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Blood flood From almost every point of view, this year’s blood donor clinic must be termed a sueeess. Perhaps the only serious criticism that can be leveled at the planning and organization of this year’s drive is that the potential donation of this university was grossly under achieved. On Thursday, the Arts study room was cleared by the Circle K before noon in preparation for the incoming unit, which arrived from Hamilton and announced its intentions of operating from 2 to 5 in the afternoon and from 7 to 9 at,night. The serious discrepancy between these hours and the advertised times of 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 resulted from a:breach in communications between local and Hamilton branches of the Red Cross.






. . . this

We bleed all year


of spirit



at last

This is what a downtown bookstore source told the paper this week. (He refused to be identified.) “Because the bookstore sells texts (any book used in the university curriculum) in volume quantities, it should be able to charge ,the text price,” he said. “This is 20 percent below the trade price.” Last week The Ubyssey charged that the bookstore made a high profit of $30-$40,000 from student sales, and that the operating costs of $200,000 were out of line. They further charged that the markup on the books was between 25 and 35 percent. (Early in October students at the University of Toronto staged a protest against its bookstore because of excessive prices charged for books.) The UBC administration has refused to comment on the newspaper’s charges, or to reveal the profit margin on book sales to students.

tl@IinterIanb $@a11 ‘64 ’ 31 JANUARY 1964 START TO SAVE NOW!




revived by DAVE

VANCOUVER (CUP)-The University of British Columbia bookstore gets a bigger rake-off than any downtown Vancouver store, And the bookstore could reduce its prices on texts by as much as 20 percent and still make a profit, according to the student newspaper, The Ubyssey.



“I won’t leave until God tells me to go,” said Reverend Ray mond Bloomfield the other night. If the voice of the Waterloo university students can be considered activated by the hand of God, Rev. Mr. Bloomfield had better start kissing his gold mine on Ring Street good bye. While they may have broken up the meeting and the heart of Brother Bloomfield, the boisterous students also succeeded in preventing the sixtyodd citizens from being healed of their afflictions. It may be said that students are generally cynical about most matters, but this gives them no right to display their cynicism at a religious gathering (no matter what its purpose is), to the extent that its leader is unable to carry on with the services. If the students had been in the Waterloo Theatre on some quieter Sunday night, they would have wit-, nessed a most amazing spectacle, vividly described by Richard Rowe in an earlier article. They would also have noticed the huge banner hanging over the stage which reads: “Expect a miracle at every service.” While Bloomfield claims that it is not he, but faith in God that cures the people of their miseries, it is difficult to accept his further claim that they do not think of him as the healer. To meet Bloomfield is an experience. I was immediately struck by the slick facade which he presents: one night, he even wore a white dinner jacket. Many of his answers struck me as being stock ones since they seemed to change very little no matter how I reworded my questions. I got the impression that he had heard and answered the same questions a thousand times before. While he appeared to be calm and not easily flustered, there were instances when Bloomfield took a while to answer a question, often answering something other than what I had asked of him. I often thought that Bloomfield was trying to avoid answerring a question; he talked SO long about a matter that it seemed, when he had finished, that he hoped I was sufficiently confused to forget

As you know, our homecoming weekend (8-9 November 1963) feature a joint parade with Waterloo Lutheran University. This, as some students have already noted, presents a good opportunity for pranks centering on our neighbor university. All pranks involving personal injury, property damage, or criminal offenses are strictly prohibited. This includes damage or defacement of floats for the Saturday parade. Persons involved in any such prank will be severely disciplined by the proper authorities. D. E. Smith, president,



what I had asked. The man Raymond Bloomfield is a personable chap and readily consented to an interview. After one of his services, Reverend Bloomfield even stopped on his way from the service to debate with a number of students the merits of his teachings. This discussion took place on King Street and took almost an hour. (This indicates his readiness to defend his way of life to all those who doubt him.) Bloomfield is a relatively young man, only 37. He has a charming wife and three children, and he lives in Kitchener. If anyone wants to reach Bloomfield for any reason, however, he cannot contact the evangelist by phone since his home number and that of the Waterloo Theater are unlisted. Instead, they must contact him through Dr. D. J. Emmerson, who is referred to as Pastor Emmerson by his friends and followers. While Bloomfield admits that he is not a well-educated man-he claims to have taken several university courses in his native New ,Zealandhe appears to be master at the art of psychological persuasion, which is the basis of his service. “I wouldn’t stand a chance if I preached at the university,” he confided. And he probably would’nt. In fact, he did’nt stand a chance that quiet Sunday night. “CHRIST IS COMING ” proclaims the headline of his literature. The headline in the Waterloo Chronicle next week will probably read, “BLOOMFIELD IS LEAVING.”


However, the registration began promptly at 1 o’clock and the first pint of blood was relinquished by 1:17 pm. From then on, the competent crew 03 nurses, many of whom nad gone without lunch to accommodate the mass of donors that converged on the area, worked efficiently until well past 4:30. Operations began again at 6:30, half an hour after the advertised time, and ran almost until 9.

OF TOWN UNIT to prevent confusion of hours as happened this year. The hours of 1 to 4 and 6 :30 to 8:30 would seem to be’ the most productive and convenient. 3. ADVANCE REGISTRATION SHOULDBEEARLIERANDMORE STRONGLY EMPHASIZED. Of the 400 registered in advance, close to 100 never gave because their times had been pre-empted by those who volunteered without preregistering. Registration evens out the flow of incoming donors so that operations can run more efficiently and smoothly.

The result: 389 pints of blood were given in under five hours. This far exceeds last year’s figure of 311 pints, and represents the maximum capacity for the unit in one day. This is the first time that either of the Waterloo universities has offered more than the unit could take in one day. At no time was there a breach in the lineup of people waiting to donate blood-indeed, many people were discouraged by the long lineups and left without donating. Results of the intramural competition are tabulated on the sports page. As a result of experience gained at this year’s clinic, the following recommendations should be recorded for subsequent years: 1. THE OPERATION SHOULD BE HANDLED SOLELY BY THE UNIVERSITY NURSE IN CO-OPERATION WITH A CAMPUS SERVICE CLUB-the former providing direction: the latter, manpower. 2. ARRANGEMENTSFORTIME AND PLACE SHOULD BE CONFIRMED DIRECTLY AND WELL IN ADVANCE WITH THE OUT

4. THE CLINIC SHOULD BE RUN ON AT LEAST TWO CONSECUTIVE DAYS, so that close to one thousand pints could be accepted, a more reasonable realization of this university’s potential. Perhaps certain faculties could be asked to donate one day, others the next. 5. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD BE INVITED TO REGISTER FOR A SPECIFIC TIME SO THAT MEMBERS DONATE TOGETHER. An example of how effective this can be was the parade, en masse, of the entire Coryphaeus staff to the clinic. This created enthusiasm and interest, drawing many people to the clinic with them. 6. IN ADDITION TO INTRAMURAL POINT COMPETITION, AN INTER-CLUB AND FACULTY COMPETITION SHOULD BE SET UP ON A PERCENTAGE OF MEMBERSHIP BASIS. Small clubs would be encouraged to compete for the Corpuscle Cup, which. might be established if this becomes an annual event. This sort of competition is very spirited and productive as evidenced by the Coryphaeus staff, of which 62.5 per cent of the members donated, far outranking all the residences and faculties on a percentage basis. EDITOR’S NOTE : The remaining 37.5% was accounted for as follows16.3% had malaria, 7.2% had scurvy, 11.9% had beri-beri, and George Newton was pregnant.


The tickets for the Gilbert and Sullivan comic operetta, Patience, are now available on campus, through the Theatre of the Arts box office, the bookstore, or any cast member. The cast has been rehearsing since the beginning of October, and is continuing to rehearse three nights a week in preparation for the performances 28,29, 30 November. Among the thi?ty members of the cast are such soloists- as Dr. Cappindale playing the idyllic poet, Prof. Jim Stone as the duke of the Dragoons; Anne R,eid as the massive, but aesthetic Lady Jane; and Terry Jones (appropriately) as a fleshy poet. Patience promises to be a very funny and musically delightful operetta. Make sure you buy your tickets soon.





a pretty






Pull 2

Editor: Dave Clark Managing Editor: John Conlin -News Editor: Mark Meslin Sports Editors: Doug Grenkie, Brian Olafson Photography Editor: Gerry Mueller Advertising Editor: Jim Carrothers Fine Arts Editor: Art Anderson C.U.P. Editor: Tom Rankin Layout Editor: Jim Nagel . Circulation: Richard Rowe Board of Publications Chairman: Murray French

David Dolman (pages 4, 5), Michael Edwards (6, 7), Terry Fleming (2, 3), John Hammond (1, S), Gus Cammaert, Ed Hallin, Joe Kovacs, Rick Weatherbe Photography: Ken Brown, Pierre Gagne, Erwin Mako, George Newton, Alan Price, Nick Van Kats, John Dubbeldam Sports: Janet Ross News Dept. Neil Arnason, Vic Botari, Dave Campbell, Patricia Culp, Gisela Dorrance, Graham Brian Monkhouse, Margaret Farquhar, Shaw, Hennie Smid Illustrations: Marian Harwood, George Somerville Contributing Writers: George Welsh, Jim Newman, Toks Oshinowo, Fran Humphrey, David Trost. Bruce KoeDke. Dave Grafstein, john MacD&aid, Jeff Evans Layout1

Published by the Undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo and its affiliated Colleges under the authorization of the Board of Publications. Letters should be addressed to the Editor, University of Waterloo. Phone ‘745-39 11. The opinions expressed represent the ftreedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society.





per year.







to the Editor Paper

. . .



and had worked without lunch-the Coryphaeus Parade and “Musicale” boosted their morale. Phyllis Livingstone, R.N.



Dear Sir: Two weeks ago, I too had the pleasure of being invited to the reception for the cast of “Enemy of the Peonle” and by chance found myself clustered around Ron Bishop. Unlike Miss Dee, however, I was much too engrossed in Mr. Bishop to notice who and what kept the conversation going. I did observe enough though to realize that the supposed “intellectuals” were actually oblivious to everyone else, their only interest being Mr. Bishop and his words of wisdom. Contrary to the opinion of Miss Dee, one was a bona fide Science student and the other an Engineer (what monopolizing conversation on Arts?) The for-. mer, if she wishes to know, only appeared to be leaning against the masterpiece; actually he was holding up the wall, hoping it would not fall on her causing a pitiful squeak. In the process he was expressing his opinion of modern art But the aforementioned reasons were not the ones to which I protest. My beef is against the language used. As they say, “It takes one to know one” and perhaps Miss Dee should realize the difference between acting like an ass and being one. Perhaps she should learn that it is much harder not to be .part of the furniture; appearances can be deceiving. In closing I might add that few perfect asses exist on campus, none of them ,male. Several females do exist however; but of different species, as Miss Dee has so aptly shown. B. Santa Rossa


each to his own opinion, you yours!


I mine and

Wonder no more sir! Thanks to you I have read section 327 from Pascal’s PenseesFwhat of it? All it proved to me was the fact that you have a chrestomathy, and while it is fine to quote other people, I like to believe I have a mind of my own. I must agree with your criticism of my “scorn” of the distinction between wisdom and knowledge. While I did not make it clear, I was trying to imply that contrary to what Rev. Bloomfield would have his “flock” believe, most university students have wisdom as well as knowledge. Just as you, I believe that it is “the place of those who value civilized conduct to offer the injured cleric some apology in a suitably public manner”. However, this would apply only when the cleric has been wronged and has had his pride hurt. In the case of Rev. Bloomfield there is doubt (in my mind at least) that either of the above applies! Richard Rowe.

Once upon a time there was a group called the Apathy Club, Dear Sir, Appeal for anthem but around campus they were more respectfully kriown as the Dear Sir: Permit me to comment on two arStudents’ Council. The Athletic Department of the ticles which appeared in last week’s University does not seem to realize This group fails to notice that a typographical error in the issue of the Coryphaeus. that Canada is an independent state. budget makes the difference between four thousand and forty My first comment concerns M. I view with shock and alarm the fact Harwood’s depreciation of the film thousand dollars. The president realizes this is a typographical that at the past three home football error but he isn’t at all sure what the correct figure is supposed to “Jules & Jim” presented here by the games, we have been subjected to the Film Society. I have found her article be. With an apathetic grin he says, things like this often happen national anthem of a foreign country both misinformed and derogatory. I Then a group of hard working students come before this’ believe whose denizens do not even speak the that she has been hindered, Apathy Club to try and get 4.375 of the S.C. yearly intake, namely same language as we do. of this masternineteen hundred bucks. All of a sudden someone wakes up. His inpiece,her byappreciation inadequate English subIf they feel they must play “God yell-nineteen hundred dollars!-as though it was coming out titles whichthe did really afford the Save The Queen”, let them also conof his own pocket, wakes up the rest of the people. A hundred and viewing public not the true sense and sider that most of the spectators at eighty bucks to the bridge club wasn’t bad ‘cause they’re getting of the scenes that were pre: the games are Canadians and act three dozen decks of cards and aluminum trays and stuff. Especi- meaning sented to them. On this basis, I venaccordingly. In short, I request that ally since eighteen people turned up for the last game. ture to say that Miss Harwood should “0 Canada” be played at all future But nineteen hundred dollars for CUS. Even though first try to understand what she plans athletic functions of this university, every student benefits, do you realize that works out to eighty-four to criticize instead of charging into it and in particular, the Homecoming cents per person? (He forgot that he just voted,for something that like a bull in a china shop. game. R. F. W. Weatherbe Bloomfield reply cost better than ten dollars per person.) And what do we get for our My second comment goes to that eighty-f our cents.? That’s more than five glasses of beer at the piece of rubbish titled “Un attempte Dear Sir: Newman - 3 down Kent. Great cries of ‘shocking’ follow, the motion is referred, and at Deuxculturalism”. I am certain I am sorry that you believe that an Dear Sir: then the members lapse back,into their slumber. No one bothered that the University of Waterloo could article in a university paper, by a stuto look back at last year’s final financial statement of S.C. to see be very proud of its newspaper were dent Re: Jim Newman’s column and the of that university, is official litwhat CUS cost in the past-good thing too, because there was an it not for articles such as this which Grad Ball. erature of said university. This I error of some six hundred dollars and that could lead to some seem to fink their way into every edipoint out is just plain nonsense. Quote, embarrassing questions. Fortunately, though, everyone was asleep, tion. The author (or authors) of this would university press,, for the most part “If all the Arts & Science represenand that six hundred dollars was allowed to rest peacefully under article must really have a great deal The contains student opinions and every tatives there had voted against the the bookkeeper’s best friend, miscellaneous. of time to waste, because all the efforts student has the privilege of expressing the overwhelming number of This is the only picture of the events that I can surmise, for he has put into this masterpiece of his or her opinion in such a paper. The date, engineers present would have still carif they had listened to the CUS representative they would have idiocy can have but one issue com- way in which these students, whom ried the motion. Obviously something been shocked at. the value received for the relatively small cost. monly referred to as a trash can. Has you call “the raw and superficial is wrong here” our Coryphaeus sunk so low as to be scholars” present their material is no Unquote. With much skepticism, I decided to cock an ear to this fair desperate enough to publish such imdoubt in ‘*the most deplorable taste” young miss who on your behalf has been working extremely hard. becilic writings? I believe not, and I Obviously something is wrong. to a more mature person, and perhaps She told me what my eighty-four cents would do. (I think she hope to find, in further issues, that Arts, Science, and Engineering are yourself. However, most of these mathought me rather stupid but she is getting used to dealing with my beliefs are -well founded, three faculties and should therefore be ture persons can remember when they people like that.) Anyway, she told me, if SC voted the money for equally represented-each representaJean Sauv6 T.D. En& I. were in the same position as a student, their budget, there would be red cards this year. I was very pleased tive voting for the faculty he reprelike myself, and they try to interpret because the red will go nicely with the blue and green ones I’ve sents. If everyone were able to vote the article in the way the student got. But eighty-four cents for a card? She went on to explain what The Coryphaeus on the situation, what is the point of - a dud meant it to be interpreted else would happen. Sixty cents would fly away in an envelope to having representatives? If Murray Dear Sir: the CUS secretariat where it would be used for all sorts of useful French is representing Science on the By my article “Did You Know?” This week’s Coryphaeus is, in my things-bribery, mainly I think. Already they’ve bribed an insurGrad Ball committee, he should have I hoped to achieve two ends. First I humble opinion, one of the worst ance company into underwriting a terrific life insurance policy enquired as to how the people he was was trying to point out the fact that papers thus far this year. Aesthetiwhich is especially tailored for the starving student. Not only that, representing wanted him to vote. This Bloomfield was, and is, (in my but they use it to bribe airlines and steamships to get students cally, it is an excellent example of the Rev. he obviously didn’t do or he would opinion of course ) taking advantage across the pond cheaply. They also do research into student coun- layout art. However, its content is of the people he has supporting his not have voted the way he did. another mitter. cils and student unions. The reason why people around here think If there is a formal in Stratford on crusade I don’t know if you have seen With the exception of the G. Whiz they get nothing from CUS, she went on to explain, is beca.use the February 21, please don’t call it a Rev. Bloomfield “in action”, but if members of the Apathy Club really can’t be bothered reading these column which I always find to be you Grad Ball. haven’t, drop down to the old reports. They fail to see a correlation between these reports and interesting reading, the Coryphaeus is theatre in Waterloo some night. Patti Robertson, Science III the efficient governments of universities where these reports are a dud. I hope that in the future you Secondly the article was to give a bit will attempt to make the paper more implemented. of humour to the paper. Comparison unfavorable readable, even if it means sacrificing But, she said, interrupting my enthusiasm as Europe came a beautiful layout job to do so. After I have just read the editorial in I would very much like to see your closer to reality in my eyes, that’s not all. By after Christmas, we all, is not the main purpose of the Webster Dictionary. In my Oxford your issue of October 24th, about two hope to have had a chat with the local merchants to see if they campus paper to present student ex- Dictionary the word “brainwash” is types of news. won’t lend a hand to people who have red cards in their pocketspression in such a manner as to be of not defined. The fact remains hownot yellow ones, mind you, but red. This is where we need the interest to the average university Your point is quite a good one ever, that while brainwashing occurs other twenty-four cents- well not actually twenty-f our because member? and your examples in the United “Pro bono” by the “forcible replacement” of one about half of that was needed for conferences. States and The United Kingdom are idea for another. This force need not quite reasonable. Only red ones. Blackmailer, I hissed. be mental torture People can have Blood clinic their ideals changed without being Shutup, she replied, Irm doing it for your own good. We’re However, I disagree with you Dear Sir: aware of it. Without commenting entirely over your comments on Canagoing out to get discounts for you, apart from all the other things To all who gave blood or offered to further on this point I would suggest dian Dailies, all of which I have read I’ve pointed out. Sam the Record Man in Toronto gives twenty on October 31st. The Blood you read Terence H. Qualter’s book per cent discounts to people with CUS cards, hut he laughs at give at one time or another. If you knew Donor clinic was an overwhelming “Propaganda and Psychological Warthem, you would realize that there is those who try to pass off student cards. Huh, he says, you must success and registration far exceeded fare”. come from some hick university if you don’t have a CUS card. much more variety than you suppose. the blood taken, due to the late arrival In this particular area, we have, in the Therefore, I say, lobby your voting members of SC. If they of the Mobile Unit from Hamilton. Legal complications - nonsense! Toronto Globe and Mail, a newspaper won’t listen, depose them. Go to student council meetings and The Hamilton Staff and the local You are in Canada now, sir! While my that does give its readers “delayed reraise HELL. The members of the Apathy Club are basically Red Cross Nurses and volunteers assertions are defamatory for Rev. wards”, as you term them and I chicken, so if four hundred students turn up brandishing broken worked very hard and 389 pints were Bloomfield they are far from “libelwould like to think that the college bottles and clubs, I think they’ll listen. If they won’t give CUS the donated in just under 5 hours. ous”. I have stated only what my newspapers could come somewhere measly nineteen hundred bucks (the SC already has thirty thouSuccess was due to you who docompanions and myself saw and innear its standard. sand but they don’t know quite what to do with it) I say, let’s go nated, to Circle K Club for registraterpreted. Since my article has been for blood. If you’re quiet about it they won’t even wake up. tion, Coryphaeus staff for their news published at least thirty other stuIncidentally, I have also read a coverage, and to those who helped set dents have gone to see the show and of great many of the college newspapers Moral: CUS in need is a friend indeed. up the clinic on arrival. The Hamilton those I have talked to none have been and have found them very amusing J. Macdonald,




as they are known

were tired

less critical

than myself.

Again I say,


on Page 3




c ’




Page 3





and that Government of theopeople, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” So ended that memorable address at Gettysburg; so began the popularized myth of democracy. It is curious, nay even tragic, that so many have adopted this eloquent yet misleading view of the democratic process. This view that “the people” exercise their “will” by freely electing representatives to realize the common good in the legislative process has, unfortunately, been rendered sacrosanct by Lincoln. “Unfortunately”, because so many have succumbed to this wishy-washy gross oversimplifi-. cation of our governmental system, thus rendering themselves easy prey to those who would destroy that system. Just what are some of those discrepancies between democratic theory and fact? First of all, the people are not “the people”, but groups of individuals with conflicting interests. So in any given issue the government is confronted, not with a common point of view, but with a different view from every interest group within the country. Thus there is no such thing as the common good; there is simply a collection of individual goals which may, or may not, correspond. Secondly, you do not really “elect” representatives of your own choice. The franchise must be exercised within the party system. In order to rally divergent interests the party tends to concentrate those interests. This means that one does not vote just for issues, for, by simplifying, many minor points of view are excluded. For example, in the last federal election there was no party advocating the pro-nuclear socialist view. Then too, the parties have a process for selecting candidates which 66

by Tom


of Democracy

is usually managed by the oligarehal machine. This means that one does not really vote for the person of his own choice. Further, party discipline in the legislature, a requisite for orderly and effective government, is such that even when “your” candidate is elected he becomes a member of a team and can no longer vote as his electors want. Finally, the decisions of what, when, and how, are made within another oligarchal ‘group, the cabinet, which is all too frequently out of contact with the mood of those to whom they are supposedly responsible. Thus the party system provides a filter between “the people” and the Government. Thirdly, this’ process has to be effected through electoral machinery. In an election you try to attain four results: a Parliament which is representative of popular opinion; a government accordingto the wishes of the majority; good candidates; and a stable government. But no system yet devised has fulfilled t h&e requisites, thus preventing a true reflection of public opinion. To further complicate matters, there still .exists a great deal of fraud and corruption in the electoral process. One of the main reasons for this is our cumbersome and outmoded voters’ list, which, conducted by paid members of the major parties, -almost guarantees electoral fraud. ‘And we have no provis: ion for the absentee vote, thus disenfranchizing transients of all kinds. We desperately want a permanent voters list. Fourthly, Parliament itself is a party forum. The traditional idea of individual members debating as they see fit in the interests of their constituents bears no semblance to reality. The Government fixes the timetable. It is the government that


U.B.C. Classified: SOLD: Down the river-13,500 students bv U.B.C. Bookstore. No chance for change. ’ PERSONAL: Darling I need you. Bring money and brew. Don’t hurry. Love, Radar. FOR SALE: Large quantities of empty bottles, cheap. LOST: Would the fink who exchanged small, dirty, worn, green laminated jacket for roomier, cleaner, newer garment please make reciprocal trade this Friday, same time, same place. ’ The telescope drew a blank everywhere else in Canada so the rest of this article is devoted to the United States. A TRAVELOGUE Last Summer some fifty American University students went to Cuba as guests of Mr. Castro. This was a direct violation of a State Department (travel) ban and made these students rather, unpopular with said department because of all the investigation and extra paper work that an encroachment of their, rules involves. Later, but not much, the House UnAmerican Activities Committee held a hearing concerning these students. For those of you who haven’t heard of the House Un-American ’ Activities Committee, it is the American chapter of the R.C.M.P. or a government controlled Y



legislates under the authority of delegated powers. More and more Parliament has been reduced from the supreme legislator to the supreme overseer of Government legislation. Fifthly, the Cabinet, supposedly the seat of the most knowledgeable, has to be representative of the sectional, ethnic and religious divisions of the country. $‘If one can judge from the practice of the past,” writes a Canadian political scientist, “this scheme of composition is the first imperative in cabinetmaking and any radical departure from it is likely .to weaken the prospects of the offending political party with the sections or groups whose expectations have been slighted.” hus fate rather than talent all,T oo often determines the composition of the Cabinet. Finally, the Senate, the guardian of minority and sectional interests, has usually been a chamber of senile old men, put out to this lucrative politibal pasture in recognition for years of faithful partisan service. And though a refreshing breeze of reform has been blowing for several years now, this august chamber still smacks of lethargy*


John Birch Society which makes sure that all Americans are good Americans so that the U.S. can keep up its public image. Anyway, at this hearing, four of the students were indicted. Why only four I don’t know; maybe they shook hands with Castro twice, smoked a Havana cigar, or put Cuban sugar in their coffee. Whatever it was, the House decided that although all 50 broke the travel ban, only four broke it badly enough to be Un-American. The American Constitution was set up to guarantee the personal freedoms of Americans. And this it does as long as the things you do and say and believe agree with what the Government thinks you should do or say or believe. I get the impression that the U.S. Government doesn’t really believe in Democracy but is just dead set against Communism. In its effort to keep Redism out of the U.S. the government has resorted to tactics completely uncomplimentary to a Democracy. . The 50 call themselves the “Student Committee, on Free Travel” and in their own way are protesting against this ambiguity of American Democracy. Through their efforts, “the Seeds of Discontent” which will mature and become “the Grapes of Wrath”- may -be planted in the minds of a few Americans. Consequently, someday the U.S. may’ spend as much time and effort trying to improve its own system of government as it does controlling supposedly Un-American activities.




Does all this mean that we, now completely disillusioned, should discard our system and replace it with-what? Of course not. Democracy does have its shortcomings,certainly, butthen so has any, attempt to realize an ideal. And just because’ that ideal can never be fully realized, that is no excuse for rejecting it. Our democratic system still, we believe, provides the most liberal framework in which a nation believing in the freedom ’ and dignity of. the individual, and in the individual participation and representation in pub-, lie affairs which that freedom and that dignity demands, can best thrive. Bruce J. Koepke


and\ unpredictable. One issue will be quite bright and the next a real dud and one year’s issues will be better than another. Just try and produce a really good, un-cribbed printable “Morning Smile” in every issue of your publication and I think that YOU will realize that even this small exercise can eventually become quite a task Criticize, if you wish, but don’t belittle your professional brethren. F. W. Percival, Toronto

by G. w

Have you taken a look at any recent pictures of Prince Charles? It’s difficult to tell a book by its cover but our prince looks like the epitome of a snob. But let’s not think too harshly of the “first in line”. To show him that our hearts are in the right place we should collect the price of a haircut and send it to him. * * * * Speaking of collections, how about a refugee fund for Madam No Dam Ghud and her daughter? (Now who in their right mind would want to depose a government thereby keeping the Madam out of the country?) Now, about this fund, let’s move on it because I hear that the Playboy organization has already approached the ladies about their possible employment as Bunnies. . * * ** “Nymphomaniac” was the correct reply in a recent psychology seminar. When asked what was the name for a male of similar tastes and tendencies the class was at a loss until one bright female voice said “Normal”. * * * * I wonder how many hyprocritical females there are in Canada on a Saturday night who watch the hockey game with boyfriend or hubby and pretend they are enjoying it? * * *. * Radar traps on Belmont, Westmount and Weber are becoming the bane of my existence. With a pickup truck and a good pair of wirecutters I would love to snip the cable, throw the box’in the truck and tear off in the opposite direction. There’s the policeman, 100 yards down the road and pointed in the other direction: even if he came after you he would still have to disengage or trail many yards of severed cable. And think what a conversation piece theradar box would be over there in the corner of the living room.


10% Student Discount after 5 p.m. Specialize in Pizza and Full Course Meals also Charcoal Steaks Q







Did you see what one light rain did to the student parking lot? It made Luther Marsh look like a sandbox in comparison.. Shoes were muddied and tempers were frayed. Then came the navigation of a slippery and completely inadequate boardwalk. Do Buildings and Grounds think Hush Puppies grow on trees? * * * * I read somewhere that Knobby Wirkowski, coach of-the Argos, should be named coach of the year because he managed to get a new contract in spite of the team’s winning only two or three games. How about that, Mr. Totzke, how about that! I * * * * A pox on bridge players in the Arts coffee shop. When normal people try and find a place to eat their meals there are no vacancies. The pack of stuffed and howling idiots are oblivious to everything ex’cept ‘the cards. * * * *

The water in this town would give a billiard ball dandruff. This community probably has’ the highest Resdan and Rinse 2 Away sales in the country. Meanwhile ‘the barber still insists that the fault is mine. “Dandruff results from lack of scalp massage.” The God of the tonsorial parlor has spoken.

“Where have gone . . 2









University students are beginning to make things rather uncomfortable for Bloomfield the evangelist and healer. He doesn’t force people to come and contribute to his personal well being. Since when have students become the watchers of the public interest? Let the man make his pile of potatoes. *He’s the one who has to live with his conscience.





Would any philosophers in the university care to justify, in a very few words, the existence of their chosen field or of themselves as philosophers. I know how dreadfully un-intellectual this may sound, but I consider Philosophy a waste of time as a course of study. - * * * * While we’re touchingJon Philosophy I might mention that I was speaking with one of the university’s leading philosophy students about graduation pictures, of all things. “Have you ha.d your grad picture taken yet? ” “Who me? Get serious, what would I do with a grad picture? Hang it on the wall?” “Well, your mother would like it wouldn’t she?” “Why? she couldn’t eat it.” Later on in the day I asked the same person if he were going to give blood. “Who me . . . give anything to society? Get serious.” How would you classify this philosopher’s philosophy? * * * * 46 but how you -played the game.” George Crabbe always *used to retch when he heard anything pertaining to ,the necessity of good sportsmanship. Crabbe’s own personal motto could well be adopted by the Warriors in the coming struggle. “It’s not how but how many.”


Page 4








other group in the world

lgor Stra vinsky’s



could sing it that well” *.

one of the Festival



sessions /

If you are not going to the homecoming dance, see this group. It’s a chance of a’\ lifetime. Editor.

The Festival Singers of Toronto, a choir of thirty two mixed voices, was formed in 1954 under the leadership of Elmer Isler. By dedicated effort, urged on by Isler’s artistic drive, the choir has reached a -high level of competence which might well lead to international re.cognition. The idea of a first-class choral group was conceived during conversation among four singers relaxing in a Toronto bar. One of the four was Isler, a high school teacher and musician who, in a few years, has emerged as Canada’s most dynamic choral conductor. The group, once formed and in rehearsal for a few months, progressed quickly. The Stratford Festival recognized the promise shown by hiring the Festival Singers to appear three times during the 1955 seas0.n. The members meet every week for regular practice sessions, and for additional hours when concerts are imminent. Atypical year’s work would include the regular practice, four series concerts, perhaps four concerts in various places (sometimes as far away as Montreal), and several broadcasts for the Canadian Elmer Isler conducts: Jesu meine Freude, Trois chansons, and In the beginning, at this Saturday’s Broadcasting Corporation. Other activiconcert. Gerlitz ties over the years have included a number of records made for Toronto on his eightieth birthday, and heard the Stravinsky has not only shown a The choir adds steadily to its recompanies, appearances at the Stratford Singer in his Symphony of pertoire works of many centuries, and continuing interest in the Festival Festival and, latterly, recording for Col- Festival psalms. He was impressed. and returned widely varying demands. Recently it umbia Records in collaboration with that Singers, but has recently added his April with Craft to record a numhas started a policy of commissioning Igor Stravinsky and his assistant, official patronage. There is, every likeliber of works with the CBC Symphony works by Canadian composers. The FesRobert Craft. hood that he and Craft will return to and the Festival Singers. Since then tival Singers of Toronto grows, adding In 1962, Stravinsky appeared on Stravinsky and Craft have been to TorToronto in the spring to make ,more variety. and confidence to its group CBC television in a show to honor him onto twice for further recording. recordings. spirit, on its path towards excellence. /’


eek-(long CUSO DEFINED


S emin’ar k’s Cheaper


to Study Abroad?

Misconceptions: 1. One must be financially well-heeled to st.udy at a university in a foreign country. 2. There are few means of financial assistance and these invariably go to persons with. very high academic qualifications. 3. One must be fluent in the language of the country in which one studies. Clarifications: 1. It is possible-due to the high value of Canadian money, lower tuition costs, and the lower cost of living in most other countries-to study in some countries for less money (including round-trip transportation and assuming you don’t receive a scholarship) than it would if you spent the year at your local university. 2. There are scores of fellowships, scholarships and other forms of financial aid available (mostly to people with at least a general B.A. or B.Sc.) Unfortunately, they are not well-publicized but with a little investigation one would soon discover a motherlode. 3. Although it is convenient to be fluent in the language of the country it may not be necessary because’there are many universities in some countries (France, Turkey, and India for example, to. indicate the variety) where all courses areinEnglish. Interested students should : I. Talk to the head of the department of study which they think they would be interested in studying further in a foreign country. 2. Check the reference section of the library for books telling of opportunities for study and sources of financial aid in foreign countries. There is an excellent book giving pertinent information called Study abroad published yearly by UNESCO, in the Arts Library.


The 15th International T 1. What is CUSO? in the summer of 1964. Forty . .A National agency, created by the Canadian universities and dian students. The program, 1 several organizations in June 1961, to co-ordinate, .develop, and opment in Algeria”, will incl promote opportunities for overseas service for recent Canadian Montreal ; travel to Paris bJ graduates. It aims to arrange for the -placement of suitably qualifrom Marseille by boat to A fied men and women in countries which request their services. Cite Universitaire Ben Akno 2. How does CUSO work? regions of Algeria; and a fina Abroad it works through governments and in co-operation with suitable location. agencies such as the African-American Institute, International Participants .will be >ablt Voluntary Services, Medico, etc., who assist in the placement of interests during periods provj personnel. or individual visits. The Sem In Canada it works through local Co-ordinating Committees in discussions and plenary sessi most universities and colleges. staff members. The Canadian 3. How is CUSO financed? Leopold Lamontagne, Dean The Canadian Universities Foundation has now assumed the University. administrative responsibilities of CUSO which has become an All Seminar discussions, Associate Committee of the Foundation. tural activities will be condut . dates should be in their sect 4. What are the opportunities? who are returning to the samI For the most part, teachers for secondary schools are needed in many countries in Africa and south-east Asia. Teaching experience - Tata1 cost for each parti is not -a requisite for placement in many of these countries. EnginWUS Committee raises the m: - ,/ eers, doctors, nurses and other personnel are also required in these the balance. and other areas. Applications should be s1 5. For how long? . tee no later than 20 Noveml be obtained from the Office c Generally for two or three years depending on the country and the terms of the contract. In some instances there may be assignA local committee will 1 \ ments for less than two years. candidates from the Universit 6. What is the selection procedure? Committee will announce Car A preliminary screening of candidates will be carried out, where (Last year the WUS Serr possible, at the local level, On the basis of the recommendation it versity of Waterloo was not \ 1receives, CUSO will nominate candidates to governments and agencies requesting personnel. The final selection of *personnel will Y M C A FOREIGN, SERVICE CPPOliTUNlTiES, be-made by the government or agency making the appointment JUNIOR WORLD SERVICE WORKERS FRATERNAL SECRETAR and .not by CUSO. Experienced YMCA professi College students, who spend one year abroad immediately upon 7. What about preparation? national Y movements (i.e. give leadership in the Y program overseas under Arrangements will be made by CUSO, in co-operation with ,the ’ graduation, Kingdom) serve as advisors, 1 supervision of experienced senior personnel. (This junior worker Local Committees, for preparatory and orientation courses for developing countries through program predates the U S Peace Corps by several years.) personnel selected for overseas service. For further information, abo SUMMER WORK CAMPS 8. How to apply? special film showing and ques Complete two copies of the personnel Information form,’ obStudents, usually sophomores and juniors, join with students from . . Arts building. tainable from local CUSO representatives of Canadian universities other countries in overseas camps to work on specific projects in At any time, contact Don ‘( and colleges or from the Executive Secretary of CUSO. On camthe country where they. are located (e.g. construction of a boys’ YMCA; or Robert Torrance pus, contact Dr. McKegney or Prof. Handa. camp in Turkey). ,, Toronto (2160 Yonge Street) \ i _. ,A I1 \ I 1 a.?





a subsequently tasteful reading). Joan Bezeau, first trumpet, astonished the already imIn this medium, Mrs. Biggs pressed audience.) It is difficult seemed most at home. She enough to read through a classimoved confidently through the cal trumpet score, let alone indifficult rhythms and chords, terpret it as smoothly and beau(emphasizing carefully each hid- tifully as Miss Bezeau did. Her den subtlety and innuendo). playing , in the difficult Brass Particularly in Prokofiev Mrs. suite by Berezovsky was a real Biggs displayed her impressive highlight of the evening. grasp of modern piano techniThe group as a ‘whole tended que, (completely shattering the to sound a little Salvation myth that women are only cap- Army-ish in the baroque and able of playing Liebestraum in a classical selections. This was to room no larger than IO by 12. be expected, since the ChristNo less pleasant was the mas carol brass arrangements are done in this early style. brass ensemble of the University of Toronto music school. Nonetheless, these works were The baroque fans in the audi- left far behind by the two imence, thwarted by Mrs. Biggs’ portant semi-modern works by postclassical program, were gen- Osborne and Berezovsky. The Osborne work, which erously catered to by this group. Their director, Ezra smacked of Hindemith, was well Schabas, spoke tastefully about received. The Berezovsky drew each work before it was per- four ovations, and precipitated formed, (and the ensemble gave an encore.




Mrs. Aurelle Biggs gave the best piano recital our Theatre has ever heard, and the audience loved it. She played two popular works by Brahms and Rachmaninoff, one not -so-popular (and very difficult) Chopin Ballade, a Rhapsody by Dohnany, and Diaboli suggestions by Prokofiev. She played the Brahms and Chopin, her first set, easily and gracefully, carefully developing the Chopin to its finale. This is a particularly difficult task, sin&e the work is enigmatic, and downright impossible -m spots. Mrs. Biggs continued with three gems after intermission. The Dohnany rhapsody, which is by no means representative of the composer’s romantic style, borders on the contemporary.

Page 5




(The adventure) takes place in Italy, around 1960. Sandro, his discontented lover, Anna, and a friend, Claudia, embark on a yachting cruise with several other rich idlers. On a lonely island off the coast of Sicily, Anna becomes lost, and is feared dead. Long after the others have given up, Sandro and Claudia faithfully embark on a prolonge,d search over Sicily; however, they discover their own attractions, and lose sight of the fact that Anna even existed. Still, feelings of guilt interfere with their relationship so much, that one day Claudia finds Sandro sleeping with the wrong girl. Here, the movie ends, and we neve find out what happened to Anna.

A quote from the Film Society’s program: “The film is offensive to some because of the kind of life it portrays.“‘Frankly, the fact that the whole film contained no life, but was completely boring, makes it even more offensive. Meshes of the afternoon, on the other hand, was a piece of poetry; it was an exploration of dreams and reality, and honestly, I still can’t say what really happened. There were scores of weird symbols including whirling slanted staircases, a knife under a pillow, death with a reflecting face, a mysterious key . . . To use some of our current colloquialisms: the music was tremendous, the photography was fantastic, and the whole movie was just great.



This is one of the few paintings owned by the university and therefore assumes a place of importance. It was donated by Mr. Bechtel in U of W’s younger days “to start the ball rolling”. At present it has the select audience of persons in the faculty reading room in the Arts Building. However, when one considers the state of confusion concerning the location, and the mysterious movement of paintings around campus it could appear anywhere. Mr. Jack Bechtel has been a representational landscape artist for most of the twenty-five years he has been painting. However, his work has gradually evolved into fairly abstract forms because he feels that there is now challenge and freedom in that area. In this particular painting the artist intended to suggest

rllER 1964 inar will be held in Algeria llips are available for Canaeme “Education and devel:ek’s orientation session in ough France by train and Ltroductory sessions at the !rs; study tours to various ek residential seminar in a ue their specific academic ield trips and small groups include lectures and panel )y Canadian and Algerian [or the program will be Dr. Faculty of Letters, Lava1 plenary sessions, and cule French language. Candi;t year of a degree course ity the following year. $1,000, of which the local In, and the scholar supplies to the local WUS CommitFurther information may ; Affairs. Lted by WUS to nominate 3rloo. The WUSC National rticipants .on 14 December. held in Pakistan. The Unied at this Seminar.)

kers from the established .merica, Germany, United ts and staff members in 41 rorld. 1 Foreign Service, see the Id at noon tomorrow in the 3-5201) at the Kitchener Canadian national office in

the atmospheric mood of a landscape scene with relation to the changes of the elements. Trees, sky, etc. are repulsed in the painting, and having been told this, one can see the relationship. Bechtel realizes that it is impossible for each viewer to see the painting as the artist does, but he feels that it has been worthwhile if the viewer’s imagination has been excited. He also states that the painting should be more than decoration. “A painting is a visual experience if the audience allows itself to follow the color and lines and to associate the forms.”

Mr. Bechtel received his training at the Ontario College of Art and joined the staff of the Doon School of Fine Arts in 1950. He now has a studio in Blair, and teaches courses in painting and drawing at Doon and Stratford.


OVERSEAS SERVICES SEMINAR -An opportunity vice abroad!

to broaden and deepen your interest in ser-

On Thursday 31 October, Circle K held its first dinner meeting of the school year 1963-1964. Special guests of the club were Father Ralston C.R., Jim Layode, and Toks Oshinowo. With Father Ralston as chairman, Toks and Jim discussed with the members of the club the problems facing a student in a foreign . country. Both Toks and Jim are, from Nigeria. Upon arrival at Waterloo, Toks was offered a choice between living in a residence, or living in a private home. He chose the private home because, he explained, he then would be able to see how the typical Canadian lived. To Toks, the average Canadian shows little open discrimination, but does act in a manner which is offensive. He pointed out that many times there has been an empty seat beside him on a bus or train and yet several people were standing! Toks mentioned that he had asked twenty-one girls for a dance (in a row!) one evening, and not one of them danced with him! His friend, a white, asked each of these girls after Toks and they accepted! Toks pointed out that some girls have told him they would not go out with him “beacuse of social pressures that would result.” Still other people -- the dogooders -- over-display their concern for a foreign student, making it hard for both sides. This type of sophisticated discrimination “can be worse than open discrimination because the discriminated individual is often not sure iust where he stands with the discriminating individual.” ’ Most Canadian students can go hohe every weekend, or at least every three months if they so desire. A foreign student on the other hand, has no close connections with home. Thus, he does not have the opportunity to share his problems with his family in a personal manner. Many solve this problem by discussing their with fellow students who are interested, and willing to .problems . .

Sf. Jerome’s

Jim felt that it is better for the student entering a foreign country to study the customs of the people in that country before trying to become part of their culture. However, he himself entered Renison College within a week after coming to Canada and had no trouble mixing with the students. At times a foreign student has to put up with a lot of nonsense; some people will seriously try to show a foreign student how to handle a knife, fork and spoon! It was concluded by all those present that a student center is an essential for a university campus. In this center an international bureau should be set up to help educate both foreign and domestic students for a closer fellowship and better understanding.

St. Jerome’s Student Council supported the “Blitz Seminar Week” with a program on lay missionary work. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Coop, founders of Canadian Lay Missioners, spoke at the college Tuesday night on the purposes of the organization, the opportunities it offered and the type of personnel it, sought. Their visit was arranged with the help of Rev. J. S. O’Connor, C.R., of Resurrection College, Kitchener. A small display on other lay mission opportunities was set up in the college. Father O’Connor has agreed to help with further information for anyone interested.

-Meet competent and experienced leaders in work overseas, both Canadian and overseas citizens. -Discuss plans, expectations, problems and ambitions in finding an area. of service abroad. -Share

in Bible study and worship.

-Learn of present avenues of overseas work, preparation required, what the church is doing and its philosophy of work in a rapidly changing world. -See the’ role of Christians in non-church services-e.g. UNESCO, CUSO, government teaching, medical appointments, and private companies. -Become

acquainted with relevant books, literature

and films.

Time of seminar: 9-10 November, Saturd .ay 9:30 am to Sunday pm (no Saturday evening mee ting) .


Place: St. Paul’s United College. Cost: registration

fee $1.50, plus meals.

Applications available Paul’s College.



SCM or Marilyn


Webster, St.




Page 6

L 2ZKlNG A 7“



On Saturday, November 2, the Waterloo Rowing Huskies pulled the biggest Rowing upset of the Intercollegiate Regatta. Consisting’ of a crew of 5 experienced and 4 inexperienced oarsmen, the Waterloo boys scored a stunning upset victory over crews from Western and the University of Toronto. The high flying Waterloo crew, led by their brilliant stroke Frank Pinder and ably assisted by Phil Hampson, Bill Alloway, Murray Jones, Jim Burrows, Pete Lockhart, Bill Morrison, Al Crossland and the coxswain, Ron Hambleton stroked to a 1 length victory in the Junior Varsity Class, over the highly touted ‘crews from the other two big schools mentioned above. Right from the start of the race our boys went ahead stroking at 38 per minute. At the half mile mark Waterloo was leading Western by l/2 a length while Toronto trailed by a length and a half. With l/4 mile to go we increased the lead to 3/4 of a length over Western. For the last l/4 mile Waterloo kept a





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For the enlightenment of anyone who didn’t know - we have a Judo Club. This enthusiastic and high flying group of 25 males and 5 FEMALES meets Tues. and Thursday afternoons from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. at Seagram’s Gymnasium. There, they are instructed in the art of throwing people around by John Hatashita (black belt). John issues certificates through

Herb Forester Men’s Wear

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accept Three


. . . just

With varsity curling making an official start last Saturday morning at the Glenbriar Curling Club, curling moves into full swing here. Four complete teams showed up for Varsity and they are in need of 1 more curler to complete a fifth team. As it stands now, the . winner of this Saturday morning league will represent U of W at the intercollegiate bonspiel in Guelph Feb. 14 and 15. The results of Saturday’s draw Kerr defeated Busch and the Schnarr foursome came from behind to beat Bob Ballantyne’s quartet, tying the score on the final end and emerging victorious after an extra end. However, this weekend being Homecoming, there will be no Varsity curling


until the following Saturday. As league curling at the Granite Club moves into its third week, they have three undefeated teams in Tuesday’s league - St. John, Schnarr and Purnis. In Thursday’s league, of the six competing teams, the only unbeaten quartet is that of John Scott. Scott managed to defeat Brian Schnarr’s team last Thursday in a very close match. The Schnarr foursome played extremely well, overcoming a 7-O deficit and managing a tie, 8 forcing the extra end and on which Scott’s last rock was a winner. Other games on Thursday: Jim Hall 5, Dave Allen 4 on an extra end, and Kerr 5, Hagey 4. Monty Kerr.

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his own club in Kitchener which are recognized around the world. The lessons are paid for out of the students athletic fees but each member must purchase or rent a uniform with his or her own money. The suits sell for $17.00 and rent for 50~ per night. Anyone interested is invited to sign’ up at the gym any Tues. or Thurs. Who knows you may be a prospective black belt winner.


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The strong desire of the boys to put together a top notch crew resulted in their victory. Thanks.


of King and University


Similar thanks should also go to Craig Wormald who managed the team in an efficient manner.




steady pace of 34 strokes per minute (with the power on) and proceeded to pull even farther ahead of the higher stroking Western crew. At the finish it was Waterloo by a length over Western with Toronto 2 lengths back. Waterloo was given little chance of winning, by many rowing experts, primarily because of their lack of time on the water. As one U. of T. student said, “Let’s face it, Waterloo surprised the hell out of everyone.” Special thanks must go to Jack Nicolson, because without his excellent coaching it would have been impossible for Waterloo to win. He donated his valuable time and effort to the Waterloo cause and so to you, Nick, we thank you will all our best wishes for future successes in Rowing.






Engineering Science St. Paul’s St. Jerome’s Renison




The WARRIORS proved themselves a fighting team when they handily crushed the Redmen 8-O at Guelph last Saturday. That was vicnumber 3 tory number 2; victory will be this weekend against the GOLDEN HAWKS, who afterwards will be called the “CHICKEN” HAWKS. Each unit has submitted its teams in basketball and hockey. Engineering, Arts, Science, St. Jerome’s, and Renison have entered one team in each competition. St. Paul’s, however, has entered two hockey teams and three basketball teams. Pat Galasso is now drawing up the schedule. The men’s and women’s Swimming and Diving Competition will be on Tuesday 12 Nov. at Kitchener YMCA at 7 pm. All entries must be submitted to the Athletic Office by 5 pm. on Monday 11 Nov. It would be tremendous to have a full slate of competitors from each intramural unit. A set of isometrics has been put up at Seagram’s Stadium. These can be used for training by athletes who are practicing for any sports event. The Tennis Tournament is finished now. Results will be posted next week. Special thanks go to Ron Wagner. President of Waterloo Tennis Club, who permitted the use of the courts for the competition. Coach Dan Pugliese has made his first cuts in the varsity basketball team. As well as all the regulars 1 from last year, there are the following freshmen on the team: John InMike Swartzkopf, Brad Finch, %m Knack, Terry Plomske, Martin Merlikan, Fred Guy, and George Newfield. Results of the blood donation points in intramural sports are Engineering 50, Science 50, Arts 50, St. Jerome’s 50, St. Paul’s 42, and Renison 18. At the 6th O.A.V.C. Harrier Intramurals at Guelph last weekend, the Waterloo team did not fare so well, In the final standings, MacMaster was first followed by Western and O.A.V.C. Adrian Peters gave our best showing. He came in just ahead of Ron Kidd, Bruce Kidd’s brother. With a better day this weekend and a determination for the the University of championships, Waterloo should prove a strong contender for the O.Q.A.A. Harrier Championships at Guelph. The crosscountry event starts at 11 am, this Saturday at O.A.V.C. A good turn out of cheerers for the team could be a big factor in inspiring our fellows to victory.

I Arts



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Page 7







the end

for a long



AlfBilt (Architecture

53) says: 1 I


My blue-print


success is a planned














is an




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in charge

The University of Waterloo Warriors -- determined to beat the Ontario Agricultural and Veterinary College Redmen went out and handily defeated them 8-O. The Warriors won because they p1aye.d as a team and each part of it functioned perfectly. The defensive team held the Redmen on the ground and in the air; the offensive team led by Gerry Aho and Bob Benedetti crushed the Redmen line for long gains. The Warriors not only had to battle the Redmen but also the cold snow and wet field. Since is was cold, very few passes were attempted and the game was restricted to a rushing one. In the first half, the Warriors made good gains with runs by Gerry Aho, Terry Joyce, Glen Grosse and Bob Benedetti; however, these were often called back because of penalties. During the last minute of the first half, the Redmen were threatening with first down on the Warriors’ 11-yard line but the defensive unit stood firm for three downs and the Warriors took over the ball on their 2-yard line. The last play of the half saw Aldridge passing to Benedetti for 30 yards. The score at the end of the first half was OAVC zero, U of W zero. Coach Carl Totzke elected to kick off again in the second half, since there was a strong wind and it was in our favor. The Redmen were held took by the defense, and Warriors the ball on their own 43. They only got to the 53-yard line but Benedtetti boomed a 50-yard kick. The Warriors hit the Redmen receiver hard causing him to famble. Now the Warriors had first down on the Redmen 12. However, they failed to score on three tries. On the next sequence of plays, Aho ran 15 yards from the Redmen 18 and then Dick Aldridge went over for the touchdown. Terry Joyce kicked a good convert; so the score stood Warriors 7, Redmen 0. In the fourth quarter, the Warriors found themselves with third down on their own 26. Bob Benedetti went back to kick but when George Hunsberger hiked the ball, Benedetti gambled: With the aid of and some solid blocks, dodging, shaking-off of Redmen tacklers, Bob went down the field for a touchdown. Unfortunately an illegal interference penalty was called against the Warriors and the touchdown was nullified. But the Warriors continued to move. Dick Aldridge moved the team down to the Redmen 19-yard line with handoffs to Glen Grosse and Gerry Aho, and by running the ball himself. Bob Benedetti made another great run from the 10 for a TD, but once again a Warrior penalty nullified it. With a first down on the 24-yard line, Aldridge was running toward the goal line when the whistle blew. The referee had seen two players’ roughing and decided the play should be stopped. One of the Redmen was thrown out, but Aldridge’s gain was brought back. Benedetti then kicked a single to round out the Warrior scoring. In the final minutes of play Jock Tindale intercepted an OAVC pass on the 29, but the Warriors were unable to increase their lead. The Warriors hit the Redmen hard throughout the whole game, and this was one big reason why they won. Jim Hann, Tex Houston and Doug Peacock continuously battered the Redmen. The line opened up big holes for the halfbacks to come up Aho played with big gains. Gerry one of his best games of the year carrying the ball for over 70 percent of the rushing plays.

jim newman reports In reply to Mr. Swartz’s letter to the Editor of 3 1 Ott, I say the following: SWARTZ WRONG AGAIN. According to his letter, “The second motion concerning the recommendation to the president of the University of a Student/Faculty Policy Advisory Committee . . . was passed by Council’without discussion hastened in any manner.” I would like to quote one of the Student Council members on the night of that particular meeting: “Paul, you’re a nice guy and we all like you, but will you please sit down and shut up!” Need I say more on that point? His statement that “this motion is of extreme interest to most students” is highly indicative of just how much Mr. Swartz really knows about student opinion. Let’s face it, even if the student body was able to interpret the wording of the motion, I am sure most of the student body wouldn’t be the slightest bit interested. If Mr. Swartz cares to challenge my statement, I suggest that he first call a meeting of all the students interested in such a committee - and see just how many turn out. Do you know that Students’ Council meetings are open? You should come to a meeting and see our vice-president operate. He strikes me as the type who loves to hear himself talk, and acquires some insatiable pleasure from his own monotone voice. Perhaps one of these days he’ll realize that people only listen to those who have something to say. Believe me, few listen to him. Now to present a few facts and figures which came from the recent Students’ Council Finance Committee meeting. The total amount of money that Council will receive from all sources (including nearly $30,000 from students alone) is $44,395.05. Of this amount $16,632 goes to the Board of Publications to cover the costs of The Coryphaeus, Compendium, Student Directory and so on. Nearly $8,000 is to be divided evenly for the graduation ball and the winter festival. All the clubs and organizations on campus - Students’ Wives Club, Biology Club, Bridge Club, Chess Club, plus half a dozen others - were granted a total of $320.51. In their budgets the clubs asked for a total of over $1600 - less than one-tenth the Board of Pubs. grant. They were given $15 to $20 each and told to go home. Actually one club, the Bridge Club, didn’t do too badly. They were granted $184 - more than half the grant to all clubs - to cover equipment and tournament costs. I do not wish to imply anything, but, the treasurer of the Students’ Council is an avid member of the Bridge Club. The Geography Club of which the SC President is a member, ,asked for $150 and was granted nothing. I don’t imagine the Students’ Council is pro-French or anti-German, but the French Club was granted a whopping ten dollars while the German Club got nothing. The Students’ Wives Club, which requested $205, was originally granted $15 - but as its representative, Mrs. Elinor Montgomery, explained the position of the Wives’ Club, the amount was boosted to $30. The main reason that the grants were so much lower than the requests was this: Students’ Council paid for equipment essential for the existence of the clubs - but not for speakers, films, etc. The representative from the Biology Club didn’t feel that this was fair, since some clubs (Bridge Club, Chess Club, etc.) required more equipment to play their games than others. After all, how much equipment do you need for biology? The Liberal Club asked for $225 and were told to be satisfied with $15. Their representative, who was not present when this club’s budget was discussed, finally came to the meeting and presented a stirring appeal for more money. The Liberals suffered another smashing local defeat. Generally speaking, all the clubs with the exception of the Bridge Club - were dissatisfied with Council’s decisions. Many of them will have a hard year with so little working capital. i\











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All people interested in forming a photography club on campus are invited to an organizational meeting to be held at 12:00 a.m., Monday 11 November 1963, in room E-l 11.



r d \



/-s I





Pqge 8

RESIDENCE LIFE: TWO SaintsAnd A Sinner Renison


Hallowe’en being a time for fun’n’frolic, sonians took full advantage of the opportunity indulged in a few innocent pranks.


Being thoroughly upset by the sight of a dozen or so rather uniquely dressed freshettes (in nightgowns, no less) we were ready to let our collective digestive systems settle down, but such was not to be. I P stalked a hulking figure attired in a black leather jacket, tight black pants, and motorcycle boots. A cigarette dangled from the corner of his mouth, a mere slit in a stubble-covered face. He snarled, “All right you guys--cough, choke, sputter (someone had lit the cigarette.) After lining up the eight ‘heroes’ in front , of the high table who had raided the girls’ dorm. The week before, he proceeded to tempt punishment by drawing his water pistol. At a pre-arranged signal, the culprits ducked and the Gentleman in Black indulged in a duel with Mr. Keppel-Jones, the Men’s Don. The contest ended in a draw, but Mr. K. J. displayed superior accuracy, having practised all week. A few hours later Renison bore a remarkable resemblance to Noah’s Ark-complete with chickens in the girls’ dorm, water flowing down the stairs in a flood, and bedraggled people attempting to seek refuge

from the rain (from showers, hoses, wastepaper baskets, etc.) Even St. Paul’s attempted to get in on the fun, but after disarming them of their hose we sent them on their merry way to St. Jerome’s. . However, all was forgiven as both saints and sinners enjoyed themselves at the dance in Renison’s dining hall on Sat. night. In fact, inter-college relations were so cordial that Renisonians went to the extreme of actually dancing with the ‘Saints’.


Now\regarding this number marathlpn being held in that dark, secluded little room in the basement of St. Jerome’s. How come several are signed up to count(?) numbers(?) in the wee small hours of the morning, huh, Terry, huh? Do you really suppose our House Mother will permit a late curfew on the grounds that ‘we are going over to St. Jerome’s to count numhers’-at 4 a.m.? Fran



k-i p.m.

Folk Dance Club Theatre of the Arts Gilbert & Sullivan (rehearsal) Theatre of the Arts Math & Physics Club P 145 Robert Thompson-National Leader J Sacred Party W.U.C. Friday



7 November

7-11 p.m. p.m.




8 November

Folk Song Club P 145 12-1 p.m. Dance and Pep Rally Seagram Gym 9-1230p.m. Saturday

9 November

U. of W. and WLU Giant Float Parade Kitchener Arena Football Game (Warriors vs. Hawks) Seagram Stadium Festival Singers Theatre of the Arts Semi-formal Dance Bingeman Park Lodge I

Sunday The only trouble with papier-mache is that flour-consuming, newspaperit’s water-consuming, consuming, time-consuming, and besides it’s MESSY. Since we have instant starch, instant diapers, and) instant pizza, why can’t there be instant papier-mache


9:15 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9-12 p.m.

10 November

Gilbert & Sullivan (rehearsa.1) Theatre of the Arts Monday



11 November

REMEMBRANCE Apathy Club Tuesday

DAY (no holiday)

12 November


11:OO a.m.


Mechanical Engineering Club C 5 12-1 p.m. Engineering Society E 111 5 p.m. Gilbert & Sullivan (rehearsal)Theatre of the Arts 7-11 p.m. Men’s and Women’s Swimming and I Diving Championship Kitchener YMCA 7 p.m.. Wednesday

13 November


Film Seminar-Lesson E.I.C.

in LovePhysics Amphitheatre P 145

7%) p.m. 12-l p.m.

St. Jerome’s Last Thursday night, Hallowe’en, the Spiritual Committee sponsored a dance at St. Jerome’s: my compliments to them. It was a complete success in every way: the decorations were superb, congratulations, girls; the food was enjoyed by all; and most of all, the floor was crowded. The dance proved once and for all that rivalry between the colleges is just friendly kidding around, because many people from Renison .‘< and St. Paul’s were there. ’ Next on’ the list is. the Homecoming float. . As usual St. Jerome’s has come up with a fantastic idea and a group of the resident students are working hard at it. I won’t say anything more about it, because I don’t want to give anything away. I will say however, that Dave Becker has done a very fine job of organizing this. Right now I’d like to use Terry’s idea about the bouquets, and dedicate roses to the generous people who have helped us with lumber and our building site, and a huge bunch of poison ivy to

the day-students

for their complete

lack of assistance.

Our basement philosopher has come up with an idea which we are supporting all the way: we’re having a number marathon, that is we are writing numbers from 8 :00 on Monday morning to 1:OO Friday afternoon, that’s tomorrow. The object-there is none. Do’you have to have areasonforeverything? The students will be taking one hour shifts and so we will have one continuous scribble. Tonight, the fun part will begin. We invite everyone to watch us as we approach the end. Entertainment (music and a beauty contest) will be provided, of course: who would come over just to watch a bunch of goof-offs write numbers? The place: the lounge under the St. Jerome’s classroom building. That’s all for this week. If I’ve skipped anything or insulted anyone, don’t complain-I probably did Vic itonpurpose......

St, Paul’s The Man



, 1964

to Dinner

Work ofi the float continues apace, under the direction of Lorne Bellamy-the Great Moment in History being “Cleopatra goes to Holland”. (Actually, I thought the picture had opened in Amsterdam last March, but i. . . .) Nobody will ever wreck our float; we work on it in a different place every night . . .

I’d like to be alble to close with “And meanwhile the chess tournament moves into its fifth round,” but apparently somebody swiped the chess board about two weeks ago, so we’re still back in, the third round . . . . (More next week) . . . . .

So, I’ll have to close with a question: Has anybody else heard that on Hallowe’en night, after the dance, the boys of St. Jerome’s met and unanimously adopted a resolution urging that the name of this column be changed to “One Saint And Two Sinners?” Think it over. . . . .

Final Note: in their counting

WLU has challenged contest.

the residences Jeff



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A week ago last Tues. night, one of our “formaldinner” guests at the preacher at Evening Chapel was Dr. R. G. Stanton, Chairman of the U. of W. Math. Dep’t. (At this point, I should like to inject the trivial remark that Dr. Stanton’s tie was comme toujours, a ‘-‘Beaut” ) The only disappointing thing about the meal was the fact that the cookies I was looking for were not forthcoming for dessert. (Perhaps Dr. Stanton neglected to don his apron over the weekend). After supper, we moved up to the chapel. After the interminable first hymn (chosen by Dr. Stanton-ever seen a hymn with 12-line verses?) we _ were treated to one of the more colourful passages in Revelations (Ch. 1’7 for all you enthusiasts-it was a revelation that the Bible had parts like that ), after which we sang Hymn 629 (Jesus Loves Me). Then came the sermon-the theme was a comparison between Science (esp. Mathematics) and Religion. After this I expected some sort of ‘anthem’ from Dr. Stanton, possibly his “rendition” of “Jesus Saves”, or at the very least, the North Bay Teachers’ College Song. However, we merely sang the more conventional Hymnbook version of “Jesus Saves” before we filed out of the chapel . . . . .




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