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8, number











Province takes control of U of Saskatchewan out strongly against Ross ThatchREGINA (CUP)-It didn’t take er’s proposed takeover of theUniThatcher long. versity of Saskatchewan’s finanOne week after his Liberal govIn a joint telegram they ernment was returned to power in ces. stressed that the university must Saskatchewan Ross Thatcher anbe free from political pressure. nounced sweeping changes in edulcIt is inconceivable that a unicational cant rol. versity budget can be subjected to “Year after year, with few de without tails, we in fact almost write a debate in the legislature being made a matter for partisan blank check. This is not too seripolitical strife:’ they said, (*and ous when only afew milliondollars such strife will in the long run were involved, but today the uniseriously injure the university.” versity is fast becoming one of The two groups said that they our largest spending departfailed to see how 44non-specialments.” ist s” could understand the impo I%Thatcher has appointed a new ante of research in any given field, minister of education to carry out “The best scholars, whether what he calls ‘(the onerous task.” teachers or students, will not long In the future the university will remain where programs of teachbe treated like any other spending ing and research are made subdepartment in their requests for funds. All buildings will have to be utilized for longer hours and maximum use made of them before new construction requests are The Federation of Student’s jud,granted. Because of high interest , icial committee is attempting to rates the government will disgain some real form of power to courage “all but the most urgent of uphold the rights of students on education building requests in the campus. next six months,*’ At present the committee of The University of Saskatchewan, with two campuses, Regina and four, under chief justice Stephen Flott, grad history, acts as a stuSaskatoon, is the province’s only dent court to uphold the informal university. With a student popularules of student council. tion over 13,000 this year’s exAt this time the committee is penditure was expected to hit $28 only empowered to act on those million, about 3oo/o of the provincases referred to it by Provost for ce’s budget. student affairs, William Scott. Any Students and teachers object case coming to the committee is treated as it would be in any court OTTAWA (CUP)--Governmentdecisions al control of university finances is of law. The committee’s out by the Provost. not one of the pet projects of CUS are carried and CAUT. Flott said that in at least two Both the Canadian Union of Stucases thi s year faculty or admindents and thecanadian Association istration officials have, without of University Teachers have come consulting the judicial committee,

jects of political controversy expedience,” they said.

CUS and CAUT feel that ‘(the achievement of excellence in a university inevitably requires an act of faith on the part of those who support it and benefit through its existence.” The two groups urge Thatcher to set up an independent body which would “ensure the degree of public accountability called for without subjecting to the pressures of political expediency an institution of which Saskatchewan is justly proud? The joint telegram was signed by CUS president Hugh Armstrong and CAUT president H.D. McCurdy of the University of Windsor.

Set disciplinary

Wunt faculty ’ by Dale


Chevron staff

The faculty association brief on university government was finally submitted to t!>:e Senate S t u d y Committee on I.;niversity government. Due last March, the brief proposes extensive, but not sweeping changes in the structure of the university. The faculty proposes that the board of governors be replaced by a university council, and that the senate be limited to upperlevel academics. If the faculty get their way, both faculty councils and academic departments would be beefed up. The brief, which was prepared by a faculty association committee headed by George Francis Atkinson of the chemistry department, will be discussed by the university committee on university government in P150 at 3 Monday. The meeting will be public.. The faculty propose that the present board of governors be re placed by a university council of 31. In addition to seven ex-officio members and two appointments by Queen’s Park, nine members would come from a new senate and nine


from the community. Two members would be faculty members and two would be students. The faculty association feels that such a council would end the artificial division between academic and fiscal affairs in the un= iversity. The new senate would consist entirely of academics and would exclude students and newly arrived faculty members. However the senate would be required to at least listen to submissions by the Federation of Students. The new senate would continue to be drawn from the faculties, schools, and colleges. A simple majority of its membership would be academics who did not hold high administrative posts. The brief recommends that the faculty councils be strengthened by allowing them to place their views before the senate or other high bodies. At the same time, the councils would be reduced in size by limiting membe.rship to assistant professors who have been with the university one year, and all higher ranking academics. The brief proposes a fivepoint bill of rights for members of the

various departments. The members of the department would elect and remove department heads. All department members would take part in discussions on employing new faculty and on the content and teaching of courses. The department could write its own constitution and make requests to higher levels-in the university. The brief suggests that students could be incorporated into departmental meetings. This could include student membership on various departmental committees. The brief goes on to recommend four minor proposals. Efficiency in the operating departments, the faculty feels, could be increased by making service departments publish annual re ports, giving sabbaticals to key service personnel, and increasing the non-administrative representation on the president% council on operations. The brief suggests the need for a senate committee for continuous reappraisal to investigate the service departments. The faculty wants a university ombudsman to seek out injustices


rules judged students guilty and administered punishment. The committee wishes to have all student discipline problems under its authority. New and more encompassing rules about the jurisdiction of the committee must be written and accepted, Committee members are hoping that students will submit recommendations about the regulations they wish to have implemented. “If the committee can attain full power than all student cases will come under this group,p’ said Flott. “No longer will unilateral levying of fines and suspensions happen.” ‘%tudent support for this group is needed,” he said. <‘Students must realize that the judicial committee operates in their interest.”

strengthened caused by the university bureaucracies. The brief closes with suggestions for the closer co-ordination of the offices of the registrar and provost with the rest of the university. The brief arises out of theDuff= Berdahl Report on university government which appeared in March 1966, The university established a committee to study university government on this campus last year. The 22 man committee now includes three students: Steve Ire land, federation president; Steve Flott, grad history; andBrianIler, civil 333. Submissions officially closed in March but the federation brief and

The University of Waterloo is Ten years old. In this Tenth Anniversary Week issue, the Chevron presents a series

a private submission were accepted by the committee in May. The faculty finally produced their brief two weeks ago. The faculty brief is not as sweep ing in its proposals as the federad tion brief which suggested the abolition of the board of governors and its replacement by a supersenate backed up by an assembly drawn from the community. The faculty association brief avoids any definition of what the university is or ought to be. .Federation president Steve Ire land declined to comment on the brief because as he said “There are some points I would like to see explained more fully at Monday’s meeting.”

CUS examines~ its Felevance us Acadia quits, UK votes OTTAWA ried . The







and responsibilities

-quality levels



at all

Vote at Ryefson TORONTO-Students at Ryer son Poly-technical Institute will also be voting on CUS membership this year. Ryerson student council voted recently to hold a referendum on the question, Several council members were afraid that students simply weren? aware of CUS benefits. To correct this, a proposal for a debate on CUS was included in the motion. On the day of the CUS referendum November 7, the studentswill also vote on the retention of dress regulations.

‘Cyou c&t

develop time.‘*

a difficult task. president at Acadia, was





742-4488, Weber




Life Corner










2 chairs,

fast service








POST Groceries









Gord Crosby (formerly FOR









a Student







7 45688






to bridge


tremendous and ever-widening gulf between the haves and havenots of the world. Notices about the march will appear on bulletin boards,, Jim Lindsey of the board of external relatiins is handling arrangements on campus.

aided by will en-

for $70,000 count for a sizeable amount also. Other universities have similar problems. Saskatchewan, for example, has had over $47,000 in bad checks handed in since July. The reason there is the same. Students forget to allow time for their checks to be transferred be ,fore moving the account. However, the solution isn’t usually too difficult. If financial obligations are still outstanding at the end of the year, marks are simply witheld until the student makes arrangements to Pay.

Shirly Gay apple pie, . . . . . . . . 3 240~. pies




Broker A subscription class


fee by


included Post

in Office

their department,


$1 .OO

Red brand prime rib steaks . . . . . . . . . . . lb.

576-1910 743-0625

H. Busbridge











U of payment

W students of


to in

receive cash.

the Send

Chevron address




by changes


during promptly

off-campus to: The


The 100 years of Canada is represented by 1@*2. @*is completetalk for (4to the power of”ten squared, in other words.) The 10 years of the university% existence is shown by lw*l. Finally, lO**O will represent math faculty’s age, physically mentally. Math-thuckers-volunteers

needed for

Non-students: University

$4 of



the and are


Those so inclined are asked to leave their names at the Math Thethiety offith, room 1076 in the mathive building.

council ousts Western

terms. Chevron,


night even-sports, computer cards, etc.

LONDON (CUP&An attempt to set up co-op housing in London has failed. Students presently using a Canterbury Street house as a co-op have been told they are breaking a city bylaw. London city council acted to remove the students after area re sidents complained that use of the house as a co-op was illegal in a family-residence zone. Western’s student council which owns the house, has dropped purchase options on two others


Kraft Canadian cheese slices . . . . . . .8 oz.



Math students beware. Your society is becoming / bureaucratized. The e 1e c t ion s were finally held. Acclaimed president was Jim Belfry. The four regular members of council will be Richard Kinread, Darrel Kennedy, Shan Pinkerto; and Wayne Slavinski. The CO-op members are Nonny Beckerman, Betty Grouter and Pete Wooster. The math society’s lair will be in 1076 of Fort Stanton at least until permanent residence is taken up on the fifth floor. Math’s ten-tative float in the Homecoming ‘67 parade tomorrow will be of typical math conceptionpowers of ten.

- TV

Open Daily 8 to Midnight Sunday 10 till Midnight


courage sponsors to support marchers on a per-mile basis. This project, organized by the Centennial Development Program under the C anadian C entennial Commission, will give you an opportunity to become involved in a

If you go up to the business office and listen carefully at the door, you can hear the faint sound of bouncing checks. Even at this late date, the office has a boxful of checks that are bad, for one reason or another. “The problem in most cases is not a lack of money,” said Ken Fearnall of the credit department. “Students write checks on their home bank accounts and then transfer their accounts before the checks can be processed.” There are over $10,000 worth of bad checks from tuition fees alone. Village residence fees ac-





a date to


Checks bounce admh



Business 576-4950 Home 578-2785



A CHYM radio blitz, wide campus publicity,

742-4489. Bridgeport

march mi ‘es for millions


“Enjoy life today while saving for tomorrow”









representing Health Asso-

An expected 4000 K-W residents, including university and highschool students will march portions of a 30-mile route about KitchenerWaterloo. Each will be sponsored, and the proceeds will be used to feed and clothe some of the emaciated and impoverished children in India, Asia, and South America through the Foster Parents Plan of Canada.

So far about 50 students have affered their services. The only cases they would be able to try would be those too minor for



Saturday, remember.

University of Toronto law students will soon be putting their. u-g to a practical use. Tom Faulkner, U of T student prsident, su~ested a plan whereby students would help their fellows

The student




at the same

Law students

Bob Levy, had stated that a vote for CUS was a vote against him, With very little time to make b presence and views known, Warrian was forced to watch his group


Ken Christopher, ,the Canadian Mental

He emphasized the important questions on campus today should be “accessibility to, quality in, and government of post-secondary i.rlstitutions .**

of CUS,



ciation, said its $800 would go towards the White Cross Center for rehabilitation and public mental health education. Finally, Mrs. Bill Lobban accepted $800 on behalf of the Canadian Save the Children Fund, to aid deprived children of the world, including Canadian Indians. John Koval, Circle K president said that as much as another $100 might go to each organization when final accounting is complete.

$800 went to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, Peter Corless of CNIB said a new piano would be purchased for its members with the money.

said that

fight a campaign

get slave money

Three local charities split the $2400 raised by Slave Day 1967 last week at a joint Circle K and Twin Cities Kiwanis dinner meeting in the Walper Hotel.

students should have a vote on the question because it’s their money. Armstrong and thepro=CUSfaction will attempt to outline the benefits of retaining their affiliation in the national union. Armstrong is getting a little disturbed by the many campus referendums.

thecampus of Acadia University in an attempt to help the pro-CUS groups. It



ship. One of the councilors

strumRntal in _persuading the students to retain CUS m&-nbership* The president-elect Peter War&n, visited

Locd charities

Armstrong plans a lengthy visit to British Columbia at the end of this month to reinforce the CUS position. The UBC student council voted earlier this month to hold a campus referendum November 1 on the question of CUS member-

-universal accesibility to education -democratization of university government The field workers will also discuss other available CUS programs, like the union’s life insurance, travel plans, relations with other student and youth organizations, and human rights. One of the reasons Armstrong gave for the decision was to help combat student council lethargy on many campuses. The field work will allow CUS to develop a program of aid to suit individual universities. All CUS-member-universities will bevisitecl by CUSfield workers or executives. Armstrong was present during the recent referendum at the University of Windsor and was in-

CUS is wor-

recent pmout of Acadia, the close vote at Windsor and the upcoming referendum at the University of British Columbia are causing CUS leaders to examine the organizations relevance to the campus. President Hugh Armstrong announced that four of the eight members of the secretariat will be working on Canadian campuses this year. Following this year’s congress at London the CUS field work will concentrate on such topics as :


vice-president Darrah Morgan said, ‘(The student council will do everything in its pow$r to keep the four students at 534 Canterbury living in the house.” COUllcil

Morgan, however, isn’t optimistic. He feels city council will act one way or another to ensure coops are outlawed. Residents who lodged the protest claimed to be sympathetic to the student housing shortage but were afraid their property will devaluate if co-ops are allowed. Authorired


as Ontario.


Dinner by Brain


off drive


College, explained that the church colleges are a special type of comrnuni~, committed to things of The University of Waterloo’s “The university is $5,500,000 fund raising campaign the mind. traditionally the same, but many got off to a good start earlier this with the announcement of have become so large that they week are almost totally committed to pledges amounting to $250,0000 service programs. And this was even before the drive “In the world today arts men was officially under way, The pledges were announced by must establish contact with scientists and technologists. They are W. H. Evans, campaign general able to do this in the church chairman, at a banquet sponsored colleges .” by the board of governors for Bob Cavanagh’ vice-president of business and professional executivcs. Carl Pollock, chairman of the board of governors hailed the university’s pioneering steps in cooperative education incanada. He said, “To compete in the world of the 20th century a student’s Today, thousands of highschool knowledge and experience must students will converge on our camboth be used effectively. Because of the co-op plan, students are pus in a fleet of buses from across the province. Over 4,000 students wiser in a modern manner.” representing 7 0 Ontario highHoward Dr. Petch, vicewill be hustled about the president acedemic, cited the schools “dynamic quality of the whole campus to see our classrooms, and specially preuniversity” as a factor inits rapid lving quarters, pared displays. growth. He praised the industrial Preparations have been made to orientation of much of the research feed them, entertain them, and done on campus. most important, guide them. The A. N. Sherbourne, deanof engineering’ said that engineers at events of today and the rest of this Waterloo are taught humility in weekend will show that the Tenth Anniversary Week project is a well their first work term. “Having unified effort, the to do the more mundane jobs in organized, Weeks industry is what does this. It result of Tenth Anniversary committee members. is a part of education that I would hardworking The demonstrators and guides like to stress.‘* He continued saying that ‘the who are devoting this weekend to Waterloo’s TenthAnniversarymay coop system brings the industrial will be commended for their efenvironment into the collegiate forts’ but the twelve members of atmosphere. “It shows what things W eekcomare like outside the ivory towers .” the Tenth Anniversary have been devoting an mittee WYM Rees, principal of Renison average of ten hours a day to the project since September. For Brian Iler, chairman of the committee, it was a fulltime job for the entire summer as well. The committee has proceededin a manner which has proved to be more successful than anyone anticipated. They were able to pera great success” said Flott. suade administration of the value of the 71 delegates at the seminar, 31 were Indians from all over Ontario and from Winnipeg, and 40 were whites from 11 uniThe first departmental union versities in Ontario. at Waterloo is now ready to begin The seminar was informal to action. let the delegates get to know one another better. This was achieved The political science union held through working together doing its first elections this week. Eltheir own dishes and all their own ected president was ex-Chevron work for the weekend. news editor Grant Gordon poliAt times thewhitestudentsfound sci 3. The now-beardless Gordon themselves in the minority and was opposed. by Joe Surich, poliit was a very enlightening exper - sci 3, who was later appointed to ience which shook up the attitudes be chairman of the quality of edof even some of those who thought education committee. This comthemselves oriented to the probChevron news editor

the Federation of Students, spoke representing the students. He said “We are proud of this university and you, the gentlemen who made it. We are thankful to you who made the co-op plan possible. We give you our deepest support.” George Dunbar, chairman for the fund raising in the K-W area, enthusiastically encouraged the people present to go out and produce for the university. He was obviously a salesman and not afraid to admit it.

75,000 visitors coming big 3-day open house

Paul Hersh found that walking the plank wasn’t so easy after a *few rounds of the sipping contest at Renison College. Three glapses and a walk along the plank equal one round. The winners were Berry Rand and Suzanne Paske after six rounds. Chevron photo by John Chandler

Conference gets Indians, whites working together They dislike the white man’s camouflaged attempt to assimilate the Indian and his culture. The The silent revolt of the Indian Indian no longer wears feathers youth recieved boost as the 71 in his hair or hunts game with delegates of the Paradise Lake bow and arrow. The Indian is Indian-affairs seminar headed no longer willing to let the white home full of enthusiasm and action man make all his decisions for Sunday. him and do all his taLMng for hirn. The delegates committed themIn most communities the redselves to starting Indian-affairs man is being slowly accepted but committees on their own campuses a couple of communities such as and to try and get their student Winnipeg and Kenora are on the councils to financially support the verge There the of violence. Canadian Indian Youth Council. white community is making no The purpose of these committees attempt to help +he Indians find is to make the whiteman aware their place in society. of the Indian culture as it exists “Carleton delegates are goingto today and to make him aware that attempt to set up a seminar and the Indian is an individual with als 0 0 rganize a national Indian ideals of his own, and goals. the Indian magazine to counter Their self determination is to News which is a highyly whiteimprove their lot peacefully and washed publication,” said Steven to show the white man that their Flott, chairman of the Indianculture is a dynamic and living conaffairs commission. cern today. “The Indian-affairs seminar was by Barry


Chevron staff



What’s the difference between those who eat at the Village and those who eat other places? The Villagers steal. According to Bob Mudie, director of food services, the only thefts of any consequence occur at Village dining halls. ‘(We provide them with everything, then they go and hook it” Most’ of the items stolen are teaspoons and salt shakers. “We started out providing fancy shakers costing over $2 a set but lost so many that we have reverted said Mudie. He did admit that to plainer styles,” , some of the cutlery could have been lost in the garbage but this is now a thing of the past as the new garbage disposal units catch any utensilsthrownout. Waterloo Lutheran’s director of food services,

of an openhouse, and were granted a $10,000 working budget. The local news media were impressed with the responsible actions of the university students and so decided to contribute their time and effort to Tenth Anniversary Week. CKCQ-TV is running ads as often as every half hour, and CHYM radio gave Brian Iler and Jenny Lehman, Tenth Anniversary Week secretary, a chance to discuss this weekend’s activities over the radio. The committee studied the student-run openhouse at McGill University and then used that example as a stepping stone to a bigger and better effort on the part of Waterloo. Dave Sheppard is in charge of High School Day, an idea taken from McGill. A professional touch was added when A Tenth Anniversary Week symbol was created by university designer, George Roth. Throughout the weekend there will be dance bands and wandering troubadours to entertain visitors, and the national tiddlywinks char-npionship to amuse them. Campus tours have been organized byDave Hallman, John Kovan, Dave Trobridge, and John McMullen.

Gordon elected poli-sci pres

lems of the Indian today. The main theme of the seminar Indians’ desire was the “young and goals .” A powwow on Thursday was highlighted by dancing to Indian drum beat in which the white delegates participated


U’s clash



“We’re going to win Bar-oo again this year,” proudly said one WLU student. “Like hell you are,” returned a U of W student. What the hell is Bar-oo you ask?

of theft

Mildred Reiner, reports the loss of only a few pieces of silverware’ and some shakers but explains that these are usually recovered from the residences later in the year. Ryerson Polytechic Institute also has such problems but on a much greater scale. In four years they have lost over $3,000 worth of cutlery. A breakdown reveals 3,480 spoons, 1,640 forks, 1,380knives and 131 teapots stolen. In the past six months over 159 dozen pieces of silverware have been stolen at the University of Saskatchewan. One particular type gets his kicks by twisting forks into odd and assorted shapes. What happens if Waterloo food-services staff spots someone leaving with utensils in his pocket? <‘We report him to Provost Scott and he looks into it,” says Mudie.

mittee is studying the forms and essence of education at the University of Waterloo. The union also allowed Ron Freeman, a political science researcher to be a member. Freeman will be a graduate student next year when the graduate political science program is initiated. Next Tuesday in SSc 347 at 7:30 the three candidates from the Kitchener riding will analyze the last election and its outcome.

For uneducated sports fans Bar00 is the inter&city trophy awarded to the winner of the annual clash between the U of W and the 0, school down the street. Naturally Corning from the great city of Waterloo, the trophy is a keg--like beer or whiskey might come in. It was made by the phys-ed class of ‘67, U of W, the night before last yea r’s encounter. Can you think of a better symbol to fight for a*Seagram Stadium?

Bar-00 Friday,


27, 7967 (8: 78) 223





investigates by Harold

adt77issions * The village council executive for the fall term was elected at the October 5th meeting. The chairman is George Tuck W-l; vice-chairman Ed Flindall E-3; secretary Sandra Smith N-6; and treasurer Rod Cooper S-4. At the council meeting on Tuesday, the new admissions policy for the village was discussed. Mr. Vinnicombe, assistant warden, has distributed this policy to all villagers. Starting in the fall of 68, the village will consist of 2/3 upperclassmen and l/3 freshmen. Anyone failing his year or writing a sup will not be allowed to return to the village. Dr. Ronald Eydt, village warden, was present at the meeting and said that this policy is open to changes if any suitable solutions can be found. A committee was set up to investigate the admissions policy with Ed Flindall, as chairman. The committee will work with the administration to find a solution that will be acceptable to both students and administration. The council feels that students who contribute actively to thevillage and university and who have to write sups should receive special consideration for readmission. Dr. Eydt stressed that so far the academic measure appears to be the best way to limit the number of returning villagers. * The council treasury is in a sorry state. There were no books kept from last year but about $1,. 10.0 worth of bills have been found. At present there is $500 in the council’s bank account but it cannot be withdrawn without the signatures of last years’ treasurer and chairman. * The question of an increased bus service to the village has been investigated by chairman George Tuck. According to the univer-


the mighty

sity, such services would cost the village $500 for six months. The present service is costing PUC $20,000 and the university gives a subsidy of $3,300. The buses are leased by the university and they decide on the routes. University officials say that when the ring road up to the village is completed there will be a free extended bus service which willconnect with the downtown buses. * The quadrant councils have caused an increased interest in village clubs. At present there organized: are several clubs ham chess, table-tennis, bridge, radio, fine arts and drinking. There are more being planned. * The Grad Society has received permission to hold the traditional Slave Auction in the Village on January 18. * The next village council meeting is Tuesday November 7, * Visiting privileges have been extended for Homecoming Weekend. The following hours may be changed within the limits to suit each floor: Friday: 10 a.m. 2 a.m. Saturday: lOa.m.2 a.m.; Sunday: 12 noon - 10 p.m. * Some of the more imaginative members of the south c+adrant are planning a “Black Mass” for midnight October 31st. There will be blood drinking, cross burning and virgin sacrifices. All villagers are welcome at St. Rocaids Cathedre hall, Tuesday night. * Security around the village seems to be lacking. In the past few weeks there have been four television sets and several chats taken from the houses. Even cars are not safe in the village parking lot. Last week, one student had his car completely stripped. The kampus kops are never seen patrolling this area at night.



D. Goldbrick mouth

BRIDGEPORT (Staff>--Since this is homecoming and Tenth Anniversary all rolled into one, I suppose the Bridgeport bureau should throw in a bit of plumber prose: Whilst , the sentimentalists wax eloquent on the good old I think a review of the days, nemeses of the bad new days is in‘ order. Yea verily, there is precious little to rejoice about these days when a student has to ride the administrative merry-go-round. Let’s just look at a few of the malevolent moguls that us commoners must consistently contend with as wewalktnroughthe valley of the shadow of theDana Porter Memorial Library. .

Next we ponder the state of our once-casual campus cops. Headed by an ex-horseman, this cold-hearted crew has already tired of saturating all eligible windshields with citations. Gone are the days of Cookie. The only way to get ticket fixed these days is to take it to the boss. God forbid you should have something greater than a ticket to take up with him. The boss, Al Romenco, is harmless to look at, but you should see him in action. It goes something like this: “Now we’ve all got our problems.I*m just here to help you out.+ If you’ll tell me your side, I’ll be most sympathetic and this can be completely confidential. But, just a second, I have to change tapes,~~



First let us consider the Iatest exploits of bookbaroness Elsie Fischer. The bookstore has long cherished the motto <Where prices are raised not born” or ‘*Death before discount.*’ How ever, the activists did the dastardly deed last year and ended supernormal profits on required materials. Elsie conceived her counterattack on two fronts. To increase the take, prices were upped on note-paper and other related items which any fool knows are not required materials. Then, to cut down on losses, insufficient quantities of many texts were ordered. If the baroness was lucky, the inevitable reorder was held off long enough for the book to go out of print. On the other front, Elsie capitalized on the new bookstore location to further save face. In its autohornblowing blurb #Y our bookstore’ it humbly announced that it was located in the new food-services and bookstore building. Oh really? a

Now there’s talk all over about student involvement in administrative and faculty decision-making . Don’t let yourself get snowed under by the smattering of token representation so freely offered. I%e always said never look a gift horse in the mouth. But in this particular instance, the fourlegged animal is of dubious parentage and is apparently approaching hindfirst. And while you’re figuring that one out, here’s alittle example, Take mathprof Fryer, Stanton’s protege. His treatment of enquiring activists can be summed up as “Don’t make waves but be sure to leave &em laughin’ .*$ 8 The darkest cloud on the new horizons seems to be hanging around the sixth floor of the ivory tower. Y essiree Bob, it used to be that there was a choice on which slavedriver you accepted the minimum wage from.

P.S. Xmas


Now she despatches them to various other bureaucrats such as the business office and the sharpies at the back door of the registrar’s office. These people engage in further diversionary tactics before eventually shoving the student back on the administrative merry-goround. a So that’s the whole bag on this the week of our Tenth Anniversary celebration. Things in the big town aren’t much better either. The City Hotel has taken to asking for birth certxicates for proof of age. It% pretty bad when they stop accepting Big Brother’s drivers licenses.

You Heard? supplies are a “new have been added

4ow” -

- EXCITING new items: - Holt Howard ceramics - Gord Carvings - Phantom hosiery - McB,rine luggage


The list of evils of these bad new days is endless. The registrar’s office has resorted to downright low cunning to increase its output of defeated students. It used to be that the secretary dealt with each one individually until she had talked them down. But you can only browbeat so many students in a six-and-a-half-hour day.



- Ail mandatory - New departments


Now the job situation is so bad that co-op freshmen are being asked to go back to the hamburger joint they worked at last summer. Large as the credibility gap may seem, there is even competition among students for Desolate Mines in Wawa and Bushleague Swamp Surveyors in Blackflies, Ontario. To change jobs these days requires proof of an Nth-degree trauma with reports from three independent psychologists. That’s before coordination will even consider misplacing you from your present job. To have my chance of getting anew one, I’d suggest a failing work term mark and a medical report stating you’re allergic to the fore man. e





Educational games Glass wear Umbrellas, scarves, toques New style sweatshirts, nities Mugs, jewellery

Enough--student More and more the students of Ontario universities are demanding a voice in their government. The two weeks following the Chevron’s last story on student participation in university government (October 13, page 14) have seen several significant developments: -Guelph students were gtited half of what was requested from the senate. -Windsor students were allowed senate seats. -Queen* s students elected one of their own as rector. -Glendon College students will be on the faculty council. -Western students have finally elected their represeritatives to the senate. (CUP)-The senate at theUnGUELPH iversity of Guelph has decided to remain hidden. A-recent report recommended six students on the senate and open meetings. The senate decided last week that it wants to allow some student seats but doesnst want to reveal to others what goes on behind the doors. Although the report advocated six seats there was no number specified by the senate. William Winegard, university president, said the senate is undergoing a size re vision. Winegard said the meetings will remain


closed because “the quality of debate might deteriorate if there were open meetings.” The two decisions place Guelph students in a difficult position. The recent CUS congress in London passed a resolution-with solid backing from the Guelph delegation-saying students dashould refuse to serve on decision-making bodies which routinely follow a policy of secret decisionmaking.” CUS president Hugh Armstrong said the choice on whether to accept the senate’s decision must be made by the Guelph students. WINDSOR (CUP&Four University of Windsor students will be on the senate. This was announced by the university* s president, J. F. Leddy. “1 am very pleased with this result. It is a very constructive move and I am sure the students have a very useful contribution to make.‘* Four students will be seated on the senate. The president of student council, one graduate student and two other undergraduates to be chosen in any way council proposes. The decision W&S apparently accepted unanimously by the 55+nan senate. At the same time, the senate approved student membership on several academic

for a CliowS committees such as library, student conduct, discipline and applied-science and business administration, KINGSTON (CUP)-An ordinary studenbc0UnCi.l meeting called to vote changes in the yearbook ended with extraordinary results. Council decided to appoint its president, George Carson, as interim rector. The rector represents the students on the board of trustees. He has been appointed with the tacit approval of the students. Since 1912, when the position was created not one student has served in that capacity. The last rector, Leonard Brockington, died last year after a 20-year term. 79-yearc, old Senator G ratton O’Leary has been touted as his replacement and has agreed to accept if (1 elected jS The editorial and letters pages of the Queen’s Journal have been full of articles calling for reforming or abolishing the position. An editorial in the October 13 issue claims of the rectors, “They are not our spokesmen. They never will be.” The paper goes on to say, “The position of rector, like the board of trustees, is so defined by tradition that the secondbest thing we could do with it would be to give it away as a token honor to Senator O’Leary, a great elder. The best thing, of

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Oxford has its Thames, we’ve got Laufel Creek Laurel Creek: Sometimes a trickle, sometimes a torrent. The campus waterway has played an important part in our ten-year history. Physically, the creek has been developed almost as much as the rest of the farmland that was here in 1957. There are now five dams on university property or in the immediate vicinity, including a major Grand River Conservation Authority dam just north of the future development area of cam; pus. There is campus activity featuring Laurel Creek for each season. In the fall term, the orientation program makes extensive use of the moist facilities. Many a frosh has met his Waterloo when thenofrosh-on-footbridges rule was enforced upon him. In years gone by, only the most initiating seniors were thrown into the creek by the vindictive frosh. This year, however, a hint of freshpower reared its innocent head. Whenever the freshmen outnumbered their leaders by anything better than 15 to 1, someone was apt to hit the water. In the winter term, when the temperature is consistent, the lake opposite Conrad Grebel College

serves as an ice-rink. In particular, it is the scene of the Winter Olympics. Whensummer comes and activities are rare, strange games can This past year, the be popular. Co-op challenged. the -Village to an organized waterfight. The event was held on the banks of the lake, with wastepaper baskets of creek water the only official weapon. The object was to soak the paper dress off the opponent’s girl. A high point occured when a TV cameraman was soaked before the contest and went home in a huff. Also memorable were the massed attacks on the spectators by both teams. This event promises to be an annual occurrence to liven up the summer. While Laurel Creek will be beautiful in its final landscaped state, much of the beauty of the natural state has been lost. Much of the wildlife has also suffered. When the creek was straightened in the vicinity of the Village, a rare stand of beechwood trees was re moved. At the same time, asmall oxbow lake was filled in. It is unfortunate that the planners could not have saved these as well as de veloping recreational facilities.




. . .






course, would be to abolish it altogether and start fresh.” Letters to the editor have called the post crtokenisticg* and demand its abolishment. Following the appointment of the interim rector, council called for a campuswide referendum to decide the fate of the rectorship. TORONTO (CUP)-York University% Glendon College will have five students on the faculty council. Although the students will not be allowed into the council’s committees, former student-council vice-president Rick Schultz feels this is a %najor step in involving the students in their own education.” This year’s representative will be chosen by student council but a committee has been set up to investigate methods of choosing students in the future. Student-souncil president Alan Whitely said, “60nce the students have been chosen they will be completely independent.*’ LONDON (CUP)--Canada% first stub ent senators have been elected. Three University of Western Ontario students were elected after a week-long ballot. The two undergrad representatives are William Clark, 22, and David Spence, 22, both second-year medical students. .






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HOMECOMING .-. .-. .*. .*. .-. .:. .;.

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at Food Services 9:00






- 2:00


















27, 1967 (8: 18) 225

-.*.l .‘.‘: 5.8 . . .-. .-. .-. .-. .‘. .-. .:. :.:e .-. .*. 0.. .-. .‘. .:. ;.; 3,


Acid peddler



Dan paid Pete apound of grass for his work arranging the deal. Dan sold about 340 tabs of the acidfor about $1,800 just before school started. “1 had no trouble putting it out,*’ he said. If you tally Dan% costs and subtract them from the $1,800 and then add the $250 he made on the first shipment--the final result is approximately $1,150 pro-

the acid. He also gave away a lot, traded some for grass (marijuana) and dropped (used) a lot of it himself. “Man, 1 used to drop two and three tabs at a time,” Dan said. Because Dan was ‘Lcrashings’, his living expenses were nil and the profits of his first excursion were $250. Dan also made a lot of friends turning people on at cut-rate prices. But more important he collected capital for his second and much bigger business deal with the Haight-Ashbury flower children. Dan decided to play it cool in late August and send a friend down instead of himself to make the deal, Dan’s friend Pete the pusher (not his real name) managed to cop 380 tabs of acidfor$650 Canadian. Pete flew back and paid another person $50 to take the acid across the border. Pete% expenses for the excursion were about $150 but that included an ounce of AcapulcoGold, a very high grade of marijuana, which he brought back with him. Dan smoked some of the Acapulco Gold and said it was great. “That Gold is so beautiful, so out of sight...and there are no seeds, just leaves and stems,” Dan said.

Reprinted from the Varsity TORONTO (CUP&All you poorpenniless students, worMng your way through university, taking boring summer jobs and selling your soul to the Ontario Government for a PCSAP loan--take heed. One University of Toronto student earned about $1,150 in five weeks this summer and his job was most stimulating-he imported LSD and sold it for profit. With sporadic part-time work wages he will have enough to pay for his tuition, books and living expenses for 1967-68. In addition he has supplied himself and close f riends with enough psychedelic chemicals to blow minds for months, This is one of the bonuses ofthe acid business. Here are some of the details of how Dan the acid man (not his real name) made his fortune: Early August-Dan hitchhikes to the hippies’ mecca, San Francisco, U.S.A. Dan “crashed*’ into hippy homes in the HaightwAshbury district (crashed means to be invited to live free inhippy homes). He (l copped” (bought) 140 tablets of acid for $250 Canadian. He returned to Canada and sold. abouQ500worth of


fit. Although the money seems quick and easy, Danhas gone out of business. c4You do this sort of thing so you don’t have to conform to society and be a businessman. But after all the hassles-the contacts, the appointments, the hours of waiting for a deal to come through-you soon realize that pushing is in the same bag the businessman is in,” Dan said. Dan, like many pushers, has had enough of the hassles and the persistent paranoia that the narcs (RCMP) are going to bust you (arrest you) and put you away for up to seven years. Dan is glad it is over and he can join the ranks of university students and surface at last from the underground.










Homecoming! And don’t


that Corsage!






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For three years, from October 196 7 to March 1964, George Welsh churned obt a weekly column for this paper-- then the Cory,haeus--under the penname G. Whiz. He was editor-in-chief during Ilterna te terms of the paper’s first year, 9960-6 I, and all of 996 l-62. An honors English graduate, he now teaches in a Toronto highchool.

my G. Whiz Ah yes, a sentimental return to the scene of the crime. I used .o do more vicious things to the language via this column than I care :o have recounted. One can blame the typographer only so many times jefore the reader realizes that he is being led up the pica path. it did, MacBut, to other things.,.. . “Stands Waterloowhere Nff ,,,? is the theme of this offering. No. apparently it does not: In the old days, apartment-house owners would treat you like a team treats a bonus baby, but today it ieems that you have to inherit alease, be of sober demeanor and be sponsored by a pleasing combination of the Salvation Army and the UCTU. Student loans have changed too. I remember the days when you could saunter into the Ass, Registrar% office and ask for $500. He would smile and ask why you wanted the money. You would return the smile in kind and tell him succinctly that man cannot live by bread alone. At this point knowing looks would be exchanged and shortly thereafter with refreshing efficiency, the deal would be terminated. Nowadays the screen is efficient and the cash is tough to come oy. There are the questions: “Don’t you think thai THREE meals a iay is going off the deep end abit?..... Why do you have to live in an INSULATED tent?.... Transportation? Why don’t you try walking? Zonestogo isn’t the moon you know...;’ Yes, the good old days. The iepartment of education faithfully reminds me once every month &bout those good old days. **ll; But the advances here have been phenomenal. Just think, a of mathematics. Rumor has it they are about to further divide that faculty into four subfaculties: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. ***


And the fair sex is on the increase as well. Wonderful! I re%ll having to carry a picture of a girl around campus so I wouldn’t :orget what they looked like. It seemed to work fairly well except br the odd lapse when an engineer witha funny walk would cause me some confusion. *** Ah, the engineers. I would always shoot my barbs at them, Because there were so many of them Iwould always be sure of hitting some target: their “technical sessions” which used to loosen the foundations of Bridgeport, their loud public propositioning of the cheerleaders, their monosyllabic grunts which served them as well as words, their omnipresent sliderule for which I often suggested a task more suited to a rectal thermometer, and their jackets--the gray sickness... ***

What Tenth Anniversary Week is, is really a celebration of ten years in the little yellow shack on the banks of the creek. Ten years ago, this is all there was to the U of W-four classrooms-and from it grew $80,000,000 worth of campus. Happy birthday, annex 1.

,Little shack by the creek wrups up u of W’s history by Gord


Chevron staff

The University of Waterloo is celebrating its tenth anniversary? This is a slight exaggeration. We are really paying tribute to that little shack nestledon ttE scenic banks of mighty Laurel Creek. So forget the flags, flowers, banners and bands and assorted propaganda pumped out by Hagey and the boys, and listen to the true tale of that which we honor. The shaclcannex l-the Federation building (it% had many names) was begot by university president ‘J.G. Hagey in a parking lot behind Willison Hall up the road at Waterloo Lutheran in July of Wa1957. Since the University

For me, Waterloo will always mean good times and good friends. Happiness was someone stealing Officer Launtze’s hat at a football game, discovering a girl innocent enough to want to see the lake, pouring draft over each other in the Kent, a seat in the chemistry-building coffeeshop, playing blackjack in the laundromat, a CALM January morning on University Avenue, being officially re primanded for bad taste, asking rude or embarrassing questions al a public lecture, imagining that all the people in Westmount had crushing mortgages, hoping for the painful untimely death of at least one lecturer (he’s still alive-at least in the organic sense), finding my Volkswagen in the parking lot, making friends that are still feends, spending float-construction money on beer, long quiet conversations on that little bridge in the park, not burning the caramel pudding, my car That’s what happiness was. starting... *** Is Waterloo Square still awhite elephant? Do the private homes on Lester Street still resemble human rabbit warrens? Are they merchandising “Elsie Fischer” sweatshirts in the bookstore yeti Is virginity still being stamped out in the United Church college? Are the grilled-cheese sandwiches in the arts coffeeshop still committing crimes against humanity? Let us hope not. *** I have returned for several homecomings and eachyear I have an opportunity to see and reflect upon the current crop of undergrads. Was I as seedy and bohemian in my appearance? Did I once conduct myself in such a rowdy fashion? Is the school going to the dogs? I look at them and manufacture disdain that I really don’t feel; I voice criticisms that are not heartfelt; I wallow in a hypocritical smugness, These are the questions and feelings born of my being mother year older, another degree stodgier and that much farther away from the madding crowd that is the undergrad, .*** Before I ruin my reputation by becoming a weepy gone-are= the-days sentimentalisb let me say I would liketo write a great dea more about the benefits I derived from the educational process a Waterloo. Unfortunately, I must close. My truck is double parked As Henry Poole, a native of Aldeburghwthe home of George Crabbe-once remarked as he was about to set sail with the Crab& C4Don’t wait up for the shrimp boats, family for a day’s fishing, Mother. Fll be home later with the Crabbes.”

“Beer” painted on the water tower told the world in 1958 the engineers were here. terloo was illigitimate at the time, its identity was carefully concealed under the name Associate Faculties. The original idea had been for a non-denominational faculty for Waterloo (Lutheran) College to garner some of the lucky green stamps the provincial government was issuing to expanding universities. However, due to a troublesome childhood and a certain tendency to spread, the Associate Faculties decided to go it alone,

1 t.? !t I

and chose its present location on this campus to set up shop. Before being transplanted, our ancestor gained quite a reputation in Kitchener-Waterloo. The “beer” sign painted on the Waterloo water tower announced far and wide that the engineers were here. To emphasise the point, a banner proclaimed the downtown Kent Hoteb “home of the engineers” for a week, and “engineering? was tacked onto Luthera.119 sign at King and University. It must have been hard to believe that the source of all this was a 3,800-square-foot hut worth about $18,000 and housing less than half a dozen faculty and maybe 75 student s. An interested bystander might behold one of these attired in his undies as the summer temperature of this abode went well above that of their damp little bodies. Being an inventive lot, they tried hosing down the roof of the hut, only to discover that it leaked. December 1958, Annex 1 was on its way to join its big brother, the chemical-engineering building. After six days and $6,000 it rested beside the present location of annex 2-new the extension department’s offices. After suffering through plans for violating one side of it as acafeteria$henbear~ ing both drafting classes and student offices, it settled peacefully inln its present groove as home for health services, student publications-including thechevronand student-council offices. Meanwhile, the offspring of annex l-the new buildings oncampu-were reproducing at an obscene rate, and again the time came to hit the road. Ten days and $6,000 later annex 1 found itself in its present position, beside Laurel Creek. As usual its occupants were less than reverent about our procreator. Ed Penner, a Chevron columnist, complained of headaches from his earmuffs. When heating was finally installed, publications had to stew when the nurses tinkered with the thermostat. And just last week, during the rain, the roof still leaked. Amid the streamers and ticker Friday,

tape of Tenth Anniversary Week, plans are taking shape for the final voyage of annex 1 to that big campus in the sky. February 1968 should be the completion date of the new campus center-the future home of the Campus Shop, publications offices and Federation of Students offi6s. July will see the new health= services building reflecting in a manufactured puddle near Laurel Creek. So that leaves the shack very deserted. The best in sound

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27, 1967 (8: 78) 227


Prote.sters OTTAWA (CUP)--Demonstrations in over a dozen major Canadian centres Saturday @led for an end to the American presence in Vietnam and the end of Canadian complicity with the U.S. inthe war. Most demonstrations also drew supporters of the U.S. involvement. The nation’s largest rally was held in Toronto where about 3,000 m a r ch e r s and anti-marchers stalled Yonge Street traffic on their way to city hall. Marchers were forced to stick to the sidewalks when they were refused a march permit. Police were everywhere but cooperation between protestors and the law prevented serious incidents. Students made up about half of the protestors, the rest including women, children, old men, and whole families . Draft dodgers now livinginToronto marched as a group under a large yellow pacard reading “We refuse to go.” Only one man was arrested. He painted a swastika in front of the city hall. In Vancouver 1,500 people turned out in front of the city hall to join in the nation-wide protest. At a courthouse rally Dr. Norman Epstein, a UBC chemical engineering professor, told the crowd: “Representatives of hundreds of Canadian companies soon will be visiting UBC to offer jobs to students . Some of these firms manufacture war materials for the U.S.” “If any of you people areopposed to the war I would suggest you show these people that you wantno part of anything thatwould keepthe Vietnam war going.” In Ottawa NDP leader Tommy Douglas spoke to over 500 demonstrators in front of the parliament buildings, despite a previous ban


on loudspeakers which was issued by the government earlier this week. The mikewas hastily set up, and Douglas was quickly introduced by the chairman. RCMP patroling parliament hill seemed unwilling to take the microphone away from a party leader. Douglas told the crowd: “The war in Vietnam is one of the greatest moral issues of our time.” “It is also one of the greatest threats to world peace existing He said “If this slaughter of Vietnamese civilians continues it will amount to genocide? Alphonse Morrisette, President of the University of Ottawa student council implored the audience to go out and convince-their neighhours, “not only those whobelieve like you do...but the skeptics.” “Life is sacred,” he said. The demonstrators sang protest songs and watched a morality play about the war. In Halifax more than 350 demonstrators , among them Mayor Allan O’Brien, undertook a milelong trek to Victoria Park, where several speakers addressed the crowd. The demonstration, the first mass Vietnam protest ever in the Maritimes, was organized by the Halifax citizens committee to end the war in Vietnam. Mayor O’Brien told the marchers in the park he was proud to act as master of ceremonies for the rally “as a concerned Canadian, not as a Mayor.” Another Canadian mayor also joined the protest. Mayor Sid Buckwold of Saskatoon spoke at a “meal of reconciliation” put on by the Saskatoon Voice of Women. Billy Graham’s associate Leighton Ford, and representatives ofthe Quakers, international student groups, and others addressed the diners.

. Chairman,

against . war

Protesters gathered in front of the Kitchener city hall to hear speeches against the war in Vietnam. About 120 people marched from the Waterloo cenotaph down King street to Kitchener. Chevron photo by Fred Wafters

At the same time over 100 students marched to city hall. In Winnipeg 700 protestors listened while Francis ROSS of the Vietnam veterans against the war and Mrs. Murial Duck-worth, V.O. W, president, spoke out against the war. In Calgary a fifteen-block parade through downtown streets grew from 80 marchers at its start to more than 200 at its destination. In Montreal 500 French and English demonstrators joined forces in a march from downtown Philips square to the American embassy. Other smaller marches were held in Edmonton, Regina, Kingston, Kitchener -Waterloo, and other centres.

K-W raIIy by Eleanor



Waterloo students areescalating their protest against the war in Vietnam. Saturday about 120 pe0pie, mostly students, marched down King Street to participate in the international day of protest. Without incident and with good co-operation from police, the march proceeded from downtown Waterloo to Kitchener city hall. There, two speakers addressed& marchers a along with about 60 o&ler people who had assembled.


Dr. Walter Klassen, chaplain of Conrad Grebel College, argued the humanitarian aspect cfthewar, &is&g that non political cause could justify the killing. H. D. Wilson of CHYM asserted that the Vietnam war is not only ugly but useless, since military force can never change people’s minds. He urged a policy of neutrality for r-7,---1, L/al’aua* After the rally, about 15 students went on to Toronto to joti *e march at Queen’s Park.


Federation Applications


of Students

are invited


for five key positions:

BALL 68,

by Nov. 10





68, by Nov. 10



ORIENTATION 68, by Nov. 24 Members of the Voice of Women displayed knitted children’s clothing bound for Vietnam at the Toronto protest march.









on or before



the above

Chevron photo by Peter Wilkinson

68, by Nov. 24 by Dec. 8 Chevron classified ads now only 25c for up to 3 lines. Deadline: Wednesday 9 pm Call local 28 12 or 744-0111.

be submitted

date to


Brian Iler, Board

of Student Federation




Chairman, Activities, Building


Literature searcher needed part time. Must also be able to type. Working hous at your own convenience but must be at least 10 hours a week. Pay commensurate with ability and background. Apply chemicalengineering Dept.

All Neuchatel alumni, please contact Claude De Tourreil at 745-5766.

LOST One engraved Wittnauer diamond wristwatch, in vicinity of St. Jerome’s College. REWARD: Call 576-5817, Village 207 South 6. Ed’s birth certificate. If found please contact 6. Pate, honors smut. Doug, a senior frosh; can be distinguished by putty in the fingernails. What fingernails?




Teach-in by Sandra


Chevron staff

TORONTO--In its third year, the International Teach-In has deviated frqm its original design. The Teach-In has become staid, conservative, and part of the established university scene. The Third Ann-1 International Teach-In was held last weekend at the University of Toronto. This time the topic was religion and international affairs. During the five sesssions only a few of the seventeen s p e a k e r s , including Garfield Todd, former primeminister of Rhodesia, and V.K. Krishna Menon, former Indian defence minister raised more than a yawn. Attendance, although a respectable 2500, was only half that of previous years. Faith and War This affair began Friday evening with three addresses on the sub-topic of Religious Faith and War, The lead speaker was Dr. W.K. Thompson, vice-president of the Rockefeller Foundation. He viewed national morality as

“The main force in the world today . . .is the government of the United States. ” Dr. 0 ‘Brien


ch anges


ing in the national interest. “The main force in the world today bent on aggression is the government of the United States.” O’Brien, being tie only speaker of the evening to attack the topic in blunt and forth-right terms, quickly won the sympathies of the audience. Faith and Revolution The Teach-In continued Saturday morning with the topic, religious faith and revolution. G.S. Garfield Todd, formerly prime minister of Southern Rhodsummarized the various esia, stands taken by thelarger Rhodesian churches, all of which, except for the Dutch Reformed, are in opposition to apartheid. He claimed there were many measures short of rebellion by which the majority blacks could help them regain their lost rights. He was unable to offer a viable alternative to violence, however. Todd’s rather ineffectual plea was followed by that of Father Gustav0 Perez Ramirez, the director general of the ColLunbianInstitute for Social Development in Bogota. Father Ramirez accused the peoples of North America and Europe of sitting back and looking on the “Third World revolutionary movements as strange and horrible behaviour of underdeveloped people. Yet you (i.e. Europeans and North Americans) are part of the tragedy and thus responsible to a great extent 2’ . The third speaker on the topic, religious faith and revolution, was Reverend Ralph Abernathy, the treasurer of Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Abernathy has decided that violence is not the way, condemning his black power, and expressing strong beliefs in both negotiations and non-violent demonstrations. “Christ stood against violence. Non-violence means...non-co-operation with evil.”

Faith and Intolerance In the afternoon the topic shifted to religious faith and intolerdifferent from personal morality; ance and the first to speak was the nations must consider their own executive vice-president of the self-interests first. ’ Canadian Jewish Congress, Saul “There can be no compromise Hayes, He ran though some of in individual morality but .there the periods of religious persecuhas to be in average social mortions and felt more would occur ality.” unless some of the basic teachThompson saw peace, not as an ings of the Christian church were ultimate goal but only as a bychanged. product of a number of factors. Alex Quais on-Sackey ) Ghana’s Contrasted to this view was that foreign minister and a former of Canon L J. Collins, the Chanpresident of the UN GeneralAscellor of St. Paul’s Cathedral, sembly, pleaded that men practice London. Collins traced the tortutheir religions and show tolerance ous path of his consciousness as for those who follow other teachhe attempted to reconcile his ings “. Politicians should beguidChristianity with the necessary ed by the great moral principals violence of life. enshrined in the different faiths of “No Christian ought in any cirthe world.” cumstances to take part in, or Speaking next was Muhammad encourage others to take part in, Zafulla Khan, a- judge on the Innational or sectional war.” ternational Court of Justice and A Christian, a true Christian, former foreign minister of Pakmust always place his commitistan. ment just as near the level of nonKhan felt that his religion, Isviolence as he is able, Collins lam, teaches tolerance, and that feels. any intolerance on the part of Looking at the issuef rom a third anyone of any faith comes from a standpoint was Dr. Conor Cruise corruption of the true faith. O’Brien, Albert Schweitzer Pro“A person who is truly religious fessor of Humanities at New York can never permit himself to be O’Brien, like Collins University, guilty of intolerance” said Khan. believes that war is wrong butt-hat “Today it is recognized that it is at times necessary to defend prejudice and intolerance are no However he condemned oneself. simple human frailties: longer all wars that were justified as be- they are amongst the most pow-

The International Teach-In drew about 250 people to the University of Toronto to hear speaches about religion and international affairs from 17 experts in these fields last weekend. Chevrons photos by Peter Wilkinson

erful forces for conflict on a global scale,” declared F ather Trevor Huddleston the Bishop of Masasi. Tanzania. Hudleston presented the most effective speech of the session in describing how an organized religion such as the Dutch Reformed Church, can rationalize its intolerance on theological, scripturand pragmatic al, his to ric, grounds. He went on to describe several practical devices which might be used to fight intolerance; man should use all available media to increase his fellow man’s understanding of human dignity, he s h o u Id act against intolerance wherever it occurs, and seek to understand the reasons behind the intolerance. Huddleston feels that thedemise of responsibility for fellow human beings is “the death, not of God, but of man.” Faith and ldedlogy Sunday the last day of the TeachIn saw two sessions. The first, in the afternoon, was on the topic, religious faith and ideology. Dr. J.P. Corbett, professor of philosophy at the University of Sussex, England opened by de-

and Ralph Bishop

spurred him ever onward in the sed on mutual understanding. search of peace. Following Corbett wasDr.RichThe first live speaker was V.K. ard Schaull, Professor of EcumenKrishna Menon, the former Indian ics at Princeton Theological SemHe was now inary who made a personal plea defence minister. most probably bewide-awake, for freedom from the old ideolocause he had napped SO often durgies but at the same time espousing the other speeches. ed some ideals of the American new left. He declared that the deFor over an hour Menon spoke, veloped nations must allow the yelled anecdotes, and declared that ones to change underdeveloped war had always cursed humanity. their social systems and develop He proved to be a humorous man by themselves. and a definite knack for political The third, and perhaps leastspeeches that say nothing. effective speaker of the session In sharp contrast with Menon was Dr. Milan Opocenski,aCzech, was Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese and European Secretary of the Buddhist monk, poet and scholar. World Student Christian FederaHe developed clearly and simply tion. the theme that man must seek to Opocenski attempted to show how follow their religion, seek to know easy it was for him to reconcile the truth, and develop love and the ideology of Marxian socialism tolerance for their fellow man. and his Christian religion. SpeakWhen these elements are lacking ing in leftist cliches which one there is strife and suffering. Man associates with bad movies, Opomust stop imposing on people censki rarely came within the ideas, and solutions which they do bounds of credibility. not want. With little or no outReverend Alan Booth, London ward emotion, the monk in thesafsecretary of the Commission of fron robe declared that the Vietthe World Council of Churches on namese struggle was a three’ tiered battle. International Affairs, declared; “Christianity is not an ideolFar under the surface was the ogy....but a unity of common forstruggle between China and the giveness .” United States, two nations in fear The little old ladies whose of each other, who both want to scowls had become increasingly protect Vietnam from the other severe through the speeches of Vietnam, however doesn’t feel the Corbett, Schaull, and Opocinski, need for this protection, were now beaming. One continued “In reality the fear m0st44merto knit throughout. icans have of China is based 011 imagination, not reality; they serFaith and Peace iously believe that if they don’t So came the final session. The fight in Vietnam now they will subject: religious faith andpeace. fight later in San Francisco or The first attraction was a tenmore the United minute filmed message from U- Washington....the States stays in Vietnam the more Thant the UN Secretary-General, they create.” had sustained him in his work and Communists Enjoy

the congenial


“Christ stood against violence. Non-violence means . . . nonco-operation . . . ” Rev. Abernathy. claring his atheism. this immediately caused a ripple of uneasiness to run through the audience. His main point was a plea for an international system of ethics ba-

Offering $10.75

a STUDENT worth



of meals for $10.00



27, 7967 (8: 78) 229


Man and wife by Mary






editor of ‘Liontayles’

2 shows Daily - Mon. thru Thur. Matinee 2p~ Evening 8:30 3 shows daily Fri., Sat.; Sun. Matinee 2 pm Evening 7 & 9:30 pm Prices MAT. MON thru SAT. Students $1.00 Adults $1.25 EVENINGS MON thru SAT Students $1.25 Adults $1.50 SUNDAY all day Students $1.25 Adults $1.50 Advance tickets on sale for all performances, no reserved seats Theater sold to capacity only.

‘A Wilde evening with Shaw’, which, title notwithstanding, appeared Saturday afternoon in the arts theater was a production of unusual format and variety. The two performers, Richard Gray and Mayo Loiseau, a husband-and-wife team who are writers, actors and producers, gave their audience a colorful and intriguing introduction to two other people of the theater-oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw. Together and separately, they quoted, recited, and acted the words of these playwrights to give us an exciting introduction to contemporaries who were nevertheless so different in the final analysis as to be identified with diff erent centuries--one the 19th, and the other, the 20th. The range of their talent was impressively wide. Comedy, tragedy, youth and age were alI portrayed With equd Vlombe The polish of the continuity-something difficult b achieve in such a diversified attested to the pair's ww-, considerable talent. The evening productionof selections from the song, verse, musicals and plays of Noel Coward, was for me not as stirring a performance. Gray and Loiseau are noticeably better actors than they are singers, and so in a program containing a number of songs and poetry recitals along with the better-handled sketches and scenes, the quality was uneven. The polish didn’t reach a few rough edges.

E.M.S. LIBRARY TOURS! Undergrads, Grads,



30 and 31 1



10 am,

1 lam,


in the


2 pm,

- Math

3 pm,

- Science

and 4 pm, library.








One might suggest, however, that the hollow echo apparent in just a few of the numbers, and theunfortunate but humorous leap from the first act into the second and back again by Richard Gray, could be at least partially accountedforby the 150 seats which remained empty through both performances. The audience itself is an undeniable contributor to the most desirable acoustic effects.






Arts Calendar

WED. NOV. 1 4: 15 Theater of the Arts DISTINGUISHED LECTURE SERIES Dr. Murray Banks “What to do until the psychiatrist comes” Free admission - Tickets THURS. NOV. 2 12:15 noon AL116 THURSDAY FILM SERIES “SECRET OF THE ANT AND INSECT WORLD” Few stories in nature are so unusual as the intricate civilization of the ant. “SECRET OF THE UNDERWATER WORLD” An underwater adventure showing the strange creatures found in the shallow seas, tidal fringes and fresh water. Free admission THURS., FRI., SAT., NOV. 2-4 8:00 Theater of the Arts ST. AETHELWOLDS PLAYERS In a colorful kaliediscope, the “Mary Magdalene” pageantry of medievel drama with all its facetscomic, tragic and sublime - is reinacted for the audience of today. Otheres $1.25 Students 75c SUN. NOV. 5 INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES 2 showings 6:30 and 966 Tickets sold in “Midnight Mass” Czechoslovakia Students $4. Others $6 series only Tickets available from theater box-office AT254 744-641 local 2126




the revolution!

“As I write these lines it is clear that delaying the uprising now really means death. With all my power I wish to persuade the comrades that now everything hangs on ahair, that on the order of the day are questions that are not solved by conferences, by congresses {even by congresses of Soviets), but only by the people, by the masses, by the struggle of armed masses. We must not wait1 We may lose everything1 History will not forgive delay . . . ..If we seize power today, we seize it not against the Soviet but for them 2) Lenin to the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, Petrograd, November 6, 1917. On November 7. 50 years after Bolshevik -_-_ Revolution, _“CBC Tuesday Night” devotes iis entire program to a study of the revolutionary events in Russia, 1917 -


Arts T heater 5Oc



Nov. 2, 3, and 4 at 8: PM


Coward calling was one of the two performances presented by Gray and Loiseau in the theater Saturday. The talented man-and-wife team also presented A Wilde evening with Shaw.

Will you graduate in 1968 with a minimum of 8 fullyear courses* in one or more of the following disciplines?








If yes, the PUBLIC SERVICE OF CANADA offer interesting and challenging positions

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Our recruiter will visit the Placement University of Waterloo on November Arrange with your placement to discuss career opportunities of Canada.

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* For those who will have less than the required number of courses there may be opportunites for further education and careers as Labour Market Analysts. Check with your Placement Off ice.

‘History will not forgive’ - to be broadcast at 8: 10 pm on C BC radio. Through the spoken word, based on actual writings and observations of that turbulent time, the major events and behind-thescenes machinations are dramatically recreated in this semi-documentary. The script, prepared by Bernard Trotter of Queen’s University, is based on contemporary sources, mostly Russian, particularly the writings of Lenin, Bolshevik revolutionary and father of Soviet Russia; former Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky; LeonTrotsky, Marxist, organizer of the Red Army in the civil war of 1918-20, and later exiled; and Sukhanov, independent socialist, civil servant and journalist. The program also includes excerpts from the works of others enbroiled in the-events of 1917 and its aftermath, as well as reports by observers from Great Britain. Commentary for the program is read by Gordon Jones and Lamont Tilden. Taking the part of Lenin is Jon Granik, who will read several speeches in the original Russian. Others playing key rolesare Frank Perry as Sukhanov; Tommy Tweed as Kerensky; and Bill Weston as Trotsky. Incidental musical score was arranged by Ivan Romanoff.


THE MYTHS OF AUTOMATION by Charles E. Silberman and the editors of Fortune. Fitzhem-y & Whiteside (Harper $1.76( paper) Well, what about it? Is automation taking over our lives, forcing mass unemployment and unwanted leisure time on our hands? Charles Silberman discusses these questions at great length, taking the point of view that automation is no more a threat to our jobs than WUC engineering graduates. Leaning heavily on statistics, he contends that the number of bluecollar workers has been on the increase over the last few years. (‘ Automation”, he says, “does not radically alter the existing distribution of skills.” Although a fairly technical book, it is presented in terms that the layman can understand. Especially refreshing in a book of this sort is the use of familiar examples.


‘The big land’ -




On December 1, i, 3, another landmark in the history of the University of Waterloo will occur: the world premiere of “The big land.” Perhaps you have heard about it. If you have a friend in the chorus or orchestra you certainly will have heard of it. What is “The big land”? It is an oratorio about Canada written by Canadians to honour Canada’s Centennial. It was written by two University of Waterloo types: music by Alfred Kunz, director of music on campus, with words by Larry Cummings, professor of English at St. Jerome’s College. The big land is an oratorio telling the story of Canada, from the departure of our first settlers from their native lands, through their colonization of Canada and their wars; from their original feelings of anticipation and fear,

through their hopes, tribulations, despair and wondering, to their ultimate vision. The children, always man’s symbol of hope, faith, and love, sing ofthesethings in beautiful and lyrical passages in their pure, high voices They know no fear or doubt; only beauty and opportunity. The enthusiasm emanating from Kunz is contagious. The whole orchestra and choir can feel it. They are all catching the bug, even though it is impossible for anyone to imagine the sound of the entire composition, for, with rehearsal still in its early stages, each group is aware only of its own parts. “I’m the only one who knows how the whole thing sounds. And I know it will be. a trememdous success ,” says the composer. For Kunz, directing is very frustrating: He knows the sound he wants to hear-he has to hear. But themusic

Folk festival


by Loraine

by Norm



is difficult, and often the right sounds just are not there. Last Thursday, after orchestra practice, Kunz was ecstatic. For the first time, “The big land” was sounding good. “It had to happen,*’ he glowed. “I made it happen, because I wanted it to.” Unperformed music with new and different sounds, hand-written scores and parts, the proximity and enthusiasm of the creator, and the music, words, and creator themselves have built up the excitement of creation in all the participants : orchestra, chorus, children’s chorus, and soloists. And the scope of the thought content of THE BIG LAND is vast. So too are the dimensions of the music itself: simple quiet pass ages, dramatic and forceful themes, loud complex sounds. Mr. Kunz is right: THE BIG LAND will be a tremendous success; it has to be.



Chevron staff Last Thursday’s

The St. Aethelwold’s players will present their annual miracle play in the Theater of Arts, November 2, 3, 4. Chevron photo by Pete Wilkinson

seven deadly sins lurking at St. *Jerome’s


by Nancy


Chevron staff

The Taverner, his elephantine eyes bloodshot, lustily refills his goblet, as Envy Wrath, Lechery and the others deadly sins look leads her off on. A Coryosyte gradually into the Shades ofHades; the wicked vices rejoice at thefinal seduction of the Blessed Mary Magdalene. Thus ends the first stage in this year’s St. Aethelwold% which in a study miracle play in contrasts is at once blatantly irreligious and at other times deeply solemn. These moods are conveyed by masks, symbolic robes, background music, and best of all by the somewhat spontaneous acting of the players themselves. TIW plot revolves around the fall and subsequent rise of Mary Magdalene and there are several poignant scenes at the final stage of the play, when she is received back into the fold by the Good Shepherd a It can be said that these scenes are done with the straight biblical approach--in contrast to the straight comic approach of the temptation scenes. The story being staged at the

The- Berliners by Prudence


Chevron staff

A capacity audience attended the cancer t last F riday , in the Theater of the Arts by the world-famous Berlin Philharmonic Octet. The goup consists of members of the great Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, which tours the world as a pocket philharmonic. The players arrived just minutes before the concert was duetostart and didn’t have a chance to rehearse in the Theatre. This meant

time of Christ includes all of the old favourites: Herod, Pilate, Christ, Satan, and that everpresent good angel. Picture F rench and German philosophers, a Cockney Herod with Italian mugs, and you have a fair idea of the broad appeal of the dialogue. Everyone enjoys a good drunk and this miracle play offers the best with a tinsy messenger. For those who enjoy a little sorcery now and then, Satan conjures up a few lively spells. But to appeal to the greatest possible audience, the players present evil intheform of Wrath, Envy, Pride, Lechery, Coveryse, Sloth, Gluttony, and Sensuality. Against this formidable group, Mary doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of resisting temptation. Flesh and World triumph, only to finally humbled by Christ--a fitting demise1 The play is directed by Dr. Larry Cummings, assisted by Bob Wiljer. This is a miracle play in all of its artistic form. Entertainment and education are yours again Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the arts theater.



that they had ’ a bit of difficulty getting the pitch of the hall. Our ,theatre is intimate, (ie. small), and at first the performers played on too big a scale, so that the ensemble playing suffered, but this problem was over come by the halfway point of the first piece. Two compositions were played; Brahms’ Clarinet Quintet in B Minor, and Schubert’s Octet in F Major. Owing to the pitch problems, the Brahms tended todiffuse and there was an actual bobble

combined Waterloo-Western folk festival was highlighted by a performance of a local drop-out. Blond, longhaired Joe Hall, just arrivingfrom county jail, soon overcame the apparent hostility of the clean-cut c6llege audience by singing his own fine compositions and a touching rendition of Cohen’s “SuzaMe".

General reaction to the concert at half-time was hardly enthusiastic. Most people felt the performers had only done adequately. Don McLaren, Ted Chase, Prof. Murray Young, and a Western group, the In and Tuo all sang well known folk songs, perhaps inviting unfair comparisons. The second half picked up immediately, however, with Paul Mills and Paul Shakespear of Western a highly polished pergiving formance, including a comedy number and a blues instrumental, “Angie*‘. Joe Hall then sang, and was followed by Tom Taylor, a competant London guitarist and singer. He was joined by his sister and together, they finished the concert with a professional-type act including “Captain Woodstock’s Courtship.” Don McLaren, head of the U of W folk song club,emceedtheshow.

Phil Lochs, noted protest singer, will perform tonight at Seagram Stadium 7:30. He may exhibit recent style changes.

Pfof knocks. Jews Vhe creation of the ‘state of Israel is a monstrous crime,w according to the chairman of the history department at Sir George Williams University. Prof. Edward McCollough blamed Europeans for the present Middle East crisis. “There is no justification for creation of Israel in either Biblical or historical statementw

at all in the last movement. Did someone turn over two pages? The Schubert was a complete success, the third and fifth movements being particularly fine. At the end, the players were given a standing ovation by the enthusiastic audience. This is something often talked about but seldom seen. This was a major musical event, and the creativearts board deserves a special pat on the back for arranging such an important concert.

;” 1

1 4

” ’ !

Dr. Murray Banks will lecture in the Theater of the Arts on “What to do until the psychiatrist comes” Wednesday at 4:15. Friday,


27, 7967 (8: 18) 231


A look af the of the undergi

True camaraderie is very evident in the UI er’s pavilion at Expo for a reunion. after t beer made the event a success.

Long hours as 1.5 hours





must be put in on labs, a week in the laboratory

co, one’ ./ind,v -e The CHE VRON

u unique a

especially in higher years. Some students spend as many and many more hours in preparation and evaluation.



u muture







the university.

The student body &don is u t mujor sports e vcn ts.


rfe xi on campus


men and women really discover themselves through communication

with others.

?rsity men. Over 150 of them met at the brewsummer term. Numero us rounds of song and

?ts a chance to do much as a unit. One of’ the .f>w times that esc s tuden ts live for the sight and sound (?I’high-paced ac tiorr.

The resting place - coffeeshop or commonroom or just a grassy hill - is II fundamental unit of all campuses. They provide a spot for the studcn t to unwind during classes and talk things over. Friday,


27, 7967 (8: 78) 233


.... . . .......................... .......................... ................................*..........................~................................. ..f...... ....--..-:.......................................................................................................... . . . . . . . ..*.....................................................





Bananas with .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.-.-.-.-.-...-.-.-.-...-.

. l -*-*


-* . ..* ,~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~................................*~~~.~~.~~~=~~~~-~~*~~=~~=~~=**~~~~~~=*~*‘~~~~*~~=*~ ~~~_.....1........................................................*...*=*.**--.--...-~ ___-_---------.------


















Paul Cotton, .















sports .









editor .









by Karen l

















To pun or not to pun that was the question. Whether t’was nobler in nlY eyes to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous ridicule or by chickening out avoid it, The reference here is to the title of this column, GIMICS. What does GIMICS stand for? Does it really have a meaning? It was first proposed that GIMICS SHOULD BE GYMICS. Does that help? Here’s a hint. Gymics was to be a pun on Gimics. But it was decided that Gimics should remain as Gi.mics. Now that you’re thoroughly confused GIMIC S means Girls’ Intrasquid h’ker~ollegiate SP o rt s. “‘The girls were wonderful,” said Miss Dairis after her team Umfficially placed second in the invitational track and field meet held at Western last week. Her enthusiasm is well justified for with only eleven team members the Bananas succeeded in breaking one intercollegiate record@+ ing three firsts, one second and three thirds. This is only the second year for track at Waterloo. , Many of the girls went in events that they had never participated in before just to give the team entries. Charlotte Shaule gave an outlop’s prime receivers, During the Western game McNO matter the outcome of the Homecoming game it standing performance by placing Killop showed the ability to throw the long bomb. The Witi be interesting to see how the GoldenHawks finish first in the 100 yard dash, third up the season. Warriors have not had a successfullongpass-and-run in the 220 and third in the hurdles. play for a couple of games. The Golden Hawks could The Lutheran squad is led by Dave MacKay who Jane Storey and Colleen Ogilvie be the next victims. has proven his ability to spot weaknesses in the oppostook the other firsts in the long Another ability McKillop has put to good use is ing defense. The WUC squad has good strong backs jumps and discus. Colleen also his punting. In the Guelphgame heaveraged 45 yards, that all have the speed to bust into the open at any which puts him almost in the pro &ss* In a windy game time. -..--.----..1.._._...-..-...~ ~~~~.~~~~~~..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~..........................~*~*~*~~~~*...*~*~......~~*~~~*~***~**=**~~~*............. _____- - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...*.........*~*~*==.*~**.-..~~~~~~~~~~------~-----. . . . . . . . . ...*****.*-. . .............~~~*...~*.~*~*~ A bulldozer offense and a stone-wall defense are the requirements of awinning football team. The Warriors have developed both this year. The offense showed its punch against the Gryphons by trouncing them 34-O. The defense proved its ability by holding Guelph to 125 yards total offense. The Warrior offense demonstrated it can both run the ball and throw it. Behind a strong line the backs had little trouble in moving down the field. On the run Ron Howse made at the end of the first half there were seven blockers in front ofhim. Everyone of these Warriors put a Gryphon out of the play. Brian Irvine was fifth in league rushing last year and should give the Warriors added strength when he is physically fit, Irvine carried the ball twice again& the Gryphons and went for 15 yards. Bob McKillop showed potential as a running QB All three came on as he ran for three touchdowns. end sweeps and McKillop showed his speed as every time he went untouched. Perhaps if the Warrior QB ran more often the team would have a better record fhan its tws wins and two losses, McKillop had agood game against Western earlier this year when he was six for 11. He had an even better day against Guelph13 for 29. He was hitting his receivers perfectly and varying his pass plays eff ectively. Don Manahan and Walt Finden have been McKil-

the Warrior quarterback’s long punts could prove an important factor in deciding the game. Bob McKillop is an all-round Warrior and when he leaves next year it will be difficult to find a comparable replacement, Doug Pilkington, the backup QB this year, has seen very little action so far this season. He did get in against Guelpk-and if he had more time he would have lead the Warriors to their sixth TD. If Pilkington is to replace McKillop next year he should be given more time to lead the offense. Pilkington hasthe ability but he must be given game time to develop it. The Warrior d&ense is improved, A pep talk by Bill Poole before the game boosted the players and they went out hungry for a win. During the first half they allowed Guelph 60yards offense. The Warriors then refused to give a single inch on the ground in the last 30 minutes, The defense did give up 65 yards in the air but this can be explained by injuries. The Warriors were hurting in the defensive halfback position but the SU’~stitutes came through with a surprising performance. More good games were turned in by the rookies that played on the defensive line. All the Warrior rookies showed promise against the Gryphons and with j more next year the team could prove a threat in the new OQAA league. The defense will have to come up with another top-notch game if the team is to win the Homecoming game. The Lutheran offense showed its capacity to score as it beat Bishop’s 56-0, last Saturday. The Warrior offense will also have to be at their best to overcome the Hawks unbeaten defense. WUC is in contention for the league championship and the Warriors could prove giantkillers


.‘. .:.




- . 1.0.


Wednesday, November 1, Wilson Arena 9:00 p.m. South vs West lo:00 p.m, Eng. vs Math 11:00 p.m. Co-op vs St. Paul’s 11:00 p.m. Sci., practice, Waterloo Arena

‘..I Lutheran vs Warriors l:30 ‘..a Saturday, ‘..a ‘..a p.m.-Seagram Stadium ‘..a !z; HARRIER ‘.‘, ‘..* Saturday, Warriors at Canisuis ‘..a $; SOCCER ‘..a Wednesday, Warriors at Guelph 3:OO p.m. ‘.‘. ‘..I ‘...


:::; Sunday ‘..a ‘..a 1:OO p.m. Residence Final, St. Paul’s vs '..a '..a '... Renison or Co-op, Bauer Field ‘..a I.*. ‘..a 2:30 p.m. Faculty Final, Eng. vs Math, ‘..a ;.:. Bauer Field ‘..* ‘... 4:00 p.m. Village Final, Phys. Ed. vsEast ‘..a I... ‘..a I.*. .fiii Monday: ‘... 4:3O p.m. Residence Champions vs Fac‘... I.-. ‘... ulty Champions, Columbia Field I.*. ‘... iz; Tuesday I... 1.0. 4:30 p.m. \,I.?nday% Winner vs Village ‘..* I.*. Champions I... I.=. .:.

;:i .-. .*. .*. .*.



.*. .*. .*. .*. .*. .*. .*. .*. .*. .*. . i:! .‘. .*. .:. .-.

.*. .y. .-. .-.

LACROSSE Sunday: 1:OO p.m.



Final, Village Field

SOCCER Sunday 1:OO p.m. 2~00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

Residence, Champions,

Champions vs - Columbia

Columbia Field Con. Greb. vs. Co-op Sci Vs. Math Arts Vs. Eng. Vill. finals Phys-ed

8 LEAGUE GAMES: 1:;: Tuesday, October 31, Wilson Arena .z.: 9:OO p.m. Con. Gre. vs Renison l :. .>: lo:00 p.m. North vs East .*. .=. 11:00 p.m. Arts vs Grads .*. .*. .=. 11:OO p.m. St. Jerome’s vs Phy. .-. t..*. Waterloo Arena l!




the team effort needed ts win a game was not evident. We c&l expect some headsup play in the backs when Murray Brooker, Ed Murphy, who has played rugby in England, and Steve Shelley, Eastern Canaaa trial&t, get together. Dave Walters, Ray Peters, Ted Nelson, iLid Bill Wells, former K-W Pirates, will also bring experience to the side.


- Ski clothing,


in K.W.


& accessories

- Ski rentals:

skis boots

BASKETBALL Tuesday, October 31, 1967 - St. Davids Gym North vs South Arts vs. Eng, West vs Phys. Ed. Math vs. Sci. Co-Op vs St. Paul’s Con. Gre. vs Renison *

- Bruniswich

& Wally

& pools


VOLLEYBALL Wednesday, November

1, 1967 - St. Davids Gym 7:30 <p.m. Math. vs Sci. 8:00 p.m. Math vs Arts 8:30 p.m. St. Jerome’s vs St. Paul’s 9:OO p.m. St. Jerome’s vs Con, Gre. 9:30 p.m. West vs Phys. Ed. 10~00 p.m. West vs North




7:30 8:00 8:30 9:C0 9:30 10:00

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.

Arts vs Eng. Sci. vs E?. Con. Gre. vs Co-op St. Paul’s vs Co-op North vs South Phys. Ed. vs South


- Bauer


- Skate


- Wally


- Table


to badminton




- only


per day,



& Hespeller





(allege Sports (Kitchener) Ltd* 38 QUEEN 743-2638

..-_...........................................................**........................................................................................... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...~...~..................~~ . . .. . . . . ..*......................................~-. ..*.*~*...*~.~*.=~.~*~~~*.~~*.*:........ ... ... 234





9-6 Fri




Volleyball and basketball practices start this week. Tryouts for volleyball are at 7:30 on Mondays, 9:00 T&days and at 7:30 on Thursdays. The times for basketball are at 7:30 on Tuesday, 6@30 Wednesday and 8:30 on Thursday, The badminton team will be made up of first singles, secondsingles, a doubles team and a manager, Tryouts for this team will be held next week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:OO to 1:OOp.m. The coaches for volleyball, basketball, and badminton are respectively: &Miss Pat Davis, Mrs. Sally F:ughes and Miss P eggy Heighes.


Tuesday, October 31, Waterloo Arena .*. 12:30 p.m. Con. Gre. .-. .:. .>: 1:30 p.m. Co-op .*. .*. 2:30 p.m. Renison .-. .*. .*. 11~00 p.m. S&h .‘. .*. 12:00 Mid. East .*. .*. .*. :. .*. .*. Wednesday, November 1 st, Waterloo .*. .*. .*. 2:00 p.m. St. Jerome’s ’ .=. .*. 3:00 p.m. St. Paul’s .*. .*. i .*. 4:00 p.m. Math .*. .*. .:. i< Thursday, November 2nd, Waferloo .*. .*. 11:00 p.m. West .‘. .*. .:. l2:OO Mid. Phys. Ed. .:.:




- Best selection

vs. South


Intramural volleyball gets underway Monday October 30. Come out even if you haven’t signed up or get in touch with your unit rep.. Girls are especially needed for teams from Arts, Maths and Science.

The Rugger Warriors started off their season with a 3-O loss inflicted by the York University XV. The only points were scored when York coach, Ken Hogg, who also plays in the back-field, kicked an easy penalty goal. The Warriors, playing after only two practice sessions, showed a lot of determination. Except for a few sparks of individual brilliance,

Village Final, Phys. Ed. VS. North - Seagram Stadium 2:30 p.m. Residence League Final, Seagram Stadium

Wednesday: 4:30 p.m,



.;. :.* . . .*. .‘. .*. ;*. .‘. .*. .*.

second placed third in the SflfJt put. CarcJfine Baycroft threw the javelin ffJr a third. Jan Roorda broke the i&rcfJllegiate high jump record of 4’10” with a jump “f 4’ 10 l/2”. T!,is gave Waterloo another second. The relay team with Marianne Kirk, Sue Moore, Ann Clark and Jane Storey finished in second place. The overall results placed McMaster in first place with 39 points. Waterloo was second with 34 points. Western was third, Queens fourth and Windsor fifth.

9 -9

’ *



no longer

jinxed by Paul Cotton Chevron sports editor

. Hugh Heibein leads a Warrior rush around righ t end against Gryphons of Guelph. Heibein played a solid game both

the of-

fensivky and defensively and was a key man in the Warrior's 34-O

Chevron photo by Barry Johnson.



beats Bailey in one{mile, Wcwriors finish third in OQAA

The Warrior track and field team completed the most successful. season in the school’s history with a third-place finish at the OQAA championship meet in London on Saturday. A very powerful University of Toronto squad captured the team trophy by scoring 68.5 points. Waterloo was narrowly nosed out of second place when Queen’s University scored 40 points as compared with Waterloo% 39.5. McMaster scored 36.5, Western 28, Montre al 18.5, Guelph 17, Windsor4and McGill 3.

John varsity

Clinkett, sailing

Although the Warrior team had won all four of its previous meets this fall, Coach Neil Widmeyer was very happy with his team’sperformance? “On the basis of the 5-4-3-2-l scoring system our 39.5point output almost doubled our showing of last year. Our rise from fifth to third place is also encouraging. Without taking anything away from Queen’s University, I felt we were the second best team at the meet. “1 was very disappointed with the meet organization,” Widmeyer said. “1 felt we should have had a

Hal DeBlois and Rkid team came eighth against

MacDuff ready ten universities

third and fifth in the lOO-yarddash but because timers were also acting as judges we received only a fourth and a sixth. Also, ties were not broken in the javelin as they should have been. Nevertheless, I am happy as the boys all did well? The Warriors scored points in 11 of 17 events. Bob Finlay was the out standing Warrior competitor with two firsts. The most surprising was the one-mile, where Finlay defeated Dave Bailey, the only Canadian ever to run the mile in under four minutes. He also broke Bruce

the sail to their recently at RMC.




Kidd’s existing intercollegiate re cord. Finlay also won his specialty, the three-mile, in 13:50.9--only three seconds off Kidd’s threemile record. The only other first scored by Waterloo was in the sprint relay (440) where the team tied the intercollegiate record of 43.5. Coach Widmeyer was especially pleased with this quartet of Don Lorimer, George Pachovsky, Bob Munday and Dennis McGann. In four meets their times have been 44.5, 44.1, 43.8 and now 43.5. Saturday’s time is surprising considering the bad passes. The team had little time to practice last week due to the rain. On Thursday it ran the relay eight times and never got beyond the third exchange without committing a foul. ‘The boys were so overcautious on Saturday that they almost ran up each other’s backs. Sigfried Kindler won Waterloo’s only silver medal by placing second in the discus. The Warriors also showed up well in the polevault where injured Hugh Miller scored a third with a vault of 12’6” and John Marsden placed fourth with 11’6” Re&y members McGann and Munday placed third and fourth in the 220 dash. Jerry Krist scored a third in the 440 hurdles andTerry Wilson a third in the javelin. Coach Widmeyer points out that the season was good, as almost every Warrior record was broken. He also notes that. prospects look good for next year. “We should havealmost everyone back. We hope George Neeland wiIl ,be eligible and that Kip Sumner will be healthy and ready to run. Also, if we can get people like Doug Longley, Larry Sob01 and Joan Laaniste out competing for us next year, we willbe even stronger? Friday,

“We won today because all the guys gave a 100 percent effort. We executed our plays perfectly on offense and the defense played its best game of the year.” These were the words of the Warrior’s QB, Bob McKillop after the Guelph game Saturday. The team evened its league record at two wins and two losses as it beat the Gryphons of Guelph 34-o. The Warrior offense had a slow start and its usual weak third quarter. At the beginning of the game the offense had trouble moving the ball but halfway through the first quarter McKillop went around the right end for a TD. The defense came through on the next series as it forced Guelph to give up the ball on downs. The Gryphons recovered a fumble on the Warrior 2Pyard line. They moved the ball to the eight-yard line where the defense held them to no gain on three plays. The offense did not waste the opportunity and marched all the way to a touchdown. Al Haehn converted McKillop’s second TD to make the score 14-O. Near the end of the first half Brian Irvine returned to action. He had sat out last week’s game but came through with a strong performance for the plays we was in on. The Warrior jinx showed up in the last minutes of the first half. Ron Howse caught a screen pass and went 43 yards for a TD. Itwas called back on a clipping penalty but the Warriors decided to run the exact play again. Howse took the pass but this time was caught on the one-yard line as the gun went ending the half. The Warrior offense continued to outplay the Guelph defense in the second half as it scored three more touchdowns. Hugh Heibein caught a McKillop pass and with a good block by Walt Finden went all the way. McKillop carried the ball around right end for his third TD of the afternoon after Al Haehn’s catch had put the Warriors in scoring position. Late in the game Walt ,Finden received a pass and ran 40 y’ards only to be caught on the one-yard line. Ron Howse rounded out the scoring as he carried the ballover for a TD. The offensive line opened such a big hole that Howse went over untouched. The Warrior defense showed its strength Saturday especially in the second half. The Gryphons didn’t manage to gain any yardage rushing in the last 30 minutes. The total Guelph offense added up to 125 yards. The Warriors racked up 513 yards-310 in the air and 203 on the ground. McKilIop had his best game this year as he scored three touchdowns and his aerial attack was 13 for 19, In the punting department he averaged 45 yards on six punts. Doug Shuh, Walt Finden, Dave Knechtel and Hugh Heibein played both ways against the Gryphons. McKillop also played defensive half in the second half. Coach Carl Totzke said Brent Gilbert would be back next week but Mike Chatterson was out for at least the next game. “Bob Anderson came through with a great game in thebackfield. At times we had six rookies in the defensive lineup yet they held the Gryphons to only 125 yards. We had good solid blocking today and that could prove a great asset against Lutheran,” commented Totzke.


27, 1967 (8: 18) 235

mc 13

The Warrior’s band has had plenty of opportunity to learn the school song at the last few games. They have established such all-time favorites as the Death march and Red Cap forever. “The band is currently trying to bring Yellow bird up to its well-established level of incompetence as a Homecoming present

to the Lutheran Golden Hawks,” said David Greenberg, chief centurion of the band. “We don’t want to add marching to our already impressive list of failures and decided to put a float in the Homecoming parade. ” he continued.

Stage set #or htramural by Paul Solomonian Chevron sports

Soccer, football and lacrosse move into the final stages this week-end as league play ends and play-off action begins in all three Because of an attempt to sports. play all postponed games this week, the start of finals may be delayed. Players should note schedules in today’s Chevron or contact their unit representative.

SOCCER Phys ed and South finished tied with 3-1 records in the Village circuit as league play ended. The game to decide the league champion will be played Sunday afternoon at Columbia Field. In regular season play, phys-ed shut out South 2-o. The residence league was awarded a bye into the championship final in the three-league competition. St. Paul, s will play Conrad Grebel of second place. Although a loss to Co-op wouldleave t;lem tied with Renison and St. Jerome’s, Grebel wins second by virtue of regular season victories over both teams. If you are plac-

ing bets, St. Paul’s nipped Conrad 2-l in season play. Only first place has been determined in the faculty circuit with four games remaining to be played. The grads have a 3-Orecordwitha game against Science remaining. The race for the runner-up slot is wide open, since arts, with three points, has only one game to play. Scores and standings: Math 0 Arts 0 East 2 Phys, Ed. 0 2 co-op 1 St. Paul’s 0 Science 0 Engineering St. Jerome’s 0 Renison 0 South 3 west 1 Grads 1 Arts 0 VILLAGE Phys-ed south West East North

W L 31 31 22 12 03

RESIDENCE St. Paul’s Conrad Gre Renison St. Jer. co-op

20 21 11 11 03

T Pts 0 6 0 6 0 4 13 11

2 0 2 2 0

6 4 4 4 0

LACROSSE Both playloff spots were up for grabs in the Village League before key games on Thursday. An East win over South and a North upset over Phys. Ed, would result in a three-way tie for first. Since East has already defeated North and Phys. Ed. downed East, final standings will depend on the point spread. Players will have to contact their unit representatives be fore play-offs start Sunday. The picture is no clearer in the Residence circuit, where Math is tied with Renison at 4 points with a game in hand. Co-op can enter the finals by upsetting math and beating the engineers. Engineering,on the other hand, can move up with wins over Renison andCo-op. Math winds up against St. Paul’s, the only team out of it. Scores and Standings: St, Paul’s 1 Renison 3 East 3 Phys. Ed. 4 Math 11 Renison 0 co-op 1 St. Paul’s 0 (Def .> Engineering 1 St. Paul, s 0 @ef .> Renison 5 co-op 1

Chevron photo by Peter Wilkinson

league West



all games.

VILLAGE Phys. Ed. East North south West

w L Pts 30 6 21 4 21 4 12 2 04 0

RESIDENCE Math Reinson c o-op Engineering St. Paul’s

20 21 11 11 03

FOOTBALL Football has emerged as the sport with the clearest play-off picture this week. Phys-ed will meet East in the Village final, with math and engineering, sporting identical 3-l records, lock hornsin the faculty wind-up. In league play, phys-ed shut out East 6-O and the engineers beat math 20-14. St. Paul’s leads the residences with 3-O but has a game against Co-op (2-l). Renison (2-l) winds up against St. Jerome’s (1-2). St. Paul’s is almost assured of a playoff berth, unless Co-op really bombs them, since they have a 60-8 point spread. Renison, if they beat St. Jerome, s, would get second by virtue of a 7-6 squeaker over League play-offs are on co-op. Sunday. The residence andfaculty champions go at it onMonday, with the Village winner getting a bye into Tuesday’s final. Scores and Standings: St. Paul’s 28 Conrad Renison 7 co-op East 25 South Engineering 20 Math East Phys Ed 6 14 South West VILLAGE phys-ed East West south North

player displays the kicking prowess which gave the phys-ed team a 6-O win over Village East, resolving a 1st place tie in favour of phys-ed leaving East in 2nd place.

A phys-ed




4 4 2 2 0

FACULTY Math Eng. Science Arts Grads


W L 400 310 121 130 031

310 310 211 031 040



1 6 2 14 0 10 Pts 8 6 3 2 1

6 6 5 1 0

RESIDENCE St. Paul’s Renison c o-op St. Jer. Con. Gre.

300 210 210 120 040

6 4 4 2 0

BASKETBALL Cage action David, s Gym. RESULTS: St. Jerome’s South West Engineer. Math Phys-ed Con. Gre. Renison Science South Engineering West Phys-ed St. Jerome’s Math Science Renison


32 26 40 1 1 48 122 26 42 46 1 49 51 40 69 43 43

has started

at St.

Renison North East Arts Grads North St. Paul’s co-op Arts East Grads East South Con. Gre. Grads Engineer. St. Paul, s

21 24 27 0 0 38 18 24 28 46 0 30 39 25 29 26 17

VOLLEYBALL Only one round of volleyball has been played, resulting in four de faulted games and four unplayed ones. Grebel lost to Co-op and Renison and North to South and East. Other results (showing games won): Renison 2 St. Jerome’s 1 St. Jerome’s 2 co-op 0 East 2 West 0 south 2 West 1

CURLING The roaring game got underway this week as league play opened at the Granite. Varsity action starts tomorrow with 14 rinks seeking to represent Waterloo at the OQAA championships at Guelph in February. Tuesday League results: Rajnovich def, Gilchrist. Hawkins def. Bryant. Holmes def. Mitchell Britten def. Steski. Sweet def. C ecile. C oulter def. Ash. Krelove def. Butterfield. Cooke def. Stephens.

U of W hosts

of Kitchener and will also hold the right to challenge for theworld trophy, the Silver Wink,donated by Prince Philip. The Silver Wink is competed for annually by Oxford and Cambridge universities in England. The competitions will be held at the Village in the dining halls. The schedule: Saturday morning 1O:OO to 12:30 Toronto vs. Waterloo. M.I.T. vs. Cornell. Saturday afternoon 5:30 to 8:00 Waterloo vs. Cornell. M.I.T, vs. Toronto Sunday morning 1O:OO to 12:30 M.I.T. vs. Waterloo. Toronto vs. Cornell. On a total points basis, the first two teams will be decided, and they will playoff for the North

week-end two Ivy League colleges will invade Canada to challenge two Canadian teams for the North American Tiddlywinks Championship. Teams from Cornell university and the Massachusettes. Institute of Technology will battle the University of Toronto and theUniversity of Waterloo for the championship, currently held by Waterloo. Harvard and Columbia were expected, but are not coming. It all began last year when the University of Waterloo journeyed to New England to defeat teams from Harvard University and the Harvard Medical School to become the first North American Tiddlywink champions. The winning team will receive a trophy from radio station CHYM This



local view Wayne Braun was sports editor of the Chevron last year. He now covers univemity sports for the Kitchener- Wa terloo Record.



by Wayne Braun There is little doubt the growth of the University of Waterloo is but few people have stopped to realize this has been paralleled, if not bettered, by expansion of athletics. And the best is yet to come. For in only ten years, the university has reached the point where it is on the doorstep of becoming one of the nation’s powers in the field of college athletics. With acceptance of the football Warriors into the Ontario-Quebec Athletic Association, the university has become a full member of the association. U of W is now one of six universitiw that can boast complete membership in the oldest and most powerful college athletic group in the nation. But not only is the university a member of the CQAA. Teams representing Waterloo have shown they can compete with the established universities in almost any sport. The University of Waterloo this year is probably the top track and field threat in the province. Its hockey team is sure to be one of the best in the nation. The basketball Warriors have always made a respectable showing. And the football teams representing U of W have improved each year

American championship on Sunday afternoon. Each team consists of eight members in four pairs. A match between teams consists of 16 games, each pair of each team playing each pair of the other team. The Waterloo team members are: Mark Taylor, Ron Rumm, Henry Shields, Andy Tomaino, Helmut Roth, Paul Freeman, Bill Webb and Ross Bell. Ian Calvert will be a spare, Cornell will be bringing a cheering sectionand Toronto may bring their Lady Godiva band. Canada Dry will be sponsoring radio announcements as well as dispending free ‘Wink’ to participants and spectators. TV and press people will be here,

GERRY’S Waterlo*




flatter her with an expertly composed corsage from


this be accomplished than through sport? It is onlyamatteroftimeuntil the fickle sports fans of this fair city reali2.e what allthe commotion is about. One year ago only 200 stud-turned out to-watch afootball game, This season 2700. watch the Warriors. It is this type of thfng that draws attention to the team in the czommm at large. For if the average Twin Citizen has any outstanding characteristic, it Js the desire not to miss anything that his nei@bor might have seen and got a bargain on. It will not take long until bigger are needed at Seagram Stands Stadium to find a place for all the fickle public who have jumped on the Warrior bandwagon. But then again, that’s what students are hoping for.


This year at homecoming...

of the U

With the new building will come an extension to the intramural program. The present “‘athletics for the average Joe’* program has been criticized as inadequate. But it is one of the best systems possible with the available funds and facilities. It will become even better with the new setup. All this can mean very little, but it can also provide the university with one of the easiest ways to reach the conservative,apathetic community in which it is located. The Kitchener-Waterloo area has refused to accept the University of Waterloo as arlythfng but a bad dream. It is regarded as something that nobody asked for. Everyone just woke up one morning and there it was. It is because of its rapid growth that the university has been forced to try to make itseIf understood in the community. As soon as the population of this budding metropolis realizes what the university has to offer, U of W will be taken in as one of the family. III what better way could




until Waterloo is now one of the top 12 teams in the country. As the university enters its second decade of existence, a new physical+ucation complex nears completion. It willfeaturea 4,000seat gymnasium, regulationswimming pool, training rooms and just about anything else that is available at any other university.


‘SHELL 100 King Ontario


*A group 2392

for M-hour



can be arranged

King E. Kitchener

in sand, brushed leather (genuine plantation crept rolm)




that’s when the univerhave reached the top--not only in athIetks, but also as a recogni& asset to the Twin Cities. sity


Parr k Waller Shoes 130 Icing

nT., Kitchencr


Jeanne’s Flowers CORSAGE Waterloo





after hours



At a constitutional hearing on Wednesday, October 25, the Judicial Committee refused the petition of the mathematics students representatives that math students be allowed to vote in the science byelection. The full written decision will be printed in the Chevron next week.

AUTOGRAPHING PARTY James Scott, author of “Of Mud and Dreams” will be in the Book Store during our Open House celebration on Saturday, October 28, 1967 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. to autograph copies of his book.

Copies previously autographing.


may be brought


in for

Science byelection nominations will be open until Monday, October 30, at 5 pm. The election will be held on November 13. Nomination forms can be picked up in the Federation office and must be returned to the same place. The election for a graduate representative to Students Council will be held on October 3, 1967. The polls will open at 9 am and close at 5 pm. The polling station will be in the engineering foyer. A special poll will be open in the psychology building from 10 am to 2 pm for graduate students registered thru that department. No nomination has been received College. Nominations will remain By order of the Judicial Committee

from students registered in St. Jerome’s open until Monday, October 30, at 5 pm. Stephen P. Flott, chief justice.



27, 7967 (8: 78) 237



AI/ held on campus for H omeco ming ‘67 by Mary


escape renting

Chevron features

The hottest pair to team up since Wayne and Shuster have taken over homecoming for this year. These two men go together better than cheese and apple pie or pork and beans. The leader of the pair is Marty McGinnis, arts 1, and a former engineer. His partner is JoeRecchia, Chemical 4A. McGinnis, the the weekend, has highschaol dances various positions 66, Homecoming Weekend 67.

coordinator of previously MCd and worked in on Orientation 66, and Summer

What does he think homecoming should be and what should it do? “It should be one of the biggest weekends on the campus. This is why we have changed-theformat. We have tried to hold everything on, campus. This also lets us Advertisement


the scalper off-campus.



“Homecoming seems to mean the returning of the alumni and yet none of the years have formed into organizations . The first to form is the Engineering Class of ‘68. We’ll see how that works.” His better or worse half (depending on who you are talking to) is Joe Recchia. Recchia has been in the entertainment business for over seven years and was treasurer of student council for two years. Concerning homecoming finances Recchia is quite radical. “I think homecoming should lose The students are being money. charged $22 at the beginning of the year for activities. And yet this campus is a social wasteland. There


only two big week-

ends for the upperclassmen,


get Orientation).”

by The Quality

of Education


Ron Rumm (left) and Mark Taylor contemplate their next squop. The Uof W tiddlywinks team hopes to defend its North American championship against MIT, Cornell and Toronto this weekend. Play is tomorrow and Sunday at 1:30 in the Village’s blue hall.

Committee. I‘






did you




Can university

to university?



be improved?








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- Soccer harrier at Guelph 4: 15 - Lecture by Dr. Murray Banks. Theater

5 8: 30 - International series AL1 16


12: 15 - Noon drama “Greek” theater



- Soccer





- Football at Montreal Harrier at Queen’s (OQAA championship) 8: 3~~~;~e~ethelwold s

8: 3~h~a;eethelwold’s

8: 30 - St. Aetheiwold’s Players. Theater

9 VS Western












8: 3Fhl;t;;national


2:00 - Football at Ottawa noon - soccer here vs McMaster Remembrance pay 8: 3yhd;t;;natronal night


12 8:O~,,“,~~e,ra Hockey




13 quartet

12: 15 - Art




vs Luther-

12: 15 - Noon




27 film

12:15-ArtfilmsALll6 Residence swimming pionships




up to date-


Hockey at Halifax Progressive Conservative Seminar AL1 13




8:0k;n7myen’s 8: 3~h~~~;ryou

25 b-ball-at like


8: 3yhdi,;ryou



Basketball at Pikevill College 9: 30 - Women’s volleyball at Windsor


12: 15 - Noon concert theater Basketball (home) vs K-W Coronets Faculty swimming charnpionship



24 film

8: 3~h~a~;ryou


Village Swimming champronship 12: 15 - Noon drama Theater 8:00 - Women’s b-ball at Lutheran 8: 15 - Hockey at Lutheran 6: 30 - Women’s volleyball at Lutheran

8: 3they;;;ha


B-asketball season opens. Prkeville College here JV at 6: 30, Varsity 8: 15




lecture “Group AT 244


12: 15 Art session: “Art and politics” Theater 8 prn;nyrestling at Mc-


12:;Yr;;rsday-film 8:00 Art of seven”



26 30 - International series AL1 16


- Volleyball, girls vs Lutheran, home 12: 15 - Noon drama theater 3:00 - Soccer at Toronto

19 - Experimental series AL1 16 Hockey at Halifax











8pm -Wrestling Championship

at Guelph swim meet

on your





27, 1967 (8: 18) 239


.OBL AEMS? sit the2 exotic_

# Make mighty He can’t hear

Pl urn Tree Too Gift boutique 18 Albert


4 Erb St.







and create an unbelievably impressive impression on the visiting naive highschoolers? I hope sol then they will prove to us that they really can do it. Well, no matter how our campus does impress you or unimpress you, I hope that you will only reflect on this impression in an attempt to realize that it is You will either probably false. hold this campus in higher regard or lower regard than it deserves. And if you would like further background information, refer to Jim Scott’s biography of U of ( loo, ( Of blood and scr ?amss. May this visit to our campus widen your horizons. SNU PEE civil 3B

Rumor has it that mighty mouth Goldspink (alias Goldbrick) is being groomed to replace Pennerthe pick of all the plebs as the best column in the paper. Might I suggest that Penner’s column at its worst has much more class than Goldbrick’s good garbage. Goldbrick just doesn’t have the suave style. In fact, if I didnst know Spink was in arts, I’d swear the column was written by aplummer, Goldbrick should go back to typing and let someone else on your staff try to approach Penner’s quality. At least the NDPleftist C . D. Martin REALIZES he can’t compete in humor so he Someone to back the doctor doesn’t try. on contraceptive advice JIM ROBINSON To the editor: phsics 3 In reply to Russell Baird* s letter (Oct. 20), I, for one, applaud Dr. Enjoy your visit, but Reesor’ s stand regarding contraceptive devices. if isn’t really so I find Mr. Baird’s letter very To the editor: contradictory. He states that in a naive high school Overhearing real (and therefore exclusive of students visiting the ultimate in other partners) love relationship, university campuses here at U of there is no more danger of con4100: tracting VD than there is in mar‘(See the beautiful lab1 See the riage. If it were a real love relabearded instructor in his lily-white tionships wouldn’t both parties want lab coat1 See the marvellous exmarriage? And if neither party periments See the liquid turn all wanted the relationship to be as Oh1 Look, seer pretty colors1 permanent as marriage, isn’t it How exciting!” likely that there have been other Why aren’t labs like this after so-called Ccreal love relationyou start at U of ‘loo? ships” and the present one will “Isn? this campus beautiful? sooner or later be replaced byanIsn’t the grass in the park beautiother “ real love relationshipss 3 . ful? Isn’t the campus neat and And in that case, isn’t there a clean and green looking? Aren? strong possibility of VD? Of the roadways nice? Well paved course, if young people have been


STUDENTS! SAVE 10% on Any Purchase he-lifetime

feel bad taking

To the editor:

St. Wloo

or the small parent

mouth while

we Se1


Interesting how people always make a big effort andputon agreat show when they aren’t dealing with a captive market. Does it really have to be this way?

ModelTR 117350-$350. from the “Diamond Treasure” Collection created


COLUMBIA See this and other glorious diamond treasures priced from $100 to $5,OUO.

Walters 151 King

Credit Jewellers phone

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Ask for our FRIENDLY at Guelph,




in any


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STORES Catharines and Gait.


“See the well-dressed students acting as tour guides! Aren’t they helpful, intelligent and pleasant? It must be great going to a fantastic university like this with such a great bunch of swinging studentsI” Anot%.= true impression for the naive. “Gee, I’m hungry. Wonder if their cafeteria is better than our Maybe we won’t highschool’s? have to wait in line. Maybe the food will be hot. Maybe the food will be nutritious even.” Can food-services hold up its end

promiscuous, it is quite possible there is 3 danger of VD in their marriage. However, if young people are true to themselves, and eventually to their partners, there is little likelihood of VD, As for frightening young people about sex, no generation has had more sex education than the current one. What causes emotional problems is not frightening young peopls,about sex, but the frightening disregard for the rights of others; for the sanctity of marriage, for the rights of children conceived and born out of wedlock, for the guilt a young person is bound to experience when eventually he meets the person who becomes a permanent marriedpartner1 Sex is a God-given right, to be enjoyed within the bounds of marriage. The majority of students on campus come from normal homes where they are loved, cherished, disciplined and sacrificed for by parents who want the best for their children. Do you really believe your father or mother wouldsanction the use of cant raceptive devices so that you can experience your so-called “ real relationship’s ? If fear of pregnancy would keep a daughter of mine out of your bed, I would be glad of that fear! Better a healthy fear now than a lifetime of regret. ’ I hope Mr. Baird takes a second long look at his immature feelings and beliefs regarding sex. Forthe sake of all that is fine and cleanin the world, USE your God-given intelligence, make use of the education you have and are receiving, and leave the rights andprivileges of marriage until such time as you can RIGHTFULLY enjoy them. A PARENT

Whodunit news and features: Andy Lawrence, Mary Bull, Diane Elder desk), Bryon Cohen (PP&P), Les Rose (election), Ian Lacey, Doug

Seaborn, Renzo Bernardini, Eleanor Peavoy, Rich Mills, Dave Wilmot (Tenth Anniversary), Nancy Murphy, Julie Begemaq Terry Wright, Bob Swift (resea’rch), Fred Dennis (Village), Virginiaentertainment: Charlotte von Bezold, Prudence Edwards, Norm Finlayson, Henzel Jupiter, Lor-

a.ine Marrett photo: Ken Collins, Paul Fraleigh, Len Greener, Barry John-

son, Richard Nancarrow, Don Pettit, David Prentice, Fred Walters, Marty Ward, Pete Wilkinson advertising: Gary Robin, Brian Van Rooyen (layout)


Paul Solomonian

Miller (track) circulation= Jim Bowman (manager), Ken Baker cartoons: Don Kerr, George Loney, Doug Koch, Edmund Stanevicius Toronto staff: Sandy Savlov, Ian Morrion, Ralph Bishop (photo), Ed Heidelbrecht (advertising)


r All05 20



All clubs MUST have a budget

submitted to the Clubs and Organizations Committee (Federation Office) by 7 pm Monday in order that it may be considered at this meeting. All clubs MUST have a representative at this meeting. BILL BRYCE Clubs and Organizations


mural), Karen Wanless (intramurKen Fraser (layout), Hugh al>,


So you’re going to HOMECOMING At long last, the University of Waterloo faculty association has brought down its brief on umversity government. The committee on university government has been waiting since the end of March. It was hardly worth the wait. The document is not in the least attractive looking. I have seen better looking items put out by white citizens’ councils in the deep south. However, the appearances do reflect the contents. * This merry little work begins with a cut at the brief presented by the Federation of Students in May. The faculty say they are not offering tea comprehensive plan for a utopian government system”. This obviously refers to the first five pages of the Federation of Students brief, which was concerned with a definition of the university and those who should govern it. That there is no such statement from the faculty shows they mask their lack of imagination with an air of practicality. The faculty say that generalization and compression blur meaning in their submission. Iadmit that any blurring is more likely caused by the hasty preparation of the brief. The brief continually wavers between the general and the specific. Like any brief on university government must, it covers the two tiers of government, the faculty councils and the department. At the same time it also covers secondary matters such as ombudsmen, provosts and registrars. * The faculty association has opted for a twotiered system of university government with a council much like the board of governors and a senate, in sharp contrast to the Federation% proposal for a single governing body. The faculty have realized the difficulty of seperating fiscal and academic policies. Its answer is to place academics on the board of governors and to call it a council. Does this serve the purpose of uniting fiscal and acadmic policy? I think not, for in the senate, there is a body which will be making over academic policies. The proposed senate is nothing more than an

Lebourdais Steven



is innocent of the crime of murder, and attempts to prove his innocence have not ceased, says Mrs. Isabel LeBourdais, author of ‘The trial of Steven Truscott.’

“We have not stopped,” said the chief crusader for Truscott’s acquittal in a speech on campus last Friday. “The obvious way to

I -






find the murderer.” Recognizing thedffficulty of such a feat, she is also hopeful that the case might be reopened if facts of sufficient importance are uncovered and presented to the minister of justice. The lecture was sponsored by the Conrad Grebel Christian community. Mrs. LeBourdais presented a review of the case since

Flower Shop will provide you with a beautiful corsage .7nd deliver it too. Phone 743-3684

its One of the most frightening suggestions of the brief is that academic departments govern the number of professors in the department. This could very well lead to indiscriminate buying of professors instead of books that has so far resulted in the University of Waterloo having the worst library in Ontario. Such a proposal has very dangerous overtones. The faculty association mindlessly wanders over a number of secondary proposal-some good, some vague. The idea of have services report annually is good as well as sabbaticals for service personnel. The faculty envision an ombudsman who would fearlessly roam the university squelching bureaucrats and putting the fear of God into student administrators.


Truscott unless the appellant can prove reasons to the opposite, This usually results in the accused having to prove his innocence, and Mrs. LeBourdais contends that this theory must be changed. Although the jury system of judging the accused by his peers is acceptable, she wonders, “how can farmers and sma&town people understand whatthemedical experts are trying to convey?” However, she admits to havfng no solution. The brunette matron feels that the law should provide for more money for the defence. “If we can afford to pay for apoliceforce to convict, why can’t we afford to pay for a police force to assist in a@.ring evidence to get an acquittal?”

697 Belmont W-Kit.

Students will find the Yellow Pages one of the most useful refe,rence books around. Looking for Shakespeare? You’ll find his works at book stores, libraries or record stores. Want to write like Shakespeare? Other than the inspiration, you’ll find everything you need at stationery stores, office equipment stores and typewriter dealers. And, if you’re thinking about staging a Shakespearian play - the Yellow Pages will help you find costumes, theatrical equipment, lighting fixtures and sound systems. Yes, all’s well that ends well when you make it a habit to look first in the Yellow Pages.

* One of the great disappointments of this column is that I have yet to receive any comments from the Chevron readers. I had hoped that readers’ comments might provide questions of interest. Please feel free to write in.

the legal errors and misjudgments that she felt had occurred during the trials and Justice Emappeals a Obviously mett Hall of the Supreme Court of Canada agreed with her. In his minority report after the Truscott appeal last year, Hall stated, “I feel that the conviction should be quashed and a new trial ordered. I feel that the trial was not conducted by law.” Mrs, LeBourdais advocated several changes in Canada% legal system. She feels that whenever trials should be applf-bk accorded a change of venue to ensure that no local bias affects the verdict. In her opinion the theme of the Supreme Court majority report was that the original verdict must not be upset



old-boys club to consist of academics other than new faculty and students. Obviously the faculty association feels that these last two groups are not really concerned about educational matters. The faculty councils are to be made up of assistant professors who have been on the campus more than one year and all professors above that rank. It would seem that the faculty-association members who drew up the brief do not consider students, teaching assistants, lecturers and junior professors to be of any major importance within the faculty. These two bodies, the senate and the faculty council, do nothing to advance democracy and end alienation in the university. Membership in these bodies is denied to students and the lower teaching levels. It is striking to note that these are the two groups that Pete Warrian pictured (The Chevron, October 6) as having the ultimate right of government in the university. Perhaps now the junior faculty will be more willing to join with students in the search for the democratic university.

1959, emphasizing

eh? m ’

let your fingers do the walking




Phone: 576-4560

Precision melded polypropylene shade with integral top louver. Dia. 14”. Easily removed for detergent cleaning. Melded prismatic diffuser-bowl. Stem-husk of melded high-impact styrene with built-in air vents. Height 22”. 1 light-200 W. (A-23).






27, 7967 (8: 78) -247



do you think

of University

of Wutefloo

Mrs. McMahon house wife A few badonesput blame on

Joe Hall musician Life is a prism of experience. They don’t have the colors.

They bring revenue to the city but I don? think much

How by Nancy

do we keep

It was a flexible concept of education that built this university from only &‘rnud and dreams” ten years ago. New futuristic academic techniques had to replace the rigid patterns of the time, because the engineering and applied-science courses were still relatively experimental. Consequently all faculties of the University of Waterloo have a history of planned change, according to Dr. Ted Batke, university vice-president in charge of development. It is the responsibility of students, he said, to nurture these principles of reform activity. How and why were the questions put to Dr. Ted Batke, university vice-president in charge of development, one of the original educators at Waterloud to Steve Ireland, president of the Federation of Students, the independently incorporated student union. Their suggestions offer a challenge to both students and administration. “In earlier years the educational system wasgeared towards the well-to-do person whose life was socially fashioned outside the university,” said Batke. They came to the’ university, learned from books, and went home. There was criticism but no activism. Now there is a sense of concern, of active criticism. The difference now, says Dr. Batke, is that the student wants the best and offers alternatives to the present

hues w--



lt*s hard to believe but just two months from today we’// be wading in to the Christmas turkey. And just about every dad is assured of a white Christmas of sorts-when he sees all the bills he turns pale. So this is the weekend that old (would you believe 10 years) U of W flings open its portalsfor apublit perusal, and that should finally set thousands of Twin Citizen s straight on what Hagey’s Hippodrome is-and what its denizens aren’t. But assuming that the odd (and maybe that’s the right word) citizen hasthought about it sometimes, and assuming, too, that the occasional student does keep a diary,




- ~~~

here’s how the average citizen might have conceived that the average freshman% diary reads: Sept. l&--Well, here I am at the University of Waterloo and I feel smarter already. No more haircuts and no more baths. Yup, two weeks from now and I’ll be a real hippie. I’ll get me a pad and start taking in garbage just to bug the neighbors. Sept. 19-This is sure the place to learn the 3Rs-readin’, riotin’ and ‘ rithmetic. We had our first orientation lecture today--it was on how to picket and paint placards. Sept. 20-Joined my first protest march today. A bunch of the boys set out to hang Coach Carl Totzek in effigy, but we were too bushed to make a replica and figured we’d hang Totzke instead. Lucky for him we was at home watching that Knute Rockne movie on TV for the 139th time. Sept. 30-Got my first look at the Twin Cities and, boy, what a spot for an atomic testing ground. Slow? You believe it. I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walk-

to get some

thing? I

Ralph dis tiltery Generally are OK.

Zettler worker they

U of W flexible?

to get this “best .” University is part of his life. At this point, though, Batke cautioned students to be more positive and realistic in their form of criticism. They must not demand “instant residences” and “instant marks” -unless they know where to get instant money and instant time. Pulling no punches, Ireland said the educational system leaves much to be desired. Widespread changes are needed. As citizens of the university, it is the responsibility of students to demand “the best kind of learning conditions in the classrooms?’ Lectures, examinations, “honors” and “general” courses211 should be subject to reevaluation. Are survey courses justified (courses like English 100 that try to sample all of English literature from Beowulf to Salinger)? Are professors necessary? These may sound like questions for administrators alone. However, anything concerning their education is within the scope of student responsibility. Both Batke and Ireland insist that students voice criticism. How do they do this in a mature and effective manner? Ireland offers four courses of action on the group scale: 1. Organize seminars to exchange ideas. The university, for example, is hosting a seminar for prospective highschool teachers. 2. Students can present papers and briefs. Student council is preparing a brief, for example, on the quality


:.,,3:4: You trying smart or

Tom Foley highschool student They’re 1 o u s y. They took over the Dugout last year and now they are taking over everything.

Bernie Carrol musician (and coffeehouse 0 wner)


Creeps. They pick fights with other guys and call the cops, and then the dother guys get thrown in ja.iL



Chevron staff


Debbie Billedeau highschool student

3: think they are lucky enough to be able to attend.



the diary

of education, which studies undergraduate education on three levels--department, faculty and university. Both students and faculty are invited to send opinions and submissions, Ireland said. 3. The student’s counterpart to the official university listing of courses-evaluates courses and individual teaching methods. Other faculty societies will implement this in the coming year. Ireland is confident they will be well-received. 4. Students already have members on many faculty committees, and Ireland takes this to indicate desire for communication between students and professors. Most important, however, according to Ireland, is the INDIVIDUAL, and his criticisms: ‘<The student must apply pressure for academic reforms. He must speak up in class. Ii you’re learning nothing, tell the professor. If he is held down by department policy or lack of initiative, go to the de partment head. Again apply pressure.”

of u typ&d

ing. Oct. 6--Talked to my first native today and there really is a language barrier. He mumbled something like “DO youse go to school yet already?” which pre sumably means something in the local patois. Oct. 13-Another indignation march today, this time over the poor choice of wines in the cafe teria. Some of &peasants around here wouldn’t know chateau-neufdu-papa from Coca Cola, but we’ll learn 3em. Oct. 31--R% Halloween and we fun-loving collegians had a jolly time dynamiting bridges, poisoning the local water supply and playing other whimsical pranks in the Twin Cities though there’s one problem with Halloween: you can never tell which of the natives are in costume. Nov. 15--Got my first lookat the local night life. Must go in tomorrow to get treated for a cracked eardrum. I wouldn’t want to say that the combo was loud and lousy, but a waiter dropped a tray of dish-

es and nine couples

student got up to dance.

Now. 20--Wow! I’m bushed, Three protest marches in three days and all of ‘em in worthy causes. .First there was the demonstration for AHNFKPE (A Haven NOW for Kingston Penitentiary escapees), then a rally for LCMBR (Let’s Make Birth-Control Retroactive) and today a march for LLTWGTP (Let% let the World Go to Pot). Nov. 30-No protest marches for nine days now. Stewart Saxe has laryngitis. Dec. 12-=Exams start tomorrow and tonight I crack my first text-, book. So far the only time I’ve read since I’ve been here is Jim Scott’s ‘Of mud and dreams’. I couldn’t put it down. Yes sir, it was darn smart of ‘em to soak the cover in ever-wet glue. Jan. b-Back from Christmas holidays and now I’m wishing that mom would write oftener-even if it is only five or 10 bucks. Feb. 14-Was in to see aprovost William Scott on business to-

day and what a big deal he makes out of nothing. All because we drove a bulldozer through the Waterloo cenotaph, put chewing gum in three computers and I parked my car in the reservedparking lot. That last offense really bugged him. April 2--R% my birthday, but the only congratulations I got came from one Prof. And allhe saidwas “Son, you were one day late right from the start.” April 15-Final exams. It% too late to study, we’re too pagan to pray and unless we can one of the straight-arrows from WLU to put in a good word for us, we’re done. Maybe we should’ save the effort and just write dad to ask if they’ve got a job down at the creamery for a clever youth with university training. But we face the world unafraid. After all, education isn’t everything. For example, how many people really know that Mr, A .K. Adlington, the U of W big thinker, has to use an abacuswheu he counts over 10.

A diet of platitudes The bqard of governors of this university seems to have the impression that this is a knowledge factory. At least that’s the way it seemed at a dinner meeting given earlier this week to kick off the Tenth Anniversary fund drive. It is unfortunate that the theme of the evening appeared to be how the university trains students for industry and the community. We admit these are important goals for a university, but it shouldn’t be forgotten that students are people. They should be educated first of all as individuals and then as servants of their communities and industry.

Bob Cavanagh, vice-president of the Federation of Students, spoke representing the students. In his short sp,eech he said very little. This was an opportunity for a representative of the students to speak to the members of the board and make the student point of view known. But Cavanagh did nothing of the sort. He stood there like a puppet and voiced platitudes that pleased the gentlemen present. Maybe the members of the board really do understand the student point of view, but we doubt it. Cavanagh and through him the students, seem to have missed a valuable .opportunity to air their opinions.

How to stay independent? Premier Ross Thatcher has taken over all monetary control of the University of Saskatchewan - an example of one of the greatest dangers in the present system of university financing. At Saskatchewan and most other Canadian universities, about 75 percent of the money comes from a single source: the provincial government. As the province assumes more and more of the costs, it seems only logical to them that they should have more and more control within the university structure. This increasing voice inside the university can only result in restrictions - on the expenditure of the money, on choices of projects, on methods of education and on the total administration of the university. Thatcher only did in one giant step what other provinces are doing gradually.

It is not hard to understand the concern of the provinces. They are being asked to give millions of dollars to the universities with almost no questions asked. In Ontario the present grant system of $1320 per unit is fast becoming outdated and something new will soon be needed. Does it seem conceivable that the province will agree to a method giving the universities more money without asking for something in return? Something in the form of “voice” in the administration of the university. What can the university do? It needs a great deal of money simply to survive. To advance, even more. Money is what makes the university go: Is there a solution? If there is, it will have to be found, and quickly.

196 7--not the year for the American

Our instant Dynamic, bold, successful. Often these words have been used to describe our university. Often they might also seem trite. But not this week. As we celebrate our Tenth Anniversary we have a right to be proud. In ten short years, this educational entity of 7,000 students was built from nothing. The most astounding feat involved raising the capital for the physical components of a large university without the capital sources and endowments of a large established university. Dynamic. Evidence is obvious when you consider our campus center. In our tenth year, construction is nearly complete on this studentfaculty mixing place, while the longestablished University of Western Ontario has put off any plans for a similar building until at least 197 1. Bold. The idea of cooperative education was discounted as unworkable by outsider. The concept of terms on campus alternating with terms in a related industry has worked and has been of great value in publicizing our university. Successful. Just look around. Extensive facilities for research and computing, new professional courses in architecture and optometry, faculty of national renown and faculty that earned their reputation here. They must respect us at Queen’s



Park. Our first registrar, Al Gordon, is now assistant to the deputy minister of university affairs. Our first dean of engineering, Doug Wright is chairman of the committee on university affairs, the committee that dole out the grants to all universities. We’ve got a lot to cheer about. Let’s make sure the spirit rubs off on the visiting highschoolers and residents of the community. And let’s give a cheer for President Gerry Hagey and Chancellor Ira Needles, the local men that built the University of Waterloo.

Ridiculi l Most people have photographic minds, but the majority of us can’t develop our-negatives.

From the Chevron’s office graffiti board: -David Depoe is a hippie-crit. -The United Empire Loyalists ; were draft-dodgers. -Malcolm X is not dead. He’s hiding out in the white pages under an assumed name.


It’s just plain ridiculous that a lecturer will walk into a class at 21 minutes after the hour, and expect all his students to. be still there.


A member

of Canadian



The Chevron is published Fridays by the board of publications of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the university, student council and the board of publications. editor-in-chief: Jim Nagel news editor: Brian Clark intercampus: Frank Gqldspink assigning: Patricia McKee acting features editor: Bob Verdun

It finally happened. An accident on the ring road. Maybe pain ted white lines would help drivers $tay on their own side of the roadway.

Photo editor: Glenn Berry sports editor: Peter Webster acting entertainment editor: Dale Martin advertising manager: Ross Helling

Offices in the Federation building, U of W. Publications chairman: John Shiry. 744-6111 local 2497 (news), 2812 (advertising, 2471 (editor). Night 744-011 IL., Telex 0295-759. TORONTO: Donna McKie, 782-5959. NIAGARA FALLS: Ron Craig, 356-5046. LONDON: David Bean, 432-0331. OTTAWA: John Beamish, 828-3565. MARATHON (!): John Helliweff, 229-0456, BRIDGEPORT: H. D. Goldbrick, 744-6130. 25,000 copies.

Chevron photo by Peter Wilkinson



27, 7967 (8: 78) 243


Today Classes cancelled, except physed. POPS CONCERTS at noon in AL124. ROADRUNNER FESTIVAL at 6 in AL116. Open house for highschool students. Tomorrow Open house. , ST. AETHELWOLITS rehearsal in the Theater of the A&. TIDDLYWINKS CHAMPIONSHIP in the blue dining hall at the Vi& age. 1:30. Sunday Open house. TIDDLYWINKS continues at 1: 30 EXPERIMENTAL FILM SERIES begins in the engineering lecture building, lower floor, not inAL as printed on tickets. 8:30. Series tickets at the door.

ISA holds

Tuesday POLITICAL SCIENCE union meeting at 4:30 in SS337. ARYAN AFFAIRS meeting at 8 in Federation building, room 69. Unfortunately last week’s meeting was postponed because of unexpected investigations. Papers are now cleared. Wednesday CUSO first meeting All welcome especially


of Waterloo committee of the faculty association

on the study brief.


A number of scholarships, each valued at $6,000 per annum (tax free), are available to suitable graduates in any branch of engineering - mech.m elec., civil etc. - or applied science who are interested in a career in the Mining Industry.

this term. anyone in-



scholarships for our advanced degree in mining engineer-

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Monday, October 3O,3:lO pm. ROOM

The best in sound



These are McGill University course leading to a master’s ing.

of university


Ceylon, Germany, Japan, Pakistan and the West Indies. The ISA this year has a paid membership of over 200. A party was held last week at the Food, Services cafeteria to welcome the new foreign students to campus.


OPENMEETING of the university the presentation

song and dance

The fourth annual~%.ternational Night” will be held on November 10 and 11 at the Theater of the Arts. It will be the largest and most colourful song and dance evening held by the International Students council. The production will be directed by Earl Steiler, technical director of the Theater. Dr.Charles Preston, director of counselling services will be the master of ceremonies. The participating countries will include Africa, Canada, CNna,

Monday Senate study committee on Unix versity government at 3 in P150. An OPEN MEETING for presentation of the faculty association brief. CIRCLE K meeting at 6:15 in AT349. New members welcome. ‘Land of Kush’ Art films: and others, at 12~15 in AL116. DRAMA CLUB PUBLICITY meeting at 8 in AT117.

The time for meeting new and old friends is Homecoming weekend. Like other years, there will be a parade, a big foot This year, there will ball game, a concert, dances and formals. be more people than ever to meet and enjoy the weekend with.

Thursday Waterloo Arena, WARRIOR INTER-SQUAD game, at 8:30. ENGINEERING SPEAKER SERIES EL110 at 7. SKI CLUB meeting with movies, organizational meeting, at 8:00 in AL124. Snow bunnies especially welcome. COMITATE meeting at 6: 30 in the lounge of East 1 in thevillage. All welcome. Warrendale film. (See Wednes&Y) Nov. 2, 3, & 4. Theater of Arts St. Aethewold’s Players present THE DIGBY PLAY OF MARY MAGDALEN, 8 pm.

terested in overseas volunteer work: 7:30 in AL207. COFFEE -HOURS at Hammerskjold House, 139 University Ave. W. Four or five profs. available to make with the conversation. 8:00 Noon in P145, ASME meeting. Films. C and W music club meeting featuring JOHN CASH AND THE NEW BREAD, at 7:15 inAL105. Film (Warrendale’,-winner of the Cannes Film Festival award, about emotionally disturbed children in Toronto. Tickets $1 on sale in arts foyer, Oct. 30-Nov. 2. Showing at WUC, room IEI, 6:45 and 7 pm.

These scholarships are sponsored adian Mining Companies.


Gold - Winter - fully year of graduation. available.


by a group

of Can-

crested with faculty and Fall and squall jackets





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a IO? discount

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the Federation




by students


and patronized

by all.

links,, etc.,



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