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8 Number










With 75% Br’ller . ballots for the third-year engineer. Renison was close behind with their support-82 Percent.

by Rich Mills Chevron staff

Neil Rourke’s basket /at+ed Waterloo to a thrilling 69-66 upset of’ Cllikldsor Satwdqr. Following Wednesday 5 8 7-M/ victory owr Town to. k!Vkm-iorsare in first place. See page 13.


Students have set the ~QCX for Tenth Anniversary w w Student council agreed toassess students $5 a term for the benefit of the fund at Monday’s c~u.nciI However students can meeting. retrieve their money if they don’t wish to contribute. At the last meeting uxmncfi had refused to assess a man&&ox-y fee to students. Operations vicepresident A.IAd------------______^_____ --Meeting the mortgage ---------------________

With surprise to no one the shining white knight has succeedOf the over 2500 ballots cast, ed. Brian Iler, civil 3B, smashed Iler got 1855, through arts candidates to become A close battle for second place the first non-arts presidentin two between Levitt and Kelly was in 1. years. doubt up to the last minute. Lev75 percent vote ensures at least itt’s 240 was only 16 ahead of Kelpartial continuation of the outgoing ly’ s. j LevitVs strongest support council policies. Iler was the only of member of the ‘oldguard’ to seek was in his home constituency arts-he gathered in almost 20 the post. Be had solid support percent;--79 votes. Math wasanofrom the executive board and most ther strong Levitt area with 16,5 of council, Kelly’s best support came “1 am very happy with the de- percent. from phys-ed where 24 percent of gree of confidence the students have shown today in my ability and the votes were for her. However this numbered only four actual ideas? ballots. “The student body clearly supported the direction which student council has taken in the past year Presidential election results and the direction I will take this year towards increased student Iler Levitt Kelly Pratt Spoiled participation in their education and Out term (1267) 459 33 63 42 I7 the decisions which affect it,” said 75% 5.5% 11% 7% Z8% Iler, Engineer (1110) 478 20 I7 22 6 “1 look forward to the election 87% 3.7% 3.2% 4.1% 1.1% of a strong council which will im33 20 5 Math (1059) 299 70 plement the programs we need in 16.5% 71% 7.7% 4.7% LWO the coming year.? Both Cyril Levitt, who finished 11 Arts (1083) 260 79 40 24 second and Mike Pratt, who re63% 19.5% lo% 6% 2=70/o ceived the least number of votes, Science (872) 193 21 29 10 6 offered their congratulations to 75% % lo% 4% 2,30/o Iler. Levitt feels the number of votes 21 12 6 St. Jerks (271) 69 8 for Kelly and himself show that a 6% 7% 18% looi 5*2% disturbing minority think someGrads (873) 47 5 14 3 thing is wrong with present polic4.3% 68% 7.3% 20% ies, rcMy voters be,ieve there is a Renison (77) 43 4 3 1 2 solution to the problem while Rose8% 7.5% 5.5% 1.9% 308% many’s believe nothing can be , done,‘* said Levitt. 4 3 3 PhysEd (252) 7 Iler’s support came from every 41% 24% 1% 1% segment of the university popula-----------------------only the phys-ed poll failed tion. to give him a majority. He polled Totals (6844) 1855 240 224 , 134 59 only 41 percent-seven vote+ 74% 9.5% 8.950 5.B 2.4% from that group. Engineers, as expected, gave Iler overwhelming Percentage of eligible voters who voted: 3608a/o support, casting 87 percent of their Figures

sets pace


l%ge 19 --em

lington and academic vicepresident Howard Petch attended&e pppeefing and renewed their rewed foY a contribution from the Fedetion of Students; They outlined thefin?m~p~I+ lems of the university andadmitted that some projects have dlready been delayed. Arts III is amOag



those with government approval but no money. Federation president Steve Ireland had inquired what the faculties were doing for the fund. The science faculty has started an endowment fund. For the first SIX years money from this will go to the tenth anniversary fund and afterward will continue as an endowment fund. In the arts faculty, pledge cards are being used. There was some discussion about using this method with the students. Engineering rep Bruce Bodden suggested that these cards be mailed out with background information. The final plan was proposed by vicepresident BobCavenagh. Each ’ t erm $5 will be added to fees as a donation to the tenthanniversary fund . It shall be noted in the calendar that this is not compulsory

Mike Pratt finished a disap pointing fourth picking up only 134 votes on the whole campus. One of the poorer aspects of the voting was the number of spoiled ballots. Fifty-nine or 2.5 percent were ruled invalid, The phys-ed group wasted almost one fifth of their ballots. Cynics decried the waste of ballots cast for KelIy. She haddeclared her campaign to be nothing but a joke, yet received over 200 votes. The big question asked by several people‘ remains.: how can such a large segment of supposedly intelligent people, attending university, so lurowingly throw away their vote? Now, if she#d been running for board of governors...


in brackets



of eligible

Total 614


543 49Yo 427 40%0 414 38% 259 34% 116 ’ 43% 69 7.9%0 53

@% 17 6.7%

2512 lOwi



fee and may be retrieved by any student who does not wish to contribute. Martha Brook , arts rep, attacked the plan as humiliating but she was almost alone in her opposition. Boddon discounted her opposition, “1 don’t buy this bit about a humiliating experience”. Some councilIors suggested donating only the interest from the fee to the university. In an effort to find a solution to the problemgrad rep Peter asked, “ What is going to have the best effect on the university?” “The crying need right now is for the capital,” said Petch. Councillors then agreed to donate the fee outright for five years. Some suggested that the fee continue after five years to establish aFed= eration scholarship fund. ,-

Operations vicepresiden t Al Adlington and academic vicepresident Howard Petch attended student council Monday night to ask for a student contribution to the Tenth Anfliversary fund. (Chevron photo by Gary Robins)




in K-W




According to Dr. Thiry, the World Federalists have a simple for strengthening the wog~ United Nations. The veto in the security council should be ended and there should be representation by population in the general assembly, The finances of theolt ganizatio;: should be guaranteed and a truly international police force and bureaucracy developed. These aims are upheld by the member associations in 40 countries. These groups range from the relatively weak Canadian unit to the extremely large and wellorganized Japanese movement. None of these groups is associated with any political party. It is because of this avoidance of political ties that the move ment is not permitted in the Iron Curtain countries. The World Federalists have sent several briefs to Paul Martin, external-affairs minister asking for clarification of Canada% role in the Vietnam war. Canada is

The World Federalists of Canada are struggling to establish themselves in the Kitchener-Waterloo area, The World Federalists are devoted to strengthening the United Nations to provide a viable form of world government. The move1945 by ment was founded in the late Grenville Clark, coauthor of ‘World peace through world laws. The 15 Canadian branches have about 3,000 members and are headed by Rabbi Gunther Plaut of Toront& , The local grou”p started about 18 months ago, It is headed by WLU philosophy prof, Dr. Leon Thiry, and includes such campus notables as math deanDavid Sprott, Dr. Thiry taught moral philosophy, at St. Anselm’s university in Rome for 18 years. He came to Canada from Luxembourg in 1957 and became a Canadian titizen five years later,




a member of the International Control Commission in Vietnam and also supplies arms to the United States. Dr. Thiry described Canada% present postion as dJapoor legal trick. We should take a stand to leave us in perfect neutrality? The World Federalistsplace a good deal of emphasis on the establishment of a worldwide system of courts to end the need for Human rights armed conflict. be guaranteed by these would courts and the few remaining protectorates in the world would come under their jurisdiction. Even civil wars would be decided thtiugh the courts if the World Federalists had their way. In this day, with our technological ability 2000 years ahead of our ethical skills, said Dr. Thiry, the United Nations cannot continue in its present state. Something new is needed and the World Federalists think they can provide it.



]IQQ King Waterloo,




Phone Licensed


University POST



















Ontario 742-1404



Streets Kitchener



- Phone

















- TV

Open Daily 8 to Midnight Sunday 10 till Midnight



on campus.

A seminar is being held tomorrow to discuss the avenues of publicity open to campus organizadons. Invitations have been sent to all clubs and organizations on campus but the seminar is open to anyone, Board chairman John Shiry hopes policies on publicity through such media as newspapers 9 bulletin boards, and radio will come out of the seminar. Possibly working papers will be assigned to be discussed at future meetings. Western

and McMaster




Applications are now being accepted for various fellowships and awards ,, The Maurice Cody r,esearch fellowship offers $2,400 a year to a student who will be proceeding to a degree in the school of graduate studies at the University of Toronto, Applications are to be sent to the office of student awards, 106 Sin-me Hall, U of T. The Taylor Statten memorial fellowship valued at $1,000 is aff ered to applicants from any university. It is established toassist study in any field or career related to youth services. Applications should be sent to the office of student awards at the University of Toronto before March 1. CIL fellowships for postgraduate studies in wildlifemanagement




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to any university graduates planning to study in a Canadian LX& versity. They are valued at $I,200 plus a $300 grant to the university. Summer grants valued at $1,000 are also available. Applications should besent to the CIL advisory board, Canadian Industries Limited s Box 10 DMontreal.

Awards are available for university graduate and undergraduate students attending British university




es are offered in drama and Uterature in Stratford-upon-Avon, University of London, University of Oxford and University of Edinburgh. Further information and application forms are available by writing to the director of awards, AUCC, 151 Slater Street, Ottawa 4. Closing date for applications is March 31.

their department,








U of payment










the Send

lb. 55c Chevron address

by changes






terms. The



commenting on the earlier of the book, said: “Thank



In conjunction with the early arrival the Chevron announces a count-the-phony-names special in-the-phonebook contest. Hints: --one is now in Nassau --one is in phys-ed --one has a brother named Ar+L..r Lllul --one comes from Moosonee a free phonebook, a Prizes: free Chevron, your name in type.

Jane Storey, phys-ed and English 3. The winner will receive a 1968 Torino donated by the Ford Motor Company. During the Carnival, students become cooks and man outdoor grills. Over 500 servings of corned beef will be cooked up in rustic coureur de. bois fashion. Tomorrow’s events include an auto gymkana. Top Canadian d rivers and cars will demonstrate. Winter Carnival ends with a Mardi Gras ball tomorrow night. resentative,


Think you can do a better job? Don’t like what They’ve been doing? Want to help Them continuepresent projects and start new ones? This is your yearly chance to put your work towards a more eff ective student government. Nominations for student council are

pieces and stems


fee by





742 - 4489.

Weber and Bridgeport A






Each year, Lutheran hosts contestants in the Miss CanadianUniversity Queen pageantThe pageant takes place tonight. This year queens from about 24 campuses across Canada are expected including the U of W rep-



been invited to send representatives who wLz1 be available to provide information on the situation on their campuses. Shiry said that except for social events not enough publicity has been given to most campus activities. He suggested society newspapers such as the Math Medium could play a greater role in maintaining communication. “Enginews was misused last term but hopefully it will be different this time,” said Shiry. The seminar is being set up by Peter Kratzrnan who can be reached at 576-0537 for further details.


Waterloo Lutheran University’s eighth winter spectacular--Winter Carnival ‘68--began last nightwith a concertfeaturingtheFonr Preps. The W LU Winter carnival is second in size only to the Quebec carni-


576-1918 743-0625

John H. Busbridge Broker


food, curs star at Lutheran








$ ut other

It’s a good thing the fall directories weren% a few weeks later or the winter one would have preceded it. By a combination ti happy circumstances this term’s phonebook has arrived--bound, printed and even stapled--within three weeks of registration. 768 uxtxs are compressed into 26 pages and a good proportion of them have phone numbers.

Business 576-4950 Home 578-2785




The board of publications wants to make better use of the various



life today while for tomorrow”




“Enjoy saving WATERLOO

Board of pubs


Non-students: University

$4 of



now open and don’t close until F ebruary 7, a Wednesday. The full slate of 25 seats willup for grabs when the voting takes place February 140Valentine’s Day,

All forms, couragement Federation

Authorired Waterloo,


as Ontario.


information and enare available in the office.

Pet& peeved at council



Blasting student council, Dr, Howard Petch, academic vicepresident, accused them of being unfair to him. The incident arose during a discussion between council and Petch of a university policy on demonstrations a Both Steve Ireland, Federation president, and Stew Saxe asked Petch and Al Adlington, operations v~cepresident, if any students had been cons ulted on the policy before the Federation m When Petch and Xdlington said no, council told them that members of Students for a Democratic University had consuIted with student affairs provost Bill Scott earlier this month. Some of the members of SDUhadparticipatedinademon-

Liberal by Sandy Chevron



Driver staff

“The young Liberal wants to influence rather thin control, “according to Duncan Read’ president of the Liberal club on campus. Thus the Liberals on campus have decided to involve themselves in the upcoming council elections. The club will have four nominees in the Feb. 14 election. They are, Gord Gale, arts 1, Duncan Read, arts 2, Kent Butcher, arts 3 and Rueben Cohen, math 1. Read said that the Liberals don’t want to promote radicalism. We want to stress the idea of a moderating influence. “The candidates do not represent the platform of any political party according to

by Bob Verdun staff

Villagers had better get out their shirts, ties and jackets or risk pocketbook punishment. Starting Sunday, members of the Village council will issuesummanses

to violators

of regulation

4 of Warden Eydts tabulated edicts : “The evening meal is somewhat more formal than ______-______-____-_------Village council is useless Bang bang bang ___-_--_____--___--_-------

Page 18 Page 79

others ; and all residents must wear proper dress, including shirt, tie and jacket for men, and skirts for women... This rule may be relaxed for dinner on F riday and Saturday .” The fines for successive violations will be $1, $2, and $5. with further offenses to be decided by the Village council’s judiciary It will except people committee. who come to dinner after 6:20. This rule has been in the book all along but has not beenenforced because a poll of east quadrant favored dress regulations only for Sunday dinner. The new village council president, RegCharney, said most councillors were voting the way their floors thought. The motion passed unanimously, with most of the 13 members present. The next night there was an attempt on one floor to remove their rep, who had voted for the motton. Charney said, “The Village has to show some responsibility. We must enforce the rules ourselves, even as they now exist. It is council’s desire to grow up and

anti-active more candidates running, but Read “Other candidates found it said, impossible to run, not for us’ but in this election.” The club said that the new Federation president must have the support of a majority of the students. The liberals expect stiff competition in the arts faculty. Nevertheless Read said that “he and his candidates would make every effort to get elected and go into it seriously.” The Liberals’ purpose is to focus attention on the negative aspects of student activists and their proposals for student control in every field of university admtistration,

Read, but they do have some polides in common.\ The Liberal club supports candidates who: -oppose the students for a democratic university (SDU) -oppose student activism -support a student council that spends more time on student activltif5s than on international controversies. -try tc find out what the students want and then carry this out. The Liberal club said they were pleased with the present administration. However they felt that Ireland and his executive were too far ahead of students. The Liberal club hoped to have

Ties return Chevron

policy Petch agreed with this. alike. Petch said that the Federation was consulted after violent demons trations out U of T last week. They wanted to prevent the same thing happening at Waterloo. Councillors said that riots must be prevented, “The individuals must be protected.” said science rep Ron Rumm, ‘But I wouldhate to thin k guidelines had been set down on demonstrations 0” On Thursday provost Scott agreed that there should be no guidelines. Scott was in Toronto last week for the U of T demonstration. He said a lot of the confusion WaS caused by improper “The adminiscommunication, tration didn’t deal with Toronto’s student council and had to cope with many different points of view,” he said.

s tration against Dow chemical last term. “We are told to communicate through proper chann&,” said Ireland. “I’m worried because this looks like intimidation when the Federation isn’t consulted first .” “I have come directly to the Federation,” said Petch. “I haven’t heard a word of previous consult ation. Why did you ask me about this if you already knew? 1 think it’s very unfair. Youdidn’t give me a chance.” Ireland later apologized to Petch. Council refused to lay down any guidelines for a policy on protests, They said that the administration must use its own judgement because no two protest situations are

to Villuge

take the responsibilities of lawmakers -” He indicated the council will try to modify the dress regulations wording of motions would be difficult, Charney was asked his opinion of last term’s Village council. “President George Tuck worked hard arid did a wonderful job. The council got the budget straightened out.” About the constitution, he felt the council will still have to be feeling ground for the next term or two. He personally prefers the



Last Friday four U of W students sued a Waterloo landlord and won. The students had requested the r etwn of a $400 damage deposit at the end of their lease for a furnished apartment at 431 Hazel Street. The owner, FrankWojtaszynski, has claimed $320 for repairs to furnishings and fixtures, including a cracked toilet bowl, ripped CW& and broken kitchen chair. The students Donald Scott (grad), Donald Mervyn (grad math), Donald Hogg (arts 4), and Roger McLeod (sci 4) had each given a $190 damage deposit on rentig the apartment in September 1966. Scott and Hogg graduated in May and their places were taken by Ke Dunn and Terry Nelson (grad math),





















Ready for an action packed weekend? Yes, it is happening here Feb. l-4. The Warriors kick off the action when they meet U of T Blues in a battle for first place in OQAA play Thurs. at 8. Tickets are available at Seagrams and Waterloo Arena. After the game follow the Warrior Band ’ in a torchlite parade to a sock hop at the Grubshack. Starting at 10:15,


Last August, when the lease expired the owner made what the students felt were exhorbitant damage claims. Thestudents were charged for normal wear onfurniture much used before they ever moved in. The four then approached students federation for advice. The F ederation retained a lawyer, Robert Morris. This is thefourthcaseinthepast year involving students where the Federation has retained counsel for students . In all four cases court rulings were favorable. Wojtaszynski had said of one of “He ripped the the students , apartment; he destroyed it.” But last Friday in First Division Court, county of Waterloo’ the judge ruled that thestudents should pay only $20 in damages.




. . .

. ..-..
















Winterland the Magic Circus is featured. Friday sees two Sleighbell Balls-at Paradise Gardens, Guelph, and the Grubshack. Both locations are licenced and - each has dancing from 9-12 to two bands,, Support your faculty or residence at the Winter Olympics Saturday. The Everly Brothers and Rooftop Singers wind up the weekend with a concert at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium at 8:30.

Arts will h ave credits ~next year Chevron

present system where the Village president is elected by the 13 Village councillors and the warden, instead of directly by the s tudents. He was asked ;f the residence the Informer, will be paper, allowed editorial freedom. Charney said, “Freedom of the press is all right, but responsibility is important.” At the end of the interview he said the Chevron could quote anything he said as long as he wasn’t misquoted. “The Village council has a means of reporting through the Informe_r: if misquoted.”



by Dale Martin



Slave Laura Gibson meets her masters-and collects her price -at the grad society’s Slave Auctions Wednesday night. Highest bid was $100. -.....-.--.....................................,....................... .~==*r~**.................................................................-..


No one will ever flunk their year again in A rts, This results from nine weeks of discussion by the Arts Undergraduate Affairs Group. UGAG, established as a working group by arts dean Minas, has overwhelmingly gained faculty approval for the substitution of a course system for the year system in arts. Senate approvalmeans thearts wffl be the first faculty to have the system. In the new plan’ a student who fails a course will not fail his entire year. To get a degree, the student must pass a set number of courses, but the number he takes and passes each year can vary. The course system differs from the American credit system. The Americans use a rating based on the number of course hours while the Waterloo system involves performance in a given course. UGAG is one of threetask groups formed by Minas. Professor Jack Gray of English is chairman. The other other two task groups consist of a committee discussing fiscal and other matters and a graduate counter-part of UGAG. Gray was appointed by Minas and the arts faculty council confirmed it, The group consists of faculty members butstudents were consulted. Chalmers Adams,Federation quality of education chairman, was among them. Gray says he is anxious to have students on the committee, “One implication of the move, is that professors will feel freer to fail students because the loss of a single course would not be vital,” said Gray. Friday,

He didn’t know how the new plan which is unusual for Canada, would be regarded by other universities. But he hopes it will help raise standards, as honours students will be under less strain. Students will bepermitted to take either five or six courses in first year, but it they take only five courses, they must make up the sixth course in a r’uture year. The corrunittee has severalproposals to put before the February faculty council meeting. One of these is that part time students be permitted to take three or four courses a year instead of the present two course limit. Another proposal makes the changes retroactive to January 1, of this year. Both ideas will face stiff opposition. A UGAG subcommittee willmeet soon to discuss new entrance requirements caused by dropping grade 13 from Ont.ariohi&chools.



$750 in therapy Counselling services is providing you with an opportunity tosave over $250 and increase your chances of making your year. In conjunction with the psychology department, they are doing research on elimination of test anxiety. A student may visit counselling services and arrange free therapy sessions. He must attend nomore than 8 to 10 hours. This time would be worth $20 an hour from usual therapists. They want to know what “habilitates performance” to better understand how anxiety affects test performance. January


1968 (8:28)




in a nutshell

Harvard In order to sketch the outlines of the university as an intellectual community, Dr. Henry Crapo, a math professor, has asked several individuals involved in research to express some idea central to their work. These “letters from an ivory tower” constitute this new series. by Henry Crapo The graduate seminaris the university’ s principal means of bringing together students and faculty members “that the theoretical problems which present themselves in the development of civilization may be resolved? Such is the goal of the university, as defined by the philosopher C harles Sanders Peirce. With such an ideal in mind, philosophy professors Lawrence Haworth and Jan Narveson set out to form an unusual graduate seminar on the theory of ethics. They made a list of the top 15


on eh7ics

ethical theorists in North America, With department funds sufficient to invite eight lecturers, they ranked the 15 in order of expertise and expository flair, and invited the top eight for this year. Philosophical pulses quickened as all eight accepted, and an intell* e&al adventure of the first order was launched. “There have been no smashing theoretical successes in philosophy during the past 200 years,M Haworth explains. 44The range covered by the classical philosophers was so vast that most tenable points of view were expressed in their writings. In this century,philosophers have aimed at a careful reformulation, or ti a defense, of already familiar views.” At the first meeting of the ethics seminar, John Rawls, professor of philosophy at Harvard University, confronted views held by Water100’s Jan Narveson. Narveson, who sets for himself the task of 4*determining one basic


principle from which all moral obligations follow”+ defends a reformulation of the classical utilitarian Even in formulating a sysview. tem of justice, one should seek to maximize the a$vancement of the interests of people, e4the value being strictly proportional to the wtity of interest satisfied.~’ In the utilitarianview,forexampie, if you do not want a person to commit a certain act (because of the unhappiness it would cause) you attach a punishment to that act just strong enough so that the unhappiness resulting from the punishment would outweigh the happiness attached to commibing the act. Rawls is a quiet-mannered man in his 40s. Eyeglasses and shaggy and graying brown hair suggest his distinguished career at Princeton and Harvard. Challenging the ability of any utilitarian calculus to provide a basis of equality, Rawls offeredan alternaiive. In his view, all moral persons are owed equal justice.

morality The possession of superior morality is not a consideration. Rather, what is required of amoralperson is that he possess a certain MINIMUM morality. He must have a concept of the good, and must be capable of justice, and of a desire to act in accordance with it, In his writings, Rawls sets out two principles of justice: 1. “Each person participating in a practice, or affected by it, has an equal right to the most extensive liberty compatible with a like liberty for all.” 2. Ynequalities are arbitrary unless it is reasonable to expect that they will work out for everyone% advantage, and provded the positions and offices to which they may be gained, are open to all.” Is the enslavement of one man by another ruled out, in Raw19 utopia? Narveson says no, on the basis of principle 2. To paraphrase Raw19 reply: &&I guess it’s all right with me, if it% all right with tie slaves.s* The remaining seven talks this

John Rawls, from Harvard, is one of the top eight ethical theorists in North Americaall of them at Waterloo this year. winter relate not to ethics so much as to the language in which ethical theories are phrased. The questions will be asked “‘How do we come to KNOW right and wrong?’ and 44What is value, anyway?’ Cross-country



in park


The first Scandinavian-style cross-country ski competition ever to be held in the Twin City area will be staged Sunday in Breithaupt Park. Among the competitors will be several students from the university as well as a number of outstanding amateurs from around the province. The U of W skiers will be representing their newly formed campus cross-country ski club. Action down the slopes begins at 11:30 and continues until 2:30.

Grad House Party presen ting

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Male - $1.50 Female




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if any


if any


Prov. Send to: Mr. Renzo Bernardini, Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.



This space courtesy (B-68)

Graduate Student Society



seminar t

by Dan Hnojova

history 3, was Dan Hnojova, one of three U of W students to attend the recent McGill Seminar on Quebec A ffairs in Men treal. ln this storyHnojova brings out some of the arguments both pro and con which surfaced at the three-day seminar, The other Waterloo students attending were Nancy A&x-phy, arts 1, and John Henry, geography 3. So what do you say to a bright young college kid who admits heis a separatist? And the kid is not even a French-Canadi-but of English descent, born and raised in Quebec, educated at McGill and considers himself a Quebecois and supports separatism. So what do you say to him? Well for a start you call him crazy. That’s easy. Then you trot in a bunch of hoary statistics proving separatism is a zero scene economically. That should fix him. And there are stacks and stacks of those nice statistics on economy. You know the type: separatism means a 30% lower standard of living; separatism means losing 200 million in federal subsidies; separatism means shouldering a five billion provincial debt. Oh, there are lots of them. Like there is just no way for our separatist to break the power of the buck, No way. But the crazy separatist doesn$t even argue. He gives you that slow smile to say you’re in the stone age while hePs in the shiper-jet. Yes he knows about those statistics. Yes he knows he will suffer economically. So what. To him it’s a small price to pay for independence. Economic suicide or no economic suicide, he wants Quebec to separate.

on Quebec


do you say to u sepcW For a moment you are stunned. Look man, do you know whti you’re saying? You can’t separate just like that. There% noway.Youjust cadt. If you do we will...,..we will..... We will what? If Quebecthreatens to separate, Lester will call in the army or something? What could English-Canada do? Nothing. A big fat nothing. If the Quebec people expressed through their legislature a sincere and unanimous desire to separate, English-Canada could not stop them. Because after all, in the eyes of the world this would be akin to stopping nationalism and surely our Nobel peace prize winning prime minister does not want to be accused of bullying a minority group that is simply expressing a natural urge to become a nation. Why our twinkle-eyed first minister has even gone on public record in support of embryonic political entities, yes siree. And if Quebec should separate, where does that leave the rest of Canada?



There are three possibilities. In the first case there could be set up some sort of associate states using constitutional hocuspocus roughly akin to the Ten Commandments on Separatism aceording to the Gospel St, ReneLevesque4-hou shalt have acommon market3 thou shalt have only one banking system before thee; and so on,,..,, Or else if the first case can? worlrc-and Quebec had apparently learned the error of her wayswe might be able to muddle to a reunification if we can stand the stench of bad blood spilledonboth sides,



Or lastly, since hell bath no fury as a WASP scorned, we could kiss Canada in any shape orformgoodbye and hello Green Bay Packers, Disneyland and Broadway. And frankly I think the last may haPPen* So what you say. Is&it already happening? Isn’t Canada so dependent on the UnitedStates that the final judgement-total American assimilation-is as sure as God made little red apples. Maybe-but I for one do not want it. For my own selfish reasons, there is no way a GreenBay Packer can hold a candle to my beloved Judy LaMarsh-Canada.s answer to high cultur-r for that matter to Ralph Cowan, a misunderstood maverick who is just unbelievable. Fo my own selfish reasons I want a Canada, And for there to be a Canada there has to be a Quebec, and a strong Quebec to boot, And Quebec must stay within the federation. Of course there is nothing sacred about our federal system. No where is it blasetd in solid rock. ‘Thou will worship no other government except Ottawa.’ But I think that if Quebec wants to get what it is looking for, she will have to look to a strong Ottawaand if Ottawa wants to remain the centre of power, Ottawa will have to be both compassionate and brutal.


Everyone crabs about by Donna Chevron

IVicKie and




Got a beef about your courses? The Federation of Students has launched a quality of education subcommittee to study student criticism and prepare a report for the Federation, Each faculty will prepare a separate sub-report. ‘6 We felt that some sort of study was valuable to know how the students felt,“’ said Rae Struthers, math chairman. “There has been too much arguing in extremes. Some of the top students decided to get together and see what improvements could be made? The committee published a survey two weeks ago in the Chevron. Notices were also distributed to students. “We were not overly pleased with the responsef said Joe Givens, engineering chairman. The replies are submitted to each faculty chairman separately, t‘ Personally, I have received at least six very intelligent multi-page answers,$’ said Chalmers Adams, arts chairman. Struthers characterized the response as “mainly a





SO what does Quebec want? Eugene Forsey, a political SC& enlist, recently summed up the demands neatly: “First we EnglishCanadians have got to get it firmly into our heads that this country never was and never will be a countV Qf one hguage and one cub tire, Second, Quebec is not just a province like the others. It alwaYs has had a special status and special position. Third, we simply cannot maintain the confederation settlement. The industrializat.ion of Quebec, its culturalrenaissame, the expansion of FrenchCanada far beyond the borders of Quebec, all call for adjustments? Too many French-Canadians equate Ottawa with %hem’ not %s’. We have to make the French feel the whole country is their show as well as ours, mainly by giving Quebet more powers and a bigger


V/I, don’t look now, but. . ” share in running the whole country. But a lot of people are untovinced about granting Quebec these Give an inch and they’ll thfngS* take a mile. And besides, maybe things in Quebec are not so serious. Maybe Quebec is simply going through one of its periodic orgies of nationalistic chest beating and things will be okay if we just let things ride. And people come up with all sorts of slick argument-d some not so slick-against granting anything to the French-Canadians. One story goes we beat the frogsonthe Plains of Abraham fair and square did.rPt we? We won, they lost. What right has a vanquished race to ask for more concessions? It is true we did win. But let us remember that but for a few accidents of history there go we. What if we had lost? Would ye so adamant now? I doubt it, It all depends whose ox is being gored. Another argument is a bit more sophisticated and is based on legalities and runs something like thisr the constitution is the law of the land and nowhere in the con. s&&ion does it give Quebec the right to ask for more power.

No leg to stand


True the constitution does not. When one looks at the letter of the law (the constitution) Quebec has not a leg to stand on. but that is in the letter of the law. However, I think it is time TV look beyond the letter of the law and more into its


who are particularly interested? The survey is the second to be put out by the committee. An earlier questionnaire came out at exam time but had very little response. “Students in general are not concerned with an education making them complete citizens ready for the future. I am concerned that engineers are not being educated to be citizens,” said Givens. c4We can$t act when only one student comes in and complains,‘” said science chairman Ian Calve& Each faculty decided on its ownquestions. “Rather than ask many specific questions, we decided to guide their thoughts and suggest areas we wereintees&d in,)) said Struthers. ‘4The committee made no attempt to even define education,” said Givens. ‘(We hope a definition may come out.” The survey is not aimed atparticular lecturers or courses. 14The campus grapevine is adequate to identify people whose deficiencies are apparent,” said Adarns. “We want to teach students to better apply the knowledge they ga&‘” said Cal-


&‘It has led to a better understanding between faculty and students and could effect some concrete changes,” said Struthers. The study committee grew out of the MacPherson report at Toronto. 4cWe saw the need for something akin to it:’ said Adams. The proposal was kicked around over the summer by the Federation, until finally a working paper was submitted by president Steve Ireland at council’s request. of reference

But these arguments, though they do hold a certain relevancy, are not true arguments but excuses-excuses for something to talk abut and to do nothing. And Quebec is getting a bit fed up. She has been listening to the same tired record for the last 200 years. Now Quebec is siatiing to do something. Andwe in English-Canada may not like what she is thinking of doing. So you say you are worried,You know Quebec is animportantproblem. But its not the only important problem. So is Vietnamimportant and civil rights and the bomb and the Indian and the slums. But Que bet is a problem in your own backAre& yard. you proud that since so much of theEnglish-Canadian way of saying and doing things is such an insipid reflection of what passes off for American culture that at least one part of the Canadian mosaic shines with its own particular light? Quebec is about your country, the very future of Canada, don% you care enough to think about it?


vert. *‘Now you cram information inforan exam and regurgitate it. In higher yea,rs a student should be more on his own; he should have less formal education. “There is no need to cover the complete course in the lecture+these should concentrate on the highlights andthe more difficult points. Labs should also be made more meaningful,*’ What effect will the survey have? “A lot of people are very worried and concerned**’ said Adams. rtIt has raised questions never raised before and stimulated a lot of thought.”

The terms

spirit, the spirit of the law. Andin that spirit many of Quebec’s claims are honest and jusmied. And the arguments against&u* bet go on and on-the language of commerce is English; Quebec is one province of ten, one problem in ten; increased global shrinkage and communication favour dumping our cultures and identities in the pot of homogenized humanity; etc,, etc.

for the inquiry


were laid down by Adams. It was to be 4La no-holds-barred inquiry into education, especially at the departmental level, as well as a look at the over-all acedemic picture, not just the adequacy of particular lecturers or courses,” said Adams. Faculty chairman were selectedfrom interested people with agood acedemic record+ considerable background in university affairs andagenuine concern about where the university is going, (‘We did& want the university to think we were a bunch of radicals,)’ said Struthers. The Federation has also planned a teach-in on quality of education for the fall term. “We hope the teach-in will increase people’s awareness of the differentpossibilities in methods of education and of the alternatives in education‘at U of W#** said Ireland. The tea&-in had been planned for January but was postponed when anumber of the participants were unable to come. “1 think we can do much better next fall. Some of these people have revolutionary ideas,*’ said Ireland. Friday,



7968 (8128)

4 13

Patrick Sweet, co-editor; Ross Helling, Advertising editor, Pete Wilkinson, photography editor; Peg Cumming, secretary; Glenn Berry, photography; John Shiry, Chairman of Board of Publications.

Absolutely! Censorship re in

is out

If interested

in working

on Compendium





Federation Compendium

Building ‘68




emerges, by Pieter Chevron


is the watchword,”





is the watch


School Board


The present bylaw calls for sidewalk clearance by 10 am and fines of between $25 and $50 for violations. If fines are not paid, a conviction ciln lead to 20 days in jail. The burghers have been reluctant to enforce the bylaw since the householder might be an elderly person or worse even avoter. The city COLIRC~~is at least considering enforcement or replacement of this




be on campus

to interview



of armament





to 4 p.m.


of thrifty





in our tantulizhg



Library, Room 165

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the war unless their, interests were threatened. He spoke highly of Canada’s role in the UN likening it to Sweden%. ‘Canada has stopped voting constantly with the west. He said Canada sided more with neutral countries now. He also praised prime minister Pearson for his UN peace-keeping efforts,


KEND in the WOO Camping;


lecture Gabriel said neither China or the USSR would get involved in







Many people wonder why Waterloo’s sidewalks areimpassablefor several days after a typical snow job. The city works crews donot even attempt to clear sidewalks because of a city bylaw which requirers the property owners to look after

be the most appropriate.” In a press conference



10 a.m.


Snowiob or else

strument for ending the Vietnam war. “A reconvened Geneva would


L( will


dean of the Un-

ited Nations correspondents. The noted speaker said the U.S. faces a time of decision and of a great puzzle in challenging alternatives. Gabriel spoke on the peace and power puzzle in the theater last week. He said there have been two world political patterns since World War Two. ‘First the UN security councfl was set up to establish peace in the world. The big five (Russia, Britain, United States, France and China) felt they could establish peace through collective action.” When this failed world powers resorted to alliances like NATO and, the Warsaw pact, he said. ‘These alliances are now being undermined.” The emerging power pattern is economical. ‘Vhe northern countries are more developed than tie southern ones.” He cited statistics to show the gap was widening. Gabriel criticized the lack of foreign aid to the un.derdeveJoped countries. “%less the west di-






UN correspondent

dollars to the world’s poor all countries may become communist 2’ “The challenge of power now is to use it for peace,” he said, The UN is grossly underestimated. No where else can 110 nations openly lay their diplomacy on the line.‘” He said the UN is the best in-



A lexan&r




of Students

...................................... .....................








of weekend


9 - 11 .....


16 - 18 .....









26, 7968












4 65





invite you to browse




full selection of different, and, well, interesting gifts and boutique items at 18 Albert Street or at 4 Erb Street East, both in Waterloo.




SUN. JAN. 28 8:00 p.m. Theatre of the Arts ORCHESTRAL CONCERT University Symphony Orchestra conducted by Alfred Kunz plays works by Mozart, Handel and Haydn. Free admission - Tickets from Theatre Box Office ML254 Ext. 2126 SUN. JAN. 28 8:30 p.m. AL1 16 EXPERIMENTAL FILM SERIES - All tickets sold TUES. JAN. 30 12: 15 p.m. Theatre of the Arts NOON DRAMA “Men, Women and All That Jazz” Excerpts from “Superman”, The Rainmaker” and “Richard 111”. Music by the Greg Herring Quarter. Free admission THURS. FEB. 1 12:15 p.m. AL1 16 THURSDAY FILM SERIES “Secrets of the Ice” Film explains science of Glaciology and how information gained from study affords increased comprehension of Man’s past and future. free admission.

The Woodwind Quintet gave a superb performance Sunday in the theater of the Arts as the third in the Sunday series of concerts. Only a handful heard them.

uintet -too by Jan Narveson

NOW Evening




Being In is being oneofthelucky souls who refused to be put off by the complete (and therefore, evidently suspicious) lack of an admission price and came to the concert of the Toronto Faculty of Music Woodwind Quintet onsunday night--thus getting in onwhat must have been the outstanding music bargain of the year in KftchenerWaterloo. The student group could show a few professional perquite forming groups a thing or two in reviewing four of the standards of the wind-quintet literature: the deservedly always-with-us ‘Three (Trois Pieces short pieces’ Breves, to you) of Ibert and Hindemith’s Klein Kammermusic, op.24,no.2 (no doubt if the per-

show 8 p.m.

Mats Sat - Sun - Wed at 2 p.m.








:.._:.: _: .: ‘.C. .::...

In ROSSHUNTER'S productlon of


Adults Eve $2.00 Mats Sat Sun $1.75 Wed. $1.50 Children all shows $1 .OO






UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Performed by the University Orchestra. Alfred Kunz - Cohductor works by Mozart Handel Haydn Admission Free Tickets from Theatre Box Office AT254 Ext. 2 126 Federation of Students - Creative Arts Board L



Quartet works for performance





The four members of the campus string, quartet, will remember February 2, for that’s its first concert. Organ&& last summer, and partly inspired by the Stockholm String Quarter’s visit to campus, +he quartet is the result of a great deal of hard work, persistenceand devotion. Three of its members are stuThe fourth, violist Michdents. ael Dufault, is presently working in Toronto. In order to rehearse on weekends, Mike has to travel 60 mile to Waterloo or the remainder of the group has to join him in Toronto. According to violinist William arrangement Chambers, this sometimes presents difficulties, as it did during the snowstorm two weeks ago. A small group Yearbooks



The yearbook sales campaign has reached the 49 percent wk. Advance sales of Compendium 68 stood at 973 in midweek.

rates nf


in the world of instrumental music, formers hadn’t had nine-o’clocks made the moderately wicked pasto m&e Mondaymorning*wewould sages in the Hindemith worksound also have heard Milhaud’s ‘Le easy and induced instant euphoria cheminee du roi Rene’) Beethoven% quintet op. 71, with big, juicy, low tones. Only the horn was less than otherwise known as the sextet in outstanding, though certainly satE flat, came through quite wellenough. For ensemble also Haydn’s late Divertimento in isfactory and r?erve, the group was a real B flat (fromwhich comes thetheme winner. OK, so the flute muffed of Brahm’s Variations). Could there be a better choice one bar in the third movement of the Ibert, and the clarinet ran out of pieces for the occasion? NO. of breath once and the bassoon Too bad you didn’t come. missed at leastonenoteallevening Had you done so 9 you wouldhave (but nobody lost even an ounce of heard a group to be reckonedwith. his cool)--and to make up for it, To begin witii, there was a fluthere was a very impressive bit of tist whose limpid toneand expertly instrument-d&assembling -andshaped phrasing were as delightful to the ear as the rest ofherwas to cleaning - between - movementsthe eye (semi-formalmconcert- (pobably to get back to the audience for ill-timed applause.) mini-dress). In short, a Good Time was had Then the clarinettist, who is by All, except for the 6,800 or so clearly headed for a high position of you clods who failed to bother. Hooray for the U of T, F of M, five! (Just to add a final fillip, my seven-year-old daughter allowed as how she wouldn’t rather have gone to the movies, after all.) has to rehearse together--otherwise “a performance SOk.dSlike four solos Y This is one medium in which anyone’s mistakeis readily evident. The quarter’s first perf orrnance may be its last inthepresentform. Andrew Kowaliw, cellist, graduates this year andvglinist Pauline Watts completes her master’s degree, in German, But Bill hopes to maintain the quartet with replacements next year. The Feb. 2 performance at the Waterloo Library begins at 8:30 pm. Admission is free. Before their performance with the quartet on February 2, three members of the group take part in a concert at the Theater of the Arts. On Sunday, the U of W chamber orchestra, under music C p W star Bill Anderson director Alfred Kunz, will perheadlined before 3,000 fans form selections from Mozart’s at the Auditorium Wednesday, ‘Marriage of Figaro’, Handel’s including W of W’s C and W ‘Water music’, and works by Haydn club. Also playing were and Vivaldi. Admission is free. Stonewall Jackson, no ted for The concert sarts at 8. Tickets his song Waterloo, and Ferlin can be obtained from the theater box-office. Huskey.

6 months Feb. 2

-wrestlers by Louise Futcher and Gary Robins Chevron staff

“Take it off-boom boom-take it off.” Following that battle cry the Victory Theater audience prepared for a Friday afternoon of fun and stimulation. distinct TORONTO-Three groups made up the crowd: the U of T gang, the Ryerson boys, and the men over 40. Most of the latter came alone, The show’s emcee was the typical dirty-old-man, complete with his repertoire of dirty jokes. His task of following the blood-stirring was difficult and performances probably accounted for his less than enthusiastic reception. The audience appreciated the exotic dancing to a somewhat greater extent. The three strippers, Maria

(“New year’s sex kitten*‘) Lane Susan (?gThe wild, wild one?); Wright and Lea (“Heavenly body”) Angel displayed very little talent but much skin. Their lackof dancing ability was reflected in the reactions of the audience. Another Victorious attraction was Bonnie and Daisy’s strip= wrestling act. They were introduced just as normal wrestlers on stage, would bhstrutting waving their arms and displaying as much muscle as possible. Round one: after leaving their corners the two grapplers advanced slowly towards each other and began running around the ring. Round two: Each wrestler succeeded in tearing off most of her opponent’s clotiing, retaining only th.e bare necessities. Round three: Daisy successfully sat on Bonnie and triumphed. After their physical exhibition the two strip-wrestlers rested in the main lounge on the second floor of the Victory Theater, Bonnie wore her black one-piece costume and a stripper cotton robe, Daisy displayed her charms through a black negligee and a fur coat, A professional nurse from Jamaica, Daisy is now a fulltime exofreelancing around tic dancer, She started in an amaToronto, teur show at the Victory to prove her independence and ability to make up her mind about life,Inher spare time she enjoys reading detective stories,

Bonnie, showirlg some of her muscle, listens as Daisy The two girls quieted down after uses while wrestling.

Bonnie is a highschool graduate from Belleville. After working for a year as a secretary she accepted a friend’ s dare and applied at the 300 Club in Toronto. She is now emcee, dancer and singer there but works part time as an exotic dancer to lOmake extra money . I’ Be sides

her music and dancing she enjoys reading biographies. Both girls were attracted to buresque by money. For their stripwrestling labors the daucers get $200. For stripping only the minimum wage is $125 but their salary can rise as high as $400, At some clubs where the dancers are expected to mingle with the customers they also get acertainpercentage of the drinks sold. No dance training is necessary. Both girls feel you can ‘learn enough by just watching the movements of other entertainers. Rehearsing is a waste of time: they always improvise, although both do have regular acts. Bonnie and Daisy defined exotic dancing as an art through which the dancer excites the audience,



to potentid

The best place to start is in an You can pick up amateur show. enough ideas by watching several prufessionali performances. Instead of buying expensive costumes you can simply have your evening gowns made over, Two necessities are a love of music and ability to dance. You must always dance to the beat of the drum. The mood of the audience is importantP-you must try to create it or, ig this isnotpossible, play along with it.

Torchlight and dances by Mirella


Chevron staff

All contracts tickets printed big Winterland day.

wow t e tYKh

have been signed, the and the stage set for the weekend, starting Thurs-

Chairman Frank D’Andrea is enthused by the plans as they have progressed so far but he is unhappy with the “Johnny Rivers schmozzle”, as he puts it.. The booking headaches were the only complaints, say D’Andrea and his co-chairman, Rick Schuett. When asked what effect Waterloo Lutheran’s weekend would have on our affair, they felt there was no comparison between the two. “‘The university queen contest and the Four Preps are the big deal for WLU, while our Winterland ‘68 is geared mainly towards U of W students,” said D’Andrea. According to D’Andrea, the biggest event will be the hockey game onThursday night with the Warriors against U of T at the Waterloo Arena-followed by the torchlite parade (bring your own torch) and the



You can$t walk on weak and timid. Have confidence-sell yourself. In a situation where another girl is trying to outdo you on stage, relax and ignore her. The audience will be aware that she is doing too much. You should have an act but don’t bother rehearsing. Just get a friend in the audience to watch you perform and offer constructive criticism. Alcohol and drugs are always a problem. It is a good idea never to accept a cigarette from a stran-

explains one oj’ the finer their torrid performance.



and easy-and they wantP;free don’t care what people think. They do, however, realize there are some taboos. Bonnie has not told her mother what she is doing, Daisy told hers she was just dancing. Although they are often mistaken for callgirls, Bonnie and Daisy denied flatly that there is any relationship between prostitution and burlesque. But they seemed almost proud of this image. There appears to be wide use of drugs and alcohol among exotic dancers. Bonnie felt it was necessary to overcome shyness with a stiff drink and Daisy thought that alcohol just became a habit, almost a way of ltie in the business. %loney rnay be the major motivation for entering the burlesque field but dancers find many other satisfactions. They love music, und Daisy they love to danc.e. There is the pleasure of reaching the audience ger, In the clubwhereyou are exand communicating your feelings pected to drink with the customers to them, you can wink at the batiender and In smaller clubs it is possible he will mix you a very weakdrink. people and exAnd you can ask for extra ice so to meet interesting change ideas. Both girls hope to that the drink is almost straight ‘water. You have to be careful of find a husband among the well-todo businessmen who frequent the drinking too much because youare clubs. going to have to get up and dance Bonnie and Daisy enjoy their ocfor your companion. cupation. Bonnie hopes to stay at Your friends are likely toobject but don’t let them stop you. You the 300 Club while Daisy wants to work in Quebec, eventually going must do what you will with your back to nursing. own life.

She catches the mood of the audience and expresses it in her movements. The stripping aspect is aided by wearing only simple clothes so that there is less to take off. The two were vague as to the motivation of people that come to watch burlesque. They felt their comedy act was drawing people because of its novelty, Both have regular admirers who try to see them wherever they perform. Although the presence of women in the audience may prevent some communication, the dancers are glad to see them. Their attendance represents the changing feeling towards burlesque as people be come more liberal about the art of stripping a Strip dancers do not feel pressured by society: they act the way


booked, Snow srw up rn the air

crowning of the snow queen at the sock hop. They feel the Everley Brothers will go over big if ticket sales so far are any in+ dication. D’ Andrea feels they are I‘ diversified entertainers”, working mainly in the pop field now. He mentioned they are now appearing at a nightclub in Toronto. The Roof Top Singers, whose biggest hit was ‘Walk right in’, are also appearing at the Kitchener Auditorium with the Everley Brothers. They have madefew recordings but have done many college tours in the U.S. Some people compare them to Peter, Paul and Mary for their ability t0 improvise and interject humour in their performance. The chairmen explained the problems encountered with booklng of entertainment for the weekend. Because they couldn’t get straight answers from the booking agents or the acts involved, ITAndrew made a trip to New York. He found that Johnny Rivers and the Roof Top Singers were available and thought they would make a good combination. Then the word was received that Johnny Rivers would not be able to appear and the

Everley Brothers were substituted. The procedure for booking entertainment is now in the process of being changed. Paul Berg, director of the cretiivetisboard, will be used in the future as the permanent booking agent. He will look after all bookings which are neededfor Orientation, Homecoming, Winterland and other big events planned during the year. In this way, they hope to eliminate a lot of the difficulties presently encountered. The expense involved will be covered by the board of student activities budget. dn the question of finances for the weekend, Schuett predicted it will break even, with the concert on Saturday night covering a third of the costs and the two semiformals Friday night covering the remainder. The sleighbell Balls, one at food-services and one at Paradise Gardens in Guelph (February 2) both have liquor licenses. The Winterland Creek will start at 3, and continue all will be put up for

Olympics on Laurel 9 on the Saturday, Feb. day and night. Lights night-time activities.


The exact program-including sp o r t s events and circus sideshows-is being taken care of by the Lettermen. They also plan to have audience-participation games for those who come and just standaround.’ Judging will start at 10 am for the snowsculpture entries from the church colleges and the Village quadrants. The theme this year is ‘( comic characters invade news of the day” and judging will be on the basis of originality and relevance to theme. D’Andrea stressed the importance of student participation. And on the subject of concerts in general, (such as the one planned for the Kitchener Auditorium,) he said they will be cut out if the present loss rate continues. He attributes this to student apathy rather than to bad entertainment or management. He feels it would be a great loss to cut out concerts and events such as those planned for Winter land 68. Both D’Andrea and Schuett expressed a willingness to lcdo it all over again” in spite of the problems and headaches. For lYAndrea, this was the third year of involvement with Winterland, Friday,


26, 1968 (8:28/

4 17


CT ti GAMBLE CAREERSIN Pa trick Watson will chair a discuss2on on drugs on CBC TV Sunday at 10. The program, The n;vay it is, will feature a panel discussion and film report from. LSD to pot.

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TORONTO--“They robbed, they raped and they broke al.lTenCommandments with relish”, So writes Jean Basile about the New France setting for his play ‘The drummer boy*. This is thefirstoffourthater Toronto plays now running at the Royal Alexandra Thea&r, &The drummer boy’ runs until February 7, when *Little murders’ by cartoonist Jules Feiffer opens. Basile certainly succeeds in bringing across the baseness of Quebec in 1754, but he has CZD ried it to an extreme. Blows to the groin are liberal andone scene even shows -one man kissing m thW. We are led to believe the statement of one character that “punishment makes us morehumal? Tie protaganist is a simple 1%

is made up of the recognizes


every opportunity

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of the Dolls? seems to them dead at the Lyric, as it has been held over for at least a week. For all of you new tuneins, the Walls’* is a double-enten& (if you% pardon the expression) for the female stars and forthe chemical Hcks they indulge in. The Fairview also seems to have shuck it rich with &Thooughly modern milli@ and so it shall continue for not less than

$ be knocking




l .*. l .* l .*

want facts on which to make an intelligent choice of your career. To about Proctor & Gamble ask your Placement Office for a descriptive and arrange for an interview on


y-old drummer boy who comes hangman as atonement lxtax&g J%olate#* a girl of H.&S CO&UOUS allusion to his sin@M.ty is so well-spokenthatit isn% credible. This may be a&ox% fault, but more likely scar%prs-perhaps due to the agdabn in English. Tb costuming; and e igood and special ~sKH&& (a hang& &me of the minor poody &me, while the -=We,

. befor 11. own the the ad-

staging are effects were on stage). roles were major ones

Jean Basile was right when he wmkg Tf my play is bad, it is bcxxmse fi was destined for greater t&&s than a poor playwright like myself? 1 WI& Theater Toronto better In& inthe future. ---.....l............,*

on shows

:c by Gord Wilkinson


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ger and *The Spirit is will@& fw Sld Caesar+ which nmm bough the weekend, and is fmed for another three days by WBII Ryan’s expressj with ti-~?~rtalMr.Sina.traand~ ‘El Gmcd portrayed by Mel F~%cu. These begin Sunday.

.‘.I .‘.I ...I .‘.’ .a ;.:a

‘.*I l .*\

i::: 22 :i:i i$ $1: $2 $$ l .*s l .**

T&e 6Queenz9 wiggle into the $; Wabedm tonight for a week of :::I ihm and frolic starring several i$ W~&~UYWII femme-fatales and $ hlr pmmakic bosoms. Mon- :;:I ica Vl@i @odes@ Blaise) leads 2: 1::: three more weeks. ,*.* a’.. the way with her interpretation 3:; Lo.* The Odeon remainsnonplussaf *e perils of a passionate :!:: <:i ed by this obvious formula for hitd&ibq ClaudiaCardlnale $j $ success and continues with its iToWws with a portrait of peat i:i: $ usual motley array of fflcks. sad 5&o& with some obvious :if l:.* * ‘Robbery* with Stanley Baker l3.@dms accessories. Rz+quel ig! j;i goes until tomorrow andisfollWe&& doffs her animal skins $ $i owed by &Wife shopping italianBC) to mix a little i$ I<: style’ and ‘Place called glory’ pleas&e into a young business& $! which limps along until Wednes;ii day+ maxi% Me, Capucine rounds out g 00.. the e4kammious cast as asociety $j 8-e’ ,*.* The obvious rival to these is :ri the Capitol, dredging the backw0m who frequently calls on 5:: :;: log of movie duds for the like of bhe services of her chauffeurto 2: 2, dLast safari* withStewartGrandrtve her pretty little machine. :Y .-===*~*~*-==~==.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-~-~ ),*~.~.-.~.~.~.~.~.~.-.~.~.~.~.~.~-~-~.~.~-~~~-~*~=~*~-~-~-.*~*~*~*~*.-~-~-~-~. *.~-~~.....-.-~-~-.-.-.-,-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~ .********..*......................... _---_-_---.__--..........-......-....


SCADS of issues


couldn’t be handled by that board. University president, Dr. John Leddy issued a statement condemning the editors’ (‘morbid obsession with squalid vulgarity?’ The Lance then published a spoof on Windsor’s daily paper, the Star* called the Windsor Stare. Apparently something happened from the date of this issue, la& of the term, and January 8 when SCAD met and refused to follow council’s suggestion. SCAD called on Lalor and Johnstone to promise not to publish “obscenities? The two editors said they could not do this as it would violate editorial freedom. Leddy told the two that if they didn’t make this promise they would be put under social suspension. This would mean that the two would have to resign. If their resignation was not tendered they would then be expelled. Student council met and condemned the

In early December the University of Windsor student newspaper, the Lance, published an article entitled The student as nigger. It was written by a California teacher, Jerry Farber, and gave a biting critique of the educational system,public, In the secondary and post-secondary. article were several words which some people consider “obscene.$p The administration took exception to the article and within two hours of the paper% Friday appearance the senate committee on student conduct, activities and discipline was convened. On the following Monday, the co-editors, John Lalor and Marian Johnstone were ordered to appear before the dean. The meeting was called to discuss ‘%e continuous obscenity in the Lance? OnTuesday SCAD met and asked student council for its opinion, Council turned the whole matter over to its board of publications, and declared that no problem existed that

The student by d. John CUP



Lynn chief

WINDSOR (CUP&One of the most interesting aspects of the recent obscenity controversy at the University of Windsor is SCAD, the senate committee charged with responsibility for student conduct, activities and discipline. Its terms of reference were drawn up by a senate committee including two student representatives and ratified by the senate in September 1966. Under its terms the SCAD is responsible “for the conduct activities and discipline” of all students. The regulations recognize student council t4 responsibility to represent” the undergrads but does not spell out any student council role regarding rules and discipline. For the purposes of the Lance issue, the article under student press and broadcasting calls for campus media to adhere to the code of ethics of the Canadian University Press, with one subtle change: “thatthey should adhere to the canons of morality and good taste of the community.s~ The CUP code, previous to change in De cember 1967, talked about the morality and good taste of the STUDENT community, a significant difference, These seem to be the two contentious issues here: should the Lance consider its audience the community at large including the residents of Windsor? And, should the student press be under the supervision of a nonstudent board with supreme powers for discipline? It is clear from the regulations that the power to police the student press and all other student activities is ultimately vested in the SCAD committee. Its most recent press release, which came out of the Lance affair, indicates SCAD’S intention to retain these powers, which, it says, are vested



in it by the university



J. Tony Blair, a lecturerinthe philosophy department, who testified to the CUP investigating commission on behalf of Lance co-editors Lalor and John&one printed a full-page letter in the paper attempting to clarify the issue. He said, in part: tCIt must be strongly affirmed by all those who are committed to freedom of the press and to democratic rather than autocratic governing processes in the university, that there is no general right residing in the university administration to control, directly or indirectly, the editorial policy or practice of the Lance,” While he did not deny the senate its legal jurisdiction under the university act he felt that, “no one apart from its managing boards, student council and the student board of publications has any more right to interfere with its personnel or practices than they have to interfere with the Windsor Star or the Toronto Globe and Mail.” Blair also castigated university president J. Francis Leddy for bowing to pressures from the Windsor community in initiating proceedings against the editors. Blair hinted that Leddy feared the university% development fund would be seriously affected if the Lance was not cleaned up.



The university funds h the local



has a well-developed campaign for community; over one million dollars

vs University

has been collected to date from workers in the Windsor area, mostly taken directly & paychecks. Local donations are backed up by the Ontario government on a ratio of seven to one. Blair said Leddy stood up for outside pressures on an issue that required he defend the university from the public. k‘ More important than any endowment is the principle of editorial freedom)’ Blair said. uIf endowment is I’% ceived only at the cost of the university’s undermining some basic right, there is a serious question whether the university is worth endowi&’



The obscenity issue tis llQt lwolve solely around Farber% article. Some people feel theLancehas tiptoed along the vulgarity line ever since Lalor joined the staff in November 1966. He was named cckeditorwith Marian Johnstone in the fall of 1967. Objections began in September afkerkxlor reviewed a local film, ‘I a woman,* and Qaoted from the script in which a woman said “1 would like to cause an erection in every man, so I could have my picks8 A few weeks l&er the Lam=e accused a local bar owner of refusing to serve some Negro students. Lalor printed a phone interview with the owner who said the whole issue was “a crock af shit.Asfar as Pm concerned you can shove the whole university up your ass.” The next conkroversy arose when Lalor talked with Chad Mitchell. ‘The two d&ussed the breakup of the folk trio and Mitchell said %ow that Pm on my own it’s completely different. Every tLme I go up there I undress in front of fifty million Were& &angers and hope to god that no one cuts my cock ofE? After this furor died ~OIQ Tr interviewed himself about obscenity ironically censoring himself, applying asterisks liberally. In the same issue e the first reprinting of The Student as nigger which IXor had not read. It was inserted by Miss Johnston& -.


of expression

Lalor argues that if a man ttlxnses to make a rel* vard, serious statement, his c&tie a# Ianguage shouldbe‘ his own affair. “If someone says ‘go dePeca& in your hat’ it loses considerable impactf)


of Windsor

Oneofthemainreasons immhred in the whole affair Lalor calls it a must be the university% mr. 4‘Chrisp’ university a term developed at the recent Vancouver CUP conference b denate those university administrations that frown 011 even the mildest form of vulgarity because of religious backgrounds. Until 1963 the university was called Assumption and operated by the Basilian f&hers. The heritage is still strong, probably best reflected by the code of conduct u.nder which SCAD operates.

Clerical The here.


administration action, declaring they had damaged the whole university andviolated the freedom of the press. Finally, under continued pressure Lalor and Johnstone resigned. An interim editor, John Doyle, was appointed to run the paper until editorial freedom was re turn& Jobnstone returned to her old post on January 9 and Lalor then reapplied for his position, Finally the administration dropped ail actions against the paper and students. i% Canadian University Press investigation team was sent in to investigate the affair. The editors of two campus newspapers and a writer for the Canadian Press, who later dropped out, found the university administration guilty J8of intervention in the publication of the Windsor Lance,Bs The report doubts whether there is even now freedom of thepress at Windsor..

inf hence clerical influence &II hangs over the students Many seniors have said th& & the 1000 students


If the administration at the university had not withdrawn its charges the commission would have recommended that the Lance withdraw from CUP. Membership in CUP is dependant onfreedom from nonstudent control.



The Lance co-editors were naive, the report continues, because they didnot anticipate the administration reaction to the article. Although attitude that over four-letter the real fight more basic: Does the the community, to censor the

the daily press adopted the the battle was simpley one words and 4( obscenities” was and remains something university administration, or have the right and/orduty student press?

In this story the CUP bureau chief D. John Lynn gives an anlaysis of theLanceadministration-area establishment conflict.

of Windsor

who signed the strike petition only about ten or twenty percent would actually boycott classes. Bill Dodd, business schoob revealed that crucifixes were taken down from classroom walls only last year, He said five years ago Assumption was *ta very catholic university,” and you “Can’t expect to change all that in five years.** While most of the faculty is now made up of lay People, he said, the Basilians who are left are in important positions-department heads and some administratOITS.




Controversy doesn’t stem from the Lance only. In December, the paper carried a story alleging an admix+ i&&ion official had told a local printer to remove all reference to the University of WindsolL-including the school crest-from the student literary magazine, Generation. The objection was again to certain words appearing in two poems and a short story. However a resolution was found and the magazine appearedwithboththe school name and crest on the title page.



During Lnfo ’ 67to emigration prospective Student versity as pam23.

the summer a group of students organized inform U.S. citizens of their rights regarding to Canada. Their message was directed to draft evaders. council objected to the group using the u& a return address for ads run in U.S. college

A paradox The University of Windsor is a paradox: In many areas it is progressive and sophisticated. The faculty seems ready to act now in matters not directly related to academics. The senate has seated four students and opened the way for student representation on several of its committees. The students seemedto seriously COI+ side3 the possibility of a strike. Residence rules have been considerably relaxed. Women are allowed to visit mens s residences with few unreasonable restrictions. And the beer flows easily in the rooms, all with official university sancti~ But on the minus side there is an immaturity on campus. The student council was completely unprepared to defend themselves, and only came out of the Lance affair with a minor victory for studentpowerbecause the SCAD itself was so bumbly. The student senators agree inprivatethey have been co-opted in many situations. They sat on the committee which set up the roles under which SCAD operates. The faculty, though apparently eager to act in the affair* finds itself with a constitution which requires a weeps notice, upon presentation of a petition of ten names, before an official meeting can be called. But the Lance affair has accomplished one major thing, if because of the confrontation which developed, students and faculty become more vociferous in determining the future course of the university. They can then begin to acflvely participate in its government through the machinery already in existence. Friday,


26, 7968 (8:28)





u Qf w


. . . . . . . . . . . . . .-....

by Archie

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The hockey Warriors loss to Lutheran can be written off as just one of those times when a team has an off-game. Perhaps some sort of a letdown was inevitable after the Guelph rout but then the team didn’t really let down in the usual sense. Nevertheless a stale game tends to revitalize a team once out of the system.

Any pseudo-ranker who drops the club lower than second nationally as a result of that game deserves only to be ignored. The Warriors will be flying tonight against Western, and the leaguegames are the ones to win. * 8 * The rush for tickets to Thursday’s hockey match with Toronto starts Monday at 1 o’clock in Seagram Stadium. Between then and 5 on Tuesday season tickets can be exchanged for a game pass. Any tickets for the game still left will go on sale Wednesday at 9 am in the Stadium until they are depleted. Better be there early. * * * Let’s hope that someone mural sports in the optometry next fall. Although off campus in number, the glassmen can number of sports on their own Right now they’re competing



Adrian Lomas defaulted to Mike Fenton, Wayne Steski had the bye. Hindlel 0 1 1 1 0 2 O-6 Cook 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3-5 Hindle took an early lead but almost blew it in the 7th end as Cook’s team managed to put three rocks in thehouse, but Hindlemade two fine shots to score two. Cook scc>red three in thelast end butwas too far behind to catch up.











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to three If Hindle’s team is to do well in the elimination, they will have to curl well for eight ends, not just seven, as they did last week. This weakness cost Hindle both games he lost last term. I Brown 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 l-7 Wilton 0 1 0 1 1 0 2 O-5 Brown and Wilton battled on even terms for five ends, but Brown broke it open with a bigfour-ender



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l .*4. . I


Varsity curling commenced last week at the Kitchener Granite Club. The competition this term is a single knockout affair, with the winner going against last term’s winner, John Scott, in a best of three competition. The original field of seventeams was reduced to three as Pete Hindle defeated Rick Cook, Claire Brown defeated Steve Wilton, and

. . . .-.-.-.-.-.-.-•

occurred the same night. UCLA ,defending national champs, met their Waterloo in the form of Houston, losing 71-69 in almost as equally an exciting game. 3r **


It was 76 years ago Saturday that Dr. James Naisrnith threw the first basketball through a peach basket and thereby invented the game. How fortunate then that the sport should have reached its highest of excellence on that anniversary night right in our own Seagram gym. No team ever rose to a chdknge more valiantly than the .Warrfors did in the second half against the defending Canadian champs fromWindsor. Not about to throw in the towel after a l&point deficit at halftime, they hustled the pants off the Lancers to the ecstatic delight of the most boisterous crowd ever to jam the gym. In fact, how often does a. Seagram audience give a prolonged standing ovation as it did Saturday? The victory, especially the way it was accomplished, was the best single thing that could have happened to Waterloo basketball. ’ Although each Warrior, sub and first-St ringer alike, played a vital role in the win, special mention must be made of Neil Rourke. The three-year veteran played easily the best defensive game in recent league history. He stole numerous balls right out of intercepted others, rebounded ferLancer hands, ociously, carried the ball up the floor (and he’s not even a guard), blocked shots, set up scores by his passing, and held his defensive assignment, all-star Bob Navetta, to a mere five points. The only unfortunate note about the game was that coach Dan Pug&se, who was out of town, could not be present to savor the thrill. * * 4 Over the border in theAstrodome an almost



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INTERCOLLEGIATE HOCKEY Fri., Jan 26 Western vs Warriors 8:15pm Waterlooarena Thurs., Feb. 1 Torontovs Warriors 8~15pm Waterloo Arena Fri., Sat., Feb. 2, 3 Warriors at Kirkland Lake BASKETBALL Wed., Jan. 31 Lutheran vs Wa+ riors-Seagram Gym Sat., Feb. 3 Guelphvs Warriors 8:f5 pm Seagramgym WRESTLING Sat, Jan. 27 Guelph Invitation& f& Feb. 3 Guelphvs warrlor~ 2:OOpm Seagramgym WOMEN% SPORTSDAY Sai., Jan. 27Windsor vs Warriors Seagramgym Volleyball 9~30p.m.,basked ball 11:00p.m. Tues., Jan. 30 YorkVs. Warriors, Seagramgym Volleyball 6~30pm, Basketball 8:OOpm INTRAMURALS BADMINTON Monday, J=~Y 23 - Doubles VOLLEYBALL Wed., Jan. 31,1968 6:30 pm Sci. vs Grads Arts vs Eng. 7~30 pm Scf. vs Eng. Arts vs Grads 8~00pm West vs East Southvs North 8:30 pm Ren.vs C.G. St. Paul vs St.Jer. 9:00 pm Ren.vs St. Jer. St. Paul vs. C.G.



SH 4-2781 Custom gunsmithing Rebarreling Rechambering Restocking

SCHEDULES BASKETBALL Tuesday, January 304 1968 - Court A .6x30-7:20 pm Phys. edvs. West 7r3018:20 pm Co-op vs. St. Pauls 8:30-990 pm Eng. vs Math - Court B 6:30-7820 pm West vs South 7:30-8:20 pm St. Jerome’s vs Renison 8:30-9:20pm Arts vs Sci HOCKEY Tuesday,January 29, 1968 9:00pm Wilson East vs South lo:00 pm Wilson Grads vs Eng. llrO0 pm Wilson Renisonvs Coop 11:00pm WaterlooWest vsMath Wednesday,January 30,1968 9:ot) pm Wilson Sci. vs Arts lo:00 pm Wilson St.Jeromeis vs COIL ll:oO pm Wilson Phys. Ed. Vs North 11:oOpm Waterloo St. Paul’s Patice RECREATIONAL BASKETBALL At St. Davids Tuesday, January 30th 6:30 pm Gapvs Hawks 9:30 pm The BiggestvsFalcons EngineRoomvs Orient Wednesday,January 31st 9:30 pm 3-A-Civil vs Hawks 3-B-Mech vs Falcon> HOCKEY QueensmountArena Monday,January 29th 10100pm Fryers Flyers vs Math3A 11:OOpm Misagros vs.Turbties SKATING Every Thurs. afternoonl:Oo pm-3:00 pm




top leagues


Windsor gets 69-66

Scar eking Sol helps topple Varsity 87-8 7 TORONTO (Staff) - %Ba.ll control is where it’s at. “The Warriors play the tightest ball this side of Southern Cal....Blues prefer the wide-open game.” Thus read a storyinthevarsity, announcing Wednesday’s game in Hart House. The Blues got their wide-open game, all right, as the Warriors went on a scoring spree to win over the Toronto squad 87-81. The Warriors played ball control, but they controlled it through the hoop to roll up their highest score this year in a league game; The above-mentioned article also claimed “Toronto’s rearguard tandem*’ (if you wffl excuse the expression) of Jaan Laaniste and Doug Lockhart outscored the Toronto duo 28-18 and outrebounded them 16-8. Laaniste and Lockhart, working from a zone defense, throttled the Toronto team’s scoring stars. Stan Talesnick and Art Webster in reserve also stacked up wffl against Toronto% pair. Sol Glober, who led the league in scoring going into the game, made sure he held his lead as he potted 32 points for his highest output of the year. Doug Lockhart, a former Toronto star, scored 19 against his old teammates as he played an inspired game, Bryan Brown and Larry Sob01 netted ten each and Laaniste got nine. Brown, Neil Bourke and Glober played fine two-way games. For Toronto, Arvo Neidre got 26 points. He was the only dangerous scorer for the usually potent Blues. Brown had ll rebounds, while Rourke, Laaniste and Lockhart all helped the Warriors control the boards as Toronto seldom had a second shot. The Warriors shot a fine4lpercent from the floor, as Glober led the way with 44 percent. The half-time score was 41-36 for Waterloo. With the exception of a brief period in me second half, the Warriors led throughout the game. JVs slaughter Trent The Waterloo JVs, the Pioneers t continued their winning ways as they romped over Trent University 90 -57 0 Ike Fischler was a standout, scoring 14 points on fast breaks He also and outside shooting. played well defensively. Paul Cotton and Al Haehn both rebounded weel and each wound up with 17 points. Bill Bourne played a solid game and set up several baskets with his passing and playmaking. The team resums play tomorrow at 2 in Seagram gym against Cathedral Highschool of Hamilton. This is the same phenomenal team that rounced McMaster’s junior team earlier in the year. Lutheran again Wednesday the Warriors will have their second crack of the season at Waterloo Lutheran’s highflying Golden Hawks Wednesday at Seagram Gym. In the first meeting of these two teams, Lutheran won 94-77, but the Warriors have improved since that game. The JVs play the junior Hawks in a preliminary.


shock by Tom


Chevron sports

Doug Lockhart prepares to drive around Bob Navetta of the Windsor Lancers in Saturday’s game. Doug scored 33 points in two games played in the last week and was a defensive ace in both games. Waterloo won both games to capture first place in the OQAA eastern division. ~-~-----~-=---.-~-*-~-~-~---*---~-*-.-*-*-~-~-*-*-.-.-.-~-.-.-.-.-.-.-. .l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l. l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . l . . . . . . . . . . ..

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Tie for first

Trounce by Peter Webster Chevron sports

I’s been an uphill battle since the first of the season, but the hockey Warriors finally caught the high-flying U of T Blues in their battle for first place, Jan.18. The Warriors must have given Guelph’s goaltender Jim Horton nightmares as they pounded the Gryphons for 11goals otheir highest output of the current season. Meanwhile the Gryphons were able to get one past Dave Quarrie. Quar rie, who was not feeling well, turned in a steady performance considering the circtunstances. Larry Copeland replaced Quarrie for the finalframe. Quarrie was too ill to play in Saturday’s game against WUC, The victory moved the Warriors into a first-place tie with the Blues. Both teams have -eight


straight victories and seem to be running away from the rest of the teams. While it looks like the Warriors and the Blues are almost assured of playoff berths, a hot battle between McMaster, Western and Montreal is developing for the final two playoff spots. Terry Cooke was the big man for the Warriors. Cooke is taking over where he left off last year, He was theleadingwaterloo scorer last season with 12 goals and 14 assists. Last Thursday Cooke potted four more to bring his seasons total to 11 goals and seven assists. Meanwhile defenseman Bob Murdoch kept pace with Cooke, scoring three goals to bring his seasons total to eight goals and 10 assists. Murdoch has played in all eight

Hawksrevenge by Bill Statten Chevron


Scoring the winning goal late in the game, Waterloo Lutheran’s Golden Hawks nipped thewarriors 6-5 to register a major upset in exhibition hockey Saturday at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. The outcome was a completereversa1 of the November clash between the rival schools, which the Warriors won handily 6-l. Lutheran made their big move in the second period when they potted four quick tallies to open a 5-1 lead. -Waterloo closed the gapongoals by Bob Murdoch, Ian McKegney, Orest Romashyna, and Don Mervyn, setting the stage for the winner by Hawks’ Frank Braith Waite. Pressure by the Warriors to get the equalizer was not enough as Lutheran goalie Ken Payne


held the fort, stopping Terry Cooke on a close-in chance. The Hawks made the most of

Terry Cook’s four goals against Guelph gave him 11 in league play- Warriors’ best.

7 7- 7 Warrior games while Cooke has missed one because of the flu. Don Mervyn, Rick Bacon, Hugh Conlin and captain Ron Smith scored one apiece. Mike Doersam was the lone Guelph marksman. Cooke started things off before many of the over 1000 fans knew what was happening. It took him only 14 seconds of the first period to get his first of four. Cooke had the game won five minutes later when he tipped in a perfect Mervyn pass. Almost all of the Warrior’s goals gave Horton little chance. The Warriors exhibited sharppass plays in their scoring. One of the prettiest goals of the night was Bacon%. Doug Jodoin carried the puck over the blueline and dropped it back toJoeModeste who hit Bacon perfectly at the corner of the net.

6-5 win their 15 shots on the net. Larry Copeland was in the Warrior goal for the entire game and was the victim of several breakaways and long screened shots from thepint. On the other hand Payne stopped 31 Warrior shots on his way to becoming the star of the game. Coach Don Hayes juggled his lines during the first two periods but went with his regular units in the third, nearly pulling the game out of the bag. Their inability to put the puck in the net in the early going proved the difference as the stronger Warriors held the overall edge in play. Cooke led Warrior scorers with a goal and three assists. Murdoch had his usual solid game ondefense while Larry Banks performed aggressively at both ends of the rink. The loss was only the second for Warriors this season. The first was at the hands of Cornell in a tournament. Friday,

The name of the game was hustle, and the Warriors played it well. After a slow first half, the b-ball Warriors came from well behind to defeat Warriors came from well behind to defeat the number one team in the country, 69-66. The game, played on Saturday at Seagram gym, was the most exciting staged there in several years. It was also the finest display of defensive basketball seen anywhere in quite sometime. The Warriors beat the Lancers in two ways. They made a motkery of the famous Lancer press* especially in the second half. This enabled them to overcome a 14 point deficit. In addition the Lancers were stopped cold in the second half by an inspired Warrior defence, which held the usually high scoring Windsor squad to only 29 points. The whole team is to be commended for its best performance of the year, Neil Rourke was especially effective as he held high scoring Lancer Bob Navetta to only fivepoints for the entire game, and also stopped .several two-onone breaks. Many fans were heard tocommerit that the Lancer shooting was off in the second half, but this can be attributed to the fine checking of the Warriors. The Lancers had few good shots as the zone defence employed by s Waterloo kept the tall Windsor forwards away from the ball, On the other hand, the Warriors shot 19 for 40 in the hectic second twenty minutes, which is good shooting in any league. Although the Lancers had a height advantage (the three forwards are all 6’s”), the Warriors outrebounded them 53-40 allowing them few second chances toscore. Bryan Brown led the team with 16 relx, while Rourke and Sol Glober had ten each. Leading the scoring for Waterloo was Glober with 29 points. He got 26 of these in the second half. The Warriors were able to beat the Lancers’full-courtpress, and this left Glober open for a fast break or one-on-one situation. Big Sol, who played his best game ever for Waterloo, didn’t miss many of these chances, ashe scored twelve field goals in the second half. He also scored two free throws in the last minute of play to salt the game away for the happy Warrior crew. Doug Lockhart had his usual great game and scored 14 points. Brown added ten and was a standout on defense as he blocked several shots and rebounded well. Jaan Laaniste, Larry Sobol, Ted Edwards, Stan Talesnick and Art Webster all played key roles as well, making the victory a team effort all the way.



Hockey Waterloo Toronto McMaster Western Montreal Lava1 Queen’s McGill Guelph


26, 1968 (8:28)

W L Ta 8 0 0 8 0‘0 5 3 1 4 5 1 4 5 0 3 5 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 1702

42 1

Pts 16 16 11 9 8 6 4 4





Entering only six competitors in the ten scheduled matches, the Warrior wrestling squad got bombed by Ryerson 33-5 G Toronto Wednesday. In the first rrieet of this homeand-home set a week earlier Ryerson emerged the victor to the tune of 30-14. The performances of those boys who did wrestle was disappointing. Only John Grosdanoff’s win by a decision at 177 lbs. and Paul Drohan’s draw in the 137-lb class averted a shutout. The team has never quite returned to the form it showed inits only

wrestlers to bolsterhis thin ranks. The Warriors will try to get back on the beam in tomorrow’s Guelph Invitational meet,

win of the season, e 25-23 over McMaster. As a result coach Ed DeArmon IS still looking high and low for





baseball soon.” Tentative plans call for a hardball team patterned on the same setup as that of the nationalhockey squad. Warrior quarterback Bob McKillop and hockey captain Ron Smith both played for Canada’s Pan=American team last summer.

Athletic director Carl Totzke went to Winnipeg Saturday to make a bid to have the national baseball team located on campus. On his return from the meeting of theCanadianFederationof Amateur Baseball Totazke reported, raI was well received and hope to hear more from the Federation


f3cmanas-six ’

by Karen WadesChevron sports

Waterloo has the best bunch of Bananas ever! TJis applies to all the women’s varsity Each team should be sports. congratulated. That is the whole point, each is a team. The volleyball and basketball Bananas started the winning streak on the same night. Both teams walked over Ryerson last Tuesday. The easy victory by the basketball team is evident by the





Board THE


of Publications POSITIONS EDITOR




Candidate should have yearbook experience at the U. of W. but any yearbook work at the editorial level will be considered adequate.






Candidates should have a slight knowledge of printing. The successful applicant will be responsible for the production of the May, September and January directories and will have to recruit a staff to collect and correct the data. ON CAMPUS




I John Shiry, Chairman Board of Publication The Federation Building








The womens varsity curling team will compete in a bonspiel in Montreal on February 2 and 3. The team was chosen through a playoff of curling club members. The skip is Cathy Derbyshire, vice Cathy Kozuch, second Lynda Marin and the lead is Myra Awbury.

Compendium - Photo Contest Judged by Compendium subject matter, etc.


Photo Staff for originality,

PRIZES:1st Free

Compendium - Picture run as first prize winner in compendium 2nd Free Compendium 2nd prize winner photo 3rd Free Compendium 3rd prize winner photo

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1. All negatives must be included with print. NB (All colour negatives or slides must be super slide instamatic or larger) (NO 35mm colour) Black and white - any size negative. 2. All prints and negatives become property of Compendium 3. All enteries must be submitted by February 22, to the Board of Publications office with name, address, year subject matter time place, name of subject and any other pertinent information. No limit or number of enteries. 4. Any person on campus is eligible who is not working professionally or for the Board of Pubs as a photographer. 5. Subject matter must include some form of university life, some ideas are:Homecoming 10th Anniversary week Classes Architecture Residance life Parties Dances Winterland Sporting events (water fights, orgies) etc. Other non winning enteries may be run as honourable mentions or as general shots. Get your pictures in today and see your pits and your friends in the friendly compendium,



final score, 41-11. High scorers were Betty Etue (12), Donna McCallum (10) and Bonnie Cronin (8). The Volleyball Bananas won three out of four games played. The first two were easy victories with scores of 15-3 and 15-8. The girls played an effective set spike strategy. Both Allyson Edwards and Jan Roorda were good in this field. Ryerson beat Waterloo in the third game by 15-8. This same score was repeated in the final game but this time by Waterloo. Both teams repeated their victories this past Tuesday at York. The volleyball team won the first three out of five games played. The basketball team followed suitwinning their game by a score of 29-22. The badminton team is&&o great. They played in a OQWCIA tournament last Saturday ending up in a tie for first place with York, Jeanie Richmond won the first singles by winning all of her games. Caroline Baycroft won two of her four games to take second singles. The doubles team of Paula Scott and Joanne Fergusonplaced second. These two girls went into their match knowing that, if they lost, then York would win the tournament. They beat York, putting Waterloo inafirst place tie.






Applicants for all the above positions are invited from any interested students, It should be noted that more information on these positions is available to any applicant in the Board of Publication Office, Applications. should be submitted in writing no later than February 9, 1968 to

rry A seminar open to all interested students (and especially club and organization executives) to explore the problem of communications will be held Saturday January 27. Engineering Lecture Building, Room 103 at 10 a,m.


Candidates must have a knowledge of photography and photographic darkroom equipment. The successful applicant will be responsible for co-ordinating the Chevron and Compendium photo departments and for selecting new equipment for the board,




Candidate for the editorship of this literary journal should have a good appreciation of creative writing, The successful applicant must assemble an editorial board and be responsible for recruiting prose and poetry ends,

Candidates should have some experience in bookkeeping and sales. The successful applicant must direct a sales team to recruit ads for all publications as well as keeping adequate records of all transactions. Remuneration is paid on a commission basis,



Included is “41 1” and “A Guide to Student Organizations.” Candidates will require a minimum of experience, The successful applicant must collect information from all clubs, organizations, faculties and service departments in the university community and edit this material into booklet form to be ready for distribution on September 1, 1968. This job will require time from now till mid-summer and as a result applicants should be on campus or accessable for that period of time.

Candidates must have experience at the editorial level on this campus or have comparable experience from elsewhere, The successful candidate will be employed full time for the summer (or work term) Details available at the Board of Publications Office.






While it was announced in Toronto last week that Montreal and Winnipeg would receive the 1970 World Hockey Championships, an even more important notice was issued by Brian Irvine (the Bunny Ahearne of Canadian sports). Irvine stated in his brief report (199 pages) that once’ again this year the ‘ale U of W will beblessed with its second annual winter Olympics. F urther , Irvine stated that these games sha.lI be held dur-

The schedule 9.40 am - First round pushball (12 players max. ?4girls) IO:30 am - jirst round broomball (I 2 players - eight M; ,four F) L-00 pm - snowshoe races flour males; two *females) 3:00 pm - chariot races (*five guys; three gals) ing what most Waterloo students know as Winterland. In particular on Saturday Feb. 3rd. However Bunny expects that most of the teams participating will be warming up and practicing

- competition

following the Thursday night hockey game. This year Irvine has tried toget organized and has taken a leaf from Paul Condon’s intramural set-up. Bunny has set up the teams as they are in themen’s intramural league. This o he said, was to avoid confusion on the part of the participants but the Chevron suspects that it was done so that Bunny himself would know what’s go‘D ing on. Because of the strict Olympic Code, which plainly lays out exactly what an amateur is, Bunny has proclaimed that each of the 14 teams participating must be comprised ‘of a certain number of female players. The exact number depends on the sport. Unlike most world oIympics whfch have the same old dull sports Irvine has come up with games which are almost unique. There will be four major ‘sports’ including pushball, chariot races, snowshoe races and broomball. Because of the formal the night before, Irvine has scheduled the less strenuous events for themorning sessions. Because people might still be a bit weary, a fivefoot pushball wffl be provided for

those tired combatants to lean on in the first event. In the other morning event Irvine suspects that the brooms for the broomball game may act more as canes rather than the major piece of equipment. The afternoon session will be devoted to blinding speed as individuals wiu try to set new olym~ pit records in the loo-yard snowshoe prance. Each team will pick its six fastest people for this event but two must be ‘female in gender ‘. Irvine also stressed that especially for this eve&extra points

St. Paul’s



10% Student






:, 20%-40%



wiI,l be awarded for unique dress, Rumor has it though, that certain teams (which here will go un-named to protect their quilt planto use this dress device to get around the rule that there must betwogirls on their team. Also since last year’s event Irvine has come up with one brand new idea. Instead of presenting only one trophy for the overall winners, Irvine has decided not to be so cheap. This year their will be a trophy. for each of the four ’ events. (Although Bunny can’t find the broomball trophy.) Because,Bunny trusts the Chev-


huS intramural

lead INTRAMURAL HOCKEY Tues night Jan. 23 Phys. Ed 6 ViHage West Math 3 Science St. Paul’s 2 St. Jerry% (to Monday) Fryer Faculty Trophy Hockey A& 59 3 160 Engin. 8 Grads 71 4 106 Math 7 Science 55 2 RESIDENCE co-op ’ 31 6 Conrad 62 0 Renison 107 10 St. Jer’s 40 5 St. Paul’s190 3 VILLAGE North 75 2 south 72 6 East 99 2 West 68 6. Phys ed 132 8

1 1 2


BasketbaH 4 8 0 16 14 5 10 14 11 0 10 5 3 14 8


166 King Street, Kitchener

Square, Watcrloo


c. u. s. 0. Board

fee j

ron’s reporting as much as we trust his judgement, he has informed us that people who wish to really know more about the Olympic Games should contact their intramural representatives. If you really get hard up you might even try to find Bunny. ‘Ihe only set-back Irvine has suffered thus far is a lack of snowshoes. He bad this sameproble last year Thus Bunny sends out an urgent plea for snowshoes. If anyone has a pair of such creatures would they please contact BiII Poole. (seriously).

subsided, Dave Barfoot of Village Chevron sports East emerged the victor of the men’s intramural badminton sinAt the conclusionof latest events St. Paul’s College has taken corngles. mand of the race for the Fryer From the semi-finals on, it was Trophy, emblematic of the overall pmdicaUy a ViIlage East show Men’s Intramural Championship, with the only outsider being Bob Sk PaUl’S toOk the @id by Vi* Bell of Engineering, Bell ms detue Of 190 Points, fo11owed by En- feated by Barfoot i.n the finals 1s gineering at 160, Phys-Ed at 132, g and 15-3.’ Renison at 107, and Math at 106. Barfoot reached the final. by elSt. Paul’s big boost was the 50 iminating Doug Seaman of ViIIage points they obtained by winning the Ed, while Bell ousted John Bou+ Intramural Flag FootbaII champrie, also of Village East, in his major Engineering% ionship, semi-final match, coup was 55 points they won In golf. Coming events Basketball scores Tug-of-war, Seagram, Feb. 1215 Swimming, -Breithaupt C enter, Tues. Night Jan. 23 Feb. 19 Phys Ed 48 Village E 40 Billiards, Feb. 20 Village W. 39 Village N 22 PushbalI Championship, Seagram Ma 80 Arts 23 Feb. 26-29 Science 46 Eng. 32 ’ Conrad G. Birds charno . decided 48 Co-op 11 When the battle of the birds had St* Jerry’s 34 St* pa”’ s 31



by Bill Snodgrass



of External


ta tion




Any one holding CUSO application forms or wishing to apply is asked to contact Renzo Bernardini at 576-7677 or leave name, address and phone number at the Federation office as soon as possible.

WERKSTUDENTENF<LUGE The Canadian-German sponsor







in Germany

We Need


for Canadian

students during the months of May through August this year. Flights will depart from Canada in late May and early June, respectively, and return from Germany in late August. for the chartered flight return (jet) will be $155.00.







A meeting





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\ Friday,


26, 1968 (8:28)




STUDENTS! SAVE 10% CHI Any Purchase Free




on every


we sell.

The mind boggles at the figures in the presidential election. Three out of every four voters on this campus support Brian Iler.

ation put out were @itprop commissar







151 King

glorious from




St. W. Kitchener Ask




FRIENDLY at Guelph,


discount WALTERS

in any


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St. -Catharines


Iler is well aware that anyone who tried to force an editor on the paper would windup with his fingers chopped off around the shoulder. It is unlikely that Iler would make such a promise, since legally it is not his to make.

and Gait.

Close Wednesday, forms ELECTIONS


The Cubans, who are subject to aerial observation from Puerto Rico, and the freedom fighters, who are shot at by Green Beret-trained troops, must be enlightened to hear that PuertoRican mili.itary bases are an economy measure. . The South Vietnamese must also feel that the presence of American troops in their homeland is an economy move along the lines of turning out the lights in the White House. Of course8 there are more Maritimers, pro-. Porbionally, in the CanadianArmy. Thepooralways fight the wars of the rich. Of course, Puerto Rico matter-that’s what colonialsim truism

Watkins3 that

letter merely supports the ill-known truth is no match for chauvinism.



14, 9 am to 5 pm

the Ontario Public recognizes the U in opportunity Parelleling

the dramatic in recent

ible for them, ernment growth

are continuing





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years, and often


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an early

stage in his career,




to be involved public






holds the answer.

the Ontario



and formulating


era in which

Public Service




we live. will make

of it.




and other



to graduates

and professional


For the new graduate

It’s an amazing


of interest




of private


in new,


be conducted:



31 at 5 pm

in the



is an internal is all about.


January available

be interesting to see if the Valentine’s elections are of higher tone and higher

One of the most amusing items ever in the Chevron was last week’s letter from Mark Watkins’ about my story on Pete Warrian and Puerto Rico,

This election campaign has to have been one of the sneakiest, if not dirtiest, that I have ever heard Of‘ Mike Pratt displayed ample reason for the voters to let him run last. The handbills his organiz-



It will day council turnout.

Thus it is clear that Iler will have to be as careful about his base of support as Sheppard should have been. Apathy can ruin eventhe sweetest victories, t *


diamond to

Levitt managed to stay personally clean but some of the people around him managed to muddy For example, Joe Surich of SDU is bringthings. ing one of Iler’s campaigners before the Federation judicial committee for slander. At the same time, Villagers were told that Stewart Saxe would be made editor of the Chevron if Iler became president.

The vote, however, has some disturbing aspects, The 1100 people in graduate studies and physical education turned out in microscule force (less than eight percent). The totalturnout was less than 37 percent. What is a president to feel when nearly twothirds of a campus fails to even vote in a critical election? A comparison with the election of two years ago is useful. In that election, there was a turnout of 2257 voters-just over half the campus. Only 70 votes separated the winner from the loser. When it was all over, 26.2 percent of the total student population had turned out and voted for the winner, Mike Sheppard. When the same type of reasoning is applied to Brian Iler% victory we see that only 27,l percent of the university population gave their support to Iler.


with innuendo that an have rejected them.

Pratt argued against council retreats when student council has squeezed its present budget so tightly that even the major weekends arepayingfor themselves. Pratt attempted to pin labels of “establishment” on Iler and cpleftist” on Levitt-while he painted himself into some sort of mountainous middle terrain,

Such a figure is hard to come by in democratic politics* Lyndon Johnson scored the largest U.S. landslide ever by getting just over 60 percent. In Canada we rarely see electoral support pass the 50-percent level. However the most significant aspect of theIler vote is not its size but its distribution. Iler has received support from all sections of the campus. Carrying every poll confirms hirn as president of all the people. Iler has been presented with the most sweeping mandate of any campus politician, And this mandate includes support for the quiet revolution of the Ireland council. The administration has no reason to feel that Iler will be soft on it.

Model TR 114200 - $200. from the “Diamond Treasure” Collection

so filled would

A career you


an im-

Which’// be winter



Enginews now has class at least a lady editor Ken Loach has done it again. In a surprise announcement to EngSot A Council at its meeting Tuesday, first vicepresident Loach introduced the new editor of Enginews. She is Janet Hinchliffe, English I. Ken, who obtained Miss Hinchliff in some tricky behind-thescenes negotiations, said/‘Enginews will have some class now? Miss Hinchliffe, Janet, who has previous journalistic experience, said she looked forward to the interesting and challenging, position. She added, “1 intend to produce a newspaper WE can be proud of.” Applications are now being accepted for copy editor, photo editor, advertising editor and other staff positions. Enginews will be published in time for Engineering Weekend. Other items discuss& l Because of late registration and other unavoidable events,

Coral Rodgers St. Jerome’s

Lyn Shaw Renison

Beverly Smith

Liz Baker Math Sot


some engineers presently oncampus have not bought their member+ ships in EngSoc. All class reps have these names and an all out effort is being made to contact them. Memberships are on sale in E2339 any day between noonand The reduced ticket rates for engineering functions will not be available anyone without memberships. l Engineering Night is set for Feb. 15 at 7:30 in thefood-services building. A buffet supper will be served at 8. The program includes guest speaker magistrate J.H. Fair, the PIS band, (Plumbers International Symphony) and the boat races. Tickets are available from the class reps at $2 for members and $3 for no*members. A word for any worried engineers-magisbake Fair is a judge, he doesn’t prosecute.



Barbara Moon St. Paul’s

Parts wires.

Sandra Froese Conrad Grebel

Linda Schmidt Village

Ride to Kingston Friday, Feb 2, return Feb 4 call 745-5265. Ride to Montreal Feb. 1, 2 or 3 576-5477 after 10 pm. Ride to Hunt.sville (or even Toronto) tomorrow, leave here at 4:30. Call 576-1516 or 5761745 or 57& 4289 or Jim at local 2471.

ofCall1964Joered6-7 MGB 578-0645. incl top, pm,

Formal - white satin and red velvet - empire line - size 12 $25. Phone 5769808. One size 5 karate suit, used only once, phone 576-9857 after 5 pm.

Stevie-poo Kelly- Pooh

applauds campaign

“Three cheers for Pooh! (For Who?) For Pook--” With those opening lines from Anxious Pooh’s Song, let me thank Rosemary Kelly andthe Pooh committee for enlivening an otherwise Terribly Serious Campaign. She’s right. As Pooh found, ‘When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite dif%er& when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.)’ We do have to get outside of it all and laugh at ourselves. The Terribly-Terribly Serious people in the campaign were the SDU-ers. Their neat solutions to the problems of the university remind i me of Piglep s suggestion about where to dig the Very Deep Pit to catch the Heffalumpt tcPiglet said that the best place would be somewhere where a Heffalump was* just before he fell into it, only about a foot farther nn -39

I was glad to learn in Penner’s column that Rosemary really wasn9t interested in the job of president-she would be Very Foolish and Deluded if she were. Once again deferring to Pooh, who in coming downstairs bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head9 behind Christopher Robin, echoes some of our feelings on reviewing the 11 months of our year in office: “It is, as far as he knows, the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes he feels that there really is another way, if only he could stop bumping for a moment and think of it.. And then he feels that perhaps THERE ISN*T.” STEVE IRELAND president, Federation of Students Early not

to bed early


to rise

The psychological problemsfacing a university student these days are overwhelming. The anxiety from the competitive environment just today, for instance, wasovew bearing. My stomach was wrenched into

worried wretched knots. My volCank Ulcer erupted* MY nenms system was upset and overloaded. My eyes were watering, my ears were twitching and my nose was running away with itself. Onclose surveillance, observers could see my hairs turning white right before their eyes. The build=up of tension was?1 ?I I had blown my big chance.Yesterday I went to bed without supper at three in the afternoon. I had set my alarm for sixthis morning. But I just could not make it out of the sack. I missed my big chance to buy my FASS ticket? SNU PEE civil 3B


FEDERATiON Applications






VICE-CHAIRMAN - a voting member of the Board, he also serves as chairman of the Board’s Clubs and Organizations Committee, which encourages and financially supports most clubs and organizations on campus.





for a good typist? Call 743-2836 for fast, neat accurate work. Kitchener.

A date for winterland ‘68 preferably not ugly, contact b MCIntosh, 202 West 5, 576-6598,

Room and board for student, single 119 Columbia, 744-7296, room.


LECTURE: Chemical


of Canada

U of W Student Chapter “Physical Methods of Chemical Analysis of Polymers by Mr. R.M.B. Small, Polymer Corporation at 8:OO p.m. Monday Jan. 29th, in AL1 13

off to Laurentians


Go to Montreal for a weekend. The women9s curling How? team is going and they% willing to charter a bigger bus to accommodate anyone who wants to go. The cost for the bus is $12 reh.wn. It will leave Thursday Feb. 1 at 10 am Anyone interested is to leave his name with one of the secretaries at Seagram Stadium.








From time to time accommodation becomes Village due to in terterm withdrziwals.


in the

Students who are interested in securing such accommodation are advised to call the Village Office, 576-2208, and leave their names and current phone numbers.

OF STUDENTS positions j

on the


CHAIRMAN - WINTERLAND Board, he shall be responsible and planning for Winterland

of Student


69 -‘a voting member of the to it for all aspects of operation 69.


should be submitted to Brian Iler, Chairman, Board of Student Activities, Federation FRIDAY,



on or before




26, 1968 (8:28)





you satisfied


byGary Robins

the quality

of your

Pat Lipton

Bill Hales





1 B

No, The is too most of es lack

NO, A lot of the’ abilities are lacking,



Begeman 2

There’s not enough student-professor relationship.

John 3




I?ll be satisfied when I get to 4B.

Yes I am, because I came from Luthera

Yes, but I’ve only been to one class all year.



Schmidt English




Those who cando, do Those who can’t do, teach Those who can&t teach, give lectures.

work load great and the classinterest,

Hoyd psych

Lectures are useless as long as they remain lec-



are the lectures antithesis of true communication.

Village council’s like the Senate: by Ken Fraser Chevron


Last term a Village referendum gave Village council a free rein with Warden Now, after a Ron Eydt’s constitution, term’s trial, it has become quite apparent that this vehicle of “responsible government” needs a tune-up if not a complete overhaul, The large size of the Village and its distinctive physical structure seems to a federal type of government, require However, the present constitution provides only a weak lumping of quadrants. Unlike quadrant councils, the Village council is neither representative nor responsible. Village council reps are elected by quadrant councils but once elected they seem to consider themselves anelite group with self-sufficient authority. Chairmen of quadrant councils are amxrned that Village reps do not follow the directions of their quadrant councils, The members of Village council have an electoral mandate only from 13 of the Village’s 85 floors. And as various quadrant chairman and Village presidents have pointed out, Village reps tend to represent only their own floors. Warden Ron Eydt has defended his choice of a 13-member council, He says this is a more manageable size than the former 26member council, He is supported in this view by former Village president George Tuck, who believes more can be achieved with a compact council.

by Ed Penner Student


It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I write to you this week. Yet though Rosemary Kelly (the Pooh Candidate, the People’s Choice) was defeated by a slim majority in this year’s election, the cloud is not without a silver lining. Commanding a full 10 percent of the total votes cast, Rosemary’s supporters are greatly encouraged, and have promised to run the Pooh Candidate again in the upcoming council election as an arts In true Pooh fashion Rose rep. mary has again refused to accept the post if she wins, yet she WILL run. The only sour note in the presidential race was the bitterness with which Max Mastelbne accepted the loss of the Chevroneditorship which Rosemary had promised him in return for a healthy



Village council in many ways resembles the Canadian Senate, especially in the way it acts like a private club, Dissent is regarded as something to be avoided. Solidarity of the council seems to be a prime objective of any action, No decision is preferred to one that isn’t unanimous. One example is the decision Monday to enforce dress regulations. The 13 members of the Village council intend to personally police the attire of 1200 other residents, Another similarity to the Senate is al+ senteeism, Last term’s council repeatedly had to table business because key members were absent, Also like the Senate, Village council is practically useless, However, in the Village, there is no House of Commons to ‘exercise the real power. The Village executive is even less representative than the council. TheVillage president is three elections removed The philosophy behind from the people. this system also motivated the 18thcentury American constitutional convention to set up the Electoral College “to dilute the unwise exercise of power by the multitudess*. Villagers have no idea of who their next president will be until well after he9 s it. As the Village Informer has pointed out, a candidate needonly convince 31 peapie to elect him president-nine on his floor, 15 on the quadrant council and seven on the Village council, Some people are willing to sacrifice

democracy for efficiency. But the Village council lacks even this redeeming feature, It has been notably inept, It took three months to implement a simple suggestion to put up suggestion boxes. The situation is intolerable. Thepresent Village council policy of laying groundwork for the next council is mere procastination. And yet the solution is far from difficult, All that is needed is the adoption of the principles of democracy and responsible government that are taken for granted in our society. A few simple changes would make Village council a democratic and more effective body: l The president should be elected at large by the entire Village, The other executive positions will be filled by coub cil approval of presidential appointments -like the practice in the Federation of Students. The president would then be the choice of the majority and his executive could be chosen from all capable Villacould be chosen from all capable Villagers and not just 13 Village reps as atpresent. a The quadrant councils have done an effective job in their own sphere. They should remain as they are, withfloor reps elected from each floor. Quadrant couno cils should properly handle athletics, SW cial activities and administering judicial policy laid down by Village council, l The Village council should be made up of representatives directly elected by the members of each house. The Village council should be the primary governing

bribe. Max was quoted as saying, “Give me my @#?I$1 money back, you !#*@?I$? Mastellone’s rage was chiefly inspired by a confrontation with who commented Stewart Saxe gloatingly, 4LYou bribed the wrong candidate, Max; personally I SUPS,

might explain this unprecendated defeat. Miss Kelly, do you PENNER: feel the Chevron contributed to your loss? MISS KELLY: Yes, afterundermining my support with theirmal~&US, slanderous and insegriev-

ported Iler.“’ Because of the great shock with which the student body received the news that Rosemary had only run a close second place, I feel a second interview with Miss Kelly is necessary in order that she

ious statement that I was running a “joke campaign”, certain Victory was grasped from my snatch. PENNER: Do you feel any animosity towards Jim Nagel, the editor-in-chief of the Chevron? MISS KELLY: Who's Jim Na-

useless body of the Village andt’ne quadrants should be subordinate to it. It should handle such matters as the judicial system and Village rules. Presently the Village council has no revenues of its own and rely on the quadrants. This situation must be reversedto give major finances to the Village council, which can then budget for the entire Village. A reorganization along these lines would go far in producing a representative and effective Village-government. There are some objections that will be brought against this plan, but they are not substantial. First there is tne referendum which approved the constitution last fall. Since Villagers had no experience with the new constitution at that time, it would be a mistake to regard that vote as anything more than a mandate to a try the new system. in any event another referendum can easily be held. One of Dr. Eydt% objections to a 26member council is that it is too large to work smoothly. T-his objection isgroundless in fact. South quadrant council with 30 members has been much more effective than the 13-member Village council. The present Village constitution is based on political theories that were outd&d a century ago. it is time that Villa agers return to a modern form of government that will allow ‘#the responsible exercise of self-government” which Dr. EN sets down as the purpose of his constitution.

gel? I thought Saxe had been given the job. PENNER1 Miss Kelly, how do you account for the fact that the out-term engineers came out strongly in support of you? MISS KELLY: I don’t really know but one of them included a safe with his ballot. At this point (the interview is being conducted Inthe Birch Room) Brian Iler entered to congratulate the losers and Penner took opportunity of the advantage to ask him a question. PENNER: Mr. Iler, Miss Kelly ran a very close second-in fact we might say you barely eked out a victory. Were you ever worried at any time? MR. ILER (visibly shaken)= Yes, it was very close until the antiwomen vote rolled in and gave me my narrow victory and.... (At this time Mr. Iler was ejectedfromthe Birch Room fornothaving afemale

escort.) PENNER: Miss Kelly, what did you think of that comment by Mr. Iler? MISS KELLY: Who? PENNER= Ah... let% move on. Ah, any time didyoufeel three tened by either Pratt or Levitt? MISS KELLY: Who? PENNER (visibly shaken)= is it true that you are planning to run on the Pooh ticket as arts rep in the upcoming council elections? MISS KELLY: Well, on that point I can give youadefinite may0 be-but don? quote me, if you get my meaning, as it were. Seriously though, if I do run itwill be only under extreme duress. PENNER: Miss Kelly, do you feel that the fact that Dale Martin did not support you had any effect on your narrow defeat? MISS KELLY: Au contraire, Penner, you dear boy, I picked up 21 extra votes on that issue.


All hearts are red from the Sheaf, University

of Saskatchewan

If a white man’s body has a black man’s heart, is that person white or black? How many times can a man be patched with parts from other people before he becomes a new man? A different race? A different sex? How much responsibility do the majority parts owe the minority parts? It will be interesting to see how the government of South Africa treats its recent heart-transplant patients after the eyes of the world are diverted elsewhere.

The strict color bar may not apply to them as long as their color remains the same, as long as they don’t pick up a heavy tan while recuperating. Dr. Christiaan Barnard desires to remain apart from the political (and in this case, moral) consequences of his operation. But is this not exactly the same thing the Dow Chemical scientists, the nuclear physicists, the pure scientists are pleading: “Science is our only master: science is beyond morality”? Isn’t- it time that scientists be ’ forced to live up to the responsibilities of their occupational actions? vi11agers Is “progress” beyond the jurisdicAll right., Villagers. Listen care- tion of the courts? fully. ’ . In this case the social consequenNow you want to change your ces are beneficial. Dr. Barnard has constitution but you don’t know promoted life instead of death. how. So we’ll tell you exactly how However, this is the opportunity to do it. for a doctor-scientist to step up and / For instance, YOU want a directly proclaim the equality of men: “A elected Village council. It’s easy white man’s body has not rejected Take your COPY of the constitution a black man’s heart,” and turn to page two. Now stroke Or is it that a black man should ~ out section 4.7. die so that a white man can live? qkay, you got that done? Now Re-emphasis of apartheid? Perhaps replace section 2.1 of article two by the survivor lives in fear that a black “Village council shall consist of 26 man someday should say to him, members, one elected from each “hello, brother”, The dilemma: if house by a direct ballot” he responds in friendship, the domHow’s that for a start? Same for inant minority of the divided’socelecting the president, only change iety which he has defended will the section numbers. name him unclean if he responds Now cut this out and give it to by flight, that black man may tear your rep or stick it in those sugges- the heart from him. tion boxes. Justice?

Wake up

It’s just plain ridiculous e The Federation building firetrap doesn’t have a fire alarm. Some people think ****is a Chevron four-letter obscenity. I, “Faculty are a group of people brought together by a common interest in parking.“- attributed to the president of the U of Southern California. m The Liberal club’s candidates are not satisfied with a return to sandbox politics. They want to go all the way to the beach.

e Steve Ireland was supposed to graduate in ‘68, but then he spent a year as president. Now he’s a 69-er. The phys-ed types get two awards in the presidential elections: Lowest percent turnout and highest percent spoiled ballots. Yea team! l Robert’s‘rules of order defeated: take over as Mr. Speaker by holding the student-council floor for 20 minutes. Just yield to other speakers one by one. Saxe did it Monday night.


it fits well

Meeting the mortgage Congratulations to student counnatives were a tuition increasecil for taking a decisive stand on which would mean involuntary conaiding the university’s fund drive tribution-a cutback in services, in the next five years; with library books a possible victim. Most of the fund drive is to pay Everybody will pay $5 a term at registration, But one but cheapskates and off existing projects. conscientious objectors will be able argument against student donations to get a refund. That makes it was slowing down the university’s expansion in order to improve qualvoluntary but practical. The students have made the ity. This iS a fdhCy. There is pacesetting contribution to the Ten- nothing wrong with expansion and it certainly doesn’t mean lack of th Anniversary fund. Now industry, quality. local labor and the faculty will A growing university attracts top hopefully pledge their appropriate faculty because of the opportunitshare. s We credit acting university pres- ies to develop new and better programs. That’s why we have the bigident Howard Petch for a straightgest and the best engineering school forward- and complete presentation in Canada. of the university’s capital financing A large university has power and situation. We also credit operations This is why we have vicepresident Al Adlington since he influence. architecture and optometry schools. had to come begging alone last Most important, a growing unimeeting. versity provides facilities for the There was no question of the growing number of students and necessity of the fund drive’s success. makes it possible for students with The issue was not whether stud- lower marks to get into university ents should make mandatory payin the first place. ments, as opposed to the faculty’s If you want your $5 a term back. voluntary system, but whether stud- go ahead. It’s your choice-the ents would support the university same as your university was your in a time of need. Possible alter- choice.

A member

of the Canadian University Press,the Chevron is published every Friday (except exam periodsand August) by the board of publications of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the university, student council and the board of publications. editor-in-chief: Jim Nagel news: Brian Clark features: Glenn Berry sports: Karen Wanless

intercampus: Rich Mills photography: Brian Doda entertainment: Nancy Murphy

Phone (519) 744-6111 local 2497 (newsroom), Night 744-0111. Telex 0295-759; Advertising tions chairman: John Shiry;

“In a close-knit


of 7,000 there is no such thing

as loneliness!”

2812 (advertising), 2471 (editor). manager: Ross Helling. Publica- . 8,200 copies

News-. Doug Yonson, Sandy Savlov, Bob Verdun,.Ken Fraser, Frank Goldspink, Glenn Broomhead, Ron Craig, Donna McKie, Pat McKee, Andy Lawrence, Dale Martin, Sports--Karen Wanless, Kathie Parrish, Pete Webster, Bill Snodgrass, Tom Rajnovich, Archie Bolsen. Photo--George Smit, Alex Smith, Gary Robins, Glenn Berry, Reinhard Opitz, Rob Brady, Pete Wilkinson,



26, 1968 (8:28)



Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics Course


One class per week - 2% hours, for 8 weeks. Practice in your own time. Use study materials. THIS



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WI& the Mannequin in food-services. Sponsored byGrad Trip ‘68. 8t30-midnight. $1. GRAD HOUSE pdyfeaturhg the DANCE


Today Hockey




ak the Grad

No expense spared,

8:30 pm

Tomorrow * The MEWBIG PIECE coffeehouse at Conrad Grebel. Coffee-donutsentertatnmena, Everyone most welcome, l&1 am. C~kMUNlCATIONs seminar. An informal discussion on campus communication problems. EL103 10 am tm mid-afternoon. CO-OP finally shovels its sidewa.

Arts coffeeshop. 7-10 pm. CHESS club meets with club championship tournament beginning. Social-science coffeeshop 7pm. Wednesday CONCERT BAND practice. All instrumentalists are welcomeit% not to late to join. 5330 pm, music rehearsal room (bottom floor, AL) Circle K meeting 6x15pm. ss350.

Thursday SKI club.

2 films


maintenance lecture. ELECTSONS. AL124 8 pm. ENGINEERING CAREERS lecc lure series3 bio-medicine as a career for graduate engineers? P145 noon-l pm. HOCKEY vs U of T. Get there early if you want a sea& Waterloo arena,


BIOLOGY CLUB meeting. Dr. F. Thomlin from McMaster chemistry department will show slides and give a talk on his safari to Africa-. Refreshments. CB295, 8pm. ORGANIZATIONAL meeting of the Mrs. Marr fan club.


men andwomencompetitors. thaupt park, Kitaener, Sl3ecWors 2230 pm.

ski race for

Bre&llr30 welcome.

DR. AUBREY DIEM discusses the role & the U.S. in Vietnam. Renison Moose room. 8 pm. Monday Lecture= 8’Physkal methods of chemical analysis of polymers” by R.M.B. Small8 Polymer Corp. Sponsored by U of W student chapter of the Chemical Institute of Canada. AL113 8 pm. ONTARIO College of Education meeting with students interested in teaching secondary school. AL116 %4 pm. club COMPUTER&CIENCE meeting. Dr. David Cowan lectures and answers questions on computer-science curriculum. MC2066. 8 pm,

Notices for this column should be submitted to the Chevron office by 5 on TUESDAY. Items for the February calendar are also due this Tuesday. Display advertising closes at 5 on Fridays. No exceptions. Classified ads: 5 pm. Wednesday.

Tuesday FRENCH CLUB meeting. Guest DR. E. Burstynsky--a q?-r= dynamic persouality from U of T’s center for linguistic studies. Faculty common room (ML) 8:30 pm ENGIHEELIWG CAREERS lecture seriesr engineering in industry. P145 noon-l pm. International FOLKDANCE club. In&u&on for dances given and newcomers welcomed. Free.




tries-in vain-to U of W’s en try

seduce Jacqueline Hornby in in this weekend’s CUDL Drama


Television is CYbore Got a li&le




Want b do something worthwhile watching TV or chewing the fat?


of just

The Chevron can use you. To be a continuing success the Chevron needs students. Girls, guys, in . bekweens for all kinds of jobs. At first we’ll probably give you a a News. couple of press releases to rewrite, then file them in the d.rcular file. Then if you% real lucky we’ll give youa meeting to cover. Aud we’ll probably make that into a twO-inch filler, Finally you’ll get your first byline. Benefits include staying up late, missing supper, And a feeling of doing missing class assignments. sometUg. Whether or not you’ve got a e Photographers. camera, as long as you know which hole to shoot through we canuse you. Benefits include taking pix of girk, sports, girls, legs, thighs, etc. Position of darkroom technician is presently Open, l Advertkdng department is the capitalist side of tie Chevron. Benefits include money and power. Salesmen admbbb&ve and layout positions open. l sports. Writers needed for all types of in20


intramural and intimate sports. Entertainmentispecially those musically Imowledgeable. Benefits. include free admissions and Nancy as boss. l Layout whiz&ls and copy editors are needed for each department. * St Some negative qualifications Don% e want to impress people with your name in type. You’ll do reams of work before your name gets anywhere but the Whodunit list l look for a social group. We do have fun* but in a different way. Production nights Tuesday and Wednesday are fur4 but only because we have to work like heLjust as you will. l be a fast quitter. We’ll be friendly but probably distant for the first week or two. *** Experience is one thing you wotit need. You’ll get lots with us. ’ WeSd like to talk to you, preferably in person. The office is open most all day every day-d nigh-f the week and somebody% usually here. Don$t run for council-work for us. l

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