sweeps eeken ’ count, best Foat, game
by Science
II, Ill, and
IV took
Almost like a continuation of the afternoon’s football game, the homecoming dance Un .so~r a Paris featured close blocking, running interference, and good play making at a pace set by the Warriors earlier: Over 325 couples, including approximately 100 alumni, crowded into Bingeman Park Lodge for what was the biggest social event of the University’s history. In the receiving line were Dr. and Mrs. Hagey, Mr. & Mrs. Karl Reichert representing the alumni, Student
Council President Jim Kraemer and friend Miss Becky Brenkolt, and Mr. Barry Houser and Miss Pat Hergott, conveners of the weekend. Despite an average of one square foot of floor space per couple, the dancers twisted, fox-trotted and chacha’d their way through the evening to the fine music of Benny Louis and his orchestra. Vocal soloists were Penny Machtel and Norm Symonds. Mr. Louis did not attempt to imitate the big band sounds of a bygone era
Hagey speaks to alumni Alumni ‘of the University met future alumni at the Annual Dinner at Bingeman Park Lodge on Saturday 9 November. A prelude to the Homecoming dance, the dinner was attended by almost one hundred. Among the head table guests were Dr. and Mrs. Hagey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reichart, and Dr. Louis Bodnar. Father J. R. Finn in-* voked the blessing. The featured speaker of the evening, Dr. Hagey, made his usual plea for donations to the University. In an informative and interesting address,
Dr. Hagey recounted to the alumni the progress of the University since its inception in 1958 and reminded them that a great many developments were yet to come. He asserted that the alumni, in making donations, would make possible the graduation of present and future students and that their donations should not merely be given for the sake of giving. Following the dinner, many of the guests adjourned to the bar to steel themselves for the crush of the Homecoming dance.
unit on campus
The mobile chest x-ray unit will be on campus, between the Math & Physics Building and the Engineering Building, Monday, from 1:30 to 4 pm. and Tuesday, from 9am.. to 4 pm.
in Saturday’s
but played his own very danceable renditions of many popular songs. Impromptu intermission entertainment featured Bob Schotz with “vocal” renditions heretofore not heard except within the bounds of the Kent Hotel. Apparently a favorite with the arts crowd, Bob ran through his repertoire (fourteen different ways to sing Bo Dzddly) and had the crowd stomping, clapping and cheering for his removal . After the playing of God save the
Queen the crowd sang that great Canadian song of social protest 0 Canada. This proves that people do not mind singing a national anthem if it is one in which they are proud. After a light buffet the dancersi looking for more excitement, wended their way to various parties and made merry until the small hours. A great homecoming great victory celebration riors.
W U C counted by R. F. W. WEATHERBE The residence students are still soaking their fingers after last week’s numberthon, Wi;U suffered their first defeat of the weekend, losing by about 1000 six-dixit numbers. However, the contest accomplished more than just the humiliation of the other place. It is estimated that $50 was collected to help fight muscular dystrophy, and the publicity should prove to be even more valuable.
dance, and a for the War-
The climax came Thursday evening, with a hootenany and dance at St. Jerome’s College. The turnout was enough to pack the main lounge, and at least 20 people stayed up all night for the last lap. Dick Weiler and Bob Wilson, the organizers of the contest, plan to repeat it next year, but with a difference. The contestants will start at 100,000 and work backwards, writing lefthanded and in roman numerals. The first team to reach 1 wins.
Desks will be set up for advance registration in the foyers of the Math, Engineering and Arts Buildings. Everyone is encouraged to make use of this free service.
Overheard : “Here comes another float, mummy. Who’s the girl with the red hair?” “That’s Christine Keeler, dear .” “Does she go to the university, Mummy?” “Sometimes I wonder, dear.” “There’s a bed there too, Mummy. Look at it-why is it all broken down in the middle?” “Don’t ask so many questions, dear.” Science, years II, III, and, IV, produced a winner. Their float, The Profumo scandal, got the judges’ approval in Saturday’s Homecoming float parade. The float portrayed the trial accompanying the affair, while a chorus of MPs chanted “Parliament is falling down.” Second among the U of W’s entries was Engineering ‘68-69’s float. The historic event depicted was the conquest of the moon-the space race won by the class of ‘6%‘69 in their flying Volkswagen. These astronauts were observed to be using tlieir technical skills to produce several gallons of Vat ‘68-‘69 to tide them over till their return to the local pubs. The University of Waterloo accounted for sixteen of the twentythree floats in the universities’ combined Homecoming parade. Engineering II, III, and IV built the world’s largest slide rule, and conclusively proved that while the product of ginger-ale by rye is “drunk”; the product of orange juice by vodka is “drunker”. The slide rule was demonstrated by Gerry Gordon and Donna Dietrich, who managed to look appealing in spite of their goosepimples. Saint Paul’s depicted the visit of Cleopatra to Holland, in her barge driven by the might of five horses in a Johnson outboard motor. The out-term engineers illustrated that greatest of historical moments, the invention of beer. TheMesopotamians, according to this legend, first produced the brew that made Milwaukee famous. WLU’s most striking (and I use the term loosely) float was an unofficial entry by “The Magnificent Seven” : The last of the dead horses (compliments of the Waterloo Hotel). The carcass was mounted on bales of hay, and was complete with flies. Rudy Dirksen added spirit to the parade by decking his Volkswagen in gold and black, and proclaiming open season on Hawks. Girls of Arts I, with the help of some willing males, depicted five of the greatest love affairs in history. The men of Arts II, III, and IV risked being burned for heresy, and produced a very clever float as a symbol of the victory of the U of W over WLU. It showed Martin Luther and his 95 theses being nailed to the church door at Wittemburg by a U of W student. The winners were as follows: u of w (1) Science (II, III, IV), The Profumo scandal (grand prize) (2) Engineering ‘68-‘69, Space race WLU (1) Freshmen, The history of a sbudent-from fireshman to graduate (2) W Club, The lettermen queen (3) “The Magnificent Seven”, The last of the dead horses The parade made a definite contribution to college spirit, as those who painted in the cold of Friday night and revelled in the warmth of Saturday night will realize. The man mainly responsible was parade marshall Barry Houser, who with Tom MacMillan of WLU, undertook many of the responsibilities involved. This year’s parade dl bespeaks its establishment as an annual event.
I TOM RANKIN Decency tkiumphs
&., Creaking pails and padding feet broke the stillness of’ ” the night. The swishing of brushes blended with whispering voices and suppressed laughter. Slowly the sounds retreated. l Silence. :7, Next morning -the sculpture which &aces the ,&chi’ tecture ,Building on the Campus of the Univ&sity of Manitoba ’ could face the day with ,a look of self respect on its faces. ’ Where formerly the brotie man and woman clasped each other in a nude semi-embrace, they could. now face the world, ,- i secure in their white oilpaint bikinis. ) , \ /
1 Akidental
student death
/ , \ >‘,I .. / I Edward A. Creed, 24, died last Tuesday of. injuries t’ sustained in a fall from the second storey rotunda of the \ ’
University of Ottawa Arts Building d&ing a power failure. ,Monday night. The campus was ‘plunged into darkness at approximately +!3O pm and Mr. Creed’s fatal accident occursed’ ,at 6:4,0 pm, as he was leaving:, a class on the third floor. ,A witness said that he. believed Mr. Creed mistook the second floor for the first fioor. Mr. Creed fell over the kneei high railing to the first floor, a drop of some’20 feet. Doctors operated Cause I - _ _ on_ Creed_ but_ he never regained/ consciousness. ,I or the, blackout is unknown.
Madeira? / 1 _ my dear
/ Every good university in the world has strong foun‘dstions and a good cellar. :r , Law&ice Mindham, ,a wine expert, has been employed , to advise Trent $Jmversity at Peterboro, on the types, vintage, and quantities of wines to be placed in the university’s r basement.
Mental health for McGill We fought hard to get a Health Service Center on Campus, and, our next objective could be a Mental Health Service. For the ,past year such a service has been operating at McGill. The) chief. purpose of the clinic fis to help students with ‘the emc$ional and adjustment problems with which they are confronted< in a university community. Says Dr. Robin Hunter. psychiatrist-in-chief: ’ “T&ere has been a considerable amount of ‘myth built around the idea of needing help of a psychiatrist. Our emphasis is on health, not disease. University students are indi8 viduals going through the formative stages of life. One of our primary functions is to catch upsets in their early stages, thus preventing subsequent trouble in later years of life.” I’m inclined to think that if we had another fight for this service, we would ndt )have as much trouble, because the , authorities would be in complete agreement concerning the _ urgency of our need. , r I
, I-
- , LONDON (CUP) 1 The first Can-4 , adian chapter of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, which is a militant civil rights or12 ganixation in the United States, was formed this week on the University of Western Ontario campus. 1, The group is prominent in the ‘black belt’ i- area in the deep South, i in sit-ins, freedom bus I participating rides, and leading Negroes in their j ’ crusades for voting rights. Tom Wakayama, 22 year old UWO student ,in English and Philosophy, has dropped his studies to join .‘ ’’ SNICK., For the last ,month he has been working in the SNCC (pronounced ‘snick’) headquarters in At1 ‘la&a, Georgia. He was in Birmingham, Ala., on the day the church
bombing which killed ’ four young Negro girls ,Asked about his plan,’ he said that‘ hp first hoped to tell Westem students what is was like down in the. South and then, ‘approach students for funds to support southern ,students “‘in their struggle;” “What I would eventually like %o I is, an active protest group here,” see h e continued. “While I was in Atlan- , ’ ta I had heard or read of protest groups springing up in many universit@ the world over; none of these wais” on a Canadian campus. (1 think it would ‘(be very helpful for both Snick and Western if such a thing could develop here. Three Western professors signed ’ the first Canadian ctipter’s declaration that they protest the system of segregation and tyranny in, the South and further protest the instances j of ANTTGONISH, N.s. (CUP) - St. violence and police brutality perpe-, i ” Francis Xavier University will h&e .. trated “on those who are. seeking ! I ’ its’ pwn student Campus Police Force their freedom.” / according to the student newspaper, The Xaverian Weekly. The force is the successor of the . ’ ” former “Disciplinary Committee.” ; Members, of the force,’ all students, . will be paid approximately $1 an * ’ hour and will be under the chief of police, Jim Kieran, Xavier student. / The police, outfitted with white (’ r ; jackets from administration funds, ’ will bei paid by the University at ’ sports events and at dances by the ‘persons sponsoring them.
: lSfpdeht ,kopS
Sib’ -Win something ri
As usual, The Compendium is desperate - so desparate in fact that ’ they’re running some sort of a photo fcm&t. They’re not-giving any hints .I as to what the ,grand prize. will be, ’ ,,i , but you’ll win it for turning ‘into the .‘\ ” Board of Publications any or all of yoti on and off campus candids. I& of luck! ,’ Yearbook staff meeting this Mon&y at 7:00 1 be there, reg@ars. m. rr
t pv
groc’eries anl I meats post ofl ce magazines ar d Urbgs
. YORRQWiS CORF. 10% University Avenue W. : 1China -, Glassware
- Gift Shop
FRANK’S *; JEWELLERS I, 8 Kin& St, S, Phone SH 5-7574
; r~OVEREND’S ’ 1Young IMen’s Shop 119! King St. N., Waterloo, ,
10% student
Wis ~IFESHOP, I-SEYEW Phone SH ‘5-bOZl . J4 ONTARCO SiREET ‘SOUTf$ Kitchqner, y Ontario
The pilots-who wear TCA wings are dapabJe, confident’, dollars, yet never get an inch off the ground. TCA men, manyof whom have thouSandsofhoursof flying . pilots,, however, don’t mind theseexaminations. I experience. But, they still zhave to write perio ic They know the minute they stop having them, they’re, ’ examinations: And t$ke refresher-courses coveri x g grounded. o When you get bn the move in the busi‘the complex flight pr&edu,res of modern aviation. ness world-or, if you’re travelli‘ngl for *pure, “‘plane Even have theiiflying skills checked four times a year fileasure, go’TCA. It’s who’s “up front” that countsin flight simulatbrs which cost as much as a mil’libn ’ ’ ’ and TCA has the finest! i , / / I
’ \
Chicken Hawks
lay egg AT
WARRlO,RS WIN !! The Warriors came up with their best effort of the season Saturday to down the Waterloo Lutheran University Hawks 13- 12 in a real crowdpleaser. Jock Tindale received the opening kickoff and ran it back to the Warrior 34-yard line. On the first sequence of plays by the Warrior offence it appeared that the Hawk defense was in for an easy day. Such was not to be the case. After two unsuccessful tries from the 34 the Warriors were forced to punt. Bob Benedetti booted one short and rushed up in an attempt to recover his own kick. He stumbled as he touched the ball but several Warriors were on hand to fall on the ball. This gave the Warriors the ball on their own 51. Lou Makrigaini picked up eight yards, but Gerry Aho was stopped in his attempt to pick up the first down. Dick Aldridge? gambling kept the ball and romped to the Hawk 46 before being brought down. The Warriors picked up two more first downs on gains by Makrigaini and Tindale to move the ball to the Hawk 2. Aho put the finishing touch on the march by plunging over for the score. Terry Joyce split the uprights on the convert attempt giving the Warriors a 7-O lead with the game only three minutes old. Warriors started a tremendous downfield march on their own 5. Joyce moved the ball from the 5 to the 16. From the 16 Glen Grosse -took off for a long run to the Hawk 4 33. Two more first downs and the Warriors were parked on the Hawk 6. Once again Aho took off through the line and over for a touchdown. Joyce missed the convert. With three minutes to go in the quarter the Hawks and their fans could be seen looking with amazement at the 13-O score. For the first five minutes of the second quarter both teams played sound defensive football forcing the other to punt several times. With ten minutes remaining in the ,quarter the Hawks took over the ball on their own 48 yard line. They moved the ball to the Warrior 1 yard line with a fine series of plays highlighted by the speed and running ability of Ted Favot. Favot picked up the first touchdown for the college with four minutes remaining in the half. The convert attempt was wide. , The half ended to the chant of “dirty ole chicken Hawks from the stands with the Warriors leading 13-6. Warriors received the kick to open the second half but their offense was stymied by a tight Hawk defensive unit. Warriors punted to the Hawks who took the ball on their own 10 yard line. The Hawk offense, obviously enraged by the score, put forth an all-out effort which paid off with a T.D. at the three minute mark af the quarter. Again their convert attempt failed. Score: Warriors 13, Hawks 12. The following ten minutes of the quarter was played out with an exchange of plays between the 25 yard lines by both squads. With 3 minutes remaining in the third quarter the Hawks threatened to take the lead. A sustained drive took them to the
CURLING CAPERS ’ The interest in curling this year started out promisingly high, and except for one team in Tuesday’s league (where are you team eight?) the initial enthusiasm continues. The members of the twelve teams on Tuesday and the six teams on Thursday seem to be having great fun (even despite the occassional spill, bruise, or aching muscle), and the usual “contest” of the day seems to be which team member can ‘hit the broom’ the most number of times. In my opinion, we have a wonderfully enthusiastic group of curlers who certainly prove to me that curling is a great “social” sport. Now to last week’s scoring: TUESDAY: Schnarr defeated Butt: 6-5 Darragh defeated Amon: 5-3 Dolman defeated Kerr: 6-5 Purnis defeated St. John: 5-4 Ackroyde easily defeated WelshTeam eight did not turn up!! Smith also defaulted to Hill DEFAULT: What a disgusting word to any ardent curler! Come on gang, let’s have no more defaulted
in pizza and also charcoal
5 pm
full course steaks
Well, the football season is over now for the University of Waterloo, but what a iinish! Although we had a troubled season this year, our boys came through with that climatic finish stubbing those highly rated chicken-Hawks 13-12. It was a thriller all the way and it was gratifying to see the stands full for the first time this season. I’m sure this was one of the big reasons why our team put on that extra effort which they had lacked most of the year. Congratulations goes out to Coach Totzke and the whole team because IT WAS A TEAM VICTORY. Let’s start applying the formula “the greater number of fans that show up for the games is directly proportional to the greater number of victories for the University of Waterloo” to the basketball and hock-, ey teams. The Hockey team has now been cut do& to 25 players by Coach Rafferty. This year’s team should have quite a few victories. They are all strong skaters and their passing is right on. The goal tending is a little weak this year although we do have some excellent goal tenders on campus. Ten of the regulars from last year have returned for this year’s team. Our first game is on Thursday 21 November when we battle O.A.V.C. in Waterloo arena. The Intramural tennis championship has been hampered by bad weather. However, the two finalists are Brian Wheeler and Doug Getty. The Intramural points for the tennis will appear in next week’s Coryphaeus. The Intramural basketball and hockey competitions are now underway. It is the responsibility of each person to check the intramural bulletin board at Seagram’s Gym to see when he plays each of his games. In the Ontario-Quebec Harrier ran at Guelph last Saturday our crosscountry team did not fare too well, but they gained the experience which is most necessary for the victories in the years to come. MacMaster came first with one of the strongest teams in the history of the competition. Bruce Kidd won the\ 5.6 mile run in a record time of 28.02. This cut 48 seconds from the former mark. The 2nd place man was 50 seconds behind INTINUED
Herb ForesterMen’s Wear Quality Clothes 94 King Street South, 10% student
student discount Waterloo Square SH 4-3712
GARNBTiocated 20%
the Capitol I
student Before
“to have licked this “default” problem by replacing the two-weeks-in-a row absentees with the spares who were interested enough to come down each week. These people are now permanent team members. But if interest “revives” for those “absentees”, they are welcome tom curl as spares we always seem to need spares! THURSDAY: Hill defeated Kerr: 5-2 Allan defeated Scott: 8-6 Hagey defeated Schnarr: 6-l Top curling standing after three weeks Tuesday: Purnis and Schnarr tied with 3 wins and 0 losses. Thursday: Scott, Hill, Hagey, and Allan tied with 2 wins and 1 loss. REMEMBER ALL WATERLOO STUDENTS!: A NEW curling league begins after Christmas. \ ’ The Apathy Club will hold an organizational meeting Wednesnesday 13 November at 7:00 pm. All ‘qualified students are invited to attend.
SPORTS NOTES: Carleton defeated McMaster Saturday . . . Had the Hawks won against the Warriors they would have tied with “Mat” for fhst place in the O.I.F.C.
Restaurant student
Warrior 30 but a penalty moved the ball back to the 45 yard line. as the quarter ended. It was at the start of the final quarter that the Warriors got their biggest break of the game. Bob Erwin of the Hawks broke away from his defender and found himself wide open on the Warrior 15 with a pass sailing right to him. Fortunately for the Warriors he couldn’t hang on to the ball. Undaunted, the Hawks continued to move. A few plays later they were threatening again, having the ball on the Warrior 3. At this point the Warrior defense came alive and stopped the Hawks dead. With Cooke in at quarter back and Aldridge and Benedetti running, the Warriors turned the tables, marching from their 7 to the 34 before being stopped. The Warriors were penalized for piling on after the punt, giving the Hawks the ball on the Warrior 45 yeard line with 5 minutes remaining in the game. The Hawks again started to threaten until they were stopped on the Warrior 6 with third down and 2 yards to go. A field goal from that range seemed a certainty but Dick Aldridge made a tremendous play to block the attempt. With only three minutes remaining the Warriors took control of the ball. Two runs by Aho moved the ball to the 14, short of a first down by two yards. In a real gamble Aldridge managed to pick up the first down by inches. At this point there were only 10 seconds left and the Warriors had no trouble running out the clocki
in Kitchener and Lyric cards
to the show
at the Garnet
available meet your
Thursday 14 November
Rehearsals for Patience begin at 7 pm sharp. But at 7: 15, when the director and the cast arrive, rehearsing begins. First problem: loud outcry from the pianist who has to play on the ramp slope - he claims one day he and the piano will slowly roll out of sight, with him still playing faithfully. Director faithfully respeats promise of last month that piano will have a platform. Second problem: only 2/3 of the chorus is present - some of them are STUDYING, when they should be at rehearsal. Director promises to have all offenders whipped on the city hall steps much apprehensicn among cast! ! Rehearsing tially starts with director, in worst tradition of conductors, singing parts of all absent - not too bad in men’s parts of girls in chorus - great outcry from dragoon with whom he is paired off. Dancing now begins. Director . seems to think everyone is an Aureyer of Fonteign. Girls worried about their light net dresses flying up during their Daphnephonic bounds. Leers of dragoons and director do little to allay their fears. Director still insisting on impossible dances; however, poetic justice achieved when, in midst of one of impossible dances, director vigourously falls off step. Rehearsal continues, showing the impossibility of putting 40 people on small apron stage at one time. Hurried consultation between director and musical
is progressing
director, since the latter objects to chorus trying to sing while bouncing on one leg - dance restaged. Another equally impossible dance substituted. During exit of dragoons down ramp, pianist nearly trampled . . much hilarity except from pianist more soothing words from “Get out of the way director, you fool!” . . . rehearsal continues. The time is ten to eleven. ,Director finally pleased but wants to run through once more. Outcry from dons of colleges: girls have curfew. Director stops re-, hearsal only on condition he
can call an extra rehearsal. Reminds cast that tickets are now available and to sell as many as possible. Director asks anyone to give him ride home - dead silence (usual proceedure). Eventually, some kindhearted soul offers all cast troop off to Circus Room for post mortem on rehearsal (except girls now back in residence explaining why they are late). Time is 11:20. Now, at last, stage is clear, and poor night janitor able to clean up. But as he said, “It’s much bet;ter now!”
Miss Siren has a special interest in folk songs; she has .a large repertoire in nine languages. In summer camps where folk singing assumes an important role, she was, in charge of the music programmes and these same folk songs now are a vital part in her concert performances. Miss Siren is now entering Graduate Studies in the new Medieval Institute of the University of Tor-
Varsity Christian Fellowship on campus is composed of students who ask and try to solve questions such as: What is the essence of Christianity? Is it practical in the modem world? How should being a Christian affect my choice of career, if at all? Some graduates, former VCFers have been so convinced of the value of Christianity as something more than mere “religion”, that they have taken up positions in other countries to propagate the faith they have proven. These people are usually called “missionaries”. Other
VCF graduates have remaine with the professions for whit they have trained: engineerin teaching, business administr; tors, law, and have also gor overseas. Since their primal purpose is to do the .work fc which they are trained, sue people are not called “missiol ‘aries.” However, as many ( them are still interested in tl spread of Christianity and of& assist the missionary effort, the position may be termed “voc, tional witness”. Thus, while VCF interest overseas work is always basi ally inclined to the spreading (
CROSSROADS AFRIC by GARY ‘63 Crossroader,
VALERIE SIREN AND PETERACKER, NOV. 23 Valerie Siren was born in Toronto and received all of her education there. She entered the University of Toronto on scholarship in language and literature and during ‘her four years there acted in several Hart House productions. During this period she continued her music studies and for three summers worked with the CBC in her own programme of songs and childrens’ stories.
onto and she was one of the Canadian students that went to Poland for a youth seminar last summer.
summer camp about eight years ago, where they both sang and accompanied themselves on the guitar.
Peter Acker was born in Montreal and received his education in Ottawa and Toronto. He has been playing the guitar from the age of thirteen and has been actively developing repertoire and technique since that time.
Valerie progressed in singing, Peter on the guitar and two years ago they started to work together again. They have given several concerts at the University of Toronto and have done a considerable amount of television work.
Peter was so influenced by the playing of the great master of the guitar, Andres Segovia, that he began to take his studies seriously and entered the Royal Conservatory of Music on scholarship in 1960, then on to the Faculty of Music of the University of Toronto. Mr. Acker has given concerts in Toronto and Buffalo and has performed for the CBC both on radio and TV. Peter and Valerie met at a
Operation Crossroads Africa for the summer of 1964 will have African - American - Canadian work-study groups located from Senegal to Gabon on the west coast and from Egypt to Bechuanaland on the east coast. Crossroads was conceived as an effort to relate to students of high leadership potential and concerned faculty members of all religions, racial and national backgrounds of the Western Hemisphere to the Africa continent in creative, positive, and constructive ways; to help them begin a relationship for a mutually profitable future; to stimu-
late and encourage the pursr: of African studies and prepar, tion for future work with orgal izations and agencies at work Africa; to enlarge our awarene and to deepen our understandir of our need of the people of A rica and their need of us. Cros roads provides an opportuni both to see history in the makir and to part of it. If there is anything fundame] ta1 to be pointed out about tl ,“Crossroads” experience, it that two groups of students fro. two distinctly different culture come together and attempt 1 live, work, and eat as a sing unit for two months during tl summer. This affords each ind vidual the opportunity to unde
u of w HOSTS An Ontario Conference c College Unions and Camp1 Centres in Canadian Univers ties, with the University of Wa erloo as host, will be held c Saturday. Students, faculty, an university officials from acre; Canada will meet to discuss Co lege Union programmes in Car: adian universities. Represent; tives from the Association ( College Unions, Canadian Un versities Foundation, the Unive. sity Business Officers Associ; tion, Canadian University Pres World University Service, Car adian Union of Students, wi participate in the one-day COI ference. Conference Chairman is Wa.
The period and place which gives the greatest number of songs to their repertoire is Elizabethan England. Here the art of solo singing to the accompaniment of. the lute was brought to a level equalized only after three hundred years in the German lieder school. The songs usually sung by men are now Valerie’s favorites and the lute parts are played on the guitar.
C U S SEEKS RCMP OTTAWA (CUP) - The Canadian Union of Students (CUS) are demanding a statement of the federal government’s policy “on the activity of security organizations in the area of security investigations” - that is, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on campus. In a letter dated 21 Ott, Dave Jenkins, CUS president, asked the Minister of Justice, Lionel Chevrier for such a statement to comply with Resolution 38 passed at the recent CUS national congress in Edmonton. The resolution further calls for legislation which would preserve and strengthen the recourse of each citizen to the courts in matters which might “compromise his constitutional rights as a Canadian citizen.” A copy of the letter and resolution were also sent to the Prime Min-
ister and the present RCMP Cor missioner, C. W. Harvison. The resolution was strongly su ported by 36 of the 41 universitie colleges and institutions attending tl congress. The matter arose so stron
LOCAL 437 OF PI Dr. Burgener, the local unio leader, has announced’ the i.r auguration of a series of semir ars (bull sessions) to be held o campus. The purpose of the5 sessions will be to give an oppol tunity to various students ur acquainted with the discipline ( philosophy (that includes yo George Welsh) to question val ious aspects of the world i
ianity, it is not restricted missions”. Students are en;ed to find out opportunor work in their own pro1s in other countries. Ler with business firms, 2 enterprise, the civil serJrivate betterment agencies, Jr educational purposes, are countless ways to “go :as”. 2 of the professions most mand is that of nursing, Cross, World Health Orltion and private agencies zs the International VolunService offer positions to &es of nursing and medi-
a foreign culture and peotd to gain new perspectives I own. Ultimately, though, rossroads experience is an 1ual matter, one of personendships and conflicts, of experiences and of subsenew insights. The precise : of a Crossroader’s sumdepends largely on his perinterests, which can vary political discussions to orng a variety show, to teacha small village school, to ng a few close personal ships which embody the of Crossroads. As long as terest is genuine, the sums a rewarding one. * further information see: [cKirdy, History, Arts Bldg
:r last year’s disclosure that officers were conducting setinvestigations on campus (in cases through professors) on Gtical activities of registered s.
DPHERS INT’NL. they live. ike most union meetings, are open to all who wish take and each one will be y a different member of mysterious department. today at one o’clock in iysics foyer to see if you :t blacklisted. If you don’t the weekly events for of these sessions to come.
by RAY BIGGART Editor, The Ryersonian
A. Becker, McMaster UniT. Speaking on “College Viewpoints” will be Mr. ilshire, Director of Student s, University of Windsor; !. A. Wilkinson, Assistant :n, Hart House, Toronto; 2. L. Pattullo, Associate of Arts and Sciences, York rsity; Mr. E. L. Bebb, Jr., or, Hewitt Union, Oswego College of New York. Dr. Ryan, University of AlProvost and Assistant ta resident, will talk on the lnship of the student govnt to University planning at Alberta. beegroup sessions will cov)ics of “Building the Col-
No hero in the heroin
tine. To this end, student nurses in Nurses’ Christian Fellowship are being urged to consider seriously what occasions might arise for overseas employment for them. The national office of the Canadian Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship has comprehensive information on graduate and undergraduate positions available and addresses of various organizations through which jobs may be obtained. This information may be obtained by writing to Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, 30 St. Mary Street, Toronto 5, Ontario.
lege Union”, “The College Union program”, “The College Union and student government”. Keynote banquet address will be delivered at St. Paul’s College by Joseph McCulley, Warden of Hart House, U. of Toronto. Planning committee for the conference, sponsored jointly by the Office of Student Affairs and Students’ Council of the University of Waterloo, is composed of: C. C. Brodeur, Conference Coordinator; J. A. Braun, Conference Secretary; Dr. F. J. Speckeen, Waterloo Lutheran University; E. A. Wilkinson, University of Toronto; H. Wilshire, University of Windsor; and Warden J. A. Becker, McMaster University.
CUSC OVERSEAS LANGUAGE PROGRAM World University Service of Canada resolved at its 18th National Assembly in Quebec to launch a “crash” language programme for training Canadian scholars studying overseas. The programme would be made available to University studeqts in overseas scholarship or seminar programmes, to CUSO, External Aid and the Department of External Affairs. Professor Leslie Armour and‘ University of Waterloo student WUSC chairman, Ronald Edari, were at the meeting which also formally endorsed the work of the local WUSC Committee at the University of Water106
I’d rob my own mother to get a fix.” “I have.” This is part of a conversation that took place this summer between two narcotic addicts and me. They had come to the newspaper where I was working because they could not get help anywhere else. Al and Mary had been turned away from Toronto’s St. Joseph’s Hospital the night before when they asked for help in kicking their habit. Ontario hospitals will not give medication to addicts who want to quit. The addict must go off the stuff cold turkey - without (heroin) the help of medicine. Cold turkey is unspeakable agony. All you want to do is die. Gut-searing cramps tear at your insides; daggers of pain stab through your brain; the flicker of a match becomes a searchlight, burning your eyes. Al and Mary came to the newspaper that night not to tell a hardluck story but to try to make newspaper readers more aware of the fact that addicts are humans with a disease - not horrible dope fiends who kill and maim to feed their habit. Most addicts are such quiet and taciturn types that they wouldn’t harm a fly. They feel an uncanny sympathy for all things, leading, for what to them, is a normal life. And when they get so sick - in need of drugs - that they might. in desperation resort to violence, they are physically incapable of it. He is 29, has no job and has been an addict since 19. Mary lives with Al sometimes; the rest of the time she’s a prostitute. “I’m not the best of all possible girl friends,” she says. “After all, who wants a seven-month-pregnant prostitute dope addict for a daughterin-law .” The child she is carrying will be her third. Her first, born when she was 16, was the only legitimate child she had. Her husband married her when she was 15 and left her on her
Sick alligutors: by PAT
17th birthday. Mary started taking dope when a “friend” using her to support his own habit, introduced her to it. She supported both drug needs as a prostitute. In six months she was hooked. Mary left her home town when she was 14 and moved to Toronto where she soon gravitated to the Chinatown area. She was working as a waitress when she was introduced to heroin but soon had to find other means to make enough money for drugs. (At that time heroin was selling at $5 a cap and four caps made a day’s supply. Today is costs $15 and six caps are needed because the quality has decreased). Mary got her first trick (customer) as a prostitute when she was 15. She was a virgin and received $100 for the night. But prostitutes, like cars, depreciate quickly. The next night she was worth only $15 a trick. She gets that price because at 19 she is still a good-looking girl with long, natural blond hair and a welldeveloped body. She hides her pregnancy well, until a customer gets into a room with her. She must then try to talk him out of what he came for, while still keeping the money he paid her. If he insists, she has intercourse with him anyway. Her child, when born, will be a narcotics addict. It will, like her two previous children, have to go through withdrawal pains and symptons before it becomes a ward of the Children’s Aid Society. Soon, Mary won’t be able to go out on the streets. Al, who steals now to support his own habit, will have to steal to support hers as well. He now steals about $300 worth of merchandise from large downtown department stores every day. On days when he or one of his friends can get a car, they take their business out of town. Al started on narcotics 10 years ago when a girl friend, who had then just started herself, introduced him to morphine. From morphine it was a short. move to cocaine and heroin.
A writer, he has sold stories to The Montrealer magazine and has written for many trade publicationsHe left high school in Grade 12 SO he could steal to support his habit. He has been in prison six times since his 19th birthday. The next time he is convicted on a narcotic charge, he will go to Kingston penetentiary for five years. As I talked to Al and Mary, they grew nervous and jumpy; their eyes watered and they started to stare at the corners of the room. They needed a fix. They offered to take me with them to show me how easy it is to buy drugs in Toronto. We went to Toronto, a corner in downtown where we parked the car. Al waited inside while Mary and I walked to the restaurant where the connection was to be made. To avoid suspicion, I was to be Mary’s trick for the night. We walked into the restaurant, took a seat in the back and waited about 10 minutes until a lesbian came in. She raised her eyebrows at Mary, who nodded and followed her to a basement washroom, where the narcotics and money changed hands. Mary came back with the heroin, wrapped in aluminum foil, in her mouth. We returned to the car, then drove to a midtown drugstore where Al bought the hypodermic needle and eyedropper needed for the injection. After Mary had taken her fix, they put more water into the spoon, heated it again and took another injection of water. They were making sure they had got all the heroin from the spoon. They became more calm and willing to talk after taking the heroin, But another day was coming, and with it another craving for the drug. They came that night asking for help. There was no help for them. I’ve since heard they are getting help from a sympathetic suburban doctor. If they haven’t, Al will be back stealing today, and Mary will be back on Jarvis Street (the red-light area) tonight.
title fits.
The title Sick alligators is a student-based attempt at nomenclature, of last year. Actually, the painting was left untitled by the artist. It was purchased last year by U of W and at present it is in-between hangings. Julia Tusch, the artist, feels that titles are usually meaningless and I would agree, to a point. A title does provide some stimulus to the viewer whose mind tends to become blank when he looks for meannig in an abstract painting. Mrs. Tusch has attempted to make the color and design interesting in this non-objective work. I think she has succeeded. The colors are organized into small squares which at. times evolve into linear arrangements. The warm oranges, yellows and reds from a mottled and webby pattern which is, I thing, appealing. This painting should be seen in color for the full effect. When Julia Tusch did this oil on canvas she had no specific symbolism in mind. We are left to enfoy it for what it is. There are several paintings by this artist in the exhibition for rental: Arachnid (would seem to be a takeoff on cellular structure) Nebulae, and Island in the sun. Mrs. Tusch studied Art for a time at Institute Allenda in Mexico. At present. she teaches children’s and adults’ classes at Doon.
Thursday 14 November 1963 - 5
In the past the football team has had more than its share of criticism and I admit that I have been in the vanguard of those whose adverse comments have disturbed the team on occasion. On the Warrior’s side, Saturday’s game wiped the slate clean. On my side ti eulogy is called for. In what was a surging display of sheer guts culminating in a magnificent goalline stand the Warriors fought off both the Hawks and the referee to give the crowd the vitory it so dearly hoped for. Besides fine football we were treated to some comic relief by Jim Hann who was constantly offering pats of approval, warm congratulations and helping hands to those members of the opposition who made costly blunders. Once again, Warriors, thanks for the big win.
If you saw the float parade you may recall that Martin Luther was a dummy--a store mannequin. After the festivities I took him home, undressed him and stood him in the bathtub. Stumbling into the
Economic by
union KOEPKE
The feasibility of economic union with the United States: this was the topic discussed by four faculty members during the first of a series of panel discussions and debates sponsored by the Politics Club. The idea of economic integration, explained Dr. K. A. MacKirdy by way of a historical review of the question, was first raised in 1783 when the decision was taken to keep the United States out of the British Imperial trading system. The dismantling of that system in the 1840’s when Britain adopted Free Trade brought about a commercial crisis in Canada, and the Annexation Manifesto of 1849 by which those Montreal Tories who had been most vocal in their protestations of loyalty now sought for inclusion within the American trading system. But an anti-American reaction represented in the National Policy introduced by Sir John A. Macdonald in 1879 and continued under Laurier in 1896 served to develop an economy independent of the American. In short, Dr. MacKirdy concluded, we must recognize the fact that Canadians individually are ready to, emigrate to the States to 00
* * * * “I’ve got a boyfriend”. The phrase is bearable when the speaker is a girl but to hear some hulking dolt speaking about his boyfriends is too much. I automatically class him as a member of the gossamer wing set. !* * / * *I The dance at Bingeman Saturday night, though crowded, was “a blast” as the saying goes. The evening began with a reception line where everyone managed to test his grip on Dr. Hagey and where it ended was entirely up to the resourcefulness of the individual. In the interim some exciting things happened : the usual intimate washroom conversation, “But she loves you Herbie.” “I don’t care.” “What am I going to tell her Herbie?” “I don’t care.” “But Herbie, she’s really a nice kid and she’s crying.”
is feasible
Economic union, said Dr. F. C. Miller, who took the floor to explore the question from an economist’s point of view, while desirable in that it would tend to increase the Canadian standard of living, is probably not feasible for the following reasons: First, the abolition of tariffs and the exposure of industry to substantial import competition would probably result in greater injury to Canadian industry than to American, but just to what degree is a moot point. Secondly, in light of the habitual American reaction of throwing up tariff barriers to protect native industries in times of economic peril, it is unlikely that the Americans would be
After reading it three or four times that was the only conclusion I could draw. All except for one thing: “If there is a formal in Stratford on February 21, please don’t call it a Grad Ball.”
Hogwash! Whether she likes it or not, the ball, regardless when or where it is, will be in honor of this year’s graduating class and thus will be called the
I think it was to everyone’s relief that Mr. Swartz fell asleep and stayed in that state for most of the Student Council meeting. Unfortunately, he ruined this fine performance by waking up towards the end to give one of his pointless and time consuming orations, This general lack of filibus-’ tering by Mr. Swartz was perhaps the highlight of a rather dull meeting. After the members had been told that fifty dollars worth of paper had been used at the last meeting, and that the practice of giving out many copies of umpteen page reports would cease, a report was given on the selection of a speaker. This seemed rather pointless as the excuses given for eliminating all the nomi,nees but Dave Smith, would primarily have benefited the candidates under consideration but of course they were not allowed to be in the room. The length of the report gave the impression that Mr. Taylor was trying to justify the work of his committee as though they were being paid for it.‘However, for a non-professional, Mr. Smith did an admirable job as speaker, especially when dealing with Roger Kingsley. This was followed by a stirring
6 -The
- - but
better their economic lot. Collectively, however, Canadians react readily to the appeal of anti-Americanism. Because of this, we accept a lower standard of living; we tax ourselves to maintain an expensive and cumbersome system of east-west communications. We have so much physical and emotional capital tied up in the existing arrangements that economic changes which would transform our traffic flow into north-south lines would arouse the opposition of so many of our opinion molders that it would prove politically impossible.
In regard to the letter to the editor from the young lady in Science, may I say it’s nice to know that someone agrees with me on the Grad Ball situation.
pm newman reports
“I don’t care.” etc., etc., etc., etc. . . . . . . What made that conversation most interesting was that both parties were in a single toilet behind a closed door. * * * * Student loans were in on Friday, on the eve of the big weekend. Why weren’t the loans given out? It was a Friday. Why were they not given out Monday? Mrs. Whatshername wasn’t in on Monday. The mills of bureaucracy are sometimes a pain in the neck.
bathroom in the wee small hours, various young ladies received a shock at this six-foot nude-with his hands folded modestly in front of him.
treasurer’s report during which we learned that a liquor licence costs fifteen dollars, and that two special student. council sittings can demolish five and a half dollars worth of cookies and coffee. I am rather hesitant about going through all the business of the evening as it was rather boring and primarily inconsequential. A slight touch of humor was added though, when one member fell asleep during the counting of hands and his hand remained airborne for all the alternatives. Also a couple of engineers passed the time by piling up little wooden W’s used for name cards. It was a jolly time for all. Worthy of mention is the fact that CUS got its budget through. Also, the parking committee recommended a canopied walk to Seagram Stadium. It was rather interesting to note that approximately half of the voting members had nothing to say all evening and mechanically extended their arms straight out when a count was required-apparently it is too much of an effort to put it up in the air. From time to time there was confusion among the delegates because they had not been paying any attention so they
We are all, Dr. Quaker concluded, opposed to sin; and we al1 (or not quite a113love the free enterprise, free trade myth. But none OS us are going to give up sin, however much we oppose the idea of it, especiahy for others; and none of us reaIly wants our own littIe worId, our own special interests, thrown to the open market. “Economic union is feasible-but count me out” -might well be our motto.
Dave does have a good working knowledge of parliamentary procedure and his appointment should result in efficiently run meetings. He’ll have a big job keeping the meetings in order and I wish him the best of luck. 0 Speaking of Students’ Council, the meetings are open and any student may attend and express his opinion. TheCouncil has been recently accused of not knowing what student feelings on campus really are. So why don’t some students go and express their views? Contrary
to last week’s editorial, I assure you broken bottles and clubs aren’t necessary to make Council listen. If the Council members are asleep, as has been suggested, they will be shocked into wakefulness solely by the presence of any students other than themselves that are interested in student government. So if there is such a thing as a student with an opinion of his own, go ahead, go to Students’ Council meetings and raise HELL. It would be most encouraging to SC and most surprising.
party bY JOHN
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triumphs virtue,
bombed, order. plex tinually
didn’t know what they were voting for. As a rough estimate I would say that people tend to vote for rather than against a motion when they don’t know what it is about. Occasionally there is the odd intelligent person who abstains. Five more hours down the hatch
thus permanently impairing the role of government in Quebec. Dr. T. S. Qualter of the Political Science department rounded off the panel discussion. Admitting that there are, indeed, many problems associated with the question of economic integration, Dr. Qualter contended that these are not strictly relevant. Given the will, they could all be solved. Laws can be changed and constitutions amended-given the will. And there, he stressed, is the crux of the matter. Economic unity would be feasible if those who wanted it, wanted it more passionately and / with greater power behind them, than those who opposed it. And at the moment the opponents of economic union have more power than the supporters.
Economic union is feasible, contended Prof. Y. F. Zoltvany, expressing a FrenchCanadian viewpoint; but, he questioned, is it desirable? Economic union would inevitably lead to political integration. What, then would be the position of French Canada? It would, of course, remain a minority, albeit a smaller one. But the real crux of the matter would be the degree to which such a union would affect the present economic and social reconstruction taking place in Quebec. That reconstruction, so vital to the preservation of French exclusiveness, demands stste intervention, demands nationalization, as there is not the necessary class of French-Canadian entrepreneurs to effect this change in the light of strict free-enterprise philosophy. Now, economics union would lead to an influx of American capital, capital which, quite naturally, would be closely controlled,
CY slumber
me out
Well, Students’ Council made it. They finally got what they feel is a qualified speaker to chair the meetings. He isn’t what they originally wanted“a graduate student from some university other than Waterloo.” He’s Dave Smith, President of the Science Society.
Apart from the odd poem I am going to put George Crabbe into semi-retirement. He has served long and faithfully. Let us remember him in the bloom of his youth and not as a dirty old man.1
willing to enter into any free trade agreements from which they could not escape when economic conditions worsened. Finally, the American government has emphatically declared its unwillingness to enter into regional trade blocs which discriminate against third countries, as any such union must.
GRAD BALL. This childish ‘attitude of hers does nothing constructive towards attaining a situatEon pleasing to all faculties. It only results in people hoping that the rest of Science is a little more mature.
Take heart, Rachael. The allies are only two miles away.
over the
and However,
is when right,
churches chaos
in this
of today
sin are
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and an inch of progress. good work chaps-you’ll of these days!
Keep up the make it one
Box Score of Your Reps Jim Kraemer (president)-active informative Paul Swartz?
Leo Johnson (treasurer)-seems quite able D. Macri (secretary)-silent but apparently working B. Hauser-reasonably interested but fell asleep during one vote. D. Christie-rather an amateur effort at giving a report-he thought it was quite amusing to lose $100. V. Veldhuisen-good questions and discussion D. Zavitz-some good questions G. Newton-ABSENT (sent proxy) E. Taylor-any more Mr. Taylor’s are requested to present themselves for coming elections P. Barnes-silent J. Mitchell-ABSENT (NO PROXY) D. Monk-silent S. Bell-she surely must have laryngitis F. Humphrey-her prime job must be to prevent booze parties at Renison M. Tomins-managed to stick it out ‘till half time B. McLyn-ABSENT (sent proxy)might note that though his proxy, Mr. Parker, didn’t show up until rather late, he was worth waiting for. B.ChestnutABSENT (sent proxy)
me, Father,
but have
got a match?”
Letters to thei Editor Newman
Dear Sir,’ Hearty commendations are in order for Jim Newman. At times his verbal hammer is rather awkward; nevertheless, he manages to strike the nail directly on the head. Of course I am referring to his superb pen portrait of Mr. Paul Swartz, the vice president of that august body which, for want of a better name, we call Students’ Council. Mr. Swartz - and he is not the only one - has: been wandering with a misdirected dedication through the fog of student’ government with the idea that this will provide good administrative training which will serve him well in later ‘life. Mr. Swartz is to be pitied rather than censured, as are all people whose values become so upset to the extent that they hope for recognition and experience through participation in that council of incompetent clowns. Roy Masters, Graduate Studies.
Dear Sir, Segregation it seems has extended its ugly head into this institution of higher learning. Parking, a minor issue, possibly, but promise for more minor issues, if not here-elsewhere. The rights of a fourth, a third, a zero “student’? The facilities of be equal as far is concerned.
an individual, be he a second, a first, or should be the same. this institution should as this student body
It has been said that “the early bird gets the worm,” but not at the University of Waterloo, not as far as parking is concerned at any rate. If the thrid or fourth student comes late, or even if he does not come at all HIS PARKING AREA IS RESERVED FOR HIM. If it rains the third and fourth students have a shorter distance to get wet, if it is cold the third and fourth students have a shorter distance to get cold, and if I park on this sacred area, I am penalized. A penalty for not being a third and ‘fourth year student! I have the right to own a car, yes, even the right to drive this vehicle, “not too near these hallowed halls.” In reality I am discouraged by segregation regulations from exercising my rights as a student and car owner. Discouraged yes, disFuraged by inconvenience, the very ‘opposite condition for which I purchased the oar. Yet this convenience is given other students. My car MUST gram Stadium -
be parked a distance
at Seagreater
than what many students who have i not spent $1000.00 do not have to walk, whether they be a fourth, a third, a second, a first or a zero student. We students use the same laboratories, walk the same paths, sit in the same coffee shop and even in some case, receive instruction from the same professor - BUT NEVER MUST WE USE THE SAME PARKING LOT - NO! NO! definitely not. Harold A&&on, Science II.
Understanding Dear Sir, I pick up my pen to write about a subject close to my heart and I just don’t know how to express it. Maybe if I said “I WANT A PLACE TO STUDY” or possibly “HOW CUM BLOOD DONORS CAN FIND A PLACE IN THE READING ROOM AND I CAN’T?” But somehow that seems too blunt to my sensitive English-majoring soul. Perhaps by some sly innuendo I could get the fact across that the Arts reading room will hold more tables, and that it is ’ not necessary for anyone to work on a radiator. 1 How will I ever express my yeaming, my unfulfilled desire TO READ A BOOK IN THE READING ROOM? How can I communicate the reason to my children Oh! the ignomy of it! - for not being conversant about realist epistomology because I COULD NOT FIND A CHAIR\ IN THE READING n I ROOM. Margaret Shaw.
at sports FROM PAGE 3
Bruce. The University of Waterloo team was composed entirely of freshmen and for their first year in intercollegiate competition they put up an excellent showing for Waterloo. The next competition is another intercollegiate one on Friday 25 January at Maple Leaf Gardens., Pat Galasso at Seagram’s Stadium has planned a schedule of, training for all those who would like to compete in the events which will be run. The track officials have decided on the following events: 60 yard dash, 60 yard high hurdles, 300 yard, 600 yard, 1000 yard, one mile, pole vault, high jump, shot put, and the mile relay. I know there are people on campus who can do these events with some dexterity, but who with a little practise could become an important link of our track team for this competition. I do hope these people will contact Pat Galasso at Seagram’s and begin training for the meet.
It seems that someone in Waterloo has proclaimed this school year GETTHE-STUDENTS year. Everything in this thriving metropolis seems to be geared to one purpose: to extract from the students as much money as they have unwittingly brought with them. The institution on this campus which the administration likes to call the cafeteria charges rather reasonable prices for its meals. But has anyone shelled out the fifteen cents for a piece of pie - or two minute cupcakes? It costs almost as much to have a sandwich, a piece of pie, and a glass of milk as it does to have an entire meal. The restaurants in town are a blot on the students’ ledger. Each and every one of the restaurants in which I have made my appearance have had prices which could have rivalled those of -Taronto’s finest eateries and come close to those prices demanded in New York where the cost of food is notoriously high. Most of the local hash houses do offer some discount, but this merely makes the price of the food you eat what it should have been in the first place. The only way to keep food costs within reason is to do your own cooking, for even living in residence is no advantage when it comes to food. The amounts charged for room and board are .quite low, but the quality of the food is not something to rave about. And if you happen to miss a meal for one reason or another, it’s just money wasted. And now we come to the sacred cow on campus - student parking. It is apparent that the administration has had enough time to think up excuses as to why students are not allowed to park on campus, but it is not so apparent why the administration has not thought up at least one reasonable excuse for its decision to construct no more studentparking areas than the three battlefields currently in use. , The cost of books at the University Bookstore has long been a sore point with students, and this year seems to be no exception. While the price of books is no higher on this campus than on any other Canadian campus, the objection raised with the bookstore is its policy
editor-in-chiefi Dave Clark managing editor: John Conlin news: Mark Meslin*, Neil Arnason, Vic Botari, Dave Campbell, Patricia Gisela Dorrance, Gulp, Graham Farqutiar, Brian Monkhouse, Margaret Shaw, Hennie Smid. sports: Doug Grenkie*, Brian Olafson*, Janet Ross. photography: Gerry Mueller*, Ken Brown, Pierre Gagne, Erwin Mako, George ‘New-
of giving ten percent discounts to faculty and staff while the students must pay the standard cost. There seems to be no valid reason why the students should subsidize their professors’ books to the tune of ten percent at the same time as paying onethird of their salaries. It is diflicult, as anyone who has ever tried can tell you, to get anything done for nothing by a university agency. That is, if you are a student. To cite just one outrageous example: the administration charged the Initiation Committee five cents for every table and chair at the Frosh Hop and, ,on top of that, charged a further three dollars an hour for the driver ,of the truck who transported the furniture from the gymnasium to the Mall. The rub of this affair was the fact that the Initiation Committee was responsible for loading and unloading the truck, ‘ while the driver collected his three quid per. The cost of rooms off campus is high, for, as it happens, rooms are at a premium. Already there are four, five, and six students living in basement apartments which could pass for broomclosets , and are paying huge rents for the privilege of doing so. The height of get-thestudent-ism is the 0new student residence (to use a euphemism) presently under construction at 140 University Avenue. I have it on reasonably good authority that there will be some twenty “suites”, each large enough for one student, each complete with toilet and showers. All this and only two blocks from the campus. Sound good? It shouldn’t - the cost will be twelve (count ‘em) dollars per week per person. ~ I could go on and on finding fault the various facilities available to students, but what is the use? It is futile to rant and rave about the exploitation of students if the students themselves are quite willing to accept their lot. What do I propose to do ,about it? Almost nothing except, perhaps, to personally conduct a boycott of all agencies which make it a practice to take advantage of the student and who keep prices high in order to obtam their shares of the two million dollars which the students pour into the Twin Cities. with
ton, Alan Price, Nick Van Kats, John Dubbeldam. layout: Jim Nagel*, Gus Cammaert, David DolMichael Edwards, Terry man, Fleming, Ed Hallin, John Hammond, Joe Kovacs, Rick Weatherbe. illustrations: Michael Edwards, Marion Harwood, George Somerville. I contributiqg writers: Jeff Evans, Dave Grafstein, Fran Humphrey, Bruce Koepke, John
Published by the Undergraduate student body of the University of under the authorization of the Board of Publications. Letters should sity of Waterloo. Phone 7453911. The opinions expressed represent sponsible, autonomous society. subscription rate: $1.00. per year
MacDonald, Jim Newman, Toks Oshinowo, Dave Trost, George Welsh. advertisingt Jim Carrothers*, fine arts: Art Anderson*, CUP: Tom Richard Rankin*. circulation: Rowe*. board of publications chairman: Murray French *department editor..
Waterloo and its affiliated Colleges be addressed to -the Editor, Univer- 3 the freedom of expression of a remember: Canadian University
This week
u sinner
Registration Chest X-Rays Engineering & Arts Foyers & all colleges 11 a.m.-Z Theatre Workshop Folk Dance Club 12-1 Philosophy Bull Session Physics Foyer 1 Gilbert & Sullivan (rehearsal) Theatre of the Arts 7-11 Student Wives Club Engineering Faculty Lounge 7
RENISON, for a wonderful Homecoming Week-end to Pat Hergott, Barry Houser and their Committee members by conferring on them the highest distinction-that of the title ‘Honorary Renisonians of the Loyal Order of Bullwinkle’. Plans are in the offing for Renison’s second annual orphans Christmas party. This year we will be invaded by twenty-seven children between the ages of four and fourteen from St. Agatha’s Orphanage in Waterloo. It is our hope that we can make their Christmas season a little brighter by collecting used clothing and toys to fill their stockings. Anyone know where we can rent, at reasonable cost, a couple of reindeer for Dec. 7? A rumor from St. Paul’s has it that they can supply all the red noses ~ that we may require.
In the grey dawn of Saturday morning, weary Renisonians stumbled into the dining hall for breakfast (at the ridiculous hour of 7:30 a.m.) where the toast had the rather unique flavor of cold cream and black shoe polish (blended, of course). Even though our freedom marchers didn’t march, the singers and guitar players more than made up in enthusiasm what we lacked in authenticity. A Renison laurel wreath goes to Frank Condlin, who made our float ‘Discrimination’ the success that it was, even though it won no prizes (a gross mistake on someone’s part, however there is always next year.) Everyone at THE College on the Hill wishes to extend his or her own appreciation
words on Christmas: “I’m glad Merry Christmas comes yust vonce a year.” The big “hootenany” at SJC last Thursday was a great success as celebration of the U of W contemplated (and eventually realized) victory over WLU in the “Numberthon” and football game were commended. The numberthon itself showed us some gratifying cooperation between the colleges.
ctie;: 19 than red?” and “Sex, Marriage, and all . Wednesday morning we were all very surprised at breakfast to see the Renison coat of arms hanging in our dining hall. How it got there I’ll never know! (I’m not sure whether this was intended to be analogous to the earlier practice of claiming rich new territory by planting a flag on it-1 mean, I know St. Paul’s has the nicest residence and all that, but . . . . . . . . . . Thursday night, we honored our departing (for three months) cook Russ with a special dinner before his trip to Europe. As a gift, we presented him with a couple of drinking mugs (different sizes for different moods, I guessone even musical). As for later Thursday night, whatever went on at St. Paul’s was, I’m sure, pale and dry (no pun intended) compared with what went on at Renison . . . . . . . . . .
It was also a good week for the St. Paul’s seminar. For those of you who are not familiar with our seminars: Each resident has the opportunity during one hour a week to discuss a subject of religious interest with a group of his fellow students. The subject is introduced by a student who does some preliminary research on it and the discussion is moderated by Dr. Hall. Last week’s discussion concerned “Creation or Evolution or both,” and most of the seminars went overtime with there still being much to discuss. Past topics have included “Does God exist?” and “Is the Bible true?” with the future holding “How to decide what is right?“, “Better
I !,
only exclusive gun in the Twin Cities
Same 10%
I ‘, I*
19 King
St. N.
New and used
at dealership
2:30-8:30 p.m.
18 November
Chest X-Ray Mobile Van (on campus) l:30 p.m. Philosophy Bull Session Arts Coffee Shop 1 p.m. Circle K P 352 5 p.m. Yearbook Staff Meeting Board of Pubs. 7 p.m. Gilbert & Sullivan (rehearsal) Theatre of the Arts 7-11 p.m. Tuesday
19 November
Chest X-Ray Mobile Van (on campus) Mech. Engineering Club C-5 Amateur Radio Club E 330 SCM Cabinet St. Paul’s College
9 a.m.-4 p.m. 12-1 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m.
20 November
Chest X-Ray Mobile Van (on campus) 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Engineering Institute of Canada P 145 12-1 p.m. SCM P 145 8 p.m. FrenchTClub Singsong Theatre Workshop 8 p.m. Thursday
21 November
Philosophy Bull Session Physics Foyer Folk Dance Club Theatre Workshop Gilbert & Sullivan (rehearsal) Theatre of the hrts
1 p.m. 12-l p.m. 7-11 p.m.
Congratulations to all the students who either helped to organ& participated in any of the events of this past weekend. Homecoming ‘63 obviously the most successful U of Waterloo social weekend to date, and was due, solely to the spirit and support of the students. Also, I extend a sincere commendation to Pat Hergott and to the dents who worked with her in planning, organizing Homecoming weekend J. D. Kraemer, President,
Schmuck 23
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a big step on the road to success is an early
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af ter:Fran’s
17 November
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Rm. 165 Renison (see Fran) Police Station
Party Sunday
Special with
16 November
Sunday night, Chapter XVIII (St. Paul’s Chapter) of the James N.E. wing of Audubon Society (composed mainly of ex-Renisonites, so they say) tried to stage an impromptu wildlife exhibit composed essentially of geese from the lake in the girl’s stairwell. The gesture met with limited approval . . . . . . . . . .
15 November
Duplicate Bridge Club Arts Coffee Shop “Citizen Kane”-Movie Theatre of the Arts
God only knows how St. Jerome’s lost the float contest, especially’ since a group of us stayed up all Friday night working on our entry if you will pardon a slight desecration of the word “work”. Ir was unanimously agreed, however, that we had a better time than all other float-builders. Looking at the week-end with hindsight and feeling the after effects, though, I can only quote Yorgi Yorgison’s
p.m. p.m. p.m.
Registration Chest X-Ray Engineering & Arts Foyer and all colleges 11 a.m.-Z p.m. Folk Song Club P 145 12-1 p.m. Sadie Hawkins Dance St. Paul’s Great Hall 8:30-1230 p.m. Admission 75~ per coupleb
on campus
14 November
in charge