Elect Student election supplement

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Elect Student election


4, number


Tomorrow’s election is the . first to be held under the new system of representation. Rather than having all members of Students’ Council appointed by the respective societies, the members will be chosen as follows:




22 January

Council tomorrow



of wuterloo

Science: vote for one OF two /WI


To many of you, Neil Arnason . needs no introduction. The University knows Neil as the industrious president and one of the founders of the U of W chapter of Circle K International. St. Paul’s students know Neil as a discerning member of the interim Principal Advisory Committee, which guided the college life until the recently elected Colege Council took office. And the Science Society knows Neil as treasurer of the Science Council executive. You can see how Neil managed to keep acquainted with and informed about all facets’ of student affairs. Nor has Neil‘s interest in this realm of student affairs stopped with activities in which he is formally involved as a registered member; during the fall term he attended a number of Student’s Council meetings as an observer. Now he is the recently acclaimed St. Paul’s representative to Students’ Council. Thus he has had first hand experience as a member of

that body. The result is that Neil’s position with respect to Students’ Council is, relatively unique: he is informed and yet objective since he has gained his experience and information both as impartial observer and as enthusiastic participant. I urge you to acknowledge Neil’s relevant experience and interest, the two essential qualifications for office, and elect Neil Arnason to Students’ Council. Jeff Evans, campaign manager.

mation, to present is objectively and comprehensively to those he represents. He must then assimilate their reactions, opinions and demands into a consistent and practicable recommendation which he can present to Council with authority. To do this, he must be ‘creative, perceptive, and willing to put himself out for others. These are the priciples acteristics that the office these are the principles and istics I will. try to fulfill. Neil

*** Students’ Council has been criticized as being smug, as operating in a vacuum of unintentional and unenlightened self-interest because of their seeming inability or unwillingness to represent genuine student opinion. Whether or not this accusation is justified, the fact is evident that a student council member’s first responsibility is to his electors. When any significant issue arises concerning students’ rights or affairs, it is up to the member to gather all pertinent infor-

and chardemands; character-

each member to increase.

Pat _Hergott is a second-year arts student. She is a resident of Kitchener and attended Kitchener-Waterloo Collegiate and Vocational School, where she participated in many school activities, including athletics, the newspaper and Students’ Council. Since arriving at the University of Waterloo, Pat has helped to organize the school spirit committee known as .Enthu Epicu, and has worked on encouraging spirit and interest at this university. Pat was also chairman and chief organizer of the memorable Homecoming ‘63 weekend. Her thoughtfulness and enthusiasm in planning the program has set high standards for future years. In addition, Pat is serving as second-year representative on the Arts Society. Pat has ’ proved herself an able worker and has had previous leadership experiences both in high school and at this university. Penny Glasses, campaign manager. *** As your representative, I, Pat Hergott, will represent in the Students’ Council the opinions and interests of the arts faculty at all times. This year I would like to see a completely new council, with fresh and stimulating ideas to tackle the ever-increasing problems. As the university continues to grow, the responsibilities of Editor: John MacDonald Layout: Jim Nagel published by the Students’ the University of WaterlOO.



of council

will continue

Down with proxy votes! Vote Pat Hergott for arts representative in Students’ Council. Pat Hergott, Arts If.

Jim Mitchell I suppose I could rake in the votes if I promised to have a playboy club built on campus - but I can’t. I’ve even thought of, perhaps, having a pub Ibuilt, where people could carry on their intellectual pursuits in an easy-flowing atmosphere, but being a teetotaller - well, you know how it is. There are things that science students should have, however; such


‘Before you vote tomorrow, are three basic questions you ask:

for arts rep on Students’ Council I am your only male choice. Barry

Houser, Arts I.

Mary Mixer Vote Mary Mixer for your arts rep on Students’ Council. She has been very active in her first year on campus, taking part in cheerleading, Arts Council, Winterland Ball committee, as well as publicity during winter week. With her year’s experience on Students’ Council in high school, Mary is well acquainted with council activities and procedures. She should be your choice rep on Students’ Council. campaign

for arts J.B., manager.

there must


Is the candidate


Does he have a general knowledge of Students’ Council responsibilities and procedures?


Barry. Houser


Has he had >experience in dealing with the- problems peculiar to students of the Unuiversity of Waterloo?

In answer that ,what I ional CUS has provided of council cedures.

Engineering 1. Two members will be Barnes, Peter (acclaimed) elected directly by the students of Dawson, Art (acclaimed) that faculty (at least one of these two must be a student living off Arts students will vote in the campus at the time of the elecArts building foyer. Science stutions). dents will vote in the physics 2. One student from each building foyer. Polls will be open faculty will be appointed by, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. and be responsible to, the partiSince this is a new system of cular faculty society. representation, I hope that the The candidates this year are: election tomorrow will show an incresaed interest on the part of the student body. Arts Elect two: Hergott, Pat Good luck, candidates. Houser, Barry Mixer, Mary D. E. Smith, chief returning officer Rappolt, Gail

items as a common room (but not common as all the others); a soft drink machine that doesn’t steal your money and then sit there with a blank look on its bottle opener; and perhaps sunglasses for the mathematics students. But lest I miss the purpose of this article, I shall speak seriously. This year, because of the new system of directly electing two of the three representatives of Science to Students’ Council, there is a much greater op-


Gail Rappolt

Barry Houser

(acclaimed a~ onIy off-camps nominee: Monk, Dave)

Amason, Science II.

Two arts reps to be elected Pat Hergott

Science Elect one Arnason, Neil Mitchell, Jim

to these questions, I feel have learned at the natCongress in Edmonton a good basic knowledge responsibilities and pro-

At U of W this year, I am serving on council as co-chairman of CUS. This year’s council has handled a wide variety of problems - in most

No election As there were only two nominations for candidates from the faculty of engineering, the engineering students have saved themselves the laborious job of deciding whether they should vote at all, let alone who they should vote for.


portunity for efficient and more direct representation on council than ever before. For this reason I would urge you to vote tomorrow. Vote as you will (How’s that for a cliche?)



I would like to thank all those who have helped me in this campaign, and I would also like to wish the best of luck to Neil Arnason. Jim Mitchell, Science II


cases quite efficiently. Probably most important is the constitution, being drafted by the student government planning committee. The problems of our student government are being considered, and I feel that my experience in dealing with them would be a valuable asset to the council of ‘64. But as well as these three prerequisites for Students’ Council members, the platform of the candidate must’ be considered. Granting I am elected, there are three main projects I would be working for in 1964:

projects - such as bookstore committees and student discount services. Formal organisation of the pep club, “Enthu Epicu”. This club exists on campus this year and did a good job during football season. It is my hope that Enthu Epicu could be extended to become a social committee similar to the Blue and White Society at U of T. Ideally the club would handle all social activities on campus now under the auspices of Students* Council.

Incorporation of the CWS committee into Students’ Council. The CUS committee CANNOT keep council adequately informed, nor can council make good use of the CUS national facilities. Since CUS is a union of student councils, our council should handle its own affairs and appoint subcommittees to carry out individual

Improved communication between the students and council. The University of Victoria holds an informal noon-hour “speakeasy.” The student body directs questions (on a previously announced topic) to members of council, who must account for their stand. It seems this would be a useful method for Waterloo to improve council-student relations.

for eng.

I sincerely hope that you will mark an “X” beside Rappolt, C. G. for arts representative to Students’ Council - I want to represent you.

Peter Barnes and Art Dawson were the two acclaimed candidates. Both of them have been in the Engineering Society and Pete Barnes has served a term with Students’ Council.



with enthusiasm with competence and, not least, with experience

of the coryphaeus /


Rappolt Arts II.



FORMATION In a resolution lpropose’d by the University of Waterloo, and adopted by the congress, the congress, the loose network of the Ontario CUS members has been tightened. Henceforth, it will be known as the Ontario Provincial, Conference of the C&radian Union of Students. . The purposes. will be to furth-er the progrtim of the’ Canadian Union of Students in every pos,sible way, to seek the advancement of ,education within the province, and to advance the intellectual and material welfare of the member students. ! ,\ This resolution, read by Jim Kraemer and presented at the 1second plenary on January 1,8th,set\ the tone of the conference. The usual petty discussions were dropped, and the conference proceeded on its most important work in three years.


A second resolution adopted by the thirteen universities in attendance, was an expression ‘of “cautious optimism over the pioposed Ministry of University Affairs recently set forth by ‘the Ontario tgovernment. The motion, , proposed by the University of Ottawa, went on to ,expre& hope that there woti,d be a good student liason with tl$F department.

O/F . ‘OPC,kUS

the Waterloo plan of attack. It was ,’ duties. quite evident tha tthe Waterloo dele, Queen’s! ‘second motion called for gation was not the only one annoyed a temporary executive to be set up with the usual inconsequential results to act until May l&t, 1964. \ /’ of these conferences. + The Council , presidents meeting held on the Saturday -afternoon, spent the first two hours ‘trying to get to first base..According to David Jenkins, CUS National y President, “this is a democratic necessity.” The proposed agenda was completely scrapped and there ensued a long harangue on whether specifics or’ generalities should be discussed. Ottawa finally .,proposed a r4330ibtion that was passed, enabling the meeting to deal with gen’eralities, and to discuss the setting up of an executive for the Ontario Provincial Conference. A good start was made on pounding out the necessary details involved in setting up such a permanent executive but a coffee break interrupted. This led- on, to a third plenary session which was devoted to specific problems of individual universities. In the fourth plenary; Saturday evening, two important / resolutions came forth, both from Queen’s. They d concerned the setting up of the permanent’ ’ executive for the Ontario Provincial Conference. ,

Their first motion, carried unanimously, stated that the, president will t In the, first plenary of the three be elected at the conference for a day session; starting on January 17, one year period starting May 1st. The little was accomplished except an exvice-president 1will be elected ‘by the _ change, of notes between the heads English speaking members at the naof the major universities, , arranging ’ tional conference and shall represent for ‘a meeting that night. It was at the OPC on the Board Iof Directors this meeting that it was decided to of CUS,. The president has ,the power scrap as much of the proposed agento appoint any person(s) on his camda as possible, and to go ahead with pus to aid him in carrying out his

At the sixth and final plenary, the necessary steps were taken to ‘corn’ plete the structure of the OPC/CUS. Doug Ward, president of the Students Administrative Council at the U of T was’ elected to the post of interim president, while Albert Alexanian of McMaster was acclaimed as the interim coordinator.

O,ge of theSorga?izational comtiittee from discusses the minutes of the 1963 Regional Doug Auld of Western, their Stusity of Waterloo) with/(left to right) Gail / dents’ Council president, was acclaim-, Diana Macri.

ed as the first president of the OPC/( CUS for the 1964-65 term. Election of the vice-president will take place at the English caucus of the Nationi \ al congress next fall.

This ’ resolution ’ more ‘authority

The rest of the session was devoted to cleaning up details on the agenda. ’

A resolution by Waterloo was’ passed to establish each year a list ‘of priorities to be dealt with by the OPC/CUS. _

. Stewart Goodings, past presfdent of CUS and chairman for most meetings, expressed his feelings that the formation of the structure of the OPC/CUS was a very good, and definite step forward; and that this regional meeting had accomplished a great deal of work. \ ‘j \

There was a motion1 by Queen’s to have a ‘budget made 1,up by the interim executive and for the first five months of the 1964-65 period.


14, .


volume 4, number 15 ’ , Thursday, 23 Janbary ‘1994 I

being’ passed gives to the executive.

(4 \

Dave Jenkins sentiments.

expressed / I


Undoubtedly, Dave Casey 1: from the U of Ottawa, Rod McLeod of Queens, Mary Pat McMahon from the U of T,’ and Jim Kraemer from the U of Waterloo were the leading members \ of\ the 1964 Ontario Pro1 vincial Conference. Their leadership / kept the important points in the forefront as much as, possible, and made sure that the conference achieved its purpose. . ’ ’ a John MacDonald, News Editor, i The Coryphaeus. s 1 I j * I


university /





Dr. J. G., Hagey, President of the or ‘The Queen’ at official University University, has refused to acknowfunctions. Dr. Hagey was unavailable ledge ‘0 Canada’ as the National for further comment. , Anthem on campus. Students’ Coun- y Council also sent notice of its recil had requested that “other Unisolution to Prime Minister Pearson versity departments would extend the and “Mike Weichel,” MP for Waterprovision of (their) resolution.” In loo North. Pearson’s reply to council essence, the resolution approved ‘0 was merely to thank them efor the Canada’, as ( the Canadian National notice while Weichel commented that Anthem: Dr. Hagey gave Council ‘0 Canada’ was certainly very apnotice that he was not prepared to propriate” and that he. was “sure that give preference, to either ‘0 Canada’ others would follow (the), suggestion.”

(far right) (at UnjverA Dave Mbnkj



WUf~~l~O . , .I -\ I


‘The University of Waterloo’ ,Warriors are now in’ first, place in the1 Ontario-Quebec .Basketball League with 8 points. The ‘.Warriors picked up three vic-

Students mterested m serving overGarbage For Yearbook seas under the auspices of the Cana_ Compendium ‘64 will have the dian University Service Overseas, are usual Pot Pourri (Garbage) section invited to pick up the information this year. Anyone who ‘has photobulletins -and’ application forms from tories this last week ‘&y degraphs of ,activities ,,that ‘have taken the Student Affairs Office, Registrar’s feAted McMastqr on ‘Wednesday place so far, please * bring them into , Office, Dr. MacKirdy, and ’ Dr. MC- i Board of Publication office right Kegney in the Arts Building or Mr., evening 77-59 in Hamilton. This‘ away. There are still numerous events V. ’ K. Handa in the Engineering last weekdend, they defeated to take place this year, especially Building. Completed . application ‘McGill 70-52 and overpowered Winter Festival so don’t forget to forms should be_ sent to’ the Student take ’ your camera, so that YOUR Affairs Office as early 1as possible. Queen’s 74-58, ,$icutre will be in the yearbook. Interviews for the applicants will be : , John Conlin. arranged in February. ’ c ’ Stories On Sports Page.




8 ( ’ ’ I


.i1 -


McMaster Congress Rapport,


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, -:

editor-in-chirk Dave Clark ’ managing1 editor: John Conlln news: John MacDonald*, Vic Botari,, Dave Campbell, Margaret Shaw, Hennie Smid, Jo Stoody. sports: Doug Grenkie*, Barry Hauser, Janet Ross:’ photography: George Newton*, ,

Published by the Undergraduate student ‘body of the University of under the’ authorization of the ‘Board of Publications. Letters should stty of Waterloo. Phone '7$5-3911. The opinions expressed represent sponsible, autonomou society. subscription rat?: $1.t 0 per year , ,




Ken Brown, David -Dolman, Pierre ’ Humphrey, George- Welsh. Gagne, Alan Price. advejising: Jim Carrothers. , layout: Jim Nagel*, Michael Ed-’ CUP: Tom Rankin. wards, Macey Skopitz, Erci Tay’ circulation: Richard Rowe. lor. board of publications chairman: illustrations: Marian ’ Harwood. Murray French, ’ features: Art Anderson*, Pat Cutp, *department editor Jeff Evans, Dave Grafstein, Fran








Waterloo and Its affiliated Colleges be addressed to the EdItor, Univerthe freedom of expression of a re‘.member: Cqnadian University Press I

U of W pushes. Mat cokitution Jan. 17th special - 3 University of Waterloo delegates to the CUS regional conference ’ at MacMaster, attended a meeting designed to ratify the constitution of the Students: Council and were counted in the vote. Judy Awbury, Dave Monk and Gail Rappolt (were invited to attend the open assembly, provided they did ’ not take part in the voting. One hundred and fifty people were required to consttiute a quorum. After the gentlemen hah counted all those present, there were 152 - however: this included the three U of W delegates. They were wearing their Waterloo scarves but somehow no one recognized this. Having been countid, it, seemed ,in order to vote, so ~ thqy cast the,ir ballot in favour 0f the resolution. The ballot totals read 147 in favour, five against, with no absentions. However, there were actually only 1’49 Mat Students at the meeting, and thus there was no proper quorum. This nullifies the constitution and it -will .be necessary to revoke it. Any actions taken under this constitution will also ‘be invalid. Once again cries of “Apathy” will be heard around the Mae-campus as a few conscientious souls try to round up enough students to have a quorum to ratify their Students’ Council constitution. , ’


On the periphery of our society, there is a type of person who is’ the + butt of rude jests on one hand and a target of social c0ntempt on the other. ~ He is a person who at one time was heterosexual ‘but who, through various environmeptal conditions ’ and unfortunate circumstances,, has become a latent homosexual.’ ’ Society attempts to cure the latent homosexual in two ways, imprisonment and psychiatry. The former is wrong and stupid because it only serves to deepen homosexual tendencies. The latter is ineffective because homosexuals do not, in the main, want to be cured. They are ‘content with their scheme I . of things. As a social outcast the homosexual will often -have guilt feelings which result in I a state of depression fand will go to a psychiatrist to rid himself of his depression but not of his ‘homosexuality. Psychiatric treatment does not ‘work because a voluntary submission is necessary. Homosexuals will ” not submit their problem of ‘homosexuality” for treatment, simply because they do-qot re&ard it -as a problem. ’ . i We contend that homosexuality with a willing partner is (not socially’ damaging. By “socially damaging” we mean that it does 1not, as so many people believe, threaten, the existence of man as a species. If we are to believe I why should we not believe him40% ,of all North American ‘\ Dr. Kinsey-and / ^ ‘males indulge, at“one time ‘or another, in homosexual practices. In view of the soaring birth rate, the mkontention that homosexuality threatens the existence of the species can therefore carry little weight. J -Today we still tend to look on homosexuals as abnormal.’ Some of us pity them; many of us censure them. The latent homosexual does not need our pity and he does not deserve our censure - because he is not normal. I //’ Certain “abnormalities” in sexual expression due to mental atti.udes- are, to a great extent, natural. Because these people do not. fit conventional standards f/ we have no right through social opprobium, to drive the homosexual underground and say that he does not belong to the natural scheme of things. That ’ I they are in the ‘natural order must eventually be accepted. Do we have the , \ right to. change the natural order? Can we dictate to them? The problem ’ be?ornes ethical. We are not cOndo&ng homosexuality; we are merely counselling greater understanding. Granted, we would like to see these people adhere\, to convenMerry ‘Decemver 25 1. tional standards of behaviour, but how to accomplish this, there is the problem. Imprisonment is stupid, and psychiatry is a’ cul de s&z. We must not ‘Dear Sir: attack the homosexual; rather, we must attack and change’those environmental The letters to the editor last week reminded me of a story I heard I . conditions which create and foster him. ‘Accept l if you will the premise that homoesxuality is caused by such ’ about three fellows discussing how , things as repression of sexual curiosity, maternal dominance and favouritism they celebrated Christmas. ’ and other \enviromnental factors. The obvious solution is a re-training of The Protest nt said he went to a parents and more, realistically a training of young adults, high school seniors Carol -service 1 n Christmas Eve and and the like. like a club; rather, let ’ I Let us not continue, to wield sop1 disapprobation ._ * us open! our eyes to yet another growing social problem and attempt to 1 understand it, if not deal with it, in a manner befitt”mg intelligent people. ’ :

Rafferty. In his low monotonic voice you would get the impression that he is lulling ‘his boys’ -to sleep. ‘If he, i l&H.&. Calibre would show ‘a little enthusiasm and I . .- , Dear ,Siri instil1 into his players the ideas of .Oon Friday, January 17th ‘at the sportsmanship and team work, our win several . Waterloo Arena,, I was ASHAMED ’ team would probably to’ .be a student atI the University of games.. Ah well, there he stands con-’ / Waterloo. Our representatives, the tent to let the other teams whiz past. ., Warrior hockey team, put .on a disNow our players must either disgraceful exhibition which was unfor,play more sportsmanship or 1get out ; givable. Any player who gets a game of the league because at the present misdonduct or deliberately spears an time they are DISGRACING them‘opponent in the mouth does not deselves and our Umversitv. , ‘serve the opportunity to play hockey ’ Ron ’ Reesori L. .. for a long, long time. If 1Schneider’s _ I /’ havk any talent scouts they should , come and watch our butchers. The Pan Panned ?1 ,’ casualty list for the McGill ieam in- Dear Sir: , eluded one player requiring hospital - I regret finding it necessary to for, tattention, j another with a cut over, tie 8.











a ‘- still anoth& with a’ lost tooth. After , a game with the War&b, one O.A.’ V.C. player stated it plainly by say’ , ing, “That was the dirtiest hockey ’ : game that I have ever played in.” Some teams have ,untouchables but ,our’s has unmentionables. : ; * ^

1;’ .\
















, /

\ MAC FOOD Is B/il?D - Waterloo students take heart, never again complain) about the consistency of the\ jello, or the ashes in the milk, in our cafeteria. 1, I have just been through the gruel‘.ling experience of trying to digest a number of meals, at MacMaster, and have come to the conclusion that Moody’s beanery is a paradise in comparison. Relative to our eating establish, ment, the prices are high for the amount of food received. I On a bright and sunny Friday, I[ tested the culinary delights, with a luke warm roast beef sandwich, consisting mainly of old army boot soles. Obviously, unable to unload it all in ’ the middle of the day, they wrapped it up to keep it fresh for the evening mgal. By this time it had not improved. And as for their taste tempting strawberry shortcake Yummy, Crummy. L Their student newspaper, the silhouette h,as been, writing articles constantly about the poor uality of their food. They are right B‘Mat’ food really is bad. ’ John ’ MacDonald.

At the installation ceremony on January 14, Professor Rees was installed as Principal by Renison’s Chancellor, Rev. H. F. Appleyard, Bishop of Georgian Bay. Present were Doctor J. G. Hagey and many Christian spiritual leaders and laymen, mostly from the Waterloo area. Rees was presented with his symbols of office - a bright red cloak and a rather solemn black motarboard. On the lighter side,’ a ‘number of Renison students staged a mock wedding, complete -with ‘The Wedding March’ where Professor Rees (the bride) was joined in matrimony with the College Board of Gevernors (the groom), with the injunction “What the ‘Bishop’ of Renisan has joined together, let no amount of money put asunder.” -’ Professor Rees came g Renison College in 196 1. He had previously been Professor of History at the University of Natal. His home town is Aberdare, Wales.



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28 -JANUARY pu&rc



The re$kw of anupy 16th on the ., exhibition of M J . Hahn’s photography seems indicative more of the writer’s affinity+ for 1the prose of some afternoon> jdurnals of metropolitan cities than of anything else; and its appearance as an article by a member Of a unhrsi~ k inded CUIYiOUS. ~TL W. Troughtoq


The Ontario Government





I hope that the appearance of the -Regis&ar’s bulletin board doesn’t represent the modus operandi of that department. If ) they’re not keeping a scrapbook there, 8 it must be a my&m exhibit they’ve! put up. Please, girls, keep the notices up todate and include a weekly Events / Bulletin every Monday. Karl Dick.

Anti-intellectualism is becoming a major 1threat to the ‘well-being of North American ‘universities according to, A. Wyn Rees, Principal of Renison College. Speaking to those in attendance at his official installation as Principal of Renison, Professor Rees claimed that there were intellectuals in all universities and colleges who havegiven up the struggle to overcome the barrier of clearly stated goals. “The intellect must be ,free, even irresponsibly free to pursue its religious commitment to learning in ways which at times seem utterly foolish to the world,” he said. Professor .Rees questioned the amount of opportunity provided students for becoming scholars; “What leisure is there in the university of today for ‘unrequired’ reading?” he asked. “Our institutions of higher learning under government and social pressures, will become,” he predicted, “in essence, professional training schools Should this happen, intellectual.&’ will not disappear, but it will seek and find a new milieu” . . . as it has in the past. Rees hoped that Renison would eventually produce’ sckolars who would have “an aopportunity of bringing a vision and a purpose to higher education.” I ’


/ ~ i

Big’ Beef Dear


Unite’. ,

Eggheads. 1


\ I


opened his IChristmas gifts the next .morning. ’ I The Cath0lic said he went to, midnight Mass, then home to open one gift before going’ to bed, and opened the rest in the morning. The Jewish fellow said he and his mother went to his father’s shop, loked at all the empty shelves, counted the cash for the. day, then the three of them stood together and sang “What a friends we ,’ have in Jesus.” , ’ .Herman Bank-In-Cents. t

19 64




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permanent. employment. / \ ‘.

\ 1

Your From a story in LIFE last year I knew that the “ladies” were beginning to invade one of man’s last sanctums, the billiard parlour. But it still came as a shock when I finally did see two unescorted young “ladies” rapping the balls about the table like a couple of sharks. A poolroom is no place for girls. In fact, the poolroom is no place for university students, especially at this time of the year.




Having run out of razor blades last week and not wishing to go to school looking ‘like an engineer, I was forced to resort to my roomate’s electric shaver. Never again! I applied the pre-shave lotion, plugged in that fistful of mechanical torture and tried to shave. The claim about “rolling the whiskers up into the shaving heads” is absolutely true but after that, truth makes a speedy exit. No whiskers were cut but many were battered off while not a few were grabbed fiercely and torn out by the roots. I am told that to get a good shave with an electric razor one must be conditioned to the machine. The finest electric shaver in the world couldn’t compete with a safety razor or a straight - and that’s the challenging truth.




Volume 63 is a slim book of poetry currently on sale at the bookstore and it is unique in several respects, one of which is that it is the ambitious undertaking of a student and a former student of this University. If you require. a ready made sense of frustration then I urge you to purchase a copy of Volume 63. The editor’s want to express “the misery and crucifiction of our age.” The editors have succeeded. It is not my intention to damn the boot with faint praise, I merely wish to point out that nearly all the selections therein are enigmatical and, consequently frustrating. To a man the contributions share a fault: they do not put themselves in the reader’s place. They are behind the scenes and know all the data, but the reader knows only what he has been told. The hapless reader is searching frantically for clues and has not enough breath in his body to admire anything of merit that the poet shows him. Although the contributors to the

book will never “suffer from the indignity of being understood.” There is merit in the very existence of Voluqe 63. A great deal of effort has been put into the compiling of the book and though the poems may not be the best of our age, they must surely stand as being representative. *



For further enquire:


Occasionally one hears the rather depressing news that a student has committed suicide. Shock is liable to be one’s first reaction followed very closely by dismay. Was it simply the pressure at school or were there other mitigating circumstances - one always wonders. I’m sure that everyone has contemplated suicide at one time or another; fortunately, there are relatively few people who have enough motive and nerve to execute their desire. Contemplatnig suicide is fascinating and frightening but to actually takej one’s life over poor grades or some related reason is folly of the first magnitude. Life does not begin and end with a University degree so, to those of you who were planning to end it all this week-end-please don’t, it’s not worth it. Seriously, as more emphasis is placed on a degree there will be more and more students that take what they felt/to be the easy way, the only way out. In fact, things are getting so bad out at UBC the bookstore is selling HARI-KIRI kits for $5.95 plus tax. Be the first kid on your block etc. etc.

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January sales are in full swing these days and I can’t help the skeptical outlook I usually adopt to “bargains.” $35 sweaters become $45 sweaters reduced to $34.88. Suits which sold for $65 before Christmas now sport an $87 price tag which has been slashed in red pencil to “a ridiculous” $59.95. I simply cannot see stores taking 20, 30 even 50% losses. Not too many haberdashers are willing to take such a beating. Perhaps all this is sour grapes on my part because I got downtown too late and the good selection had all but vanished!

Have you consideredthe opportunities of a career in- sales,~actuarial, investment ‘! or administration? I







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Friday,January 31#, 9 a.m.4 p.,m. \Contact your Student Personnel Office for Interview \ i









in the RCAF.


Thursday 23 January 1964



Sports * After


the Toronto-Maple loss to the Bruins over the weekend, I gtiess St. Paul’s and Engineering should not feel so bad. I imagine that the circumstances are much the same. Leafs’


Everyone is really worried about getting cancer from cigarette smoking. Coach Rafferty of the hockey team smoked a pipe oh the bench for two periods before he relapsed to the good 01 fags. Perhaps the Athletic Department should raise the admission to the hockey games since the

fans are now being entertained (?) with -a boxing and wrestling match instead of hockey. ed

University of Windsor the Varsiv Blues

defeaton the

weekend and Western downed Queens 75-55 the night before we did. Willianison appears to be the big gun for Western,


ing 29 points. The ,Warriors came through their tough road trip with two victories. A good game against Windsor could give us the league championship. WE sure have the talent and the coach to do it. Maple Leaf Gardens is ” the place to go tomorrow. In the afternoon there in the Inter-Collegiate track meet to which Waterloo is sending a team headed by Houston, Ferguson and Parker. At night there is the big meet of international stars at the Telegram-Maple Leaf Jndoor Game. . Also, tomorrow night, our hockey team plays Toronto in Toronto.

McGill University Redmen swamped the University of Waterloo 12-2 in a hockey? game at the Waterloo Arena last Friday evening., ,The game itself could be called a game up to the end of the second period when McGill only led 4-2. Our club although outplayed, skated and had some good shots on Ken Walters, the Redman goalie. Mike Durnam was forced to keep the Warriors in the game as McGill blasted the Waterloo goalie. However all hell broke losoe in the ‘third period when ‘the Redmen popped in three quick goals in the opening three minutes (the first after 8 seconds play). After this the Warriors refused to play hockey and concentrated on trying to pick fights and hitting the Redmen hard. But the Redmen hit harder and won the fights. The sad part, however, is that coach Rafferty let this go on. Two McGill men had to go to the hospital as they were missing a few teeth caused by dangerous Warrior sticks. Doug Peacock was kicked out of the game and, as he left the ice, he was charged by one of the Redmen, ‘who was, incidentally, the only Redman who lost a fight. Leon Abbot got a hat trick for the Redmen and Torn Bell added two. Single goals went to Bill McKellar, Dave Kerr, John Taylor, tick Gordon, Bert Halliwell, Doug Carr and Don Taylo;. Don Mervyn picked up two more points as he scored a goal and assisted on Ken Thompson’s goal. Now what is the fate of the Warriors and hockey? It is quite obvious that we are in the wrong league. It is not possible that a small University (such as we have), ‘with the cooperative courses to have a senior intercollegiate hockey team of the calibre of Toronto, McGill, Laval, etc. Therefore why attempt to reach this league when we can’t? Why not settle for a position in a lower league whose standards of play we could meet?




Vigourous, defeated.

agressive .



Now, what about the remainder of the season? Coach Rafferty has a big job on his hands. The team is disorganized; there is dissension among the players themselves; the players are not playing where they want to play; in some cases the relationship between the coach and player is not compatible. What can be done? First of all, have a meeting of the players and get any beefs which they have among themselves settled. Then, put the piayers in the positions in which they play, best and are most happy. Next, practice. The forward lines must learn to go up the ice together and pass the puck accurately. This can be l&-ned only by practice and keeping the same line together constantly. Even

By the way, instead of putting University of Waterloo, in the top ten, the infamous Mr. Woods has replaced Laurentian in ninth place with WLU. The University’ of Waterloo Warriors, Iost 7-6 to the Guelph Redmen in hockey last Wednesday. Don Mervyn scored four goals for Waterloo. ,

why Waterloo


At ’ McMaster, the University of Waterloo Warriors had little trouble defeating the Marlins 77-59. The game was close until the second quarter when Waterloo began to pull .away and never looked back. Jerry Raphael topped the scorers with 19 points. A crowd of fifty University of Waterloo students cheered and chanted “Go Warriors Go” throughout the entire game. The Warriors played one of their cleanest games of the season and received less thari 10 fouls throughout the game. Jerry Raphael, was disqualified in the beginning seconds of the fourth quarter. Our hopes looked poor at this point since we only had an 11 oint lead. HowP ever, Bob Pando rallied the team and Jim Hann sank several shots in his yentre position. Thus when the game was oven the Warriors had an 18 point lead. The referees in this game were quite partial to the home town McMaster squad. Several calls were obvious miscalls and when Baird was not removed from the game along with Raphael, this was the climax of a poor night of refereeing.

yet to be


with these improvements, we will probably lose the majority of our games because our team has neither the skills nor the experience of the other teams. But for heavens sake, LET US HAVE A HOCKEY TEAM WHICH PLAYS HOCKEY.


Last Thursday saw both Arts and Renison score at least 10 goals to overwhelm their opponents in intramural hockey. . In the first game, Arts had no trouble at all in disposing of Engineering 11-3. Doug Neil and Terry Joyce each netted four goals for the winners and Gil Bonis tallied two and Lou Makrigaini got one to count for the Artsmen’s ten goals. Mike Schankula, Aide, and Ivey got one goal each for the losing Engineers. The tempo of the game was fast and rough. A fight in the third period caused two players to be ejected from the game. Bob Haufschild was a martyr for his team as he served the penalty for the ejected Artsman. In the second game, Renison easily outclassed St. Paul’s and skated to a 10-O victory. Bill “Looper” Lindsay netted six goals for I the Renison

St. Jerome’s and Renison are the teams to beat. Last week was an active one in the intramural basketball picture. SF. Jerome’s started eff the New Year in fine style Monday night crushing the Artsmen 41-26. The Artsmen having only six members on their team, showed a decided slowdown in their play towards the end of the game, whereas the St. Jerome’s boys with just two more players finished strong, showing little fatigue. Science, with a minimum team of five members, plhyed a strong steady game to defeat a large Engineering team by 40-36: The 13 Engineering players were unable to take advantage of their strength in numbers and went down to another defeat. Renison showed her strength in humbling St. Paul’s 48-18. Bernd Sliwinski of Renison led with 25 points, scoring over half of Renison’s points. The evening’s activities showed that the two teams to watch in intramural basketball world are St. Jerome’s and Renison. squad. Dave Durban a&d Bill Allaway scored two i=ach to pace the Renisonites to victory.

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“‘MasterpieceS ,’ by TERRY JONES

Last Friday, the Canadian Players presented at the university a production called “Masterpiece of comedy,” which was designed to be “an historical anthology u. . . an impressionistic sampling of four centuries of English comedy . . . as it ranges from the absurd to the- ridiculous.” The idea is excellent. An evening of only the best comic scenes written ranging from Ralph Roister Doister (1940) to A resounding tinkle (1956) should produce a performance that even the most blase at the U of W would find entertaining. Unfortunately, the, performance did not live up to its promise. /Basic to the problems of the evening was the choice of scenes performed. As William Hutt pointed out, all the plays chosen pictured the ‘battle of the sexes.’ This is no excuse,



OF comedy”:

however, for including the scene from Volpone in which Volpone attempts to rape the pure Celia. The scene is one of pity, not of humorbut this fact was well covered up by William Hutt’s complete refusal to allow any of the words to be heard, and his stress on the most bawdy \ gestures possible.

From the bawdy of Hutt-Jonson we switch to the bawdy of ChristmasShakespeare. Once again Eric Christmas performed the same old dog scene from Two gentlemen of Verona, with the same old gestures, and the same old lewdness for the fourth time in recent months. Something new would be a nice change. ’ The wide diversity of plays performed required actors of considerable versatility. I Unfortunately, only Zoe Caldwell had the necessary range to convincingly portray the numer*



ous characters she played. Amelia Hall turned in a good Mrs. Malay prop (a part which carries itself), and a fair attempt at Lady’ Bracknell, although she lacked the imperiousness to make her the Battleaxe she really is. As Celia, however, she was totally inadequate, a fact which didn’t really matter, as it was eclipsed by the vulgarity of ‘Hutt’s Volpone. Eric Christmas is a master of the old, middle-aged, and young letcher-all of which he portrayed with his usual brilliance. Despite his excellent Pandarus ‘and Alcibiades at Stratford last year, William Hutt proved the least versatile and least satisfactory performer in this production. His mannerisms remained constant throughout, and were very noticeable : same stance, same pigeon-like walk, same -hand gestures. When he introduced \





This wee& Thursday


Katherine in Henry V; all of them well done, all of them different persons. Only she had the ability to underplay lines (a defect which, in the rest of the cast, ruined the attempt at Wilde), and only she was convincing in numerous different roles. Her Rosalmde, from As you like it, was- the highlight of the evening, played with considerable power and enchanting feminineness. It was so good that it rose above even the slab-like Orlando of Will Hutt.

on cumps




sented, showing a net expected defitit of $545. A motion was carried to


6:30 ’I 5 12:lO


Glee Club practice Arts study room Circle K Club - A-212 SCM noonhour meditation A-216

Policy on clubs A discussion was held with respect 10-4 to clubs that have limited memberaccept the budget* I ship restrictions. A motion was carOn the discussion as to whether 12 ried that (1) any club whose policies, the position of vice-president should The treasurer reported a balance by-laws, or constitution- violates the be filled again or not, it was pointed 12 on hand of approximately $400 and purpose and intent of the University out that it would be desirable to have Tuesday 28 January he estimated that $4,000 to $4,500 of Waterloo Students’ Council constisomeone else able to sign vouchers. 12 was due to come in. This follows the A motion was carried to take im12 EIC - c-5 tution, or contravenes in any way 12 IVCF study: Basic Christianproposed budget. federal or provincial bills of rights -, mediate steps to fill the now vacant i ity - P-131 be not recognized; (2) that any club vice-presidency. Richard Van VeldThe Executive Board reports dis8. 12 Russian Club - A-21 6 which applies for recognition and/or huisen and Jim \.Mitchell were nomcussed: the theater and the lack of 8:30 - Theater written poll’cy for the use of it; a inated. A discussion followed the te- . support and which’ ‘does not violate 7:30 Phys Ed Association - A-212 these requirements still be required to sponsibilties of this position. A maletter from Dr. Hagey saying that he 8:30 CUS: Crisis in confederation present itself for recognition upon tion was passed that the interim vicewas not eager for the university or Friday 24 January president act as a signing officer, at- the criteria of its own merits. -department to set a policy on which 8:3 0 The Travellers - Theat’er tend executive board meetings, and A motion was also carried that the song should be recognized as our Wednesday 29 January national anthem; a committee set up replace the president in the event of investigation of relations between so12’ IVCF study: Bonhoeffer’s Saturday 25 January his absence or incapacity. Mr. Van called clubs of limited membership on psychiatric and counselling servi’ Cost of discipleship - P-13 1 10-12 Veldhuisen was elected to the post. ces, and that at the first meeting of be referred to the Executive Board, 2-4 Lectures and folksongs. directing them to present their reit, the people present thought that The question was discussed as to Theater workshop Thursday 30 January .a there was a definite need for such I whether the Laureate Society should commendations to Council for final 8:30 Hootenanny - Theater services. consideration. be granted non-voting representation 12 Folk Dance Club - Theater Adjournment. on Students’ Council. A motion was workshop A report was given on a meeting Sunday 26 January carried that the, Laureate Society be 12 IVCF study: ‘Mark P-13 1 of the pro-tern board which discusConference of churches - St. notified that they have been granted 7 Folk Dance Club - St. sed the philosoPhy of the proposed , Paul’s ‘non-voting representation on Students’ Jerome’s campus center. Pending grants, con8:30 U of T band concert Council. 8 Winter Frolic bonfire struction is to start in August 1965, Theater ’ 9 Sock dance - St. Jerome’s Mr. Parker presented a brief askwith occupancy in August 1966. ‘A most plumbers ing for more money to present a prolonged discussion ensued among Total enrollment in engineering at the members of SC, and it was gendramatic production. A motion was (1242) makes the U of W carried that the $58 granted to the Waterloo erallv felt by those who aired their , the third largest engineering ‘school Chekov play (which subsequently - CN views that - faculty and students should not be separated and that stufolded) be reallocated to cover in- in Canada, with freshman enrollment TELECOMMUNICATIONS (511) being the second highest. dent offices and recreational facilicresaed COSTS and that the play Wyt ties should not be separated. and science be underwritten to the There are now 250 freshmen on Interviews for The Winterland budget was preextent of $75. campus, 65 second-year, 200 thirdGraduates IN: \ year; and 92 fourth-year students Electrical Engineering \ have returned from their work’ term. The sixth regular meeting of the Students’ Council was held on Wednesday 15:January 1964.



training program is offered to prepare positions of responsibility in: DESIGN ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ’ MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING ’ APPARATUS MARKETING & SALES FIELD INSTALLATION : ,SERVICE ENGINEERING x These positions will afford opportunity for career development to graduates with potential. Professional salary scale and increases based on performance as well asexcellent employee fringe bene. fit plans. Contact the Placement Office for detailed information brochures, and interview appointment.

1Stereb - P-145 Next weeks programme: -Tuesday COPLAND: Apalachian Spring I HAYDN: Symphony No. 103 E Flat Major Thursday GOLD MARK: Concerto in A Minor for \ violin and orchestra. SCHUMAN: Piano Quartet in E Flat m








Other than Zoe Caldwell’s performances, the only brilliant spots were those achieved by stage business as in the card game in Way of the world and the mirror episode in Clandestine marriage. These enlivened what’ was ‘on the whole’ an enjoyable but not first-class production.

WINTER FESTIVAL BEGINS Arts and science ,elections Physics & arts foyers Folk Dance Club - Theater workshop SCM prof talk: Brodeur A-246 Music Appreciation club P- 145 Folk Dance - P-145 Art exhibit opening-Theater Edith Fowkes & Alan, Mills ’ --_Theater



battle :oF sexes /

the plays, his manner was that of a soapbox orator; totally lacking in the chatty -warmth that would have drawn in the audience. And his’ Henry V goes down as my nomination for the weakest performance of that monarch I have ever seen. Totally lacking in the virility and vigor required, he was a stance-taking pigeon-toed monarch, who looked as if he would have been more at home ha&g i tea with the Red Queen than leading the charge at Agincourt.. Fortunately for the audience, Zoe Caldwell made up for the rest of the cast. With her variety of delightful accents and lithpth, her impeccable sense of comic timing, and her sheer ability to act, she dominated the stage whenever -she appeared. Her portrayals ranged from the lo-yearold page in Ralph Roister Doister to

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Thursday 23 January


5 .

Warriors t

mash McGiII.

An improved McGill Redmen team, with the advantage of three new men and their own home court, caused the Warriors trouble in Montreal last weekend. But the Warriors remained firm, and defeated them 70-52. After a long ride to Montreal, the Warriors were in no condition to play basketball, but they did: The Redmen with manpower were a different team on their home court. At half time the score was tied at 32-all. However in the second half the Warriors came on stronger and outlasted

the McGill team ’ 70-52.. Jerry Raphael got 20 points for the Warriors while Jim Hann netted 17. Gilman and Wright counted 14 and 12 points each for the Redmen. The Warriors were fortunate they were playing such a poor team as McGill, since they were successful on less than 30% of their field goal attempts. Against any other team the game would have been a loss. A small delegation of engineers in Montreal cheered heartily during the game to add a bit of Waterloo spirit to our squad.

What do you want /in a’ company!after graduation? Graduates who’ve been out a few years say the important things m choosmg a job are good training, an unrestricted chance to solid, recognized company, income, early responsibility and a envtronment where Intelligence and enthusiasm are recognized. are not always in that order, but these are the main ones. What, Procter & Gamble offer you? ,1. An outstanding training. I


Plan .chaimes


Please note the following changes in the schedule: The French Club’s play, A lower meuble has been postponed until February. The debate planned by CUS has been rescheduled (the date to be announced in the near future) The French Club MAY be holding a French song session. Watch for posters announcing the date, time and / place. Admission for Festival events: i Alan Mills - Edith Fowke lecture: no charge (tickets required) The Travellers: $2. ’



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2. Responsibilities and promotion based on a man’s ability - not on how long he’s been around. 3. A growth company which controls 30% - 60% of all the major product ‘markets in which it competes; at least one of our brands is in 95% of all Canadian I households.


Folk song workshop: $2, lunch (optional) $1. Hootenanny: $1. Sockhop at St. Jerome’s: 50~ per couple Winterland Ball: $5 per couple (now available) FASS Nite: 74~. U of T band concert: no charge (tickets required) Tickets for the Alan Mills - Edith Fowke lecture and the Universitv of Toronto band concert are FREE’and may be obtained from any of the locations listed on the detachable forms on the iWnter Festival ‘64 posters.


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