
Page 1



n Volume

8, Nwmber


7,200 enroll






-I Wednesday,

September .

13, 1967

this week

Wuterloo’s The dynamic University of Waterloo, “the university of its time”, has explosively expanded to fill most of its south campus-=over 300 acres. The university began in 1957 with the small, $19,000 prefab building which now stands beside Laurel Creek. The building--annex one-now houses the Federation of Student offices, the Campus Shop, the health services and the student newspaper, the Chevron. In 1957 there were 74 students

enrolled in the university& unique cooperative-engineering program. The little gray building sat on a parking lot at Waterloo Lutheran University until construction be gan on this university campus. This week there will be 7,200 students enrolled The building program has errpan= ded in the last three years to include the arts complex, the underground engineering-lecture building, and the biology addition as well as a central services complex.

From 70 to 7,000 students ing out to academics, mud

70-year The new food-services building incorporating the book&roe, was just recently finished. There are a large number of building projects under way including the campus center, the mathematics and computer building, the health-services building, an athletic complex, and the Mix+ ota Hagey Memorial residence for graduate women. The orientation program has grown with the school. Stewart Saxe, chairman of Orientation ‘67

in ten years - the history of the University theme. There’s still has been the campus



and his committee are spending addition to the regular program. $23,000 to make this the biggest Slave Day on September 23 will orientation ever. top off Orientation ‘67. This is a event for all freshThis year the highlights of the compulsory men. The frosh are rented out to week are concerts by Gordon Lightfoot and Ian and Sylvia. To people in the community. help better orient the freshmen to All proceeds go to the local university life, there will be sem- branches of the Canadian Mental inars and lectures throughout the Health Association, the Canadian week on what university is all a- Save the Children Fund and the bout. Canadian National Institute for the Blind. The individual college re sidences and the Village have their Coordinator Ross McKenzie own programs for orientation in hopes Slave Day will raise $6,000.

of Waterloo. lots of it today

For in

the the

past decade, finalstages

while agriculture of building the south

was Zoscampus.

Exams bring $to Wuterloo , The Waterloo Towers affairwas settled quietly last month. All students involved in a fight with the apartment building% management vacated quietly at the end of summer-term exams, The trouble began when 40 single students living in the building on University Avenue received 72-hour eviction notices from the management June 25. The students claimed the charges in the notices were false and took their case to the Federation of Students. Federation president Steve IrePhilosophy new




The East quadrant of thevillage -the university residence complex-has a new&&or. Dr. James Van Evra of the philosophy department has been appointed to replace Dr. George Cross, who resigned to become dean of graduate studies. There are five tutors at the village--one for each quadrant plus one for women. Tutors advise the house dons and are available for student consultation. They report to the Village warden, Dr. Ronald Dydt .


quiet cieath ._ Towers affair

land promised the tenants full support. Ireland and the studentsmet with a lawyer, R,J. Hobson, who advised them that the notice wasn’t a legal document. The student tenants received another notice July 4 demanding they vacate within 72 hours. Theywere accused of keeping dirty and disorderly apartments and causing disturbances. The students again refuted the charges. When A.N. Abraham, president of Heboto Management Services, which manages the building, toured it with superintendent Austin Streatch, the studentstold him they would fight him in court. On July 8 the students received their third eviction notice in two weeks. Each of the 11 apartments involved received individual letters by special delivery from Abraham’s lawyers, Harper, Villemaire, Gothard and Richter of Waterloo. Each apartment contacted about the individual charges termed them ridiculous or completely false. The students then met with Ireland, who gave them two alterna+tives. Either fight them in court or work out an agreement between yourselves and Abraham,” he said. The students decided in favor of a

compromise because exams were approaching and because it would be difficult to return from work terms for court hearings. Hobson met with the management firm% lawyers to workout an agreement. Its, main points were that students vacate by August 13 (the end of exams), that all claims against the students be released, that deposits be returned with reasonable claims for damage and that the apartments be cleaned immediately. adI have heard nothing from the students involved and assume that the vacating of their apartments went smoothly,” said Ireland. “If there are any further problems the Federation will continue to support those involved.” University president J. G.Hagey complimented the Federation on the way it handled the situation. “1 would like to convey my congratulations to the Federation and Student Council on the way they handled the situation,” he said. “It takes something like this to show that not all university students are culprits. Just because some students can’t conduct themselves in an orderly manner, it does not necessarily apply to all students.”

Men’s 13 I8 I9


wear Ross Klopp Star Men’s Wear Frank’s Men’s Wear

Ladies’ wear 24 LaVogue Ladies’ Wear 22 & 29 Zacks ““‘lVEf?SlTy Books 26 I I2 2







Restaurants II Infinite Noodle 4 The Campus Rest I6 Tien Hoa Inn 4 & 27 Pizza Palace 14 Longhorn Inn

IO 28 23 15 7 6 25 8

The Plum Tree Crosby Volkswagen Walter’s Credit Jewek Northland Firearms University Billiards Swan Cleaners College Sports International Men’s Hairstyling

n.. Food 5 9 3


to vote

Students should have no difficulties in voting in the forthcoming provincial election. Premier John Robarts has called the general election for Tuesday, October 17. Students encountered great difficulty in voting in the 1965 federal election which was called at about the same time of year. Part of the orientation celebrations that year was a giant, but peaceful, touchlight protest parade in down-

5 retire



ecutive vice-president of Confederation Life Association; R. Fraser Elliott, Montreal, of the law firm of Stikeman, Elliott, Tamaki, Mercier and Robb and also chairman of the board ofCAE Industries Ltd. All have been elected to serve three-year terms. J. D. Barrington, Toronto; A.A. Cumming, Toronto; Karl Gruetzner, Hespeler; G. E. Robertson, Guelph; Hugh Templin, Fergus and &W. Titus, Toronto, will now join the committee of governors emeriti. As members of this committee, they will’be able to sit in on board discussions but not to vote. Gruetzner and Templin hadbeen members of the university’sboard since it was established in 1956,


Donald S. Anderson, Toronto, vice-president of the Royal Bank of Canada; W. Allan Campbell, Hamilton, president and general manager of Wallace Barnes Co. Ltd.; George H. Craig, Toronto, vicepresident of Molson’s Brewery (Ontario) Ltd.; J. Craig Davidson, Toronto, ex-

CM you



a riot?

Student Council has gone into the mind&picking business. Questionnaires were sent out to the 2,200 freshmen who arrived on campus this week. The survey covers 22 points of personal background and opinion and asks each freshman to state what he thinks the purpose of education is. The questionnaire ask such routine questions as sex, age,faculty, home and accommodation. The survey goes on to, ask the family background of the student and how he reacted to his first c&acts with the university.

and varietv Waterloo-l-&A Forwell’s Variety Morrow Confectionery


in search

l Peterhouse College, part of Cambridge, will offer up to three research studentships in June 1968 for men not already members of the college. Candidates must be men under 25 on December 1,1968, must have graduated from some university by August 1968, and must be PhD candidates at CamApplication forms and bridge. CIGAS application forms may be obtained from the senior tutor, Peterhouse, Cambridge, England. l A number of research fellowships, effective October 1968, will be awarded in May be Peterhouse

of scholars

College. Applications and further information can be obtained from the master, Peterhouse, Cambridge, England. l The United Kingdom has announced awards under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan, tenable in October 1968, For further information and application forms, write Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Committee, c/o Association of Universities and Colkges of Canada, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa 4. Deadline Ottober 31.

Confectionery 103 UNIVERSITY

2 706Ttie



A subscription fee included campus terms. Non-students: payment of postage in cash.

in their annual $4 annually. Send address






student Authorized changes



One of the more interesting questions is obviously aimed at for Fodder demonstrations= “‘Have you ever participated in any protests?” Orientation chairman Stewart Saxe is handling the survey but he says that it should be considered a Student Council effort rather than the work of either Orientation ‘67 or the board of external relations, which he also heads. Saxe said he will provide the manpower to handle survey results if Council requests,




of governors

At the same time Carl Polloch board chairman, made public the appointment of six retiring members of the board to the newly ee tablished committee of governors emeriti. The new members of the board


for him

town Waterloo that drew national attention. The office of the Ontario chief officer informed the electoral Chevron Thursday that students should have no difficulty in voting. The writs were issued before the students returned to school, but they may go to a court of revision if they wish to cast their votes in ’ their university riding. The Chevron will print the procedures for revision.

Five new members have been elected to the university’s board of governors.


17. 17’ Steve’s TV



and stationery Ontario Office Outfitters The Campus Shop The Book Nook University Book store

Shoes 20 Bata Shoes 21 Parr & Waller


entitles U of as second-class promptly to: The

W students mail by Chevron,

to receive the Chevron the post Office department, University of Waterloo,

by mai! during offOttawa, and for Waterloo, Ontario.

CNO~t0 student



Carl Totzlce, head of the athletics department, has flatly re jetted the Federation of Students’ bid for control of athletics, He also attackedTom Patterson, the Federation’s university-r&+ tions officer, who wrote a brief suggesting formation of a Student board of athletics. The proposed ----..---..__ ---mm---__ Tee-off on Monday .page Editorial Page -------me___ ------___

Two workers continue until sunset pouring concrete massive corners will be the sole support of the roof.



All students, will be charged iversity lots, The fees are university to maintainance Previously,

fo pay

staff and faculty for parking on m effective October. being levied by the defray building and costs for the lots. funds for the park-


r’0 park




on campus

This &tober the University of Waterloo and the Kitchener-Waterloo area will see a birthday party bigger than The University of Waterloo C entennial. is celebrating its tenth anniversary October 22-2%Tenth Anniversary Week. The week*s theme is the role of the university in society. There are special events all week, climaxed by Homecoming weekend and fall convocation. The two unique events of the week are the North American tiddlywinks championship and an exciting three-day open house Oct. 27-29. It will be the first time that a Cam+ dian university has hosted the winking The host club, U of W championships tiddlywinks club, are the present champions and possessors of the Harvard pennant. The Waterloo winkers have an enviable record for soundly trouncing all their opponents including Waterlootheran. They also hold the world record for marathon winking at 56 hours of continual PlaY. Teams from Massachusets Institute of Technology, Columbia, Harvard, Corn-




from now on

came from academic ing lots grants by the province for academic. The yearly fee for faculty and staff members will be $24 regardless of lot location. The security office is currently



issuing parking ious lots.

decals for the var-

University president J.G. Hagey has asked for cooperation from all people in implementing the plan.


ell and University of Toronto will challenge the defending champions. All the squidging and squopping will happen in the Village. The open house is the most important part of Tenth Anniv~,sary Week. A survey conducted by the tenth-anniversary committee showed that much of the indifference of local residents to the university was caused by ignorance. **The committee hopes that their open house will do much to improve university-community


12 19

board would take complete control of the university% athletics program. At its August meeting, Student Council had strongly criticizedthe athletic department% attitude towards the ,intramu~ recreational and service programs. “The athletic department is devoting 90 percent of its budget to varsity Federation president spo~sv” Steve Ireland said. ‘“1 agree var+ sity sports are important but not all that important.* With the students’ needs inmind Council passed a motion demanding that the athletic department expand recreational facilities. The motion was just a solution ,for the 1967-68 academic year. At the same meeting Council demanded that university president J. G. Hagey meet with Federation representatives to discuss the board of athletics. **We (the athletic department) don’t believe the elected members of the Federation are more than casually interested in athletics+” said Totzke in a lengthy memoandum. 4Wn the basis of their unanimous acceptance of Patte* son’s brief with all its errors and and misrepresentations they obviously are not knowledgeable in the field of athletics.‘) If the intention of the Federation is an improved athletic pro= gram then his departmentisworking toward the same goal, Totzke said. “If the intention is controlwe are opposed.” To&e also attacked Patterson’s methods for writing the brief and suggested three sources for information relating the athletic program and student needs. Two of the sources were prepared by physic& education students and the third is a survey conducted by the athle= tics department. Patterson replied to Totzke’s charges by saying he was unhappy with the tone of the whole memorandum. “He’s attacking the integrity of the Federation,” he said.


Better this term, Condon promises Students will not suffer from acute lack of physical-education facilities this year. ‘%tudents coming on campus this September will find a vastly expanded intramural program awaiting them:’ men’s intramural director Paul Condon promised Tuesday. 44While we still are at a disadvantage as far as facilities on -PUS are concerned, we have attempted to fill this gap by renting outside facilities as close to the university as possible,‘* he said. Condon said there would be two divisions for intramural sports. ~*Divi.sion A will be theintramural league and division B will be or+ ganized along a more informalbasi@ he said. Students will be notified by ads in the Chevron and notices on bulletin boards when facilities are amle for casual Play* President Ireland said he was satisfied that the students’ needs would be met in the coming year. _ “This represents a significant irnprovement over past years’ programs, andFm sure that this will be appreciated by the students,” he said. ation could go right back to the provincial government. “‘They don’t consider athletic and other buildings the same priority as teaching buildings. It’s unfortunate that planners still see the university as a collection of teaching buildings, rather than a community,‘* he said. l

bash for tenth relations,” said Brian Iler, civil engineering 3B, head of Tenth Anniversary Week, The first day of the open house is highschool day. Highschool studentsfrom across the province have been invited to the campus for tours, seminars and lectures. It will’give them the chance to find out what university is really like. It has been organized by students with en& usiastic support from faculty and administration. There are four tours scheduledt a bus tour of the whole south campus and the psychology building, an arts tour, engineering tour and a mathematics and science tour. Every department of the university is putting on ‘a special exhibit as part of its contribution to the university’s tenth anniversary. The university’swell-known cooper?+ tive plan, where students alternate four months in school and four with industry, will be explained in a central display in the food-services building. The university% co-op plan now includes engineering, math, applied physics, applied chemis-

dry you go through the memo he doesn’t commit himself to anything.” He said that the Federation’s goal is the best athletic program “Pm quite concerned possible. that the athletic department thinks we’re playing a political game for control,” he said. Patterson stressed that he wanted to communicate withToMe and the athletic department. JdWe must have a meeting of the people concerned to clear up misunderstandings caused by memos,” he said. He said the blame for the situ-

annrversary try, physical education, architecture and psy cholcgy . The university has grown from 74 students in 1967 to a present enrollment of over 7200. It has become famous for the co-op plan and the large number of unique research projects on campus. Its post-graduate courses and research have attracted over 1100 students from 59 natiOnS. Originally the engineering faculty of Waterloo College (now Waterloo Lutheran), the university has expanded quickly to four faculties and three schools. The mathematics faculty is the only one in the world. The school of physical education has been active for several years but optometry and architecture begin this year. The optometry school was transplanted lock, stock and barrel to Waterloo from Toronto in June. The university owns 700 acres of land north of Columbia street which will become the north campus. There are no definite plans for it yet. Predicted enrollment for the future is 10,000 by 1970 and 16,000 by 1976.



13, 7967 (8: 72) 707






to stcarf u chapter

fraternity would make no restrictions on the membership terms ti such a require ment was necessary for the recognition of the fraternity by Student Council. Student Council had decided earlier that no fraternity would be recognized if it discriminated against students in any way. The two students, who were accompanied by two alumni of the fraternity, dermatologist Dr+ W.N. Maceachern, and orthodontist Dr. W. H. Jack, and the Phi Kappa Pi national secretary ’ said the fraternity would provide a group of activity-oriented students on campus and that there would be no problem over the admissions policy.

The fraternities are coming1 The fraternities are coming! The University of Waterloo may soon receive its first fraternity, in the form of a Phi Kappa Pi chapter. In the ten-year history of the university there have been only one or two previous proposals for fraternities. A local group headed by Tom Close, math 3, and Chris Fleming, arts 2, have been promoting the a&Canadian fraternity among university officials and student councillors. The two students appeared at the August 30 meeting of the Student Council executive to inform the members that the

in Waterloo campus. They also hope that the unlversity would aid in meeting the cost of the building. If not, funds would be available from the fraternity% national building fund. The local group is also looking into obtaining space in the basement of the former Waterloo post office on King street, two miles from campus. Upper floors are in use this fall by the university’s new optometr+ school.. The optimum size of the fiat house would be 20 residents and 20 associate members, said the representatives. Six local members are going to Montreal soon for the national convention.

Fraternity officials said the local and said the group is %nti-snobbish”, Toronto branch of the fraternity has never refused any prospective member. The Waterloo group would become the eleventh in Canada. Phi Kappa Pi has no links with the United States, and has gone out of its way to avoid developing such ties, he implied. Student Council has not disapproved of the proposal, and Prof. William Scott, provost for student affairs, has remained neutral, The fraternity is considering approaching the university for permission to build a fraternity house on or near

77,000 Montreal students will boycott fee increase MONTREAL (CUP&The &.Ident president of the University of Montreal has asked all students to ignore a $30tdion raise a~~dfx~ send tuition fees on the old rate to the Association Genetie des Etudiants 1’Universite de Montreal, “in trust3’ Jean Dike+ AGEUM president, sent a letter to the 17,000 students asking them to make out a cheque to the university based on the old rates and forward them to the AGEUM. He estimates that in olt der to make the planfeasible more than 4,000 students must coopee ate. He claims to have half of that now. By withholding these fees the association hopes to get the university to reconsider the fee in+ crease. But the university pointed out in a letter to all students that fees must be paid prior to registration.

Twelve hours earlier, the Russian is flooded with 10,000 teenagers French.

delegation was wekomed for a record hop. Despite

But Dare points out that if the students offer a common front to the university they need fear little in terms of reprisals. He pointed out that a government committee last year recommended tuition fees be reduced this year by $100 asthe first step in their eventualelimti ation. This is not the first encounter between the AGEUM and the university authorities. Last July, Dare tangled with rector Roger Gaudry over a bid to place student representatives on the university~s bwd of directors, As the private billscommittee of the Quebec legislature was considering a new charter of the U of & the AGEUM put in a bid for direct election of representatives to the proposed board of directors which was to rephe the oldboardof governors.

to Expo at PIace des Nations. Now it the all-English performance, most are (Chevron







N 0














* All sizes of university jackets


.R S



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and T-shirts in a variety of sizes and colors





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* Used books to sell






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* Toiletries and drugs



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Your shop 708 The CHEVRON

: .Student 9:30am




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745-294 1









Fresh, meet your chief big brother by Mary Chevron

EMI stuff

The end result of this research will appear in two papers issued by the chairman and his committee plus a revitalized orientation program. The first paper will be on the philosophy of orientation and will include suggestions for continuing orientation for most of the freshman year. The second will be an evaluation of Orientation 67 and recommendations for 1968.

Orientation 67-the ten-day attempt to introduce thisyear’s crop of 2200 freshmen to the U of Whas taken a lot of people a lot of. time and a lot of work. In the end it is the efforts and participation of the students which will make or break the whole effort, according to Stewart Saxe, the charman. Saxe political science 3, has spent his summer reevaluating and reorganizing Orientation, 4’I started out blank as much as one can?’ Saxe first went to the deans of the different faculties, the provost for student affairs and counselling services. After getting their reaction to previous orientations, he questioned them on what should be .done. He then interviewed personnel of Waterloo Lutheran University, the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto. During this time he corresponded with ur+ iversiiies in the United States, England and Israel. -He read the full report of adirector of orientation in the States plus general studies of today’s student problems.

In constructing the actual program, Saxe commented, (( Orie& tion 67 is not so much a change in program as a change in attitude.” The committee has tried to erase the immature attitude of the past and replace it with a big-brother relationship. Y?his change was difficult because we didn’t know where to go.” Therefore orientation was defined as “an introduction, for the frosh, to the university community.” The main problems encountered were that orientation is using the same facilities this year for 2200 frosh as it did for l,OOOfroshseveral years ago. None of the committee members were on campus during the summer. The committee wa13 ordered not to lose money.

And finally will the big-brother a& titude work? Around these problems the program will revolve. The fresh will be grouped into tens. Over each will be an archon-Greek for lord or overseer--who stays with his group during all of orientation. A tour of the campus Will start off orientation. The. freshmen are grouped into tens and taken in tow for a tour by an ardron as they leave the gym after registering. Following will be activities, which if all attend, will fill the fro&s first week to capacitv. During all of this week, the ai+ chon is supposed to encourage dis, cussions about their experiences on campus. , All activities except of Monday’s will begin at 4 pm. “The administration has been extremely helpful, especially the Registrar’s office,” said Saxe. “<Anything we requested was immediately dealt with.” Saxe will be available all during orientation and is open to comments from all. QIe has an office in the Federation building, phone local 2534.) &‘During the orientation week my job will be to serve you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me,”

Stewart Saxe is a man of many hats. Besides wearing the topper as the lord of lords for the Village ‘initiation program, he is chairman of the university orien ta tion commit tee.

Energetic prepared

The man whose Campus plan.





to fresh:

4‘I give the frosh the age-old warning that they are entering a completely different system and that they will get out only whatthey put in,*’ was university president J. G, Hagey’s welcome to this year’s fresh. The Chevron went on to ask his advice to fresh on various topics. In your estimation, what constitutes an ideal student?

Pll have to go back to my own college days for that. Mostly it seems to be the ability to put first things first. One chap was able to have five or six people in his room and still concentrate. Another chap I knew took notes that read almost like a textbook Do the different courses affect one’s general outlook on life?

It is normal for students in professional course+-such as electrical engineering-to be more practical. The very nature & the arts program leads you tobe more



You idealistic. intangibles.

J. G. Hagey




What to you is the basic change campus% attitude?

with in

There is a different type of challenge for the student, Up to now it has been the challenge of organization, while now it is consolidation of pa& work. One thing that ha&t changed since the beginning is the continuing desire to help lower the fai& ure rate. President Hagey, what are your pet projects, past present and future, concerning the university?

The major project now is the development of the north campus. By 1970, plans should be completed. Also, -ever since wehave become a university, I have been concerned with cooperation between w iversities in the province to assume maximum use of total resources, This communication

can be helpful a university.

the South

How would attitude

in the beginnings

you describe

is expected to complement the faculty advisors set UP last ‘4We hope students will be year. able to get closer to the fro&.,” said Bill Kirton, chairman of the Science Society. c%nd we hope to have a documented evaluation of the system to improve it next year.* Deptimhl club+-physics, biology, chemistry, the, Chemical buititute of Canada among themare also subsidized by the Science Society. On the executive, besides Kition, are vice-chairman KenMacMillan, physics 2Bl treasurer Chris w&em

The revitalized Science Society is planninga full week of activities to keep its freshmen busy. 450are expected to register in first-year science this week Wednesday, September 13, acoff eetand-donut happening isplanned for 7:30 at the Village blue dining hall. An address by Dr. W.A.E. McBryde, dean of science, willgive way to an informal chance to chat with faculty and classmates. Upperclassmen in the new optometry school will meet Thursday morning, September 14, at 10 for an orientation to the campus. The Science Society helped at least 15 of them find rooms in the city. Big brothers will be appointed for froth at 2 Thursday afternoon at an orgm.izationa.l meeting. This

must give to guin’

You are

Science Society for 450 frosh



5 SW-

retard Gary Abach, physics Homecoming chairman Tozer, physics 2B.

2~ and Dave



of this campus?

\ I think of this university ashaving a friendly, warm feeling. It is a 50-50 proposition whether the future students will retain this attitude. **Jr Originally from Hamilton President Hagey has lived in Kitchen+ e-Waterloo since 1928 when he graduated from the University of Western Ontario with aBA degree. He joined B.F. Goodrich Canada Limited in Kitchener. In 1935 he was appointed to a senior executive position with the company, which he held until 1953 when he resigned to become president of Waterloo College. In 1958 President Hagey received an LID degree from Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania,



VOLKSWAGEN (formerly










a Student
















13, 1967 (8: 92) 109





‘6 /



More messages to fro& (How’cf he get in here?) the requirements of a small but ever-growing minority of students who do not wish to conform to the established norm. During the past ten years our image among the citizenry and officialdom of our host city Waterloo has shifted. The local goons no longer have any hesitation in seeing your criminal record established In addition, you are now distinguished somewhat from our quasiLutheran nelghbors down the street. No longer do the common folk stare as if you were some godlike creature. If they show any courtesies toward you it is only because your patronage cant ributes to their pocketbooks. In order to regain your former status may I suggest this method, Smile at them first. Humor them. They’ll be so stunned they’ll do anything for you. But whatever you do, don’t smile at the local cops. They will certainly frisk you for a mickey. To men students I would like to say that+ in a compromise meart ure, the administration hassucceeded in attracting more women students, If all goes wellat regis&ration more of them will be on campus this year than ever before. This achievement ranks among many that the administration has accomplished to nahtain the standard of morals that thisuniversity is noted for. A word to the wise. Avoid the Village path. It% under constant transformation. Also avoid the registrar% office for the next couple of weeks unless yau like congedion. (YouCAN switch COUP ses, you know.) The more use you make of the university% facilities, the more satisfying your experience willbe. Since the administration has done everything possible to provide a beneficial environment, no expressions of discontent are expected, May the environment inspire and sustain you throughout this academic year. BRYAN COHEN historY 3

It is indeed with a substantial amount of dignity, gratification and fulflllment that I welcome both freshmen and returning studentsto one of Canada’s fastest-growing universities. The past ten years have been filled with accomplishment despite the vast quantities of mud that still prevail. New buildings have been erected. Parking lots have been enlarged. More eating facilities have been provide d in an attempt to satisfy our hungry students, Furthermore, the physical&&





b b




and planning department has established an enviable record of moving more sod in a ten-year period than any other university. As final proof to U of W’s astounding growth the administrationcan proudly point to the fact that more students are enrolled than there are decent living quarters for. Nevertheless, the administm tion is satisfied with the way things are progressing, It can beproudof the fact that U of W students can congregate in the local taverns, Your dedication to these great errtertainment spots has enabled the administration to postpone until this past year the campus-center and the physical-education buildThese projects recognize ings.

The Longhorn

“Yes you can continue your education.” I This booklet shows you how you can get financial help. Do you plan to attend a university or other post-secondary institution? D/o you need financial assistance? To learn whether you can qualify under the Ontario Student Awards program, obtai‘n this brochure from your secondary school, or from the institution of your choice or write to: Student




481 University Tm-mtr, 7

of Affairs, Avenue

‘you back


and a special


to frosh. For breakfast,

a quick lunch or

that evening well


mea-&eat at



the iiIII4-m




Department ~~~~~~~



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Peter Centre, ON



Faclaris Waterloo



( 744-4782 CARD



No CIA loot now

American student union hard-pressed for funds by ID. John Canadian


(CUP)-Frustration common



the Press

PARK, Maryland was the most

feeling among delegates


the United StatesNational Students’ Association Congress which ended at the University ofMazyla.ndAugTwo kampus ktips, both obviously in the pink of physical phitness, are kanin cop Jet (left) and his subordinate, transplanted bobbie Art Pink (right). Both amble around campus occasionally.

Hcmdy fresh guide * for fixing tickets There are three ways of classifying lifefornm florsl, faurq and fuzz. Like my institution of its size, the university has a considerable security force. The members of this body are affectionately lmown to skudentsas the kampus kops. However they are trying to get over the images that this name conjures. ,Many of the new men on the force happen to be experienced Britishofficers. Maybe they’d like to be called blinkin’ bobbJes or summat? The members are identifiable

of thiskrazy krew by their blue suits

which are slated to turn green later this fall. The change in the color is designed to allow the security officer to creep up on the unsuspect-

ing motorist in order to present him with a parking ticket. In addition to leaving littleme+ sages of joy under yourwindshield wiper, the security crew also looks after the security of the buildings and takes the fun out of life by guarding against Student pranks. Your average kampus kop comes complete in two models: indoor, good for locking YOU out of buildFor the finest hair in the Twin Cities

and outdoor, fine for a five= minute chat. There are five‘ of theformerancl ten of the latter. These figures soon &ould be eight and 15 respect iively . This happy krowd is headed by smiling Al Romenco. Romenco is an ex-RCMP type who has so far managed to co-opt students so well that there are more student infomers than student pranksters. Sergeant Fred Cook.(Cookie) and two dogs round out the family. Both dogs are about due t0 be put out to pasture-the canine corps emeriti. The kampus kops are trying to change their image from arbitrary paternalism to blind justice. Whether they succeed or not is still to be seen. Remember1 you must make friends with the kampus kops for only a kampus kop can revoke the parking ticket he gave you this morning. 0 While we’re on the sibjectofthe little blue boys, be warned that Waterloo city police ENFORCE one-hour parking on University Avenue. ing4










to serve



bout the CIA connection,

The result of these exposures133 frustrationz NSA is frustrated with its leaders who permitted this CIA sponsorship; the CIA and the government are frustrated because they have been’caught in an act of trickery, and also because the NSA has lost all prestige at home and abroad; the ISC is frustrated because wst of their member-shave left them and gone over to theIUS. But most delegates seem Satisfied that the CIA ties are now severed, but unfortunately they are also very low on cash reserves, To make matters worse, the American university student governments have neither the desire nor

you 161


SEABER 744-4831

& Ted




to support

the NSA into a resource group for the individual member campuses ~0 that these could get help in ef-

a Strong

again looking funds.

for other


fecting basic campus reforms and changes in the educational system.

But the redicak


The ISC isalso looking forfunds, .but informed qbservors feel that after their self-investigation is completed this fall, they will find themselves out of the international Student business altogether, and will exist on paper only. At present fully 80 per cent of the x-&oal student unions in the world are members of IUS; the red are either non-aligned, hold associate sta.tusinbothNS andISC. (asdo both CUS and UGEQ), or still stick to the ISC as full members. Aside from these troubles the NSA congress put out a big effort to “find itsew’, to establish itself as either left or right, pro-Johnson or anti-administration in the coming election, for or against a strong central organ&&ion for the NSA. The result seems to be thatthey have become a bit more humble and down to earth. The congress succeeded in getting some effective work done on issues ineducation and student life. They di+

labor unions. It is too early to say if this kind of structure and pattern of’ action will be adoptedin future, but toward the end of the congress delegates showed aclear desire to 9ake action rather than just talk)‘. But here again the Union runs into trouble. In ordertofundthese domestic kinds of programs they will likely have to turn tothe many government agencies. This opens o&d wounds


ment affect every campus anyway, SO the NSA can here act as a coordinator of college programs in these areas. The end result would be a greater total impact onapam titular problem all through the society. The fruskation goes on. Whither NSA? Will it sink, or will it resolve itself as a representative body of American students? The problem revolves * round the question of finances. Either it wffl secure financial aid from truly Independent and freegiving sources, or it will have to up the fees to Student governments. Which course they will eventually pursue is not clear, but it is obvious to detached observors that unless NSA does something to solidify its financial base it will cease to exist as a viable national institution expressing the feelings and aspirations aP american stub ents,

RATES FOR CHEVRON WANT ADS: first 15 words 50 cents each additional word5 cents. Ads for articles found are free. HOUSING

House for rent in Stanley Park 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, dining room, large recreation area, landscaped. Ideal for professor. Art ‘Pi% local 2464 or 576-1974. 15

and some dele-


f&es @ if fiem isnd lit& difference between accepting funds from mS& the c% or the Office of Economic Opporkunity. It still comes out of the same pot in the end. In any case, nationalandinternai, tional programs are of interest to only a segment of’ the Wal NSA membership. others want to turn


The Infinite Noodle needs you if YOU are interested in part-time Waitress work. Phone 7462911 13. WANTED


Someone who ‘drives to Elmira mornings, to take parcel along. cm the Chevron office, local2471 (nights 744=0111). tc


l&e to unforseen than expected.








However, the Book Store is open for business in our temporary floor of the vew Food Services Building. The entrance is at the Directional signs are posted outside for your benefit.


and the SDS’ers

point out that problems like negro ghettos and the black power move-


Looseleaf binders made to specifications



3 hair

NSA has good cause to be frustrated. This was thefir&nationalmeek.= ing of the NSA since Ramparts magazine exposed tha.ttheNSA was almost totally dependent on funds from the US Central Intelligency Agency (CIA) for some of its programs. The CIA, following instructions from ‘dthe top levels of govern merit” , sponsored international programs both through theNSA and through the International Student Conference @SC>, a pro-American international Student forum which is in competition with the International Union of Students @US), heavily supported by thecommunisk countries of E&ern Europe. The American government did not want to have prowestern student groups to be dwarfed on the international scene by much stronger and financially stable IUS. Therefore, the CIA channeled funds into both the ISC and the NSA through CIA front organizations. The Foundation of Youth and Student Affairs (FYSA) was the largest of these, which even channelled some money into the Canadian Union of Students without them knowing a-

Repairs made to all books Any type or style

109 Erb St. W. (opp Canada Barrel)


ust 24.


and independent national association. This fact turned the NSA to the CIA offer in tie first place, and now with that gone they are

We will do our best to provide you with good service. be displayed due to lack of space. Our paperbacks fall

L Book


wi II be

location on the lower east end of the building.

However, some into this category.




Attention Engineers: The

742-6548 offering $10.75





a STUDENT worth


of meals

and hostess, B usinessman’s









be open

on Saturday,


16, from

9 am to 4 pm.

Extended Hours:


for only



to meet you. 90e


14, 15,

18 and






to have





to 7 pm on September

1% not

be given


5 pm to 7pm.

to $1.35



13, 1967 (8: 12) I 11


It’ll be a singing,swinging year if he can just get you to try you sing? No-don’t answer. Let Alfred Kunz decide. Alfred Kunz is directing the biggest program in music in the history of U of W this year-and he needs you. 44We want anyone interested to participate,” said Kunz, director of music for the creative-arts board, one of the boards of Student counciL 44People often say they can’t m ry a tune in a bucket--but let me decide that. This goes for instrumentall&.s too. We need them in the band or orchest%” The major music project for the coming term is a carolfantasy the beginning of December. The second part of the concert this year will feature an original orai torio with music by Kunz and words by Dr. Larry Cummings, a St. Jerome’s English professor. The Centennial oratorio will be Jled #The big land’, said Kunz*‘and we’re giving out a beer with every performance.” Many specialized musicalgroups have grown on campus during the past years--the unive+ aity chorus, the madrigal singers, the junior choir (children of fac& w andda, the symphony orcb eatn, the concert band, the brass ensemble, the woodwind ensemble an& new this year, various chamber-music groups. An audition for all choralgroups will take place Tuesday afternoon between 2 and 5 in the new music practice room. This is located in the basement of the art+lecture building, AL116, to replace outgrown facilities in the arts theater. There will be an all-choral rehearsal the same night from 7~30 to %30. Rehearsals come thick next can










Corner 10%

. . . the



of frosh.




men of the


to the





to this



an ever-increasing and


YOU every

of Waterloo.



in North



the ranks and






respected the

University Discount


a hearty




at the TIEN

to extend



week, all in AL116: -concert band Wednesday 5:30 to 7” -orchestra rehearsal and auditions Thursday 5:30 to ‘7230 -junior choir Friday 7 to 8~30 -stage band and Warrior band the following Monday. Pianos &d practice rooms are available for students who want to keep their skills in shape. For information call Kunz or secretary Joan Gaskell at local 2439. His office is AT122, below the arts Kunz warned that the theater. schedule may be tight and that interested students should call in early. A low-cost instrument-rental plan is available. Later in the year, music plans include an all-orchestral concert in January. This will include a Mozart symphony, aschubert symphony and David Greenberg, phsits 3, as soloist inHaydn%trumpet concerto. Plans are still incomplete for the final major concert in March. In addition there will be eight noonhour concerts featuring oncampus groups. “he campus folksong club,


though independent of the creative arts board, has been very strong for the past two years. %.ny informal singing groupslike Ted, Mitch and Carol last year-are welcome to come and audition,” said Kunz. 44We’ll find a place for them to perform. Anyone who plays music is just not bad as far as Pm concerned. “1 want everybody to at least come out and try. Let me decide if you’re good enough. d( We’ve had tremendous success in music in the last two years, starting from nothing. It’s a so* ial thing--we have parties, you It helps to take make friends. your place in the musical community of the future. 4%% a tremendous thrill for me to work with students-non-professional musicians. The rapport we develop between students and conductor and audience is something I don’t think I experienced anywhere in my career till I came here. “Music is one of the most primitive, most intangible and yet one of the most intellectual things we have. Does that make sense?


MONTREAL (CUP)-Montreal highschool students may be the first in Canada to form their own student union, Rita Karakas, former Montreal highschool grade 11 student who had been councilpresidentand editar of the school paper made the announcement early in the aummer. J4 What we are hoping for would be comparable to UGEQ, but we realize it could not be as strong or vociferous” she said .



Union Generale dea Etudianta du Quebec(‘CJGE&)isaunion of students from universities and cla&cdl colleges in the province. It’s Philosophy of a&on is syndicalism, and it acts as the negotiating body for its &dent members at all levels in the Province, Miss Karakca f eels that the union would 44seek avoice inthe curriculum and other phases of school adShe states howministdion”a ever, that it wouldtake some years to bring the plan to realization.



we wish


in the years

- Student Rates


to come.




Sturdy Portables or Late Model Office Machines Type Your Own Notes and Essays at these SpeciaI








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Electric Manual





Portable Typewriter

12.50 8.00

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Fri, Sat,


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50$ min.




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- 744

- 2911

$1.00 min.

The bard’s \

by Jim Chevron

Nagel editor

There’s going to be a mad, mod version of ‘As you like it* in the Theater of the Arts in November. And the new drama director&residence, Mita ScottHedges., says she might even include a couple of draft-dodgers in it, It was probably a bad morning I picked to talk to Mrs. Hedges. She had finished 16 almost-sleepless weeks rehearsing an original script, she had just moved toCanada from the University of Northern Illinois, she had just lugged boxes and books and bric-a-brac into her new office near the arts theater, and there she had to sit amid the jumble. But if she was tired, it did not show through her bubbling enthusiasm for the drama plans atWaterloo in the coming year. 9Vhen we first proposed dAs you like it) everybody groaned and said oh not another Shakespeare this close to Stratford,” Mrs. Hedges told me. “But looking at the script I decided these were Timothy Leary-typeflowerpeople. Tune in, turnon,dropoutmaybe


style we’re approaching. You can gain the experience you want in a place other than before a paid audience. A workshop like this will allow you to fall flat on your face if you need to? The Green Room Hour will be held Tuesday and Thursday after noons &rting September 27 at 495. @he green room, traditionally, is a spot in a theater where actors can relax before going on staged 4’A funny thing about this kindof work is the more work you do, the more you want to do,” said Mrs. Hedges, and then proved it to me by listing half-adozen more projects, One was using faculty members in production--a Chekhov perhaps, or 4The hollow crown* writings about the English monarchs--with music. But she was unsure if there would be time for it. Another was a program of stud4‘1 have the rather ent writings. heretical idea that some students are very fine writers”. The pro-* gram would include short stories, poetry, one-act plays-not necessarily just plays, This might be


Drama and music- are getting together residence, discuss? s plans for original

sions people have: they warn you to stock up on furs and American products. because they’re rare in CW’* The Hedges-she%partCherob ee Indian, by the way- have bought a house in the Beechwood district near campus and have landed-immigrant status, “We probably won’t change our citizenship, but it’s hard to say.” She even finds Canadiangrocery stores exciting. 44Even the bean cans s&y everything in French too, and Pm finally learning what the I learned French words mean.


the watchword for the hippies, but Shakespeare was describing the same thing nearly 400 years ago in the Forest of Arden. Theplay is anti-establishment, quite YOU know. “So we’re going to do a hippie version--with appropriate music and dress, We% see if we can do something Stratford WOULDN’T do. “This version is going to be fhl.” The second major production, the end of February, will not be fun. It will be an adaptation of the old Greek play %ntigone’ by the French dramatist Jean Anouilh. 4‘We hope this will balance the fun of the first production-but we’re not aiming for sobriety.” The play deals with the centuries+ld problem of the individual’sresponsib~ ity to the state and the problem of finding personal identity. Backing up the two major productions is a series of 45-minute noonhour drama starting November 7. 4JThis will be a sevencourse feast with scenes from some golden ages of theater,” said Mrs. Hedges-d6fromGreekto Elizabethan via Chinese, bringing it up to now and what is to come.** She hoped a greater number of students would feel free to participate in these noonhour scene-s. They are not like a major production requiring a lot of time from cast members. Her pet project is the Green Room Hour,--%n informal discussion-studio - workshop-happening-demonstration hour in which I would like to have the students bring in anything they want related to theater. “It’s a place for students to say, ‘Hey, I want to work on a scene’-to try directing, music, design and see how you fit into the

part of the Green Room series. Mrs. Hedges said she% just had her faith in student writing reaffirmed in this latest productionan original musical called4Aparty at Madeline% place’ at the U.S. national congress of Newman clubs. Mr&. Hedges wrote the music and the lyrics, 4‘It was so much fun because if we saw during rehearsal that an idea was not working we could change it. We were able to be so flexible with the script, and that%

this year

pronunciation in music training-but ,I didn’t know a thing I was saying*” It was inevitable that I asked her, tongue-in-cheek, if her husband was adraft-dodger. Cf course he wasn’t, because he isclassified as a teacher. But w Hedges had other observations about the problem. *‘In my country-no+ Canada is now-we could use more self-examination. For so many years we’ve tended to think we’re just IT. And now the kids who are asking





Fryer Fryer

and H.F. and


this year. Mita Scoff Hedges, music in An tigone with Alfred


the new drama director-inKunz, music director.

cwskm3 are running into trouble. 441 think it takes agooddealof courage to say, (1 believe this and Pm going to act accordingly.~ I think that% the way most ofthe socalled draft-dodgers think. Mrs. Hedges said she saw a Chicago newspaper story about U of W Student Council% attempt to aid draft-resisters last winter“and I said that looks like a fun place to go. d( That’s when I decided to include a few draft-dodgers in our hipple version of 4As you like it’.*’









Music: A.L.





Another certain project isaprogram of Shakespeare readingswith her husband David, a lecturer in English here. This will be presented October 17, probably as part cd the Festival of the Arts. I asked Mrs. Hedges for her impressions of Water* after coing here from Northern Illinois, which has an enrollment of almost 20,000. 44The thing that% mostirnprest sive about the campus is the plan= ning and the landscaping,*~ she mid, 4Th.ings like this just don't happen-you don’t build a univerc sib in ten years. Grid they HAVEit* 8 terrific. d%omething Pve found about the administration here is that it seems very liberal. They don’t have a great deal of thou-shalt riots. Things like visiting hours at the Village, for instance, would be thought insane in the States-particularly at the state unive* sities, It% refreshing to see that students are expected to make their own decisions and suffer the consequences. This is what life is all about.” In moving to Canada, Mrs. Hedges told me their big struggle was not adjust&. It was redirecting the thinking of their American friends. %%3 funny the impress

2..Our teams will never yield, they’ll fight with strength As we shout with that “we’re from (Refrain)

a new,

all our might Waterloo”

3. We the “In Our

will ever hold on high torch for Waterloo. harmony with truth” motto bold and true.

4. When with We’ll We’ll






confidence and pride, bring honour to your name “shout it” far and wide.




13, 1967 (8: 12) 113


STUDENTS! Use Your Credit

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big! That means to purchason larger carat-weight diashe’s dreaming of a Texas-











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The Chevron

news-gatherers, ad salesmen,



of odd







the office










a crew


of willing


file clerks,






cartoonists, about


by Laurel


21, 8 pm in the office.



73, 1967

(8: 12) 115



off Monday




Big expansion esting and enjoyable said Condon.

A vastly expanded intramural program awaits you this fall. Paul Condon, men% intramural director, said, ‘(While we are still at a disadvantage as far as facilities on campus are concerned, we have attempted to fill this gap by renting outside facilities as close to the university aspossible. Many new activities will be offered this year’ and we feel there should be something of interest for every student desiring some physical activity**. The program will get off to a fast start. Y%udents should not hesitate or they may find then-+ selves missing out on some inter+



geport and at the Merryhill Golf Course, situated off Highway 7 just past Breslau. At Grand River students may play for $1.50 on Monday to Friday ti they tee off before 4 pm and at Merryhill the green fee is $1 if tee-off time is before 11 Monday to Friday. At both golf courses the students must show their university identification cards. Tennis follows golf. On Wednesday, September 27, at 4~30 the men% tournament starts, to be followed on Thursday at 3 by the women’s tournament. For men students desiring a somewhat more robust activity there is flag football, lacrosse and soccer. These three sports willbe played on Columbia Field, the field across Columbia Street from the Village. These three sports will have 15 teams entered from the

A two-day golf tournament Man= day and Tuesday at Rockway Golf Course will start things off. All participants will receive a refund of half their green fees from the intramural department. Golfers may play on both days ifthey wish. The lowest-scoring men students will be eligible forfurtherplayoffs to determine the U of W intercollegiate golf team, Student rates have also been arranged by the intramural dept. ‘at the Grand River Golf and Country Club on Lancaster Street in Brid-

loan program


will improve the loan-grant ratio in the plan. It will mean that stub ents will get a larger grant with a reduced loan portion. The application form has also been revised. The form used last year was heavily criticized as being too personal and having much irrelevant detail.

TORONTO (CUP)--The Ontario Student Awards Plan hasbeen re icaHy changed following stiffcritidism directed at it by Ontario students last year. Money available for loans has been increased from just under $5 million to over $12 million, which

various intramural Imits* An innovation in the men%intramural programthisyearwfflbethe early start in basketball and vol. leyball. Workouts start on Sep-



i i3



+ fF +; if ’ p+; A


SH 4-2781 Custom gunsmithing Rebarreiing Rechambering Restocking


*ember 25 for the basketball and October 3 for volleyball. Students are urged to send home for any equipment which they may have neglected to bring along at regirstration, dJAll in all it looks like there is something for everyone”, said

Interested in competing for Waterloo in track and field during the coming year? Coach Neil Widmeyer invites you to participate in the~*AllComers” track and field meet Tuesday and Wednesday, September 20 and 21. Last year’s Warriors, under new head coach Widmeyer, enjoyed their finest track season in the school% history. The team rose from its dismal tenth position (zero points) in 1965, to fifth place in the 1966 OQAA championships. The team also fared very well in invitational and dual meet encounters.

40 YRS






. . . not Waterloo in






4 p.m. Representatives there from facturers questions, latest


help yourself


















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displaying firearms,

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to a free coffee


Ladies will

to in


Bob Finlay will also be a great asset to both the track and cros+ country teams.




This year’s team will certainly miss Ken Inglis, a 4:13 miler who graduated and George Neeland who is ineligible. However, the team is counting on the continued peformances of such second-year men as Kip Sumner, who has been running the 880 consistently under two minutes; Bob Munday and Mike Lackey, two promising sprinters, and javelin thrower Terry Wilson, who has a heave of 195 feet to his credit.

King & University




- Saturday

& Jackets DAVE





TELEPHONE 743-2638

Friday 9 - 9






Condon, “Keep looking for the blue announcements on the bulletin boards around the campus and keep looking on the sportspagesof your favorite paper, the Chevron, for the latest developments, scores, sb.ndings and uncoming events in intran-&~~**

Are you a track

.Specialists in all types of men’s hair styling . Plen ty of free parking . Closed all day Monday


for ‘67

in intmmurcds




at the

Pan-Ams ’ e Action in 3 track events and on, baseball team Five Waterloo types were included in Canada’s Pan-American Games team in early August at Winnipeg. Both Ron Smith and Bob McKillop, hockey and football &ars for Waterloo in the past year* were on the Canadian baseball tear-n. The team consisted of players chosen by scouts all over the country. Both the players played this summer in the local senior league for the Kitchener Panthers. The Canadian lost to Cuba 6-4, in Mexico 7-3 and was beaten by the United States who won the gold rneq 14-10. Three Pan-Am track eventssaw Waterloo students or graduates ln a&on. Bob Finlay math 2B,came fourth in the 5,000-meters event

Catcher Bob McKillop, a U of W student, looks worried as an rnidentified Mexican player dives for home plate in the Pan-Am baseball championship. Mexico won 3-l. Canada took a later game against Puerto Rico3-2 but lost the series. Waterloo hockey star Ron Smith was also on the team.



(CUP)-Education TORONTO minister William Davis has appointed a government commission to chart the course of university education in the province into the 1


---The commission% role will be to define the future role of all postsecondary institutions-universC ties, community colleges, voc* tional institutes, teachers colleges-and to report back to thegovernment within 18 months. Although it is not a royal corn* mission this special commission’s report is to be published. The commission *will be composed of three full-time and about


12 part-time members, including one student representative. It was the minister’s wish that the commission “clarify....once and for all that no able student in this province will ever be denied the opportunity to proceed to higher education if he has the desire and ability to do %09’. He noted he had not yet complete ly satisfied student demands for more government assistance with the costs of education, but said that student protests over the issue have been carried out responsibly. Referring to protests voiced by the Ontario Union of Students last year he noted: dVhile, like most members of the adult commu@y,

studied I do not necessarily enjoy it or even encourage it+ I accept it and feel an obligation to work with the students in resolving the issues which have led to it. *‘The philosophy voiced by the students may differ somewhat from that held by the general adult community and would take usdown the road to free higher education faster- than our economy would seem to allow.” Judging from past performance Davis has a penchant for commit tees. In a recent speech in the legislature on the subject of Ontar+ io grade 13, he referred to noless than 43 committees, past, present or to be appointed.

Runner Waterloo medal for thon.

Andy Boychuck, a &ad, took a gold Canada in the mara-

and Andy Boychuck won the gold medal in the marathon. George Neeland, science 2, one of Canada’s five top hurdlers, fell in his heat and thus did not qualify for the final. Boychuck, an alumnus, won a gold medal for Canada in the marathon. Having finished fourth in the Boston marathon in the spring he entered the race with high hopes and he completed the 26-m&-385yard race in two hours and 23 minutes. The race was run over the track and through the streets of Winnipeg. Boychuck set a very fast pace for the hot weather and no one really came close to contesting his first-place finish. In the 5,000 meters, Finlay ran with the leaders until about the twomile mark. His pace faltered then and he fell back to fin&h fourth with a time of 14:15.0-not far behind the winning time of 13:47.O. The only other Canadian in the field of 12 finished~ eighth. Studying as well as training took up Finlay’s time at the games. He had been forced to reschedule two of his exams, and had to write one of his finals in Toronto when he returned. Back on campus, Finlay said he was discouraged with his fourth finish but is looking forward now to the d68 Olympics in Mexico. He hopes to go to Laramie, Wyoming, next May where he will train at 7,000 feet. This will prepare him for the high altitude of Mexico. His present goal is to break Bruce Kidd% three-mile recordin the o&AA. At the International Track at the CNE in late August, Finlay set a blistering pace in the mile event and finished in third place with a new personal best of 404.0. In the same meet George Neeland came second in the hurdies against tough competition. ~‘Terrificf’ Finlay described the Pan-Ams and theway Winnipeg accepted the games, Winnipeg people were very friendly and&e stands were forever overflowing and events sold out,” he said. “At the opening ceremony the Witipeg Stadium was jammed tight with spectators even though it was pouring rain. The food was very good and Winnipeg did a fine job in organizing its first big meet.” On the whole he felt the Canadian team was better overall but that the team sports were the weak point in Canadian hopes to achieve success in the athletic field at the international level. Canada’s hasketball team was even beat by Mexice, who had been in turn beaten earlier in the year by the University of Wyoming, a relatively small university. V


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A 1967 Electrohome

Rent this powerful 1967 Electrohome Deluxe 79” portable television for only $3.50 weekly (minimum 8 weeks) or just by the week or weekend at low rates. If you wish . s . rental may be applied to price if you

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1 Wednesday,


13, I967





by Harold the

D. Goldbrick





this year it’s

longer, bigger, fresher, less original, and more costly than ever. A cast of thousands, a take of millions, and a wait of hours; only Expo can surpass it in superlatives. Clever Trevor






a 67. 0


next little segment will be a triviatic trip through our Centennial extravaganza in the St. L aw r e n c e--scuzey-le

Gordon Lightfoot will be at the Glenbriar curling rink next Sunday night - only a part of the concerts and fun planned for Orientation 67. Be sure to get there early and bring something to sit on.


When you turn 21 you are no longer by your covered parents’ Hospital Insurance. You must take out individual membership within 30 dpys. Get your apptication form at a bank, a hospital, or the Commission.

The Canadian National Exhibition was not only competing with Expo, it was also imitating. In some of its press releases the CNE called




Saint-Laurent. Call it Expose 67 or maybe something a little more Torontoish like ‘PMouthloose at the Ex(po)? Lineups were so bad that if there was a Polish pavilion even it would have had a queue. Well for that matter many of the men& pavfflons did have tenminute waits--and you don’t even get your passport stamped. Lineups were safe and restful compared to the dangers that one faced, for example, in the Trinidad and Tobago bar. A nun there nearly knocked me off my stool as she grabbed a Planters’ Punch. The interior of almost any pavilion was a deathtrap as the supertourists

Sticking to its Victorian traditions, the local family journal, heretofore ignominiously and anonymously referred to as the Kitchen-Water Rehash, managed to omit that segment of the speech from its account. This is to be expected f ram a newspaper that camouflages the navels in pictures of non-fullyclad-females.

(espgcially little old ladies) swept all from their paths as they surged toward the passport stamp. The results of a specialGoldbrick poll will be released shop tly-a rating of’ the pavilions most visited by Americans. The basis of the survey is the amount of coinage thrown into thefountains in the pavilion, @here was no money in the Russian fountains.) As a final tribute to Expo, here is a special Gold Brickfor good, old American know-how: the U.S. bubble bauble produces streams of water on its OCCUpants whenever it rains. 0 Answers in need of questions: 1. Orientation% super-sentime&sational-f eaturing-all Canadian-talent concert has been shifted from President Ha-

3. Dost thou remember why the arts library was halted at seven floors? Architects More and Shoveit seemed to have forgotten the weight of the books, Or so we9ve heard. Well, the same problem seems to have doomed a planto locate the engineering, math and science library on the top floor of the new maththive building

(Fort Thtanton,

gey’s office (sit-in capacity 269) to Seagram Gym (capacity 2,067 dead horses) because of the excessive demand for tickets by

the local populace. 2, The Indian High Commiti sioner, in a summer visit to Uniwat, announced that India’s birth-control propaganda program should adopt thepunch-line= 48Loop before you leap”.

building is less susceptible to a rock-throwing mob than their present artelibrary location. . Bullet WORDS AND ENDS: Keep off the grass-use LSD.


IBPEWJOB? To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurarice “Certificate of Payment-Form 104’” tha’t your present employer is required to give you on leaving.

Ladies and Sports Wear two full floors of the latest fashions



the store where you can find nationally advertised items


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MEWLYWED? The “family’” Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your ‘!group’” without delay or if you both pay pre’;;;i;ms. direct, notify the Commission.


-in the heart of downtown

131 King West






and a list oi this


care of Miss


your card



Atte’ntion Club Presidents Please submit

OntarioHospital ServicesCommission, Toronto7, Ontario.








in the Federation



Thinth-oh, cut it out-since the floundering math faculty can’t use all the space, physical-plant and replanting was quick to decide they might like to transplant themselves for a change, Besides, the maththive

for all your


and University




WHOLESME The Brewers’ PavilioPl at Expo resounded Vive la biere froide! they met to celebrate the end of exams. Some became so proficient determine velocity by counting bubbles blown off in five seconds.

750 engineers in un Expo

out-quaff beer puvilion

MONTREAL @t&f&At table gineering hymn and the eager after table the waiter placed mugs greetings of students who hadn*t brimming with beer and took away seen each other since the previous empties. SoonthesetoowereempFfiday. AS those with weaker kidneys ty. The U of W engineers were holgave up and lef’ ever more new ding areunionattheBrewer#Pava recruits took their places keeping ilion at Expo 67. the number of students constantly Signs had been posted on campeight us during the August exams en- between 30 and 40--about tables full, By 3=30 the number couraging all Expo-bound engineers to meet at the pavilion on had neared 150. Red noses competed wlththe red Tuesday, August 15, at 2=30 for umbrellas for the attention of the one last post-exam celebration. bright Expo sun. Here and therea By noon some of the more eager future mathematician or scientist had already begun the infiltration. could be seen valiantly trying to upTable by table they took over the beer garden. The chatter of hold the honor of his faculty, but losing to the greater foot-sore tourists soon gave way ultimately to the slurred versions of the en- capacity of an engineer.



Karl-Heinrich Wilms, university student-aid officer, has resigned to take the position of admissions and student-aid officer at Mohawk College in Hamilton, beginning this month. Wilms had handled alone all claims under the Ontario Student Awards Program as coordinating scholarshipawards at Waterloo. ‘*Chances for advancement at

Morris Expert


for ail types

Entrance Above


121- 123 KING



to the U of W engineers hymn as at testing wind that they could


all others reunion


(ANY For further

PAPERBACK information



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for students)


Box 34, Kitchener


or Phone 576-5184

Wiles ,


Waterloo were rather limite%*’ said Wilms. He noted that Mohawk College is expanding very rapidly, expecting an enrollment of 1100 this fall. Also, Mohawk will be moving -to a new campus in 1969. Until a replacement isappointed for Wllms, the receptionist in the registrar’s office is handling SAP aPPli&ons.


Tailors of Ladies’

and Men’s




They are many, and the pleasure of the Proprietor is to aid them in accomplishment. Some of the things he offers are here illustrated. Many others await. If Wiley, the woman of judgment should repair here.

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TO 9 P.M

presents two new boutique stylings:

‘. _:::: *: i :..:. :.., .:.... .._._ ::..:_ .::.: i.:. . yk I

the Serendipidies at $9.99

0 and the Milan0 at $12.99 Both in newest “little Square,




166 King St. West, Kitchener








At six o’clock the lastfew stragglers pulled out, probably to find another pub. The reunionwas considered a success by all including a few very brave women students.

Combine high fashion and Carnaby . .







73, 7967 (8: 12) I I7


Series gives perspective to sex - indudes ta/k, questions, ‘AIfie’ Sex Monday the 25th. Sex Wednesday the 27th. Sex Friday the 29th. Sex Saturday the 30th. On these dates in September the Student Christian Movement and Prof. William Scott, provost for student affairs, will hold a conference on sexual education. The seminar aims to give students social and psychological as well as physical information about their sexuality and to create a basis for responsible decisions in this area. The conference was originally planned for SCM members. Scott felt that all students should be invited, so the program’s scope has been broadened. Monday, Dr. Helen Reesor of Campus health services will letture-on the physiology of sex. A

. . . and pollenation,

discussion period wffl follow, in which written questions will be at+ Wednesday, a similar swerfx.L program, conducted by Dr. P.A. Voelker and D.S. Barnes will tenter on disease and deviation. The final session, conducted by Dr, Ted Mann, chairman of s~ciology programs at Atkinson College in Toronto, on *‘Sex on campus, the sew revolution” will be held Friday. All sessions are at 8 pm in the Village red dining hall. A day-long program Saturday will open with two showings of the movie&Alfie’ at 9 arn and 11 amin the Great Ha.ll at the Village. Free tickets will be avaj,lable Friday night. _ At 2 pm a six-member panel


through Waterloo

moderated by Scott will discuss &‘Lov_e: chemistry, engineering or design?’ At 3115 there will be open-ended discussion groups in various classrooms, Some of the panel members are Mrs. Hildegard Marsden, dean of women5 Ian McKenzie of Rockdale College, the proposed free university within the Toronto ~0-0~; Max Mastellone, grad student here in cunicdl psychology, and Martha Brook, ~&SCi 2. The seminar ends Saturday night with a be-in at Conrad Grebel’s dining hall. The be-in starts at 8t30 and features a wall to write and draw 05 a live mike for impromptu speeches, people, talk and music. At 9 pm there will be an art happening with Nancy-Lou Patterson,

a simple process of crosshas grown another

Plum Tree Opening



Plum Tree Too at 18 Albert Street will carry a complete line of dresses, jewelry and boutique items. Or visit the quaint parent shoppe downstairs at 4 Erb Street East for a complete selection of dainty and . . . well . . . different gifts.




Remain independent is WW’s final choice Waterloo Lutheran University will remain an independent churchaffiied college. The reorganization drive, begun early this summer at Lutheran, stopped short of affiliation with the University of Waterloo when Lutheran% board of governors reaffirmed the school’s status at a special meeting two weeks ago, The board made the unanimous decision after hearing a day-long report from the Chicago consulting firm Booz, Allen and Hamilton, which has completed a five-month study of the university. The possibility of federation with U of W arose when the federal government cut off grants to church-related institutions. Lutheran was faced with independence as a small, financially weak college. In June the province announced a policy to replace these lost federal grants. In a report issued after the meeting, Lutheran% board said it was convinced that Lutheran could continue its operation on a sound fir+ an&al basis. &$Its rapid develop nlent as a relatively smallinstitution offering quality education on a personalized basis can be continued within the limits of the lib eral-arts program+” said the report. Harry Greb, chairman of &he board, was authorized to appoint a specialcommittee to Study the consultant& report and make recommendations to the board. It was also agreed that the board’s executive should continue the administtiive reorganization which began after the consultants’ preliminary report in June. Lutheran’s biggest shakeup in the last ten years came then with three resignations and the appoint-


‘SHELL lb)0

That’s the way the Proprietor earned his letter, and is still doing so. Whatever the preference, he has it - lamb’s wool, Shetland, alpaca, et al. Turtle, V-neck, saddle shouldq, etc. All the plays that put sweaters out front in the choices of fashion-plates. See him, The little old sweater-er will sweater you!

Prim and proper the small coats. designs with the nocence to make


ment of three new vice-presidents, Dr. William Villaume, president of WLU, resigned June 1 and Dr. Lloyd Schaus., dean of arts and science, resigned a week later. Dr, Herman Overgaard resigned as director of the business and economics school. Frank Peters replaced Dr. Schaus and was appointed acting academic vice-president; Dr, Fred Speckeen, vice-president for educational services; and Miss Tamara Giesbrecht, vice-president controller. Dr. Henry Endress was moved up from vice president to acting president for a year and Prof. Glenn Carroll replaced Overgaard. Both Peters and Carroll are popular with their colleagues and the students. WLU is a combination of the Lutheran seminary and Waterloo University College, the arts and science f acuity. The seminary was established in 1911 ad the Waterloo College of Arts three years later. From 1925 to 1960 Waterloo College was affiliated with the University of Western Ontario. In 1959 the WLU act was passed combining the seminary and Waterloo College into Waterloo Lutheran University. In May 1960 the Lutheran board of governors voted to federate with the University of Waterloo. The next month the Lutheran synod rejected the move. Eight members of the board of governors and seven faculty resigned immediately. Schaus was a central figure in the conflict and had led the group opposing federation. This group had demanded that Waterloo College be U of w’s faculty of a& while the U of W board of governors said the college would only be part of it.



as a schoolgirl t . . . Well-behaved little look of worldy inthe most of your





Pumpkin big look

and pine: for ‘67

look in men’s The clean-cut fasion is back for fall. According to Harry Strauss, of Star Men’s Shop in Kitchener, “We’re distinguishing the boys from the girls again.” Local clothiers predict the big colors this fall will be pumpkin and pine. For the uninitiated this means orange and green. Suits this year have plaid jackets, reversible plaid and plain vests and two pairs of pants, one plaid, the other plain. Slacks-or pants if youpreferare pleatless and cuffless, but there is a hint that cuffs are coming back. Variety is the byword in sweaters. Cream seems to be theYn*’ color but the variety comes forth in the stitches. Suede jackets are back again this year. Real suede, fake suede and sheepskin lined with rawhide promise to be popular with the outdoor crowd.

Campus worsens

A suede coat is part of a most interesting fall offering at local stores. A dark pumpkin-colored suede jacket tops mutedplaidpants and is lined with the same fabric as the pants. A shirt of the same plaid is featured and the ensemble is finished off by a matching,plain pumpkin wool sweater. This looks like a real cool outfit for fall. For catching sweater way-out wer. purple tion in

those who want a real eyeoutfit, a coordinated wool and corduroy pants in a shade seem like the ansOne such outfit in bright has attracted lots of attena local store.

Other looks to watch for this season are -fitted two-button jackets for men. --“h&.heryl’ effects in WOOb as well as lots of tweeds. -double-breasted two-button vests without the conventional points.

The haute couture in men’s to local haberdasheries.

housing shortage across Canada

OTTAWA (CUP)--From coastto coast this month students returning to university have hit a common barrier 4 there is nowhere to live. The student housing problem i 1s not simply a repeat of previous year’s complaints of lack of a. few beds. It’s panic because students are simply not able to find a bed at all. Worst hit are those studying in Montreal. McGill+ with just over 1,300 residence beds, has more then 4,000 out-of-town studentsi the University of Montreal is in the same situation, and SirGeorge Williams, with about GO00 out-oftown students, has no residences at all. And Expo is taking up all outside housing until the fair ends in October. To a lesser degree the same problem exists all over the country. With the influx of students into university in recent years most of the money has been devoted to the development of academic facilities and hiring staff* and littlehas been channelled into student housing, The result? Simon Fraser Unlm



the campus




the coordinated



ens 1


versity moved in ten trailers tc house students. “‘The trailers wil be removed as soon as we acquire the financial resource&o build & ditional accomodatior?, said SF1 President Patrick McTaggar&C o wan. University of Waterloo is shor 500 beds, and is sending its stud ents into Kltchener, miles fron the campus, to scrounge space. The University of Guelph, with an en rolment of 4300, has 1300 reti dence spaces. The 3,000 student who are left out must *ego int town’) and fend for themselves Again, the University of Saskatl chewan at Saskatoon, with 7,001 out-of-town students, has only 601 residence spaces. To make mata ters worse a recent survey showed that only .4 percent of the liviq units in Saskatoon are unoccupied, and thus available to students The same theme repeats itself ai other campuses across the count try, with very few exceptions. AE so+ officials at some universitier are trying to set rules for off= campus living accomodations.


in sand, brushed leather (genuine plantation crepe roles)




213 Kin& St. W.

Daily Till 6 & Fri. till g



73, 7967

(8: 72) 7 79

The long by Lib Canadian


home and materialism is understandable when one considers that a nice home, two cars, three televisions and a college education are what are considered success in this life. And the hippy philosophy is onewhich appeals to the young, first because basltally It caters to the self, and secondly because in its purest form it can appeal to the ideals of the young in a way big-business never can. Hippies believe in loving-oneself, one’s neighbour, the fuzz, the mayor who is trying to get rid of one, anyone and everyone. They do not want to own the world, they want to be allowed to live the way they want. They hold a belief which is a mixture of Christianity at its mostprimitive, Buddhism, and Communism. The Diggers, an organization run by active hippies, provides food, clothing and money for their less resourceful bretheren. Many of these work part time, often with the post office so they can survive and so they can buy the drugs which are a necessary part But work is, not of the whole hippy set-up. the be all and end all of their existence. But to parents, municipal and government authorities, and the “straight” people the whole business seems ridiculOUS, a waste of time and a nuisance, They feel the flower people are irresponsible, dirty and dangerous. They threaten




OTTAWA (CUP)--Love was the word summer, love and flower power. Hippyism, which until this spring was a small cult confined to the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco and the Greenwich Village area of NewYork&asspread with astonishing rapidity across the States and Canada. The long-haired, rather dirty, bangled and beaded, psychedelic hippy preaching the philosophy of love, peace and joy, has become one of the major news stories of the year, with every reputable magazine, and quite a few disreputable ones, giving this new breed extensive coverage. Toronto’s establishment Globe and Mail has covered every love-in, paint-in, demonstration and protest held by the Yorkville hippies over the summer. Both Ottawa papers covered the hippy versus TheMall merchants fight in great detail. MacLean’s supported the use of hippies in the Company of Young Canadians In Victoria and elsewhere. But hippies are more than good surnmer copy. They are an important manifestation of the growing dislike and dlstrust of today’s society by the young, the so-called 44majority generation,” The desire to “tune inanddrop out’* and get away from the pressures of school, this

by Ed Penner student


Call meIshmaeu No, don’t-call me Penner, freshman, for I bring you news. Or at least I bring you advice for I too was once a freshman and I remember. I remember Mom and Dad telling me of what fun I would have: toboggm parties, football games, &king, sing-songs, etc. Irememher what my friends told me I would find= drinking sex, carousing, seX, pot, sex, nude parties, sex, etc. I remember what I did find and this is what I would like to relate to you.

year (do not assume there will be a second year). Fid 0f a IGNORE ORIENTATIONj if you don$t wear your bean=

1 1 ’ ! ;‘/: * --f

:’ 4



.*I .

am a dead horse and I stink.” This is a favorite trick of those clever engineering sophs. Now, if you as a freshman ig-

\ .

Tife -

ie, and do act like you know where you%e going, no one will question you. The best idea is to stay drunk for the first week, and plot against Stew& Sue, Phone him at the Village and insult him viciously or just breathe heavily into the mouth-

to u close

all the things held most dear by the elders and “betters”, and they use drugs. And drugs have alwaysbeen taboo. Arguments that pot is at least no more dangerous than those two PitiS of * 6&a.ight” society-tobacco and alcoholAnd the reports of the are disregarded. effect of’ stronger drugs like LSD on the mind and on the body adds to the di&nt& The climax of a summer of skirmishes between the hippies and 46straight” authorities which have occurred across Canada came in the middle of August when the Toronto group, strengthened with contingents from Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Buffaloe and Detroit, tried to get a street in the center of their area, Yorkville Avenue, closed to traffic, cutting off fumes, hippie-gawpers and imminent death. First move was a paint-in, slogans of *‘ love” and ‘4welcome9’t plus 4cpeace”, the hippie emblem-flowers-were painted all over Scollard Street’s sidewalk. But the authorities won that round. Hippies were seen wielding brushesasthey scrubbed away at their efforts with lye. It was that or go to jail, Phase two was a 3 a.m. meeting around a burning trash can, with dancing and chanting producing a sound unappreciated by their neighbours. And this time police made arrests. Six of the hippies, the so-called ring leaders including the leading Digger and CYC volunteer, David


Let me begin by =YiW, h\ if you are a freshette,and YOU knOW which end is up, you can haveanything You want from university. If you don’t know which end is UP* piece, then you are probably in honors There are many other advanz&h or physics and are really de- t ages in skipping orientation. For dicated to it; In which case no one instance, every year I am witness will be interested in you anyway. to several hundred giggling fresh: lying on their Let us assume, then, that you men and freshettes are not dedicated and that youwish backs in the art, feet and arms to obtafn fie mod from your first Straight Up in the air, Chanting “1





nore this hilarity, your advantage is twofold. One: you will keep the back of your shirt clean, and two: YOU won’t have to meet the rest of those giggling frosh who enjoy that sort of thing. 1 mean who needs those kind of f riends1 If however, you feel you must enter into the events of the week, the key word to remember isCivil Disobedience, or in the modern context, FROSH POWER! Note that you outnumber the archons by ai least 20 to one. These fun-loving

Depoe, were taken off to Don Jail on a charge of creating a disturbance. And within eight hours of bail being given, Depoe had been arrested again, in a fracas which occurred between police and hippies after a love-in in Queen’s Park to his release. Along with 51 celebtie others, he had been creating yet another disturbance. A volley of missiles during the various demonstrations showed that the Yorkville hippies are not strict adherents of the hippie philosophy. While flowers are acceptable, apples and POP cans thrown at police are considered unorthodox. Accusations of police brutality are being investigated. Hippies claim they were man-handled, and at least one hippie, Duke Taylor, has his hand in a cast, from a heavy police boot. With the coming of winter, the easy, lounging life on warm sidewalks will no longer be possible. Yorkville gets very chilly in the winter. So does Ottawa, Mantreal, Winnb.w; even British Columbia becomes rather unpleasently damp. But it 1s unukely Nppyism will die out, The pMosophy, the reaction against materialistic world, the offer of mental free dam through drugs, psychedelic music and the like, and above all the emphasis on lo+e, all appeal to a generation which has grown tired of their parents+ rat race. And the hippies offer them an escape.

archons will stand on Laurel C reek bridge and make you wade through the water. Fifty fresh could easily throw them all in the water. Don’t forget also that third-andfoti year students will help you; as they often hate sophs more than fro&.. It is the obligation of every fresh to get Stewart Saxe, He is the chairman of Orientation. He must be hunted down like a dog, kim ped and stranded in the early hours in some desolate place like Neushit in some state of undress. It is also legal to bind and gag him and we% leave him in a clOSetUWb sophs tid&g *S0m



It is IWmbred

that Che Guevara will arrive on campus to organize you. If he cannOt make % Pick a le* der from your own ranks. The cry will be “Give Saxe the axe”* s his room is 203 North 3 in the Student Village. Phone him at 57% 4999. Finding him should be no Problem; just @ mYOne On =mPUS if hy’ve seen him. Here lshis pi% wNch you must tear Out and ‘amy with you at dl1 time% alg though one look should be enough.

1 guess I never did finish YOU how to get the most


of woo

Th d _ er ore, perhaps at some late; date 1 will write another column filled with more helpful hints gl ea.ned from four years of constantly fumbling around this place, One kd word to the fro& have no fear of the archons; the worst th eY Can do is take down your name for civil &obe&nce And remember: Saxe will be’in a student Council meeting in the board room, engineering build@ s Mob day at 7:30 pm,

This is the first in a series of independent columns by our staff ideolog on political matters of interest to students. Actually we had to let him play Lippmann since he was threatening to burn down the office.

by C.D.


One of the most difficult tasks facing student newspapers is co* veying political observations to students. I use the word observation rather than the word news, since b’news” assumes the reader has definite views on the reported situation. The political observer sesks to shape the opinions of his readers. In doing so, he wishes. to provide the reader with aframework for viewing events. It is my hope that this column will provide such a framework. This column will provide a forum for such controv&sial issues as Vietnam and student politicsa touchy subject in past, years. This column will probably take on a brief, almost gossipy format like such columns as ‘The periscope’ in newsweek and *TRB’ in the New Republic. Each week I hope to comment on the political situation-student or other-locally, nationally and & ternatlonally. I am anxious to learn how you react to this column and any feedback will be appreciated. m This week’s Chevron isfilled with advice for freshmen. I too have some words of dubious wisdom on the subject of involvement. There are students who come to y.niversity seeking political involvement and expecting to enter & atmosphere of political awareness. They are sadly disappointed because they do not know where to look. The worst mistake freshmen make is to go to one of the navelgazing political clubs on campus. The New Democratic youth organ&&ion on campus, unfortunately, was a flop last year. The meetings were attended by a handful of (d card-carrying” old faithfuls and a few wishywashy liberals. The club even tried to avoidbeing political by corni& on as a Study group. The Young Progressive Conservatives suffers from its stars. The group had a number of highly active people but did not make an impact with its ideas. Is the club viable without its uebermensch? I am not too familiar with the

young IAmals. The less saidthe better. Nor do I know where the 1OCa.l Communist cell is hiding out. Copies of Ma.oTse-tung’ s little red book of quotations are avail able at the campus bookstore. Only a few campus groups offer the student involvement in social and political action. One of these is The Chevron. Chevron news types are always covering local politics. Last year, three former paper people were elected to Student Council, up one from the year before. One of the best ways to learn the ropes is to work for one of the boards of Student Council. A good prospect this year is the domestic commission of the board of external relations which should be involved in some interesting social-action projects, One club that may be going places this year is the Student Christian Movement. They are working on some interesting projects such as a drop-in center forhighschoolera and seminars on higher education. You can enjoy this club if you don? let the name frighten you. After all, it once was a Comm+t-front organization. Its staff secretary is Mrs. Marg Dyment (57G9981). Starting at the bottom is one good way of learning. Runforyour residence, Village, or co=opcouncil. It% worth the trouble. The Student Union for Peace Action, which wants badly for students, unity, peace and action, has a local chapter. However I cannot recommend it at the moment. It% confused, almost disorganized, meaningless. It will be interesting to see if their Goderich meeting last week helps clean up their act. . To find out what it’s really all about, don? miss Prof. John Wilson in the Theater of the Arts, next Wednesday at 4. l Among the things I must put off until later columns are a look at our student politicos, a study of the university power Structure, an analysis of our undemocratic electoral system, and the story of how the Kitchener-Waterloo Record ran ten phony articles. The s&dents of this campus should unite to ensure thatfurther depradations of this kind are not forthcoming from that band ofa &es and thieves on the third floor of the library. Maythecurseofathousandcame1 ticks descend upon them. M, U. HAMMOND religion


LETTER Be concise. The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Sign it--name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons, unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printed if YOU, h_ave good reason. Double - space it. Type it, if possible -- 32 characters per line.



of terrible


a load


To the editor= I read with interest the Chevron*s recent article on the Toad (August 17, page 2). Twoinaccuracies in the article should be corrected. First, none of the people who helped in the bookstore episode or the library episode were living in the Co-op. Unfortunately,people made that assumption. The second Inaccuracy takesthe form of the misleading impression that the engineering student was

allied with the Toad and that the Toad instigated the trade. pay for their own uniforms. The As far as the Toad knows, after the student had indicated he-might be able to trace the jacket, a member of the university policing force requested him to do so explaining that university copshad to student at that point did NOT know who had the jacket, but after some searching, was able to contact the Toad. The student explained that he was trying to help the cop to the Toad, who demanded assurance that he try to obtain one suitcase in, return, and then turned over the jacket. Needless to say, the student was picked up for possession of stolen goods and is now in danger of expulsion, by the cops he was trying to help. THE TOAD

LONDON, Ont. (CUP and staff)-a University of 'eter Warrian, Jaterloo student, has been chosen Iresident-elect of the Canadian Jnion of Students. Warrian, sociology 3, defeated Xephen Piqsby, past president of the Universit.y of Victoria student on Saturday, Anion, in the election the final day of the annual CUS congress at the University of Western Ontario here. Warrian's background includes three years of Ponan Catholic seminary and membershio on the n ational'council of the Student Uni on for Peace Action. This vear he is on the executive of the U of W federation of Students in charge of social action. Warran ran on a program which supnorted the Declaration of the Canadian Student passed at the conoress. He said it projects a more active role for the student in both education and society. "The first principle for CUS is education itself, bit not separated from society," he said. He stressed the need for education to be something more than the training process which the influence of the qovernment, biq business and bureaucracy has oroduced in Canadian universities. "If education rather than training is to occur then alternatives will have to be arrived at," ______ he -m

said. "We want conscious st&lents, not unconscious trainees," Warrian's election means he will be actively involved with the CIIS national office in' Ottawa for three :ct this year years. As president-e16 he is expected to keep (closely in touch--and to learn Fret Ich, a constitutional requirement for the president. Next year ht3 actuallv takes office from- the 1?67-68 president, Huah Armstrong of Toronto. The following year he remains active as a board member. U of W has become a major supplier of UCS personnel in the last At the national conyear or two. aress in Halifax last September, --- Ynlrnq, another sociology stu6ave lvvlll dent, was -elected vice-president. He return s to campus this month And Mike Shepfor gradu ate work. pard, pas t president of the Federran unsuccessation of Students, Cl11 -I\, cnw I UI president of the Ontario IUI 1-v region in "?arch. Waterloo's seven-man delegation at the congress authored, moved and seconded a considerable percentaqe of the important mot;'ons in the main plenarv session. "You could be active in saying we had one of the most active delegations at the conference," said Warrian. "Waterloo and U of Toronto."

Athletic The battle of athletics least on paper. .



ago. coach

fired off a counter-salvo dum on athletics.






in a memoran-

He was upset, and perhaps he had reason to be, for the Student Council working paper on athletics underestimated the amount spent on intramural athletics and the degree of improvement in this year’s intramural program, This rageous dum.

does not excuse Totzke’s out:lack of manners in the memoran-

A considerable andum council

is character members.

portion of the memorassassination of

Totzke claims that Student Council, which produced the working paper among

stone caster other efforts, is only casually concerned with athletics. He further draws red herrings across his trail when he says that Student Council is not representative of student opinion because of the draft-dodgers resolution. This

is absolute


There has been a series of general elections since the resolution and the new council purposely modified its draftdodger stand to reflect student opinion. Such misrepresentations ghout the document.



A reasonable settlement of the problem of athletics will never be arrived at if Totzke continues to bait Council in this manner. Issues, count.





Avoiding the pitfalls commit academic Freshmen often by assuming the courses they have signed up for are beyond change, and that the instructors they have are all equally proficient. Nonsense! The particular instructor you draw may be a good lecturer or he may be so incompetent that you could cry with frustration. Switch courses; switch instructors.


Don’t be afraid! you have three weeks to follow theinstructions on page 20 of the calendar. Maybe somebody will take a hint if some freshman courses operate with a bare minimum of students. While the students of this university

do not have an anti-calendar describing courses and lecturers from a student point of view, it is still possible to to rely on students who have taken the course of had the instructor before you. a If you think a course is bad, there’s good chance you are right. It

discover at least








is not

suddenly for you,

not yet.

that is the case, you may withdraw from the university. Look under any fees section in the calendar. If

Don’t be afraid to do anything to advance your academic career. Most of all, don’t be afraid to ask!

The Chevrcu, is published Fridays by the board of publications of the Federation of Students University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Opinions are independent of the universit;,’ Student Council and the board of publications. Member of Canadian University Press. editor-in-chief: Jim staff ideolog: Dale news editor: Brian acting news dep’t: photo editor: Glenn features: Mary Bull

Nagel Martin Clark Frank Goldspink Berry

staff this week: Bryon Cohen, Paul Cotton, Marshall Egelnick, Doug Gaukroger, Ian Morrison, Pa tri ck Sweet, Bob Verdun. composed by Elmira Signet Ltd., E lmira, Ontario 9,000 copies

Publications chairman: John Shiry. Advertising 744-6111 local 2497 [news), 2812 (advertising). Toronto: Donna McKle, 782-5959. Niagara Falls: geport: H. G. Goldbrick.

mgr; Ross Helling. Offices in Federation bldg 2471 (editor). Night 744-0111. Telex oi95-759: Ron Craig. Marathon (j): John Helliwell. Brid-



13, 1967 (8: 12) 127


To have an event publicized in the Chevron, come into our office in the Federation building and fill out one of the forms provided. Deadline: Tuesday evening. TONIGHT Science get-together in Village blue dining hall, 7~30 pm. TOMORROW Biology tea for freshmen in B378,Z pm. Film showing, AL116, 4 pm. Hart House ChamberOrchestra., 8 pm., Theater of the Arts. FRIDAY Freshman film showing, ALll6, 2 pm. Village freshman dance, 8 pm., Village. SATU R DAY Scavenger hunt, 9~30 am-6~30 pm, arts quadrangle. opening dance at Glenbriar curling rink, 8 pm. SUNDAY ’ Outdoor day at Seagram Stadium, 1Pm. Theater of the Arts GaBeryopening of aMedieval brass rubbings’, at 2~30 pm. Steer roast and hootenanny at Waterloo Park bandshell, 6~30 Pm.

Gord Lightfoot concert at Glenbriar Curling Rink, 8 Pm. MONDAY MANDATORY introduction for arts fro& Theater of the Arts, 4 pm. TUESDAY The university-an event, 7:15 pm, arts quadrangle. WEDNESDAY Bull-session at 4 in the theater of the Arts, with the one, the only, the inimitable Prof. John Wflmn of political science. General meeting of engineers, engineering lecture building, 7 pm, Amateur radio club, E2347, 7 pm.

House of Debates, ALl05, 7 pm, Country and western music club, AL207,7 pm. Freshman film showing, A~116, 8:30 pm. Student Christian Movement&L 202, 9 pm. KEY TO BUILDINGS AL-arts lecture E-engineering B-biology SS-social sciences AT-arts & theater (modern langWV=>

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