer in October, 1947, to the staff of the School of Service Management at Trenton, Ont. After completing the R.C.A.F, Staff College in June, 1951, he remained as a qember of thq Directing Staff until September, 1954. During, this period G/C Truemer also attended the U.S.A.F. AirGround Operations School in North Carolina and the University of Western Ontario for a summer course iti management. Following his tour at Staff College G/C Truemer was appointed Officer Commanding, 1 Flying Training School at Centralia, Ont., a position he held until the fall of 1958 when he was posted to the’ National Defence College at Kingston; Upon graduation from National Defence College G/C Tiuemer was transferred to Ottawa to assume his present position at A.F.H.Q.

Pam 7 ’



at U of W








The delegates relax after a hard day’s work.

Regional President Jack Tuttlebee chaired the Congress

Three Carleton lassies and a friend from Mat.

Tired delegates await wrap-up of ‘conference business in Sunday sessions.


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Unfortunately, the motion referring to what were formerly as “conference courtships” died in committee, but the two universities mentioned did no little amount of private investigation into the matter. Toronto’s Jordan Sullivan coordinated the effort from his Walper Hotel headquarters and received able assistance from his Carleton counterpart Scatty Johnston, though the latter ran into some serious difficulty when he attempted to intemationalize the probe. The conference brought many interesting people to Waterloo, not least among whom were the members of the Unholy Trinity, the student leaders from the three institutions of higher learning in the nation’s capital: Carleton University, the University of Ottawa and St. Patrick’s College. They provided entertainment for the delegates, throwing a big party at the Coronet Motor Hotel after the Saturday night banquet. .Garry Guzzo and his crew from St. Pat’s were hosts. Garry (A Truly Great Canadian) and Carleton% Johnston took the group on a very imaginative imaginary tour of the Granby Zoo and Ottawa U’s Don Manders and Dianne Hem of St. Pat’s led them in song. Manders had conducted a sing-song the previous evening too, where hei had introduced the delegates to his secular versions of “Big John, ” “Mary-Ann Regrets,” “ This Land is My Land” and other such unholy trinity anthems. French Canada was represented at the conference by Manon Turbide, a foreigner from “l’etat de Quebec” who is the current NFCUS National Affairs Vice-President and by Jacques Dube of Ottawa. Queen’s University’s Jack Medd showed up with three “cool” chicks, one of whom, Jane Matthews, is the only woman Students’ Council President of any Canadian co-educational University. National President Stu Goodings, who narrowly missed being trampled by an elephant in the wee hours of Sunday morning, was another of the celebrities present. He added to the debate with such stirring pronouncements as ‘NFCUS is in favour of motherhood, and we do everything we can to encourage it? Jordan Sullivan assured the delegates, 90 is the U. of T.” Replied Goodings, 66Sowe noticed.” Sin was not attacked. Regional President Jack Tuttlebee took the prize for the most unusual vehicle at the Congress with his Land Rover which he used for a shuttle service between the sessions and the Notre Dame Women’s Residence. The smartest costume was Circle K’s Peter Batson who sported a lampshade chapeau most of Saturday evening. Carleton’s Pat Little scored the coup of the Congress just as it concluded when in bidding fond farewell to Uncle Sid she said, “Good-bye, you miserable-old character,” and for some strange reason added, “it was nice meeting you.” But then, she’s never worked for him. Richard, S. Comber, known

Mon., “A

Same Day Service -



we note that the most important aspect of NFCUS is that of continuity, resolved that= Carleton University, and- the University of Toronto be mandated to investigate the advancement of ccaptuality’ with reference to post capsule relationships and their conthmity,”

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Elsewhere in this newsnatxx will be found what purports to be complete coverage of la& week-end’s Ontario Regional *NFCUS Congress hosted by the University of Waterloo. One important resolution was omitted in that story, however, and in the interests of better journalism, it is reprinted here. I





Interviews will be conducted on the campus by the Naval University Liason Officer MONDAY, JANUARY 28 1:30 p.m. Make an appointment now at the University Placement Office.

LPgge 8


WARRIORS LOSE FIFTH, MUSTANGS WIN’ 67 II4 The U. of W. Warriors went down to their fifth consecutive league loss as they were defeated by the U. or Westem Ontario Mustangs 67-48 at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium on Jan. 18. The Warriors never got untracked as the Mustangs ran up an early lead. At the end of the first quarter the score was 18-9 and at half time the Mustangs had built up a 32-19 lead. Western didn’t slacken in the second half and before the third quarter the Mustangs started to freeze the ball. The Warriors, unable to crack - the Mustang defense to get in for lay-ups, were forced to shoot from well outside the key and their shooting was off.


Although the score was 43-29 for Western at the end of the third quarter, Warrior fans were still hopeful for a win because of the number of fouls the Mustangs had collected, but none of the starters fouled out. Guards Tom Williamson and Gary Boug and forward Larry Ferguson and center Barry Mitchelson all had 4 fouls each. For the Warriors, Jerry Raphael collected 5 fouls, all in the

fou,tih Pando

Forward Larry Ferguson, with 23 pts., led the Mustangs to victory. Jim Saddler and Barry Mitchelson divided 26 pts., evenly while Tom Williamson scored 10. Warriors’ high scorer was Jerry Raphael with 14 pts., followed by Bob Pando-12, Jim Hann-9, John Kuntz-6, Bob Balahura 4, and Don Demko-3. The Mustangs sank 17 c--’ NlL or -* cIc L3 free throws while the Warriors hit for 16 pts., out of 24 chances. Mustangs Warriors

The Guelph O.A.C. Redmen defeated the U. of W. J.G. Pioneers 72-49 at Seagram Gym on Jan. 16. The Redmen dropped out of the Sr. ~~rcolle~a~ early ti year.


Cressman’s 24 points led the Redmen, followed by Power with 18 pts., and Stonkus with 12. For the Pioneers, Gerry Hooper notched 14 pt.% Mike Whitney-lo, George Neufeld-7. The Redmen held a 46-25 lead at half time. Led by Dick Aldridge Steinberg, the U. of W. J.V. edged the U. of Western Colts 45-41 on Jan. 18 at chener Memorial Auditorium.



22 fouls



Renison, Science and St. Jerome’s were the top three teams in the intrrrmlir91 hnwl” rule in * .I UIlls.aLu1 w +nllrnarnent LVUL111 held Monday night. Each team of four players who each bowled three games. Renison’s twelve game total was 2,506. Brad Kuhn lead them with a 1-:-t nlgn r-.:--l triple of 767. Other team rnemh=C &LA”v*” lyprp .I “I ” Wayne Houston, Georg :e Teasdale and Ken Novlan. n---,Science’s team, Boett --UYCX,


Teams Breaks Ice Tie Golden

The U. of W. Warriors struck for 4 goals in the first period and then eased off for their first Intercollegiate hockey league win a 6-2 victory over the Queen’s Golden Gaels on Jan. 18 before 2,000 winter camival fans at the Queen’s arena. The Warriors’ first period goals were scar@ by Jerry Lawless, Tom Love, Al Swartz and Dave Wilson. The Gaels’ goal came in the first - :- n$ thn nnmw4 -eriod as RedII&VU- .a-...- 1. ULI-VL” ’ goalie BoB Judd. Five minutes later the Gaels closed the gap to 4-2 as Weston scored. At 12:Ol Jim Passmore put the


For the Warriors, scorers were Cambell Brewer, Tom Love, Jerry Lawless, and Barry Lichti withtwo. In the final period, Warrior coach Bob Rafferty noticed the clock wasn’t operating and when he called this fact to ,the attention of the referee, Waterloo was assessed a bench penalty. After the game fans and players sctied in the corridors. The Warriors fell behind 2-O before they came alive with five straight goals to take a 5-2 lead. Then Quee& scored three without an answer from the Warriors to gain the tie.


Hamilton and Aldworth, 1 edged St. Jerome’s squad of Curran. , Boisseault, Demeter and Nangini by nine points; 2,399 to 2,390. Upper Engineering was fourth with a total of 2,349 followed by Arts with 2,158. Bill Boettgc zr, Science, - had a 292 high single.

John Marsh finished the scoring at the 15 min. mark of the third period.

pASsING THE pucK: The Warriors’ next hnmc on Thurs. Jan. 31 al the Wa+n . . ,,,rIoo AArensUWUQ. Calun1-h uwyu A“.-.C.A will provide 1, . .. - ae v-w . me opposmon. .1 Warriors :now I---- aAI . nave a 1-k-1 recora .#aror 13 poants in 1aom.n a.ta~UG *+tt-rl:r.*WClIlUl I~jb. UC

On a S-5 a 5-4 mark f-” -nnlp a&l,

Jan. 19, the Warriors played tie with the Gaels. They held lead up to the 18:00 min. . . _ _ _

or tne tnxd


knnttd L-a*-LCIU thP L-w wnre “WAY



at C-C UC 4-4.



Attendance of

J V’s Defeat U W 0 Lose To O.A.C.

quarter. Jim Hann and Bob ended with 4 fouls each.

R enison Takes Bowl -


was approx. 150 over the

700, a rise last game.

The Warriors’ next game is on Friday, Jan, 25 in Brantford against the Brantford Friars, a team of excollege players and high school players. They are led by Mike Schertzer, a former McMaster star . On Sat., Jan. 26, the Warriors take on the W.U.C. Hawks in the Battle of Waterloo game at 2:00 p.m. at Seagram Gym.



Rout R&son

In Monday’s nightcap, St. Jerome’s threw up a tight defensive screen in the first half and then broke loose with a lightening break to rout Renison 38-20. The Saints’ zone defence worked perfectly in the opening minutes of play after Renison won the initial jump. The Renegades were unable to penetrate for a field-goal until the seven minute mark of the first half. In the meanthne Bob Lewthwaite’s

four into

points had a 8-l lead.




The Renison fans cheered heartily when their team surged into an eight all tie, but their note of optimism was short-lived as the Renegades fell behind 14-9 at halftime.


The second half was all the Saint’s as they outscored their opposition by 13 points. Both teams emptied their benches with five minutes left to play.




III the other game Upper Eng. came up with their first win at the expense of a determined Science which may have lost final play-off position. The game was one of the best of the season; the teams were never more than 4 points apa. Upper Eng. lead 16-15 at the half and the plumbers captured another 15 pints for a close 3 l-30 win over the Science boys. .

and Bill Pioneers Ontario the Kit-

Aldridge scored 15 points and Steinberg 12. Paul Lawrence hit for 8 pts., 6 of them from the foul line. For the Colts, Jim Holowchuck had 11 pts., and Ron Vrancart 10, while John Duflield, an ex-K.C.I. all-star, and Ted Reynolds split 12 pts., evenly. At half time the score was tied 16- 16 and at the I end of the third quarter the Colts had taken a 34-32 lead but the Pioneers came back. Aldridge tied the game at 34-34 and after that the Pioneers never trailed. At the foul Iine, the Pioneers scored 19 out of a possible 26 pts., while the Colts made 7 out of 19 average. 37 fouls were called, 20 to the Colts.

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