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Student Admin

to stop


The ‘best -way to prevent unauthorized use of university files is to not have any. -That’s the belief of registrar Trevor Boyes. In a memo explaining the new university policy not to take duplicate ID card photos_ for files and to remove existing ID photos from files, Boyes said, “The above policy has been formulated in order to prevent unauthorized release of photographs to the press or other media under any circumstances.



ID photw


The policy change was made after the registrar’s office released the picture of a student who had been .molested to the K-W Record for publication last winter. After the Record printed the photo, the girl’s parents were very upset because they feared the unapprehended molester might be encouraged to try again.


An underground paper is making a small start on the streets of Ki tchener . Called Fucke : the Kitchener Free Press,/ its first issue had a paid circulation of only 100. Editor Kurt Glemser, a student at Kitchener’s Grand River highschool, plans to sell 200 copies of his second issue. Distributed main1 y among highschool-age kids in the downtown area, the first issue covered main-


though their children would not be Camp Columbia is a camp of fun and edvenchuer. Some fo the kids try to run away but they don’t make it. We go for brakfast and lunch and dinable to attend university for financial reasons, their tax dollars, ner at the coop. Sometimes teh kids walk to the camp! Ed the bus’diver is a rile neat guy and a very good bus diver. It’s fun at this camp; so which go in part towards higher if they have the camp again next year send your children to the camp and education were reaping some benefits directly for them. let him or her have fun. Tim From the point of view of public .L. .A# 4. . . . relations Camp Columbia was a university and staffed by univer’ The above letter was written by good thing. Both the children and sity students, it convinced many a ten year old boy who attended staff enjoyed themselves and most parentsthat the university could People - Camp Columbia. The camp, a suminvolved in the project feel be a community resource mer project of the federation of it should be continued in ‘future Students, was run for children in Most parents realized that al- years. the twin cities who wouldn’t normally \get the opportunity to go to camp. Organization and staffing of the camp was undertaken by Waterloo students. During two la-day periods in july and august approximately 100 children had a wonderful time dabbling in the arts and learning a wide range of sports including swimming and boating. At present the camp fund is $2,000 in the red but there will be several fund-raising projects this year to .make up this deficit. Any extra money raised will go to: wards next year’s camp, which it is hoped, will be extended to three 12-day periods. Most of the children at’camp this summer had never participated in many of the activities which the camp provided, and most are ldoking forward to, returning next year. Rainy days found multitudes of Camp Columbia campers inBecause the camp was run at the vading the Chevron office to type letters home.

It is based on the premise that if photographs ’ are not available they cannot be abused.”



ly sex, drugs and cop hassles. “It’s all stuff that will never make the Record,” said Glemser. The second issue has less emphasis, on sex and drugs and more - on the implications of long hair. The mimeographed paper is selling for 30 cents a copy. Mailed subscriptions (12 issues for $3) can be ordered from Kurt Glemser, 439 King street, Kitchener.

up ten



is the maximum number of engineers the* university can handle, Bo yes explained. With math already slightly over enrolled, Boy& feels a similar situation could appear in arts, where up to 850 students may be accepted--up 100 from last year. Students will be unable to register this year until a complete and workable timetable is obtained. Scheduling and registration areas have been set up in the phys ed building in a manner which Boyes feels will ensure relatively efficient processing over the three-day registration period.

An increase of about 1000 students is registrar Trevor Boyes’ prediction for the 69-70 year. This places the total Waterloo enrollment ‘at slightly over 10,000 students. Much of the increase in overall enrollment is credited to a greater number of returning secondand third-year students. Most faculties are fully enrolled, however room still remains for a few students in arts and science. Once again approximately two of every three students applying for engineering were turned away, accounting for that faculty’s rapid fulfillment of their 650-student quota. Due to available lab space, this

CotMrts, films, speakers> actjon pucked Orientation


Radio’ Waterloo


Radio Waterloo will be moving from its cramped quarters in the campus center to new spacious studios in Bauer warehouse. Unfortunately for Radio Waterloo’s staff: Bauer warehouse is on the edge of the bush on the north campus, about half a ‘mile from Columbia street. SOme equipment has @en moved, but the major re-location will occur around the end of September. At that time there will be a short interuption in programing. Radio Waterloo, financed by the Federation of Students, oPcrates by closed circuit on the campusesof both Waterloo universities. Radio During ’ registration, Waterloo will be doing live broad“We casts from the line-ups. hope to attract more people to work for the station;” said manager Bruce Steele,” for any area of the operation: writing copy, news, sports, announcing, music or technical. Radio experience is in no way necessary. “Anyone , interested in joining the- station’ can contact me in the registration line,‘come to the, offices in room 202 of the campus ’ center or attend our first meet-

to t/ie hills

ing around the third week of September.” Steele hopes to expand the pro@aming’ hours this Year, going1 I.rrom noon to1 m 2 a.m. monaay* to Saturday, with sunday broadcasts also. There will be small format changes, but the basic hard-rock music sound will remain. Radio Waterloo will carry university national and international ‘news when their broadcast-news teletype is installed, after the station moves to Bauer warehouse. The station can be heard in the campus center, food-services, St. Pauls, St. Jeromes, Renison, Philip Co-op, Hammer house and five Waterloo Lutheran locations. “The station will be heard in the village and Habitat if someone on the residence council gets moving up there, ” said Steele. The ’ main objective of Radio Waterloo is still on FM broadcasting licence, although the Canadian radio-television commission will not announce its decision until spring 1979. Anyone interested in having Radio Waterloo in their home, office or residence should call extension 2683 or 578-9000 for details.

dustries throughout Kitchen& and Entertainment galore could well As slaves-for-a-day (80 be the theme of Orientation ‘69 Waterloo. cents an hour) they are e-xpected which runs this year from septto earn some $8000 which will go ember 10 to 20. in the Kitchener-WaterDedicated to keep frosh on charities loo area. the move, it includes jam sessions, One of the most spectacular folk singers, films, concerts, events of the week will be the speakers and spontaneous activDionne Warwick concert which ities. should be a sell-out. Freshmen High on the list of interesting are urged to cash in their stubs events is a speech by Eric Mann, in the week. national executive member of for tickets”-early Packed inbetween Mann and Students for a Democratic SOCare a host of subsidiary iety. Mann endeared himself to Warwick events such as Michael Cooney last years’ frosh by reminding them the pot at the end of their labelled as .Pete Seeger’s successor) in the food services carnival rainbow might contain something room September 15 to 19, Chicago other than-gold. the in the physed building September September 13 features 13, and Harmony Grass in the annual freshman charity drive campus center September 18. which will involve some 3000 frosh . doing odd jobs in homes and inRight throughout orientation




178 the Chevron















D D m

D‘ouble “S” Automotive

For The Month

“For S&vice Plus Call”


in their

the campus center will be a going concern. Counselling and information booths will be set up to advise beginn,ers of how the drop and add game works, as well ’ as dispense up to date data on alchohol, drugs, sex, and- the university in general. Add to this three pub dances featuring Buckstone Hardware, Freddy Cannon and other groups, plus a Cannes film festival winner La Chinoise and you’ve got a pretty full calendar. Freshmen beware. You’ll need lots of stamina.


15’september A subscription

,’ 2


Iensure. :“69 -

DUNLOP TIRES “18.23 ea King West at Breithaupt St. 143-5841- Kitchener



run.. camp, a ,succesS. -

U of









during off-campus






a term.



faces weak

PORT ARTHUR (CUP)-Financially crippled and riven internally by attacks from both radicals and moderates, the Canadian Union of Students staggered out of, its 33rd annual congress facing the very real possibility of dissolution by Christmas. And perhaps more importantly, the congress had not come to grips with the ‘charges laid by radical delegates, observers and members of the former CUS secretariat that the national organizatioin faced total irrelevance if it did not struggle to alter its nature and that of the students councils which form its base. When the final plenary session of the congress broke off at 6 a.m. Wednesday September 3, more than a third of the items on the order paper still remained to be debated and passed; but the meeting could not go on in face of the increasingly bitter antagonisms raised as radicals insisted the structure of CUS rather than moderate programs held the key to rebuilding the union. “A lot of people here are going to return to campus and not do very much,” charged Barry McPeake, last year’s CUS Atlantic fieldworker and chairman of the congress until he spoke at the final plenary. “People have to make a choice,” he said. “Either they fulfil1 the implications of the content of our motions in action and in words, or they sustain the structures which have lead to failure in the past. ” “That choice may mean staying on their students councils, or getting the hell off. And when the real crunch comes, they’re going to stay on council. ” “The choice lies not in keeping the structure, ” McPeake said. “We have to destroy them or tear them apart so they will serve the people. ” But McPeake’s charges met bitter denunciation from John Gallagher, a member of the incoming CUS secretariate, who labelled the radicals opportunistic and supported the position taken by incoming CUS president Martin Loney-that the union must concentrate on organizing students around issues such as housing and unemployment rather than a radical analysis of society. “You’re not dealing with these problems in a historical way,” Gallagher said. “You have failed to come up with an alternative program. ” The previous evening, delegates from the University of Waterloo had also tried to force a discussion of CUS structure, stunning the congress by proposing the national union become an affiliate of the Industrial workers of the World, a revolutionary syndicalist organ-

ization smashed by police in the 1920’s. The Waterloo proposal went down to defeat by a vote of 17 to 3, after the congress refused to allow Waterloo to withdraw its motion. The right as well as the left was unsuccessful in forcing debate on the structure of CUS: a motoin put forward by the University of Calgary, calling for the creation of a new national organization, the Canadian Students’ Federation, died for lack of a seconder.


remoff shocks Petch

Interim administration president Howard Petch criticized Carleton University professor Robin Mathews for “doing nothing to help solve the very real problem of maintaining a healthy Canadian balance at our universities. ” Petch, who was away on vacation when Mathews’ report was released, apologized to faculty and grad students from foreign countries. “That this type of academic racism could take place in Canada is a shock and embarassment,” said Petch. Petch said that he sympathized with Mathews’ fundamental concern. As a Canadian academic he believed that in normal circum-

stances- a Canadian university ought to be staffed and managed mainly by Canadians. The main point Petch raised was the lack of constructive content in Mathews’ report. He cited a situation in science several years ago when it became apparent that Canada could not fill its needs for university teachers. “The problem was recognized early in the national research council. Funds were made available for research, development of graduate programs and scholarships for grad students in the physical sciences. “In science we are now more than self-sufficient in our production of native PhD’s. Canada is

Sponsored by members of the universities of Toronto, McGill, Dalhousie and British Columbia, the resolution included a constitution which would have greatly restricted the ability of the new union to take political stands. Neither the McGill nor Bristish Columbia representatives were registered as delegates to the congress, and Toronto and Dalhousie delegations refused to support the actions of a minority of their members. But the may prove ing factor than either arguments. ress, only

hard logic of finances to be more of a decidin the direction of CUS radical or moderate At the end of the congeight student councils

had committed themselves to the union for the coming year, although several other delegations committed themselves to fight for CUS in referendums. With only 39,500 students in the union, CUS finance commissions predicted the organization would go “belly-up by Christmas” if critical referendums at Carleton University and the University of Toronto did not favor CUS. Students at Carleton will vote October 13; Toronto students october 23. As many as 10 other referendums may be called during the forthcoming year. The precarious state of the union’s finances led to one change in CUS operations: selection of a president-elect, traditionally one of the duties of the fall congress, was postponed until Christmas, when the union will hold another legislative meeting. The decision to elect Martin Loney’s successor at mid-year will also allow CUS members to evaluate the actions of the secretariat in view of events during the next four months. While many programs were left undebated in the hands of the CUS national council, delegates from 33 schools who attended the

conference-with voting rights regardless of their membership status in the union-managed to pass resolutions on some aspects of education and on the nature of the students role in society. Delegates stated their opposition to the americanization of Canadian universities, but also condemned any attempts to regulate the number of American professors by means of a quota system. “A professor’s ability to deal with the Canadian reality is not always based on his nationality,” they noted. The delegates also called for an end to authoritarianism in education, and presented demands which would lead to the development of a “critical university”one which would do more than act as an apologist for the status quo. The present educational system, delegates said, “prepares the student to fit uncritically into the corporate capitalist structure, ” without questioning the social and moral effects of the system. “The students in the classroom


should be in control in the class’ room and should be actively participating in the classroom,” one delegate said. As well as class-room democracy and student parity on academic decision-making bodies as well as hiring, firing and promotion committees, the congress demanded that other university services, such as bookstores, libraries and food services be democratized and organized on a cooperative basis. “The existence of these authoritarian systems at the university effectively continues the socialization begun in the public school system, ” the delegates said. The congress< also called for students to struggle against the development of the mid-Canada I corridor, a corporate and government plan to create an urbanized, ,. industrial strip of land just south of the Arctic regions. The congress noted the plan would, in effect, be another tentacle of American control of Canada, and added that “any nation which values its independence and sovereignity must have control of the development and dispensation of its natural resources. ”

Report establishes Can. studies program A modest proposal became an established institute in the middle of the recent debate on the Americanization of the University of Waterloo. In rebutting the Mathews report, local spokesmen pointed with pride to the new institute for Canadian studies that Mathews had failed to mention. “Four of the departments under attack set up an institute for Canadian studies. about two months ago, ” said the K-W Record. The story appeared in other replies to the Mathews report.

The institute, however, has no basis as yet. Its only physical existence before the Mathews report was in a public memo from history professor Leo Johnson requesting opinions on the proposal. The memo contained a list of existing courses with a least partial Canadian content. Interim administration president Howard Petch said the senate would have to approve such an institute, and as yet there has not even been a formal brief presented to senate.

Env. studies stress broad approach


almost self-sufficient in engineering,” said Petch. He said part of the reason that similar steps weren’t taken in the humanities and social sciences was the attitude of other faculty members who even recently questioned the value of those fields. Petch felt Mathews should have dealt with more of the historical reasons for hiring large numbers of foreign professors for Canadian universities. The Mathews report had recommended quotas be placed on the percentage of foreign-born professors hired.. A more complete text of Petch’s historical analysis appears on page I6 of this issue.

“We’re looking for students who are concerned with what is going on around them in a broad sense, and want to learn more about it” That is what man-environment prof Jack Ellis sees as the aim of this new division of environmental studies. The man-environment department basically will leave students free to utilize knowledge of all aspects of their surrounding, instead of the traditional course where one or two specific subjects are concentrated on. A major feature of the department will be seminar workshops. “By bringing several professors together from various fields to talk with groups of students, a common footing will develop, since much of what is discussed will be as new to most of the professors as it will to students,” Ellis explained. Through this setup, Ellis sees a new learning style developing. The interdisciplinary aspect of man-environment, using‘resources from arts, science, math, and others comes as a contrast to the profession seeking environmental studies courses such as architecture and planning. By teaming students from man-environment with those from these professional courses, for various projects, Ellis forsees both types of courses benefiting. wednesay


As well many of the courses offered to man-environment students will be open to a limited number of other students (approximately 50 per course) allowing for even further interaction. Ellis does not forsee the department becoming primarily concerned with the university environment. He does feel however that the very nature of the program will make students more aware of changes affecting them on campus. Problems relating generally to Canada in the 20th century, and Waterloo county specifically be one important area of study for first year students. What the department will embody after the first year is not too definite. With the limited number of students in the division (25-30), Ellis feels a working relationship will develop where students will have much to say about the direction their program is taking. As a student progresses it is ’ hoped he will tend more to a research approach to the course, focusing on problems that exist instead of unrelated learning. As well, students will be encouraged to answer any questions their research raised, as a practical benefit. “It should be an interesting experiment” Ellis concluded. lOseptember

1969 (10:14)














=URPOSE.= Waterloo Co-operative Residence incorporated is a residential comrlunity in which STUDENTS learning through the experiences of differInt kinds and types of people, provide low cost housing with personal nd social freedom along with responsibility. Opportunity and faciliies for involvement and interaction within the framework of the Co-op nd the Academic Community and Society. iousing esidence,

570 single students in 7 7 detached and Phillip St. complex.




+alf the Phillip St. project contains 64 apartments for married stuJents and their families. Presently over 24 different nations, representng a variety of races and cultural backgrounds, lend a pleasant inter7ational flavour to our community. Droperty under management $53 7,OOO.OO annually. , Three week

kitchens employing with students handling

‘n addition prdinator rive.




6 full-time the Sunday

to cooks, the office staff together with involvement

cooks meals.

provides the ideal home for the to influence his living environment.

Room es and

in summer society.



of secretary, of students

WCRI wishes







bookkeeper, operate the

responsible guests

budget days

and co; Co-opera-








While paying municipal taxes of over to remain at least 25% below other the involvement of the Student.

Apply early for future terms as rooms are all filled on seniority basis. Date of member Joan is the date used in seniority, Member Joan is applied as the first $25.00 paid after entry into Co-op. Prior to entry application date applies. Co-op functions best when a baJanced grouping is achieved. An attempt is made to balance the group by limiting the number of students in any area to a mix of years faculties etc. with priority to the desires of the student where possible. Experience is gained in management, budgeting, food, purchasing, maintenance, as weJJ as learning to deal with peopJe from a variety of backrounds. Buildings 7/69.



in fall


@ATbc OVA e;‘ *







Student involvement wishes to involve hands of the student.


-_LL. ‘ VARIETY 2..OFFE:RS ,,.I.

OFFICE Tel. 578-2580 280 Phillip St. Waterloo, Ont.




for future

For Summer Term 1970


Rooms AMoWed for Winter Mea/s




780 the Chevron

by eating

$175.00 per term for members



. For Information : Contact: Central Office or Division Managers Hammarskjold Division, Chris Moon 745-1481 Nova Les,Division Al-2, Jim Bontilier 745-2694 Phillip North - Division A3-4, Dave Lyons 745-2576

Term on Basis of Seniority



per week, unless the student deeply. This choice is in the

In Accommodation

- Study Carrels terms

is able due to


Non - Resident Accommodation 7 days per week plus snacks

Obtain seniority Co-op this fall.

is usually 3 hours their schedule more


Rapid expansion with all the attendant problems of management, financing etc. have caused WCRJ to go through a challenging year. Jt is now planned to consolidate to some extent the operation, while taking time to scan carefully the future. A real challenge awaits students in future years. Pattern of university residence life is being tested in WCRJ. Students are demonstrating a mature responsible handling of their home,during university years.


Meals - Lounges

$57,000.00 our fee similar accommodation,


Relax Ii7




in co-op

Construction continues at Uniwat as PP.& P digs another hole in front of the physics building to store still more earthly dirt.

Clieni eng students to help choose chairman In what may be a precedent for other departments to follow, a student is now represented on the them eng selection committee for a department chairman. The idea for student representation on the committee first appeared at the july 7 meeting of the them eng department. The department felt, as them eng prof Robert Huang stated, at this “student participation level would be particularly meaningful”, and accordingly recommended to engineering dean Archic Sherbourne that a grad student be placed on the committee. Several members of the department expressed doubt that

Sherbourne would accept the proposal, but he did. . Bob Rosehart, grad them eng, will sit on the committee with three them eng faculty members, one faculty member outside the department, the engineering dean, (Sherbourne is on a one year sabbatical, leaving associate dean Ernest Holmes on the committee), and acting academic vicepresident Jay Minas. Rosehart will have status equal to the other members of the committee. The committee has until next june when acting chairman Donald Spink vacates the position, to select a successor.

CAUT board




to get years

The drawn out battle between McGill University and poli sci lecturer Stanley Gray may be finished. A Canadian Association of University Teachers arbitration board agreed Gray should be fired, but recommended he be given the equivalent of his salary for this year. The McGill administration charged Gray with gross misconduct and subsequently refused to renew his contract after he disrupted two meetings last january. Gray’s protestations led to placing the matter in the hands of the CAUT arbitration committee, composed of three professors from other universities. Dismissing the report as a political farce, Gray stated “I am being penalized for my direct action, things like Operation McGill. It was a politically biased committee, coming through with a typical decision”. Operation McGill, which Gray helped organize, was a march of 10,000 people calling for an allFrench speaking McGill late last march. The board felt Gray should re*ceive his $3300 salary gray rewrite since it is now too late to get a job with another university for the upcoming year. Gray will also miss out on the $5500 Canada Council grant offer-


Stanley Gray ed him earlier this year to study for his doctorate at Oxford. A time limit of january 1970 was set for Gray’s utilization of the . grant. Because of the arbitration boards hearings, completion of the rough draft for his PhD thesis was delayed, making this date to early. McGjll principal Rocke Robertson, also fell under fire from the arbitration board for not discussing the unrest on campus with Gray before things went as far as they did. Robertson accepted the final recommendation of the board, concerning Gray and feels the issue is closed.




Orientation 69 c/o Federation of Students University of Waterloo



1969 (10: 14)

181 k


As the new faculty club comes closer to being .a reality, the membership requirements also arebecoming a bit more realistic. Original qualifications made membership available to all faculty, but automatically excluded any staff member beneath This effectively category 11. eliminated those members of staff such as secretaries and maintenance personnel. This restriction has since gone by the board, and any staff member can join. But not a student. “We are considering an associate membership” stated club president Carl Totzke. Such a setup would enable a student to become a dues paying member if his name was sub-.







leg (drop’s






or popular


leg -


look is

Maybe it it’s-a nice day, you too can coax your prof to take you outside, just like this third year English class.


Adtitission to dances on vo-luntary basis


Pick your pairs from




of patterns and



:. . ! . ‘. :.. .

of them


.p,*..#&i: &Q$$.; Jy&% ..! ....P




$$ #::*


ii I

but Levi’s makes Sta-Prest. *


4.8 #q&



~.:.~~:~~:~:~~.~:.:~:~:~. - . .‘: . . . . . ..~.~.‘...i” c 1 .. . : . . . ;1: . . , . . :. .;::;......L... .. ...,. < . . . y . : : . : , ‘: .. ........ .: ...:

“Flares” .,.,, A:.; ..:;:;j;:::: :. LI_. “,:‘: ..I_ ..:.: ..::,: ,.._ .,.,;:. ,?>I :j.:.,. :‘a .:: :, .~~~~~~~.,, 10.95 to 14.95 :: :i\\ 7 i’;.‘.‘.‘.





-.--._ ..4

in Downtown




The student-activities board of the federation of students% instituting a new policy concerning dances. These dances will be ‘held in the campus center with no fixed admission charged. All attending will have the right to pay as much as they want. The catch is that the quality of the band the following week will depend on the amount taken in the week before. “The sucess of these dances,” stated Larry Burko, who will be running the events, “will depend upon the people who attend. They now have the opportunity of having dances with large crowds,

good bands and low admission All the people have to do is be responsible enough to put seventy five cents or so in the bucket.” A sliver collection is being used since no one is allowed to charge admission to the campus center great hall. These dances will be tried on friday, September 26 and again Saturday, October. 4. These two dates will act as a trial period. “If those attending are not willing to pay a bit towards the entertainment or if the regular use of the building is severely affected the policy will not be continued,” said Burko.

Poster %destroys image" Gid Scouts sue company

=! Exclusive

mitted by an existing member and approved by the membership committee. ’ “This number would be .limited”, continued Totzke. _ Totzke voiced, the basic purpose af the club as a place where people involved in similar endeavors at the university could get together and I discuss busii ness or whatever. . “Possibly leaving the club open to students would be a good idea, but the feeling of most faculty is they would be more at ease if they weren’t there,” Totzke explained. The club, schuduled for completion in mid-december, will have membership dues of $6 a month and a liquor license.

- new



fo all staff


Open Thursday and Friday-.---l--evemngr ltll TIII A -p.m.


Open daily 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


182 the Chevron t

NEW YORK (GINS)-The personality poster people who made that poster on your wall may be in trouble. Personality Posters Manufacturing Co., Inc., of New York is being sued for $1 million by the Girl Scouts of America for portraying an apparently pregnant Girl Scout with the motto Be Prepared. The damage suit claims the poster constituted “wanton and malicious defamation” of 3,750~ 000 Girl Scouts between the ages of 7 and 17. The poster in question shows

a smiling, blond-haired girl in Girl Scout uniform and insignia. The suit claims the girl is depicted “in an advanced state of pregnancy, wearing the official junior Girl Scout uniform.” The poster, the complaint says, is “intended to impute unchastity and moral turpitude to members. ” Moreover, it continues, the poster is designed to destroy the association of Girl Scout aims with “truth, helpfulness, frie,ndliness, courtesy purity, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, thriftiness and kindred virtus among girls. ”


: by Wayne


Chevron staff





......2....... .,


Cbntinent-wide On august 15, I played in an Olympiad fund game that was held at bridge clubs throughout North America. The hands for the game were pre-dealt by a computer and played simultaneously at all the clubs participating. The funds raised by this game are used to send teams representing Canada and U. S. to the world bridge competition. At the end of the game, a printed sheet showing the hands with an analysis of each was given out. The analysis was prepared by a panel of experts who commented on the bidding and the playing of each hand. The players could then compare their results to these given and determine where they had made mistakes. The following was one of the interesting hands. West dealt’ with neither vulnerable. North SJ H Q,WVA5 D A,J,3 C K,J,8

%. ..I.


...z. .,. -.


East S 10,9,6,5 HA D 9,875 C QA7,V

West S 8,6,4,3,2

H7 D K,6,4,2 C 10,6,5 South S AJ,Q H K, J,4,3,2 7



D 8,6,2 f&4

N 1H 3H 4D 5D P


s ’ 2s 4c

4NT 6H

The experts ’ analysis on this hand was: “Six hearts is ‘off the top’ on the N-S cards, but the bidding offers more of a test than the play. North faces the first pitfall; he is off to a


good start if he opens 1H (his side will have little chance to reach 6H if he passes). “After north opens, south, with 17 points and a superb trump fit, would like to jump shift; his problem is that he has no convenient suit to jump in. The possible choices of 25 or 3C could lead to the above action or N-lH, S-3C, N-3H, S-3S, N-SNT, S-4NT, N-5D, S-6H. In this auction, north shows a diamond stopper for his 3NT bid and south gambles that he has the ace or the king.” This type of game is held four times a year and is an excellent opportunity to compare your playing with that of some experts. All bridge players are invited toplay duplicate bridge every week at the university’s bridge club. It meets every tuesday in the socialsciences lounge at 7pm with the first game to be held on September 16. Cost is 50 cents per night.


~12s Moon Hotel

Petersburg West of Kitcbener on Highway 7 & 8

634-5421 “Home of the Pitcher” Licensed Under the Liquor Licence Act



7969 (10: 14)

183 7





fitting is our business

It was brought to my attention recently that the whole mess is starting all over again. When your editor starts sending you free bottles of booze and other assorted inhibriants, one can rest assured that the school year is soon to begin. An awful lot of stuff goes on in September that most of us don’t even know about. Like there are still a few undercover narcotics people around. They can be identified by some heads, so ask around, it might save you a few years. A few weeks ago there was a burst you probably heard about. Maybe you read about the months of intensive investigation and all that bullshit. Well, fans, as it turns out from my man inside the RCMP, the Kitchener branch was unaware that the undercover man

On professionals

was in the area. It was he who went to the headquarters and asked for warrants and help. One might just think from this that the local fuzz are trying to drum up some sort of “yea cops” image, and convince all nice citizens that they’re earning their dough and will stop nasty nasty pot smokers. Also in the game is the K-W Rag which apparently thought that the PR version of the story was a little bit more sellable than the truth. Thats because there’s nothing truer than money in this town. Anyhow the narcs are still here and so are the pushers and the heads and my name will go on a list for this and if I cause too many waves just watch for a plant bust cause they happen too. * * * Those of you who were here

and truth

“I bet that Russian army is jealous as hell. Our troops are here (in Vietnam) getting all this experience; we’re learning about guerilla warfare, helicopters, vertical envelopment, close artillery support. Those Russian generals would love to be here. Any true professional wants to march to the sound of gunfire.” -general William C. Westmoreland. “Look, if you think any American official is going to tell you the truth then you’re stupid. Did you here that, stupid! ” -assistant defense secretary Arthur


184 the Chevron


to reporters.

last year may remember the proposal for an administration building right on parking lot D, of all places. Some of you will remember how the architect talked about getting the building to fit, instead of why it should be there. Well it appeared that the administration had more or- less decided it wasn’t all that good an idea. I would like to thank the brave secretary who told me that very soon after the library addition is additioned, the ground will be broken and up it will go. Isn’t it wonderful the way the people’s opinions and sentiments are considered. Even operations vicepresident Al Adlington voted against the building at the spring open meeting! Or was that just another political PR gesture? * * * For the next wee bit, I would like to ask you all to ask questions of anybody and demand answers. Apply for positions on committees and see how a big industry like a university wallows around in bureaucracy. I hope that you will all consider your classroom education bland and incomplete. There is so much more to learn, and most of it is depressing.

cus ifpoppositionto Americcmizution PORT ARTHUR (CUP)-The Canadian Union of Students Con. gress voted almost unanimously to oppose the Americanization of Canadian universities, but rejected a quota system that would directly restrict the number of U.S. professors teaching in Canada. The delegates noted in a resolution at the 33rd CUS Congress that “a professor’s ability to deal with Canadian reality is not always based on his nationality. ” “Some American professors have the concepts and experience to understand that reality, and conversely, some Canadian professors-often trained in U.S. graduate schools present an American discipline that has no relation influence that permeate our universities, delegates decicided. This includes : o Course content heavily loaded in favor of American textbooks, concepts and history (Canadian economics is taught largely from an American textbook). e Courses where Canadian content is deliberately devalued-a University of Toronto graduate student often cannot do a PhD. on only one Canadian author. l Canadian universities doing research for American corporations and military departments; @ The prestige’positions of American universities in certain discipline9 and their effects on Canadian teaching in those subjects. The Congress particularly objected to the heavy emphasis on empiricist and behavioral methodology imported from the U.S. into Canadian subjects. r . I .i

AFts librbrv collection _


“The Canadian educational system services and rationalizes Canada’s colonial status within the international capitalist syst,em,” the resolution consluded. The Congress resolved that all academic openings in university must be advertised in Canada: that Canadian graduate schools emphasi zing the Canadian perspective be established to orient faculty to ward Canadian problems : and that students participate in hiring, promotion and tenure of professors, and in curriculum committees. The criterion for hiring should be a professor’s “concern with the needs of the Canadian people, rather than strictly-( his) nationality, ” the resolution said, David Leadbeater, student president of the University of Alberta, asked how such concern could be judged. “Couldn’t nationality be more important than we’ve established here? ” he said. “We’ll just have to tell as we go along, ” responded Toronto delegate Bob James, mover of the resolution. “If professors at Lakehead University are looking at the problems and situations in northern Ontario, that might be more significant than where they come from. ” An amendment to set up departments of Canadian studies in our universities was soundly defeated. The whole university should discuss Canadian content, not just one blasted department, ” said Brandon delegate Harko Bhaget. Toronto delegate Chris Szalwinski ‘pointed out a seperate institute would not solve the problem of Americanization of other courses. I




-A - COMMIE 744-0681 It’s for real-the radical student movement’s instant information number. For news of the latest let-“ ture, demonstration or struggle session call 744-0681 lnspirationai messages and the correct political line also available DIAL -A - COMMIE


acqurres of 55,000

University librarian William Watson has purchased a major collection of books from a New Hampshire dealer. The collection, numbering some 55,000 items, will cost about a dollar a volume. Put together by Christian Verbeke, the collection is primarily from the nineteenth century. The money will come partially from the chief librarian’s fund (set up by interim administration president Howard Petch during the springlibrary crisis) and from the book budget allocations of the departments of english, history, french, economics, sociology and architecture. “The collection will neatly complement the holdings of the arts library,” said Watson. “It will provide both rich research materials and additional copies of works required for undergradtuate studies. The amount of material not wanted in the library is unusually slight. “The acquisition of the books, journals and prints, largely out of, print and difficult to come by, will bring to the library in a single stroke material that would otherwise take years to accumulate by single volume purchase it it could be obtained at all.” The principal subjects in the collection are: americana ; english ’ and american literature-particularly Victorian literature with many limited and signed editions; an art collection of some depth including many titles relating to architecture ; a virtually complete collection of the St. Dominic’s press with almost all of the works of Eric Gill; belle lettres;

biography; french and classical literature with ~ a number of eighteenth century works in fine bindings ; typography and travel ; works on the sea; and a great many other volumes in the humanities and social sciences, with emphasis on history, sociology and economics. On arrival in late august or September, the collection will go into storage because of space limitations in the arts library. Integration into the library collection will begin in the autumn and take probably two years to complete.

Pet& fooled by back bage It takes a sense of humor to run a university. Interim administration president Howard Petch was one of the people who were fooled, at least temporarily, by the phony ad in the last Chevron entitled “It takes guts to run a university.” Petch said when he first looked at the ad, he thought it was real. He thought it was a nice gesture by the companies credited with sponsoring the ad, but felt they could have done a better job d ne of the companies, the Royal Bank, complained about being included in the list and asked that they be consulted before their name is used in a similar manner in future. Another company which did not identify itself asked how much they owed.

It is now a recorded historical fantasy.. Therefore, anv ressemblance to registration is purely coincidental. ’ ” . ..Dining Room or Carry Out or Free Delivery... King at University (579-1400)



1969 (l>O: 14)


Un-intentional s&e Gazette%,. freshman \ by dum-dum

eral Office, third floor, Social Sciences Building. If you have your General comments. You have copy, find your way there anyway; been asked and will be asked to it is the place to get help and inforfill out various forms while you are mation... from the Dean, Associate at the University. Much of this inDean for Undergraduate Affairs, formation will become a part of Arts Counsellors, or their, Assistyour permanent record as you proants. Too often students don’t gress 2‘hrough your courses. Since bother coming to the third floor to many Lpf these records will be recheck things; sometimes they decorded and stored on computer tape light in terrifying each other with it is essential that the forms be filled more wild rumors and regulations out carefully, accurately and legibly. than any third floor bureaucrat ever Incorrect information can result , -heard of! in inaccurate programs and course ’ registrations, thus causing errors The most enterprising of stuin the class lists, examination ardents could not possibly manufacrangmen ts and marks processing. ture rumors and regulations to

A university is more than classrooms and labs, teachers and books; it is also a place to sleep, eat, shop, see a play or go to church in, even a .place that looks after you if you become ill or upset.

Overflowing with cliches, trite phrases and inanities, all but the freshmen were spared the admin-istration Gazette’s latest issue. It was distributed by mail to Uniwat’s newest members. Tips on registering: As a freshman student coming to the University of Waterloo this fall you have already established contact with then Office of the Registrar through your admission to the University. When you graduate you will again have contact with this office and, without doubt, many times in.between!

Unfortunately there %as no solution given for errors caused by incompetent staff and administrators. I The We/dome to tified the Gazette

Admissions. You have been admitted to a specific program of study, within a particular faculty or school of the University.





Could -





as an

The Federa tic n-i of Students d escribed as being involved



in a wide varietv of activities. It has,’ for example, a ‘*political” role on campus as voice of the students. The Federation President presents the studen ts’ case to the University President and the Federation representatives sit on many policy-making bodies. .T.on which they are not






official weekly publication of the University. lt is prepared by the Information Services Department and is available on campus to students as well as to members of faqulty and to staff workers. !t contains information relevant to the. University and its operations. ”

And those many times in between can and undoubtedly will be countless, depending upon the number of errors made by the registrar’s office.


allowed .

In its explanation of the new university act, the Gazette concludes: In consequence, Waterloo is expected to become almbre vigorous, better understood institution...a true - community of scholars that seeks to serve society, ultimately, in the best and wisest manner.

How YOU can help choose erloo’s new president: ,


As a student at the University you will be free- to participate, in some way; in the selection of Waterloo3 new President. The University is now in the throes, of a search; a Committee has been meeting which includes student representatives -as well as representation from faculty, staff the Board of Governors and alumni. Nominations or applications may be submitted, in confidence by anyone interested to any member of the Committee, or to J. W. Brown, Secretary, Presidential Search Committee, Dana Porter Arts Library Building, University of Waterloo. / The Committee is now. siftmg through a list of names and those whose qualifications are most obvious will be- invited to visit the campus.. sto make their. assessment of the University and, in turn, be assessed by its members. They will be invited to meet with administrators, professors and with students; at such a time any student on campus will be free to question nominees or express his reaction to them to Committee members.

. _

How campus

University of works for you is


illustrated with a slightly outdated map and _contains several misleading statements. If you haven’t yet received your copy of “That First Year in Arts” be sure to* pick one up at the‘ Arts Gen-

186 the Chevron


with the facts.

A small section on the counselling center-one of the few departments in the university which actually does work for the studentslists typical problems for which the student might seek solutions from the counsellors. In’what appears to be an effort to keep the Gazette suitable as family entertainment, it has omitted -mentioning what is often the number one problem for freshmen-matters pertaining to sex. Unintentionally = satirical and blatantly insulting, this issue of the Gazette contains such terrible propaganda that even the administration that sponsors it must wince.’ One article we feel compelled to publish in full as a pub’; n service, entitled ReLating to ,yo~. professors.

to do much, policy ‘making.

Unsuspecting frosh will really believe that indeed they can-and ,will be encouraged to-assist in the selection for a new administration president.



have arrived to this point without being aware of that?


Chevron staff


f ,iII s -SPe cial

Most students seem to fit into the university environment without too much difficulty...but problems sometimes do arise. Some-students find difficulty adjusting to the large classes, the lecture system, or residence living; others- begin to doubt the suitability of the programs they have selected. Sometimes difficulties relate to what has been called the ‘doctor complex”... the freshman is somewhat overwhelmed in the presence of a scholar who may have a world reputation in his field and a cornmunications gap opens up between them. (There is a positive4 side to this-some students. derive a great deal of Iinspiration through con tact with a first c’lass professorial intellect). A number of resources are available to help students relate to the university more effectively. Some faculties have established tutorial systems whereby each professor is assigned a small group of freshmen whom he serves as counsellor. This works very well at times, although it is ‘no panacea. ..indeed, there is no panacea. The UniversityIs position is that the student should be free to seek his own counsellor, be it the faculty tutor, a senior student, the Associate Dean, the Counselling Services Office or perhaps even a member of / the administrative staff By and large, however, the professor is tlie key to a satisfactory university experience and thus much inevitably depends on his personal commitment to his classes. Yet if, the professor can be said to have a considerable responsibility, it ‘can also be said that the student h-as a responsibility of his own... to informr the professor as to stumbling blocks which may inhibit their relationship. Best advise to a freshman with a lproblem would seem to be: If you have approached a professor and it didn’t work, try again, or try somewhere else. Don’t give up...on it or on yourself.


. -

join the

0 V 0 t e Pi etcct

V 0 it


in which tern who




8 pm monday

-l-&J hu tings





15 September:






we reintroduce tend to become

ourselves permanent.






The search (election is so unacademic) for a new administration president for this institution has been all but non-existent for those of us who do not read obscure reports in the Faculty Association newsletter or the administration’s Gazette, or, heaven forbid, sit on the presidential search committee itself. For the closed committee has been remarkably free of leaks. Which means one of two things: either the committee members hold a very high esteem for themselves and their task or else they aren’t doing anything. While both alternatives are equally probable or even concurrent, there are of course more important matters. Such as, who indeed will become permanent administration president. * * * In our last deliberations on the matter in the depths of winter we had cleared the way for that reluctant knight in naive armor, Howard Earle Petch, who now wears the mantle of interim administration presidentor pro tern if you are so inclined. Whilst perusing the press in the past few months, we have perchanced upon some most interesting coincidences in the filling of vacant administration presidencies at certain more famous North American institutions of higher training. At Sir George Williams University in Montreal, scene of an altercation . of some degree, the board of governors has recently named their administration president pro tern to a permanent status, citing his well-policed performance under fire, if you will excuse the puns. Similarly, the board of trustees of San Francisco State College elevated their acting president Sam Hayakawa to a status with more permanence. The trustees congratulated their boy for prowess in maintaining law and order. Achieving recognition in that field is no small achievement in the state of California. * * * Still a third president pro tern to achieve permanence is Simon Fraser University’s Kenny Strand. All presidents pro tern protest that they have no wish to keep their posts, but Strand went one step further-he pledged to be acting president for only a year and that he would never under any circumstances be a candidate for the permanent presidency. That was last summer at the height of one of SFU’s many detestable , crises. Kenny was a compromise acceptable to students, faculty and the people who run the university-and he became the fourth person to occupy (officially that is) office at SFU in less than a ” the president’s month. Strand was to preside over more crises, which is not particularly relevant at this time, as well as participate in the deliberations of the presidential search committee. As Strand’s one-year-and-no-more rolled to a close, the committee despaired of finding anyone else suitable and asked Kenny to withdraw from their closed meetings. Shortly thereafter, the committee announced that they were requesting that the faculty and students release Strand from his pledge so the way would be open for them to offer him the administration presidency. It was all very proper. The faculty assented to the request, for Strand was well respectful of the desires and aspirations of the landed gentry. The student council nearly did likewise, but a small vociferous minority insisted on a referendum. The outcome of the vote is expected to follow the pattern set under certain totalitarian regimes which practice democracy with one name on the ballot. All of this augurs well for our friend and Howie Petch. He has never really stated he would not take the job, and conveniently enough, he is not a member of the presidential search committee and remains quite aloof from its functioning. . * * * Owing to our absence from the public eye for some months, we would like to indulge in some further idle gossip and chauvinistic chatter. We are pleased to see that Howie Petch has finally taken his alliance with arts dean Jay Minas through the proper diplomatic channels. Now that he’s academic vicepresident pro tern, Jay can perform his duties as philosopher of the counter-revolution and Howie Petch’s righthand man without anyone questioning his legitimacy. They make a fine team. We have predicted that development not once, but twice.


Also a complete and bookcases.







of chairs,









“One never hears about the ninety percent of youth who are law-abiding, clean, and studious, and don’t concern themselves with war, bigotry, and human rights. ” Wednesday


7969 (70:14/


1 1

The humanities

building started to take shape in fdl 1968, An imposing sight from Univcrsit,j avenue* the building is almost complete.

Overall view of the Uniwat campus shows construction


on the humanities


Work continueLi* to finish


the faculty club and the arts library (where the final three floors are t

Rho Sigma








its 1969


, I


Liberation volunteers

lunch needs to continrle \

“But I’m not a socialist,” protested Dave Rees-Thomas. “All I wanted was a decent lunch in the campus center, ” He ended up with a better-than-decent lunch and unwanted profits. . Th e people’s liberation lunch counter will continue to be operated in the campus center if volunteers will take over some of the work.

charge-pickles, relishes, watermelon and coffee. Still unable to break even, the operation’s proceeds will be used to purchase a coffee urn to be placed in the vicinity of the campus center office. For 5 cents a cup-as opposed to the 12 cents charged by food services-people can help. themselves to ‘coffee. At its august 13 meeting, the campus center board expressed its approval for the non-profit service that was being offered. The lunch- counter will continue to operate during orientation, and hopefully on into the fall and winter. “We need people to cooperate,” said Rees-Thomas. “It is too much work for one person to handle. ” He said he wished to thank the many people who had-assisted him during august, “and particularly Adrian Clark. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him.” “When a person like Mudie is presented with a reasonable request from staff and faculty members and doesn’t have the courtesy to reply, he shouldn’t be surprised if someone decides to take over his operation;” In the meantime, 50-cent lunches are still available in the campus center.

David Rees-Thomas, grad chemistry, set up the counter after receiving no response from foodservices manager Bob Mudie to his request and petition that the campus center coffeeshop continue operations during august. “The petition was forwaraed to Mudie in mid- july-allowing him ample time to rescind his de-cision to discontinue ol3erations for august-and ‘contained the names of over 100 staff, faculty and grad students who use the coffeeshop regularly for their noon-time meal. The petition and letter was never acknowledged,” said ReesThomas. With assistance from student grocery-shoppers, he set up the lunch service in early august, and it became an instant success. Initially offering a do-it-yourself sandwich for 50 cents-with fresh french bread, good quality cold meats and Baden cheese-it soon became evident that the venture would make money. Since this was not the intention, Rees-Thomas began adding trimmings at no




est, navy, burgundy Holiday available,

to carry


Knit . . . illustrated: long sleeve

you prettily




sleeveless with


skirts and ptillover

mock turtle

autumn slims.


and into fall . . . riihly

Build your . . . mqtching

neck $9.00 .


entire plaid

. slims $i5.00

campus kilt


in for-




. . .- pleated

. . . also skirt $14.00

Adrian Clark of the more enthusiastic helpers at the people’s liberation lunch counter in the campus ten ter.


Pizza Palace Spaghetti call Fred at 744-4446

, Downtown




190 the Chevron

. . Open


to 9 #


Park . . ‘. S76-OilO

. . . Wed.,


Fri. to 9:30


to 2am-

of Cunacfian land”


CUS to fight PORT ARTHUR (CUP&The Canadian Union of Students pledged itself to a fight against the concept of the mid-Canada corridor as “the legitimized theft and rape of Canada’s natural resources,” at its Port Arthur congress. The corridor concept is backed by several provincial governments, universities and large corporations, and would create an urbanized, industrial strip of land just south of the Arctic regions.



The congress noted the plan would, in effect, be another tentacle of American control of Canada, and added “any nation which values its independence and sovereignty must have control of the development and dispensation of its natural resources. ” The corridor concept also ignores ecological parameters, the delegates said, and is “structurally committed to exploiting the Canadian land, people and r&sources for corporate profit. ” -

“The founders (of the concept) want to turn the north into another urbanized, polluted jungle of insanity, ” said Jim Harding, a teaching assistant at Simon Fraser University. “They want to create capital wealth-and we know that has little to do with the fulfillment of being a human being, with human liberation. ” He urged CUS to make fighting the corridor concept its major priority in the coming year be“this has a reality, unlike cause many’ of the resolutions that have come out of the conference. .” “They know what they want to do. We don’t, because we are afraid of committing ourselves.” CUS will help purchase and distribute prints of an anti-corridor film prepared by a group opposed to the concept, and act as a clearinghouse and distribution centre for related research and information.

Scott leaves for GueIph to be assistant provost Former Waterloo provost Bill Scott has assumed duties as assistant provost and director of student affairs at the University of Guelph. Scott was provost from 1965 until his resignation in january of this year. At that time he resumed his academic role as associate professor in the sociology department, a position he had maintained on a part-time basis while serving as provost. In his new position he will relieve Guelph provost Paul Gilmour of some of his administrative duties enabling Gilmour to spend more time dealing directly with students. Scott was asked to resign from his position as provost by former admin president Gerry Hagey, who at that time expressed the opinion that it would be in Scott’s

-and the university’s-best interests. The resignation was concurrent with Hagey’s. Scott had also served as acting chairman of the departments of sociology, economics and political science in the early years of Waterlo?‘s arts faculty*

YESTERDAY Regular clety. FROSH a bikini


meeting 10.30pm. QUEEN pageant

of room candidates FREE


Waterloo 141 wil



lnnlng campus be Introduced all members.

Socenter. tn as



begins In the campus event with films, jam singers, course counselling, InformatIon on alcohol



continues SEIZURE the paramilitary First brass

The coundrug

9pm. too.



Buckstone DANCES of the



troop are

in the campus the admlnistration languages

of modern


center. buildbuilding);

attack entering through movement at 9: 15am their offices. Black tie,

the before RSVP.


sessions. and



secret tunnels. the top

TODAY CENTROID continuous speakers, folk selling service,


Dine & Dance In The

Hardware in other Orientation

I S at food locations on ‘69 program.

services, campus,











In the






you have Koehler, ARE come-on tel



a car) 745-0034 you tired of easy


For of





phony bucks?




InformatIon capltalsts Phone


call with phonies


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a heavy and





black tonne8u. haul,



clutch Best





condltlon Complete main bearings


New brake






top, overStored

FOURTH apartment


assignments located done, 742-9 done.

and on located 170 Phone


typed, Call

campus on








come office,

- AVAILABLE girl $44

wanted Tenth,

for senior

large student










bedroom preferred.



Michael STAFF

for organlzatlon campus center.

going strong. In the carnival Cooney MEETING, and 8pm




new In

staff the

CITY u c











Waterloo PiCKETT



for eenng


running harness and

wiring new








leather highest USED 60

Mechanics Devices culus day)



In very good WIII sell for


offer Apply Chevron office TEXTBOOKS In good condltlon percent of bookstore price. Thermody,namlcs (ZemanskyA/an of

vatenals Systems

and (Peterson), Unlverslty

US for (Stanton


$1 and


WIII sell EnglnNess).


(Arges/Palmer). (Smith), Elements part 1 (Resnlck/Hall (Mahan). Added

Physics Chemistry

In Apply


Modern Chevron




Circuits of Calbon-

We would

Mathematics office


like to take this opportunity

to welcome






evening, ter 5 30 IF you




a used

cheaply, about






week bicycle at





743-1314 you















the University

Equipped the Ultimate

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to Westmount

-Now In Our 2nd Year Serving



to U. of W. and

In And

See Us - Inspect

Our Clean,





70 Westmount

Around Corner





Let Us Drive You To U. of W. Wednesday

10 September

7969 (70: 74)







report U.S. profs hired bet there are no native




42 King St. N. Wat 160 King St. E. Kit.


Interim administration president Ho ward Petch was on vacation when Robin Mathews’ report on the Americanization of the University of Waterloo was released. The following statement, dated 3 September, discuss some of the problems which resulted in an increasing number of American professors being hired by Canadian universities. The text is slightly abridged.

by Howard


on the


The University of Waterloo is a Canadian institution. Our primary aim is to provide relevant programs in higher education for Canadians and to conduct research of which a good portion will be aimed specifically at Canadian problems. Ninety-two percent of our 5,000 alumni are living and working in Canada. More than 90 percent of our 10,000 students are Canadians. We do not have a head count of citizenship of 1500 staff members but I would be very much surprised if fewer than 90 percent were Canadians. Nor do we have a head count by citizenship of the 600 members of our faculty. By adopting the Mathews criterion of using the university where a person took his first degl’ee as an indication of citizenship, it would appear that between 55 and 60 per cent of our faculty members are Canadian and few-. er than 20 per cent are American. Of those from other countries, we do not know how many are now Canadian citizens or landed immigrants. We do not know these things because they are relatively unimportant. The important factors are the competence of the faculty, the content of courses, and the quality of teaching and scholarly work. We have sought, we are seeking, and we shall continue to seek excellence in all of these areas.

From a consideration of seven of our 34 departments, Mathews accuses the 1Jniversity of Waterloo of de-Canadianization and over-Americanization and goes on to hurl this charge at Canadian universities in general. There was no attempt to examine how and why faculty members are hired, no attempt to understand the development of the universities in Canada and of the University of Waterloo in particular, and no attempt to discuss these matters with people who could provide the information. In normal circumstances a Canadian university ought to be staffed and managed mainly by Canadians. But circumstances have not been normal for Canadian universities for the past decade. This period has seen a growth in student numbers unprecendented in our country’s history.

to all Off-CAMPUS STUDENTS To better your


accommodate for telephone

Bell Canada’s will extend Monday



9:00 p.m.









its hours

September If you


to 18th.

a telephone university,

call 742-350 Kitchener


According to the Dominion bureau of statistics, (DBS) the enrollment of full-time university students increased from 158,388 in 1963-64 to 270,093 in 1968-69, a total increase of 111,705 in a five-year period. The corresponding increase in Ontario alone was 48,398. This has created an enormous need for buildings If one uses the common and university teachers. ratio of 15 students to one professor, the above increase in enrolled students developed a requirement for 7447 additional professors in Canada and for 3227 in Ontario alone. The phsical facilities needed to keep up with the everYgrowing number of students have been provided primarily through financial assistance from the Provincial governments. A much greater problem has been to staff the universities because of the length of time it takes to prepare a university teacher.

For a university which plans to offer both undergraduate and graduate education, it is generally conceded that in most fields the minimum qualification for a university teacher is a Ph. D. degree or equivalent. Thus the potential university teacher must spend, after completing highschool, approximately eight years at university of which four will have been spent in graduate studies. Again according to DBS, Canadian univervities awarded PhD degrees to a total of 3541 candidates in all fields between 1963 and 1968. Of these, some would be hired by industry and business; some by government; some would go on for postdoctoral studies; some would emigrate to the US and some non-Canadians would. return to their country of origin. Perhaps two-thirds, or only 2361 were available to meet the need for university teachers in all of Canada which we had calculated to be 7447. In other words, there was about one PhD graduate from a Canadian university for every three university positions potentially available. In fact, the total output of potentially available university teachers by all the universities in Canada was not sufficient to meet the needs of Ontario alone.


792 the Chevron

To make the picture even bleaker, the distribution of PhD’s granted in the various subjects is very uneven. Because of .a lack of financial support for graduate students and research in the humanities and social sciences, growth in graduate studies in these areas has lagged behind that which has taken place in the natural and applied sciences. In 1963, the Ontario graduate fellowship scheme was introduced with the primary aim of increasing the number of university teachers in the humanities and social sciences. This is still the most farsighted and imaginative scholarship programme at the graduate level undertaken by any provincial government but its benefits are only beginning to be felt as far as the supply of university teachers is concerned. A few dramatic examples might help to emphasize this point. During the past five years, Canadian universities produced only four PhD’s in sociology yet in this same period, the staffs of the sociology departments at the Universities of Waterloo and Alberta, singled out for particular abuse by Mathews, grew from zero to 14 and from 3 to 31, respectively.

There were no PhD’s granted in five arts. in anthropology, five in political science and economics in the same 5-year period. In areas, we find that the PhD production has running at approximately 10 a year in history a little better than 15 a year in english and sophy, although a substantial improvement \ ginning to appear.

five 21 in other

been and philois be-

In such a situation one might well ask how the universities have been able to maintain the balance of Canadian staff as high as it is. The answer is that during this period while our graduate schools have- been building up, other countries, particularly the U.S., have accepted and have financially supported and educated in their universities large numbers of Canadian graduate students. Many of these have returned to Canada to accept teaching posts in our universities. The. problem has been particularly acute in the social sciences because of the lack of a foundation on whicli to build. Even at major Canadian universities the development of full undergraduate programs in the social sciences is very recent. ’ Consequently, we were not even turning out sufficient social scientists at the BA level who could go to other countries for advanced training and return as professors. The social sciences are primarily development and in these areas schools in the U.S. are the best in has been natural therefore for the iversities to seek professors for the in the United Sates.

an American the graduate the world. It Canadian unsocial sciences

Since Mathews has attacked Americans in particular, I should point out certain advantages in recruiting Americans in a time of a severe shortage of Canadians. Neither language nor major cultural difference create problems and the Canadian and American university systems are so similar that Americans find it easy to adjust to our ways. These factors make it particularly easy for a Canadian university to assimilate American professors. Thus, the picture o$ development we find in the universities is that on the average, student enrollment has been growing at about three times the rate at which potential university teachers were being graduated by the Canadian universities, but the situation is much worse in certain subjects.

The various alternatives open to the universities would have been to refuse admission to thousands of students.; to hire professors from other countries; to hire unqualified persons or to allow the student-to-professor ratio to deteriorate to an impossible level. The universities have chosen to hire professors from other countries: any other choice would have led to a national disaster. This imbalance of supply and demand for university professors in Canada is a temporary problem. Already graduate st.udies in the natural and applied sciences have been developed to the point that the universities are meeting the demands of industry, government and the universities for PhD graduates. Comparable development in the humanities and the social sciences has been impossible because of the lack of financial support for graduate students and scholarly work in these areas. If such support were made available now on a sufficient scale it is possible that within ten years Canada could be self supporting in terms of university professors.


with 21 ~o~~e~~tive units in 4 ree other leagues, as well as levels of jock activity, men’s intram~ral sports hopes to attract increased student ~arti~i~at~on. *e.. -^ _ _ . The four levels are competative, recreational, instructional and athletic-cub activities. The ~om~etit~ve program, what was formerly known as the intramural program itself, is being expanded and r~rgani~ed this year. “With the increasing enrolment, new residences and a genuine need to interest the freshmen, seven new units and a new league have said intramurals been added,” director Peter rookies. The four leagues are organized as folio ws : ~E~~~E~~E-ea~h of the four church colleges and the Co-op; VILLMX--each of the four quadrants plus Habitat; UP11-v-t vl* /*vTr ?nxt ----- --- --A:.“--upper math, upper arts, all science and all phys-ed; and NEW ~~~~~-optometry, envirfrosh onmental-studies, grads, ing,

The radical student movement is preparing for its fall offensive on the recreational football field. If you’ve tried deal-~-Tommie (~44-~~~) lately and heard a three-week-old blurb, its because they’re all out on the turf pickingup the football, ~ro~ng the football and attempting to catch the football. Ht is not known yet whether the

arts, frosh eering.


and frosh engin-

Hopkins said they expected some initial organizatio~ difficulabitat, so that -initially the men that residence will compete in one unit only. After Habitat gets organ~zed it will probably be allow\ed to expand to more units. ’ The first two competitive activities of the fall term will be golf and a frosh tricycle race. Golf is at the Foxwood golf course on September 17, 18 and 19. The frosh two-mau trike race will be at Seagram stadium monday 22 September. The trike finals will be rum at halftime in .tbe warriors-at. Mary’s football game. The recreational level is geared to leisure-time activities. Times and facilities have been set aside CA, .k?-a, A..:---- --- - A 1 1 ‘ tivities will be organiaed to catch the overflow from the competitive level, particularly basketball, floor hockey and hockey. The intra-

mural news and other ‘flyers will carry detailed information. ‘ “More effort is being placed on our third level this year-intructional,” said Hopkins. Complete :-,b”...,*:‘..” t,as ----ilable LIlsL1-ucblwIl ava in swimBRT-,#. -1”:11, ming and squash. NW-~ SKW be taught depending on student L11terest. “‘The last and newest are; I is athletic clubs. Presently this I( ?vel is under investig-“-- aLswIll -as- Leo its exact status and ar -ea of res~ns~bIIP~XIPXI &cl@ just ility. A national La, I bJ llUJ been completed and exact poli; 5es regarding these clubs will be fol rthcoming, ” said Hopkins. Other attempts will be made to 1--__--_-_ - - - stPldent interest--- -----and ----___--___-----~arti~i~atiou in intramurals programs. Provincial workshops will be knl A 4&r rrtramrir9icz RllliCdL aircwhnrc; b.\rW&i b IIULU &“A idLlC& 6.815fl\PIL discuss problems and gain new idccl3.

Unit reps will conduct an intramural interest survey in october. An attempt will be made to determine the free-time periods for the majority of studen& on campus to make optimum use of recrea- tional facilities. “It is the hope of the intramurals various factions will. each field a that these changes team. The w~~en9s group has in- department will improve the student participasisted on equal rights. tion in the programs. If students Peter ~arrian has won his ap- have further questions they are peal against the import status or- invited to see me,” concluded Hopiginally a~~~~ed to him. ~arr~an claimed he was not an outside agi- kins. Hopkins office is in the reereatator because be had spent three tion center-also known as the years at Uniwat as an undergradphys-ed complex and the registrauate before his year as president tion’s~hed~ling eenter. of the Canadian scion of Students.

To C. Nichoi-we cannot consider your submissioh as feedback. If you wish to &sue this matter further, please contact the editorin-chief. -the lettitor

Students in running

Friday, October



by Christopher

National Players, Washington+ D.C. “A mod\ern verse comedy of spirit and Friday, November



BREL IS ALIVE AND WELL AND 1 LIVING IN PARIS” A record breaking hit Original Toronto Cast


Saturday, March




should share departments

Waterloo is a good university, not a perfect one. I’ think studtints should share in the government of the university at all levels, including the administration of departments. Actually though, this is, a view which is thoroughly determined by self-interest: technically I am still a student of the University , of -Toron to. I agree with you that not many of my colleagues like the idea of students interfering in departfnenta1 affairs. You may be interested to know that the Waterloo English department has a regulation per,mitting student participation in committee work. So far no stud-’ ents have shown any interest in doing so. As I say, Waterloo has some .way to go yet. MICHAEL ESTOK lecturer-English department

S. Hurok presents “THE BARROW. POETS”, London, England A new,,-zany apprqach to a poetry the Beatles were whe,h they first

Letter to Silly Graham questions his priorities

session. As offbeat as started in a Liverpool



STANLEY KAUFFMANN, “Looking at Films” Admission 5Oc

film critic






WILLIAM J. LEDERER, co-author of “The Ugly American” “America and the World: A New DIrection” An unstructured dialogue Admission 5Oc Wednesday, January 21 STANLEY BURKE, CBC-TV newscaster “English-French Relations:’ Admission 5Oc .


Wednesday, March 18 DR. MURRAY BANKS, psychologist “Just in Case You Think You’re Normal!” ’ Admission $1 .OO All lectures in the Theatre of the Arts at 4:15 P.M.



Sunday, October 26 VAGHY STRING QUARTET - Quartet-in-residence, Queen’s University Programme-Mozart, Prokofieff, Debussy


Sunday, January 25 TSUYOSHI TSUTSUMI, cellist Artist-in-residence, University of Western Ontario Programme-Beethoven, Bach, Mendelssohn, Milhaud, Davidoff ,All programmes in the Theatre of the Arts at 8:00 P.M. Admission $1.00, Students 5Oc

Symphy Number 6 Duorak Wa Ilenstein’s Camp; Smetana floor $2.50, $2.00 Upper I3teachers $1.60



Student coupon book includes bonus coupons $1 .OO on any price T.S.O. ticket. .

Coupon- B,o.oli


I have something to say on be~half of university students ‘in the form of an open letter to Billy Graham : On august 23 I watched your crusade from Melbourne Australia which was attended 75 per cent by people under twenty-five. Mr. Graham, I am under twenty-five and very disappointed because you failed tb mention any of my concerns. However, I was ,grateful that- you acknowledged my existen&; Iaam one of tbse university-bred skeptical youths who asked you all of those-boring questions $. Harvard,, Yale, Cam* bridge and Oxford. ’ What I want to know“Mr. Graham is: how do you stand on civil rights in America, South Africa and Ulster; U.S. jmperialism and military intervention in southeast Asia and Latin America;- Athe p?ranoic stockpiling, to! . gtomic < weapons; gen&ide in Biafra ; sttidents’ rights, on &i-n-. pus ; and the plight of all the un-_ derprivileged in world societi\es? Like Jesus, Mr. Graham, you , tried to speak in the language of your au,dience, but you faile,dj tospeak about those ‘issues which concern all reasonable, aware, and “religious” youth of today. Mr. Graham, it is inconceivable that you cou!d be u&ware of --this fact, and I can only conclude that you have copped out. And what is more tragic i.s that you have encouraged many thousands of religiously insecure youths to do the same. Mr. Graham, Jesus was a re- ,’ ligous and necessarily political radical who wasn’t afraid to’rock the boa;t. PETER




194 the Chevron


LANG alumnus





feedback The poetry the aardwold

corner rettirns: is a quadruped

I have been reading with considerable interest and occasional amusement the published accounts of a seminar called “The newspaper in the classroom,” which has been going on at the university this past week. What particularly attracted my attention was an item in the K-W Record, quoting Norman Smith of the Ottawa Journal: Mr. Smith has made the startling discovery that people read bad news. They pass right over the cheering items, according to Mr. Smith, and focus their attention on bad news. Well, I took this to heart, and tried my best to find a cheering item. The front page was


ali filled with war, hurricane, religious riots, etc., which of course I wasn’t supposed to notice; and it was somewhat difficult to locate something cheering, but finally I found it tucked away on page 2-- a filler item stating that the aardwold is a quadruped. Isn ‘t that edifying? I felt that the discovery ought to be immortalized in verse, just to prove that the reader doesn’t ALWAYS pass up the cheering items and “give more attention to the bad news” as Norman Smith alleges. The result is enclosed. Yours for enlightened journalism IAN BOYDEN

Now carrying Claire Haddad lingerie

Hurricane Death 7

corner king & ontario 578-0090

Now 170 TODAY’S CHEERING NEWS I’ve read my paper, page by page, from top to bottom, A to Zed, and all was bad news save for this “The


is a quadruped.

I found that filler on page 2; It helped to soothe my aching head; for heretofore I never knew the aardwold was a quadruped.

We in the Book Store .-.,.. lyl vvuIU to making your acquaintance and to have the opportunity of serving you during ttie next few years.

Lives in East Africa, we’re told, and in South Africa as well. Tha aardwold is hyena-like (although more difficult to spell. )


Take note, you crossword puzzle this fact may stand you in good s a native to South Africa the aardwold is a quadruped. High Winds Lash Gulf Coast, headlines Dire Hurricane Leaves Toll of Dead.

The aardwold goes his peaceful way without a thought of fear or dread. Israeli

The Store is located in South Campus Hall (Food Services and Book Store BuildincA

1 Hours during


Rush are as follows:

- Sept.


- Sept.

15 - 19

- 8:30

- Sept.


- 9:OOa.m.

- Sept.


- 8:3O

- 5:00


- Sept.

29 - Oct. 2 - 8:30

- 5:00



- 8:30


- 8:30

- 26

Jets Hit Arab Base.

(another item from page one) The aardwold gives no thought to war: He doesn’t even tote a gun.

- Oct.


- 5:0/o - 9:00

- Regular

We look forward

p.m. p.m.

- 12:30p.m.

hours resume

to the pleasure

- 6:30


- 8:30-

of serving


5:00 p.m


Canberra: 18,000 Births To Teen-aged Mothers, All Unwed.

The aardwold sees no harm in that for he’s a care-free quadruped. New Wave of Bombing Hits Quebec, Blame Bearded Rebels, Premier Sai

Disturbing news, but what the heck? The aardwold is a quadruped.


In Belfast, British Troops Stand Guard-Religious Riots Leave Six Dead

The aardwold a non-religious Of cheering

stays divinely quadruped. news, there’s

calm, such a dearth



7969 (10: 14)













Rooshikumsr (Act.



by James Glenn Toronto



The Toronto board of education’s regulations state: “. . . teachers shall . . . refrain from expressing anywhere opinions adverse to British institutions or sentiments disloyal to the Crown. ” The Ontario department of education goes one better: “The teacher shall inculcate by precept and example respect for religion and principles of Christian morality, and the highest regard for love of country, humanity, sobriety, industry, purity, temperance and all (Schools adminiother virtues.” stration act, section 25.) We are told we must n9t introduce politics into the schools, but is our school system really nonpolitical? Even a cursory examinatibn would show that our educational system is not a political vacuum. The schools themselves are concerned with educating the students at a tender age to accept the present order of things in the world today. Much of the school time is devoted to making sure the students come out of school with the right political thoughts in their heads. The most revealing evidence of this is the textbooks. Can we consider these texts as neutral, unbiased or non-political? Let’s examine some - the grade 9 history text Proud Ages by George E. Tait sums up the life of Cecil Rhodes in this way: “Rhodes will always be remembered as one of the great builders of the British empire . . . with respect. and ad-



History texts

- sitar

Tabla and Tamboura)

THEATRE OF THE ARTS Sat., Sept. 27; 8:30 pm Tickets available at Graduate Registration and at-Theatre Box Office


The standard by Liberation



News Service

An uneasy calm settled over racially tense . . . . . . . . . . today as National Guardsmen and police stood by in case of renewed outbreaks of trouble. The. . . . . . . . . . side of the city has been wracked by sporadic sniper fire, looting and arson for. . . . . . . . nights. Mayor . . . . . . :.-.. . . . . ..I . . . . . . said . . . . . . . . . . day: “I think we have the situation under control. ” The trouble broke out. . . . . . . . . . day night as rumors spread through the. ..I ...... Side ghetto area th& a ...... year-old Negro .......... had been shot by a policeman while .......... a ........... persons, including. ... .......... police and ..... .fiyeman, have been injured in the violence.



miration, too, for #his connection with the Rhodes scholarships. ” Tait neglects to mention that Rhodes made millions of dollars by forcing the black people of South Africa to work mining diamonds for him. In return he gave them starvation, brutal oppression and an inhuman way of life. He doesn’t mention that Rhodes was a great believer in apartheid nor the fact that the British empire was founded and maintained by exploiting peoples around the world. In the section Problems of

says : “Between 1950 and 1955 you invested 2 billion dollars (in Latin America), made 3% billion and took back to the States IV2 billHe explains that the Alliion.” ance for Progress (the U. S. aid plan for Latin America) means simply that a few crumbs get tossed back to Latin America . . . And do these crumbs go to the Fuentes tells us that it people? all goes into the “bank accounts of a handful of people. to the importation of luxurious automo-


And what do these textbooks say about south east Asia - about Vietnam’? ‘In W. Bruce Braud and John K. Wood’s Geography for Canadians the American military is justified in invading Vietnam because ‘. . . . the new nations are not wealthy enough to maintain the large military forces necessary to destroy those sizeable Communist rebel groups”. The real reasons for the U. S.

A m erican


in the history text Modern Era by J. C. Ricker and J. T: Saywell, one of the problems mentioned is American trade unions. It is pointed out that they could be “a menace to the individual in a democracy”. This stands in sharp contradiction to the real world where trade unions are involved in continuous battles to protect the interests of the working people against the big monopoly business. Later on in this section, the authors talk about the “fabulous prosperity” which allows the U.S. to give generous gifts, loans and technical assistance . . . to show her, goodwill to all nations and buttress the poorer countries against Communism by increasing their prosperity”. Every word oi this is false. Car10s Fuentes, a famed Mexican novelist, points out in his 1962 essay A Latin American Speaks to North Americans where that “fabulous prosperity” comes from. Speaking to the U. S. he

news story Negro leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , the Rev. . . . . . . . . . . and . . . . . . . . . . Jones toured the riot area. . . . . day night in- an attempt to restore calm. ‘ ‘IJ’s just a small percentage of trouble makers and kids causing the problem out there,” said weary Police Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Most of the people want law and order just like we do.” The riot area is near the scene of the 19. . . . riot which took . . . . . . lives and caused $. . . . million damage. Mayor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . said he would appoint a committee of leaders to investigate the rioting. Shot and killed. ..... day night was ........ of ...... , ....... .Street. Patrolman .............. said he shot the boy as he saw the youth turn and approach him in a “threatening manner.”

biles . . . *’ And the people of Latin America continue to starve.

aggression in Vietnam have nothing to do with protecting the Vietnamese. The late ex-president Eisenhower stated it clearly as early as 1953 when he said: “Let us assume we lost IndoChina (including Vietnam). If Indo-China goes several things happen right away. The tin and tungsten that we so greatly value in that area would cease coming. . . . So when the U. S. votes $4,000,000 to help the war, we are not voting a give-away program. We are voting for the cheapest way that we can prevent the occurrence of something that would be of a most terrible significance to the U.S., our security, our power and ability. to get certain things from the riches of Indo-Chinese territory and from south east Asia. ” As Eisenhower clearly stated, the U.S. is in Vietnam to protect profit not people - .U.S. profit. And they are having to fight the whole Vietnamese people to do it. As the American generals have said over and over again to the troops, they can’t trust any Viet-namese person even if he is supposed to be a friendly one. The U. S. troops are invaders in a foreign land and there can be no peace in Vietnam until they get out. Pretty soon one begins to understand what “brainwashing” really is - it’s the process that takes place in Canadian schools. The problem is that teachers and students have little or no control over the school system. It is impossible for a few individuals to rectify this alone.

.( . I

I ^


_’ $1




. ,.,I


j ,



I .1

\I I

. , _,


103 KING ST.NORTH Waterloo .I nwel


578-7410 20

196 the Chevron

Wild Cat/LNS cartoon

PPcdP spends

$8000 but.



New signs muddled and to international standard



by Bob Verdun Chevron staff

Suppose you had $8000 and wanted a complete road-sign system for your 250:acre playground. If you were an architect, you would probably know to consult a graphic designer. If you weren’t, you’d probably take your example from an effective sign system such as the one at expo 67. If you were an architect, you would ensure that wherever applicable, you would use the standard (and often international) symbols. If you weren’t, you’d still probably use standard signs where applicable and common sense otherwise. The university’s physical-plant and planning department recently installed $8000 worth of new road signs-without consulting a graphic designer ; without following expo’s effective lead; without using either standard or international symbols ; and without any common sense. Most amazing is that PP&P’s director Bill Lobban is an architect. If he reads the professional journal published by the architects’ licensing body, he should know that architects desiring a sign system should consult a graphic designer with some experience in the use of signs. PP&P’s signs, however, were designed by a PP&P’s draftsman. No one in the university’s graphic services department was approached. Brief perusal of the november 1967 issue of the Canadian architects’ professional journal shows that PP&P’s new sign system ignores almost every policy including the use of a knowledgable consultant. The only redeeming feature of the sign system is that the basic design is consistent-a black twolegged frame enclosing a rectangular sign. The most blatant bungle is the use of non-standard traffic instructions designs for such common These particular signs are STOP and YIELD. among the many that ar’e becoming standard internationally. The NO EXIT sign will be easily mistaken for a stop sign. Confusion aside, you can buy a lot of standard stop signs at $15 each with $8000. But then $8000 is a drop in the bucket by PP&P standards. But that’s just the beginning of the problems. Most of the lettering on the other signs is too small to be &sily comprehended by a passing motorist. Many of the signs face parallel to the raceway and cannot be read until the car is opposite the sign. The lettering, for “unauthorized vehicles will be towed away” is just plain inconspicuous. All of the lettering on the signs is in capital letters. A graphic designer would know that studies have shown lower case letters are much more comprehensible. The direction signs to the Village have white arrows on a gold background. At night under headlights, the white and gold are indistinguishable, except at v.ery close range. Some of the illustrations are inappropriate. The silhouette of the central services complex looks as much like a church as anything else. The vehicle on the parking lot signs is a station-wagon-but maybe we should be happy they didn’t use a Cadillac or something equally uncommon.


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of dollars in commission by dealing directly with the SELLER through our private sales bureau. PRINCIPAL’S will send you vital facts & photos of houses that meet your needs FREE OF CHARGE. The following are representative of many properties we have on our books. WATERLOO: Moccasin Drive, 1% year old 3 Bedroom raised bungalow, single attached garage, panelled den, recreation room with fireplace roughed in. Large trees in front yard, shrubbed & treed - $30,925.00 back yard. Sliding doors off dining room to patio. KITCHENER: Lincoln Road, Brick veneer raised colonial Bungalow, broadloom in living room, dining room & 3 bedrooms, large family room down with natural fireplace and panelled den. Many ex$32,908: 00 tras. Priced at only Call Gerry Williamson 578-7700 ‘sell Your Home One Fee $95. No Commission Visit our “Gallery of Properties: at 950 King St., W., Kitchener.

The traditional campus favorite in classic ivy cut. Casual and dress-up fabrics in the colors you want, with a crease that never comes out! Nobody makes Sta-Rest but Levi’s!

Another of the signs whose arrows disappear in after-dark headlights: this one had an added funny until PPandP realized St. Paul S wasn’t spelled R-e-n-e-s-o-n and changed it,

19 King North,





743-487 1 1969(10:74)



/Al POLfTlCS--

This hoax cost a trillion


in 25 years

by 1. F. Stone

HE BASIC ISSUE behind the ABM debate, but rarely mentioned in it, was touched upon in the minority report from inside the Senate Armed Services Committee. Of the seven members who voted against the ABM, three-Symington, Young of Ohio and Inouye-signed a dissenting opinion which said-


The American people have lived with fears of a Soviet attack for some quarter of a century, ever since World War II, and have expended a thousand billion dollars on defense in recognition of this possible danger. These gigantic expenditures have been detrimental to many other plans, programs and policies which now also appear vitally important to the security and well-being of this Nation. The American people now know that many billions of these dollars spent on defense have been wasted.

The truth is that we have spent a trillion dollars since World War II on a gigantic hoax. The U.S. emerged from World War II, as from World War I, virtually unscathed, enormously enriched and-with the atom bomb-immeasurably more powefful than any nation on earth had ever been. The notion that it was in danger of attack from a devastated Soviet Union with 25 million war dead, a generation behind it in industrial development, was a wicked fantasy. But this myth has been the mainstay of the military and the war machine. projecting

one’s own worst impulses,

Until this bogeyman is disposed of, there will always be an ABM. There will always be some new device offered us in panic as necessary to our security. Until the opposition moves from the technical details of weaponrywhether ABM or MIRV-to an attack on this underlying obsession with a Soviet attack, we’re never going to bring the arms budget and the arms race under control. At a hearing of his Senate Foreign Relations Committee on MIRV July 16, Senator Fulbright put his finger on the essential point when he said the Pentagon experts“seem to assume, I have never been quite clear why, that they (the Russians) have only one object in life and that is to

destroy the United States, and everything else is subordinate to that objective. I do not accept that.” A psychologist would say that such a view projects on the Rival or Enemy the worst impulses of one’s own heart. In a cold war speech which sounded as if it came right out of deep freeze in the Fifties, Jackson told the Senate in a pro-ABM speech July 9 it was essential to know one’s enemy. It is even more essential to know oneself. Jackson’s speech might have been written by John Foster Dulles. All the forces of Light were on our side; all the forces of Darkness, on the other. In a world of demonology, there can be no diplomacy. If both sides are human, equally fallible and fearful, then compromise and accommodation are possible. But if it is the Devil in new guise who sits at the other side of the table, one cannot negotiate. One can only frighten or “deter” him, and hold in reserve weapons *fearsome enough to destroy him, if he slyly ventures an attack. In such a world the problems are purely technical and military. Their solution requires ever better and more numerous weapons. In such a world there can be no limit to military budgets and military power. That’s why the military men on both sides prefer it. “The point,“’ Cranston of California said in an anti-ABM speech July 18, “was perhaps made most succinctly a couple of months ago by a Soviet Embassy official in Washington. ‘If the Americans want to throw away $7 billion on this toy,’ he said of the AMB, ‘it only means that our militarists will want more missiles, and that your militarists will want more missiles, and there it goes. ” By this route “there it goes” will some day be the whole planet going up in a forest of mushroom clouds. The basic issue is philosophical

The basic issue is philosophical, not technological. If the philosophical premises are those of the military, the technological argument cannot be won. It is not just that the military can reveal what suits them and censor what doesn’t. In a world conceived as a melodramatic confron-

tation between Good and Evil, it will always seem more “prudent” to run the risk of wasting a few more billions of dollars than sudden apoclayptic destruction one dark night. “Perhaps the worst implication of the ABM debate,” Senator Young of Ohio said July 14, “is the fact that it will help to continue the deception that there is a technical solution to the dilemma of the nuclear age. This false hope would be extremely dangerous if it diverted us from efforts to find a solution in the only place where it may be found-in a political and diplomatic search for peace combined with arms limitation and disarmament measures. ” This the Pentagon fears far more than Communism. The menace of Communism is its necessary twin, the vital element without which its dramaturgy would collapse. Its real enemy is a world without an arms race, a world freed from the fear of war. The men to watch are those who would cloak the military in the shining armor of another crusade for liberty. After Jackson’s speech July 9, Fulbright said soberly “all we are doing is following the traditional way of dealing with possible enemies by building more and more arms.” Jackson responded in language which has so often led humanity to destruction. “The basic problem,” he replied, “is not new. It is the age-old problem of preserving and nourishing individual liberty.” It was the ultimate in irony to hear Jackson complain that “liberals are slandered” in the Soviet Union and “travel abroad is denied dissenters” and to see Tower of Texas rise to congratulate him. We never knew they cared. Jackson’s comrade-in-arms, Nixon, launched his career by slandering liberals and was vice president of an administration which denied dissenters the right to travel. The new repression reviving under Nixon bears a strong family resemblance to the reviving Stalinism Jackson deplores in the Soviet Union. The military machines and their pied pipers are the first on both sides to urge “liberation” abroad while imposing oppression at home. from the I.F. Stone Weekly,


D.C., july, 69.


The social by Meldon

HE STREETS OF OUR country are in turmoil. The universities are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country. Russia is threatening us with her might. And the republic is in danger. Yes, danger from within and without. We need law and order... without law and order our nation cannot survive.. . . . ” These words were spoken in 1932 by Adolf Hitler . We have heard almost every one of those assertions used this year in this country as justifications for repressing student protests. Instead of adjudicating the legitimate causes of the dissatisfaction, our political and social leaders have searched for explanations which deny either the validity or the pervasiveness of the dissent. What is this protest all about? You have told us repeatedly that trust and courage were standards to emulate. You have convinced us that equality and justice were inviolable concepts. You have taught us that authority should be guided by reason and tempered by fairness. And we have taken you seriously. We have accepted your principles-and have tried to implement them. But we have found this task to be less than easy. Almost every one of us has faced the inflexibility and the insensitivity of our system. To those who would argue that the system has been responsive, there is a oneword answer:Vietnam. It is not a weakness but a strength of American education that enables us to understand the absurdity of the premises which control our policy in Vietnam and which threaten to embroil us elsewhere. We have tried every possible peaceful means to change our disastrous course. We have signed petitions. We have written to our congressmen. We have had teachins. We have marched. We have reasoned with anyone who would listen. And, in 1968, after years of peaceful protest and





of avoiding

real issues


198 the Chevron

after the American people had spoken in primary after primary in favor of a change, we were not even given a choice in Vietnam. We have grown weary of being promised a dialogue. What we urgently need is a meaningful response. Our experience with Vietnam reflects the type of frustration we face every time we press for change. We are told to follow “the system. ” But when I look at not underthat “system, ” I see rules-but standing. I see standards-but not compassion. * * * And although our complaints are more with society than with the university, the university itself is not an illogical target. Some students believe it contributes to oppressive social policies and most of us feel that it has become, in an unresponsive system, the only means whereby we can focus attention on the most serious injustices which continue to infect our nation. And the university, too, has tenaciously resisted change. Six years ago, I was elected president of the student body at Berkeley. I ran on a moderate platformone calling for educational reform, increased university involvement in the community and student participation in academic decision-making. Since that time, I have received degrees at Berkeley, at Princeton and at Harvard. And I have heard my fellow students raise the same issues-time and again. And time and again, I have witnessed the university’s response: a committee will be formed, and the issues will be discussed. * * * Year after year, the result is the same. And eventually the tactic of setting up committees is discredited. They come to be seen as a device to buy time rather than to make changes; an opportunity to stall until another class of undergraduates leaves the school, removing that particular thorn from the university’s side as they go-

Thus, the university and the society respond the same way to our appeals for change: a direct confrontation of ideas is refused and the issues raised are avoided. But explaining the issues away won’t make them go away. And the frustration which comes both from the issues themselves and from the continual denial of their existence touches all segments of the campus. If anyone still doubts the depth of the conviction, I ask him to witness the intensity with which it is felt. I ask him to review the efforts of my classmates. These efforts were pursued not as a sacrifice, though. sacrifices were made; not as a risk, though risks were involved; not to gain praise, though praise they deserve, but because this was necessary to achieve the ideals which you have held forth for us. They chose to work with poor people in Appalachia and with black people in Mississippi and in urban ghettos. They persevered in calling attention to the injustices in Vietnam, despite accusations of disloyalty to their country. And when the price was raised to include physical danger, they exhibited courage and did not waverin Chicago 7 in Berkeley, and in Cambridge. Now, for attempting to achieve the values which you have taught us to cherish, your response has been astounding. It has escalated from the presence of police on the campuses to their use of clubs and of gas. At Berkeley in May, the state ordered a helicopter to gas the campus from the sky and ordered the police to shoot protesters from the street. Whether the victims had themselves engaged in violence seems to have made little difference. * * * When this type of violent repression replaces the search for reasonable alternatives, Americans are allowing their most fundamental ideals to be compromised. What do you think that response does to students? It drives the wedge even deeper. It cre-

ates solidarity among a previously divided‘ group, committing the uncommitted and radicalizing the moderates. I have asked many of my classmates what they wanted me to say in this address. “Talk with them about hypocrisy,” most of them said. “Tell them they have broken the best heads in the country, embittered the most creative minds and turned off their most talented scholars. Tell them they have destroyed our confidence and lost our respect. Tell them that, as they use the phrase, ‘law and order’ is merely a substitute for reason and an alternative to justice. ” Continuing to explain the conflict away will only serve to heighten the frustration. It can no longer be denied. Once you reccognize that it pervades the campusesthat it affects more than a discontented few-how will you respond? * * * Do far, we have been unable to understand your response. You have given us our visions and then asked us to curb them. You have offered us dreams and then urged us to abandon them. You have made us idealists and then told us to go slowly. We have been asking for no more than what you have taught us is right. We can’t understand why you have been so offended. But as the repression continues, as the pressure increases, as the stakes become higher and the risks greater, we can do nothing but resist more strongly and refuse more adamantly. For it would be unthinkable to abandon principle because we were threatened or to compromise ideals because we were repressed. We are asking that you allow us to realize the very values which you have held forth. And we think you should be with us in our quest. Meldon Levine graduated with honors last june from Harvard law school. This is the critical commencement address he delivered at that time.

B’usiness as usual The war in Vietnam will soon be over-it’s only a matter of time. That’s what we’re being told. But it just ain’t true. Nixon’s first withdrawal of 25,000 troops was a mere token and now he has delayed announcing further withdrawals. There is e;idence that even the token withdrawal was phony. In the july 11 New York Times, Steven Roberts reports: SEA TTL E, july 7 O-Rain, martial music, pretty girls, ticker tape... greeted. the first G/s pulled out of Vietnam in president Nixon s effort to de-escalate the war. The 874 members of the 3rd battalion, 60th infan try, 9 th infan try division landed McChord airforce yesterday at base. . . Fe wer than 200 of the men actually fought in the 3rd battalion in the Mekong delta area of Vietnam. When the transfer order came, those with time left to serve in Vietnam were moved to other units and the battalioh was filled with men ready to return home. The men will not be specifically replaced in Vietnam, but the day they landed at McChord, more than 7000 fresh troops left the base for a year’s tour in the war zone. This month more than 70,000 others will follo w them. I’

There is a strong indication that the United States government has realized that they can’t win in Vietnam simply because the Vietnamese people’won’t let them. After all how many small countries can handle the outside forces of major powers for 20 years with only. minimal and non-manpower support from their own big-power allies? Uncle Sam may have decided the Vietnamese really want to be tommies, but he won’t leave them alone. U.S. armed forces will hold what areas they can through military might alone, probably forgetting about trying for total victory. If they can’t win, they might’as well s’ettle for a tie. Thk tie will theoretically prevent the “sweep of the communist hord across southeast Asia” that we’ve heard so much about. For awhile anyway it will be business- as usual in the rest of southeast Asia. As Phillipine foreign secretary Carlos Romulo said after Nixon’s july visit, “It is to the national interest of America that there should be an American presence here. . ..She cannot abandon more than 1,000,000,000 people who are a rich market for American products. ” What’s the cost of half a million troops stationed in Vietnam compared to all the profits big, patriotic. American corporations will reap in the rest of southeast Asia? And as a side benefit. Uncle Sam will be keeping all those south Vietnamese peoplefree.

Mate Cng our rhetoric to reality As members of Canadian University Press we accept the principle that we are an agent of social change, continually striving to emphasize the rights and responsibilities of the student as a citizen. This educative function must also embody the stimulation of student awareness, while examining the issues the professional press ignores. As a university newspaper we

Ridiculous The K-W Record, in all its wisdom, had the following analysis of the problem of American professors in the Canadian universities.. . Essentially, he (Petch) says that there are Americans teaching at lJ of W for the same kind of reasons as there are Canadians drawing salaries from professional hockey clubs in the United States. If you need hockey players to fill out an expanded National Hockey league team, you look where the trained players are to be found. That‘s Canada. If you need professors to fill out the faculties in a period of rapid expansion you look where the trained academics are. Very often that turns out to be the United States.

It’s really too bad that the whole problem can’t be boiled down to a hockey game. That all-American approach advocated by the Record is the same one that keeps white teachers in black schools and gives blacks ~good jobs only. in sports in the U.S.

find ourselves in the paradoxical situation of being in an institution rhetorically dedicated to the search for truth, which possesses some of the resources and facilities for such a search and admi,ts none of the need for finding a truth other than the status-quo. The Chevron’s role is to challenge that rhetoric, try to improve the resources and facilities and emphatically prove the need for that truth called social change. Having adopted such rhetoric for ourselves, we cannot possibly say we are objective. But the sdcalled professional press is even farther from objectivity yet claims to have that elusive quality. But non-objectivity does not mean slanted or untrue stories. Rather it shows up in the kind of stories covered, the way they are covered, the type of features that are run and the approach taken in editorials and editorial material such as the back page. We do want the reader to expect -and get-accurate, fair report-



Press member.

ing. That means correct quotes used in reasonable context. We also aim to cover all the news on campus that our vdlunteer resources will allow. Anyone who wants to volunteer is welcome to join the staff at any time. New recruits are particularly welcome at the organizational meeting monday 15 September at 8pm in the Chevron office, campus center. The Chevron attempts to be as democratic as possible. Operating and policy decisions are made at regular staff meetings. The editor-in-chief is selected by the staff in the winter for ratification by student council. We try to do the things the professional press does not. We report everything we can cover and dig to find out what is happening behind closed doors and in the hierarchy. We also print every letter to the editor-a policy we will continue as long as we can find the space. That’s our rhetoric. We will try to live by it and would appreciate being judged by it.


Press Syndicate



Liberation News Service subscriber, the Chevron is published occasionaHy by the publications” board of the Federation of Students (inc), University of Waterloo,. Content is independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 744-6111, local 3443 (news and sports), 3444 (ads), 3445 (editor), direct nightline 744-0111, editor-in-chief: Bob Verdun 12,500 copies The honeymoon is over, and we’re back to doing it on a regular basis. Grooving this week: Alex Smith, Steve Izma, Jim Klinck, David X Stephenson, Lumbchop Page, Tom Purdy, Louis Silcox, dumdum jones, Wayne Smith, Howiepetch, Una O’Callaghan, Ross Taylor, and even Larry Burke. The great Saxe paid a visit, and we won’t try to compete with the Gazette in welcoming the frosh.


10 September

1969 (10: 14)



MORE THAN THREE and a half billion people already populate our moribund globe, and about half of them are hungry. Some 10 to 20 million will starve to death this year. In spite of this, the population of the earth will increase by 70 million souls in 1969. For mankind has artificially lowered the death rate of the human population, while in general both rates have remained high. With the input side of the population system in high gear and the output side slowed down, our fragile planet has filled with people at an incredible rate. It took several million years for the population to reach a total of two billion people in 1930, while a second two billion will have been added by 1975. Both woldwide plague and thermonuclear war have been made more probable as population growth continues. These, along with


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famine, make up the trio of potential “death rate solutions” to the population problemsolutions in which the birth rate-death rate imbalance is redressed by a rise in the death rate rather than by alowering of the birth rate. Make no mistake about it, the imba/ante will be redressed. The situation was recently summarized very succinctly : “It is the top of the ninth inning. Man, always a threat at the plate, has been hitting Nature hard. It is important to remember, however, that Nature bats last!”

Species don’t compete wrtn one another, except for man. They support one another, each functioning to sustain the chain of life. Man is the odd-ball. Not only does he compete with his fellows, he views other species and indeed all of nature as something to conquer and manipulate. This thinking, and it is found in most political ideology, has got to end. We’ve got to begin thinking of ourselves as part of a community of living things.


The only way we can create a meaningful human future, and overcome our own individual hopelessness, is to concentrate directly on the issue of life and death. It is only through actively knowing the natural and continuing process of life and growth, within us and around us, that we are daily re-



Ehrlich, September

Eco-catastrophe!. 69.

More important than radical or political consciousness is the understanding that we are part of something larger than ourselves, a part of the totality that is the Planet Earth. The ecosystem is structured cooperatively.

-Martin august,






born-becoming life; thereby enjoying each day, as well as feeling a rational hope for the future. This is the ecology of nian. What we must strive for is the physical and psychic survival of the human species on this planet. Our politics and economics must be secondary, nevertheless intimately related, to the real issue of life and death. This is the ecology of revolution. There is only one earth! We must all direct our attention towards limiting its population, ending its exploitation, cleaning it up, and generally making it a fit place to -live. We don’t have enough time to find a replacement. And so the revolwtion must be an affirmation of all iife; our individual daily lives, the life of our community, and our earth. --Tony Wagner Ecology WIN (UPS) august 69.



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