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The percentage of ballots cast by each faculty was almost identical. In arts 32.5% availed themselves of the privilege, while in Science it was 32.2%. the election



Pat Jim Dave Art Pete


Candidate Gail Rappolt Pat Hergott Barry Houser Mary Mixer

Votes 118 107 88 44

% of Votes 33 30 24.6 12.4

352 100 None spoiled, 186 ballots cast,’ 570 people eligible Science

Candidate No. of Votes 77 Jim Mitchell Neil Arnason 43

% of Votes 64.2 35.8

120 100 I Totals None spoiled, 120 ballots cast, 372 people eligible. New

council members Gail Rappolt, Arts


Hergott, Mitchell, Monk, Dawson, Barnes,

Arts Science Science Engineering Engineering

Contacted the same evening, Gail Rappolt said that she would “like to thank all those who campaigned for me and I’ll do my best to fulfil my responsibilities.” Jim Mitchell expressed similar sentiments when he said, “I am very pleased to have been elected but I view with dismay the apathy shown by the low percentage of those who voted. I shall endeavor to represent science as best I can and I would especially like to thank the people who helped me on my campaign.” Pat Hergott: “I am very happy and I’ll do my best for arts.”

PAREN-T--SQUEEZE OTTAWA (CUP) - The parents of Canada’s university and technical students were singled out as most in need of tax concessions in a brief presented by the Canadian Union of Students to the royal commission on taxation. \ CUS asked that parents or guardians be allowed to claim the tuition fees paid on behalf of students as a deduction when making out their income tax. At present, only the student himself is allowed to claim tuition fees as a deduction. Although this ‘concession was won after many years of campaigning, CUS feels it is benefitting only a minority of studentsthose that earn more than the basic $1,100 exemption. * :CUS contended that “if Canada’s interests are to be best served, the university must be made accessible to

all, having regard only to objective standards of ability, and irrespective of economic circumstances.”





The Roman Catholic Church must respect Protestants and their churches loving them as brethern and working with them so that the kingdom of God may be advanced. These are the words of Rev. Baum, a Roman Catholic ecumenical leader who spoke during the community’s week of prayer for Christian unity. Speaking at the Theatre of the Arts on 22 January, he said that most Roman Catholic bishops attending the recent Vatican Council favor the church unity movement and do not simply regard it as a technique for making conversions.

EXT.RACURRlClJLAEDUCATION _ J The Department of University Extension, in cooperation with Students’ Council, ‘announced that the regular evening courses are now available to -any .full-time student. - :Students interested in any area of business ,or -industrial management will find many valuable courses be\ ing taught. Periodically, there are al. .






: Scalpers at McGill were ‘getting five dollars a ticket for the Bitter Ash but a number of people felt they had been gypped. However, this controversial “mas-








In the Students’ Council elections held 23 January, Gail Rappolt and Pat Hergott were elected as the arts reps. Jim Mitchell took the majority of the science vote to become their rep along with Dave Monk who earlier acclaimed. (He was the only off-campus nominee).

Statistically this:



HOUSTON WINS -FOR WATERLOO Wayne “Tex” Houston tossed the sixteen pound shotput 45 ft. 0 in. to win first place in that event at Maple Leaf Gardens last Friday afternoon. His victory is not only a deserving tribute to Tex himself, but also the track and field coach, Pat Galasso. It was only three weeks ago that Pat taught Tex a new style of throwing. And with only three weeks practice, Tex Houston tossed that shot 45 ft. in the meet. The second place shot put competitor was 2 ft., 4 in. short of this mark. University of Waterloo did not place in any of the other events at the international intercollegiate Track and Field Meet, but all our runners represented us well. Ian Ferguson and Tom Allen both placed second in their respective heat of the 50 yd. dash and finished 4th and 5th in the finals. This event was won by Paul Valentine of O.A.V.C. Jim Parker failed to qualify in the finals of the 300 yard, the indoor track causing him some trouble. Jim did however finish second in his heat. Our relay team consisting of Jim Parker, Tom Allen, Ross Prentice and John Kennedy did not finish in the top three; however, they did beat the Queen’s relay team. Brian Donnelly of Waterloo University College won the 50 yard hurdles in 6.7 seconds. Hylke Von Der Wal of Western finished strong to edge out Dave Knox of McMaster in the mile event with a time of 4.15 sets. Ron Reiber of University of Buffalo upset Frank Baines of McMaster in the 300 yard event. The next test for our track team is in two weeks at McMaster. As it stands, Tex Housotn is only a mere 3 feet off the intercollegiate record and is a full 3 feet above any other Canadian university competitors. With continued practice it is certain that he will set a new record in the shot put before this term is finished.

Betty Van Haastretcht, , . . . . And, Oh, Yes,

Jo-Anne Dr. Hagey K-W


A REASON WHY Perhaps you have once read the advertisements for the new cars with some slight hope that you - or at least your father -- might be the owner of one of them. As you read those glowing words did not the possibility of ownership cast a slight shadow on the models of previous years? As you read of all those “extras” did you not begin to suspect that the car, at least in so far as it might be worthily owned by you, had only just been invented that : year? This is but a device of Madison avenue. But it is a trick we play on ourselves far beyond the shores of the Island of Manhattan. For example we will, with varying degrees of martydom, read a novel by Austen, Scott or Dickens, who are more than early enough thank you very much. Anything earlier among novels is generally avoided and is popularly a closed book. Shakespeare alas, has performed the same dis-service to English drama written before his time, which is rarely‘performed, largely unknown and studiously avoided. i So first of all, be assured, some of it is very good indeed. Secondly, it is only fair to warn you, there is a great deal of it - enough to keep St. Jerome’s College going for about a hundred years. As long as most of these plays remain so little known St. Jerome’s might profitably continue producing them for that century. No norms or standards exist for their production. Directors and casts have a completely free hand to produce them as they will. They are no public expectations to live up to. No one is going to compare the college’s production of Wyt to’the one in New York or London or Stratford (on either Avon) tu - because there wasn’t one - at least I do not think there Timbuktu. The university has an excellent theatre building which ily bceome the site of such a local tradition. Not one of the older in Ontario has thought to develop its reputation in this direction. is for the picking of Waterloo.

and Science

or Timbukwas one in could readuniversities The plum

The more immediate alliance between St. Jerome’s and mediaeval drama is clear to anyone who reads a few of the plays. In the plays God is often and openly so, a character. Heaven and hell are localities. The plays, in other words, are written in a Christian tradition which St. Jerome’s shares.

so lectures in areas of special interest. Students would not be expected to enrol in the courses or even to attend regularly.

But that is not the half of it. God stalks into a mediaeval play not secretly, outrageously or gingerly. The Master of Wakefield had God walk into his plays because he thought God belonged there as much as He belonged in life itself. There is in these plays a lively sense that God is ordinarily everywhere. I suspect that there are few other places where this proposition is at once stated so clearly and so successfully assumed.

Information on particular courses is available in the Department of Extension or the Student Offices, Annex 1.

’ terpiece of art” has been forbidden from the McMaster campus by the president “because it had not been passed by the Ontario Board of Censors.”

Janet Stewart, Susan Huber, Forge, Jo Stoody, Diana Macri Open Winter Festival.

. . . _:

. . . . . . . .:..i:..


Houston Maple Leaf

! ! Potpourri

$&?#x+..‘$.:$$$$.:~$ .a.XL, .-.A,,


Wins Shot Gardens




. 1

(NOTE: No, God does not appear in Wyt and Science, which is an allegory, a late mediaeval play and slightly decadent. Some suspect it was chosen so that a certain pseudo-intellectual at St. Jerome’s could satisfy his craving to play the fool - much as a clown yearns to play Hamlet.)

needs your snapshots.


FAITH FOR MODERN MAN editor-in-chief: Dave Clark managing editor: John Conlin news: John MacDonald*, Vic Botari, Dave Campbell, Margaret Shaw, Hennie Smid, Jo Stoody. sports: Doug Grenkie*, Barry Hauser, Janet Ross. photography: George Newton*,

Ken Brown, David Dolman, Pierre Gagn6, Alan Price. layout: Jim Nagel*, Michael Edwards, Macey Skopitz, Erid Taylor, Erwin Mako. illustrations: Marian Harwood. features: Art Anderson*, Pat Gulp, Jeff Evans, Dave Grafstein, Fran

Published by the Undergraduate student body of the University of under the authorization of the Board of Publications. Letters should sity of Waterloo. Phone 745-3911. The opinions expressed represent sponsible, autonomous society. subscription rate: $1.00 per year

Humphrey, George Welsh. advertising: Jim Carrothers. CUP: Tom Rankin. circulation: Richard Rowe. board of publications chairman: Murray French. *department editor

Waterlod and Its affiliated C01leges~ be addressed to the Edltor, Univerthe freedom of expression of a remember: Canadian University



by G. WHIZ I THE PICASSO AND MAN EXHIBIT WITH BASIL AND FRIEND” “I’m so thrilled Basil - so thrilled. I’m glad. Shall we go through? Let’s not take a guide, let’s wander through by ourselves and drink it all in, let’s get inside the artist, let’s plumb his depths. No, we don’t need a brochure -he’s Spanish. You really don’t have to have any more. Autobiography means so little with Picasso. He paints with his soul, look here - The essence of a pure human soul in pure human turmoil. What does it say to You? Oh, Basil, I don’t know. I can’t find words. It exhausts me, it drain’s me of my own being and fills up the space with “je ne sais quoi.” And here, studies from Grenika. How he hated war. Even the very canvas looks tortured. He says it all in a single form line in a tiny brushstroke “warishellandweshouldneverfightwareveragain.” Does it say that to you? Steady me Basil I feel dizzy. They all have so much to say, so much editorial comment. His externalization must be invented from something beyond man, beyond Dali, beyond even Walt Disney. Ah Grenika, Grenika, Grenika, he has consecrated that name. Basil, Basil, Basil, I’m tremblin. He has such nobility of spirit - Lodk Basil - look at this one. What does it say to you. It’s in brass isn’t it? Wait something’s etched in the Brass. It says “to operate, turn upside down and point . . . . .” Who can he, who must he answer to Basil - something beyond himself surely. God Basil? God? The artist is his own God - he is the soul of creation. God is an Xn rationalization to excuse and nullify human Genius. Oh, Pablo, Pablo, Pablo. Do you suppose we could sleep on this bench tonight and let the paintings work their quiet unconscious wonder? Do you suppose they’d let us Basil? I don’t think so. ’ Why not? I Rules. Oh!

by TOM


“‘I’m Simply Misunderstood” In case there are a few who didn’t know, January 14th, was B-day. On this day 223 years ago, the great patriot Benedict Arnold was born. To commemorate this hero of the Amthe following erican Revolution, poem appeared in the Fulcrum. ODE TO BENEDICT ARNOLD On a wintry day in Norwich (Corm.), In Maternity 6B, Mrs. Arnold ceased her labour pains, And young Benny came to be.

But Benny’s keeness came to task, - -All the others had it soft - So they gave him hell for winning wars, And Benny got browned off. Through the battle lines came Benny, A-marching, cow in hand, A box o choc’lits ‘neath one arm, To Britain’s promised land. Yes, Ben the dauntless hero came, ‘Midst storms of dirty names, But Ben had had it up to here, With them and their silly games. Yet the Yankees may defame you, 0’ let them scream and fuss, But remember, Mr. Arnold, sir, You’re “UNCLE BEN” to u@

In ‘76 came social protest, In Boston they banned the tea, Thirteen Colonies overtaxed, By ‘(Lovable” George the Three.

What Common Rooms Have In Common

But Benny And from ‘Twas our Who made

was a booster, danger would not hide, boy Benny, not Revere, that midnight ride.

When the battle then had ended, Benny wasn’t on his boss, But they found him busy - - sewin’ flags, With his mistress, Betsy Ross.




To the Editor: I heard a very disturbing statement the other day. Dr. William G. Pollard, executive director of 4the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, a scientist who is also an Episcopal minister, stated at York University that he felt that the cold and unfeeling methods of science have too much influence on modern life. Moreover, he believes that people should place more trust in their emotions and reject the irrationality of science. In addition, he stated that he believes that the methods of science and rational thinking the just passing phases in the world, soon to disappear just the way that medieval mysticism did. What shocked me about these preposterous statements, was that this was a scientist speaking. I wonder if Dr. Pollard realizes how nuclear reactors and cyclotrons come into being. Does he think that perhaps some sorcerer wishes them into existence by black-magic and secret chants? Does he not, realize that every manufactured object, every scientific law, and every moral concept are the products of rational and logical thought? The one characteristic that separ,ates man from animal is man’s capability for rational thought and logical choice. Although many people do abContinued on Page 3

students aren’t children,” came the cry. “They don’t have to be treated like nursery school pupils. If the school were to manifest some interest in the comfort of the students in their common room, they will be responsible enough to take care of it.” .


Now Benny had a faithful friend, George W. by name: And when Benny felled that cherry tree, ‘Twas stupid George what took the blame.





A filthy common room was a problem at the University of Ottawa just as it is here. Crusaders for the cause of cleanliness blamed the filthy habits of the students on the lack of eye appeal of their :ommon room. “The students don’t keep the common room clean,” they said “because there is no incentive from the furnishings. The place looks like a basement; what do you expect?” “The

The pleas of the crusaders were heard and heeded and the Students Council instituted a program to renovate this student haven with coats of many colours and modern new furniture. The Students Council was proud of their efforts but only for a week. The garbage returned. Sections of newspaper, lunch wrappings and discarded accessories rustle about the feet of whoever dares to venture in. The floor is a conglomeration of syrupy stains with cigarette butts and other refuse stuck to them. Of the one hundred new chairs placed there in the ball, eighteen are broken and five are missing. Does all this sound familiarTh truth is evident. Students are irresponsible. They are children and should be treated as such. This is just as true here as at Ottawa. Somebody Bad Stole The Movie Screen The International Affairs Society of Loyola University have scheduled ten movies for the winter term. How-



“The earth is one country and mankind its citizens.” This one sentence from the pen of Baha’u’llah, the 19th century Persian prince who found the Baha’i faith, would probably come closest to providing a summary of it. In a world where each religion baintains claims to uniqueness, Baha’i proclaims that all the great religions are revelations from one divine source. At a time when racial violence is the common-place of newspaper and television, Baha’i welcomes racial inter-marriage as a cement for a global civilization. These, and less startling Baha’i beliefs in the need for world government, a world police force, economic cooperation, and an auxiliary international langukge, are far from universally popular in Europe and America - but in Africa, Asia and South America, they are the root of the Baha’i movement, which last year alone won a quarter of a hillion new believers. It is one of th fastest growing religions in modern history. The belief in the social nature of’ religion is the distinguishing feature of the Baha’i faith. Unlike past religions which emphasize personal salvation as the principal purpose of faith, Baha’i declares that “Man has been created to carry forth an ever-advancing civilization” the Christian “Kingdom of Heaven” in which the individual from childhood will be free from prejudice, superstition and ignorance. These are the real “graves” of mankind. Religion’s part is to transmute “ideas” into “conscience.” The Baha’i brief to the United Nations states, for example: “The source of human right is the endowment which God has bestowed upon men without regard to sex, race, creed, or nation. The social body does not create human rights. Its office is that of trustee . . . an ordered society can only be maintained by moral beings.” The faith began in Persia in the middle of the 19th century when Baha’u’llah announced that he was a divine messenger in the line of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. After a series of religious persecutions in which upwards of 20,000 followers, many of them students, were massacred, Baha’u’llah and his family were exiled to the Turkish penal colony at Akka, Palestine. His grave there has become a focal point for the magnificent gardens, shrines, and administrative buildings. The Baha’i World Community grown to three million members in the 75 years since Baha’u’llah’s death - is now established in over 260 countries. Canada has perhaps 200 of the world’s 12,000 centers - a number of them on Indian reservations. By far the most interesting development in recent years was the election in April 1963, of the International House of Justice, supreme administrative body for the international community. For what may have been the first global democratic election, 500 delegates from every cultural background gathered in Israel at Baha’i world headquarters. Following the election, a congress of 8,000 believers from all parts of the world filled ‘the Royal Albert Hall in London, England. From U of W, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Rochester (physics) and Dorothy Weaver (Arts I) attended. Students have contributed more to the faith than perhaps any other group. The majority of early leaders were students and teachers in their early twenties. Many of them were martyrs in near-eastern countries, and led the Baha’is’ work for racial integration.


on campus

The campus group is planning a short series of open meetings in February. There are Baha’i books in the arts library.

ever, there has in the program rather important Anyone knowing this twenty by kindly let the know. I’m sure very happy. Plumbers


been a slight setb.ack due to the theft of a item - the screen. the whereabouts of eighteen feet screen students of Loyola it will make them


and Cure

At McMaster, the debating team had a most enlightening disctission upon “The Engineers, are they unnecessary at University?” It actually started as a serious discussion, but as can be well imagined, it ended almost riotously. Points put forth by the affirmative debators were such things as: “Engineers are useful people, but so, of course are garbage collectors.” “Engineers are psychologically dissatisfied, rejected, and lost, they hide in their corner of the campus, and don’t come into contact with the Arts students .” “They are nothing fied plumbers.”




One of the affirmative speakers went so far as to express his disbeliefs at the large number of engineers present since the debate had been


advertised by posters. “It is encouraging,” he said, “to find that so many engineers can in fact read.” Speaking for the negative, one mechanical engineer pointed out that the engineers are quite desirable “because of the benefits to young ladies. The attributes of one of these young ladies, as she passes through the lobby of the Engineering building, are quickly noted and passed on to the other engineering students.” Personally, I view the whole affair as a light hearted session of . namecalling, and matching of wits. Needless to say, the negative side won as the question was put to an audience vote, and since the majority of the audience was engineers, well . . . .

Dear Dad, I bet you coulcln’t gue$$ what I need mo$t. How i$ Mother getting along? Gue$$ I’d better clo$e. Jim $tate Univer$ity Dear Son, I got your Note yesterday. NO one seems to miss you. None of the boys ask about you. Write aNOther Note. Love, Dad

Edith: Fowl& et Alan Mills nous donn&rex$ Jeudi ‘soir ’ au Th&tre. des. Artp, une vue a‘ vol doiseau \du folklore canadien a &avers l’histoire de notre ,pays. : En comm.en$ant par les ; With an attemit at formality the Winter Festival ‘64 ,and the Art Ex- chansons indiennes et esquimo, -Mll@ Fowke nous fit ‘prendre connai$sar$e hibit ‘were ‘opened on )January ‘16th; \ * / de l’influence des Fran& quand ils l ‘The Art Exhibit revealed a,promise of talent in the’ works of Ted Mitch: colonis+rent la Nouvelle-France; puis, /ner of Port Dover, and! ;a revival of’ antiquity in the formalized museum studies l’influence du r&me anglais et dti \by students bf’ the Ontario College, of Art. ‘,’ differents groupes, ethniques Venus au Canada depuis. Des ,enregistrements A Twenty-two year ’ old Mr. Mitchner has contributed ’ about’ Itwenty-five de: chant&us t’radition$els et la voix. paintings .$md ,a pile of drawings and\ sketch-books to the e&ibition. He ‘lias dAliin Mills illustr&ent. cette soirhe had very little .formai training and although he would like to study formally B -la fois divertissante et’ bducative.’ c in the near future, he is at present employed in a. Hamilton steel mill., Mlle Fowke ’ posdhe une vaste $colr / Most of the paintings have been (done in varymg degrees of abstraction. lection. de ’ #iansons canadiennes, ’ se’ The subje& matter ranges from a trip to Mexico last. year, to fishing scenes chiffrant par milliers; elle a ,ecrit and ,n’ature in ‘general. One ‘capably developed work is. “Forest “Fire” which aussi des ,livres B ’ ce sujet et ,est con- l tionveys the impression of destruction by’ means of ‘dramatic and -well balall‘ced side&e comme une autorite dans, .le use of black, and, red tones, Many of the other framed works seem haphazard domaine folklorique. y and use of colour’ is relied. on too- heavily. 5 _ . ’ Alan Mills, ne plus d’&re aussi! :, i auteur de plusieurs livres, et collec’ ’ j : Edith Fowke and Alan Mills At Work Shop ...Y.-,z ’ At the offi&+ opening word quickly spread i “psss$ - see the sketch-, . I . ’ +: Is I .’ j ++lft.” sketch-books and I drawings located j&t inside the ‘tioneur de / chansons, est consider6 ,.books on Mexico.” ” errtrance are, much more revealing, literally. The commentary on his ‘personal I dans cer$ains milieux domme le jdoyen L _ des ’ chanteuis de’ foldklore canadien. T~~~~~~i,& With the T~~&&s~’ :‘I \ life in the books, is interspersed Quoiqu’il eommenca sa car&e corn- ,: \’ witi’ short poems; and. philosophical , by p. ROBEXTS,ON and.& OHAPPLE “’ . “’ :1 ’ ~ il se clanga dans son statements. #It is surprising ‘that the me ’ journ$&e, artist perinitted these sketqh-books, to aomaine il y a ’ plus de trente ans, On January 24, 1964 “the, second night of WINTERLA&) ‘64 en a fait son gagne$ain, m$m,e tine all *ithe’ ’ be displayed. However, they are: quite folksong .enthusiasts)who spent the evening in the Arts’ Thea: ’’ ! interesting and, ‘he seems to have an- vocation en instruisant ses , auditoires tre with The Travellers, a ,well-known Toronto group, were, treated ‘: sur. une, partie importante de notre ticipated public viewers as, in one to an’ enjoyable, inexpensive, and amusing (though rapid) trip mar&u& 1 culturd. ‘, case, he leaves a ‘note for a possible the &o&h the ever-popular medium of music. The entire i 8 editor, to clarify ’ the meaning of a 3ome of the performances given Rjp broke any+peed record a jet <plane could possibly set, ~#or**ithin ’ i . ‘work. In, the main, his Mexican sub: ’ tonight timpared favo~ably with 1fhe shortspace of two hours The Travellers played, sang, acte@, jedt matter conveys depression many professional efforts.“. “ 1 think Flowned, 1and; talked th&r 1+Ftentive audience : across Canada while,’ I beggars, dumps, vulture-like birds and it*s wonderful that ‘so m&y peopie making several side trips to Alaska,’ the United States, Puerto Rico., ’ a hodge-podge of sometimes grotesare here to listen ,;: ’ . . to en@rage South ’ Africa, Israel, Denmark, Wales and I Ireland. :The brief visits que &people. ’ t’ ‘9 only wish;‘eat the ‘TV to each ‘of these pla&s were’\ preceded by mtroductory comments ’ cameras, -wuld ‘have ‘been set up here I from Jerry Gray and invariably terminated with the thunderous ap’ Mr. Mitchner has a distinct talent ,toni&‘“: “What we have -seen here plause *of the audience accompanied by smiles, laughter, and cornfor caricatures, He ‘displays a swift, has been a unique anrd exciting ex- plimentary remarks ’to neighbours. ‘i . _ j expres&ve line and a nice feeling for perience? I : After the perkorm&ce we were fortunate to receive an invita- r shading, His sometimes cynical at& These are &e commenth of Edith ’ 1$ion tb. a~ reception for* The’ ‘T-ravellers at the home ‘of Mr:’ and Mrs. down and ithihking can disillu:, @da is revealed in his comments. e.g. “Sitting r ’ / Fowke, folksong collector and ,his- J.. L. Whitney, where we interviewed the leader of the group, Sid 3, &on even a clown.“’ ’ .b torian; Alan ’ Mills, singer; &elid ’ Dolgay. When asked for his group’s opinion ,of the Universit$s i 1 ’ ‘. ’ This young artist’s talnt is mainly revealed in his perceptive sketches Klein, head of the Canadian Guild Theatre of Arts,, Mr. Dolgay replied that at first they ‘were a little , 1 . -.-,._-..- , . .___^ I the promise is there.- ‘, df $elk Artists; and Sid Dolgay of ’ worried, ,Isince; they -were ,used to a’r microphone; but after a fe% ;i 11 The


: \The other half of the $.exhibition is entitled, “The Art Student &sib. the ’ Mtj,seum,” These’studies have been done by students of every ykar at the ontarb College of Art in Toronto. They aresupposedly an essential part of the student’s education y an attempt to increase understanding and &ppreciation. o$ the develdgment of the works of /man. Meticulous in detail ‘some Am es? 1studies are” original and, >pleasing groups of the treasures of ages

The Travellers, after listening to last I ‘<numbers they were very impressed with the theatre’s ex ellent acou&

Satur@ay’s hootenann’y. Over a dozen , ”tics and the fact that its’ structure enabled them to quit!k ly establis& groups, from this ‘and other univerintimate contact with the audience. +Ie then added that he wish& sities performed before an enthus&every city’ they played:in had, aJtheatre like the University’s. In t& tic, actively participating audience of Iinterview, we also discovered that since, their formation in ’ 1953, the


’ /,

I ’: T

-over four bud;+ hnd be$m the, Travellers :have done most ‘of their travelling in Canada:but. intend & =iti&l eyes and em +f thk four bring <Canadian folksongs’ to. our friends across the border very /I invited .,professionals. Iir their coinshortly;, ,t’hey sing, in twelve languages; their sole. c&use is :to j”b%tig I’ ’ I fnentades, they bemoaned the slaiish j all .kinds of folk music to all types of people;” and t;hey prefer “wit& : ,, L , ’ I I suggest that Dr. Pollard drop I hi$ adherence of many of the .performers out ‘a doubt”’ to ‘play for university students, because they are “th(i:,I, <\1 -\ 1. , LETTERS +YT’D. ‘title of scientist, he, no longer deserves 1 \ to the professional recordings ‘and keenest, bri&test au&n&” ‘*. . I, urged them to search out new materdicqte the& c‘hoke ‘to think or not to it, and ipursue his career, as a clergyThe Travellers are::,? very versatile group for they .a= nd$‘onl# \ 1 of Canadian borigin, “$ think in, favour of living by their man.rAt least, in conne&ion with the ‘1 ial; particularly rtexcellent Xolk-singers, but *also accompiished musicians _and enter? : 1 and to try to inject individuality and emotions and, whims, I did not ex- latter occupation, one ( could expect taing comedians. ,Sid Dolgay plays ,an interesting iiiF$rutient. know& ’ Y feeling. into their arrangements. They peet that a scientist $ould be SO blind to &ear such absurdities. ) also commented that a basic fault of as the viol-mandolm;, ,Jerry Gray, strummed ‘his: long-neck banjo ano ! ’ -bt- the values of ‘rational’ ‘thinking Ray Woodley a guitar; and the. attractive vocalist,. Simone Johnsto& ’ c., is over&essing that he could compare’ it with mystiI ( / I ,W. Elstner,? Eng. III . ioday’s folksingers L, * guitar tectique to he de@&ent of played - nothing’ + she didn’t have’ to! ; cism,. and worse, brand it irrational. i I the emotional and personal qualities ,’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ thep *; ’ L.ia1.,{ , z _ ’ \. ,^ Immediately _after introduction ’ by Marty Kravitz, the ” ,‘ -I& b8Q’ & age of ’ &&n ’ and loDey ’ Sk - . . I’ ’ , ’ .! of ‘the voice. ’ I group plunged wholeheartedly into their theme song, the Cana h3iah ’ ‘gic that. repla&-dJ the age of, ‘mystiWe arts types hope- the ‘new crop “An old song is a reassurance . . . ’ f;ivorite “This Land is’ Your LandI’, followed by approximately twq like a kiss or a sunrise,” ms qvcte hours of, many,, interesting folk, songs from various countries, .mostlg 3 ! c&m Dr. Pollard spoke ( of. We are , of engineers have new-years-resolved “riding, in this age, the brest of that to speak just a littlelouder when using frdm Pete Seeger certainly was ap- .from’Canada. Their three-number encore ended with the theme song ‘*w&e of ‘reason. Men who think (or the study room in the physics build- ’ plicable, to some. of the familiar renagain, but’ this time the entire audience Ijoined in with all the streng@ i ,&o&l I- say no;-think?)’ the way Dr. ’ IpS* we ~ufd hWW hear SOme Of ditioq of such q%‘fQrlWXs a~ the “of se&al, ~u&&~v&& A@r $nu& hand-~u$&g applause, 0 ( 1Pollard does, are. the <enemies of re& their predecessors at the far end of @&age diggers from Torobto, and apparently, happy “guides”, left extremely pleased “world tourists$! Y I ,. I_ son who \ would, if left unchecked, 3he room. ’ .he l@?l due of Pete Hnr%ut a$ the majority of whom we’re sure felt ak we did - that the evenings destrtjy the achievements of man. I ’ ,L ‘Slyt Lee Deaf : Dorothy Binder. & the other ‘hand, trip with The,1Travellers was indee,d a “‘Bon -Voyage” in every way? El . h\, , . , >. ,j, .’ , -.< ,,,, I_‘I ’ ,,“, p Cris Lawson an& Susanne’ Belanger , I , ’ / / ’ ,PS$

I* -: _ , , (






“. 1’ wytl C; .,

/ I





John Redford


Little is known of John Redford even though he was almoner (a sort <of treasurer). and organist 1sit St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. It is generally: ac7 cepted that he .Icame to write JVyt land Sqience in his capaci,ty as a mas1ter in’ charge of the boys. In an “early manuscript *of ~ the play, the lines survive with organi pieces and I , ,ipoems. ii’. About> the play A. j P. Rossiter <wrote: “It is an allegory of’ the undergr&uate life&r which Wyt, a nice

1 ,’ young freshman, WOOS Miss Science, the, daughter of Dr. Reason, qd’ hrs wife, Experiende,’ and seeks to vanquish the .Giant Tediousness and at-. tain Mount Parnassus. Dr.’ Reason does nbt expect hiti to work all the’ time; ‘and so a decent worn&n, Honest Recreation /by name3 is sent to take care of him,, Me gather fro& another lady’s abuse Fat she ticludes. dancing, music, and gambling - but not ‘organized jsport’) But Wyt is not a reasonable student; &e is too keed,” i \ 1 j Now .go and see the rest for yor.@‘_ d.. _- .‘,-. self.\%, : / I 1 l



, , bothperformed new songs of 1 their F ’ , ,I.2 dwn &mpo&ion? Practi&y every Mills’. words k&w ,how to “ging: se, dit must be bestowed upon Jen McClelland for the Imeticulous plar aspect ofthe folk $liom was touched meanmg of the songs -not .v ning -and work he put irito this wee1 upon during the evening: blue&ass ‘l ,Tcy i \‘! \ 1ords Certainly, for all con&red, the_ end which [was, as Sid Dolgay r( banjo &y&s by’ the -Han$l?.on- trio &ring was an exciting and: rewardmarked, “A wonderful beginning fc irom ‘M&aster, folk dancing by the lg experience. A great deal’ of crewhat I hope will be an annual even ’ university’s’ -folk’ dance club,, gospel songs and blues by ’ Al :Lofft of Waterloo Lutheran, -ethnic songs by our own Jan Ferguson: The audien? ’ sang along heartily’ with s ch, perfor:mers as Dave ,Frankel ,.alr d the trio i.B.k. int.&-&ws were held Jan&y 24;f n&f’& January 30 of ‘George Johnson, Mary ‘Mixer and as published’ [q #last w&ks! Cbryphaeus. interested* sttidents Xen Gruhl. But the -most noteworthy l’ed a&ray by this ad!. should arrange a’n interview with ’, ‘.and~ promisin~g talent m the opinion ’ / co-orqlinatidn. ” . , a of the critics c‘was ,Gordie Howe, ‘a J f Just





,: _


G&ENKIE -Sports Editor

The University of Waterloo had won the shotput; the hockey Warriors hockey and won; our basketball team five. *

a winning weekend. Wayne Houston finally came through ’ with good..clean continued winning with victory number *’






Witl%Tex’s victory in the shotput, and our runners’ showing,’ track and field is now firmly established at the University of Waterloo. The credit goes not only to the competitors, who trained hard, but also to Pat Galasso, our track coach. Next is the McMaster Invitational in two weeks. * % / a’, . * *


On Monday 20 January, the Engineering’ Society held the *first of-’ ficial meeting of this terin. The main topic of discussion was the Engineering Common Room. It was ‘disclosed that “there ’ is a strong possibility’. that it will be used for some other purpose.‘? (The,, Physics Building Corn; mon Room -has been changed to a study room.) * ’ : : ‘. ”

The first and second vice-presidents of the Society, Paul Barrett and Derek Macquire, were declared -acting president and first vice-president reh The hockey team has really changed! Not only’ did they play good clean spectively. (The president-elect, Doug hockey, but they also won! Just continue this type of play and we’ll be proud Zayitz is not being ‘on campus.) The we’ll support you - even if you lose; keep up this style of game. ’ position of second vice-president will remain vacant.. fl * Don Mervyn picked up five points this weekend: three goals and two It was decided by majority that the assists. This makes him scoring leader in the Ontario-Quebec league with 1’7 executive would not have voting- prim I<, points. ’ vileges and that two of the. four. class * * * representatives from each year would have voting powers at Society meetThe basketball team continued winning dropping McMaster 70-50. Now ings. Also, for the first tmie, voting there are only two teams -at the top: Windsor and us! Windsor smeared privileges .were given to one repreWestern 107-64 last weekend. Both teams now have five victories. This Saturday, our team plays in Windsor. Anybody who hasn’t a ticket to FASS sentative. of the out-term Engineering nite, get in your car, bus, train, and get down to Windsor to cheer’ us on to ,Society.+:$t was. felt that this~ action by only 5 points last week. would encourage communication .bevictory. P.S.- Western beat McMaster tween the, two bodies. Representatives * * * of post-graduate engineering students Intramural curling and volleyball are coming up, Athletic reps: get your and. engineering course clubs were inteams in. Badminton and table tennis tournaments are now in full motion. vited to attend the Engineering So,Arrange your games before the deadline. ciety meetings as non-silent observers.





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1 There were’ three games played last Monday night :iO January. The engineering team coasted to .a 34-23 win : over the St. Paul’s’ B, team.- In the second g.ame, one. has to say more than the ‘fact -that science coasted to a win pver the St. Paul’s, C team. ‘In fact, science coasted, trampled, roared, ’ and _ dipyddoodled over the St. Paul’s team to squeak;.by with a 66-3 win. The battle was barely started .when St. Paul’s electrified, the crowd by scoring on a foul 8shot to ,close the gap 23-l at the 16-minute... mark. A bare 14 minutes later, -St. Paul’s brought the crowd to its feet with a spectacular team effort and the. score became 49-3: Flushed with pride, St. Paul’s coasted the rest of the way holding science down to only 66 points. . ,.. Since nothing could compare with the excitement of. the second game, we will .merely state that arts .played a *good game to beat Renison -29-22.



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The Blues were constantly. peppering shots at Mike Durnan, although only 41, managed -to’ hit the nets. Toronto’s shooting was erratic and: they scored on two lucky deflections. On the other hand, the Warriors’ shots were accurately...on the net. In this game, our defense held up and the players piay+f like a team ‘working together for one sole purpose L to beat the Uni/ versity of- Toronto; and beat them they almost did. Ian .. Sinclair put the Blues in front 1-O in the first period, Warriors came back with a goal by Jerry Lawless who was teamed Dave Passmore and Tom Searth. So’ the first period ended in a l-l Blues outshot the Warriors 16- 11.

but the up with tie. The

,Br the second period Toronto went ahead again with a goal by Hank Monteith and the Warriors countered with two goals by Stan Sharman and Dave Passmore., Stu McNeil, however, countered for the Blues; and so the, second period ‘ended, in a 3-3 tie. The Warriors had only 3 shots on net, and . ’ scored ‘on 2 of them. ’ . \ In the third period Toronto went ahead 5-3 with goals by Steve Mont* and< Bob Awrey. Waterloo cameo back with Stan Sharman getting his second goal, which was a deflection of”John McLean’s hard shot making the score 5-4. “McLean got a penalty with two minutes and seven seconds left, It appeared as’ though, the -Warriors were finished, but Coach Rafferty elected to pull the goalie for Bn extra player, giving the Warriors 5 forwards. Then; ‘with ‘seven seconds left, came the sore part of the game. The penalty box door was opened-:‘for John McLean who, instead, hopped over the boards; but, the referees said, that he came on too soon. Thus, they gave Waterloo a penalty for too many men on the ice. Waterloo argued that it was the penalty keeper’s fault, but’it only resulted in a lo-minute misconduct. The Warriors with only three seconds .left centred’ the puck out in front of the Toronto net, a Warrior shot it, it was going right into the top corner of the net, to-tie the score 2 but the Toronto goalie; Gary Aitken, closed his eyes and threw his hand out in desperation, and somehow came up with that puck. So the .Warl ‘I ~1 rior’s’ lost. \I . \ But they played one ,of their best games of the season. They’ played the game cleanly although the Blues were quite skilful in the art of throwing elbows and jabbing sticks. The Warriors had the desire, to win, and they just about -did. I The .Blues &shot the Warriors 41-25, but Mike Durvan’s superb goal.tending was the big reason rfor the close score. The Blues did have an average of one goal scored against them per game; but we ended this when our team stopped being individuals and became a team with spirit and drive: .. ,,. I -

Hill defeated Scott The ‘University of -Waterloo Curling Club started e its league curling Chase defeated Heintz Treloar defeated Batt again on Thursday 16 January 1964. The eight teams started- the new year Tuesday, Jan. 21/ 64 -off. very enthu,siasticallyZ - let’s hope L 3ush defeated Aman it continues till the end of the’ scheDolman defeated Purnis dule. Hill defeated Kerr Cplrling, ‘Results


Thursday; Jan. 116/ 64 Kerr defeated Schnarr

7-6 , 4-3 I, 7-2 ’ _ 4-2 10-l 7-6

Thursday, Jan. 23 / 64 No curling Cynthia


Sec. treas.



&it&h U&ersity~,,~!$nmer Schools’ 1964: Applications are invited by the Universities of Birmingham, London, Oxford and Scotland. Further information re courses offered, fees, etc. may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, Closing date, for application is March 3 1, 1964. t Note: Special bursaries are offered to Canadian applicants. ^S~iss University Scholarships For 1964-65: The Swiss Government is offering -three scholarships to Canadian students for the year 1964-65, Further information may be obtained’ from the Office of the Registrar. Deadline date for submitting applications is IMarch 13; 1964. / 1 .

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Research Studentships are also offered to qualified male candidates from the U.K. and overseas. Nominations must be received not later than April 1, 1964. ‘*Further information ‘may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. I. ,





The University of Waterloo (hockey) Warriors changed their form on Friday- night: *they began playing clean. hockey; their passes were -accurate; their defense .was working; their shots were hard; and consequently they almost came up with., an upset victory over the University of Toronto Blues, They lost 5-4; but it was’ ah honorable “defeat.


DON’T BUY;% PRICE ALONE : ,_1’ Ctinsider ‘. :’ . ’ * Q&&y ‘ . .I ’ ‘*- Ouaranteb I’ * Sewice ** ’ ._ ’ < WiTERLOQ’ S&JAI&, ; _I , 1 _I d Phone :7444@Il~, ~. .” . . ;

10% student discount after 5 pm Spedialize in pizza and full course meals also charcoal steaks ’ \


The Ballantine Rink, consisting of Bob Ballantine, John Eix, Doug Magnusson, Rick Racicot, will represent the U of W in the Intercollegiate Bonspiel at Guelph on 15 February.


Queens gives Warriors m tirst win A


The hockey Warriors led by Don Mervyn staged a 7-5, comeback over Queen’s Golden Gaels. Queens opened the scoring at 8:32 of the first period on a goal by Weston from Jones and Rudyk. The penalties for the period were even with Lawless and Thompson of the Warriors and Mitchell and Kolesik of Queen’s each serving minors. Queen’s continued to surge ahead and at the 50 second mark of the seocnd period Van Brunt scored the Gael’s second goal with assists by Weston and Jones. At 3:29 Mervyn, who picked up a hat trick, opened the scoring for the Warriors unassisted. At 5:50 Queen’s again increased their lead with a goal by Jones from Weston. The Warriors came back at 9:lO with Mervyn’s second goal assisted by Searth and then tied it up at 9:23 on a goal by Passmore from Mervyn. The Warriors, playing a very clean game, picked up only two minors going to Lawless and Mervyn. Queen’s dominated the penalty box. Minors for Queen’s went to Dinsmore, Jones, Cunningham, Van Brunt, Windover, Weston. Cunningham also picked up a ten-minute misconduct for talking to the referee and the Queen’s team was given a bench penalty. In the third period Passmore gave Waterloo the lead for the first time in the game with a goal at 4:24 assisted by Lawless. At 5:07 Sherman increased Warriors lead on a goal from Mervyn and Cooke. 18 seconds later Mervyn made it 6-3 with an unassisted goal at the 5:25 mark of the third period. Queens rallied for two goals at the 826 and 9:31 mark on goals by Weston and Dinsmore. However, the game was put on ice at the 18:34 mark when Lawless on a goal from Passmore and Searth made, it 7-2 for the Warriors. The third period was a very clean one with Warrior’s Cooke picking up two minutes for high-sticking and Queen’s Weston getting a slashing penalty.



In last weeks Coryphaeus, credit for the front page photo should have gone to the Hamilton Spectator.


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Intramural Bowling

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Last Wednesday the Warriors, led by Jerry Raphael, soared to 102-69 victory over Waterloo Lutheran University. The Warriors set a new record in registering a triple-figure score. It was the first time a score in the hundreds had occurred at Seagram gym. The Warriors holding a 41-33 lead at half-time came on strong in the second half of the game netting 61 points to pass the century mark. Bob Pando scoring the hundredth point netted 18 points for the game. Topping the scorers were Jerry Raphael followed by Jim Hann with 22 points. Other Warrior scorers were Aldridge with 16, Balahura 14 and Steinburg 5. The top scorers for the college were Woodburn with 17 followed by Turner with 12 and Lewis and Collins each netting 10. It was one of the better games of the season for the Warriors who were accurate on 47.7% of their shots from the floor. Raphael was tops in rebounds with 22 followed by Jim Hann who played one of his better games of the year, getting 16 rebounds.

Arts 3 Engineering



and Waterloo




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MORROW’S CONF. 103 University Avenue W.


results St. Paul’s 3 St. Paul’s 24 Renison 23

hockey results 4

Science 1 St. Paul’s 3

Herb ForesterMen’sWear

Bowling results are not official as yet, but here are the unofficial standings. Science won with its four-member team rolling 2424. Engineering was second with 23 5 1 and St. Paul’s was third with 1935. Renison bowled 1821.

Quality Clothes 94 King Street South, Wat. 10% student

Don Mervyn - Scoring Leader


disposing of the Ron Hancox with 356. Jim high triple with

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other teams. had the high single Carrothers had the . 682.

qlowers by ccijon 1998 King St. East

JEWELLERS LTD. Waterloo, Ontario


Science 66 Engineering Arts 27



FINE The University of Waterloo Warriors played only one half of the name against McMaster Universitv Marauders last Saturday evening, but still came up with a routing 70-50 victory to make it their fifth straight win in as manv starts. In the first half it appeared as though the Warriors had taken five and really played poor. Their rebounding was poor and almost negligent; their shots were off, sinking less than 30 nercent of them: their passes were seldom on and several times they even missed layups.. Consequently, the Warriors were down t wo points at the end of the first quarter and three points at the end of the half (31-28 for Mat.) However, the Warriors came out fighting in the third quarter and began to sink their shots while McMaster’s shooting, which had been deadly in the first half, fell off drastically. Within five minutes the Warriors had taken the lead permanently. The Warriors continued to drive and by the end of the game they had a triumphant 70-50 victory. The Warriors played tremendously in the second half, and with this type of play should be able to edge out Windsor on Saturday night. Jim Hasin led the Warriors offensively and defensively throughout the entire game. He was leading scorer in the game, netting 17. Dick Aldridge swished 16 and Jerry Raphael, who played a poor game, managed only 16. However, Jerry was double-teamed most of the night and had trouble breaking in for baskets. The Warriors’ shooting percentage for the whole game was 35.7. Without a good shooting, passing and rebounding game against Windsor, the Warriors will not come up with a victory.

This was one of the Warriors better efforts of the season producing their first win.

The science foursome of Bill Boettger, Jim Carrothers, Rich Tollio, and Graham Squirrel1 had little trouble





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Thursday 30 January 1964



:j l


’ l

St. Paul’s Last weekend there were a lot of folksingers around St. -Paul’s college, the College council held a reception after the hootenanny for the performers, and St. Paul’s students. There was a large attendance and a good time was had by all. , The Weekend before we held a dance which was very successful but that’s history, not news. Vic. St. Jerome’s Sunday Dances here have been going on for three weeks now, and thanks to Notre Dame they’ve been a‘ success. The girls deserve praise’ on another matter, too; three of them are entered in the competition for Winterland Queen. Of course, everyone at S.J.C. is rooting for our own candidate, Mary Beth Boon. In just two more weeks, “Wyt and Science,” our Mediaeval Play, will be presented. After the final performance, on Tuesday, Feb. 1 lth, there will be a Mardi Gras dance at St. Jerome’s. Anyone who is interested in helping with this please contact Vic Botari. Last Thursday night we had a Student Council meeting here, Scheduled to start at 7:30; at 8:00 we finally scraped together a quorum. Still, in spite of the shortage of people, those who attended were interested and consequently we accomplished quite a lot. The main credit goes to the excellence of our executive. in the S.J.C. common room: P.S. . . . overheard Dave: What’s the Art’s Building got that W haven’t got? Gwen: Well, when I’m there, ME. -Jeff. Renison How about those academic gowns? Now that professors and fellow students are getting used to seeing them float gracefully around& every building on campus, maybe the comments (meant to be humorous), will gradually die out. After all, when you hear everything from ‘frustrated penguin’ to ‘cleric’ and ‘amature nun’ in every class all day long, the remarks tend to become stale with repetition. However, chins up Renisonites, a large portion of those comments were favourable to our cause. Maybe in the future, some of the other colleges will follow our lead. At the very least, as students from Renison, we are distinctive. -Fran.


IVCF Study Folk Dance Club Prof talk Folk Dance Club Winter Frolic


,P-13 1 Theater workshop A-246 St. Jerome’s


12 12 12 7 * 8

31 January

Folksong Club Winterland Ball




12 8:30


Annex 2 of the Arts

10 8~24

2 February

Film Society:


P- 145 and Bingeman Park

1 February

Bridge Tournament FASS Nite

The GeneraE - Dr. Caligari


5:OO & 8:30

3 February

Circle K Engineering


A-212 Society

5 5


4 February







5 February

Judy Bauld’s EIC


30 January

21st birthday


all gifts C-5

c/o Board

of Pubs 12

6 February A-246 (History) Theater workshop \ St. Jerome’s P-145

SCM Prof. talk: MacKirdy Folk Dance Club 1 Folk Dance Club IVCF lecture series

12 12 7 . 7:30


of University




The creation of a new department Dr. Hagey said, “The ‘new depart‘,“of university ment of university affairs represents affairs was announced -in the speech from the throne at the recognition by the government of the growing importance and increasing -OPlening of the Ontario Legislature, ,:15 January. The speech, read by problems of higher education in On‘Lit eutenant-Governor Earl Rowe, said tario. ‘tht2 department would be set up to “Particularly it shows that the act as a liaison between the provingovernment realizes the need to have a day-to-day working knowledge of : cial government and the universities of Ontario. The government will also the details and complications of unif establish a crown corporation to help versity operations.” Dr. Hagey went on to say, “I feel universities finance development pro:grams. , this is an encouraging step for all Ontario Universities. As one who is ‘,. As reported in the K-W Record, , ,


me a man AND I




To The



“Ode to Tennyson Come into the garden M&de, For the black bat night has flown Come into the garden Maude Don’t bring a chaperone.” RICHARD ARMOUR.



Meeting adjourned! BOB WAGNER, B.A. - C.L.U. The Mutual Lrfe of Canada ’ Bus. 745-4713 Res. 745-l 330

Two Pilot Scholarships, with a maximum value of $1,800 payable over three years, are to be awarded by the Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation, commencing with the academic session ’ 1964-65. CST Pilot Scholarships are open to students who will enter second-year courses in September, 1964. Deadline date: 1 March 1964.

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Women graduates of Canadian universities may apply for scholarships from the Canadian Federation of University Women.



be available


A $1,000 post-graduate scholarship in the humanities (English, French, philosophy, history) is offered by the Provincial Chapter of the Ontario IODE to a candidate in the final year of’ an horrors course, or who has an horrors degree from a recognized Ontario university. Deadline: 30 April 1964.













The National Foundation for Jewish Culture announces a program of fellowships, grants-in-aid, and awards, available to students preparing for graduate degrees in the field of judaic studies, or in any other field where the specialization or dissertation is related to Jewish community life, institutions or scholarship. Ap: plications must be received by 15 March 1964.






To encourage students to work towards a master’s degree in social work, the IODE chapter is also offering two fellowships valued at $500. Deadline: 15 June 1964.

in 1964 for



be on your



January 27, 28 Please



for an interview








opportunities *

For further information and application forms, contact the Office of the Registrar.



of Canada,


President Names another President Dave Jenkins, national president of the Canadian Union of Students, announced that Dr. J. Robbins Kidd has been named honorary president of’ cus. Dr. Kidd is the executive secretary of the Overseas Institute of Canada, ‘which is concerned with educational and technical assistance in the developing countries. He is program chairman of the Canadian Conference on Education, and serves on the national board of the Canadian Centenary Council. He is considered one of Canada’s foremost authorities in the field of education.

especially familiar with the particular , problems of new universities, I am confident that this will lead to better understanding and increased support.” ’ He looks ‘upon the establishment of the crown assets corporation as recognition on the part of the government that the universities have reached a peak period in expenditures which must be met. “This year Ithe Ontario universities have requested some $140,000,000double the amount granted last year. On a basis of a study by the Ontario university presidents, I personally feel every dollar of this amount is urgently required.”

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Courtesy Merrill, Fenner,




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