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Minus cuts ccmcdh by Bruce Meharg chevron staff

studies programs

The program got off to a disappointing start this week, as only 12 students showed up for the opening lecture monday night. During the summer 900 copies of the program were sent out to second year arts students and it was expected that at least 50 would be en rolled. Polisci Prof. John Kersell, one

of the originators of the program, attributed this to two accidents: ( 1) somebody forgot to put the program on the computer, and (2) the receptionists in the registrar’s office were not aware that the course existed. Arts dean Paul Cornell is the chairman of the program’s group. “This is a thrilling experiment”

A Canadian studies program may have a good chance of not getting off the ground because of the apparent attempts of some of the more powerful administrators to strip it of adequate funds. According to one source, when a group of professors drew up a “thin, sensible budget, with no padding added” of 20,000 dollars for the program and presented it to then-acting arts dean Warren Ober, Ober told them there was not enough funds in the arts faculty budget for such a program. However, the source said, past administration president Howard Petch agreed to provide the money from the academic development Pearson was worried that this ,\ Last tuesday’s meeting of the fund. senate was brief but eventful. proposal would subject those in “But,” the source continued, First under discussion was the the high income bracket to what “Ober and Jay Minas, who was brief on financial aid to undergrahe called double taxation. His academic vice-president at the duate students. rationalization was that since peotime, told Petch there was enough ‘The aid brief set out a proposal ple in this bracket have to pay resources in the arts faculty bud- in which students would be reshigher taxes they should not have get and it wouldnot be necessary ponsible for the full cost of their to pay out the total costs of educatto take any out of the academic education : tuition, residence, and ing their children regardless of development fund. ” the government subsidy which is . their ability to do so. “They were either lying to the given to the university directly At this point Professor Leo Canadian studies group or to on a per student basis. This sum Johnson of the history department Petch,” he said, “and after further would be approximately 3000 dolinterjected into the proceedings checking it was found that thev lars per year. the idea that the system was in were ly;ng to Petch. There were In such a system a student from a fact unfair to low income groups. not enough resources in the arts low income family would receive His logic for this statement was faculty budget ,, _ a full 3000 dollar loan and grant that low income families also The source accused Minas in 4 while a student from a high inpay taxes, yet few of their childparticular of attempting to curcome family might receive ren benefit from monies spent on tail the program. “He knew that nothing. higher education because fewer if the money did not come out of Professor Pearson, dean of attend post-secondary school. the academic development fund, science, who referred to the brief He went on to say that poorer the program would die.” he said. during a previous executive meetstudents who must accept student The program is now operating ing as red and socialist, proposed loans are hampered upon graduaon a 9,000 dollar budget, which it to amend the brief to make it tion with large debts. High income received from the university as more acceptable to the upper in- students on the other hand have an unspent allocation . come bracket. few debts because the only sub-

he said. “The course is growing out of a need and is not fathered by any one department. With any luck, it will continue this way.” Because of the poor turn out last monday, the beginning of the course was postponed one week. The course is open to all second, third, and fourth year students.

Senate rejects low income loan and grunt theory

Sonny Terry, above kft and Brownie McGhee, above right, 7 II 7 play to sell-out crowas ar food semices. Coffee house, with free coffee an4 donuts, con times torligli t, whi& is the last night <for fresh tickets. Saturday concludes the blues duo with a pub, including free pretzels.

sidy they need is the one that the government pays directly to the university and which is not repayable. Pearson rejected this as irrevelent but stated that he believes society should subsidize and students should not be assessed on a user pays basis. This rejection seemed to be made with the realization that the present trends in educational financing are in this direction. When he was pressed by Leo Johnson to continue this argument to its logical conclusion thus rejecting the brief’s ideas, Pearson replied that he had not studied the situation enough to wish to wish to reject the system completely. The final item discussed at the meeting was the report of the senate committee appointed to study the committee of the president’s proposal for an advisory subcommittee on academic planning. This was accepted.

MacQuQrrie by Jeac Louis Claude chevron staff

Optametry claisifyhig old lenses foi overseas use This week the students at the optometry clinic will begin classifying lenses for the Bridgeport Lion’s club, which has been coli letting’ old spectacles for India and Ceylon since march. At that time, the club set an objective of 2,000 pair by the following march, but exceeded that objective in less than six weeks. Now, they are hoping to get over 3,000 pair and have raised their annual objective to 5,000 pair. The clinic is able to classify 20

To slave

pairs each hour onthe equipment there, and are devoting their spare time to this effort. The Bridgeport Lion’s club wishes to enlist the help of the rest of the campus. All those who have old pairs of glasses which they no longer need are encouraged to bring them in to one of their dropoff points. Bring them either to the office of Dr. Woodruff of the optometry clinic at MC 4089 or at the optometry clinic.

or not toTslave

Between seven and eight -hundred willing Frosh turned out Saturday for the annual treat, SLAVE DAY. Doug Nasal, Circle K organizer reported that $1800 was collected so far -for the chosen charities: Camp Columbia, St. Agatha’s childrens village, and the, Grandview school. ‘Fourteen \



car washes




throughout the Twin cities, and at one, the downtrodden slaves revolted. and turned the hoses on their Circle K overseer. (how revolting) All the money was not tu’med in, however, .due to the early closing of the Circle K office. Those Frosh with outstanding funds are requested to return said monies to the Circle K office.



Mudie rationdizes higher price on campus beverages containers, an increase of one full ounce from before. Since a percentage of the gross from the machines is returned to the university, should the vending machine company still manage to increase its profits desp,ite. the economic travail initially responsible for these measures, these profits should be reflected in a reduction in other food services products. As a further service, food services outlets will henceforth honor refund slips for money lost due to malfunctioning vending machines.

As the first of a series of antiinflationary measures, food services administrator Bob Mudie announced monday that the price of hot and oold drinks from on-campus vending machines has been raised from 10 to 15 cents, an increase of 50 percent. Mudie attributes the necessity for the increase to a rise in costs for the supplier, but he hastens to point out that not only is this the first price change for these commodities for seven years, but henceforth hot beverages will now be served in eight ounce


bust ever ,cfrives heck into hichg


It is, by now, no secret that this placid little town has, over the past few years, become a favourite haunt for those among ‘us who would bend their minds with -hallucinogenic drugs. It is also no secret that there are certain forces who would oppose this trend, and oppose it they do, with all the enthusiasm of true zealots.

fifteen of we beautiful people for allegedly committing certain acts frowned upon by that amorphous be&g which we so coyly term ‘ ‘the establishment .’ ’ In this regard, then, we feel that it might be wise were those people who wish to indulge in nefarious activities. of this nature =to follow any such security precautions as seem appropriate, in order that the Law, flushed and ’ perhaps overenthusiastic should one day with success, come to collect you and your friends ,in the name of peace and justice:

As’s reward, perhaps, for their zealousness, these counter-coun_ ter-culture forces have recently won a most alarming victory, and, indeed, have captured some

Cf eutive






*EPTEMflER TODAY Civilization: series of colour films duced for the BBC by Sir Kenneth Clark. Admission is free. 1 1:45 am AL1 13 Coffee House with Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee. 50~ with U of W ID card: $1.00 without. Sponsored- by federation of students. 8: 30 pm food services George Wallace Show-welded steel sculpture. Art Gallery Theatre of Arts 9am-5pm SATURDAY lJ of W will host the Royal Military College exhibition Rugger match. 4JSUal in an post-game activities to follow. 2pm Columbia field. SUNDAY George Wallace Show-welded steel sculpture. Art gallery Theatre of Arts 2 -5pm Chess tournament. lpm campus center. free to all students. MONDAY Discussion “What is Trotskyism” Everyone is welcome to come to participate /







FOUND Ring in men’s washroom September 8. Call security


fees address

Last month Jerry Cook and Dave Gillick took some time off their busy schedule of setting up radio Waterloo for the fall to go on a fact-f inding tour of various other campus raido stations in the area. Unlike the student press, student radio is a relatively new experiment and exchange channels are not yet well established. Of the stations visited (University of Ottawa, York, Radio Varsity, and McGill) they were most impressed with McGill who

10:30am Sponsored

in campus local 32 1 1




to to:


receive Chevron,




by of


steel ’ sculp9am-5pm 9am-

mail Waterloo,



off-campus Waterloo,

terms. Ontario.


Hillel opening Center. Stirling




meeting. avenue

8pm Beth Jacob south, Krtchener.


size Phtl

RIDE‘WANTED To campus center ,Kitchener monday. at 9am; tuesday 6567

tires 5pm

from 403 Stirling South. Wednesday and friday and thursday Barn 579-


Pentax SV and Canon FX cameras, wrdeangle and telephoto lenses. Phone 5763891 Steel springs with legs (2) makes an excellent single contrnental bed. $15 each. / Call 576-5179 1962 ‘Buick in good condition, radio, safety checked, best offer. Phone 742-1975 after 1 pm. WANTED Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Doon Campus requires the Technology. varsity basketball services of a mens coach for the 1970-71 season. Applications will be accepted in writing up to October 1st. Write to - Mr. Doug Hebebrand, Conestoga College of Applied Arts & Technology, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Krtchener. Men’s racer bicycle; 3 speed Call Phil 742-7943 Babysitter l-5pm every Wednesday. One small baby. Phone 576-7668 or 744-6111 local 2436. Go Go Dancers\ wanted, friday and saturday evening. 576-3669. ask for Laurie Ferguson, Grand Union Hotel. -

1965 Matchless motorcycle 750 cc. NorPartially disassembled. $300. ton engine. 578-2 178 63 Plymouth Fury, 6 cylinder 2 door hardtop in good running condition. Must sell going abroad. Phone 742-5384 W


Two studded snow tires, 4000 miies 5.00-5.20 x 13. Frts Fiat 850 Call 742-7943 61 Rover, 3 Litre, A-l condition from to , tailpipe $2900.00. Phone after 745- 1383”



Speaker Father Cousineau will speak on his experience as development worker in Lesotho. South Africa. lpm pub center. There will be an organizational meeting of the men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams in room 1083 pys-ed building. English-in-Action by Registration for . foreign students who want help with Engand by volunteers to lish conversation help them. 9am-5pm room 637 arts library George Wallace Show-welded steel sculpture. Art Gallery Theatre of Arts 9am-5pm Circle K Club newmembers , $meeting. Anyone interested in the club turn out to campus center 2 17,6:30pm


Registration for English-in-Action. 5pm room 637 arts library

Temple Sha-

U .of

Show-welded Theatre of

* .

George Wallace Show-welded steel sculpture. Art gallery Threatre of Arts 9am-5pm Registration for English-in-Action 9am5pm room 537 arts library. ’

steel sculpArts 9am-5pm

WEDNESDAY The Committee to end the war in Viet nam is showing the famous film “Inside’ North Vietnam” produced by Felix Green. 1:30-3pm BIO 271 George Wallace ture. Art gallery




Registration for English-in-Action. 5om room 637 arts librarv

Handmade candles scented from six ounces to twenty eight pounds. Student discounts. See Wende. upstairs. Kitchener Market, Saturday 8am- 1 pm Wrll baby sit, married student housrng University Marie. 157 area. Contact avenue west, apt 102. Jewish students welcome st lom. Phone 578-5717 Rap Room volunteers of last year please drop in to the room as soon as possible. in a Anyone Interested in participatrng U of W intercollegiate sailing team please contact Joan Winter West 1. Room 207, Village 1


Show-welded Theatre of

, -

seemed to be most interested in radio as a medium rather than a ‘.‘capitalist moneymaking concern”. There is a possibility of exchanging programmes with them this fall. Cook and Gillick talked to various people about having a campus radio conference in the near future and possibly setting up a tape exchange network. All in all the future looks bright both for our own radio station and campus radio stations in general.

Organization meeting; CUSO commrttee; for all interested in helping with the committee 1:30pm room 113 campus center Duplicate bridge. Entry fee 50~. Everyone welcome 7pm Social Sciences lounge.

Would any members of the Order of DeMalay who might wish to form a campus club please contact Richard Brown Rm 142 (post box “8”). Renison College


Reading room 1 I 3 campus by Young Socialist Club.

TUESDAY George Wallace ture. Art gallery


on by

student .

thology , biblical ~ typo logy, ’ alchamy, astrology and analytical psychology. The discussion in class will attempt to make sense of imaginative problems in the following five areas : l The generation of imaginative forms ; participation mystique and the role of myth. l The characteristic patterns and symbols of the imagination. l The external world as a shadow of the interior mentalform. l The rise of western consciousness; loss ,of imaginative identity with the external world through the growth of will and reason. l Finally the1 future recovery , of mystic participation, the rejection of objective and emperical sciences,. the return to sympathetic magic, tribal and national blood myths, and the ebb of western consciousness. The course is open to anyone and the only prerequesite is the instructors consent.

CKRW tours for facts



This outstanding series civilization was produced Kenneth Clark for the BBC. ’ ’ Admission is drec.

Harvard. But when they got into power in Washington’ in the form of presidential advisors, .theY managed to, get the US into such events as the Vietnam war and the invasion of Cuba. Professor MacQuarrie felt that it was %milar intellectuals, ’s products of the educational institutions of North America, that have spearheaded the decay of institutions and brought on such events as the Kent State killings. MacQuarrie said he did not wish to go along and perpetuate the institution of this university by merely helping students get their fine arts credits on the way to a general BA. He wished to attempt something more constructive and useful. Professor ’ MacQuarrie’s alter- \ native is a course featuring a special study of’ the mystic imagination using material from books, film and popular culture. The approach will draw upon anthropology , comparative my-

,--- --.

af ts shows .films

Creative arts begins a series of thirteen hour-long color films this morning at 11: 45 in al 113 and continuing -every friday ‘until . december 11. .

At the beginning of a course a professor may try ‘something wierd or unusual- in order to introduce himself, his subject and to generally break the ice. The now exLprofessor of the fine arts 140-141 course, A. M. MacQuarrie did, something more unusual than most. He walked - into the class fifteen minutes late and announced to the fifty or so assembled students that he would not teach the course. As a reason he went on to explain that he felt the teaching of the majority of the courses on the cirriculum, when’ considered within the context of world events today, was for the most part irrelevant. The Kent State killings were the breaking point for MacQuarrie. He stated that when the state turns upon and kills its own youth there must be something wrong with the institutions of that state. <MacQuarrie traced the history of the aims of education for the past forty to fifty years in order to elaborate on his disenchantment. *The aim of teaching “art type” subjects, or those that are not obviously economically productive, was to give graduates a broad base from which to draw experience when making judgements or decisions. From such an education was supposed to arise the wise and judicious rulers of the future. When the future arrived, however, such was not the case. Schlesinger, Salinger, Kissinger and other similar bourgeois liberals were supposedly the cream of the crop, being educatedl at

fights system

Experienced typist Phone 744-6255 HOUSING






Have “Mama” cook for you this like at home. Eat at Co-op. 578-2580 Room to share, single parking. $10 weekly. west. 744- 5809

beds, full 83 William



kitchen, ‘street

Cooking a drag? Eat out. CO-OP’II toss vou lunches weekdays this whole term for only $60. Phone 578-2580. ~

Room, board and fifteen dollars per week for someone who digs kids. Help required early mornings. Babysitting a couple of evenings. local 3549 or 579-3767. Hungry? Grab meals at the co-op where you eat as much as you want. Make arrangements Phone 578-2580 * Don’t bother wasting time in the kitchen. Co-op has qualified, imported, gourmet chefs.‘Phone 578-2580. Dne bedroom apartment available act. 1 Si_lO/month appliances. 154 Graham St. Waterloo Phone 742-2348 after 5:00 pm


a term.



Computer breakdown Who gets screwed? has Computing operations managed to keep schedules coming throughout orientation week without a single major breakdown. Consequently, it felt justified in halting production of hundreds of undergrad and grad schedules, leaving undergrads without. timetables for most of the first week of classes. The silver lining is that the undergrads who have shown initiative to create their own time-tables will experience, for a limited time, a good possibility of choosing preferred lecturers. A possible disadvantage is the changeover to the computer controlled schedules once they are available. In the meantime, the books required for the courses will be sold out and the unfortunate student will have to wait two or three weeks for the book store to

Big freakout

at movies

The campus center, for the last three nights, has been the focus of a great explosion of moviemania. At around mid-might each night, the floor, the walls, the desks and all other pieces of furnitures were drowned underneath a swap of human bodies. “The great fun, was not in staying around to see


restock issues, by which time he may be so far behind that he may have to withdraw. One student who went to pick up his revised schedule of the previous week found the computer “broken down”. Curiosity sent him searching for a reason. After being passed from official to official at the computing centre, all of whom pleaded ignorance to everything from technical problems to the breakdown, he found a minor official who knew what happened: “The computer broke down”. Further investigation revealed that IBM improvement additions were made over the week-end and operations haven’t been the same since. Wes Graham, director of the computer centre, has reputedly left town on business and now the grads are beginning to worry.

the movies, but in staying around to see everybody else’s ‘staying around’ and the many beautiful ways in which the people entertained themselves.” said one co-ed. From flying paper-air-planes to a three-man-drunken concert, the antics last till the movies began. For all, it was certainly a moving experience.


The board of student activities is up-staging itself this fall with a series of pubs in the festival room at food services on south campus. After the bsa pubs of last summer, which featured local bands, the board wants to increase upon the successes it has had with more good solid entertainment. The series planned for this fall will feature concert quality groups. Their names should be familiar to anyone who is knowledgable with recording groups and more particularly those of Canadian origin. Major Hooples Boarding House, well known as one of KitchenerWaterloo’s top rock groups, opens the series on September 22. King Biscuit Boy with Crow-



bar follows a week later. Other groups in the series include : l Whiskey Howl o McKenna Mendelson Mainline . Bush l Lighthouse l Tea Garden and Van Winkle a Copper Penny l Five Man Electrical Band l Bruce Cobern Most of the groups are being hired for between 1000 and 2500 dollars. Federation booking agent, Joe Reccia, made the series possible by special arrangements with the groups that will play this fall..

“We’re not looking for welfare or charity, but for our human rights. ” George Manuel, chief of the national indian brotherhood speaks at pahse 11 of orientation, last Wednesday night.

Integrated studies students are here pictured talking with Jim Harding (left) whom they have hired as an IS resource person. The north-campus ISFARM-Integrated studies and associates farmhouse-will become the center for a revitalized IS program this year.

Resource Peorole chosen bv IS u

Work began on integrated studies’ new farmhouse (ISFARM) headquarters last week-end, and those participating-over half the number of registered IS students-met and chose two candidates applying as resource persons with the department. Larry Kendall and Jim Harding were chosen, their appointment waiting upon the approval of academic vice-president Howard Petch. Feeling among IS students this year has so-far been optomistic-a marked change from attitudes last april. Students claim one of the major ills plaguing the experiment from




“Nobody knew what the hell we were doing,” said Jack Grey, a Toronto playright who students said earned over two-hundred and seventy-five dollars an hour last year. Two of the resource people from outside the university are on two-year contracts while third “faculty” member Keith Rowe was borrowed from the math faculty. These contracts gobbled almost two-thirds of the department’s budget.

Wew dialogue --indian cl&f An address which may have brought out in an unexpected way the real problems that Canadian Indians have to face was given by the chief of the natioanl indian brotherhood at last Wednesday’s phase II, part of orientation ‘70. Through a very enlightening and provocative speech by George Manuel, a large number of- the audience talked, laughed, and made out as if there were no one but themselves around, an apathy that may be the Indian’s greatest enemy. On the other hand, there were many listeners who expressed their enthusiastic appreciation several times. Manuel said that the only hope for the Indian to attain equality with other Canadians is by having their own schools, businesses, and government agencies. “The schools on indian reserves,” said Manuel, “are usually staffed by second-rate teachers, who often insult the Indian children as dirty, lousy, and stinking, conduct segregated classes, and provide the white children with better facilities than the Indians. “As a result of this maltreatment, half the Indian children in Canada drop out of school after grade 6, and 3 out of 100 reach grade 12. Compare that to 88% among non-Indian students. ” Discussing housing, Manuel said, “Did you know that there is a Westgate Walk on nearly every reserve in Canada?. . .For years the Department of Indian Affairs has provided housing on reserves to attract, not a Bert Matthews, but second-rate teachers to staff the schools on the reserves.” . To meet CMHA standards, the


the start was the resource persons’ inability to communicate with most of the students on human level.





The decision to hire both Kendall and Harding came on advice from environmental studies’ registrar Peter Brother that the students were entitled to at least one other full-time resource person. Students say it was representative of their desire to hire only academics who expressed real commitment to the concept. Future plans for ISFARM include providing workshops, a pottery section, an office in the kitchen, large meeting rooms, smaller seminar rooms and a library-providing funds are available.

will bring unity’ cat orientafion

department supplies $8500 for each indian home, whether it houses 4 or 12 people. Meanwhile the department officials live in houses costing at least two or three times that much. Department officials have attempted to re-create the Indians as the federal government decided their image should be, disregarding the indians’ rights to be who they want to be. If the Indians in a certain reserve protest loudly enough, the department officer is transferred to another post or even given a promotion, thus preserving the dignified image of the department Manuel related a story which may offer hope. He told of a school caled Blue Quill in St. Paul, Alta., where the Indians, in the face of all bureatcratic opposition, managed to achieve control of the educational process through a persistent sit-in. He says that the students there now “bear one of the heaviest responsibilities of any students in Canada.” “They have to make good because they are making history.” The indian chief went on to say, “We have given much to this country, and we have much

An ugly roomer Rumour had it that over 200 students, having paid their 50 dollar housing fee at the village were denied rooms this month when the administration alledgedly misplaced the funds. warden Ron Evdt Village quickly denied the charge, saying he would like to interview those students. Housing director Carl friday

more to give. Perhaps we can help you reawaken a sense of oneness with the land and with your fellow man. We’re not looking for welfare and charity, but for our human rights.” He sees a new dialogue developing between the federal government and the indian people, due to some men in public office who have the courage to face issues. The Indians do not intend to allow this opportunity to slip by. When asked if he didn’t think that the Indians would have to resort to violence eventually, he said- that he felt that militants were impatient, but that Canadians could expect something like that if things do not change soon. Manuel concluded by saying that sometimes he wondered whether it was worthwhile to come and speak to a liberal group who may be having an ego-trip while they “do the Indian thing”. He may well ask, when some people in the audience are so unconcerned as to openly ignore him while he speaks. Nevertheless, it would seem that some good must be achieved, for the many questions from the floor and the ovation given by hundreds was gratifying.

questioned Vinnicombe commented “Yes it had happened to one student who finally did receive a room.” “In fact,” he went on, “there were still rooms available for any who wanted them.” A student village spokesman later claimed there had been no rooms available for some time.

78 September

7970 (7 7: 74) 783


Precocious mathematics frosh had the security department up tight last sunday when a small group adorned the roof of the is fun” sign made from construcjock building with a “‘math tion board, silver streamers and .balloons. The orientation seemed to confirm math was indeed, fun, and allowed math frosh to ignore the fact that poverty and oppression are not.

DO Y&J Want t6 get into something




- 10 King Between Open ‘From


daily 10 aam to 9 pm

184 the Chevron.

the Waterloo

in Waterloo St. N. -


and Circus

Room i

Starts in Kitchener 213 King St. W.

Hofffriun Alberta



challenges students

EDMONTON (CUP) - “Fuck Canada,? shouted Abbie Hoffman last week to Canadian students in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta. “The whole world is at war with the USA. Canada is the only country in the world which has surrendered without a shot.” With thirty-seven hundred and fifty dollars in his pocket in speaking fees from the students of the university of Calgary and the university of Alberta, Hoffman, one of the ‘Chicago conspiracy 8’. confidently laid out Canada’s role in the world revolution He envisioned Canada as a buffer zone for the draft dodgers and political exiles, a place to rest for a while before heading back to “the belly of the monster”. s Canadians, he said, could help by aiding exiles and acting as a secondary supply base. The loudest applause of his Calgary speech came when a member of the crowd protested that “the rebellion in the U.S. is not the same as what we’re rebelling against, and Canada is not the States. ” Another member of the audience pointed out that canada’s difficulties have a great deal to dwith american imperialism. Several edmonton students who heard the same talk from Hoffman found that the attitude of freaky Abbie to Canada appeared at times not to differ significantly from that of the patriotic americans who rip us off every year for our natural resources and whatever else they can get.

Hoffman did best when he talked about the Chicago conspiracy trial at which he and six others were convicted on charges of conspiring to cross state lines with intent to incite a riot. The conspiracy charges evolved out of the 1968 chicago democratic convention which was described in a government report as a ‘police riot’. All sevq defendents were found guilty and sentenced to five years in prison, but an appeal will be heard in january and Hoffman is out on bail trying to raise money for the appeal and other trials such as Bobby Seale’s in New Haven, Conneticut next month. The trial, he said “was not based on evidence, but on a metaphysical charge, conspiracy. We couldn’t conspire to have lunch.” The average age of the jury, Hoffman noted was 52, and they were all registered voters at the democratic convention. “We were tried by people from another planet.” He called for a redefinition of violence and pointed out that the system sanctions and breeds it. “A math-science building sitting on a campus is an act of violence. Lead poisoning ,of kids in slums is violent.” The essence of revolutionary activity, Hoffman pointed out, is a young bourgeois kid growing up to realize “that burning down a bank is the superior alternative to becoming a life insurance, salesman. The system is making people into revolutionaries. In thestates, fun3 is revolutionary. ”



Ottawa (CUP) - A Federal government attempt to close Vancouver’s Beatty Street armories was foiled last week after 200 youthful transients living :in the old stone building siezed the structure and declared it liberated. The armories, which this summer was turned into a temporary hostel for transients and hitchhikers was supposed to revert to its original owner, the Canadian armed forces, at midnight last night. The residents of -the hostel however, decided to take it over in an attempt to force Ottawa to allow the building to remain open. ’ After meetings involving’ the fed-

era1 department of defense and the secretary of state’s department, officials. bowed to occupier’s demands and decided to keep the building open until an alternate location for the hostel is found. Despite erroneous reports circulated at one point in the day that the occupiers had armed themselves to deal with any attempted intervention there was no violence. The occupiers were not armed and Vancouver police who were at the scene did not move in. The facilities were left unharmed and a military truck convoy which had been dispatched to pick up 150 beds in the armories returned to its base empty.


/ _ ’ ;


Coca-Colato belong to. ” W ITH DIVISIONS, subdivisions, acquisitions and wholly owned subsidiaries CocaCola is the seventy-eighth largest american corporation. Its net worth, including the trademarks, approaches $4,000 million. But this includes only 22 of the 1,800 bottling plants pumping out Coke around the world. The others are bottling franchises who buy syrup and supplies from the twenty-two major syrup plants. Not even Coca-Cola has estimated the combined net worth of the bottling companies, but with the assets of the Coca-Cola corporation itself, it would possibly comprise the world’s largest privately owned enterprise. Coca-Cola has made more millionaires than any other product in history. A single share purchased for $40 in 1919, when they were first offered to the public, is now worth some $8,500 including splits and accumulated dividends. Last year was the best in Coca-Cola’s history, a statement that can be made every year. The Coke team spirit includes the whole family. “It’s one big said the wife of a happy family,” junior executive. “My real family. It must be awful not to have somebody like Coca-Cola to belong to. I don’t know how I’d feel without it.” A senior Coke executive explained: “If all the Coke ever produced were in regular (6 l/2 ounce) bottles placed end to end, they would girdle the earth 3,500 times - or reach the moon-and back 200 times. If it were distributed in regular bottles to everyone in the world, each person would get 220 bottles. If a single bottle was large enough to contain it, the bottle would be over a mile high and 2,000 feet wide. ” Coca-Cola brings the american way of drink to 138 countries, 15 more than the United Nations’ membership. Ninety million Cokes a day are consumed, 250 products in 500 packages; nothing, It seems, can stop it. “Coca-Cola is everything I exist for,” said a senior vice-president at corporate headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. “I live and breathe it. We all do. It’s made us what we are.” It was 9 a.m. and he was gulping Coke from the bottle, his first of the morning. Free Cokes are dispensed on all floors of all company offices, and most executives chain-drink them throughout the working day. “Americans associate CocaCola with the flag and motherhood,” reflected an advertising officer, “and that’s the image we work night and day to maintain. We don’t dare use sexy advertising or cheap gimmicks. We avoid association .with alcohol and such things; Coca-Cola is an all-family drink for all ages, and we can’t afford to offend the sensibilities of any group anywhere. We stand for the very highest quality and finest taste. Clean-cut, upright, the family, sunday, the girl next door. Wholesomeness. America’s best. ”


OKE WAS FIRST produced in 1885 as a hangover tonic by an Atlanta pharmacist, John Pemberton, who at the turn of the ten tury sold his interest to another

all-american pharmacist, Asa Candler. Candler master-minded CocaCola’s upsurgence for a quarter of a century. He was a consummate businessman and a god-f earing pillar churchgoing, of the community - a combination that has meant success in the american business world. He had immense faith in god, America and Coca-Cola, and his associates and subordinates had immense faith in him. The man who succeeded Candler in 1923, Robert Woodruff, in his 80’s, still participates in major company decision and exemplifies the qualities of american business leadership. Woodruff struck out in earnest for a world market. He had a vision of everybody in the world drinking Coke - “Chinese coolies and Cuban campesinos, english debutantes and italian peasants.” And when Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, Woodruff declared war too. No GI anywhere, he promised, would ever go thirsty for a Coke - at five cents a bottle. General Eisenhower cooperated magnificently. One of his first concerns after securing beacheads in North Africa and Normandy was the construction of Coca-Cola bottling plants. American soldiersIke included-downed 10,000 million bottles of Coke during the second world war. “When a soldier in Vietnam has a Coke,” a vice-president recently reflected, “it satisfies his need to identify with the american tradition and way of life. It reminds

him of what he’s fighting for.” The Coca-Cola advertising budunofficially estimated at get, pushing $100 million, is a company secret. But its officers admit that Coke is the most heavily advertis-

the borders of &vilization.” To this straight advertising effort is added the concealed advertising dispensed by Coa-Cola ‘s public relations organization. The company sponsors . a sweeping range of sporting programs and competitions, youth clubs, safety and self-development programs, community affairs, special events and charities. The activities themselves are never removed from the business of selling CocaCola. Adapted vice.




Meeting A.U.C.C.





Man. I


Full-time Undergraduate Students required


APPlY who: where when:

as delegates

to: Helga Petz Federation of Students no later than Sept. 30 5:00 pm

Solid wood. INSTANT




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UKRiUNIANCOURSESOFFERED Fully credited Available

Ukr Ukr Ukr Ukr Ukr Ukr


Group A (See page 21, calendar)

to interested -



students in all faculties \

101 - Beginner’s’Ukrainian 102 - Intermediate Ukrainian 201- Introduction to Ukrainian 202 - Introduction to Ukrainian 301. Ukrainian, Romanticism 302 - Ukrainian ,Romanticism

Interchangeable \



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we also have a completely equipped studio for portraits, passports etc.

BENT’S CAMERA Westmountd


& STUDIO ‘576-5170

Ukr 101 - 102, Ukr 301 F 302 were not offered for preregistration in the spring. Therefore, steps were, and still are being taken to rectify the situation. Since a sufficient number of students have already registered for Ukr 101 - 102, this course n will be offered. Students interested in Ukr 301 - 302 .are encouraged to register in - this course with times “to be arranged.” To ensol in any of these courses, sign the II lists on the bulletin boards in the Germanic & Slav@ Languages & Lit. Dep’t, II ML219. \ II .II For further information watch for 1st Ukrainian Club Meeting notices and. come out. 1 .J ‘2. , I \ II -’ . .

- : , -._;

SeeCalefltlar Page

. :+‘.’-1

II Take a break. Come stroke


r-~~-lr--------lrl---~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I


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Tues - Fri.





186 the Chevron



: I I









I ;




.. a game

Saturday 9 1 pm 210







and I \

of the eg by Andy


chevron staff

Drove a few friends down Erb street the other day to listen to a red power guy say-a few words when we happened to come -across a parade, a long line of guys carrying torches and wearing little yellow-and-blue beanies. At the front of the line there was a guy in a coat-and-tails outfit, wearing a top hat and carrying a silver-headed cane that looked like it was made out of tin foil and plastic. ’ There was a small band behind him, a motely group dressed in bed-sheet-like ankle-length dresses. Three of them were carrying brass horns, while another beat occasionally and barely audibly upon a drum with something like DRESDEN MARCHING BAND written on it around the list of sponsors, probably a shoe store, a pharmacy and a gas station, all in print that was too small to make out clearly from where we stood. The parade, passing eerily by to the sound of the muffled drum, was like something from a bad dream: noises came from it, loud, harsh sounds of too much beer; groups here and there in costumes, rags tied

You know 0 mystic

around their heads, paint on their faces, mouths open and shouting strange marching songs as they flowed on. The horns struck up a tune that barely made it over the sounds of the idling cars that began rapidly to accumulate, and the cop that had been sitting inside his cruiser, red-and-white light revolving all the while, went to take up position in a visible spot and began to look officious. The guys kept coming up out of the lot and onto Erb, making a lot of noise, and I didn’t quite know what to make of it, other than to think that it sure was strange. I had been over to Lutheran that afternoon, and saw the people walking around with the beanies, and a few with funny clothes on, so it wasn’t such a surprise. It stopped being a mildly amusing event when an egg hit the hood of my car a few inches behind me and splattered across the paint and onto the windshield, a fresh, raw and very slimy egg. It was a drag. “Where the fuck are their heads at?” asked one of the people with me as we waited for them to go by so that we could go listen to the red power guy.

there ain’t igh enough

NEW YORK (GINS) - Two researchers u s i n g psychedelic sounds, lights and pictures say that people can have mystical religious experiences without the use of drugs. The husband and wife team of Robert Masters and Jean Housstates of ton says that “altered consciousness” ,so produced could become a normal part of north american church life. The researchers are directors of the foundation of mind research in New York. They contend that mystical experiences are possible for ordinary individuals. “People think that mystics are cut off from the world, but actually the opposite is true,” I said Miss Houston. “The capacity for religious experience-inI

eluding a deep feeling of unity with the universe-is built into human nature. “It’s simply a question of opening oneself up. ” Masters and his wife arrived at their conclusions after years of scientific investigation of the psychological effects of psychedelic drugs on normal individuals. They found that some people reported effects similar to mystical experiences. In 1966, they published Va-

LEVI‘S & \\\

Experrieties of Psychedelic ience: The First Comprehensiy!! Guide to the Effects of LSD on Human Personality.


The book is widely regarded as an authoritative analysis of the 1e v e 1 s of consciousness achieved during psychedelic experiences.



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18 September

1970 (I I: 14)



WARRIOR f-bders demohh HUSKIES



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On monday night the 1970 football Warriors were unveiled to the university and came up with a strong 26-7 victory over the Saskatchewan Huskies. The’ real significance of the win will be better understood after this weekend when the results of their eastern road trip will be known. The Huskies have already been beaten by the Mat Maurauders by the almost identical score of 25-8. 4,000 wet fans watched a very aggressive Waterloo defense demolish any Huskie attack. This was accomplished mainly by the pressure of the front four and the pass coverage of the defensive backs. Waterloo struck early in the game. The second time they got the ball, Hogan capped a 66 yard drive by running around the left end and after a key block from end Don Manahan, went 44 yards for the score. Lapensee’s convert was good and a conceeded safety touch by quarterback Gerry Harris gave the Warriors a 9-O lead at the quarter. Strong running and a 63 yard pass to Manahan allowed Beatty to dive over from the one yard line. Lapensee kicked the convert and a 29 yard field goal to make the score 19-O at the half. The second half opened with the Warriors moving the ball

INTRAMURAL Would you believe that the intramural department has added even more activities for the 7071 season. This year the emphasis will gradually change from quantity to one of quality, says director Peter Hopkins. “At present, over 85 different programs are offered to the university community on four distinct levels-cominstrucpetitive, recreational, tional and athletic clubs.” “We keep adding and changing programs as the interests of the community changes.” A greater emphasis will be placed on a better quality instructional, club and recreational program, while maintaining the excellence of the competitive program.


Competitive 0


Golf week: golf at Foxwood as many rounds as you wish from monda y, Sept. 2 1 to friday, Sept. 25 Top golfers to quality for 36 championship fight for PaulL Knight trophy.

0 First annual ring road bicycle race: 4 man teams to relay the ring road on sat. sep t. 26. Starting time 10:00 am. Winners to receive varsity passes. 0 All 21 competitive intramurals are busy organizing their, fall teams in flag footbalL soccer,

) SIDE ZIPPER tan sporthide ) JODHPUR or black ,)

STYLE in . . . . . . .

BOOT sporthide

HI BOOT WITH LENGTH ZIPPER. m I. I mown, unlinea Tan,




tan . . . FULL

. . . . . . . . . . .



188 the Chevron


downfield and a twenty yard pass from Durocher to Manahan produced another converted touchdown. This marked the decline of the Waterloo offense and from here on they depended on the punting of Rotonde to keep the Huskies out of range. In the fourth quarter, a combination of penalties and replacements consistently put the Huskies in good field position. They finally scored late in the fourth quarter on a leaping catch by Bob Brennan of a Gerry Harris pass. Impressive personnel included veteran Doug Shuh who showed dependability as a tough yards ground gainer. 0 thers included Padfield, Sowietta, Nogradi and the other defensive linemen who besides containing the wide running game were in the Huskie backfield almost all night. The Warrior coaching had expressed concern about the consistency of their running game. However, considering that third year veteran Dave Groves did not start and that 26 points were scored with a smooth and varied! offense, this worry seems to be quite unfounded. The Warriors will spend this weekend in Nova Scotia playing St. Francis Xavier on Friday and St. Marys on Sunday.

NEWS lacrosse Contact

and a new-rugger. your rep. now.

Need intramural reps for village l-south, east and west. Contact Peter Hopkins-3532-as soon as possible.




Q Flyers are out on the six fall recrea tional team sports-floor hockey, hockey, co-ed broomball, basketball, wa terpolo and volleyball. Pick yp your registration forms from the receptionist in the physed complex now. 0

Watch for the coming soon.

Instructional l





Organizational meetings for the nine levels of swimming instruction will be held from mon. Sept. 28 to thurs. act 1. Check the fall- 70 intramural news or the receptionist for detailed information.


Club Program:

Club Week-Sept. 2 1-Sept. 25. All 13 club organisational meetings will be held in the athletic complex. Check the bulletin boards ior further information. SPECIAL NOTE: Any one interested in officiating in tramural sports, see the receptionist in the ph ysed complex immediately.



Czech government purge seeks “normalization gI of universities. ZECHOSLOVAK UNIVERSITIES, their teachers and students, are the prime target of increasingly repressive measures instituted by the party hardliners now in power. Hundreds of professors have been dismissed or forced to retire and the students have been deprived of their independent organizations. As the second anniversary of the soviet invasion approached, students and universities came under intensified surveillance. Various measures were taken by the security forces to prevent any recurrence of the violent student protests of last year. The role of students during the Prague spring is well known. Student demonstrations in October 1967 were one of the key factors in the overthrow of the party hardliners and the ascendancy of Dubcek in january 1968. Throughout the period of his leadership, students and professors rendered wholehearted support to Dubcek’s efforts to create “socialism with a human face” in Czechoslovakia.




to “normalization”

There are many reports in the regime press of persistent opposition by students and professors to the new party leadership, both for its collaboration with the occupying powers and their retrogressive policies. The academic community, and students in particular, are under constant pressure from the regime to conform and participate in the process of “normalization”, which is the official euphemism for the return to the policies of the pre-Dubcek era. Of the two parts of the country-the Czech socialist republic (CSR, the western part), and the Slovak socialist republic (SSR, the eastern part)-the situation of the institutions of higher education is worse in the CSR where the minister of education, professor Jaromir Hrbek, is carrying out a thoroughgoing purge of professors and students. In his efforts to rid the universities of all liberals and Dubcek supporters, Hrbek was hindered by some provisions of the higher education act of 1966 which accorded a large measure of autonomy to the universities and schools. c Hrbek initiated amendments to the act, approved by the parliament earlier this year, which gave the ministers of education of the two national governments far-reaching powers. Under the new provisions, the minister can select his own candidate for the rector of a university, disregarding the recommendations of its councils; appoint or dismiss other academic officials (vice-rectors, deans, associate deans); create, abolish or divide departments, chairs or scientific research institutes; dismiss professors and other employees. Some indications of the use of this new law were given by minister Hrbek himself on june 29 at the end of the school year. Reviewing the state of Czech higher education, Hrbek said that “the initial situation was the most difficult one.” Teachers included “many ideologists of revisionism, anti-communism and anti-Sovietism, many signatories of the manifesto of ‘2,000 words.’ A great many workers in the departments of Marxism-Leninism failed and betrayed. The union of university students of Bohemia and Moravia and the student and faculty press were in the hands of irresponsible extremists. Study morale was disrupted. ” However, “the amendment to the university act made it possible to put a resolute end to this situation.”



He enumerated the measures taken: the scientific councils (governing bodies) of faculties and insti-


This article has been adapted from the august bulletin of international institute for studies in education.

tutions of higher education were “reconstructed”; ideologically reliable officials were placed at the head of all faculties, schools and institutions; teaching staffs were relieved of the “principal followers of the rightist and anti-socialist forces,” and the departments of Marxist-Leninism that “failed” have been dissolved and more than half of their staffs transferred to “other duties. ” Out of 1,600 teachers in czechoslovak institutions of higher learning, aside from 332 who “remained abroad,” 154 were fired and 134 were “retired.” The “reactionary Czech student union (SVS) has been dissolved” Hrbek reported, “and the publication of its slanderous press stopped.” To replace SVS, an approved “progressive student union” has been established. Foreign observers believe that the extent of the purges in higher education has been much more extensive than Hrbek’s figures would indicate. The Times of London, for example, reported in march that about 900 scholars and scientists would have been dismissed from universities and institutes by the end of spring. “The catastrophic consequences of this purge can be compared only to the systematic liquidation of czechoslovak science and culture observed. by the Nazis,” the paper’s correspondent


Student Special



for inflatable





189 King St. E. Across from Scott St. Beyond Fox Theatre


Another feature of the “normalization” in Czechoslovakia is the disappearance dent student organizations.

campaign of indepen-

On april22, the union of Slovak students (ZVS) held a meeting of its parliament in Bratislava and decided to “terminate the union’s activities and existence.” In the future, the union of socialist youth (SSM) in Slovakia, constituted two days later, will have branches at individual faculties which will then form regional and state coordinating bodies. A similar step was taken by the union of Czech students (SVS) at the second session of its parliament held in Prague on June 6. The czechoslovak press, and spokesmen for the SSM and SVS, claim that the “relative independence” provided for the student branches of SSM guarantees them sufficient freedom of action. But the new arrangement is strikingly reminiscent of the situation of university students in the old union of czechoslovak youth (CSM) which eventually disintegrated to a large extent due to pressures by students and their persistent demands for fully independent student organizations. The traditional student organizations were dissolved after the communist takeover in february 1948 and revived only in early 1968. The SVS and, ZVS were formally constituted in may 1968, and both organizations were widely representative and scrupulously observed democratic procedures. Both were very active in the political events of 1968.


. It’s nice to know you’re near one. The Commerce. Come in. And find out how more of us can do more for you.

and contempt?

Two years of military occupation and intense political pressures have brought about enormous changes, espe,cially among the youth. The enthusiastic support given in 1968 by the young people to the policies of their ‘elders has been replaced by indifference, distrust and even open contempt. Among the students, the spirit of self-sacrifice and the open protests have been replaced by passive resistance. The process of “normalization” in the universities will be a slow one, extending over several years, and even the regime seems resigned to it.


There’s a Commerce










18 September

1970 (7 1: 14)





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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . -,. . . . Local.. Student ---e-s


.. ... .. .. . . .. ...

Staff ---------------,’




by Jerry


Stanley Burke played the anchorman on a simulated television special depicting a day in I9 78 when Canada officially became a part of the United States. Produced b-y the York University television center, the *film is a dramatized account of a US take-over, which many Canadians fear may some day become fact.



Television shows are rarely reviewed in the august pages of the chevron, for reasons that need not be spelled out. But last thursday’s CBC showing of the controversial pseudo-documentary “Countdown Canada” just cannot be ignored. Produced by the York University television center, and featuring such wasteland stalwarts as Stanley Burke, Larry Zolf, Barry Callaghan, and Barbara Frum, the hour long film portrays, in Orwellian fashion, the forma, absorption in 1978 of Canada (less the free state of Quebec) into the United States. The CBC thoughtfully added a prologue and epilogue to emphasize that this is only fiction, as if afraid that outraged Canadians would destroy their Gulf (Canada) flag decals. The film is patterned after CBC documentaries, with “coverage” of the official assumption of power by the american president, student and youth objection, popular acceptance, and debate on how this came to pass. In retrospect, it is chilling to think how natural most of it seemed. In fact, the first part,

“chilling” dealing with powers-that-be, was almost boring, since it is common knowledge that these powers survive by accommodation and sell-out to the even larger powers-that-be. It is only later, when we start to realize that is our country, not theirs, that they are giving away, that the enormity of the swindle sinks in, and the sense of loss becomes almost overwhelming.For it is, finally, land that is precious. And it all sets you to thinking: How do you stop this, or something like it, from happening? Start the Canadian liberation movement now? Rely on the nationalism of men like Pierre Trudeau and J.J. Greene? Wait for the universities to take the canadian studies seriously? Hope that the French Canadians will provide a countervailing influence? Or, on the other hand, look to the monarchy? (a la Th.e Toronto Globe and Mail) Hopefully, this excellent film will be shown again. Don’t miss it. Then formulate your own strategy. After all, we’re all nationalists here, aren’t we? Well aren’t we????



78 September

7970 (7 7: 74)


1 1




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up orders


A noted. publisher in Chicago re. ports there is a simple technique of rapid reading which shoulc i enable you to increase your read, ing speed and yet retain much I more. Most people do not realizc ? how much they could increase 1I their pleasure, success and in come by reading faster and more ? accurately. According to this publisher many people, regardless of their 1 present reading skill, can usf this simple technique to improve I their reading ability to a remark. able degree. Whether reading : stories, books, technical matter it becomes possible to read sen tences at a glance and entire pages in seconds with this me thod. To acquaint the readers of thi! newspaper with easy-to-follow J rules for developing rapid read ing skill, the company has print ed full details of its interesting self-training method in a nev v “How to Read Fastel r booklet, and Retain More,” mailed fret to anyone who requests it. Nc 1 obligation. Send your name , address, and zip code to: Read ing, 835 Diversey, Dept. 154-21!9 Chicago, 60614. A postcard will dc0 I-.

DRINK and BE MERRY with any food order at the We&mount Place location only

cd symbols I”Fg wum of danger The department of consumer and corporate affairs warns us that in one way or another all products can be considered dangerous depending on how they are used. Consumers are warned to use common sense, when possible, to the dangers of bleaches, polishes, glues sanitizers,vand cleansers. In june of last year the hazardous products act as passed by parliament, which gave the department of consumer and corporate affairs the authority to ban certain hazardous products and to regulate their sale, distribu-

tion, advertising and labeling. The system is based on a set of easily understood symbols which show what the hazard is. Four kinds of hazard have been pinpointed as; poison, flammable, explosive, and corrosive. Three degrees of those hazards have been determined as; danger (it could kill you) warning (it could make you ill) and caution (it could make you ill or hurt you). To fully understand the easily understood system, place any symbol from group A into the appropriate symbol from groupB .




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Chevron Meeting

staff ‘-._






78 September

Ave. W.

7970 (7 7: 74)



TH.E RUMBLINGS IN THE FRENCH STREETS SHOOK THE WORLD. Here was the supersession of the so-called “generation gap ,, through a struggle which showed the lie behind the theory of “youthful rebelliousness,, by going beyond it in all of its manifestations. What began as a student protest against the war and against archaic dormitory rules became a total critique oaf capitalist society. It was this total critique which attracted‘the workers to the struggle. In its greatest ,moments, the students, critique attacked all heirarchy and separation, and‘ their attempt to put into practice the principles behind this critique lent their movement its dynamism and power. Thiswas shown most clearly in the general assemblies of the occupied universities: . . . all students did not “fake over,, theuniversities. At Sorbonne, at Censier, At Nanterre and elsewhere, the university was proclaimed social property: the occupied buildings became ex-universities. The buildings were opened to the entire society-to _ students, teachers, workers-to anyone who wanted to come in-. . . In other words, the occupation represented an abolition of the university asa specialized institution restricted to a special layer of society (students). The ex-university becomes socializ-.> ed, public, open to everyone. For the first time, a few students abandoned pseudo-revolt and found their way to a coherent radical activity of a kind which. had ever.ywhere been repressed by reformism. This small group got itself elected to the local committee of the communist national student union (UNEF). Their unexpected election, though perfectly regular, w3.s possible only because the. vast majority of Strasbourg’s 16,000 students was completely uninterested in the platitudes of student politics, and because the bureaucratic machinery of the old UNEF had broken down, The new committee decided to expose university life for what it really was. The result was what the press and the UNEF called the. “Strasbourg scandal,” Once in their position- of power, the group put student *funds to good use. They founded a society for the rehabilitation of Marx and Ravachol. They plastered the walls of the city with a marxist comic strip, “The return oaf the Durutti column. ,, They attended the inaugural lecture of a social psychology professor and bombarded him with tomatoes. They let it be known that their only program for the student union was its immediate dissolution, Worst of all, they enlisted the aid of the notorious Situatfonist international, and ran o.ff ten thousand copies of a lengthy pamplet- ‘ On the poverty of student . life”-which heaped shit on student life and loves (among.other things.) When the pamphlet was handed out at the official ceremony marking the beginning of the academic-year, many were horrified, The newspaper “Dernieres nouvelles’, called it “the first .-real sign of revolt. ,, And the good citizens o-f Strasbourg, appalled that their own dear sons and daughters might keep company with this scum, quickly set its judicial machingery in motion, and proceeded against the students on a set of trumped-up charges, closing down the student union by court order. . . The Strasbourg scandal has been seen by many as a prelude to the may revolt. The significance of’ the event was the proof in-practice of the fragility of the established system in the hands qf those conscious of exactly what they want and of what stood in their way. What follows is a translation of the Strasbourg pamphlet. We believe that the eritique off‘ered in the streets of France in may, 1968 is a preview of coming attractions throughout the world. There are, of course, vast differences between the situation in France before the may revolt and that of the U.S. today. In France, both students and workers had been organized for years into reformist unions led by the communist party. Communism was not a word to make most Frenchmen shudder; quite the contrary, after years of ineffectual communist Plarliamentary opposition, it was more likely to make him laugh dirisively. By may, many workers and most students were ready to move beyond bureaucratic communism to some form of liberatarian self-rule. In North- America, however, communism is The Menace even though (or perhaps because) the C.P. there is less than laughable. North Americans see communism as something foreign and inscrutable. They have little tradition of domestic comjj munism to. turn to, Thus, students turn to importing stalinism; North american workers (seeing little to gain by learning how to be jungle guerrillas) just turn away, or cheer as they watch , the cops kick ass on teevee. l Despite the hollow ringing of their words, the french communist party has at least accustomed the french people to the vocabulary of revolution. Thus their is a legitimacy of the idea, of revolution which is necessary before revolt can be successful. By this I do not mean thatrevolution must be legitimate, only that the idea by so familiar that it does not seem unnatural. It will be a while before the idea of revolution seems naturalto most North Americans, particularly since so many american‘ radicals do their best to equate revolution with suicide. In short, there was an abundance of revolutionary false consciousness in France; in North America there is little consciousness at all. What do these differences m.ean? Will there be another attempt at revolution in France before a first attempt occurs in. the U.S.? Perhaps. “The people’s imperialism” has given the North American so many material advantages over his european counterpart (not to mention the rest of the world), that the U.S. may-even be the last advan-ted capitalist country to undergo revolutionary transformation. Yet material conditions do not b-egin to tell the story of revolution. The motive force behind the may revolt was a desire for a total change in the quality of daily life. The revoltuion was, is and will be a fight against alienation. It will be a Dance of Life which will aim at driving the-death out of our everyday lives. Nowhere is this dance more necessary than in North America. Fredy Perlman, Berkley, California

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and doubly so now that official capitalist mouths the I same reformist slogans. . I



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0 BE AVANT-GA&DE MEANS to keep abreast of reality. 1 ’ . A radical critique of the modernworld ,7 must have the totality as its object and objective. Its searchlight must reveal the world’s past, its present ’ existence, and the prospects for its transformation as an indivisible whole ’ If we are able to reach the whole truth about the modern worldand if we,are to formulate the project of its total subversion-we must! be able to expose its hidden history; in concrete terms this means subjecting the history of the international revolutionary movement-as set in motion over a century ago by the western proletariatto a demystified and critical scrutiny. This movement against the total organization of the old world came to a stop long ago. It failed.Its last historical appearance was in the Spanish social revolution, crushed in the Barcelona “may days” of 1937.

Yet its so-called “victories” and “defeats”, if judged in the light of their historical consequences? tend to confirm Liebnecht’s remark the day before his assassination, that “some defeats are, really victories, while some victories are more shameful than any defeat.” Thus, the,first great “failure” of workers’ powerI the Paris ,commune-is in fact its first great success, whereby the primitive* proleteria t proclaimed its historical capacity to organize all aspects of social life freely. ’, And the Bolshevik revolution, hailed as the proletariat’s first great triumph, turns out in the last analysis to be its most disastrous defeat.


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Where the unions have seized powerin countries more backward than Russia in 1917the stalinist model of counter-revolutionary totalitarianism has been faithfully reproduced. Elsewhere, they have become a static complement to the self-regulation of managerial capitalisni. The official organizations have become the best guarantee of repression-without this “opposition” the humanist:democratic facade of the system would collapse and its essential violence would be laid bare. ’ In the struggle with the militant proletariat, these organizations are the unfailing defenders of the bureaucratic counter-revolution, and the docile creatures of its foreign policy. They are the bearers of the most blatant falsehood in a world of lies, working diligently i for the perennial and universal dictatorship .of the state and the economy. As the situationists put it, I “a universally dominant social system, tending toward totalitarian self-regulation, is appahently being resistedbut only apparently-by false forms of opposition which remain trapped on the battlefield ordained by the system itself. Such illusory resistancy can only serveto reinforce what it pr&t+dsto-’ attack. Bureaucratic pseudo-socialism I is only the most gradiose of these guises of the old world hierarchy and alienated labor.”




The third international, apparently created by the Bolsheviks to combat the degenerate reformism of its predecessor ’ and. to unite the avant-garde of the proletariat ’ in “revolutionary communist parties”, I - was too closely linked to the interests of its founders to ever serve‘an authentic socialist revolution. Despite all its polemics, ’ the third international was a chip off the old block. I ,’ 1 The russian model was rapidly imposed on the western workers’ organizations,, and the evolution of both were’thenceforward one and the same thing. The totalitarian dictatorship of the bureaucratic class over the russian proletariat . found its echo in the subjection of the great mass of workers in other countries 1 to castes of trade union and political functionaries, with their own private interests in repression.




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Consider the fate.of anultra-leftist group such as socialisme ou Barbarie, where ‘after the departure of ,an impotent “traditional Marxist” a core of revolutionary “modernists” under Cardan disintegrated and disappeared within eighteen months. While-the old,categories are no longer revolutionary, such a rejection of Marxism is no substitute ,l8 I for the development of a critique of all aspects of modem life. .

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faction, . /


As for the various anarchist groups, they possess nothing beyond a pathetic and ideological faith in this label. They justify every kind of self-contradiction in liberal terms: freedom of speech, of opinion, and other such bric-a-brac. Since they tolerate each other, they would tolerate anything. .


Opposition to the world offered from within-and in its own terms-by supposedly revolutionary organizations, ’ can only be spurious. Such opposition, depending on the worst mystifications, _ ,- <, and calling on more or less reified ideologies, . helps consolidate the social order. Trade unions and political parties J. i created by the workingclass as tools of its emancipa.tion are now no more than the “checks and balances” of the system. ’ Their leaders have made these organizations their own private property; their stepping stone’ to a role within the ruling class. The party program or the trade union statute may contain vestiges of revolutionary phraseology, but their practice is everywhere reformist-


Revolution must break with its past, and derive all its poetry from the present. Little groups of militants who claim to represent the authentic Bolshevik heritage are voices from beyond the grave. These angels who come to avenge the, “ betrayal” _ of the October revolution will always support the-defence of the-USSR-if only “in the last instance”. The “underdeveloped” nations are their promised land. They can scarcely sustain their illusions outside this context, where their objective role is to buttress theoreticalunderdevelopment. They struggle for the dead body of “Trotsky”, invent a thousand variations on the same ideological theme, and end up with the same brand . of practical and theoretical impotence. _ , i 1 Fifty years of counter revolution ’ separate these groups from the revolution; since this is not 192p they can only be wrong (and they were already wrong in 1920). ,



’ While the stalinist monster i haunted the working-class consciousness, . ’ old-fashioned capitalism was becoming . bureaucratised and overdeveloped, ’ resolving its famous internal contradictions and prqudly claiming this “victory” to be decisive. Today, though the unity is obscured by appgrent variations and oppositions, a single form is coming to dominate the world, . which it proposes to govern with the principles of a world dead and gone. The tradition -of dead generations still weighs like a nightmare on the minds of the living.



A first principle of all future revolutionary organixations must be the theoretical and practical denunciation of Stalinism ’ in all its forms. ’ In France at least, where economic backwardness has slowed down the consciousness of crisis, the only possible road is over the ruins of Stalinism.

’ The installation of the Bolshevik order coincides with. the ‘crushing of the Spartikists by the german “Social Democrats”. _ The joint victory of Bolshevism and reforniism constitutes a unity masked by apparent incompatibility, for the ’ Bolshevik order too, as it transpired, was to be_a variation on the old theme. The effects of the russian counter-revolution were, internally, the institution and development of a new mode of ;eXploitation-bureaucratic state capitalism-and externally, the growth of the “communist” international, whose spreading branches served the unique purpose of defending and reproducing the rotten trunk. Capitalism, under its bourgeois and-bureaucratic guises, won a new lease on life-over the deadbodies of the sailors of Kronstadt, the Ukrainian peasants, and the workers of Berlin, Kiel, Turin, Shanghai, and Barcelona. -1 I





’ 4. The predominant social system, which flatters itself on its progress and its permanence,’ must now be confronted with’a worthy enemy: the equally modem negative forces which it produces. -Let the dead bury their dead, The advanceof history has a practical demystifying effectit helps exorcise the ghosts which haunt the revolutionary consciousness. Thus the revolution of everyday life comes faceto face with the enormity of its task. The revolutionary project mustbe reinvented, as much as the life it announces. If the project is still essentially the abolition of class society, it is because the material conditions upon which’ revolution must be conceived with a new coherence and a new radicalism, starting with a clear grasp _ ’ of the fiilure of those who first began it. Otherwise its fragmentary realization will bring about only a new division of society. )





The fight between the powers-that-be and the new proletariat can only be in terms of the totality. And for this reason the future revolutionary monument must be purged of any tendency to reproduce within itself the alienation produced by the commodity system; - it must be the living critique of that system; and the negation of it, carrying all the elements necessary for its transcendence. Revolutionary organization is this necessary mediation between theory and practice, between man and history, . between the mass of workers and the proletariat constituted as a class. If theoretical tendencies or differences are to be elucidated, they must be translated into organizational problems. It is by its present organization that a new revolutionary movement will stand or fall. The final criterion of its coherence will be the compatibility of its actual form with its essential projectthe unlimited


of everyday


as foreshadowed by the proletarian revolutions of the last hundred years. There can be no compromise with the foundations of existing society? the system of commodity production ; ideology in all its guises; the state; and the imposed division of labor from leisure. The rock on which the old revolutionary movement foundered was the separation of theory and practice. Only at the supreme moments of struggle did the proletariat supersede this division and attain their truth. Ideology, however “revolutionary”, always serves the ruling class; false consciousness is the alarm signal revealing the presence of the enemy fifth column. The lie is the essential product of the world of alienation and the most effective killer of revolutions: once an organization which claims the social truth adopts the lie as a tactic, its revolutionary career is finished. The revolutionary o_rganiza tion, whose goal and purpose is the unlimited transformation of daily life, must be continuously conscious of its own futurity and thus of the possibility of creating organizations which realize themselves in their own supersession. All relics of the leninist theory of organization must be fought and destroyed. The spontaneous creation of Soviets (workers’ councils) by the russian workers in 1905 was in itself a practical critique of that baneful theory, yet the Bolsheviks continued to claim that working-class spontaneity could not go beyond “trade union consciousness” and would be unable to grasp the “totality”.

This was no less than a decapitation of the proletariat so that the party could place itself “at the head” of the revolution. If once you dispute the proletariat’s capacity to emancipate itself (as Lenin did so ruthlessly), then you deny its capacity to organize all aspects of a post-revolutionary society. In such a context, the slogan “All power to the soviets” meant nothing more than the subjection of the soviets to the party, and the installation of the party state in place of the, temporary “state” of the armed masses. “All power to the soviets”,is still the slogan, but this time without the bolshevik afterthoughts. The proletariat can only play the game of revolution if the stakes are the whole world, for the only possible form of workers’ power-generalized and complete.autogestionc8n be shared with nobody. Workers’ control is the abolition of all authority: may compromise amounts to surrender. it can abide no limitation, geographical or otherwise: any compromise amounts to surrender. Workers’ control must be the means and the end of the struggle: it is at once the goal of that struggle and its adequate form. A total critique of the world is the guarantee of the realism and reality of a revolutionary organization. To tolerate the existence of an oppressive social system in one place or another, simply because it is packaged and sold as revolutionary, is to condone universal oppression. To accept alienation as inevitable in any one domain of social life is to resign oneself to reification in all its forms. It is not enough to favor revolution in the abstract; in concrete terms it means the abolition of commodities and therefore of the proletariat. DESPITE THEIR SUPERli’ICIAL DISPARITIES ALL EXISTING SOCIETIES ARE GOVERNED BY THE LOGIC OF COMMODITIESAND THE COMMODITY IS THE BASIS OF THEIR DREAMS OF SE REGULATION L This famous fetishism is still the essential obstacle to a total emancipation, to the free construction of social life. In the world of commodities, external and invisible direct men’s actions ; autonomous action directed toward clearly perceived goals is impeded. the strength of economic laws lies in their ability to take on the appearance of natural ones, but it is also their weakness, for their effectiveness thus depends only on “the lack of consciousness of those who help create them.” .


The market has one central principlethe loss of self in the aimless and unconscious creation of a world beyond the control of its creators. The revolutionary core-of autogestion is the attack on this principle. Autogestion is conscious direction by all of their whole existence. It is not some vision of a workers’ control of the market. ,which is merely to supervise one’s own alienation, to program one’s own survival. The task of the worker’s councils will not be the workers’ control of the world which exists, but its continual qualitative transformation. The commodity and its laws (that vast detour in the history of man’s production of himself) will be superseded by new social forms. With autogestion ends one of the fundamental splits in modern society-between a labor which becomes increasingly alienated and a “leisure” which knows no joy. The destruction of the commodity means the suppression of labor through its transformation into a new mode of creative activity Without this firm intention, socialist groups like socialisme ou Barbarie fall back on a reform of labor, couched in demands for its “hullianization”. But it is lsibor itself which must be called into question. Far from being “utopian”, the suppression of labor is the first condition for a break with the market The everyday division between “free time” and “working hours”, those complementary sectors of alienated life, is an expression of the internal contradiction between the use-value and exchange-value of the commodity. It has become the strongest point of the commodity ideology, the one contradiction which intensifies as consumerism becomes an epidemic, as the commodity (supply) prescribes the consumer’s need (demand). To destroy it, no strategy short of the abolition of labor will do. It is only in the resolution of the contradiction between use-value and exchange-value that history begins, that men fulfil1 their willing and their consciousness in un-mediated activity, and see themselves in a world they continuously create. friday

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‘t In the epoch of totalitarian control, capitalism has created its own escape from conscious activity in the religion of the spectacle. In the spectacle, ideology becomes the flesh of our flesh, heaven on earth. The world becomes the Idea. And like the “critique of religion” in Marx’s day, the critique of the spectacle is now the essential precondition of any critique.


The problem of revolution is once again a concrete issue. The proletariat has produced through its labor the technological means which can liberate us all; yet we remain slaves to production. The bourgeoisie cannot manage our liberation, simply because their very existence is opposed to it. Since they depend on the maintenance of the old order (relations of production ) the best they can do is invent new repressions. For they know only one trick, the accumulation of Capital and hence of the proletaritita proletarian being a person with no power over the use of his life, and who knows it. The new proletariat inherits the riches of the bourgeois wo.rld and this gives it its historical chance. Its task is to transform and destroy these riches, to constitute them as part of a human project: the unification of man in nature and nature in man.




A realized human being can only mean the continuous satisfaction of real desires. These real desires are the underlife of present society, crammed by the spectacle into the darkest corners of the revolutionary unconscious, realized by the spectacle only in the dreamlike delirium of its own publicity.

IME: A NONSEI)ISUAL dissection of memory and sensation into predictable clockwofk segments. Objectified Time is an opiate which releases us from what we believe to be the horror of unexpected reflective pauses in the life-flow. Within these reflective pauses, we see that our temporal illusions make us sacrifice vision and integrity for mundane expediency. Objectified Time gives us the “advantage” of judging the value of the present from an approximation of the time mortally left to us. This sense of the past bresent future of life implants in us “expectation”, and evil which obliterates the everpresent for the promise of the future. Objective time, as such, is an artificial barrier, an<xcuse for less than passion in the same way that immortality is. Subjective time-our own unfixed time of random scales and rythms-is an immense volume without fixed points of deadline or schedule, in which, therefore, all things are possible.

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we go beyond our own stumbling shadows beyond fear, beyond the gray penumbra into consciousness into the poetry of integrity within (r) each beyond the historical mirrors in whose distorted reflections we lived in whose refraction of desires we sought pleasure and guilt inseparable

beyond: we abandon our oaths to lies and less than passion.

WE MUST DESTROY THE SPECTACLE ITSELF, THE WHOLE APPARATUS OF COMMODITY SOCIETY, IF WE ARE TO REALIZE HUMAN NEEDS. We must abolish those pseudo-needs and false desires which the system manufactures daily in order to preserve


The liberation of modern history, I and the,free use of its hoarded acquisitions, can only come from the forces it represses. To transform the world and to change the structure of life are one and the same thing for the proletariatthey are the passwords to its destruction as a class, its dissolution of the present reign of necessity, and its accession to the realm of liberty. It has as its program the radical critique and free reconstruction of all the values and patterns of behavior which have been imposed by an alienated reality. . The only poetry it can acknowledge is the creativity released in the making of history, the free invention of each moment and each event: the beginning of the revolutionary celebration. For the proletarian revolt is a festival or it is nothing; in revolution the process of exceeding oneself leads to the worth of the future, the affirmation of life. A life which knows Only one rationality; the unification of work and play. We will live instead of devising a lingering death ; we will realize untrammelled desire.


its power.

something other than a point fixed in time, an explosive moment designating a beginning, delayed and yet to be born. revolution: as continual birth and rebirth, the unearthing of a common playfulness, arrival out.of the void. revolution: a word for the extended moment constant watchfulness intrepid integrity and uninterrupted transformation we proceed into

Ideology is inimical to uninterrupted transformation because to succeed with specific goals, the format’of action must always adhere to the ideology. Ideology cannot be superseded by the information of the experience, and, in this way, does not allow for a chance collision/encounter with arbitrary realities, or for a point of departure. If such information threatens to transport consciousness beyond the edicts of the ideology,, the latter is either sustained by enforced stasis or it culminates in its own suicide. The revolutionary process follows indeterminant labyrinthine possibilities: unforseeable and uncontainable within the limitations of an ideology #plotted from beginning to end. p

theory, as opposed to ideology, has no stake in immortality and fluctuates/expands with the information of the daily and chance experience. the theory is inseparable from daily activity yet with words it symbolizes the present aspect,,suspended for a moment of analysis or for reasons of communication. theory tells of victories: its exposition recapitulates its evolution.

we proceed into a council: no more than each member with each other member and all together; never a separate entity, a consensus, always the council journeys toward the coming closer and s,imultaneous becoming of revolutionary consciousness. this occurs in the eye of transformation, most rapidly when cohesion stems from%the common goal of coherency (e.e., the fusion of oneself with one’s image of oneself, one’s behavior with one’s image of one’s behavior, the council’s theory-oriented image of itself with its daily activities). s employing criticism as a merciless incision into the deeppocketed banalities and contradictions which impair our transformation; uprooting false needs and pleasures and . seeking the needs and pleasures of a life integrated with Life; following the answers to the seed of new questions, seeking inexhaustibly:

finding that continuity is change, that the’continuity of the council is its ongoing metamorphosis. I 5

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- Part 1

Many detrimental effects of a rapidly expanding technology are ubiquitous, albeit ignored, in our urban setting. Only recently has the general public become aware of the vital need to control air and water pollution. The effects of these two forms of pollution are often dramatic, hence much attention has been drawn to their existence and means by which they can be eliminated (and quite rightly so). A fair amount of publicity has been given in the media about the physiologically damaging effects of excessively loud noises. Noises in the range of 100-116 db. (decibels, unit of sound intensity measurement) not only cause considerable pain but can affect blood pressure, pulse and electromyographic activity (electrical currents associated with muscle _ activity), while higher levels can cause not only deafness but skin burns, slight dizziness and unusual fatigue. Sounds approaching these levels have been recorded in our daily urban environment. Car horns blowing at a busy intersection in Ottawa raised the level to 110 decibels.


and a 35 db. shift is considerable. In the case of “temporary threshold shifts”, a complete return of hearing occurs, but repeated exposure to -high intensity sound can make the hearing loss permanent. Hearing loss from excessive noise does not occur instantaneously, but is a slow process starting with a decline in response to upper frequencies (“higher” notes or sounds) - the frequencies about 4000 Hz. seem t.o be most vulnerable. Although a loss of hearing about the 400 Hz. level (i.e., relatively high frequencies in the upper range of normal speech) might not be considered important for speech, some researchers feel that the ability to hear all the way up to 6000 Hz. is essential to proper comprehension. Otherwise, the word “six” might be mistaken for “sit”.


At what point will temporary hearing losses become permanent and what levels are tolerable? A number of factors enter the situation, and no clear-cut answer has been found. Certainly, it has been shown that individual differences exist, and some ears are more susceptible to injury than others. Most sources indicate that a level of about 80-85 db. sustained over a period of time (eg., an eight hour working day) is the “danger level”, although the national research council found that sustained noise levels over 60 db. can cause organic damage to human ears. By way of comparison, an average downtown intersection in Ottawa yielded a reading of 80 db. in one study, while a heavilyused street gave a reading of 75 db. One truck on Queen street in Kitchener yielded a reading of 88 db., while a Kitchener put bus read 80 db. at 30 ft. Horns, loud trucks, buses and racing car fiends can raise that figure to 110 db. As far as physiology is concerned, definite problems exist. Noise-induced deafness might not be as extreme as death from lung cancer, but it is cause for serious concern. We have dealt so far only with the physical or physiological problems of noise pollution. Psychological aspects will be discussed in the next article.


But instantaneous deafness from loud noises is not a serious threat; the real danger lies in prolonged exposure to sounds which are loud but below the level which causes ruptured eardrums or immediate sensory-neural loss, but which, over a long period of time, will cause degeneration of hearing. Industry is often a serious offender in this respect because factory machinery in many cases produces dangerously loud levels of sound. In exposure to loud sounds, “temporary threshold shifting” can occur. This involves a partial loss of hearing, in which the “threshold” - the lowest level of sound which can be heard - is shifted upwards. The sound caused by dropping a soft object on a floor, previously above the threshold, is now below the threshold and cannot be heard. One study found that sound at 120 db. could lead to a shift of 35 db. ; the raised threshold usually persists for some time after the high intensity sound has been removed,

Pollution is a huge problem, but the solution can become a personal matter when broken down to individual offenses. Mademoiselle has compiled a list of thirty-five ways to depollute the earth. The ways generally applying to this area are listed below. 1. Return accumulated coat hangers to the cleaners. 2. Don’t use _ coloured facial tissues, paper towels, or toilet paper. The paper dissolves properly in water, but the dye lingers on. 3. Use containers that disintegrate readily. Glass bottles do not decompose and soft plastic bottles made of chloride give off polyvinyl lethal hydrochloric acid when incinerated. 4. Don’t buy unreturnable countainers. , 5. Don’t let attendants at gas stations “top off” the gas tank; this means waste and polluting spillage. 6. Don’t flush filter-tip the john. cigarettes -$qwn They ruin the lplumbing and clog up pumps at the sewage treatment plant. 7. Stop


8. Stop


9. When gardening at make sure fertilizer is ed deep into the soil. phates cause lake and algae to proliferate

home. workPhosriver wildly.





or use


1 1. Buy a heavy-duty Plastic trash can to reduce noise. noise. 12. Report junked cars to the local Sanitation Department. 13. Don’t buy a car unless it is really needed. 14. If it is necessary to car-commute, form a car pool. 15. Support mass transit. 16. Make sure your car burns fuel efficiently. 17. Try to get gasoline manufacturers to get the lead out of the fuel. Tetraethyl lead additives are put in gas engine’s perto hype-an formance. They can build up in the body to a lethal dose. 18. If bagged garbage overflows the trash cans, shake it - out of the bags and tromp it down to’compact it. 19. Abstain from using a fireplace as much as possible. 20. Dispose of leaves and garbage by some other means than burning it. 21. Don’t leave water running; there is only so much of it. 22. Measure detergents carefully. By following manufacturers’ instructions, detergent water pollution may be cut by a third. When possible, buy bio-degradable soaps. soaps. 23. Never flush away what can be put in the garbage,

such as cooking fat, coffee grounds, or tea leaves. 24. Drain oil from power lawn mowers or snowplows into a container and dispose of it; don’t hose it into the sewer system. 25. Avoid disposable diapers; they may clog plumb-



September 21- October 9 WI0 am. and 2:30 p.m. Assemble at the reference desk main (2nd) floor Reading speeda hang-up? Can’t concentrate The Counselling Centre offers a ten week Reading and Study Skills Improvement Program. No charge to students. Try the Nelson Denny Reading test of vocubulary, speedand comprehension. Sept. 21 Monday 1:30,2:30,3:30pm Sept. 22Tuesday 9: 30,lO’:30,ll: 30am 1:30,2:30,3:30 pm Sept. 24 Thursday. 9:30,10:30,11:30 am, 1:30,2:30,3:30pm

6th floor Math Bldg.

Reading Lab Counselling Centre

ing. 26.

If something is wrong, you don’t know what to bombard newspapers, tv and radio stations with your letters. 27. Protest the super sonic transport system, which would contribute heavily to noise and air pollution. and do,

28. Help get antipollution ideas into kids’ heads. 29. All power pollutes, so cut down on power con-


30. Use live Christmas trees, not amputated ones. 31. Don’t wear indestructible metal buttons that say you are protesting potlution. 32. Try to keep noise to a minimum between 11 pm and 7 am. 33. When shopping, take a reusable tote with you and don’t accept express packagand

ing boxing

34. Patronize specialize in organically-grown

stores that unpesticized food.

35. Couples wanting more than two children should consider the possibility of adoption.


PUB me with UotW ID cd $1 wmthout spomored

by the federation


of students

78 September

7970 (7 7: 74)



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\ Somewhere on this campus there must be a, lot of suckers. Every year the student body of this university pays $22 dollars a head for sports. Then most students grumble about being robbed, write and _-- -.-money off as aUloss and forget all about it. 1 WHY? As long -as students sit back and permit it, the $22 dollars is, going to ~buy sports equipment a.nd facilities for the handful of students smart enough to make use of what they’ve paid for.

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become one of the privileged few? Are students so totally disinterested that none of the dozens of sports played on campus appeals to them either as a spectator or participant? Probably not. ‘It’s much more likely that they just haven’t taken the trouble to find out what’s going on. Is there a schedule of the year’s sports events from the‘ Athletic Department around?, Sure football, basketball and hockey are a major part of it, and the $5 dollar season’s ticket for the I three sports is a great .deal. But look’at some of the other listings: l Soccer and rugger are played simultaneously on Columbia field before an average of only about 20 fans. Both sports are exciting, but the rugger in particular is a thrilling game played by one of the best Iteams in Canada in a good tough league. Why not have a look before the Mat football game?


l Swimming is the second most popular spectator sport at American colleges, but is just catching on here. Why not cheer L an underdog On toward the “p? l Waterloo’s wrestling and track and field teams .both won OQAA championships last Year. Each, team has some inte.rnationalclass athletes, yet neither draws 100 spectators per meet. 0 Women&’ intervarsity sportswould also interest far more spectators than they draw. l Many of the other teams listed are so new that an interested beginner would have a chance of playing varsity his first year. If spectating or competing in the’above sports is not your bag, how about trying some of the intramural sports listed on the same schedule? They are intended for anyone who wants to have some fun playing at a less,serious level than the intervarsity teams. For students interested in a sport that is not listed anywhere, check with the phys. ed. office to see if there’s a club. If not, why not start one? If enough. people join a club, it too can get support from the university. Some clubs even go on to become varsity sports. Those who want information on starting a club or want a club you have already started mentioned in this column, drop me a line at the Chevron. In any case, don’t just grumble about the $22 dollars you have already spent. Get out and get some action for your money.


win-’ “._/

G.D. Theophilus ‘showed fine batchevron staff ting form with 40, 24 and L23 runs Last saturday, the university of respectively. Waterloo cricket club travelled to After tea, the London team went London and gained a’ convincing to bat. Due to some &curate and win over the London cricket club. lively bowling from Seunarine R. Ramlall, the uniwat captain, (4 for 54)) G. Balachandran (3 for won the toss and put his team in to 28) and Ramlall (4 for 10) the bat first. The Warrior batsmen home side was dismissed for 96. scored briskly and reached 133 R. Kapoor contributed greatly runs before the last wicket fell. to Uniwat’s victory with some fine W. Seuatrine, Z.H. Ansari and - wicket keeping. by D.‘C. Day


Escape the bog Drop in to the rap room -




toe Chevron


,_ _ .



The Campus



rap ceder







Across 53. Chewing gum (BRAND NAME) 54. Painful exclamation 1. Euphemism for marijuana 55. --the line 5. Woodcook’s organization (abbn) 56. Pronoun 8. Superlative of good 58. Tricky Dickie’s advisor, 12. Soon to be under military dicfor example tatorship 13. Reasonable criterion for dis- - 62. Socialist shade 63. Human being plus napalm. eqtribution of goods ual ------15. Do ---others, etc 65. Racism Incorporated (abbn) 16. Pet name for east indian prince 66. Instant Analysis (abbn) 17. Nautical term 67. To keep in shape or have a 19. Ages heart attack (3 words) 21. Electricians union (abbn) 70. Subscribed to by the chevron 22. Doctor’s organization (abbn) 72. Whitey 23. What Hoffman did to Hoffman 73. Liberal use of blacks 25. Different one 74. Acid 27. Spice 75. French Nationalists (abbn) 29. Land of the mystics 76. Deprived 31. Skinny fish 32. No-knock laws (abbn) Down 33. Football term 34. Ottawa Police Department 1. Witch doctor 2. Take a jet plane (abbn) 36. The people’s uncle 3. Imperial Laxatives (abbn) 37. Magical term 4. Nipple 39. Continent (abbn) 5. Took a knot apart 41. Royalists’ Society (abbn) 6. American empire (abbn) 43. Street fightin’ man 7. Slang for cigarettes 46. Exists 8. Arrested 47. Frighten 9. Printer’s measure 10. Metal 49. Dupe 50. Recently demoted to position of 11. Visit several places power 12. How to get through those exams 52. Root of all evil 14. Perform

MON. to FRI. - opens 7 pm one show only at 8 pm SAT. & SUN. 3 showings 2:00-5:15-8:30

18. French (abbn) 20. Negative reply 24. Eastern Airlines (abbn) 26. Pronoun 28. Monorail 30. Implement 33. See 55 across 35. Arab liberation group (abbn) 36. Panther leader 37. Millions have this hang-up 38. Heard at 34 across 39. Thus 40. Tree species 41. Defunct uniwat leftist group (abbn) 42. Inhabitants of an eastern province 43. Coincidentally, Spiro is one 44. Oppressed irish group (abbn) 45. Four vowels 48. Origin unknown 51. Number 56. Mocking laugh 57. TV hero 58. Ain’t 59. Beware the ----rum 60. Inclination 61. Cry baby 62. Put your faith in it 64. Pidgeon english (abbn) 67. Girl’s name 68. I like ---69. Confederate general 71. Midwestern state (abbn)


way to




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3RD BIG WEEK 4 showings

at I:30

- 4: 10 - 6: 55 - 930

“The audience who loved “Dirty Dozen” will find “Kelly’s Heroes” equally to their liking... D onald -cue Sutherland is hilariously freak\E? ”

Donald ‘hliA*s*tifSutherl,and ClintEastwood,Telly Savalas, ‘NAzz:oR DonRickles,Carroll O’Connor-ENTERTAINMENT OPENS NIGHTLY at 7 pm ONE SHOW at 8 pm MATINEE Sat,, Sun 2 pm

Folk singer


WASHINGTON (CINS) - Peter Yarrow of the Peter, Paul and Mary folk singing group was sentenced monday to three months in jail after pleading guilty in march to taking liberties with a 14 year old girl in a Washington hotel room. Chief judge Edward M. Curran of the US district court sentenced Yarrow to jail here after hearing a plea for mercy from attorney Edward Williams.

- Theatre



Yarrow, 32, was given a one to three year jail term, but the judge suspended all but three months of it, after which the singer will be on probation. “I hate to think that morality is going out the window,” the judge said. “What he did is bad.” Curran said the court could not grant him probation because of the crime. Williams asked that the sentence be postponed for six months dur-


STRATFORD (CINS) - Attendance at the Avon theatre this season averaged 45 percent of capacity, compared to 79 percent last year, box office manager Bruce McDonald said monday. General manager William Wylie said earlier it would &be up to artistic director Jean Gascon and the ‘board of directors to decide whether the modern and %contemporary trend in theatre adopted at the Avon this year would be continued. Gascm has said that contemporary plays are im-

ing which time Yarrow will continue treatment by Dr. Salvano Arieti, a New York --psychiatrist with whom he has been a patient since 1964. Yarrow’s wife, Mary Beth, a niece of senator Eugene McCarthy, cried quietly as Williams made his plea and as the jail sentence was announced. Williams told the court that Yarrow does not plan any more concert or public appearances.










SPEND CLINT 4 features pens 12:45



for one admission


- continuous

1 pm


1. 2. 3. 4.

“A fistful of dollars” “For a few dollars more’ “Hamg ‘em high’,’ ’ The good, th6 bad and the ugly” Color - Adult entertainment Can you take 32,580 seconds of CLINT EASTWOOD?

portant for a live theatre company. “We can’t stay with pieces of the past and straight classical theatre,” he said. “The idea is to stretch the whole image of the Stratford theatre. ” The Marcel Marceau program of mime this season had a 90 percent attendance, but audiences for the contemporary plays were much smaller: 38 percent for Vatziav, 38 percent for The Awkitect and the Emperor of dssy& and 45 percent for The Sun Pkver Sets. friday

18 September

7970 (7 7: 74) 207

2 1




BABEL A reflection

To obtain a refund society fee ./ If you are really so hard up that you have to have your $3.00 back, please drop in to the office to leave your name and i.d. number.’

of misguided


You can pick up, the cash after Oct. 9. at the \ office. M&C 3038. L ’

Babel came and went. Last week its review appeared in these pages and that sparked me into piecing together several things in the presentation of the production which seemed contradictory to the thinking behind its inception. The youth ,and recreation branch of the department of education were named as being responsible for the production and having worked for this body two summers ago and having kept in touch since, it was disappointing to see these contradictions appear. The method involves the creation of interest groups in a com. . munity setting which tackled sp,ecific problems or tasks. When possible this was a venture which encompassed all age groups rather than one specific one. In the formation of the group it was hoped that a SaxX? Of COIllmUnity Spirit would spring, from the solving of the problem. ‘Discussions which took place two years ago in and around a project named “Youth in Action” formulated a loose idea of method for procommunity development grams which did for the people, which in time would have rendered the people of the community both inactive and discontent. With the “people” in control and the sharing of the experience,


somewhere later, or continuing in the same place- this method would be used,-springing this time from those who had participated in the first place. Others would join in, spurred on by the efforts of the genesis group.


In Babel’s production, and, by that I mean all efforts that were put into it from the time it arrived in Waterloo, until the time it left, the enormity of the preparation for performance militated against any development of the community idea by the members of the cast and therein lies the criticism. The splash of grandeur and spectacle seem to have aborted a project which would have succeeded. There are constructive suggestions which I would briefly touch on. Why not five or six k smaller companies all who could have taken partat Cou&ichingand who at the same time could have performed on the road more cheaply? What about a specially marked



COUl& have

reached some more remote Ontario towns who might have benefited more than Toronto, (Ottawa, and Waterloo, who already have certain dramatic establishments. Ask yourself how much the government spent of the taxpayers money on j the production and whether or not the reason for the spectacle was merely to impress, thereby sacrificing two years thought and work by bodies in both the branch’s‘ office in the last two years, and in the Youthea tre company itself.

by Ron Aiken ch’evron staff .

-. ’ CANADIAN . -’ STUDIES 200, 1 --_

-a course on the Physical, Social _‘ Cultural and Intellectual Environments --


Blackfriars, drama company of the department of english, this week announced its productions for the coming season. Dr. Paul Roland, who is joined the drama faculty this year, will direct the first production, YOU Know I Can% Hear You When Water’s Running, to open the

This course is open to any second, third or fourth year student. The course begins on Monday, at 7: 00p.m. in’ Room 110of the Errgineering Lecture Hall.


To Brownie McGhee, the blues this feeling of enjoyment is “a life story” dealing with a ly communicated to their audman’s past and present-not the ience. During any given song there future. Sonny Terry and Brownie weretvery few who were not tapMcGhee sing this life story as only. ping, knocking or nodding in time two men, who have really lived it, with the music. can. Throughout their concert and they communicate a sense of ’ Both men are self-taught have been performing together for warmth, sincerity and good humthirty-one years. By their own or that never seems to fail. There they ‘do not play to inis no attempt made at forcing an admission fluence one another but to comidea or a feeling. They offer their music and indeed their lives to’ plement . the audience in a series of songs If you are already a devotee of that can be anything from doses of the blues, then Sonny Terry and wry wit and humour to simple but Brownie McGhee will be a rare effective ‘down home’ philosophy. treat. If you know little about this On stage, it is obvious that these musical style, then there could be men truly enjoy their art and no better introduction.


Given by professors in the humanities, and the natural, physical and social sciences from this and . other Canadian universities.



on October 28-31. Karl Wylie, director of the humanities building theatre, will direct Ionesco’s Exit the King% december 9-12. Mita Scott Hedges will adapt

Registration will take place after the inaugural lecture.


and direct Father Daniel Berrigan’s “The Trial of the Catonsville Nine” february 24-27. Shakespeare’s The Tempest will close the major season in a production to be directed, by David Hedges. Mrs. Mary Kerr will also be joining the faculty to serve as designer and costumer. Auditions are open to all interested students, faculty, and staff. In addition to actors, volunteer help is needed in all production areas.








‘+-+‘*Furtherinformation is available in ‘Room 326of the Social Science Building.

’ lwmdm@


202 the, Chevron.

Family Fait sat. Sept. 19 9 Princess St. Waterloo I

\ 6

question -by




chevron staff

by the Ivory %

Doug Wade

Bruce Meharg and Paul Lawson




sci 1

math 1

So far.

What ivory towers of learning?

Mary Croft

Meg Edelman

math 1

arts I

man-env 1

The towers, no. Only the size. It’s the people that make up university life. Each of us is an individual just as we’re all virtually the same.

Yes. Especially with the math facu1ty. It has a worldwide reputation.

Neil Anthes

Dan Rusheleau

sci 3

sci 1

Ha, Wheeee.

Joy Terceira


of Learning?


Fantastic. I really enjoy it. I think it’s great.




math 1

My schedule has been screwed and there have been other clashes.

I like it here. I would have gone to Sir George Williams, but they blew up the comThe one puter. here gives me something to do.

‘>(x>\ :~~ .\*:‘ &f$‘ .%*a\+ jl I >& I +,t,!<







- for new volunteers - for returning volunteers


7444111 ext. 2831

MtC 3038

Sept. 23 4:30

Meeting Campus

room center








Kid Leathers Burgundy-Black

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18 September

1970 (I I: 14) 203


by Sharon chevron

Meeting of Students’ Counci when: September


Monday 21,197O 7:00 pm

Room 211 Campus Centre

and Myles


Some of the best and cheapest meals are made with ground beef and tomatoes. Tomatoes provide heaps of vitamins, Lnd they are cheap, especially at this time of year. Ground beef has protein and is also cheap. The two can combine to make a great meal - one that is hard to beat for taste or cost. On a cold, dark six o’clock Saturday morning, you can get six quarts of fresh tomatoes for 50 to 75 cents at the Kitchener farmers’ market. Two tomato eaters can eat up six quarts in no time (about a week). If there aren’t two of you, or if you aren’t tomato eaters, you can get quart baskets. If you haven’t whatever it takes to get up before six (but the market really is worth visiting), then canned tomatoes are probably your best bet. The fresh tomatoes available in grocery stores are usually quite expensive. A 28 oz. (large) tin of canned ones costs about 34~. The price varies considerably with the brand and the store, but we have found the cheapest comparable to the most expensive when used in cooking. Ground beef costs from 45 to 89 cents a pound. Ground round steak is the most expensive of these, and isn’t necessary for most recipes. Ground beef, ground chuck and hamburg are cheaper qualities, and will do as well. The stores are not consistent in their labeling, and the only way to be sure you are getting a good deal is by comparing quantities of fat, coloring, and prices within each store, as well as from store to store. It is worthwhile to find one store which consistently offers a good price on quality ground beef, and to regularly buy there. You may also- save by buying some meat of better quality and some of lesser, and mixing the two. Often it isn’t possible to get anything in between, although we have found that the Waterloo Meat Market (just above Erb on King) consistently has a good price on ground chuck. Cheaper prices on a quantity of meat are common, and you can divide the meat into one-meal amounts at home and freeze what you don’t immediately need. Two of the three recipes below have in common a basic tomato sauce. You can make this in a great quantity and freeze the extra for later use in making the other dish. Or, when you are feeling particularly energetic you can make both, or all three recipes and freeze them. To warm them later, put them directly from the freezer in a cold oven, warm the oven to 350 degrees F. and heat until hot through (about 30 to 45 minutes). The tomato sauce is particularly adaptable and can be used in many other recipes, especially italian ones.

y YO” L need gift 0 I deas


can help YO”

BASIC TGMATO SAUCE 1 28 oz (large), can tomatoes, or about 5 fresh tomatoes 1 regular can (about 6 oz) tomato paste 1 regular can tomato sauce (this isn’t necessary but makes a richer sauce) 1 small chopped onion l/4 cup chopped celery dash tabasco -1 tsp worchestershire sauce 1 tbsp vinegar l/4 cup ketchup (optional) 1 tsp salt (or to taste) 1 medium clove garlic (or its equivalent in instant minced garlic) 1 bay leaf Simmer altogether for one half hour. Makes enough for one of the recipes below. SPAGHETTI Serve this sauce over spaghetti noodles cooked in lots and lots of boiling salted water. It serves 8 generously and will keep in the refrigerator for a week at least. 1 l/2 lb ground beef 1 medium onion - chopped 1 large garlic clove - chopped 1 recipe basic tomato sauce

1 tsp chili powder (or to taste) l/4 tsp crushed red peppers salt to taste Brown everything except sauce together in a heavy frying pan for about 20 minutes over medium heat. Then spoon into the tomato sauce in another pot, discarding grease. Simmer the mixture for at least l/2 hour. The longer it is simmered, the better the taste. It is very good reheated. Spoon the sauce over warmed plates heaped with spaghetti noodles and serve with grated Parmesan or romano cheese and crushed chili peppers. Serve garlic bread made by slicing a loaf (any kind will do, but a french or italian loaf is best), and buttering and sprinkling each slice liberally with garlic powder, or by rubbing the outside of an italian loaf with two or three garlic cloves cut in half. Then wrap the loaf in foil and heat slowly in the oven. CHILI CON CARNE Real chili (if there still is such a beast) is apparently made without tomatoes. But who ever heard of chili without tomatoes. Here is a recipe for a one dish meal which may not be real chili, but in any case is delicious. 1% lb ground beef 1 medium onion - chopped about V/2 regular size packages of dried kidney , beans ’ 1 tsp salt or to taste 1 tsp chili powder l/4 tsp oregano pinch black pepper basic tomato sauce Soak the dried kidney beans over-night in water to cover. Cook the beans 1% to 2 hours in the water in which they soaked. Or, if you prefer use 2 regular size cans kidney beans which are already mushed up and don’t need all that soaking and cooking. But they are more expensive. Add the salt. Brown the ground beef and onion over medium heat in a frying pan. Spoon the beef mixture into the basic tomato sauce using a slotted spoon and discard fat. Simmer mixture for 15 minutes. Add this mixture to the cooked kidney beans and simmer for another 15 minutes. Serve on warmed plates with toast. Serves eight generously. HAMBURG CASSEROLE This takes considerably less time to prepare than the “two recipes above, but the taste doesn’t suffer. We use cracker crumbs in almost everything that calls for bread crumbs. They are much ‘more flavorful. Use bread crumbs if you wish but try cracker crumbs once. 1% lb ground beef 1 medium onion - chopped 2 %@ 1 small garlic clove very finely chopped (or its equivalent in instant minced garlic) about 1.cup cracker crumbs (probably more) l/4 tsp salt % tsp each black pepper, savoury, oregano and basil 1 regular size (10 oz) can condensed tomato soup Mix together all the ingredients except the tomato soup. This is easiest if you use your hands. Form the mixture into a firm mound in the center of a greased 1% to 2 quart casserole dish. Spread over this the can of tomato soup. Stir about half a can of hot water around in the can to make sure you get every last drop of soup, and pour this around the edges of the casserole. (Not on top! ) If you are lucky enough to have a casserole dish with a cover, cover it, and bake it in a 400 degree F. oven for 3/4 to 1 hour or until meat is done.-If you don’t have a casserole dish with a cover, don’t cover it (we don’t either). Just put it in the oven and it will still turn out. The cover conserves the tomato sauce. This dish is good with baked potatoes. Medium-sized potatoes will cook in just about the same time as the casserole.

Fructose in fruit drinks kills alcohol blood level BOSTON (CINS) Drinks which contain fruit juices, such as bloody marys or screwdrivers, are less intoxicating than other drinks because of their fruit content, according to a study published in the journal of the american medical association. The study showed that if fructose - a sugar found in most fruits - is injected into a

person’s veins, alcohol levels are reduced dramatically, sometimes as much as 43 percent. The study complements a similar experiment in London where a study showed drinking fructose at the time of ingestion of altoho1 reduced alcohol blood levels not slightly, but si@&a&Iy. The new study e tti it isn’t known why M&SW @s&s

to reduce the alcohol blood level. Dr. Leah Lowenstein, of the Harvard medical school, believes it speeds up the breakdewn of alcohol. In)ection of frucW may provi& a life-saving t4&niqie in trertting highly int@eated pee pie brought into hq.&J ewgency wards-for d--sPPt, IW mehers believe.

Address ‘letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the righ t to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 character line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course ye& and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have ti good reason.


Major Student declares chevron good enough to eat

Until I picked up your last issue on friday last, I had no idea I could get that tenth anniversary contribution back. Not only that, I made an excellent soup from your paper over the weekend, I found out what was happening from TWOC, I became more aware of campus events, and I was entertained by...and kings and I learned more from your features than classes will likely ever teach me. Thank you so much A STUDENT year one Don’t with

start vast project half vast resources

I was rather surprised to see that at the University of Waterloo two distinct theatre establishments are maintained. In a university of this size it would be most unusual if the people or resources for this luxury were present. With the department of drama producing four major productions which are open to everyone wouldn’t the creative arts board be farther ahead to concentrate on their noontime drama series? Through this program newcomers to the theatre could gain experience under a professional director. The money and effort which will be used for the arts board’s two major productions could be used to increase the range of workshops for those students who do not wish to take drama classes. Efforts could be made to bring in members of the professional theatre community outside the university so that they could give seminars or workshops. It is to be hoped that this year the creative arts board will give consideration to correcting the duplication of the theatre programs on campus. JACQUES O’BRIAN arts 4 ’

Triviu is

by any other obviously trivia


I, me, myself, have developed a great problem, in my second year of brainwashing at the SOcalled institute of higher (sic) learning which is u. of W. my problem? I don’t know what I’m learning or doing here, could you help? The garbage they teach you here is enough to pollute your body, let alone your soul. Besides I hate Elenor! Who is &nor? that’s my cat. she doesn’t want to do my essays any more and man, there go my a’s. you can see for yourself that I have a serious problem., Now if you know someone who would like to take elenor’s place, my problem would be over for I would continue to give back to U. of w. what they give me: garbage. BARTHOLEMEW PUTON jok3 -_ Really odd to a phallic

ode phlugpole

I would like to call your attention to the new campus phlagpole. I propose that an extensive survey be taken as to the different nationalities of all university of Waterloo students and then, the flag of each country should be flown for the number

With vitimins available to fill in the spaces of nutrition, what we students most need to know about is a cheap (inexpensive) source of protein. Like soybeans are supposed to be rich in protein, but does the corner Dominion carry them? Why not consult someone in biochemistry for a few suggestions along this line. BON APPETIT!

of days that corresponds to the number of students. ROSEMARY SCHULTZ albanian culture year one. Food




Dear galloping gourmet, Much enjoyed your FOOD column ; a much needed addition to the chevron.

THE DOOMSDAY BLADDER she swung her six inch nose around and nostrilled, “Whatz zza broblem, big boy?” that brought his world to a crisis and he removed his charred toupee a toupee that had once gloriously extinguished a fire at Horner Corner Grocery Store he nervously chewed on the scalp and let the silent noise of confusion devour his laboring thoughts he kissed his childhood as she quickly took his face and buried it in the bosom of her eyebrows


in a room michelangelo comes and goes talking to insidious wine-os potatopus rex III forced the grass to eat the cow while hilda listened as she blew her nose into a filling kleenex tissue, “hilda, oh hilda you are a thick warm blanket in the cold silent night so oft you comb your hair for the Wind and I challenge the right of It to be-so bold fate has made us, you and I, conspicuous fruiting-bodies to the end and on a hot summer’s day I love you more than my ice-cream hilda , oh hilda. . . ’ ’ and she drowned him out as she choked on her favourite tissue he gave her a Full Nelson in hopes of reviving her but to no anvil.. . in a room michelangelo comes and goes talking to insidious wine-os he walked the unyielding streets that night with a stereo cabinet tucked neatly under his arm playing the tune that had once changed the color of his world through salt-irritated eyes he caught a happy couple laughing over the playful Wind and murmurs of ‘comb’ and ‘hair’ he forced open his wrinkled lips and yelled, “plagiarists! ” and then thoughts spiralled into an overwhelming question, “why didn’t I use the Sylvester method of reviving?” atlas! she is gone;lying in a pickle box at Homer’s Corner Grocery Store to be buried the next mourn’at Cougher’s Coffee Plantation in a room michelangelo comes and goes talking to insidious wine-os as he continued he fell deep within himself and out of the silk-starred darkness of his being letters synthesized into words words synthesized into phrases and now all was clear he would commit suicide by holding his bladder ‘til he burst but nature was flexible and to this day potatopus rex III is slowly but slowly building up pressure in a room michelangelo comes and goes getting damn tired of talking to insidious

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Westmount Place Waterloo 578-4180

, Dunker Mevws Kitchener 744-9 111


18 September

7970 (7 7: 74) 205


. -._,

Forest rapers ravage the B.C. wilderness W ITH




into pol-

lution and eco-damage by British Columbia logging companies coming up, it is important to present some facts compiled by us and federal conservation researcher Jim Bohlen. * Huge former forest areas of “beautiful B.C.” are being left unregenerated and the amount of unregenerated loggedoff land gets larger every year. @ On the coast alone, there are loggedoff areas equal to the area of Sweden, where the only thing coming up is “weed trees” (alder and birch), which have no productive fibre, according to NDP MLA Bob Williams, the opposition member specializing in the forest industry. e In the next five years, the number of pulp mills in B.C. will double. And most will be in the Interior, the area least suited to pulp mills because the effluent must be dumped into stream-river systems way upstream near their source, thus polluting almost the entire length of the river system. l Some 80% of the logging done in B.C. is by timber sale, not by tree farm licences under which regeneration programs are required. Under timber sale, the land goes to the highest bidder and the logger is actually required to use everything possible on the land - all trees 8 inches across and larger. This is called the ‘clear cut’ requirement. It means whole forests go down. * After the forests have been brought down (under timber sale) it is five years before any replanting can be enforced. At that time, government inspectors go into the area and decide if it is sufficiently

regenerated (naturally). If not, they make some requirements. As Bohlen points out, “This system presupposes that natural regeneration WILL take place. ” But, in fact, in many areas of B.C. natural regeneration is almost non-existant, because of the climate. @ Even with tree farm licences, the Sacred government contributes to ecorape of the forests because its requirements for regeneration are far behind recognized needs. “MacMillan-Bloedel actually does more replanting than it is required to,” Bohlen noted. But although MB boasts of having planted 7 million trees by hand, this is peanuts compared with the 180 million trees replanted in Sweden, an area much small than B.C. l High-line logging - common on slopes - is especially damaging: huge logs are dragged down from the top to the bottom of the hill, creating trenches which cause the water to run off far too fast, wrecking the soil so badly that by the time the gov’t. inspector comes around in five years to see if regeneration program is required, the land is too wrecked to regenerate. “Everybody knows about this,” says one conservation officer, “But nobody does anything, because the big companies keep the lid on it.” (They are intimately involved because, althougli they do little of this kind of, logging directly, the small contractors doing it are often hired by the big firms). l American-owned Crown Zellerbach is the worst of the forest-rapers, according to many conservationists. A CZ OPERATION







206 the Chevron

PARK, near Bella Coola, supposedly a public provincial park. CZ is trippling the size of its Armstrong paper plant. “They have a crummy reputation,” says one researcher. “MB (MacMillanBloedel) has something of a social conscience because its executives and owners live here. But CZ’s top people don’t give a damm about B.C., away up north.” l Many U.S. logging companies are starting on extending operations in B.C. because of the recent defeat of proposed U.S. federal legislation which would have allowed logging in national wilderness areas. Logging giants were counting on this last major stand of available timber left in the U.S. “America’s land has been totally mined -both above and below ground,” says Bohlen, “The best lumber is from first growth-and that’s gone in the U.S. We’ve got to push hard for complete replanting or North America will be a desert, like Lebanon, which WAS once a forest.” o The stretch from Long Beach to Sprout lake on Vancouver Island is a sad example of denuded landd: excessive streams have been -formed in the ruts left by dragging huge logs; the excessive runoff has created stagnant ponds and swamps. You have to see an improperly logged area to believe it.




N MANY CASES, the allied pulp and paper industry hurts an area more than it helps it economically, in the long run. EXAMPLE.- Nanaimo, beautifully situated on an island-dotted bay, where the huge Harmac pulp mill has wrecked the town’s future potential as a major tourist, ten ter. “The awful fumes and smog have made Nanaimo just another mill town now-the stink is terrible,” says one concerned citizen. “We’ve lost as much in tourist trade as we gained in the mill payroll, as well as making it awful for residents and depressing properly values. ”

of the recr&.

EXAMPLE: Port Mellon, a Canadian Forest Products mill 9 miles north of Gibson’s Landing, which is fast threatening the tourist and recreation value of the whole Howe Sound area, as is U.S.-owned Rayonier’s huge Woodfibre plant to the northeast. This reporter attempted to tour the Port Mellon plant recently and was told by a watchman (who didn’t realize I was a journalist) that people can’t go through the place because in some *areas res pirator masks are needed to protect one from “Highly poisonous sulphates. chlorates” and a string of other chemicals. The water around Port Mellon is an unbelievable red-brown color, the beach is black, the ‘country air,’ which should be refreshingly clean, is so foul-smelling in the area that you are forced to roll up your car window 6 miles away . . .no one lives along the last 6 miles of road into Port Mellon, even though it is attractive land. EXAMPLE.- Powell River is located 01: one of the (otherwise) most beautiful stretches of coastline in B.C., but MacMillan-Bloedel’s gigantic paper mill there turns the sea an unworldly pink-red color with chemical pollutants. MacMillan-Bloedel spokesmen sometimes claim this phenomenon is a red tide, a natural phenomenon when sea plankton blossoms. Only trouble with that one is, sea plankton blossoms only seasonally and this “Red tide” is year-around! ’ Jim Snider, a former resident of the company town who escaped to relativelyhealthy Sechelt, tells me that kids have been known to wade in the water around the mill-occasionally-and that when their wet pants were put in washing machines, they disintegrated! So much for MB’s “red tide” being natural. He says the only newspaper in town, the Powell River News, is owned byyep-MacMillan-Bloedel so not too much is said about pollution in the News.


the chevron

There are ways of producing pulp that don’t mean pollution, says researcher aren’t using Bohlen, “but the companies them because they’re costly. “Also, they’ve got tremendous capital locked up in their present investments.” The new provincial anti-pollution laws are fairly stiff, but the question is: WHY HASN’T THE GOVERNMENT ENFORCED THEM?

Bohlen thinks it’s because of public apathy-“If the people demanded relief, they’d get it. ” However, might the connections between the Social Credit government and the forest industry be too close for public opinion to make any difference? As far as the industry itself goes, it is clear, that its leaders have a LONG way to come toward setting world survival as their top priority, when I get this kind of answer to a question I posed to Edward Stroyan, chief public relations officer of MB, at a recent environmental seminar at Simon Fraser University. “Given that the capitalist technology creates artificial so-called needs and consumes more fast-depleting resources, do you see a change coming in North America’s economic system?” I asked. “I’m a pragmatist,” he replied confidently. “I’m for any system which produces the highest standard of living-the best kind of life.” * Stroyan is undoubtedly joined by millions . *in his unthinking equating of high standard of living and best quality of life. It is our job to show them that it just ain’t so; that in fact there will be NO life -of ANY quality- if we continue in North America to maintain our sinfully high standard of living, plundering the whole world’s resources and wrecking its life-giving equilibrium to do so.

This article is adapted Straight (UPS)





Greater Peace Forest Products Fort St. John

Skeena Kraft Ltd. Prince Rupert


Columbia Cellulose Ltd. Prince Rupert


Eurocan Pulp & Pape Kitim-at (under construction)


Bulkley Valley PUIP Timber Co. Houston (planned)




Cretin Zellerbach Ocean Falls

Finlay Forest Industries, Mackenzie (under cons Fruction) Alexandra Forest Industries Mackenzie (planned) Intercontinental Pulp Ltd. Prince George Prince George Pulp & Paper, Prince George


Crown Zellerbach Bella Coola (planned)


Portal Forest Industries, Bella Coola (planned)


Rayonier of Canada (B.C.) Port Alice

Cariboo Pulp & Paper, Quesnel (under construction)


Tahsis CO. Ltd. Gold River

Kamloops Pulp & Paper, Kamjoops


Macmillan Bloedel Powel I R rver

Crestbrook Forest Industries, Skookumchuk


Crown Zellerbach Duncan Bay


Rayonier of Canada Woodf ibre


Macrrri’) Ian B loedel Port Alberni


Macmillan Bloedel Harmac

Northwood Pulp Ltd. Prince George

Pacific Logging Ltd. Nelson (planned)

I-ha La% %A *%*, 2 44

* m - 15. B.C. Forest Products 16. Canadian forest 17. Macmillan Bloedell8. Products, Port Mellon Annacis Island Crofton





Columbia Cellulose Co. Castlegar Rupert Enterprises Grand Forks (planned)

\ Macmillan Bloedel lg. Scott Paper Ltd. Burnaby New Westminster

member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS). subscriber: liberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (CINS). the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1970-7 1) on tuesdays and fridays by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of

Alex Smith, editor A new student to this campus, giving some ooohing and aaahhing relatives the grand tour (as new and even old students are wont to do) remarked-while descending the jock building steps-“... and that is our faculty club...” Well, how about that, proHere is some snotty-nosed frosh actually laying claim to your fessor Sideglance! retreat from the hell-on-earth you consider your classroom to be. Yes, that place where you actually have to face students; that...but be careful now, hasn’t uncle Burt given you the academic word in the Gazette? Yep, you have to impart your wisdom, your years of’ “experience”, your “expertise” to the gathered masses who clammer at your cubicle office door, panting for meal ticket. But at least you have the faculty club to drift off to between bouts and drown your abuse in double scotches. There you can relax and think of your true desirecontinuing research in the Quintescence of Pseudomongering in the Orbital Relationships of Paranormal And Sub-stationary Voids. And to think of the nerve of some brat to mouth-off about his faculty club. After all, who’s paying for it? production assistant: Al Lukachko Bob Epp & Bill Sheldon photo editor (creative): Tom Purdy features: rats A bit rough this week, but people are learning the ropes and having fun...nick Sullivan, kathy dorschner, peter Wilkinson, edelman, brute meharg, dave blaney, meg dave platt, george mckuskey, renato ciolfi, dianne caron, ron aiken, jim stone, Colin hamer, dan o’leary, dave mccutcheon, brian anderson, Steve izma, paul lawson, eleanor hyodo, norm beers, andy tamas, bill lindsay, lyn winans, michael marshail. news coordinators:

Finally, the following is an excerpt from a memo I received earlier in the week and could be a special note to the administration stalwarts around here.“...1 begin to admire men like Charles Ives who sold insurance during the week and wrote fine music on weekends. Unfortunately, I feel that I would much rather sell the insurance on weekends. Bureaucracy can be a fine diversion; a change of pace. But weeks Bruce Steele will be back next week and there is a short should be for creating.” staff meeting at 8 pm sunday, before we put next tuesday’s paper to bed. TTFN.


18 September

1970 (17: 14) 207


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the Chevron

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