
Page 1


7, Number









6, 1967

hold s- thin kf est by Dale Martin Chevron


For six days last week,theCoop residence was the site of a farout think conference staged by the local Student Union for Peace Action group. The conference of 120 delegates was the first national meeting for SUPA since its founding conference in Regina in 1964. The educational conference was arranged by Pete War&n, local SUPA organ&r. Delegates, who came from as far as Victoria and Halifax, arrived late Wednesday night’ and were treated to three days of guestspeakers. Among the speakers were California anarchist Paul Goodman, Prof. George Haggar ofWUC, Prof. Donald Gordon of this campus and James Liddleton of the Company of Young Canadians. Two days of discussion concerning SUPA’s future role followed. The conference broke up Monday, with most of the 120 delegates go-

ing on to Toronto to picket the American consulate against the Vietnam war. SUPA--which was formerly called the Combined Universides’Campa&n for Nuclear Disarmament-is a youth peace movement with about 1200 people on its mailing list. It is aff%ted with the U.S. group Students for a Democratic Society. The “new left” group has repeatedly denied that it is a Communist front. It is backed in this claim by the fact that the RCMP has yet to raid its offices. The movement has no formal organization other than a federal council headed by James Harding of Lakehead University. Donations from well-wishers have not kept the organizationfrom running up a defecit of such a size that paid officials are afraid to disclose it. The peace group will hold a federal uxference in Montreal inMay.

U.S.‘new left’ isn’ti says Paul 6oodman The prophet came and the pilgrims flocked from miles around to hear him speak the good word. Delegates came from as far as Victoria and Halifax for the first national meetof SVPA since it was organized in 1964. Most of the 120 delegates went to Toronto Monday to picket the U.S. consulate.

Voices in the crowd ‘?The peace corps is 99 percent against the war in Vietnam.‘*--Richard Paterak, draft-dodger. “me 1lll-l.

SDS is rull*of **shit.“--Paul


* 9 * “Pay?-it sometimes happen.‘s--Peggy ‘orton, SUPA headquarters worker. * * * “As soon as the white power structure is _d it is guilty, the funds dry up.“--Rocky !es, organizer of the Nova Scotia project. et* “l[ndvidual initiative!“--Heather Dean, vacating the stoning of the Americanconate.

A practical idealist spoke on the chievements of Canadian foreign glicy Wednesday. Chester Ronning, L outstanding Canadian diplomat, as launching WLU’s Centennial Lecture series. Dr. Ronning, who was born in Xna and speaks fluent Chinese, )ut-lined the pillars of Canadian Ireign policy. He said that NATO le commonwealth and the United ztions formed the real basees of r polices. But he felt that in J- long run only the UN could srge as an effective organ. 30th NATO and the Commonlth, while of high importance, -1 be replace because of their regional character>ntly Only the UN if it were to “universality of member:ould serve as an effective ‘or the promotion of world .‘rnose Ronning advocof the present

Paul Goodman, California marcbt, addressed an audience of 150 at the third day of the Student Union For Peace Action conference on campus last week. In preliminary remarks about the nature of the “new left*’ Dr. Goodman said that the student movements in the United States should be called radical rather than leftists since they shunned much of the doctrinaire Marxism that Dr. Goodman found in the Canadian left. Dr. Goodman saw the so-called new left in the U.S. as a non-ideological urban populism in which Goldwaterites and the Students for a Democratic Society had more in common with each other than with the center . The second speaker for the morning was Jim Liddleton of thecompany of Young Canadians, who declared that the constituents of the

setup of the UN. He proposed that the General Assembly be given more power and that the numbers of both the permanent and the temporary members of the Security Council be increased. “If the UN backs a proposai l then most of the nations of the world back that proposal, and then the great powers will listen.” B ut at the same time, the step that must be taken initially to strengthen the UN is the recognition of Red China. The exclusion of Red Chfna to the extent of not including it in disarmament talks just doesn’t make sense. The exclusion of the largest people on earth from an international organization just doen’t make sense. Dr. Ronning said that ;ie hoped that m the first year of Canada second century “Canadian foreign policy would make another change. That it would finally recognize 700

new left are the dropouts from Society . Mr. Liddleton saw the new left in the tradition of the anarchist-syndics list movements of the past. During the question period that followed, Dr. Goodman declared himself a modern philosopher pointing the way to social change.

Paul Goodman, a California professor noted for his anarchistic views, was the featured speaker at last weeks Student Union for Peace Action conference. He addressed about 150. Record Photo

Paul Goodman advocates a modern form of anarchy. His perfect society involves small-groupinteractions. Curricula for instance, would be planned at individual schools with central authorities only for purchasing school supplies.




Nominations opened Wednesday for president of the Federation of Students. A reported 12,000 students were on hand to see if anyone would be crazy enough to file. Forms are available from the Federation office.

Dr. Goodman pointed to thesituation in France during the first few years of the 1789 revolution as an ideal example of the situation which‘ he has in mind. The discussion stressed that movements such as SUPA should remain issue-oriented rather than power-oriented. SUPA should remain a social movement and not become a political party.

million people.” Canada has had a glorious record in the field of foreign policy and achievement,and Ronning felt it was our duty to take the initiative in the important aspects of international relations. When Ronning was sent to Hanoi last year to attempt to bring about a cease fire in the war in Vietnam so that negotiations could be carried out, he told Ho Chi Minh iwhom he has known p_ersonally for years that- he “could get them (the U.S.) out because they want to get out”. He believes that the U.S. real* wants to get out of Vietnam but that the only way that the Vietnamese could acheve this endwould be around the conference table. They could never beat the armed might of the United States. “And the absence of hostilities is most important to doing something.” Ronning recalled that during the


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their candidate.

Nominations will close on January ll-a week today--to be followed by the election on January 25. Voters will have again when council-rep open January 19.


to go through nominations

it all open

Second World War while he was travelling through India, he saw students being shot in the streets 0f Calcutta. Their bodies were carried around the city by the workmen who were on strike against the British were hated all over India. But then they saw the light, and left India, and they have been tremendously respected ever since then. This was a great statesmanlike action, and this brought respect. Turning back to Vietnam, he said there can be no talks until the bombing of North Vietnam has stopped. He said the United States was a great nation and should for this reason thake the initiative and the responsibiltiy for ending the war in Vietnam. “Let us decide whether there shall be peace or war. And then let us opt for peace.” This would a great statesmanlike action on a par with the British in India.



Council.breakstuusienttradition:\ meeting ends day it started , by Dale Martin Chevron


A long-standing council tradition was broken when Student COLIIIC~ finished its Dec. 5 meeting thesame day that it began. The last Council meeting of 1966 came to an end at 9:23 p.m., thereby shortening the average length of Council meetings from six hours to five and a half. The meeting actually lacked a quorum (half of allvotingmembers) for the first 25 minutes of the meeting; 8 * * Stewart Saxe, Renison rep,introduced three bnstitutional amendments covering impeachment and recall of the president, andthecreation of binding referendums. The first two passed ratherhandily while the third was shelved for future consideration. At the same time, President Mike Sheppard attempted to introduce a consdtutional amendment permitting the president to disolve Council in the case of a deadlock. He could not find a seconder for his motion. As soon as the speaker, had accordingly ruled Mr. Sheppard’s motion out of order, Peter Benedict, gkad rep, seconded the motion so that it could be immediately voted on and defeated, thus preventingthe issue from being raised at later Council meetings.

The engineering Class of ‘68 wffl hold a s&nmer weekend in June. Council agreed to subsidize the event up to $1,000. The creative arts board brought down its budget for the coming year. The subsidy from Council will amount to $16,lOO. This new high, up by $1,900 from the previous budget, comes because the board has taken over the arts lecture series from the board ofstudentactivities, and $3,000 is needed* to pay for next year% arts festival. Jack MacNicol, chairman of the creadve arts board, was instructed to procure a large plaque for the arts theater stating that aU.‘the exhibitions of art works there arepaid for by the students of this tiversky. The U of’ W Federation of Students will pay a 70-cents-per-capita levy to the Canadian Union of students rather than the 65-cent levy requested by CUS. President Mike Sheppard will present liis state-of-the-unionmessage publicly in the arts theater next week. * * 9,

SUPA on TV Sunday at 2

Circle K repairs




Engineering and phy&al-education grad photos (along with any leftover arts and science students)\ will be taken next week. “Plea& sign the schedule in the engineering foyer by tomorrow and check bulletin boards for further announcements ,” requested Ginny Cooper, editor of co/editor of the1967yearbook.

~ As the Campus Shop must keep a large stock on hand and has no op-

The Graduate House has been opened to all graduate students without the necessity of paying any fee. All graduate students, as m?mbers of the Graduate Society, have the Graduate House open to them. Those who paid membership fees may call Jeff Ramsbottom (5765253) or John Mor/rall(576-0683) for reimbursement.




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As a result of researchlastsummer, a professor of French here has been invited to speak at an international gathering of scholars in Europe. Prof. Arnold Ages willpresent a paper to the second international congress on the Enlightenment to be held at St. Andrews University in Scotland this year. Dr. Ages is the first Canadian to be fnvited to pr.esent, a paper before this body. The international congress * which deals with literary, religious historical and philosophical questions relating to the 18th-century Enlightmerit, held its first meeting in Geneva in 1964. At that time scholars from as far away as Japan attended. Prof. Ages conducted a study of

Sundays 742






A ‘Focus’essay contest--“Student’s appraisal of the co-op program”--is offering a $50 prize. Editor Gus Camrnaert is out to get some inter&sting and provocative articles fc& the special March issue of the engineering, journal.

- 7430 4842

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SQUARE Authorired deyurtment.

- Phone

Voltaire’s letters at the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris and the Institut et Musie Voltaire in Geneva. He drew a comparison between the image of Scripture in Voltaire’s correspondence and the image in. his published works. As a resultof this study he has been asked topresent a paper to the congress entitled “Voltaire and the Old Testament,-the -testimony of the correspondence.” The writings of Voltaire, who ti one of the foremost representative of the Enlightenment, are thr Aught be an important element in + movement which sparked theF rel Revolution. Prof. Ages holds a PI in romance languages from 01 State.


This is a chance for all cc students to express their that. and maybe win some cash. For further informadon see 5 retary Susan Peters in the Fede tier bufling.

OF THE Board


Time-Life publishers haveoffered to pay $100,000 toward the p&lishing of a history of university edy ‘u-don. A report in the board of publications- house orgari said that the 32. page color history is to be published in university yearbo6ks across Canada. Time-Life would pay all costs except a nominal charge for




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in Scotland

Essays to appraise-co-ap

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These decisions were announced at the fall general meeting of the Grhduate Society by Mr. Ranisbottom, the new president of the society. He stated that one of hisprimary objectives was to have better representation in the university administration and between the various graduate faculties,

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Waterloo Fairview



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toys for Santa

House fees are abolished




Santa with gifts for all. The university students enjoyed their stay with the energeticyoungsters and as usual the kids outlasted the weary students. The party is an annual event sponsbred by the Renison Student Council.

For .” six hours one December in good order andwhich were pure Saturday Circle K men became Cirjunk. cle K boys as -they waded through Naturalli .each toy had to be testa warehouse of all< sizes and colors ed to determine its condfdon. of dolls, toy soldiers, cars, trucks, ’ When theystarted,parts andpieces wer,e scattered everywhere. Five planes; puzzles, tricycles, scooters and buggies. thousand toy soldiers later, Circle A service-station chain in the K finished the job. area collected used toys for KiwanThe reward? Boxes and boses of is to be distributed as Christmas neatly arranged toys, a whale of a Circle K was assigned the gifts. good time, one stuffed tiger that task of sorting through them to see roars, one Japanese marble maze which could be repaired,which were and almost one mousetrap game.

This campus, SUPA and draft- ’ dodgers is the subjeqt of a local television program Sunday afternoon at 2. ‘File 13’ on CKCO-TV will interview Peter Warrian, U of W representative for the Student Unt ion for Peace Action; Rich Paterak, a draft-dodger and SUPA worker; Herbert Lefcourt, a U.S. citizen and psychology professor here, and Tom Rankin, past editor of theChevron.


for kids a success

Renison students had a ball at a Christmas Party held for 40 kids at the St. Agatha Children’s Village in December. The children and students frolicked in the snow, enjoyed a noisy feast and cheered the arrival of

crating capital, Council passed a modon empowering its executive to me &s discretion in making loans to the shop..

on campus have placed under the control of the Ar@ Sodety. Q * 8 POUIAC~~ dubs


Reds-otl party

Chevron advertisers



as recond-class mail by the Ofke Ottawa, and for payment of postagein USA.

subscription fee receive the Chevron


I inciuded by mail

of u of w. The report Chevron &s.

also stated that the been underbudgeted


for this year. “It is hoped tha’ next year an increased allocatio! from Student Council and a greate number of ads will rectify this sit uation,” the report said. Many articles this year hi‘ been omitted due to a lack of sp; Elsewhere plans have begun the publishing of the campus di’ tory supplement to list students are returning to campus afte fall work term. Volume ‘63, a book of . should be available this mar to a lack of funds only one is be-published this year. The edidon will contain about 4

in their annual student fees entitles U of W students during off- campus term-s. Non - students: $3 annrr




than after

Health-seruicepolicyon the Pill not unusual by Eva Mayer Chevron

vailable to single girls. Most doctors will prescribe them for regulation of the menstrual cycle, for WCcessive premenstrual tensions and a few other special reasons. Shouldn’t the decision to take the pills be left to the girl and not her doctor? “No,” says Dr. Reesor. Thepill has not yet been perfected and certain side effects may result. Then there is the chance of forgetting to


“I’d rather see a girl seeking advice in my office six weeks before a big event, such as homecoming, than six weeks after--complaining ‘I’m overdue, doctor, help! ’ ” That’s what Dr. Helen Reesor of the university health services said when she was asked for her policy on supplying contraceptives. ‘We are here to provide themaximum healthservicefor thestudents on the campus ,” said Dr. Reesor. The student spends about $1500 a year for his education. The university also spends about $2,000 yearly on each student--and would like to see them get adiploma. “We do not want girls leaving schoolbecause of pregnancy,” said Dr.Reesor. The attitude of the university health services is much the same as that of other clinics or private doctors. Information on preventives is available should a girl ask for it. “The Pill” --the only method that requires a prescription--is available to a girl planning marriage, but only after the proper examinations have been performed. Health services gives a prescription only for approximately three months. The girl is then referred to her own family doctor for continuation of her prescription and for regular tests to be sure there are no ill effects. Since the birth-control pill takes a month or two to become effective, the girl is advised to start taking them that long before marriage. However after, she stops taking the pills she is much more susceptible to pregnancy than before. This effeet lasts for some time. Birth-control pills are also a-

the cases in which unwed girls become pregnant, the boys arelet off completely free. This seems completely unfair to the girls. As the Criminal Code of Canada now stands, it is an offense to sell or advertise birth-control methods or drugs. However, it is common knowledge that contraceptives are easily obtained at any pharmacy. Prescriptions for the 4\illss are also easily available to married women. Some

communities even have clinics tax-supported supplying contraceptives to needy families. After lengthy study, the Commons health committee in Ottawa recommended that facts about birth control and the distribution of contraceptives be legalized. A local druggist reported a considerable increase in the sales of all types of contraceptives eachfall when students return tothe campus.

(‘We do not want girls leaving school because of pregnancy, j9 said Dr. Reesor. But girls shoulcln’ t rely on a doctor to bail them out of a predicament.

U. S. colleges on prescribing

50 -50 pill termore, president of the Pacific Coast College Health Association, who released the study. “Others thought prescribing the pill would express tacit approval for premartial relations, implying colleges accept a responsibility that does not properly belong to them and runs counter to the great majority of parents ,” he said. Those health services prescribing contraceptive pills felt they should be treated the same way as any other drug. Most prescribed for unmarried women in conjunction with a premartial examination. Only 19 of the 315 institutions studied written policies covering contraceptives.

PAL0 ALTO, Calif. (CUPI)-Although nearly half of the United States’ college health service will prescribe birth-control pills, only four percent will do so for single women who do not intend to marry in the near future.

A recently-compiled national survey revealed morethan 5Ope+ cent of American college health service units will not pracribe the pill to women students single or’ married. These institutions said this was not an appropriate function of a college health service, but required continued supervision by a personal physician, said Dr. Ralph M. But-


take the pill for one day. The girl relic on the doctor to bail her out of her predicament. Dr. Reesor thinks the healthservices office would probably be swamped by girls, should birth control pills b&easily made available. Perhaps evetl girls who were previously against premarital sex would begin to think about it. The doctor is against premarital SeX-“ Some girls are left outinthe cold,” she feels. In about a fifth of

“The Pill” is like many other of the menstrual

the only birth - control device requiring a prescription. clinics and private doctors, will prescribe it for girls cycle or for a few other special reasons.


The traffic engineer in Quebec City has proposed using the Plains of Abraham as a parking lot. He said the city is not prepared to handle visitors who will stop in the city after visiting Expo 67 in Montreal.

Ideas invited on universitv aovernment Should students participatein university government? If so, how much? These are two of the issues being considered by the university senate’s 23-mesnber committee on university government, chaired by Dr. T.L. Batke, academic vicepresident. The first major senatecommittee with student representatives, it will closely scrutinize the basic principles and structure of university government. The committee has formulated a general study plan with one unique feature.




Any individual, group or representative body in the university with constructive views, comments or recommendations on university government is invited to submit a written brief to the committee. Those submitting briefs should have a working knowledge of university government, according to registrar Trevor Boyes s secretary of the committee. “The briefs do not necessarily have to cover the whole area of university government, but can cover only certain key areas of interest,” he said. Briefs

must be signed,andshould


health service, for regulation by



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The university planning marriage,




be submitted by February 1, although they will be accepted up to March 31. Theyshouldbeaddressed to Mr. Boyes in the registrar’s office. The briefs may be presented personally. Persons submitting briefs will be notified at least a week ahead that the brief will be taken up by the committee. At the time of presentation discussion of the briefs will belimited to clarification only. Debate over issues raised will not be allowed. A tentative time limit for consider of the briefs has been set for Feb. 1 to March 31.

ENGINEERING _ FinalYearStudents Students interested in investigating prospects of professional training in public accounting, leading to qualification as a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, are invited to discuss career opportunities. Clarkson, Gordon representatives will be on campus 18 and 19

January Interview made

appointments through






of Co-ordination



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6, 1967 (7:20)


Buy options Tuesday for May 21 Grad Ball Victorian Inn in Stradord will be the scene of this year’s Grad Ball. The ball will be held after exams,

on Friday, May 21. The $14 tic&et wffl cover dinner, dancing, swimming and a photo.


The Benny Louis band will highlight the entertainment.



A wide variety of recordings is available for rental from the circulation department of the arts library. The collection--both sterect and monaural LPs--ranges from readings by Dylan Thomas and the music of Arnold Schoenberg to over 20 of Shakespeare’s works. Students, faculty and staff arenow eligible to borrow these records. Charges are 10 cents a day for single-s and 25 cents a day for albums.

$5 ticket options will be on sale in the main foyers Tuesday untflFrfday. All students wishing to attend must purchase options at this time. They will not go on sale again. Formal wear may be obtained through the Grad Ball committee, if he reqL&s ft On thequestionnaire filled out when purchasing the ticket option.

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- Students




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The Chevron won its first trophy --if you count three thirds as a first. Third places in photography, sports and cartoons gavel the Chevron its best-yet standing in six ye’ars of entering the annual Canadian UniversityPress trophy competitions, and U of W delegation to the Montreal conf2rence during the Christmas holidays whoops it up. Left to right are Sandra Savlov, Frank ‘Goldspink, Wayne .Braun, Jim Nagel. Back: John Shiry, Ek Heidebrecht, Grant ‘Gordon, Mary Bull, Joe Surich, Frank Bialystok, Brian Clark. .







Faclaris Waterloo











The firstFinally, freedom! year girls have been liberated from the chains of curfew. Following a discussion with the tutors and Mrs. Hildegard Marsden, dean of women, the warden, Dr. H.R.N. Eydt, amended the curfew regulation for first-year women so that there are J , no curfew “restrictions during - the second term.

at . , ,

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turned away. From all indications the Village movies should become a successful tradition. 0 Are you a skim-milk addict? If so, contact food services head Bob M&e or Ed Toplak at 576-6477, and you shall have your skim milk. Incidentlv-




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to food

0 Discovered: another budding Vfilage poet (remember the Rebel?) His pen-name: JustinOvery. And SO, another installment of the: THE VILLAGE POETRY CORNER (excerpt from a poem entitled ‘Another one’) Others will climb in tLme the hill’of your affection, even if you mind in ttie I you11 f&d a new direction;


iknow, you. have before

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girls could wear slacks to lunch 91 percent of the girls and 68 percent of the men were in favor . 93 percent of the Villagers voted last year as compared withonly percent this year. . .. 1 t. 3ne everung poll openea late. The returning officer, Geoff Muir, was more than 45 minutes late when several Villagers took matters into their own hands and opened the poll. Another 45 minutes later the returning officer finally arrived, just in time to close the poll. The ear-piercing scraping of chairs has been deadened in the second dining hall, now known as the Green Room. The rughasimproved the hall’s appearance and atmosphere about 236 percent. 0 The tickets for the VUage movie series were sold out within an hour and a half--and a lengthy line of unhappy Villagers still had to be

The December 14 poll on Village crest designs showed that most Villagers tended to favor a crest with a scribe S, a double-barred V, and a homely serf in the background. Whether this is the general consensus is questionable:-little more than a third of the Villagers voted. Over two-thirds voted for free choice of dinner dress in another referendum Dec. 9. Actual figures were 490 for and 234 against. In lastyear’s referendumwhether UNIVERSITY










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arts presentation



‘St. Joada

of 7many


The Performing Arts Company of Michigan State University will present George Bernard Shaw’s St, Joan next Friday and Saturday in the Theater of the Arts. The play, one of Shaw ‘s classics, explores the realm of powerwho has it,‘how they use it, to what end. It is also a play of many ideas. One of the most important of them is the evolution of modern times out: of the medieval feudal period, Joan is portrayed as a’ spirit of the new age--a Renaissance spirit that refuses to submit to the media eval institutionalized church or to the demands of the medieval aris,tocracy. B&use the world into which she was born could not contain her, and her spirit was too threatening to it Joan had to be sacrificed. Shaw has woven all of these themes andideas into a masterful fabric, very much like a medieval tapestry. The MSU Performing Arts Company has taken the medieval epic and tapestry-like quality of the play as the keynote of their production.Using medieval conventions of Staging saint plays, director Frank C. Rutledge and scene designer Edward A. Andreason make use of the platform stage, decorated with cyclorama projections for several of the scenes. I Mr. Rutledge has assembled the largest touring Performing Arts Company in its four years of existence--14 men and 4 women. John Bailey, as Gauchon, and ~5~2 Miller have played major roles in Minesota and New York. Anthony Heald, appearing as the Earl of Warwick, is one of themost experienced undergraduate actors ever to appear at MSU. He won the MSU outstanding actor award three years in succession. Marshall Rosenblum is also experienced. In one season on campus he appeared in five of eight major productions. He appears in St. Joan as Dunois, the general of the French armies. , Joan is played by Karen Grossmm, a relative newcomer to the Performing Arts Cornpaw Dean Kyburz, who toured with The taming of the shrew and Hamlet, plays Robert De Beaudricourt, the Squire

G,allery shows abstract-art textile crafts Works of printmaking and textile crafts by Gilda Hinterreiter will be shown in the theater gallery will open Wednesday noon and remain until February 5. The artist draws her formsfrom the organic world, especially from plant forms, us&g the same subject matter in all themediashechoosa. Her abstraction is of the type the dictionary calls “‘A composition suggested by a concrete object or .organic figure which is transformed into a non-representational design with r ecognizable elements .” Gilda Hinterreiter is assistant professor of art at Kent State University in Ohio. An Austrian by birth, she came to North America in the fifties, apd has taught in both Ctiada and the United States. She considers her graphics to be making use of the ‘YlItellectUal”, “classkal” aspect of modem art, while turning to the physical pleasures of working in text&s as a part of the “romantic aspect, This double division of modern art is often used by critics to explain tendencies in the contradictory choice of forms--whether verysevere and exacting or very free and

loose in form. The exhibition

will be open dntly

‘St. Joan’,

the third


who gives Joan her first start toward the coronation of Charles VII. Bernard Tata, who received wide aclaim both at MSU a.ndinNew York City, portrays Charles VII. Mr. Rutledge, the director, is an instructor in the MSU spdech department. He is presently working on his PhD at Ohio State. In his seven years at Michigan State, Rutledge has served as technical director, play director, andis currently director of theater production. St. Joan will bepresentedinthree performances here--January 13 at 8:30 and January 14 at 230 and 8:30 in the arts theater.

of the Performing



Suddenly there was music. In the fall of 1965, splinter music organizations, which formed the nucleus for further groups, were started under the direction of composer-director Alfred Kunz. If you have any musical ability, there is a group on campus for you. In the ‘65~66 season, a brass choir was formed which played atall music concerts, and provided fanfares and processional for fall convocation and the opening of the library. The group has been resurrected from the present band for similar occasions this yeai’, such as installation of the new chancellor. The band was organized this fall using the brass choir as its nucleus. Worries caused by small instrumentation subsided when successful performances of works by Gustav Ho&, Henry Man&i and Leroy Anderson were achieved. Included in the band’s program for this term are John Barry’s ‘Goldfinger’ andan

onemonthtb go FASS ‘67, sponsored bythecircle K Club, makes its annual appearance February 9 to 11. University personnel--either faculty, administration or staff--who would like to take part in theannual variety revue should contact director Tom Close at 745-5834 or producer Ross McKenzie at 576-6938.

ARTS andSCIENCE. Final Year Students Students interested in binvestigating prospects of professional training in public accounting, leading to qualification as a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, are invited to discuss career opportunities. Clarkson, Gordon representatives ~$1 be on campus

Interview mode partment men t.

18 and







If time is inconvenient, tact us directly. Phone


appointments through


be on stage



and please




arrangement of Von Suppe’s ‘Light cavalry overture’. A chamber orchestra was formed in the fall of ‘65 which performed works by Bach, Vivaldi and special music written by Mr. Kunz. This fall, most of the group’s efforts went into preparing the ‘Messiah’ accompaniment. Tentative plans for this term include Beethoven%third piano concerto with soloist Gifford Toole, accompaniment for Vivaldi’s ‘Gloria’, Pergolesi’s ‘The maidand Bach’s ‘Double viomistress’, lin concerto’. 16 of the more competent vocalists formed the Madrigal Choir at the beginning of the ‘65-‘66 season and at .the same time, a 30-voice



and Saturday.


Conrad violinist;

Grebel Miss


choir was instituted. The choir collapsed in the new year as many members went on work terms but the Madrigals kept on, performing works including several of Mr. Kunz’s at fall convocation and the Toronto Kiwanis music festival. This fall, spirited by theenthusiasm for doing the Christmas part of Handel’s ‘Messiah’, the choir expanded to 95; theMadrigals expanded also to 22. The practice times are Tuesday 6:00 for Madrigals, Tuesday 7:30 for Full Choir, Wednesday, 6:OOfor Concert Band, Thursday 5:30 for Chamber Orchestra. These times would change if group members prefer.

Arts Calendar


p.m. - Theater


of the Arts

College concert: Dr. Rupert H. Martens, accompanist.


p.m. - Theater




of the Arts



and Greg


/ - 12: 15 p.m. - Theater

of the Arts

The first three films center on Canadian history as I the Centennial year starts. “WILLIAM LYON MACKENZIE” from The, struggle for self - government - ’ the ranting radical ’ from the Parliament of Upper Canada. The film portrays some of the stormiest passages of his life.


- 12: 15 p.m. - Theater

of the


Art film: A i s for architecture - changing concepts in architecture throughout the ages are shown to reflect the sentiments and values of the time.




Ottawa Toronto Hamilton Kitchener Regina Edmonton Calgary Vancouver



Theater , of the Arts

Performing Arts Series: St. Joan by George Bernard Shaw-Michigan State Players. Joan is portrayed as a spirit of the new age- a Renaissance spirit that-refuses to Submit to the medieval institutionalized church or to the demands of the medieval aristocracy. SUNDAY

Haiifkx Quebec Montreal London Windsor Winnipeg

in the arts theater

Music groups gain popularity with Kunz as campus director





GIFFORD Beethoven,



TQOLE, Brahms,

of the Arts

piano recital, Chopin, Liszt

in .a program and Mendelssohn.


9-5 and Sundays 2-S. Friday,



1967 (7:20)






I Happy hangover (university buildings closed) 8:30--Basketball VS. W in&or. Seagram

8:30--Hockey vs. Toronto. Waterloo arena



3:00--Jazz concert. Theater 8:30--Special film series: ‘Intolerance’. P145

9 7:00--Men’s



12:15--Tuesday film: ‘William Lyon Matkenzie’. Theater badmintonsingles.Seagram I

=5 8:00--Gifford Toolet pianist . Theater

6 :?O and 9:30--Internala:&--Tuesday film: tional film series: ‘Alexander Galt ‘. ‘sig sleep’. P145 Theater 7:00--M~$s intramural badminton doubles. Seagram -------------I---------World Univer: 7 :30--Student Council. Panel on international 3oard and senate’room. affairs

12&--A f r i ca n art. Theater 7:30--Lecture se&s: Philip Beane, ‘The myth of Canadian independence’. AL116 y Service of Canada shar 8:30--Basketball vs. Toronto. Seagram I

22 orchestra Theater

8:00--French ies. P145

film ser-



2 II Hockey 8:30-vs. Mon-



6:30 and 9:30--International film series: ‘The grasshopper ‘, P145 7 :30--Student Council





X&15-Tuesday film: ‘Courtship’ part 1. Theater Women’s volleyball at Lutheran

up to date--post


Fund raising



12:15--Art film: ‘Mural’. Theater Hockey at Western. Treasure Island Gardens

8:30--Opera Theater



treal. Waterloo arena Basketball at Windsor Wrestling at Toronto days at Guelph --------




12:15--Concert. Theater Hockey at Guelph Basketball at Toronto

12:15--Tuesday film: ‘Alexander Mackenzie’. Theater


8:30--Basketball vs. RMC. Seagram Wrestling tournament at Guelph.

N i g h t.



February 3 --Llllllllll~l-l-----~o-~------I W Interland 8:30--Hockey vs. To8 :so--concert: Braronto then Four, Marty 10:30--Sock hop: the Shannon. Ullet and Knaves. Caesar’s Her&a,Bingeman Forum. Snow queens Park introduced. February



. I ---------~~--~-II--~-~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 :00--Basketball VS. Windsor lO:OO--SO& hop: the Caesar’s Creeps. Forum -


on your


at Fredonia,




3:00--UWO concert,



vs. Guelph.

l:OO--Wrestling McMaster&agram 8:30--Basketball vs. Hockey at Laval McMaster . Seagram Women’s badminton at Lutheran, curling at York Hockey at Montreal 8:30--Michigan State P.la yers: ‘St Joan’. Theater

Board of governors meeting 12:15--Noontime theater 8:3G--Hockey VS. Waterloo Guelph. Slave auction.

Wrestling Seagram Basketball NY

3:30--Chevron staff .Annex 1 meeting.




Graduate engineering registration

12:15--Art film: ‘A is/for architecture’.,Theater Women’s intramural archery. Seagram 5:30 NCF: supper meeting with C. Stacey Woods. wuc dining hall mezzan-

Gilda Hfnterreite a- hibition opens Gallery 5:15 Advanced swimming. Gym 8:30--Basketball vs. Guelph. Seagram 9:00 Gymnastics.Waterloo Collegiate



7:00--Drama Society: general meeting, c&+ tin&j session. Theater 8:30--hockey vs. Westem. Waterloo arena




5 Lectures

\ 8






for February





at York----* 4

10:3O--Snow -sculpture judging 11:00 - S:OO--Winterland olvmnics 9:00--Sleighhell ball. Awards for olymcrowning of pfcs , queen.

by Dale




This is Canada’s Centennial. From coast to coast, thousands of afterdinner speakers will roll out the platitudes and proclaim what a great independent nation Canada is and how fortunate we are to dwell in such a prosperous and happy nation with its vast northern reaches and immense store of natural resources. Speechmakers will, as usual, point proudly to Canada’s unique past and social institutions. Over and over we will laud ourselves for having made it this far and declare that the path ahead lies clear. Ought we to be happy? This happy land sees a fifth of its people below the poverty line and another fifth in a

condition pleasantly described as “deprivedl One million functional illiterates are denied the pleasure of reading how great Canada is. Canada’s vast northern reaches stand empty and far from the gray little cities that huddle close to the American border for warmth. Our unique political institutions have just finished a year of scandal-mongering and blockage of action. Those very natural resources we took pride in have brought us into bondage. For, too long, primary production has kept us subject to other nations. We have spent our energies in sending our products in endless streams outwards. Had we but been blessed with the meager resources of a Sweden, we might have been forced to do things the hard way and produce finished

goods of high quality - a situation resulting in progresive social systems. Instead we have fallen victim to creeping continentalism and ask ourselves, “Why not unite? ” The answer to this question lies in Canada’s past. Through many years of hard and painful struggle, supported by brief flares of public enthusiasm, Canada has been brought into a position where we have the most enlightened social system in the Americas. It is this progressive spark that has made the struggle worthwhile ‘and points the.way forward for Canada. By carrying on in this tradition and meeting the challenges before us, we can make the next hundred years shine as brightly as the last. National


Film Board photos


6, 1967 (7:20)


acRosscaMaDa Regina








Shell Canada

for details

figure last year was 3.4percentJhe story said. The paper also blamed the semester system for a rash of resignations among student loaders who said they felt unable to cope with academic and extra-curricular activities. Prof. Alwyn Berland, who later met with the demonstrating studcuts, said he would endorse the students’ idea of a student-f acuity seminar on the curriculum and the semester system. The seminar would probably be held some time early this month, Dr. Berland said.


at Calgary

CALGARY (CUP)-University of Calgary students recently defeated a resolution regarding financialaspects of universal accessfbflity to higher education by a majority vote of almost two to one. The resolution, passed at the 30th congress of the Canadian Union of Students in Halifax in September, rejects the present form of student aid for education, advocates free tuition and calls for the introduction of student stipends. It also demands equality of educational opportunity and that all Canadian students possessing the

(Oil Field Engineering ), GAS, INFORMATION SYSTEMS --DE-


see your

and booklets.


ability be given the opportunity to go to university. About 650 U of C students voted separately on each of the threeparts of the long-range financial policies. The vote of about 240 in favor and 415 against was almostthesamefor each of the three parts. U of C council president Roger Timms said although he personally was not pleased with the referendum results, he would comply with the students ’ wishes. Timms said the results did not imply nonconfidence in CUS.

U. Se co-eds have Your shop,


by students,

and patronized

by all.


in the Student




3 feet, 6” to go

WASHINGTON, DC (CUPI)--Late,eave rules andvisiting restrictions mve been liberalized & many Unit4 States women’s colleges, but with some strings attached. After a long battle toallow men in he rooms ) SmithCollege women can low entertain their male frfeds From two to five on Sunday after=mans. But doors have to be open six inches, and three feet must be onthefloor. University of Georgia adminis-

by Laurel Creek.

UNIVERSITY JACKETS All sizes in summer,



JANUARY23 and 24


protest work

REGINA (CUP)--About 600 University of Saskatchewan students demonstrated and held a mass meeting here recently to protest the “drastically increased drop-out rate” on the Regina campus. The students said the rate was more than double last year’s and mmed from an increased. work load caused by the introduction of the semester system. A front-page article in .the camp us newspaper, the Carillon, said 8.4 percent of the student body had dropped one or more classes by Nov. 1 this year. The comparable




and squall

trators are just now allowing women to visit men’s apartments. However, the university does not consider one room anapartment.Bathrooms don’t count as a room either but a kitchen might. Formerly, girls had to sign out personally for late leaves which could extend to 1:30 a.m. on weekdays and 2 :l5 a.m. on Saturdays. NOW a girl may call her dormitory and request someone to sign her out.





in stock

Pearsonpraisessocial activists TORONTO (CUP)--Prime Minister Lester Pearson recently; spoke approvingly of a “generation of restless socialactivists” springing up among Canadian students. Addressing a crowd at theofficial opening of York University’s Glendon College, Mr. Pearson said: “I do not judge this generation by mods in mini-costumes, and rockers on roaring motorcycles, or by the tales of delinquency in great cities, or the occasional outbursts

JEWELRY Rings, pins,





of the younger generation in their frustrated search for answers that cnt through pretensions and platftudes.

“For every such evidenceofthe troubled teens and twenties,” said h4r. Pearson, “‘there area thousand witnesses to the possession by our _young people of a social conscience which asks only for a chance to be heard, and to act, on themany stages of an anxious nation and a world in need.”

Sport Socks






These course ing.

of sizes and colors now on sale

are McGill University leading to a master’s

Applications to:


These adian





Chdi rman: Dept. of Mining ,McGill University, Montreal, P.Q.

IO96Discountto students L



A number of scholarships, each of $6,000 per annum (tax free), are available to suitable graduates in any branch of engineering - mech., elec.; civil etc. - or applied science who are interested in a career in the Mining Indu stry.

a full assortment



be made,


scholarships are Mining Companies.

scholarships in advanced degree in mining engineer-









by a group

of Can-

Puck Warriors two games The hockey Warriors, led by Don Mervyn, played to two sawoffs with the Halifax Junior Canadiens last week. In the first contest, a 6-6 deadlock, Mervyn paced the Warriors with three markers. Others went to Ron Smith, George Workman and Orest Romashyna. The Warriors came on strong late in the game to gain thede. They trailed 5-2 going into the thirdperiod. The Warriors outshot Halffax 33-29.



The men’s intramural volleyball league games will start January 16. Practice sessions have been airanged and everyone interested is invited to turn out.

Laverne Miller in an attempt.to

(19) fires one of his three goals as the Warriors stop the shot is Marlin goaltender Jack Young.

beat M&aster


8 - 4. Moving


Shuh, Man&e picked for aLstar team by




Waterloo Lutheran University Golden Hawks, winners of the Ontario Intercollegiate Football Conference championship this season, played second fiddle to McMaster Marauders on the all-star team. Jim Manske and Doug Shuh were the two Warriors named to the team. M&laster’ which finished second in the lo-team conference, placed players at nine positions on the team selected by the coaches. The Hawks placed men at sixpositions.

Both the Hawks and the Marauders had a player named to the offensive and defensive teams. Ralph Spoltore of Waterloo Lutheran was picked at offensive tackle and defensive end. Gary Jobe of M&laster was named to the tackle spots on both the offense and defense. There were two-way ties atthree positions--offensite tackle andfullback and defensive halfback--and a three-way tie at comer linebacker on the defensive team. A total of 26 players


Badmintonsingles Monday The men’s intramural badminton tournament will be held in two stages this year. The singles will take place in Seagram gym Monday and Tuesday evenings at 7 . The doubles are scheduled for the following week, January 16 and 1’7 at 7. Badrninton has been offeredhthe athletic department’s service program this year Wednesday evenings from 9 to 11 at Waterloo Collegiate. With more practice time available Paul Condon, director of men’s intramurals expects the competition to be especially keen this year. The closing dea!!lline for entries




Barbara Cr. Ottawa St. S., to the University of Waterloo’ just mornings. Contact Jillan Mueller, security dept. New staff member in housing office, 1,700, requires ride fforn Greenbrook & Shoemaker. Hours 9 to 5. Please contact Mrs. Joyce Cotter, local 2715 or 576-7532.

Found Lady% left-hand glove, brown leather pile-lined. Near university bus stop. December 24. Contact annti 5.

Housing Student rooms available January 6. Ten-minute walk to university. Contact J. Rode, 12 Lodge St. Waterloo, 743-4815. ST. CATHARINES--Twin beds for

is today at 5 for the singles cornpetition and 5 next Friday for daubNO late entries will be ac1-0 cepted. , For any students interested in entering the doubles competition it i s important that the double combination represent the same intramural unit. Any student living in a residence must represent that residence. Other students represent their faculty. Students wishing to participate should phone their entries to Seagram Stadium, local 2356, now. Competition will start at 7 each \ l-wt*

one or two, with full board. In residential area, short drive to local industries and five minutes to uptown. We are a conNongenial’ adult family. Home priveleges. smokers. 682-4310.



Experienced babysitter will work any night during week and some Call P. Redman at weekends. 576-1964 after 5 p.m.

Wanted Sports car 1960 in good condition. Must let my mechanic check it out. Phone 664-2671.



Students to train as driving instructors for sumrner employReply post office Box ment. 221, Waterloo.

OFFENSIVE TEAM Q uar terbai=k--Bob Amer ’ Carleton. Halfbacks--Murray Markowitz, Lutheran; Tom Johnson,McMaster. Fullback--Steve Ostapchu, McMaster, and Rich Myles,University of Ottawa (tied). Flanker--Jti. Krawczyk, MCMaster. Center--Jack Sutton, Luyola. Guards--Regi Valentinuzzi, McMaster; Doug Shuh, University of Waterloo. Tackles--Ralph Spoltore, Lutheran; Gary Jobe, McMaster, and Pierre Gruindon, Ottawa (tied). Ends--Ian McKie, Carleton; Bob Howard’ McMaster . DEFENSIVE TEAM ’ Halfbacks--Willis Scanlon, Ottawa; Chris Bailey’ Lutheran, and Jim Turnbull, M&aster (tied). Middle linebackers--Ruddy McLean’ Lutheran; Wayne Hutchings, Ottawa. Corner linebackers-Doug Kelcher, M&laster; Mike n&nay, Carleton; John Young, Guelph, and Jim Manske, University of Waterloo (tied). Middle guard-- Pierre Pinard, Ottawa. Tackles--Peter Spurr ’ Carleton; Gary Jobe’ M&laster. Ends--Ralph Spoltore’ Lutheran; Dave Knechtel, Lutheran.



Gymnastics will resume at Waterloo Collegiate on Wednesday at 9:oo. Anyone who signed up for the advanced swimming classes should meet at Seagram gym Wednesday evening at 5:15.

Co- op students: has the directory got your number? Incoming co-op students should give the registrar their complete local address and telephone number if they were unsure at registration. “So that a comprehensive and accurate directory can be produced”’ said campus directory editor John Shiry , who was studying for economics 255 at 4 yesterday morn43 The directory should be out in about a month, he said.

The Habs had to come back in the third to tie the Warriors in thenext night’s encounter. Mervyn and Dave Henry tallied for Waterloo with Bobby Whitlock counting twice for the Canadiens. Whitlock scored his second goal midway through the final frame to force the draw. Halffax had 39 shots ongoalwhfle the Warriors hit the net 31 times. \ The Warriors are idle until next weekend when they move east to take on Lava1 and Montreal.

The tearns will be selected after these practices. You do not haveto make the team to be able to play volleyball. Any player who does not make his unit’s intramural team will be eligible to compete in a recreadonal league. The schedule for the recreational league will be released when the number of interested players is determined. Rules which apply to all other in-


tramural sports apply to volleyball. A player who is enrolled in a residence MUST compete with that residence. Only those not enrolled in residences can compete with a faculty team. All practices and games will take place in Waterloo Collegiate gyrnnasium. Practices-Monday: Village NE, Gym 3, 7:30-8:30. Village SW’ Gym 3, 8:30-9:30. St. Paul’s’ Gym 3, 9:30-10:30. Wednesday: Arts, Gym 1,7:309:30. Engineering, Gym 2’7t309:30. Science, Gym 3, 7:3O9:30.








Jim Gregory, supervisor of the Toronto Maple Leafs amateur system, has become a little upset over the migration of professional ’ hockey prospects to university ranks. Gregory feels that players aren’t getting competition which would compare with Junior A or Junior B caliber . He cited the example of two players with the Cornell University team, Bill Lewis and John Hughes’ who skated with a Maple Leaf Junior B team last year. Gregory said that the play of Lewis and Hughes has deteriorated this season. He even made the profound statement that, “Last year, Hughes and Lewis were so much better than Steve King (a teammate) that it wasn’t funny. This year Steve is with the Marlboros (of .the OnHockey Association Junior A) and he’s so much better than Hughes and Lewis it isn’t funny. He’s getting the compeddon and they aren’t.” Anyone who watches junior hockey knows that the performance of many players isn’t very predictable. Weknow of one Kitchener Junior A player who was one of the top performers on his team and in the league two seasons ago. Lastseasonhis play deteriorated to the point where he must have given his coach an ulcer. Mr. Gregory’s argument just isn’t valid. We suspect he’s the first in a long line of junior officials who will soon be trying to make excuses for the fact that junior hockey is dying. Once pro sponsorship of junior teams is withdrawn (at the end of this season) there won’t be anything to lure academically capable players away from attending university. After graduation these players will be able to enter pro ranks just as easily as those who play junior hockey. Hockey in Canada is progressing to the equivalent of football in the United States. You could probably count on the fingers of one hand the NFL players who haven’t graduated from university, Actually you can’t blame Mr. Gregory for trying. Such a transidon will probably be the end of his job. The prominence of the Canadian national team and the surge of university hockey will all but spell the end of the NHL’s farm system. Gregory’ and others in his position, will end up coaching university hockey. Come to think of it’ it wouldn’t . be a bad idea to have Gregory coaching a university team. He’s a dam nood coach. What does Warrior coach Don Hayes think of Gregory’s statement? “He sounds like a dying hound dog trying to get in his last licks “‘says Coach Hayes. Judging by some of the scar es resulting from meetings between university and Junior A competidon this season, it seems Gregory is way out in left field. The Laurentian Voyageurs dumped last year’s Memorial Cup finalists, Oshawa Generals, by a 6-3 count. And the Warriors last week tied two games with the Halifax Junior Canadiens. Not too bad considering that the W arrfors were playing without their regular goaltender. So James Gregory, best you be quiet before you make a fool of yourselfl



Don Hayes . . . not impressed

--Congratulations all-star squad.

AFTERTHOUGHTS to Doug Shuh and Jim Manske on making the Pretty good for a sophomore and a rookie. Friday,


6, 1967 (7:20)


by Vic To celebrate the new year, the darkest shadows of this 0 ut ques tion:

today we investigate fair city’s night fife.


Has the K-W night - life been rewarding?

King math






poli - sci













Before the snow came it was rewarding cause you could go skateboarding. Now you can always play peanut butter--a little....game.


Ramsbottom grad

Too many drunkmen. I like the city but it’s a one-street town. A lot of three-storey skyscrapers.



There’s nothing to do here. I had more fun in Milton.

his tory 1

We’ve met thenew faces And visited the lewd places, But on a weekend binge Away we went, To some nicer abode Like upstairs at the Kent.

Holmes arts

No! This city has(l) no night life, (2)no rewards and (3) no inspirations to draw smalltown Torontonians to sharetheir cosmopolitan atmosphere.

I don’t thinkithasbeen rewarding. This place doesn’t have anything more than L&towel.




I’ve never earned any money. No elaboration.

This city has taught me to Fe extremely wary of living in such a godforsaken hole again.


Communication is kevnoteof newCUSbureaucracv -






by Don Sellar CUP





OTTAWA--The job of converting campus apathy into social concern and social change has always been a formidable barrier to English Canada’s student leaders. But in the last days of 1966, there was evidence of a fresh approach being taken by the Canadian Union of Students, a new weapon being developed in the fight to shake complacency and channel the anxieties of concern into social action. Bolstered by a surprising new bureaucracy , CUS is now engaged in a new communications experiment with the 150,000 students it claims to represent. The problem they face is obvious: How can they communicate with a vast mass of students steeped in indifference and ignorance about their role in society? And how can they create action while still working on vital structureS reports which will determine their future course in societal involvment? Their past is against them. In other years, other “new student movements” born at CUS congresses have met the brick wall which separates them from students. They failed because there was no machinery to implement their old weary dreams.

This year, the message is roughly the same as it has been in other years. Fervent ideals of universal accessibility to postsecondary education and democracy in the university community were the main planks in a new student movement. But when its leaders left the delivery room in Halifax and returned to their campuses, they had a new weapon with which to implement the ideals they shared. They had a bureaucracy in Ottawa, slowly putting itself in a position where it could tackle the old-fashioned job. CUS president Doug Ward andhis staff of eight associate secretaries, four secretaries and a press --and mailing-room staff of three roIled up their collective sleeves and went to work. They followed up massive reorganization by entering a new age of specialization, in which field secretaries equipped with expertise in education matters, cooperative housing and university affairs travel to campuses where their specialized knowledge needed. They are trying to establish a contact with students. They are trying to cast aside the isolation which has dogged the CUS secretariat for years. , j


“?i < ,

^ x





There have been other significant changes in CUS. For example, the new communications secretariat presided over by former Dalhousie Gazetteeditor Terry Morley is now reaching 1,500 students with its monthly newsletter, CUS across Canada’. Previously information reached only CUS chairmen and council presidents. Another CUS first is the mailing of a pamphlet entitled ‘What’s CUS?’ to every Canadian student belonging to the national organization, The union is banking on a shelf full of program outlines to improve cornrnunications with students. These outlines represent original work by CUS associate secretaries. They emphasize ways and means of implementing CUS policy. “We’re trying to make the publications more relevant to the needs of campuses,” explains Morley. “People on the local campuses can read newspapers, we assume. Therefore, we’re not sending out newspaper reprints anymore.” CUS employees also point with pride to a new centralized office filing system and student government research documentation



And they’re right. However Penner’s Centennial project will change all this. A NEW It is now 1967. I say this be- ’ HISTORY BOOK, concentrating on cause as I write it is actually 1966, the failures of the man rather than and the absurdity of the thing aphis policies. I am hoping this wffl peals to me. inject a little life into an otherwise Anyhoo, I am behooved to devote bland history. Frinstance: a portion of this column to CentenOld history text: “...Another reanial projects because it is now 1967 son John A. MacDonald was elected and Canada is 100 years old. was his keen wit andability to speak I take this with a grain of salt as to the people.” a member of the geography dep’t Penner’s new history text: “John informs me that the country has A. Macdonald mounted the speaker’s been here a lot longer than that. In stand in his usual drunken manner, fact a Frenchman writing in 1543 threw off all attempts to remove claimed he landed here in that year, his heavy winter coat and stood

the first six rows respectively. Pausing for a moment to clear his throat and wipe his chin, hedeclar‘Speeches like Mr. ed profoundly, Brown’s always make me sick,‘and went on, to the cheers of all present .” This true anecdote points out aptly the superiority of my text over the present one. My book won’t be completed for sever al months yet as I have been having problems over contemporary events. It has been impossible to make tie actions and words of John (I’m the Chief!) Diefenbaker seem credible. I mean ~JI 50 years who will believe it? I’m

but of course you know how those French-Canadians are. Aside from all this, I will accept the government’s claim that we are indeed a century old and will help out old Lester-bird out by completing a Centennial project this year. Everyone remembershighschool Canadian history courses, where a teacher tried--and pm*- s tired failed-- to drum up a little interest in what is actually a very dull hisIn fact, most students come tory. out of the course with the idea that Ca_:.Lda has just blundered along and h&i, ens to be here in spite of the m’ cakes, debacles and inept polic_; *, of generations of politicians.

also waiting to see if it’s true that Bobby Kennedy is planning to vie for the Conservative leadership. 0 There are some comments inthis issue which would lead one to believe there is no nite life in the K-W area. Well maybe there are no good discotheques, coffeehouses, O’-

by Ed Penner




there gently waving back and forth while George Brown droned on about facts, figures and statistics. “When it came JohnA.‘s time to speak, he lurched against the lectern, belched once or twice, and 10s t the contents of his stomach (those present report mainly gin) all over his heavy winter coat and

_ ^

center which will be in operation by the end of March, 1967. Ward has had to draw his staff together into an efficient office unit in order to function more effectively. Each week he presides over staff meetings, and promotes an open-door policy for CUS secretarial and printing employees with complaints to register . These employees are now armed with new fringe benefits and a conditions of work contract. Ward makes no bones about the difficulty he had establishing formal office procedures, but his efforts meet with frequent praise from those who work under him. He sees his job as “themostfrustrating time of my life so far”. Theeight withdrawals this fall, coupled with themassivehousecleaning job, have left Ward looking a lot paler than he did when hebegan work-in July. But this year there are indications that his new student movement won’t collapse from within. “Doug has successfully maintained the congress orientation,” one associate secretary observed. “But whether the member unions will be able to do this remains to be seen.” x ”

Keefe Centers :, or Places de VilIe or whatever, but what have they got to do with nite life anyway? More has been accomplished with a crock of wine and a quiet apartment than with a thousand Wreckrooms or Place Pigalles. Let’s face it, nite life is what you make it. After four years out, my high~1~001 days seem pretty remote, The whole horrible story seems to have faded into the mists of memory. However, even after some deep recollection of the many petty9 shallow and officious administrators that I ame into contact within those five-plus-one long years, I cannot recall anyone as disgusting as the SOB I plan to slander next. (It may be old news but I just heard the story recently.) It seems there is a smalI town in Northern Ontario and this small town has a highschool and this highschool has a principal. Anyhoo, one of the girls in grade 12 managed to get herself knocked up toward the end of the year. The principal threw her out,forbadeher to write her exams, even at home, and fixed it so she could never return to school. He then heard that another girl



,^,. l.<lI’ . . ” .

/” _ s

was engaged and lmmedlately assuming that she was also pregnant, called her into his office and demanded to know thestate of her maidenhead. She, being a spunky maid, told him to stuff his questions up that cavity located between his posterior orbs. Unrebuffed, the principal threw her out until she could show a doctor % statement that she was not expecting. At home that night his obsession with his girl students’ virginity reached the point where the next day he decided to march the whole grade-12 class (females anyway) down for pregnancy tests. And he got away with it as far as I know! Almost anyone here at U of W can recall some similar bit of ignorance perpetrated by their highschool administrators. University students are very fond of criticizing the government’s university policy) but nobody ever tries to clean up these walking anachronisms in our highschool system. Maybe if university student counciIs. did a little organizing at the highschool level they couldimprove things. I’d love to see everyone at KC1 walk out on strike thenexttime a 190year-old student gets expelled for smoking within sight of the school.

LETTERS Be concise. The Chevron reserthe right to shorten letters. Sign it--name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons, unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printted if you have good reason. Double - space it. Type it, if possible -- 32 characters per line. ves

Dodgers and





To the editor: On December 5, the University of Waterloo had the pleasure of hearing some great words of wisdom from America’s finest two draft-dodgers. I listened to them for about 3Ominutes and left as the draft was only of secondary importance--the “sick America” was primary. The draft was merely the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’m writing this letter on the 25th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. That was the day the immoral Japanese visited the Americans. Today we have the immoral Americans visiting the North Vietnamese. But it is war that is immoral, not the nations involved. No one could honestly say that he longed for a bullet in the backsomewhere in Vietnam. Our grandparents didn’t enjoy the gas at Ypres nor our parents the welcome they received at the Normandy Beach, yet they showed moreguts than the supposed conscientious objectors of today. I’m not defending war as a g&ious and proud event--for as I have stated, it is immoral. But running away from a responsibility is just as immoral. If you don’t like the system then why don’t you stay and fight for your convictions ? If a jail term is the price you must pay, then pay it you must. What contribution can these draftdodgers make to our way of life? If difficult problems arise in this country will they run out on us too? Or will they stay and fight for their convictions ? I rather doubt it. BILL SPALL history 3

To the editor: I have just read the Dee, 9 Chevron and I have just one question. Has this paper joined the illiterate group in the USA which calls itself the SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) or some other such peace movement? a.The article on Vietnam, along with the picture and that ridiculous garbage called a prayer, is to me the best kind of propaganda the North Vietnamese could possibly want. And I certainly agree with the reader who said that the so-called conscientious objectors--comment ly known as draft-dodgers--should be sent back where they ran from. We don’t nee< them in Canada. Because the Chevron seems to be all for this type of “man”youprobably wont print this--but at least you know how some of us feel. ROLF MARTENS arts I



is ridiculous



To the editor: The recent rule against cardplaying in the engineering commonroom created a great deal of controversy in its first week of operation. The limited space for student activity on campus has made it tificult for off-campus students to fffl their spare hours withnon-acadernic pursuits. As a result commonrooms have become card-playing areas. With limited eating facilities, many students find it more convenfent and more comfortable to eat lunch in the commonroom, and combine eating with card-playing. With increased enrollment, these

facilities have become quite crowded and many students find they have to stand. Why card-playing should be banned from 11:30 to 1:30 as a result of overcrowding is difficult to imagine. I agree that many people spend too long playing cards in the comIf this is what the enmonroom. gineering Council used as a reason for its ban, it would have some logic behind it; however, the signs posted inthe cornmonroom state that the cardplayers are occupying too much space at lunch time and that it would be to everyone’s interests if they were to stop in the 11:30-l:30 interval. This is both untrue and ridiculous. It is untrue because the card-players will bein the commonroom whether playing or not. Further, there are many people (myself included) who quite willingly watch the games because they find this a relaxing way to spend lunch hour,. They often stand and watch, uncomplainingly, while eating, even though there are other eatingp’laces on campus where they could sit comfortably. The non-card-players seem indifferent to the card-playing itself and try to find a seat so that they may do what they please at lunch. I hope that the rule, whichis currently being broken every day de+ pite the threats of enforcement, wffl either be rescinded irnmediately or enforced for the proper reasons (which do not exist). The commonroom is not a lunch room, though

the council

would have us believe

this. It fs a place where people should be (and have been in the past) free to do as they wish as long as they are neither destructive nor unlawful. MICHAEL R. WISE math 4




Preliminary plans were madefor summer term activities at the first executive meeting of the Engineering class of ‘69. The class hopes to support EngSoc activities and to plan a course survey. Results of class elections: class president, Jirn Pike; vice-president Bob King; secretary, Kees Schipper ; treasurer, Jack Toffolo.

Coverage less. than SUPA If one were to believe the major papers in Ontario, SUPA, the Student Union for Peace Action, doesn’t exist. Throughout the entire conferencq not one of the major Toronto papers carried a story on the six-day mass gathering. Tuesday’s Globe and Mail failed to mention that a good number of the picketers at the American donsulate came from SUPA.. According to the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, the featured speaker, Paul Goodman, predicted “a revo-e lution so violent that it would be comparable to either the French or Russian revolution”. The Record’s reporter should ser-

iously consider a new line of work if this is the best he can do. For one thing, the Russian revolution that Dr. Goodman was speaking of was the one that occurred in 1905. Rather than advocating bloody revolution Dr Goodman was harking back to those revolutions’ first periods, which were peaceful and saw local rather than nationL governments prevailing. In these periods, both France and Russia enjoyed happy, prosperous times. Dr Goodman contends that only outside influences brought choas. It is unfortunate that this conference did not receive the coverage it merited.

We hope to get into FASS

Who’ll do. it?Welcome back to the campus, co-op students. If you felt left out of things last term, why don’t YOU give newspaper work a try? There will be a Chevron staff meeting at 3:30 this afternoon to sign up the hordes of eager cubs. Or drop in anytime and leave your name. The Chevron needs reporters. You don’t really have to be a creative writer. News writing simply involves digging up the facts, then stringing them together. The Chevron needs typists. This Have you a free involves typing. hour or three Mondays,, Tuesdays or Wednesdays ? The Chevron needs rewirte men. This involves writing publicity blurbs and stuff into news style. The Chevron needs photographers. And a darkroom manager and technicians. ’ The Chevron needs ad salesmen. To help pay. The Chevron needs mailers and morticians and circulation men and an editorial-page editor and cartoonists and and and. How about helping? Injuneers are welcum too. rp * * “Theycouldnotgetorganized--so theywentto Montrealandgot orgyized.” --Cleaning&ideasdep’t.

Last year another FASS night was again a complete success. And we didn’t see it. Why? Because we couldn’t make it over to a foyer during the hour and a half tickets were sold. Those in charge might say, “So what? The tickets were sold on a first-come-first-serve basis. That -6 is fair.” -We don’t think so. It was physically impossible for many people to be in a foyer when F.ASS tickets were sold. There were not enough tickets to satisfy everyone anyway, so we will admit that

many people would have been disappointed no matter what the arrangement for sales. Nevertheless, why can’t a specific number of FASS tickets be sold at various times on the days sales are supposed to take place? Such a policy would ensure that a broader cross-section of people is able to see this annual show. Certainly the arrangement wouldn’t sell more tickets. And it would take a little more time on Circle K’s part. The satisfaction it woud d bring to many people is worth the additional effort.


published Fridays

The Chevron is University of Waterloo, those of the unipersity, Uni versi ty Press.

Waterloo, Student

by the Ontario, Council

editorin - chief: Jim Nagel news editor: Grant Gordon photography: Brian Clark features: Joachim Surich sports: Wayne Braun entertainment: Heather Davidson 744-6111 Toronto Kin&ton

local2497(news), 2812(advertising), bureau: Donna McKie, 782 -5959; bureau: Wayne Tymm, 71 Morenz



board of publications of the Federation Canada. Opinions are obviously not or the board of publications. Member

board of publications David R. Witty adverti sing manager: Heidebrecht lithographed by Elmira Signet Ltd., Elmira, 7,500 kopies

of Students, necessarily of Canadian

chairman: Ekkehard


2471 (editor). Night744-0111. office 487 -4343 local 417. Crescent, 546 - gg 1.3.


Telex029,5-7.~9 \


6, 1967 (720)





by Rod Clark Chevron


The second floor of East 3 in the Village was declared a disaster area one Sunday midnight at theend of last term. The trouble began when Ralph Catenacci, math IA, returned from home to find his room, 214, stuffed with crumpled news-paper. Minutes after the paper was cleaned up, an elbow (worth about 40 cents) in the radiator fractured--and steaming water flooded into the room. In seconds the water was six inches .deep and flowing into the hall. Pick




(CUP)-University structure cannot be changed by radicals until the social structure of North American society is changed, a free-speech - movement leader told University of British Columbia studeats recently. Jack Weinberg, said if UBC students want social change &II their university, they must work to gain



No estimate of the extent of damage to broadloom or students’possessions was available. One student remarked that “such inconveniences are a normalpart of living in the Village.”

through the country’s provincial and federal systems. Weinberg became nationally famOusewhen he spent 32 hours in apolice car stranded in the middle of the Berkeley campus in October, 196~a key incident in the beginning of the FSM. power


Three students could not sleep in their rooms, and moved in with other students.





of water

outside, jeering and throwingsnowballs into open windows. Theywere doused with buckets of water from the second floor. Students poured in from other buildings, hindering rescue operations; They were ordered to leave. Maintenance men arrived with a vaccuum cleaner and worked for several hours sucking up muddy water.


‘66 COMPENDIUM Federation

6 inches

Chanaesountrv th en university, says Berkleyvet


in the


boiler room was located and a cridcal valve was shut ‘down. The torrent stoppedand the steam clear,@ as windows were opened. Students in boots waded through two inches of water s scooping it up fn pktsti~ wastebaskets and bowing it out of windows. One engineer estimated there was at least 400 gallons of water on the floor. Several dozen students gathered

cascaded Into rooms below; damaging Romandrochuck*s guitar in room 005, two floors below. Students moved everything but beds and desks out of 214and adjoinhg: rooms, One student attemptedtophone the university heating plant, butneither Information nor the fire department had a number. The house don,Julian Sale, mechanical 4B. phoned Stan Jones, the Village head porter. Mr. Jones instructed Mr. Sale, who help= ed students close down two valves in the basement. A fireman from the university


The movement was formed as a response to pressure exerted on the Berkley administration by outside erouns. v and nassed on in the form gf r&rictio& on free speech and off-campus political activities Weinberg said.

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