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10 number







3 October


Pefch wssvfoots by Phil Elsworthy Chevron staff

To a cynic, the faculty association dinner last monday was indeed a good welcome for new members. A few words were uttered about the academic side of the university but the main concern was bread and butter. Faculty association president, engineering prof Jim Ford began with a few introductory remarks that set the tone for the evening. His comments were, “this is a dynamic institution.. . this is the space age...the youth of today is just impatient.. . “. Ford conveyed ,the impression that all is wonderful, all is rosy. Alwyn Berland, executive-secretary of CAUT-the Canadian association of university teachersspoke to the faculty, describing the history and interests of CAUT for the benefit of new members. The main interest of CAUT he said was “bread and butter”-pensions and wages, though the organiza, n is also concerned with academic freedom and professional ethics. Berland did not elaborate on those vital matters. As Chuck Hanly, executive vicechairman of the Ontario confederation of university faculty associations, was about to speak, an uninvited group of 40-50 students walked in and sat down. Hanly spoke of attempts to get a portable pension plan for Ontario, and in a typical businesslike fashion said that for an investment of sixty thousand dollars in OCUFA last year, professors

had received an increase of one million dollars in salary. Hanly had something to say to the students who did not appear to be very interested in these facts. He felt that although students are not mature enough to participate directly, they should have some consulting position in the evalua; tion of teaching. The main speaker of the evening, administration president Howard Peteh addressed the students present as “my friends in the cheap seats,” then proceeded with a rather dull speech. He touched on the importance of the faculty association, and described the development of the university from an engineering school for those who had not already been subjected to it. As far as Petch is concerned, illstudent discipline is still defined. It is clear that matters such as rape and embezzlement should be handled by the courts, while cheating and plagiarism are for the university to discipline. But there is a grey area constituted by disruption and dissent. The students present were moderately quiet through the speeches ’ According to John Battye, student representative at the dinner, “It is a pity that Petch did not rise to the occasion and initiate some discussion about student discipline, academic freedom and the dying community of scholars myth, between faculty, students and administrators present”.


and undoubtedly

SW english BURNABY (CUP)-English students at Simon Fraser University voted 450 to 50 Wednesday to “conduct intensive discussions within the department” on the crisis revolvipg around the university’s department of political science, -




LONDON (CUP)-“psst! Hey meester, you want to buy nice sociology class? ” Classroom overcrowding and a registration kafuffle have opened up a whole new area of free enterprise at the University of Western Ontario-a black market in course registration cards. Some departments at the university have not bothered to keep track of course enrollment cards given out during registration and as a result students could register in close to 30 different courses, some of them more than once. And some students have been cashing in during a year when Western, bulging at the seams, has turned


by admin


away students due to lack of space. Less fortunate students turned away from overcrowded classes have been able to buy the required course card for prices ranging from $2 to $40. “I need this course and if I have to buy a card to get into it, I will,” said one. “Registration has really screwed me around this year. ” “It’s a queer thing,” said UWO registrar J.K. Watson. “This is the first I’ve heard about it, but I can’t imagine a student silly enough to buy a course card when he has just paid $500 for tuition. “I guess students need some sort of mother here to protect them from themselves. ” ‘


Wednesday’s issue of the administration’s Gazette proclaimed in its lead story: Waterloo’s student body may top 11,000 this year. “Good heavens! ” exclaimed academic-services director Pat Robertson when a Chevron reporter pointed this out to him. “As far as I knew, we were on tar,get: I think we should have about 10,300 students.” The Gazette had said, “The university’s student body continues to show rapid growth; there is every indication that the 10,000 full-time student population previously predicted for the current academic year will be substantially exceeded... .in fact Waterloo might well reach, and possibly exceed, the 11,000 mark. ” “The 11,000 figure is high, no doubt about it,” said Robertson, adding that he



friends in the cheap seats heard a lot

of discussion about things financial and non-academic at the faculty association dinner.


would have to call Gazette editor Bob Whitton. The Chevron contacted Whitton and he said, “I think I might have misinterpreted-1 got the figures from Ross Grenier (in the registrar’s office). There might be some part-time students included in the count of full-time students.” Registrar Trevor Boyes (who reports to Robertson) was asked to give accurate enrolment statistics. “I can’t,” he said, “I can give you some round figures. I think the Gazette got some preliminary figures-that were not accurate. I don’t think they (the Gazette staff) were in any position to interpret. ” He said he expected about 7500 undergrads and about 1500 grads to be registered when the tallies are finished. “Added to 1200 to 1300 students off campus in the fall term, this will give us a



sociology and anthropology, and to join PSA and history students in their strike if the administration has not met with a PSA negotiating team to settle the dispute over the PSA professors fired, demoted or refused tenure by 12:30 monday October 6. The move by the students followed a censure September 30 by the english department as a whole of the administration of SFU “For serious mistakes in their assumptions about the role, in their methods, in their judgments, and in their relations to the departments” at SFU. At the instigation of its 12 student voting representatives, the english department, which voted 21 to 10 to censure the administration, also passed motions calling for the abolition of the tenure committee and trusteeship imposed


strike on the PSA department, and called on the university administration to negotiate directly with an elected negotiating team from PSA. The department IS the second to condemn the administration and call for the end of trusteeship over-PSA. SFU history department approved a similar action which led to the resignation of history chairman John Hutchison.




There will be a regular Chevron staff meeting monday at 9pm in the campus center. New members al ways welcome. Staff members please note the ORCUP conference planned for this weekend has been postponed to november.


final enrolment figure of 10,300 to 10,500. “I really don’t think it will be much over 10,300, even though grads have just registered and there are still some undergrads unregistered. ” Boyes also said, “the Gazette’s story was pure speculation. He (Whitton) certainly didn’t get those figures from Ross Grenier. The figures quoted totals based on numbers now registered plus numbers who preregistered. The preregistered figure includes a lot who have since withdrawn or transferred. “There are 7400 undergrads with their tuition fee payment arranged. I think we will be pretty close to being dead-on10,200 or 10,300. ” The figure the Chevron has been using for fall enrolment is 10,500. This was based on the registrar’s predictions ad-

justed in accordance with some statements from administration treasurer Bruce Gellatly and academic vicepresident Jay Minas (while he was still arts dean). The Ki tchener-Wa terloo Record has been using a figure of 10,500. “There should be just one source enrolment data,” said Boyes. “The istrar and the registar’s office-and going to be as cautious as I can. If get three different people, you may three different answers. ”

of regI’m you get

As far as an overenrolment-that is, ,more than prediqted-Boyes said most of this will occur in the first-year class. “We were expecting 2900 to 3000 and we will end up with 3200 to 3300,” concluded Boyes.

A chance

to influnce

the health

and welfare

Munro defends

his government’s

QUESTION : How much is it by Andy Tamas Chevron staff costing the government to enforce the present laws on pot? Federal health and welfare MUNRO: The total cost of law minister John Munro answered questions in the campus center enforcement is in the vicinity of 40 million dollars. Just what portuesday in a session billed by the sponsoring campus Liberal club tion of this is involved in the enforcement of the narcotics act is as “your chance to influence govdifficult to determine. ernment policy on drugs and other matters”. QUESTION : How much tax losing The session turned out to be revenue is the government more of a defense by Munro of because it has not legalized pot? MUNRO: (laughs) Lots, but why one can’t influence governhow much, I don’t know. ment policy. Munro dispensed with any usQUESTION: Would you please be more specific with your anual opening remarks and went directly into answering questions, swer with regards to the repealing of the laws on pot? I was inbecause he said he had limited time available. quiring specificially about pot, From personal and you answered in sweeping QUESTION: dealing with society as a terms? experience I know that the use of whole. grass and acid does not effect the studies and lives of students MUNRO: I understood that you nearly as much as the laws being were asking about something which applied to society as a enforced to control this use. Has the government considered this? whole. The only way that I can MUNRO: Yes, we have, and we be more specific about your have made amendments to the question is that the established narcotics control act whereby authority has persisted in its beis harmful. proceedings on a first offence of lief that marijuana posession of marijuana can be by Until we have evidence to the coneither summary conviction or trary, we cannot alter the laws governing its use. by indictment. This leaves open the possibilities QUESTION: The very small amounts of money being allocated of reduced sentences or probation, avenues that were not avaialble in old-age pensions, totally inadewith previous legislation. This is quate to meet the needs of our an improvement, but is a superpeople does not seem to be conficial and inadequate approach sistent with the much-mouthed tenet that we are living in a just to the problem. An enquiry has been launched society. How do you explain this? MUNRd : 1’11 be the first to into the non-medical use of drugs, and. an interum report will be acknowledge that inflation, among presented within six months. The other things, has rendered the final report is expected in two old-age pensions totally inadeyears. quate to meet many needs. The members of this commisThis amount will be increased sion have been appointed by the in the near future, but I can’t say government, and the frame of exactly when. The canada assisreference of the study was set tance plan is available to help forth by the government, but the people living in high-cost areas. Our benefit structures here in members are to pursue their research and accumulate their reCanada represent approximately 12 percent of our gross national sults in an atmosphere free from government influence. product, which is far better than It has become evident that this most of the countries of the world. Even so, I agree that it is not problem cannot be solved by the enforcement of these laws alone, enough, and changes must be and that the root of the trouble is made. QUESTION: What is the governsomething that pervades our ment stand on Indians? The sitsociety and effects it as a whole. uation even within a hundred-andThis is an urgent problem, and fifty miles of Toronto the Good ‘is that is why we requested the interrible, and many women who terim report in six months, even though the members of the comwould normally live die in childbirth due to the poor medical mission were reluctant to offer their conclusions until they had facilities available. Doctors who come into the area completed their inquiry and had the time to analyze their data are paid only 10 dollars a patient, thoroughly. and don’t care to to a good job. When the results of the investiSince the government does not gation are submitted, the governbring an end to this situation it is responsible for the death of many ment will amend or repeal whatever laws seem to require modiIndians. fication. MUNRO: That’s a pretty harsh indictment of the Canadian people, QUESTION: Does it not seem incongruous that even though the for is not the government the laws are being questioned, they agent of the Canadian people? It are nonetheless being very strictly is Canadian society that is to blame for the death of those Indians. enforced? MUNRO: The present laws To say that politicians don’t care for the problems of the have been in existence for a long time, and were drafted before people is wrong. Does the change from private life to public life much was known on the question. make such a profound change in It is the challenge of government to change our laws in an enlightpeople that they no longer care I doubt ened manner, and we cannot do about their fellow-man? it. doso until more is known. . We’re spending more money on known. QUESTION : Would it not be Indian health than ever before. better to- suspend than to enforce We have taken a good look at many isolated settlements in the a law that is in doubt? MUNRO: Many of the laws territories and the northern part of the provinces, and instituted now in effect are due for a change. Is it wise to render a large part crash programs to set up clinics of our society law-less because in these areas, and install perthe laws are obsolete? None of manent doctors in areas where us is perfect. beforehand no medical facilities were available at all. QUESTION : What will be the cost of undertaking this investiWe have contacted many of the gation into the non-medical use of medical schools across Canada drugs? and have entered into agreements MUNR.0: Somewhere between with them to improve the services one-half and one million dollars. in the north. Sure, there’s lots to



290 the Chevron








student Send

fees address

be done, but we’re working as quickly as we can in this area. QUESTION : You said that Indian health service improvements are being concentrated in the isolated settlements in the far north. What happens to the Indian settlements nearer the cities, and what happens to the Indians who leave the reserves to study in the cities? Who covers the Indian’s health requirements in the cities? MUNRO : The department of Indian affairs, with the provincial government, is responsible for Indians’ welfare. Only that which concerns their health is under the jurisdiction of my department. There is a change coming about, where the Indians prefer to have the same access to services as all Canadians, and this change is being made in the department of Indian affairs and northern development, where the stated intention is to eventually do away with the Indian act altogether. The federal government has to assume the ultimate cost of Indian education. QUESTION: ‘Due to the concentration of efforts in the north, many Indians closer to the cities lose out. The administration MUNRO: of services to these Indians is done through a cost-sharing arrangement with the provinces. Those Indians who are unable to pay their share of their medical premium will be considered as indigents, and the government will pay their premium. QUESTION: That doesn’t leave me anywhere. MUNRO: That might not leave you anywhere, but that’s the situation. QUESTION: Are you planning a review of the baby-bonus setup? MUNRO: Many agencies, among them the economic council of Canada, agree that the distribution of government funds by a universal payment method is not alleviating the poverty problem in Canada. The money is not reaching the needy, and these programs have to be re-designed. QUESTION : Whenever the government has a problem it seems to set up a royal commission to study the question, and the issue is then allowed to become dormant. The Carter commission inquiry into taxation is a prime example of this. Will any of the Carter commission’s recommendations ever be applied? MUNRO : Some tax. reforms


Several hand-drawn signs greeted John Munvo“Turn ofr the shit machine”, “We shall not cease until the last capitalist is hung from the entrails of the last bureaucrat “, and Yf yo~d’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. ” suggested by the Carter commission will be brought forth at the of Parliament . next session Though Dr. Carter said that to be effective all of his recommendations must be accepted, being in an all-or-no thing position is untenable, and we will apply whatever recommendations we feel are needed <at this time. QUESTION : We all know many things in Canada are bad, and that lots of things. are required to improve them. Why is nothing being done, now? ,- MURO : We are doing things that may not be evident to you, as well as the various amendments criminal code, languages bill-we have already brought into effect. This next session of parliament will see a good many more improvements. QUESTION: What is the Canadian government’s position with regards to a civil or military draft? MUNRO: The government does not support any form of draft. QUESTION: It seems to take so long to get any concrete improvements into effect, the inaction of government in many fields is frustrating, and little evidence of progress is shown. It seems hopeless. MUNRO: It’s not all that hopeless (laughter). Why don’t you do your work here in school in two months and get the hell out of

here and help us to cure the problems, instead of taking three or four years to get your degree? We can’t go ahead and discard all that we have, for we must work within the existing framework, and this takes time. The democratic confrontation of various ideals and the resulting dialog takes time. QUESTION : Is the federal government going to ban the use of DDT and the practice of wiretapping? MUNRO: The control of DDT is in the provincial realm, and though Ontario has nominally banned its use, it has made so many exceptions to this ban that it is ineffective. I’d like to see stronger measures put into effect on the use of DDT and other similar products. The minister of justice has instituted a ban on wiretapping with his amendments to the criminal code, and I strongly endorse these controls on the invasion of our privacy. QUESTION : Can the tactics used by the local narcotics squads be construed to be compatible with our just society? MUNRO: The just society is something to which we must all aspire, something that is perpetually a little out of reach, an ideal that causes a constant improvement of our lot.


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receive Chevron,




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off-campus Waterloo,

terms. Ontario.





a term.

Big bomb CANADA (CUP)-Numbering into the thousands, students and supporters clustered at border crossings and airport terminals across the country Wednesday, picketing, snarling traffic and occasionally getting arrested or runover in a spectacular but probably unsuccessful protest against the United States’ scheduled underground atomic blast in the Aleutians thursday. Mobilized on less than 24-hours notice, the snow-balling protest involved approximately 14,000 students from at least 14 post-secondary institutes, backed up by other supporters who learned of the protest through news reports. Threats from the attorney-general of British Columbia, harassment by police, and the reckless driving of blockaded motorists failed to prevent the demonstrators from voicing their fears about the blast, which will occur



near a major fault in the earth’s crust. But even a molotov cocktail thrown at the U.S. consulate in downtown Vancouver has had little effect on U.S. president Richard Nixon, who has flatly rejected appeals from Ottawa and the U.S. congress for postponement of the atomic test. The idea for the protest originated at the University of Victoria, and the response Wednesday provided the largest demonstration in the history of that university, spilling over into mainland British Columbia and involving nearly 10,000 students altogether. Nearly 2,500 UVIC students blockaded the docks of Americanowned blackball ferry on Vancouver island, filling the narrow approach street eight abreast for a distance of two city blocks. The demonstration lasted for an hour, without violence, although


organizers had to cool off a shoving match between students and ferrymen who tried to push cars out of the hold of the boat. A further 400 students blockaded a morning flight from Seattle at the Victoria in terna tional airport, refusing to allow passengers to disembark. On the mainland, approximately 5000 students from the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, UVIC and three other post-secondary institutions gathered at the border crossing at Douglas, B.C. to hear speeches from ecologists, geologists, and politically active students. The only violence of the day occurred in Vancouver, where three women threw a molotov cocktail at the U.S. embassy, only slightly singeing the building but burning a passer-by. One of the women was caught,



but made a getaway. None have been arrested. In Ontario, approximately 2000 demonstrators blocked U.S. border crossings or demonstrated near Sarnia, Windsor, and Niagara Falls. The largest contingent, a group of. 1,000 students from the University of Western Ontario, Fanshawe College at London and the school of arts and science at Sarnia allowed all Canadian cars free passage across the blue water bridge near Sarnia, but blocked all American cars headed north. David Pettinger, a Fanshawe College student, was dragged for 300 feet by a car driven by an American woman who tried to run through the crowd. Police are holding her pending charges. U.W.O. student council legal commissioner Gray Sheppard says the council will look into laying charges itself if the charge against the women is not severe enough. Police arrested four demonstrators among a contingent of 350 University of Windsor students who picketed at the International ambassador bridge for more than an hour and blockaded traffic. The four were charged with blocking traffic and obstructing police officers. A group of 150 students gathered at rainbow bridge at Niagara Falls did not disrupt traffic, instead they delivered a message and a gift to U.S. customs officials for president Nixon. The gift was a battered globe, the message : “one small blast for

man, one major holocaust for mankind.” 1 Approximately 200 demonstrators from McGill and Loyola universities were forced to hike the last eight miles to the border crossing at Champlain, N.Y. when Quebec provincial police impounded their five buses on the pretext that the vehicles were not properly licenced. A determined group of 80 students and three clergymen drove approximaly 150 miles from Regina to a border crossing at North Portal, Saskatchewan where they sat on the road. Four cameras clicked incessant_ ly from the U.S. customs office for _ an hour during the demonstration, and customs officials warned that anyone participating in the affair would have trouble ever entering the U.S. The protestors placed a placard reading “remember 1812” over a peace cairn at the border before leaving. The University of Alberta is more than 400 miles from the nearest border crossing, but that didn’t prevent pediatrician-cum-draft resistance counsellor Benjamin Speck from urging students to support the blockade and any other means of forcing the U.S. to cease atom tests. “It isn’t necessary for the U.S. to test and we know that some of these underground tests have leaked fallout,” he said. “There is danger to everybody on whom the wind can bring fallout. We have to protest loud and often to get that message across. ” 6

Faculty organne afiti-Viet protest

Profs Ted Cadell, Ron Lambert and Fred Kemp attempt to drum up support for a moratorium on October 15. Interested persons meet Wednesday, 8 pm in the campus center great hall.

A group of Uniwat profs are attempting to organize a one-day campus moratorium as a gesture toward ending the war in Vietnam. A meeting of all those interested in the October 15 moratorium has been called for Wednesday at 8pm in the campus center great hall. Students, staff, administration, as well as faculty, are invited. Three profs, Fred Kemp and Ted Cadell, of psychology, and Ron Lambert, of sociology, have outlined their position in feedback, page 21. They set up a table after the faculty association new members’ dinner monday evening. Most of their colleagues ignored them or left by another door. One faculty member said Vietnam was an American problem.

Uof T admin



TORONTO (CUP)-The showdown between University of Toronto administration president Claude Bissell and U of T students evaporated into cheers Wednesday as Bissell backed away from a confrontation over disciplinary regula-w tions on the campus. Addressing an overflow crowd of 3000 students in the university’s convocation hall, he declared that’ a university-sponsored disciplinary report, the Campbell committee report on university discipline, rather than harsher guidelines laid down by the committee of presidents of universities of Ontario or by Caput, the current U of T disciplinary body, would form the basis of the U of T judicial system. And students broke into a standing ovation when Bissell added that the relatively liberal recommendations of the Campbell report would provide “the spirit” behind the formation of an interim

university-wide disciplinary body which would replace Caput while the Campbell report is discussed at the university. But at the same time, Bissell avoided total repudiation of the presidents’ report which originally sparked the controversy at Toronto, and in effect maintained the same position he has always held on the document. Nevertheless, Bissell’s answer was approved by a voice vote of the students at the meeting, an exit from the hall surrounded by well-wishers led by engineering students and faculty singing “for he’s a jolly good fellow.” The Campbell report, rushed to completion to avert confrontation, provided that disruptions on campus which did not cause personal injury or significant property damage would not provoke immediate punitive measures from university desciplinary bodies, and argued for the use of negotiation rather than re-


pression when first confronting disruption. U of T students had argued that some ’ forms of disruption could constitute political activity, and should not be under the jurisdiction of any university tribunal. Student acceptance of Bissell’s position ended a week of tension on the U of T campus, ignited by the disruptive activities of the university’s new left caucus, and fanned by Bissell’s endorsement of the two hard-line disciplinary statements, which would have provided harsh and immediate punishment for virtually all forms of active dissent except ordinary pit keting . The Toronto student council had given Bissell until October 1 to change his stand, and also rejected the judicial authority of Caput to judge matters of student discipline. Bissell had maintained that though the

“No, Vietnam is a world problem,” was the reply. . The group had originally intended to make an announcement to the dinner, but according-to Kemp, “Professor Ford (faculty association president) suggested that this meeting would not be the appropriate place for such an announcement. ” However, fifteen or twenty faculty members signed the list expressing interest in discussing the moratorium. “If we could have made the announcement, a lot more people would have at least had the chance to express interest (instead of going inadvertently out another door) ,” said Kemp.

demands Campbell report on discipline would hold precedence at Toronto, Caput would have to undertake action until the report was implemented. In a statement issued immediately after Wednesday’s meeting, Toronto student administrative council said Bissell’s statement “met the thrust of the SAC demands, ” and added his partial capitulation “is a victory for students.” “The admihistration concessions were gained by the effective participation of students on this campus in voicing their rejection of the Ontario presidents’ and Caput statements,” SAC said. “The students by this action have demonstrated their support of the right to organize on this campus. SAC added its regret that Bissell’s statement was limited to U of T, “because the Ontario *presidents’ report affects all Ontario campuses. ” “Not all campuses have a Campbell report,” SAC said. friday

3 October







convicted for summer attack

Pilots Get l/3 Discount at UFT / On 150 rates & 10% on 172 rates ’ Contact Mr. Yates in Federation of Students - Ext. 2402

a a aa a a a

Ron Adlington, phys-ed 2B, was convicted Wednesday on a charge of common assault, following an incident 20 june 1969, involving Chevron editor Bob Verdun. The trial was 10 September and provincial judge Jack McCormick reserved judgement until wednesday. “I have no choice but to con“The acvict,” said McCormick. cused admitted he struck about five blows.” During the trial Adlington had admitted that he came into Verwith a couple of dun’s office friends, and that he had struck Verdun. He claimed he had no intention of violence until the moment he had entered the office. Adlington had pleaded not guilty and as a defence claimed he had been provoked into the action he had taken by certain items published in the Chevron. The items, given in evidence, were as follows :






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BIGBARNEY @ That’s our exclusive double-deck hamburger with two oure beef patties, on a 3-piece bun, with cheese, crisp lettuce, pickle, and our dwn special sauce. It’s a meal in itself - and it’s delicious!

Where it’s fun to eat

292 the Chevron



Ron pro-

That letter is reprinted below. Neither Adlington, his lawyer nor the judge seemed amused by the articles. Verdun testified that he was working alone in his office around 9: 30pm and was talking on the phone when Adlington appeared in his office with at least one other person and immediately’ began hitting him. He shouted for help, and when a photographer , Dave Chevron


must solve‘

weekend with a silver collection dance. The dance was a success as far as attendance (about 450 people) and amount of money taken in were concerned. The state of the building was another story. The great hall was complete disorder, garbage and



his nephew” tests.


8 Dance a



On the 30 may editorial page, a paragraph under the title /t’s just plain ridiculous stating, “Uniwat student Ron Adlington, nephew of operations vicepresident Al Adlington, got a refund of his $5 tenth anniversary fund contribution for summer registration. ” Three weeks later (20 june), Adlington had a letter published in feedback under the title “I’m not

Thompson, appeared. Adlington and his companions left. Adlington testified that he had not seen his letter and the accompanying comment until a friend showed him a copy of the particular issue of the Chevron around 9pm (the paper had come out around 10: 30 that morning). Adlington said he and his friends were on their way from the Village to a dance on campus. They decided to go into the Chevron office in the campus center “because it was on the way.” The phys-ed student said he had never hit anyone before, and besides Verdun was bigger than he was. After taking three weeks to reach his decision,. McCormick registered the conviction (giving Adlington a criminal record) and fined him $25 and costs. Later, when he was paying the court clerk, Adlington said, “It was worth it; I’d do it again.”

1 Ron Adlington,

phys-ed 2B


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of assault on editor

Vm nof his nephew” Al’s cousin Ron protests dents to give the Chevron this inThe Chevron has struck another and brash sensationalblow at the establishment by cut- formation ting down a poor student. In your ism for the Chevron to print it. RON ADLINGTON “It’s just plain ridiculcolumn, phys-ed 2B ous” in the may 30 issue. I found the section about me in very poor The information was not obtained taste. Error in fact, not atypical of the Chevron, was the first thing from federation files, nor was it divulged by federation employees. I noticed. I am Al Adlington’s second cousin, not his nephew as you The Chevron was informed by third parties who apparently believed you stated. The fact that a student gets his made no secret of your request for a refund of your capital-fund contritenth anniversary fund contribubu tion. tion back is supposedly privileged AS for calling you operations information between the student Al Adlington s nephand theafederation office. Does the vicepresident Chevron have access to these ew, our sincerest apolo,cies for relating you closer than you wished. files? It is, in my opinion, a breech -the lettitor of ethics for the Federation of Stu-

Limited number of single tickets Admission $2.50 - Students $1.50 Mail or phone orders accepted -- 744-61 11, Ext. 2126 or at Theatre Box Office.

a a a a a a a a a 0 a a a a a

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a a a

record and $25 fine


liberally and a campus center turnkey, who was attempting to restore order, discovered (the hard way) that someone had barfed in a corner. If the situation is not remedied this week, the dances will be discontinued. “We are simply going to have to ask the people in attendance to


problem clean up after the dance,” stated Larry Burko who is running the events. There will be another dance tomorrow night at 9pm in the campus center, featuring two bands and ~ a light show. Once again there will be a silver collection, and people are asked to contribute from fifty cents to one dollar.


Courses _in Efficient Reading are being presented 1 at the University of Waterloo this fall. The courses are being presented by Communication Services in co-operation with the Federation of Students. The fee is $47.00 (includes all books and materials). The course consists of ten 1 ,I/2 hr. weekly ur separate classes to choose from: Class 1 commences 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7 II Rm. 1313) Class 2 commences 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7 . . II Rm. 1313) Class3 commences 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8 (Engineering Lect. Rm. 205) ’ Class 4 commences 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8 (Engineering Lect. Rm. 205) Register at the office of the Federation of Students, Campus Centre. For information regarding courses phone Helga Petz Ext. 105.

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in which the truth finally man’s motivations and read


wills its way his reactions





We once despaired completely of the prospect of a decent leak from the members of the privacy-pledged presidential search committee. Now all of a sudden, a full-fledged, mature and credible rumor has emerged. The news is this-the search committee is back to SQUARE ONE, back to where they started in the winter with no candidates. It seems all the candidates, who according to committee member Marvin Brown were interested at least tentatively, have opted for a very tentative approach to the job. Remember Howard Petch said a few months back he wasn’t a candidateat this time. For the committee to have lost all its candidates means one of two things. Either there is no one among Canada’s 2~,OO~,~~~ citizens willing to take on our friend Howie Petch’s arduous and thankless (to use his words) job; or else the search committee doesn’t think there is any-. one else who is capable or acceptable to fill P&h’s job and they haven’t searched too strenuously. For a committee member to have leaked such a substantial story means one of two things (doesn’t it. usually? ). -Either there is some opposition developing in the committee to the draft Howie Petch charade (which is doubtful) or else this is one more calculated ploy to break the news of Howie P&h’s impendingpermanence gradually. * * * The administration Gazette seems to be continuing to play some role in this game. Similar to our note last week, an item in the Gazette has again appeared after our column had gone to press. _ The front page of the September 24 Gazette included this item: Kenneth Strand has been appointed permanent Fraser University. He was. formerly acting president.


of Simon

Not only does the Gazette not usually print this kind of “news” but the item was old news any.way, since we told you about it around the tenth of the month. We also find the Gazette’s use of “permanent” in-I \ teresting. * * * In our column on the frequency with which pro tern administrations reward themselves with permanence, we neglected to mention another. At Cornell, where gun-toting blacks emerged from the student union building, the admin president pussyfooted and was replaced in the pro tern by the highest ranking law and order man in the administration. ’

of T chancellor Omond Solandt. Solandt is a man who represents-the industrial-military-education-complex better than any radical could in a ream of rhetoric. He has worked in all areas and has been in policy-making positions in the same areas, often at the same time. He tends to view defense and research policy in terms of integrating it into the work of the United States and is on the record as advocating the rigorous development of “triphibious warfare. ” In one of his private enterprises as vicechairman of the Electric Reduction company, Solandt pays little mind to pollution problems. ERCO plants at Placentia by bay in Newfoundland and in Dunnville Ontario have received national attention for their pollution. Solandt has always said ERCO is within the pollution bounds set by regulatory agencies (although it’s been proven otherwise) and besides, he’s in a position where he could influence the bounds set by the agencies. Anyway, Petch has never admitted there’s anything wrong with Solandt’s policies and has said he considers Omond a good friend. Petch has spent a lot of time going to Ottawa to science council and other meetings, and combined with the military applications of his own personal research, we can find some possible reason for his disguised, but nonetheless determined, desire to be president permanent. Good mom, god and military academics are hard to come by these days, and the higherups would be sorry to lose the administration presidency of the University of Waterloo, especially with its large engineering, science and computer facilities. Besides, their military man has the support of the liberal academ.L ics-he’s their reluctant knight in naive armor. * * * We were particularly amused at Howard’s thorny question of his future at the meeting week. He had said something about not having to certain problems because he wouldn’t be president He had no comeback for the sarcastic laughter

inability to handle the outside-his office last

A Hot Dog with @the.Charcoal Flavour at Harvey%. 0


Open T,ill 2AMAt King & Weber Waterloo ’

worry too much about for much longer. _ that followed, friday






McGill won’t open senate meetings

to Quebec


MONTREAL would not be able to “police open (CUP)-McGill referring to an inciwill not have open senate meetmeetings,” ings. A motion by student senadent last april when a group of 40 militant French workers and tors calling for the senate’s deliberations to be opened to “any students came to McGill to ask the senate to act on the demands observers” was rejected by the . of “operation McGill” after the other members,last week. Such a move would be “open“McGill francais” demonstration. ing the doors to those who might ’ On that occasion the senate be the enemies of McGill, “vicefailed acquire although a quorumindividand principal Michael Oliver had did notto meet warned in the debate. ual senators did talk to the delStudent senator Robert Hajaly egation outside. said McGill, supported largely Hajaly said Oliver’s claim about by public funds, “has a responsibility to the general public.” policing meetings applied no “It is a flagrant injustice to matter who is allowed to attend. deny a citizen of Quebec the With the defeat of the motion, right to witness the proceedings only senators, McGill students and staff, and accredited press here. ” Oliver was afraid the senate representatives may attend.

Large turnbut psycli A




switch separates: mix a blouse with a tunic and pant, or mix a blouse with a jumper? then switch and switch again . . . it’s fashion’s newest game. the.blouse in egg shell or black arnel crepe, $15. the tunic $18. flair pant $17.

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queen mall oshawa


294 the Chevron

lawrence humbertown shopping




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yonge at st. clair eglinton square park)





phone mall



surprisingly large turnout of 80 to 90 professors, graduate students, I and undergraduate students met in the math lounge September 25 for the psychology society’s first meeting of .the academic term. Vern Copeland, arts 3, began by giving a brief account of the society’s history, emphasizing that this turnout was a big improvement over last year when about six faculty and eight stu- . dents would show up. Disscussion centred around problems presently being encountered in the psych department, with the large number of students in classes and the lecturing methods getting top bill: The problem of class size was reported to be particularly acute in first year classes. Dick Steffy’s huge psych 101 class was taken as an example. When asked how many students in that class he knew personally, Steffy replied, “None. That’s why I’m here tonight. ” Last year’s 290 course was used as an example of faulty lecturing methods. Because of negative feedback by many students, the setup of that course has been changed radically. It was also charged that psych courses were being made too easy and that too many students were getting an easy credit by filling in a multiple choice exam. This was rebuffed by, “You should see the distribution of last year’s psych 110 class.” and a comment by Larry Burko, arts 3, that disinterested students should be given an automatic grade of their own choice so that something concrete could

for ifirst meeting be done with the remaining students. One girl suggested that at the first meeting it should be more important to organize the society rather than have a philosophical discussion. Ross Taylor arts 4, then called for a vote on the issue of forming an executive. When the majority voted in favour of an executive, several students protested a bureaucratic setup. Burko finally suggested that a chairman and a secretary were all that were necessary. Copeland was nominated chairman. The highlight of the meeting came when several girls attempt: ed- -to nominate Burko as secBurko to proretary , causing test, “If you girls don’t want a girl for secretary you can’t have a faggot, either.” Finally, the as yet unidentified girl who originally suggested an organization was appointed secretary . Vicky Mees, sot 3, introduced another problem when she reported that a study indicated want the emphasis students shifted from training rats and animal behaviour to human behaviour and personality. One learned member of the faculty asked her, “are you denying you’re an animal?“, prompt, ing Burko to exclaim, “She’s denying she’s a rat. ” When several first year students expressed a feeling of being left out of the society’s activities, Jim Dyal, chairman of the psych department, invited them to his home for a discussion. The meeting concluded with Copeland appointing a committee to look into the problems of class size.




In prof Edward Percy’s english 101 class, student Ed Doherty questioned the class and the prof as to the purpose and relevance of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. He was greeted with shocked silence. His comment that he had noted many students were yawning throughout the lecture received nervous laughter in response. “You laugh, but ‘how many of you were yawning?” said Doherty. Percy asked ‘the students for



EDMONTON (CUP)-The arts faculty at the University of Alberta will increase student representation on its governing committees, and has given approval in principle to the goal of student parity in all areas of faculty government. A report from the faculty bodies “should be left open for negotiation with parity being the ultimate goal. ”


his class



during which Bowers professed to hold broadminded views on education . On the second monday, however, he advised all non-honors psych students that they would not be able to attend his lectures since the group was larger than the anticipated 20. He asked the remaining students to submit a written report on the

Foreign dishes f lo be served The largest function ever held on this campus for foreign students will take place thursday 9 October at 9pm. Students The International Association will host the event in the food services building, and are inviting all foreign students.

Wives of’ foreign students are preparing dishes representative of countries all over the world; and a bar will be in operation for the thirsty. Priyantha Dias, secretary of the ISA, stressed that all Canadian students are also welcome.


“What difference does it make, for example, that I know a few simple facts about medieval life. I want to know humans and be fully alive. To be thus is not to be bored or apathetic, but to be happy with life and enthusiastic about it. “To be asking for more education on the art of living is not asking for an easy course of study, for in the words of Seneca, there exists no more difficult art than living. ”


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Eeadbeater supported the report as a “progressive” measure, but cautioned that “parity is of no use to the students unless they have something to advocate different from the faculty.” A student union representative has called for the formation of an arts faculty association to fill the newly-created positions, in accordance with another recommendation of the report.

The report was approved by the arts faculty council, central governing body of the faculty. Student parity has been recognized on some arts committees such as curriculum and admissions, and the report suggested placing students on other committees dealing with buildings, academic standings, and executive matters. Student council president David

class is prof’s

Psych prof Ken Bowers has developed a new criterion for determining whether students remain in his honors course. Bowers felt his class should consist ideally of no more than 20 persons since that number lent itself to discussion purposes. HIS first class, on a monday, consisted of what most students felt to be a worthwhile discussion,


comments. One student agreed the laugh is difficult, another stated Chaucer is pertinent for he writes of humans, and a third said the course had to start somewhere. Percy’s comment was, “Chaucer was always considered the father of english literature. ” Said Doherty, “Education is supposed to be a joy. Why is it that every student looks to the end of his school days as the beginning of life?


& Charles KITCHJNEW~

743-4 15 1


reading they had done on the subject during the summer, and an explanation as to why they enrolled in the course. The material was to be handed in to the psych building on the Wednesday of that week. Then came the crunch. On the third monday he informed nine students who had not completed the requested material that they could no longer attend the class. One third-year honors psych student who presented her objections to Bowers asked him if his de’cision would not complicate matters for the class the following year.




Replied Bowers, “I don’t care. I won’t be here next year.”

a ball You’re a clown. You’re a queen. You’re whatever you dream. Just imagine. You’re able to do what you want any day, every day. Run. Ride. Play. Even swim.. . What a world ! And all you have to do to help it all come true is forget about those difficult days each month: And that’s as easy as switching from bulky uncomfortable sanitary napkins to Tampax tampons. A Tampax tampon is worn internally. When properly in place, you hardly know it’s there. And no one else will know because nothing shows. Not even when you wear something sheer or “seethrough.” Easy-to-use Tampax tampons were developed by a doctor. Any woman, married or single, can use them with confidence. And to make them even more convenient, Tampax tampons are available in three absorbency-sizes: Regular, Super and Junior.









1969 (10:20)







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ihis -is t& &&& text preqs re1isas.g from the federal partmetit of-Vabor entitle!, /F LMOON. WHY NOT HOME?’

i ~ ~ i I



:-. ---..,

<. - *





. .




.. 1

. -.


of ZB’ efforts made by economists; over dea period of .half a century to devis.e THE . some~~formula’for 1measuring the I~value in monetarv terms. of ?he unpaid domestic services provided OTTAWA.;...Man found a way to overcome obstacles facing him ’ . by members’ of a family. She quoted;. paradoxical situations when he was. trying to walk on which ean and .do arise because the moon ; .why can% he ;overcome the’ same, +services provided wfor the obstacles facing hrm in trying payment disappear from thenato measure the value of the serwhen provided vices provided-in his own home? -’ tional _ product. without payment. ‘Services; that’is, in terms of domestic aCti.V~ti&~Whkh, if paid ‘, ’ ,Much of her .spee& && based for, would be calculated & an‘ec: on views put forwa.rd over the onomic.+roducf of the country. In -. .years by outstanding economists, an address ,-entitled “hoUSeWb&~ ' mAUy of *Om agreed th& the services-the orphan in economic paradoxical ‘state of affairs resultreckoning!‘,. before, the- ‘engineers’ ing from present practices needs wives association September 23 at ., -rn,+ifvin b. the national arts center, Canada+ ’ ‘A\rQw*LJAA’b’ -1 It was Miss Gelber’s conten-tion labor department women’s burthat although there were ad,mitted eau director Sylva’Gelber, ; says it b difficulties in a measurement of can be done.’ unpaid household. services, the -- Miss Sylva; M. ‘Gelber outlined

t availability of statistical tools in this age of technological. progress should facilitate the removal of obstacles. i=. =. “‘Perhaps the time has come”, ne’,‘, she’said, “when thosewhdprovide )vide .-.-‘ ‘the services should bring p,res‘sure ;‘sure to bearon the social scientists, ts, to ices, : ,-ensure that the bona fide services, unpaid though they be, shouldld no . longer be set aside as valuelessss in dollar terms.” - , * &ss ss ‘Gelber. Gelber.‘ suggested that housewivesshould zwivesshould insist on a value being : placed .( . .at least on the ..undomestic . services which Jhich - paid they provide “In so doing thev * ln so doing, they. I will.. acquire from society a new I attitude towards their services and, at the same time, make -a meaningful the measure of all ser‘vices reflected in the national 5 I * accounting. ” -‘,‘

. *

‘also typewriters,

chairs, desks and bookcase3

-The kampus kops ?ssutid these warnings JO cars parked in Seagram lot b.etween 4, and 5 am

drugs-and not-the cannabis deriva- , TORONTO-( CJNS)-Growing in.-” consistency tives (marijuana: and - hashish) in the qualityof - “street” drugs has been revealedonly- -526 percent of the samples contained-the drug that-was alleg:by the summer-1ongLanalysis of > ed to be present.” ,_ the. addiction research founda-tionlof ,Ontario. -’ (, ,_ 3 j “Such information” hsays,. Joan j. Marshman, research scientist ’ in The survey also substantiated 1,earlier reports. that many-: drug the la.boratory, “must make phyl ’ users did,- not get _the _drugs the.y’, .. sicians, social workers and other community 4,consultants wonder thought- ‘they ’ were getting and often used ‘substances ’ with little ’ -’ whether’ the *causative, factors of a particular” bad trip - lie chiefly in ’ or no drug’content, or ones with ‘the drug ‘user himself or in the tdangerous contaminants. -’ The most. recent release aof ,in-’ product ,uF@. “,. I formation, from’the laboratory’has -.- . J Of the 222. samples, there were . shown ‘that of all ‘theysamples an-..” 197 for which the alleged corn(222 since the .be&i- .jywi~io~ was ‘.made known to .. alysedsofai Of the:57 samples of ’ nin:g:of.theyearj only 61;9per&ent ’ analysts. the drug.. alleged; to be alleged LS.D,,~ (the largest dru& .. -contained ‘;- ,I,. ),’ - :*.Igroup in the survey) only 54 per& present. 1 .- , ‘;, ^. Considering’ only’ the, synthetic‘ 1 cent were showntobe relatively I<‘I , , --

pure LSD, 21 percent were mixtures apparently resulting fro,m ‘unsuccessful synthesis, 2 percent _ were not identified, and 9 percent . ‘had no drug conten,t whatever. 1_ Twenty samples in the.analysis were’alleged to contain a mixture / of drugs: hashish with, opium, ,LSD with cocaine, methamphe.’ tamine with atropine or methamphetamines with strychnine. 1In ! no case- was the presence of a \ ’ second drug confirmed; As for marijuana, generally those samples were brought in ‘for I analysis which, had already ‘been screened for_ quality either by the users or the sample collectors. . As -a. resuit, only ,Jl percent of. the overall survey . was concerned ,with marijuana. ‘. .


AMERICAN Not too spicy




Dinner . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . *m







A la Carte





. .. . . .. . .. . .. . $1.15 (Allow





.. . .. . . .. . .. . . . (Allow 15

Min.) .79 Min.)


Bread . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .15 .


Meat Sauce . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . 30


.. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .30



Salad . . ...*..........*..........



Salad Bowl . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. $1.25

. J

Richler opportunity

is fond of Canada, to jolt Canadkns

but he isn’t one to waste 81p out of th6i.r usual complacency .


CARTOONIST GROSSES OUT WEEKEND MAGAZINE-The cartoonist who goes by name Aislin pulled a fast one on the editors of Weekend magazine in their September I -issue. Illustrating an article by Mordecai Richler, Aislin cleverly and sub tley portrays novelist doing a no-no to? a Canada goose. ,And this happened only tw.o weeks after article on homesexuals that upset several subscribing publishers. -

the 27 the the






y Salad Bowl _’.r............,......... .75 DRESSINGS ‘French, 1000 Island, Oil & Vinegar, Mayonnaise, Italian

Pose this is half


of *our menu.


3 October

1969 (lO:?O)



Una O’Callaghan Chevron staff


EW ALCHEMY, the show now running at The Art Gallery of Ontario is simply a look at the elements, systems and forces which make up the alchemy of the twentieth century. Dennis Young, AGO’s curator of contemporary art, believes that normal perception is limited as people tend to recognize objects according to their social function. Hence the idea behind the exhibition is to pry people loose from these associative ideas. To let them see without seeing through an intellectual screen. Young persuaded four artists to contribute to New Alchemy. a Hans Haacke from Germany, now a resident of New York. Haacke was a fringe member of the new realists in Germany but owes his current thinking to Marcel Duchamp. ’ l John Van Saun, of Colorado, a kineticist who creates his elementalist work by burning enormous amounts of polyethylene or steel wool in charcoal in a shallow pit. He is a positivist who believes all you see-is all that there is. o Takis, a Greek artist who has lived in Paris and London since 1954 works with magnets. He installed a 30-foot magnetic wall loaned by the Guggenheim museum, New York. l Charles Ross, of Philadelphia brought his prisms filled with oil. They hang in the sculpture court and are suspended to catch passing shafts of sunlight.

* * * New Alchemy is a difficult show to relate to and one visit is not enough. Its very thesis-the process of changedemands return checks. When it’s all packed up October 26, only two permanent things will remain; Haacke’s ice stick and Takis’ electromagnetic sculpture, both of which have x been authorized for purchase for the gallery collection. Art objects shown below are (left to right) Prism window by. Charles Ross, Fall out in magnetic field by Takis, Sphere in oblique air jet by Hans Haacke. Burning polyethylene (above)

by John

Van Saun.



298 the Chevron












L Cum erawork by Marty



Chevron staff

Truffaut’s movie career has gone from the utter sublimity of The 400 Blows to the sheer boredom and tedium of Soft Skin, to the mediocrity of Farenheit 451. In short one never knows. ’ Stolen Kisses comes close to the 400 Blows. Each scene in the film is superbly composed and extremely well acted. But the brilliance of the movie lies in the camera work which at times borders on slap-stick. A young fellow manages to get a psychological discharge from the army, and with nothing to do, procures a job (after a brief and bumbling career as night clerk in a hotel), as a private detective. After miserably failing---at a number of assignments he is given the job of discovering why a particular shoe store owner has no friends. He falls madly in love with the owner’s wife who responds with a one-only visit to his apartment. Needless to say he is spotted by a member of his detective agency and is-abruptly fired. His next job is a TV repairman This job is interrupted by a long weekend with his hot-cold girl-



by John Stegman

& Will Webb

Chevron staff

Many of today’s leading directors have used the short film during their careers to develop their distinctive techniques. Because North American theaters will not invest money on short films of unknown drawing power, movie-goers have usually been denied the privilege of seeing the shorter works of directors such as and Godard, Truffaut, Lester, Polanski. Janus Film library, foreign film importers and distributers, have attempted to capitalize on our misfortune by organizing a collection of short films to be distributed as a package in the United States and Canada. Their original package, designated “new cinema”, opened in New York in early 1968. Their Canadian branch in Toronto will attempt the same scheme in Canada, October 10, 11 and 12 at Ryerson Polytechnic Institute. Monday night Janus held a private screening in Toronto for interested parties, their criteria for interested being whether or not the party had any influence towards either renting the paqkage or convincing people to see it. Of the nine short films which make up the package, four are animated. The casual movie-goer


slapsikk friend, who has called for TV service. There is even a moral at the end having to do with permanent versus temporary people. The fascination of the film lies in the brillant use of the camera. Brecht uses a technique in his plays which is called esthetic distance. There are various devices inserted in the play which make the audience aware they are watching a play, to keep them from getting too involved. Godard was the first film maker to have great success with this technique. Truffaut employs it in a more subtle way in this film. The camera waits at a door or in a hallway while the action takes place, unseen, nearby. Why doesn’t the camera follow? Towards the end of the film, when our TV repairman has been called to fix his girlfriend’s set, the camera pans the scattered parts of the TV, it proceeds through the house and up the stairs, along the floor to a room, up the side of the bed. The bed is empty. The music stops, then starts again and we continue on our way to another bedroom where we find the lovers blissfully sleeping in each others arms.


will appreciate these films as they don’t require the discerning eye for obscure dialog and symbolism that most arty films seem -to. The longest of the animated films, Maschine by Aulenbath of Germany is a powerful yet amusing commentary on the dangers of expanding technology. Another film, A//ures by-- J. Belsen of the U.S. is strictly psychedelia with throbbing lights and swirling patterns. However, since it is only eight minutes long, it is unlikely that anyone watching it on acid will freak out. Enter Hamlet, by Mogubgub, U.S., gives each word of Hamlet’s soliloquy its own picture, often humorously. ’ In Two cast/es by Bruno Bozzetto of Italy, a little knight tries to capture a big castle. Of the five remaining movies, four are fairly heavy. Actwa-tilt by Jean Herman of France, and The ‘Fat and the lean, an early Roman Polanski work, will leave most casual movie-goers puzzled. More experienced viewers will be impretend pressed enough to otherwise. In La chute, Chris Marker of France combines a standard science fiction plot with a novel










what appears to be a narrated cinematic technique to produce accompanied by short story still shots for embellishment. In majestic slow motion and lush colour, Corrida interdite by Denys Colomb de Daunant of France, presents a moving yet essentially unbiased portrait of bull-fighting. The- last- film, The dove, by George Coe of the U.S., is an hilarious shoot-down of the typical Swedish art movie, and in particular of Ingmar Bergman. There are symbolic doves fluttering everywhere (shitting on people at appropriate moments) and heavy personal dialog (I am seventy-six years old. I have a hernia.) The settings are stark and rich with shadows, and the dialog is pigeon-Swedish with accompanying subtitles. Bergman will never seem the same again. A tenth film, Team, - team, team, produced in the U.S., was dropped from the package. Our host claimed that the close-up on college football did not meet Janus’ standards of excellence. “It was pure Yankee imperialism” he grinned. A fortunate by-product of packaging short films like this is that one only has to tolerate a displeasing film for a few minutes,


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1969 (~O:ZI)





the world ~stands





they nitpick...


. ..full bags three, yessir, Yessir ? wool any you - have sheep


MAGINE THIS SCENE: Eighteen scholars are sitting in a room, each hunched over a single book on his desk. The room is silent, except for the drone of the air tonditioner and the strange words of one If the scholars who is reading aloud. ‘Eye her in triumph and hand her in ;lipper a with field the from retiring was >olly Aunt. . .” A cry goes up from one of the scholars, ‘Lower case on ‘aunt’!” Other heads rod agreement. The reader goes on, ‘and comma vigor with whitewashng...” What’s going on ? Why it’s scholar;hip. The 18 scholars are working on an authoritative edition of the works of Mark Twain. They are reading Tom ;a wyer, word by word; backwards, in order to ascertain, without being divert?d from this drudgery by attention to the story or the style, how many times “Aunt Polly” is printed as “aunt Polly” and low many times “ssst!” is printed as ‘sssst! ” Incredible as it seems, this “project” 1s for real. These scholars, working under the auspices of the Modern Languages Association and with financial aid from the U.S. government, provide perhaps an extreme example, but nevertheless a relevant one, of the state of the study of English and American literature today.



And it is not as if this sort of irrelevant makework is confined to a few academics gone haywire. The attitude pervades the thinking of many. teachers of English literature and finds its way into Waterloo’s classrooms where it perverts students’ values and their notions of what literature is about and how it should be studied. The U.S. poet Archibald MacLeish once said: “Only in literature-in the arts-in poetrywhich contains the arts-only in poetry does man appear, man as he really is in his sordidness and his nobility. Elsewhere in the university man is a clinical specimen, or an intellectual abstraction, or a member of a mathematical equation, or a fixed point in a final dogma. Only with us is he himself-himself as Swift smelled him and as Keats saw him-himself in all his unimaginable -unimaginable if literature had not perceived them-possibilities. ’’ Nice, eh? But English majors or honors students or anyone just taking that American lit course because it looks interesting better not pick up what MacLeish says and try to apply it to the novel or poems they’re writing a term paper on. Because that isn’t scholarship; it’s too subjective and it doesn’t prove that you’ve mastered the “techniques” needed to be a perceptive English student. Instead, I-‘11 lend you a paper I wrote lastyear as a satire on the type of scholarship expected of us. I pushed the insanity of “the method” as far as‘ I thought I could go without being flunked for it. The paper is entitled, “The use of windows in.The;


300 the Chevron


odore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie” and it received an A-. What I did was record every time a character in this turn-of-the-century American novel was pictured in a window and then made impressive-sounding comments some obscure, and tied it into the novel’s several themes. Fini, no brain-drain, and as it turned out, an excellent mark. The prof’s only comment: “I- have always equated the window image with the rocking chair image and feel the two must be viewed simultaneously. ” I can’t say for sure, but I expect that had I written about what this particular novel says about American capitalism at the turn of the century, or otherwise concentrated on its historical and political contexts (a tremendous New York streetcar strike figures prominently in the novel), I would not have been as fortunate in my grade. One learns how to play the English lit game early, or one doesn’t survive. * * * “Where is the center of English studies?” asks Canadian poet Earle Birney. “Does it lie in the mastering of obsolete words in Shakespeare, or memorizing the points made by the newest critic of Gray’s Elegy? If so, I think English depa$ments are themselves away out on the fringe of significant education. “If the so-called Humanities have a pivot surely it ought to lie in an interlocking of those disciplines which encourage the individual in the exploration of what has not been over-explored, under the leadership of those who are still exploring. ” Ah yes. But English lit scholars are a jealous lot. An “interlocking of disciplines” has no appeal. No, English lit must be justified on its own grounds alone. So the study of literature has become highly research-oriented, covering itself with the mantle of science and Protestant busyness. An enormous amount of money has been channelled into research projects. In English literature there are many great factories pouring out editions, commentaries and lives on all but the miniscule figures of our literature. George Grant of McMaster University writes: “If one has a steady nerve, it is useful to contemplate how much is written about Beowulf in one year in North America. One can look at the Shakespeare industry with perhaps less sense of absurdity; but when it comes to figures such as Horace Walpole having their own factory, one must beware vertigo. ” In this drive for researching the most miniscule aspects of works of literature, scholars are forced to go to diaries, first drafts and foreign editions in their quest for useless information for more periodical articles and lengthy introductions to “authoritative” editions. American critic Edmund Wilson, in an excellent expose of the irrelevance of the work of the Modern Language Association, The fruits of the MLA, - cites a recent edition of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The marble faun which has 467 pages of Hawthorne, 89 pages of “textual introduction”, 143 pages of -“textual notes” and 44 ‘pages of historical introduction preceding the textual introduction. Wilson says(’ “we are told in these introductions, in accordance with the MLA formula, that, in the course of writing the book, the author, as novelists often do, changed the names of certain of the characters; and that m&y of the descriptions in it-as has. been s noted, also a common practice-have .been taken from his Italian notebooks. This information is of no interest whatever. Nor is it of any interest to be told that Hawthorne’s wife corrected certain inaccuracies in the Raman descriptions and otherwise made occasional suggestions, which Hawthorne did not always accept.



“It has evidently been trying for Mr. Bowers (the editor) to find that, in the original manuscript, the author had been so inconsiderate as usually to make his changes “by wiping out with a finger while the ink was still wet and writing over the same space.” But the places where these smudges occur have been carefully noted and listed. “Now, what conceivable value have 276 pages of all this?”

The non-value


The justification of the humanities as sciences also takes a deeper from than simply concentration on research. Scholars are turning more and more to the practice of non-evaluative analysis. Here we have the work of hero of Canadian English departments, the University of Toronto’s Northrop Frye. With Frye’s approach the study of literature becomes a classifactory science with all the claims to objectivity and progress which go with such a science. George Grant writes: “Non-evaluative analysts see their activity as essentially self-justifying. They are moved by the pure desire to know; for example, the sheer joy in mastery over such a diverse field as literature. “This is not all bad, however. Although it must be granted that non-evaluative analysts can, at their worst, fall into the snobbishness of an impractical mandarinism, they have saved the humanities from an empty antiquarianism. They are interested in the understanding and mastery of literature as a living activity and in the practice of linguistic clarity as important in the present. ” Nevertheless, Grant adds and we must agree, that the consequences of this approach must be insisted on. Non-evaluate analysis cuts men off f rorn openness to certain questions. Suppose a student is studying the works of Tolstoy and de Sade under the guidance of an intelligent and sensitive practitioner of non-evaluative analysis. He can be taught to understand much about their writings, what is being said and how it is being said and the dependence of these on very complex traditions. As in some sense both authors are writing about the proper place of sexuality in human existence, the student can be taught to anatomize the similarities and differences in what the authors say about sexual “values”. From such a study the student will learn what two remarkable men have thought about the place of sexuality in human life. Yet because the study is a non-evaluative science, what would seem to be the most important question cannot be raised within the study: that is, wiiether de Sade or Tolstoy is nearer the truth about the proper place of sexuality. Grant concludes: “Such studies are impotent to lead to what was once considered (perhaps and perhaps not naively) the crucial judgment about “values “- whether they are good or evil. The scholars have gained their unassailable status of mastery and self-justification by surrendering their power to speak about questions of immediate and ultimate meaning-indeed generally by. asserting that such questions only arise through confusion’ of mind. Such a position provides immunity within the academic fortress, but it can still be asked whether the impotence of mind towards meaning is man’s necessary condition.” . Throughout my years in classes . of English literature, questions relating to values were just never asked, students having .become aware quite early that seeing literature as a way of understanding the world and ourselves is not the proper view. With all due respect to Alexander Pope, the proper study of mankind is not man; it is the genre, the theme, the symbol, the pron-

unciation, the wispy a pression, the allego%: never the validity of t reality. * What then is the fur how ought it to be studiec We can examine these four traditional theorie; of poetry or literature j Murray Krieger, in his for poetry.

According to the firs1 ger reviews, the poet i: no significant claim upc of time or dangerous. in the interests of the some Elizabethan Puri of the morality of eal pressed iL ?lf in the gui ethic. Today we find some science and the “prac a similar view when, if a course in literature, ies were made up, SC quired to read them? H ture that has somethin Plato and the earliest c of a short-sighted 20th-e A second approach ii primarily as a source ( is the view that was i who argued that man) are really pseudo-stat either explicit or implj tern of beliefs. While ii poetry, fiction and d: truth that has rightly less to approach liter; in search of this specie mistaken.


as ‘!

The third concept knowledge altogether. not important whether truth or any kind of tr important whether the sense. The arts, including I cause they give pleasu thetic hedonism. It re held today, perpetrate class. If the majority 4 to find satisfaction in or defining the goals 01 be found elsewherethe fun culture. According to Georg to state that the Nortl orgasm at home and I nervous mobile societ* capacity. for orgasm, es of the performing i They provide the enter technological society pose of art will not be of things, but to titiv into fitting into a war meaning is not relevan While it is right to I derived from literatur that the principal func this pleasure and act mize the connection b The fourth concept thing to do. with truth, it is truth of anothe

by Steve I t-eland Chevron staff

sion, the felicitous exle comma, but never, author’s conception of * on of literature’,

and -

lestions by considering jncerning the function ;eneral as set forth by ok The new apologists the conceptions Krieilar and literature has 1s. It is either a waste to advanced this view urity of the state, and ; supported it as part capitalisin, which exf a strenuous religious [dents in engineering, 1” disciplines voicing y are required to take protest that the storIty should they be rean approach to literacommon with that of alists functions as part ry utilitarianism! tt poetry is important npositional truth. This !ked by I.A. Richards ,tements in literature Its making no claim lpon the reader’s sysbe argued that much ! offers propositional I treasured, nevertheonly or even mainly rnowledge is of course

culture’ sociates poetry and view holds that it is ry yields propositional lnd it is therefore not t is a liar in Plato’s ture, are justified behis is a version of esnts an outlook widely jecially by the ruling lple cannot be allowed cting their own lives ty, their purpose must ? subsidiary ethos of Int : “One is tempted !rican motto is: “the n abroad,” but in the Ble have only so much he flickering messagill flill the interstices. Lent and release which res., -The public purd men to the meaning sjole and shock them which the. question of ize the pleasure to be I a misthke to assume literature is .to afford gly to deny or mini1 literature and truth. , literature has some)t propositional truth ; Coleridge advanced

this view when he described the imagination, as opposed to the fancy, as the truly original or creative power of the mind. The imagination enables the poet to see into the life of things, whereas the fancy, a more passive instrument, merely selects and combines images.

say, Chaucer. His own academic rise depends partly on his being able to win graduate students who will become Chaucerians too, and go out to other universities and make more Chaucerians. This sort of self-expanding, pedagogy has no room in it for the rivalry of new disciplines. ” As well, the professor, of English literature, by emphasizing form to the exclusion of content, can completely control his students by befuddling and mystifying them with his superior knowledge of stylistic devices and “scientific” classifications. In these areas he cannot be challenged and by hiri; emphasis on technique he eliminates any embarrassing questions by which students might attempt to relate the literary work to their own lives, thereby exposing some area where he is not an authority. One reason for this approach is that frequently the professor or the literary critic regards life itself as uniform and unchanging and therefore ultimately without artisitic interest, in contrast to the Marxist view that we are perpetually confronted with the emergence of novelty in the evolution of man’s nature and society.

Truth of a different color Those who defend this theory of Coleridge’s commonly insist that the truth poetry yields cannot be verified since it is separate from or even contrary to truth arrived at through the intellect. This view is attractive, Krieger observes, because it appears to do justice to the creative role of the poet, showing him to be more than “an amasser and combiner of the experience he has discovered in the world.” The theory accounts for “the utter newness of the true work of art.” Now Coleridge was surely right when he asserted that the poetic imagination has a unique contribution to make to the discovery of truth. But we must reject the idealist assumption in the notion that the poetic imagination is a power to be explained in terms of some transcendental philosophy and the irrationalist implications of a theory which, as Krieger says, generally rests on “the postulation of a faculty of imagination superior to the faculty of reason.” A more acceptable view would be that the artistic imagination provides materials for a certain kind of apprehension of the world and the scientific reason for another kind. Each of the two modes of knowledge is important; neither is superior to the other and neither is sufficient in itself. Thus of these four concepts concerning the function of art, we can say that no one can be subscribed to in an unqualified way, but that there are important elements of truth in each of the last three. The problem is now to fit these together to arrive at an answer to our questions: what is the function of literature and how ought it to be studied? * * * Among the functions of literature the most important is that it constitutes an indispensable way of discovering what reality is. Other disciplines of learning-philosophy, history, the sciences-have a similar goal, to give knowledge of reality-of the past, of changes taking place in our own time, of perspectives and possibilities for the future. Each has its own way of pursuing this goal, but each involves the others. l Literature operates not in isolation from other forms of cognition but rather as a part of the totality of our effort to understand the world. We need the poem, the novel, the play as instruments of discovery, and we need all the rest of our knowledge of reality as a way of verifying the insights the poem, novel or play furnishes. The two cannot be separated. Gaylord Leroy writes : “The experience gained through literature (is) a supplement to the knowledge acquired by exclusively intellectual means. It enters into and enlarges the awareness that is derived from that source and thusmakes possible a fuller and more complex apprehension of the world. “Knowledge of man and society gained through the intellect alone will be one-sided without this enlargement and enrichment, whereas_ the experience gained through literature will be merely inipressionistic and untrustworthy without the discipline that the intellect alone can supply. ” Thus the English Romantic poets should be studied with continual reference to their , world view of revolutionary politics and patterns of imagery should be -relegated to their proper role as devices which help the poet perform his exploratory work. Hemingway’s The sun ako rises does not re-

Rationale for non-involvement.

quire inane character sketches but it does demand an understanding of the causes for the predicament of the so-called “lost generation” of the 1920’s, It is within that historical framework that the novel’s action should be considered, all examination of language or symbolism being done not for its own sake but for its use in giving us lmmhlge of reality, through the interpretation of a sensitive man.

‘Art’ means total significance The common view that “the art is in the form!’ is mistaken. The art is rather in the total significance of the literary work, and the question of which aspect of that work requires the greatest attention will depend on time-and place: Sometimes the structural devices might be taken for granted and the student would want to concern himself primarily with cognition;- at other times the opposite might occur. But exclusive preoccupation with form carries the student away from the essentials of art. If literature is one of the indispensable ways of understanding the world and ourselves, why then is the prevailing notion that the only ‘proper concern of the student of literature is with felicities of expression ? There are several reasons and they relate to the power relationships in the university and in society. Teachers of English literature have a vested interest in keeping 4he emphasis of literature 1 study on form rather than content. 1 Earle ,Bimey writes of the psychology of the English lit Establishment: “A professor has invested most of his life in becoming a specialist in,



If you think of life as mere repetition, then in the search for the new, the changing, the different, you may well turn to questions of technique. After all, it is a good deal easier to address yourself to questions of technique than to do justice to the totality of meaning in a literary or other artistic work. People who would feel incapable of dealing with the question of how an arti$tic work functions in the context of an examined philosophy will feel themselves much more at home with irreleL vant details of method. Another important consideration is that reality is often too hot to handle. A vital literature in our time must directly or indirectly pose the question of the need for fundamental social change. And as we all know, the university class?oom is not the place to discuss social change. One is reminded of the observation that German professors during World War II found that “the poem itself” was a convenient escape from political responsibility. That -this attitude is so prevalent today can be seen in most courses in English literature. Richard Sommer says it (appropriately, in poetry) succinctly in “Professor of Humanities”: The bell rings true and I walk in my collar slippery and neat my tie -my fly zipped and all notes orderly for a suggestive lecture on Swift. The notebooks are waiting and so I say how much of his vision of evil is due to a deified sphincter and vertigo in the other (head) end. I bring in the flayed girl and link her with textual images of surface and depth psychosexually allied to patterns implicit in the formal structure of Gulliver’s tail, and how (if you see what I mean) Swift’s meaning . is contained within its own terms. All in all, it is a pleasant course and the students show themselves on the exam. Six months later I rec,eive a letter: Dear sir Iam still alive and all that alnd I am now in Viet Nam , not at liberty to say exactly where but he was right about the woman with all her skin off because napalm does it and I’ve seen one and they look a lot better with it on” and his run-on sentence runs on and on.


3 October

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30 7


Racing9s winning technology not applied to. street uvtos

hen though Jackie kkx won the Canadian grand prix using a “Ford” cllgim~. FOI$S bettel idea isn ‘t going to help vow car any. Unless you are a famous uucirzg driwr* with at least $35,000 to spend, you cannot benefit in the least -from Ford’s eugincxv*illg eqwtise. by Steve lzma Chevron staff



Forty-one thousand people milling around ‘Mosport park makes viewing a motor race very difficult, especially if you’re not merely satisfied with the noise and the speed of formula one cars, but want to watch real competition from various places on the track. But, the enthusiast is told, it is necessary to have so many people there: so that the organizers will break even or make a little money after paying $150,000 prize money and many more thousands for expenses; so that the entrants can win back money they put into their cars to make them go faster. And, after all that’s what attracts crowds: fast cars. Or do they come to see all this money being thrown around? The preliminary races for production sports cars and sedans were a fantastic contrast. They were racing for $110 prize money in cars modified from street use with, in many cases, just pocket money. As for the larger privately-owned Corvettes and Camaros a lot of money goes into racing but next to li nothing comes back. Yet these supporting races were more entertaining, at various times, than the feature race: two Minis running nose-to-tail or side-by-side lap after lap and sliding sideways through corners, a Toyota Gorolla spinning across the track right after 60-mphturn ten and right in front of about six other cars who all managed to miss him; a Corvette sliding with monstrous understeer on the same corner every lap, I obviously just on the edge of control. So Jackie Ickx won the grand prix at an average speed of over 110 mph. Unless you happened to be at a certain corner at the right time. where a certain nudging exercise took place, all you could see were fast, expensive cars following each other around the track. Various North American corporations have put millions of dollars into motor-racing in the last few years, but all of it into the few professional series, Because of the large purses, these series have recently been getting a great deal of publicity; only in the last two years have major newspapers consistently reported on races. The result is that the major auto manufacturers spend millions of dollars either openly (Ford) or secretly (GM) in order to get their names across to the public as “winners”. This leads to a totally ridiculous situation where the Camaro that beats a Mustang in the factory-backed Trans-Am series is almost completely dissimilar to the ordinary Camaro that is sold in showrooms and there is nothing that the regular buyer could do to a

(Coming Ott, 6)

, Dine & Dance In The



302 the Chevron

Miss America, ’


ATLANTIC CITY (CINS-After convincing the judges with a ballet routine and a 34-21-34 figure, Pamela Anne Elfred, a blonde co-ed from Detroit, held forth for the press as Miss America 1970. The Vietnam war was right, she reasoned, because otherwise the government would never have gotten into it. “I feel that the people who were voted into office must have the intelligenct to know what to do,” she said. ‘Sighed a middle-aged pageant official: “God love you. ”

street Camaro to make it faster than even the “losing” trans-am Mustang. General Motors consistently denies being active in motor-racing with the insinuation that speed and racing are dangerous. But deep in their bureaucratic jungle are development men who have built the Chevrolet engines that have dominated the Can-Am series, the “richest road-racing series in the world”, for the last three years. The engine is sold to private racing teams with the most money and sponsorship at a displacement of around 480 cubic inches. However on entry lists, or in any publicity, it is always a “427 Chevrolet”, to identify it with one engine available to the public. Ford motor company has had no success in the CanAm because it has difficulty finding a capable team who would risk losing races while being committed to an untried engine. But in formula one racing, an engine bearing the name “Ford” has been completely dominant ever since last year. When the three-litre (engine displacement) formula came into effect in 1966, Ford was paying a small, but experienced, English engineering company, Cosworth, to develop an engine for them. When ready, it was made available to any team who could pay $35,000 a shot. It has been so successful that only two formula one teams don’t use it. So far this year, the V8 has powered the top three cars in every world championship race except one, where a Ferrari finished third. The only production Ford engine it even remotely resembles is the 91 cubic inch, 4-cylinder Cortina engine from which the Cosworth engineers took a few principles, but no parts. Other companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars merely for advertising returns : tobacco companies (Players), breweries (Molsons, Labatts), wax comanies (Johnsons, Simoniz), even newspapers. The money goes into either prize funds or cars themselves with the intentions of the organizers being that big purses mean big-name drivers and fast cars, which in turn mean big crowds, which, full circle, attract sponsors and money. But the circle is broken down by the professionalism. A certain few teams spend all their time and money developing one car for one series, and often the result is that it dominates that series. Roger Penske’s Camaro team leads every TransAm race almost from start to finish; no one can come anywhere near Bruce Mclaren’s can-am Mclaren-Chevrolets; all the fast formula A’s use Chevrolet engines, and, as mentioned, all the fast formula one teams use Ford (Cosworth) engines. That all makes for relatively boring races. Canada organizec the third largest number of races in the world, but has not one internationally-ranked driver. The reason here is lack of money. Canadians can’t race properly in international races because they can’t attract sponsors in Canadian club races, and find it very difficult to raise money otherwise in order to buy a car competitive on the international level. But once you get over the novelty of a car’s sheer speed and begin to appreciate finer driving technique, you may find that Canadian club racing, with its minimal purses and returns, becomes as exciting. if not more exciting, than any of the professional events. And that’s because the amateurs are doing it just for the pure fun of racing. Besides, there aren’t as many spectators to get in your way at club races.




by Jim Dunlop Chevron staff

Tomorrow the block and tackle’ Warriors play host to the Queens’ Golden Gaels in their first home season game. Both teams are smarting from losses suffered last weekend. The invincible Gaels of last year were demoralized by McGill 28-6. True to form the Warriors fell apart in the second half of the game as the Blues scored more than 20 unanswered points to give them a victory that even they admit was lucky. After the game Toronto coach Ron Murphy said, “Waterloo hit harder than any team we’ve met in a long time. I’m. glad we only play them once this year.” It could be said that the people who attend tomorrowIs game should look for a hard-hitting game with lots of action and all the rest of the crap that armchair quarterbacks always 1predict. But don’t be fooled. The real action will be in the stands. There are, as everyone knows, three types of football fans. The first is the solid college rah-rah fan. He never misses the big play and if his team is losing he always figures there’s a way to overcome defeat in the dying minutes. Number two is the gung-ho asshole fan. Very rarely does he miss a game but he goes for a different reason than number one. While rah-rah goes to enjoy himself by watching the game, gung-ho goes to enjoy himself and embarrassing the people around him who are genuinely interested in the game. The third class of fan is the anti-fan. He is the guy who celebrates when the team loses and cries if they win. At Waterloo type number one and three are very rare. The membership in the third



category is more or less res- ’ and raving to win. Coaches altricted to the boys and girls in ways say morale is half the batthe rho sigma mhu frat, but they tle to winning. So maybe the idea are usually ignored. of getting drunk or stoned or Number one is restricted by what-have-you to help the team the very nature of this campus. to win is a good thing. Everybody-well almost everyBut there are a few things body-is a juice-freak and things which tend to defeat this idea. like real live rah-rah tend to inFirst of all, have you ever been terfere with booze. sitting at the top of a stadium To give some sort of scope and been forced to move beon this gung-ho nonsense refer cause some drunk wants to barf to the Varsity game on Saturday. over the top rail to see if it sepAbout 350 kids from the Vilarates on the way down? lage piled into seven buses and Some of the crowd could teach invaded varsity under the prethe Warrior line a few things tense of being good solid footabout manhandling people. If ball fans. At the game there the block and tacklers could only were at least the same number throw their opponents around the of people who had made the trip way some of the fans “pass” on their own. This group sat topeople down the whole length of gether throughout the game, the stands we could hold off the \ under the guise of a group of Jets. fans. But what were they? Seven But there are worse things hundred idiots. about people who tend to inSure they kicked up one helldulge at games. What do they uva noise for the first do with their empty bottles? three quarters. So much in fact that The best way to rid themselves television viewers at home must of the glass is to heave it through have thought it was a Uniwat the air. Whoever hits the target home game, as the Blue’s were gets a free drink. Some one must met with a chorus of boos, inhave won a whole case on satstead of the loud cheers one exurday. pects in one’s own stadium One of the infamous musicians And all of these nice typical who toils for the Warriors band students from a typical univergot to see if his head really had sity even did their own thing blood in it. A bottle made conwith the cheers. It got to the tact with his cranium and now point where the cheerleaders bears a few stiches. were following the crowd. Fans always get down on the cops when they evict some of But maybe this is to be extheir ‘members. But most of the pected because the cheerleaders time it’s for really dangerous only seem to know four cheers things. Not many people get or yells. Somebody said they had turned on by blood, especially quit practising after they were if it’s their own. chosen but this couldn’t be true. Toronto officials charge up to Or could it? $3.50 for a ticket to intercolleSome of -the gung-hoers even giate sports. This seems a bit did a little song and dance at exhorbitant when it only costs half time. Music by the late 16 cents a seat to run the place Walt Disney (Mickey Mouse), if there is a capacity crowd. words by the Waterloo outing Needless to say some people get annoyed at these rates. society (I-N-T-E-R-C-O-U-R-S-E) were supplied free of charge to But then again, where else can you see a circus for that anyone interested. The team needs this ranting price.

English in action.. -- 5 is back in action I If you are a foreign student who wantsg individual help with English conversa- g tion plus information on Canada and its s * . customs * * OR 1 r--a. If you are willing to volunteer an hour g a week to help such a foreign student $ s THEN ----.‘. -...we -2 * Please register at the 3f s FOREIGN STUDENT OFFICE * Room 643,ARTS LIBRARY * GRADS, FACULTY , STAFF, UNDER- x * GRADS.. . .A11Welcome * Opening meeting to meet your partner t plus guest speaker to talk on teaching me- s* thods. Free refreshments. * 2iL WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8-8:30pm rj;l I Music Lounge, Campus Centre ~ cl*******************************

These two sailors prepare to abandon ship as their craft takes on water off Owen Sound.




Last weekend Gord Crewe, math 2, and Bill Penistan, arts 2, represented U of W at the Owen Sound sailing regatta. As well as having top competition racing, there were discussions on how to organize sailing ; both on the intercollegiate level, and within the individual universities.

West Virginia, and U of T (who could only climb to 8th). A five-race series was sailed using 15 foot albacore class sailboats provided by McGreur and Clark ltd. U of W had one first, three seconds and one fourth which left them short of bringing the silverware back to the jock building. Last year the U of W team won the O.Q.A.A. championships and went on to place 5th in the Canadian intercollegiate championships held in Kingston.

In the meetings, intercollegiate organization was pushed aside in order to discuss promoting on-campus sailing. Western explained how their excellent sailing club of 150 members worked and others explained how they obtained boats. Next year we might have a sailing club with members going to Fanshaw, lake Constoga, Toronto and Sarnia on day or weekend outings. Perhaps you will even see small crafts on Columbia lake.

In the racing, we placed a close second to McMaster (Canada’s top sailing team), and beat such as Queen’s (3rd), competition McGill, Royal Military College,


3 October

7969 (7O:ZO)





It should when they with the ers; but

Ellen Mably


do you think

be good are done bulldoz- ~ it’s too

K. Kusy

Aileen Moskal


Habitat night attendant

psych 4

The recreation facilities are better than in Village 1, but the double rooms could cause problems.

It’s got potential to be liveable.


on a

Will Gilbert

arts 1

It’s a good place to meet people and experiment with new freedom; if only my roommate didn’t snore.



Louise Taggart


co-op them 1A

It helps if you are good at climbing into diningroom chairs. f

Duana Skinner

study sitting



co-op them 1A


of Habitat

It’s better for meeting people than living off campus; but the rooms , are too small.

habitat tutor


It’s a bit too early to tell but the students seem to be enjoyingthem)selves. a


The Cape That Covers The Jumpsuit That Covers Helen Anne Tbs Fall by Miss Sun Valley

UND -. Fleming: hesecurity iT 3EWARD

your clipboard department.



has been returned




ney and

papers possibly in BlO 295. Contact In Maissan, 744-7939. ,OST: Waterloo optometry 70 jacket. campus ,ter last friday, 28 September. 744-3863. 3NE pair men’s brown shoes on Hazet street. lone knowing whereabouts please phone 3-7459. ~ RSONAL r SUPPORT your local candlemaker, student 3s. See Wendy upstairs Kitchener market, rry Saturday 6am - 1 pm. 4RE you making all the money you need? Do I have a car? For further information call Fred ehler, 745-0034. INTERESTED in what’s going on at Hillel? Call 2-9996. After 6 try 576-5859 or 579-l 336.

ALIENATED? FRUSTRATED? or just peeved? Drop into the RAP ROOM in the campus center anytime. MODERN DANCE-stretch your mind and muscles too. Erick Hawkinq method. Tuesdav and thursday, 5:30 - 6:30, October 7 to november 27. $22. Waterloo YWCA, 744- 17 11. FREE Canada careers directory for class of 1970 only. Packed with career opportunities in industry and government. Also information on school boards and graduate schools. Call at the placement office for your copy now. FOR SALE 1966 Rambler 770 classic, 4 door sedan, automatic, radio, new tires, 25.000 miles. 742-2 104 between 5-7pm. Reliable safe girl’s car. USED texts for psychology, languages and mathematics. Call 744- 1827. GRETSCH electric guitar, Nashville model. Showroom condition, with hard shell case. Phone 742- 1893 after six.

FLOOR hard? Need a bed? Regular length continental bed in good condition. $25. Phone 7424715. FOR sale, good qualrty 19-inch Electrohome TV, excellent condition. On display in grad union office (federation office). Submit written bids to GSU treasurer. 196 1 Meteor, 6 cylinder, stick new valve and ring job, new generator good rubber, radio. Certified. $195. 578-8686. USED TEXTBOOKS in good condition. Will sell for 60 percent of bookstore price. Mechanics of Materials (ArgesIPalmer), Circuits Devices and Systems (Smith). University Chemistry (Mahan). Added bonus for only $1: Topics in Modern Mathematics (Stanton and Fryer). Apply at Chevron office. 1956 Ford, automatic, good condition. Phone 745-2749. WANTED Part time help monday, tuesday, Wednesday mornings. Ferguson hardware, 385 Frederick street plaza. 743-7632. RIDE WANTED RIDE urgently needed monday thru fnday from vicinity Victoria and Patricia, Kitchener. University hours 9-5. Phone 578-0667 after 6:30.

STERDAY WATERLOO inning society regular meeting. reduction to various asspects of female anatby with practical demonstrations following. e beer to all members as usual. 10:30am, npus center room 143. DAY Dr. David Hubel of Harvard ston, will speak on single cell Jai system, 3pm. B 10 27 1.

medical school, recording in the

TURDAY DANCE with your favorite thing plus the pov1 train plus a fantastic light show. Admission silver collection. 9pm campus center. Football COOKOUT 5pm (check IVCF sign at dium) splash-in at new pool at 7pm. people at rf Morrison’s at 8. INDAY Duplicate bridge club. All players welcome. sciences lounge. EMS library tours, 10:30am and 2:30pm, 4th 3r. math building. , CHEVRON STAFF MEETING, 9pm. campus iter.









19 King N, Waterloo 743-4871


304 the Chevron

Open evenings except Sat. till Xmas


TUESDAY Duplicate bridge club meets at 7pm in the SS lounge. Faculty and staff welcome. Cost 50~ per night. EMS library tours. Same time and place as yesterday. Clubs and orgs budget meeting. 7pm. room 2 17 campus center. WEDNESDAY ENCOUNTER controversial author Mrs. Caldwell, 8pm TV lounge campus center. More EMS library tours. Same as before? ENGLISH in action, opening meeting. speaker on methods of teaching English. refreshments. Foreign students meet their teers for first conversational hour. 8:30pm, lounge, campus center.


Guest Free volunmusic

TUTORS NAGON som skulle tala svenska, vai snail sju-atta-nolla-tva-atta-sju.

vilja och

lara en Kanadick att telefoner Bob. Sem-

TYPING ASSIGNMENTS and essays typed. Reasonable rates, located on campus. Call after 5pm. 5762450. ALL typing done efficiently and promptly. Phone Mrs. Marion Wright, 745-l 11 1 during offjce hours; 745- 1534 after 6. HOUSING AVAILABLE VACANCY exists at 193 Albert Street. Double room with cooking facilities, parking and private entrance. $10 per week. Apply Mr. Hudson, 34 Ezra, Waterloo. ONE double room, own shower, kitchen, cable TV. For fall term in quiet home near university. Dale crescent. 578-4 170.

Narcs bust 5 characters a in crusade tof morality In what police termed a major breakthrough in the fight against the evils of narcotics, a Waterloo student was busted for drug trafficking Wednesday. Pete Pan, chemistry 3, was rudely surprised when arrested at the house of Miss Wendy Bird, and her two brothers shortly after the group dropped acid in the early evening. Sergeant Floyd Barron and Captain Ralph Hook, both of Kitchener-Waterloo’s narcotics bureau had been “shadowing” the youths for several weeks. “It’s time these youngsters grew up,” was Captain Hook’s terse comment. “This Pan character and others like him at Waterloo should learn they must face up to their responsibilities, instead of

flying off to their fantasy filled neverland. ” When interviewed Pan expressed deep regret at being caught. “I thought I’d lost my shadow, as I hadn’t noticed any narcs around lately”, Pan explained.” -Just as we started flying at Wendy’s place, Hook broke in and caught % me with about ten hits of LSD.” The two Kitchener officers later found an additional 500 caps of acid, known locally as “fairy dust”, stashed in a hollow tree near Pan’s home. The arrest came as the second in two weeks. Another Waterloo student known only as Alice of 112 Wonderland Drive, Kitchener was caught with a small quantity of mescalin.

Truck and field teum I

Last friday the track and field Warriors successfully opened their 1969 season with a strong win over McMaster and Western at a meet held in London. Despite a slight wind and erratic competition five Uniwat school records were broken. Paul Pearson, last year’s top distance runner, finished in a ,dead heat with a much-improved Dave Northey to share first place in the three mile. They had elected not to sprint in order to save *their energy for further events, The third, place finisher was far back as the duo crossed the finish line with linked arms high in the air. Lacking two top sprinters didn’t stop the 440 yard relay team from turning in a creditable time of 43.6 seconds, just behind Mat. Bruce Walker was the first Warrior to cross the finish line in the mile race with a time of 4 minutes, 25 seconds. A runner from Mat also won this event. A newcomer to the team, Cam Crosby, set two records with second place finishes at the meet in both the shot put and discus. Crosby put the shot over 46 feet


triumdis ---I----

in the first event and his throw feet lower. Warriors Bruce Wesin the discus was longer than tell and Bill Rowe were second 149 feet. and third in this event. Waterloo . showed impressive To ensure victory in the mile depth in the high hurdles as Gord relay Waterloo flooded the track Robertson, Bill Sandercock and with four teams. The “D” team Bill Lindley followed Mat ‘s of Sandercock, Krist, Huff and Camani across the finish line. Stulla won in a time of just Terry Wilson continues to lead more than three and a half minin discus, with a throw on friday utes. of 202 feet 8 inches. Final point standings, a wardLindley , who alternated top ed on a 5-3-2-l-basis showed Watjumping honors with Dennis Mcerloo on top with 82.5 points, Gann last year, won both the almost twice as much as second long and triple jumps. Les Jolplace McMaster. ivet added a fourth in the long Last year the track team and jump as well a finishing second the cross country team won Oin the 100 yard dash. QAA titles. They have been the John Balcaras, another- rookie only teams in the history of Watat Waterloo, won ‘the 440 in 49.6 erloo to do so. Yet there are very seconds and the 220 in 22.2 secfew people who attend track onds. Both are new school records. meets. Team members get Veteran Jack Walton showed annoyed when the only spectasigns of returning to form as he tors are close friends and relaset yet another school record by tives. jumping six feet in the high jump. In order to show themselves Most of the Canadian interoff to the student body the track collegiate sports can be classed team is holding a meet tomorrow with the same events below the starting at 11: 00 am. It will run border. But not in pole vaulting. . until the block and tacklers take U.S. jumpers can clear 17 feet to the field in the afternoon. Some while the winner of this event running finals will be held at last week was more than four half time.

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george, rugger is here

Rugger is Canada’s fastestgrowing sport. Testimony to this contention is borne out by the large number of highschool, industrial and recreational leagues springing up’ throughout the country. Participation at Waterloo has doubled in the last two years. Actually rugger,- or more -properly rugby, is not new to Canada. Lord Grey donated the well known mug which bears. his name to the amateur rugby championships of Canada. The Canadian football league now gives this as the highest award in professional football in the land. A word about the game. The basic idea is to propel the ball across the opponents’ goal line and touch it to the ground. This is called making a try. It is worth three points. The scoring team gets to attempt for another two points. It is kicked anywhere from between the 25 yard line and the goal line directly in line with the point where the ball was touched down. Field goals are also worth ’ three points. To advance the ball one may run with it or kick it in any manner, with a few exceptions. The ball cannot be advanced by throwing it or bobbling it along the ground or in any similar

manner. If this happens the opposing team is awarded a strum. A strum consists of the eight forwards on each side lined up in a three-two-three pattern, the first row on each side bent down locking heads with the opponents and the second 8nd third rows bent low to provide a push on the buttocks of the first row. The seven backs line up across the .field, ready to advance the ball. One forward of the nonoffending side throws the ball into the strum. Strums are also awarded when the ball is trapped in a maze of players or an accidental offside. Other infractions such as handling the ball or kicking it out of bounds are penalized by a line -out, This is a formation in which each set of forwards line up perpendicular to the side-lines, a yard apart from each other. The ball is thrown down the gap and designated players try for possession. An offside occurs when a player plays a ball which has been kicked, touched or carried by a player behind him; when he enters a loose scramble from the opponents’ side, or when a player not involved in the strum advances the ball. It is not surprising that there are many things alike between rugger and football. But rugger

Once again the jock building has been graciously handed over to outside people by the local jock barons. Starting today and running all weekend there is a volleyball coaches’ clinic. It is open to all interested people in the province. The clinic is designed to provide the coaches with the latest coaching techniques ranging from the latest developments in audiovisual coaching aids to practical on-the-floor demonstratioris. convener Pat Davis Clinic states “the clinic is designed to provide the coaches and physical education instructors with a wealth of material which they will then be able to apply in their individual situations. ” While the coaches are worrying about their own individual situations, anyone of the students who want. to use the gym dur-

ing the weekend will probably have to suffer. The jock department is helping to sponsor this event. What sponsors the jock department is the $22 that all students on this campus are required to pay at registration. Too bad that our fees doesn’t entitle us to our own building. * * * Two things about last week’s game. Both concern the local whip, Wally Delahey. There’ is a rumor that quarterback Dave Groves used his initiative in only one play against the Blues. It was one of our touchdowns. The rest were called by Delahey, things like a 42-yard field goal, the wrong passes and finally no passes. The second item is a fact. Toronto coaches dress better and fancier than ours. They sport sideburns, slacks and white socks.

has many advantages over football. It develops a player. All players must play the whole game unless seriously injured. It lacks the professional influence that most tootball teams maintain. Opportunities increase after secondary school. The cost is minimal. All that new teams need are sweaters and a ball. The referees are unpaid. And above all the game develops spirit. Each team applauds the other off the field and both sides clap for an injured participant. After the game the host club holds a party for the opposition. The social climate is lively throughout the year. Anyone wishing a membership for social purposes is asked to contact George Tuck at 664-2023. This year’s team is ati unknown quantity. There are a few holdovers from last year, with the rest of the team being composed of members of other teams plus a few rookies. Home games are at Seagram stadium on Wednesdays and on Columbia field on Saturdays.


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3 October

1969 (1O:ZO)






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The two m&n issues on campus were Habitat 69 and the three-tier parking structure. Brian Iler, federation president, called a general meeting to discuss taking action to ha/t construction of Habitat which had been termed an abortion. Student council declared freedom parking, making available all parking spaces to students. faculty, administration and staff on a first-come, firstserve basis. Admin president Gerry Hagey invited student councillors to dinner, but council countered with an invitation to Hagey to participate in a panel discussion in the campus center great hall. The ‘faculty association was calling for compulsory membership fees, while food-services director Bob Mudie said he would assess the need for extending food services on campus during weekends. Five students attempted to crash a joint meeting of the Ontario committee of presidents and committee of university ai‘rairs in Toronto, and the Chevron staffers spent an entire weekend playing with their new expensive to y-the telex-while it was free. Madalyn Murray lashed out at religion, pollution and capitalists, and the McGill adminls first newspaper was a flop. UniwatS star performer Ken Fryer was editorialized thusly:-

For The Month


DUNLOP TIRES $18.23 ea King West at Breithaupt St. 743-5841- Kitchener







In the pages of history

per afternoon

“For Service Plus Call”

ems librasy tours October


at IO:30

am . . 2:30


Take math associate dean Ken Fryer who blasted activists and denounced the Chevron in a speech to freshmen several weeks ago. Disturbed by false statements in his text and his terribly cynical tone, student council members and other senior students in the audi~ence tried to ask questions or counter his statements. But Fryer steamed on ahead. Assured by the student chairman that a question period would follow, the senior students were shocked to see Fryer leave the


stage at the end tion, thus avoiding to his statements. Although Fryer lically challenged than 500 students council members time, r\,iarl anywhere,

of his presentaany challenges was then pubin front of more and profs by to a debate anyhe has not re-


The university community should be a place where openmindedness is a virtue and honesty in both thought and action the watchword.

1967 Two pages were devoted to candidates for Waterloo north and Kitchener in the provincial election, and two students were granted voting membership on the engineering faculty councilthe first faculty council to allow student members. The federation acquired a new business manager-Peter Yates, while complaints poured in about the service of the registrar’s office. Apathy reigned as the Math Sot election was postponed, and a stormy council meeting was reported:

“There is a good possibility the registrar has goofed again,” charged Bob Cavanagh, vicepresof stuident of the federation dents. Cavanagh’s charge touched off a torrent of complaints against the registrar’s office at monday’s


Have students been granted their first foothold in the university power structure? Or have they merely, as one student council member feared monday, been bought off? Student president Mike Sheppard has been appointed co-chairman of a steering committee which will direct the university’s attempt to publicize itself in prep-

You’ll receive a full sized l/9 lb. free pouch of Amphora Full Aromatic in the Red pouch. And remember to try Amphora Mild Aromatic and Regular in the blue and brown pouches. All 3 are sealed in overwraps to retain freshness, and are products of Douwe Egberts’ 200 years of tobacco blending experience.







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306 the Chevron

Dec. 31, 1969 and is limited per person, per address.)

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An invitation has been extended to the registrar and his assistants to attend the next meeting of student council.


aration for a fund-raising drive. This is the first major move to bring students into university committees. During the council discussion monday however several reps wondered if the administration invitation was only tokenism or given only because students were needed to operate the information program successfully.

Construction was beginning on a 4,000,OOO addition and extension program to the engineering buildings, while psych students at Lava1 went on strike. Graduate students protested their federation fee, and the student newspaper of the University of Western Ontario was damned by London clergymen for having printed a pro-sex editorial. Orientation organizers were criticized for spending $1060 for Bill Hale y’s one night stand, and from the pen of Ed Penner came a complaint that students were no longer being served at the City hotel. And with wondering foresight, the Cory editorialized about the bureaucratic forms the university requires:-

a g Address.,,.,,. __,_,,_,..,.. ,’ ..,..._. ... .. ...?. . ........ ..‘....-...-... gy’ B

at Reni-



1 p .& /5

meeting .

Student council president Mike Sheppard told the Coryphaeus (the Chevron’s maiden name} he would resign unless council’s decision to reject universal acceptability was changed, and exam results were delayed because of bungling in the registrar’s office. The new Ontario student award program was termed inadequate and unrealistic, and a Cory reporter noted the elevator in the seven-floor arts library went only to the sixth floor. Admin-types were preparing for LJniwatS tenth anniversary, and student council-types smelled a rat:

a Genuine Dutch Aromatic!

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Nothing beats And nothing beats Amphora Full Aromatic in the Red pouch. It’s the cool, extra mild tobacco from Holland with the pleasant aroma that’s enjoyed by everyone around you. Try Amphora Full Aromatic-on us. Just mail in the coupon below and enclose an empty pouch of the pipe tobacco you are now smoking.

student son.



## @


We wonder how long a company could keep their business if they demanded that their customers use special order forms and to add insult to injury, charged for them. This is poor business practice. If th‘e university departments mentioned think their special forms are so necessary to their efficiency, they should request the other

departments provided. obligatory them. We have (including federation university requisition tions.

to please use forms Do not make their use and then charge for visions of secretaries those working for the of students) all over the filling out a purchase for purchase requisi-


letters to Feedback, The Chevron, U of W. Be The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Those typed (double-spaced) get priority. ‘““” Sign t t - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good mason.

For Sale



If the persons and Village 2 resident who used the pseudonyms Moody would come into the Chevron office and sign their letters, we will publish them (with pseudon yms, if desired).

Euger student integrated-studies


hassles girl

I have the most unfortunate task _ of bringing to the attention of my fellow students an occurence that took place September 26 around 5: 30 at your university bookstore. During the past week I have purchased about $80 worth of books at this outlet, and they seemed most pleased to take my money. ’ However last friday, after entering the first of two sets of doors, as usual a man met me with that questioning glance that I interpreted to mean, “Where’s your identification card?” I then told him I had not yet received my ID card and that I had no pre-registration form with me, but that I had purchased items in the past without any trouble. The conversation went as folio-ws : He: Where’s your ID card? Me: I don’t have one yet. He: Pre-registration? Me: No, I haven’t got it. He: You in integrated studies? Me: Yes. He: Look, I know they have preregistration forms so don’t give. me any-of that bull. I - Me: So I can’t get in? He: I’m sick and tired of you kids in integrated studies trying to sneak in here all the time. If you haven’t got an ID then get out. During this entire conversation, he used the most obnoxious tone of voice, as well as making sure that anyone within 100 yards heard his performance as Mr. student policeman. My questions are as follows: 0 Why is this bookstore restricted? l Why are guards necessary when there is no chance of anyone stealing from there anyway? l How is it that I and my course, namely integrated studies, was the course he attacked with the words “sneak in here” which directly implied we had no right to spend money or use the service of the store as other students do? l Why is it that besides the tremendous task of trying to put up with this bureaucratic bullshit of registration, housing and so-called orientation, while tripping over all kinds of red tape I have to listen to a fellow student mouth off and vent his psychotic hangups and take an ego trip on my time? I swore when I came to Waterloo this year that for the first time I would stay out of the political ratrace, the radical movement and the Saturday night war games, but goddamn it, when things like this happen its enough to make me angry, and when I get angry (as proven elsewhere) things happen and, Mr. Doorman, I’m getting angry so stay out of my way and off my private free-from-your-type cloud or you may find yourself subject and cause of a great deal of disturbance to your quiet little position of policeman. LISA RAUTLEY integrated-studies Role of professors gets different interpretations According to Henry and Betsy, “it is the professor’s role to interfere with free discussion “. This would seem to imply that they have a dislike for the lecture systern.

Furniture & Appliances -ANYTHING TO A COMPLETE


To quote K.D. Fryer, “The ideal a questionable editorial judgement professor is.. .--an interesting and made by your reporter. inspiring teacher to. his students. Mr. Petch said (if the reporter Naturally not every professor can quoted him accurately), “If the achieve this idea, but we all try Federation of Students doesn’t TICto do our best. ” cept it (the results) then it won’t Based on the comments of some go.” A student then said: “You’re students, one cannot help but won- giving us the veto then.” Your reder, Henry, whether the time you porter “There was apwrote: spend preparing your lectures has plause by the student group, but been somewhat curtailed by your Petch made no denial. ” attempts at becoming more “polIt could with equal claim to itically aware”. truth (none) be said that Mr. Pet& gave no approval. Your reporter RON ADAMS math 3 might have written that, if he saw DON SIMMONS the world a different way. poli-sci and psych 4 Would not it have been fair for your reporter to ask Mr. Petch if She knows not oppression, he intended to grant the veto? Or was he afraid of blowing a good this guy knows not humor story by learning the truth? WorkMrs. Crapo-Often times I woning to deadline is no excuse: if Mr. der if people in our society really Petch could, not be reached for understand what true oppression comment the story’ should not have really is. Are you oppressed by been printed as written. lack of education and ignorance as I can see the next step clearly. so many illiterates in Asia, Africa If Mr. Petch did not intend to grant and South America; are you starvveto power, he will say so. Stuing like half the people of the world dents will dig out their Chevron of are; have youno clothes or shelter September 26, accuse him of lying, to protect you from the elements; and an already unfortunate situaare you oppressed by a totalitarian tion will deteriorate further. The government as in the soviet union Chevron staff will have caused the where the communist party persituation, but maybe that’s what it meates every phase of one’s perwants. sonal life? A DISGUSTED OBSERVER The obvious answer to these Anyone who has ever-been to a questions is that you are _ oppressed _--coordination lecture knows that the by none-. If- you conZder yourself reporter was being very objective, an oppressed housewife, perhaps in fact, kind. you should live in Europe where A more damaging bias is the sort the women wait on their husbands of thing the ‘Yprofessional press fl* a good deal more than the affluent practices. For example, a front-page north American housewife. head from mondayls Globe and Mail Perhaps after visiting an under‘Thieu demands victory; U.S. hopes developed nation as Stanley Burke did in Biafra, one might return to cohapse for early Vietnam peace” accepts as objective fact that the Canada as he suggests a little U.S. government actually wants humbler and a little more thankful. Although things are not that rosy peace. Failure to retract in an obvious in Canada some of us don’t know situation means consent. There exwhen to count our blessings. isted a possibility of doubt, which Considering you and your husbwas taken care of-the notation and’s comfortable status in this ‘deadline news Ifl should indicate a society, if you want our pity or sympathy, I am sorry Betsy you de tailed folio wup would come in the next issue, where it was (Petch was don’t deserve it. also given a complete opportunity DONALD SIMMONS to explain his quote). poli-sci and psych 4 The previous two letters refer to a tongue-in-cheek letter last week from pure-math prof Henry Crap0 and his wife Betsy. Simmons and Adams seem to have missed the humor. Oppression of women in North A merican society is of course, relatively small in a physical sense. And as for quoting Ken Fryer, perhaps one should read ‘In the pages of history* (page 18) under 1868. L -the iettitor



House of Furniture 46 King St. North Waterloo - 576-5440

One notes with interest your own lack of principle-not only did you request use of a pseudonym, but a note on the back of your letter stated “I have made a small bet with a friend. I bet that you won’t have the guts to publish this letter. *# -the lettitor

This Give

is break-even us overall

basis? picture

Regarding the article “bookstore shortage inevitable: Fischer” in the 23 September issue of the Chevron, there was a quote He commits u/l the crimes from Elsie Fischer which went, of which he accuses us “In order to give the students the Your front-page headline of 26 cheapest price on books, the store September-“usual propaganda operates on a break-even basis. ” greets frosh at coordination introIf the store operates on a breakduction” -is itself a kind of propaeven basis so that the students ganda-the funny kind. can get the cheapest price, how Funny, because to anyone over come I can buy the math 237 text, 15 your bias must be so obvious it Advanced calculus by Taylor, for can do no harm. I particularly en- $9.20 at the University of Guelph joyed the urbane observation of bookstore while the same text sells your reporter, who commented for $10.70 at our store? while describing Mr. Dunnett’s This is only one example; what address to the frosh, “He then is it like overall? went on to brag about.. . . ” DANNY JAMES How in the name of fairness, or math 2 sanity, or whatever gods you pray t to, can you accuse other people of disseminating propaganda when call the Chevron you write such malicious drivel? A more dangerous example of with’ news tips the Chevron’s brand of propaganda is revealed in a headline on the (day or night) same page, “Petch grants veto.” The headline results from no state578-7070 ment made by Mr. Petch, but from

MEN’S WEAR Phone 745-4232


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3 October

7969 (7O:ZO)






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c.. .. .’ .




Sexually deranged not ferr ibly intelligent


In your issue of 26 September you showed a picture of two boys and a beautiful girl watching minnows migrating upstream at the fall just below the sick bay reservoir. Your footnote read: “Sexually deranged minnows, under the illusion that they were salmon old enough to spawn, swim for the shallows. Perhaps the baby fishes are just tired of sick bay’s muddy water.” Your remark about the illusion that they were due to spawn is quite correct, because samples of the migrating fishes have been examined and none of the species -though many of them are sexually mature-were ready to spawn. (Their normal spawning period is spring. A few species * also spawn in early summer). Your remark about the muddy water was a most interesting observation, for we believe the muddy water had something to do with the migration. The following is the probable explanation of this unexpected migration at this time of year: Laurel creek reservoir, about two miles above the campus, had been steadily emptied previous to the migration. Since the emptying began, the water level in the stream below was high-simulating the state observed in early spring when snow begins to melt. (Early spring is the time the fish would normally migrate upstream). In the early phase of the emptying, the water, though high, remained relatively clear since only the clean surface water in the reservoir was being drawn off. It is worth noting that during this early phase no migration was observed, and regular sampling at several points on the stream (work that has gone on for a year) still showed a normal state of fish distribution which does not involve the aberration you and us observed lately. As the emptying approached completion, the muddy water at the bottom of the reservoir also poured into the stream-further simulating the state observed in early spring ; and we believe this high level muddy water caused the minnows to become sexually deranged. This case is an example of a, phenomenon known as conditioned response, which biologists and psychologists will be aware of. For those in our community not familiar with the phenomenon (engineers?) we will give you a simple example. If you ring a bell every time you give food to your dog, the dog eventually comes to connect, mentally, the ring of the bell with the food. Thereafter (though not indefinitely), if you ring the bell without presenting any food, the dog will still salivate and even move to the place where it normally finds food. The dog or any animal can be conditioned to several or even many sets of conditions but not all need be presented to invoke a response. In the case of our minnows, their spawing has through the years coincided with high muddy waters, plus other factors such as a rise in temperatures, and presumably an elevated level of odors or chemicals washed into the stream by the melting snow; and it appears that artificial presentation of this through the emptying of Laurel creek reser-





whK-~0lua8unl~ P!ain or with cheese. Served on large bun wtith dill pickles . . . . . . . . . . ..“Be....ew.....

%uUtt Plain


ptet Special





Served on a large Sesame bwL...wmH


... . ., ,.. ..;,.:.::._.:,..;_..

voir, though at a wrong time, was enough to send them sexually deranged. Not terribly bright to know that they were not ripe to spawn! But the fish could say the same about man. He is manipulating his environments in a big way (guided by his most able engineers without knowing how he will affect their lives. SAM KAKONGE grad biology NOEL HYNES chairman, biology department Society university


is arenu of ucfion, the training-cump

The childish display of mock heroics I witnessed in the campus center last Wednesday night is disappointment to me, for I had expected more from the modern student activist than he appears capable of giving. In that building (built by the state, the society, for our use) a rambling discourse was under way in which a frustration was being expressed at the recent decision made by the presidents of the universities of Ontario to take a hard line against student unrest. The frustration was to be dispelled by a march on the offices of the president of the university, and the presentation of a series of demands as yet unformulated, protesting the high-handed manner in which student opinion was disregarded by the presidents. The university is a product of our society, and the Howie Petches that run them are chosen from the society, by the society. The purpose of the university is to provide individuals who will in due course become the leaders of our society. In other words, if there is an arena of action, it is the society; for the university is but a training-camp for those who will eventually govern, those who put Howie Petch where he is. Rather than flail about trying to strike at figureheads and shadows, it would be better to replace the present leadership with one more to our liking. Rather than criticize the capitalistic system with the hopes of bringing it to its knees in a vacuum, it would be better to use the fantastic store of information available in the university to draw up a blueprint for tomorrow, a well-planned alteration of the present system. We must discover the mechanics of change, and we must discover, in a carefully-thought-out manner, the society we want. Is there a better place to do this than in the training-camp of society? The energies squandered in a demonstration could be better applied in a laboratory or a seminar, and the volumes of heated debate spent on present students’ rights represent energy wasted, potential that could be applied to a constructive, positive program that would show us what to do and how to do it. . ANDY TAMAS arts 1

(eraaedtt 3LNwwE .



letters to Feedback, The Chevron, U of W. Be The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Those typed (double-spaced) get priority. Sign It - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason. ,., : ,; ;‘:,:’ :...:,,I_.. :_.,,...; :....: ....y..>; ,‘,.:..‘.i.:::“;:‘. ,f.”..,:.. .. ”‘.&‘ .I’.....::., :.:‘:,.. :‘,”.:.: .’:.;:. Y:.‘.’ ..,2, .A, ,.:.: :... .:j.‘.‘:.,., ....:.. .,.....__ .:,,_;. .,I,,.,.;:,.:_.,._. _: _.I....,‘._... :‘.:“: : .::.. :y::;,.:.: ::.::, ij;:,, ... :,:, ++.,-i ..:,,, “‘y:.:::: +:..:.. ,,,:.:..:.zz:., ,....Ij ‘....‘_:.,:, :-:’ ” : .,~‘..... ....‘.... .:.‘..,.“... .:::,.:.. .,‘;.,:.,‘X., ..: . : .. :),.:._.:.

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e 0 0 at U.F.T. 0 0 e 0 o Ground School begins Oct. 6, 1969 l l


Student be here,


no right


says campus Cop Two friends and I were walking aimlessly from food services toward the center of campus. We stopped to dig the engineering lecture building park, and were just picking flowers for our lapels (one each) when a campus cop appeared from around a corner, walked up to us and said, “What are ya doin”‘. I was about to greet him as a

friend because I recognized him as the cop we used to rap to in the study froom when he was doing his rounds locking up the buildings, so I said, “Hi, just diggin’ the place, want to smell my flower?” But I guess he didn’t recognize me as a studying engineer. “Just leave the flowers where they are, and what are you doing here?” We figured it was going to be harass time, so Corli said “Nothing, why do you want to know? Do I look like an armed saboteur? ” or words to that effect. Now he starts demanding that we show ID and we make it clear that we are not about to show; explaining to him that we had as much right to be there as he did because we owned the place and so on. He assured us that we had no right to be there unless we had paid fees to this “private institution” and produced identification to prove we had. “Bugger off out of here, you don’t belong here”, (exact words). We argued the -point for about five minutes (he was curiously unconcerned about the flowers), then he left ostensibly to call a cruiser to help him evict us. We laid on the grass and had a smoke, but he didn’t come back, so we went in search of beer. ANTHONY POLDAAS eng 3B looked at debris, but did he he/p to clean up? The following letter is intended as an open letter to the presi,dent of the Federation of Students, Tom Patterson. Dear Tom, By way of introduction, I am the rather obnoxious individual who spoke at you briefly during the general meeting last thursday afternoon . As you may recall, I proposed voluntary membership in the student federation as an alternative to our present system. Although I am still convinced that membership in a students’ union should be contingent to membership in the university community, I am, whether I like it or not, a member of the student federation. You have been elected to represent my interest, Tom, and having observed some of your words and actions following thursday’s meeting, I am some what perplexed. Shortly after the general meeting broke up, you became engaged in a discussion with a member of the civil engineering faculty, who made the observation that it would have been a noble gesture (not a direct quote) if you had organized a group of students to clean up the mess left by the general meeting (cigaretts, ashes, paper, etc.), thus alleviating some of the load on the oppressed working man. In reply, you stated that it was your intention to do -just that, and promised specifically that you would not leave the building until the foyer had been cleared of all debris. When I left the building at approximately 4:45pm you were ’ still there. Curious as to whether or not you had kept your word, I returned to the building at 5: 03 pm being careful to make a note of the time. The mess was there. You were not. What gives, Tom?



SOULIS arts 1

308 the Chevron


Address fe


letters to Feedback, The Chevron, U of W. Be The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letconcise. ters, Those typed (double-spaced) get priority. Sign it - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

crap about letting the ones who want to trip out. Parents are naturally going to be upset when Johny comes I have just returned from the fourteen-year-old home with a joint hanging out campus center after hearing of his mouth “because all the health and welfare minister John Munro in debate with the stu- older kids do it” when they don’t know for sure what the dents of this university and, quite stuff is going to do to him. frankly, I feel like throwing my But I’m afraid I disgress. hands up in despair, buggering Another short example, if you off on my own somewhere, and please. When Munro answered never bothering myself again the question he said in part that with the sluggish, haphazard, if all the laws that were under unbelieveably ineffectual sysconsideration for possible amendtem that we grace with the name ments or repeal were suspended democracy. situation would. reI went with the faint hope of’ the resulting semble “anarchy”. He was then seeing “democracy in action” pointedly accused of failing to and I guess I really did see it, be specific. I wonder how often but it was a far cry from what his questioner has used a genI’m sure people had in mind when they originally dreamed up eralisation to illustrate a point. the concept. Munro wasn ‘t Unfortunately The idea, as I understand, is very impressive himself. While that in a debate of this sort of all of his generalisations were importance to the society in justifiable to a certain degree which they live in a logical, one became rather tired of them possibly heated, but manifestly after a while. Phrases like “a rational manner. committee has been set up to I can’t say that the topics look into the matter” and “legwere not relevant to Canadians islation is now being processed” today, indeed marijuana, indian and “it takes time” were all affairs, pollution, and many of too common while things like the other subjects that came up “that law has been repealed”, were ones I’d expected to hear “this freedom is no longer supdiscussed, but I will say that is now pressed”,, and “welfare there was very little logic or being handled more reasonably” rational thinking involved. were scarce indeed. And I might add that most The point I’m trying to make of what little there was came here is that for as long as there from John-Munro. have been politicians. committees As for heated discussion, withave been organised, legislaness the performance of one reption has been undergoing due resentative of the student body process, etc., etc.. Unfortunately, who stood at the mike for a minthe people are just as steamed’ ute or two asking the uselessly different up as eve&about general question “What is the things, granted-but still unhappy. present government accomplishIt -seems as though human ,being while in power?” ings are incapable of devising Then, visibly gathering his a system of governing themcourage, he spit out a pitifully selves that does not result in redundant “What I want to know the power being primarily in is: what the fuck are you doing?” the hands of a very few who are purely for the effect, and hastily satisfied and want still scuttled back to his cronies to rarely more, while the masses are unbask in the glory of having done happy because they are virsuch a daring thing. And also for tually puppets of the elite. protection, I suspect. When I say this I’m not reHow about logical argument? ferring simply to the petty fumbThe question was asked, “It lings of tonight but also to the has been my observation that failure of every civilisation in the enforcement of the laws history to provide an environment against the use and trafficking in which the majority of its citiof ‘drugs has disrupted the lives zens were satisfied. of young people more than the acts themselves. If by now you have formed the If the government is not sure opinion that I don’t hold much that these drugs actually are hope for the birth and prolonged dangerous (Munro had said that existence of such a society as I a committee had been set up to -just described, you’re right. investigate the consequences of There’s something basically wrong non-medical use of drugs and with human beings that keeps this that this action meant that the utopia from developing and I government was ’ unsure) why don’t think we’re any closer to does it not suspend these laws changing mankind than the first until a decision has been made man was when he crawled out one way or the other?” of his cave and went looking I’m sure that a few minutes for a club. thought on the matter would There’s probably someone out have shown the inquirer that there right now accusing me those laws were put in the books arguing like a politician by reitfor a reason and it would be erating some old, far from origfoolish to suspend them-even inal generalisations and to him though they may be archaicI say you’re right. The while there is any question as also difference is that I haven’t to whether they are still valid seen this viewpoint expressed or not. anywhere on the current scene He should keep in mind that, and thought it was high time while thousands may have decisomebody took a poke. at the ded through personal experience idea that man is, in some as that there are no harmful effects, upon manner, Yet unagreed they represent a very small porgoing to eventually settle all tion of the yupzlation and that, his disputes both with himself even if these tl-&-!Jsands are right, and his neighbors and that the rest are entitled to a thorgoodness and happiness will sureough investigation before they ly follow him all the days of his decide to vote for or against a life. repeal of the laws. Remember; GORDON BRADSHAW majority rule. math 1 And don’t give me any of that

We have Convince

a democracy? the politicians

iti every facet

Profs want to organire Vietnam war moratorium There is a growing feeling that academics (including those in Canada are not doing all they could to stop the war in Vietnam. We feel a day off from the regular functions of the university could be a good start. The following excerpts from the New Republic (20 september) illustrate the reasons for, such a moratorium in the university :

y in diamonds

Richard Nixon has had eight months in which to pry us loose from the trap in Vietnam and has not done it. He has promised withdrawals and ordered some, but over a half million U.S. troops remain. He has said that “the greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker,” but he marches to the drums of the generals in Saigon and on his Asian trip described Vietnam as America’s . “finest hour”. The only force that can assuredly move him to get us out is public opinion, fed up finally with the killing of 39,000 Americans and the wounding of a quarter of a million more. It is the mobilization of that political power that now has highest priority, and it is the college and university communities that can help do it. They mean to. “Ending the war in Vietnam is the most important task facing the American people.” So begins the call for an october 15 moratorium signed by 500 student leaders, student body presidents and college editors at over 200 colleges, in which they ask for a cessation of “business as usual” on the campuses that day.

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* * * The university is not normally organized-and in our opinion should not normally be organ-&d-to function as -a political institution. But the times are abnormal. It is the principal custodians of the public interest the politicans -who are most responsible for that, not the custodians of enlightenment. The academy has been left no choice but to ennaae itself in the democratic process, to demonstrate the power of knowledge, to provide a model’ of rational discourse and persuasion. We hope that every member of the academic community, from the youngest freshman to the most august college president and trustee, will move into the breach. The planned, one-day national convocation of the community of scholars on October 15 is their opportunity. Seize it. * * *

We would like to get something going on this moratorium. If you would like to participate, suggest cri ticize, or whatever, please join us. There will be a meeting of all interested people (whether hostile, apathetic, conservative, liberal or radical) in the campus center greatihall at 8 pm on wednesday October 8. FRED KEMP, extension 2878 psychology prof TED CADELL, extension 2164 psychology prof RON LAMBERT, extension 2758 sociology prof

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Dear ,brothers jnd’ Sistgrs, %’ ‘ber actioiis are no bigger than Hiroshima As-you well know; the &?tnamese peoday, the pentagon h&wks couiit on continple need no help in defeating U.S. military uing their rape bf Vietnam. The arnied strategy. -They have already smashed \I are not interMaxwiil Tayior’s “specia.1 war” and >agents of U.S. imperialism -es’ted in the purity of qur slogans, They 1 “search and destrpy” Westmoreland’s want to know how many people are in the operations. They have seized control of streets. They fear deinonstrations as a their, qwn land froni under the noses of brake on&merican aggression. Tfiey know half a million expeditionary -troop?, and that mass actian hurts them and helps the right now they surround all the American Vietnamese. military bases in their country. . This is Vietnam’s fight, but it’s -our But the Vietnamese people cannot phy; fight too. It’s the fight of all oppressed sically drive the U.S. invaders out of Vietpeople against the plunderers of the wo.rld. nam. To achieve final victory they need We have to stand shoulder-to-shoulder the help of the people of the world, eswith our Vietnamese brothers. We wave to pecially the American people. be as united as our international enemies. ’ You. may be tireq of the Vietnam war, The Vietnamese &ople have educated &d you probably reallze that an AmeriUS all. They forced us ,f&st to examine the can r&yolutionary m6vement cannot be imperialist soul of the mother country. built on a single temporary issue. The Then they taught us that people are greatVietnamese are tired too, but unfortunateer than machines-that-a united determinly they can’t just pick another issue. ed people can successfully wage war aDespite the Paris charade and talk. of gainst a technological monster. If it wer; ’ trodp withdrawals,. Vietnam’s agony is as n’t for the Vietnames, there would be no great. as ever. Napalm+hat anti-people revolutionary stirrings in America. They horror that we learned of only a few years have speeded up the course of our own hisago -and have since grown used to-is still tory. belched over Vietnamese villages. B-52’s We cannot abandon our teachers, our still rip giant holesir! the land, and people vanguard, our ‘comrades. More than ever .are still herded into concentratioti (“rebefore t&’ Vietnamese people- need us. fugee.“) camps. The gruescme atrocity They have won their war ‘militarily, politi’ posters we used to display have quite They have thrust properly been replaced by pictures of. cally and diplomatically. clenched‘ fists and cocked guns, but the at- -d the knife into the body of the monster; but they need us to twist it. rocities themselves have not gone away. Every time.1 visit a provincial hospital I I And for the American people to twist the still see the napalm burns and the fly- . knife mearis to pour into the streets: take covefed open wourids. . ’ over the streets and show the ruling class that we support. our Vietnamese brothers, - A few days ago’ I dverheard a>conversathat. the American rulers will not be able tion between two American Army offlito draw a peaceful breath 3s long as .one cers. “How- many kqoks do you think will GI remains.on Vietnamese territory. come out this time ?” dne asked the other. They were talking about this fall’s antiSuppo*ft the, Vietnamese! Demonstrate against the war! war demonstrations. *“Well, I hope it falls flat iike the last one,” was the reply “Then CACH MANG MUON NAM! (Long live , Ltie might still be able to win this damn tpe revolution! -) , war.” . I HUGO HILL That’s right. If the o,ctober and novemLiberation News Service

’of ‘vi~thdrakd’~ frqin ,ViLetiXirn ,_ .

by I.F. Stone

55,OOO%J~S. troops ‘maintain.

still there cost $6~&million

a year to


D.C.-On short range, as in the case.of, mough never publicly debated, the &ain lines’ of this the 36-hour cessation of B-52 bombings, the answer to tie program have surfaced in the”past year. Herman Kahn ‘q@stion puzzling the whole press corps’what is Nixon , has had a secret withdrawai “scenario” floating around . - doing?-i$% (I $pect) quite simple. ” . town. He’ doesn’t knbw.‘He is thrashing about like a fish on a . Its content was indicated in his article “If,negotiations ,* hook; trying desperately to,find some uiay to get off. fail” in the july 1968 Foreign affairs quarterly whe& ,he 3.:He is obviousiy hearing contradictory advice from civjl~ proposed that we appease opinion by Vietnamizing the . Iian and military so_urces, ind he vaccilates, apparently war, reducing U.S. forces “in t!e next two or three years . . depending on’ who talks to him last. If you look back, vatto between two and three hundred thousand men” while cifation is the chief characteristic of this administration, keeping two or three combat divisions ic South yietnam not only on Vietnam but on ‘almost every question of for a considerable period in order to “deter ‘a resumption -policy, from tax refbrm through hunger to school -de&’ bf major hostilities.” . gration. , The same idea reappeared in defense secretary, Melviq , Laird’s recent-interview with Time magazine (august 29) . When looked at froin a longer perspective, however, when he suggested U.S. forces “could be cut in half, to Nixon’s course on Vietnam, is not a thing of fits and abc@ 250,000 men, and kept in South: Vietnam for ah exstarts. It-was first.projected by the, Johnson administra_ tended peitid. ” tion in 1968, and he is continuing it. Many? columnists have picked up-similar forkcasts and , A high’ pentagoi official phrased it very succinctly at U.S. news and worki report (September 22) said ‘Nixon’s the ti’me to a friend of mine. “We are going to reduce thehope last spring “was to have almost all 250,000 U.S. com’ fighting,” this military man said, “to a level the Ameribat troops out of Vietnam by the end of 1970. That would can public will tolerate for a long pull.” . ’ leave slightly fewer than 3U0,OOO support troops in the war ’ The new coursk then charted was aimed not at negotiazone.” ’ tions with Hanoi-or even at the “Vietnamizatipn” of the 1 This is the.plan Nixon was following in announcing a war but at mollifying, or conning, Americgn public Opin-’ 1 - second reduction of 35,000 troops by december 151 This , . ion. would still leave 484,q80 troops in,Viettiam ‘plus- 28,000 -For’ the pentagon ihe’ m&n enemy is American public Naval personnel 2nd about 45,000 airforce men, in Thaiopiriion and its “‘impatience” and,-evenTfor some silly land. Generals-democracy ‘itself, as the -means. by ‘which ‘that This adds up to 557,000 men tied doti in the 6ietna.m impatience expresses itSelf. 1 c 1 r war. Nixon’s first two cuts total 60,000 men., _ The coyrse of. events becomes clearer if dne .keeps in The Baltimore Sun September I6 quoted a “high-ranking mihd that the Vietnam strategy is primarily c&ceFnkd American official in SaigqnP whose views have been heard neither with making wdr nor peace but with public relapersonally by Mr. Nixon” ai having estimated that lOO,-tions-a “snow job”. to quiet unr@ at home while pursu000 men could be, pulled out without seriously reducing ing the same objective in. Vietnam.. This isa Korean solu\ the filghting ability of the allied forces. tion. .--. _ ., One reason, he said, is that a numberof soldiers sent to The objectivk is a right-wing satellite ~regime, run1 by Vietnam to build airfields, logistical bases and outposts the native-military with a constifiitional facade but !ititle finished their tasks last year. We are still a long way from or no civil liberty, iti South Vietliam as-in Soyth Korea. - . _a reti reductior-i ih combat forces. . To keep it,in power we are prepared to maint$n a reI’n a sehate speech September 9, on the eve of the latest duced but considerable numbkl: of troops there indefinite- , Nixon announcement, Gore attacked the Administration ly, as we do ,in -Korea 15 years after the war ended. The 22






line that a “phased v&hdrawaI, coupled with an urispoken but obvious pledge,. that we till keep enough troop: there indefinitely to prevent collapse of the current Saigon,regime, wpuld- convin,ce North Vietnam that its cause is hop&less and therefore encourage Hanoi to negotiate. ” To negotiate under such circumstances wquld be to accept the Thieu regime and a political def_eat. 1 “In my view, ” ‘are went on, “the history of the Vietn’a-‘mese people does not support such a conclusion..They are accusiotied to long struggles, spanning generations df even centuries.” ’ . The policy ‘of phased withdrawa& be declared, “holds no more promise of success thati did the policy of bomb: ink North Vietnam. ” He said it might “buy time for the administration with the American ,people” but “if it. is used to tighten our embrace of the Saigon regime; the prospects for peace wi-11 be dim indeed. ” Fulbright, supporting Gore, inade the essential point yhen he told the senate, “It does not matter how much we t$k about settlement, the war cannot be settled as long as we insist upon maintaining the ‘puppet government in South Vietnam. ” But that has always been the Johnson-Nixon strategy; and that is their common conception of an “hQgorable * peace. ” The peace ~rn&ement is slowly waking up to this con game, but it’s going, to have to embark on a campaign of public education to thwart it. Even if this scenario. worked, and we cut our troops-and the cost of the VietnameSe war-in half, we’d still be stuck for $12 to $15 billion a year /indefinitely in Vietnam. _ Our military still have a low opinion of the South Vietnamese army;, at the‘ best, it will be years before it can do without U.S. air, artillery and logistics support. ’ , .-At the worst, what happens if U.S. bases are overrun, --if the ARVN fails ta protect them: if $-2.;ualties rise a? mong the U.S. troops left behind? . What do we do, send more troops in and Start this whole miserable process all over again? 3 We are being told that things are ndt going well in North Vietnam. That m’ay be true, but they can hardly b? going half as-badly as here. ’ v-

31’0 fhe Chevron -



., T




We’re number one, again The Gazette’s lead story this week is symbolic of the power trip little old Uniwat’s been on ever since it became little old Uniwat. Get the students first, then worry about buildings and faculty and education. The advantages of this game are many. Even before formula grants, the more students one had, the more provincial money the university automatically got. And with money and numbers come power. Why be an administrator with five people under you when you can be boss over twenty? Administration costs even grow


proportionally more t,han the enrolment. Faculty members like a growing institution because they can continue to expand their own researchand promotion. Not only that, if the institution expands fast enough, new and exciting programs can be added without cramping on anyone else’s, established style. This helps to keep the image dynamic. Such greedy aims are not the entire motivation of the university, but the Gazette’s breathless, chauvinistic (and exaggerated) boast that we might have 11,000 students tends to add credibility to bignessfor-bigness sake line of thought.

will cut classes

The proposal for a one-day moratorium from classes is a good idea. Not because it will do anything tangible to stop the war, but because it will show which side people are on. First of all, it must not be treated in the manner of national Christianity day, where administration president Howard Petch proclaims a dav off for us all to go home and pray: Rather it should be a good chance to see whether faculty and students (there’s not much hope for administration) even believe in love, peace, due process and democratic expression. Those who won’t take a day off from business as usual to discuss and refocus on the dreary issue of the Vietnam war should be exposed for what they are-selfcentered and amoral.

Once people have sat down to ,discuss what is for most a wellworn issue, it can be analysed, and lessons learned from it. People can also discuss the role Canada could play and hasn’t. After all, has anyone heard lately from the international control commission in Vietnam, of which Canada is a member. Perhaps Canada should even be sending aid to the national liberation front and North Vietnam. The main point is, however, that the war has been denounced in every way possible as inhumanbut it still goes on. It’s time the university stopped its covert and overt consent. A moratorium is only a day. But it’s a start and it should force the silent majority to show which side it’s on.

Some cops deserve credit A policeman’s lot is not a happy one. Sometimes they deserve it, sometimes in varying degrees. Uniwat’s kampus kops probably get far more criticism than they deserve. Having to enforce rules for a living, in the middle of the bureaucratic ineptitude on this campus, together with the abominablydesigned facilities-particularly roads and parking-is no easy task. There have been instances of unnecessary hassling-but what can be done when the administration complains about greasers and teenyboppers on campus, but makes no policy on how to deal with them? And what does a security director do when the vicepresident he reports to has an entirely different discipline perspective than he does? In the president’s advisory committee on student discipline and regulations (PACSuniversity DUR) ,- security director Al Romenco argued in favor of the position the committee adopted-that

the university does not have any disciplinary dealings in areas covered by the criminal code. His boss, operations vicepresident Al Adlington, a member of the same committee, argued for the archaic in loco parentis concept where the university would take the offender to the woodshed after the city cops were done with him. Romenco is not everybody’s best friend-that’s really’ asking too much from a campus police chief-but he has tried hard to follow an enlightened policy. s



The security department’s enlightened policy will be taken backward one step today, through no fault of its own. One of Romenco’s best men, security supervisor Les Cunningham, is leaving for England. His father is not well and Cunningham hopes to return to police work back home. Better than anyone could expect . under the circumstances, Cunningham managed to put some of the enlightened policy into action while he was here.


The expertise

myth -exposed

If facul*ty members were no longer “experts” in their chosen fields, the hierarchical, authoritarian teacher-student relationship would break down. A student’s ideas would be as valid as the professor’s, and the “academic” would revert to the role of a resource person in a free exchange of human experiences. But the faculty supposedly are experts, and the students like lambs at the feet of the shepherdapprentices in the trade of education (really training). For that’s the role universities play in the economy-instilling a certain amount of knowledge, a little more expertise and a lot more subservience into the fodder for business. But that’s also the way most faculty members want it. Being an academic has progressed from a stage of relishing free inquiry in a labor of love to being a professional expounding his expertise and demanding higher wages. While it is harder to prove in the pure sciences, the myth of academic expertise shows up in areas involving the environment. The example of expertise in english literature is developed in this issue’s centerspread. The english department is not the only collection of mystical experts-it just happens to be the field of interest of the article’s author. This is not to say that all the members of Uniwat’s english department are phony experts, for there are some, especially younger members of the department,

who decry the avoidance of dealing with the environment. The expertise game is symptomatic of the “end-of-ideology” ideology. Since the framework ‘of our society is accepted as correct and final, the problems must all exist within it. This theory, in its rhetoric anyway, sees the researcher in the university solving the society’s ills by dissecting, extrapolating and cataloging the whole thing. It confirms the professor as dispenser of knowledge in the classroom, and relegates the student to knowing his place until he acquires the necessary expertise. Another example is the irrelevant concern of the women’s bureau director of the federal department of labor (see page 8). She wants to figure a way of including the unpaid work of housewives in the gross national product. One can picture the average housewife’s reaction when she discovers, for instance, that after a three-year five-million-dollar study, the society is really 75 percent richer in theory because of her thanMess, alienating life. Proponents of the status-quo often ask “radicals” what they would put in the place of the ills in society they want to smash. Well one of the biggest problems is that the best resources to solve the ills of society are engaged in meaningless, vested-interest-serving research and it may just be necessary to smash the statusquo to put those vast resources to constructive work.


University Press (CUP) member, Underground Syndicate (UPS) member, Liberation News Service (LNS) and Chevron international News Service (GINS) subscribers. The Chevron is published tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the Federation of Students (inc,), University of Waterloo. Content is independent of the publications board, the student council and the university administration. Offices in the campus center, phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748: circulation 12,500; editor-inchief - Bob Verdun.

Whatever happened to midnight deadlines? Losing sleep over this issue: Phil Eisworthy, Tom Purdy, Andy Tamas, Alien Class who just lost a friend, Bruce Meharg, Steve izma, Jim Kiinck, Bob Epp, John Stegman, Bill Webb, dumdum jones, Rich Lloyd, David X Stephnson, Martin Noval, Nigel Burnett, Jim Dunlop, Ken Dickson, Robert Alexander C. Smith, Eleanor Hyodo, Larry Burko isn’t a myth, brave Una O’Caiiaghan, Jeff Bennett, Andre Beianger, Henry mathprof and Betsy nothing. John Munro dropped in to groove over the campus center, and one of our female reporters has been kidnapped by six jocks in short skirts and bulky sweaters. And a special hello to our friend in the hotseat-howiepetch.


3 October

1969 (10.~0)

31 I



312 the Chevron

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