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U of W students by





OTTAWA--Dalton Camp’s narrow victory for Tory national president was accurately predicted by a U of W survey here Sunday. Six political-science students from thfs campus were sent to the Progressive Conservative national convention in Ottawa to conduct the survey of delegates . ’ Their expenses were paid by ‘Sunday’, the new CBC public affairs program.





Registering delegates were polled Sunday to find a statistical trend in the support for national president. The delegates were askedthearea they represented, their occupation and who they supported --Dalton Camp or Arthur Maloney. At first it was assumed that the support for Mr. Camp andMr.Maloney would Imply the delegates’ anti-Diefenbaker or pro-Diefenbaker feelings. However, this was not necessarily








Many people were in favor of a leadership review but wouldnot support the blaant “dump Dief”movement they felt Camp’s campaign to be. They wanted some honorable way fn which Mr. Mefenbaker could step down. There were people against the establishtnent of regular leadership review but also against Mr. Diefenbaker. They would support Mr. Maloney but vote against Diefenbaker in a vote of confidence. 265 delegates were polled, ap-







proximately 25 percent of the total number of votfug delegates. All of the provinces were represented in the poll, and a good cross-section of ages obtained. The results of the survey showed that Dalton Camp had the support of 44 percent of the delegates, Arthur Maloney 33 percent, and that there was a 23-percent undecided vote. Three students, Sandra Burt,Peter Lishchynski and Jim Pearson, were assigned to Larry Zolf, who was to report to the ‘Sunday program from Dalton Camp’s suite. The others, Ron Freeman, John English and Martha Brook, joined Peter Reilly reporting from the suite of Arthur Maloney. In the television interviews with Dalton Camp and Arthur Maloney both of them were informed of the results of the poU, andbothindicated their lack of faith in polls. However, efforts to gain the undecided votes increased rapidly as


the results of the poll became known. It is interesting to note, in comparing the poll results to the final election figures , that there w as only a 4.2 percent error in the poll results. If the 23 percent undecided vote was split in the same ratio as the Camp-Maloney vote had split44 to 33--then the poll results gave Dalton Camp 57.1 percent andArthur Maloney 42.9 percent. The final figures--Camp 564and Maloney 502 of the 1066 votes cast-break down to52.9percentfor Camp and 47.1 percent for Maloney. The survey showed that more of the younger delegates supported Dalton Camp. Arthur Maloney’s support came predominately from the over -35 age group. Mr. Camp drewtheurbansupporters and 63 percent of the men voters, while the women and the rural areas tended to support Mr. Maloney.

Bookstorestrike today

The bookstore-“ Can I afford this minds of everybody who shops at

The . bookstore

book?” the





that questio_n is uppermost in answer to the book price squeeze.


how we can succeed

1. The sit-in is designed to block the entrance and aisles of the store. We want to bring the operation to a stand-

yu haven’t had lunch grab a sandwich and take it with you. 4. If the store i,s closed, sit down in the halls and foyer immediately in front of the store. 5. The sit-in will end at 6 p.m. The present financial practices of the bookstore are unjust and unacceptable to the students. By action, we can present our views plainly and forcefully to the administration. Demonstrations have succeeded at other



2. The sit-in must be orderly. No damage must be done to any university Property or bookstore stock. 3. Go the the bookstore as soon as passible. The demonstration starts at 12115. If

Pates. We need

by Bookstore

?‘he student has called a determination policies in the We want to forcefully to





committee on the bookstore sit-in to emphasizc student . to change present financial bookstore. present our views plainly and the administration.






every student. Jam the store and show the administration we mean business. Suport your student council. Support the bookstore sit-in.

How manyinvolved in printshop thefts? “There are more persons fn the university implicated in the printshop theft case,” the new head of the University’s security forces told the Chevron this week. The new head, A. E . Romenca, was scheduled to take over control of the kampus kops November 1, but since his arrival on this campus has been almost exclusively occupiedin the investigation of the celebrated printshop affair. Bruce Kurschenska, former head f the university press was arrested $ctober 23 by Waterloo police on charges of theft of over $2,00Ofrom the university.

At least one more member of the staff, Gerry Warmfngton, a printshop employee was also charged at the time. Auditors from Clarkson, Gordon and Company are working on a complete audit of the university’s books. Kurschenska will appear again in W aterloo magistrate’s tour t Tuesday. But Mr. Romenca told the Chevron that the Crown would not be ready to proceed with the case yet. Kurschenska will be remanded. The length of the investigation


the administration indicate that the printshop case is far from ended. Mr. Romenca, a former RCMP officer, takes over a campus police force of 20 men and two dogs. He will report directly to university vice-president Allan Adlington. Under the old setup, Sgt. Fred Cook of the campus police force reported to William Lobban, director of physical plant and planning. Mr. Lobban then reported to Mr. Adlington. The Chevron hopes to have an interview with Mr. Romenca for the next issue.

A student sit-in against thebookstore has been called for 12:15 this afternoon. Tom Patterson, chairman of the student bookstore committee, in a prepared statement called for “passive resistance against the unjust pricing policies of the university bookstore.” Completed figures for last year’s bookstore operation showed a profit of $66,781--about 20 percent-was made from the students. The bookstore cOmmittee was set up at Monday’s Council meeting. Members are Tom Patterson, Stew Saxe and Steve Ireland. The committee was mandated to take whatever action was necessary to deal with the bookstore situation. The committee has two demands: b4 The administration must 1. guarantee in w ritig that book prices will be reduced by 15 percent no later than January 1. “2. The adrninistradon must guarantee in writing that therebeat least two students on the admlnistration’s committee studying financial policies of ancillary operaoperations intions .” (ancillary clude food services, bookstore, university press and athletics) The committee is asking students to jam the bookstore and show the administration that students are serious in their demands for lower prices. On Monday the student bookstore committee met with university vioepresident Allan Adlington. Mr. Adlington began the meeting by saying, “I’m sure this meeting will be unsatisfactory. ‘I’m not ina position to make concessions on behalf of the university.” Mr. Adlington then attempted to e:iplain the finances of the university and how they related to the bookstore. University policy, he explained,



Villagers will have to pay $50 more in 1967-68. This increase in residence fees was approved by the university’s board of governors last week. University president J. G. Hagey commented to the Chevron that the increase isn’t out of line, considering increased operating costs and ant.ic.ipated fees at other universitkS. ~fshg food costs and the antici-

was to have ancillary operations break even. A deficit on food services would be balanced by a surplus on bookstore so that they broke evenoverall. But Mr. Adlington adrnitted that last year ancillary operations netted $47,952.-hardly a break-even proposition, the committee pointed out. Mr. Patterson’s strike call protested the administration’s attempt to take money from the student oo;lertly, through the bookstore and to use 4. in other university operations. “If we must pay, let’s pay directly, so we can see how much we are paying, for what, and why,” he said. The administration is under taking an internal review of bookstore operations. ‘I frankly admit that there is reason to look into this-and we are looking into it ,” university president J. G. Hagey said. But Mr. Adlington told the student committee that no report would be available until the spring, because of expected changes in government financing of universities. “The present practices are a cause of great dissatisfaction on campus ,” says Mr. Patterson, “‘Which is more important? A well-oiled administrative machine pleasing to its operators--or astudent body-satisfied they are not being conned by the administration?”




Instant tradition has arrived at the student offices. Along withtheofficemascot,Chevron the cat, has come the newest addition--Gory the pop machine. After long and arduous negodadons with Bob Mudie, head of food services, Cory was obtained--on the condition she ,be fed 800 dimes a month.



pated increaseof operationalexpenses are the chief reasons for the higher fees, according to Prof. Ron Eydt, the warden of the Village. Because the Village must be selfsustaining in accordance with an agreement with the government, allowances must be made for higher food bills and raises for staff. Dr. Eydt said that the raise in fees is “totally due to risingcostof food and increase in salaries”‘.

Quebecpleasedto say.non “Nous nous ferons ne pay y participer.”

un plaisir

“They are unwilling to participate in the celebrations planned for Canada’s Centennial. They are unwilling to even consider the problems relating to Confederation. Theyare unwilling to give the whole thing a They have closed their chance. minds ,” said student president Mike Sheppard, a former speaker of the House of Debates. The complete text of the letter; Messieurs, Le 2 novembre, monsieur Jean Cloutier du bureau de l’information de notre universit*enous faisaitparvenir votre circulaire relative 2 un contours FeDl&AL de dgbats


This was the University of Mono. treal’s reaction to the invitation sent to them by the U of W House of Debates for the All-Canada Confederation Debate Tournament here in February. The Association G&&-ale des Etudiants de L’Universite’ de Mont&al has decided they have no reason to rejoice about the effects of Confederation upon the FrenchCanadian nation. They have decided to go along with the policy of UGEQ

(the Quebec



pour f&er la Confederation dian a votre universitg.


Comme 1’Union G&&ale des Etudiants du Qugbec a deja d&id6 que nous n’avions pas prkcis~ment lieu de nous r&uir des cons&ences de la Conf&deradon sur la nation canadienne-f ranyise et &ant donnk que nous partageons ce point de vue, nous nous ferons un plaisir de ne pas y participer. Acceptez, messieurs, mes salutations. Syndicalement, GILLES * GRENER, Vice-president aux relations avec le public.

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The World University of Canada international seminar is again looking for students who wish to take part in this exciting and broadening venture. In past years the seminar has visited many countries of the world. Chile, Turkey, Algeria and Poland to name a tew. In 1967, WUSC is reversing the usual process of sending Canadian students overseas. To mark Canada’s Centennial, 32 overseas delegates--one student and one professor from each of the 16 countries visited by WUSC seminars in the past--have been invited to participate in a seminar in Canada. Approximately 40 Canadian students and 5 faculty members will join this group. The 1967 program will allow overseas delegates time for sightseeing in Canada on their way overland to Ottawa. They will meet the Canadian dele-

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To. be eligible a student must be a Canadian citizen, over 18 years of age, and have taken at least one course In German. He should become a member of the Canadian German Academic Exchange Association by November 22 in order to comply with the six months’ membership regulation of international airline companies. Membership cards can be obtained ‘for $1 from the secretary of the university German and Russian department , ML 220.





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Students, to be eligible, must be Canadian citizens in good health who are returning to this university next year. Application forms are available in annex 1. Applications must be submitted before noon December 5, along with three letters of recommendation. Further information is available in the office or by phoning 576-1006.

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Following a tour of Southern Ontario, smaller groups of about 20 will travel -in va.rious directions-some to the Prairie provinces and British Columbia, and others to the Northwest and Yukon Territories, northern Quebec, Hudson Bay and Labrador, or the Maritimes and Newfoundland.

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gates in Ottawa June 26. They will witness the official July 1 Centennial celebrations, visit to nearby points of interest and hold group discussions.

Another summer program in Germany for Canadian students will be sponsored by theCanadIan German Academic Exchange Association in 1967. The program lasts from the end of May to the beginning of September. Students will work for the first two months in jobs ariangedbeforehand. The third month will be free The price of the for private travel. chartered flight return (jet) will be approximately $175. A free trip to Berlin is included.

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deep emotional


RecentSt. Aethelwddplay excellent,but aae by Ed Wagner Chevron



slaughter of the innocents provided for St. Aethelwold’s Players’ drama

a brilliant conclulast weekend.

Watchina -- _- - - ----- ~ film - --- sharnens - ~ - ,- - ~~- realization ~ - -~~~~ _- - _ __ of unspectacular facets of life by



Chevron staff The internatimalfilm series presented an unassuming masterpiece, Fr anco Rossi’s ‘Amici per la pelle’ (‘Friends for life’), last week. Disserting wiselyaboutneo-realism, the us&of non-professionalactors and “the director’s view of life” gives no hint of the actual experien‘>e of watchingthis film, which leaves behind a bittersweet nostalgia and a sharpened realization of the unspectacular facets of life. ‘Amici’ describes the growth and eventual end of the friendship between two 13-year-old boys who seem’ to have little in common but their affection . Mario, strongly rooted in a middle-class family& extroverted and confident; France; a diplomat’s son who has spent his live in a series of hotels since his mother’s death, is a perfect candidate for ostracism. It is only in retrospect that one realizes Rossi has quietly studied many of the problems of human relationships. There is a subtle conflict between the friends : each envies the possessions of the other. The deeply-woundedFrancolongs

Makom by



Bull staff

He’s great! He’s Malcolm John Waters, 28, short and wiry, with a quick, typically EngIish smile. He’s a new and short-term addition to the creative arts department, and he has made quite a few friends around campus. Mr. Waters’ main assignment is the direction of the main student production for the first term and we will soon see the clumination of his efforts in Goldsmith’s ‘She stoops to conquer ’ scheduled to open Thursday. 1Iowever, this is only part of his work at the university. Much ofhis tirne is taken up with studio workshops in which he passes on some

for stability and security: a mother, a warm house, permanent friendships. He wants to identify himself with Mario, whohas these thlngshence his mistaken concern to .be “worthy*’ of his friend. The popular Mario would like tp be a giant in the eyes of his peers; his reactions show that he feels vaguely that a watch with an alarm and the chance to wear a good suit to school would add to his prestige. it is Mario who Surprisingly, turns out to be the more vulnerable. When Franc0 threatens to become more than a satell$te, to gain recognition which Mario feels should be his own, resentment overcomes loyMario’s values are still aY* those of a child. Although there is nodramaticresolution to the problems raised, both boys gain from their beautiful and painful experience. France has rested for a while on an island of happiness; Mario, blurting out “I was a fool,” has partially learned a truth about life. The sensitive spectator can gain almost as much as those whose lives he has been permitted to watch.

Waters of his vast knowledge of the world of drama. Well qualified for such a position, he had already acted in positions of authority in all phases of drama and stage production before coming to Canada in October 1965. His grounding in drama was acquired over a period of three years at Rose Bruford School of Speech and Drama iu Kent. From there, he travelled around the British Isles, taking lighting, directing and properties-managing positions. FinaUy, just before he headed for Canada, he was the technical coordinator for the Commonwealth Arts Festival. In North America, he againproved that he had itchy feet. He was stage manager for the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, then went to the Mani-


The St. Aethelwold’s Players’ presentation of the Tale of thetaylors and shearmen of Coventry’, which played in the Theater of the Arts for three days lastweek’was a generally excellent production. It was marred, unfortunately, by one or two very serious flaws. St. Aethelwold’s strongest asset is their ability to transform an 9cient hturgical drama such as this into a modern, relevant liturgical drama without sacrificing either tradition or authenticity. It could have seemed incongruous to see the traditionally old Joseph of the mystery plays overcOme with the traditionally modern jitters of a contemporary young father awaiting the birth of his first child--but it didn’t. The players were even able to maintain the spontaneity of the ancient dramas, with their characteristic absence of formalism and dependence, to a great extent, on audience contact. But the players presented a sometimes uncomfortable mixture of professionalsim and amateurism. Technically, at least’ the play was professional all the way, from the Ingenious moving star ’ which, glittering always, dominated the first part of the play; to the sometimes masterful stageing (the finale to the first half of the Tale, and the slaughter of the Innocents in the second half, were director’s gems); to the truly magnificent costumes; and to the inclusion of what only can be described as a “‘quaint” ensemble for a pit-band. The acting, and the movement of the play from its beginning to its climax ) were different matters,

however. Although the overallquality of the acting was consistently above average for a group of this kind, it failed to over come the essentially episodic nature of the play. More than once, this reviewer found himself wishing that the performance would get moving; it bogged do&n at pra&icaIly every scene change, and even during one or two of the scenes themselves (notably the Isaye prelude and the Three shepherds scene)--in fact, the whole first part of the production lumbered unuecessarily. The second part of the Tale fared better at the hands of the company. Most of the credit for making this part the joy that it was goes to Mr. Frappier for his interpretation of Herod. This actor had stage presence in both his roles (he played the Third shepherd in the first part of the play almost to perfection); and in’ both of them he displayed a versatility that none of the other players did. Frxppier could be silly one moment., deadly serious the next, without once losing his audience. As for the other major performantes, I felt Mr. Donnelly was better as a shepherd than as Isaye (in the latter role he was rather stiff, monotonous, and repetitive in his actions), but best as t.heFirstking. Miss Lakin made an adequate Gaberell and an engaging second king. As Calcas, Mr. O’Neill was delightful and effective; as the old man Josoff, he was far from convincing, B. Cowan deserves credit for a fine interpretation of the character of the Third king. And Miss McCarthy made a charming, if sometimes lackluster , Mare. The production ended brilliantly, and despite the rather unsatisfying

Straws II has over orchestra by David


From the first fanfare at the beginniug to the second encore, ‘Radetsky march’, the Vienna Johann Strauss orchestra’s concert last weekend was a great success. It is at such a light-classical concert that one really appreciates the difference between good stereo and a live performance. The orchestra was led by Eduard Strauss III, the great nephew of Johann II (Waltz King) in the allStrauss family concert. Eduard had complete controlover the orchestra, this control being especially evident in the varying tempos of the’ ‘Pizzicato polka’. The


Arts festival ends tomorrow night Waterloo students can still enjoy the fifth annual Festival of Arts at McMaster University with its theme of “Arts in the age of technology.” The festival actually began last Saturday, but continues to tomorrow night. Six performances of “Infanticide in the house of Fred Ginger” are being produced in the Robinson Memorial Theater, two tonight and tomorrow night at 6 and 9 and two Sunday at the same hours. Tickets for the performances, by the original Toronto cast, are$1.75 at the door. Tomorrow night McMaster also gives the opportunity of listening to Art Blakey and the New Jazz Messengers in concert in the new gymnasium.





instruments all sounded together in this transparent piece. Anydeviation would have spoiled the entire effect. One would expect that in such a well-known orchestra, the technique of the instrumentalists and soloists would be faultless, and this was so with the exception of the French horn which was out of tune ononeof theopening disonances of the Blue Danube’ and the percussionist, whose bird whistle was clogged causing him to miss an entry in ‘Krapenwald’s polka.’ Even when they broke into thevocal part of ‘Egypdanmarch’,theensemble sound was still excellent


toba Theatre Center. He hopped around with the Red Barn Summer Stock, and stage managed the Aries Production before hitting this camp*. What is he like? What does he think of us? Where is he going next? These are all quesdons which one will ask about one as varied as b. What is he like? He’s great! He is so full of life that you can’t help feeling enthusiastic about everything he suggests. His impressions of Canada and the university in particular? He thinks we are an exciting people and especially that drama will grow not only in cultural centers in Canada but right here on campus, until it attains its rightful prominence a-

first part, left a deep emotionalirnpression on the audience. I’m talk-&g about the slaughter of the Innocents, the last scene ofthe play. The cast performed with surprising cohesiveness--even the children turned in effective performances. From the up-tempo version of the Coventry Carol, the scene moved quickly and purposefully to its horrible end. Never before have I seen an audience so subdued, so quiet leaving the auditorium of the Theater of the Arts after a dramaticperformance. Indication enough of the quality of this year’s St.Aethelwold’s production.

- --

(vocal parts are usually the downfall of instrumental groups). The soloists Dagmar Koller, soprano, and Walter Kraeutter, added the needed change from the constant 2/4 and 3/4 time of march polka and waltz, with excellent renditions of their duets and respective songs. Unfortunately, their actions matched the lyrics of thesongs’foreign language (reputed to be German)and therefore lost this to the reviewer; however, probably not to most of the audience. The only drawback to the concert was the acoustics. The Kitchener auditorium was obviously designed for Warrior hockey games,not concerts, _

dav mong the arts and the professions. Where will he go next? It’s anybody’s guess --Mr. Waters doesn’t know himself. He might return to the Aries Productions and he is thinking of Expo ‘67. Whatever the result, it will probably be interesting and most likely a success.


DETERMINED LOSERS -- Although the Versailles treaty of World War I prohibited Germany from producing powered airplanes, it did not completely frustrate the defeated couutry’s interest in aviadon. German engineers soon invented the first real sail-plane. This craft, which made sensational flights in 1922, was called the “Vampyre”.

Waters Friday,







Sunday November at IO:30 a.m.


Subject: “Spiritual diversity ecumenism” Dr.

New amwo,ach



Speaker: Ernest Kuebler, Syracuse, N. Y.


TORONTO--There’s a whole new approach to teaching and the various aspects of it will be explored, explained and demonstrated at the fourth annual Canadian Education Showplace at Exhibition Park in Toronto, January 26 to 28. The ‘67 Showplace will occupy 539 booths intheAutomotiveBuUding, spotlighting the diversified wares of 281 exhibitors--manufacturers and distributors of school equipment, supplies and services. An “ideas-in-action” program of educational activities on the mezzanine of the exhibit building will feature lively, informal, informative sessions. Visitor participation will be invited in demonstrations of the “discovery” teaching approach in new math and science curricula. The new math film “I do and I will be shown to visiunderstand” tors and, inanother area, a simulated classroom will allow visitor participation in the new teaching approach. New math materials will be displayed. A demonstration of the inquiry development program in teaching science will include a film showing and classroom demonstrations . The operation of an audio-visual centre will be demonstrated by qualified specialists in an interesting program by the Scarborough Board of Education, under the direction of Cecil Wilkinson, consultant in audlo-visual instruction. The workshop will be a replica of audio-visual workshops in various districts and visitor participation will be encouraged.


Another facet of the new approach to teaching-through television-will be demonstrated and explained during the three-day Cafladian Education Showplace. Nova Scotia School Television, in cooperation with the CBC, will produce three daily programs during the show. School television began in Nova Scotia in 1962 and they have doncentrated mainly on mathematics and science. Programs will illustrate areas of television instruction. The emphasis in all these programs will be on visualizationsthe quality this medium can so forcefully bring to education. If there is a panacea for theproblem of how to build better, more flexible, more economical schools

faster - then the School Conseruction Systems Development must be it 1 Canadian Education Showplace management has arranged the first Canadian public presentation of the School Construction Systems Developmat project by Educational Facilities Laboratories in New York. This imaginative approach to school construction using standar components was first tried in California. It is now being developed in Canada in a three-year program undertaken by the Metropolitan Toronto School Board and named ‘The Metropolitan school project’. The component system will be graphically illustrated in displays of materials and mock-ups by the four major manufacturers who took

In conjunction with the five-part Nature of Things documentary on “Darwin and the Galapagos”, the CBC has brought out a hard-covered book of the same name. Like the film series, the book which presents the revelation Charles Darwin witnessed in 1835 on the Galapagos Islands, a strange and forbidding archipelago lyingastride the equator 600 miles off the cost of Ecuador. That revelation--of a world within

itself, cut. off from outside evolutionary changes and thus showing this outside world as it must have been ages ago --led Darwin to formulate his concept of evolution through natural selection. An appreciation of Charles Darwin, written by Lister Sinclair, covers his birth, family background, upbringing, education, and other significant biographical details. It also relates how Darwinfollow-


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- Also of vital interest to those concerned with school design and construction, is the comprehensive exhibit of Canada’s best in school architecture. This exhibit, an annual feature of Canadian Education Showplace, will be larger than ever this year, spotlighting 75 interesting new schools and diversities chosen out of the 154 entries submitted. The architectural advisory committee, under the chairmanship of Mr. Nicol, has selected the 75 buildings to show good architectural trends and innovations in school buildings. Interior and exterior photographs, floor plans and engineering drawings will be displayed.

Book “Darwin and the 6alapogos” compiledfrom documentaryseries

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ed his instincts across the seas to a remote archipelago. The book is beautifully illustrated with 50 exclusive full-color photographs taken on location for the film series and artwork in color by Terence M. Shortt, an outstanding bird painter. Anyone interested in buying the book should send a cheque or money order for $3.50 to Darwin and the Galapagos, CBC Publications, Box 500, Terminal A, Toronto.

Campus question byviep=+=rs . Should Canada send draft dodgers back* to the US.? Mike arts






arts 1 it’s pretty stupid. I don’t should do everything the US wants us to.


If we let them in we have to be prepared for a great number. Can’t the US stop them on their side? It seems pretty fair.




McKinney arts

arts 1 I think it’s a good idea. It’s partly our problem too. If a man won’t stand behind his own country where do we go next?

Dailey arts 3

I think

I think Canada’s in a delicate position. It’s got to preserve its with the US. It relationships shouldn’t become a haven for draftdodgers...1 agree with the policy.





Pecora arts 1


It’s none of Canada’s business to worry about the U.S. draft. We’ve got enough troubles of our own.

Yes and no. I don’t feel qualified to decide but I’d tend to allow them in. Anyone should have the freedom to go where they please. ._



A mental by Michael

R. Wise

The university bridge club has been getting a good response in recent weeks, and welcomes any others who would like to play. Weekly games are held at 7:15 Tuesday evenings in SS140. Today’s hand involves trying to overcome a mental block. Try to solve it before looking at the soluThe opening lead (see the tion. hand) is the king of diamonds. Declarer plays dummy’s ace and east pitches a club. How can south now play to make the contract (assuming good defense)? S6 H KsJ D A,J,8,7,6,5,3,2 C A,7 S 8,7,5,4,3’2 S -11--m H 8,6’5,3 H Q&4 D WC-ID K,QJW C -m-e* CK’J’10’9’8’ 6 ‘5 ‘4’2 S AsKQJX49 H A,9,7,2 D4 C Qs3

--West 1 spade pass 4 spades pass 6 spades double pass


North 2 dia. 5 clubs pass

East 4 clubs pass pass

The opening lead has cut your ~~mrnmication~. You have a sure club loser, so you can’t afford any others. The only thing you canlead from the board at trick two (in order not to lose any extra tricks now or later) is a trump. Now you must pull all the trumps or west will be able to ruff a club and beat you. This means that you must find 5 discards from dumtny. At first sight it looks as though you can pitch 5 diamonds; but then when you finesse the jack of hearts later on you will not be able to return to your hand to cash your ace and nine of hearts (which establish-

block es when the queen drops). So YOU pitch only four diamonds on the spades and. also the ace of clubs! Now see what happens. All the trumps aredrawn. Youplay asmall heart and, when west plays low, you play the jack from dummy, and it wins. Next play the king of hearts, and then the seven of clubs. If east wins his king (which you purposely set up when you threw the ace) he must return either a club or a heart to your (south’s) hand and you make all the rest of the tricks when your ace of hearts drops the queen (because your 9 is then established). If east plays low on the club, lead from dummy, then you play the queen (which wins), followed by the ace and 9 of hearts, and give up a club trick at the end. Notice that if you had not pitched off your dummy’s club ace earlier’ then, when a club was led from the dummy, east would play the king and return a club to the ace. YOU would then be forced to lead a diamond and west would collect two diamond tricks to defeat you. The difficulty of course is that nobody likes to throw away an ace. but sometimes it becomes necessary to overcome this mental block. Here’s a homework problem. I will be glad to check any answer submitted to the Chevron features dept. Trump is clubs’ south must lead and make 6 tricks.

s 9,5 HA& DK C QS s 10’7 H 10’8 DJ,8 C 6 S 64 H -weD A,10,7,6

S -1-----l H 9,6 D Q,%4 c7

Football will be a distinct possibility at the Village in the spring if erates. Earthmoving machines should be able to scrape away enough first snowfall halts construction on the Village football field, across

UBC housing coordination? Write ‘Focus’ After a ten-year period of operation has the department of coordination and placement been doing its job? What are your thoughts and ideas regarding the coordination department ? The U of W engineering journal, ‘Focuss, is out to get some interesting and provocative articles for a special issue slated for publication in March. As an added incentive a$50 prize is offered to the winner of theessay contest. The title--Student appraisal of the co-op program. Minimum length--1000 words. Deadline for - , 4r essays--renruary 1s. There will be a Focus organizational meeting Saturday, November 26, at the engineering commonroom.

VANCOUVER (CUP)-- “I don’t care what they do in any other part of the world, Any student caught drinking in UBC dorms will be expelled”, University of British Columbia housing czar Malcolm McGregor said recently. Mr. McGregor was cornmendng on a story appearing in the campus newspaper, the Ubyssey, which reported drinking was now allowedin dorms at Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Georgetown directors had legalized liquor to help students develop personal r esponsibility and to end the pr etense of enforcing an unenforceable rule, the story said. “UBC is a public institution and must obey the provincial drinking laws ,” Mr. McGregor said, noting Georgetown is a private Catholic college. Mr, McGregor said he is not in complete agreement with the law but added’ “A badlaw is not changed by breaking it.”

the weatherman coopof the mud before the Columbia Street.

czar At the University of Waterloo, drinking is allowed in the university Village subject to the regulations of the Ontario Liquor Control Act.

New facultv here -





A faculty of fine arts has been approved in principle by the board of governors. The university must now wait until the provincial government agrees to finance it, university president J.G. Hagey told the Chevron. The new faculty will not be allowed to become a financial burden to the rest of the university. Additional facilities will be needed on campus as soonas theuniversity begins offering the pr ogram, he said. Facilities at the Doon School of Fine Arts, south of Kitchener, would not have been useful in the planned program’ he said. Theaffiliation between the Doon school and the university was severed some time ago for this reason.








Volunteersworkin villagesin Mexicanmountains by Heidi Schnegelsberg A letter I received the other day was addressed only-S. R. Ta Marf a Schneglcs brg Domicilio Conocido Ontario Canada Mexico --with a return address Caracol, Hgo., Mexico. This strange letter, which reached me in spite of the inadequate brought with it even address) stranger memories. Caracol-a village at an altitude of 10,000 feet, in the state of Hidal-

(The author spent the 64-65 year at the University of Nigeria at Nsukka, EasternNigeria,He studied African history, religion, literature and culture.) Nigeria is currently going through a crisis of nation-building. The hopes of a strong, unified Nigeria voiced after the January coup were destroyed in the July 29 coup of northern officers. Nigeria is a populous west African country of approximately 55 million people It is divided into three regions . The western region is predominately populated by the Yorubatribe, composition, the east by the Igbo and the north by the Hausa. Until the January coupthenational government was based on a federal system designed to representthe regional disparities m Due to rampant corruption, ineffective handling of the political situation in the west and fears that the north might apply a military solution to the country% problems, a coup was staged by a groupof youngarmy officers in the north. This coup was headed by Major Nzegwu and its leaders were predominantly of Igbo or eastern origill. During the uprising the prime minister, Sir Abubukar TafawaBalewa, the premier of the north, Sir Ahmadu Bello, the premier of the west, Chief Akintola, and the muchhated finance minister, Chief Festus Ekot-Eboh were killed. Faced with the coup, the cabinet asked the commander of the armed forces, Major General Aguiyi Ironsit to assume controlof the governby

Victor Chevron

Klassen staff


He consented and the rebelliofficers agreed to accept his control. AS had of the new government Ironsi attempted to rectify some of he problems of the old reghe* BY the proscription of theformer Pollt,he abolition of the tical parties, federal constitution and the declar-





go, 200 miles north of Mexico City. It is one of hundreds in an area known as the Garden of Eden of Mexico--semitropical vegetation with palm, orange,and banana trees, coffee plants, jungle undergrowth, magnificent flowers suchas gardenias, lilies, orchids, roses--a paradise complete with snakes. To reach the town, one had to drive 18 kilometers in the back of a truck along a narrow winding or jeep mountain road and through the Moctezurna River to the main town of Pisaflores. From Piss our guide took us ona

4 l/2-hour hike along devious paths straight up the mountain until we reached our destination. The other two students and I were members of the Coordination of Inter-American Student Projects, sent to Mexico to work on community development in the “ranchos”-most of which had no road, no electricity, no outhouses, no doctor and often no school. Common problems encountered are illiteracy, disease, malnutrition--all of which have the same simple, yet as we real&d later, also infinitely complex solution: education. In spite of the training program in Canada--including Spanish, Mexican history, culture, psychology and community development--we still had no concrete conception of what was in store for us in Mexico. The memories of my two-month stay in Caracol are colored by many incidents. Some are funny - like the afternoon we were seated in a dark dingy hut, drinking coffee out of the only cup, admiring the table covered by a beautifully embroidered tablecloth, when an immense pig came charging in, rolled in the mud on the floor and would not be moved. On the second afternoon when we went visiting from house to house, we were unable to refuse ten cups of coffee and had not yet discovered the only outhouseinthe village, and the Sunday we sent all baggage like rainunnecessary coats and boots to the main town

Hopes of a unified

destroyed ation of unitary state he hoped to create a strong and united Nigeria. Renewed efforts to foster economic development were also initiated. On the whole, thenew government was enthusiastically received by a populace which had become disgusted with the excesses of a ‘democratic regime’. But evidence that all was not well soon appeared. The northhad yet to take revenge for the killing of its officers and political leaders and traditional enmity between the northerners and the Igbos added fuel to the growing fear andresentment . The Igbos in the north numbered l,OOO,OOO and due to their wealth and selfconfidence were hated by the more faudal and traditional The spectre of Igbo northerners. domination began to haunt the north. The bannirig of political parties and tribal unions in May was met in the north by demonstrations in which 57 eastern Igbos were killed. The Ironsi government collapsed on July 29, when Ironsi along with the military governor of the west was kidnapped by northern officers. Lt .-Cal. Gowan, a northern Christian, assumed the reins of government, on theexcuse that his coup d’etat had been necessary since the basis for a unitary state

did not exist. He expressed resentment that so manynorthernofficers had been killed by officers or eastern origin in the last coup. Lt.-Co1 Ojukwu, military governor of the east, had difficulty accepting the new rule and secession of the east was discussed. An attempt was made to convene

The Eastern picture was

since we were leaving in a week-and the next day the rainy season started..... Some memories are rewarding-like the 20 schoolchildren thatwoke us up every morning because they wanted to wish us “Buenas dias” and bring us flowers; or the proud mother that asked me to be godmother for her baby...... Others are strange--the ominous feeling we got when we were told that the judge of the villagehad been killed by an unknown murderer ten days before our arrival; or the day

a group of women came to “borrow” a pair of socks for a woman that was to be buried that day.,... Many are frustrating--the hours spent tasing with little visible results; the difficulty of putting an abstract idea across in a foreign language; fighting seemingly in vain against ignorance, superstition, and sometimes maliciousness. Of the many students that have gone to Mexico, very few have come back unchanged. Some loved it, others hated it, none will forget it,

a constitutional conference to determine the fate of the country. It met on Sept. 3, and discussed various proposals for a future Nigeria ranging from a loose federation of four regions to a federation of eight states. The conference’s success was seriously hampered by the renewed massacre at the end of September large numbers of Igbos inthenorth. Easterners in the north began a mass exodus to the east bringing along stories of atrocities and murder a The Igbos finally gave up their attempt to make their life in the north and it is estimated that approximately 600,000 refugees have fled to the safety of the eastern region. This latest massacre may have destroyed all chances for theformation of a united Nigeria for the easterners have lost all confidence in a federation. The political crisis has had severe effects on Nigerian economic development. Before thelatest coup Nigeria’s economic scene was improving with her ent 1-y into the common market and the balancing of her

Nigerian city of Enugu taken by Vic Klassen

was the center during his year

of the rcccnl in Nigeria.

import-export deficit while the discovery of oil in the east had opened up a new source of capital for development 0 The exodus of easterners from the north has had debilitating effects on the economy. Production, transportation services and the export of food fromthenorthhas been seriously curtailed with the migration of eastern traderss civil servants and managerial staff. Large developmental projects such as the Kianji dam have been halted. Foreign aid necessary for the completion of Nigeria’s national development plan will not be continued unless the politicalproblems are solved. The path that Nigerian history will take is at the moment uncertain. The east may opt for secessionfeeling that her oil assets give her economic viability, but the problem is compounded by the ethnic minority groups would desire independent status. A loose federation in which the federated states share a number of common services might be the eventual solution to the Nigerian dilemma.




JohnF.-Kennedva thousanddavsofterwards by

Dale Chevron

Martin staff

A thousand days and more have passed since the death of John F. Kennedy. These equal in number those that Kennedy was able to serve in office. Already we have lost sight of the man in the myth. Nor is even the myth well-defined. Kennedy has come to mean an image, not a man. Who can look back and see anything of this man but a prepackaged grouping of stereotypes ? People are able to write books and say that within himself Kennedy believed in the “right” cause or

would have followed “the*‘policy or did represent the “only” way tobe. There are those that rush tocanonize him and speak of him watching over all and giving approbation to all that has followed him. Would he have wanted his name to be used thus? Wouldhehavewanted to see his face on shaving mugs and candy bars? Would he have wanted his name lent to policies he never espoused and attitudes and views he never held? One can only hope that he would not. One can imagine that he would rather have had an honest view held of his career. John Kennedy had his faults and contradictions and we would do more

honor to him by recognizfng these rather than deifying him. At least the Kennedy who supported isolationism and big businessin his youth, who let the CIA deceive him over the Bay of Pigs, who dragged his heels on drug legislation and civil rights, is a human figure providing sharp contrast for the Kennedy of the Cuban missile crisis, 01’ Miss and the Trade Expansion Act. A rnan is the sum of all his acts. A myth is merely a collection of virtues for an edifying tale by a minor bard. Kennedy is the more a real and worthwhile person for all his faults and shortcomings. Honor, not worship, is the operative word.








Puck beat Carleton The Warrior hockey team proved Saturday night that it is out to better last season’s third-placefinish. Combining strong checking and impressive penalty killing, the W arriors trounced the Carleton Ravens 11-5 in an exhibition contest played in Elmira. Several of the rookies fitted right into place during the game. Orest Romashyna counted twice and added an assist to pace the newcomers. Another new member of the squad, Laverne Miller, picked up four as= sists. The Warriors scored their first three goals while playing shorthanded. They went on to build up a 40 lead in the first period on goals by





a limited ‘66












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delivery St. E.

to students 744-4322 UT

Vd I

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Reminder: To the graduating class

MANPOWER will be held on the campus November




Placement Forms. AND


c 0






SW is now tied for first place with St. Jerome’s as both teams won last week. St. Jerome’s bombed the Co-op with 8 goals and SW outlasted the older but toneless grads, scoring three goals in the second half to win 4-2. The combination of Scatty Vanstone and Verne (Nish) Nishizaki areproving a great combination for SW. They have an advantage over most players as they played together in the minor leagues last year. GAPS & LOOSE ENDS: basketball Wil . . ..Intramural start November 28 . The schedule will be published next week. . . ..Any person requiring the use of goal-tending equipment for any games associated with the university are required to make arrangements with Seagram Stadium well in advance of the date requested.

Wherever the Warriors were, Gord could probably be found. He attended most, if not a&of thepracti.ce.s. He carried equipment; he helped injured players off the field. You have to be darn devoted to the team and to the game of football to perform all the duties that Gord Gooselin did during the season. There was no glory involved in his job. Gord loves football. He’d have to. We’re willing to wager that there is not one other person on campus who would do Gord’s job for practically nc, reward. The attendance of 166 at Saturday’s game would attest that there aren’t too manypeople at U of W who possess asimilar amount of zeal for the game. Although Gord spent this year in the background, we have a feeling that he would rather be on the field playing. We hope he can get his academic difficulties cleared up and be back in there fighting next season. At any rate Gord Gooselin is a valuable asset to the Warriors, whether he is on the field or on the sidelines. * * * We were speaking with an official of the College Bowl committee this week and he is quite upset tosay the least. The committee is perturbed that students from this university are notsupporting WUC in the Bowl, This gentleman claims thar the game will be a big boost to the OIFC in general, as well as to Waterlootheran. He also said that U of Guelph is supporting the game in a big way. In fact, he gave us the impression that everyone in Waterloo, except at U of W) is thoroughly excited about the game. We’ve commented on the Bowl game previously. We’ve said all that we intend to, except for one final blurb. We’re going to attend tomorrow and we urge all of you to do the same--regardless of what you think of the College Bowl committee and its selections.

Standings St. Jerome’s Village SW Renison Arts Science VillageNE Engineering St. Paul’s Grads ConradGreb co-op

Interviews for possible careers in

See your University Officer for Application



According to the council rules any resident, no matter what faculty , must: play for his residence. If there is any violation of this rule* any protest must be presented in writing to the council for examination and confirmation. The council confirmed this protest by a 6-2 vote, The game which was previously tied 4-4 was awarded to SW. (The score of the game is yet to be decided--goals for and against and individual points come into the question) .

Mon. - Thurs. 11 a.m. to 1 a#.m. Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 2 a.m. Sun. - 12 noon - midnight New Waterloo location THE DUGOUT University at King Phone 144-4446



. ..

‘this department, picking up four penalties. 1 * * The Warriors travel south of the border for two games this weekend. Tonight they play Army and tomorrow night take on highly-ratedBoston University. The next home start for the Warriors is Thursday when they will take on the Waterlootheran Golden Hawks.




accepted; ties for top


. w

to $310.00 Beatty



* * *






Perhaps the most loyal Warrior fan this year was big Gord Gooselin. Gord, a former member of the Warriors, this year took to the sidelines as an unofficial trainer and manager among other things.

The intramural council accepted the protest of the Village SouthWest hockey team and as a result SW. moved into a first-place tie with St. Jerome’s . The protest was over theparticipation bf a resident engineer on the engineering hockey team.


. . . two


Football season has come to an end on our campus for another year. Yes, gone are the days when you can walk down the street with a blonde on one arm and a blanket on the other without having anyone talk about you. Seriously, though, we made a lot of comments this season about the Warriors; some were good andsome were critical. Don’t think for a minute that we’re taking back any of this criticism. But we’d just like to give the team credit for playing all-out right down to the last game. This team never gave up.

Marc Ruest, Romashyna, RaeClark and Frank Pende. Romashyna’s goal was a picture effort. He took a pass from Bill Weber and cleanly beat the defense before firing the puck into the top corner past Raven goalie Don Wicks. Carleton cut the margin to 4-3 by the halfway mark of the second on counters by Bob Lister, StuEccles and Pete Burgess. But thewarriorsfoundtheir skating legs again before the end of the period. Don Mervyn scored twice to nive his team a comfortable threeioal lead ae the end of the stanza, The third period was all WarBob Murdoch scored twice riors. and George Workman, Ron Smith and Romashyna added singles to put: the Warriors out in front 11-3. Lister and Doug Jodoin rounded out the Raven scoring late in the game e The Warriors took nine of the 16 penalties handed out by referee Gerry Denomme in the contest. Romashyna also showed up well in

Protest Village


GP W L 2 2 0 2 2 0 21 0 11 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 10 10 2 0 2 20 20 SCORES

T F APts 0 113 4 0 86 4 a 53 3 0 81 2 2 88 2 2 77 2 1 44 1 1 22 1 24 0 0 15 0 3 16 0

8---co-op 2 St. Jerome’s Renison 2 -- -Grebel 0 South-West 4---Grads 2 North-East 5-- Science 5 NEXT WEEK Tuesday: SW vs. arts Grads vs. St. Jerome’s Wednesday: St. Paul’s vs. Conrad Grebel; NE vs. Co-op Thursday: Engineering vs. Renison (at the Kitchener Auditorium annex)

Two of the the Warriors

Warriors go after the ball defeated U of Michigan

in soccer 6-2.



SoccerWarriorswin The soccer Warriors met the University of Michigan team on Sunday and came out on top- by a score of 6-2. In perfect autumn weather the Warriors displayed finesse and superior teamwork in the victory over the Ann Arbor squad. In the first 42 minutes the Warriors had a 4-O lead on goals by Fred Grossman, Mike Candly and Fleming Dalberg. After substitutions the team was not as good but Vince D’Angelo added two goals before Mlc-higan, hit the scoresheet.

The superiority of the Warriors was shown by the fact that Michigan did not score until the last tenmin‘utes of the game. That Michigan had only half their team detracts somewhat from the victory. The significance of this will be seen when the Warriors visit Michigan next weekend at partial strength. Outstanding players for the Warriors were Neville Weeks, Dave Umeh, and Philip Hughes.






ends season Irvine scores two by Wayne Braun Chevron sports editor

Mud was everywhere as the real Carabins 35-l in the final

Warriors defeated game of the season

U of Montat Seagram



A crowd

of 166 witnessed



NorthAmericanstageset for soccer by Peter Haensel Why shouldn’t soccer be as suecessful a sport in North America as in the rest of the world? The millions of soccer adherents in Europe ponder this question. For them the lack of interest in soccer here is inconceivable, almost to the point of being a sacrilege. Sports enthusiasts and their backers in Canada and the United States are also puzzled. * * * The thought is fascinating: soccer is the national sport inover 100 countries--but in the world’s leading sports nation’ theU.S., it isless known than baseball or the roller derby are in Europe. Millions of immigrants come to North America from England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Russia, Hungary and Greece, and they all played soccer there. If they weren’t actively members of a team, they at least supported a team, and never missed attending the Sunday home grames of one of their local soccer teams. Newspapers carry page upon page of information on last week’s games,



and forecasts for thegames thefollowing weekend. Radio and television bring the most important national league games to the fans. It is no oddity to see a man attend the home game of his local team, and simultaneously listen to a national game on a portable radio. In Europe, soccer is a part of daily We. * * * However, if thesesame Germans, Italians or Britons emigrate to North America, this ardent interest seems to vanish into thin air. They may play for one of the ethnic clubs in New York, Toronto or on the West Coast, or they might attend one of the international exhibition matches held in the summer, the European off-season. Yet this enthusiasm for the game wanes with the passing years. Second-generation immigrants, influenced by highschool and collegeexposure to these sports, turn to American football, basketball and baseball. The strength of existing North American soccer teams is therefore far below that of even minor league

teams in most European and South American countries. * t * This is now to be changed. The idea of putting over soccer as an internationally competitive sport on theNorth American continent came from Bill Cox, a former owner of the Philadelphia Phillies. His financial backing and that of people such as Jack Kent Cooke and Arthur Allyn has led to the formation of two rival soccer leagues ’ the North American Soccer League and the National Professional Soccer League. The NASL has eleven cities who want to enter a team in the league: Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Washington, Detroit, Hou.ston,Cleveland, Toronto and Vancouver. President of the league is James McGuire, thecommissioner of the AFL. The season will last from April to August, and should not conflict with the football season. It will however run concurrently with the baseball season--providing the spectator a fast-moving alternative to the endless boredom of baseball of that sport.

Both leagues will initially haveto rely heavily on European coaches and players. The NASL clubs will be allowed to carry 17 players. Of these 10 are to be American, five can be foreign professionals, and two canbeinternational stars. The large salaries whichtheAmerican clubs can offer should be enough incentive to draw a large number of international stars to the new league. In addition to this, tournaments have been arranged with some of the best league teams in the world, which will give the new leagues a yardstick by which tomeasuretheir international caliber. * * rot Two factors have helped football, baseball, basketball and hockey to tremendous popularity in theUnited States and Canada: good minorleague systems and television. These sports have a steady stream of athletes, trying to advance up the ladder to the big leagues and the big money. And where does this money come from? From television revenue.

capture cup

Chevron staff For the 18th time the Queen’s University Golden Gaels have captured the Yates Cup--the SeniorIntercollegiate Football Championship. They did so by disgracing the Toronto Varsity Blues 50-7 before a crowd of 12,500 in Kingston on Satur day. Queen’s stunned the Blues on the first play of the game by successfully off an onside kick. Fromthere the Gaels moved on to score, Doug Cowan getting his first of two touchdowns of the day on a one-yard plunge. Guy Potvin added the convert. Vic Wozniuk, who replaced the injured Bryce Taylor, was unable to move the Varsity offense against a mean Gaels defense which yielded only 68 points all season. Queen’s quarterback Don Bayne made it 14-O late in the second

quarter on a sneak from the one. Potvin kicked the convert. Larry Plancke stole the show in the third quarter, catching two Bayne passes for TDs. Potvin counted for both converts. Queen’s added nine more points on a field goal by Potvin, and Ron Brook’s 780yard punt return, before Vic Wozniuk scored for U of T with three minutes remaining in the last quarter. Mike Wright kicked the convert. Queen’s added insult by sending in second-string quarterback. Bill McNeil1 who immediately marched the Gaels down the field. With just over a minute remaining, Jim Tait scored the sixth Queen’s major and Potvin’s extra point was good. On the last play of the game, McNeiU passed to Cowan to round out the scoring.

Varsity’s Vic Wozniuk makes the turn and evades a tackle by Larry Ferguson (78) in a playoff game at Kingston Saturday. Moving in on the play are Gaels’ John Crouchman (58)




(67). Friday,

The 1966 football season came to an end on a winning note for the Warriors Saturday. . Playing before a small but enthusiastic crowd at Seagram Stadium, the Warriors swampedtheU& versity of Montreal Carabins 35-l. Brian Irvine opened the scoring midway through the first quarter. He scored the first of his two touchdowns from three yards out. The Warriors were never headed. Later in the period, quarterback Bob McKillop hit on a keeper play from the one-yard line. The play was set up by Hugh Heibein on a run from the 34-yard line to the seven. Quarterback Alfred Sicottehit the scoresheet for the Carabins in the second quarter on a 41-yard punt for a single. It was about the only time in the game that Montreal threatened. Irvine scored his second major when he walked over from the one in the fourth quarter. On the previous play the Warriors had blocked a Carabin punt and recovered in the endzone. However the play was called back to the one-yard line on the offside pass. Other touchdowns in thehalf were scored by Lou Makrigaini and Bob Franks. Makrigaini jumped high to pull in a McKillop pass and ran the remaining distance to paydirt. Total distance on the play was 21 yards. Franks scored on a plunge from the one-yard line. McKilloprounded out the scoring with five converts. The highlight of the game was Ir vine’s two touchdowns, which enabled him to tie Heibein for the Warrior scoring lead. Each finished the season with five touchdowns,

St. Francis in Bowl against Lutheran by




St. Francis Xavier Saturday qualified to meet Waterloo Lutheran Golden Hawks in tormorrow’s College Bowl in Toronto. The X-Men, fromAntigonish,Nova Scotia, earned the berth by defeating St. Mary’s Huskies 27-15 in Halifax. The victory also gave the undefeated club the Bluenose Intercollegiate championship. Halfback Paul Burle led the St. Francis-attack with two touchdowns while quarterback Terry Dolan threw TD passes to Terry krnason and Paul Schonhart for the others. Ted PurnelI scored one St. Mary’s touchdown on an 85-yard run while John Murphy got the other on a pass play. In another game on the weekend, Ottawa Gee-Gees earned first place in the Ottawa-St. Lawrence Valley League by defeating Bishop’s Gait01-s 36-14. The Ottawa-St. Lawrence league is divided into two divisions of four teams each. The western division plays its games in the OIFC. The western team with the best record plays the eastern winner in the championship game. Two second-half touchdowns by Tom Johnson gave the McMaster Marauders a 19-8 victory over Guelph Redmen on Saturday. The victory consolidated McMaster’s second-place finish in the OIFC. Johnson won the league scoring championship with 67 points. November





Colleae - Bowl woceeds to heip needy’children The net proceeds from the Canadian College Bowl to be played at Varsity Stadium tomorrow for the Vanier Cup have already been allocated to helping the children of Canada’s Arctic, Vietnam and Bolivia. It is fitting that the first allocation of funds from the College Bowl should be for a Canadian project, that of the Canadian Save thechildren Fund’s Eskimolayette program. The infant mortality rate among Canada’s Northland population less than five years ago was ‘ten -- times. what it was in the rest oi Canada, Half the children who perished, died from pneumonia in their first year. The layette program, which stretches across the entire Arctic, is one of the important factors in bringing about a reduction in the early deaths among the Eskimo infants. In Vietnam children are being burned, crippled and killed daily.

At Qui Nhon, 250 miles northeast of Saigon, some 60,000 refugees arein camps enduring a miserable handto-mouth existence. The Save the Children Fund is building in this area a badly needed convalescent center for children who have been burned and crippled and who have nowhere to go when they come from hospital except back to these camps. -In La paz, Bolivia, the fund supports the only center for crippled children in that country. kha.nce ticket sales to theCollege Bowl are most encouraging and show promise of fulfilling the demands of the three listed projects. Students are reminded they have been allocated the entire east side of Varsity Stadhm at $1 and $1.50. The College Bowl presents an opportunity for students to enjoy themselves while helping those lessfortunate.

Prof advocates marriage bonus for the intelligent KINGSTON (CUP)--A University of Ottawa professor has suggested marriages between intelligent persons be subsidized in order to increase the proportion of intelligent persons in society. Studies have shown highly intelligent parents tend to produce highly intelligent children, Dr. E. 0. Dodson told students at a biology society meeting at Queen’s recently. But, in many cases, members of this intellectual elite must delay marriage, because education costs make marriage economically unfeasible. he said.

Sports picks of the week


Dodson suggested subsidizing young marrieds during their unproductive college years. Under his plan, a student in the top threepercent intelligence range would be subsidized in his marriage, provided his mate was also in the top three-percent bracket. Participation in the plan would be on a purely voluntary basis. In order to qualify, couples would have to prove their emotional and psychological maturity to a screening board of clergymen, psychologists and other officials.

Lutheran McMaster Ottawa WARRIORS Carleton Guelph Loyola Montreal Laurentian RMC





7 6 5 4 4 3 3 I 1 I

0 1 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 6

212 196 218 131 148 102 127 110 75 64

31 50 55 93 137 101 167 244 249 242


Pts 14 12 10 8 8 6 6 2 2 2

Intramural amendments At last week’s intramuralcouncil meeting several amendments to the constitution were made. Three of these amendments are a direct results of last week’s protestfromthe Village SW hockey tear-n. The amendments: --If a player dropped by a residence team can obtain a letter from his previous coach stating that he will no longer be used by this team he will be eligible to play for his f acuity on condition that he show this letter to the faculty coach. --Persons moving into a residence at any time after a sports schedule has started will have the choice of playing for either his faculty or residence. --Any person registered with a residence or college--even if he is not residing in that residence-must play for that residence. --Any ing with considered and will intramural affilitions

player practicing or playa varsity team is to be with that varsity team be declared ineligible for competition until these have been served.


This past week has been our second most successful in our short history as we were 12-4-l for an over-all record of RIGHT WRONG TIES 80 49 6 a 62-percent average. Before we give our predictions for this week, we would like to thank the football team for coming through with a 4-3 record, just as we predicted they would. However, we didn’t count on that win over Ottawa nor for that loss to Loyola. Incidentally, this week the Warrior football rookies will play the vets in hockey and we look for the rookies to win by two goals. s * 0 Last week, our predictions for the CFL and the Rifles weren’t printed but, as usual, we picked the outcomes correctly. This week, the Roughies from the west will be in the Grey Cup by the time the Chevron is on the stands. In the east, the other Roughies will again defeat Hamilton, this time by eight points. The Rifles will warm up for their divisional playoff by whip:&rg the Brooklyn Dodgers by nin? points. The NFL is good for an upset or two every week. Pittsburghwillpull their third straight one with a threepoint victory over the second-place Cowboys from Dallas. Detroit, another recent surprise, will go down to defeat at the hands of the Baltimore Colts by six points even if Gero Yepremian does kick six more fieldgoals. Green Bay will remain in a tie with the Colts in the west witha l2point win over the slumping Chicago Bears. Minnesota will come back to beat the inconsistent Los Angeles Rams by two, while the passing of John Brodie will give the SanFran-





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cisco 49ers a chance for a divisional championship with alO-point win over the Philadelphia E agles a Cleveland will dash Washington’s hopes for anEastern division championship as the Browns willbeat the Redskins by a touchdown to move into second place. New York will hand lowly Atlanta its 10th consecutive defeat with a five pointvictory. In the AFL, Oakland will stay in second in the west with a 150point drubbing of Denver while Kansas City will stay on top by edging the surprising Patriots from Boston by a field goal. Buffalo will clinch a tie for first place in theeast as they will whip the Houston Oilers by nine points. The New York Jets will break out for a 120point win over the Miami Dolphins. * * t In hockey, the W arriors will make their annual pilgrimage south of the border this weekend and win two games from top U.S. college teams. At West Point, they will defeat the U.S. Army by a goal and a half, while in Boston, they will defeat the tough U of Boston team by a goal. * e * The two big collegiate football games of the season in North America will be played tomorrow. In the U.S., Notre Dame will beat Michigan State by seven points-the Irish defense and the passing of Terry Hanratty will overcome the running of Clinton Jones and Bob Apisa. In the Vanier Cup, the Golden Hawks from WUC should have the horses to win over the highly regarded X-Men from St. Francis Xavier University at Varsity Stadiurn in Toronto by five points. Each team possesses a powerful running attack but the Lutheran defense seems to be in better shape. Also, the Hawks have had tough opposition this year in games withAlberta, McMaster and our own Warriors. They have won them all to preserve their undefeated record. The X-Men have faced tough opposition only in theQueen’s game-which they lost 30012--andlastweek against St. Mary’s. * * I Our ranking of the collegiate football teams in the country follows, with last week’s ranking in the first parentheses and the Canadian University Press ranking in the second. l- Queen’s (1) (2) 2- Toronm (2) (1) 3- Western (3) (4) 4 Lutheran (4) (3) 5- St. Francis (5) (5) 6- Manitoba (10) 10) 79 McMaster (7) (6) 8- St. Mary’s (6) (7) 9- Saskat (8) (-) I”- Ottawa (-) (-) Our question of the week concerns football: Who was the only player in the NFL to win the scoring championship five consecutive times, whom did he play for and whatwere the years ? Last week’s answer: Buddy OSConnor of the New York Rangers in 1948. Keith Gauntlett s math 1, gets credit for giving the correct answer .

Faculty holds fitness program The physical education department will again sponsor a noonhour physical-fimess program on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:15 until 12:45.




Any faculty or staff members interested in participating in a program of exercises and games should contact Neil Widmeyer in thephysical education department at local 2610.


in budget

Board of publications Proposed allocation 1966-67 The Chevron Compendium ‘66 Handbook series Directory Volume ‘63 Jabberwocky Telephone and telegrams CUP membership Travel Events calendar Anticalendar Photography

Creative arts Art and art gallery Drama Film (noonhour) Film series Dance Folksong Music Special events Calendar Tickets

affairs commission ORCUS programs Publications and periodicals


Estimated revenue 1966-67

$19,220. 6,500. 1,150. 4,100. 750. 1,200. 350. 350. 750.

$ 6,550. 5,550.

850. 1,ooor -$zgzr


Proposed allocation 1966-67 $ 3,000. 4,750. 250. 1,200. 620. 50. 2,520. 8,500, 500.

Overall budget ending April 30,1967 275. 25.


Information and services commission Surveys 50. CUS programs 100. International student housing 100. 250.

650. 200.

Native Canadian affairs commission Donation to Canadian Indian Youth Council 840. Finances for study of the Indian 100. Act research materials travel and communications 500. 200. consultants Seminar on Canadian Indian 500. Project Awareness travel to seminars 400. integrated speaking series 500. symposium and campus pro100. jects 300. Library


. Expected revenue 1966-67


200. 4,000.

EXPENDITURE AND SUBSIDIARY ORGANIZA TIONS: Administrative & general expenditures 24,950. Athletic activities Campus Shop 750. Creative arts 21,590. External relations 10,730. Judicial committee Publications 36 ,;20. Student activities 43,700.



Campus activities and events Campus Shop Creative arts programs Publications sales and advertising Miscellaneous

International sf f airs commission 100. cuso SUNAC 500. wusc 650. International Solidarity Fund 250. Canadian Institute of Internanational Affairs 10. CLASP 250, Programs 1,400.






34,600. 200. 7,360. 13,700. 400. $56,260.

137,94-o. Total allocation expenditure





Tries OF



Canadian Union Of Students Ontario Region of CUS wusc

3,943.80 845 .lO 564.10

Bolrlrdof external relations





OTTAWA (CUP)-- Pat Kenniff, past-president of the Canadian Union of Students, is embarking on a new program to find out what Quebec wants these days o During the CUS board meeting here Saturday, he announced he is trying for a seat on the Lava1 University delegation to theUnion Generale des Etudiants du Quebec congress next February.









1,000. 6,000. 3,200. 10,200.




DISCRETIONARY: Charities and honoraria Graduate House National seminar CUS



3,160. j&E-

REVENUE: DIRECT TO FEDERATION: Student Federation fees Arts $32,958. Engineering 31,824. Graduate studies (735) paying 500 (approx.) 9,018. Physical and health education 1,080. Science 22,320.


oard of student acti vities

Proposed Allocation 1966-67

Proposed Allocation 1966-67

and seminars CUS national conference $ 925. CUS national seminar ORCUS autumn conference 200. ORCUS annual conference 100. 125. SISA 175. WUS national conference International Affairs conference 85. CUSO conference 120. 100. Toronto Teach-In Canadian-American seminar 90. Other 1,650.


Committee fund: Orientation Homecoming W interland Grad BaII Education Debate Publicity Clubs and organizations $ 3,570.

$10,000. 8,000. 11,000. 5,000. 3,300. 1,200. 200. 5,000. $43,700.

Estimated Revenue 1966-67

$10,600. 8,000. 11,000. 5,000.








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the guys and for the girls



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activity fees--let memberssupport clubs themselves


(The author is the president of the university ProgressiveConservative Club. He is a fourth-year student in honors political science.) by



It came as a shock to read in the Nov. 4 column by Dale Mar tin of the Chevron that the U of W Progressive Conservative Club asked the board of student activities for $160. Your reporter’s gall is exceeded only by his ignorance of somefacts. AS requested by chairman Steve Flott) the PC Club preparedits budget for the 1966-67 year lastMarch. We based our budget on the formula as it then stood for assistance to campus clubs. A copy of this policy (undated) was obtained from the Federation office. The figures in our budget included only the cost of programs that would be open to the entire university community, and registration fee-s for sending club mem-

ize events like Homecoming without pay, then thecampus didnot deserve to have them. Similarly, student clubs should be willing to change their financial policy to make themselves self-sustaining, with the exception of special funcations which would be of inter-

bers to inter-university conferences. The Conservative Club did not, as did some other organizations, request student council supportfor refresh ments at normal club meetings, or huge sums for roundtrip tickets to England in pursuit of spurious world titles. During the course of the board of student activities meeting on March 22, a debate ensued on the whole question of financing all types of stuSuggestions were dent activities. made that students be paid to organize and promote such events as Homecoming, the Grad Ball and W interland. It was evident that a great many student organizations hadfallenvictim to the CUS-propagated myth of something for nothing. I made a statement thattheentire principle of financing student activities should be changed. If students couldn’t be found who would organ-

clubs would be carried on as wehad proposed, and the budgets submitted earlier were void. To this date I have not heard a single word to the contrary, until I gathered from Mr. Martin’s article, that the PC Club budget was discussed at somemeeting to which I was never invited.

RI PES est to a larger audience than their club membership, and beyond their resources to finance unaided. At such time, in advance of the event, they could ask for financial assistance from the board of student activities . I moved a motion to that effect which was carried. Therefore, it was then our understanding that the financing of student

would like to abolish tuition fees. How about activity fees too? It’s about time more campus clubs started operating with a greater degree of financial independence and responsibility. That includes the esoteric club that purports to run student affairs,


The Conservative Club, after March 22, realigned its fiscal position within our understanding of the new guidelines. Our program for the year is somewhat enlarged over the proposal presented in the spring, and much of it will be of interest to the whole campus. The real question arises of what is the present policy on grants to clubs ? The federation president

and plunges student funds as subsidies into that dying farce known as the Canadian Union of Students. Forget about student activity fees. Let the students who want to join clubs assist them directly; andthen let the vast majority of people on our abysmally apathetic campus spend their money on beer, birth control pills or whatever else they’re really interested in.

W’hat’s In a name? (Found

on the editor’s desk the morning after:) WHEN THE EDITOR’S AWAY THE JANITORS PLAY or WHAT’S IN A NAME? Editor: Any you sir. What is your opinion of the new title of our newspaper? Janitor: Well, sir. it may be OK for another General Motors product, a new airline, a trust company or a package of cigars. Ed.: You evidently do not approve of it. Jan.: Definitely not. The paper has now been relegated to the status ordinaire. Anyhow it’s none of my business. I think you’ll find it will not pay us to change the name from Coryphaeus. I rather like Coryglyphus. which rhymes magnificently with “typhUS.” Ed.: Sir t I think you should pay more attention to your cleaning duties. When we need your opinions, we will ask for them. Jan.: Over and out.

Took a bold step and a right one To the editor: Congratulations on the new name. It presents a crisper, bolder look to the front page, more in keeping with our forward-looking campus. There will be, of course, an outcry from that stuffy group of individuals who are afraid of any sort of change, regardless of whether or not it is for the better. They will march up and down the campus, spouting their usual oral diarrhea, proclaiming the virtues of their own ideas of tradition and good taste, listening to no one who argues against them. They may even resort to printing their own

by Ed Penner student emeritus The Royal American Mounted POlice ride again1 Last week I mentioned that the immigration dep’t was sending draftdodgers home. This week the Mounties are working for an American labor


Quite naturally the American &on bosses objected to this show i Canadian nationalism. So they enIztted the aid of the Mounties to ,:g the hotel rooms of allthecana! -411delegates at the organizational eting. ): ctually it’s a good thing the .&unties aren’t working for us any,>:ore. It took a private detective all of two minutes to find the cleverly hidden bugging devices. Do I detect a little egg on the tlorse’s face? ........






the industry in Southern Ontario in the hands of any American with a shovel and a hacksaw--I am beginning to wonder if the decisions of Parliament are actually made inOttawa. I mean if you think about it, what does Parliament really do besides spend endless amounts of time argu-

Can’t gloss it with a PR job

To the editor: What’s the matter with you newspaper fellows? I’m not the least bit intimidated by this bold, daring, streamlined image implied in the new nameof the paper. No, sir. Everyone knows that this university is remarkable for a burgeoning bureaucracy and a stultifying lack of progressive imagination, which have progressed at a rate that outstrips even our growth rate. You can’t gloss it over with a PR job. Give me back the pompous, pretentious and highschoolish name “the Coryphaeus “. Perhaps it is my mathematical training that demands such symmetry and harmony. Intransigently yours, NEIL ARNASON grad math

The name changed, his mind changed























. ..

. . .

. . l ._L***









.................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................




























To the editor I wrote a letter to the editor against the name change. I have changed my mind. Please pull-the other letter. JOHN BEAMISH economics 1

ber stamp (the tower makes a nice handle) which comes down automatically on anything with a star, a stripe or an eagle on it. a And now onto a subject which (like everything in this column) I am totally unqualified to comment on. However, a few observations on ,..........-co-.-. . .-.-.-*” the’topic of queers. . . . . ..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.‘.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.~.~.-~-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...““. Now the psychology department will probably point out that Penner is in actuality a frustrated foo-foo, who is repressing his latent homosexual tendencies. As proof they will point out the inordinatenumber of Ls used in the column, the tower .. ...... .. .... .. .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ...... .. .... .. .... .. .... .. ...-..---.......................* .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . image--in fact the whole hostileat,......,......................................................................... titude suggests that old Penner is just dying to . run out and commit ing about Gerda Munsinger, whether “thoroughly investigating their imsome “bestial act contrary to the a sailor and a soldier should wear migration status” for the FBI. laws of God and nature”*. Ah, me. the same uniform, and of course the Maybe I’d better shut up before Incredible Flag debate. When I note that one out of seven they begin investigating me for those Important things which concern men in Toronto is gay, IcaMothe.lp parking tickets I always tear up when but feel there is a certain softening I visit Buffalo. loss of our sovereignty as a nation in our society. --such as the pipeline, the endorseI mean if two guys 0 ment of U.S. policy or the draftget their kicks by leaping into the One more point and I wiI1 end dodger issue-- are either ignored or pit. who am I to object ? this paranoidal attack on the Great However, it is this pressure on put through with hardly a ripple. Society below us. I am left ultimately with a vision men to have their hair styled, dye After seeing the new pipeline go in which the Parliament buildingbetheir hair, use men’s makeup, which through the States instead of Canaputs me off. comes a huge red-maple-leaf rubda--which basically will place all I

Apparently a labor union in BC (don’t ask me which one--this colimn would be finished in a week if ‘iad to rely on facts) is trying to -,Aik away from U. S. control and j =::,arne 100 percent red-maple-leaf ,a?nadian.

...................................................... ...

There appears to be a note of hope for Canadian patriots in a news story I have in front of me. It states CONCLUSIVELY that the Royal American Mounted Police will not arrest draft-dodgers. No, sir! They will merely confine themselves to tracking them down and

“Coryphaeus” in an attempt to make a professed liking for the old name the “in” thing. You took a bold step, and I think a right one. Let’s wave goodbye to the Cory-whatever-the-hellit-was and welcome a more appropriate substitute. NORM FINLAYSON arts 1

And the insidious part of this whole movement is the suggestion that any chick will leap into bed with you if you have your hair styled at Alphonse & Pierre%. Or if youuse Canoe, a real man’s cologne (which is used mainly by women as a perfume) or Teak or 007 or whatever. I would like to make some sort of survey of the campus girls, just to see how many actually want aman who wears perfume, has his hair styled, wears Carnaby Street clothes and uses Secret so no one will know he has armpits. Yet, according to the ad campaigns this is what women want ina man. The odd woman might. Very odd, that is. So remember, you who are still clingingto a disappearing image of masculinity: The next time that delicate fellow in the barbershop tries to tell you how handsome you will be if you let him style your ” locks s remember. his real desire is to get his long, grace&&manicured fingers running through your hair. *Hefner , Hugh. ‘Bestial acts contrary to the laws of God andnature.’ Playboy philosopher IXXVIII. New York 1965.


LETTERSEEbeing used to the students’ best advantage. 1 suggest that of all locations possible, a study room is not a suitable one for a trophy case. Secondly I suggest that less than five per cent of the student body has seen or has knowledgeof thenumber of trophies owned or held by the Federation of Students and its affiliated societies, clubs and organizations . scurvy, rickets, beriberi, Thirdly I suggest that proper maintenance of certain areas on .galloping malnutrition campus as display areas for trophies s awards, graduating-class picto the editor: i am writing to you because i do tures and other memorable paraphnot know where else a letter such ernalia is an inherent part of establishing and maintaining some as this should be sent. element of tradition in an institution i am not using capitals because like archie the cockroach i have such as this. Fourthly I suggest that the comneither the strength nor thestamina monrooms on campus are ideal loto do so, although i daresay archie was fed better out of don marquis’ cations for this Purpose. Fifthly I suggest that the trophy wastebasket than we are being fed case now locatedin thephysics study here at the village. room be moved to the engineering i have returned from a reallyuncommonroom and the responsibility believable supper in a ravenous state. 1 couldn’t force down any of maintaining it be left to the Fedmore than a glass of juice and a cup eration of Students I rest my case. of coffee. BILL SIDDALL the main course was, as usual, civil 3B fried emetic with a side order of tripe. right now i have the fore boding that if i shift my eyes more than a few degrees the ensuingnausia would make 24-hour flu look Ilkc a mild case of dispepsia. Counselling Services i am paying $800 for this treat, and its’ well worth it. strictly confidential now rumor has it that soon we will not even be allowed a choice of To the editor: I am anxious that as many stuslop when we go toour meals. whatdents should make use of the Stu= ever single concoction the maniac dents’ Counselling Services as can at the oven decides to throw at usthat’s all well get. benefit from it. Recently I learned of at least three last year the”food was positively eatable at the beginning of the year students who hestitated to come to and it went er ratcially downhill. Counse.l.ling Services because they did not want any recordkeptof their this year we started out at the personal concerns. rotten level and tapered off from I want to emphasizethat,although there. we frequently do make notes. of our but the adventure of it all! conversations with students in order we line up for a seeming eononly to give full attention to them, yet to be presented with garbage a la these notes are the property of the mode which we carry into that flycounsellor concerned. Without any infested inferno of a dining hall exception, no one outside of the where breathing becomes an art members of Counselling Services and a science--then we take our has any access whatsoever to these full trays to the disposal. well maybe the exercise is good notes. I hope that this will clarify any for us. lingering confusion on this subject. frankly i’m worried that there will be an outbreak of scurvy, beriDR, CHARLESF. PRESTON beri, rickets, galloping malnutrition Counselling Services and any other malfunction resulting

Reminders: Be concise. The Chevron reserves the right to shorten all letters submitted. Sign it--name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons, ensigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym wffl be printed if you have good reason. Double-space it. Type it,ifpossible--35 characters per line.


from a steady diet of nothing. - __, and where do we go with our complaints ? food s&.-vices has severed ties with the village admine news and features: Barb Belec, &ration. that’s bloody convenient. John Bender, Ed Benintende, Mary and whoever the ethereal power Bull, Martha Brook, Rod Clarke, is, is he getting a kickback from Allen Class (Toronto bureau), Mary the local pizzerias ? E r ba, Doug Gaukroger , Victor Klasdo you get the message, oh thou sen, Irene Lizun, Donna McKie, great whoever in charge? Lynne McNiece, John McMullen, i’m starving here1 in fact there Dale Martin, Bruce Minore, Jane are about 130Opeoplestarvingherel what are you going to do with the Nelson, Arla Oja, Vic Peters, Ada Plumb, Sandra Savlov, Chris Swan, corpses? that’s where the canker Michael Wise, Terry Wright, Eva gnaws. Mayer, John Beamish rosemary kelly photography:Ralph Bishop, Brian english 2 Minielly, Ed Toplak, Chris Bennett sports: Frank Bialystok, Chuck Kochman, Barb Mikulica, Hugh Miller, Peter Webster, Ray WornTrophy case belongs er, Peter Haensel in a commonroom entertainment: Jerry Pabowiwchak, Michael Robinson, Bob SavTo the editor: age, Peter Soroka, Terry Skeats, Since the fall of 1963, when I arFritz Stockier , Ed Wagner, Robin rived on campus, I have wondered Wigdor, Gisela Dorrance about the use or lack of use of the cartoons: Ross Benn, Paul Grigtrophy case in physics study room. non, Don Kerr, Peter Stevens -Guille Frank Goldspink, Hal I have been led to believe that at typingZ one time this room was used as a Finalyson If this was So, then circulation: Jim Bowman, Keith commonroom. the position of the case at that time Gauntlett, Larry Burko would seem appropriate. However, advertising: Ken Baker, Norm judging from what I see in the case Finlayson, Ross Helling Lynn Allen (starts at present, (one rope tied in a hanglibrarian: mans’ noose, four unknown trophtomorrow) Nextweekwe ‘regonnabea--Let’s ies, and one half-volume of empty shelf space), and from its location, giveup.Itappearethweshallneverbeit would appear that the case is not comeorgelized.

Who did it





- -

We may have to start

our own post office

A thousand student dollars Student Council has control over a budget of more than $157,000. In the past, this money, which is collected along wi,th the tuition fees paid by all students, has been distributed in a very indiscriminate manner. Budgets enough to tion of the have often basis of the

have not been detailed allow a proper examinarequested funds, and they been allocated on the loudest voice on Council. There has been no particular budget policy. There have been no longor guidelines. Larege range plans sums of student money have in the past gone for misconceived projects that have often held no benefit for the general student body. This year, Council spent more than three hours debating budget policy, and came to the conclusion’ that all sums of money approved should have an identification tag attached.

To account for any unforseen expenditures, a $7,000 contingency proval would have to be obtained fund was to be set up. Special apfrom Council for these unforseen costs. That is, all spending which was not directly approved in the budqet was to be explained and justified to Council. Council, broken this

however, policy.



At Monday’s meeting, during the consideration of the board of external relat;ons budget, a motion to add $1.000 to an innocuous item called “other” under the heading of conferences and seminars was made. The motion was carried with only a little provocation debate. There was no real objection. A vote was taken and three or four of the Council members abstained. The money was appropriated on the grounds that many seminars are announced after the budget is passed and that it is often essential to send deleeates to them. But the contingency fund was established pust for that particular purpose. It was designed to make money available for such purnosesafter due consideration by Council. No explanation of the use of this thousand dollars is now needed. It can be used for whatever purpose the external relations board wishes. Council has lost complete sight of anther $1,000 of student funds. The Council definite minate student

time has come for Student to establish and adhere to a bude-et pohcy. The indiscrispending of large sums of money must stop.

(formerly the CORYPHAEXJS) of Students, University of Published Fridays by the board of publications of the Federation Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. Opinions are not necessarily those of the university, Student Council or the board of publications. Board of publications-chairman David R. Wittyadvertising manager Ekkehard Heidebrecht. Offices are located in the Federation building. Telephone 744-6111 local 2497 (news), 2471 (editor), 2812 ( advertising). Night 744-0111. Chevron Toronto bureau chief Allen Class. 96 Madison Avenue, 924-7828. Member of Canadian University Press. editor-in-chief: news



Jim Grant




photography: lit hographed Signet Ltd.,

Joach m Surich

U of W students pay a subscription titles them to receive the Chevron non-students: $3 annually.




Brian Clark by Elmira Elmira, Ont.

fee (included by mail during

GiJ tw

in their annual student off-campus trimesters.



fees) which cnSubscriptions to 7,000 copi es 18,








lh;s week on camps


Arts festival to celebrate 1367 The university will celebrate its tenth anniversary and Canada’s

Centennial in a unique way next year. An arts festival, the first of its kind at U of W is being planned for . Arts festivals have been held for several years at other universities, notably M&laster and the University of Western Ontario. Western opened its current arts festival last Saturday with ‘Happening on a fence’, a casual painting spree. The varied, week-long program included a filrn festival, fall play, poetry readings ) lecturers and classical and jazz concerts. The creative arts board here has

Advanced SWh &faof196; classes _-_----~ to- be held The Physical education department wffl sponsor advanced swim classes once aweekforten weeks, commencing in early January. The programs will lead to either the bronz e medallion, the silver medallion, or the award of merit. Anyone interested in participating is asked to caIl local 2356 before Tuesday. Lessons will be free.

appointed a committee to organize the 1967 event. The board has been granted $3,000 by the Centennial Commission for the festival whose total cost wi.ll run to around $6,000. The festival committee intends to follow in general the program at other universities, although it will be modified to suit the size and interests of this university. Paul Olinski, chairman of thefestival committee, will observe the festivals at Western and McMaster this weekend. He expects an arts festival will become an annual event atUofW.





-c-w Mail

cy applicati.on




Permanent of interest








. ...*.......*..................




- - -and fee to: SERVICES,









5‘76-5UJ4 ---






Hockey at Army. West Point 8:30 Nurses’ dance--sock hop. 50$ person. South Waterloo Memorial Hospital, Gait.



Tuesday RATES FOR CORY WANT ADS: first 15 words 50 cents, each additional word 5 cents. Ads for articles found are free.

12:lO EIC.- P150 12:15 Tuesday film: ‘On stag;e’. Theater 7:30 Women’s senior basketball-WUC vs. U of W. Seagram *7:30 Folk dance club. Annex 2 8:00 Mutiny of Compendium (Yearbook) staff. bnex 1. ”

ROSEY: Happy Birthday, E. VdK. Love, Old Faithful Ron. FOUND ATTENTION FRESHETTE: Found during Orientation onepenlight. Contact PeteBrown, 7453501. WANTED ATTENTION Would the person who has possesion of the University of Waterloo Dance Band Conductor’s Score please contact Don F rise 742-5392 or Marene at creative arts board. CO-OP STUDENTS-Completely furnished 2-bedroom apartment on Hazel St. available for summer term. Phone 576-0537 RIDE WANTED Two girls would like a ride to University of Waterloo Monday through Friday from Melrose and Rosmount. Phone 7450 5388. HELP WANTED men and women-Parttime during holiday season. Evening or day hours. Consumer Distributing, 743-4374.

Wednesday ‘g-11

Instructional and recreational gymnastics. Waterloo C.I. E xhlbition opens: ‘Sister Mary Corita ‘@ Gallery 4:00 U of W. Liberal Club--organizational meeting. ML246 6:00 Concert band. Theater workshop. 7:30 Science Society open meeting. CB271 *7:30 Wink Wednesday. Village

Thursday *12:15 Folksong club. Pl50 12:15 Art film: ‘Painter at workGraham Sutherland’. Theater 7:00 FASS writing committee.SS103 7:30 Indian and Eskimo study G. Allan group -- speaker: Clark, associate director of the Indian-Eskimo Association of Canada. ML117 8:00 FASS male chorus rehearsal. Theater workshop. 8:30 ‘She stoops to conquer’. Theater. UNTIL SATURDAY -


Walters Faculty

6:00 Circle K--guest speaker: Prof. Rees, Renfson. ML 349 6:15, 9:00 International film: ‘No greater love’. p145 6:30, 8:30 Girls’ volleyballand basketball. Seagram 7:00 Stage band. Workshop 7:15 Con-&ate Club. Women’s commonroom in ML


. ..t..*.*,.....................................



Hockey at Cornell; W restling at McMaster; Volleyball finals at Western



2:30 Report on Vietnam Christian service. AL116 Soccer game --Return match against U of Michigan. Ann Arbor





Notices for this column should be handed in to the Chevron office on the forms provided. Deadline Wednesday night. (*means every week)




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