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thechearon ’ _ v&me

11 number







19 june


Getting into the swim of,things. . . Hot muggy weather has once again made the pool a favorite spot on campus. Overflow pub crowds also indicates a prejerence for a wet solution



;fir&s student

FederQtidn The federation executive passed a motion in its meeting last Saturday to remove all present student reps on’the Campus Center board and replace them with a slate of others. The motion read,” moved that the federation recall the present representatives on the campus center board and replace them with the following nine members; Rick Page, Brian Iler, Bill Jackson, Jim Allen, Peter Warrian,, Peter Desroches, Larry Burko, Ron Harris, and Brian Wannamaker. ” This action came after lengthy discussion of the present state of the Campus Center and how it became this way. The executive felt that it was being representa’ tive in this action- because of the present low level of usage ,of the



bv Brian CLron

The present agreement with building by university students. the university gives the students Said president Burko, “We feel majority on the board. The tllat the building is not presently for appointment is that being run in the interests of the ;rocedure the federation choose one memstudents, ‘with the exception of ber from each faculty, one grad the pubs. We hope that this and three other federation memchange will alleviate this probbers at large. lem. The new slate fills this requireThe center was originally man- I ment and are generally in favor aged by a university administraof, reform as suggested by the tion appointee and the board was federation When the desired set up after students occupied the structural changes are made building. The intent of the resthe federation intends to reappoint tructuring was to put control. reps thru the normal channels. into the hands of the people who Usually the various societies use the building. pick their reps and the society At present there are no activpresidents have been informed of ities running in the building other this intention where possible. than the pubs and policy is being The present student reps will set by other than the people be notified to-day that their ser(turnkeys) who must enforce vices are nolonger required. them. Two weeks ago the secreThe federation wants to have a tary had her title-changed to man-’ joint board-turnkey committee ager .

buys ‘



\ In one of their more generous ’ moments UofW’s board ’ of governors has purchased a home, for incoming administration president Bert Matthews Lat a cost in excess of $100,000 with university funds. The house, formerly owned by the late Murray Snider, is on Kitchener’s ultra-exclusive Westgate Walk. Other local czars living on “the Walk” include Clifford Dare, owner of Dare Foods, Carl Pollock, owner of ectrohome, and CKCO-TV, John





Motz, owner of the K-W Record. When asked to justify the expenditure Ma tthew,s stated “I don’t justify that any more than I justify my salary. It has to be provided for entertaining. This is part of the normal arrangement for university presidents.” Neither founding university president Gerry Hagey nor outgoing administration president were provided with a house. Both’ owned homes much more modest than the Westgate Walk mansion. The present’ office-holder, Howard Petch, offered no cornment on possible reaction from students or the general public, /

Liberals ’


EDMONTON (CUP) - Delegates at the Liberal party’s westem party conference monday june 8 supported recent demands by women’s liberation groups across the country, and voted to take legislation controlling abor-’ tions out of the criminal code. The surprising rejection of the

to things.

He really didn’t seem to care. Federation president Larry Burko’s reaction was similar to that of other students polled: “Too fucking much - they did-it again! ” Al Adlington, outgoing operations vice-president, said the arrangement was “part of the deal” which brought Bert Matthews %to U of W. He said Matthews’ would pay rent.“’ The ‘house was purchased’ he added, on instructions from the board of governors. Student rep on the board of governors, Glenn Berry, stated that there was never any suggestion at any board meeting 1


Trudeau government’s stand on abortions, was supported by a two-to-one majority of the 150 delegates. The approved proposal states that the woman and her doctor should decide whether she should have an abortion. Both prime minister Trudeau

and justice minister John Turner had rejected the- demands that the abortion laws be eased. The resolution will be passed on the national Liberal policy conference in Ottawa next november where it will almost certainly be defeated.



set up in order that turnkeys have a say in policy decisions that they must enforce. A proposed social committee will organize dances, speakers and movies in an attempt to encourage. greater use of campus center facilities by university students. A hiring-firing committee will consist of two board members and two turnkeys. The manager w.ill again become secretary. ’ When university students are using the facilities to a greater extent, the high school students now using the building would then have to mix with the university students or be pushed out. Burko hopes that his const@uency will not misinterpret this action as being a confrontation tactic. He said. “This was our only ‘proper channel’ open to effect the desired changes”

I7 ome’


that’a house would be bought. He ‘was surprised “that the university had any money to spend in view of treasurer Bruce Gellatly’s statement to the board that Queen’s Park is really putting pressure on the universities to cut costs.” Berry surmised that the matter was discussed after he was told to leave the. board meeting to allow salaries to be discussed. He could find no allocation in this year’s budget for the house. The only board member who could be contacted-Ken Sims, a local lawyer-entrepreneur stated that he doesnt act for the university. He didn’t know of the purchase and due to ill. health said he wouldn’t be standing for “reelection.” Carl Pollock, chairman of the board of governors, was in bed when phoned and his wife refused to wake him. Leo Whitney, another board <member, was in hospital. Chancellor Ira Needles, Treasurer Bruce Gellatly, and board secretary Jack Brown could not be contacted at press time.


PRIME Well, sports fans, before I rant promoters and agents might be stupid but’ they’re not dumb. It has on about something silly, I must tell you that the score of that thrillbeen my experience that they are an unscrupulous sort of salesman ing ball game I told you about last week was; Innerkip 40, Westfield peddling a scarce resource to the persons they can screw for the 8. I just thought you’d like to know. * * * most money. Yes, contrary to the Good old CHCH’TV, channel 11, movie, kiddies, we’re being had.. The bikers in the movie were alHamilton is running a series of the Annette Funicello, Frankie Avalon &dumb. They played ina pool hall beach movies. This week it was that had a prominently displayed ‘Beach blanket bingo photograph of Adolph Hitler hung I am at a loss to tell you. where by the table with care. Really. Now this review may not be up the title came from, except of to my normal standard of terse course the sickening title song. prose, but try watching next week There was little beach; less blanwhen 5000 guys meet 5000 girls on ket and no bingo in the movie. The same bikers It was howeve& interesting to 5000 blankets. study the thing from the point of will be there. Its the big extravaview that it was propaganda. The 1 ganza, Beach Party. I wonder how many inane plots there will be this broads all wore sexy bikinis. Nobody smoked. Nobody had to spend time. money. Even their sky diving les* * * sons were free. But the thing that really got me Why is the sod around the faculty was the image presented of a sing-- club dead? Hasn’t it been watered er’s promoter. He appeared to be since convocation? Will it be restupid. And dumb. Now I know that placed?


If you haven’t gbt your complete FREE DOUBLE



is good

to any student


with every”

gas purchase

$3.00 (This

set now - come on’ in


or staff

an 1.D -card).

Let Us Drive


~ ~.

Of u of W .,

To U. of W. \

YTime buys report OTTAWA (CCINS)-Time magazine has been able to obtain a copy of the Ledain report in advance of its release to the public. Opposition members protested that the press was able to obtain information before its official publication and NDP member Frank Howard attempted to introduce a bill that would demand an investigation into the leak to the press. However, speaker Lucien Lamoureux ruled that by precedent, the Time article did not indicate a breach of privilege. The article in question went into further detail into the part of the report that recommends marijuana and hashish be transferred to the Food and Drug act from the Narcotics act. The report further recommends that jail sentences for possession _ be dropped and the maximum sentence for trafficking be reduced‘ to- a maximum of eighteen months.

TODAY D,ance with the Bob Seeger System 8 :30-midnight at the Glenbriar. BSA Films. 8pm AL116 Rugger Club Discotheque Night 8pm campus center pub SATURDAY BSA dance with a group called the GLASS. A reduced rate of 25q: with a U of W ID or $1.00 without. Sponsored by Federation of Students. 9pm food services. TUESDAY Pub, Pain t-in and Dance. 8pm

Public forces, including the RCMP would be discouraged from continuing to entice users to traffic drugs to an undercover agent in order to bring a more serious charge against the offender. . The report does not minimize the dangers of using drugs, but stated that findings were inconclusive. Time quotes the report as saying the issue at stake is “whether Canadian policy is to turn on the potential for harm or whether it is to turn on the extent of use and the apparent incapacity of the law to prevent the spread bf such use.” In view of the lack of evidence on the dangers of taking soft drugs and the incapacity of the law to deal with its use, the report-recommends a program of “education and cultural controls”. Health minister John Munro still will not commit the government to making the commission report public.-

Great Hall Village I Chemistry Club Pub. 8pm campus center pub.


WEDNESDAY BSA Pub-Dance with some group or other and Whiplash. lO$ with U of W ID; 50s without. 8:30pm campus center pub. THURSDAY BSA films. 8pm AL116 Math Society -pub. 8pm center pub. -




TYPING Typing done at home ( close to university) Phone 578-3036 or contact Graham Greathead, local 2761. Typing done - efficiently and promptly. Mrs. Marion Wright, 745-1161 ‘during office hours, 7451534 evenings. HOUSING AVAILABLE G)rls needed to, share furnished apartment july and august. Pool, sauna near trolly. $45. 578-7675. Two double rooms own entrance, big kitchen, shower, telephone, 6 cars parking space in new quiet home near university. Dale Crescent. Phone 578-4170. First month rent free. Come in and inspect. 602 and 646 Silver62 the Chevron



bridge Road, Lakeshore Village, Waterloo. New two bedroom apartments in modern eight unit apartment building. $149. Rent includes appliances, cable TV and all utilities. Married couples only, 744-1033 days; 745-1108 evenings. PERSONAL Undercoming underhappens at under prices. July 6 to 12. Dance with the Ohio- Express in concertsin Seagram Gym for only I 5Oq: with a U of W ID card or 4$1.25 without. 9pm june 26.


WANTED Either a used Volkswagen van or a used motorcycle with maximum 150 cc. Call 576-9694 before 1: 30 ’ p.m. or after 6 p.m. A subsaiption










student knd

foes address

entitfos changes

U of prompt/y



to to:


roceivo Chevron,




by of

mail Waterloo,


off-campus Watorfoo,

terms. Ontario.





a term.

“The pi& in the ~western world. plays along’with Israel very well,” charged Anis Farouh, a Palestine refugee and guest speaker at last thursday’< arab student association meetjng. 1 He noted the-incessant use of the word “terrorist” and the reporting of-the Six- Day- War as a-struggle for survival of a small helpless nation surrounded by -“arab barbarians” as typical distortions .of fact. .-’ Two israeli Jews present at-the meeting-were completely Farouh and other Arabs in a brief$ebate following his address. The solution to the mid-east probIems, in-their view; was for “the leaders- to sit -down ‘and talk - and they i would-x find a solution.” In contrast, Farouh pointed ou-t that the only solution left -for the more than a million Palestinians . displaced from thei? ‘homes and

the land they had occupied for tenturies -was to gLaln suf:ficientpower’ through armed struggle. He termed the. israeligovernment which has forced thousands of ‘arabs to flee and made those remaining’ in,’ to “second-class Citizens” a-s “discriminatory, oppressive and ratist,“- from personal experience. Interventionin the past by the United Nations and the, British h&J failed. He outlined how a two-fac- ed british. government promised Palestine_4o-both the arabs and the -Zionists during the setiond world , war in return for support. Sincethen, conflict between the Jews -and the Arabs has grown immensely I i. _ ( _ ’ ’Israel, Farouh said, has been the -expansionist side, refusing to even return- to the pre-1967 borders. The Arabs, he stated, simply want equal rights - with no ‘exclusion from Palestine J on , the ’ basis of \ race. _-


“‘I’m amazed at the wayievery’ thing has bee% done;” -Commented Jim Allen of ‘the- Camp Columbia - staff; when ‘asked how the ‘camp, for underprivileged WfTlS . childreri,. / :i - going. IS” “Let’s face it, We've got finesse,’ * added Larry-Caesar: “We’ve been rolling along with the punches,”

. Allel n explained’ had a tarpaulin-and ing. for the floors. the mattresses g;oi that

Way for


“Last year we plastic coverWhen it rained, wet and stayed.

Ihe’ r&t






Federation president. @~y_Burko (hiding behind the glove) attempWo@tow constiiuents, through the slever Use of anCi&mural ball. game, the ineffectiveness of reacting blin@y to -.import&t issues. Rather, oFWeshould-take crack at ,ltheti:Th’e um~ir~:failedrtd see. , -. ac soli:d .

of the $4

mer, This year we want to get the mattresses off the grou&” - Tm The staff also expects to_ erect , _7- \ / Zthe tents .on the campsite within a during child ,_ come- a respectable :study until At this stage in-man’s histo& -it -” than Tr-those t&en in Bi]]~Ja&on, a]qo on Week pr tr=vA ‘Phfir7 ;rrlrd t&it FA’ -- chimed waker ava J _. ._ I.-7-tr the 1959’s), money will play a large is no ‘ionger necessaryto point birth, particul_arly in the- underritw-nement ‘to $6 fb’ staff: . -a-n ins+~*a-mmna ambc aEjl-3 v part in: the further development out that he ‘must control his popdeveloped nations. * Apparently , all the wllll Chn bllc ‘.%4 university before a. major -organ- r alized .&+I; _’ ulation ifi he is to‘ survive. World Nevertheless, the criti& are of devices. ’ 1 w ..;; l br. CA-4 izational hurdles have been clear-.picking ?p 11,c: bc!lci s and mattresses 1 .-Last year the “United States aare as well known as -. quick to explain that since: the ed. The organizers now feei they. from .the, armed Iv, ‘-rces base’ g rowth$ates lone over 45 million dol-they- are staggering. At the prespill upsets the entire hormonal _ _invested _ _ -will raise the 17 thousand dollars A Downs&w. . lars on birth controlresearch, the , faces system, it-is comparable to “usF which was originally budgeted for. + “We’re r also trying 5 to hustle ,a’ ent I rate, mass - starvation money coming from governmenfuture. - ing.a sledgehammer to-kill-a mos“We’ve-. had several- >large dona- - few ca~~~~ 111me3,” ~,;a 341~ filA g. 11 “If any of ’ -all of us inthenear i ta1 #and private sources; such as . .a.---AmA ?rs’ know where qA The* answer is obvious.;Birth ’ quite.” _- tiOpS in, thepast few wee,ks, as well the cheVr,Vil Leaclt on a .’ ’ It is this consideration, that ‘has the Ford and RoFkefeller -founda- -as .a _ couple of: pubs,. In addi= to pick -up -one ‘01r- two‘ &an&, I control, muss b& prakticed -- -; caused many people to shy away -itions. r’ tion, camper . +pplications’ are “. wish they would g et in touch wXh - large s&leJbf&. Sweden is consider’- ’ from’ the pill. India, a. country - Presently, this seems ’ coming. in at ‘the rate of three or,- us at tpfi LIC$rrArrrrnGrrm rgucxabiurl office.” T. ‘. In ! some *’ &&i~iesX ;i &u$; ‘p&y~@y$: $]I& -@pe_cts-.:$f& . a foundation, to be :’ possible. C‘;ana&‘&bir&l&~rate .:has - ;.which- needs some‘.effective means I ing setting‘up CnAPc. 3l.11 mC:ll facing the’ & otlm .u- ut3A3 :of birth control if any <rounby- . ‘called’ ACORD (agency for contra, number’ to in&ease -in the near fu- gan&rs include t he setting up ‘of I detil@ed in the- past-‘several, years. to presently does, is -fighting its use CePtive -‘research and de eiop/ =., an instructional swimming pro- . The United States is preparing i ture. channels both * official ment), which would ,&e in Perna-“zero” population growth, as @-odgh . The camp expects will it will be gram in conjunct5 on with the phys- ’“set its obj&i.& I.l17 tional with a. 5 year budget of 15 and unofficial. ’ , equipped to accommodate 150 kids, ed department,! al nd the _-pro’cure- Other. c.ountries, I_India ,,,i-s the Other. Tff ective- means of birth, ’ million dollars’ and-the irum-ber ofBpplicants is ap- merit ~1np ~1 nlcI buyplies mm*--’ and athletic -best known ,case, have resisted at-- -- control&@ ralso meeting .with re- 1 -RESEARCH ~’ ,#....:“w, ’ ’ c proaching that figu--se. . -.. -equlplnent. t,he projected. result . a.. . I .(\cxmn Pnlatmhi9 tempts’ to limit their’ .~population sistance. Male sterilization, I for _ IIowever; warup bvmuuuaa will be running ,. At the .moment,./flooring for theof this research: does not appear to instance,‘ - is not a~ .very, .popular dfternoon pub in ’ growth. tents is. . being ‘constructed on the ~~~~~~““;m”“‘“’ 1 of birth. control ’ althoughbe startling.- _:No -major - break’ : _ 7 means _. -8 _ - campsite . which lllG camps center to-day from -one REFUSE USE’ Is across fro@ . through “Is~predicted~ and-the main What makes the continuing rise it is highly effective. . Habitat: ,# t , 1 _ - pamy :;-,_ ,, __ -’ _I present .of the birth rate-graph all the mori ’ -The result is that scientists - emphasis i’s onmodifying surprising is the fact that at th-e \ .throughout the iworld are turning;;. met&@:: ,- -. :.- _’ ti” ./ I is present time man has at his disbatik- to research they once con- ( - 3--The pill, for’dbpi~u~.reasons, attenposal all the necessary means and I sideredaimost finished.‘ I’, , -: claiming -a .l,arg,e. ‘shareof .in the future , techniques to limit this rate. ,The , - Reasoning-- that it is easier “ m : .tian - _.’ with _ . _ prospects _ i for the-development .of a ,“miniproblem iies with the fact that, .khanhe technologv than it is to *’ ’ 01r ‘Ai me reaerawon. E- 3-i-L’-i Discussion at the federation of low tl ie 5yisnes pill”. whitih will contain only, small although-suffi&ent birth change people;‘, thiy are searching ’ students’executive board, meeting -. -*he u~~x-u~ alao received the re- device<- are available,’ people confor the id&] device, one &at would doses of; progestin- instead. ‘of both Steele, station @gnat’--*IOU -01-= Bruoe, n--‘A -progestin and estrogen,analogs. tin@ to-refuse using them. _I last saturday- centered primarily be “effective, safe, -inexpensive, ’ ~ around. the: problem ‘of the ‘campus ), manal ger at ‘Radio. -’ Waterloo. possibility * would be Because of this, the major -reversible, easy to use, and ac-, -Another that bureaucra-*as felt that be- Steele ! indicated ,. \ center boardIt breakthrough in birth’ ctitrol re- ’ ceptable to a diversity of people the “once-a-month pill”, which is >-. tic halssles did not allow him to. search of the early 1969’s which cause. _.’ present .federation ’ reps still in the ,early stag-es of deand cultural groups.‘? .were not acting in accordance with _ entert ain the campus to- the best - -intr.educed the oral steroid pill “A velopment. ‘- Other chemicals inThen, with ‘a sigh, they add, ability.-- The board agreed ” student beliefs, they would be re- of his ;.,,,A and the plastic intrauterine .de- ” contraceptive meeting all-of t$ese volved in ovatior$ and conception for- the vice (IUD). has largely counted for placed by-&other tiomplete .a group to-, _ accvL A. ---‘%ations appear a. criteria is unlikely.” - ’ IL L. are being studled-. as a possible mat 1 will.‘I. be create&on / ’ ) --.of students -better equipped to tOI- vacancy -aid to making future’tiontraceptive nought. LACKKNOWLEDGE ’ jdtie 30. x- t. J j A-hindrance -to the further re- devices. ‘-- _ ’ ’ ’ * -The Iminor -side effects of -the / ..A .I ,’ In line with Steele’s problems, a IUD,, which “can cause-some slight _ search on, birth control is the lack In conjunction .-with ‘this, iec & ‘ii,, & +h;‘, 1 part-time secretary’ will be found d’rscomfort, have caused many-of -z of basic kn-owl&ge about repro-. search, plans -are being ma&e to ” _ for the station. Iits -previous users to shy -away agencies ‘to educate the ductive biology- and gontraceptive j institute \ Steele’s,: resignation seriously from-it despite the fact that it i,~ technology. _ _-~ _ .public on‘control and to sup- ... w;chal l affecl ts the future pf,the $13,000 a - completely they know‘ the -$ly those -service$ to th@ri;.‘-One safe and highly -effec- - - @it. &iiqpl& radio station, w\hi’ch has been tive, r ~ _ ’ being ‘$&s&&red c ‘works, they have even- come, such :-agency is : About &&five. high _gchool y iF:tn untilfebruary'pri)Ve _ IAs 'fo+'the “pi]r', thb cont& up with- !$l.,different, models of the - in ithe I%ited, Statesbn a%ation- stud9r!‘-Its ---_--_ --L-i---3 :fP Ilr, -,, wereoraerea its’wortli to the’campgs. I. . , r versy still rages- although a Un> ~ device, and yet they are fiat cer- ~ _ wide scale -although the idea ‘is be- -1.m L-L.aA*, s-;rrhC nn‘ PUS gk~UUIl..,..“.A” uW weullc3uay. Il~jlfc a3 The- a Compendium -magazine,’ ;a ited States senate subcommittee’ tain as to why- it works. One of the ’ coming bogged down over : the tri-an nual publication’ of the feder, they &at on the gras4 in front of the a widely -publicized _ greatest ironies of- its. develop- - question of what ‘jurisdiction iteampus center. Tl--It: a.L..el-...Cc. sLuu~IILY, ..A., wuu ation,. has. been set aside to the recently:-held. on it. mint is&iat_ it was-first pioneered will appear under-and the matter , ‘- had arrived for an I M4M meet&g-The I findings of the committeeof allottingfinancesto it.” - ’ Zr as a means to increase’fertiiitv.\ +L r-%-k.,, -start of._ th% new year. - . It- .was . ta _ cancelled because ua-J WK \aulyua have fi,rst appeared in septem!Xr vindic zated-this device, ,pointing out Becau$e bf 1this * la&., ,of know.- &ntet power -f@lW+4U@ The. researchers may be dor. . ;+ .:* _’ . . ? congrebut troubles *with’ the grad student --‘that ‘~1s .,_-healp rrsks , were less !edge; (birth control did not he- -.’rect in claimiirg~ it is ‘&sier to / g&d bn t&grass b@,&$,told bv 1 ---:-.L‘ CC c ’ 1. _ -_ ‘C,. umon L--, ma-y l--d. leau A,’ w r:‘:,,--i-l. r~nawxu C’UL1 change technology than ‘it is‘ to ,__” . - -. security guards- the” campus was backs ofthis nature. ’ *L ‘. . I. - .dQ change-people. But, at the present, : off-limits 3o anyone not a. .uni ver- ’ a ’ tn 1 .Srrti , _ --* >-:m.,m --- - . 1: 1 it doesn’t aook like’ technology is my ‘L a.: sity. student unless they -were spe-, chzi&in--rj the -board$dent .going to-change enough to, make a -, ;’ :: -’ .--ActiCiceS ha t&j M&&@p$.:-$~’ fill i _ cifically @leStS. ; L : great differ@-, j .I , . bniwat @iysi;C,S ‘student Shane _ thevaca&ies nn .ll” hit hnqrd. . 1 ‘-I_(< * v-1 Y”” _ / On the other : hand, it doesn’t . Roberts offered. to Xatitas sponsor ’ Burke -explained -thti . look, like’ peoplk %x-e ‘going to for the entire. .group; but the guard ‘. rangementsfe Toronto @liing? ) The.University-of 1 changeeither.” : cpersisted in-ordering; everyone $- <‘*almost ;ompl _flies the cflag’; so do -the-U. of In that case all one dan offer is -Fyi. Campus center, officials have’ ’ for orientatia a Guelph and the, U. of Western _ I a,$iece of adyidel’ ^ @ted there is nodesire to-*keep. 5 -esThe &&d~~;&o$&-u ,. -~ ,_/ .L Ontario. Whydon’twe? Enj.oy your kids. .non-university +lltts fromusirilg~ ,pro+.,i;;&; &:;:k-, f--- -ssI ,,,L-, :,.-n U1



















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isdrawing rieqr and&e

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About 390 fre.aks, ‘uicers, kids’ His--Name. l& sang mostti Dylan and innocent bystan i ers, showed stuff, playing guitar and harp, up at Victoria Park last Saturday while an unidentified friend, sang \ for ’ Kitchener-Waterloo’s first harmony and tried to keep a: beat free pop concert ,,of the summer. on drums. The event was ‘sponsored by’ the ‘: He did ‘. a forgettable hour-long set Iocal chapter of the May Fourth _I b e f ore Cook, a threeman rock Movement. and featured several’ group from Kingston took over.. local bands and Shgel'S, as Well as Their material -ranged from the ’ a few from out of town. LOVin Spoo~ful’s Summer ii the While the concert could hardly5 City t0 -Al Cooper’s Dear mister be called an unqualified success fantasy. While mu&ally ihey left in terms of the numbers present a .gr%eat deal, to be desired, they and the quality of the music heard, made up for it with their enthusit did represent a step towards iasm. wresting the music from the hands _ - The best set of the ‘day we done of the professional promotors and by Neon Rose., They ,are all relareturning it to the culture that tively polished musicians whose / created it. music falls into the “heavy rock” .LetJs face it; the music wasn’t‘ category. ’ I that good, and there was certainly Twice ’ the _-cops came by. and room for several times the number of. people who did come ‘out. asked that the music ‘be turned since: they had received But when one considers that it was down, complaints from the neighbour__free; such obvious criticisms can ing property -owners about the be .overlooked. ‘Especially since the people M4M spent, approximately one- noise. ’ Unfortunately, on stage complied. week organizing it, and posters, advertising it, went up two days be’ M4hI is also planning a free conforehand. ’ cert for sometime in july or auAs to the$erformersthemselves, gust. They are trying to book Seathe first act was a young local folk gram’s Stadium for- the proposedI singer named Monty I-Forgettwo-day event. I

With twenty-four teams comr peting in on-campus softball, only undefeated,: ’ The \ 1Y three ; remain t;Numy, ,- ‘Ro&s’ -..&f’% ‘A~~g@ro’$ ber’s’ ha& turned’s in consistent victories. Sixty - six runs for and only fifteen against is the record ” -of--the top hitting -3A Civil Plumb: team tdbeat I - ’ ers who. *r&%&the, - this summer. After three sessions at the vol-, leyball net, the Czech. students ~3led by Vlach Martin remain un” beaten. Kin 4A and - The Architects are tied in second spot, both having*dropped,one game. , ’ The touch football league xi~’led by ‘the fun seven’, with the staff associationteam a close second. ’ - In soccer, ‘Mike Kirby’s Staff I Association ‘squad and the Chem. / Eng. *Grads led by Dave-Day seem: 4 -to. be- the -top contenders, and if presedt trends continue, these-two , teams will be ‘battling in the final - . .-game. . . , - Next thursday, the University 1 of ,Guelph intramural\ dept. is host; - ing a ga% sport’s’day. Waterloo’s ,._teams will participate - in .softY ’ . I”


_I ; ,



ball, basketball, tennis ,and volleyball (women’s, men’s and,’ coedi. Last year, Waterloo failed:to‘win, a .game,- but hopes .are- high ::. this season Xfor ,at least one Vic-tory. 1 -’ The gentlemanly game of crick: ’ et with a pitch,- wickets, .bails, batsmen, bowlers and tea-is alive on our campus. The university’s , Cricket - Club has already begun ‘it’s season; the next match will be played this weekend. The--man to contact is Dick Randall at 2895. On the Varsity scene. . . . ; s Twelve track -warriors earned ’ p~sit@ns on Canhia’s 1969 ‘top twenty’ list in their I respective ‘events: Of these, six were in theten best perfoi!qa&es and three warriors rated third or better. George N&land, our sprint hurdler, ranked as the’ nation’s best ‘and Glen Arbeau was. rated : third in the javelin. ‘, Half a -dozen warriors will be * ’ competing tonight andtommorow in an effort to make’ Canadian teams to - the British Commonw$alth ‘Games in Edinburgh and the World Student’s Games in Tur-

IN-COME, . Part% Full time;., I _ . set y&r oinrriho’uk, InvektmenX_udder $20 c Ideal for husband and wife, I. Students, set your 0VVp - ’ income’ inI your own off ice.


h ’

-,”RAVIO Li”


\ In which we take ti look at the rneanies aduglies of the Big Brother set-. q. c


CAN’RECALL hearing about a particular incident a short time ago that puts its bloody finger right on the problem. A little while ago a survey was conducted in a typical city in the United States. The question.: “How much money are you willing to spend out of your own pocket to stop the pollution of the earth?” The replies ranged from people willing, to contribute up to a dollar a year on p01: lution control, to those who thought that the whole thing was a sort of inside joke - and they weren’t going to fall for it. This is not the only subject where an apathetic public does not understand fully the conse.quences of what is happening but it is by far the best example. Let us consider then the pollution of the atmosphere, since it is of primary importance to most that we continue-to be able to breathe the air without resorting to the use of gas masks and scuba air bottles. The federal government in the United States has been behind most of the antipollution research done in the world up to the present time and no forseeable change in its status as such is forecast. In any of the newspapers or magazines you can read, published in the United . States, all of the charts, graphs and technical data have been compiled by Uncle Sammy. Accepting this fact, you can no doubt recall that the major source of pollution to the atmosphere according to these reports is the automobile. The automobile. The automobile. Just as simple as that. So, in order to fight this menace to the skys and not to mention its threat on the highways, the government has seen fit to set up standards for the amount of pollution that e_ach automobile can send up. The most logical way for the problem to be solved would be if a reduction in the now monstrous displacement of the engines in today’s cars was put at some limit, say an arbitrary, oh 80 cubic inches. Can you imagine a big-mutha Cadillac going down the road with all three tons of its bloated body and Mediterranean style interior powered by an 80 cubic inch displacement engine? Funny as hell, you say. Strangely enough that is not how General Motors felt about it. How could they possibly charge the average Canadian bread winner X thousand dollars for a big fat stupid looking living room that any Volkswagen could out handle and, with the legal displacement set at 80 cubes (of which the Caddy would have to call on about 79 to overcome the initial force of .gravity when starting from rest) it is easy to see ahead of time that the Caddy would be about as fast as a three-legged horse compared to theV. W.

The government chose to ignore this, _ the most simple solution and chose instead not to limit the size of engine displacement, but to set up a rather unfair sliding scale of values to which each powerplant would be subjected. Take for example my Renault R-10. It is a nice comfortable car with terrific brakes, fairly quick pick up, good handling, comfortable interior, front seats that fold down into beds . . . and so on. The very same thing that all auto makers should want to copy and provide their customers with. The- only trouble is that this is not the way it is. The auto companies are more interested in the bucks that-they can get out of you for this year’s new, improved (well, not really), most certainly longer and more bloated version of last year’s model, rather than providing you with good, safe, comfortable cars that are fully a third of the price of last year’s They just said to the government (whom they are supporting) “If you want to keep getting this rake-off from us then you had just better let usdo things as we please.” Hence, the sliding scale of-values, unfair as they may be. The government is thus faced with a real problem. If they try to do something about the pollution put out by american cars, they face the loss of money in big


2 0




dollazfrom the auto makers: With this loss of revenue, the government would either have to cut spending (such as the Vietnam war or the ABM) . . . perish the thought or else it would have to raise the burden of tax again on the masses. So-Big Brother has chose6 let the auto makers have their way and he can be heard saying under his breath . . . “so what’_s a little air pollution anyhow?” - this years/next year’s/model (choose one) . . . super Cadillac. The sliding scale of values for the amounts of meanies >and uglies that are allowed out of your car’s tailpipe works , , some thing like this : My Renault 80 CU. In. X’number of mean ies and uglies, The Cadillac 472 Cu. In. 10X number of meanies and uglies . . . so that as you can see, things are not quite right. The reason for this as one can expect is that the governm&nt gets too many millions of dollars rake-off in terms of taxes and what-have-you from the auto makers. It is the same type of people who run the government that go out and buy Cadillacs. These are also the same people who are willing to spend up to a buck a -year. so that their kiddies might still be able to breathe the air or drink the water when they grow up. It’s kind of one sided but that’s how it is. --

0 BE BORN into a society, an organized and strictly structured society, and to live within its confines for the better part of one’s life tends to form an individual’s behavior to the established norm. ’ person tends to feel a sort of responsibility to the sofor bringing him up and for endowing him with all the and privileges granted under whatever documents society is founded upon due to the conditioning to one is subjected throughout early childhood.


. *



and . the holy-holies of ’ the powers-that-be.


A ciety -rights that which


is three years old.

Come ,quick! Listen to our ‘little JohnMartha: “George! verbatim every word that I’ve put into his ny repeating little head. Isn’t he cute?” Picture three year old Johnny struggling through a bunch of meaningless words that bear a resemblance to one political oath or another. Yeah,‘isn’t he cute? Cute as hell but it doesn’t stop here. Johnny has managed to survive for alittle while and now has attained middle age childhood. He is- five. Receptive to everything he hears, not knowing that some of the things he hears are true, some half true and others outright lies; he listens carefully to everything and drinks in every adPoor kid; at five he is bathed in vertisement on television. He has been pi’e-conditioned and proadvertising slogans. grammed so that when he is able to he will buy a Chev-

rolet because it is longer even though he would real1 rather have a Buick. ’ In the same sense that companies brainwash childre through the advertising media and thus insure themselve that the future generation will grow up with an instinctiv drive to buy their products, a country requires the samI type of insurance as the companies in that the country ha to be assured that the next generation will covet the sam political documents and hold sacred the same holy-holie of the,society as the generation in power. The only difference between the two (a company and country that is) is that with a company and a product, on is always certain that there is a rival company with a corn petitive product. Not so for a country. A person has no choice as to wha country he is born in. He is therefore forced to accept fron the time of his birth on, the doctrines of his particula country. If the individual somehow’ picks the wrong set c ideologies and doctrines, the society considers him as i would a sheep strayed from its respective cubicle. If how ever, It discovers that his anti-their-doctrines feeling is , (deep-rooted and serious thing, then he had best be prepbar ed; for someone is going to do some cross burning on hi’ lawn for even having the bad judgement and the nerve tc threaten the bastions of the society and the cob$ebs tha are holding it together.


7’-3 june

7970 (7 7:6)




.6 66


\ ..


a ,’



the place- cbuld look


It*s always


Campus cents


ACROSS 1. Article I 4. French friends ‘8. What G. Powers did 13. The people’s colour 14. Negate 15. Commenced 16. Young Revolutionists(abn) 17. Autumn 19.12 O’clock ’ 21. Continent (abn) 22. Takes bets 24. Soon leaving Waterloo 25. Trans-Rumania Express <f&n) 27. Canada’s national propaganda sheet (3 words) 30. Place one’s car 32. Ontario’s capital+bbn) 33: A long time ---- _._ 34. Era 35. Hell no, - --- (3,words) 39. Of editor’s, kings and people with tapeworms 41. Direction -c42. -- and Gomorrah 43. Hardon (adn) 44. Editor (abn) 45. It’s abominable 47. G. Powers employer 48.2Bite this 4 49. A dog’s best friend 50. Organized engineers (abbn ) 51. Death celebration 52. Often found in fenders 54. Abbie’s comrade 56. Worry 58. Solitary _-l 61. Done at night 64. Common to pollution, basketballs, lungs65. Roman god 66$ Organizations of American States (abbn) - 67. Baby’s father 68. Chemical suffix 69. Performance 71. Not closed 73. -i- Zeppelin 74. Where (archaic) 75. Baseball humber DOWN 1. Attempt \ 2. Goes with spice 3. Babbling horse 4. Off the cuff ~ \ 5. Rhubarb 6. Not out 7. L.A. therapy group 8. Song birds of Ontario (abbn) ’ 9. Fascism’s headquarters 10. International Grocers (abbn) 11. Artist’s equipment 12. Basic substance of life


68 the Chevron

17. That’s all, ---Otto; 18. Association of Kentucky genarians (abbn) 20. Not young 23. Dirty old man 26. Brazilian city 28. Small particle ’ 29. Girl’s name 30. Football term 31. G. Powers occupation 35. Oppressed majority 36. European. Dentists’ As isocia/ tion (abbn) ,37. Triumphed 38. Indochina dictator 39. Not strong 40. Common to knives, cliffs, nights

42. N.ot sour c 46. Selected 47. Chevron’s predecessor 48. Spoiler 51. Labour’s leader 53. Make contact 55. Sponsors cheap pubs (abbn) 56. Bad grade -57. Ceremony Techni59. National Newspaper cians and Electricians (abbn) 69. Tarzan’s cloth 63. Famed garden 64. Window \ 65. Mouth part 66. First number 70. Organized clamdiggers (abbn) 72. Greek letter

Take a break., . . Come stroke a game

‘+42-O& Student



\ -





: - If you think ‘the o/d I-&I& ’ is worth S3.0@orLESS iwe have a good selection of I colognes on specid foi you to clhoose from.

ion “in war in any form.” The United States Supreme In making the decision, the highCourt ruled last monday that a es t american tour t uver turned conscientious obj e&or to the draft - the conviction, for refusing inis one “. . . whose-- consciences; duction, of Elliott Welsh 11. His spurred by deeplysheld moral, grounds for refusing were “that ethical, or religious beliefs, would human life is valuable in and of give them no rest or peace if they allowed themselves to become a itself ...I will not injure or kill another human being.” The court part of an instrument of war.” Welsh’s argument basPreviously, a C.O. ‘was one who accepted ed on “political, sociological or “by reason of religious training views. ” and belief ’ ’ opposed par ticipa t- philosophical








the corner

T tiestmouht pharmacy \



place 578-8800



by Steve lzpla Chevron

Competition between Kitchener’s Ron Shantz and Toronto’s Craig Fisher (top) along with ‘C’.the ‘efforts of the bike riders were an indication of h&v’ exciting amateur racing can be. I

, Student



ST JOHN’S (CUP)-Memorial University’s Thomson Student Centre has been declared off-limits to non-university people. ’ Security guards are demanding to see the university’s photo-ID cards as proof of identity for admittance to the centre. To use the centre’s facilities an outsider must have a university sponsor, and




Large older home with formal living room and diningroom and modern kitchen down - Four bedrooms, modern bath up. Recreation with fireplace and radiant heat in floor - New forced air gas furnace - Ideal Family home in a choice residential ’ location. MLS No. A-237 call Bob Arnold at 745-2072 or Jean Duffus at 743-4532 representing ...




Realtor I


& Queen



It’s rather puzzling that those uncountable thousands showed up at Mosport last weekend for the first race of the 1970’s can-am series. Officially, a minimum of $6.66 was required to get into the track and such trimmings as paddock admission (see all the famous racing drivers close-up and touch their precious cars) and grandstand seats could easily increase the price to $20 a person. The only flush toilets or washroom facilities (other than outhouses) on the whole track property are in the tower and reserved for drivers and a few elitist bureaucrats and press (ourselves not included). ’ ’ . It’s impossible to see the whole track from any one position, and if you don’t bring your own chairs or don’t want to pay a few extra bucks for a grandstand seat, you have to sit on the ground or stand up, and standing up has been known to cause fights with people behind you who are also , trying to see. Food is incredibly expensive (25~ for an ice cream bar). And it takes hours to -get out of the track, due to immense traffic jams. 1 So in what way can all those people (estimated over 50,060) who are not really acquainted with motor racing, enjoy a weekend at Mosport? . A lot of the people seem to be there to enjoy the outdoors, the weather, -the parties, the booze, and the novelty of big, fast cars. It is merely a social occasion for them, and social occasions cost money, making prices easier ’ to take. .These people get bored and (sun) burned quite easily. Others come on raceday looking for the “excitement” of a motor race; excitement that is phen-

omenally built up by the press, the sponsors and the promoting public-relations firms. The automotive advertising of the last two decades has been quite effective in imbedding in the minds of the , ~ public the importance )of fast, powerful cars. Thus, a person comes to the race to identify with the chauvinistic aspects of driver superiority.. Added to this is the lure of the huge purses ($75,606 posted, and many thousands ’ more in con- f tingency awards) which conjure up joyful dreams in many a common man’s head. There are others present, though; others who identify with the drivers but in a different , way. They understand what the drivers are doing and also understand and appreciate the pleal sures of driving. Anyone who hasn’t gained complete control of an automobile can ’ experience the pleasures arising out of such control. The pleasures are akin to, and can be as legitimate as, those of sex and dope, but may obviously be lost through misuse of one’s control. The person appreciating this can enjoy himself driving any sort of car. This fact exemplified itself at Mosport last weekend in the form of the supporting races. These cars, bikes, and karts were‘far less expensive than the can-am cars, far less powerful, and not nearly as noisy, yet all vehicles were driven as close to their limits as the drivers dared, and %the drivers certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves. This form of amateur racing goes on most weekends of the year, yet no one hears about it. There’s no money in amateur racing, so none of the professional teams, professional organizers or professional promotersand all , their money hassles are drawn to them. And to no one’s loss.


must _ sign a register upon entering. The regulation restricting the campus centre to university students, faculty and staff was agreed upon by both the administration’s director and the student councilappointed manager, in an attempt to decrease the non-university population using the centre.

(Hwy.-8 opposite K-Mart) Westmount




Over fifty people were turned away the first day that the new regulations were enforced. The action was apparently spurred after an identification check of one of the centre’s cafeterias disclosed only three university students among sixty people there. A group of high school girls had also been discovered drinking beer in a washroom of the centre. The centre’s director, Art Tomlinson claims that high school students have been primarily responsible ‘for $840 damage done to the centre. Few complaints have - been made so far about the new regula-

Though the nature of his situation was political, Behan concentrates on the emotions and relationships brought about by imAfter five years of high school prisonment. And though he intelenglish, I doubt that there is one lectually remains loyal to‘ the person who can sit down to a book emotionalIy he admits that without automatically looking for cause, to the the climax. If the novel does not he would swear allegiance king if only he could maintain contain or appear to contain some ‘semblance of pride in doing that *one moment when there is a “A flash of illumination, then the rea- W’ der feels let down. He discovers contradictions in But there are some dories the behavior of the Catholic church which, while you patiently await which excommunicates him%when the moment when you ’ can say he, will not give information as to “Aha, so that‘s what it , was all the dealings of the IRA, and-yet about,” do not give you that still allows him to serve mass because he is the only one who rechance. One such novel is &WSt8/ BOY members the latin. byBrendan Behan. In the CaSe Of ' The bOOk concentrates mainly this particular book, the moment on . the personal relationships of revelation comes -after the book which transcend geographical is finished. The reader patiently and political barriers. It is in this makes his way through the enterarea that Behan is at his best, taining story, apprehensive about d rawing crisp and finely etched what the point of the whole thing portraits of the clearly defined is. And then it comes to an endroles played by the other inmates nothing spectacular. Oh well, he and by the bureaucracy. , must have been a better poet than Through all this, values change novelist. Then-pow ! and importances are - shifted; Epiphany? new meanings come into being, Briefly, the story is an autobio’ graphy of the three years Behan and old beliefs drop away. AS Bespent in an english Borstal (a han says of those Years and what corrective institution for offenders they taught him “I respect kindbetween the ages of- sixteen and ness to human beings first of all, and kindness to animals. I don’t tw\enty-one. ) He had been arrested because he respect the law; I have a total was a soldier in the outlawed Irish irreverence for anything connectrepublican army. The story is told ed with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer i with a minimum of intrusion on stronger, the food cheaper, and the the part of the author in the form of value judgments and philosop- * old men and old women warmer in hical hindsight by a “rebel come the winter and haPPier in the summer.” of age.”



by Brepdan Behan. 1970 paperback.




19 june

7970 (7 7.-S) 69





( , ,

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HAS BEEN t0 date,the; most rapid, dramatic and revolutionary innovation man has developed to increase his standard of living, but to offset the loss of production as needs become satisfied, industry has ivolved a set -of secondary, - artificiai, internally - developed needs. r Witness planned obsolescence-some\ thing which arose almost by accident as industrial engineers attempted to remove the wasted perfection of goods that lasted years after they became obsolete. And then there is psychological obsolescence whereby customers are convinced by various means of propaganda that home furnishings are no longer aesthetically acceptable because they are old. A third example of artificial needs’can be rillustrated when needs are developed where needs do not exist. We do not need nonreturnable containers, but the can and bottle manufacturers are convincing us that we do. A fourth method could be _ termed “security-poverty”. The US, for example, is convinced that it will only be made secure by a stronger military, des‘pite its already lethal capabilities. Almost every large Canadian industry profits from this national paranoia. Capitalism will soon-die, just as feudalism and tribalism died before it, and pollution. of i our environment is a symptom of our 5 system’s fatal illness.




OR THE the satisfaction


North -american society, of all basic material needs

is’easily grasped by the uninspired mass- es who eagerly execute mass pressure upon industries and government ahd whose bandwagon instincts soon become sobered when faced with the lack of’conscience exhibited by both these institutions.

has for. the most part eliminated the , question of survival--except, of course, for the minor -considerations of ‘a majority of indians and many eskimos, who seem to have been passed by when the wealth we accumulated was distributedand has substituted for it the problem caused by the, side-effects of such overabundance. These second-level faults lie in capitalism’s singularity of purpose and result in various inhumanities: racism, cultural annihilation, (or exploitation), war, pollution and ali.enation of labor. A moral revolution has begun; it is now in its embryonic stage. Those people involved could be classified in three groups: l radicals (this group basically has the right idea), 0% “armchair Marxists” such as McPherson, Marcuse, Marx. (these people are purely academics), and \ l Labor unionists, who, in attempting to redistribute the interests of a dominant class have simply produced their own dominant class: “Labor” is as alienated from the unions as it is from industry. All three of the‘ preceding have one major failing; they do not have mass support. There is however, a fourth group of “revolutionaries” that are supported by an incredible cross-section of society, including even those people against whom the revolution is being waged. The war is, of course, against pollution, and the reason for its wide-based support is probably because pollution is an easily identifiable fault in our society; not an abstract fault like “neocolonialism” or war. The cause




1 HE IDEAL end-product of any social revolution appears to be some kind of international marxist state composed of a morally responsible populace. Such a re-oriented society would be willing to retard technology in order to develop a “better” technology; a technology which be- j comes concerned for its actions. The very existence of technology will, by the second law of thermodynamics, alter the environment and produce some. sort of pollution, but because it would be a technology of the people it would hopefully do so within the limits which the ecosystem could handle without permanent change. For example, the existing garbage ‘crisis is due to’ overpackaging, which really means that packaging industries are exploiting an artificial need. In a marxist society, this would be considered an unnecessary waste of human abilities since it reflects little but vanity. Functional packaging / would not ne,cessarily be non-aesthetic or Orvillian. Ontario’s brewers for example, have Peveloped a <purely functional pack designed in good taste. In marxist terms, this is a thesis (fun& *tionality ) and an -antithesis (aestheticism) -combining to produce a synthesis


/ 1, I’M A radio or TV announcer or add copy writer for a big. new.spaper or advertising company. I’m here to sell you a package of cigarettes. See...l’m up -here in Canada because in the United States, the government has taken giant steps to try to stop the cigarette industry. See, when you smoke cigarettes, you make your fingers yellow. colour your teeth, take away your taste and smell, pretty well screw up your respretory system and (I heard this some time ago-I’m not sure where) take two minutes off your life with every cigarette you smoke. Besides that, you run a good chance of giving yourself lung cancer, which is painful, unpleasant,-messy and could cost you your ‘life, to say nothing of doctor bills above the level your health insurance will cover. Well, the United States government, recognizing this fact, has taken frightening measures to combat the tobacco industry by actually banning advertising on radio and TV, Needless to say, my employers are up in arms. Here is the government of a democratic country taking away their rights . . . their rght to make money, employ workers, control population by shortening the-ever rising life span of man . . . a totally frightening example of socialistic control. Fortunately the government still recognize the dangers of that -non-narcotic, non-adective, non-helucinatory agent marajuana. Your tobacco industry is now doing research for the government to see if it isn’t possible to come up with a “safe” blend of plants so that those -who insist upon the practice of smoking this ,drug can at least do it assured of quality . . . but only if can be done with the quality control of mass production.-Thank goodness the private enterprise system has created cigarette manufacturers. Think of the money that would have had to be spent in research into the problem had not an industry such as this one already been in existence. Well, before I go, I’d just like to remind you, the people of Canada, of the value of- the tobacco industry . . . just so that you will realize it’s importance. Lets use the example of a



\ .






Each small package of cigarettes carries an exize tax of 30s . . . each large deck . . . 38~. So this one plant alone pays the federal government $196,000 per day in taxes . , . about $45,000,000 per year from one factory! Isn’t that something? $45,000,000 a year in taxes taxes that go to fight organized crime, pollution, cancer and other social menaces. Yes Canada . . . your tobacco industry provides jobs, supports the economy and gives you fine quality controlled cigarettes. So take a hint Don’t fight it! by Bruce Steele copyright, 1970



70 the Chevron


/ by Wes Darou Chevron staff

(an aesthetic, functional case of beer). A major cause of pollution is the excessive concentration of industry and people in specific locations. The solution to this is pure Marx: the “combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction - between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country. ’ ’ So, a reasonable question at this time: why is there a severe pollution problem in the USSR? The USSR has evolved into just another capitalist state. As long as it tries to compete with the USA, it must d-o so on american terms and accept the side-effects. Because even a true marxist state is not a utopia, it will not be able to completely solve its pollution problem; indeed, when threatened with its own extinction, capitalism itself may want to solve its own pollution crisis very much. In either case, revolution will not be the complete solution to pollution.


ECAUSE pollution has such wideunpopularity, because it requires the manipulation of government and industry, because it teaches man to control himself and because solutions to it require constant and intense efforts, the revolution against pollution is an opportune method of testing the means of a general social revolution. Most anti-pollution groups are still ?n a perceptual stage of knowledge. A minority of more advanced groups such as Pol-


spills are a menace, but consider--a defoliant spill from a Vietnam-bound cargo ship. All the countries boardering on the Pacific would have to unite.

lution probe haye passed the perceptual stage and are now well into the stage of practice and implementation. And the stage of revolutionary practice gives a much greater basis for necessary means of change than does-the simple perception that something is wrong. Members in the more advanced groups are trying various tactics--succeeding at a few, failing at many. The exercise of practice is futile and directionless unless tactical theories one also examined. Successful theories should flourish; unsuccessful ones should be abandoned. Within a year, we should know the success of Probe’s tactic of concentrated effort on specific topics. If the tactic works, it should be returned to practice at a higher level; if it fails, it should be changed. The destruction of the ecosystem is teaching man another lesson that will be of value to the general improvement of society. It is teaching man to accept- the lower technological advancement necessary to reverse other defects in the society. It is teaching him to maufacture >with a conscience. This remoulding of man is just beginning to take shape. If, for example, a farmer has a two-year supply of DDT on hand, will he use it onhis crops or will he dispose of it? Today, he will use it; if his wife’s breast is toxic, then he will dispose of it. For pollution to be prevented, political boundaries must be crossed. Ontario can-, not clean the Ottawa river without the aid of Quebec. Provinces must be taught they will only survive by co-operation., Oil

Political boundaries, just like capitalism, are rapidly out-living their purpose; pollution is preparing these artificial interfaces for eventual disintegration. Indeed, the only way a general social revolution can succeed is for it to be international. “The objective world which is to be remoulded includes the opponents of remoulding who must .undergo a stage of compulsory remoulding before they can pass a stage of voluntary remoulding. When the whole of mankind remoulds itself of its own free will and changes the world, the‘ era of world communism will dawn. ” (Mao Tse-Tung )





-_ /

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WO revolutions are underway. One is small in scope but very popular and is being led, as Marx had hoped, by the highly industrialized nations. The other is larger in scope, but is filled with idealistic endeavors that have ended in failure. Although the ideas of the latter are disguised by such terms as “neomaterialism” colonialism’ ’ , “dialectic and “petty bourgeoisie”, the motives, methods and final aims of both groups may be the sameThe struggle against an imminent eco-catastrophe is preparing our society for a large-scale moral, upheaval, and dealing with pollution has become the shock-troops for this revolu tion.





y the chew011

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS): subscriber: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (CINS): published fiftytwo times a year (1970-71) ontuesdays and fridays by tne publications board of the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration; offices in the people’s campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748; summer cimulation 8,500; Alex Smith, editor. ’ The quotation in last week’s masthead was from- a new novel by Michael Charters called “Victor/Victim”, and. published by House of Anansi, Toronto. Perhaps in the near future an intrepid chevron staffer will-do an intrepid review of same in inevitably intrepid journalese. Perhaps. Well, THEY had the THING for Al Adlington last tuesday night and apparently the information services people were responsible for a great spoof of Adlington. but more accurately, of themselves and the terribly (and I mean terribly) predictable style of the Gazette. Complete with Gazette banner and with standard Gazette layout and typefaces, the twopage flyer info services people were distributing at the gala affair carried, among other things, a series of photos on the front page depicting (and we quote) “Al the stuffed shirt; Al the server of mankind; Al the lush.” Maybe we can arrange to print some of it for the general bemusement of those of us who did not receive invitations. And how about Bert Matthews, who apparently prefers “independent” treasurers? What about that, Bruce Gellatly, Treasurer, whose present activities are far, far from “independent”, i.e., who has considerable ‘political power in the administration. And one more’ piece of gossipsus deliciata: attention all you frightened, insecure old women in the athletic department: you may be next. This paper is being completed with the assistance’of about two dozen Dominion store emergency candles as the -power all over this festering campus is off. “At least ten hours,” they said this afternoon. So here we are, holed up in the office-no light, no air-conditioningno good. In the dark again this week: news: bob epp entertainment: ross bell features: rats, photo: john nelson -sports dennis mcgann anita epp, jim dunlop, brute Steele, wes darou (in absentia), brian iler, Steve izma, johanna faulk, les schatten, jim allen and a the. great pumpkin. Thought for the week: anxious anti-c cipation of unresolved distress.


79 june

7970 (177.=6) 77






:. E sE 4F .Y :


beautiful I . ,


72 the Chevron


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