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Bursary by Library


Fund Staff

Each Christmas since the founding of the University the Library Staff has suggested to the members of faculty, the staff and the students of the University, that contributions to the Bursary Fund would be a very welcome and practical substitute for the exchange of Christmas cards within the University. In this year of the affluent student, there are still some who need the help and the boost to morale that a bursary can give. We therefore suggest once again that cash or cheques, made out to the Bursary Fund, University of Waterloo, be deposited with Mr. T. C. Boyes of the Registrar’s Office, or with any member of the Library Staff, and that a card be tied to the Christmas Tree in the Lobby and Mathematics of the Physics Building, with your name inscribed, and the message “To The Bursary Fund.” You will be giving your support to what we consider a worthy University tradition. I “God rest you merry, ladies and gentlemen, and a Happy Christmas to all.”

Ski Club Seventy students jammed P-l 10 on Tuesday to attend the founding meeting of the University of Waterloo Ski Club. Over one hundred students had indicated their interest in the club on sheets posted on the bulletin boards. Matching the interest, the first meeting was an ambitious one at which the club officers were elected. The Ski Club is presently awaiting recognition from Students’ Council. They are already making plans for skiing on weekends and during the week. Ian MacNaughton was elected President at the Tuesday meeting. Other officers are: Vice-President Tom Wells, Secretary - Jan Bartels, Treasurer - Steve Shelly, Program Director - Steve Case. It is hoped that any other students interested in the club will attend the next meeting on January 6 when films will be shown.

Il“:’ Dance h4.


The University of Waterloo Tech. Association held a successful dance on Friday night and will use the $2 10 profit for the Children’s Christmas Party on this Saturday afternoon in the University cafeteria at 2:00 p.m. In addition, donations from various individuals brought in $50. The university will also make a similar donation to match the amount already collected. More than 160 people attended the Christmas Dance held at the Bridgeport Casino. The Silvertones provided the music for the occasion. A buffet was provided at mid-night.












$9100 University of Waterloo students, Kitchener-Waterloo residents, and a few W.U.C.‘s helped put U. of W. into third place in Canada. Marty Kravitz, Treasure Van organizer, said on Saturday night that $9,100 worth of goods had been sold during the six-day sale. This compares favourably with last year’s $2,100. Mr. Kravitz attributed the success to better weather, a better location and improved organization. He said “we knew we were going to sell more, but we didn’t know how much more.”







Flying Club Goes Supersonic The U. of W. Flying Club met for the second time on Thursday, December 3. Sixty-seven students braved the elements to attend. The first portion of the meeting saw Mr. Len Worton, of the Waterloo-Wellington Flying Club, outline the flying, training and aircraft rental program which his club offered. The floor was then left open for those who had questions. The question of a discount rate for students who wanted to learn how to fly was brought up and Mr. Worton said that this was quite possible, but could got say what the reduction might be. This figure will be available by the next meeting. After a coffee break, the second half of the meeting got underway, as three colour films were shown through the courtesy of the Shell Oil Co. They were: (1) Approaching the Speed of Sound (2) Transonic Flight (3) Supersonic Flight Although the films were of a semitechnical nature, they were of such a caliber that they were of interest to both layman and technologist alike. A supersonic wind-tunnel illustrated the effect of the forming of shock waves as the speed of sound was approached and then passed. These effects were further demonstrated by pictures of sleek jets breaking the sound barrier, together with the accompanying sonic boom. The photography was excellent and the action shots were very exciting. It is unlikely that more than a handful of people in the audience had ever seen the phenomena that were so simply and graphically illustrated by the films. This was the last meeting of the term.

Winter Festival ‘65 Norm Anderson, Chairman of the Winter Festival Committee, has announced the tentative schedule for the Winter Weekend to be held on January 29 thru to January 3 1. On Friday, January 29, there will be a basketball game between the Queen’s Golden Gaels and the Warriors at Seagram Stadium. After the game, there will be a sock hop in the gym. On Saturday morning the snow sculptures built by the faculties and colleges will be judged. At night, there will be the Winterland Ball at Bingeman Park in their new dance hall. Al Stanwick and his 17 piece orchestra will provide the music. There will be the crowning of the Winter Queen and the awarding of the snow sculpture trophy. On Sunday, there will be a jazz’ concert in the Theatre of the Arts by Nimmon’s ‘N’ Nine. Norm Anderson is busily engaging these features for Winter Weekend and is also arranging more. The Winter Festival Committee would like to hear any suggestions from ’ anyone, Now; not in January when it is too late.



For the Record...

Treasure Van is organized by World University Services, a nonprofit organization, to raise money for projects in underdeveloped countries. It buys a stock of goods at the beginning of the year, and this is shipped around to different universities who sell as much of it as they can. The University of’waterloo is now in third place in sales in Canada. We are behind the University of Toronto and the University of Alberta in Edmonton. These universities are somewhat larger than/U. of W. and the sales per student ratio is quite comparable.

The University of Waterloo will officially close this year on December 23. Library and gymnasium facilities will be available during the holidays for students’ use. The university One major force in attracting peowill reopen January ‘4, 1965. ple to Treasure Van was the per700 people are expected to reformances put on by the Folk Song gister for the spring term. and Folk Dance clubs. They began .-.*..*...*. .......*.#. ...<*.,* *.v. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........................9....A.. .A.... ......>..> . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ....‘.. .........................1.......................*..... ...........*. ........L. :~.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~ .-.1......A-. -. .*.......z...... ........( with a lot of noise to attract people, (noise was easy to get on that stage), and gradually weakened to quiet songs. Last Monday night, the newly apAn estimate by Treasure Van staff pointed Music Committee consisting said that 200 people per hour came of H. Bauer, D. Arthur, R. Mackenin, shuffled around, examined goods zie, M. Skopitz, Dr. J. Carscallen, and and paid their money. After three Dr. R. Friesen held their first organio’clock there were rushes that the zational meeting. The meeting resultstall was hard put to handle, but ed in the appointment of David Aron valiantly, drafting thur as chairman of the group, and a they carried anyone that seemed interested in firm decision to hold another meethelping them. ing in January.

Music Born ! !

Although it has no real power, the committee is intended to serve as a suggestive or advisory body to the powers that be. No recommendations were decided upon in this first meeting, but a number of topics were discussed. One such topic was the population of students in the theatre of the arts when various artists are performing. Advice to the theatre administration on ways of decreasing the number of empty seats will certainly be forthcoming.“ Some ideas mentioned on this topic were the hiring of expensive and well known artists, cheap advance tickets for early students,

The Treasure Van organizers would like to express their thanks to all those who helped. They expect to sell proportionately more next year, that is $30 - 40 thousand worth.

elimination’ of concerts around exam time, a random poll of students to see what they want, and a change in the present set-up of the concert series. Any intelligent and worthwhile suggestions made by faculty, staff, tractor drivers, or even students, on any topic concerning university music, will be politely accepted by any member of the committee mentioned baove.



Published; every Thursday afternoon of the acpdemic year by’ the Board of Publications, Lunder duthoriiation of the Students’ Council,. University of Waterloo, W&erloo, Ontdrio, Canada. Subscriptions $3.50 Member: Canadian university press ‘I Chairman, Board of Publications: Gordon L. Van Fleet. Editor: J. D. Grenki& Authorized as second class mail’by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for’ payment of postage in cash.





should be directed

to: The Editor,




Coryphaeus, Annex 1, University letters will not be accepted.


of Waterloo,





Dear Sir: To the Editor: Dear Sir: In your last publication of the May we take this opportunity to The new parking stickers, which Coryphaeus, Thursday, December 10, thank the many students, faculty and are still available in the Student Af1964, Volume 5, Number 19 on page staff of the university who pitched in fairs offices in Annex 1, are not too and helped at the Treasure Van Sale. 3, there is a picture of one of the ba$ looking. In fact, they are somegirls sold for the benefit of\ the Orwhat a credit to the university. ,At A special word of thanks to the phans’ Christmas Party. I would like Coryphaeus for their excellent coother universities the administration to advise you that the picture was To all students of the University of Waterloo I extend best wishes for the charges the student for these parking operation, to Circle K fo5 ,their ‘se- ’ Christmas season. d taken by John Baker, Eng. 1. In the curity staff ,’ to the University of permits. Indeed we are lucky at the Coryphaeus the picture is shown as ’ Waterloo Women’s Club for providUniversity \of Waterloo. / We’ have had yet another stirring and adventurous year at the University. “photo by Behmann.” ing the bulk of the cashiers throughIt seems fitting as we enter the holidqy period that we not only “make merry” John Baker, Eng. 1. Peter Cann. out the sale, to St. Paul’s Colleg? for but also take time to contemplate the full meaning of our personal faith and leading the way in just about every the ,role with each of us can play in a world whose complexities increase with area of the sale, to the Student Wives ’ \bewildered rapidity., club for their help with mailings, and With, this in mind, may all our students experience the true joy of sales staff for our special opening and Christmas and begin the New Year with confiderice and reiolution. to Jock MacKay, Steve Altstedter, Sam McCallum, R. Nataraj, Jim J. G. Hagey, President. . I Lipdsey, Bill Spall, Heather White, by A. J. Kellingworth, Ill and many others too numerous to I mention. Yessir, friends, It took an all out effort to reach: 8’ the Fat Man strikes aga&. He managed to our total of $9,200.00 gross sales on squeeze his bloated hulk (and a few of his reindeer - messy the part of the Treasure Van comlittle animals, they are) down my chimney last night.. Unfortunmittee and to these hard workers IIt is about time that the university student real&& that he is an individu@ ately, I. do not have a chi&ney, and it was -a while before old goes much of the credit for our sale. in our Canadian society, and as such is stibjeqt to the laws of the land. .For Santa managed to deliver the goods. Despite all adversity (yes, The monies jrealized frdm the profit too long the university student has misinterpreted the words of the older ‘Virginia, Adversity of Waterloo), the jolly red giant dropped of this sale will help World Univergeneration, “Go off to university, get the uncertainty and wildhess out of your his load on my desk with & note explaining that 1 was to dissity service reach its go,al of $50,000. system.” They were referring to academics, not the abuse and breaking of the this year, and enable it to carry out tribute it to the designated parties. Since I will be going home law. . / its extensive programme of aid to shortly, and may not see all of the following, I present ‘herewith, A few students from both universities have been causing extensive damage students in the developing countries. the Kristmas Krap. in some ‘of the hdtels. That is, beyond the regular and frequen’t sign st&ling Thank yoti again for working for and swiping of beer glasses. All of these acts, if committed, are violations of ‘and shopping qt Treasure Van. To Jan Narveson: a white shirt and a Dr. Stanton tie the law, and if fbund guilty, the offender is liable to a jail sentence. For a Marty Kravitz, long time, the hotels held great reluctance in prosecuting students for these To Bob Mudie: four dozen stale Dr. Stanton cookies Treasure Van Organizer, minor but ‘still criminal pranks., They did not want to hurt the student by W.U.S. Committee. To Cookie the Cop: a riot car placing a felony on his record. This feeling of kindness left when university students began causing excess damage and financial loss. The hotels, as we see SNOW To the Kent Hotel: bankruptcy it, can have no recourse other thai to prosecute those who cause them any Dear Editor’ ’L To Carl Totzke: a chance to coach the Argos financial loss. Whether it be a silly prank or a planned theft, anyone .who Can you explain why the only side causes it is breaking the law. To the Argos: sense enough not to give Carl the chance walk cleared of snow, leading from When a person gets to university, he is presumed to be mature. Some the Chemistry Parking lot, is the one To the library: a com&tion date students have not shown this, and can no longer hide under this presumption. closest to the Chemical Engineering . These few students have shown that they are immature and, in fact, criminal. Building. To the Sociology Department: four slightly-used cigars All help in Annex 1 or any one It is time to grow up and realize that university students must follow the To Gord Van Fleet: a new barber heading to the cafeteri? may either laws of the country as well as others, or face the consequences. detour via the Engineering Building To Al Adlington: a brace of peasants or plough through the deep snow. To Al ‘Gordon: an ID-card photo by Karsh Surely there is sufficient trtic to warrant the snow plough spending an To George Fleming: a new belt At Christmas extra two minutes. To Paul Gerster: a date book This is the last &sue of the Coryphaeus for 1964. Our first issue fg: the ,\ . ,curlous. year 1965 will &ppear in our boxes’on January 7.










To all the co-operative dre&es on our Coryphaeus

students, we urge you to sign your name and adlists which are posted on all the bulletin boards.

To all the students, faculty and staff too, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Although these words are continuously “over-ubed,” we mean them as they ‘were originally used. We hope that your success throughout this,) year will only be surpassed by that in ‘65. .For some of you this is the last year you will enjoy Christmas while you are attending university; for most of you it is the first. But, above all, we hope that you will enjoy this Christmas the best.

Hit Tune The hit tune played at the Faculty and Staff Christmas Dance ‘held at the Bridgeport Casino last Friday night, was “Take Me Out To The Ball Gamk.”

Coryphaeus Staff Editors: Toh ‘Rankin, Wayne Tymnh, Jim Peden, Harold Dietrich, Ted Walsh, Bob Clandfield.


Darkrdom Tech. - Jim West, Arvertising Mgr. - Dave Witty, Circulation Mgr. - Dick Mondour, Ian Page, Ann Staples, Vem Wilson, Bob Warren, Bill Hodgson, John Shiry, Dave * Grafstein, Glenn Patterson, Lesslie Walz, M. Kravitz, Jeanette Dunke, Doug Larsen, Doug Weir, Dave Rupar, Neil Arnason, Doug Gaukroger, Jo+ Clarke, Dave Clark, Vic Botari, Dave Trost, Macey Skopitz, Ed Fedorowski, Errol Semple, Dave Youngs, Margaret Shaw, Marian Hale, Bill Petty, Fred Watkinson, bred Girodat, Doug Muir, Ron Saito, Terry Joyce, ‘Tex Houston, Hazel Rawls, Sandra Smith, Paul Mills, Chris l&nnett, Paul Heaney. .,~.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.~~.~~.~~~.~.~~~. .........6...............q. ................f.........y.y.*.... .......s.......‘..*.~....~.‘.~.....~~~~ t@G$:<.: . .., ... 1.*.....A .....c..‘4 ..~.... .v.v...... ..A.&.&&.&& .*.A. ....,A ,.%.%‘.%%%-.%w.%



To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To To

Renison: a busload of vir@ns St. Jerome’s: a busload of non-virgins St. Paul’s: a busload of very old non-virgins Conrad Grebel: a busload I Notre Dame: a bus, driver Dr. Hagey: a bus Claude Brodeur: a room at Renison Dean. Wright: a can of Florient for the Common Room M,arty Krayitz: a pineapple glaze Charlotte Whitton: a tough banana Wes Graham: one glove with a? index finger only WLU: Mike Edwards Doug\ Grenkie: a daily Harry Davis: a disappearing integer / Aubrey Diem: a dull razor blade Ann Ingram: triplets the Phys. Ed. Department: three pounds assorted muscles the Psych. Department: the leftovers from St. ‘Paul’s I Etoain Shrdlu: my fondest rgrds

And to everyone: the very best wishes for a carefree New Year. Peace on you all!

1 I



- Dreadful by Dave

The Hindu Religion


At the last free concert, (Mary Simmons), I was embarassed because only about fifty people showed up; at pianist Jean-Pierre Vetter, I was embarassed because about three hundred and fifty people showed up. His playing was dreadful. He missed notes here, threw in jumbled runs there, changed the timing all over the keyboard, and used the sustaining pedal whenever his foot got tired (which was often). In fact, it’s a good thing he -didn’t have to tune the piano because I’m sure it would have been off key. He started out by making some comments about Beethoven’s 32 variations. These turned out to be pretty silly, and wound up giving me the impression that he really wasn’t too sure what the variations were all about. By the time he got finished playing them, the only thing you could have said to his credit was that he was consistent; bad comments, bad playing. After this first fiasco, Mr. Vetter took a shot at Beethoven’s sonata ‘the Appassionata’ and missed. Once again he hashed everything up and occassionally even had to sing (one of his many pseudo-artist mannerisms) to let us know that there was a melody somewhere. This mess brought the concert to intermission. After intermission, Mr. Vetter was supposed to play Beethoven’s sonata’s opus 27 number one, and opus III. I don’t know if he tried them or not, because I followed the other escapee’s example and left. This concert was an excellent example of a snow-job. Mr. Vetter’s publicity made him sound like Europe’s only piano virtuoso. By dropping unknown names, and twisting the facts five times, this man gets joisted onto an unsuspecting audience.

‘Work on the Greut Lakes by G. T. Caas& A very active research programme this year has been the work in the fluid dynamics of the Great Lakes, particularly Lake Huron, Financial support is provided by several agencies, but mainly by the Great Lakes Institute of Toronto (GLI), from whom was obtained the research vessel “LOON,” used last summer in investigations of mixing processes in the lakes. Current research projects are: (a) Turbulence and Diffusion. Flourescent dye released at a pointsource may be detected in very low concentrations and enables a study or mixing processes to be made. The practical importance of this study is evident in such applications as the mixing of undesirable pollutants (e.g. sewage) or of the cooling water from thermal power stations with the water masses of the lake. (b) Internal waves. During the summer the lakes become stratified,

by Wayne

a warm, relatively light surface layer lying on top of a colder and heavier mass below. The interface, the “thermocline,” behaves much like a free surface (air-water interface) in theat wave motions may be observed on it. The dynamics of these may be studied by thermistor chains on fixed instrument towers. (c) Lake currents. Wind and atmosphere pressure disturbances produce a variety of complicated current patterns. These are investigated using “drogues,” i.e., two metal sheets assembled at 90 so as to offer a high drag and attached to small surface floats. The drogue may be set at any desired depth and provides information on lake currents at various levels. The ultimate purpose of these research activities is to elucidate the mechanism of the various dynamic processes on the lakes. There are, however, also proximate goals of great importance to the achievement of which an engineer is particularly well equipped to contribute, for example, the development of reliable current meters suitable for use in the Great Lakes.


Mass arrests of students followed a sit-in protesting against a bar on the distribution of political literature at the Berkley campus of the University of California. Led by the Free Speech Movement leader, Mario Savio, 21, the students had occupied the administration centre building;, on their arrest, they submitted to police and allowed themselves to be dragged to police vans and buses for transport to jail. Reports said that the 800 students, participating in the demonstration organized by the Berkley campus FSM were arrested. Most were released on mass bail. / The Free Speech Movement, an organization uniting left and right wing movements on campus, was formed at the beginning of the school year and has been disputing with the university administration since. Students have traditionally distributed political literature on campus from tables at a location supposed to be just outside university jurisdiction. This year, the administration ruled that this area was also on campus and banned the distribution of political literature there. Matters came to a head at the beginning of October when one student was arrested by police for defying the ban. Thousands of students staged a sleep-in around the police car in which the student, a member of the Congress of Racial Equality was to be taken away. Following negotiations between the FSM and administration, an uneasy

by Arun


We often hear that the cow is a sacred animal in India. This is a basic Hindu belief. Today this belief is so strong in India that it has become illegal to kill a cow. They let the cow die a natural death, just as a human does. A few Indians even worship the cow as their mother. This worship originated with the birth of Krishna, a form of God, who was born as a herdsman on earth. His legendary purpose was to destroy the numerous demons that then existed. The demons used to interrupt the holy services that were offered to God, by throwing pieces of meat during the services. This Krishna, being a herdsman, had a great liking for cows. The cow is a very clean and useful animal, and everything from her can be used, (even her dung for the purpose of fuel); Therefore he chose her as his symbol. According to the religious books on Hinduism, Krishna prayed to the cow and considered her as a mother, and people, today carry on this tradition. Not all Hindus refuse to eat meat although it is against their religion to do so. Indians don’t look at life quite the way Christians do. For example Christians do not believe in animals having souls, whereas the Hindus do. They say that when you hurt any living creature, he can feel the pain just as any human being would have felt it, and so why should they harm somebody who does not harm them. They consider hurting an innocent creature a sin according to their religion. In spite of that one will find a majority of Indians eating meat, perhaps because the country is getting westernized, and adopting the habits and customs of the West. Some less educated and poor people are even converting themselves into Christianity for it is only then that they are helped by Christian organizations which are set up in India to spread Christianity by distributing Christian literature and Bible courses. I, of course, could keep on writing about this religion or any religion for that matter, for that is a subject


2000 by H. B.

One of Dorothy Buffum Chandler’s “happenings” took place in Los Angeles a week ago Sunday, when the Music Center for the Performing Arts opened with a gala concert by the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Zubin Mehta, violinist Jascha Heifetz playing the Beethoven concerto. Said Mr. Chandler, one of America’s most dynamic money-raisers: “Personally, I’m not a mad music or art lover. I am interested in education in all its phases. The most neglected phase in this world, where science so stressed, may soon be that artistic talent won’t have a break, if we don’t protect or encourage it. Musicians, painters, sculptors - they get discouraged and cynical. We must make sure that they can be heard and seen. I am loyally determined to upgrade the image of my community.”




The School of Music of Brandon College recently opened its new building and under the vigorous leadership of Lorne Watson is developing its new potentialities. Albert Pratz, until this spring the concert-master of the recently demised CBC Symphony Orchestra and one of Canada’s finest violinists is heading the string department.




Writes Keith MacMillan, Executive Secretary of the Canadian Music Center in the December News Letter of the Center: “Three things Vancouver has that other cities do not, an International Festival, an independant Canadian concert agency, “Overture Concerts” and thirdly, more Americans per square foot than any other University music department in Canada. This latter emphasizes the considerable degree of north-south orientation in B.C., and has caused a sort of cautious dismay in other parts of the community. However, the rapid development of a large and active music department under Welton Marquis is notable in itself, and it will be interesting indeed to see the endproducts of this “conservatory-f acuity” as they roll off the line, especially since Vancouver has no ranking conservatory for the under-university-age set.”




Music on the air (CBC): Sunday, December 20, “Concerts from Two Worlds” - 2:30 - 3.30 p.m., Boyd Neel directs the Toronto Orchestra in a program of Canadian music. Soloist: pianist William Aide. Algonquin Symphony by Murray Adaskin; Scherzo for Strings by Harry Somers; Symphonic Dialogues for piano and orchestra by Irving Glick. Thursday, December 24: Christmas Carol Service, 11:30 p.m. - midnight. Choral music and readings from St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Toronto. The program, directed by organist Douglas Bodle, will include some Canadiancomposed works. * * * In the last four weeks, 127 records have been taken out by students for listening. These classical music records are “housed” in Annex 1. * * * The YORK CONCERT SOCIETY, under the dynamic leadership of musical director and conductor Dr. Heinz Unger has announced its plans for the new season. The first concert, to take place in February 1965, will present the Toronto Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dr. Unger, with soloists Lili Chookasian and Garnet Brooks in Mahler’s “Lied von der Erde.” The other More about this series at a work on the program is Schubert’s “Unfinished.” later date. which has no real end, but I should I limit myself in this newspaper. might like to add a last comment that religions are based more on faiths than on scientific proofs, so that if

one sets out to prove any part of religion, he will succeed using faith, but may not go very far using scientifit logic. And this of course is so with any religion.


ill patients in Ontario general hospital psychiatric wards, he said, but psychiatric wards under construction, or in the planning stage, will increase this number to 13,000 by the end of 1966.

The go-day detention clause of the government of South Africa will be suspended January 11 of next year. The law, which has been condemned by many groups in Canada, the United States, and the United Nations, was part of an act passed in 1963 and permits police to detain people indefinitely without trial. Of the more than 900 people imprisoned under the clause, some, on release, have reported torture and harsh treatment during seclusion. The goverment’s decision to suspend the clause apparently reflects’ confidence that it has broken the back of any organized subversion and sabotage in the country. However, Minister of Justice John Vorster warned that the clause could be reinstituted, if necessary, immediately. The cat, it seems, still has claws.

“Moving patients into general hospitals and out of mental institutions will remove the breach between the community and the mental patient.‘The segregation of a mental patient in a special hospital lessens his chances of recovery.”

truce prevailed for march of the 800.

the next month

and a half -


Ontario Minister of Health, Matthew Dymond, told students at Ryerson Technological Institute last week that at least one of every ten Canadians suffers from mental illness, and that many psychiatrists have, suggested that the actual ratio is closer to one out of two. Labelling mental illness as “Canada’s number one health problem,” Mr. Dymond said that Ontario alone last year spent $85 million on the mentally ill in hospitals. Only 560 beds are now available for mentally


by 1966 then they will have room for us too. *



Thirty demonstrators, all students in residence at McGill University, posed as a group for a moment on the steps of the university dining hall for television cameras, then resumed their march to allow cameramen to take action shots. The students were protesting an enforced limit on the amount of bread and butter allowed at each meal with such slogans as “Give us our daily bread” and “Man cannot live by bread alone, he needs butter as well.” The McGill supervisor of Dining Halls said he confers regularly with student food committees and felt that the demonstrators”were .being unreasonable. What was it Marie Antoinette said?

Three cheers for closure flag. hip. hip. hoo-ray.



the government’s


giving us a

IT, 1964










\ i



I. 4



8’ .I












photo by Bob Glandfield

photo by Bob Glandfield

photo by Jim West

. .

photo by Paul’ Heanky


Decembes /

, ’ I


IT, 1964



’ L

I’ 1 1

by Wiyne Smith ’


:\ ’ 1,


s ‘a

Dr.: T. L. Batke, one of ‘the origim$ ’’ . _ ’ s (, Redct Ifor a moment upon the ‘course ofhistory’ and you will readily see ‘1“faculty ‘of the University,. of ‘Waterloo, ai’ 1’ , 1 that many-t customs observed in the past have since gbecome ‘mere lines’, in a‘ ’ was.: head of, the Chemical Engineerwhen he ). _ . text book. It is co&eivabld; therefore, that the, qdorn ’ of Chr@tmas ma); - ing department ‘until 1962, ,’ as viceI , su&er the same fate. Suppose that in the $ar ,2sOO AD. a &dent had to I assumed h? present post I *TO /~ r . lx---f_l---L * -- ‘I :a u#. :, write !a short essay, on a custom of the mid-twentieth century, : and he chose ’ , rresrqenr, Acaaemr;. ~16 w a member I _ I I -lz Al-- O---L_ --:__I ,,e.*:,,,, L,,,,Ai, ,,A ’ : ,Christmas~ as his topic, This is m$ idea of what he would write, . z I committees connecreu ~wn.u me aa- . I, ^ , I ;\’ 1 i *I of’ academic’ life in the :‘Sometime around the fifth century turn. The’rdea of ’ gift-giving ‘& a sym- , ministrauon . i r A.$ Christians began to celebrate ho1 of one,‘s love for others $was ra-” uPiversitY* i ( I I , the birth of Jesus Christ on Decempidly disappearing, ,, ’ I’ I’ + * ’ ’ 1 ‘\ Concerning current student life on,‘ /’ I,be:,25 of each year. This was a day”’ *I ‘J I ’ ’ , 1 campus, Dr. Batke had ‘.several corn; “As I stated before, many Chris-. .ments. “The gTowth of &dent hfe and of joy for it , ’ . of remembrance \ .’ tians retained their iOil& Of SpilitU&, ,! a:d”&ivity has’ been good I marked/ the day when <God became consideradoration but, in general, whenever a ing the length of time we have been ’ ;1 man with the sole purpose of offering - I G life or he redemption of md&Udi ’ Man meUtkm& ChiSt ‘aS the primary operating;, after all, this was all farm ‘aspect-of Christmas, he was ridiculed The solitary connotation) of this’ day fields just seven years, ago. Neverthe_’ , by ,many, ‘of this fellow men; What at that ,time was a spiritual one. , less, the quick growth causes the adI , had begun as ‘a uu.ly. Christian instil ministration the extra problem -of at- ;‘ ’ ; ~* kutioq hid by 1964 nearly ,evolved . tract& more good faculty r, expand“It 8’was not until later than the re9 vered Saint Nicholq more colony ) illtO a hh3 pf eyZiuOUS lllateI’i&SUl. , mg * the teaching I’ facilities, and c&at- ’ ’ This evolution came. to fruition in t ’ known as Santa’ Claus, ,happened ing ‘&ore residences. Another good 1984 -with . the inception of the Big f eature of this university is tie ‘great , i 1 , along and initiated the material side Brother era which totally eradccated ~ j of this occas$on, that -is - gift-dving. amoupt’ of research being carried on; , ” _ all knowledge of, the past*‘, J i . Naturaly enough, in a world that had ” this helps our Faculty of Graduate I ’ _( gradually ‘begun to stress material ’ Studies to grow considerably.?‘. , * 1 “I may ’ conclu$e, therefore, ’ that Dr..T. L. Batke . . . t& Y ,,1growth with a greater aAd greater J ‘In light of, the recent widely-pub* ’ ) , ‘, the slowly diminishing emphasis on I emphasis, -this ‘side ’ of Christmas i liciied difficulties in the Student’s the spiritual side of Christmas was ! : slowly gained predominance. Council, Dr. Batke mentioned thai ‘the primary reason fir its ‘dissolution ,: / I :5,&t& )Gbess he, was quite astounded. that everyone . as a cherished custom. It *may be con’ [‘By 1964, even though -many / was acclaimed &ls year, because all , ( ’ tended, then, that had spiritually ‘been :.‘d;, Christians ha& maintained their sptiby Ken Fowler’ ’ strongly retained in ‘the custom, it, too many. of the student body are . * tual adoration, the material aspect of ‘Twas December the 10th and all content to’sit back and critic& rather would not have ’ died such an ig-’ , .#a ’ Christmas through the house the Waterloo Coreigned supreme. Merr than help. -1 opers ‘were making preparations 1’for nominious death.” a. ‘chants capitalized on it, and many * 1 ‘the arrival of $anta Claus. By six x\. fl . Speaking of ,.plans for i”the future bf ( raised their prices during the holiday o’clock ‘the whole group was gathered buying season’ in order to reap hand& the university;. Dr. Batkesaid that we l a+ rouhd the Christmas tree in rare form \.~/ ’ . some profits. Christ&& would have’ completed the Arts Libhad’ become . to greet him. ‘With a “ho-ho-ho”, he tcame“ through the , &or, a splendid rafy,_ two new Arts Buildings; ^ and. the ; ’ a truly gala season when multitudes, first stage of the Umvemity . Resi- 1 figure .in his bright red &essing gown. _ sflbcked , to the stores to purchase Graduating students’ should A ‘deadly hush fell ’ on “the group, as, pickk,sup their photos from dences, ‘with room for five, hundred ’ which hey ceremoniously 1 I 1trinkets from his great bossom, (phony of . I. students. 1966 should, see another! . , offered to their f&w men in the cause),, he drew that infamous reL Ms Building, a-, Campus . Centre cord, , hope of receiving something in reInternational Students Associahis “good and bad book.” /. (’ tion will hold its Christmas ‘With scarcely ~a pause, except for Building, increased athletic .faciliues, Party on Saturday evening, Depunch, he read through the list. On an extension on the Engineering cember 19 at 7:30 p.m; in the ’ the good side 7 “good for nothing,” Faculty Lounge in the EnginBuilding, and more- ‘of &e University while on the bad side ,L, “corrupt eering Building: Alli welcome. Residences. By 1967, the ent$e 1200-, .. and degenerate” were the descriptions Admission ‘is one gift under ’ one dollar in v,alue. . .’ student residence complex will be of most. Even so the generous 5old complete; as well, the, psychology de- I ’ man, dug deep into his laundry bag Co-op &ttqdents - sign up for and pulled out; such useful items as the delivery of .the’Coryphaeus partment will mov’e from its tempbr: “Why You Los’e at Bridge” for shark to ’ you after Christmas. ary off-campus building into ,‘new Mike, two loaves of bread for starvfacilities close by. ’ t Mmy Christmas &o&n the‘ ing J&fry, and a year’s supply of hog \ Coryphaeus and. 1don% forget In conclusion, Dr. Batke’ stated that ’ biscuits for the cook. The highlight thgt we w need more. staff in came when he brought out “Snifly,” ‘65. Come to the Gory office “this rapidly-expanding University is presently, being , used as a disposal after News Years and,. volunsomething of which ,students, faculty, unit for ‘Mrs. B’s dog food. teer. , , \ ‘i‘ ’ and the, city should be very proud.‘? ‘FIaving depleted. his ‘, ‘supply ’ of , ,





. ---7 photo by. Thdmpson


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C&p . . goodies,’ and our .supply of liquid re-’ freshment, Mr. Claus deeidea it was I ’ time for dinner. Just a. little proudly we led hiti down to the dining room, which was by now complete with long white tables, candles,’ decorations, and, of course,J waiters to serve the turkey J A swinging ball’ was had by, all, but good things must come to an end; , for ‘Santa it was back to the, grind and for , us back to &e, reality of Co-op living, ‘and ,dishes to be done.’ . I /

buses Y)f Fravel ; a34 King St. .s.





Christmaslime I :

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house There were butts. and empties not left ‘by the mouse. And my best quart I’d hid by the chimney with care Had been swiped by some bum who’d discovered it there. My guests had long since been poured into their beds To awake in the morning with swelled, aching heads.’ q My mouth, full of cotton,, hung down to my lap Because I was dying for one. more nightcap.. When through the north window there came I sprang to my feet and flung open the door. And what to my wondering eyes should show. But eight bloated reindeer hitched to a beer _ With a little old driver who ,looked like a hick, But I saw it was Santa as tight as a tick., Staggering onward, those eight reindeerthey While ,he hiccoughed and belched as he called


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The The The The

a roar,

up truck,

came them

’ 7

A loved-no-more


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As I understand it, the room is deliberately preserved in its polluted condition - to serve as a proving ground for ,our fledgling Sanitary Engineers. /

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I am a first year Math. student. How do I break into. social circles in this university?

resident of Waterloo. For now I have been hearing stories of the filth in the common room. If it is bad, why hasn’t something about it?





Aunt Launders:

I am a some time incredible Engineer’s really that been done


St. S., Waterloo 10% student discount /


You must decide(for once and for all, just what gets priority in your life: career or pleasures of the flesh. I suggest a rigorous self-appraisal to determine which of the two has to go*


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Better you should look at the bright side - your wife hasn’t had a cold in the’ last three- years, has she?


BARROWS IHen’s. Hear

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Now, should you decide that you won’t be needing that shiny slide rule, I just happen to know of a deserving young fellow . . . , ,



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Dear loved-no-more:





-1’ am a married student. My wife works when she is not pre’gnant. She. had been taking those little: pills for three years now, and we’ have had a child every year, regular as clockwork. Finally, I had those treacherous little pills analysed, Aunt, and would you ’ believe it? they have been giving her cold pills all this time. Should I sue the drug’ company for support of the children?

Every night I have to’ stay up ‘till two or three in the morning writing lab. reports, shining my slide rule, and making up computer programs. My wife always tries to make me go to bed at eleven. She has to get up at six to go to work and pay for my education. (I spent my loan on a new set of golf clubs, but she doesn’t know). Now, I can’t go to bed at eleven and still do my work and when I do . go at two, she’s always asleep and hits me if I wake her up. I’m desperate. What should I do?

8 King St. S., Phone SH 5-7574


Dear Aunt Launders:


He spoke not .a word but went straight to his work And missed half the stockings, the plastered old jerk. Then putting five fingers to the end ,of his nose, He gave me the bird . . . up the chimney he rose. He sprang for his truck at so hasty a pace That he tripped on a gable and slid on his face. But I tieard him burp back as he passed out of sight, Merry Christmas you plumbers, now really get tight. ‘i



I am a happily married engineer, but I do have one marital problem which I hope you, can solve. 1

Jon Karsemeyer.

So I pulled in my head and I cocked a sharp ear, Down the chimney he plunged; landing smack on his rear.. He was dressed all in firs, no cuffs on his pants, And the way the’guy squirmed, well I guess he had ants. He had pints and quarts in the sack on his back And‘the,more that I stared, the more he looked like his pack. __He was chubby and plump. and he. tried to stand right But he didn’t fool >me, .he was high as a kite.

A friendly

Dear Aunt

winter cold . . . winter dark . . . ’ winter death . . . silent passive snow.

To know another being, Warm, and close, and true, To speak a word . . . . . . to touch her lips. ., . . . . . at Christmastime

by name:

-OnSchenley, on Seagram we ain’t got all night, ’ You.too Haig and Haig and you too Black and White. Scram up on this roof, get the heck off this wall, Get going you dummies, we’ve got a long ,haul. So up on the roof went the reindeer and truck But a tree branch hit Santa before he could duck. And then, in a twinkling, I heard from above, \ A heck, of a noise that was no cooing dove. ,

At Christmastime The dream of a tranquil and satisfying __ Love grows very strong. ’ ’ \ In the summer A lusty ‘wish to feel sensations Without too much emotion, ’ Fun! \


I /



Dec. 18








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December. IT, 1964

’ 1 ,


* ’ 7

‘,. ’

- >,

&+.st -Thursday< night the:. University of Waterloo. Warriors ~ played the McMaster ~Marlins to sr 5-5 .tie ‘at Waterloo Arena. - The Marlins’ accurate ,’ passing ability was ‘the greatest threat to the .I’ ; Waterloo club, but the Warriors took . ’ an ‘early lead with two quick goals .1 - i / shortly ‘after the start ‘of the game, ,I d and/s these ’ helped to absorb part /of q j ( ,MacIs :s;trong, attack,, later:,.. The first $Awas scored by Cressman on ..a break:_ away and I&t&& put the next one in ’ , from’ right ‘in front when the ’ puck came to him out of the corner across the goal mouth. ~ . ’ McMaster came back with a re‘. s 5; ‘* turn score to end a scrimmage around _’ the Waterloo net during which the ‘, 1 1 - Warriors seerned to, lose the enthusi‘._ asm that .had helped in their previous ‘success. They were incapable of i ~’ clearing the puck and it was <only the :c excellent goal-tending of Waterloo’s * Sod&that kept McMaster .from scorI* 4 .. . . >‘ ?’ s 1 ing sooner. \.


,I , z\\ I I /

despite ‘the attempts ’ of an inspired Warrior goalie. Waterloo then had: a goal recalled and- it was not until the last three minutes of the game that theI score was tied during a McMaster penalty. The most. impressive aspect of the game was the s&all number of penalties handed out to each team. This was mainly due to the cleanliness of play, .but. the lack of observation of the referees may also have had something to do with it,. +.

’ ; /

II . *’ ‘./ , . /’

. ’ _’

Special -with



FREE Any student who is leaving at Christmas for &is work-term should sign his name and, address on the Board of Publications signs on all . ‘Bulletin Boards if he desires the Coryphaeus to be’sent to him. b \






.Ontario A ,SPEClALTY


,)1,. I

. ’ by Tex Houston


in O.Q.A.A.’ ‘i-

The Warriors continued in their ~winning ways, last Wednesday by. ,des’ feating the Waterloo Lutheran Hawks by a score of 69-61. The game was fairly close except _at one point when the Warriors led by 17 pointy. The Warroirs dominated the play but the , Hawks were more accurate in the shooting department. The, Warriors depended on ball control and methodical play-making while the Hawks concentrated more on outside shoot3 ing. In the end, ball control was the winning factor:

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l,“Fortune knocks at every man’s door once in a lifetime - but in a good many cases the man is in a neighboring saloon and does not hear her.” ,-

The .;’ CORYPMEUS I r- I“. i ^ ’ ! >’ *

In the second half Tom ‘Henderson took up the slack scoring’ ten’ points, which brought. his game total to 16 points. The really .effective point in Tom’s game was. his rebounding. His 16 rebounds kept the ball-in Warrior control most of. the game. ‘ Near the ./ end, of the game the Hawks were pressing and it :was the fine work ‘of Bill Steinburg and Dick Aldridge that I kept the game out -of reach of our arch-rivals. The ‘remainder of the scoring went like this; Bill Steinburg 10, Dick Aldridge 6, Bob Pando 5, Chet Cuipa 2, Gary Cuff 4, Ed Ochiena 4. The gamewas exciting but .most Warrior fans had hoped for a mo& lop-sided score. One must , bear in mind, however, that the Hawks are vastly improved ball club over last year and- it took a, good effort to beat them. The Warriors played well ‘iand their superior finesse in ball handling showed in the last two minutes, during which time there was no scoring. The Warriors simpiy froze the game and took home a de_ served victory.



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In the first half Ed Petryshyn was a one-man wrecking team bent on the destruction of the Hawks. -Ed looped 16 points in the , first half and added 6 in the, second for a game high of 22 points:

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The pucks ‘are black pieces of rubIn the reorganized basketball league ber resembling nothing in particular, newcomers Lava1 and Montreal will join McGill and Queen’s to form and the teams distribute these. liberalthe Eastern Division. Guelph will / ’ 1y among the cr,owd d&ing the proplay in the Western Division with cess of the game. : Bhketball Toronto, Western, Waterloo, “WindIf the referee wishes to clear the Windsor sor, and McMaster. Guelph played1 ice a bit, he has a stock of excuses McMaster for telling , players to leave. Two Toronto minutes for bleeding is- one example, Waterloo and elbowing the puck is ‘also’ not Western well thought of by referees. Of course, Queen’s nothing is well thought of by referees. ’ McGill ,” .

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: / ’ -, f‘i: - . .<\-,. ,‘:-‘:* \ \ t , ‘? II \ , . : j _ ‘\ -’ / , ,, ‘: 1. ,: . ,

one season in the SIBL, 1961-62, Three of the teamsbestined to be finishing in the last place. also-rans in the Senior Intercollegiate * Hockey League this season have been Regulations have also been adopted granted a reprieve by , the _ Ontario-. to break’ ties in the SIHL final standQuebec Athletic Association. The ) ings, if necessary. Final ,positions will OQAA, Governing body of the SIHL, be decided by goals for and against announced today (Tuesday) that a in ’ games played between. the teams four-team play-off will ’ be held, folinvolved in the tie. If a tie still exists, lowing the regular .16-game schedule it will be; broken by goals for and to ’ determine the winner 1’ of the. against in all games” played: by the I- ’ ‘t Queen’s Cup. ‘. . , teams involved’ during ,the regular se&pn. “’ i . .._ i ,,‘ ’ ,, It ‘was also .announced ‘today that the Senior Intercollegiate Basketball League will expand to ten teams next season and operate in two divisions. Laval, Montreal and Guelph, the / by R. Collins ’ ‘;only OQAA members ’ not ‘in, the SIBL at presentf will be the additions After the Varsity I ‘game on LThursto‘& league. -_- ;+...--. Ti day, four less impressive but : .hardly IL.: The hockey playoff will- take place imoprtant hockey i teams. continued to Friday, March 5 and.Saturday, March. play on into the night. The’ first game 6 at either,, University ..of Toronto’s was a mighty battle between Arts and Varsity Arkna’ or McGill’s Stadium Saint Paul’s, with‘ the college on the in Montreal. Toronto will be the site hill winning 3-2. The next game was unless the three Quebec teams in, the between. . Engineering j and SIHL, Laval, Montreal and McGill, 1 6’1 . St. ,.* Jerome’s are all involved in the, playoff. The and‘anyone who knows the ,,&ore . of fu-St-place team will play a suddenthat one obviot+ly prefers ,,watching death semi-final game against the hockey to’” going downtown and’ disfourth-place finishers while the second c&sing 8 . ,. . and third-place teams meet in the .~,‘, it. 1 . other semi-final. The Ytw& ’ winners To anyone. who had never seen. will then play the final game for the hockey, a strange game it must have Queen’s Cup. seemed .that night. \/ This will be the first four-team Hockey is obviously a game beplayoff in SIHL history. In the past, tween one team of 6 men and another the first-nlace ‘team has been awardof about 8. These men are quite fat ed the Queen’s Cup, except in 1961and strangely lumpy, and they .have 62 ‘and 1962-63 ,when the league op,erated in two divisions and a twoonly one toenail on each foot. Each game- playoff was held between’ the \ player has a long curled weapon, and division winners. the main purpose of the game seems Necessity for ‘a new playoff system. to be to keep from tripping over this. was created by expansion of the The net at each end of the ice is league from four teams in 1960-61 to defended by a seive. He has pads on its present nine teams. !Western and to keep from getting hurt by the Guelph, admitted this season, are the league‘s newest members. puck ‘(q.v.) in case it ever hits him.

wrestling I ,.

we beat W.L.U.!, DeFinally ‘cember 9, the &l’s basketball team scored, 30 points to W.L.U.‘s 25. Mona Lee Mausberg was high scorer for U. of W: with 13 points and matched by Carol Jackson of W.L.U. Other scorers for U. of W. were Fran Allard with 9 points, Hazel Rawls with 6, and Karen Reinhardt -with 2. Not much energy‘ was expended by either team. in the first half of the game; nevertheless, U, of W. was ahead by more than a dozen points by half-time. If all the attempts on the basket had been good, both teams would have scored #‘over “fifty points. A little more enthusiasm was displayed in the second half when the play was considerably speeded up. W.L.U. scored 24 of their 25 points ‘in this half in’ a desperate effort to close the scoring gap. U. of W. just managed to hang on to that fast diminishing lead until the final whistle blew.

, 10%.


\(Vaai~~~-,q.-~: :-

‘. ’ t New.&&

g,’ The’ University of Toronto defeated the ,-University .’ of Waterloo in a wrestling L tournament , at Seagram Gtadil;rm;;last Saturday ; evening before :acrowd of fiftyspectators. The U. of T. : collected 28 *points compared to Waterloo’s, 8; however, the U. of T. obtained 15 points, by forfeit. ,. 1.. I ‘.i’. r i&its ’





. Wckieti’sSpoits

, 1I. ’ .: , ’

\Ii *_1, ~.,\ -_ / ,i \


. After 1,their third goal later ’ in the period, the Warriors seemed to 1die, 123 lb. class Jim;*Dijner (Top.)’ def. (Wat.) ~ and the Marlins took advantage of the . -. tReg,,Renolds .. lack of effective opposition to score ‘130: lb.’ cia& Bruce D&rant @Vat.) twice more. The. first period ended . 4 won on a forfeit. , :. , with the teams tied 313.’ . ’ .,. \ . The. game picked up in the second &37, lb. class Cleavegood (I’or.) def @Vat.’ . period. %asthe .play became faster and ’ Dougall McCammly goal tending, at times, spectacular. ,147’ lb. class U.W. forfeited c._ Mat scored their fourth.’ Waterloo put*up.a struggle. to return the favour & ‘lb: class Larry Angus @‘or.) def. r’ but succeeded only in providing an s . ’ ‘H&t Gross ’ (Wat.) -...c , ’ *exciting game for the fans to watch 167~ lb. class Ray Peters (Wat.) def. and for the referees to ‘miss.’ . * BiB Ahison (Tar*) - Waterloo tied the score in the third, and then slowed down again, allow- ’ 177, ’ 19 1, and heavyweight lb. classes, ing the Hamilton team to ‘go ahead, ’ U.W. forfeited. -


7. /




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