
Page 1

~~ Volume

6, Number

Our cheerleaders



were the only

Homecoming has gone home for another year. But in spite of the lost football game it did not go with its tail between its legs. The four days of well planned activities drew near capacity crowds. In spit of the bitter cold, several hundred people turned turned out on Thursday to devour the steer (which had been roasting for 24 hours). Although the meat appeared a little raw to some, and lost all its heat on the trip to the mouth, the evening was a success. The highlight of the weekend was the Saturday night formal. There was dancing simultaneously at three locations: the Walper Hotel, the Coronet Motor Hotel and the Bridgeport Casino. The Walper was hot and crowded, the Casino had fruit flies, and the Coronet was restricted to alumni. It was a week of entertainment as well.

Gory needs kelp The Coryphaeus needs help. A lot of work is being done ’ by a few people. There is a shortage of news reporters and interviewers, photographers, dark room technicians, sports writers (especially women’s) and copydesk editors. If you have any interests in these areas please contact Tom Rankin, editor, or leave your name and telephone number with the secretary in the Board of Publications office. The success of the Cory depends on its staff. Become a staff member.

U of W winners at the annual Golden Hawks


The Four Preps came and conquered the capacity crowd at Seagram Stadium, with their .unique and topical humor and individual vocal arrangements. On Sunday enjoyed the headlined by Barry is a


afternoon 300 jazz fans Circle K jazz concert the Barry Wills trio. graduate engineer from

You may Nov. 8 will not see the end of elections this year for Twin-City residents. On Dec. 6 the municipal elections will be held for the city councils of Kitcherler and Waterloo. Many students and faculty members virill be eligible to vote in this electicjn but have not been placed on the voters list. Those who are eligible but are not on the list must have their names entered before Nov. 13. A’1 persons over 21 who own or rent Iat least two rooms and do their own cooking may vote in this elecyion. This will include those students

voters Circle K has organized a car pool to lrelp students get home to vote in their own riding. If you are eligible to vote please take advantage of this service. Pull details appear on page three.






this university and at the moment is doing research for the electrical engineering department. Then there was the football game. We lost our grudge match with the Waterloo Lutheran Golden Hawks 29 to 8. The score of games won and lost now stands at 3 to 1 for Lutheran.

coming who are jointly renting such a domitile. In addition any person who does not rent the’ required number of rooms but has been a resident in the Twin Cities for the last 23 months is eligible to vote. If you satisfy the above conditions by all means contact the returning officer of the city in which you live and find out if you are on the list.

our run in graduate byelection F&r candidates will contest the graduate engineering and science constituencies in the graduate by-election, Thursday, Nov. 11. Bradley R. Munro was acclaimed as graduate arts representative In graduate engineering, C. Peter Benedict and F. Ellyin were nominated. Edward Butz and J. V. Ramsbottom will appear on the graduate science ballot. The polls will be open from 11:45



(CUP) Thirty-five hundred marching University of British Columbia students confronted the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada in the climax event of national student day Oct. 27. Students from 16 universities across the country marched as part of the Canadian Union of Students national student day, an education-action programme designed to bring the demand for universal accessibility to higher education before the Canadian public. The Vancouver students trooping four abreast through rain and traffic filled six city blocks. When they reached the Bayshore Inn, site of the AUCC convention, President Dr. J. A. Corry addressed the crowd. In Toronto, Ontario’s Education Minister William Davis told students that no qualified person was refused admission to an institution of higher learning in his province this year. One thousand students from Nova Scotia’s eight provincial institutions marched on the provincial legislature in Halifax in spite of rain. Robbie Shaw, president of the Dalhousie student council warned that unless the government acts on students demands there will be “ a bigger and better march next spring.” In neighbouring New Brunswick, Opposition Leader John Diefenbaker toured the University of New Brunswick and spoke before two meetings of students. He promised that if his party formed the government it would


4, 1966

raise the federal per capita grants for education from $2 to $5. In Ottawa about 800 marchers from the city’s four CUS schools were met on Parliament Hill by student leaders and leaders and representatives of the political parties. Rex Murphy, president of the student council of Memorial University in Newfoundland addressed the crowd as a representative of Canada’s only province with free education. He said he hoped the example of Premier Smallwood in instituting free education would “shine forth over the rest of Canada.” CUS President Patrick Kenniff said national student day was only the beginning of the CUS effort to press the issue of universal accessibility. At the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, a referendum was held on the question of abolition of tuition fees. The result: 1178 in favor of abolition; 2408 against. At the University of Victoria, 700 students marched to a theatre where a forum on free education was held. Representatives of the four political parties addressed the meeting although B.C. Education Minister Peterson, an invited guest, did not show up. McGill University, one of the prime movers of the education programme at the recent CUS congress, decided to withdraw from the programme when participation was not forthcoming from the province’s French-speaking universities.

Student runs for parliament Another first for Waterloo! A student is running for a seat in the Dominion Parliament.

dale riding and, until an accident temporarily disabled him, he had considered running in that riding.

John R. MacLeod, working towards his Master’s in mechanical engineering, is running for a seat in the Wellington-Huron riding under the New Democratic ticket.

NOW he had been offered the Wellington-Huron riding. Any students who would be interested in helping John in his campaign can reach him at the Student Village at 576-2548.

John, a 37-year-old bachelor of Scottish background, graduated from Toronto as an aeronautical engineer in 1955. Until 1959, he worked in the aircraft industry and then pursued a career in teaching. He taught highschool mathematics, physics, and chemistry. As a member cratic Party for John was quite

of the New Demothe past five years, active in the Rose-

a.m. to 5 p.m. in the engineering and physics foyers. Each voter may cast one ballot in his constituency only. A student identification card must be shown to the _ polling - clerk. A list of voters will be posted in the week before elections.

John candidate

R. MacLeod, NDP for Wellington-Huron.


Engineering night coming Engineering night fall ‘65 will be held Nov. 25 at the Schwaben Club on King St. E. A banquet will be followed by an informal get-together. All engineering faculty, co-ordination department, post-graduate and undergraduate engineering students are invited. Price $2.06.

In one of the most important meetings in their history, Waterloo Co-operative Residence members last Wednesday elected from their body a board of directors and ratified bylaws pending immediate incorporation. Approval in principle for a second new residence project was also given.


The chess tournament held last Thursday against WLU ended in a draw. Pierre Fortin and John Edgecombe won for the University in the four board match. There will be a simultaneous exhibition Nov. 13 in which two excellent players from Concordia Chess Club will tackle all comers. The exhibition is open to all Staff and Students at the University.


“A Christian’s social responsibility” will be the topic of an Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship supper meeting today. All students are welcome. Following supper at Knox Presbyterian Church at 6:00 p.m., a panel consisting of two professors, two ministers and the new IVCF staff advisor will discuss this issue, very controversial to many Christians. Miss Alison Miller of Kitchener is the new member of IVCF staff for Waterloo and Guelph. ‘She holds a master’s degree in psychology and has just returned to Canada after four years in India. Faculty members on the panel are Dr. G. F. Atkinson of chemistry and the moderator, Dr. P. E. Morrison of biology. The ministers are Rev. Mr. Lloyd Pierce of Highland Road Baptist




Church in Kitchener, and Mr. Lamont of Guelph. For transportation, meet in the arts parking lot at 5:30. Cost will be 75 cents. Except for informal discussions, the meeting will be finished by 8:O0. The three regular twelve-o’clock study groups are well under way, but new members are welcome. The Tuesday group is discussing the Pauline Epistles in CB266. Wednesdays the topic is Your God is too smaEZ by J. B. Phillips (A33 8). The Thursday section (P228) is discussing The secular city, a new thought-provoking book by Prof. Harvey Cox of Massachusetts.

Aunt itchy


It would seem that the students at Waterloo this year are doing much better than those of previous years. Or are they so lost that they can’t even find the Cory offices? Aunt Launders has not yet received a single letter requesting help. She will be dragged out of the C.R.R. anytime that there are opportunities for her to louse up someone’s life.

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Let us have a change from our much-complained-about meals. You may like it, you may not, but certainly it would be a change. Tickets will not be available at the door. Not only because we must know how many are looking for a change, but because few are left. Contact the persons mentioned on the bulletins boards. Hurry up.

ins the series of overseas by I.S.A. is due on 16 at the cafeteria p.m. and 7:30 p.m. by Indian, Pakistani, students will be serv-

Do not miss it for you chance only once a year.

get this

- Someco ies say bachelor are a dime a


109 Erb St. W. - past Seagram’s open from 8 -8 HAIRSTYLING HAIR CUT

The first of dinners planned Saturday Nov. between 5:30 Foods prepared and West-Indian ed.

Do you have something you can offer these people? If you are interested in this project, merely further information or working with us this summer in Mexico, contact Nina McNulty, 743-404-5.



three hairstylists serve you

need and the materials on hand. This past summer Jean Cullen, along with two other colleagues, had the duties of teacher, nurse, witch doctor, recreation director, and undertaker. Needless to say, priceless experiences were handed them in return for what they had to offer. The native Mexicans in and around the mountains of Pisaflores are delightful and loving, but they are also totally uneducated - not merely in the primary techniques of reading and writing, but also in the existence of an outside world and of people beyond the confines of their hills.


WI0 has

The letters CLASP spell Mexico for many university students. The Conference for Inter-American Students Projects sends students as workers into the isolated hills of Mexico for a six-week period at the beginning of each summer. This year, sights are again set on the Indian village of Pisaflores and its surrounding ranchos. Here, the essentials of civilization such as electricity, running water, and locomotives are unheard of. Cooking is done over open fires. Candles provide some artificial lighting, but in many places even these are scarce. As a result, ,bedtime is 7:3 0 or whenever the sun sinks behind the towering peaks of the mountains. But rising time is also with the sun, between 5 and 6. The type of work varies as to the





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Launders idle, to interfere

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\%? Because we are involved in izlmost every phase of economic life in Canada, .we’re looking for men with a broad outlook. Consequently, we don’t restrict ourselves by any means to graduates with specialized backgrounds. Banking has become both a highly competitive and fast-changing business. The Royal Bank’s decentralized operations provide many active managemenl; positions to men of diverse inclinations and tajfents. We’ll be on camptts soon. Meanwhile, why not have a word with your placement officer today?

study in Antarctica

John Pedersen of Guelph Antarctic on the longest and most co-op engineering student.

Do you want more out of your university years than an academic education? Are you an engineering undergraduate ? Tomorrow is your last chance to submit a nomination form for the Engineering Society executive elections. Anyone with past experience is invited to run for the positions. This is your chance to gain experience. Forms available in annex 1 can be returned until 5 p.m. Friday.

Transporfafion for vofers Going home to vote or just a weekend’s rest? You’d like a companion who’s going your way? Circle K can arrange it. A “ride service” box will be installed next to the student mailboxes in the federation building foyer. If you need a ride home or elsewhere, fill in the white card and place it in the appropriate slot. In like cate card

case you have room and would an extra passenger, you can indiyour destination on a orange and deposit it in the box.

It’s up to the people with orange cards to check the white cards and vice versa, in order to combine passengers and drivers.

Circle M caucus Clubs from Windsor, London, St. Thomas and Waterloo will participate in a Divisional Caucus here this weekend. We would like to thank Logel’s Auto Parts for donating the car for our car bash and paying for the cost of transportation to and from the University.

The Bridge Club is going to be reorganized. As a prelude to this, the first game of the term will be held on Sunday, Nov. 7 at 2 p.m. in the arts coffeeshop. We know bridge may This learn vices

extend the invitation to all who the basic mechanics of contract (the normal kind) but who never have played duplicate. is an excellent opportunity to the game, so freshmen and noare welcome.

If possible, come with a partner we will arrange partnerships if necessary. We expect all our regular


will travel 35,000 miles to the unusual traikng term for a U of W

John Pedersen, of Guelph, Ontario, 20-year old second-year Electrical Engineering student at the University of Waterloo left campus Oct. 29, on the first leg of a journey to Antarctica where he will participate in the Johns Hopkins University ’ study of penguins in their natural habitat. Upon his return to the University of Waterloo in February, Pedersen will have travelled 35,000 miles by land, air and icebreaker. Pedersen will work for the Johns Hopkins University and participate in experiments and studies of penguins at McMurdo, Antarctica under the University of Waterloo’s co-operative engineering program. The Antarctic penguin project will be one of the most unusual work assignments ever undertaken by a student through the co-operative training program, and will be, by far, the


greatest distance travelled by any student to his assigned training location. During a similar training term in 1964, John worked for the University of Guelph and participated in the radar phase of a study of blackbirds. It was as a result of this project that he was selected by Johns Hopkins University to work on its penguin project in Antarctica. He will participate in the bio-telemetry phase of the study of the Emperor penguin. Tiny transistors will be attached to the bodies of the penguins or inserted in the penguins through surgery. This will enable the penguins to be tracked and data to be transmitted and recorded on their body functions. He will arrive at his destination on December 14. December is one of the summer months and temperatures

are normally above freezing, but tremendous blizzards sweep down off the plateaus which surround the area in which Pedersen will be working and living. Upon completion of his work near the South Pole, he will return to New Zealand and then by aircraft to Baltimore. He will remain at Johns Hopkins University until February 25, compiling a report on his electronic activities.

program, to describe some own overseas experiences, answer questions.

In response to requests for their services from governments and other agencies overseas, CUSO volunteers go as junior personnel to serve on a basis of equality with those with whom they will live and work. Every year there are many more requests for volunteers than CUSO can provide. Countries with a 75 per cent rate of illiteracy need teachers; countries with unused and wasted land need engineers and agriculturalists to make their land more productive. Everyone on campus interested in serving the developing world is warmly invited to be present in P145 tonight at 7:30.

Mr. Pedersen says he is looking forward to the trip and considers it an invaluable experience since it will enable him to keep up with the latest advances being made in electrical engineering. He has been interested in electronics for the past five years and claims that he has picked up a great deal of his knowledge of electronics through his work as a licenced amateur radio operator.

The members of the Civil Engineering Graduate Student Club held their second election of officers Oct. 26. The elected:




President: Fred Ellyin; Vice-Presidents: 1 Tom Sankar, 2 Bryan Fletcher; Secretary-Treasurer: Gunter Batter; Officers-at-large: John O’Flynn, Joe Fulop, Voitto Saari. Every full-time civil engineering graduate student is a member of the club, which promotes the welfare and the interests of its members and organizes social activities.

otss Photographs of graduates from the faculties of arts and science will be taken during November at the Pirak Studio, 350 King St. W., Kitchener. Engineering graduate photos will be taken in January. “Look sharp and wear a bright smile!” said editor Elaine Steiler. “The Compendium is depending on you!” Lists have been posted: you are asked to indicate the hour and day you wish your photo taken. The arts list, which includes grads from Renison and St. Jerome’s, is outside the arts coffeeshop. The science list is in the physics foyer. Only a certain number of days has been designated for each faculty: arts on Nov. 8-19 and science Nov. 22-30. Both men and women plied with proper dress worn under the gowns; a shirt and tie and the a white blouse.

will be supclothes to be the men with women with

Gory needs liteky items The Coryphaeus is planning to publish a literary page soon. We are presently soliciting poems, prose, short stories, novels, plays, epics, encyclopedias - anything that readers feel behooved to send in. If you have, or want to write anything, we would appreciate it if you dropped in at the Cory in annex 1, before Nov. 18.

Canadian University Service Overseas (CUSO) will hold its first meeting tonight in Room P145 at 7:30 p.m. CUSO undertakes to provide opportunities for any young Canadian qualified in his or her field, to spend two years serving and learning as a volunteer in a developing country. On almost every university campus in this country, there is a student CUSO committee which selects suitable applicants for overseas service. Here at Waterloo the committee, made up of two men, were themselves CUSO volunteers overseas. Glen Wooldridge, an engineer, and Jim Walker, a teacher, will be present at tonight’s meeting to outline the CUSO

of their and to

CUSO, often called “the Canadian Peace Corps,” actually began in September 1960 (under its old name Canadian Overseas Volunteers). CUSO is a private voluntary organization with neither government nor religious ties. As an associate committee of the Canadian Universities Foundation much of CUSO’s financial support comes from the Canadian universities, and the government is now providing half a million dollars annually to ensure the growth of the CUSO program.

SHOW SLIDES ON USSR Miss Lynda Britton of Toronto has been appointed general secretary, on a part-time basis, for the Student Christian Movement unit. She will assist the SCM executive in its activities and programming. Miss Britton is well qualified for this post having participated in both the Student Christian Movement unit at the U of T and having attended the Student Christian Movement national conference held at Bala, Ontario, last year. While an active member of the U of T SCM unit she was responsible for the operation of a coffee house called The Inn of the Unmuzzled Ox. She will assist the SCM unit members in organizing a similar coffee house to be located in the basement of the campus co-operative. The coffee house will offer a relaxed amosphere for intellectual stimulus and free expression. The Student Christian Movement has been in existence about 40 years and is a national movement across Canada. It is a Christian movement for students of all religions, or those with the lack of a religion, and enable the students to discuss various religious questions within the Christian framework. One of the aims of the SCM will be to create liaison between other religious groups on the campus. The U of W SCM unit will hold

The Ukrainian Students Club will meet in the engineering faculty lounge at 7:30 Tuesday night. Prof. Davis of history will show a series of slides on his journey through the USSR. Refreshments. All welcome-bring a friend.

Grad 5aII committee The first meeting of the Grad Ball Committee will take place Thursday November E-109.

Miss Britton, new Student Christian

secretary Movement.


a seminar in the future and will also hold fireside discussions in the homes of various faculty members on alternate Sundays. Additional information about the SCM unit may be obtained by contacting Miss Britton at 745-2664, at the campus co-op, 146 University Ave., W., Waterloo.




in room

All those interested in making “Grad Ball ‘66” a success are urged to attend.

Riders meet The Riding Club will meet Thursday, Nov. 4, at the Beechwood Riding Stables just west of the Student Village on Columbia Street. All those interested in riding and all horse lovers are welcome to join. No previous experience is necessary.



4, 1965








Two years ago, St. Aethelwold’s company performed the morality Wyt and science. To our knowledge this was the first performance of the play in 400 years. University College in Toronto recently performed the same play, however. Perhaps Waterloo has begun a tradition. Although the Toronto production of Wyt and science was severely cut, the scenes retained showed borrowings from the St. Aethelwold’s version. The Toronto costumes, though more elaborate, were basically the same - matching leotards and sweaters to provide unity, jerkins and tunics to achieve an air of authenticity. Ignorance’s cap and bells were also used. Borrowings were also made in the stage business - Idleness enumerating the syllables of her pupil’s name on her fingers, the actual slaying of the giant Tediousness offstage, the triumphal procession of the victors. University College of course introduced many of their own interpretations. But the idea of performing medieval plays on a 20th-century university campus began, it seems, at the university of Waterloo.




is a chronicle, in colour, of Canada’s efforts in two World Wars. to be shown in P145 at 12: 15 p.m. on Nov. 11. It is a film of hope and pride, a memorable tribute to Canadians who have died abroad in the service of their country. It is presented by the Creative Arts Board in association with Waterloo Branch 530 Royal Canadian Legion. Fields

of sacrifice

This week


. .

The Tuesday film series will present two film selections at 12 : 15 noon in P 145. Admission is free. Life in the woodlot deals with a “surprising peak into the hidden world of the woodlot.” Life on the western marshes describes the “methods of conservation being undertaken by various groups interested in the alarming decrease in the number of wild ducks.”

Tonight is the night! St. Aethelwold’s John

John, Tyb the priest opens

his wife and Sir John

The unfaithful wife’s revenge - Tyb leaving not a bite for John John.


and the priest




presentbtion The Gallery of the Theatre of the Arts has scheduled a Norman McLaren festival in two parts for the students, faculty and staff.

cinema. His work is appreciated throughout the world, and has recently been reviewed in Canadian Art and Time.

Part one will be shown 12:15 p.m., B124.


The following films will be included in part one :

the exthe the

La poulette grise, A Little Fantasy, Blinkity Blank, Fiddle Dee Dee, Lines Horizontal, Lines Vertical, Hoppity pop, Le Merle, Dots, Loops.


Norman McLaren is probably world’s greatest living maker of perimental films, and one of greatest in the brief history of

tonight in the Theatre of the Arts at 8:15. Tickets are available at the box office or from company members: adults $1.2’5, students 75 cents and children free. In the absence of stage directions in the Middle English texts, the actors bring their own interpretations to the parts. Pat Flynn’s interpretation of John John is that of a 16th-century Walter Mitty. Although he is sadly henpecked, he has frequent dreams of grandeur in which he escapes his unhappy lot in the persons of brave and colorful men he wishes to be - among them an opera singer, a boxer and a matador. His excursions into the happier world of dreams are heralded by the note of a trumpet in the orchestra and are rudely interrupted by the relentless nagging of his wife. Chris McCarthy, in her portrayal of Tyb, brings out the wife’s frustration with her husband’s apparent lack of affection. She is unfaithful and

Nov. 4

Johan, Johan, Tyb, his wy fe, and Sir Johan the priest by the St. Aethel-



Friday, Folk


Nov. 5 Song Club.

St. Aethelwold’s 8: 15.

8 : 15.

P150, noon. Players.

Saturday, Nov. 6 St. Aethelwold’s 8:30.




Sunday, Nov. 7 Jazz concert. Theatre, 2:O0. International film series: Pathar Panchali. P145, 2:30 and 8:30. Tuesday, Nov. 9 Tuesday film series: Life in the woodlot and Life on the western marshes. P145, 12: 15. Lecture : Lighting by Phliip Rose, Strand Electric. Theatre, 500. Wednesday, Nov. 10 Art film: A Norman McLaren festival, part one. B124, 12:15. Thursday, Nov. 11 The bald soprano, a one-act play as a studio presentation. Theatre, 12: 10. Remembrance Day Film: Fields of Sacrifice. P145, 12: 15. Last week for Beckmann and the German expressionists in the Gallery of the Theatre of the Arts. Open weekdays 9-5 and Sundays 2-5 p.m.

Tyb frequently mentions the priest and finally sends John John to invite him to share the precious pie in hopes of arousing her husband’s jealousy so that she can convince herself that he truly loves her. But John John remains more concerned over the pie. Tyb has her revenge when she and the priest finish the meal - leaving not a bite for John John. The style of production employed by St. Aethelwold’s is traditional: the atmosphere of a company players and minstrels, the actors delivery of word and gesture, the makeup, the costuming, the use of the stage are all in a style which attempts to reconstruct as much as conditions permit, the way in which these plays were originally performed by medieval players.


The first Sunday afternoon recital will be held in the Theatre of the Arts on Nov. 14 at 3 p.m. The gifted pianist, Gifford Toole, will be the solo artist on this programme. Sharing the programme with Mr. Toole will be the newly-formed University Chamber Players under the direction of Mr. Alfred Kunz, director of music. These recitals are open to everyis free. They are one; admission sponsored by the creative arts board.

Noontime Thursday,

though John John suspects it and is concerned, Tyb is not satisfied that his concern is genuine. It is easily and constantly eclipsed by his concern for his stomach. John John proves much more concerned over the fate of the pie they are to have for supper than over the activities of his wife.


The second noontime concert will be held in the Theatre of the Arts on Nov. 17 at 12:15. The enthusiastic response of the audience of more than 250 persons at the first concert was most encouraging to the various performing groups. The entire performance indicated clearly that there is a great deal of talent on this campus as well as an audience for the support of it. These concerts are sponsored by the creative arts board. FOLK -





Records Discount

The K-W Art Gallery has organized a show of Canadian Realists for those who are bewildered by pop art, op art, sop art, etc., opening tomorrow. The exhibition includes such well known realists as Ken Demby, Hilton Hassel, Douglas Elliot, L. Nickle and Tom Mathews. Also tomorrow evening at 8:30, Prof. Anthony Adams of the school of architecture of the University of Toronto will give a lecture. The’ K-W Art Gallery is located at 779 King Street West in Kitchener. Its hours are Saturday 10 - 5 and Sunday 1 - 5 p.m. The exhibition will close Nov. 28.

ONE WEEK - Starts Thurs., Nov. 4 The Broadway Hit of the Season - Larger and more Ribald than Life! DIANE CILENTO in









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Coming Nov. 11th Ingar Bergman FILM FESTIVAL

by Dave Denovan



flI ms Following the earlier article on the loyalty oath of the Directors Guild of America: the dissident members have lost their first court case, not on constitutional grounds but because the court felt they would not suffer financially because of the oath. As this issue does involve the constitution, it will undoubtedly get to the Supreme Court. Something to watch for: the German Film Institute of Weisbaden (West Germany), in cooperation with the Goethe Society of Paris is staging an exhibition of excerpts from 150 German silent films. After the close of the Paris showing it will tour France, Great Britain and Canada. Cartoons about entertainment groups are now the rage it seems. The Beatles are now on television and a Seven Arts series of Laurel and Hardy will be out soon. Jamar Productions of Hollywood has announced plans to do a series on Abbot and Costello. Move over kiddies. Lionel Bunt, who wrote the musical Oliver, based on Oliver Twist, has a new show opening in London. It is all about Robin Hood and is called (what else?) “Twang.” The film rights have already been bought by United Artists. Tyrone Guthrie is to direct an outdoor extravaganza scheduled by the Canadian Centennial Committee for 1967. It will be a variety show and will take place on Parliament Hill. Also as a centennial celebration, Sophia Loren is to appear at Expo 67 and Sir Lawrence Olivier will head a British group of Old Vic players to perform during the whole fair apparently. Sounds like an exciting year. Currently in Dublin is a musical


play called “Dearest Dracula.” It is getting good notices and one of the favorite numbers is Home beyond the grave.

Off Broadway in New York, the collection of one-act plays by Ray Bradbury, The veldt, The pedestrian, To the Chicago abyss, (all from his short stories), are faring badly with the critics and will probably have to close. A pity, for Bradbury is one of the few science fiction writers today who dares to attack society. More strange film titles in production: Mating modern style, Rent-agirl, The deep freeze girls, (any nominations?) The second best secret agent in the whole wide world.

Almost first Last week in Halifax, the chairman of the National Film Board, Guy Roberge, commented on the growing need for adequate screen education in Canada. He pointed out that the child of today grows up in a world dominated by the projected image. “Traditionally, the schools have trained student taste and judgment in relation to books . . . but it is high time that faculties should also be developed to train the students taste and judgment in relation to films,” Mr. Roberge said. The University of Waterloo was fortunate in having such a faculty last year. This “faculty” was Prof. MacQuarrie and his extension course, “Symbols and patterns in major forms.” This course studied novels, poetry, plays and films. Though originally planned to be given this year also, the course was withdrawn when Prof. MacQuairrie left for U of T (where he is now giving the course). Pencilled into the extension course calendar for next year is this course again and another “The history of cinema.” Whether or not these courses are dependent on Prof. MacQuarrie is not certain. There is no reason why they

should be, since there are several staff members with both the interest and the knowledge to teach them. For a while the U of W was again leading Canada and this time in Arts! It would be a shame to let it drop now. All it takes is some expressed student interest, and this interest should be in every student, for, as Mr. Roberge said: “if one day WC obtain that universal brotherhood which we all desire we will perhaps owe it in no small part to the cinema which has brought us knowledge of the whole world.”

. 6%

usfc by Heather


At convocation and the opening of the new Arts Library, both the Brass Choir and the Madrigal singers performed for the first time at a formal university function. The Brass Choir performed Three fanfares written by Mr. Alfred Kunz, our director of music - and a processional and recessional march as well. The Madrigal Singers performed two madrigals : Since first I saw your face, and Adieu, sweet Amarillis as well as Clear midnight, a piece composed by Alfred Kunz. It is sincerely hoped that we will see more of these groups in the future.

so who’s

Ms Marshall concert coming

suffring? -

play enjoyed but outdated A play written in 1882 in Cobourg being a story of suffragism within the universities of Ontario was presented last Thursday by the Faculty Players in the Arts Theatre. The authoress may have intended her play to be received with impassioned enthusiasm for her cause, but the modern audience on Thursday enthusiastically laughed at the outmoded idea. The far-fetched plot shows a “sweet young thing” revolting against the “No Women” signs in a Canadian university and invading them in the disguise of a man. After walking off triumphantly, deep voice and all, she reveals the two year hoax at convocation much surprising her confreres who had commended Tom on his/her gentlemanly conduct as “a credit to the sex.” A total lack of scenery was compensated by the effective balance of the cast seating arrangement on stage. The voices of the actors and actresses were expressive, easily heard and even though they still had their scripts in their hands. The production was successful but should have been better advertised so that more people could have enjoyed this event.

The noted Canadian soprano, Lois Marshall, will appear in court at the Theatre of the Arts on Nov. 19. This performance is being presented by the CBC in association with the Creative Arts Board. The concert is being taped for a future broadcast and for this reason admission is free. Tickets for this event are available in the theatre box office.

Expert to lecture on stage lighting Mr. Philip Rose, senior member of the staff of Strand Electric, will lecture on the technical phases of stage lighting in the Theatre of the Arts at 5 p.m. on Tuesday. Philip Rose has been responsible for the installation of some of the best lighting equipment and the most imaginative layouts in theatres in Canada in the past few years. He is an expert, both in the technical and the artistic side of stage lighting. Mr. Rose will be on campus on the afternoon of Nov. 9, prior to his lecture. This will be the second last lecture in the present Theatre Lecture series. On Nov. 10, Dennis Sweeting, director of drama, will hold a seminar on directing, concluding the twice weekly series which began on Oct. 5.

Qozrrama Noontime

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by Peggy Larkin It seems that these days everyone has been bitten by the acting bug. Those of us who were at the faculty playreading last Thursday were greeted in the theatre foyer by a canine cutie with a black eye. Shades of Buster Brown! The dog wandered around so nonchalantly and mingled so unobtrusively with the aesthetes that the not-so-culturally minded should hang their heads in shame at being outclassed by a little fourfooter.

production in full swing

The first one-act play presentation in a series of three studio noontime theatre offerings will be on Nov. 11 in the Theatre of the Arts, at 12 : 10 p.m. The play, The Bald Soprano, is directed by Mr. Roman Dubinski of the English Department, under the guidance of Prof. Walter Martin. This comedy by Ionesco is one of the best examples of the modern theatre of the absurd.

Taking part in the play is a group of students and staff members: Brian Wiens and Mary Hamlin as Mr. and Mrs. Smith; Tony Seward and Barbara Krug as Mr. and Mrs. Martin; Mike Behan as the Fire Chief; Janet Borrowman as the Maid. Stage manager will be John Tricker,, with a stage crew to be chosen later. This production continues the music and drama noon series, initiated this year by the Creative Arts Board.


s narcotic by Peggy Larkin “On being released, most have nowhere to go but back to the environment that created their addiction, and so it goes on: addiction, theft and prostitution, jail - in an interminable cycle. “His principal activities have been concerned with easing the plight of the most tragic figure - the woman drug addict. In doing so he has penetrated a level of society known to few but habitues of the underworld and the most experienced police officers. “With this book a revealing light is cast into a dark corner.” So wrote Commissioner Kross of the department of correction, City of about Father Daniel New York, Egan, the junkie priest. John D. Harris has written a dyof Father Daniel namic account

Egan’s often desperately discouraging srtuggle to establish a halfway house for women attempting to begin life again in the society which keeps rejecting them. The junkie priest’s head-on collision with the narcotics dilemma began with Helen, a nurse trained addict. From this 50-dollar-a-day addict Father Egan learned of the pathetic plight of the junkie. Help was not available from hospitals for addicts like Helen unless they were in need of emergency treatment for withdrawal symptoms. No, the hospitals were sorry, but they did not admit addicts for simple detoxification. With his assignment to a New York women’s prison Father Egan became more startlingly aware of the need for some type of help for women addicts, who fill 80% of the jail. “It seems that the most that is


being done for these people is keeping them out of sight,” he said. It’s as if society considers them garbage and puts them in a can and slams the lid. Then society can’t see them. But they are still there.” Father Egan’s thoughts polarized around this idea of a halfway house. When he attempted to communicate his thoughts to the women convicts they met his proposal with cynical shrugs and told him he was wasting his time. This made him even more determined than ever to realize his goal. Lois and her morbid suicide; Carol, the once beautiful, but now gaunt, aging junkie prostitute who wrote “Father - I owe so much to you. Thanks for giving me back my life.” Marie, - who tried to make it back, Toni, on cocaine at 13 and knifed at 17, were examples of the cases the



junkie priest was striving to bring help to. Ultimately Father Egan’s struggle rewarded him with a shelter - not much - but a beginning in the painful process of rehabilitation. Here the women could readjust their lives in a homey atmosphere in a house wtih fresh flowers, plenty of food and no bars on the windows. This frank book is not written with a built-in prejudice for Father Egan, a Catholic priest, but in an ill-concealed tone of respect and admiration by a man who does not hold the same religious convicitions. The author’s style is not a static factual account of the narcotic problem but it is flavored with the dynamic jargon of this little known underworld. Mr. Harris has done convincing research in the narcotics problem to bring the shocking sta-


tistics of the country’s opium intake to, our attention. By citing outmoded laws and policies of our social institutions. He shows the inadequacies with which we are backed in attempting to face this terrifying real problem. Today, after his several years as Greenwich Village’s junkie priest, this Graymoor Friar, Father Egan, is doing Parish work in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. As evidence of the impact of Harris’ book, which has sold over 200,000 copies, and Father Egan’s appearance on CBC’s Seven days program, five Canadian cities with the same problem of addiction have announced the building of halfway houses. Part of the proceeds from both the book and the planned movie will go to Father Egan’s slowly-being-real&d dream of establishing halfway houses.







The Card ‘tes An opportunity 4 parties


The Candidate Kieth Hymmen and his wife Ruth have three children - Lorna, Ward and Heather. Kieth Hymmen is the fourth generation of his family to live in this area. He was born in Kitchener in 1913, attended local primary and secondary schools, and graduated in chemical engineering from the University of Toronto (B.A.Sc., M.A.Sc.). He is Church, chener, 1958 (6

a member of Trinity was Alderman, City 1957-58, 1960-62; months), 1963-65.

The Pr

United of KitMayor

The Policy All major legislation that concerns the security and well-being of the family has been introduced in Canada by Liberal governments. Family Allowances . . . Unemployment Insurance . . . Old Age Security . . . Youth Allowances . . . the Canada Pension Plan . . . they are some of the great milestones of legislation. They are the framework for Family Security built because of the historic Liberal concern for a good life for all people. The Liberal position on Family Security is based on a very simple belief:

What the individual makes of his opportunities is up to him. The goal of government is that everyone should have the essentials that put a good life within his grasp. Most Canadians sentials right now.

do have

the es-

But there are in Canada, even in prosperous times like these, many families and individuals who lack one or more of the essentials of Family Security. (1) Some don’t have the necessary skills at a time when increasingly better-trained people are needed for new jobs. (2) Some are out of work and cannot get another job and therefore cannot maintain the income they need for a home, food and clothing. (3) Some have major health problems that they can’t handle alone. (4) Some cannot look forward to the kind of retirement they need.


The Liberal direction in Family Security is clear: Liberals want to make sure all children get all the education they can in order to be able to get good jobs throughout their working life. That’s why the Liberal government started $10 a month allowances for 16-and-17-year olds, to help their parents keep them at school. That’s why the Liberal government introduced loans for university students, interest-free while they are studying. That’s why the Liberal government in this election wants your support to work out with the provinces and universities a national plan to make sure that all young Canadians with the will and ability to go to university are able’ to do so. This requires a great expansion of high-quality uni-




The Candidate

He is chairman Kitchener Police Commission and member of 16 other boards and commissions.

(1) If you get as much education as you can; (2) if you have a steady job; (3) if your health is good and can be kept good; and (4) if you can look forward to retirement without fearthen a good life is well within your grasp.


KIETH versities as well as financial aid for students whose parents cannot afford the cost. That’s why the Liberal government wants to make sure that, after school is over, people have continuing opportunities to retrain for new and better jobs. Federal assistance for training has already been greatly increased. The Liberal government has now made to the provinces proposals for developing new training programs to do the best possible job for the people who most need it.

Employment Liberals want to do everything that a Federal government can to make sure there are enough good jobs for the Canadian people. Because of our growing population, there must be more jobs and they must be productive jobs that can pay good wages. That’s why the Liberal government gives top priority to policies for economic expansion. The results: in two years, more than half a million new jobs; unemployment down to the lowest rate in nine years.

government provides development grants to industries which will start or expand in the parts of the country that most need more jobs. That’s

why the Liberal

That’s why the Liberal government is now starting to help unemployed people who have to move to get jobs. The program will pay both the moving expenses and as much as $1,000 for the cost of a family settling in a new home.

government is developing a comprehensive program so that people trapped in poverty will have all the help they need to help themselves. That’s

why the Liberal


Medicare Liberals want universal medical care services so that no man, woman or child will ever go without a doctor’s care in time of need. That’s why the Liberal government has a program to make medicare possible for all Canadians in all provinces. The government has offered the provinces half the national cost of medicare provided the provincial plan covers everyone, provides all physicians’ services, is publicly administered, and goes with the people when they move from province to province.


Liberals believe that everyone should be able to retire with a sense of security.

That’s why the Liberal government in 1963, as a first step, raised the old-age-security pension to $75 a month. That’s why Liberal legislation now provides that next January the $75 pension will be paid at age 69, the next year at 68, and so on until everyone will have it at age 65. That’s why the Liberal government is providing the Canada Assistance Plan, under which people who need it will be able to get more than $75 a month. Above all, that’s why the Liberal government put through the Canada Pension Plan. Add these to all the social measures we now take for granted in Canada and you can see the Liberal direction in Family Security. It is a plan of legislatiou to search out the problems that matter to you and your familyproblems of education, of steady employment at good wages, of health and of retirement-and to solve those problems with expanding services to all, all through their lifetime.

Fred Speckeen was born in Waterloo Township, 1929. He is married to Esther Stoltzfus and has a son 4l/2 years of age, in kindergarten. He has three academic degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Divinity, and Doctor of Philosophy. He has served as college professor, consultant in education and communication, he is educator and administrator. Presently he is Dean of Students (on leave) at Waterloo Lutheran University where he is responsible for student discipline, housing financial aid, placement services, health services, athletic program, counsellingguidance-testing .and student activities. He is co-author of “Speech Arts for Canadian Students” to be published this winter by Thomas-Nelson Company, Toronto. The following are some of Fred Speckeen’s contributions to the community: Trustee: Kitchener Public School Board, Past Chairman : Management Committee and Personnel Committee; Member of International House Committee, Waterloo Rotary Club; Member Adult Education Committee, YMCA Kitchener; Treasurer: Childrens International Summer Village Program (Waterloo County Chapter). Town and Gown Committee of Waterloo, University Representative; Select Committee on Youth: Local Program Chairman; St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Member of Church


The Policy A dynamic, lively -Canada moved ahead on Progressive Conservative policy. China and Russia wheat deals . . . devaluation of the Canadian dollar helping our sales abroad . . . income tax reductions . . . huge increases in grants to provinces . . . the first export trade surplus in years . . . stabilization of the cost of living . . . abolition of the automboile excise tax . . . opening up of the North . . . roads to resources and development roads . . . national farm policy . . . ARDA . . . winter works program . . . sales tax exemptions for municipalities . . . national oil policy . . . railroads to resources . . . international airports . . . and countless more signs of good, honest government. The P r o g r e s s i v e Conservatives brought the greatest social justice benefits in Canadian history. Government payments to individuals doubled from 1957 to 1963 (the aged, hospitalized, blind, disabled, veterans and dependents and unemployed) . . . huge increases made in grants to institutions including hospitals . . . national health insurance put into effect. There was a balanced program for all Canadians not just for the privil-

FRE eged few . . . the Bill of Rights . housing loans increased twenty-f1 . . . franchise extended to Indi: . . . the first Indian senator . . . sim taneous translation in the Comma . . . bilingual cheques . . . the f woman ambassador abroad . . . come tax exemptions for students.

Confederation Conference An “open” Confederation Coni ence will be convened to draw UI blueprint for a new concept of ( national destiny, based on ur through equality. Confederation - our unique un of provinces and cultures - must strengthened, not weakened. Clo conferences and secret deals h; exaggerated differences and increa tensions. We have a right to kn what decisions are being made ab the future of our Confederation.

Sales Tax The 11% sales tax on build materials and production machin will be removed. The sales tax adds to the cost homes and goods, raises prices in

The New Democratic Partv

the Issues:

The Candidate

ort ogram National Development New national development will be implemented.


Active resource development is the life-blood of the Canadian economy. Imaginative policies such as a National Power Grid will make energy resources available in all parts of Canada; a Water Resources Policy will preserve this valuable resource; a program of federal aid for parks will improve the recreational facilities around our urban areas. A Progressive Conservative government will provide catch insurance and assist in marketing and export.

Education National plan for education Canada’s first will increase per capita university grants from $2 to $5. Higher education must not become an institution reserved for the privileged. Our new program will allow thousands more Canadians to obtain a university education; will increase grants for university expansion and medical research; and will be a stimulus to the whole economy. A Department of Youth will be established.

Consumer IEN nestic and export markets, and pardizes important job-producing tars of the economy. The eliminaI of this tax will be a first objec: of a PC government.



lomeowners’ municipal taxes up 6500 will be deductible for federal 3me tax purposes. tising school costs impose an un* share of the tax burden on homelers, almost to the breaking-point. : $500 deduction will mean a fed1 sharing of education costs with provinces and municipalities.

preign Trade Toreign trade tded.


be greatly


‘he Progressive Conservative govment opened up wheat sales in na and Russia and found new rkets for Canadian goods throughthe world, creating the first comdity export trade surplus in years. : new program will expand major t facilities in Canada, stimulate an ressive sales program abroad, and come foreign investment in Canwithout fear of discrimination by moactive legislation.


Interest rates on consumer loans will be reduced by the enactment of special legislation (Consumers’ Loans Act) Present interest rates add 20% and more to the cost of necessary and basic consumer purchases. High interest rates dry up consumer demand. We will provide urban dwellers with the same type of credit advantages now available to farmers.



NHA mortgages for older homes.


be provided

NHA mortgages have been limited to new home construction. Mortgages on older homes will permit the mobility of people that is essential if wage-earners are to take full advantage of Canada’s growth.

Old Age Pensions Old age pensions to $100 per month.

will be increased

The needs of our senior citizens are not adequately provided for in the Canada Pension Plan. The ccrst of living has spiralled, and a pension of $100 per month is today’s recognized level of minimum subsistence.

Morley Rosenberg, who is 28 years old, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Waterloo College (University of Western Ontario) and a Bachelor of Laws degree from Osgoode Hall. He is a member of the Canadian Bar Association and the Waterloo County Bar Association, and practises law in the twin cities. Mr. Rosenberg has wide interests in the community and is now a vicepresident of the Kitchener-Waterloo Little Theatre. He is also a former director of the Waterloo Lutheran University Alumni Association. Mr. Rosenberg is married to the former Ruthan Bierstock of Kitchener and has one daughter. Morley Rosenberg, who has the ability and enthusiasm for an active political life, will serve the people of Waterloo North as their full-time Member of Parliament. If elected he will use his legal background and training to obtain for the people of Canada fair and equitable legislation.

The Policy Canadians today are looking for a sense of national purpose. They are tired of the drift in government, the bickering in Parliament. People in this country are worried about where Canada is headed in the next ten years. They know that past governments, Liberal and Conservative, have been content to let things drift without purpose or direction. It’s time things changed. Canadians want to be challenged. They want Parliament to get on with the job of making Canada great and prosperous, a voice to be reckoned with in world affairs. Canada today faces problems and opportunities which can only be met if Parliament sets out a series of national goals around which the country can unite, towards which all Canadians’ can work together. The people of Canada want a clear sense of national purpose. The New Democratic Party responds with the leadership, the men, and the policies to meet this challenge. Only the New Democratic Party has a clear-cut plan of action to deal with the problems facing Canada, and to ensure security for our future. The key to this plan of action is democratic economic planning to provide full employment. By maintaining a high level of employment we will greatly increase Canada’s Gross National Product. One-quarter of this increase will come back to the government as revenue, at existing tax rates.

Medicare This is where the money will come from to pay for such social measures as Medicare and free higher education. And what about Medicare? The Liberals have been promising it for years (beginning in 19 19) - but still no plan. They have done nothing to implement the Hall Royal Commission which recommended the kind of Medicare enacted by a New Democratic government in Saskatchewan. Their most recent delaying tactic was to try to pass the buck to the provinces. Experience has shown that only a New Democratic government can be relied upon to enact a national plan.




The Party

A New Democratic government would bring in legislation to enable every Canadian to receive a university education - free of charge as long as he or she possessed the talent to do so. This means free tuition and books, and additional assistance when necessary.

The work of New Democratic MPs has contrasted sharply with the squabbling among the old parties.

Old Age Pension New Democrats also believe that our present old-old pension provisions are inadequate. A New Democratic government would immediately raise the old-age pension to $100 a month at age 65, and provide cost-of-living allowances.

Automation Price Fixing


A New Democratic government will enact comprehensive legislation to deal with the growing challenge posed by automation and cyberation. Legislation will also be introduced to provide for fair packaging so that consumers will be able to compare prices without the aid of a computer. Pricefixing will be eliminated.

Canada’s leading newspapers have praised the New Democratic performante: “The New Democrats could be confident that their MPs had given the ablest individual performances in the Commons.” - Time Magazine. the most cut by a Canadian months has been Democratic Party Douglas . . .” Mail. “


The Leader Much of the growing support for the New Democratic Party is due to the outstanding performance by New Democratic members at Parliament. the leadership of T. C. New Democrats in the Commons have been conproposing constructive legis-



statesmanlike figure politician in recent that of the New Leader, Mr. T. C. Toronto Globe and

“I’m still supporting the NDP’s domestic principles. Can anyone imagine voting for anyone else now?” Pierre Berton, quoted in the Winnipeg Free Press.

It is because of policies such as these, that support is growing for the New Democratic Party on November 8.

Under Douglas, House of sistent in lation.





The purpose of this page is to present at a glance the candidates for Waterloo North, and their party policies. It is hoped that this will help those students who will be voting in this riding, Monday, reach a knowledgeable decision as to which candidate to support. The material used was taken from party literature, and in most cases was used verbatim. It is not our purpose to take a side in this presentation, but we have tried to be fair to all parties.




by Wayne Tymm KINGSTON (Staff) - One of the features of the current election campaign is the Conservative attack on the Liberals. The full force of this attack was vividly brought home to us with a recent edition of our local newspaper. In the paper was a large advertisement supposedly supporting the Conservative party and quoting expelled Liberal Yvon Dupuis. We quote: “YOU said it . . ., Mr. Pearson’s ex-cabinet minister. We didn’t. , .


“On Oct. 18, the Toronto Telegram, in a story about Mr. Dupuis’ nomination in Montreal, reported the following statement by him: “ ‘He said he could not understand why he was singled out for punishment when other members of the Cabinet, also accused in the press and in the courts of wrongdoing, were solidly backed by the party brass. “What about Favreau, Tremblay, and even I more recently, Pickersgill?” he said.’ ” The advertisement was illustrated

and send to a friend.

Our reaction was sudden and explosive. “My God, how low can they

-Joel Aldred to give L. B. P. a scare before retreating in disarray in Algoma East.. . -Pauline Jewitt to lose a heartbreaker to George Hees in Northumberland (and I hope I’m wrong on this one) . . . -Kieth Hymmen to take Waterloo North for the Liberals . . . -John Harney of the NDP to upset stolid old Guelph with a big victory . . . -The “Hate Hazen” backlash to return one Saskatchewan seat to the Liberals - Hazen Argue in Assiniboia . . . -Robert Thompson, the Sacred

In all seriousness though, this will probably be the most decisive election in recent years. It will mark the end of a long career for either Pearson or Dief or both. And Tommy Douglas won’t be unaffected by the results either. For all three, this is a produce-orelse situation. Douglas must show 8. considerable increase in support for his NDP; Dief must gain at least a minority government; Pearson must produce a solid majority. Failure means political liquidation. It could result in the biggest change in party leadership since Diefenbaker took over the PCs. But somehow most people have lost interest in the antics of these three men. They have become apathetic and if you are one of the apathetics here are 10 good reasons to turn on the TV Monday night anyway : Look for: -Early NDP joy as Ed Johnston attempts to make Cape Brenton South the only NDP seat in the Maritimes . . . -Pearson’s liviliest skeleton in the closet, Yvon Dupuis, to romp home an easy victor if he isn’t in jail . . . -Robert Cliche to make Beauce the first-ever NDP seat in Quebec . . .


What startled us the Conservative people expected to mileage out of Mr. spiteful remarks.

was the fact that public relations get some political Dupuis’ obviously

The advertisement made us think. In fact, it did more: it revolted us to know that in our country such rank tactics can be used in a newspaper advertisement in support of so “honorable” a party as the Tories.



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Graduating Class: Sun Life of Canada will be on campus to discuss management careers with you. The life insurance industry today offers an interesting and rewarding future to individuals with management potential. Make your appomtment at the placement office now to see Sun Life of Canada on:



VANCOUVER (CUP) Simon Fraser University students have elected an ombudsman to investigate student complaints. At a council meeting Oct. 13 John Mynott, a second-year student, was chosen for the post. Students with grievances against faculty or administration will be able to take their problems to Mr. Mynott, who will go the parties concerned.


SPECKEEN, FRED Conservative







Simon Fraser gefs ombudsman

Man of Action


leader, to find himself without a party and without a seat. . . -Davie Fulton to hold Kamloops BC, but never the federal leadership . . . -And then of course there’s always Dr. Kildare on American channel 2. One final stab in the dark: Liberal 138 Yvon Dupuis 1 PC 89 NDP 24 Sacred 3 Creditiste 10 And you can call me a liar on Tuesday morning.

“You can help elect John Doe if you clip this advertisement and mail to a friend.”

‘Careers with Sun Life’ is available at the



There have been recent scandals in government circles, multiplied tenfold in magnitude by opposition parties. Because of the archaic political setup

in Canada, scandals are not an unheard of thing in any government. The men involved in the current scandals have been fired or dismissed: now let us get down to the question of who can form an efficient, responsible government.

Our booklet

Elect Nov. 8th,


truth has with the smearing has been

It has come to the point where such an innocent action as an Eskimo being run down by a stampeding horde of ookpiks can be skilfully manipulated into a denunciation of the inadequacy of the Liberal government.

and iustice minister: to watch TV Monday

by Grant Gordon Well, for the fourth time in seven years Messrs. Lester Bowles Pearson and John George Diefenbaker have expressed dissatisfaction with the public’s judgment on their personal feud, So, for the fifth time in eight years, the Canadian electorate will be choosing from among candidates of the eight major political parties - Liberal, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic, Social Credit, Creditiste, Communist, New Capitalist and Rhinoceros - in a general election. Fortunately for the electors, their choice has been limited by the decision of the Rhinoceri to concentrate all their efforts on one riding, Montreal Papnieau, where Guy Favreau (remember him) is battling Lucien Rivard, the Rhinoceros candidate. + + it



But is it the truth? The been so grossly distorted, slightest detail magnified to proportions, that the truth forgotten.


Rhinoceros 10 reasons


sink?” Our innate decency rebelled at the thought of any organization hitting below the belt in such a manner as this advertisement. But are they hitting below the belt? After all, isn’t it the truth?

with a sour-looking picture of Mr. Dupuis, “former Liberal Cabinet Minister in the Pearson government, who is now awaiting trial on a charge of alleged influence peddling involving $10,000 and a new race track franchise.” The advertisement finished with the subtle suggestion that You can help elect . . . (the local Conservative candidate) if ybu clip this advertise-







Applications Departments. Please submit sideration






are now


in the

by 15 November


in order
















f un

0 Fy Dave Campbell Our governments for the past Godknows-how-many terms have promised increased student aid, yet fees and residence costs have been continually rising. Before we resign ourselves to the raw deal we’re getting financially, let us examine what a government can do for higher education by contrasting the plight of the Canadian student with that of his Swedish counterpart. By comparison with the $555 minimum university fees we pay each year, the Swedish student pays nothing. No Fees! Universities are built and maintained by the state. Professors’ salaries are also paid by the government. Student residences are erected and maintained, not by the university administration as here, but by the Akademiska Froeningen (a sort of student council), which builds these residences construction aided by government loans with repayment conditions very favorable to the students. Student residences are cheapet than outside accommodation. A room in a student house, in which the rooms are all furnished singles, considerably larger than those in Waterloo student village, costs about 150 kronor per month (about $30). Full kitchen facilities are available, but food is the student’s responsibility. This compares with about 200 kr. for a room rented in a private house. But government aid to students goes considerably farther than this, for the Swedish university student is considered an adult, capable of financial independence. Government measures are geared to this concept of helping him get his education independent of his parents’ resources. Every student receives from the government a living allowance of 175 kr. per month for the eight months of the academic year. This is non-repayable. As you see by comparison with the cost of accommodation, this living allowance is equivalent to free housing. This allowance is continued as long as the student continues to pass his examinations at a reasonable rate. This leaves the student only his books, food and entertainment to pay himself. If his personal income is not sufficient, he may borrow, completely free of interest, up to 7,000 kr . annually. This generous loan need not be paid back until the person is 50 years old. Recently, there

has been a stipulation placed on the availability of the loan; The income of the student’s parents must not exceed 30,000 kr. This ruling is unpopular among students for it negates to a certain extent the sutdent’s financial independence from his parents. But as this income is one not easily reached in Sweden, the regulation does not apply to most. Hs all this aid good for the student? Does he value his education he doesn’t have to work to obtain? I think that slackness can set in because of the ease of financing a university education but only to a very slight degree. It must be noted too, that the student loses his living allowance if he fails to pass his exams at a stipulated rate. But in the process of educating oneself to life the Swedish student gains immeasurably over his Canadian counterpart. First, he is financially independent of his family, and severing the pursestrings usually results in the severing of mother’s apron strings, to which so many of us are tied. Second, the majority of Swedish students with whom I spoke work only for a part of their summer recess and visit the continent for the remainder. This isn’t to say they lounge around the Riviera all summer; a great number of Swedes work in a foreign environment, trying to gain an insight into other societies. Many others participate in international student seminars. Obviously, it is geographically easier for the Swedes than for the Canadians to travel to the continent, but more than geography is involved. It’s mainly a question of having the time available for such an experience. For a Canadian who must raise $2,000 to enable him to go to school and support himself at the same time, this is impossible. Swedish students are generally quite conversant with other cultures, societies and languages, whereas most Canadians, for all that our country is expansive, are rather insular. Sweden has, of course, a socialist government and obviously a like system would be impossible to obtain without the higher taxation it entails. Many of us do not wish to see this imposed. Nonetheless from the Swedish example it can be seen just how far a government can go in aiding higher education, and the Canadian government can and must move in this direction to ameliorate the present intolerable situation.

Model TR110300 $300 from the Diamond Treasure


Model TR108200 $200 from the Diamond Treasure


Model TR107160 $150 from the Diamond Treasure


Model TR106100 $100 from the Diamond Treasure



it CUS,


c MONTREAL (CUP) - The student councils of McGill University and Marianopolis College have voted to seek membership in the Union G&n&ale des Etudiants du Qu6bec at the union’s congress Oct. 28 - 30. The decision, taken Oct. 13 at McGill and Oct. 19 at Marianpolis, could result in the withdrawal of the two schools from the Canadian Union of Students in the immediate future. Student leaders at three other English-language institutions are considering following the initiative. Sir George Williams University, not presently in either CUS or UGEQ set up a committee Oct. 20 to consider membership in either student union.

The constitution

of UGEQ prohibbelonging to another national union of students. UGEQ was founded last fall, after Qukbec’s three French-language universities withdrew from CUS. The 55,000 member union brings together university students, classical colleges, technical schools, and teachers’ colleges. Richard Guay, UGEQ vice-president for international affairs, asked if the union would insist that English universities leave CUS before joining, said: “Yes, it is my opinion that this will be so. We feel that it would be impossible for the English universities See MCGILL, page 10


its its members


New Designs

The most engaging fashions in diamond rings are created by COLUMBIA They’re called “Diamond Treasures.” Come in and see these glorious diamond fashions soon. And when you catch your breath, we’ll be glad to give you some tiust*aDrthy advice in selecting your COLUMBIA diamond.









4, 1965


Sights and sounds of Homecoming - When I arose at the crack of 3 p.m. Monday afternoon and hurried down to the kitchen to devour a huge breakfast .of two alka-seltzers dissolved in a glass of tomato juice, I reflected momentarily (any longer and my head hurt) on the events of the past homecoming weekend. It started Thursday night (pub night) and continued on through Friday night and the Four Preps. Purple fog Saturday morning and down to the Kitchener Auditorium to finish up the float. Noticed three guys hammered at 10 a.m.

by T. S. Sankar, civil engineering Mathematics


1. Describe the importance in the following equation. Liberals

- Pearson


of zero 0

Hence deduce the identity. Progressive-Conservative er = Extremely 2. If 1 Pearson


- Diefenbakprogressive Diefenbakers,


and 1 Diefenbaker

= 2 Douglases,

and 1 Douglas


3 Robert


and 1 Robert


= 150 Hal Banks

how much is 1 Diefenbaker worth? (Give answer in terms of Hal Banks) 3. If Liberals have to spend two thousand dollars to defeat Diefenbaker in Quebec, how much will they have to spend to defeat him in the Prairies? 4. Construct the triangle ABC, given: Side A B is 3 Canada Pension plans in length, Side BC is 2 Medicares in length, Side AC is I Lucien

- looked like be a good day.

it was

? . 4

,* ‘:.** . \.



It wasn’t too long before it became evident which way the game was going. At this point th& the


a heartbreaking crash-tinklesmash and an accompanying groan from a well-oiled grad,

smarter fan climbed into his bottle and listened to the obscenities hurled at the WUC foe by the

Rivard in length. What is angle ABC? What is the Conservative angle to angle ABC? 5. If 13 PC candidates lost $2,600 in deposits in 1963 elections, how many of their candidates must lose their deposits in the present elections so that all candidates will lose their deposit in any future elections? (Read the question carefully). 6. If Whipper Watson can manage to get 2,500 votes because he is a clean wrestler, how many would he poll if he were a dirty hockey player?

5. At what rate does hot air (promises) expand during election period? Assume air to consist of 38 % N2, 10% 02, 2 % C02, and 50% political promises. 6. What is the focal length of a former football player given the NDP ticket?



Physics and Chemistry

1. What was the coefficient of ministerial expansion of last cabinet, the constant k being L. B. Pearson? 2. What is the relative density of Guy Favreau? 3. Describe the state of allotropy of a Liberal who joins the NDP and is also a peacemonger? 4. Describe how a Conservative’s metamorphosis can be metamorphosized into a Crbditiste of Qukbec? Explain with equations of chemical reaction.


Dean Vincent Bladen predicted that the Report’s recommendation to continue tuition fees would produce “the most furor” - and he was so-o-o correct. Newfoundland Premier Joey Smallwood made his contribution to the educational flap with the announcement of free tuition next year for all students at the island’s Memorial University. Although Smallwbod may be striving more to improve the images of the university and his province, his action is admirable. CUS has praised him for “denying the validity of those critics of free tuition who strive to perpetuate the status quo.” Smallwood’s action, of course, added fuel to the flame kindled by Bladen. CUS jumped in to fan the blaze. Calling the Bladen recommendations “ill-conceived,” CUS reaffirmed its demand for tuition-fee educati,on, adding that “loans” bursaries and scholarships are outdated substitutes for the elimination of tuition fees.” Insistence on education as a right and not a privilege has left CUS almost completely opposed to the Bladen Report. In Qukbec, the Report was met with the perhaps traditional, but not altogether unwarranted, French-Canadian ~OIZ. The Union G&n&-ale des Etudiants du Qukbec slammed the Bladen recommendatoins as “incomplete and unrealistic” and accused Prime Minister Pearson of being a busybody interfer-


could be heard above coughs and belches.


KINGSTON (Staff) - The Bladen Report aroused considerable controversy after its publication. How long the controversy will continue after Nov. 8 is uncertain, but nevertheless current comment tends to be a reminder that students and universities have won at least temporary attention for their woes.



Game time and I join 3000 fans clink-clink-clinking into Seagram Stadium; here and there

by Wayne Tymm




formed that the rooms were for post-dance parties, yet when the students arrived at midnight, they were informed that their rooms had been cancelled and no one was allowed upstairs. At one point there were about 36 people standing in the lobby of the Walper, complete with party goodies, and no place to go* Another example of university students gettin the old runaround from K-W hotels. (Personal note: I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gorman for their kindness to me last weekend.)

about his political future and he was told that he had only a political past.

posits, honorable members whose election has been declared invalid.

2. Rearrange in order, if not in order: Geese, members of Parliament, defeated Liberals, disillusioned Conservatives, cynical Social Creditors, candidates who have forfeited de-

3. of: John pact, mons,


1. Give latitudes and longitudes of Algoma North, flag issue, Pearson and separatists. 2. Which region in Canada after the election will have the greatest amount of tearfall and by whom? 3. Is the Liberal party a free port? If so, why? 4. Is the Diefenbaker volcano extinct? Describe process of extinction. IV.

drunks around him - these were even funnier than the Warriors’ efforts. who had time to Anyhoo, worry about a bad football game, there being only two hours left to put a glow on before taking the cork out of my supper and weaving off to the dance. The dance must have been a big success as all my freinds tell me I had a good time. The purple fog closed in again. The only hitch of the weekend occurred at the Walper Hotel where some students had booked rooms for parties Saturday nite. The management had been in-


1. Parse the italicized words : A defeated federal minister was walking along a street when he was met by his former secretary who refused to greet him. In his rage, he tore up his membership form in his party and consulted an astrologer

ill may continued

to belong to of students.

“To wish to maintain an educational system based on social and economic discrimination is to deny the right of all to an education according to ability, it is to reject the democratization of education of which the first step is free education, and it is to show a complete absence of any sense of social justice. . .”



to triple

whose salaries are paid by local governon federal grants and corporate donations. the CUSO programme depends on the the Company of Young Canadians - if it

Although Prime Minister Pearson has hinted of some form of continued assistance for CUSO, not too much can be planned at the moment, especially with the election pending.


at Lennoxville,


But she feels that a Qukbec union is needed to pursue her council’s priority issue, education. Ron Moores, president George Williams council, ed:

of the Sir comment-

“I would rate UGEQ over CUS as far as membership is concerned.” He said it was possible Sir George would move to join UGEQ by the time its congress opens Oct. 28. Ken Cabatoff, external vice-president of the McGill students’ society, said most council members hope they will be able to join UGEQ without quitting CUS.



Un-wicked witch evicted Maxine Morris, the l&year-old queen of Manchester, England’s 40 witches has been given notice to leave her apartment. Her fiance, Alex Sanders, a witches’ elder who shares an apartment with the group’s high priest, said the girl was forced to move because she was a witch. He commented that Maxine could have moved into his house but the gossips would have soon started talking about “orgies and wild sex rites.” He added, “We are always naked at our witches’ circles, but that is so we are pure and unimpeded by clothes. But there are no orgies at our meetings.” Hmmmmm. What do they do at witches’ circles? Play I-spy-your-naval? or is it blind-man’s-buff-in-the-rough? ..w*


Canadian University Services Overseas hopes to triple the number of its volunteers working abroad in developing countries by 1967. The organization’s national conference in Ottawa this month passed a resolution calling for the current 323 workers overseas to be increased to 1000 by Canada’s centennial year. The students, ments, rely heavily Any expansion of government and on materializes.


Marianopolis has already made its choice. Its council motion states that UGEQ membership must take priority over CUS. Sharon Sholzberg, president of the McGill students’ society, said that in a choice between the two: “We are going to choose UGEQ.” She added that she was very satisfied with CUS especially since the

The Qukbec student organization’s most pointed remarks concerned the Report’s attitude toward free education. Calling on businessmen to leave higher education in Canada alone, the UGEQ statement perhaps expressed best the attitude of Canadian students toward their education:

CUSO hopes


(if they exist)

Diefenbaker, US-Canada autoelection speech, House of ComCanadian politics.

recent bec.

page 9

Unless the union is willing to drop this rule, all English-language universities in Qukbec could be forced to choose between CUS and UGEQ.

ing in the exclusively provincial responsibility of education. The UGEQ classed the Report’s demand for $330 million in university aid next year as insignificant in comparison to many other expeditures in the federal budget.



Give the opposites



by the hours

So, what else is new? Last year it was single showers. This year it is showers in teams. Thirteen arts students at Queen’s University worked in two-hour shifts to break the record of 202 hours in the wet held by Cornell University (also noted for marijuana puffing). Of course the clean-living Queen’s students set a new record - of 216 hours. Ho-hum. ..w.


Incognito In London, England, a woman was granted a divorce recently after she claimed her husband had treated her cruelly ever since a night in 1962 when he climbed into bed beside her and she said, “Oh,

it’s you.”



To the Editor: Dr. Henry Eyring was introduced to the students and faculty on Oct. 25, as one of North America’s foremost scientists. When a department is thus privileged in obtaining such a prominent speaker, should it not make available to him the finest of the university’s facilities? Was it necessary to place Dr. Eyring in room 113 of arts II - an unfinished, poorly lit lecture theatre - to limit him to less than one hour in time, and most tragic of all, to permit the builders to continue their work in the theatre throughout Dr. Eyring’s entire lecture? Surely Dr. Eyring deserved better surroundings than this, even if it meant arranging course lecture time to provide him with more appropriate accommodations. Perhaps in the future more careful organization by the departments concerned will safeguard against the reoccurrence of such a mishap. W. 3. MICHALSKI, D. AGNEW, D. GROAT, W. CRUICKSHANK.


for staff

To the Editor: There is no news stands for the Coryphaeus in the administration offices. Although the people who work there do not ‘pay student fees towards the Cory, they do work hard for the benefit of the sutdents and the university. Many of them are as proud of this university as any student. We students should show our appreciation by putting a news stand in the administration area where the office staff can obtain a Coryphaeus without having to fight an onslaught of 4,000 eager Cory readers at the other news stands. AN ADMINISTRATION ADMIRER.



To the Editor: I have just finished reading today’s issue (Oct. 28) of the Coryphaeus. I was impressed by the selection of well-written articles on items of campus, local, national, and international interest. You and your staff have achieved an excellent balance and a particularly thorough treatment of student views and student issues. Congratulation for creating a campus newspaper of such high caliber. I’m sure these efforts are, and will continue to be, recognized by the university community, and by the community at large. Keep up the good work. JEFF EVANS, honors




not thinking

To the Editor: R. J. McQueen’s letter (Oct. 28) infuriated me. I agree that the computer rooms are terribly crowded, but I definitely don’t agree with all of his “improvements.” Specified hours for each of the undergraduate years would considerably speed up processing of problems, provided that times could be arranged convenient for all. An operator for each machine should only be there to help with a minor breakdown or to give assist-

ante to beginners. After all, there are some of us in the honors mathematics course who are majoring in computer science. This means we have to learn all about computers, how to change paper and iron out other slight difficulties. If only the operator was allowed in the room we would be lucky even to get to see a computer. As for the program running service suggested, Mr. McQueen hasn’t looked too closely, for in one of the key punch rooms there is such a service already in operation. The sooner some people investigate some of the facts before complaining, the greater the benefit to all concerned. NANCY BLOOMFIELD, honors





To the Editor: In the Oct. 28 Cory, U of T student Paul Pipher made a slighting remark concerning U of W’s school spirit. Having transferred from Toronto (from Papher’s course in fact) in search of more school spirit and a better academic atmosphere, both of which I have found, I find his comment quite amusing. Like so many of the pseudo-intellectuals attending his “august” institution, Mr. Pipher sugers from a tendency to shoot off his mouth. RICH PADGETT, honors



math II.


To the Editor: May my wife and I express to you and staff especially Mr. Stewart Saxe our sincere thanks for your fine articles commencing with “Ex-postmaster left homeless.” Also Oct. 7, editorial “The ogre expansion.” We would like to correct $7,193, nearly a year’s income to read nearly 21% year’s pension income. Your Sept. 30 article was outstanding, considering it conflicts with the action taken by the Board of Governors. It is heartwarming to know there are students and others who care. If these principles are your guide for the future, then success is assured for your paper. Students as well as citizens of Waterloo will look forward to reading the Coryphaeus; it is very attractive. The editorial of Oct. 21 “University gateway” is exactly what I thought some five years ago when I wrote the mayor and council of Waterloo, that now was the time to start improving University Ave. W. I also telephoned Dr. Hagey of my suggestion. However, nothing was done. In a humble effort and with the help of Prof. K. D. Fryer we had many maple trees planted on Westmount Road, from the Kitchener boundary in the hope of improving the southern entrance of U of W. Last November Mr. Adlington promised us that when their appraiser makes his report on our property, “Then the horse trading will start.” W/e hope this promise may still come true. At the time we felt the B of G rode roughshod over us and the answer is simple. The U of W had a law in their favor termed by a judge of the.supreme court as follows: “The expropriation act of today is the most outdated law in the Western Hemisphere.” In other words, worse than the laws of Selma, Alabama. We wish you continued success. CLAYTON DOTZERT.

Married Many of us have suffered through the red tape surrounding an application for a student-aid loan. We have been cut down to size by the icy manner of the registrar’s receptionist. We have sat for 15 minutes waiting for our appointment behind the green door. We have sat quietly, ignored, while the interveiwer tears apart our figures in silence. This treatment is bad enough, but for the married student it does not even result in a satisfactory loan. For married students are treated as single students living at home and are expected to have the same resources. Single students staying away from home can claim about $750 to $800 for room and board. A married student is allowed to claim a maximum of $300 under this category. How the government expects two people to keep a roof over their heads

ckrimination and food in their stomachs for eight months on $300 is hard for us to understand. That amount wouldn’t even cover a reasonable rent for four months, never mind eat. But perhaps the government expects us to be serious and dedicated students and live in a cold and rat-infested garret, renting for the sensible sum of $25 a month and to live on peanut butter sandwiches and milko. Well, most of us just can’t live this way. When we applied for our loan last week, we pointed out how ridiculous this was. The interviewer said, “Those are the rules - that’s all I can do. If you’re starving by January come back and I guess we’ll have to give you some more . money.” Why wait till then? Do it now. Married students should be able to get at least the same amount of financial assistance as single students.

Council will be powerless Residents at the student village are presently nominating representatives for a village council, another mock attempt at student self-government. ”

The council will be a mockery because of a rule allowing the administration (warden and tutors) to overrule any council decisions it feels are contradictory to administration policy. Is the projected council to be the representative body of a responsible student community, capable of diagnosing

its own needs and making decisions for its own well-being? If not, there is no point of having a council. If so, the rule allowing the administration to overrule council decisions negates the point of a council. Council should represent its students and carry out their wishes as a community, or it should not exist. - Let us no longer labor under the illusion of self-government, when in realty we have no such power.

Published. every Thursday afteroon of the academic year by the student Board of Publications under authorrzatron of the Federatrqn *of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Offi&es are located In the federation burldIng, annex 1. Telephone 744-6111 extension 497 or 744-0111. editor-in-chief: Tom Rankin STAFFc.u.P.: Bill Petty, Carl Siike news: Nick Kouwen, Stewart Saxe Joachim Surich, Wayne Tymm managing editor: Jim Nagel advertising: Hilda Abt, Ken Baker, sports: Jerry Aho news: Lesslie Askin Ron Bakker, Charles Martin, Joachim Surich, Brad Watson. sports: Tex Houston and photography: Max Buchheit, Nick copydesk: Ray Ash, Dave Curzon, Hazel Rawls Kouwen, Ron Liss, Ron MontgomBob Davis, Fred Grrodat, Marilyn ery, Fridtjof Nolte, Tom Rankrn, features: Doug Gaukroger Helstrom, Nadia Pawlyk Wayne Dick Steagers, Bill Taylor Ramsay, Errol Semple, Raymond fine arts: A. E. J. Brychta Vibikaitq Dianne Cox, Jane fine arts: Dave Denovan, Annice c.u.p.: Bob Warren Ritchie, Don Shaughnessy Gowanlock, Heather Hymmen, Peggy Larkin technical consultant: Ray Stanton advertising: Harm Rombeek features: Dick Boettger, Grant printed by Merchants Printing, circulation: Fred Watkinson, Kitchener Rick Kendrick Gordon, Jeff Pearson Board of Publications - chairman: David R. Witty - advertising: Andrue Anstett. Circulation 4700. Member of the Canadian University Press.





The Warriors slipped down into fourth place after Saturday’s 29-8 defeat by the Waterlootheran Hawks. From the opening kickoff the Warrior tean showed no evidence of being able to play the class of football the Lutheran team came up with. The Warriors were outclassed and outplayed in every phase of the game. The Warriors opened the scoring when Bob McKillop kicked a punt out of the end zone to make the score 1-O. The Hawks retaliated in the same quarter with a field goal to give them a 3-l lead. The Hawks had control of the ball

ue Ottawa after beating Carleton 2719 is now in sole possession of first place. Other league scores Oct. 30: Ottawa 27 - Carleton 19. Guelph 22 - RMC 20. McMaster 20 - Loyola 15. League Standings : W L T F A Pts Ottawa 6 0 0 173 45 12 90 10 Carleton 5 1 0 129 Lutheran 4 2 0 97 86 8 Waterloo 3 3 0 381 83 6 Mat 3 3 0 106 93 6 Loyola 2 4 0 77 89 4 Guelph 1 5 0 49 147 2 56 135 0 R.M.C. 0 6 0

game till the end of the first half. Fine defensive playing by Jock Tindaye could not stop Watson of the Lutheran team from going over for the first touchdown of the game. The first half ended with Lutheran leading 9-l. The Warriors were only able to gain 19 yards rushing compared to the 149 yards gained by the Hawks. The Warriors seemed to come down the field Billing, Irvine Hawks 15 yard corner pass to Warriors only

in the third quarter back strong, marching with fine running by and Dostal. At the line Billings threw a Kim McCuaig for the TD of the game.

The Warriors’ spirits were soon dampened as the Hawks moved the ball at will. They literally ran all over the Warriors to gain three more touchdowns in the last half. Three of the four Lutheran touchdowns were made by Bill Watson. Ed Turek accounted for the other one. The game ended with the Hawks winning 29-8. The Warriors showed no indication of being up for the game as the Hawks gained 260 yards to the Warriors’ 100 yards. Although this is supposed to be the best Warrior team produced, this has been the poorest exhibition of football put on against the Hawks. In the past three years only one point has separated the teams, with the Warriors last winning in 1963.

The Rowing Club is a real contender for a championship Saturday on Fanshawe Lake. From Phil Sampson, Craig Wormaid, Derwin Spencer, Doug Edwards, Ron Hambleton, Larry Larry Miller, John A. Spence, Jim Leach.

left to right: Staszkowski,


The U of W Rowing Crew battled the choppy waves to upset the previously undefeated University of Toronto crew in the lightweight varsity race Saturday at Leander Rowing Club on Hamilton Bay. McMaster was also in the race but finished a distant third. The race was a close one with never more than a length separating the two crews. The race finished with University of Waterloo winning by a distance of one foot in the mile-long race. The U of W crew has been train-

ing diligently seven days a week for the last five weeks. The training consists of two parts: calisthenics, weight-training and running Monday through Thursday, and then rowing weekends twice daily on the Henley Course in St. Catharines under the guidance of Olympic coach Gerry Lienert. The crew this year consists of three veterans from the winning junior varsity champions of two years ago, Ron Hambleton, Phil Hampson and Craig Wormaid. The six newcomers include Jim Leach, John A. Spence, Larry

Staszkowski, Larry wards and Derwin

Miller, Doug Spencer.


Saturday at 12:30 noon on Fanshawe Lake in St. Catharines, the Intercollegiate Rowing Association will hold its annual championships. This year Western, University of Toronto, McMaster, Brock, Ryerson and Waterloo will be competiing for the top honors. For all those interested in cheering on a real contender for championship labour to complete the $45,000 strucSaturday.







for ball carrier as a Golden Iroars oars in for the kill.



“I would also like to thank those that helped to decorate the Bridgeport Casino. Without your aid it wouldn’t have been possible.”


by George Pachovsky I would like, on behalf of the track team, to apologize for our poor showing at the OQAA track and field meet held here Oct. 23. Our team failed to score a point and our pride was deeply hurt. The blame does not rest with the track coach, Barry Tulip. He did everything he could during workouts to help us. The fault rests with us, the members of the track team who competed that day. We are to blame because, having been in very few meets this year we all lacked one thing that makes champions: confidence. The top varsity sprinter was so nervous that he false-started twice in the loo-yard dash and was eliminated. He was so worried about fouling in the broad jump that he showed poor form even as he did foul on his jumps. Our top high jumper hadn’t had enough practice this past year;

Hilda Abt would like to thank everyone that came out in the cold and rain to put up the tent for Thursday night’s steer roast. “In spite of the weather, I feel it was a success,” she said.

not knowing how high he could go, he jumped well below his potential. Our distance runners feared the big names from Toronto and were thus beaten before they started. Although disheartened, few members of the team will quit. Most of LIS will continue with training and keep trying until we can somehow make up for that day. From the bottom it’s a long way up, but if we make it, it will be worth it. Finally, I would like to thank, Mr. Tulip for all his time and effort with us; Mr. Brown and his crew of helpers, without whom the track and field facilities at Seagram Stadium would never have been ready for the meet; and those few people who came out braving the weather, to give us their moral support. We wish we could have done better for you, but we will work harder and, believe us, you will be proud of us yet.

530 KING ST. E. 1959 TR-3 - - - - - $545 1960 TR-HERALD - - $345. AND MANY MORE 744-5444

t3 The Collingwood youth hostel, situated on the side of Blue Mountain seven miles west of Collingwood, will become the first fully owned hostel in Ontario to provide meals for members. This announcement was made by Douglas McLaren, chairman of the Great Lakes Region of The Canadian Youth Hostels Association. Mr. McLaren said the association had awarded to Cecil Firth of Collingwood a contract worth $7,989 for the installation of kitchen, reception and recreation rooms in the hostel. The kitchen will be operated by the association which will prepare meals for visitors who normally prepare their own. These renovations will complete the three-storey building started by

FOR CORY WANT ADS: first 15 words 50 cents, each additional word 5 cents. Ads for articles found are free.


- instructor in conversational Turkish. Write Stewart Saxe, room 117, Renison College.




NEEDS TYPISTS. Busy days are Friday to Tuesday. If you can volunteer an hour or three per week, please come to the Cory office.


Riders FROM



rive campus 743-8117.


Wanted END of Kitchener. ArM W F 9, TTh. 8. Jim


GIRLS WANT RIDE from Ottawa Street to U. of W. for 9:00 a.m. daily, Monday thru Friday. Call 743-6457. Ask for Kathy or Aira.


The Firth contract will ground floor area by 700 Existing balconies will and an entranceway will roof of the new addition serve as a sundeck.

expand the square feet. be enclosed lead to the which will

Also to be installed before skiing season is a Sauna room, McLaren said.

the Mr.

The Collingwood youth hostel in the heart of the Blue Mountain winter park is one of the five in th;js region which opens in winter for skiing members. Three others are at Baysville, Sprucecourt, and Kimberly.

e f IS


CYHA members in 1956. Members donated about 40,000 man-hours to labuor to complete the $45,000 structure which holds 72 beds.

(Unesco feature) A submarine donated by the Soviet Navy to the Institute for Fisheries and Oceanographical Research of the USSR is now serving in the exploration of the sea floor and the study of fish shoals. The Severianka has been completely transformed for its new mission. It has been equipped with portholes, top and bottom echo sounders, sonar and seabed-sampling devices, long-distance searchlights and close-range light fit-

tings and an underwater TV Camera. The torpedo compartment has been converted into a laboratory. During recent cruises in the Atlantic off the coasts of Iceland and in the Barents Sea, scientists on board the Severianka observed the composition and speed of movement of 5,000 feet long shoals of herring and learned a great deal about their hibernating habits. Cod, haddock and plankton were also studied.

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