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8, number



.Anti-Viet -






10, 1967


Signs reading “Napal m kills’, were hastily printed the morning of the demonstration. The members of SDU did not find out Dow recruiters would be on campus until 18 hours before they were to appear. Jo Surich, poli-sci 3, said the arrival of Dow representatives ! had been kept secret because the coordination ‘department was afraid something was going to happen. The engineers decided to counterpicket. They constructed signs opposing those the demonstrators were carrying. (‘Please note. We defend the rights of all industries to interview at U of W.‘, Propped up in front of the picketers, the signs were to show the public that all university students on the campus do not agree with the demonstrators. The Dow Company was not the only one under attack from the protesters. Fliers handed to evleryone entering the library building also criticized Uniroyal and DeHavilland Aircraft. Dow was simply an example for the students to get their point across. However, lately Dow has receivNo, student council is not payed the brunt of protests in Canada ing for the flyers handed out at and the U.S. According to Time magazine, not only is Dow “51 mathe protest. plas“The stencils were run off in jor supplier of anti-freezes, tics and cleaning fluids,,, but “it the Federation office but the SDU is also the maker of Saran Wrap, will be billed for the materials which some amorous college stuused, the same as any other group wou Id be,” said Susan Peters, a dents have found handy in nonmilitary emergencies.,, Federation secretary. “They did John Hacking, public-relations their own typing so they aren’t officer for Dow of Canada said by charged for that.” telephone from Sarnia, “We are ‘The total bill for stencils and sorry that these things happen.‘, paper amounts to $15.20 He said that Dow in Can&da does not produce napalm but the parent that it was “completely open.,, He U.S. company does. “Cur position in the states is that the U.S. is at was only trying to keep theptcketing students from interrupting the war and when you are asked to do Engineering Society representatives pointed out that not all operation of the library and the something by your country, you do against on-campus recruiting by the Dow Chemical Company. it. university. I (‘No, the pickets will make no Scott said any student has the difference to the results of the inright to picket as long as he doesterviews.,, He stated that Dow 4 n’t disturb the function of the uniat various university. He also suggested that likes to recruit 9Vhat’s SDU to you?,,, asks the versity is #‘an unstructured and versities but that if (‘the universince pickets seem to be the thing, flyer distributed by Students for a open-ended’, left-wing group of sity restricted us from recruit4‘ Why don’t they picket Seagram’s Democratic University. University of Waterloo students ing on campus, we would not reor some of the liquor companies? Students for a Democratic Uniwho are concerned with certain decruit downtown.,, They have killed and maimed too.,, finite social problems, both on and off campus. They feel these .are not being fully handled by the student federation, says a spokesman, Frank Bialystok, history 3, A 26.year-old graduate student himself a member of Student counwas Waterloo’s fourth traffic facil. tality of the year Tuesday night One of the problems it wishes to when he was hit by a car on Uniremedy is the lackaof library facilversity Ave. West. ities, in terms of both books and student work space. University Heinz Jurgen Steiner from Lapenrolment went up 25 percent this rairie, Quebec, was walking on the year, while the book budget was paved cutoff leading from Univerincreased only 10 percent. SDU sity Ave. into the university when feels this could be corrected by he was struck from behind and careliminating university frills, such ried more than 100 feet. He was pronounced dead on arrival at as the lighted signs identifying the buildings, and by lessening the pubK;-W Hospital. lic-relations effort. The driver of the westbound It further desires universal accar was Lorne Biesel, 33, of 235 cesibility to university, regardless Dick St. in Waterloo. of the ability to pay. It is in favor Steiner was a graduate student of legalizing marijuana, claiming in mathematics, He roomed at 206 it is safer than alcohol. Lester St. At the moment, SDU is concentrating its efforts on what it feels A sidewalk is under constructo be Canadian complicity in the tion along University Ave. where Vietnam war. They are against A student was killed Tuesday as he walked toward the campus. the accident occurred. editorial:


page 19

Protesting was protested Wednesday. Members of Students foraDemocratic University were protesting recruiters from Dow Chemical Company being on. campus. Engineering Society representatives objected to the protest and counterprotested. At 8:30 about 26 protesters for3 med up near the basement entrances to the arts library. The Dow Chemical recruiters were conducting their job inter= views in the co-ordination and placement office beginning at ten in the morning. Al Romenco% chief of security first heard of the intended picketing late Tuesday night. He immediately phoned Provost William Scott to suggest plans. The’ result was security police at all the entrances of the library building with orders to let no one in “except staff and students that have previous appointments in the building.‘, Romenco said it was not his wish to close up the library and




&i/led in mishap

and what

students supported

the protest

Chevron photo by Brian Clark

we they? the war, and thus feel that Canada should not make money from it. “$300 million went to Canadian manufacturers and suppliers to produce materials for the Vietnam war effort, thus employing 11,000 to 13,000 Canadians full-time,,, said Bialystok. However, says Bialystok, “SDU is not protesting against only Dow, but against Canadian complicity in general.,, Presently, SDU wants to (‘educate the students by means of flyers and sit-ins,,, he said, and later by speakers and teach-ins. Several of the members of SDU are also members of student council, including Bialystok, Ron Rumm and Peter Warrian. However,‘in this organization they are acting independently, expressing their personal opinions. SDU was organized because it was felt that (‘marching and talk.. ing over a beer at 2 am achieved very little,,, said Bialystok, “and we want to do something constructive’,. The meetings appear almost too casuGthere is no membership list, no organizer, no president.




Waterloo alderman Russ Ledger came to the Co-op Wednesday to defend himself against charges of being down on the Co-op residence. Ledger was invited to the Coop’s regular coffee hour because of a K-W Record story on Tuesday, “Ledger flunks students in conduct.” The Record listed charges by Ledger. He said students living in WCRI residences: --Have been a constant problem for the Waterloo police and fire department s. --Have put up a glorified front #‘for loose morals.” -Have stolen pets from neighbors and starved ‘them to death. -Have thrown snowballs and eggs at passing cars, causing a traffic hazard. -Have held all-night parties on many occasions, disturbing neighbors. -Have spoiled the looks of the area by filling windows with tinfoil and cardboard? ’ According to the article Ledger asked for three investigations of student conduct. He asked for investigations by --The health inspector, of the buildings on the north side of University Avenue. -The fire department, of possible fire hazards. -The Kitchener-Waterloo humane society, into alleged cruelty to animals. Ledger said Wednesday he only

next to the Co-op. Ledger said this charge was backed by the Waterloo police chief. Dr. Jan Narveson of philosophy, aso on hand for the coffee house, termed the “loose morals” COmpunt by citizens trivial. -(‘Would the citizens of Waterloo call the city immoral if seven crimes were committed in a year?’ he asked. Some of the students said if only three or four residents were responsible for the complaints why should the whole Co-op be blamed. Ledger said this was usual and the only way to stop it was to discipline the vandals. The students felt the bad publicity caused by, the trivial and disproved charges warranted a retraction from Ledger. He said he ~would bring up the three reports at the next council meeting. ‘cBut I can’t guarantee anything in the press. If the Record prints a retraction they’ll probably bury it in the comic section.” Students then ask&d Ledger why they always get the dirty end of the stick from Waterloo people. He said citizens still hadn’t accepted the university students. “Students have an uphill battle to set the record straight with citizens,” he said. “The best way would be to get on the good’]side of the Record,” He also thought it would be a good idea if a student ran for alderman. “Students should have a voice on city council,” he said.

wanted to delay Phillip Street until the complaints could be investigated. ccIf there is a problem with 300 students, why have a problem with 300 more?’ he asked. “The actio n was sparked by Halloween pranks,” he said. 0n Halloween two cars were burned near the Co-op and eggs were thrown at firemen on the scene. The regional inspector for the humane society, Wallace Koegler, investigated the cruelty charges Wednesday afternoon at the CoHe said the Coop# s request. op’s pet s were in top condition. The charges unfounded and there was no basis for the accusation, he said. “Until proof is forthcoming, no further action is required on my part.” Ledger said he made the charge s on basis of comments from Koegler. Al Wood, general manager of the Co-op, said the fire and health departments were also being asked to make invewtigations. He said copies of the three reports will be filed with Waterloo mayor Arthur Paleczny. To rebut citizens’ complaints, Jim Robinson, Hammarskjold division chairman, gave an open invitation over CHYM radio to the public to tour the Co-op. The students also rejected chap ges of having noisy all-night parties and being a constant problem for the police. They claimed that any noisy parties investigated by police had happened at Waterloo Towers, the apatiment building

















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secret&y urer. -

and Nabil Arafat,



The 15 members of the group met in the engineering faculty ‘lounge and in addition to the election discussed their program for the upcoming year.


Authorised Waterloo,


“Isn’t that normal around he”re?t replied one fireman. c&I think I’ll give H.D. (Wilson), a CHYM radiq editorialist) a call about the number of calls we get here.” . According to Tel Johnson, cleaning foreman for the arts-science end of the campus, this is the third such false alarm in his two Years working here. Since January 1 there have been 12 fire calls to the university, Only four were actual fires.


If You took out a student loan this term, and are still waiting for your money, or even if you’ve already got it, YOU must file a declaration stating whether or not you have received any other awards. If you don’t get this in soon, and it takes five weeks to process, there won’t be a grant waiting for YOU in January, If You’ve lost or don? have the forms for this, you can get them in the Registra? s office. If You are one of those lucky few who are still udng on last I Year’s student loan, and havenat been forced to increased your an-









The Muslim Students Associ+ tion got their program underway last week with the election of officers. . M,A. K&war w&chosen as preside& and M.J.A. Sadiku as vicepresident. The rest of the executive ‘is comprised of W. Rabbani,



CUSO overseas


ter new skills and new standards of health and science, and to be a part of it. There are no promotions, but volunteers promote new learning, enthusiasm, and a desire to sucI teed in people who are eager to help themselves. This year the local CUSO committee is staging a campaign to recruit volunteers to fill the ever-increasing demands of the host countries. There will be an opportunity for anyone who is interested in overseas work or who is simply curious to learri more about CUS0, Tne first such meeting ,wiU be on neti Wednesday evedng’at 7i3O in ALll6. Other meeti&‘will be announced at a later date.



Renison College, asking 6‘ assistance in determining its identity.” They suggested noseprints or gore marks would be suitable identification. And just in case it wasn’t Renison’s moose-just to be fair-the Co-op sent the same letter to St. Paul%. Both colleges were invited to a trial Tuesday at 6 at the Coop. St. Paul’s apparently had the more convincing arguments, because the jury awarded the moose to them. “If St. Paul% decides someone else owns it, they can give it to whoever we like,” sa$d one Cooper. ((We’ re glad to be rid of it. We didn’t want to get caught with stolen goods, so we gave it away. Besides, it ruined our TV reception?

Again this year the Canadian University Service Overseas is trying to recruit volunteers to meet the challenge of a world of inequalities. * CUSO is a non-profit non0rganizAion who government sends volunteers to such places as Africa, India, and the Caribbean. They live with the people to teach and help them with whatever skill or profession the volunteers have to offer, Hundreds of volunteers are now working in 35 different countries at a variety of different jobs. There are engineers, agriculturalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, and many others. The pay is low, but it is profitable to see developing nations maS-

A pumper truck and the emelsll gency unit from the Waterloo fire tied lights flashing; department, pulled lackadaisically up to the arts library Monday at 6 pm. ‘ Fiqe f&?men,climb’ed out, walked into the building, checked out the printshop, got halfway up the stairs before being told they ,don’t go anywhere, checked out the sixth floor where the alarm had been ringing, and took the elevator back down. Was it a false,,+arm?

742 - 4489.



What do you do when you find a moose’s head hanging on your TV &ntenna? Well, when Co-op residents noticed Monday night that their reception was poor on channel 6, they went out to check. Something was hanging from their TV tower, something disguised with a plastic garbage bag, It appeared to have a set of antlers, two ears, two eyes and a bulbous nose. Could it be a bug, they wondered-a device to spy on the Co-op? A bug? No, it looked more like a moose. A moose1 A moose--the Renison symboLhad been reported missing last week. Cbuld it be a plot to frame the Co-op with a theft? So the Co-opers sent a letter to


E: 742 - 4488,


Moose ruins co-op TV reception








nual deficit, by reapplying, make sure that you fill out a schedule ((Da from the bank, and send it to the bank, or you’ll enduppaying interest. For those lucky grad students who don’t need student ioans, the government of Israel is offering free tuition plus, at any one of five in&itutions. For more information call A.R. Deject, the awards officer. For other lucky grads in political science and international relations, economics, and history a fellowship of $2,500.00 !S being offered by the J.W. Dafoe FOUXIdation, OS secondOntario.

Petch on committee - no body told him by Bob


Chevron features editor

Our newest vicepresident is on the university government study committee, but nobody told him. When talking to the Chevron this past week, academicvicepresident Dr. Howard Petch said he was not on the committee. “I may possibly be listed as an ex-officio member. I askednot to be on it, because I had worked on a similar committee at MacMaster .‘* The closed door policy of the committee is the critical point as far as students are concerned. Petch feels that closed doors are justified when administrative reorganization is being considered because it is necessary to discuss personalities. Petch attended the conferenceof the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada in Montreal this week. The conferencefavored student representation on the bodies that affected them. The a c a d em i c vicepresident favours very strong student involvement at the department level. They should also be represented at the faculty council level but in a broader way. Thit is, they should also be represented at the faculty council level but in a broader way. That is, they shouldn’t be fending for their own department. Students should also have representatives on the senate. The senate is primarily an overseeing body which approves decisions from below, although some suggestions do go down.



“I am not opposed to student representatives on the board of governors, but I am not convinced it is worthwhile. Decisions are not made at the board level.” Refering to the open letter sent to the university government study committee by the student members (printed in last week’s Chevron), Dr. Petch objected tothestatement that reorganization in the higher levels of the administration is being undertaken without regard for the existence of this committee. He said that they cannot wait for the committee’s report. Inhave been terim procedures necessary. As far as changes inthegovemmental structure, Petch sees aone tier format combining the tasks of the senate and board. “The board of governors is losing its importance as a fundraiser with increasing proportions of government grants. The senate should not be separate, because financial should not be separate from academic.*’ He sees the single tier forming gradually, with senators being elected to the board and board members being ekcted to the senate. Dr. Petch also said that this committee should not be thoughtof as a one-shot affair. The committee should complete its work, sport and changes be instituted. The university community must not forget that things will still change, and a similar committee be needed again.


Science on spot the frosh address because it implied that Kirton’s views were The chopping block had been prethose of the Science Society as a The sun rose over St. Jerome’s College Sunday morning to reveal a fantasy-like scene clothed pared for Bill Kirton, president whole, that it was an untimely, Chevron photo by Brian Clark in snow. Laurel Creek took on a shine of life in the brisk air. of the Science Society, but Kirton radical stand that could be attripulled the wool over the bleary buted to the council. eyes of the Science Society council. Kirton handed out copies of his and walked away as their rein-‘ offending speech and quoted extensively. In effect he said “in my stated leader. of rural sociology; Leonard FletThe PCs are coming. The PCs The two o’clock panel will disA main issue of the council opinion” was a part of the speed-cher, the deputy chairman of the meeting are coming; cuss the extent to which regionawas president Kirton’s that he had given it as personal department of economics at the address to science frosh which Three progressive conservative lism whould play a part in the views. yom.h organizations have joined University of Waterloo; an ex- stated his views on student power policy-making of the federal Someone said it was getting late to promote a double-headed semicabinet minister in theDiefenbaker government. in university government. A Chevand he had used ,up his time. government, Alvin Hamilton and ron editorial said that Kirton could nar. Kirton agreed and said he would WLU’s acting chairman of the The University of Waterloo and S&OO~ of business and economia, an assistant professor in relieve the society of internal connot bother presenting the motion L u t h e r a n progresWaterloo geography and planning at theUniPd. Glen Carroll Will be tie flict by resigning his position. of confidence he had been building sive conservatives are sponsoring verslty of Waterloo, Roy Officer. Instead, he convinced the council up to. chairman for a panel consisting of the affair on November 18. Further information ‘bn the that this wasn’t Miss Helen Abell, an ex-lecturer necessary and Two significant motions WERE Morning and afternoonseminars at Guelph and Waterloo, and author seminars can be obtained from the issue passed, almost unchalpassed at the meeting. Thecouncil will deal with two aspects of con- of many publications John Hoicks. Renison College. agreed that its stand on the openin the field lenged. Council had objected to temporary politics. ness of university government committees was “seriously hamThe first topic will be held at pering negotiations for student lo:15 and will look at Canada% activities ” and it should reconinternational relations. Chairing Student members of the comsider its position. Also it desired this session will be Dr. Fred When the committee on union the recorder soon turned into mittee have promised a press a “policy of participation in all Speckeen of WLU, while panelists versity government met Monday a talk on open meetings ingeneral. release after each meeting on areas of faculty and departmental examine the questions: Is Canada afternoon, students entered with a The discussion eventually came the important moves which took activities where suchparticipation a middle power ? and What changes three alternative plans. around to a big nothing. The place. This may force other is meaningful and relevant, and should be made in her policy? They carried a tape recorder, students weren’t censured for members of the con-n&tee to do in the best interest of the.faculty On the morning panel will be which they told the committeethey recording and the meeting wasn’t the same to prevent biased points of science.” Heath Macquarrie, one of the intelwould do, They had earlier said opened or closed. Kirton was boisterous athis suclectuals of. the progressive conthey would either tape the meeting The students however think a of view. cess in mending the rift between servative, and author of ‘The conand present the tape to the news, victory is in sight because they his council and himself. servative party’, Dr. Karl Aun, media get open meetings approved, feel a responsibility to their conIn niock bitterness he said, the acting chairman of the departor to leave the committee. stituents to follow a standing order A change in Chevron distribution -_--_-__--_-_-------------“There may be differences of ment of political science at W aterInstead of any of these nothing policy is hereby aMOUnCed. opinion within this council. It is loo Lutheran, who wrote ‘Theprohappened. Talking really starts pages 7U- 7 7 Henceforth and forever theChe= nothing like the Chevron stated. tection of minorities in internaTed Batke opened the meeting A religious question? page 5 vron will be distributed only to And furthermore, its timing tional law,’ and Barry Bartman, a from the chair and called on stuEditorial page 79 the teaching buildings, excepting showed a lack of knowledge of the dents to either substantiate or WLU graduate who attended Lon-__---__--__-----_--------computer science. situation within the Science Sotdon School of Economics and is withdraw the charges that theyhad of council not to participate in Lists have been posted giving iety. ‘Ihe motions passed tonight made last week. now completing his M.A. thesis closed meetings. . exact locations of drop-out points. speak for themselves.” at Western. They substantiated thecharges. Yet Batke continues to claim that. If there are shortages at any Kirton added, “I pulled it off Luncheon with speaker Heath Much later in the meeting the the decision whether meetings are sources please feel free to conquite well, baby, and I thought I Macquarrie will be followed by subject of the tape recorder came open, closed or recorded will be tact the Chevron and vent your was in hot shit 1 But don’t quote the afternoon seminar examining up. The recorder had been running determined by a vote in the comwrathful oaths. that!” Canada’s domestic scene. for some timealready. Discussion mittee. by Dave


PC s invite-







Delivery is kaput!



70, 7967 (8:20)




by Harold

D. Goldbrick

the mighty mouth

BRIDGEPORT (Staff)-The woods are burning, baby. You bet they are, you leftwing pinko I was all set to commie rats. bring back McCarthyism myself, when that scourge of revolutionaries, Thomas J. Edwards, stepped into the rightwing ultraviolet fascist void. I bid you welcome, columnist Edwards. Its about time we had a reactionary in the paper. Now the right and left can fight it out be tween themselves. And then along come anarchists like me to seize power while they’re not looking. Anarchism is the solution. Nothing beats killing and hate and lust and greed and raping and looting and a whole bunch of that kind of stuff. We must strive for an ultimate goal of anarchism. The oniy alternative is Big Brother, and 1984 is only 16.14 years away. 0 Anyway, back to the leftright discussion. (Now it’s beginning to sound like a militarist position, and that’s a whole new rat race.) Anyhow, Pm sick and tired of hearing the word fascist. The student politicos automatically hand political spectrum% centerline with that epithet. A leftwinger is a socialist, but a rightwinger is a fascist. Well, goddammit, in my book

rightwingers are going to be conservatives and tk lefties can be pinkos or tommies. The only problem now iswhat do you call aguy after communist becomes as well-worn as fascist is now. In fact it’s already okay these days to be a pinko. I’m going to have to dig up Even some new vile labels. homosexual will be respectable before long. The whole bag is ridiculous. The name-calling and who’s what color (on the political spectrum) has nothing to do with students on university government bodies. The other thing that is ridiculous is that so many students should be proclaiming themselves pinkos. Such hypocrisy. University students have always been the effluent society (sorry: affluent--a smelly pun). There may be more entering university from the depths of the poverty scale, but if you th&k they stay non-conservative, take a look at the average alumni association or grad- student The picture of inactsociety. ivity and apathv. 0 Since one of the members of the SDU has called me a schmuck, I guess I’d better throw some muck at them. The SDU amounts to no more than the on-campus branch of SUPA, CYC, NDP, AFGCIO, SIU and any other commie organization I can think of, includADVERTISEMENT

BACKGROUND South Africa has an area oneeighth that of Canada and a POPU~ tion of about 16 l/2 milli&. An armed minority of 3 l/2 million whites is holding down 13 million Africans with brutal force. The national income in 1962 averaged about $420 a person corn? pared to $1,645 in Canada. Urban dwellings constructed in South Africa in 1962 totalled 6,000-inCanada 100.000. But these are averages,. embracing both Africans and whites. Here are some facts to interpret these averages, taken from a recent U.N. Economic Commission for Africa report: -The ration of wages of whites to Africans in mining is approximately 15:l. -The whites, who constitute about one-fifth of the population, get two-thirds of the national income. -In 1959, the whites had a per capita average income of $1,. 275, the ‘Africans $117. -The mortality rate of Bantu chili dren one to four, is 25 times the rate for white children. _ -The 1953 Bantu Education Act is based on the promise that there is no place for an African in a white community above the level of certain kinds of labour. The South African gove,rnment has stepped up military and police expenditures far beyond the highest annual amount during.World War II. Apartheid has been aptly described by Prime Minister Dr. Verwoerd in the South African House of Assembly on 25 January 1963: “Reduced to its SimpleSt form the problem is nothing else than this: We want to keep South Africa white...Keeping it white can only mean one thing, namely * white domination, not leadership, not guidance, but control *



ing the political-science de partment. The half-truths and hearsay they print make my column look like it came out of thegood book (And you can take that to mean the textbook for religious knowledge 101, math 131 (or 21) or registrar’s office 9-12, l-5... the calendar?) ’ And on top of all this, SDU is publishing their propaganda with Federation of Students facilities and probably at student expense too. You may note that I haven’t spelled out what SDU means. Neither have they so far. Let’s have a contest to fit words to the letters. How about Students are Deliberately IJnderhanded? If I haven’t gst everybody by this time with these boringpolitical dealings, I’ll go back to my sandbox and gripe about the little bits of trivia that bug me. It disgusts me to see students blatantly and uncompensatingly advertising the telephone monopoly’ s superfluous blurb section, the Chicken Pages. Students are sporting thefree series of lapel buttons that be gan with “Beethoven isn’t dead, he’s hiding in the Yellow Pages? The craze has now reached proportions where students are willing to pay for rare ones. Thus I come along and try my hand at Toiletpaper P ag e s plugs: -Dr. Earle Birney isn’t dead, he’s hiding in a women’s residence at the Village. SPONSORED







MIDDLEBURY, Vt. (CUP&-In your mind, form apicture. A small New England college, Middlebury. A sweet, young freshman co-ed shuffling through her first delivery of mail. First item-the school% calendar-shuffle, shuffle-an adbrochure from a ski shop-shuffle shuffle-the usual membership plea from an obscure campus organ&&-shuffle, s h uf f 1 M birth-control information letter with a male condom enclosedshuffle shuf-? A birth=control information letter with a male condom enclosed? Right. Middlebury’s anonymous writer has sent a letter containing birth-



control information to each fresh. man girl at the college. The letter, unauthorized by the college, suggested that girls who wished to get a prescription for birth-control pills should assume a married identity and go to a doctor in a neighboring town. The medical director of Middlebury called the information “generaIly sound. ‘* The only section questioned by Dr. William Parton was one dn which the writer implied that any Zgbig-city” doctor could gnve miscarriage-inducing injeco tions. The college administration said no effort would be made to discover the anonymous writer who tookthe safe way out.


TORONTO (CUP)--In a closed ballot the U of T student council voted 24-21 against supporting the Toronto Anti-Draft Program. The real point in question was not the principle of supporting antidraft programs but whether a council member should act from personal conviction. ‘Voting for this resolution would be a stab in our neighbour and protector’s back” said Joe Genovese of the campus Edmund Burche Society. “We believe these draft dodgers are cowards and slackers who would rather come here than go out and fight in the mud. If called on to defend Canada they would run out the back door to Russia.

dodgers I’m sure some would feel more at.home there.” The anti-draft program has gained the support of several campus groups including the Graduate Students Union, University College Literary and Athletic Society, student council executive and alsothe United Church board of evangelism and social service. Dr. Paul Hock of the anti-draft group said that they recieve about 10 phone calls and 20 letters daily requesting information on moving to Canada. No uns elicited information is distributed. You can vote for the humanistic aspects of this program without committing yourself on its political implications o



supremacy.” in 1946. Over the 16yearsto 1962, Although this vicious racehathowever, the various U.N. “al?ing has been the official policy for peals”, “admonitions” andc‘votes many years, the brutalitiesagainst of censure” had absolutely no efthe Africans and other non-whites feet. have been greatly increased during In November, 1962, the GeneraI the past year. New discriminatory Assembly called onmember states and repressive laws have beenerto take the following specific meaected. Thousands of African familsures (Res. 1761): ies have been uprooted from their -break off diplomatic relations homes in urban areas and expelled #with South Africa to distant reserves. Hundreds of -close their POI%s to South Afrithousands of people have been arcan vessels and prohibit their rested and convicted under pass ships from entering South Aflaws and other racially discrimrican ports inatory measures. Under the gov-refuse landing and passage facilernment’s plans, Africans are beities to South African aircraft. ing forced backon reserves with no -boycott all South African goods political rights whatever in the and stop exporting to South remainder of the country. FlogAfrica. gings for not carrying reference A Special Committee of 11 membooks and other such offences have bers was aIs0 established to keep increased by eight times in 20 the situation under, review. years. A reign of terror has been Thi s Special Committee made instituted against all opponents of Wee reports to the General ASsembly and the Security Council apartheid’ The trade unions have been the in May, July and September, 1963. target for particular brutaIityi In As a result, the Security Council just 9 months last year, 31 lead@es. X/5386, 7 August 1963) ers of the South African Congress called on aII states ‘(to cease of Trade Unions and unions affiliforthwith the sale and shipment of ated with it have been arrested, arms, ammunition of all. types and put under some kind of ban, takmilitary vehicles to South Af &a.” France and Britain abstained from en into secret custody or removA boycott of alI ed from their posts. Between last voting on this. South African goods included in the August and December, 5,OOOpeople was deleted when have been jailed, 45 trials held of draft resolution it failed to,gain the necessary setrade union and political leaders, ven- votes. Ghana, Morocco, the 36 of whom have been condemned Phillipines, the Soviet Union and to death, 6 to life imprisonment Venezuela supported the trade boyand 517 to prison sentences rangcott; but it was MIlled, by the abl”g from l8 to 25 years* stentions of Brazil, Taiwan, THE BOYCOTT MOVEMENT IN France, Norway, Britain and the THE UNITED NATIONS United States. . The racial policies of the GovDuring October, 1963, the Spe ernment of South Africa have been cial P&i&al Committee had furunder discussion in the U.N. inone ther discussions on economic form or another since the first Oliver Tambo, Depsanctions. session of the General Assembly uty President of the African N*

for komeds


sulphite and other pulp ferro manganese fluorspar other metals and minerals industrial diamonds unset diamonds all other products

1,235. 1,699. ti0na.l Congress of South Africa 311. demanded immediate sanctions again& the South African Govern1,085, ment, His people knew that sanc194. tions would mean suffering, he 235. said, but they believed that would 287. 10,283 be a minor sacrifice in cornpa& son with the ultimate sacrifice TOTAL 16,954 which would have to be made if apartheid remained. Africans Outside of trade, there are other were convinced that isolation of economic connections between big South Africa, through economic and &plomatic measures,would businessin Canadaand‘OuthAfo

~u apartheid,Mr. Tmb() St&&. rica* Two out~andb examples: SOUTH AFRICA’S TRADE The principal exports of South Africa are &old, wool, diamonds, uranium , maize and fruit. The merchandise exports @xc10 gold) totalled about $1 112 bilIions in 1g62 28% went to the United Kingdom, ImofRhodesia/NYasaIand 9% to the United States, 5% to Itiy and 1% to Canada. Canada’s imports in 1962 break down into the following main groups’ CONSUMER PRODUCTS fruits, vegetables, nuts: . fresh, canned, etc. $5,270. wines and brandy 859. 6,129 MACHINERY’ AND OTHER IDENTIFIAdLE PRODUCTS rock driRs and bits 1300 e1ectric precision instrum ent s 153. auto parts 96. asbestos marmfactures 480 .115. misc* machinery 542 PRGDUCERS’ MATERIALS raw sugar and molasses 4,060. Peanut and vegetable oils 387. wool 466. sisal‘ 106. misc. animal, fish & vegetable product 218,

Sun Life Assurance Co., Canada’s biggest insurance business, dlso operates in South Africa; Anglo American Corp. of South Africa and affiliated De Beers Consolidated Mines, South Africa’s col; ossus, is also active in Canadian mining. This is a relatively new development, said to have been spurred by stockholders’ fear of their future in South Africa. It is quite evident that South Africa cannot generate sufficient capital internally to assure the industrial growth on which her vast apartheid edifice is built. Oppenheimer, chairman of De Beers Consolidate, has frequently admitted this shortage of internal capital formation and the growing difficulty of encouraging capital imports from abroad. Undoubtedly this is what is behind his camp anies’ interest in moving into foreign fields, such as Canada. The better a boycott works, the more internal difficultues South African capital will encounter. Perhaps even they can be made to un= derstand that apartheid does not Pay. More information on this problem and action that individuals can take is available in the Board of External Relations office, Fede&ion building.

Communication In the cafeteria of Hammersjold Hbuse, co-opers were doing fag duty, sweeping floors, and moving trays. Ned door, in the main lounge, . about 35 students were probing “the most critical and relevant issue for consideration responsible people,” problems of communication. Wilber Sutherland, general chairman of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, was addressing a joint U of W- WLU IVCF meeting Tuesday evening. deOur physical communication problems are immense,” said Sutherland, ((Some people at CN predict a slowdown in the use of computers because people cannot cope with the masses of information we , create with computers.” <‘The more we improve tech;nologically, the more problems we create,” said Sutherland. Sutherland mentioned the great improvements made in physical methods of communication recently. “It is easy to get in touch with we can reach peoother people; ple by telephone, and telegraph, or


UBC vote

special to the Chevron

TORONTO-WRyerson students showed what they think of CUS. They voted 70 percent to retain membership and 718 were opposed, Student leaders were generally amazed at the result. Many had expected, from the mood of the campus, that the vote would be overwhelmingly against CUS. The national president, Hugh



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Armstrong, said of the results, “This demonstrates great interest in educational reform. It gives student council a firm mandate to develop a concrete program to improve education at Ryerson.“’ Armstrong said that the chief aims at Ryerson will be to create a central pool of transferability research and studey the housing situation.

comes on laughing

Lectured is the wrong word for Dr. Murray Banks presentation ‘What to do until the -Psychiatrist comes”. More correct would be “dramatized”. His voice modulation and body movement were the act of an actor and the tribute paid to him was that of a captive audio ence. Dr. Banks related a series of humorous ancecdotes to his audience who found tha.t all these anewdotes actually fitted together to form a lecture with a very specffit point to make. The surprising feature is that the talk was sofascir@ingly delivered. Dr. Banks outlined four basic motivat$ons of life, ,the many ways in which these wants are frustrated and the adjustments which are made. to these frustrations. Insanity is one adjustment to frustra-


is critical

we can hop a j& and visit people anywhere in a few hours? “We speak, but do we really communicate?’ he asked. Sutherland believes that communication is basically a spiritual ‘#related to the fundaproblem, mental issue in Christianity, acceptance”. He compared the modernproblems in communication with the Biblical story of the tower of Bti bel. In contrast, he pointed out that the Christian view holds that man is created with a fundamental cap acity to relate. “In this lies the superiority of man to the animals,*~ he asserted. Sutherland outlined three requirements of communication. The first he called a sense of identity. “Is there a me to hear?’ he asked. ccIf not, I might a& well be dead, for I am not alive.” Sutherland mentioned that people who seek identity through academic success or marriage, “destroy in the attempt to get,” In contrast, identity comes through the experience of being

tion, but one to be avoided. How, Dr. Banks then explained with ten principles which are major in developing mental hygiene. The ihumerable amusing anewdotes can perhaps best be indicated by giving an example: An ovex+ worked priest -went to his psychiatrist who told him that the best remedy would be to take a year off and relax. Putting on civilian clothes and strolling about he de tided that he would enter the Playboy Club and see what was going on. He entered, sat down and was soon being served by a bunny-girl who thought she had seen him before. After further questioning he told her that he was Father Flanagan from St. Paulsg she immediately enlightened him that she was Sisl ter ‘Mary and tIiat they had the same psychiatrist.


loved, according to Sutherland. The second requirement is freedom. Sutherland emphasized that one must neither lose one’s selfin conformity, nor “assert me so hard that I lose you.” He pointed out that, although God values identity, the Christian church has often conveyed the opposite impression, ‘&God permits people the liberty to be what they are,” he asserted, “The church must also.” According to Sutherland, the final requirement is a listener, “someone worth speaking to who considers me worth listening to.” Speaking about communication on university campuses, Suthee land said, cgThis usuallydealswith trivial matters. “we will never be a community of scholars until we are first a community of human beings,” Sutherland mentioned &e resurgence of discussion of spiritu-al questions on all the campuses he has visited. He believes that only by encow tering God can one truly accept oneself and one’s fellow man.



Ryerson has a particular problem in transferability. Students who wish to transfer to an accredited university after graduating from Ryerson are given credit for only one year at the university level. Rykrson has already asked for help on the housing problem. Student council has asked CUS to send a co-op housing field worker to Toronto. Carol Garfinle, the CUS chairman at Ryerson, said she was delirious over the results because she had really expected to lose. “CUS will be used this year. It will no longer be tokenmembership :* Student council president Janet Weir talked to many students the night before the election and also e@ected to lose. “Today I walked into the cafeteria and found them arguing over I knew then that it would cus. stay.” One of the opponents of CUSwas Derek Nelson, an ex-arts representative on student council, who said, “Students have made their choice. Ryerson should now use every means it can to get from CUS the only twp things that CUS does that are relevant to this campus. These two aretransferability and residence studies. However I still oppose CUS. I think there will be a~ returnabout someday.” ’ Pete Warrian, CUS pr.esidenG ’ eleci, feels that there seems to be a drift towards consensus among sttidents and thinks this will <allow him to be a more activepresident,

c<Psychology just shuffles around already existing resources; it can’t create new resources,” he said. Tf you encounter God, however, you encounter the creator, and thus get new resourcesZ’ Sutherland apparently communicated with several co-opers. Three students who came to the cafeteria for an evening snack stayed until the end of the meeting. <‘I just like hearing people talk,” commented one. dgThis was beautiful,” he said. d<But the cupcakes are stale.”

Queen’s students wreck hotel TORONTO (CUP)--Don’t ask the manager of the King Edward Hotel about university students. He knows* Two hundred Queen’s students, in Toronto for thevarsity-Queen’s football game, stayed in the King Edward. Beside sleeping and eatins, the students: -held water fights with the fire hoses. -set off false alarms bringing the Toronto fire department to the .i hotel. -swung from chandeliers. -ripped flag Standards out of the Crystal Ballroom. -tore hotel directional signs off the walls,kickedindoors,smashed beer bottles, sprayed soft drinks around. -took all the fuses out of a fuse box throwing the entire floor into darkness. The hotel’s executive manager, William Herkimer, plans to charge the students in advance next year and dernand a darnage deposit. If the students who are being trained to be some of the leaders of our country act this way, I wonder what the hell’s going to happen to the country.






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IO, 1967 (8:20/





personal comment by Thomas J. Edwards Further comment on a topic which I mentioned last week: the extension of so-called academocracy into the upper echelons of the university. At Guelph the board of governors decided to open its meetings to student representatives o Once again I must ask: what good will this do? ‘J.‘he governors sit on the board for many They know they are years at a time. in a responsible position, Thus they are accountable in the years ahead for anypossible mistakes. Students on the board would mean a The tenure of office different situation. for students would be one year, two at most. They would not be answerable when errors came out. The Guelph governors have taken a rash step. Students activist minorities across Canada ‘will be overjoyed at the decision. They can point to Guelph and say, “They did it, why can’t we?” 4 9 * Several letters have crossed the



MONTREAL (CUP) -- McGill University has its own vigilantes. A week ago the McGill Daily reprinted an article from the Realist, an American satirical magazine. By ten o’clock about 5090 copies had disappeared out of a total press run of 11,500. Radio stations in Montreal played the seizure. News reports said that the morality squad had raided the Daily offices and seized the printing presses. Another claimed the entire editorial board of the paper had resigned. Both radio stations admitted their stories hadn’t been checked out. The police hadn’t even visited

Page 16

opinion (that’s all I can OfferXarereceiving -an education relevant to the society which has brought them up and in which they will bring up their children. This, I propose, with all due respect to the correspondent, is the kind of education the students need, want, and are getting at this university. * rrsc* If, as I believe is the case, students are generally opposed to the hard lines taken by their leaders, there is an ideal form of expression for them in such groups

Realist ‘articles the university



and the board was

In the afternoon student council called a special meeting to consider the paper’s action. A motion was introduced to condemn the Daily’s managing board and particularly John Fekete, in whose column the reprint appeared. The motion was defeated by councillors 112-59. Then on Monday another meeting was called to allow principal H. Rocke Robertson to address council and further discuss the McGill situation. A widely split council could only agree to ask editor Peter Allnut to retract the artidle. Principal Robertson said



he had no wish to control or censor the Daily but did accuse the paper of printing an “obscene libeL” A council motion asked Allnutt to print a retraction and heagreed. The three, Allnutt, columnist Fekete, and supplement editor Pierre Foumier, were scheduled to appear before a senate committee on student discipline. The university in the meantime announced that the charges had been changedfrom “obscenelibel” to “unacceptable to the standards of decency of the university. Even with the reduction in the charge the three still face expulsion. Some 200 students had slept in

6rMduating Students

the university’s administration building overnight. The sit-in began Tuesday afternoon after 22 members of the SDU invaded the closed senatediscipline committee meeting. The students demanded the mee*&g be opened to the public. _ As a result of the strikethe meeting was postponed until next week when the three will again face the senate committee. What caused the fuss? John Fekete, a Daily columnist, reprinted an article from the Realist magazine. The passage, written by Paul Krassner as a political satire, purports to describe ‘the parts that were left out of the Kennedy book.’ Paul Krassner, the writer of the original story in the Realist, admitted in a subsequent article that the account was written as a satire. The original passage centres around the statement of Mrs. Kennedy that following the death of JFK she saw Johnson sexually abusing the body of the dead pre sident . U of T - Varsity

. “ .








Some students this past week refused to go to classes. Instead, what were they doing? Playing bridge, studying in the library ? NO! TheywerePROTESTING. Wasting their time PROTESTING. What were they protesting? Was some student ejected by the administration? Was the university raising tuition fees? NOI The only discemable reason was the prescence on campus of some representatives of the Dow ChemicalCompany. They were at the university to help cooperativeprogram students by interviewing them for jobs. The radicals on this campus blamed these men for napalm production by their company. They feel the company should be condemned for making napalm which accounts for less than one percent of DOW’S total yearly sales. In doing so they jeopardize co-op students’ chances for jobs. Do they have the right to do such a thing? I think not.

as the Edmund Burke Society. One of the more active local groups is at the University of Toronto. At the recent “peace march” they showed what a sham thepeacenikgroupwas. The Burke society was peacefully counter-demonstrating, obeying police parade regulations) when it was attacked and abused by the peaceniks. Even the police agreed the Vietniks were overly aggressive for their peaceful views. That is one task which an anti-newleft group can perform. Another ,is to run candidates in all campus elections to oppose leftist tendenties . This would give the student voter a real choice and would probably be a welcome addition to the political ring. The recent small turnout of voters in campus elections is not, as some believe, a sign of apathy but rather shows of a lack of choice in platforms and candidates. This is the area where we--peoplewho hold similar political views as myself--have failed. We must do better in future. * * *

editor’s desk protesting stands I took last week. I find it exceedingly trivial to engage in a typewriter tussle. However there is one point I would like to clear up. This was brought up in one of the first letters. The writer asks t “..but what kind of education? A good education? A bad education?” TO that question, which is good, one which every student should ask himself, I would answer only this. The students at this university, in my --------_-----------------------Feedback by the ton -_--------_----_-----------------


TORONTO (staff&The Realist strikes again. The Toronto Varsity reprinted the same article which is causing so much controversy in Montreal. The Varsity decided Tuesday to

include the article, displaying it under a front-page headline ‘MCGill Daily Charged with Obscenity1 It went on to describe events at McGill University where the editors of the Daily are facing suspension and explusion. They printed the story called, *The parts that were left out of the Kennedy book.’ The Varsity’s general manager, Bob Parkins, said he ran theoriginal because 44you can’t really convey what a news story like this is really all about without telling your readers what the heart of the trouble is.” He feels the original allegedly obscene paragraph was necessary in the context of the news story and to leave it out would have been hypocritical. The University of Toronto’s chief disciplinary body, Cap& will probably meet to discuss the issue. The chairman of the university% board of governors, Henry Borden, said the Varsity’s action was (( completely disgraceful, completely disgusting- something one cannot possibly understand.” A short survey of students showed a 21 vote against theVarsity for printing the story. Parkins said, tcI: don’t know what all the fuss is about. We’re not concerned about it and the students don? seem to be. People just don’t react to the Varsity anymore.‘# c











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The Aryan Affairs Commission held its first annual Beer Hall Putsch this week. Some of the members showed their best form as they pushed beer bottles in the Federation Building hall. by Diane


What are the admissions

refuses to recognize us, but says he’ll recognize any backlash group. The bookings office doesn’t like us either. They gave us a chemistry store room with a locked door and a no admittance sign (them 109) for our first meeting. We moved meetings to the hall of the Federation building after bookings off ice gave us a women’s washroom (AL


Chevron Staff

Before we let anybody in, we The following is the text of an have him fill in an admissionform. interview conducted Tuesday beLf the answers are completely untween a Chevron reporter and related s he’s admitted. Harold D. Goldbrick, chairman ’ of the Aryan Affairs Commission, What are the other What is the Aryan Commission?



Well, I was thinking that maybe too much attention is being paid to minority groupmermans, CanitdianS,

F r e n ’ h canadians* Newfies, Ontarios, Conservatives Liberals, Communists, Fascists, Homosexuals, Heterosexuals. And not only that (pointing and gesturing angrily), there are people in this world who don’t love the rifellow man. i violently hate that sort of person. Who is the fokder of the Aryan Affairs Commission?



The Chief Propagandist is the Midnight Skulker. We also have a Chief Druid. We only made the de cision in that respect to night. Sandy Baird was the only applicant; so he got the position .

122). What are your

What are the purposes of the commission?

Well, it’s not quite like an apathy club, but it works something Jike that. We put notices in This Week on Campus, and people ignore them just like those of any other political club. We feel vindicated. How many

Who is the chairman?


do you have?



What are some of the problems you have run into?

Who is on the admissions committee?

The Board of ExternalRelations




We wish to erect our own personal Stonehenge on the North campus for our sunrise ceremonies. We also hope to hold a beer putsch for charity, a Bottle for Bucks drive. Our charity this year is the Visit Orphans in the Bahamas Campaign. At this point, M.D. interrupted the interview to ask this reporter about her ethnic origins. When told that they were United Empire Loyalists, he exlaimed, (l United Empire Loyalists are draft dodgers,” and the interview came to an end.

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10, 1967 (8:20)



on shows



Burton’s by Gord



Chevron staff

The taming

of the shrew

Richard and Elizabeth Burton are in their first comedy together and their fifth movie. William Shakespeare, as the plot writer, seems to disappear into the wings as these two swagger onto

The taming of the shrew stars Burton and Taylor. Here, in the wedding scene, Burton as the lusty Petruchio waits for Kate ponders his next deviltry. shrewis Kate to explode.


When you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents’ Hospital Insurance. You must take out individual membership within ?O days. Get your application form at a bank, a hospital, or the Commission.





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the stage-and this may be the greatest fault of the film. While I was impressed by the pageantry and dialect both tended to irk after the first hour. The former seemed dull and the latter at times incoherent. The minor characters seemed to fade with awe when either Dick or Liz appeared. Yet almost monotonously one would guffaw while the other shrieked, and this seemed the extent of each character. Michael York was a brief bright spot at the beginning of the film and Victor Spinetti (t A hard day’s night’ to ‘Help’) sparked the action continually by popping in and out to relieve the drudgery of the stars. Essentially a little too drawn out, but with a boistrousness and bawdiness which might keep up the interest, ‘The taming of the shrew’ is running at the Lyric until Wednesday.



If you dig the camp fad go see this spoof on pirate movies. Also showing is a kiddies, special, ‘And now Miguel’.

For budding To keep insured follow the instructions on the Hospital Insurance “Certificate of Payment-Form 104” that your ‘present employer is required to give you on leaving. A hundred years ago, a Prisoner in a Turkish fortress Land announced a new Revelation of God. His name was are, without doubt, the most His “letters to the Kings” documents Several

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MON. NOV. 13 12:15 AL-i16 ART FILM SERIES “ART OF THE MAYA” Sculpture in stone and terracotta, decorated pottery, carved jade, marble, clay figurines and ceramic. And other films will be shown. Free Admission. TUES. NOV. 14 12: 15 Theater of the Arts NOON DRAMA “WORKSHOP” 67 This production will feature work done by St. Aethelwold’s Players, the Schola Cantorum of Eugenes, the German department and the University Drama Company Free Admission

HEWLYWED? The “family” Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your “group” without delay or if you both pay premiums direct, notify the Commission.

THURS. NOV. 16 8:00 AT246 “ART LECTURE” “Group of Seven” Free Admission SUN. NOV. 19 8:30 p.m. AL1 16 EXPERIMENTAL FILM SERIES Students $2.Otl-m FEDERATION OF STUDENTS-CREATIVE-ARTS 8


This double bill plays until tomorrow at the Capitol. ‘The corrupt ones’ with Robert Stack and a second feature, ‘Marriage on the rocks’ with Cearsar Romero, help to play out the backlog of fillers that will play at the Capitol until Christmas.




A young couple (Hayley Mills and Hywel Bennet) have just been married, but because of several dramatic incidents on their wedding night, find it impossible to consummate the nuptial event, Some very indiscreet neighbors discover their dilemma and in a small London town this proves almost fatal to their marriage, I think John Mills steals the show by blending in some exquisite spice with what may have been a somewhat sugary flick. Some candid shots of the (%ew” Hayley Mills in the buff partly succeed in allaying her Pollyanna image. Good performances by both of the couple, especially Marjorie ,Rhodes as Bennet’s mother and the patient, but not submissive, spouse of John Mills.


Start with bidding by Dave


Chevron staff

This is the first bridge column of a series to be written by varmembers of the University of Waterloo duplicate bridge club. This week a bidding quiz which will illustrate some common misbids: (a) S-A, H-AK32, D-A&IO, CWhat do you open? KQ985. (b) 5-K873, H-KJ4, D-A&, CA&82. Your opening?

(c) SA973,



74. Partner bids one club. Your bid? . (d) s-K&92, H-A&85, D-K&84, C-7. Right-hand opponent bids one diamond. Your overcall? Answers: (a) One club. A lot of high card points but wrong distribution for a two NT bid. If partner repliesone spade, bid 3NT. Over any higher

response bid game, (b) One club. You are too strong to open 1NT. Bid one club and if partner can make any response, bid 3NT. If he can’t reply, you weren’t going anywhere, (c) One spade. If 3NT is theproper contract, you will get there anyway. By bidding 2NT you deny a four card major and may endup in a very shaky 3NT contract instead of a very cold major-suit game. If over one spade your partner bids two diamonds, bid two hearts. Your partner can bid NT too. (d) Pass. Do not make a take out double unless you are short in the opponent’s suit. Do not overcall a four card suit. Maybe the opponents will get in trouble, or perhaps partner can find a bid. At least you are fairly sure they aren’t going anywhere.


WED. NOV. 15 through to DEC. 17 Gallery of the Theater of the Arts Exhibition: DUNCAN MacPHERSON “POLITICAL CARTOONS” Free Admission WED. NOV. 15 12: 15 Theater of the Arts NOONCONCERT BAND CONCERT the University Stage Band playing works by Borodin Shostakovich and other composers. Free Admission THURS. NOV. 16 12:15 AL116 THURSDAY FILM SERIES “WIND FROM THE WEST” Scenes of beauty and grandeur from northernmost Sweden - the land of the Laps. “SONG OF THE MOUNTAINS” Vacationing in the Canadian Rockies Free Admission



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No, the seat of director AZf Kunz isn’t that hot, but tk musical score of his Centennial oratorio The big land will bc.


AI/ those. sins by Dale


Chevron staff

The St. Aethewold’s players presented the Digby play of Mary’Magdalen during the last three days of last wee& Here Lazar is supported by a servant while he is at death’s door.

A. trip around

Once again the St. Aethelwold’s Players have scored a major success with their annual medieval play. ‘A Digby play of Mary Magdalen’ was skilfully handled during its three days in the’ Theater of the Arts. It is difficult to fault the players in their presentation. The play is concerned with the downfall of Mary Magdalen and her ultimate redemption through the Prophet. One of the most interesting aspects of going to such a play lies ins eeing how the medieval dramatist wove a story-from a variety of biblical and theological sources. We see doctrines of Christianity that never existed in the days of Christ and historical notions that modern knowledgehas outmoded. Dr. Larry Cummings has been directing the group for the last five years, yet each year the play leaves adifferent impression. TWO years ago, the emphasis seemed to be on sight gags, buffoonery and double entendres produced by the players’ expressions and unnatural breaking of sentences. Last year the players were more serious and the tragedy of the story gave Paul Frappier a chance to play a moving Herod. ‘The Digby play of Mary Magdalen’ lies somewhere betweenthe two extremes. There is abundant hijinks throughout tie play, but the players provide several deep and moving moments. of course, there are problems with the play. It is long and has an unfortunate tendency to drag. The players realized this and their Saturday performance was much more polished and rapid than it was on Thursday. The company also had manpower of theoldcom-’ , problems--several

Pay are not back this year, The?’ also seemed

to be a literal

the wodd by Allen


power problem in that many lead roles had to be played by women. This is probably the one major difference in style between this group and the one that produced the play in the 1500s. The company was very wellbalanced in itsopresentations but it is difficult to assess the actors, for many of them had two or three parts. In the title role,Chris McCarthy performed well as Mary, but she was hampered by the very nature of the role. lt is very difficult to attempt to creatively develop the character of Mary for the very nature of the medieval drama means the roleis largely predeterThere is no opportunity lTlilld. for even clowning around. Paul Frappier was again given an opportunity to show himself to be an excellent actor as Gluttony and the Taverner. His road tour with the Canadian University Centennial Players has certainly helped him--he now projects his voice well without having to resort to shouting. Paul Innis had ample opportunity to clown as the messenger and the bad angel but somehow his grirnacings always had theeffect of being too well timed. Two of the ladies deserving praise are Lois Baumtrog and Marion Kaufrnann who did yeoman service as two old men. Lois’s portrayal of Cyrus father of Mary was both amusing and touching as she quavered through the role. Equally well done, and certainly surprising, was Marion’s portrayal ‘of Pilate as a quavering, uncertain old man, in constant need of reassurance. While one has his mind on the ladies, it is hard to forget the way that Nancy Murphy slithered through her role of Lechery.Well done, Murph. It is always difficult to portray Christ, for no one actor can have all the attributes that men


seek to give him. In view of this, it is fair to say that Gino Talexo gave a s trafghtforward balanced modern performance which had its highpoint when the Christ contemplates the fate awaiting him. A brief role, but well done. In contrast, Lee Fitzpatrick’s Lazar came across rather woodenly. Considerable comic relief was provided by Paul White’s Pride in the gayest presentation of that part in the last 500 years. Dave Ditner’s World and Pat Perkins’s Flesh nicely complemented one another, like Julie Begeman’s and Pat Connor’s French and German theologians. The entire company deserves praise. The sets were well thought out to work within our open stage. The costuming was effective, and on occasion pleasantly surprising. A play like this is one way to ensure a full house next year.

Queen’s wants part-time



KINGSTON (CUP)--Students at Queen’s University want to attend meetings of university boards but only want part-time representation on the board of trustees. These feelings were expressed in a recent plebiscite. Eighty per cent voted to have university board meetings open to students and faculty. The ballot listed three choices for type of representation. Parttime representation got 61 per cent of the vote. Full-time rectorship got 24 per cent and abolition of the rectorship got 14 per cent of the vote. Having a part-time rector retain of a Queen% tradition. The chief returning officer, Gary Henry, said that most people he talked with wanted a non-student rectore because “there is less chance of irresponsible student getting representation.”

on/y Q do//ar


Chevron staff

Students from nine different countries are presenting exotic entertainment tonight and tomorrow evening at 8:30 in the Theater of the Arts. The performance consists Of skits* songs and dances from China, Pakistan, the West IndieS, India, Canada, the Ukraine, Nigeria, Japan and England. Earl Steiler, technical director of the arts theater, is coordinating the effort, Dorthy Beausoleil of the bookings office, treasurer of the International Students Association, is assisting him. To cite some examples of what is happening, there is a candle dance from China, a parody of a Wst Indian Christmas, and a Pakistani student singing a sitaric --sitar, not satire--song about a love letter from home. The acts in most cases typify some aspect of the countries the students represent. One English student chimed of his songs, “They’re just off me head, this lot :*

Cheyne, grad them eng, will represent Britain at International Students Night. He sings earthy ballads from Tyneside (the area around Newcastle in England).

It’s only a dollar around the world.‘


a trip

Bee-Ling Soon and Jerry Pi rehearse the Chinese candles dance. Friday,


70, 7967 (8:20)




_ A ahlog by Jim

*about YOU-

an incident: the Chevron last week reported that I said we had all the briefs we needed (in the university government committee). In the same paper SteveIreland is quoted, quoting me, that ’ we have all the briefs we need to report to senat-d that the committee is a shame because it had already made up its mind on what its recommendations would be? This shows a serious lack of communication, Batke said. “‘Often when this kind of charge is made, other newspapers ask me if I have anything to say. I say no, and then it is all over the front pws “1 suggest that putting such things in print is hardly conducive to sitting down and having a pleasant chat with faculty.” Jim Lindsey, speaker of student council, pointed out to Batke that


Chevron editor

council has no control over the Chevron’s contents. (aSo you are blaming the council, not the Chevron, for saying that,” hd said. Lindsey said it was also his personal interpretation that the study committee members already had their minds made up.

The committee studying university government might be unwilling to discuss openness, honesty and communication within the university--but did they ever get open, honest, frank blunt and communicative Monday night. The occasion was an informal faculty-administrationFrank Bialystok, an arts rep on student dinner that university president J. G. Hagey had sugcouncil, said he does not like being a politician either. “1 like to gested last spring. Somehow fate saw to it that the longdo my thinking and my work in a arranged date coincided with the tension-filled meeting of the different setting. I don’t care auniversity government committee Monday afternoon. bout boards of governors and being The dinner was one of the first to be held in the Laurel on a million committees. _ Room of the new food-services building. Student-council #‘But there is no communicamembers and heads of the faculty societies were invited to tion,” he said. 9here does not meet the president, the vicepresidents, the deans, provost, reseem to be an acceptance of us to you as human beings? gistrar and security chief. He said the situation reminded It was a chance to talk-and talk they did. Two completely him of the civil-right‘s tension in frank and honest opening addressed from President Hagey the U.S. c4A white suburbanite is and President Ireland sparked it. Everyone opened up. proud of himself if he invites a They talked mainly about talking to one another, about negro to lunch. But that’s it. They what’s wrong within the university and society that puts barhaven’t recognized these other riers between people, about what education should be giving Hagey lays it on the line... but isn’t. As President Hagey put it the next day, “An open confession is good for the soul. Members of student council, seated beside senior members of faculty and staff, openly 44Universities in Canada are now spoke to each other face to face more frankly than at any big business regardless of the size time in the history of this university. (Probably-more so than of their enrollment or their age,” has ever occured at any other Canadian university.) said President Gerry Hagey at Monday eveni@ s student-admin“Although some of the statements were rough, with no istration dinner. The speech was holds barred, I (as a silent onlooker) was convinced the majdelivered for him by Provost Wilority of them were sincere, To me it seemed that under the liam Scott. crusty surface we were all seeking a solution to a problem Traditionally universities have which seemed different-but in reality it was the same basic had little regard for efficiency problem wearing different masks. but, %ow it is expected-in fact “Personally, I feel the meeting served all of iis well. ” being demanded? Thus he pointed out that stuThe Chevron thinks you will be interested in listening in on dents should be mindful of the type their dialog-so a summary of it is presented here. of organization they are attemptIt concerns YOU-your education, your hangaps, your ing to change. humanness. %ommunications between na-


4’What we want is open ascu+ sion right here and now,” said Stewart Sue, external-relations chairman, when open discussion





iIlg Out t0 fOCUS on questions of There are at communication. least WO sides to all the questions








“Pm not so sure I feel as optimistic as Steve did-and maybe the rest of YOU didn’t think he was optimistic at all.” Dr. Ted Batke, university vice president for development, said he was glad the evening was turn-

analysis of what said. t ‘Academics,


to this kind of intensive




“Many fulo 9

he said. not been ac-


is going on,” he generally, are to the Poutical often loudly.

of us find also


it distasteto point

tions and specific individuals is still a major barrier to improved international and social conditions.” Hagey said the university has barely scratched the surface in

finding ((a means through which complaints, problems concerns, or desires of a group within the university

those at






be discussed with a mutually solution may be



to groups


HAGEY: We’ve barely scratched the surface.

people as human beings.” He asked the administration and faculty to recall their undergraduate days. “You felt the same dis-

BIALYSTOK: I don’t care about boards and committees.

everywh&re In a portion

of the speech which

was added after he had received the letter on openness in univer-

sity government


the student

representatives to the university government committee (the letter

was published in last week% paper), Hagey pointed out that the committee was established by the senate with no reference to open meetings. “1 would remind the students that the governing bodies of this university on their own initiative, invited the student federation to be

represented on the committee on university governmen&that when this invitation was accepted, the acceptance was not premised on the meetings of the committee be ing open meetings.” Hagey said the students should realize there are authorized ways

the university who grievances a public

make their of changing the committee’s proissue within cedures but that the threat of the university community. &&In strike is not included. many such situations official comFinally he assured the students munication between the group with that the accusation that the comthe proper university administramittee had already predecided the tors could achieve the desired efform which future government f ect? would take was totally unfounded,



“To Rhine own self be true...,” Steve Ireland, president of the Federation of Students, had decided to let down his hair to the university, to start the flow of communication he felt had been too long stopped up. He apologized for starting with sucha cliche-like quotation from Hamlet--he% an English student --but he said they’d become almost a creed to him in the last week or so. He emphasined he was talking only as an individual, that these were only his personal feelings--and personal they were: In a very personal sense I’m groping for meaning--meaning in what is going on in the world, in our own society, on the campus and--above all-meaning IN WHAT IS GOING ON BETWEEN US, as people. I think human beings feel best within relationships of honesty, cooperation and MUTUAL RESPECT’ “It is an ideal condition for a community of scholars. It may even be a necessary condition.*’ I say it IS a necessary condition. And I say we sure as hell haven’t got it now. YOU don’t have respect for me, and what’s going on in this university is not helping me respect you. And I don’t think you can avoid that career consideration. Most students are really concerned about their future careers--the whole bag-of neurotic anxie10



satisfactory found.”


. . . and

a barrier



ties which are induced by our competitive commercial social order are there already. They worry about holding their own in an anticipated rat race type of career and this has induced a great many students to accept with gratitude the training for jobs and the molding for political conformity and social status in a sick, sick society that goes on in our universities. These anxieties induced by the university--which I feel as the key institution if we’re to change sodety-hold intellectual development back, don’t allow people to get an education that could set their minds free, an education which would liberate them so that/they could have the freedom to choose their own values, commitments and appropriate styles of life. “Politics ” as conceived of in the dassical, Aristotelian sense of seeking “the highest good attainable by action”, is believed in by a signfficant number of students on this campus. And these students are going to act. The university and in particular this university is so concerned with its public relations that it is ignoring the effective stimulation of free intellectual development. And especially the university is ignoring one crucial aspect of intellectual growth: the development of political consciousness-a concern with defining the public interest and one’s own stake in


cooperationj it, and one’s own rights, and obligations, as a sodal and human being. And the tactics being used toputdown what I think some people see as a potentially subversive political dialog disgust met. (Ireland here listed six specific examples--naming names, some of’ them present at the dinner--of what he considered dishonest dealings within the university.) Can you see why I’m really sceptkal about working within the system to bring about change? The problem facing this university is not going to be solved by placing two students here or there in the governing structure of the university. That is not going to achieve the MUTUAL RESPECT we’ve got to have. You’ve got to stop believing that not only do you necessarily know more than we do, but that you necessarily know better. You’ve got to stop thinking that we have deficient kinds of minds, minds that are impressionable incapable of judging consequaes, and that are moved more by feeling than by reason. . You’ve got to stop feeling responsible FOR us and stop trying to convert or subvert us to you way of thinking and feeling and seeing and valuing. You’ve got to stop believing that the


of authority that exists in the re~tf~n~hips we have today provides the best way of getting anything done. I We’ve got to get rid of that system of stylised human relationships we have now: you’ve got to stop stigmatizing me and others as irresponsible radicals and troublemakers and we’ve got to (and got to be able to) stop stigmatizing you as big bad administrators and deans who are out of touch with the times and who are desperately hanging onto power. I want very badly to see this university as one where all relationships are relationships of mutual respect. Differences between us have got to be seen as differences, and not as inequalities. B* is there any other institution in society which has given first place to the aims of free enquiry and the search for truth and humane excellence? Is thereany other institution which needs so badly for the attainment of its major aims its relationships to be of mutual respect and cooperation rather than the present unilateral respect and constraint? That we are so far from this situation of mutual respect, of open and frank communication among the human beings who are the members of this community, is to me extremely frightening. We’ve got to do something about it, and we’ve got to do something about it NOW.


educution sent. Why didn’t you come out and ask questions then?’ “Ten years ago the silent generation sat around in Bohemia and talked about problems. Well, we’re not going to sit around? Bialystok also admitted that student-council members do not reflect student opinion. “We lead them. If we reflected the opinion there of the average student, would BE no council because the average student doesn’t care.” “Students are raising issl;es, here are and the non-students skirting them,” said Dean J. Say-

and your frustration

communication is to stop using this shock kind of language. ‘%‘s like meeting a business acquaintance on the street and saying, ‘You son of a bitch, how are you? How can you expect communication then?’ Dr, Batke urged getting together and talking over problems more ofterr-informally, without motions and Roberts’ rules of order. He suggested the occasional evening, when it% possible to %e just as frank and as open as we are tonight .)’ He said he realized Ireland’s sincerity. CcWell, some of the rest of us are too.‘*

Saxe stood up to compliment President Hagey. “1 don$t know how others feel when they call him Uncle Gerrybut with me it’s like the Kennedy era when you feel real affection for the man at the top,” Saxe said he had come to know Hagey two years ago during weekly interviews with him as a reporter for the campus paper. Talk to other people as people, Saxe urged. ‘(We’re hating people because of the positions they hold? He said he really does think something serious is wrong with MINAS: Students raising is- society, and that he hopes to see change. sues, non-students skirting. Saxe suggested that the series er Minas of arts. It had seemed to of unstructured seminars-getbreak through to Dean Minas that without formal organizthe student council was talking a- togethers ation or program-e not a new bout things that had concernedhim idea, and that they do work. The too for a long time. Canadian Union of Students semc41tgs so clear to me that I’m inar held on this campus in Augsure I must be wrong: he said. 44These are the kind of questions it ust 1966 is the most famous example, he said. “People sat down seems to me faculty members have and started to see what people are been complaining students aren? about .*) interested in,” he said enthusiastPresident Hagey, unable to speak ically. because of throat surgery, scrib“1 think it% terribly important. bled a reply to Saxe and smiled The particularistic kind of thingsas it was read out: “Mr. Saxe (minor shuffles within university seems to have me where he algovernment, adding a student here I can*t and a student there) is much less ways wanted me-where talk back.” to the point than the kind of thing Mr. Ireland is asking. Dean Cross spoke in a different 841t% quite clear that we have a vein than in the afternoon meetlot of joint work to do togethering, he said, where he had blasted and there’s no way to learn to re- the students for their attitude. He spect someone than by working with said he shared deeply this concern him.” for a+ck of humanity among un“The two questions faculty and iversity members. “1 have tried students must not ignore,” said to establish personal relations with “are how we can Dean Minas, people of all kinds,” he said, ‘(but work together and how we can start have found it impossible except to talk to one another.” He sug- on a small level.” He related gested begining at the level of experiences while a Village tutor. courses and curriculums. “What I fail to see,” he went “How can we do this instead of on, “is how this concern is illusinterposing all these otherformaltrated in a discussion of the strucisms (such as boards and committure of university government. I tees?’ he asked. don’t see how we’re going to corThe university vice-president in rect this by putting students and charge of operations, Al Adlington, faculty on the board and so on. seemed to doubt the problem is as “1 realize the kind of university severe as Ireland had painted it. we have is determined by its “If we have the kindof problems structure-but I don’t see that the Steve described, then we’re really connection is all that close. in a bad way. I can’t agree they’ re “I would like to go on record that severe. as willing to devote every hour of “One of the real ways to start my time to this end, ‘) he saidof establishing better personal communication within the univerSW.

SAXE: I feel real affection for Uncel Jerry-can trust him.

Asked where he woul d start, Cross thought for a moment and re plied that he would probably like to go home and write a play, a short story- or a piece of music. (Afterwards he expanded on this, saying one of the main sources of frustration in our society is that people never express their cre ative impulses.) Tom Patterson, another member of the Federation of Students executive, said structure is important within the university. The pre sent system of government is unsatisfactory, he said, because all

decisions are made by somebody else. “1 wish these questions andfeelings could be expressed in the discus sions on university government-we have to talk about the kind of university we want to have.” “Pm alarmed,,though, that nobody seems to want to ‘talk about them in the committee,‘$ he said. “Our questions last week werenot really answered. ,We’ re really worried and we really want to bring about some kind of changes.” Engineering dean Archie Shebourne said he has the same trouble making his faculty get involved as the student leaders have with their constituents/‘These are the two most passive groups inthe whole equation,” he said. “The faculty association is as unrepresentative of the faculty as the student association is of the students .” Many student grumbles, he said, are unjustified because none of them come to the people with the answers to ask questions. ‘#When the students have bothered to ask, they have got answers.” Government is like this too. “In


the paper to talk AT one another.” He thought that the students were extending the problems too far. “One of the problems Mr. Ireland and his generation are hav-

McBR YDE: I hate being talked about as one of THE-M, ing is that they are general&zing problems? Many of the university% prob lems, Dean McBryde went on, are because of its rapid expansion. 4( By tubthumping I don? think you’re making the problem any better.” “Progress can o&y be made in terms of mutual respect. Much of what was read in newspaper reports of student-council discussion is aimed at being provocative. And being human, we-tend to provoke back. “1 challenge you on the state ments some of you have made tonight that we can? talk. My door is always opebbut students won’t COME and talk. “The discussions we hear always come to us fourth-hand,” he said, echoing what Dean Sherbourne had complained earlier.

don’t guarantee to keep eveI.YrJne in my faculty happy.” Peter Warrian, a member of the Federation executive and president-elect of the Canadian Union of Students, said he was involved up to his neck in what he called dehumanizing politics. “Dean McBryde,” he said, “I’ve never met you, but I think I should because we have things to talk about? He made a similar invii tation to Dean Minas. Warrian and McBryde, at least, found a quiet corner after the group broke up and held a lengthy private conversation. Could it be that students just have had no experience with bring. ing real questions to their teachers? That’s what Ron Rumm, science rep, asked. ztBy the time students come through highschool they’re through questioning,” he said. “We want them to start questioning again. And the structure of the university inhibits this.” Peter McWha, science rep (but he5 in math this year), said, ‘%udents look on the dean as a Qmwer’. They think they have nothing to say to you.” 4cWho gave me this image? asked Dean McBryde. “When I was in Toronto teaching, a great many students came to see me. Have I changed?’ Kirton suggested that it is the responsibility of the student leaders to teach their constituents that the faculty’s doors are open. Kirton described a series of Saturday seminars he is planning to spread this kind of discussion down to the grassroots of the uni-

Joe Givens, engineering rep, SHERBOURNE: Society gets welcomed the chance to get to the government it deserves. know people as people.“You might the end, society will get the government it deserves .*’ Unless people are interested in it, their government will not serve them. Dean W.A.E. McBryde of science obviously had been waiting for his say. He introduced himself as probably the oldest academic there, having graduated in 1939, the spring before the war. 44Do you think my generation didn’t care? You think I as a man have changetihat Pm not as concerned with humanity as anyone else in this room? “We will not get together and talk as man-to-man-we talkpompolls dialog,” “1 hate being talked about as one of THEM, as a caricature? He said many members of the faculty, now that he is their dean, reject him in the same way as students. He reminded everyone that he was well aware the university needed changing-he had described his ideals in education in detail in a paper this summer, @he paper on his dream setup, which he called Iroquois College, was printed in the Chevron June 9.) Although the bluntness of the Monday-night discussions was a start, Dean McBryde warned that the communication would have to take a different turn if it is to continue. “we’re not going to get anywhere by this sort of rough dialog .‘.$ !‘Every dean knows there are problems. You cannot change things yourself like Don Quixote, All you can do is persuade other people to your point of view. ‘<You can’t get anywhere using

be a dean, and that’s fine;’ he said. “If Pm a student that% fine too. But leps get together as just me and you and that% all? Jim Pike, president of Engineering Society A, presently off campus, praised the first-year tutorial system in his faculty that allows freshmen students to’be in contact with senior faculty. Dean Sherbourne, however, wondered how many students will go back the second year. tcAlmost nil,” he predicted. “And I don? know the answer “You can’t call the program successful unless the contact keeps up. Why don’t they go back, I ask everyone. And I don’t know the answer.” Sherbourne said a willing-totalk attitude does not always mean winning disagreements. “We are discussing the approachability of people, not that the results you get will always be satisfactory. I

WARRL4N: Up to my neck in dehumanizing politics. versity, and he invited faculty and administration to participate. Vice-president Bathe called attention to the problems of those administrators who no longer have contact with students through class ses. “1 suggest you invite us to some of your parties,” he said. President Hagey, hoping the discussion could be continued, expressed his wish to select a small group from all levels of the university to help follow up some of the ideas brought out.

Student president Ireland was happy the next day. “People were really talking about the things that were bothering them. I’m particularly glad that all the council members spoke-and on personal problems. “They’re all now in the process of relating their personal problems to the public issues. “The students were speaking from the gut, and most of the others were pretty open too. “I think Dean McBryde and I buried a hatchet last nightand that was good. Hagey let down his hair. The others will do some thinking and I hope this leads to more. “Idon’t think last night SOL VED anything-there’s much work to be done. And I don’t think it can be done by committee. It’s a matter of individuals taking the initiative. “You can’t legislate personal respect. ” Friday,


10, 1967 (8:20)




Girls defcdt again, athletic fee wasted by Karen


Chevron sports

Where does the $22 athletic fee go? Complaints have been loudly is not used to expressed that it’s never seen again, The fee certainly line the phys-ed department’s pockets. Some of it is used to set up the girls intramural program, to pay officials, to buy equipment and to rent the facilities. Girls intramural volleyball has been running for a few weeks at The facilities are available, the officials are there Waterloo Collegiate. but the teams don’t show up. This is where the money is going-for nothing. The sad part is that some teams do consistently come out but are unable to play because they have no opponents. The college units usually have a very good turnout along with math and science. Arts has a team that wants to play-all six of them. They could use some more support. In the Village, North defaulted the first week and played the second. South was there at first but didn’t even bother to show the second week. The East quadrant came both weeks. Isn’t that nice! Phys-ed has been withdrawn from the schedule. Note, they didn’t withdraw-they were withdrawn. Well, girls, let’s not hear any more about the high cost of athle / tics. intercollegiate Intercollegiate volleyball and basketball are finally getting underway with the first league game for each being played next week. Both teams play WLU Tuesday night at Seagram Stadium. The volleyball game is scheduled for 6:30 followed by the basketball game at 8.

Trent scores on penalties

A gold shirt scores a goal in last week’s intrasquad hqckey game. The golds lost the game IO-5 to the whites. The Warriors travel to Windsor on Sunday to play the Lancers.

Puck squad has punch If last Thursday’s intrasquad game is any indication of how the Warriors will look this season, the fans can look for a hardhitting high-scoring squad. Last season it took the Warriors half the season to really get on the scoring track, but Thursday the team showed lots of scoring punch as Cail Vinnicombe’s Whites downed Bob Norman’s Golds 10-5. Especially surprising was the showing of several rookies. of the fifteen goals scored, the rookies accounted for 10 of them. Rookies Rick Bacon, Doug Jodoin and Joe Mode&e led the Whites with two goals apiece. Vetereans Orest Romashyna and

The weekend snowfall did not Paul Wilson then kicked a goal stop the rugger Warriors from when a penalty was awarded against travelling to Peterborough for the Warriors, thus tying the score. their second battle with Trent. The Warriors replied with a The weather however did appear The Warriors replied with a to impede the Warriors on the successful third-quarter move playing field. After demolishing ment which saw Bill Wilson dart Trent 8-O last week the Warriors between the opposing winger and them selves were out to prove center to spurt thirty yards, putagain, but were held to a 6-6 ting Waterloo ahead 6-3. deadlock. Waterloo again fell prey to Waterloo struck early in the first penalties and Paul Wilson kicked half, A loose ball was driven his second penalty goal _ ,of the ahead by the Waterloo pack deep afternoon. These points proved into the Trent territory andon into to be all Trent needed to keep the the end zone. Ted Nelson, awingWarriors at bay. forward, dove on the ball as it Although the game was tied, it squirted from the grasp of the was a moral defeat for the WarJohn Scott, defending varsity Trent fullback to score a good try. riors as penalties again proved to curling champion, finds himself in Ed Murphy narrowly missed the be fatal. In three games the a do-or-die position after only one conversion when the ball hit the opposition has not scored a try round in the playdowns to deterupright. mine U of W’s OQAA curling repWand the Waterloo squad but The home team was not dishas won one game and tiedanother resentative. couraged andpressed the Warriors Steve Wilton handed him an 8-7 on penalty kicks. harder. A Trent strum pushed the The rugger team has anumber of setback as 12 rinks opened play Waterloo pack off the ball congames remaining. This weekend last Saturday. In the double-knocksistently and with a series of high they will battle with the Univerlast Saturday. In the double kicks drew within scoring range. sity of Western Ontario XV. knockout tournament, one more . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..***---**.-=‘---*---=---~..................~.~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~,.........................~...*-*.~~~***-*~*---~*-***=**~-...*.........

Hugh Conlin add singletons, along with rookie Bob Moore. Bob Murdoch,. Terry Cooke, Bob Moyer, Doug Baugh and Dan Hastick scored for the Golds. Both squads seem in pretty good shape--and had to be. Almost everyone took turns running one another into the boards in an effort to make the squad. Head Coach Don Hayes used this game as a basis for the final cuts.

Luckily for came out of

Hayes the squad the game without

It’s do or die for reigning after upset in first round




. _

















































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at Ottawa,

2 pm ,

BASKETBALL Lutheran Vs. Warriors, Seagram Gym

8 pm

I-ICCKEY Sunday, Warriors at Windsor, Saturday, Nov. 17, Warriors Sunday, Nov. 18, Warriors *

2 pm at Halifax at Halifax

BASKETBALL Tuesday, November 14, 1967 Court A 6:40 p.m. St. Paul’s vs Con. Gre. 7:40 p.m. St. Jer. vs Co-op 8:40 p.m. South vs West 9:40 p.m. East vs North _ Court

MO P.m. 7:40 p.m. MO p.m.

B Eng, vs Math Grads vs Arts Chancy VS. L&M

VOLLEYBALL . Wednesday, November 15, 1967 I..* ‘..* I.* Court A INTRAMURAL .-. .*. .*. 7:30P.m. South vs East .** HOCKEY .‘. a:00p.m. South vs West .** .*. Tuesday, November 14 .*. 8:~ P.m. Eng. vs Grads .*. .** 9:00 p.m. Wilson East vs South .*. 9:oo P.m. Eng. vs. Math .** 10:00 p.m. Wilson Grads vs Eng. .-* 9:30P.m. Co-~p vs Rex&on .*. .** 11:OO p.m. Wilson Renison vs Co-op **. lo:00 p.m. CO-Op vs St, Jerome’s .-. .** 11:00 p.m. Waterloo St. Paul% vs Math .> ,*.* court 23 m:.: .*. 7:30 P.m. West vs Phys. Ed Wednesday, November 15 I.=. I.‘. *.*. 8:OO P.m. East vs Phys, Ed 9:00 p.m. Wilson Sci. vs Arts ‘..s . :.* 8~30 p.m. Math. vs Sci. 10:00 p.m. Wilson 1St. Jerome’s vsCon .:.: .“.*. %oO p.m. Grads vs Sci. Gre. .*. .*. WO p.m. St. Jerome’s vs 11:00 p.m. Wilson Phys. Ed vs North St., Paul’s .*. .*. .** 10 p.m. Renison vs St. Paul’s 11:00 p.m, Waterloo West Practice .** .*. .> ~~.~....~~...~~.~Y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~..~~~~~.......................~~~*~~**.=*..******~=----~--==------------=--=-~= ;..........~~~~~~..~~~~.~~~~~~~~..~~~...,.~~~......................~*~*.***~~~~-.~*~~**~~-~~~~~~.~.~~o**~**--=-****‘--

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injuries, although goaltender Larry Copeland was slightly inured in a collision. The Golds led 2-l at the end of first period but the White squad took over play in the second. They scored three times in the second period and added another six in the third. The rookie line of Mode&e, Dennis Farwell and Jodlin was the most impressive. They accounted for nine scoring points and controlled play while on the ice. Last night the Warriors took on the Guelph Regals and Sunday they . travel to Windsor ,to take on the University of Windsor Lancers of the Ontario Intercollegiate Athle tic Association.

curling charn~ of playdowns

loss will eliminate Scott from further competition. In another first-round game, Wayne S&ski exhibited some of the poise and skill which helped him skip Northern Ontario schoolboy rinks in two Canadian championships as he smashed Ron Coulter 18-1, Mike Ash and his crew cracked a six in the first end and had little trouble downing Doug Hallet 16-6 in an abbreviated seven-end cow test. Bill I&on’ s smooth curling foursome held off a late-game charge by Bob Davis’ rigk to win 10-7. Pete Hindle bowed to Adrian Lomas 9-5 and Don Latta prevailed over Bob Thompson 9-6. In a double-knockout eliminateams continue to tion system, play until they have lost two games. The winner of the tournament being conducted now will meet the winner of a straight knockout competition in January. This final will be a best-ofthree affair, with the top team representing the university in the O&AA championship at Guelph in February. Of course, the 11 rinks coming out short in this one will be eligible for January’s scramble. Scott and Wilton were tied A after five ends and when the de fending champs stole one on the sixth it appeared they might be making their move. But Wilton’s boys roared back with a big four on the seventh and were content to hit everything in sight coming home to sew it up. Hallet and his boys seemed to have trouble against the strong hitting exhibited by Ash’s rink and gave up six in the fifth as well as

the first. But Hallet showed them all how it should be done in the second, when he turned a potentially dangerous situation into a brace with a triple take-out. Lomas came from behind to get past Hindle. Down 5-1, he purposely blanked the fifth to keep last rock advantage. The strategy worked beautifully, resulting in a five on the sixth. That took it right out of Hindle as he gave up two more in the seventh and one in the eighth. Icton took a five the hard way, stealing it in the fifth, to move ahead l&2. Five points by Davis in the last three ends were not enough. Two near misses by Thompson were the difference in his loss to Latta. Trailing 6- 5 in the fifth, he slid past a partially concealed Latta shot stone to give up a single. Coming back on the sixth, he attempted to draw down to a Latta stone, but failed to completely negotiate a guard and the rub was enough to carry him past to go three down. Wicks and rolls ***Vic Fenton is throwing third stone for John Scott this year. Jim Hill, Scott’s vice-skip last year, has graduated. The front end remains intact with John MacDonald at lead and Ted Chase sgcond. ***Mike Ash had the most impressive front end, both shooting and sweeping, in Juhn Stevens and Doug Britten. ***Wayne Steski and Steve Wilton tangle in the big game in the second round, tomorrow morning at 8 at the Granite.




to*victory by Paul Cotton sports editor

The Carabins never really had a chance. The University of Montreal football squad not only had to play an excellent opponent butthey had to do it under bad conditions. The Warriors trounced theCarabins 52-O on a rain-soaked and muddy field last Saturday in Mon-

treal. The loss was the fourth this season for the Montreal team. The

Warriors victory gave the Carabins a losing season of 3-4, since last Saturday’s game was Montreal’s last of the year.

Hugh Heibein moves the ball against the Carabins of University of Montreal. Bob McKillop is directly behind Heibein while the Warriors bench can be seen in the background. The part of the field shown is one of the drier sections in the lake the game was played in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l V...‘.. ..-......... . . . . . . . .-.-.‘.-.-.-.-.‘.‘.‘.-.-.-.-~-.-.-.-.-.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*....*.................................................................................. ‘...................................................................................................................


















with Paul Cotton, ..-.-.-.-i.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-...-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-...-...-.................................. .................................................................................................................... Another game and another rainstorm and muddy field. The Warriors played their fourth game in the mud against the Carabins of the University of Montreal. The Warriors might be called ccmudders’* as they have extended their record to four victories The victory against Western and only two defeats. in an exhibition game gives the Warriors an overall record of 5-2, Tomorrow the Warriors travel to Ottawa to play the University of Ottawa Gee-Gees in a battle for second place in the Central Canada Intercollegiate Football League. Last weekend Ottawa bea.t Lutheran 220, another

leaving Lutheran a record of 5-l. If the Warriors win tomorrow they will be tied with Ottawa with a %2 record. Waterloo will take second place on the basis of a win over the team they are tied with. McMaster has the title in the bag even if they fall prey to the faltering Hawks from WUC. If they lose and Ottawa wins, there will be a tie for first place. But the Marauders will claim the title on their victory over the Gee-Gees. The Warriors would be in a much better position if they had not dropped the game to Carleton. 8 The Gee-Gees of Ottawa knocked the Lutheran Golden Hawks out of the league race with their victc=Y* the game at Ottawa was also played in the rain


on top of that on a highschool

field was marked suffered burns.



and several



























editor ..:. . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-:.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~

The field was in terrible condition andit was to the Hawks that they should lose all their chances under such conditions.. Landsdowne Park is the normal home field of Ottawa but it is being saved for the Grey Cup. If the Warriors are to play under the same conditions tomorrow they should demand better facilities and a different field.

not fair season’s


In other . action l&t weekend Toronto tied 18-18 and Queen% beat McGill 15-10.

Toronto is still the only undefeated team in the SIFL but have been saved twice in the last two games by the foot of Paul McKay. Against Queen’s he kicked a last-minute field goal to win the game and against Western a last-minute single to tie the game. Now that Toronto has the title and Yates Cup in the bag they want into the College Bowl. The Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union should refuse and will refuse this request. The SIF’L has been asked about six times if it wished to enter its champion in the eliminations. To do this it would have had to move its season up one week but it refused. This change wasnecessary in case there was a tie for the championship and a game was needed to break it. One refusal deserves another and this is why Toronto will not and should not be allowed in the College Bowl. They sat in the bushes and when they became a winner, came out with banners flying and horns blowing. They should be put right back in the thornbush they pulled themselves out of.


When the Waterloo squad arrived at the stadium it had just started to rain. The coaches inspected the field to find that most of the grass had already been destroyed in past games. By the time the twoteams had gone through their warm-ups the field appeared completely brown with mud. The lights were turned on at the beginning of the game because of the overcast sky. The rain never did stop falling until just after the game ended. By the end of the first half all the field was one big mudbath-and at the end of the game it was one big puddle. ‘rhe Warrior offense did not have any trouble with the switching defense of the Carabins. Montreal used a six-man line backedclose ly by two linebackers. Often a linebacker would move up into the line in an attempt to stop the War-




The Carabins


off and the

Warriors found out they couldn’t pass in the rain as they hadtogive up the ball. The Warriors completed only one pass in the whole game. That was a Bob McKillopto-Don Manahan combination for ten yards and their only first down

in the air. It took the Warriors only three plays to score the second time they had possession of the ball. Relying on a strong running game, MCKillop sent Ron Howse over for the TD. McKillop called quite a few plays on the line. These were automatics and were used to exploit thecarabin defense. The Montreal defense was weak off-tackle and the Warriors used this by sending Howse and Brian Irvine and the other baclcfielders through that hole. More than once a Warrior ballcarrier broke into the open but couldn’t go all the way because he had to traverse a 20-yard puddle which


him down.

The Warrior defense came through with the next score. When a Carabin punt went short Doug Shuh picked it off and ran 85 yards for a TD. It was the first time

t I I

since highschool, when Shuh played fullback, that he had scolcc ed any points. The Carabin offense had trouble with the tough Warrior defense. The line of Ed Scorgie, Bill Haehnel, George Nogradi, Joe Sowietha

and Dave Knetchel would not let the Carabins move the ballupthe middle. Thus Montreal was forced to go outside with the pitch t9 the halfback. This was a bad play to have t0 use in the wet weatherandmore than once the Warriors defensive backfielders

This is the quarterback sweep the Warriors used against Montreal to great advantage. Both Bob McKillop and Doug Pilkington went for TDs on it, though Pilkington’s was called back.




runner before he crossed the line of scrimmage. The Warriors continued to march as they scored three more touchdowns before the first half ended. Hugh Heibein went 20 yards for a TD on a quick pitch after the Warriors had driven from the Car= Friday,

abin 50-yard line. The big play was a third-down-and-one situation when offensive linemen Brent Gilbert and John Moser opened up a big hole at the right tackle position. Ron Howse went through untouched for the first down. The powerful running of Ron Howse set up the Warriors second He, carried the ball three TD. times for 22 yards which included one romp of 11 yards. Only the puddle in the Carabin end stopped him from going all the way. Irvine went over for the TD from the six-yard line. Al Haehn’s convert was good, like five of the seven he attempted. Doug Shuh picked off another punt to set up Rick Anderson’s \ first TD. Shuh ran it to the Carabin five-yard line where Doug Pilkington called a good play. Montreal had their eye on BrianIrvine but he faked the handoff and gave the ball to Anderson whowentover untouched. The Carabins penetrated the Warrior end of the puddle only once in the first half. Montreal always seemed to be backed up in their end after receiving akickoff. Because the Warriors scored so many TDs Bob McKillop had to kick off eight times in the game. The only other time the Carabins got the ball was when the Warriors fumbled, The ball was very slippery and both teams often lost it because of fumbles. The Warriors continued to score at will in the second half. After Jim Manski blocked a Carabin punt Ron Howse set the ball in good field position with two fine runs.

Then Bob McKillop went around right end and romped 24 yards for the TD. The Montreal squad now started a different type of game. They refused to give up the ball at any cost. They gave up two safety touches and forced the Warriors to try a field goal. Al Haehn’s kick was wide but Waterloo got a single on the play. The Warrior defense played a great deal of the third quarter but the offensewould not be held back. Doug Pilkington was in the QB slot and led the Warriors well. He used the power left-end run for a 17-yard run that set up Anderson’s second TD of the game. Pilkington showed a definite ability to run the ball himself, He carried the ball six times f;or 39 yards. The leading rusher for the Warriors was Ron Howse, who had 93 yards on 13 carries. Brian Irvine carried 10 times for 56 yards. The Carabins finally showed



of an offense

late in

the game. Since they had nothing to lose they split three flankers to the left side and started to passon The flankers were every play. wide open on several occasions and Montreal moved in to Warrior end for the second time in the game. The defensive players of the War-



moved over to cover

the flankers ‘better. Then the Warriors got caught napping! With the defense overshifted, the Warriors got fooled when Montreal threw ashort screenpass to the right side of the field. The




24 yards

but he too was hampered by the puddle at the center of the field, The defense pulled up their socks but were caught again as the Cart abins managed another 240yard pass-and-run play. The defense finally caught the Carabin QB for a big loss and forced a punt.


10, 1967 (8:20)



St@Paul’s captures by Paul Solomonian Chevron sports

St. Paul% cappe a perfect season with a 12-O victory over Village East in the Snow Bowl--the intramural flag-football championship. Tuesday was St. Pa&s seventh win in as many starts. The game was played on snowcovered Columbia yield in aheavy The poor conditions snowfall. made it even more difficult for East to overcome St. Paul’s tenin their seven acious def ense. games the champs gave up agrand total of eight points, shutting out their opponents five times. On Tuesday they shut off both East’s passing and outside running. Terry Running put St. Paul’s ahead, 6-O early in the game as he took a Paul Cotton punt ten yards in his endzone and ran 120 yards down the sidelineforthe TD. East had moved down to St. Paul’s 5-yard line on a 700yard passand-run by Shorry Adams in the second play of the game butcouldn’t score on two tries. Jim Davidson added the insurance marker with six minutes to


play. He took a ten-yard pass in the flat from QB Jud Whiteside, eluded one defender, and picked up a lovely block to complete a 54-yard pass-and-run. East showed some defense of their own in the dying minutes as St. Paul’s had first and goal onthe three and failed to score.

tured a majority of unplayed games. Only three of 12 contests were completed, with eight matches defaulted. Results (games won): science 2 Math 1 2 St. Paul*s 0 St. Jerome’s co-op 2, St. Paul’s 0

Soccer The soccer final may never be played. Postponed earlier because of scheduling difficulties, it was set back further by Sunday% blizzard. When it is played, it will match up the strong grad team and the residence champs from Conrad Grebel. Grads won the faculty playoff 1-O over the engineers and then whitewashed phys-ed, the Village entry, 5-O. Phys-ed had earlier nipped South l-0. Grebel bounced back from an earlier loss to shut out St. Paul’s 2-O.

leagues have quickly deinto very balanced campIn the Thursday league, e&ions. only four of the 18 rinks are undefeated after 2 rounds, while ten rinks are evened up at l-l. Jan Oliver and Paul Solomonian have Solomonian has 19 2-O records. points and Oliver trails by three. Hal Cook and Bill Stephenson are 1-o. Last Tuesday, the ranks of the undefeated shrank to three as four ’ teams took their firstlosses.Dave Hawkins was the only skip to extend his 2-O record, defeating Hilm ly Gilchrist to increase his point total to a league-leading 26 l/2. Rick Krelove and Ron Coulter dropped to 2-l and Don Cooke, the only other skip with a 2-O record, had a bye. Dave Holmes won to go to 2-O. Wayne Steski, a surprise first round loser, has won his last two games and is now in second place with 21 points. Because of a special event at the Granite Club on Tuesday, the university curlers have to be off

Lacrosse The lacrosse final will send Village North against the strong math team. Ibis game was tohave been played last week, but a cornmunication breakdown between the two clubs forced postponement. North moved past phys-ed to reach the final. Math had earlier bested the engineers. Volleyball Volleyball on Nov. 1 again fea-

the ice by 5t30. Players are to start games as soon as possible after 4 pm this Tuesday only. Results: TUESDAY HaWkLns


Professional $14knimum













That a general South African,

policy be set for the Campus shop not to sell products or products including South African components, excepting educational materials where a suitable substitute is not available. . ********,


/ I

E N ovember D










That the Board of External Relations be directed to publish request to the general student body not to purchase South African products (with a general list of these products), excepting educational materials where a suitable substitute is not available.


l/2 l/2

Eligible: any female engineer, wives of engineering students, any female university student sponsored by 8 engineers.

At food services. $2. a couple 2 bands: The Marajuana Brass and The Concords - Miss Engineer crowning. Liquid refreshment of coursk!



Entries must be in to society office room E2339 by 5:00 pm. Friday Nov. 10.


Terry Wilkinson Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


9 l/2

l/2 112




This week featuring:


8 l/2

3 2 2 2 3 2 1



- Thursday



Duncan Stevens Krelove Britten Wilton Rajnovich Coulter

A St. Paul’s end catches one of their many passes that cause6 the downfall of Village East in the intramural championship.


Impromptu entertainment 50~ minimum


7 l/2

8 l/2 g 8 l/2


$1.50 per car. Must be at least one engineer in each car. Any number of passengers allowed.

32 King Street South (3rd floor) 744-2911

7): 9 LEAGUE l/2 Gilchrist(Nov. 1 l/2

Holmes MitcheU Steski Butterfield Ash Bryant Cecfle

Curling Both

‘CAR RALLY 8:30 a.m.

crown .

The following is a list of the well plete list isavailable in the Board tion Building.


known, often-purchased, of External Relations

products. office in the

A comFedera-




Board of External Relations Federation of Students

A fashion first took place last evening at Notre Dame College as the Student Wives Club fashion show went from the bedroom to the ballroom. Mrs. Robert Chisholm (left) wore a pink nylon negligee while Mrs. Fred Kitterle’s gold brocade hostess gown stole the show. Ski fashions and a pantsuit were

Yearbooks: This year relevance is in and tradition is out. In the student vocabulary of 1967 sacredcows are being slaughtered with little or no consideration going to me old and the mouldy. First symbol to get the ax on many campuses is the traditional college yearbook. As a record of the year, a catalogue of what happened on and off campus, as a spur tomemories graduated twenty years, the Old school yearbook is shaking in its foundations. “It’s not relevant,” says the %‘s a waste ofmoney.” activist.


“The students want it,“screams the grad class rep. “They like to see their pictures and names in it.” “It never comes out on time.” “‘But it’s a timeless document. In twenty years you’ll leaf through it and remember.....” ‘Tiubbish!** The University of Manitoba has axed its yearbook. &I has Sir George Williams University, the University of Toronto and theUniversity of British Columbia. Others are itching tofollow suit. McGill, Glendon College, St.Fran\

U of W’s Compendium


modeled by Mrs. Jeff house (ten ter). Mrs. pumpkin chiffon, with lurex. All the fashions

Chevron photos i+y Brian Clark

‘em or chuck ‘em?

cis Xavier, have all debated the idea, but have decided not to abolish the book because of pressures from the graduates who like to see their pictures in it. In many cases the book simply All the material fails to appear. is packed off to the printer, usually in some faraway place, and.... silence. After some investigation it is discovered that all odd/numbered pages from 43 to 79 were mysteriously lost, causing the delay. This is the case with Sir .George, Marianapolis , York University,

lacks theme

The Chevron asked Pat Sweet, planning 3, to comment on the U of W yearbook just released. He edited two excellent highschool annuals and will help with layout on this year’s U of Wbook.

by Patrick Sweet Compendium ‘67 is another university yearbook which must join the ranks of the nondescript. The main reason U of W’s yearbook is dullis lack of understanding a yearbook*s purpose. It seems senseless to toss a series of passport-size pictures into a book without any rhyme or reason. The organization of the book--or rather the lack of it-speaks for a group of individuals, who, though well-intentioned, were blind to the potential of such a publication. What we have essentially is a casebook of newspaper photos with a few lines of copy thrown in as an afterthought e Advertising, for instance, could have been dealt with in a more imaginative manner. One way to eliminate pages and pages of propaganda is to uninteresting encourage sponsor pages. Both the and the yearbook ultisponsor mately benefit from this arrangement .

and others across the country. With inflated enrollments at many universities, yearbooks are, for reasons of economy, forced to lay out grad pictures in true grid fashion. In the most recent University of Saskatchewan yearbook there are one hundred and. eight grad photos ) with names, crammed into one page. Such a feat of photographic expertise surely does away with any possible feeling of nostalgia on the part of the reader. In many cases yearbooks contain photos of club executives ) students doing silly things at winter carnival, and shots of groups of up to a hundred, in which anypossibility of identifying an individual is lost in the distance. Yearbooks can run away with cost. ‘Ihe cheapest hard-cover yearbook in any college would cost $5,000. Butwith embossed covers, color photo spreads, and trick paper there is no lirnit. The ‘650’66 University of Saskatchewan Greystone cost $34,000 for printing alone. TO this must be added the cost of film, developing, editorial costs *and insome cases mailing. What makes the whole thing objectionable to the activist is that

New Small pictures mixed together without rhyme or reason are one of the big drawbacks to Compendium 67. It needs unity. In the entire yearbook not one photograph has been allowed tr expand to a full page. Higher quality photos must be used to advantage. The picture of those girls(?) at the top of page 143, for instance, could have been blown up double or triple the size. Many of the shots are not balanced within the framework of the pages. Let’s not have rows and rows of mugshots and unidenLook at page 141. tified photos. Is there any logic in placing the folkdance club beside the “in

Whan, Mrs. James Burkimsher and Mrs. Dennis RittenKittle and Mrs. Rittenhouse wore formal gowns of a V-shaped neckline and black raised rose-on-gold in the show were from Wallars Ladies Wear.

memoriam” picture of GovernorGeneral Vanier ? Maybe they’re holding a wake! The time has come for us to take a more critical attitude towards the yearbook. Let’s have dynamism within a well-organized and unifying theme. I have little doubt that if this year’s staff takes a more serious look at underlying Compendium will principles, improve in quality. In fact there is no reason why our yearbook cannot be the best in Canada.


An optometry



in most cases the levy for the book is automatic--the book does not stand on its merits in the free enterprise market. But it will have to next year at Carleton. The student council there decided that the yearbook was a waste of money, and will in future ’ be put out to sale on a commercial basis, with no student councilsupport. Where will they spend themoney ordinarily put to the yearbook ? Carleton student President Bert Painter would commission studies on aspects of university education. “This is relevance,” says the activist. Several alternatives to full yearbook production have been proposed. One campus editor, exasperated at the vagaries of yearbook production, has suggested student council pay for a grads picture book to be given to grads at convocation, and that council publish afull-scale yearbook every three years. Under this system the grads arehappy,and everystudent could, during his term at the university, buy a yearbook--they don’t change significantly from year to year anyhow--that will give him all the nostalgia he’ll ever need.

for Compendium’68 hopes


improve the look of the yearbook. Reid MacDuff, optometry 3, was appointed editor of Compendium ( 68 on the basis of extensiveyearbook experience in highschool and at the College of Optometry when it was in Toronto. MacDuff, a Nova Socitan, enthusiasticly hopes to put out the best yearbook Waterloo has seen, one worth entering in the Canadian yearbook contest. 9t should be something everybody wants to buy. This means sweeping changes in the format, We must cover more principal events. The yearbook should not Friday,

be strictly a picturebook: reports are necessary out-coverage.*’

verbal to round

Macduff is also interested in broadening the photo approach, This can be achieved with better candid shots and if possible more color pits. No photos will be re printed from the Chevron, unless by popular demand. (Barbie Brown?) The





now at work,

MacDuff says they’re job and the students

ward to a best-ever and it’ll be on time.



will be welcome.

10, 7967 (8:20/

doing a good

can look forCompendium-










To the editor: It is easy to dismiss ‘Eyes right, (Nov. 3) by Thomas J. Edwards as a joke. Until one remembers that many people still believe in his kind of sentiments. People see international relations as a great morality play, with the free world-Spain, the U.S., Haiti, Formosa-protecting our women and children from the scourge of Communism. There isn’t room in one letter to attack all the myths and halftruths he advances. Instead I would like to discuss just his comments on student participation in the university community. The columnist suggests that administration by businessmen and aged faculty is right. Whether this is because of divine law or some other equally good reason, is never clear. Besides, the kinds of questions administrators discuss--curriculum, fees, professors, degrees, requirements, facilities-are not of concern to students. But if these questions aren’t, for God’s sake, what are? Edwards answers, “The main concern and duty of the student is to attend classes and study to get an education.,, But what kind of an education?A good education? A bad education? Whatever kind of education happens

to be offered by the old men who rule the university. And what is education? The kind of rote memory work that is useful in grade 3 when you have to memorize the nine-times table. No. There is more to it. Education requires developing an ability to discuss, to debate, to appraiskin-other words to be able to see all sides and choose the best course. It is a democratic process. But democracy cannot be learned in a distatorship. The university must cease to be a dictatorship. Certainly many good works have been done by the administrators of our school. But if this is the case, why the’paranoid fear of students and taxpayers-the two groups universities supposedly serve? Why the closed meetings, the self-appointed and self-perpetuating administrative boards? The fear of public knowledge? Education cannot succeed in the atmosphere of ignorance and un= questioning servility which Thomas J. Edwards-seems to cherish, GRANT GORDON political- science ’ 3 (SDU) To the editor: The principle of free speech is ‘one of the most important in our society. Dissent is essential for a healthy society. Through historganized rational dissent 0% made the difference in developing



To the editor: I protest the column’ Eyes right, by Thomas J. Edwards. I do not wish to protest his opinions, but that they are so poorly presented, Edwards cannot help but win converts to his opponent’s camp as his reasoning is based on false analogies, non-sequiturs, incorrect facts and assumptions. . The opinions of the right should, f and must, be. expressed,, But at least the expression should be


is Coming DECEMBER

societies beneficial to man as maa Again, dissent to the views put forward by groups such as Students for a Democratic University and those concerned citizens who marched on the Kitchener City Hall to protest, the war in Vietnam, or to some of the decisions taken by our council is healthy and necessary. Dissent on a rational, right hasis has been sadly lacking on this campus in the past. On most of the major issues of the last few years there has been no or very little organized opposition. Consequently, the views of a large proportion of the Student body have not been heard. The Chevron appears to be trying to remedy that situation. by printing the ‘Eyes right, column. On first sight the voice from the right is very welcome. However, dissent, if it is to be successful and useful to the society-in this case the university-must be rational and must present arguments and viewpoints that express a useful and searching analysis. Thomas J. Edwards did neither. The murder of thou+ ands of children and women cannot be condoned, whether that murder is carried on by either side. But to pass such murder off as just one of the things that happen in a war, too bad, is neglecting the real issue. Can Edwards justify the war? Can he justify the death of thou+ ands, if not tens of thousands? Can he justify the involvement of the U.C. in a civil war? Can he indeed justify any of the things he said? A rational right opposition must be couched. in sane and careful analysis of a very complex situation. Edwards has not provided that kind of analysis. JO SURICH political- science 3 (SDU) a




BUT onlyjf people may off ice.

yc>u are willing to help.. Jnterested leave their name at the Federation



Treasure relations

Van is sponsored by the board in conjunction with the World


in Canada



of external University


I Student


Whereas true sporting recognition will soon go only to the university which can boast a champion GO* team, We the undersigned faculty members do declare ourselves willing to offer the finest competition to those students who wish to sharpen their GO skills. We therefore urge you to invite us to honorable combat. J.B. Gilmore - 5548 R.V. Thysell - 3313 Dept. of Psychology *A simple oriental board game which develops exquisite complexities unsurpassed by chess or bridge or tiddlywinks.

that of the well-informed, intelliNeither the strident gent right. screaming of the right nor the discordant bawling of the left will ever contribute to a well-informed, productive dialog. SUSAN HOGARTH English lecturer l

To the editor: Well, it’s finally happened. The Chevron, steeped in the tradition of academic freedom has finally given our local campus fascists a column of their very own. After all fascists are people too. This past summer I worked at the CPR loading freight: The’ boys were complaining that the union was no damn good-it was a company union. I naively inquired why the workers didn’t vote their own people to the union executive. rcSon,,, they replied, ‘Jthe last time we tried that we were all branded communists, communistled, communist dupes.,’ And so an obvious injustice still exists because people like you, T. J., fail to understand. YOU are the one eager to jump at cliches and catchphrases. Your arguments concerning Vietnam were so im== probable that at first I didn’t take the column seriously (I still have my doubts). Marching or demonstrating or speaking for what one believes can hardly be called absurd. What I saw marching was hardly a group of C‘university sucklings,,. A group of concerned students and townspeople (mostly townspeople) were exercising their right to dissent, a right which so obviously disturbs you. You take it for granted that the Communists invaded the peaceful, freedom-loving, democratic South,, My obviously colored version, backed by such communist lackies as Lippman, Buchwald, Stone, Speck, Goodman, Morse and Gruening, is that the war in Vietnam originated as a civil war. The U.S. has violated not only theGeneva Agreement of 1954 in a variety of ways, but has gone against the charter of the UN by interfering in the internal affairs of another nation. No one denies Viet Cong atrocities. They are very real. They are also very sporadic. Methodi: tally napalming villages and de foliating an entire countryside and ’ consequently starving the people in those areas is quite a different matter. I do blame the British forDres= den. I do blame the Americans *‘for Nagasaki. I’do blame the Germans for Aushcwitz, In the same :vein, I blame the U.S. for its immoral action in Vietnam. Perhaps genocide is the only way to pre serve American influence and interests in southeast Asia. By the way, T.M., it’s not too ’ late to volunteer; There is a-severe shortage of Canadian cannon-fodder in the ranks of the U.S. forces. CYRIL LEVITT Students for a Democratic University \,a. To* the editor: . c ’ Rumor AM .jhas it ~&nmi&opinionated C. D, Martin has been re placed by one Thomas J.E&ards, the pick of the U. S. army. ’ Might . .I suggest. the recent Chevron power struggle’hasforced Martin into Lyndon’s garden, or else. Not content with the new life, the activist C. D. Put - a

pseudonym on his garbage. If I didn’t think their opinions were different I’d swear they were writing about the same war. If Martin using a pseudonym can put out a better variety of junk, then he should continue as”Thomas J. Edwards,,, although he isnot fooling anyone. “Edwards,, is doing such an unbelievable job that if he continues he will soon surpass%heckpoint,s, popularity. Penner realizes he can’t compete with Checkpoint humor so he doesn’t try. And to Goldbrick: If you continue in your sparkling effervescent style, you are sure to lose half your readers. Or more probably, both of them. JIM ROBINSON physics 3 0 To the editor: The Chevron owes Edwards an apology for the misleading title it gave his article. However, no harm was done. Any intelligent student quickly realized the actual title you intended was not “Eyes right,, but”Eyes closed.‘, May I also thank Edwards for informing me that my main concern and duty is to attend classes and study. Before reading the article I was becoming very confused and neurotic by attempting to see the sense behind some of my courses. At last though,‘Edwards has shown me this is none of my business. Furthermore, what a feeling of joy and contentment I have knowing that successful businessmen are running the university. Hope to read more, Mr. Edwards. God bless you1 MIKE PRATT arts 1 0 To the editor: Shure, Tommy Edwards, article turns many a choice word and measured phrase above the reach of mere men. Indeed, his soft similes be the very ‘music of LBJ. What’s more, the way he uses Mr, Lincoln’s words of Gettysburg in referring to the modern times--government of the senate by the beauraucrat, for the student-t tis much sweeter than even Abraham hiself put it. But Tom me boy, what pray do YOU mean by the word ‘academic,. Are ye not certain you don’t mean “emetic,,? . SEAN O’CLINKARD Renison

: 3

0 To the editor: I suggest to Mr. Edwards and other members of the community, that many of us career academics HAVE tried to see both sides in the Vietnam. war. * I for one was‘ initially torn by the diffe\rences expressed by persons I a&-nir&&umphrey and Fulbright for instance). Such conflict did lead to search. The searching process and the willingness to pursue it, characterizes the “true academic,, Edwards refers to. The results of my search indicate that the U&-of which I am a citizeaas made a horrible blunder in being so committed to , the Vietnam war.. Secondly, if Mr. Edwards himself would live up to his self-prof essed fair nature’ he‘ too might discover there is less mouthing of slogans on the anti-than on prowar side: Let him read the history of Vietnam by Bernard Fall as


. :

fully evident to almost everyone else on campus. I can’t refrain from commenting on the most important statement in the whole column: “The most re cent a glaring example of the stupidity I thought only math and arts students were capable of .)’ MM makes the point that Mike Pratt, another of his critics, is only a ccfroshsss as if that was a disgrace. But let me deal with the quote itself, Taken at face value, it says nothing and serves no purpose other than to prove to the world that MM has not mastered the simple English grammar. However, we can use the statement as a pretty accurate indication of the level of maturity of H.D. Goldbrick. Although H.D. will consider me a simple artsie, I will venture to put his age at 21. I always thought children. outgrew silly namecalling and insults at the age of 12 or so. There are, apparently, exceptions to this rule. SCOTT NEILLY arts 1

war side. Let by Bernard Fall as’ well as those pro-war tracts which a senate investigating committee has found to have been surrepitiously sponsored by the CIA. Until he does I don’t believe that Mr. Edwards should be granted as much space for his rather uneducated mimicry of America’s less reputable news sources. HERBERT M LEFCOURT associate professor, psychology

Oh, go home,



or try

To the editor: The Chevron got its first “grub gripe”’ o (Feedback, Nov. 3). Not surprising at all that it came from a frosh. What% the matter, kid?Is the strain in the umbilical cord painful? Hey, kid, do you want to know why there are only 200 frosh out of 1300 in the Village? It’s because we like it. Institutional food is never perfect, but at least at the Village we don’t have to endure the atrocities of Versafood and a few other has handlers that plague other campi. The Village menu is the same as that at food-services. Only we get the food a little hotter and a little fresher. I agree with the complaint about too many fried foods and the Village food magnate deserves some literary award for his”39 exciting names for hamburger”. The thing is, however, that Village food is usually pretty good, In fact, Pd rather eat there than in the judge% scrapings pit. THE JUDGE’S SON Shoving words



mighty mouth’s back into it








Well, how ‘bout you add a typist to your staff. Letters we like getting, but not scrawled on four-inch scraps of pink paper. Sneak a peek at the reminders printed at the top of the page.

To the editor: To hear from Mr. Goldbrick that he has no intention of replacing Ed Penner pleases me to no end. Mighty Mouth obviously can’t cnn


from our mad physicist To the editor: I would like to acknowledge the assistance of an editorial board in drafting letters to the editor of this paper. It consists of persons commonly known as Red Light, Kitchen, Mud, Holmesy and Cowboy. JIM ROBINSON physics 3




you to brouse



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society lies in the hope that &heir counter-communities will catch on. They do have one thing in common with the politicals: both groups reject the Western cop orate-capitalist way of life. In the United States, the political is then faced with the decision of whether to join a tired, doctrinaire old-left student group or an unorganized new-left rabble. The predominant left in Canada is a Strange amalgam of old and new left that is producing a good deal of creative thinking along social democratic lines. *******& Having made the decision to go political, the radical refines his analysis. Modern society is seen to be corrupt. There is a self-perpetuating corporate elite standing in the way of the way of necessary change. Further analysis indicates that in order to defeat this state of affairs, it is necessary to change the value system of society. This can be done slowly through the educational system. A trickle-down method is envisioned. The university is to be turned into an island of intellectual freedom in a sea of oppression. Hopefully this kind of university will produce liberated individuals who will go into society, see it for what it is, and try to change it. Since the universities produce the technicians needed to run our secondary level of education, these liberated individuals may provide a freer atmosphere in the highschool, And since the highschools produce primary-school teachers, the entire educational system may gradually become altered. . Of course this is only one way to effect change, and it is the longest, the slowest and the most basic.



At this point, the potential radical is faced with two choices. The first is to become actively The second is to become political. passive. Into the first category fall the hippies. They have chosen to repudiate society by dropping out of it. The only way they see themselves changing

In writing this column, I hope I have done no disservice to the members of the slender ranks of the radicals. I hope to return in future columns to many of the points raised and left undeveloped. I also hope I will be aided by your letters and comments.

of Education programme

of study



by each department

in each of the faculties

HOW WILL THIS BE DONE? You will receive an open-ended questionaire outlining some of the topics on which your opinion is needed. These questionaires will be distributed next week. Write down, at great length if you wish, your thought and ideas about any aspect of your programme or possible programmes that might serve your needs. For this study your opinion of individual lecturers and the courses they teach is of little importance. Proposals for alternatives and identification of strengths within the existing Submissions from groups and -individuals, students and programmes are as important as criticisms. faculty, will be welcomed. WHAT TOPICS WILL BE CONSIDERED? methods of examination: tests, labs, essays, seminars, assignments guidance in programme selection value of and opportunity for specialization weight of work load role of the teaching colleges length of school year faculty - student relationships inter-disciplinary cooperation methods of presenting material rewards for achievement course requirements and flexibility relationship of research teaching relevance of studies

our fuii selection of different and interesting items at 18 ALBERT STREET in WATERLOO. , Or visit the small PARENT SHOPPE at 4 ERB STREET

You only have to look around you to find the answer. Ai+pollution that is killing people not a hundred miles from here. Two of the worlds large@ lakes that you can’t even swim in, let alone drink. Racial strife in the United States with the promise of the same for Canada in a matter of decades. The population explosion that not only means famine in India but in Ontario, whose numbers by the year 2000 will greatly exceed those of Canada now. The international scene is no more promising. Diplomats are playing the same old games while the United States and Russia initiate a new nuclear race with their antimissile missiles and their orbital bombs. then there is Vietnam. Maybe we’re wrong in assuming genocide went out with amiable Adolf. When the potential radical sees the way it is, he realizes that all is not well with the world. Having discovered this, he then moves on to ask what the people in power are doing. Whatever it is they are doing, it soon becomes apparent that results are not in sight.

WHAT WILL IT DO? Evaluate the undergraduate of the University.


‘PLUM TREE TOO boutiqu6





This campus is being rapidly made aware of student radicalism. It is faced with news headlines about university government and open decisionmaking, about the quality .of education and the role of the student in the university and about student efforts to protest Canada’s role as a merchant of death in the Vietnam conflict. What students are not being made aware of . is why the radicals are doing this. When I say this I don’t mean the specific programs are not made clear. What the average student isnot aware of is the reason that radicals happen. What is the reason for the Pete Warrians of the world?

WHO WILL DO IT? Take your submissions, both verbal and written, to the person in your department. Or bring it to the office of the Federation SCIENCE Ian Calvert Fred Dennis Lowell Scott

(Physics) Biology Chemistry


Rae Struthers Pure Math

ENGINEERING Ted Gill Jim Windley Bill McCarthy Gary Block Dave Trowbridge

Joe Givens Mechanical

who is coordinating the programme . of Students in the Annex.

ARTS Chalmers Frank Bialystok Lynne Bricker Gord Campbell Bill Clothier Ken Pudoirch Bill Ray Joe Surich Peter Warrian


Adams History Geography & Planning English Economics Languages Psychology Political Science Sociology

Civic Electrical Chemical WHAT









70, 7967 (8:20)








By Richard


What cfo you think of secrecy in the university Colin



Practically, things



biology and psych 4

to get


reasonable. theoretically,




If the university government used Secret, they would be protected 24 hours a day.

it is

But it is



arts 1

The problem that they don’t pecially want secrecy, but students are apathetic to anything about

As far policies cerned

is esthe the too do it.








biology 3




We are the and

should have some say in what happens to us. -

Joey’s CUPman Kelsey is visiting campus newspapers from coast to coast this year as travelling secretary for the national student press co-op. He edited the Ub ysse y last year.

by John


Canadian University



ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. (CUP)-They still have navy parades in St. John’s. First you hear the drum, then the silver xylophone, then the bugles start as 400 cadets and cadettes turn up the Queen’s Road hill. Nobody knew what the navy was celebrating-it was Oct. 1, the 18th anniversary of the Chinese revolution, but that wasn’t it-and nobody seemed to care. The horde of children not yet old enough for para-military service obviously didn’t care why they chased the parade. If it isn’t the out-of-step navy youth, it’s the army or the veterans, or somebody, almost every Sunday. Then the church bells start+ real, brass bells with monks on the end of ropes, from all directions. Each ring and each cadet hammers it in: New Foundland is both a very old place and Some where Else, not-quite-Canada and no-longer-England. Somewhere Else has lots of q rock, scrubby trees, tough peepl-and Joey Smallwood owns everything although he% only a provincial premier. Especially, Joey has a tether on the souls of the island’s half million people. Newfies always tell you he’s the only living father of confederation, which is true. The legislature has


282 The CUEVRON-

I think students should be there.

There is too much secrecy in government. The students should have a hand in policy-

be in ca-


say in making.

Trousdale engineering 1A



to sec-

recy . But as far as academics, students should decision-


as money are conthey have

Students should know what is going on. There is no contact between the administration and students.

checks are no Newfi-e 53 Joeys

and three Tories in it. I first felt the Joey influence when Air Canada% Maritime puddle- jumper landed at St. John’s airpOrt and a bald little shoe salesman appeared in the first class doorway to beam at us comI thought it might be Jomoners. ey, and people inside the terminal confirmed it-while the bald man boomed through a bevy of governmental greeters to a waiting limousine: Two things to remember while trying to interview Joey: he delivered Newfoundland unto confederation in 1949, over the still bleeding bodies of the colonial gentry, and it% only 1,700 miles to EngIn between, the Atlantic land. roars, in all its cold, wet, foggy and fishy mystique; and Joey might be on the other side because he wasn’t available that week. Joey bought the people by bringing money to Newfoundland, where once existed near-feudal barter economy. The outporters, the fisberfolk who live in some thousands of tiny villages. awash along the coast, remember well. And Joey rules with an iron hand. In April, 1965, Joey gave Memorial University of Newfoundland freshmen their tuition fees. Student council president .Rex Murphy noted only 400 people benefittedyou didn’t get fees if you won a scholarship or took education, because education students already got government money for part of their university. Students didn’t shout and cheer for Joey, who insists people shout and cheer.

Next October, Joey didn’t ask the administration if he could address a student meeting, he just called one. He announced


tuition for

all, but Murphy had done hiswork. No ecstatic cheering. So Joey looked around. Those who attended recall. A grinning cabinet sat behind him on theplatform, watching the amassed students who watched Joey. Joey shot his wad. “And furthermore,‘* the legend recalls, ((Pm giving you all student salaries, starting with fifth year students next fall.” The cabinet’s collective jaw dropped, the students cheered, and today third, fourth and fifth year MUN students get paid to go to schooc$50 a month for St. John’s residents, and $100 for everyone else. Otherwise, the past still grips Newfoundland education. There are five separate denominational school systems, operated by the United, A n g 1i c a n$ Catholic and Presbyterian churches and the Salvation Army. ’ Thus, an outport of 400 souls often has four one-room, allgrade schools. Education quality is so uneven that next year MUN begins a foundation’ program for all but first-class high school students. Foundation year is to give all entering freshmen a common ground to prepare them for university proper, and some students use it as a junior college year to complete their high school without attending university. At the same time, MUN will @i&the present campus will

contain foundation and first year, and a new campusacrosstheparkgraduate work. Foundation year is certain to be crowded-freshman enrollment dropped this year and the administration blames salaries. Nobody saves for university, and everyone’s waiting until salaries include all students. That’s in two years, if the-pattern of dropping salaries down a year every fall continues. And the enrollment drop, not so oddly, must please both Joey and university president Lord Taylor-the university couldn’t hold them all anyway. All 5,000 students habitually slosh through the muck surrounding new construction and park next to dump trucks. Everybody% waiting for the opening of the new dining hall to case the lunch crunch, and for Taylor’s by-now-mythical master plan to materialize. The plan is expected-Taylor drops hlntslto outline the new campus and concretely detail the stages of the foundation program and Memorial’s planned growth to 10,000 students in ten years. According to the CanadianUnion of Students, salaries and free fees help make students politically conscious. It ain’t necessarily so; MUN is politically barren. Not to say politics doesn’t exisblast year’s model parliament elected a Pitcher Plant Partygovernment, led by the same Rex Murpny, on a quasinationalist platform. This year, a very young New Democratic Party has emerged in and around the university; part of

ioke it is the political ambition of Fraser March, Memorial% student council president, and member of the NDP provincial council. Like most islanders, March is a Newfie first and a Canadian second. So is Joey, who accepted the maple leaf flag, but decreed it cannot be officially flown without an accompanying union jack. March claims Joey will try to bury the island’s three Tories next provincial election, and then retire-leaving his Liberals in decapitated disarray.. Thus will grow the NDP. On the other hand, the NDP is supposed to be socialist party and March, a fourth year political science honors student, is quite ignorant of any socialist class analysis. ‘The bourgeoisie? They9 re the workers, aren’t they?” he said. CcBut I do have political ambitions on the island,” he oppo rtuned.

No fee for male At student mailbox Waiting for that cheque from home? Think your girl hasdeserted you? Missing your weekly issue of Time or other revolutionary magazinee? The mail box in the Federation building is full of letters, notes, mt$wines, and important documents just awaiting the arrival of their addressee? So check the mailbox and find out if that parcel in the plain hmvn envelope has arrived.

A rift in the wall Nothing seemed to be changed when the university-government study committee met on Monday afternoon. The faculty and administration members smiled coyly at the photographers at the door, and the reporter was told the meeting was closed. The only change at the end/of the meeting was the lack of smiles. “No comment” was the standard reply. The student members of the committee told us a motion to keep secret minutes was passed with only them and engineering dean A.N. Sherbourne opposed. It seemed we were right back where we started. Coincidently the student council-administration dinner was held that evening. President Hagey’s speech commented on the difficulty of communication and then condemned the students for trying a power Play

The turning point came with Federation president Steve Ireland’s speech. In a well-worded and hardhitting style he named names and made concrete examples. Evidence that the point was made came from the ensuing discussion. At least’ for that period, both administrators and students reached a level, of communication with real mutual respect. This communications theme must carry over to the university-government study committee. Open-minded discussion must lead to opendoor meetings 1 If personal dirty linen must be aired and the committee feels it should be held in camera, the press should still be there. Senior reporters take the responsibility for off-the-record statements in other dealings with administration. Why not now?


Slow down,moving .

too fast

There haven’t been any pedesPP&P is only partly to blame. trian accidents on the ringroad yet, They designed the road for slower speeds. A 20-mile-an-hour road just a head-on. There will be more. Let’s not wait until someone is is usually designed for at least 30. killed crossing the road to do some- We believe the ringroad is reasonably safe at 30. thing. Since the road is there, we have The speed limit is supposed to be to try to live with it. The motorists 20 miles an hour. Even the campus have to slow down. Failing that, cops drive over 30. Cars have been the campus cops had better get off conservatively rated at 60 on the their butts and try to put a few stretch coming down from the Vil- tickets on moving vehicles. lage, the one which comes to an What happened to the pedestrian almost blind curve by the Federa- campus concept so often talked tion building. about? Vehicles should stop for villagers and students go- pedistrians at all times. What’s a 9 13,000 E ing to the Federation building use few seconds to someone privileged that crossing. What chance do they to park on the inner campus? have when some boob comes aTo be fair to motorists, they too round that curve like it was Mos- deserve some protection-like a centre line on the ringroad. . port?


Monsters First of all, we too think that the U.S. should leave Vietnam alone, and that Canada should be making more active efforts for peace. But the protest Wednesday against Dow Chemical interviewing applicants for co-op jobs - and the counterprotest - shows how frustrating it is to try to voice meaningful objections to the war. One frustrating thing is the attitude of the students involved. Both groups. Why must the protest organizers -the usual group- consider themselves the only students on campus with any conscience? Could they not have trusted their fellow students in co-op programs to refuse to work on napalm production -- on their own? Did the moral decisionhave to be made for them? Maybe it did. Co-op students are gaining a reputation for being concered only with their personal financial security. (They term this being “realistic”.) They took no stand on the war itself in their counterprotesting--only on whether their jobs would be affected. The anti-war protesters should have tried to persuade their fellow students to refuse jobs with Dow-even though co-op jobs are scarce this year--not to make the choice

and BB guns for them. In rocking the boat, they risk none of their personal security-’ how dare they jeopardize someone else’s?. The other frustrating thing, is what practical good did the protest do? Dow is no more guilty of war production than IBM, which manufactures computers that guide missiles; General Foods, which helps keep soldiers fed, and Uniroyal (ten miles away in Elmira), which manufactures defoliants. Co-op students work for all of these. There is no way not to be involved somehow in the war, except by packing off to Tahiti. (And there’s probably an air base there.) Only one plant in the Dow empire manufactures napalm, and it,)s thousands of miles away in Tortance, California. It’s very unlikely any Waterloo co-op student would be hired for that plant. A giant like Dow isn’t going to suffer because of a feeble round of petitions, pickets and placards at Waterloo. All the objectors can hope is that a plodding, continuing series of such protests--although it is becoming boring-- will eventually make Dow and companies like them worry enough about their public image to reconsider their war production. 4B

A member

of Canadian



The Chevron is published Fridays by the board of publications of the Federation of Students, Content is independent of the university, student council and the board University of Waterloo. of publications. editor-in-chief: Jim Nagel news editor: Brian Clark : intercampus: Rich Mills assigning: Patricia McKee features editor: Bob Verdun

The meeting has come to order, but only after the press was refused admission and the door closed. They’re only discussing your university’s future.

photo editor: Glenn Berry sports editor: Paul Cotton senior reporters: Frank Goldspink, Dale Martin, Peter Webster

I’ Advertising manager: Ross Helling. Publications chairman: John Shit-y Telephone (519) 744-6111 local 2497 (news), 2812 (advertising), 2471 (editor). Night 744-0111. Telex 0295-759. TORONTO: Donna McKie, 782-5959. NIAGARA FALLS: Ron Craig, 356-5046. LONDON: David 0456. Bean, 432-0331. BRIDGEPORT: OTTAWA: H.D. Goldbrick, John Beamish, 744-6130. 828-3565. MARATHON (!): John Helliwell, 2298,200 copies.



10, 1967 (8:20)



Rib u pditicicm The political cartoons of Duncan Macpherson will be shown at the Gallery of the Theater of the Arts, starting Wednesday until December 17; These original drawings, from which some of Macpherson’s most famous cartoons have been reproduced in the Toronto Daily Star, Time magazine, the New York Times, and many Canadian newspapers, show a superb artist whoseskill has won numerous distinguished awards. Trained at the Ontario College of Art, Macpherson worked as an illustrator before turning to cartooning for Macleans and ultimately for the Star. A number of books of his drawings and cartoons have been published. His work has been exhibited at the Art Gallery of On-



tario, and has won four national awards, as well as the Arts Medal of the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts in 1966. The senior American critic, Edmund Wilson, wrote of him that “his vigorous imagination.... taking its cues from political events, expands them into gratuitous fantasies?




The exhibition will be accompanied by a lecture, ‘dArt and politics,” by ‘Prof Terence Qualter of the political-science department on November 21 at 12:15 noon in the theater. Nancy-Lou Patterson, university art director, comments, 8(One says funny, but with a reservation. Sometimes, when the occasion warrants, he is as capable asGoya of surpassing seriousness.”

week on campus

TODAY Math Society DANCE in food. services cafeteria with the Family Dog and the Nowe Sound. Admission $1 guys, 50$ girls. MathSoc members half price with card. 8:30 TOMORROW Conrad Grebel College coffeehouse, -THE MISSING PEECE, Entertainment folksinging by Steve & Paul. Coffee & donuts. Remembrance Day SUNDAY Village East 3’ s Bond challenges Aldo to a MARATHON RACE. Course: to the Waterloo Hoteland back by way of University Ave. and King St. Winner gets the shower first.... Phone 576-8777 to place bets on Bond, 576-87 18 to bet on Aldo. 3 pm. OPERA SCHOOL QUARTET from Toronto-works from Verdi to Gershwin, Free, 8 pm. MONDAY on Everdale Place, MOVIE School for liberal education. St. Paul’s refectory. TUESDAY DUPLICATE BRIDGE. SS lur@, 7 pm. NOON DRAMA-workshop on original U of W works. Theater. NARCOTICS SQUAD MEETING for all RCMP undercover agents presently lost on this campus. 3:30 am, Federation building basement. ARYAN AFFAIRS Commission-A “poppies for heroin” campaign and indoctrination of new

members-all 13 of them. for recruitment posters on ous cubicle doors. Funds are ed. & 7: 30 in the Federation iI-@.

Watch varineedbuild-

WEDNESDAY CIRCLE K MEETING. Steve Ireland, president of Federation of Students is guest speaker. All students invited. AT354, 6:15 pm. NOON CONCERT features university concert band. MACPHERSON CARTOON. display opens in theater, 12: 15 noon, with lecture on art and politics by poliosci prof Terence Qualter. FLYING CLUB meeting for all members. Guest speaker John Fauquier and film on testing the Buffalo, the Twin-Otter, and the Turbo-Beaver. P150, 8 pm. CUSO MEETING. Come and learn about CUSO and its works from people who have been overseas. AL116, 7:30. COFFEE HOURS at 139University, Dag Hammarskjold Res. 5 profs available to make with conversation. 8 pm. SCM EDUCATION linked with Process 67. 10 pm. SCM House, 142 University Ave. ASME meeting P145, noon* THURSDAY COMITATE MEETING, in the first-floor lounge of East 1 at the Village. All Welcome. 6:30 pm. ENGINEERING SOCIETY speaker series. ELllO, 7 pm,

“A good man is hard to find”,



unless its Duncan Macpherson

a burning

the Days:

and his cartoons this month.



Chevron’s 74&6111

249 744~0111 loal



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TIME: Wednesdays from 8 till 9 pm. PLACE: Waterloo Arena COST: $6 per person per season $9 per couple per season FEATU R I NG: Professional ice-dancing instructor Senior session for experienced figure skaters.

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a limited


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