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weekend. But you While. the world has one jbot‘iri the grave, ,fun and games was the order o,f the day at Wat&o last week during “Under~o;ning”summer can have as much fim rolling 0.ff a log or pariici~~atirzg in the great canoe’ racti as fighting in Vietnatn or swatting black. flies with thq Royal pa&y 4s thq \ -peter Wilkirison, the Chevror . mince through the rugged north, as these pictures illustrate.


-1 ,

boqrd censhs

The campus center board, in a * The board also dealt with’ the voted mohday ’ to split decision; -official formulation of duties for censure five turnkeys who resignmanager-secretary Carol Tuched last week for failing to give linsky, the role-bf securiiy in the sufficient notice to ensure the satbuilding, janitorial services and isfactory operation of the buildspace allocations for the. intering. .national stuQents association. The censure motion , was for- \ warded by board chairman Brian Iler, upon the recommendation i of the staff committee, following the resignations. latk last week of two additional turnkeys, Dave . Wa&rloo’s first rock festival ‘Stephenson and Tom Purdy.‘ Sev-drew about 3,000 people ‘last sateral board members argued urday during stimmer weekend. against the motion, their prin> The undercoming event was a cipal objection being that feder- huge success despi-le afternoon ation president Lagy- Burko, who rain that interrupted the SLOW for supported the motion had acted, about two hours and kept the bands in similar fashion to the turnkeys there until one in the morning. in r&lacing the nine student repsY After eleven, local citizens phoned to the board witho’ut notice three -in .‘numerous complaints to the weeks ago. They claimed it would Waterloo police. now be improper for the board The local TV ,stat)on predictkd to censure the turnkeys on these, 1 that Waterloo council might degrounds. cide to ban rock shows and conBur.ko replied that the two sitarcerned organisers of tfie coming ations were not cbmparable, in free concert attended monday’s that the turnkeys were paid ‘emmeeting to assure them. that. ployees while the board members bands would stop playing at elevwere not, and that no adminisen. trative inconvenience had resultCouncil-members assured them .ed from. . ,hG1 action1 since he --had . 1 that they could continue with lmmeaiately 1. replacea . . 1, cne- nreps.. a their plans and suggested that local -A motion requesting carol citizens yould be pleased if the Tuchlinsky to work. out a job dekids cleaned up the mess wafterscription for herself in conjunc\ . wards. The free concert till be held o’n tibn with -ihe Staff Coinm‘ittee,upon her return from the unauthe july 25-26_ weekend at Waterthorised vacation which she is loo park ana will show films and. 1. currently taking; was passed’ display arts and crtiftsastiell. 5

*-\ Rock festival c’ great success






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pending an investigation into Burko expressed his feeling that although she had not of late space allocations - by the-operations . committee, who were also been living up to the-expectations to recommend --priorities to the , of the board as regards the.exeboard iri this matter; following- a cution of- her managerial duties, -this situation could possibly be brief discussion the board then ad- _ journed u&i1 the third of n&t rectified ghen co-opgation be’ month. -v tween herself and the board. In -a letter -received by, the board%hursday, self-styled “manCarol Tuchlinsky ager-in-exile’.’ indicated she will meet with the stiff committee ta decide changes .in her job description only if the Despite objections from the board retieals its planned changes town of ‘Bridgeport, a Kitchener in operating policy for the buildcouncil committee has approved -ing. a local request to convert former _ f ‘Discussion then turned to the Grand River golf course ’ build-role .of\ the campus cops in the ings into a temporary youth hos- , Puilding ; this arose from the cestel. sati‘an of regular security patrols . The hostel plan_ is being proin the campus center since about : moted by the Community Action february, a_lthough they are on committee under the leadershipcall should any situation arise with. of Tom Hanrahan, and has rewhich the turnkeys are unable td source and moral babking from cope. The board moved that the “such local organizati‘ons 1as ‘the. chairman .of the- operations comKitchen&-Waterloo council of mittee, Carey Conway, talk to se- churches and the areai’s repre. curity chief Al Romenco to clarify sentatives of the- Ontarib addis,ecurity’s role. I -- ction research foundation. Several members voiced obThe Bridgepo& town council, \ jections to the university’s presupset over what it feared would ent hiring of non-union labor to ,-be increased -policing problems clean the-building; however, furand soitialled-damaged comtitinity ther debate On th& iSS&? Was. post: S atmosphefe, voiced strong & poned until the current contract jectjons to the hostel pian becoqes up for review in three caus-e the buildings involved were months. ’ located - within the Bridgepoit A request for a room in the camtown limits (though the land -is pus centre for t$e international owned by the citiits of Kitchener . stugents association was’ tabled and Waterloo). ~

Youth h&e/ ujfins support






.i, ~






AV-Ai&BtC-.“,; . : - : _<* 3~ J “. Double, r&m ,in , r;‘qvir,- c&r .h&e _ Y L&i’s’ bluhtfean jack& pieely -waCon,cert - near unitier$ .-w!th amble -park’-*teyed, at Undercorriiri& ~ -near j Help1 tent.:’ Sen@&iar.yalue. ,’ ing. 5.78-4170: i . 1:ia I )I ? pleqsq ‘,return. ’ C&l + Fred,, ’ I!@ Student d’ccom’m~6lafioii. +@I-::’ . _ - _ , 2878’0;74,2-6443. -J - . able, , cqokihg fai;ilitie$., priGate’ en; % electric heating, -fi& rni~,~ ,’ . . I~ . trance, I ut& .driv,e-- from .-ur$versity, ‘Phqne 744-,1?05. _j __ _ = ’ ST +----FdRSALS ‘t ’ ~’ ’ _ ’ _ ’ : Adirlt :. games. poster, Y”r& fun,1vy&jt. . two c~-~p stud&&. . (g&G) ,-. m&e& at ~‘J&box. Chifia-. & Kit-’ .. to shale don.:I%lls’~aparjmgnt.fro,&’ ch8n, 51 i King North, WBt&rl’oo: ‘Sep&‘nbec ‘1’t< zDecember’3 1. wtth : . / Stud,ent‘discount‘available. sqmeone’.n$ w&king. ih To<&lti. -_ \ ‘, : : ” @$‘;Au&n ,He@ey, g@od ‘shape, SurrG ‘B& &ps tit front do&. . l-41 6o-;’ write J:. Davis, 1 deau’ me! ‘-driven pr;lly, must @I. best 3 &33$&i vil!e :-Lane. ‘Apt. ‘619, Don Mills. bff$r.- FhonG after,) 6 pm. 578237 il / -, -. 27 :acres. with , stream I flowing ’ _ f&nished’ . .room wit’h ‘kitchen ] fa- ‘, t thro%h property; 9 miles west+ of’” erlltles, -. * -parking. -83 Wi!liani Stieet s _- I W+e;lo.o. >$i 6;5fi.\ Call local 3603. west, Waterlbo; 744-5809. ‘. . ‘1 _ , 1.96s Ducati -Madh I,, $$25,‘&tr-ti ~__” m tQ6k and . fiarts. dohtact B& Ms’ _ ’ - .I : HOUSINGWANTED -: -\ ’ Hugh, 578-6038,4:30 to 6:30 pm. ,, *Wanted, apartmeAt fpr jwo’ .girls; . k 1968 ‘.FirebirA, in very good con; ’ . &i&-j, ih., h”tpmgtjc,v trans- 3 Wished?, WI t?m. dOW%tOWn poher &tiering,' T,o~o~Jo. Call 5 19-53-2289 or L mis&on, radio; .,write ,v: F’. Smith, 19 Seaile Street, j custom irim. $2,306. &&se call /




) Hamiiton. r 1;, - , Four co-& studsnts. -would to sub-leabe an .apartment for sTyF;,M ai - -‘y - . ,uary-April ‘71 term. Phone , 6374. _ ‘Tyyjipg ’ done ‘T effiei&& _ and apartment fo’r: fell pr~,ni@; 1 Mr% Mgripn >Wrigf;lt, Wanted close th campus. Phone \Mike ’ 745-l 1 1 ‘c during dfficq hours, 745, A ‘-92::: or A! ~~9-~3~~.’ ( , 3554 eyeqings. ’ _ . 1 -7 ^ ,, ‘.-


‘and 7:30

--( -


p.m. 745-






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’ _ like5Jan- -’ 576. ter&’ ’ 576’ __,

A . TODAY ’ *’ j ,_ / ‘.- ‘. . ‘. -i 7 Circle K’ publ’ g1-30 pm to mid-

I.S&$ner “Thea&e ,.‘i.O, ‘%h,g Pri- ’ - ?afT Ear” and :‘The -khlik ,’ Ey&‘- , 8 pm Theatre of the At$s-‘Admjsl nighti &mpuS, center pu+, ‘. \ . sion $I .OO... Phohe Gders acce&d Practice: ‘fo; Uniwat ‘Cricket Cl& ~,hXd 21.26.- Sponsored by CAB, fed- ’ 6: 3.0 pm C$umb;ia.field . , .’ ” ’ ‘era& .of students. ’ - ’ . *, .-__ , - -x 0 ,r ‘-‘$h Fiirns 8 Lprn’ AL1~16 Spon- ’ wE.DNESDA+ ’ .1 . \ I < _ *sored _ by . Federation qf ~Studgtnt_s. t ’ ,. - 1 &a&ice fo; lJ&iw& -crick& .club.g \, “16:30 pm Cplu_ratbia_fieRl ‘* - , ’ ,:. &*T’L; f&y r \: -_ \_ . .Summkr -Thea&e ‘70. *“The, : ’ Pii- A ’ ’ _ “t)iscoth;eQue-: Pub ‘$jght,., Admis_ _ sion _25@ 8 . p.m. campy? center .vate- Fe’ and ‘&The Public Eye” ‘Dub. \-Sponsored by Rugger -Club.,*, 8 ’ pm .iheatre_ cf the- ‘Arts Admissio; $? .OO. Phone orders accepted \ , > 2 local+ .21?6., Sporisored by CAB, \M-ONDAY ;‘-‘ ,~ I, of students. + ‘-YBSA Pub. ‘8:30 pm campus- de@?r ~ -;---d-k ,fede’ratioh -__ . _ THURSDAY ,’ . - , 9 @tib. . .*,- ~. ,,-, ’ ’ BSAjfilms 8, pm AL1 16, SpdnSored . ’ by Fe,der&n of Students. , , E&&V* ._, _ Summer Theqtre ‘70. “The Priou’r ,. w /r-. Wd btien’s Liberation. vste ear” a+ “The “P@#ic Eye” Fumrner-- is mo@y, -ed: poz;$. -this 8 pm Theatre of $@ Arttidr@sUCEIt&al with’. hopes fo! co*&. sion .$i .OO. Ph‘o’ne *orders -&&tes thro,uGh the school ue!:1 activity - ’ loti$ 2 126. Spo&red * by 6Pi‘B, me&ye<ir. 7 pm campus:cevter1 c federation of Students. 2 , . . ing room : . hlla+kCr\rin+\


,Nci velty S.wim, Meet’. (intramural evernt)l,, ‘Individual’ a@ y team rades. ,m ‘Phis ed building pool. _ ’ c


Ix 3



’ c’enter pub. .’ Phyji‘cal~ - Ed&$&, ,.- Club ’ 8: 30’pm/ campus ce;iiter .Z

I?, .






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,’ t

No feedback

on lo~cms

Students do not seem to care about the structure that student aid will take in the future. That was the impression felt by the University of Waterloo senate committee on scholarships and student aid. There was no feedback’ from the students on the report that appeared in the Chevron. At the final meeting on monday the brief was passed by the comwith a few minimal mittee changes. Burt Matthews was present at the proceedings but had little to say to the committee. Leo Johnson and Bert Dejeets had met with him earlier to discuss the report. Henry McCleod pointed out that if the students were forced to pay the whole cost of his university career, he might not continue in the postgraduate level. It would cost $40,000 for a man to obtain his PhD. In the long run this would mean a lack of PhD’s and the universities would have to

turn to the United States for their experts as they did ten years ago. Ken Fryer pointed out that making the man who earns over $20,000 a year pay -more money penalized those who excel1 scholastically since they were the people who would be earning a greater salary after graduation. According to him, it is the desire for higher incomes which makes people excel1 in school and the. incentive to scholarship would be lost if those in the higher income brackets had to pay more money back than those in the lower income group. Leo Johnson warned the com,mittee that there was a new attitude to university coming to Canada. Instead of running a university to benefit society, universities are seen as benefiting only the individual. The brief now goes to the committee of residents of the universities of Ontario.

of howlals, rain 51mud Maybe bikers aren’t really that tough. Great numbers of missed a chance to show grit on Saturday morning by ing to show up for the\ UofW torsports club’s motorcycle and hound chase. ’ A very small entry braved uncompromising rain and

all them their failmohare the mud

and followed an erratic path from the campus to Heidelberg and back. The winners, who surely enjoyed the route more than they did the abstract feeling of victory, were: under 100 cc’s: Vanessa Gaskell, 100 to 250 cc’s: Les Pearce, 250 cc’s and up: John Brenner .

W7e private ear” Wie public eye” Beginning next tuesday two comedies will begin their three day run at the theatre of the arts. which are usuThese plays, ally performed together, are being directed by Maurice Evans. Two students will have the difficult task of playing two roles each night. Paul Crouse will appear as a cockney gigolo in “Private



(CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS)-Seminars on how to prevent bombing of plants by radical groups are currently being held for industrial security supervisors by the U. S. defense department. The seminars are _ being conducted at the John F. Kennedy center for military assistance, Fort Bragg, N. C. (home of the green berets), to demonstrate the action of molotov cock-

Six’nations their own

this week

from pollution



by Jay Thompson


executive, who discussed the portance of the may upsurge Toronto. The committee also plans take part in an international of protest, on October 31st, plans an action, whose format as yet undecided, on august as part of the commemoration the bombings of Hiroshima Nagasaki. ’

imin to day and is, 8th, of and

studied tails and a variety of incendiaries, booby traps, and explosives, and to teach countermeasures for factory protection. Details of the program are classified. Among the dozens of firms sending representatives are U. S. Steel, Shell Oil, Olin Corp., Upjohn, Honeywell, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and American Telephone & Telegraph.

make - . passports

RESERVE SIX NATIONS (GINS) Emerson Hill, chief of the Six Nations (Iroquois) Confederacy, says Britain, Sweden and Finland have recognized his group as an autonomous nation. Hill, who has returned to the reserve near Brantford from a european lecture trip, displayed an Iroquois Confederacy passport bearing entry stamps of the three countries as proof. He says the confederacy has the right to issue passports because

carpenter and laborer strikers have set up pickets on campus, affecting the concampus by Ellis Don and Ball Brothers. Both their contracts have .expired and the preossess of being renogotiated. The carpenters and laborers have been ,reand 3.00 respectivily and are asking for 6.00 and 4.22 per hour.

Its really

Ear” and a private detective in Sue Minas por“Public Eye”. trays a “limp-brained nonentity” and a young house wife. The “Public Eye” is a witty discussion of marriage while the “Private Ear” has mime sequences as it’s main attraction. One dollar gets you a ticket for both plays. Curtain rises at eight pm.

VMC p/cans further The meeting of the Vietnam mobilisation committee, held in Trinity church sunday afternoon, featured a film, Year of the Pig, two guest speakers, and the election of a new executive. The speakers were Helmuth Fischers who spoke on the 1st Cleveland anti-War conference, held in june of this year, and Ellie Kirzner, of the Toronto VMC


The present struction on are now in ceiving 4.00

its treaty-making powers were recognized by Britain as early as 1768.. and reconfirmed in the Treaty of Ghent in 1814. But he doesn’t care about canadian non-recognition because “We don’t have a treaty with the federal government. ” Though the confederacy is not the legal governing body of the Six Nations reserve, it claims the support of about half the reserve’s 8,000 Indians. ____

From the State of New York’s legislation: “An abortional act is justifiable when committed upon a female with her consent by a duly licensed physician acting, (a) under a reasonable belief that such act is necessary to preserve her life, or (b) withing 24 weeks from the commencement of her pregnancy.. . . The act shall take effect July 1,197O.” A lead from a news item dated june 27 of this year: “A worsening incidence of gonorrhea among California teen-agers has caused governor Ronald Reagan to reverse his stand against selling prophylactics to minors. ” A quote from Rene’ Dubos’ 1969 Pulitzer prize winning work, So Human an Animal: “Man is a gregarious animal ; he generally tends to accept crowd. ed environments and even to seek them. While this attitude unquestionably has social advantages, these may not be unmixed blessings. ” REAGAN



V. D.

Reagan didn’t want the “prophylactics to minors” law to pass. Last year he killed the same law in the senate. It was a moral issue. Most issues are. At least they end up that way. Said Reagan, one year ago, “the moral issue inherent ,in this bill must outweigh whatever medical advantages which might result from its approval. ” As is well known, V. D. has been on the increase. California is probably typical of most north american territories. And the California figures are frightening. Over half the V. D. cases are in the under 25 yearold classification. Within this group a projected one-in-ten will contact and report a case of gonorrhea in 1970. In the teen-age group chances increase. One-infive will be treated before graduating from high school. Undoubtedly this is why Reagan has changed . his stand. It took the persuation of a medical man, Dr. Louis Saylor who is state director of public health, to talk him around. All he had to do was point out it would be “immoral” not to. pass the bill. Don’t expect miracles from the bill, however. Senator Beilenson, father of the act, doesn’t feel it will solve the problem. To him it is “a helpful and practical step in the right direction.” It does beat the bill of two years ago which allowed youngsters to “obtain treatment of veneral disease without their parents being notified.” Nevertheless, it is nice to know that Reagan and penicillin are now on the same side of the fence. Every little bit counts. And they have shown a willingness to combat this social ill. It is even possible that Robarts may have heard about it. But don’t count on it. New Yorkers are deathly afraid their charming city will become known as “The abortion capital of the world.”


The situation is strained and strange. Few doctors know anything about abortion. The average gynecologist may now do about one abortion per year. The experience here counts for nought if the. state suddenly become deludged with some 500,000 expected’ applications for the remainder of the year now that the law is in effect. According to Dr. Robert E. Hall, president of the association for the study of abortion and one of legalized abortions staunchest supporters, problems could arise: “Let the floodgates open, let in 500,000, and you will have to have independent clinics to accommodate them. Then you will have deaths, profiteering, gruesome stories on the front page of the papers.” Despite this statement, Dr. Hall is in favour of clinics. He just doesn’t want to see abortion mills that will hurt any chances of other states following the New York lead. Also, the 500,000 figure may be high. Although it is too early to tell, there has not been an abortion rush to New York. Predicted fears have not materialized. NOT



The most striking thing about the New York state abortion laws is that they are not viewed by the medical profession as a means of population control. Says one New York doctor, “I’m very much concerned that the public not get the idea that abortion is a substitute for contraception. We’re talking about a surgical procedure vs. a preventitive device. ” Nor was the California act to supply prophylactics to minors a birth control measure. California legislatures still aren’t sure now Gov. Reagan will react to a sterilization bill aimed at adults. Yet both of these acts are the outgrowth of social problems-social problems caused by an increase in population. And both are aimed at helping to solve this problem, however indirectly. It only remains to see how effective they are. Or if they are.effective at all. Turning once more to Rene Dubos, “Crowding, regimented life, environmental pollution, and disturbances of the fundamental biological rhythms are aspects of life which are common to all highly technicized and urbanized societies, rich or poor. These influences elicit from the human organism responses from which are emerging the physical, mental, and social disorders commonly called diseases of civilization.” This means that abortion and prophylactics are only aspirins compared to the measures that will have to be taken in the future to combat problems emerging from increased population. But then, even aspirins are better than no relief at all. They will serve until something better comes along. Providing Of course, that something better is found soon enough. friday

17 july

7970 (I6 7: I10)\%707 h ,....I _ .



~~~+The ,-f$lo@ing -is a-. plug BBt;its‘ a’”._aloud;&or* is +tto’ be tacked\ upon : - .for you that Imake this plug: 7 &he bulletin- board. It is for yo:u. ’ -That’s: because after reading, t%e.. Then$ou can. : tell;_ in ,,your -own plug,( \iiihich. follows) you -will- &r: _- lords,please, .what ( .you - ‘-think : i.- tainly ‘, . _-. -ponder -the advice I am 3r: about something. should. you tell people, j about to render; Then,-if you a$$ . 3’ ~&id&&at 1 ,Gi,se,. and I trust you ,are, you will T.;’abou&Jn the n.ext week? -Well, you , , . z ca$$~$@n$$ tell th$mL without act- act asthe,p+g sugg~q$s,. j in‘!--whatever your“_ _Indeed, this- is the nature of ali- ..,,ud@ pa&al&$ , plugs;Lor4he. intended nature; -but -:. ‘self. So$ouha,v,e~to: tell them that going to :see ,asi you know not --all .plugs are c .IJ@XtW&k,.~~~op.‘zp+. ~simply plugs.. Some >are Fmore:hei-, :+ the &w&plays atthe Theatre .of .- .‘: : ;l&iTg. 7 .: t -_ .‘( ~ ‘” t~e.A~,t~,T,.:~:.~.j; ~~~“,‘Th&-&-e (y&s &&qncemen&, ‘, - -’If-. &&@;~-$&,:the$~a~; please ’ They are- bought and. sold -in -the-’ : reply-that the:. ,en&husiastic. .cast . t& on’ead plays; The.. -comtion -market of plugs. A< ;- MilJpresent Far, :-and- The - Public %@se still are advertisements.=---. Private, This is not an- advertisement, for - Eye...Tell &em that they were . their function is to ,warp-your un-- ~:written by’P.eter SchafferV the suTG --’ ’ perb/playwrite that created .The biased, judgdment of -some thing. An announcement wallows at the, Boy?l. Hunt ,of +he .Suin;‘ -(now ai other extreme. It neither supports (- famous movie too2 by the- way): a nor condemns the ’ mentioned .-act- tihic% -was- I seen on campus :~ivity.&i announcement is $sh%+ $ Tell,. them. that the _ washy. It indicates no enthusiasm; :,:plays ar&‘light; ‘but are for all of r only-polite condone&e. . ’ us,: not;as a‘.&-ro3up, but person;‘\ ; : But a plug; ‘%hat,pure, affirm ?+ally, and, tell :th& that the admis-. I ative I -assertion.: .of -~-something’s ‘5sion::is _only;*onedollar~ and _the 1,worth,is, t&type .$m&sage. I.&m: -tick,&& are available at the 3icket it? deliver forth $6 you p&sonally. office in the .&Iodern I+nguages -’ / _ Tbs. column ‘is - sot be read (M&i@.‘- (_.~- ,I:.- .,b .





’ ‘.


/ , -.-. .-.A> -1 ’ -2,j. I, .. 1 :.;:iq; I. \:.AI.1,


I .. i . Doing a review of a university _ produdtionl is difficultbecause you _must always bear in mind that all the actors and all the-stage cp e\lr ’ are.amateurs, some of-them &vorking for the first time. Therefore, ,.+the - reviewer must make allowances for certain defikiencies in skill, and look at the .*overall_ +production in- order to -, ,‘ judge. A TASTF OF HONEY; presented _in the theatre<. of ;the art3 last week, was not the best play put on I ,by the Creative-Arts Board, but it .@d i.ts good+goments.

:-’ :

\, ,

::,-T‘ess$ G$lard gave the. best per’ f&man& of --$he -evening -=as _tibe’;


-Ho,wever , she. i showed-; talent


play is in the script. *It is a very confused, emotional play to act ’ in in-depth. characterization, and -‘this, coupled $ith the- inexperierice of most. of the cast at times * became disagreeable., Still you’leftthe fheater feeling . h ‘7 you had.‘ seen .both talent--and. a -. tou&ing play,. ,_ - .: :- _ ___ ~ I_ . Q ‘. -z. I

~ Unfortunately; the\ techni~cal .-dire&r of the arts &&Fe, - E)arl

;1. ;.4 .



other a.ctotsXhandle$ them: 1 selves yell? espe&$ly:/cler$$oulis i ,.,’ as the.. tender’ homosexual ‘-%ho’ 3mothers’~ -his only fri,end: _Jo,, through her.pregnan$y. ‘-;-I .. ,: ,>But-the main. problem %vith the -



US securt?y chiefs visit their canatian twothers:

;- Marching,

HI? INTERNATIONAL convention at the University of Victoria two weeks ago was like many other conventions-a-mixed business and socialaffair. In the commons block, distributors had set up displays of the latest manufactured items ofinterest to the people at the convention..-And of course the display space had been sold by the organization holding the conference in order to help IPay some of the,costs. All done on sound capitalist principles. 1

by Tony turn

as to #var, campus

Adapted from the Geo’igia Straight (UPS)

cops shoot t6 kill

,’ --

wards in a “non~emotional atmosphere”. And the video tape could serve as evid’ / ence. Most )of the other meetings were routine “nuts and bolts affairs”. Some of the . topics included incendiary He also gdve a good rendition of the devices and myth that keeps academics powerless, explosives, physical and electronic secuand the place for, intellectual freedom, rity, sex crimes, the psychopath, corn- / Lester said; “The price that is paid .for puters and campus -security, and security But there was an additional factor .which to the distributors. I was told that legally this great freedom,,is that it will not be personnel management. translated into action. In a place ,where brought public attention on the conferthere wasno way U. Vic’s administration According to the U. Vic. students I talk-’ ’ . could get, ridof the displays. reason is king, action, can only impair to, the best insights into the menplity of ence-if only in Victoria. It was the annsomeone else’s right to reason.” An obBut the conference bowed to pressure the campus copcame from informal and, ual convention of the international asso- ‘r vious position. Intellectual activity withand the arms were shipped back. But the personalconversa tion with them. ciation of college and university security matter isn’t closed, The incident has. out any attempt at action is not a threat . The murder of four students at Kent directors (IACUSD), Campus cops from prompted some students to take issue with _ to established power. State by the national guard was mentionacross North America met in Victoria for Canadian involvement, in the american The \courts and injunctions should be five days last week. And mixed in with. ed. As a-form of rebuttal outgoing presused againstpeople who disrupt univerdominated campus cop organitition. ident Swen Nielsen said that there were displays of spotlights, parking meters, sities, Lester said. This has been done td locks and alarms there were shotguns; 25 drug related deaths on campuses and some extent at Simon Fraser. A number _ “we never heard much furor over that.” mace dispensers, a tear gas and smoke of people are under injunctions not to generator, riot sticks, helmets and hand Nielsen also said he could never go onto a Gf the 163-universities represented at \ disrupt university facilities. Interpremajor american campus unarmed. guns. the conference, about 15 were Canadian. _tation of this injunction could include ’ One security officer from a small state The outgoing president of the campus Canadian representatives walked around such simple matters as arguing in a class, college “in Montana was told about the cops, Swen Nielsen from Brigham Young and preened about how lucky they were room: s Amchitka protest in Victoria. Two and a university in Utah, obligingly posed for that the riot equipment was not necessary - Lester said the injunctions should bg half thousand people had symbolically press types. He tried out the new toys, in Canada. They were apparently unconused, to isolate people who don’t respect.’ blockaded the ferry terminal, .,protesting looking grimly Nordic as he handled a pepcerned a-bout the possibility that their the courts from “the responsible people”. nuclear bomb testing in they Amchitka per fog tear gas and smoke generator. And presence in an organization where this At another meeting Eugene Frese, asislands. The campus cop said that would the PR man’ for the conference, Herb equipment was used would influence them sistant to the U. S. attorney general, said be obstructing a business and causing fiVoye, said the expense was the only reato take a similar course. students should be charged with non-conqancial loss. If it happened in his juris- .. son security forces ’ on U. S. campuses They were also unconcerned according troversial offences that didn’t have podiction he would get a court injunction didn’t have this new fangled riot equipto Brian Green,, academic affairs chairlitical overtones. - . and if the people didn’t leave he would man of U. Vic’s AMS (Alma Mater Soci- 1 ment. According to the organizers he was in- ’ call in the national guard. ety), about the extent to which the conEither on display or listed in catalogues vited so his influence could be used to get Virtually every de&gate t e students ference was americanized. Even the _ on the site were: , an IACUSD member on Nixon’s study talked to said they only shoo P when ‘their style of the conference was american, “Shock batons” or less euphemistically commission on student unrest. The assolife orsomeone else’s life was threatened. Green said. A very structured arrangecattle prods’. These batons deliver “a mild ciation felt they had beenbypassed. But when they shoot they always shoot to j ment for speeches and‘events, PR men, electric shock” which has “a powerful Frese also said that demonstrations - kill Brian Green told me. One campus cop and 8 newsletterduring the conference psychological effect on the recipient”. should be video-taped. Then student lead- . said.: -“If a life is in. danger it is in suffiwere all part of the american style. turned r “Billy clubs” with “attractive ers could be identified and arrested aftercried. danner t.o shoot to kill. ” Green called for Canadian universities beading” that fit snugly into the hand. to get-out of the IACUSD. The’riot control ‘Riot batons” with “28 ounces of lead” equipment was indicative of how alien in each end. the organization was to the Canadian en“Sap gloves” with powdered lead in the vironment, he &id. “By remaining memknuckles and palm. The university of Vic. bers we tendto support the methods and toria last week was a good place for stuphilosophy of policeoriented security acdents to find out what was in store for a._ ti0nsintheU.S.” ’ . I + them. Green said he was writing Canadian In a less grim vein were the “pig pins”. universities’to find out which ones were Silver oxidized or gold plated little pigs associated with the IACUSD. He will then could be ordered. These are “worn by ask student councils to demand that their police officers proudly”. They are pinned university withdraw from the association. to the tie. I was told that almost half the However he was uncertain about whethsecurity officers at the conference were er the U. Vic AMS would support him. He wearing these pins. said they would be sympathetic to the moOf the nineteen displays only three retion. But. would probably take a weaklated to weaponry. Distributors George F. kneed position, claiming that the’call for Cake Corp. from Berkeley and Federate withdrawal would endanger the good rapLabs inc: of Saltsburg, <Pa. set up the disport they had with O’Connor and his secuplays of weapons. They are associated rity force. . In a few minutes flat with Smith and Wesson and with-Douglas Aircraft. The third distributor, Waltthe new GOEC MK-XII ’ A further difference between Canadian er F. Stephens of Franklin, Ohio, was de* and americani security officials. Almost scribed as “small time”. This company’s all the american campus cops at the bonGenerator will smoke rings display was mostly literature rather than ference were deputized sheriffs. ’ They arDun$, an arsenal of tear gas actual physical hardware. They were also, had full police powers, of arrest, warrant k,gfenades anddqmrsers ! <pushing the pig pins. investigations and protection of property. 1 Representatives from the distributors ’ were there to tell people how to order to I Most carry a variety of weapons-guns, fill their security needs. It was in .part a batons, gas and mace. One security chief trade fair. But the organizers said there when asked who bet was responsible _to were no actual sales made at the conferreplied : >‘Myself and my men are at the ence. The weaponry was just there for addisposal of the president of the univervertising purposes. sity.” In many cases they are the private army of the administration. Guelph and possibly McGillare the’only campuses where security officials have However, the weapons weren’t there for police power, I was told. Usually canlong. Some students objected to the disadian security officers are hired as adplays of militaristic power on the .mild ministration personnel. They deal with university of’victoria campus. traffic and minor security matters and Norm Wright, a former student preshave only civilian powers. Canadian secu’ ident, was in. Victoria on business the rity personnel can also be hired commismonday the conference, opened. When he sionaires or rent-a-cops. None of these went to have lunch in the commons blockhave police powers. , he was confronted by the arms display. The convention had the atmosphere of Wright called the press -and said if the a service club for campus cops. It was arms weren’t out by the next morning the social- as well as business and @forma’ building would be picketed. , tional. The conference wqs more concern. “My reaction to these displays. was reed with how to run a good shop than it vulsion,” Wright told the press. The diswas with& dealing with “student trouble-. plays were “foreignystrange, bizarre and .makers and riots” . The latter had been un_welcome in Canada.” The riot equiprriore thoroughly discussed the year bement wis out of place on a Canadian camTop: Sdme of the a&ertisers-who displayed equipment at the Internatfore. And was probably discussed in smaPU_Sand had no business being displayed ’ ional association of college a?zd unibersity security directors held at uniller, private groups. there, Wright said. ’ Control of students however did stn= versity of Victoria B.C. two weeks ago. Bottom: Swen Nielsen, president In leasing the space to the IACUSD, the face in one or two of the public meetings. university apparently relinquished conof the association, examines a pepper-fog, tear-smoke generator, billed as Richard Lester, chairman of the board of , trol over what would-be done in the’space. Simon Fraser university, ’ called for the And t$e associatibn had subleased space




same laws to be enforced on the campus that were enforced on the streets. .

Freedom to do hothing? , / ’

Little ‘canadian con t&n t”

_ . . _ . . I

No pwliiaiy displays





77 /u/y

7970 (7 1: 70) 709 i \ i * t’.’ 1 i -.I*- i .

5I *


:- i



I . ‘s

. -.-


Row on row


. *


HE WHOLE SCHOOL IS assembled in the other children are. When the homework assjgnnient She corrects the r&pronunciation. As in every in.great drary inside yard (one of the less attractive is to be ‘copied, B’eryl and Alonzo turn out to have stance-when they move or call out, they are requir& architectuLa1 features of almo$_all New York city left their notebooks home. Miss White gives AlonTo ed to suppress their natural impulsk to set aright elementary schools ). The children in straight lines a sheet of paher, but ignores Beryl. She later exwhat is wrong, to respond verbally to the written by size places, the teacher at the head of each line plained to me that it would have-been pointless to symbol, to-essay an answer and see’if .it goes (“If sh-sh-shing, frpyning, prodding. One alert young have had Beryl copy the assignment. She wofildn’t you don’t know, don’t guess. ” ) .- in other words teacher walks up and down her line arranging her have done the homework -anyway. : Why waste .a to\learn. ’ children. She”pulls a boy’s hands out of his pockets, ‘sheet of paper? So the* teachers’ expectations rein“What is a plow?” grabs a hand that is scratching a head and sets it force the child’s deviant ways. “Like a trapter,” Alonzti responds confidently. down neatly along the side of the body, mutters a While the children are writing; Beryl helps her“Like a what?” r scold at a girl whose finger is near a nostril. self to a book and reads. I invite her to my back “Like a trapter;” sorinewhat less confidently. Another, looking hardly more than a college girl, corner to read to me, which she does willihgly and ‘ ‘SPeak up, Alonzo. What are you tryilig to say? with- twitching mouth and haunted ey_es,- can’t well. Although the dther children ignore her, and Talk more carefully. Now once more. What is a manage her line a_t alI; as fast as She p5ps two in, she them, ‘every twenty minutes or so, with no plow?” squeezing ai;d hissing, three more pop out. Now the external smulus that I‘can see, Miss White turns “Trapter?” , Miss .White is by now very annoyed and disapprincipal dismisses the lines to their rooms in the on Beryl her own and the entire class’s disapprovorder ofthe quietest and straightest. On the way up ing attention. “Beryl, don’t you wa& to learn?- Do proving. “Trapter? Trapter ? I doa’t know what the stairs the teachers recite sharply “Don’t run, you want to be left back? .If you‘don’t pay attention, you’re saying. ” She makes a, kind of scrug of hopeyou’ll fall. ” “Which way are you walking? Then you‘won’t g’o on to third grade..Don’t you want to go lessness. Alonzo is expressionless. _ LOOK that way. ” “One step at a time, Roger, one on to third grade with the other children?” Beryl “Now, somebody else. What is a plow?” - step at a time, you’ll trip.” “ShLsh-sh.. Sh-sh-sh. “A snow plow ?” Jewel1 asks hopefully. only sustains her thin smile, But Jewel m&nag& , Sh-sh-sh.:’ . to catch my eye in a gaze-of disapproving complici“Well., Not exactly. Look.” Miss White gets out I come to Miss White’s room where the principal ty that is a replica of Miss White’s. a book, and demonstrates. therein a picture of a has arranged that I am to visit. To the extent that they respond overtly t6 one anfarmer in over3lls and straw hat walking behind a Miss White is fortyish, tall,.thin, pale, stiff in her other at all, the children do so entirely-in accordplow being pulled by a drayhorse. “That’s a plow. movedents, very hard-working, Very energetic. Inante with the teacher’s needs. So, when Miss White Now I want you to remember what a plow is. You deed, she seems to me to expend at each turn an has, three or four times downgraded one boy for might, you just might, meet it on the- reading test.“. amount of energy quite out of proportion to the task giving a series of wrong answers, the children She sighs. being perf_ormed, fighting herself and *he children finally al_l laugh aloud at him. Then she transmits a Now Miss White points to,“flower.” i child reads - e’very moment. signal quite opposite to the bne she had been transit. Then, “who sees .a flower in the room?” Josje, Her room, like her per’son, is aseptic. It is a s$all mitting, saying, “You mustn’t tiake fun of Collins. straining out of his -seat and grunting as if he were class, and- the children’s movable chairs and desks That’s unkind.” on .the toilet, is called on and rushes toward the are, spread about t,he room as far from one .another easter baskets. “JOSIE! Did I tell you to get up? as possible, as if somecentrifugal force had flung Go Back To Your Seat...Now, can someone tell methem apart, each child to be suspended alone in his where there is a flower? W.ithout getting out of yo’ur The opening lesson is to read from the blackboard alloted space. On the side bulletin board are arrangseat.” (Ah, Josie,-josie, you have a learn. ) a list-bf twenty words. It seems to’me that the ed with infinite pr_ecision under a frill of yellow and “Flower” is fol_lowed by a long hassle in which children already know these words (i.e., can read green construction paper arithmetic and spelling the children describe a “trunk” (also from the them), but,with scoldings about hands beneath the exercises, with the examples apd the words’iden; standardized reading test, where it is illustrated desk and Beryl’s diversions, frequent reminders tically positioned on each paper. On the-black bulby a picture .of a footlocker ).as “where you put the that these words “might, ju-u-u-st might” turn up 2 letin board, under a frill of red and blue construcori-next 3eek’s Metropolitan Reading Tests, and - suitcases. ’ rtion pap&, a’re arranged?he results of an art “Why in the world,” trying to imagine perhaps somewhat meandering discussions after each word, lesson, rexographed outlines of an easter bupny ’ the homes they come from, “irvould you want to put the lesson ,takes thirty-five minutes. The d%cusbearing a basket of flowers colored in w”lth crayons. speculatifig, “there sion, which Miss White later explained to me are a a suitcase in a trunk? Unless,” The bunnies are all white and the baskets all blue, isn’t room in the closet.” way of lightening the lesson by letting the~children but there is some variation in the colors df the ) “You know, Iike to go on a picnic.” tell about “their own little experiences,” are actualfloivers. The children must have spent hours bro. Outraged, “Who would take a trunk on a picnic +* ~ ly explicit reinforcements of the rules of middle-class ducing these pictures in which the colors remain SO morality and ihe irrelevance Everyone, teachers and children, Is now utterly and unworthiness of I obedl’ently yithin the boundary lines. Only the irbewildered, caught in a kind of -entanglement of their_ own impulses, opinions, and experiences for, -regularly printed names announce them to be proconfusion and helpless to extricate. themselves. I which the bodily regimentation serves as unremitting ducts of individual, real-life children. think if. a visitor were not present someone would practice. ‘. Miss White-introduces me to the children. “)This have a temper tantrum, out of the fury of impoA child is called on and reads, “sling shot.” Miss is Mrs. Wasserman, children, a very distinguished tence. I violate a cardinal rule for observers and White, “That’s right, ‘sling shot.’ ” “Does anyone writer. Say ‘Good morning, Mrs. Wasserman.’ ” --+now break in to say that mgbe the children ire referrwhat a sling shot is?” A chorus of responses, “Good morning, Mrs. Wasserman.” “Good morning to the trunk of a’car. I shouldn’t have done it; “When you take a rubber band...” “Yoy go like this ing, children.” “This- is a very s-l-o-w class, o.f course Miss White is embarrassed. “Oh,” exwith a paper clip.” Etc. “Hands, hands.” Silence. h-o-l-d-o-v-e-r-s,“’ she. spells, trying to enlist my’ plaining, “it is some years since I’ve had a car.” Hands are raised. A child is called on and explains. Then disapproving-ly, --“You know, they all cave gaze in an,understacding complicity. I look away, Miss White, “Do >you think -it’s a good idea ‘to use cars” - one-tipping after having been-one-upped. * ashamed. - . a sling shot ?” Chorus of disapproving “No-o-o%,” A-lonzo meanwhile has fallen out of position and and one unwary “Yes.” Miss White is very angry,is languishing. “Alonzo, sit up. What did you have :‘Who said ‘yes’?” “Not me...” “It was Josie.” _forcbreakfist, Alonzo?” “Josik did.” “ Josie! You ought to know betier than The well-trained children stand neatly behind “Crackles and peanut-butter-and-jelly sandthat. Don’t you know somebody-can get hurt?‘ , theirchairs. At a signal, first the girls sit, then the wich. “, boys. Miss White says, “Feet flat on the- floor, You could hit a person’s eye and blind him? Sheen.“Who gavegou.your breakfast, Alonzo?” !ists the whole class’s dismay and disapproval of heads up, iit straight, harids clasped gn desk.” I ‘ ‘Me myself. ’ * think that some kind of. posture exercise is about to , -naughty ( tob honest) Josie.. _ “Tell your grandmother she should’ give ypu begin, -but it turns out to be the required position -- A hand is raised, “My uncle he, blind, and.. .” breakfast.” To me, “He’s terribly n-e-g-l-e-c-t-e-d.” “My u_ncle is blind. *’ of the horning except when the class br a child is To Alonzb, “yqu make sure your grandmother gives ordered to stand, go to the board, etc. “My uncle he-is blind, bne day when I be walkyou supper tonight, Albnzo.” ’ ing with him.. . ” If occasionally a child s!umps, scratch&, bends “She alway? do.” down to retrieve an object he has cleverly managed “‘One-day when I.was walking with him.” To me, “You can see what the trouble is...” Then, A few tales of the blind and the halt are toi&. Miss to drop, or turns his head to look at another child, “Alonzo draws very well. Show Mrs. Wasserman the whole lesson comes to a grinding halt as Miss White sometimes but not-always interrupts to coryour picture, Alonzb.“’ I tell Alonzo it is a beautil rect the sforyteller’s speech. The child dutifully White announces, “Just one minute, Alette (or whoful picture (It is not a coloring in, but a genuine ever is reciting), Julio isn’t listening.” Or, really parrots the revised sentence, and then like a rubber creation. ) “But‘ that’s all he wants to d6,” she says, bank, his tongue snaps back into the speech he first angered, “Franklin, -you look at ME! You listen to negating thceffects of her and my praise. ME!” For, the hours of tutelage, the children must heard from his mother’s lips and hears and uses all No;w a relief _teacher comes in and Miss White give over to her keeping ‘their bodies as well as his waking hours except from his alien teachers. sits down with me in ,the back of the room to pertheir souls. He will be corrected five or ten times a day every form some clerical chores and brief me on what I One ingenious boy, held immobile, has learned day he is in school, for ten or twelve years, but will . \ have observed. to ripple his abdominal muscles behind the desk. He rem,ain loyal 911 that’ time to his mother tongue. _ does this on aBd off throughout the morning, looking If the children cannot (or do not) adopt the teacher’s speech as their own, she sometimes does not down surreptitiously at his-jiggling belt buckle. Only Beryl is excepted. Small, light-brown, even understand theirs, or the ideas they seek The relief teacher is distributing some constructo cotll\iey by means of it. Miss-Whitepoints to the quiet, aln)ost always faintly smiling, Beryl comes tion paper buckets which the children had made on next word and calls on a child. It is ‘.‘plow,‘: which /in late, sits when and as she wishes, picks up a book a previous day. They are different colors and on from the bdok table and reads if she wishes, plays the .child pronounces to rhyme with “snow.” A each is written th;e name of the child who made it. with h_er fingers if she wishes. She is quikt and alone i choius of spontaneous corrections-. She draws her& But they are passed out at randoin, and the children self up menacingly, scolding, “Excuse me!” Silence. with herself. She is never called on in the way the begin to demand to receive their own with their 1s I 1

Middie- class morality





own names. The teach -gets which one. (That The -children have desks since the morn] the little pieces of co fant at the breast. Tf touch’ them until she them; they are only p; tear then they won’t h them for, and on and 01 Miss White several her conversation with one child’s hands frc: another’s limbs. Most touching and content It is said that slum ch because they are -inc; tion. I find my stoma signal is given that ,the touched. I Suspect’ tha, learners because they c being &lowed to /earn.

-The buckets are fina actment of-Jack and J. Next comes Humpty. for some cultural bat Humpty Dumpty is al. you drop an egg?“- “It when an egg breaks?’ Finally a girl who has 1 mind faster than I hav asks what happens to tl ten on the board. The. Muffett. One boy, enal parts from ’ the script l with clawed hands al cracks up, in the first mbng themselves I ha* her pen and hurries to t “No, no, you must do ii before. .Like this. Nou watch how I do it.” Dutifully,, they recitt acts the spider, while th to his seat.


HE DIFF. cbnstitu ted pert is endemic to c

T /

The peoples W

- _._-

Wheieinsoeve goes they caus I wants




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1 lb the Chevron I




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toredc Whs peoples wants -Zelma I does Stokely Wha Zelma ‘ ‘PeoI Stokd~ Doe: _ I





in the world. - AIma Both SC H&y They’ correct english (Stokely write: Zelma I was I Stoke/y Does Class Yes. .\ Stokely Are t Zelma In tern Stokely Who

Hooray for #delayed gratification’



He put eight like this: _ I digs wine.

rect eng;lish?-. Milt& Peopl Stokely



the board, Coul go to Harvard? . ClassYes. NI Stoke/y Doe! Turnbow, a bl black man to I registration ca of ex traordinar





ntil finallv


-1 ,I



.____-_--_----yolk. ” No one “yolk” is writto Little Miss der, so far deIt Miss Muffett eth. -The class ; interaction a;s White drops ie room, saying, i ‘frighten,’ not


-WEEN Miss White’s dialect (“good english’) and her pupils’ dialect (“‘bad English’) test source of friction between them. The dialect problem was not idiosyncr-atic but n‘ the lesson which follows a group of_serious students explore with their serious

for “register.“) Y&3. &r&e/y Could Mr.,Turnbow go to Harvard and speak like that? “I wants to reddish to vote.” I C/ass Yes.. I enjoy drinking cocktails. Stoke/y Would he be embarrassed? lm. y The people want freedom. - / Class Yes! No! Ze/ma He wouldn’t be;‘butI would. It doesn’t sound right. Anywhere the officers of the . _ !mens Stoke/y Suppose someone from Harvard came to Holmes County ;. law go, they cause trouble. -_ and said, “I want to register , to vote.” Would they be embarrassed? !. I want to register to vote, @/ma No. iink about these sentences? Such as, “The Stoke/y Is it embarrassing at Harvard but not in Holmes County? ? The way you speak? Milton It’s inherited. It’s depending on where you come from. The .ight. people at Harvard would understand. ean? right. Stokely Do you think the people at Harvard should forgive you? nything? . Milton The people at Harvard should help teach us correct English. IS everybody. “Peoples” means everybody, A/ma Why should we change if we understand what wemean? . ire right as long’as you understand them: Shirley It is embarrassing. ray,, but in a speech classyou have to use Stoke/y Whieh way do most people talk? Class Like on the left. , en&h” in corner of blackboard. )’ (He asks each student. All but two say “left.” One says that southieast to use the sentences on the right side. erners speak like on-the left, northerners on the right. Another-said you know use the sentences that southerners speak like on&he left, but the majority of people . - on the left? / speak like on the right. ) ;? Stoke/y Which-way do television and radio people speak? ish, they are wrong. -’ , Class Left. what is correct english and what is incor- ’ (There was a distinction made by the class between northern com/ mentators and local programs. Most programs were localand I ules. People in England, I guess. spoke like on the left, they-said. ) - ;ome people speak like on the left side of A Srdke/y Which-way do teachers speak? ’_ 1anywhere and-speak that way ? Could they ,_ c/ass On the left-except in class, -. s- Stoke/y If most people speak on, the left, why are--they trying to :reement. ) change these people? nbow speak like on the left side? (Hartman Gladys If you don’t talk right, society rejects you. It embarrasses ner from Mileston, Mississippi, the first other people if you don’t talk right. I to register to vote in the Holmes county Hank But Mississippi society, ours, isn’t embarrassed by it-. of that decade, a popular indigenous leader Shidey But the middle class wouldn’t class us with them. charm, and courage, he used the common --> FANT class was “Stokely’s speech class.” on the blackboard, with a line-between,


teacher the meaning and, consequences of dialect differences in America. The fesson was one in a work-study institute for high-school$ge SNCC,workers conducted in 1965 in Waveland, Mississippi. The teacher was Stoke& Carmichael, then a SNCC field worker in Lowndes county, Alabama, and the recorder was Jane Stembridge, another SNCC worker.and a poet.


Hank They won’t accept “reddish.” What is “reddish?” It’s Negro dialect and it’s something you eat. _ Stoke/y Will society reject you if you don’t speak like on the right side of the board ? Gladys said society would reject-you. , Gladys You might as well face it, man! What we gotta do is go _ out -and, become middle class. If you can’t speak good English, you don’t have a ca’r, a job, or anything. . Stoke/y If society rejects you because you don’t speak good English, should you learn to speak good English? - ” C/ass No! #l/ma I’m tired of doing what society say. Let society say “reddish” for a while. People ought to just accept each other. Ze/ma I think we should be speaking just like we alwayshave. Alma If I change for societyI wouldn’t be free anyway. Ernesthe I’d like to learn correct-English for my own sake. Shirley I would too. A/ma If the majority speaks on the left, then a minority must rule society. Why do we -have to change to be -accepted by the minority group ? (Lunchtime. ) -’ ,:Sroke/y Let’s think about two questions for next time: What is -i society? Who makes the rules for society?

T -

* * *

--AN HER SUMMING UP, Miss Stembridge commented on both the manner and the- substance of the lesson. She pointed out that the lesson concentrated on one theme which was significant to the students and that the students made the connections and developed ‘. the ideas themselves. She also said, “People learn from someone they-trust, who trusts them. This trust included Stokely’s J self-trust and trust, or seriousness, about the subject matter.” All the qualities that made Stokely’s lesson successful were absent from Miss White’s lesson: trust all around, including trust in the students’ ability to learn; sensible recognition of-the world - outside the classroom; concentration on subject matter. The ‘brie teacher was an amateur and the students’ presence voluntary, the other a professional and the students’ presence coerced. Some people are beginning to say there is no hope for public educatio? in America. - I don’t know. I friday


7970 (7&70)



. /-






51 King 9. N. Waterloo Phone 578-0070 , games, novelties, tricks, jokes, gags, puzzles, stag party supplies, ., - party records, posters, iTported goods Q

4 . i,

\ ,




’ -\






I /




TwM&yS needed to’


_ /-.

complete th6 sunher t&m (fuktime



Apply immediately

=through ttie chairman

, Cm(l?ON,’

c~~sswcaR~~-1 12. popular

legal game,. ’ ,‘. ’ , ,’ 13. play the odds . 14. small one of 63-across I 18; very easy, used by profs 19. support’for vines 21. light up. 1 22. --- - i--- without a paddle 23. located above 3-down ’ 27.nextU.S.conquestinS.E.’ Asia? 30. rejected I 35. hippo rape (abbr. ) ’ 36. part of a foot / I ./ 37. tidal wave . 38. article

A ACROSS . l.C.T.Boyes ’ l f 10.~~-- &at? \12. drunk . / 15. country in S. W. Asia . 16.6-down plus 1’ 17. towards something . 26. volt-ohm meter 21. island in Indonesia 24. tommies * 25. where it’s ----. . 26. opposite of 18-down I /. 28. street (abbr.) 29, let it ride (abbr.) 31. used in rowboat< ; 32, bottle (chemistry) 33. customer engineer (abbr.) 34. kampus kop (abbr.) . 35. . what you would say if you just met Lolita (2 w.) ‘39. Quebec beer 42. dried grapes 43. daze 45. camp ass direction 47. loading zone (abbr.) y ’ 48. surface of sick bay 50. no cost pill (2 w.) 53. compass point 54. holy nut organization (abbr.) 55. used with knife ’ ~ 56.. southern university of Florida 58. compass point 60. pardon? _., \ , 1 Gl.‘rip , 62. heaven or ------.-. ’ 63. end-of-term game on campus 65. not evens 66. me 67. written during 63kacross ’ lJuvvlru I I , 1. competitor 2. a horny movie is ------.


3. leg 4. not out

5. compass .

6.5-down 7. gossip

8: article







9. Charlie Brown expression 10. reach equilibrium’ ’ 11. Cockney greeting

by Dennis


Chevion staff




The- Rooks took ten innings to edge out 3A Civil 7 to 6 in an exciting conclusion to this sum. mer’s on campus softball competition.. The engineers, boasting an unbeaten season, entered the play-. (offs on top of the league offensively and also ranked- as the best ’ squad on defense. An 8-6 decision ‘over Civil 4A earned them a playoff position. : The winning Rooks piled up runs in the games preceding the 8

‘7 72 tee Chevron i \’ . _ /-



1 41. establishment (abbr. ) 43.5-down - 44. &down 46. put in place slowly 49. damp 5i. makes mistakes . 52. light source. 57. . -- a-- causeof - .diarrhea . 58. French salt 59.. exhibitions 61. go --- hell. 62. hello -. ’ * ’ 64.-yawn noise 68. league (abbr.)



, / .

40. hostile



\ ,.,








’.Thebizarre worldyoumetin“Planet OflheApes”was only ’ thebeginning.$ftfAT LIES BENEATH MAY BETHE END! tre was the only dirty place on Btudent wants campus. Is it like that all the time? crew orgunired’ I was hoping maybe I could help I cut my foot on a broken beer by organizing a clean-up crew to bottle outside the campus centre - . Ihelp the janitors in their work. on Sunday. It hurt. I am a high I’m sure once we get everyone inschool. student taking summer volved, the campus center will courses here. It was interesting for once again be a nice shiny clean me to find that the campus ten- ’ building for those who wish to relax and talk in it. I hope this will be possible, because, after all; the university should be .a plaee where poeple can get together and discuss their ideas. It’s sometimes difficult to do this when the chairs and carfinals, scoring 39 pointers and alpet in any particular building are lowing only fifteen so dirty -, that they stain your , NOVELTYSWIM MEET clothes. Surely the responsible . ’ Next tuesday, july 21st. in the students who use this building sock jock pool, a _,special intramural in the mouth anyone who they see event will be staged. Open to anymaking- a mess of it-but perhaps one on campus, this unique swim that’s a bit extreme. Goodness, meet will feature flutterboard you would say that’seven radical. race, push ball race, dog paddling Anyone who’s interested, please etc. Team relays will also be in- _ cttart OruA Ir’ eluded in the evenings program. Thank you for letting ‘me use\ <For the principals visiting our your space sirs -I understood camp&, an inner tube paddling that you were a. forum for opin. - event has beenadded. _ innr . ,I The. time will be eight and ,,Pat ,A”AAU’ Yours respectfully, Hueston (5761879) is the person to H;&

point plus 1

, ’

’ ‘+ofthe Campus Centre I

PUZZLE/ raid or trespass.




contact. ,


We’re all vo’yeurs and it is amusing to see the reactions of. man con frori ted by a naked lady: how ladies behave when a nude male artist’s model comes to life; how studentstand then their parents take it when a naked woman appears as the gtraight-on guest lectur&in a &x:educatiun cburse; or how - ~ three middle-aged women discum,a “drity” movie thefve seen!” ’ , -Judith-Crist; New fork Magazine


:’ -

..e I




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Address letters to Feedback, The Chevron, U of W. Be concise. The Chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Those typed (double-spaced) get prioriiy. Sign it - name, course, year, telephone. For legal reasons unsigned letters cannot be published. A pseudonym rtVil/ be printed if you have a good reason.


In closing, all I am trying to say Chevron to become a community Now, I enjoy your ads, find the about the crossword then he’d better be is let’s stop bitching newspaper, puzzle amusing ( somecampus center, accept it for what very careful not to dump on any times), get the odd chuckle out of person or group of persons. I do it is and always will remain - a your spelling and lousy layout. . . not consider myself to be a good useless blunder. but the content (or should I say, Let’s start to demand that a printed dribble, keeping, you note, writer, and do not have the time to where we continuity within my letter.. . somedevote to writing because I am building be constructed busy training myself to become an can relax - and even be people thing you would be well to emuengineer so that I am in a position because that’s what is the most late) is disgusting with a capital important thing to be; no matter “D”! ! ! to be useful to the world. I know what money-lecherous philosothat many of my fellow engineers How about a “Birds and Bees” Editor should not suggest phers try to dictate. Amen. do not have big plans for themColumn for naturalists, a “Godengineers are desensitised TERRY MILLS selves - they are willing to fit into zilla Of The Week” pick for the env. studies society as it is. Some of them are ugly oppressed, or perhaps a page Dear Sirs: thoughtless in many ways - but of colour-me-kids cartoons. Where many are alive and sensitive to A reader is your imagination? I am wri.ting this letter in regives the chevron their position in the world. sponse to an incidental comment Ship up or farm out, Smith. some ideus to play with Some of society’s values seem Remember, a bird in the hand is which was made in a column w-ritsensible to me, and I accept them. ten by the editor of your newsMr. Alex Smith awful messy! Other values do need to be changpaper. The column I am referring Editor-In-Chief Reverently yours ed. I just wanted to let you know BRUCE A. STEELE to was entitled BULLSEYE, preTHE CHEVRON that some engineers do think, and University reader of Waterloo have a social conscience. PersonWATERLOO, Ontario ally, I know of very few “arts” students (with the exception of a Dear Mr. Smith: The unswer to why we don’t few psychology students and geIt has come to my attention that get more feedback letters ography and planning types) who your paper has, in the past few have this sense of social awaremonths, not lived up to the standDear Feedback : ness. After all, it’s what you do ards set b-y either the DepartSo you’re strapped for letter that counts. ment of Health and-Welfare or the s, eh? Tough. Maybe the reason Well, I’m not sure that I’ve said North Bay Horticultural Society. is “Letters must be typed on a 32 everything that needs to be said, Allowing that neither of the aforecharacter line. For legal reasons, but I have to get back to my studymentioned groups have extremely letters must be signed with tours The Chevron is compiling a circulation library of books either not ing so we can conquer the world. difficult standards to meet, I ree year and phone number.” held or in great demand at regular university and off-campus gret that.1 must inform you of my Some people can’t type, and so Yours in Peace, library facilities. While presently consisting of only about twenty disappointment in you and your me don’t like to (I don’t ), esp ALBERT ELLIOTT staff. Ugly i ugly, ugly. ecially on a 32 character line. Not volumes, the library is being carefully planned to provide an altercivil engineering 3b In the last disgusting edition many people are about to pay a typ nate reading source of material dealing with labor, international of your filthy rag, you make the ist for the pleasure of writing the affairs and radical viewpoints in as many academic disciplines as comment that “It is...“. Where do Chevron. possible. The Canadian point of view is emphasized. you get your facts, sir? Just exactAnd what petty bureaucratic in Cumpus center building_ * * * ly where? sists on course, year and phone nu design put in question I am a patient man. I lived Some of the books now available on a regular circulation basis mber? None of the Toronto dailies through the Cuban missile crisis demands more than name and add are: I really don’t see why people with but an occasional whimper, ress. Are you sure you don’t want bitch so much about the campus l Essays on mid-Canada (The mid-Canada development corridor) watched this country accept a new height, weight, social security nu center - I mean, it’s perhaps the l The world and Africa, by W. E. Burghardt du Bois flag graciously (even though I held mber, ID number, and a snappy sa only true symbol of what a univerl The McGill movement (A critical view of Canadian writers) - sity represents. a concession on Union Jacks) and lute as well? It’s an outstanding stood silently by as the filthy, 0 The selected words of Lenin LLOYD ERLICK building; impressive and almost dirty, ugly, disgusting rabble of. Psych 3, l Close the 49th parallel (the americanization of Canada), by Ian as intriguing as the university cal“persons” appeared to LIE before 782-2370 (Toronto 1 endar is to the university candiLumsden the Royal Commission investidate; until you really get to see P.S. I don’t have a phone in Wate gating Non-medical Use of Drugs what it’s all about. For circulation information drop in to see Chevron rloo. Hope that doesn’t screw up yo (!) But I fear that even I cannot In fact, it’s almost lhke a diplour legal considerations. tolerate your weekly dribble. secretary Charlotte Buchan, 9 - 41.30, or call ext. ma - a monument with nothing . useful behind the initial state3443. ment. Even the main entrance is in the wrong place; but then so is The mideast conflict: Egypt’s defence threatens Ike/ the emphasis of the entrance re“The East is east and the West at will areas surrounding Cairo. quirements. is west, and n’er the twain shall GROUND-TO-AIR Since then, The campus center has tremenmeet.” We all know of course, that missiles have obliged the raids to dous facilities, but when you can’t the line of demarkation suggested subside and to be limited to the even find the public type, to rehere did not refer absolutely to the canal region. But, by fabricating gurgitate in they are about as useSuez Canal. And while we all de- a crisis and employing a piece of ful as many required courses. sire peace and brotherhood, and Billy Graham logic, Israel hopes And then, what an economic therefore, the breaking down of to demonstrate its vulnerability Hand-bound copies of last year’s Chevron, volume IO are now achievement it represents; l-1/2 divisions among mankind, the curdollars freely spent, but to an arab conquest which can only available in the Chevron office for only $15. Includes a complete million rent events ‘in the Middle East be prevented with another 150 airthen saving the tax-payer more set of last year’s issues bound in a tough, black ripple finish with (where is the Near East?), are agony by refusing to furnish it to craft or else another U.S. interventhe Chevron logo, volume number and dates gold embossed on a minimum really outlandish. Israeli modesty, of comfort thus tion. the front. Keep your library up to date by coming to the Chevron it seems, does not allow them to jeopardizing the total investment! What the newspapers reveal, ’ match the american 21 mile incurhowever, make one doubt israeli Why not fix up the place so that office from 9 to 4:30. Only $1 5 for a lifetime memento. By their count, the Mr. President and everyone else sion into Cambodia. protestations. Tel Aviv’s military strategists Suez region in the past year. In 47 can entertain there. The bureaucrats bitch about the damage to would be quite satisfied with bnly days of continuous air strikes they 20 more miles of the west bank of have lost not more than half a a meagre rug or two, but who the Suez. This, we are asked to dozen planes. And finally, the miscares who did it or why, while believe, will grant Israel the siles fired against raiding aircraft some guy gets paid for watering security it seeks, and the region have a range of some 20 miles. Congrass that will be dug up the next peace. sider who is the under-dog now? week anyway. Send a subscription of the Chevron to friends or relatives in other What interests can be served by - Yes, we should be proud of this To the most casual observer, let parts of the country or overseas. Only $8 for one full year, or $3 edifice, which sits like a toad aTel Aviv’s obstinacy? Are the -_ alone an “expert” of world affairs, for individual terms. Arabs intensifying the tensions, or cross from sick bay! it becomes evident that the recent are they reacting to an arrogant It was designed by Shore and panic whipped up by israeli militarand unbending militarism? Who is Moffat, with furnishings hand- ists is unfounded and ‘probably threatening whom? picked by the exclusive PP&P carefully designed. A few months CO., with political designs by ago the israeli air force bombed NICK TYRRAS capitalists, communists, anarchists and administrators (and even a few people who just wanted the Co&to, ergo sum: an existential interpolation goddamned thing to work). To think is to live.. . therefore part of knowing life The only problem with the campconsists in thinking. us center is that most people don’t To love is to live.. . therefore, part of knowing life feel at home in it. But then that’s consists in loving. justifiable ; even the vending To feel sensations is to live.. . therefore part of machines give worse odds than knowing life consists in feeling sensations. a slot machine and if you win, the To die is to end life.. .theref ore part of knowing life stuff is stale. consists in knowing death. now at the Chevron office And the building is inaccessible But; to despair at death except to jocks and students who Great as gift+ or just for fun. is to despair at life. give libations to the computer Glen Soulis shrine. What a “campus center! ”

The correct wording of the GSU bylaws on general meetings is that if quorum is not met, the meeting can be cancelled and another meeting be called “in not less than seven ‘days” (i.e. after a week) and the new meeting be considered binding without quorum. the lettitor

sumably because it hit the allegorical nail right on the head. Because I do not frequent the campuscentre, I cannot tell for sure whether it did or not, but that’s not what I wanted to write about. Mr. Smith said (and I quote), “It could also be argued that engineers are here solely for the purpose of de-sensitizing themselves to their environment as quickly as possible so they can go about the task of earning themselves a mealticket”. I hope that Mr. Smith himself does not argue this way; for if he does, he is committing a great error - that of putting people into categories and making ignorant assumptions about their behaviour and attitudes. If Mr. Smith really wants the

,the hirun CHEVRON






bebook m

direc’toire dkudiants 0 student directory

!/!!!lFN~ ‘70


77 july

7970 (7 7: 70) 7 73


Workers just can’t be alienated w len the bosses’profit is at stake

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~ by Patty

Lee Parmalee


frdm the Guardian (UPS)


T A TIME OF shrinking corporate profits and stagnant GNP combined with expensive strikes and high suddenly the ruling wage settlements, class has become concerned about the plight of the blue collar worker in the U.S. A confidential report presented to president Nixon on june, titled “The problem of the blue collar worker,” describes the economic frustration and social neglect felt by 70 million people, workers and their families. Although they make $5,000 to $10,000 a year, their real income has been falling for the past 5 years. Socially, the report says, they feel forgotten, and they are “overripe for a political response to the pressing needs they feel so keenly.” Worst of all, they don’t have any self-respect in their skilled and semi-skilled jobs. Solutions suggested by the report are, as the New York Times says, “almost ludicrously minimal” : small local parks, training programs, child-care tax deductions; more low-income housing and improved public transportation are suggested economic aids. To restore pride in manual jobs, the report foresees such radical measures as- national awards for outstanding craftsmen, and portraying skilled trades on postage stamps.

Amazed at alienation? Coincidentally, an article appears in the July issue of Fortune on auto produc’ tion workers. Fortune is amazed at auto workers’ alienation : “The deep dislike of the job and the desire to escape becomes terribly clear twice each day- when shifts end and the men stampede out the plant gates to the parking lots, where they sometimes actually endanger lives in their desperate haste to be gone . . . Some assembly-line workers are so turned off, managers report with astonishment, that they just walk away in mid-shift and don’t even come back to get their pay for the time they have worked.” Fortune quotes workers interviewed in Detroit who complain about dullness of the job, layoffs, unfair foremen, health hazards, noisy and dirty conditions, forced overtime, military discipline, and above all speedup and treatment of workers like machines. Management in/ turn tardiness, complains of absenteeism, shoddy workmanship and minor sabotage (which hurts the reputation of the pro-

duct ) , high turnover, increased fringebenefit demands and union militancy. General Motors chairman James Roche complains that the company increased investment per hourly employee by about 500% in 20 years, but “tools and technology mean nothing if the worker is absent from his job.” Or, as Marx put it, it is the worker <who, adding his labor to the company’s investment, makes profit for the company. No worker, no profit. Absenteeism has also doubled in the last ten years at GM and Ford, most of the increase coming in the last year. An average of 5% of GM’s workers are AWOL at any given time; 10% on fridays and mondays. “Management and the public have lately been shortchanged, ” Roche complained. “We must receive the fair day’s work for the fair day’s wage.” It is clear that the new concern about “who’s down there” has its origin not so much in humanitarian impulse as fear of loss of profits. Corporation managers are confronted by worker rebellion on two sensitive fronts: a refusal to let the government fulfil1 its plan of making workers and the poor pay for inflation, and a refusal to work harder and faster. The first rebellion has received wide publicity due to the many large strikes this year that have achieved high wage increases. After a gradual rise in real wages from 1961-65 (over 2Y0 a year 1, the Vietnam escalation and runaway inflation began, and in the last five years real wages have stagnated and then declined. Median pay raises negotiated in recent years have barely compensated for previous inflation: 5.2Yo in 1967, 6% in ‘68, 7% in ‘69. Now in 1970 workers are determined to achieve raises which will compensate for the inflation expected in the coming contract period as well as making up losses from the last period. Prices rose 14% in the last three.years, and workers expect the same in the next three, and therefore want 25-30% increase over 3 years, or 8-10% yearly. So far settlements this year have been 7.5% in creases per year for electrical workers, 8% for postal and rubber workers, 12% for freight workers, and scattered settlements of 15-30’~ for construction workers. The average for the first half of the year is 8%) excluding construction. Of course, this does not mean that all wages are going up by 8Y0; on the contrary, it could mean a growing discre-

panty between a labor aristocracy in strong unions, and the 75% of workers who are unorganized. Nevertheless, business and government are worried about the growing power of the unions and the “in-f la tionary ” wage increases.

Can’t afford labor? Business Week ( april 11) sums up business’ case against labor demands in an article called “The U.S. can’t afford what labor wants.” The Nixon administration had thought that recent falling profits would cause industry to be tough in contract negotiations, and increasing unemployment would cut down on worker militancy. But to everyone’s surprise, “in the crunch, it turns out, it is not labor that yields but the employer.” Assuming, like most bourgeois economists, that inflation is caused by too much money in the workers’ pockets, Business Week concludes that “the fight to end inflation now hinges on a sharply defined question: Shall the will of the government prevail over the will of organized unions?” Business Week thinks the unions are getting so powerful that they threaten democracy for capitalists: “A democratic society works on the assumption that no group within it can accumulate so much power that it can write its own ticket. The question now forcing itself upon the Nixon administration is whether or not that assumption still holds good where the bargaining power of labor is concerned. In other words, is collecti*ve bargaining still bargaining, or has it become something very close to blackmail by the unions?” Business cries of “blackmail!” when labor increases its share are based on one simple assumption ( that relative wages, or the ratio of wages to profits, should remain the same. (Real wages can rise while relative wages remain constant because the U.S. increases its absolute wealth from third world exploitation. )

Aim is redistribution Labor does not share the convic.tion that it gets a large enough slice of the pie (let alone the unemployed, women, and minority groups). Labor’s struggle to raise wages is intended to cause not inflation, but redistribution. But this is the last solution business and government will entertain; instead, they raise prices and

cry inflation. (Most labor leaders are committed to preserving capitalism by maintaining profits, but rank and file are increasingly demanding a larger share. That is why in recent years one out of seven or eight negotiated settlements is rejected by union membership. 1 In the long run, though, business can easily cope with wage increases, by raising prices and productivity. In fact, until last year productivity per man hour has consistently increased faster than real wages. That means two things: automation and speedup. Speedup has been a chief complaint of workers. For the same real pay they are forced to work harder and faster, thus producing more profit per man hour of work. Through most of the sixties productivity per man hour had tended to increase by 3-4% yearly, but starting around 1966 it began to fall off, until in 1969 manufacturing output per man hour increased by only 1.7’s and total nonfarm output per man hour decreased by 0.6% (Labor and Commerce Dept. statistics 1.No one seems to understand why. Growing power of the unions to achieve high wage settlements can-and probably will-be curtailed \ by law. But management is really worried about workers simply losing their desire to work, which results in decreased output. Refusals to accept speedup would throw a monkey-wrench into the whole system of an expanding economy, since that is where increasing profits come from. To increase output per man hour again, some companies have been cutting down on work weeks and finally laying off workers, thereby hoping to keep production at the same level while paying less in salaries. But that is no real solution: there is no way to guarantee that these fewer workers will feel like working hard, and besides, capitalism must expand production in the long run to exist. An expanding economy depends on more and more value added by labor. This is why Nixon’s foremost recommendation in his june speech on the economy was for a national commission on productivity, and this is why business and government both have recently become concerned about “the problem of the blue-collar worker.” The problem is, simply, how to motivate him or her. We can expect a flurry of sociological and psychological studies on the motivation of workers. In September Fortune will report on “how workers react when behavioral scientists start shaking up the assembly line. ” More and more attempts to make drudge work seem glamourous (postage stamps) and performance incentives will proliferate, along with attempts to obscure the confict between capita1 and labor ( auto companies try sensitivity training for supervisors). But it is unlikely that any of these token gestures will instil1 a lust for alienated labor into a work force that has discovered it dosn’t have to work as hard as it is told to. Alienated labor-labor which produce5 profit for someone else - cannot be ob. scured with sensitivity training and incentives whose real puprose is to create more profit.

As if to prove that is the purpose, Fortune quotes GM’s director of employee research on the subject of worker morale: “We are having very vital, critical changes in our society. And the question is how we- can capitalize on this, how we can exploit the forces of change and profit from them.” Fortune agrees that “top management must increasingly think of its workers and the satisfactions they can and should derive from their work.” “Failure to do so,” Fortune concludes, would mean failure, ultimately, in management’s basic responsibilities to its stockholders as well.” CANADA--Norris - Satire (?) from Punch


114 the Chevron

( Vctttcvuw




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member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS): subscriber: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (Cl NS): published fiftytwo times a year (1970-71) on tuesdays and fridays by the publications board of the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration; offices in the people’s campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748; summer circulaI tion 8,500; Alex Smith, editor. Actually, the headline on page 1 is not a laughing ,matter. Unless people begin taking more of an interest in the Chevron as a means of communicating and presenting something other than the bland tripe in the Kitchenwater Rag, there won’t be much of a future in campus journalism here. The small size of the summer staff is really hindering efforts to dig for news and its associated hypocrisies because fewer of us have to hang around to do more time-consuming production and writing work. You know the Chevron tries whenever possible to present alternate viewpoints, but the most important of such viewpoints-those that relate to situations right here on campus i-are nowhere to be found. Are there any professors, secretaries, security men, turnkeys or students who have alternate viewpoints and who will-express them for the remaining two summer issues or for the twice-weekly onslaught beginning September 1 1 ? Write-phone-drop in: when we have enough staffswe can think about ordering free pizza every deadline night. Well, the photographs did their thing, taking pictures ‘til the cows came home at Undercoming last week; its a good thing they did or there would be nothing in this issue. Hoped to have a scoop on the Guelph student union but we were premature. Maybe next week. Hoped to receive a huge news packet from CUP, but not only was it small, it was non-existent. Maybe next week. Hoped to have a psych 480 course finished, but. . . Maybe next term. This week’s people: 1 ._ news & production: bob epp ’ photo: john nelson features rats 8 nigel burnett, dennis mcgann, brian soucie, brenda Wilson, brute Steele, glen soulis, nicksullivan (once for last week), nicksullivan (and that’s for this week), nick Sullivan (that’s for the next time we forget you), doug minke, kathy dorschner, johanna faulk, ron’angus, Steve izma, terry moore and jay thompson number 1 (jay thompson number 2 of the chemistry department phoned to say that he’s getting a lot of applause for’the pollution probe articles that he was nothing to do with). Thought for the week: it may be what you do that counts, but can someone else count on what you do?




OCTOR . . . DOCTOR! You’ve once again forgotten to wash the blood from your hands! ” G “Pride in accomplishment, nurse . . . just pride in accomplishment. ” Hold ‘it! Stop the run! I want all of you to empty your pockets and pass around the contents for examination by your fellows. “Doctor . . . please, doctor. You scare people with the blood. Couldn’t you wash it off?” Doctor, could you tell me what operation you have just performed? “I’ve picked out a heart! ” And replaced it? “Oh, my gosh. . .” I met a man today who was too theatrical to be real. He lent me (by force) his letters and gave me (by words) his line and lead me to believe that he felt everyone in the world to be capable of correctfooling. By correct fooling, he meant that since his object was true, he could reflect life back to givers in their own way (act their part) in order to try to have them see the joy of life. I am left to wonder whether he had read Homer while sitting nude on a public beach for the first time during the filming of a movie designed to present “new” realities. I was startled by the ominous nature of his intent. I have never been so overpowered by intent. I am left not caring. “Doctor. . . doctor, the blood. What is your intent in wearing the blood?” “There is no intent, nurse. I just haven’t washed and I like it.” And there is a fine example of spontaneous intent. “What? Bullshit. There is no such thing as spontaneous intent.” “The doctor knows ail things about contradictions.” Thank younurse, that will be all. “That’s what you think. Just wait for the ramifications.” “.Nurse . . . that’s it. I intend to be spontaneous! ! ! ” Hold it! Stop the run! I want all of you to . . . , a) be b) be in relation to me. / c) leave me alone. d) listen to me. e) screw yourselves. Examine the above possible answers. Select one, damn it! “Why? ” Ha, ha, ha, he, he, he, ho, ho, ho, hummmmmmmmmmmm. by Bruce





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77 july

7970 (7 7: 70) 7 75


“The world we see is one in which a decadent and super-rich american empire is falling apart because the principles of racial superiority, private property and -armed might have been rejected by world opinion as obsolete. We want to join with this new humanity, not support a dying empire.�



.I 116 the Chevron

the Carillon (CUP)

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