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. . . and is larger than life to Jeanie, Kevin and Artie who are three of fifty boys and girls who arrived monday for the first two-week session of the student- , run camp. There will be three sessions for 150 children from now until the middle.of august. --EMm Soucie, the Chevron


CamPus cenfer rides asrain--



As of Wednesday of this week, three of the six full-time campus center. summer turnkeys ,had quit their posts, and at least two others are considering the same move. Those who have resigned include Dieter Haag, Mark Lederman, and David Kardish, who unanimously cite disenchantment with the new campus center board asthe primary <basis for th.eir resignation. In a statement made monday, Haag said, in reference to the federation executive, that the campus center has become “a playground for amateur politicians - and poor ones at that.. ” He went on to say that this attitude indicates “a complete disregard for the people that have in the past devoted a large amount of their time to the furthering of ideals and ideas to make the cam-

pus center a place for everyone to enjoy.” Burko, however, feels that the turnkeys have failed in these stated aims. “The campus center board reshuffle was,” he said, “unfortunately political in nature, and maybe even bad politics, but I think that it will result in the building beingused more by uni-

- charge* versity people. ” Kardish said that he was tired of “power politics”; of the “games the federation plays, and the games the administration plays. The building isn’t worth my sanity, ” he said. Carol Tuchlinsky, acting campus center manager, supported the turnkeys, and referred specifically

-Arts summer About 750 arts students joined math and engineering students on campus at the beginning of summer school tuesday. Half the summer students are elementary school teachers working for degrees or special certificates under a program sponsored jointly by the university and the Ontario teachers federation. The rest are winter students from Waterloo and’ other universities; a few are taking their first university work this summer. _ Eighty arts courses, from most departments and from Remson and St. Jerome’s, are being given in the six-week session, which ends august 15. Since a Full course meets two hours a day during the ses;ion, one course is a full load for most students. several non-credit philosophy and music courses 3re also being given..


“petty to the question of drugs, drugusers, and drug-pushers in the building. She said that the turnkeys have been working very hard for some months to “get the place cleaned up for the summer,” and that they are now being frustrated in this attempt by new board chairman Brian Iler. She cited one specific inciden-t-


Hampered by disconnected telephones, and unfamiliar with the grassy labyrinth, the majority of summer students are living in the south quad of Village 1. ’ Other difficulties met summer students: a traditional registration bottleneck was one. Registration was announced for Seagram gym and many summer students trekked across campus only to find that registration had been moved to the new phys ed building. Even then there were delays and confusion as many preregistrations had to be found or changed. . And despite the beguiling sun over the very summery campus, there is a grim thought for summer students: Christmas exams are less than three weeks away.

politics” concerning a “known drug pusher,” who had previously been evicted from the building, and who had turned up again. The turnkeys on duty at that time again asked the person id question to leave, but Iler overruled, them, saying that since there was no actual proof that he was a pusher, they had no right to evict him. Tuchlinsky feels that this attitude obstructs the turnkeys in the performance of what she con-. ceives to be their duty. Clearly, the main conflict here centers around the turnkeys’ view of themselvesis their role more properly that of policemen, or of PR-men. That the turnkeys presently tend more to the first extreme than the second reduces the congeniality of the building, whatever it may do for its respectability, and many feel this to be an unfortunate development. However, while they are no doubt, angry at the difficulties they are facing in “keeping the building clean ’ ‘, it is apparent that they are, if anything, still more annoyed -at being victim to Burko’s political actions.


Do what

you like (but


Psychology professors Harold something he considers releMiller and Jim Davison are offervant. This could include com“self-directed” summer munity projects (such as Camp ing a school course which will be about Columbia), creative art, music, whatever the individual student or film, or improving teaching likes. , methods. For the course, which is non The instructors say they will simply provide guidance for stucredit, the student can work on

Library \


dents who exnerience difficulties. One purpose of the course is to let students work with others who share their interests. Briskly titled “A self-directed approach to- the study of interdisciplinary issues”, the course runs for the summer school term, july 6 to august 15. Information is available at local ’

will lend new books I 3659,

Starting in July 1970 on-a trial logued book will be two weeks, basis new books received through with provision for renewal. The approval plans will be made availbook will be signed out at the Cirable for borrowing before going culation desk, using its accession through the cataloguing process. number instead of the (as yet unThe boqks will be kept on special. assigned) call number. shelves in the Arts and E.M.S. liThe normal cataloguing process braries. Until the books are catainvolves a waiting period of up to logued and cards entered in the months for cataloguing main card catalogues,, they will ‘three copy from the Library of Congress be accessible through special . to become available. author files kept near the shelves. The new procedure will depend Each book and its entry. in the file will be linked by an accession for its success on the prompt return of borrowed books when they number. The loan period for an uncataare due or recalled.

Now building ip

BEEC&VOOD AREA Homes Driced from $38,060


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3w off


all pizzas


Lost at Westgate Walk ’ Optina 35mm camera in knapsack. Finder please notify Donnie at Integrated Studies. FORSALE ’ Private sale Westmount area, large 7 room brick bungalow, attached garage, double driveway,’ 4 bedrooms, 4 piece and 3 piece ’ bath, attached screened gazebo in garden setting, five minutes to university. Phone 576-0478. 27 acres with stream flowing through property) 9 miles west of Waterloo. $16,500. Call local 3603. \ WANTED Volkswagen for $500. Call Maurice at 576-3734. HOUSING AVAILABLE _ _Two double rooms, own entrance, big kitchen, shower, telephone, 6 cars parking space in’ new quiet home near university. Dale Crescent. Phone 578-4170. Student accommodation available. Cooking facilities, private enelectric heating, five trance, minutes drive from university. Phone 744-1705.

Want two co-op students (guys) to share Don Mills apartment from Sept. 1 to december 31 with someone now working in Toronto. Bus stopsat front door. 1-416-4296021 or write J. Davis, 1 Deauville Lane, apt 619, Don Mills. Room, board in house with students for super tolerant male or female near university. Phone 57*-4017. Furnished room with kitchen facilities, parking. 83 William Street West, Waterloo 744-5809. Coop has rooms by day or week or without meals. Make arrangemerits. 743-4083. HOUSING WANTED Wanted. anartment for two girls, furnished?’ Fall term, downtown Toronto. Call 519-576-2289 or write V.F. Smith, 19 Searle, Street, Hamilton . _

TODAY Undercoming semi-formal with The Don Frise Orchestra and Phase III $4 per couple, advance tickets in federation office. 9pm. Food services. Undercoming Dance with Brutis. 75~ federation members with U of W, ID, $1.50 without. 9pm student village I. Undercoming movies. Check posters for names of flicks. 50~ federation members with U of W ID; $1 without. 7 : 30pm A1116. Practice for Uniwat cricket club. 6: 30 pm Columbia field. SATURDAY Undercoming Car Rally. $2 preregistration at federation office. Sponsored’ by Motor Sport club. 9am parking lot A. Undercoming Motor Cycle Rally. Pre-register in federation office. Sponsored by the Motor Sport Club. 9am Parking lot L. Undercoming Concert with ,Light House, The Mc5, Luke and The Motherlode, HomeApostles,

stead and Mainline. $1.50 in advance federation members with U of W ID; $3 in advance non-members; $4 at door. Advance tickets in federation office or at Colonial or Kadwell’s’ 3:30 pm Seagram Stadium. Undercoming Dance with Major Hoople’s Boarding House and it’s absolutely free. 10: 30pm Columbia Field. SUNDAY ’ ’ Beach party with fun and games and prizes for your efforts. 5Oc per head. How-to-get-there-maps in federation office. Afternoon. Holiday Beach. Great In terna tional Cones togo to Bridgeport Boat Race. $3 pre-registration in federation, Eng sot or Circle K offices 12 noon Conostogo. WEDNESDAY Practice for Uniwat cricket club. 6: 30pm Columbia field.


L&T Reddish brown leather Contained 3A physics notes. Call K’. Abdolall reward given.

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lukiz ahd the apostles motherbde homestead

Tmalnlme seagram &urn $1.50

federation $3 non-members advance

sponsored I -- - _


by federation



OF studetits


and eng


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members with




~on Wednesdays / Gmpus Center rm. 206 2

on specials


THURSDAY BSA Films 8pm A1116.



04 Wmtorbo,



U of W

Id card $4 at door




of waterIoo







This. week

from pollution


(Last week afforded a brief look One of the first steps that must Only one north american paper, at the city economics involved in be taken, therefore, is to view The San Francisco Examiner and recycling paper rather than schedwaste paper differently than is Chronicle, is attempting to have its uling it for the city dump. It now being done. It should not be readers return the paper for realso touched upon the possibility thought of as garbage. Rather, use. There ap,pears- to be no limit of such a plan being inaugurated. it should>be seen as a usable corn-’ to the number of times a paper can This week will examine how modity with a market price. be recycled. paper recycling can be applied, People would then be aware of It would seem, therefore, that who can contribute and how, and the fact that by simply dumping a partial answer would be for inwhat measures will be deemed or burning waste paper they are dustry, all industries, to give connecessary to institute the project contributing. to their own higher sideration to the advantages of rein order to make it successful.) taxation and the destruction of cycling. Their, waste would be less, At the present time a large a- their natural resources. their profits greater. . mount of waste paper is being reThis’ gives them the right to deThey could even adopt the S.F. cycled by individual papermakmand that city officials recycle Examiner and Chronicle mottoing industries who get most of paper to defray collection costs. “Save ‘ your papers-and save their materials from private group \ It also means that since their natrees. ” efforts, such as boy scout paper tural resources. are at stake, drives. both the Toronto and Ottawa leGOVEdNjtlENT The problem now breaks down gislatures ought to be involved. If the industrial complex reto one of getting more people and Recycling is a local, provinfuses to recognize the economic more industries to participate in cial and national-affair. advantages of recycling, and some recycling. wouldn’t, preferring. to pass the This means that if paper which RESPONSIBILITY expense on to you as a consumer,_ is now collected and disposed of as then the government should carry Despite this garbage is to be recycled the re- tion, all indications last showconsideraa “big stick.” that in sponsibility for making the scheme As the largest consumer of pathe final analysis it is the citizen work will rest on everyone. who is responsible for the present d per they -could easily wield their economic baton by purchasing lack of paper recycling. . Thomas Proctor, 22, of Toronto was unhurt monday when CITIZENS only paper with a specified perAccording to most -surveys govEach year 540 pounds of paper centage of recycled paper content. on all levels are inhis car collided with a slow-moving train at the Seagram drive per capita is discarded. And, al- ernments Under these circumstances a terested in paper recycling. railway crossing, just off campus. Dam,age to his car was though industry accounts for a number of paper manufacturers Sid McLennan of Kitchen$1,700. Up until l&t fall drive?? view of the crossing was ser- large portion of this figure, every er Mayor would re-tool for handling recycled has indicated to PP that he is . citizen is involved. iously obstructed by a berm, since removed. paper, thereby setting up a larhighly interested in paper recyc” ger market for used paper. ling ‘and is willing to listen to Another means would be to stop proposals that will promote this subsidizing private enterprise by ‘type of a project. paying for the disposal of their But,- as long as the citizens of paper wastes. Were industry to be -this- city and country are willing billed for the costs of burying their to allow the present waste to occur waste paper they might come unchallenged, nothing will be away with a more economical accomplished. means of disposing of it,.After all, the politician reprefacto operation afforded by the similarity of all the IT IS ALMOST incredible that a conglomerate mass Recycling would be their logical sents the individual. If the indiviturnkeys’ views on matters such as equipment use, of cement, bricks, pipes, wires and tile could comanswer. dual is content then why should the sleeping rules and the like. The turnkey group itself pletely disrupt the personal lives of about two do- Or, . government legislation politician interfere? had become a clique attached by a quaint umbilical \ zen people. could make it the logical answer. cord to the manager. When the board threatened her ’ Yet it has happened. As was indicated last week, COMMERCE definition, so the turnkeys assumed their identity The campus center-that living, breathing, some places are considering makFar more than the individual, inwas also uncertain. pulsing golden calf-has robbed the souls of student ing it illegal to place newspapers dustry and large corporations are Item: It cannot be denied that the original motive politicians who used it to defy the administration; in with regular garbage. the greatest wasters of pzper. for rules, locking doors and checking equipment has conned turnkeys into believing its scared carBut since more than newspaper The-U of W used, and therefore was a reaction to last summer’s wanton destruccass worthy of lock-and-key allegiance; and has can be recycled to make other supposedly useless, computer tion by non-university and university students alike. driven the manager to execesses of bureauratic products, such as insulation, laws cards are slated for the landfill But the rules became ends in themselves, and anyhommage. could be extended to cover cardsite. Yet these cards are worth one who questioned them became an anarchist; the board and other paper products. It has become master of one and all; perpetrator more than 35 dollars per ton. example of last summerwas thrown up as the horof mistrust and br_eeder of misperception. All large enterprises with their rible truth of what change would mean. DESIRE _ Item: the political heavies who backed federation cardboard cartons, letters, disTo an extent, this cannot be. challenged. The adAs feasible as recycling paper president Larry Burko’s power move to gain operatpatches and innumerable other ministration should be drawn and quartered for may be, it will never become a ing control over the building misperceived the acpaper waste are adding to the having ever built such a ridiculously outmoded and reality until people, industries and tual power and involvement of the campus center ’ inadequate building, more suited to the needs of 3000 problem .% the government get together to board. Some companies are trying to people than to 12,000. make it work. It is questionable whether their possibly ill-fated use But this fact aside, too many people perceived an limit the waste. Breweries People must want to save trees. desire to establish a closed union shop ‘on campus the same carton to have bottles oppression of rules and bureaucracy, and it has been Industry must desire to cut costs shipped to them from the bottlers by breaking the campus center contract with nonsaid that if oppression is perceived, then oppression while the government must eye union cleaners will penetrate the monolithic adminithat their final product is packed exists. municipal budgets as closely as in for retail purposes. stration concern for efficiency and cost. It became convenient, however, for the turnkeys However, cutting waste to a they do their household expenses. Item: the federation’s act of arbitrarily replacing and manager to attach the source of this dissent to It is a collective-affair.Every-all nine student members, conducted under the asone specific group of people-the “radicals”, the... minimum is no&recy,cling. one must participate. And until Even i&he newspaper industry, sumption that its recommendations would otherwise federation executive, the freaks, the high-school they do, recycling will only remain one obvious field- suited for this be ignored, was naive. It was made on an outmoded kids: the non-straights. University engineers-don’t another possibility, not an actuprocedure, recycling is not taking theory of fait accompli confrontation and should not mind rules, it was argued.. It could also be argued ality. place on a large scale. . have been carried out. that university engineers are here solely for the purthemselves to their environItem: the campus center turnkeys have been in- pose of de-sensitizing ment as quickly as possible so they can go about the creasingly aware of themselves as policemen, based task of earning a meal-ticket. on assumed repercussions from the administration This labelling increased the turnkey’s group idenif the building was not maintained in efficient runtity, something assumed to be good, -but which in ning order and clean of dope smokers and pushers. fact, has led to the exaggerated We-Thou paranoia It might be argued that as functionaries they should that has been the single most important cause of the not be involved with the moral questions involved assumptions and misperceptions that have caused and should merely enact board policy. But their so many people so much pain. attitude was motivated and directed by their own The campus center is a,hoax. sense of law and,oider-indeed having a moral base It is the embodiment-of contradiction. -and not by area1 issues tackled or ignored to give When it becomes necessary to castigate turnkeys the ‘right’ impression has been at times almost on one hand for over-identity yet to-concede on the even, but for its consepathological ; humorous, In an effort to rid the street of subversives and long haired hippie other that they and the campus center manager quences in the arbitrary labelling of “freaks” freaks, the Kitchener police department acted once again in the indid much to see that Hi-line, the rap room, the sound “heads” and various assumed cliques. terests of its citizens when it captured Jim Klinck, former Chevron equipment, the TV room etc., were finally realized, Communication was sacrificed to reinforcing staffer now working on the new K-W community newspaper On the line. circumpersonal assumptions. .But then, such was also the we must perhaps look for an extenuating Klinck was arrested-on a Kitchen&% street for selling copies of the stance for deviance, case with Burko, Iler and Warrian. Paper, and taken to the local police station where he was told that selWhen it becomes necessary to condemn the federaItem : the federation executive misperceived the ling newspapers without a peddler’s licence was illegal. tion when its basic motive- was the worthwhile aim . degree to which present turnkeys perceived their He was warned that if people did not stop selling the papers on the of guaranteeing reasonably-paid union labor and own role. Involving turnkeys equally with board streets the papers would be confiscated. providing imagihative and participatory entertainmembers in committees dealing with all matters After consulting the city clerk, Bob Pritchard, Klinck was informed ment and forums, then we must perhaps look for an contradicted the turnkey’s desire to remain paid extenuating that peddling was illegal only when nothing was immediately returned circumstance for misdirection of employees, hired to carry out a duty, not to spend for the money given. methods. the time deciding’what that duty should be-officiThe city clerk said he would inform the police chief that this form of Item: the campus center is that extenuating cirally, ,-at least. While the- executive’s aim of parcumstance. It has been made scapegoat for the ad: selling was not illegal and that further hassles with the police would ticipatory decision-making was admirable, it conministration’s sterile, profit-motive selfishness, and probablynot be due to this technicality. ’ tradicted the reality that these turnkeys had come it has been ruining people’s relationships as a result. to expect their direction to be guided increasingly Item: The only answer is to burn the bloody thing by the campus center manager and by a sort of de down. -Alex Smith, editor. ,

’ The golden calf is-a sacred COW ,


\Off the street


COn the line’?.

friday -.

10 july

’ _


1970 (7 1:9)



place to store-these things. after . has be,en $4.90 per month, it would ‘The house at 193 Albert street, august31. I cost -the university’ nothing to . which has been used as an in’ Iroaga explained ISA had allow the. use of an apartment. ternational student center for nothing to do with the internaHowever legally the space- in the years, is going to, be closed 3 tionai house until last summer complex has to be used for resi-1 . august31. , I_ when -the rotarians suddenly dence. . .The I international student . i announced they would no longer - Iroaga obs&ed, tbat’tbe iam. f association has looked for’ a new finance 193 Albert. ISA then location, but has had no, success. pus centre board allowed space appealed to the-. r federation of ‘Wab Iroaga, president of ISA, in the’ campus center for the d&y students, the graduate student said,- f ‘I t’s not our idea to have nursery. When ISA approached union, and the dean of graduate ,a place just for international the board for use of ‘some base1 fstudies. From these sources they students. We want an internament space in the campus centel! ob,tained funds to maintain the i tional centre for-all students.” for an international center or at house .‘ ‘ until a more suitable The Albert St. house was spon. ’ least storage, they were told that ’ sored_ by the rotary club until , arrangement is found”. - - excavating the crawl a space ISA‘ has appealed to the -unilast summer. Besides serving as would- be more expensive than iDiversity ‘for the use of a ground . I:? temporary-. accommodation + for adding a- wing to the building. floor apartment. in the married \ Carl Vinnicombe strahded overseas students it w& ina the housing said storage space was ’ a social c.entre with a TV, papers . student complexI: Iroaga feels this v office location would be. ideal becauseand magazines,* a ping pong table, available in the village, but when it is very accessible and would __ Ron Eydt was approached records and equipment, furniby ISA not, require a paid caretaker. . ture, and cooking facilities ,-, all he said no such space existed. <While the Cost to university agenthe property of the student body.. “I’m frustrated with thehhole @es for maintaining 193 Albert ’ Now the ISA cannot even find a thing,” said Iroaga: “ shame2 ful that in a placewith 700 foreign

.-; *



Madnasgoh wheels-i , ,: ,


. . . just around , -



the corner




- westmount ‘place pharhacy







,,____ ., , plbde. st,Ydents there shoulCh’t be-a These students often don’t .


‘-; spons&~


there are no facilities

.- .: Beside%‘\ separating the )LCar ‘and different than those for the fusals. ‘ ‘Anything .,that uses the chauvinists from the ‘tpure” ~ novice. ~ 1 L -word ‘international” or represents driving! freaks; rallies. are -enjoynon-Canadians seems to be on the They describe the expert ‘s- route able in’ the sense that they can be of approximately i25 miles as opposite scale of ordering priori,- clean outlets for repressed city- being “more or .less of .a navex ties. Everybody is thinking about -- traffic-caused frustrations. ‘the Canadian taxpayers, but the , \ but speeds-are not all-that slow”, One can be merely pacified 6y a necessitating international centre is to serve, a fair effort from nice ride’ in the country or, to the all, students. Foreign, students both the drivers and the navigaother extreme, be” terrified to tors of the crews. ‘The novices -aren’t asking for a fdvour,” he .. will have “simple _ excitement by unexpected turns instructions said. “Everybody professes to be and drops in the roads. with a-few items thrown* in for in- concerned. They all agree we need’ The UofW motorsport club, in terest.” . a place” but nothing tiomes of it. * an *effort to ter.rify experts and ’ .The roads generally run in an “We will appreciate- any sugges‘entertain novices has planned a area not ‘usually covered by uni- tions.” , summer weekend rally, entitled versitv rallies. Car-breaking roads ‘ ‘midsummer madness’ F. have been avoided. - * The rally is actually,,being run’ , .The first car will leave parking in three classes, expert, novice lot A at 9:Ol Saturday morning,. (neither member of the brew has but entrants should arrive at completed five or more rallies), least 30 minutes beforehand, and mixed novice (opposite. sex ) .I Thorough supplementary rules _ The route and instructions for and regulations can be obtained the, experts will be. slightly longer in the federation offices.

The - K.-W Vietnam mobil@abuild massive demonstrations in tion committee calls on everythe coming period. , , \ ,one opposed to’ the war in IndoThere will be a showing of a 1 I- china ,( expanded -Vietnam - war), full:length film entitled ‘in the year the U.S. government’s ,policy of the pig’ which is a documenthere, .as well as Canada’s com- I tary on the war with commentaplicity, to -attend the anti-war, tors s&h as Jean Lacuture, the ’ conference to be held in Kitchenauthor of the well-known biography I of Ho Chi Minh. er on sunday july 12*1970:* With the Indochina war affecting Reports wi.U be given by inflation and hindering pollution George Addison, executive se%recontrol advances (due to mistary of the national VMC -and a directed, capital),-the anti-war report by an observer at the movement is generating support emergency national (anti-war) not only from students, but also conference on june 19-20 in Cleve. from nurses, taxpayers, houseland, Ohio. wives,- servicemen, third world k Time and place of the confergroups, and@rganihed labour. ence: _ t p.m. july 12 (Sunday) ; The upcoming conference will Trinity. united church, 74 Fredbe held in order to disduss the crick St., Kit: For furtherinfor-, of the antiwar perspectives mation contact: Paul Wyman, f movement, to see what can be_ 1002 King St. E., L-or - Helmutb done to educate the public and to Fischer 576-2293, ,’ * ’



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the pill?


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be taken?


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Newer pill schedulesare three weeks on and one week off. These and. other schedules, ranging from 20 to 23 days a<.month, will be explained,. by your’doctor. Your menstrual period usually’starts within five days after taking the last pill: . I. ~ 96 the Chekbn -


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Till 64hurs.


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arewood Acres is a race fifteen track some miles east of the town of Simcoe that specializes in club and motorcycle racing. It is also a race track that is about to meet a violent and untimely death. Rented and operated by the London automobile sport club the track has been a financial success, paying its own way. Nor is there any lack of interest in automobile racing that is forcing it to reassess itself. Almost every weekend during the season some event is scheduled. 1 And, entries alone are voluminous enough to support the track. Money in terms of gate receipts constitute gravy for the operating club. The track is being closed by the owners of the land, Texaco Oil, who are going to build a refinery on the site where the track now stands. There is nothing that can stand in the way of Texaco’s building


Harewood A trek li

program. Actually, Texaco has been generous enough to the London club, allowing the track to continue through the I970 season although the oil company. would have preferred to begin construction this past spring. Nevertheless, it will be a sad blow to club racers and racing fans throughout the southern Ontario area. Even drivers from New York state and Michigan who often frequent the track will lose some of their now annual competitions. But it is almost over now. As one driver expressed it, “When the final checkered flag goes down in workmen with their September, hammers will be standing by to tear up the pavement. ”

Club racing The track is noted for its club racing, a hobby racing which divides its cars into four main classes -- over two liters, under two liters, sport and production cars. Within these classes there are further divisions. As races for hobbiests, they are attempting to keep the competition as evenly matched to car potential as possible. The cars, running from the Lotus 51 and Porche 911T, through Formula Fords, down to the Formula Vees (VW’s) and Minis are usual-x ly owned-by the driver. Occasionally two or even three people will combine to finance and drive one car. A few of the cars are owned by racing teams and garages specializing in sports cars or racing equipment . Financial ‘aid through advertising brand name products is not totally absent although few drivers appear to gain subsidies in this way. This means that the brunt, or the total cost, of buying the car, building the motor and body, and paying transportation and entry fees rests on the driver. It also means that he is in the sport for the sheer joy of. racing, willing to compete for trophies instead)of cash, simply for his own personal satisfaction. It is this driver, the sportsman, who is to be hurt by the loss of the 1.91 mile track at Harewood Acres.

No alternatives. The possibility of building another track to replace Harewood seems remote, despite the protestations of one driver who cried, “They’ll have to! We don’t have enough tracks now! ” Unfortunately the claim about the lack of club tracks is true. But other things are standing in the way. More than necessity is involved.


At the Prerace safety check everything

from the wheel allignment

Finances, naturally enough, are one of the largest hurdles. Harewood Acres was, at one time, an abandoned air strip, used for training pilots during WWIL The amount of pavement and conCrete abounding in the field made conversion to a race track quite economical. To start all over again, however, would take more money than theLondon club has and more man hours than its members are presently able to give. Then too, there is the problem of finding land. It would have to be large enough and easily accessible for such diverse points as Flint, -Michigan, Chicago, Illinois, and Strykersville, New York \if it is to carry on in the Harewood tradition. _ One member of the London club just slowly shook his head, “I don’t think it can be done. We simply haven’t got what it takes.”


Lost tradition Harewood Acres is one of the oldest racing tracks in Canada. It may not attract the money racers in the same way that Mosport does but it has more years behind it. One Brantford driver, looking out over the track, spoke almost to himself. _ “There’s a lot of history to that track,” he said. “You could write a book on it. ” He continued, reminiscing, “Did you know that the first automobile racing fatality in Canada happened here? It was like the four minute mile. Nobody thought it could be done. Until it happened. Then a whole series followed across the country. About two weeks later someone ,else was killed on another track. I forget where. But it took the first one.” And that was at Harewood, some ten years or so in the past. Other traditions are happier. Fatalities have been few. It is a level track and safety precautions are strict. There are even lighthearted stories. Like the time the Globe and Mail sponsored a race between the rivallous sports car drivers and the Daytona Beach stock car drivers. “After the first lap the stocks were all huddled up way, way back of the sports, ” one spectator to the “Those Daytona race chortled. boys went home with their tails - % between their legs.” ’ Yes, in the decade that the track has been operating, it has built its own legend. But soon, with the track gone, the legend will turn to myth. Come the chilly winds of september, the chatter of air hammers will drown out the .whine of racing cars, and Harewood Acres will be no more.

to the driver’s underwear is examined fri&y



7970 (17:9;)




N SEPTEMBER 18, 1959, Maurice Duplessis, then premier of Quebec and undisputed ‘chef’ of the union nationale party for twenty-three years, died a quiet death in the Iron Ore Company of Canada’s palatial guest house in Schefferville, Quebec. The five-thousand-odd people living and working, in the busy little boom town more than three hundred miles from the rest of ‘civilization’ were mildly surprised - they didn’t even know Duplessis was in the area. Across the province; the people of Quebec heard the news and wondered where the hell Schefferville was and how it got a name like that. It was ironic that Duplessis should choose to die in Schefferville. It was even more ironic that the people of Quebec were unaware of the significance of the existence of this town and its mining operation in the “development” of the economy of Quebec, and the exploitation of its natural resources by the United States of America. For the IronOre Company of Canada, which literally owns the north shore towns of Schefferville, Labrador City and Sept-Iles, as well as most of their ancillary service corporations, is controlled jointly by a group of large american steel companies. All the ore mined in the Schefferville and Labrador City areas is shipped directly ‘down the St. Lawrence seaway to smelters in Cleveland, Ohio owned by the Republic, National, Armco, Youngstown and Wheeling steel companies. For one reason or another some american steel concerns, notably the gigantic U.S. Steel corporation, missed the opportunity to invest in the Iron Ore Company. Later on these companies formed the Quebec-Cartier mining company and began operations in another section of northern Quebec. Informed sources say that the Quebec government collects a tariff of about 7q: for every ton of ore which leaves the province in Iron-Ore Company vessels. (Both the government and the company are reluctant to disclose the exact amount of the levy;

a high-ranking Iron Ore official finally said that “If you want this question answered you’ll have to put it in writing; and we can’t guarantee an answer. We can’t disclose this kind of information over the telephone - we don’t know who you are or why you , want to know.“)


toil, US profit

Meanwhile, a significant part of Quebec’s labor force is carving millions of tons of iron out of the earth and handing it over to these american concerns to use for their own profit in another country. If you stand on the-.banks of the St. Lawrence seaway at Montreal you can literally watch the fruit of U.S. plunder of the resources of Quebec pass you by inlow-slung heavy-laden ore boats. All the mining is done by what is known as “open pit methods”. The iron ore is simply stripped off the surface of the earth using electric shovels, trucks and conveyor belts. On occasion more than

100,000 tons have been extracted in a 24-hour period. Maurice Duplessis was only a pawn-in the process which, makes this economic and material rape possible. But he was a key pawn in the imperialist chess game which the United States plays every day all over the world, and it was ironic that he should die in Schefferville. It was under the Duplessis administration that the american steel coalition extended its first exploratory tentacles into the north shore area. The Cleveland-based M.A. Hanna company and Hollinger Consolidated gold mines acquired land concessions in both Quebec and Labrador. Both of these companies have holdings within the Iron Ore Company; and in 1949 Hollinger-Hanna ltd. was formed “to manage the affairs of the 0 .C.” And it was the Duplessis government which underbid that of Newfoundland (Joey Smallwood was _ able to collect substantially-more than 7c per ton from iron operations begun by the same interests

Several hundred years ago, when Quebec was no more than a french colony, the vast area of land north of the Gulf of’ St. Lawrence was populated only by roving bands of Indians. The good colonists of the area r.emembered their sunday school lessons from the old testament and referred to this-immense unknown hunk of forest, tundra, lakes and muskeg simply and bitterly as ‘the land god gave to Cain’. By, 1950 Cain had turned the land over to leading sectors of the american steel industry for “development” a-s one of its prime sources of raw iron. The establishmentand operation of the iron mintng industry in Quebec is a case study of Quebec’s economy and its relatjon to. that of, the United States. It also goes a long way towards explaining why working and living conditions in Quebec are so poor.

by Peter Fostqr Adapted from the McGill Daily



N RESEARCHING this article, I came across a copy of a cheery little Iron Ore Company publicity brochure about what it must, in its collective ignorance, conceive of as the cheery little town of Schefferville, Quebec. I read the brochure with-some amusement, because my memories of Schefferville, Quebec where I lived for three years are anything but cheery. The brochure talks about planning and layout, about the sound construction of the houses, about the churches and the bank and the theater about the hospital and the transportation system. It does not talk about the built-in class structure deliberately fostered by the company, about the english-speaking bosses living in the best houses and driving company cars while the “uneducated” french-speaking Quebecois and “Newfie” working class live with their larger families (sometimes up to twelve children) on their smaller salaries in their smaller, poorer houses. It does not mention that even within the confines of this small population these economic groups live in social and cultural isolation from each other. It does mention the Indians; though only briefly: “A few miles from the center of the town an indian village is located, composed of Montagnais and Naskapis tribes. ” There are good reasons why it doesn’t say more about the Indians. The Indians in this village, who form ten percent of the population of the town, are


98 the Chevron

living in abject poverty. They are marginal to the economy. The only jobs they ever get are as’garbagemen, street cleaners, or construction workers. One aspiring young girl once managed to get work as a waitress in the company hotel; that was considered the pinnacle of success, for an Indian. The “village” is in fact a federal reservation, located far enough away from the town so that no one.ever has to go there except the local anglican minister. Until 1958. the Indians lived in self-constructed ramshackle huts and shacks. Now many’ of them live in cheaply built but modern-styled houses erected for them by the government of Canada. The houses are designed very much along the lines of the IOC houses in the town itself-except that they have no plumbing of any kind. On a winter morning the indian residents must venture outside of the sub-zero temperature to chip a hole in the ice on the lake to get water for the breakfast meal. Everyone‘1 ever met in Schefferville was either afraid to speak to an Indian, or considered it beneath his dignity. With what has to be a constiiously sadistic irony, the Iron Ore Coany named its plush do&town hotel ‘7he Mon tagnais ‘*.

There are other things the company publicity leaves unsaid about the living conditions in its busy little towns. For instance -many of Schefferville’s ,

five thousand residents have not “been outside” for years. Either through conscious choice, or, more often, through economic necessity, several of the town’s citizens have chosen exile from the rest of the world for ten years, or more, for themselves, and more importantly, for their children. There is no library except for the school’s collection. There is no theater, and no film other than the “latest” Doris Day/Rock Hudson masterpiece. Any books, or records or works of art that are limited by the somewhat restricted and de-mented taste of the purchasing department of the Hudson’s Bay Company, which has a virtual monopoly on departmental and grocery retailing in the Canadian north. There is no local newspaper. The company does its thing by publishing what it likes to call its daily newsletter - a single mimeographed sheet full of local gossip, with the world headlines as lifted from an old Montreal Gazette jammed, almost as an afterthought, on the bottom of the second page. There are no cows or chickens to speak of in Labrador. Given the Hudson’s Bay Company monopoly and a lack of predisposition to help out by the I.O.C. (which is a good deal less than civic-minded when economics are involved), this means that the price of eggs and milk and other dairy products is more than a little i.nflated. Children grow up on powdered milk in Schefferville.

a few years later at area) and ensured t would begin in Quebec It -was also the Quf which was responsil town, originally knov one of the top men i key in the electoral SL party-bishop Schef, church. There were other n industry found it con\ however; factor? like labor force which cou the alternately ice-cak pits, and a colonial e ment or the resource. posits itself.

The situation was I est iron deposits we half-frozen muskeg 7: due north of Sept-Ilt town on the north sho was no harbor to spf travelling up to Clevc run into trouble negc of Montreal Island. But american m their eye to profit ant lationship with the systems, have ways this kind.-Hollinger, 1 was a good investmc 1947. Another company v (under federal law th sense dictated that it provincial boundarie: north shore and Labr; from Sept-Iles to Kn3~ In the process, the tory was created and I (The construction c itself. The natives sl about the american ar

City in the Wabush s iron exploitation ‘oremost. lmen t ,I incidentally ! re-naming of the ) Lake, in honor of lization which was the union nationale e roman catholic y the american steel expand into Quebec Vity of an unskilled ,e tapped to work in squito-infested mine rithou t the develop use of the iron de-

r set up. The choicI in the midst of a 320 desolate miles , struggling ,fishing it. Lawrence. There jept-Iles ; and ships ld in all probability ie rapids upstream corporations, with sect and indirect restablished political g with problems of d friends decided it began for real in ?d and incorporated ince good economic !ssary to cut across he mighty Quebec ay was forged north Ye vilian airlift in hisd. ilroad is a story in ‘t stopped laughing ho had a bridge con-

strutted out from both sides, of a river bank to be linked to the middle, pnly to find that an error had been made and the two sides didn’t meet.) Jules R. Timmihs was on hand to drive in the last, golden spike on february 13, 1954. Timmins, multimillionaire gold-financier and life-long friend of the Kennedy family, is namesake, patron saint and landlord of the mining town of Timmins, Ont-ario, as well as president, chairman or just plain boss of --Timmins Aviation ltd., J.R. Timmins & co. (stockbrokers), Timmins ltd., and the Timmins Investment company. He also holds a major interest in Hollinger-Hanna.


in Canada

It took almost no time at all to expand Sept-Iles from a population of 1200 to more than 10,000 (by 1966 over 19,000 people had-the dubious honor of calling Sept-Iles their home). A harbor was constructed capable of handling at least 10 million tons of ore per year - Sept-Iles now rivals Montreal in tonnage handled. By 1955, QNS & L railway cars were dumping ore into boats by the tonload (80.3 long tons per car, to be exact), and the Iron Ore Company had become the largest iron ore Jroducer in Canada. Most Canadians can probably recall the gala opening of the Saint Lawrence seaway in 1959. Financed by both american and Canadian governments, its completion was heralded by all concerned as the creation of a working monument to the notion of international economic co-operation in government and industry. -Canadian companies were supposed to save money by bringing wheat and such downstream to the Atlantic, and american companies were to profit by shipping things like iron, upstream to things like smelters in Cleveland, Ohio. It didn’t work out quite the way it was supposed to from the Canadian perspective. But meanwhile; IOC followed up the opening of the seaway by beginning operations at its second north shore location - the Carol Lake project near Labrador City. By august 15, 1964, the 100 millionth ton of iron ore

had passed upstream through the seaway’s Montreal locks in the Hollinger-Hanna ore boat MS. Monksgarth. N 0.CTOBER 1968, 10,000 students ,marched through the streets of Montreal to protest * the severe lack of educational facilities in Quebec. Simultaneous demonstrations occurred in other Quebec urban areas. Chief among the students’ grievances were the government’s total failure to move towards its stated goals of free educa- . tion or to begin construction of a second French- / language university in Montreal. In the McGill University senate, the conservative majority of voting members, confronted with a student motion on free education and the second university issue, listened carefully to the assurances of professors Frankel and LeBlond, backed up by the nodding head of law dean Maxwell Cohen that Quebec was near bankruptcy and that the union nationale government has made tremendous improvements in accessibility has made tremendous improvements in accessibility to education. They studiously ignored a suggestion that perhaps the present situation has arisen because the government has failed to develop its own industries. They struggled valiantly to ignore the issues before them, but could not. As an alternative, they cut the guts out of all the motions. L Elsewhere at McGill, staff and technicians were beginningwork in university’s brand-new institute for mineral industry research. The progr,am, now an established part of the engineering faculty, was created “in an endeavour to serve still further the industry with which the department is so vitally related”. Laboratory and research staff began carrying on projects directly sponsored by, for instance, the Iron Ore Company of Canada. The facilities were provided in large part by McGill, but at this point the operations are directly financed by various sectors of the mining industry.


Na tionalizedkea


When these events are considered together, it becomes clear that such pressing problems as access


to the education system or bettering the shameful standard of living of the Quebec population could well findithe beginnings of a solution in, say, nationalization of the St. Lawrence seaway by the Quebec government, and charging substantial tariffs to groul>s like the american steel coalition and its front men. That’s a lot of iron those guys are tearing out of our land. (More than 150 million tons by now, to be exact, 300 million tons can still be extracted by open pit mining in the Knob Lake area, with much bigger deposits in the Carol Lake area:) The tariff could be raised considerably from 76 a ton without overstepping. Allot of economic repercussion would likely follow such a move by the government. A more satisfactory solution in the long run might be to couple the nationalization process with the development of. more secondary industry within Quebec, industry capable of processing the iron itself. There is a definite connection between the parasitical nature of the Quebec economy on the american and the deplorable living and working conditions in the province. And it just might be that the people of Quebec can begin to work towards a solution of these problems only by beginning to take control of their ’ economy and their destiny, by using the products of their labor for their own advantage rather than for the profit of giant corporations like Ho/linger-Hanna and their shado wy backers.

With the natural and human resources of Quebec at its disposal, there is no excuse or necessity for any government to operate within the present social and economic restrictions imposed by U.S. and anglo-Canadian industrial concerns. The government of Quebec has in no way shown itself willing to act on behalf of Quebec people, and to place their interests above those or the imperialist corporations which play such a large part in the economy. And the government of McGill university, overtly by applauding Quebec’s policies and programs in the senate chamber, and more covertly by aiding companies like the’ IOC in the laboratory also has aligned itself against the people.



10 /u/y ‘7970 (11:9)’









3,-BA-N K &i&S


- Draw imaginary line from object ball to pocket 6. (OS to Bl Draw l&e ject ball _ Btol)


from o& to rail (0

-- Qrawline irom iii-‘ tersection 2 to rail (2 tp 3)’ .-’

) i’ ‘.20. black gold 21. reason>for I2down A, - ,- -_’ : 23. fungus ‘, 24. hockey league (abbr.) L 25. what some,profs need (2 wds.) 26. pale, without strength ’ 28. type of flower 30; compass point / CROSSWORD CLUES 31. opposite of 30 across ACROSS ’ 32. in a hurry ,l.dry .. I 33. f * * *you kop(abbr.) 5. preposition ._ 34:great comic strip ’ 7. hip i _ 35. large bundle . -_ 10. nipple 36. compass direction, ’ . 13. p. p. &p. favorite game 38. society of alcoholics 16. american league for ugliness 39. taxi 17. probs . & -i--’ 40. function of nose ’ 18. doing nothing 43. appearance of hippies 19. main appeal of matthew’s 44. sick house ’ ’ 45. everym-an - catch 22

48. served at 12 down 49. agreementmovement

Here’s the crossword puzzle agi& after only- one week’s ahse&e. Andy Wilson of math 3a is a puzzk writer from way back and ’ is going to do them for the rest of this term. This is his first one,tell ’: J . us how you like‘it.


‘Xfoss Cunudia hifchh;&ef~ wufns fdlow trcrve~lefs As’,a hitch ‘hiker doing the Trans Canada route; I would like to pass along some bits of advice ‘to anyone travelling cross country. Anyone doing the Tram- Canada had better be prepared to be stopped and checked out at least once along the way, thoroughly. Avoid Dryden, Ontario and the Moose Jaw area and watch your\ self going into-Calgary. Two hour hassles’ by RCMP and local fuzz and complete car stripping are the order of the day. If you dig hair, that goes double. - Good Luck! 8 1 L STUDENT I am writing to suggest that ROSS Bell confine his writing (-?) to music or change hi&column. heading to ‘::,Hip Expressions Unlimited”. Did Bell really go to the Festival Express? 2. ’ ‘“Hip expfessions unlimitd” , ne<w music colunin name?

DOWN Iii did not tin

’ -,



fake &he

’ .

m *

a break. strok&

..” a same


of fourggerdiork Thek&cjour.ney -ofAmeriianwho carvedout -a countryI *(their ‘barehands


, The MUM in Torontb ititerviewed ,,- Eaton-JtVafker and they said . that they expected 25,000 dollbs on a ( ‘mi/Jion dollar investment. Yes, Igush-’ _ other group. Never before have my ers do quite well also; I thirik the . St!// stands that th\e usual sympathies been with_ the NowI’m beginning to wonder who profit-margin is mpIch lower than 25 the real pigs in Canada are. , - percent.) the lettitor , pfwe,








’ 9: dumb guy’(abbrr) _ _ 10. ------button 11. a key fits (2 wds.) 12. major social activity on campus ’ 14. german name for kampus kops 15. pretty dumb crew (abbr.) 19. grace ------- - musician . 21. middle ages chemistry 4 22. oppositeof no , 24. not hers i ’ 27. of ---- and dreams . 28.31 across - 2 29. 1st. person singular ‘\ 30. type of labour \ 34. good thing, blessing ~ I certainly hope he didn’t pay to 35. cry, lament get in. If the chevron sponsored 37. as well him he should be charged with 38. mining residue ’ fraud. - 1 39. Canadian auto assoc. (abbr.) -. Amongst -all .tti “ripoffs” and 41. long time .. ’ “motherfuckings” I found a few 42. acid . , , points -which I think. re*quire some 43. break10 commandments explanation. - - 46. opposite of 34 across ** ., -.i _ 47. raving idiot (abbr. ) \’ What is the source behind Bell’s \ claim that the promoters pl-anned e to make (i.e. profit) 250,000 dollars in ‘Toronto alone. I really don’t think Bell is? quite ,so uninformed as to confuse gross with profit. A typing error I presume. Gee! Maybe it was a deliberate misstate‘merit ,--~ .

’ _ .



-2 ’ 2. army food . 3. marks are usually ----i 4. insecticide (banned) 5. -. -. smith;- musician \ . 6. not pass 7. of catch 22 ,_ _ 8 .capitalist 1/2 .

sNo. other _ capitalist’ pigs have profit margins -exceeding 25- percent, eh Bell? GPen your:. eyes! Look ,a little. closer to ho’me. Look at .PUSHERS ,and DEALERS. Or maybe you don :t think they’re cap: italists.’ I” bet .they,‘re all *saving their profits to .-‘share’ with‘ the people :Of course none of the people who complained about Eaton-Walker ever boueKt anv

object hitratYat3. ‘/

-, _ George

Peppard EXECUTIONER” & Telly Sevalas (Adult) .“LAND’RAI’DE&”

’ Elliott Gould Candicb Bergen “GETTING STRAIGHT”


:-. _



‘MES PHO_NE 5790740




Have yoti -seen a good ‘old -West&n mo’vie , recently ? Ybti know, lots of godd guy?’ and a few zillion Apaches getting shot up. v.




. ..-I







Sd_pu trample.. a guy,, kiik his te+h’ in and park a bulldozer bn top of’ l@n and _then Liberate’ him by getting off the bulldqzer; _ There is a hot&l in a Canadian city. :where the manag+menf thr&v% .a11 the‘ Indians. out through the air. It,‘s a%eal* duniD. btit m=rn it. ,



. \There w&r? a’pumber of errors - _ in the report, on ‘july 3, on the graduate- student union, meeting. --‘I would like to correct &me of the ,.-- ‘statements for Xthe benefit of y& __re,aders. . . , L l The GSU a&n&ed,with ihe’ ~_ad,rr@istratjo~, not- with. . Larry . :Bbrko, - for +he, suspension of. the -$22 federation activities fee colc7lected from grads th& fall. I * ‘* It. was not announced that a ’ ‘permarient . secretary. would I$ hired’ .soon\, The, @U-has had * a _ secretary long before this execuh I tive took offi&e. At the present the ;%SU,,.employs a part-tiJr;le. sebre’ tary. ’ ’ /- ‘,‘; ’ . _ r l The.-G&J dyla& do not state &that another Ik;eeti&within seven days will, be c@idered _ legal whether,,opnot a i‘s l@&.ent. ,y . . ; I, _’,. l ‘qlthough attendance 6s ~Tdisappdilkting, m,ore than 24 made ari appearanceat the meeting. ,: To reduce--the ntir;nber of errors in reports df,‘meetings,: I would suggest that reporters be advised to peruse ,the minutesof the meet- ing ,b&f$$‘a subhittingtheir re_

ar-rangement iF ef@ct. 1. ’ i It might ,be <a sort pf, perverted ego trip of mY own, b!tJ Consider a reYSFEsm, by atiemPtlIJg-f@ @*or oalancing errect. i I. ._I . -m must remember th$t 4 have ,only onevote). I+ ’ g : i-Antiay--I fe&&t a mist&e 1 -has ,been ‘made _(I don’t akriow ,by , what person or -group of people). We need a s&ond tinit of integeag ed studies (or, at least’ twenty- or thirty more spaces). ( -* We”are finding that aldost all of the. applicants to the Lproigrati are ,good valuable people -who are ’ needed- by the pr%$am and who, / 1 alsoneed it. . I@ a pre.tty ‘heavy t’hing, ‘Reilly* difficult, c&isions, to have’:@ gay no to”Sotie of the peal - _ : others.- The- major - criter$a&$ far Bs I cab see it,,.(from tl$ $F&r-. . views wh’ . . s

- ----“,











that thn ri;irrht npnnlp wA’.p”, “..F 4-w’” r-‘r’..: sh&ts and im#jse~~~~s

- -~i--~T’c)L

will ..-a-






















;..I:, July,






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\ _

civil Id ._ ’ _’



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dirt around th& tionderful--‘co1 in- .get .Lobban’s -Island back, ‘or-the try. What few privileges our go+ , wise <men. with, -the purs? str@gs etnments of the past-shave $rarited ari! going tti,;spend. a cou@e more th:,m, in exchange for all the land’ . thousand digghig it otit. ,Agaiti.‘ I -aed stuff, that are still remaining, are drastically in need- of reform. ) I am ,happg to’ ‘announce ! tliat ---- -f They come &where near &ing have a r&i solution to all the. “N.ative Peoples” a dedeht cha\nce crime and delin&iendv’ in - t.ha to get- by, l&alone ahead., And ., %orld;: and that’ is”Sin$ly -&&hi ahead implies catching up,.. i, have laws: Think about it. I II --






*. ”





TIM HARDJN ’ Tim Harditi‘,;in concert was-2 arid it would be hakd for anyone Festival Feature designed tomake to find fault wi,th his- musical abic enough money to support the lities. ShakespearianFestival - iti case: ’ T As long as he -was singing-for ’ it had an unsuccessj ful season. over an-hourie was ex&llent In this it was s1ldcessful% since and his audi+nce would probably pfull (orchestra have staired .foreve’r. - : <’ L the hill was . almost . seats, were $7.50). But -is a filki But ali of a sudden he &@ted .-_- to_’ concert you left with thb ‘fekling; talk - at fikst &lf&nscio&v and that YOU had certainly’jbe&n rippi then &if be,couldn’t stqp. .-J ---off somewhgre albng the line: ’ He made - the unf~tun&e. mis, Hardin is no entertainer. -He is,a take of -trying-to be:* singbg &vanmusician, singer,. and compotir , geli& spr&ling the 4wqrd of peace but happily leaves out. the useless. alid ’ love,- of, Ihe* paradise that is t&a in bet+een songs. TheyeCanida; -warning Qnadians not #to .’ \foke for much of his s&t he me&- I let the States engulf ‘us (officially ly played and sang his songs. .He that is), telling us the Caribau arew&t through several of his bett‘er d$ing’ frbm pollut,ion -and that ’ @own things - “flow can we hahg only the Indians;:Hu$son Bay peoon tc? a drqanV.. “Misty Roses’; ple and the missionariev cark,-and “The Lady Cqme from Balticore’; .% on ad nauseam about man’s insome Qri the piano some on guitar, huinanity- to mayand nature.. I .. ‘, ..I

:1 8 ‘. 1 ‘. ’ ’ ’ & pu:b ,nigh t ‘&zig!& and tomorrow. Andy torrow . ‘: .!‘and - . injI All’fhis -week and n&t the& ‘-:@ibs. &&zop$ay., $&d&nts a& un$oub&& .getting primed _, wit@ <J2g,‘cgx~ep<i& of &day ’ up forzlndbrtioming this weekend when there’s fun and festivitiei foj all?’ ,. 1Ojdy /



*)burSelfX .@& t&


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' your


weeks most of ydu c alled; it quits. A,-,,,,,,. acy and it sur6 .It’s not utxll~cl -- doesn’t look like‘ responsible a?\ ‘tion.. Th anks ‘,turnkeys, you :’ took , .~I~~, n-14the easy way UUL -iid a fucked up thn ;A&-. hAw;,r CLIC.whnll\ ucll&Jhe building., , . -

-$s&ing ‘peeh 9 hirrsle Dear person >gn_d v&y jto’o -of .,cows8 > ’ I I feel that the time’has &me to . tell k6w I fee\ about integrated j 3abuiuay, L78lcl.rAAv 1 F studies--especially the interviews nixon?s %ionor ---------amerika dav _____ ---- --------J , of new applicants to the program. fLe~sonsofth~&evron staff . I feel verx fruetrated, power: . 1less arid alienated. In the olden Permit ys td commend you $on . - day$ I probably would have withyour fine ‘effort in. last issue (3 @awn--r&ionalized . to.: myself-+ . july ) in heaving presenied sometold myself that; it didn’t really thing of interest to all and someinatter-pursued my- owri interthing of endouragem’ent/to a’ strug\ t ests and told ‘people.dir to ,gq fuck’ ’ 2ling minoritjr. _ - ‘i. themselv’esiic,. ‘The fr@t iage pit of -Ed l$oy Ndw I-‘have <hanged *and, canHarristis extretiely well used. For ‘ not do niy / own’ thing--or ,rdther, gome-it was .an -error in that the ’ my ‘own ., thihg has’ contairied in pit had$eeq, flopped over ;. they’ll: it not just ’ escaping -f&m unsay that-thingsar& backwards. ’ pleasarit situations--if I fsel that For us, the left hand support move,’ there is a wrongness, I try t6 ment; it’s fine,’ (yob’re working correct-. it but;-& ‘I said, I aF>, ,with one of the .rig& photogs and i ’ .>. ,- pretty’povqerless (alone). -.what else can you do until one of I don’t like ..organizations, b$-.-Z1 the LHSM @s up ,eiiough’ money re&&acies, administrative s&r- .:’ ta byy a left camera). j ups. I’m.not B ‘joiner. I.don’t likF<, Had we wanted the glory aind the‘ to have. ‘power -over ~my--pC&s . prize we could .have easily submit(or‘ for-that matter, over anyope) ted this early (probablx- the fikst) . . .if I might change my statemenh of before-1 do have a .small’ al entry and won the find-the-eightthings-wron&vi@-the-pit-contes t. . .mount of pov&*one vote% f6ur ‘In fatt to prove it ive shall list, be, or fib&oy$r the applicants to IS. low these eight-things-.If you can. try to understand-* ~ - l The wtiding on tbe.pepsi can in I .don’t lik&‘,it--but I also don’t front of Ed ,Roy I is backwtirds trust the evaluatiofis .and ‘some(rather than use the word that-the I times (unfortungtely ) the sedmright people ,/prefer,. tie shall ing 9otivatiods,Z of some of my merely point out the area of cori, \ co-Interviewers. In. the jargon of tern--thir tgs that “they find Tong ’ my cultu&, there are such’people anA thinc ’ + ‘ “ego$rip?“. uIILII& that we find correct-“pow er&$ppers ’ ,- __. : . Feel \--(and with ;:w. I 1--, ~.---- a certain _ -- --. ~_ he&ate __ _. _to say ‘right’) l Ed ROY is / Nzht-h~ded (hie deiree of validity, I think) th%t /

, ;,,

hllv “5-J. s&@

up. till POWI 1s wnetner .c8ntsco”‘-. .-. r;ne - appuand Pffnrtc in. ‘hLlnin@ ,‘,iG mnvp- -I* e--v. old pessibly,geQnto some yrru* YLLVI“Y * ““r--b left. (and- t@n ,ment of’wtiat - . o@;i k$ Id of program _ .,;.- 1_, ,_,,: th the I.S. people) or ’ frim<the left we are.. . . .. whether: .ne or -.she. has no -other ~ - nick, fred: .dieter, Carey i (to get i&o the tiniver\ alternative.. . ? sltY) .I \ -j .’ . T 1.. 1, 11 I , ports. ,_ - :’ m Fy op!niQn, mat-s a pretty i / *,* ghitty basis for shy decision. Thank you. ~ / In a<y tiqse,I feel really’ do-<GERALD FUXLER / \ , bout the whole thing and I-guess ‘j i .rl, pr%sident, wliat I’m really ‘trying to do-? ’ g&du$te gtudent union. .Congratulations to -the turn1”ni realljr doing-& begging for- a _ keys ‘CivhQquit! Now thy campus studies / l GSW &&gt%iY .&ith administra‘ second -unit of integrated centre can‘be run right.‘ to be opened. ’ tion to withhold fees aid !+ey de-You. knbw Ghat I rmean. The . That’swhere I’m at. ’ . cided instead to s&p&m?-them, . boppers cti c0m.e in and messhopef uily in peace-and friendship L . 0 The treasurer made provisions in up the place; People can buy acid itis report ior a secreta+ salary. and Smack, maybe it’ll he 211 ri&t l /f &.y;j; 3 ?-.-.~~2-~ ---~.c~~cd~ , hut. rhanren arp a integratea studies 1 -- - -------WY -a- - lot‘ &ll freak ed for lack/of quorum,, the bylaws , out. Engineers will never --. -- come ----- to-would consider ,a metiting within c the builzinb’-‘l(=anco nr;)hina wil1.h~ _ ’ a weak- leg& regardlesi; f -whether themThMc! ‘will -_-__-------------..---, p.s. 1W@ h&C alhere : wcn interest quorum i&me& _. . _ readv nne ’ Prob Iably .n*ver be any displays, or ------ at -_ least ----- --_---J made l Your! v&y 0 Wn official co-unt at events df that riature. All these and m istake in our choice of tee meeting was-24, did th$ min.w.nlifi~n+n l’hn nnltr manv morethinrrs that vou wanted ayyuLallw. A LAG urr~y ( -.‘/ - utes inflate that figure? -mi&t neGer time about no!*.wv.‘ . way to correct it is to Picky, picky. -They were things that you stoqu.A make room for more -/ I L HPi+ tettitor . for. I ‘_I,r ; - pedple. - L ,’ - --.i=:_ : \. -;‘ But because you couldn”t g+CL 1

I.S. htervieuifsi- fit&


1 . deal, ?n a pr@l$$tial residence TT-i-’ ,g $6’ rfdva&ge?.of :hind-; I ~i~~~~ I can offer hi-m our apartment. It’s must conchide “that the‘ la@ge enough for entertaining (that prejudice ‘tipon thej l&J pe@le& Indians did have,alegitimate beef:-, see+ to imp&ant @it& peQple who are left . - .’ +,: ‘;- .+i , Thei Wf ?re there firSt and ali. ,B& iofi) ‘and tiosts oniy ‘$12p (a month. ’ __-__ II-‘- c1rst of several 0 The Stripi% On Edi Roy’s tie,>gd in they becan For the drice of that mod&t domidire&on&ohtr\ary to those’tiich’ peoples to @er- Yankee cile’ jyti$have bqught, y?u could -4)x ties of the ‘right pe6ple d& 1sImperia’” .usm ana kney got the snot, ~ refit 1t&‘+p$$ment fo+ 83 yea&. . #-At-the conference the whit&gal .t>eat,outof 1 . them. . ,! By th&+e, 2053, maybe PI&P $0~ its a i6ng. jump from Atidie will have-a f,in+J plan .for the north r sending a bunoh of &i&s catip_us,% ind-, a permanent liome off to a retifetient de&lopx%nt-in can that’ time:

crimp “UII.” their




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HE SCHOOL Is an entry into the life of the mind. It is, to be sure, life itself and not merely a preparation for living. But it is a special form of living, one care-fully devised for making themost df those plastic years that characterize the development of homo sapiens and_ distinguish our species from all others. School should provide more than a continuity with %he broader community. or with everyday experience. It is primarily the special community where dhe experiences discovery by the use of intelligence, where one leaps into new and unimagined realms of experience, experience that is discontinuous * with what went before. A child recognizes- this when he first understands what a- poem is, or what beauty and simplicity inhere in the idea of the conservation theorems, or that measure is universally applicable. If there is one continuity td be singled out, it is the slow converting of the child’s artistic sense of the omnipotence of thought into the realistic confidence in the use of thought that characterizes the effective man. In insisting upon the continuity of $he school with the community on the one side and the family on the other, John Dewey overlooked the special function of ‘education as an opener of new perspectives. If the school ,were merely a transition zone from the intimacy of the family to the life of the community, it would be a way of life easily enough arranged. In the educational systems of primitive societies, ther’e almost al ways comes a/point, usually at puberty, where there is a sharp change in the life of the boy, marked by a rite de that establishes a boundary between childhood ways and the ways of tKe adglescent. It would be romantic nonsense to pattern our practices upon those found in preliterate societies. I would only





ask that we attend to one partillel: education biust not confuse the child with the adult &d must recognize that the transition to adulthood involves an introduction toa7 new realms of -experience the discovery an9 exploration of new mysteries, the gaining of new powers.


of education

The issue of subject matter in education can be resolved only by reference to &e’s view of the nature of knowledge. Knowledge is a model we construct to give meaning and structure to regularities in experience. The organi&; ideas of any body of knowledge are inventions for fendering experience economical and connected. We invent concepts such as force in physics, the bond in chemistry, motives in psychology, style in literature as means to the end-of comprehension. The history of culture is the history of ,the deyelopment of great organizing ideas, ideas that inevitably stem from deeper values and points of view about man and nature. The power of great organizing concepts is in large part that they .permit us to understand and some-’ times to predict or change the world in which we live. But’their power !ies also in the fact that .ideas provide instruments for experience. Having grown up in a culture --dominated-by the ideas of Newton, and& with a conception of time flowing eqyably, we egperienc6 time moving inexorably and steadily, marked by a one-way arrow. In, deed, we know now, after a quarter of a century of research on perception, that experience is not to be had directly and neatly, but filtered through the programmed readiness of our sens?s. The program is constructed with our expectations and these are derived from our models or ideas about what exists and what1 follows what. 1


HIS IS THE last column in the ” . . . and kings” series. It’s travel time for yours truly and thus bye-bye time too. I thought perhaps I might say something definite in (he last edition of the column so YQU might get a glimmer of what the preceding columns were all about. It seems that people have been trying to glean some kind of great, ominous series of thoughts from -this column on occasion, when in fact, there was no main theme at all. Let-me explain this. I can see many s$es and kinds of writing that are a&active and interesting. Some lay out a story line to achieve an end or a point of jnformation. Others paint a definite picture; tell a story of sorts. Then there is 3 form of architectural-writing that sometimes has a point to it, sometimes doesn’t. When you walk into a building, you generally get some s&t of feeling from the edifice. I? yo,u’ like it or dislike it, you generally go about looking at specific things that you approve of more than others. Perhaps the stairway intrigues you, the lights fascinate, or the doors strike you as being unique. In any case, within the context of the functional-building, you find aspects that stand out, that intrigue beyond the function of the place. To a large exte;t, that is how I have written this column, but in some cases, like last week’s effort, there has been no overall, great point to make. I have used the words ai a sort of structural limit, designed and played within them just for fun and once in a while-used the design and play in order to set up one line that means something in itself. play of intercontecting acts and And perhaps that is’ how I view life . . . a sort of scenes in which we, the plaiers, sometimes ceme across an event that stands out and that is set up by all the other sporadic, fantastic little sub plbts, scenes and acts that float wit. ii In the I context of life. To a great extent, there is no pattern. We can cramp our style, narrow the scope of our part of the play by entering into an institution of sorts, be that institution school or job, but in the long ru_n, we are still in a play. However, within the ins6tution. we allow ourselves not as much surprise and fascination, disappointment and exuberance, for an institutionalized life is, to a degree, predictable. For some, the institution acts as a springboard into the play by giving bread and milk and shelte& For others, like myself, the price of security and predictability is a loss of sanity, an inability to deal with the play because of too-much focused involvement in one of its acts. I keep thtnking I’m missing the joy of watching and participating in a greater play. So that is why I leave. But never fear.- Some day, I will “grow up”, “s?tle down” and put . “purpose” and “meaning” in my existence. I will succumb to the institution of your choice. Toodle pip and all that.



by Bruce copyright,

.l 0

702 the Chevron


Steele 1970




of knowledge

From this, two convictions foll‘ow. The first is that the structure of knowledge4ts connectedness and the.derivaktions that make one idea follow from another-is the proper emphasis in education. For it is structure, the great conceptual inventions that bring order to the congeries of disconnected observation, that gives meaning to what we may learn and makes possible the opening up of new realms of experience. The second conviction is that the unity of knowledge is to be found within knowledge itself, if the knowledge is worth mastering. To attempt a justification of subject matter, as Dewey did, in terms of its relation to the child’s social ac,tivities is to misunderstand what knowledge is and how it may be mastered. There is one consideration of cognitive economy-that is paramount. One cannot “cover” any subject in full, not even in a lifetime, if coverage means visiting all the facts and events and morsels. Subject matter presented so as to emphasize its structure will perforce be of that generative kind that permits reconstruction of the details or, at least, prepares a place into which the details, when encountered, can be put. What then of subject matter in the conventional sense? The answer to the question, “What shall be taught?” thins out to be the answer to the question, “What is nontrivial?” If one can first answer the question, “What is worth knowing about? ” then it’is not difficult to distinguish between the aspects of it that are worth teaching and learning and those that are not. Surely, knowledge of the natural world, knowledge of the human condition, knowledge of the nature and dynamics of society, knowledge bf the past so that it may be used in experiencing the present and aspiring to the future-all of these, it would seem-reasonable to suppose, are essential to an educated man. To these. must be added another: knowledge of the products of our artistic heritage that mark the history of our aesthetic wonder and delight. Finally, it is as true today as it was when Dewey wrote that one cannot foresee the world in which the child we educate, will live. Informed powers of mind and a sense of potency in action are the only instruments we can give the child that will be invariable.across the transfdrmations of time and circumstance. The succession of studies that we give-the-child in the ideal school need be fixed in only, one way: whatever is introduced, let it be pursued continuously enough to give the student a sense df the power of mind that comes from a deepening of under’ standing. It is this, rather than any form of extensive coverage, that matters most. F& this reason; as well as for reasons already stated, it is essential that, before being exposed to a wide range of b material on a topic, the child first have a general idea of how and where things fit. It is often the, case that the development bf the general idea comes from a first round of experience with concrete embodiments of ideas that are close to a child’s life. The cycle of learning begins,




’ - ,


: in_ the/deeper

way that abstraction


\ Objective


of- self-diScovery .


member: Canadian university press (COP) and underground press syndicate (UPS): subscriber: liberation news Service (LNS) and chevron international news service (GINS): published fiftytwo times a year-(1970-71) on tuesdays and fridays by the~publications board of the,fedemtion of ‘students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the univqrsity administration; offices,in the people’s campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; tel,ex 0295-748; summer circulation 8,500; Alex Smith, editor.


Insofar as possible, a method of instruction should have the objective of leading the child to discover for himself. Telling children and then testing them on what they have been told inevitably has the effect of producing benchbound’learners whose motivation for learning is likely to be extrinsic to the task-pleasing the teacher, getting into college, artificially maintaining self-esteem. The virtues of encouraging discovery are of two kinds. In the first place, the child will make what he learns his own, will fit his discovery into the interior world of culture that he creates for himself. /Equally important, discovery and the sense of confidence it provides is the proper reward for learning. It is a-reward that, moreover, strengthens the, very process that is at the heart of education-disciplined inquiry. Most important of. all,-the educational process must be free ofintellectual dishonesty and those forms of cheating ’ that explain without providing understanding. I have expressed the conviction elsewhere that any subject can be taught to anybody at any age in some form that is honest. It is not honest to present a fifth-grade social-studies class with an image of town government as if- it were a den of cub‘scouts presided over by, a parent figure interpreting the charter-even if the image set forth does-happen to mesh with the child’s immediate social experience. A1 lie is still a lie-even if it ~sounds~ like familiar truth. Nor is it honest to present ‘a sixth-grade science, . class with a garbled but concrete picture of the atom that is, in its way, as sweeteningly false as the suburban image of town government given them the year before. A dishonest- image can only discourage the self-generating intellectual inquiry out of which real understanding grows. * *-* I \ I believe that education is the fundamental method of social change. Revolutions themselves are no better and are often less good than the ideas they embody and the means invented .for their application. Change is swifter in our times than ever /before in human history and ’ news of it is almost instantaneous. If we are to be serious - in the belief that school must be life itself and not merely preparation for life,.then school must reflect the changes through which we are-living.


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Amazing is the word for the amount of banality people will sit through when they have nothing better to do. You should have/seen them -all th_& 35’year-old, s!ickly manicured respectably hippie-looking whiz-kids from the planning and architecture professions, mincing little snide quips now and then with the chest-blazoned representatives fram the building-developer trade. The occasion was the Stratford seminar on civic design. The topic was ‘is family life amenable to high-rise, highidensity living ?’ The results were, of course, inconclusive, though everyone had a grand time parading from the Victorian Room to the English Pub for drinks, and from’the English Pub to the Franklin Roomsfor more drinks and dinner. But we must be fair-there were some interesting remarks to be made by a few generally-ignored socialists about the irrelevance of design problems in ‘high-density living if there was no housing for those who couldn’t afford it., But more of ail this in a feature within the next two weeks., One person to mention, however, if you ever come into contact with him: Earl Berger, a planning consultant and lecturer at York ‘university: he has potential. While I attended the seminar, Bob Epp struggled valiantly to get most of the paper through; so a word of thanks to him. And to Ken Bowers who must be wondering what I was doing tripping off to a seminar when I should be finishing (beginning?) a 480 course for him: some interesting thoughts were,expressed (though not as much as I had hoped from looking at the’advance outline) on the~topic of tenant and/or owner participation in mei+ningful group decision-making regarding th,eir environment within- condominium and high-density urban developments-i.e., a “neighborhood forum” aspect of group interaction (see Chevron, june 26). But, a firstdraft by the 15th? I’ll have to see you about that Moving right along, Tom Purdy asks “would you please put in a little message in the masthead for me?” The answer is no. Hello to Deiter Haag who was a turnkey in the ill-fated campus center until monday when he assumed a new job with the ill-feted information services. And good luck to John Alexanders in his new.job, too..We!l, Brenda’s finally finished her story, so I’d.better wrap this up. . . news & production: bob epp features: rats photo: john nelson Steve izma, stan simister, eleanor peavoy. ron angus. -andy Wilson is our new crossword puzzle writer, eleanor hyodo-(c.c.), jim allen (cc.), brian soucie, phil elsworthy. doug minke, doug deeth, Drenda wilson, jim nagel (who gave us a tip! I’m told), honorary attendance from Stewart saxe (writ #etters to your MP protesting his new “outfit”), Chris redmond, nigel burnett, and wilkypoo who stopped in to give usthe correct line? Thought for the week: the guy who\ gets you into it may not De your enemy; the guy who gets you out of it may not necessarily be-your friend, and once in it? keep your mouth shut. And happy trials, Bruce. Peace. :

: I _



This is an adabted-section of Brunqbr’s book, On ‘knowing: essays for .thk left hand. Bruner is a rbspected american psychologist and is director of the Harvard center for cognitive s&dies.

, \ lN HIS L/FE-FORM the individual 7s necessari1.y only, a fraction and distortion of the totalbnage‘of man. He is limited either as male or as female; at any given period of his life he is again- limited as child, youth, mature adult, or ancient; furthermore, in his life-role .he is necessarily specialized as- craftsman, tradesman, servant, or thief, priest, leader, wife, nun, or harlot; he cannot be all. Hence is-not the separate member, but in the body the fullness of manthe totalhy’ of the society as a. whole;.the individual can be only an organ.-Jpseph I Camp/) _ , i faces. I \be&, f The3 hero with a thousand *

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ALL EXISTING PERSONS h‘ave theneed a&possibility of going out from th’eir centeredness to participate in other beings. _ . ’ _ --‘Ro//o/!Way, Existential base of psychotherap y. / 8’ THE MORE -THE individual experiences a ‘climate free from threat to self, the more he will exhibit the need for, and the actualjzation of,-participant behavior.. ’ . -Carl Rogers, Two divergent trends in psychology: WHEN INDIVIDUALS within a group or sub-culture s,ociety feel their identities at odds with society-at-large, their group identity often will become a gi-prevents particigantic monolithbuilt on fear of being threatened-which pants from! reaching for the)ndividuals which .is, in turn, the first step to ab*s olishing “perceived” threat. \ I -Robert Rodgers, On the experience .of exclusion. \ ., . . / / /

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i0 july

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1970 (7 1:9;.

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