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oncfon MONCTON CUP)-Students at 1’Ilniversite de Moncton voted Saturday to strike “until administration president Adelard Savoie and four of his executives resign.” Students were outraged when Savoie called police on campus to end their week-long occupation of the science building. They occupied the building last Saturday to back demands for more government aid for the French-language university. The vote came at 3:15 pm, six hours after 62 city police and a number of RCMP moved over 100 occupants out of the building, without incident. The decision of the student


by torna Chevron

n busted;

occu council was met with a standing ovation by the 300 students who were prepared to leave the building Friday night if Savoie agreed to a faculty proposal for an arbitration commission. The proposal came out of a tedious seven-hour faculty meeting Friday, the first meeting to be held by this group since the occupation began. It recommended formation of a committee of three students and three administrators with mutually acceptable members. The faculty also: 0 supported student demands for federal aid although they did not support the occupation itself. @ called for a two-day university-wide study session, Saturday

and Monday, to discuss the crisis. 0 called on the provincial and federal governments to give the university $32 million in aid. e demanded better facilities and co-management of the university by students, faculty and administration. 0 demanded publication of the university budget, now a confidential document. According to student external vicepresident Bernard Jauvin, the occupying students were pleased with the faculty proposals. But when they phoned Savoie late Friday night to say they were ready to pull out, he told them he had already called the police. It was later learned that Savoie


rejected the faculty proposal, considering acceptance to be given under duress. The whole affair has been confused by lack of formal communications been Savoie, faculty and students. Students were in informal discussions with administration and faculty during the week of occupation but now feel betrayed. The students will take part in study sessions on Monday and “will probably set up barricades” to stop anyone from attending classes, Jauvin said. One important demand has already been met: the. financial information requested by students

begins and faculty has been made public. Students also want half the provincial education budget set aside for French-language education. Some 35 percent of the New Brunswick population is French-speaking. Other demands handed to the school’s administration include calls for i improvements and additions to the library, book store, student centre and laboratories: more qualified French-speaking teachers; and a bigger budget for the humanities and social sciences. The students are also denlanding parity on all university government decision-making bodies, including the board of governors.


Eaton staff

The students are pulling out of Peterborough. A meeting Thursday night decided to end massive support for the striking Peterborough Examiner employees. Reasons given by various student leaders include: The futility of trying to win the strike by a mass picket, lack of communication between the students and the newspaper guild executive. and conflicts between guild and student staff on the Free Press. Mass pickets of over 100 students have not stopped publication of the Examiner despite three determined attenipts. Both pressmen and typesetters have crossed the picket lines. Students have therefore shifted their efforts to distributing leaflets to workers and the community at large explaining their reasons for participating in the strike. Lack of student-guild communication has been evident since the beginning of student involvement in the strike. Student staffers on the twiceweekly Peterborough Free Press. set up in competition to the Exawanted to print controminer, versial articles concerning local businessmen. This plan was squashed by the less radical guild members. They hoped to approach local Conservative Party members to bargain behind the scenes with Thomson.

Students were also puzzled by the excessive secrecy on the part of the guild. The guild executive refused to tell students their strategy for Friday’s mass picket. Reliable sources in Toronto say the international office of the newspaper guild approached the international of the pressmen’s union with a plan to win the strike.

The negotiations began yesterday. An eight-man student contingent is negotiating with an equal number of governors. Students have threatened a general strike if the talks are not successful. The agreement to negotiate was reached Thursday when a group of student leaders from both campuses ( Regina and Saskatoon) attended a board meeting and indicated their desire to begin talks.

On Friday a general meeting of some 900 Regina students voted overwhelmingly (890-5) to begin negotiations and have the sessions open to observers. The assembly also sounded a threatening note when it voted to call another general meeting to take a strike vote should the student representatives decide the talks are going nowhere.

9 No. 38


of Waterioo,





21, 1969

The only wav to stop production of the Examiner is to persuade the pressmen to honor the lines. The guild international reportedly offered a $15,000 bribe if the pressmen would sta; off the job for two days. The pressmen were promised two days’ pay plus overtime. The deal was arranged in Toronto secretly: only the internatinnal representatives and the strike committee knew about it. Students were needed for a mass picket on Friday to give the pressmen a legitimate excuse for not crossing the line. Andy Wernick, a leader in Toronto Student Movement said the students felt they were being used by the guild. Tom Patterson, a Waterloo radical, felt there would be no more mass expeditions to Peterborough. However, indications are that students will continue to work for the Free Press and to extend individual help to the guild.

tucfents pose REGINA (CUP)-The student position at the University of Saskatchewan was hardened on the eve of negotiations between student leaders and the school’s board of governors over the bitter fee dispute here.


The governor’s negotiating team will be led by Regina viceprincipal T.H. McLeod and will include W.J. Ridell, Regina prinand six governors. The cipal, students will counter with eight student councillors and executives from the Regina campus. The students are pressing for an unconditional five-year fee collection contract and will not discuss the Carillon, the student newspaper at Regina. The administration decided in early January not to collect fees in an attempt to muzzle the Carillon, a paper they feel does not have the best interests of the school at heart. At the Thursday meeting the board members agreed the student representatives should have the right to report back to their constituents but balked at openness saying they feared “grandstanding”. The Carillon is still publishing regularly and appeared Friday. Sources say funds are running low at Regina and all club and social activities have been cancelled during the crisis.

Students -from Waterloo and otJ?er Ontario universities joined reporters OM the picJ& lines Tlzey were unable to prevent at the Peterborough Examiner for the third time last week. Student leaders doubted tJzat the]) would be going back, the Examiner fvonz publishing.

The open house at Habitat ‘69 Saturday and Sunday afternoon showed an almost even split in preference of furnishings. One of the models contained a modification of the furnishings originally suggested by the university. The other had modular furnishings designed at council’s request by Garth McGreary, grad design. The modifications to the first design included: removal of the tackboard roomdivider, moving the vanity to the center of the far wall, in front of the window’, and moving the phone from the wall by the door to the vanity. On Saturday 58 students indicated preference for the modular design, while 42 favored the original plans. The trend reversed Sunday with 72 to 39 prefering the original design. Numerous qualifications were made for each choice. A favorite feature of the modular design was the shelves which are suspended from rails on the walls on either side of the room, and easily slide to a new position. Several students choosing the fixed design said they would prefer these shelves. Another generally liked modular feature was the tackboard, which can be hung either vertically, or horizontaly from the same rail as the shelves. A controversial item of the first design was the centre vanity. Those in favor of retaining if felt that it would be necessary for co-eds, or that it was needed for the limited privacy it afforded. Others felt the closet vanity to be suitable, or requiring only slight modification, and prefered the closet vanity’s longer, higher mirror. They reasoned that if privacy were required, they could arrange the beds into a bunk dividing the room. The beds in the modular plan were also questioned by some. They can be used as singles or stacked in a space saving L configuration or into bunks. It was pointed out that a person too tall for the bed could not extend his feet over the end due to the necessary headboards. A few felt the beds were too heavy to move easily, and some just did not like bunk beds A Bell Telephone decision makes it necessary to have wall. phones. In the room with the modular furniture it is located on the wall by the door, and interfers with the door of the vanity on the

right. However several solutions have been proposed for this problem. There were a few complaints about the lighting in both rooms with a suggestion of overhead lighting. The system used in the modular design was much prefered. The light fixture has a male base which can be inserted into any of the holes drilled into the beds, desks, and armchairs. Other points of interest in the modular system were : the armchairs-they tip to form a table. Most liked the idea while some thought they were uncomfortable. the shelves-they interlock for stacking or can be stored under a bed to save space. Some comments made in the modular model were : -“This stuff looks like something my father would make. ” -“There’s too much gadgetry” -“It’s a giant engineering toy --“How much more will it cost me?” --“I like it.” -“You can’t do anything with the other room.” -“What a way to fix a drunken roommate.” -“The frosh’ll never figure it out.” -“Wow! Did you see the don’s pad.”

Mispkxed negatives delay Friday Chevron Better late than never. And last Friday the Chevron almost never made it to campas. Every Thursday night for the last two years the page negatives for the Chevron have been put on a bus to London. And for two years without fail, the negatives were dropped-off in London at the printers. But Friday morning the negatives weren’t in London but in Guelph where they were found when the bus was being cleaned. The negatives were rushed to London by Robert Davis of the Elmira Signet. The Chevrons were finally printed and arrived on campus three hours late where they were distributed by Chevron secretary Charlotte Buchanan and half a dozen Chevron staffers.

by John Dilion Chevron staff

Roman Catholic theologian Gregory Baum said Tuesday night the complete Christian message could be summarized by the statement, “Where people are, things are happening.” Baum, a professor at St. Michael’s college in Toronto, was speaking at Way Out, a seminar in radical theology presented by the Student Christian Movement. Emphasizing the necessity of openness ecumenist Baum said he preferred to live in a pluralistic world, rejecting the idea that society should become 100 percent Christian. Baum distinguished between vertical and horizontal notions of authority saying institutions today are going through a transition period from the former to the latter. Citing the Catholic Church as an example Baum demonstrated how the vertical authority structure where in truth came from God through the pope to the people is giving away to systems in which the leaders of the Christian community derive truth by discerning and articulating movements that initiate within the community. Therefore, God for Baum is not the Outsider but the Insider who speaks through the Word, that is, dialog. Applying this notion of authority to the university, Baum said the transition from a vertical to a horizontal authority system reaches its completion when stu-



dents realize that dialog between professors and students about answers is not sufficient. Horizontal authority is only established in the university when the professor discern and articulate the questions the students would ask. Baum also criticized universities for acting on the assumption that truth somehow emerges from pure abstract logic which man creates and deifies under the name of objectivity instead of from the whole person. Baum had words of both admiration and of caution for student radicals. Applauding the application of Marxian analysis to criticize society, Baum warned radicals to be sure their anger with the establishment stemmed from their analysis of the system and not “from childhood problems with mom and dad.” Baum suggested a radical’s feeling that he must rush from crisis to crisis futilely searching for Utopia might be an expression of masochism. On the topic of violent revolution Baum conceded there may indeed be cases where a Christian could legitimately take up arms against an unjust oppressor citing the actions of some individuals in Latin America. By saying he himself was not yet ready to take this step, Baum branded himself as a liberal in the eyes of many of ‘his listerners.

Have your voice heard drop in and -talk to your arts rep. ARTS

Then,treat yourself to a chat with Dr. lioward Petch,Vice President (Academic) Mondays,4-6p.m. Campus Centre (Pub Area)


The last chapter of the October takeover of the campus tenter was written Thursday when the campus center board held its first meeting. The independent board, with a student majority, was agreed to in negotiations following the takeover rubberand was stamped by the board of governors in November. Federation elections and the Christmas break slowed the selection of student representatives. In addition, the personnel director selected two interim staff reps, to stand until he can hold an election. The federation officer had administered the campus center on

an ad-hoc basis until the board met. One of the major problems facing the campus center board was a backlog of requests for space allocations. particular11 from the broadcast association for studios and the camera club for a darkroom. The board set up a committee to hear all such requests and attempt to report within four weeks. At the close of the meeting. the board elected history proYf: Leo Johnson as its chairman. He defeated Nick Kouwen, federation president John Bergsma’s delegate to the board.





a foreign


paid subscriptions, and told the Cardinal it must move its office off campus or pay rent. Cardinal editor, Gregory Graze said the paper has not decided what to do about the restrictions which he called “abvious harassment”. Graze said the rent and cancelled subscriptions and summer subsidy would amount to about $9100 of its total budget of $132,000.







of Winnipeg

Feb. 27, 28, and March 1 Theme:

Canada - A Lament For Two Nations? To discuss Canada’s future: Seperatism, Co-operative federalism and Quebec’s status Speakers include - Eric Kierans Rene Levesque Jean Lesage Apptications for delegates (2) invited (expenses paid)

Several serious resolutions are expected from the congress. Spokesmen have said they hope industry will respect the resolutions as opinions renresentative I of their future employkes. ’ Interested faculty and students should contact T.R. King or Gary Black in the EngSoc office, E2339. The congress is February 14-16.


MADISON, Wise. tCUP-CPS)University of Wisconsin regents have imposed economic penalties on the school’s Daily Cardinal for its use of four-letter words. The regents told the paper it would have to conform to ethical standards of state newspaper associations if it wants to continue using university printing facilities. They cancelled all university-

1 hour




Jan 22 Jim Pike, chairman Board of External Relations



- Arts Rep.


to volunteer to help





The theme is simply The enginger in society with four . areas of discussion-moral conscience, role in the corporate systern, political environment and engineering education.


FEB. 6th FEB. 20th

all to congress

EngSoc wants to send as many faculty and students as possible to McGill’s congress of engineering students. While the engineers have easily filled their quota of 20 out of 190 delegates, they are offering group travel rates and probable billeting .with out-term engineers in Montreal for any additional Waterloo people The congress is the first attempt at a planned annual confrontation of Canadian engineering students with the issues facing them in society. The congress this year, however, includes only Ontario and Quebec students.


7: 00 - 9: 00 p.m. JAM. 23-d.






12 W-

47~ SA FOR

It’s a w1101c IlC~V you. A non-stop, on-the-go you. That’s what happens ~lwrl you discover Tampax tampons. Your “difficul t days” seem to do a disappearing act. Suddenly you’re free of pins, pads and be1 ts. Free to wear what you want, even pants suits. Free to play, run, dance! .A 11 becawe Tampax tampons are worn internally, comfortably. Tampax tampons are made of 1igh t 1y compressed pure white slargical cotton. ‘tb’itli tile dainty, llygienic coniaincrapplicator your hands need never touch the tampon, and both applicator and tampon can be flushed away. Available in 3 absorbency-sizes, Regular, Super and Junior. Wonderful Tampax tampons!
















for Campus Travel Programme 1969 which includes: (i) Jamaica ‘69 (8 days jet flight, hotel, MAP & many extras (299) flights leaving Apr. 26, May 3 & May 10, male or female. (ii) Europe - Jet flight only 13 wks. only $199. OR Jet flight (13 wks) and Auto Tour (9 wks) - Total Price $565. Students interested in being travel representatives at University of Waterloo please write or telephone Mr. Campus Representative Ltd. 107 Jarvis Street, Toronto 2, 368-6918. Earn trips for 3,aurself or excellent commissions.

Weeke or a come by Walter


Chevron staff

Es tabiishing a Computer Service ity this year with the largest computer system processor country

raduate - Emphasising of performance




lJ tilsingle in -the



Weekend. is probably one Of the most exciting, powerful mystical films I have ever seen. Its use and violence of uncontrolled gore probably relased the animalism in me. What it really appears to be is a comedy of horrors, with each successive scene creating an atmosphere of humor only to be jolted by an acidy climax. climax.

It starts out with two bourgeois (Mireille Dart and Jean Yanne) planning to kill the girl’s mother and at the same time planning- to casually kill each other. Still they appear discusted when they witness a violent fight. It appears Godard is trying to show that middle class people live in a dream world constantly being jolted by reality. He goes on to place his characters in a dream world where this reality is no longer frightening-almost a hell on earth in our eyes, but completely natural in theirs. We are presented with a violent world. where car accidents and bleeding corpses abound. The main characters move through this world undisturbed until the violence directly effects them in the picture of cannabalistic revolutionaries that see them as both playthings and food to live off. Godard’s didactic film, in trying to teach a lesson. becomes so complicated at times that it angers the audience. It is not until the viewer is given time to think that he or she fully realises just what Godard was trying to say. One scene has an exterminating angel, a person who believes he is the son of God and Alexander Dumas, come to fill the world with miracles, though very insignifigent ones. What he does is very little indeed. When he finds that the bourgeois are greedy, demanding Mercedes, and dates with James Bond, he quickly condemns, then desserts them. He greatly resembles a shallow Christ. Possibly Godard’s Weekend is just a condensed history of the world, with its Golden Age up to its Iron Age all squashed into a short period of time and ending

in chaos and a more of the Golden Age. Another incident occurs when the meet characters only to burn them because they are cated and abstract easily.



of the movie two bourgeois of literature, (Signifigent) too complito understand

Another scene has a revolutioriary, dressed in Napoleonic cloths, spouting revolutionary cliches from a book and doing relatively nothing. The hurried and gory, yet funny scene of the mothers death, lead the two to the cannabalistic rebels who quickly dispatch the male. Its all well and good to see the death performed, but when a real pig is slaughtered before us, we know it is not just playacting. Death is really an ugly thing. The jolt of reality greatly affects the audience but the one bourgeois is not bothered at all ( even at her friend’s death. ) When she finds she is eating him she asks for another bite. When killing is stylized it is okay. Otherwise it is disgusting. Qne realises it is only a movie. Godard keeps telling us that. But it is one of those films in which you are not to forget the sermon. Techp*Bical


This film is probably one of Godards sloppiest, yet most expensive films. The long tracks of burning cars, constantly beeping horns, tends to get slightly boring. though it, started out very interesting. The one sequence in which the heroing recounts her sexual experience with an immoral couple is done in a dark room, with the camera moving very little, and the noise of the street below constantly interfering. It appears almost as a scene from real life, though very irritating in its entirety. All of the film was done with not sets and mostly hand-held cameras. It give the film a feeling of reality, unobtainable in even the wide screen efforts where one is constantly aware of the screen. Of course


is lost

by the

fantasy of the hellish the characters are in.



The excellent score +of Antoine Duhamel is ominous and dramatic and help to carry the viewer through some of the weaker passages. But still the technique in many cases fails to aid the conscious meaning of the film.

Director Godard’s career, which started with Breathless in 1959 has been one of the most outstanding in filmdom. Godard is ranked in films as Joyce is ranked in literature. It is said that his type of film worries the other accomplished film makers. Film makers all over the world recognize his liberation ot the movies. They applaud his constant cxperimen ta t ion \?-ith films. claiming him to be the foremost innovator and artist in the cinema. There is a great r;?ndency among young film makers today to copy Godard. So far Godard has made sixteen films, the last being le Gai Savoir. All have not been commercial successes, but most have been critical successes. He has collaportated with such men as Truffaut to direct films. It appears his influence on underground films has been acclaimed as a great, one indeed.

Performances The performances throughout the movie were insignifigent. Most of the acters are unknown because no credits were given at the beginning or end of the film. Mirellie Dart and Jean Yanne, the two bourgeois both acted mech?nically though at times they became very humorous. Jean-Pierre Kalfon, as the leader of the F.L.S.O.. became convincingly studpid and ignoble in his characterization. The rest of the cast tended to be cast as objects, and lost any aspect of really being called actors.

by Jim Klinck Chevron staff





Love has changed. No longer are they the big, brassy rock band of their first and second albums. Arthur Lee is still their with the unique voice. but the horns have left in favor of a couple guitars. bass. and drums. Gone also is the fresh driving songs of the old Love. Studio musicians provide a nice violin backup to most of the songs, and as a result they are easy to listen to, but hardly typical of what they could and should sound like. An exception to this is The daily planet. The hard rocking drum-guitar interplay complements Lee’s voice to perfection. Side two is no better, with the possible exception of You set the scene. However even this song fades into violin-infested oblivion. Stereo-good Instrumentation-fair Vocals-very good

Never/and revisited Circus Maxirnus


This five piece group provides yet another variation on the style popularized by the acid rock groups of San Francisco. HeNo baby, is the lead off song, and provides a hard rocking intro to the group’s style. The second cut, How’s your sky, straight guy spy, makes use of the unique vocal capacities of the group. Piano forms the feature instrument in Trying to jive right, which has some fairly thought provoking lyrics. Side two comes out in a original folk style in the song Mixtures. Although the title song is not of particular note, the last cut, Hansel and Greta/ is very well done. stereo-- Ver~7 gci(lc” IilSt


Vocal --good

Death in the abstract has been couched in such large numbers.. .that we have at times lost sight of what individual dying means. -Jerome

S. Brclner,



M WAS AWAKENED at 4 o’clock. Today it devolved on the Chaplain to keep it from falling asleep again just after breakfast, for he would be giving M the day’s first class. Though his subject-“Courage’‘-wasn’t one notably rich in benzedrine content, the Chaplain, a protestant major, intended to say things Ii ke, “I suggest to you that it takes a man with courage of confiction to-” and here he would strike the flat of his palm against his wooden podium (his pulpit, he called it), jerking M out of its stupor in time to hear him finish his sentence, the text to this surprising gesture-“to put your foot down.” He had many tricks, this Chaplain; sometimes he made noises but he had silences, too. He intended to say today, “Do you know what takes courage in a foxhole? It is this,” and then he would say, “...,” he would say nothing, eons of empty time would go by while everyone’s eyes popped open to see if the bottom had dropped out of the universe; and then the Chaplain would say, “It isn’t the noises that Also the Chaplain get YOU, it’s the silence.” would have movies. M got to its vast concrete classroom at 8 o’clock on this piercingly cold winter morning. In the reaches above it, sparrows sat on the heating pipes and made their little squeaking sounds. A sergeant shouted “Seats!” and as M sat down on its cold metal chairs it shouted back in unison, “Blue balls!” or so one might believe until one learned that M had shouted, “Blue bolts !” the nickname of its brigade. M was a shouting company. It built up morale, its high-stepping Negro captain believed; also it kept M awake. Breakfast, lunch, and supper at M were a real bedlam because as each hungry soldier entered the busy messhall he had to left face and stand at attention, and bellow at a sergeant the initials signifying whether he had been drafted or had joined the Army voluntarily. Sergeant !” “US, “RA, Sergeant!” After meals, the sergeant totaled up each category before reporting it to the mess sergeant, who filed it one whole month before throwing it away. “Good morning, men,” said the Chaplain. He wore his wool winter field clothes with his black scarf, the symbol of the chaplains corps. “Good morning, sir! Blue bolts! On guard ! Mighty mighty Mike! Aargh!” M shouted back. The expression Blue bolts-we’ve been through that. The brigade’s motto was On guard, and Mike is phonetic alphabet for M; and Mighty it perfunctorily called itself. Aargh was needed for reasons of rhythm, like coming back to the tonic at the close of a song. Both hands on his pulpit, the Chaplain now pushed it forward a few inches across the black linoleum. Scree-e-ch! and everyone in M sat blue-bolt upright as the Chaplain began speaking. He said, “Courage...” M was a God-fearing company too. Bibles


662 The CflEVRBN

lay in most of its secular footlockers, a boy from the farm country had a banner with the device Trust and Obey God’s Word as well, folded as trim as a T-shirt in one small unauthorized corner. At night when all M shined itself, eddies of gray light seemed to hang over two or three boys in every platoon room: a Bible in their narrow laps, they sat in white underwear on their steel beds at the other side of the universe from the smell of rifle oil or the clack-clack of bolts being tested, turning the onionskin pages with a jeweler’s fingers. This winter morning, one of the quiet listeners to the Chaplain’s words was a boy who’d really joined the Army because of his having had a vision-Smith, the religious soldier’s name. Smith’s had been a vision with a uniquely American frame. Kneeling in the straw to put rubber milkers on one of his father’s holsteins, suddenly in front of Smith’s awe-struck eyes the wall of the barn had turned into a giant television screen, and on the apocalyptic channel he had seen a congregation of all this world’s white and brown and yellow-skinned peoples, and many nations shall come, and say, Come and let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, And to this ecumenical flock an American man of the cloth was preaching: the minister was Smith himself, an authenticating angel standing behind him, and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths. But then Smith’s dairyman father had come to the barn in dungarees, it was as though he had blown the fuse, the strange vision receded into the walls like so much creosote, there was nothing left of it but a memory. “What’s the matter?” Smith’s father had said. “YOU look funny.” “...Nothing.” “...I was praying to the Lord.” “Oh that.” But to Smith’s receptive mind it seemed that the revelation that God had screened on that modest pine siding in Johnstown, New York, was nothing other than the call itself: the Lord wanted him for His minister, so it seemed. And remembering how God had tested His people by marching them in the wilderness, to prove thee, to know what was in thine heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments, or no-remembering that, a pious sense of emulation had made Smith do an extraordinary thing. He had joined the American army, experimentally he chose the sword instead of the shepherd’s crook. He believed that if his faith survived, if his flesh turned cold at the instruments of death, his trigger-finger impotent, if Vietnam itself couldn’t make him break God's holy law thou shalt not kill-if the Red in him yielded to the Black then he could be certain of God’s intent, the neck he was bravely sticking out should thereafter wear a clergy ma n’s collar. Palefaced, his glassy spectacles managing

to reflect a light bulb at all times, the eyes behind it those of a worried boy on a railway train that he thinks is right, Smith had taken his basic training at this Eastern camp before he had gone to further training at M. One morning in autumn, Smith had attached a thin piece of steel to his Army rifle to be taught bayonet by a sergeant who knew the secret of man against man: that victory goes to the spirited, not to the strong or the skilled. ‘So when I say what is the purpose of the bayonet,” the sergeant had explained loudly, “I want you to all yell to kill! So what is the purpose of the bayonet?” “To ki II,” Smith’s new acquaintances answered in deep embarrassment, the rifles limp in their hands like a long length of wounded snake. “You sound like a bunch of pansies,” the sergeant cried. “Now what is the purpose of the bayonet?” “To kill-to kill-to kill !” This time, all of Smith’s self-conscious companions overdid it in Frankenstein-meets-the-Wolfman fashion, aargh! one or two delinquents serious about it but nobody else. “You’re getting better,” the sergeant declared-but Smith hadn’t spoken a blessed word, Smith was bereft of tongue. And when the sergeant took these chortling soldiers into the bayonet’s maniacal repertoryon guardvertical butt-stroke and hold-smash-slash-on guard -try though he might, Smith couldn’t join in this horseplay, instead he did every angular movement in a very namby-pamby manner. At last the tough old drill sergeant took him aside. A man whose honorable mission was nothing but to save Smith’s life at the expense of those who wouldn’t spare it, the sergeant simply told him in disappointment to try-try. Now, Smith was no seminarian. Religion to him wasn’t a fair cosmology as round as a crystal ball but a sort of Chinese puzzle, he still hadn’t fitted it together, some of the pretty blue and white plastic pieces might not even belong. But that Christianity was a colloguy, Smith understood -that as God divulged his wishes to man through visions, so man disclosed his worries to God through prayers. And that night kneeling at his Army bed and praying in sibilant whispers, to Smith it was only natural to add to his usual inventory, “And Father, I didn’t have the spirit with the bayonet today. Father, may it be Thy will to help me with the bavonet.” Next day Smith’s prayer was answered, Smith could feel the will of God working through his lunging arms to the very tip of the shining steel, He teacheth my hands to war, Psalms 18:34, and Smith was able to cry to kill from the very bottom of his heart. Smith’s second crisis came on the range, his chest in the frozen sand, his cheek on the

/ stock of his automatic rifle, his spectaled i-pt eye on a pale cardboard target. No little clidean bull’s-eye, his bullet’s destination s a piece of cardboard in a man’s silhoue, head on his broad shoulders, hits and jses were the Army’s only scores. Ready the left! Ready on the right! Ready on the ng line! Commence . . . fire! but Smith rldn’t fire, arthritis seemed to have seized trigger-finger, it was a sundried bone. lith scored a fat round zero and that night prayed again. “Father,” he said, “I didn’t Ilify in this weapon.” And qualify Smith the felt breath of God loosened his paraly; muscle and Smith won a sharp-shooter’s dal his second time round. And the Spirit the Lord came mightily upon him, and the ds that were upon his arms became as c that was burnt, with fire, and (he) slew a usand men therewith, Judges 15:14. Pride: the first of the deadly sins. But still, rith can be forgiven for telling himself as ;ic training came to its rough-and-tumble 1, I’ve done myself proud-I’ve been two lnths in the Army and I’ve not given in, 1 still the worker of God’s will. But even as lith congratulated himself on the viability his Christian faith, he sensed that a little of discontinuity seemed to disturb the )py plateau of his thoughts: it was as though I of his lovely blue and white articles of ief didn’t want to interconnect. 9nd tenderly lifting them to study them as epidopterist might with a pair of perfect Ilaries, a paradox presented itself to ith’s startled eyes. He became aware that very actions by which God’s effluent will I been realizing itself for these two months I been the very activities that Smith had led the Army saying, if I do those I’ll not Pulfilling the will of God. Suddenly it seemed to Smith that the wind I shifted, a black patch of nimbus passin front of God’s shining will, it flickered front of Smith’s horrified eyes. Down, and, down in a whirlpool of thought, the skies a wild wheel of fortune, round it goes, nd it goes, and where it stops no mortal ws, but Smith didn’t dare to look at his mma’s darkest center, the ultimate intion that if every bit of foolery could call If God’s will as long as man’s prayer preed it the night before-then God’s bonafide could never be kno.wn and Smith was a iner with no bright steadfast star. And Smith’s spirit had descended into the black tt of the soul even as Smith’s flesh was ig graduated into Mighty Mike. if course, Smith had gone to the Chaplain. that worthy shepherd cared for a flock of 5 whose agonies weren’t existential and en’t beyond the reach of a gentle pastoral The protestant major expected to hear

soldiers say, “I don’t like the chow,” or “I’m scared to have to kill people,” and he had rehearsed himself to throw back his merry head and answer heartily, “Well, Welcome to the club !” But he wasn’t prepared for Jesuitical searches into the whereabouts of God’s intent. It was to this limited man’s businesslike chapel that our Dostoevskian character came on a f-all afternoon, his soul like a twisted wet towel. Eight totally naked ladies stood in the vestibule and didn’t say “Eek” as Smith hurried by, unaware of their round breasts or of their androgynous goatees. A set of old Macy’s manikins, the Chaplain had acquired them to resurrect them as a Christmas nativity scene: we three kings of Orient, the same number of certain poor shepherds, round yon virgin mother, and Joseph. The major himself was a formidable soldier of God, Smith could perceive it when he sat down opposite him at his oaken desk. Like the apical star on a Christmas tree, the little silver cross on the Chaplain’s green collar crowned a life’s accumulation of bright decorations: a combat infantryman’s silver rifle and four glorious rows of ribbons led by the bronze star for valor with three oakleaf clusters, to signify that the Chap_lain had merited it again and again and again. He listened as Smith began about the sergeant saying to everyone, what is the purpose of the bayonet? To kill andStop. There wasn’t a day that a worried recruit didn’t come to the Chaplain’s office with a question beginning and ending in these same hesitant words. “Well,” the Chaplain laughed, “the sergeant isn’t saying kill as in kill. This is just to build up spirit, kill the umpire sort of thing. You’ve been to ball games, yes?” His spectacles reflecting the dying “Yes....” daylight in the company areas, Smith tried to think. A vague intimation of relevance appeared to adhere to the Chaplain’s item of information, and Smith sought to fit it into the recent disappearance of God’s will. Somehow it wouldn’t fit. “Or how about this,” the Chaplain was saying. “If a man is standing there with a bayonet to your throat, well wouldn’t you try to defend yourself?” “Sir, I don’t know,” Smith replied and he kept up his effort to think-think-think. “I might just maybe say Father forgive him. It tells us thou shalt not kill.“’ “Oh, that’s not a good translation,” the Chaplain said. “It is really thou shalt not murder. Remember that Joshua killed. And Samson, and Saul hath slain his thousands and David his ten thousands. And don’t forget St. Paul. He remember says be a good soldier...” and as the Chaplain talked on, further and further in fog God’s evanescent will receded. The interview over, the hearty hand of the

major had clasped that of the private and pressed upon it a copy of In God’s Army, and Smith had wandered off to his infantry training at M. By day Smith appeared as another pale rhythmical marcher in M’s quadrangular ranks. By night Smith thought and thought, he wrote to the faculties of theological seminaries and read their intricate replies, he rose at the Chaplain’s prayer meetings to ask that everyone sing I need Thee, oh I need Thee. This winter’s morning he sat in the vast classroom waiting for another revelation as the Chaplain pushed his pulpit across the linoleum and said in his inspiring voice, “Courage! Courage is not something we are born with, it is not handed out in the supply room, it is not a piece of equipment, it is not...”


YOU’RE a brave man they tell me. I’m not. Courage has never been my quality. Only I thought it disproportionate so to degrade myself as others did. No foundations trembled. My voice no more than laughed at pompous falsity; I did no more than write, never denounced, I left out nothing I had thought about, defended who deserved it, put a brand on the untalented, the ersatz writers (doing what had anyhow to be done). And now they press to tell me that I’m brave. How sharply our children will be ashamed taking at last their vengeance f these horrors remembering how in so strange a time common integrity could look like courage. -Talk,



y Yevtushenko



27, 1969 (9:38/



by Peter Miller

Dave “Rabbit” Rudge, the swift-skating left-winger, fired two goals .-.and-needless to say-they were set up by captain Ronnie Robinson, perhaps the finest centerman in the league.

Chevron staff

Orest “Rum” ftomashyna, the 5’10” 205-pound right-winger from New Hamburg, Ont,, sunk the McMaster Marlins last Friday night. Romashyna triggered the winning goal at the 12 :23 mark of the third period with help from his speedy linemates, Bobby Reade and Roger Kropf. This trio bottled the Marlins up in their own end throughout the evening with the Duke Hayes system of relentless forechecking which in Hayesian terms implies hustle, hustle and more hustle. Undoubtedly, they were the best threesome on the ice and performed the forechecking drills of the head coach superbly, LeftRoger Kropf collected winger three assists and centerman Bobby Reade followed with two.

Dick Oudekerk, the clever freshman defenceman who thrilled the 1600 fans ,with many exciting ~010 rushes, fired the other marker Gn one of his patented blazing slap-shots from the blue line. Brad Davidson, Bill Chalepenko arid Ron Noseworthy were the Marlin marksmen. The Warriors outshot the Marlins 48-10. Duke Hayes, head coach of the University of Waterloo hockey team, has piloted the Warriors to a 16-2 record thus far. He plans to make it 17-2 tomorrow evening in Guelph as the Warriors take on the Gryphons.

As over


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We are interested in basic software and unusual or difficult computer applications. Most projects concern the use of computers in reaLtime. We don’t pub lish our list of customers, but it’s quite impressive and includes a number of the largest U.S. and k~re pean manufacturers, for whom we write compilers, design timesharing s ys terns etc.

We are expanding summer we will have ter facility.

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by the compu-

have no interCOBQL prog7969 graduate to hear from


Mlitant Warrior Orest Romashyna third stanza before confronting

Exhibition ba&elball against the T_Jniveisity of Western Ontario saw the senior Athenas girls come up with ‘a 39-33 win while the intermediates were downed 45-20. The senior game was a close contest all the-way with Waterloo leading 16-14 at the half and then trailing 25-22 at the end of the third quart,er. The Waterloo girls came up with an I&point final quarter to win the game 3% 33. The high-scoring Athena was Pat Bland with 11 points followed by Bev. Stueck with 9. Western relied heavily on one player for scoring as Bev. Pierce netted 21



scored net

the winner in the and dislodging it,

of her team’s 33 pGintS. The intermediate Athenas were not, as fortunate as they were decisively beat,en 45-20. The Western girls had the height advantage and controlled the boards to take a 20-14 lead at the half and 45-20 win. Waterloo’s best effort was by Pat Robson with six points while Western’s Linda Munn scored 13 and Sue Smee scored 10. The intermediate Athenas have several exhibition games slated before they travel to TGrGntG for the final championship in February. The senior Athenas remain undefeated in league play as it resumes at home on Tuesday night at i: 30 when they host York in the recreation center.

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& TV

T or

And nothing beats Amphora Full Aromatic in the Red pouch. Here’s the cool one, the extra mild tobacco from. Holland. And Amphora’s pleasant aroma is enjoyed by everyone around you, 37~~ on us. All you do is maill in the co~.apon this smoking pleasure-below and enclose an empty pouch of the IMPORTED tobacco you are presently smoking. Amphora is the best of the pipe tobaccos the Dutch send us !

Yes, I would like a FREE full sized Red Pouch of Amphora Full Aromatic pipe



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tobacco. I enclose an empty “Trade in“ pouch of ..........*.......*........................” IMPORTED pipe tobacco I have been smoking. My tobacconist is........ ................~.......I..............................~........................................~~.~.~.” y 4 .......... ................ .. .................. ..~~................................~.............~.~.........~‘.~.~....L458d ~This Offer expires March 3’81, 1969 and is limited 0 me FREE psauch per permn, per ~~~~e~~~~

Unpublished writings of Ch. “I have never been hugged by a woman with that utter surrender, those double knots, that ardent passion I have sought and whose charm would be worth a lifetime.” “There are times when character being devoid of energy, vices produce only corruption instead of crimes.” Id. “If there were no passion, there would be no virtue, and yet this century has reached such a depth of wretchedness that it is without passion and without virtue; it does good and evil, while remaining passive like matter.” “When one has a noble mind and a mean heart, one writes great things and does only small ones.” -Albert Camus Notebook IV

and read books; the less you go The less you eat, drink to the theater, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fense, etc., the more save -the greater becomes your treasure which YOU neither moths nor dust will devour--your capital. The less you have; the less you express your you are, the more is your alientated life--the greater own life, the greater is the store of your estranged being. Everything which the political economist takes from you in life and in humanity, he replaces for you in wealth. -Karl Marx Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844

0 dark dark dark. They all go into the dark. The vacant interstellar spaces, the vacant in to the vacant, The captains, merchant bankers, eminent men of letters, The generous patrons of art, the statesmen and the rulers.... Or as, wh&~ an underground train, in the tube, stops too Ions; bet ween stations And the conversation rises and slowly fades into silence And you see behind every face the mental emptiness deepen Leaving only the growing terror of nothing to think about. -T.S. Eliot from East Coker

It is possible that if the human being falters even momentarily in accomodating himself to the technological imperative, that he will be excluded from it completely even in its much as he now finds himself exmechanical functions, cluded from participation in an automated factory. 1 -Jacques ElIuS

In the nature of the case the very changes that are needed are the ones the administration must resist, for they curtail administration’s reason for being and jeopardize its security. Dectrallzing control, splitting up rather than expanding, dispensing with credits, grading and admissions. de-emphasizing buildings and grounds being selective about contracting research---a II these make pale the hectic flush. It would seem to be self-evident that the only purpose of educational administration is to expedite education, but this though is entirely naive and out-of-date. Worse, however, the reforms toward freedom, commitment, criticism, and inevitable social conflict, endanger the image and indeed nulify the historical role of administration which has been not to protect its commun!ty but to pacify it. --Paul Goodman The Community of Scholars

d The cost of the recent decision of the radical student movement not to try to regain control of the student council executive will, in many ways, be great. It can only mean the decline of Waterloo, now one of the l’eading universities in North American student activities, to relative unimportance. With their goals and priorities, the decision uof the RSM to let the council go its own merry way after two years of running its every activity is only natural. But who is to run the dances that men like Tom Ashman ran, and who is to keep the books, the bylaws and the files that former members of the executive ably designed and kept up. From the stand point of the radicals, the services were provided as a tactical decision to keep their constituents happy and interested-but look at the job they did, even if it was incidental to their purpose. During their term of office, for example : @ student council incorporated in a fashion that has become a model throughout Canada. (p an educative orientation program was designed and run with such comparative success that requests for its report came from universities as far away as Southern California.

a Canadian





@ the flying club became the first in canida to own a planethree in October-and did so profitably. And as students who have been here since 1965 know the campus would have been a lot different without the radical leadershin I : * there would still be no campus center. 0 the library would still be closed half the time. * the bookstore would still be making 25 to 40 percent on required texts. 0 there might not even be a Federation of Students. The problem the radicals have handed the campus is best seen in the lack of a really worthwhile presidential candidate. Tom Patterson should have been a candidate, but his priorities now lie elsewhere. In the long run, of course, t,he RSM decision to concentrate on radical education projects is an extremely necessary one. And maybe the resultant loss of protection they provided from ineptitude by acting as student council leaders is part of the reason their decision is really so necessary. It’s time people realized what the reality, even in this small case, really is.


is published






publications board of the Federation of Students, University of Waterloo, Content is independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 744-6111, local 3443 (news), 3444 (ads), 3445 (editor), night-line 11,000 copies 744-011 ‘I, telex 0295-748. Publications board chairman: Gerry Wootton editor-in-chief:


managing editor: Bob Verdun features editor: Alex Smith sports editor: vacant Groundhog Doug Wright. certain Eagen, whom brag

is indeed, Definitely

photogs assistant we say about


whose news ‘we are Lorna

Hagey not











John Bergsma, Perhaps Burko has sold out, This issue’s staff (except leader went home early to bed): Jim Bowman, circulation manager, Mike editor; Roddy Hickman, entertainment coordinator; Kevin Peterson, to most definitely the least chauvinistic newspaper in CUP, even if we have to Eaton,

Pickles, Matti Nieminen, (also Willowdale Carol Lonn, him (it?).


Saxe news editor: Ken Fraser photo editor: Gary Robins editorial associate: Steve Ireland

bureau), Fred, EImiry,


Jim Dunlop, Elly Quixote and even




Donna McCollum, Alboim, Meagen if Groundhog didn’t





Peter Miller, Walter Garr, Ampersand advertise in the


X Stephenson, Horsley, Barker, Chevron


Jim Klinck Che Quevara -we still lovk

2 1, 1969 (9:38)



Oh boy, I came firsf ! And











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Landers and Daze






what’s page.


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on sure


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A smoking clinic for individuals wishing help in eliminating their smokjng habit is now being offered, This is a research project conducted at the pschcology department of the University of Waterloo and is supported by a grant from the Department of National Health & Welfare, No charges are ;assessed for this service, The treatment is offered in six sessions over a three week period & inquiries should be directed to the office of Dr, R.A. Steffy, 744-6111 extension 2548.

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Canada - the employer who offers excellent training and development opportunities. Representatives of the Government of Canada will be on campus JANUARY 29, 30, and 31 to interview graduating students interested in a career in the computer field. King & Webea









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