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A TELOS symposium is scheduled for October 8-11 at the University of Waterloo. The TELOS International Symposium on “The New Marxism” seeks to bring together precisely the new breed of young scholars engaged in the re-thinking of Marxist theory and the development of a concrete political program. The last few years have seen a tremendous growth in interest in Marxism. Straitjacketed in fixed categories and committed to dubious political programs, the old Marxism has turned out to be largly irrelevant and has, in the long run, functioned more as an idoelogy than as truly rational approach to social reality. The recent reconstruction in Marxist scholarship seems to offer a remedy for this unfortunate state of affairs; it appears that Marxism is once again beginning to bite into the future.


This pictllw i.y l/pc/icatpcJ to those misgr~icfccl sorrls who 10x- the cl2cvwl as tlicir hihk. This is your god! SW star--13 OH page 4.

One of the most bankrupt areas of Old Left scholarship has been that of epistomology or the For a theory of knowledge. reasons, number of complex Marxists have tended to accept Lenin’s materialism and Empirio-criticism as the groundwork for their epistemology. This is indeed unfortunate. Lenin, in this book, did not bother to critically examine Marxist philosophy as a whole. Rather, he simply took what passed for Marxist philosophy in both the orthodox and reformist wings of the Second International and mechanically applied it to show its divergence from the Machist positivism espoused by lunatics such as Bogdanov and his followers. In brief, it is quite clear that Materialism and Empirio-criticism was mainly a party polemic directed against Bog-

danov and in no sense constitutes a rigorous epistemology. After the “capitulation” of the Second International in 1914, Lenin clearly realized that there was something intrinsically with the philosophical wrong foundations of Marxism as conceived at the time. To remedy this, Lenin began, in his Philosophical Notebooks, a systematic study of the Hegelian foundations of Marxist thought. This will be the topic of Raya Dunayevskaya’s paper “Hegelian Leninism”. Miss Dunayevskaya was one of Trotsky’s secretares and is author of the important Marxism and Freedom.

The epistemological problem is also at the center of a new and important movement of thought called “phenomenological Marxism.” Phenomenological Marxists take as their point of departure the radical methodology of Ed,,mund Husserl, especially that of his last work, The Crisis of European cendental

Sciences and Phenomenology.


The dialectic One of the main problems with previous Marxist thought has been that the dialectic is treated independently of any reference to human praxis and is thus made into an abstract, speculative theory which overlooks or destroys that which does not fit into its truncated categories. Phenomenology, in turning to the “things themselves”, clearly points out the bankruptcy of any Marxist theory of knowledge which would separate the dialectic from its ground in human praxis. Phenomenology, as its Marxist adherents see it, affords the only methodology adequate to the “perpetual rediscovery” of the dialectic in human social activity. This will be the topic of Paul Piccone’s paper. Piccone is the

editor of the international philosophy journal, TELOS. The so-called “structuralist Marxists” attempt to put Marxism on a sound epistemological footing by emphasizing what they see as the “scientific” aspects of Marxism. As the structuralists see it, the early works of Marx are simply the product of a certain Hegelian obscurantism which can only occlude the later “scientific works” (e.g., Capital). Structuralist Marxims has a fairly large following in France and making some headway in Canada.

Topics to be discussed Many of the people who will be giving papers at the TELOS Symposium have serious misgivings about structuralism, feeling it is a theoretical position which threatens to plunge Marxism into shallow philosophical swamps that even the most muddle-headed positivists crawled out of thirty years ago! Thus many interesting debates should take place. Two leading structuralists will be participating in the conference : Robin Blackburn, an English sociologist and editor of “New Left Review” and Lucia Colletti, an Italian philosopher and author of Ideologia e Societa and Hegel e il Marxismo. The leading French existentialist thinkers, Maurice MerleauPonty and Jean-Paul Sartre, have both made major contributions to Marxist scholarship. The central concern of “existentialist Marxism” seems to be that of’ the role of the individual in history, a complex topic unfortunately under-emphasized in, traditional Marxist literature. The topic of existentialist Marxism will be dealt with by several speakers, the most well-

known being Andre Gorz, author of The Traitor (with an important preface by Sartre) and Strategy for Labor, a book which Herbert Marcuse considers to be “one of the most important contributions to the analysis of contemporary industrial society.” Many New Left intellectuals are beginning to re-examine traditional Marxist claims in the light of of the brilliamt Marxist “heretics” of the 1920s George Lukas and Karl Korsch. The works of these men will be discussed by Paul Breines, editor of “Radical America” and author of Critical Interruptions. Papers will also be given by the following scholars: Albrecht Wellmer, professor at the Frankfurt Institut fur Sozialforschung and author of Kritische Gesellschaftstheorie

und- Positivismus;

Howard Parson, who will deal with the Marxist-Christian dialogue; Alexander Delfini, who will present a paper on the influence of the thought of the German existentialist, Martin Heidegger, on that of Marcuse. Michael Kosok, a philosopher and physicist, will speak about science and dialectics. David Gross will outline the utopian Marxism of Ernst Bloch. James Hansen will contribute a paper on the new-Kantian Marxism of the Second International. Silvia Federici will examine Antonio Gramsci’s -Marxism and Russell Jacobi that of Rosa Luxemburg. The TELOS Sumposium is the first conference of this sort and promises to be quite interesting and important. Those who will no.t be able to attend will be pleased to know that the proceedings of the conference will soon appear in book form. For more details contact Scott Arnold, c/o The Federation of Students.



. 7:


In - a demonstration of combined student-apathy and faculty infidelity last tuesday, first-year j architecture students have chosen a ‘representative to sit at., architecture faculty-meetings. -_ The instructor, content Ito leave -the* honor to- “the most hip-looking person in the class’” ‘finally accepted, the- suggestion - of one class member and a girl


was ‘chosen simply by answering. the ’ -question “how about you?” ’ One is left wondering why either the faculty or the students bothered to go through such awhen -neither group charade cared about the reasons behind the matter. Hut that is democracy. ,,

According _to an order -from tern. In Washington an ‘RCMP ofthe Pentagon, files will be kept on deserters in Canada and other facial stressed in a statement foreign countries. This will be =.- that there was no arrangement _ done although desertion from the .between Canada and the U.S. to U.S.. forces is technically not a return deserters. However he did crime in Canada. _ say that if requested to pursue This information will be transthe matter of a deserter by the mitted to ’ the FBI’s ComputerFBI the RCMP’would go as far ized National Crime Information as asking the individual if he Centre. Police in 49 states and intended to return to the U.S. the RCMP in Canada_ have access According to the Defense ,Deto the centre. *-j ’ ‘-’T partment the informationthat ‘a An -FBI spokesman said that deserter might be in Canada this information had always reachwould be transmitted to the ap‘ed them but that it would do so propriate service after it had more quickly under the new sysbeen received from the RCMP.





tak jn white. paper

proposed i


According to. a small survey of graduate students conducted by the university of Waterloo graduate student union, grads are largely against the proposed tax ‘on research grants &and scholarships and- do not believe that they paid “at a level high enough to be classed as professionals. A graduate. student’s remuner.ation is not for services rendered but for a living allowance. The size of this living allowance would appear to be about 2;500 to 5,000 dollars less than the net, income . these students could earn had they elected‘ to enter the work force rather than continue their

education. The ability of the federal government to guarantee an increase in research. grants to cover the additional cost of the- taxes has been _.questioned -and. ‘a w-ritten statement of government. intentions has been requested. ’ The grad students also supported a--call - for increased--allowable deductions on student expenses which they feel peculiar to the work of students. The tax deductable expenses considered were tuition and other compulsory university fees, text book and other publication costs, conference expenses, and learned society fees.


CA MP-U Your

Student; fobd CO-op. gets underway


-the RCMP Dial-a-dance Hi-line Rap Room . Counselling services K-W Hospital LPoison control


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student Send





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the purchase of an item like meat. Since those present had better ‘knowledge of buying. dry goods, it wasgenerally agreed to proteed in that direction while investigating the purchase of other items.’ In the future, purchases could be . expanded to include healh foods such as raw sugar and wholezwheat flour. The possibility of baking bread en masse was also considered. The coop will .go ahead with a food purchase this week and hopes that purchasing the distributing arrangements will solidify in the weeks to come.

-~ Nbmbkrs you should ;chevron

operated r

-for communes

In order to combat the spiralling cost of living, the big rip-off of the middle man, several ,students gathered last sunday afternoon in the IS lounge to start a food co-op. The group will be purchasing ‘dry goods (processed,. canned, and boxed) k from the national grocerswholesaler for’the 150 people involved. The- idea is an outgrowth of procedures used in a .group of communes for several months. r One person noted that, for his/ house, I buying, dry t-goods this way would likely mean a saving of 15 percent on only 33 percent of their grocery bill; therefore, the coop should organize around




WOrnems lib resolves sticky male question A women’s lib meeting held thursday night at the U of W campus produced about 50 women and six men. The presence of males at women’s meetings has been hassled out by women’s lib groups across the country and was -resolved on thursday when those present voted to allow the men to stay. Views by some women that males intimidated the development of an exchange of opinion between females were overruled by the opinion that the men who had come should be allowed to determine what women’s lib is all

Survival day forthcoming Anti-pollution groups across Canada are planning a survival day for October 14. During the day the groups will try to have city councils close a downtown street for a breath of fresh air, organize outdoor working parties on the banks of polluted waters or hand out armbands with a warning symbol. About 150 groups are being asked to compile dossiers on the specific problems of pollution in their communities and the response they have received from the federal government. The briefs are to be combined in a fat volume and taken to Ottawa. “Survival day exists to bring coherence into the fight against pollution and other environmental abuses,” says an article in Dasein, a tabloid paper published twice monthly in Hamilton at McMaster university. Backing the paper and the plans is a nostrings grant of ten thousand dollars from the youth of the Anglican Church of Canada. The symbol for the day is a Canadian flag shedding a dead maple leaf!

about and were unaware that the meeting was not open to men. The meeting decided to work with the day care group on campus in the resolution of their struggle to find permanent space. An organizational meeting will be held tonight at the reading lounge of the campus centre. A representative of the university day care organization will be present to explain where the group is at. At the thursday meeting, it was suggested that all who wanted to find out more about the concept of day care particularly in overcoming doubts should volunteer an hour or two during the week to work with the children in the campus centre. A women’s lib community meeting will be held in the common room of the Kitchener YWCA 7:30 September 24. ,. Evelyn Reed who has written several articles on women’s sociology will speak September 28 at 7 : 30 in biology 271.

Hark, hark the dogs do bark A lot ‘of our anti noise bylaws were pretty outdated. In Peterborough, for example, a 1937 bylaw prohibited the barking of dogs. The makers of the new bylaw will now have to decide whether to allow barking or to ban dogs. Once dogs were allowed to bark until 11 p.m., but of course, having to keep one eye on the clock took a lot of fun out of barking. . Since Peterborough has ‘become an expert on silencing man’s best friend, maybe a method should be found to handle man himself. For they may soon need a bylaw to ban the yelling and shouting of irate dog owners.



PHILADELPHIA (CUP-CPS) The revolutionary peoples’ constitutional convention, called by the black panther party, recessed last monday until november 4 when it will meet in Washington to reach final agreement on what is intended to be a new constitution for the United States. At the first round, held here over labour day weekend, over 10,000 delegates, more than half of them black, agreed on general principles for a socialistic America, while disagreeing on some particular goals. The convention avoided the open splits which characterized last summer’s united front against fascism conference in Oakland, California, the last attempt by the panthers to unify the radical american left. No vote taken Proposals were made in the form of reports by discussion groups to a plenary session of all attending the convention. No votes were taken, although the favourable reaction to some proposals clearly indicated their popularity with the crowd. Attending the conference were members of groups covering the entire radical spectrum, including s t u d e n t mobilization against the war in Vietnam, youth against war and Fascism, gay liberation front the panthers were the only black group represented, as many other black groups were in Atlanta for the congress of african people where 25,000 delegates discussed the creation of a world african party. Avoided






By concentrating on the kind of society which radicals want after a revolution, the panthers hoped to avoid the friction over which characterized strategy, previous meetings of diverse radical groups. In large measure the tactic succeeded, although Michael Tabor of the new york panthers, issued a broadside. attacking the progressive labor party as “enemies of the people,” for attempting to organize a march on the city hall which the panthers feared would bring the Philadelphia police down on the black community. By tying the new constitution to the old, and by emphasizing the declaration of independence’s guarantee of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the panthers attempted to. make the basically socialist program in keeping with America.

titution Plenary


The proposals presented to the plenary sessions by the discussions groups included : Plans to end american imperialism. Discussion groups called for the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from around the world and for the abolition of the standing army, to be replaced by a system of people’s militias made up of only part-time soldiers. The delegates recognized and accepted that the end of imperialism would necessitiate a lower standard of living for Americans, who now consume over 60 percent of the world’s resources while only constituting 6 percent of the population. Community control of police. The police would be under the control of community - elected boards, which would be able to fire policemen. Non-uniformed police would be prohibited, and the combined budget for police and the military would be less than ten percent of the national budget. Land reform. Control of the land will be vested in the communities, with the entire nation determining a general policy for land use, and the communities handling local problems. Basic rights for all people. Rights to food, shelter, employmerit, medical care, education, birth control, and abortion would be guaranteed. Women’s


.An end to the oppression of women. The discussion groups called for free child care centres, free child delivery, free abortion , and for 50 per cent of all leadship posititons to be held by women. The end of the nuclear family. This proposal provoked considerable disagreement, with one discussion group saying the nu-


under socialism, and the groups on women’s and gay liberation opposed. Huey


sets tone

The proposals were worked out in discussion groups sunday afternoon after Huey Newton set the tone of the convention with a rousing call for socialism in America. The proposals were presented to a mass meeting sunday night. Delegates met Monday in regional groups to select a continuing committee to work on possible drafts. of the new constitution. The general meetings were held ‘in the’ new multi--million dollar temple university gymnasium, which sits in the middle of the north Philadelphia ghetto. Security was tight, especially for the Newton speech, and commercial press who identified themselves, were excluded. Attendance


Attendance at the convention was apparently swelled by the tactics of Philadelphia police commissioner Frank Rizzo, who raided the three panther headquarters in Philadelphia less than a week before the convention. The police ripped apart the offices in their dawn raids, and then ordered 15 panthers to strip outside. The police held guns pointed at the heads of the panthers. The pictures of the stripped panthers brought more support from the Philadelphia black community than anything the panthers have done so far. Rizzo’s men stayed away from the convention and there were no incidents. As the convention moves to Washington, the major questions are whether the panther’s leadership can continue to unite radical factions, and whether the constitution, once adopted, will prove to be the rallying point

Hi Line

SCULPTURE George Wallace, who is an associate professor of fine arts at McMaster University, has brought together some of the most unique and exciting work to be shown at the University of Waterloo art gallery. . There are eight pieces done by Wallace from 1960 to 1968. Rather than being cast, the pieces are welded, which makes for a very interesting assortment of textures. Along with these; there are four pictures of his work which have been permanently installed at other locations. In order for sculpture to be unique - if this is in fact necessary for the modern artist-he has to create a new tactile environment, a new form, or a new “message.” George Wallace has coupled an old form, the with a highly human figure, original assortment of textures. What really brings his work across, however, is his amazing ability to place a whole set of ever so common human feelings and emotions into a framework which accosts the viewer with disquieting impact. In Wallace’s work the common becomes the to uncommon ; we are forced look - and in looking we see that which we usually overlook. Wallace gives us new eyes.

COMINGEVENTS: Civilisation Series:


Film - “The Great Thaw” - Fri: Sept. 25th 11:30a.m. - free ad-mission AL1 13

“The Lesson” by. Eugene Lorosco - Theatre of the Absurd - First presented in 1951 - a comic drama - arts Theatre Wed Sept. 30th 11:30a.m - free admission “Don Juan in Hell” “Man and Superman” - George Bernard Shaw’s radical conceptions of sex, marriage . the family, and religious controversialism.


- Arts Theatre admission $1.00

Special note:

coupon books now on sale 8 events $6.00students $10.00non-students

Brigham ’Trypis Kaywoodie Petersen G.B.D.

4 212

the Chevron

When one enters the gallery he is immediately presented with the picture of contrast between the bleak walls, the long arc-shaped gallery and the rich, medieval in appearance pieces of sculpture. They are not however, medieval ; they are not even in that tradition. When one begins to view each individual sculpture, he begins to see a vast difference between Wallace’s

Pipe headquarters -

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works and any sculpture created before them. The Greeks, the first to put life into sculpture, portrayed man as noble. Wallace, however, portrays man as common, but, again, in an uncommon way. ’ In his “Hanging Thief” we find man : not “The Dying Warrior’ ’ ; not a Greek god; but man with empty eyes, hanging from a scaffold. In him we find much of the human condition. He is alive with agony, indifference, confusion and an assortment of other emotions. The emotions we experience are “personified” ; we see them anew. Through him we view ourselves. Throughout Wallace’s work is found a recurring theme of death. In his piece, “Death With Flowers,“, we find a man with his head turned from the viewer, in his hands a bouquet of steel flowers. The coldness of steel and the beauty of flowers, death’s indifference, his empty eyes and visored face - all combine to create complex emotions of fear and peace, beauty and horror. No statement or explanation, however, of death is given. Along with death, Wallace brings in Christian figures; we view them however, in an uncommon fashion. The “De ad Christ” is lying down and we look down on him. We are no longer viewing Christ as the son of God but as a common man. He is not a contorted, agonized man, as we have seen him before, but merely a reclining man, a dead man - not a dead saint. Although Wallace’s figures represent biblical and mythological figures - Lazarus and his winding cloth, Daedalus and his waxy wings, St. John and the Angel, Christ dead and Christ crucified Wallaces’s sculptures still have an anonymous appearance. With hollow eyes, mouths and nostrils, they present not only a universal view of humanity, but also a very personal view: a view of one’s self as a common man. Wallace gives us a very unique, personal experience, the experience of everyman.



Have A Poor Memory?

The Perth County Conspiracy’s George Metejkky (alias Cedric Smith) Richard Keelan) turned on fresh at orientation ‘s phase I1 1 last thursday. standing ovation was “you have the power-with you every how. ’

A noted publisher in Chicago reports there is a simple technique for acquiring a powerful memory which can pay you real dividends in both businass and social advancement and works like magic to give you added poise, necessary self-confidence and greater popularity. According,to this publisher, many people do not realize how much they could influence others simply by remembering accurately everything they see, hear, or read. Whether in business, at social functions or even in casual conversations with new acquaintances, there are ways in which you can dominate each situation by your ability to remember. To acquaint the readers of this paper with the easy-to-follow rules for developing skill in remembering anything you choose to remember, the publishers have printed full details of their self-training method in a new booklet, “Adventures in Memory,” which will be mailed free to anyone who requests it. No obligation, Send your name, address, and zip code to: Memory Studies, 835 Diversey Pkwy,, Dept. 154-219, Chicago, III. 60614. A postcard will do.

a& bra they (alias Their message to a Posters,





Ask for your students



by Bob Epp chevron staff

PERTH COUNTY CONSPIRACY The Perth County Conspiracy is not just another band; they wander up front with their whole family and have a friendly visit with you. In the same way, Woodstock was not just another rock festival. It’s hard to say just exactly what makes the difference, but you are left with the impression it wasn’t just a put-on, there was something real about them. First of all the casual entrance, wandering to the front amongst two dozen other people who keep hanging around the stage throughout the performance. They are picking at their instruments all the while and gradually a song emerges.

Between songs was not just a time for forced jokes as they retune ‘their instruments, it was part of the whole experience. They begin, “We are the people our parents warned us about,” and don’t just leave it as a joke but continue with that theme throughout the evening. Ah yes, injecting a social comment these days is the way to sell records nowadays, isn’t it? True, but this wasn’t the same. Not the 1984 world of meaningless lyric. They told us they have a record out but advised that we “rip it off.” Their sound was superb, every song thoroughly enjoyable. Most songs had a soft texture to them but one song about uncle Jed was a real cute jingle that the whole audience sang and clapped with, and they did it

Noon-hour drama returns Noon-hour drama this fall will in the theatre of the arts feature a series of four one-act plays by Ionesco. The series opens on Wednesday September 30 with a performance of “The Lesson. ” will be held i All perforKan&es

beginning at 11:30 a.m. and are directed by Maurice Evans, resident drama director. The series is sponsored by the creative arts board, federation of students. Admission is free.

twice. The. second time through, at the end of the performance, the crowd stood through the whole song. The chorus, which was most of the song, was “Aw aw uncle Jed say, isn’t everybody getting older each day, aw aw I don’t want to fly, just want to live until the day that I die.” . . . “real heavy philosophy” comments Terry. Perth county is just next door to Waterloo county and contains their home base, Stratford. We all know what that town’s famous for - culture. The conspiracy maintained at first that Stratford was put on the map by none other than the department of highways, but conceded that the theater there is a big drawing card. What’s culture? Some thing that you can tell the boys you did, make all sorts of comments about - great. sunerb. etc.. good for the kids ‘too- - ’ it’ll ’ Raise their marks in school. The conspiracy





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were only jealous because they were Shakespearean theater dropouts. The next song nevertheless

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4 Servise









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22 September

1970 17 1: 15) 213


T h

by Ken Kesey



I \. -.



AST SUMMER WE KICkED a buncha people off the farm when they were about ready to go to Woodstock. Up till then we had-about 60 people livin there, and a lotta young unmarried chicks. Finally you just can’t make it, and you say leave. And so I’d been liviri on the farm, and I’d been shootin a lotta speed, and I was tryin to fix up the farm to live in, and I’d been workin on it, just really keepin my head workin on the farm, and especially the barn; and I had ii&shed doin’ all the work I could think to do, and so I’d gone in and gone to bed. And I started thinkiri of all the work I was gonnado, you know, how I was gonna wire the place, and how I was gonna put the rug in there, and how I was gonna hang this thing on the ceiling and just runnin through all of this stuff in my head. Theri I’d stop myself arid say, “No, wait a minute, you know better than that, youve done that a thousand times. You run that stuff through your head and you never. do’it, it’s just like indurrin debts. You get these things, these fantasies out there, you get em cranked out’, then you either gotta go and do em like. yog thought about ’ em, or you got to fail at em.” So I started tryin to stop thinkin about it. And, you know, I couldn’t do it. Soon as I’d release it my head’d be right back there and I’d be doin’ stuff out thete atid .puttin$ilt along the edges of the chrome. And so I woke up and Franny and Zooey was-there beside the bed-, I hadn’t read it since seven,years before. I had brought it down as pait of a bunc\h of stuff that I was bringin down because a buncha stuff was comin down at that time with the shootin’ of speed. Before then I was reading in Cold Blood. And I woke morning and there was my raven Basil, he was eatin a baby chick, and Vanilla Fudge was on the radio playin “Season of the Witch,” and it was just like that all day long. And Ithought about that book In’ Cold Blood which there’s., really-there’s no excuse for it; and if that sorta stuff does anything to you that’s what it does, it makes the stuff around you just like the stuff you’re dealing with right there. So, I’d brought a lot of stuff to try to

counteract that, and there’s a buncha _ enough, find Kennedv things we know that we can use like Canor Marilyn Monroe nery Row and Cummings and Salinger, what it is that happen you know, it’s reliable, ‘it just goes in ’ gets caught up here-i there and just clutsit off. _ which j ustblcomeswhl has to do with the fir * . when our attention is ( The Jesus prayer plane to the point that getting our juice. It’5 One of ‘the things was Franny and Zoanyth ng, no matter oey. And it was layin there by the bed and into anything-the ‘re so I started readin it. And Franny and -you can’t get as ml Zooey is about this girl Franny who has you’re putting into it. been readin’ this book called-ivhich I”ve Just like talking t never even read ‘cause I haven’t been able echo coining off the to find it-it’s about this guy, a little Rus. really get it goin’, 1 &n peasant who’s doing this thing callmuch you get it goin’ ed “The Jesus’Prayer,” which is just rein it from somewhere peating this thing over and over, first. in orbit just dies. his mouth, the&n his head, then til it And this point, tl just drops out of his head, and,,he’s just there, it’s a media in doin’ that all the time. He’s just sayin, when you’re watchin “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on ‘my’ people are sittin arou soul; Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on in television, here’s my soul; Lord Jesus Christ have mercy what’s goin’ on, and a: on my soul.” And just sayin it until finally the only place where everythifig he’s @oneis happenin nice. . where that cross of 2 And so I started doin’ it then, you know, right there. The .f.o!l just in that speed-dittoed thing,,until I watchin this thing, tt found that I had stopped ‘somethin that the only way to get i was goin on, and my head was otit somedo what the folks are place to quit work just by doin that manto the tube-you knou tra. next to the television , The church brought that to mind. to it just to try to get t And finally, beca& T’S, VERY FAROUT everywhere. I was-in Berkeley last week, and a coup- ~ vision and media tri frontation, the kids le of days ago in Seattle, then in Belthat’s what you guys : lingham, and it’s time to assume some kind of attitude-of the Hutible’Victors and been providing a lot. c by just being in an x start dealin with it from there instead of shakin your fist anymore: from now on there’s no criticism gone on, but ,there’s a it’s just work. Everpbody kinda knows after fooling with il that now, and Sothey’re trying to lighten that is that revolution up with something, and I’m gonna try ai best as I can to give you some hints about . between somebody rt tin it on against som how to lighten up. ’ It’s a media trip. And there’s a way I , there, because that’s about in the first place think we can. finally break a media hbld I that this country’s been locked inXfor a long time. . ( One big thing ye It has to do%ith right now this pyramid of which information is coming out of. The revolution ta: At the end of this pyramid in America ea,chperson. You knc you’ll always, eventually, if you hold it first caveman gave e long enough and the pyramid gets big &at was goin’ by, an



214 the Chevron ~-- ~ ----I.--




Ianson or King Iemingway or everybody who S cross-section ir attention-it mmandmentmething in this ‘,swhere we’re ? talking ebout deep you are ion or anythin ack from it as i ~ i’;lL ,,- 1L_. .:.;.-,li _ tree. Like ‘the, here; you can 10 matter how ;s you’re drawpretty soon the ntersection up action; it’s like ision, a buncha keroom watch2 kids watchin as they can see world exists is ion is goin’ on re sittin there IS think, “Well his world is to hin.” To get inle kids’11get up ool-around next ring. 1st of the telebased on conlight. Because long time have?ple with work, And, you know, anything that’s g you just know g enough, and ’ sn’t take place 1 here and gety standin right t we’re fightin

ron Dlace inside of arting when the meat to the guy n’t hit him with

a club. And, you know, you can just check back through all the people who’ve been doing that action .for a long long time, so, you know, it’s not a thing that’s gonna end out here when we reach this final date, but it’s a thing that comes through since the beginning of it; it’s one big thing that’s goin on...... We’ve ‘got to get it on with the people we’ve been fightin with, which is mainly our folks, that’s who we’ve been fightin with. I was in England last year, I was stavin over there for the solstice and I was d&n’ a buncha stuff-. And my dad died. And man, it came out-it was-it reminded me like a bar of chrome that just came outta the ground and says, “Awright motherfucker, just work around that, because that’s where you really are.” Everything that you really are is around how you feel. Just how you feel about that. Anything else, as/it permutates out from. that feeling gets a little less human. And so, you know, I had to slow down, and come back and-there’s a lotta stuff goin on. IKE, YOU CAN’T get up and talk ecology and put a big buncha people down who’ve been doin a thing which we’re all guilty of the consumption of, you know, we all got the guilt. The clean-up is just gonna be our task .for a long time to come. And I don’t know how to do it, it’s just gonna take years and years of just fussin amongst each other. But if you know that that agreement you can’t hope to reach, you know, that final absolute agreement,’ you’ll always be fussin; but when you see somebody j that’s fussin along the same lines that YOUare, you kinda give him a little edge. Women are terrible because they’re- just comin into a thing that men have been in for some time. It was just like two thousand years ago before women could start thinkin of themselves as makin it spiritually. into the same box that men had reserved. Like Valhalla and all that stuff, it’s keepin the women down, it’s a fascist trip, and it’s finally-all the things have. been ripped off of it to anybody that’s payin any attention. ~ But the women are really faster than


us. Because men have been doing a thing for a long time. Like the Marquess of Queensbury rules, you give and take a certainquarter, a politeness all the time. ‘So somebody who doesn’t do that, .man they can just get in and just fuck your head anywhere! And the women have to kinda understand that, maybe. I’ve been thinkin both ways on that, maybe they just have to go ahead and just do it until it’s all straight. But anyway, with our folks, gettin back to just the small well-known thing that we all know about-it’s hard to do it because there’s this other thing out there and it’s just poundin at you all the time to do something you know, to fulfill, because the media thing starts out and it’s. like you wanna -keep your job, so pretty soon you’re looking for fires. And.pretty soon you’re looking for this and you’re looking -for that until you’re creating a little bit in front of yo.u; the thing here that goes on ‘in America, looking at this for information. The information really doesn’t come from this. It comes from somebody in this position bein’ able to step out of it and having it break apart so that it moves and flows amongst you. And it’s ‘not a thing up here where one person holds any more than just one other person at-any i time,


to the I Ching

I wanna tell you a story about Hugh\ Romney *(alias Wavy Gravy), because there’s some earth-peoples’-park-people here. This happened abo.ut six years ago. It was in a church that has been reconverted into where this guy was livin. We _--. all went-there to take acid. As the acid started to come’on we read the I Ching, and Hugh begun to cry. And he just cried and cried and cried. And he’d cry and all of a sudden he’d just stand up and stare right at you. And then he’d cry and he’d cry and-he?d cry again. and his nose got big’and red and his nose was runnin. There was this other guy there that I never saw before or again, just one--of those really long1 long thin boney hippies, one of these buys that they’ve been here for a thousand years; he.was carryin a feather. And he got down


on the floor, and he was goin’ around . down on the floor. And Hugh Romney wasI cryin and cryin. Finally, Hugh Romney started sayin, “may all spirits be peaceful, may all s’pirits be happy; May All Spirits Be Peaceful, May All Spirits Be Happy!” And he built it up, and we started pickin up guitars and drums and buildin it up : “May all spirits be peaceful, may all spirits be happy!!” Until he built it and it’d break like that and he’d get relief. Then he’d start again, ‘and th-edrums’d start again : May All Spirits, Be PeaceFul,-May All Spirits Be Happy! ! ; May all spirits be peaceful, May All Spirits Be Happy! ! ; May all spirits be peacefuland Bang! Bang!, and he’d start it again, and it was really gettin big, and it was: May all spirits-be peaceful, may all spirits be happy. and Bang! he did it to me, and I realized that he’d gone to each person in the room and done it to em, and said ’ to em-and this thing he can do, it’s. like when his dog had labor pains and he was feelin em-that at, that point he could in no way get. his own relief; he was sayin to me, you know, “Lighten up in there, do that thing, whatever it is, you kno.w, lighten up! ” So I -just had to do it, be- . cause I didn’t wanna hurt him. And I did it, and he goes “Phewwww! ” and gets relief. There were just two other people left in the room, one was Cassady and one was this guy called The,Hermit. And he went through the whole thing ‘with Cassady. Raisin’ it up and raisin’ it up like that. And Cassady squirmed around and ran around and finally relinquished, gave that in, whatever it is. And then there wasn’t anybody left in there but The Hermit, and Hugh Romney did it to The Hermit. Just because, kinda because- . I dunno: (cause he was the last one, and everybody ,else was in on it beforecit got there. Or just because,. uh, he’s- The Hermit, or whatever. But it builds to this thing: May all spirits be Peaceful and the Hermit was still just buzzin and doin’ a lotta shit and hustlin around. And everybody realized, “Well perhaps not,” you know, so I don’t wanna hang up Chicago with too much peacetalk.


22 September

7970 (7 I’: 75) 275



the W&ors

In an interview with coach Delahey, before his team departed for their western exhibition trip. A much higher place in the standings was predicted for the Warriors, this was based on the almost exclusively veteran starting lineup. He noted that weak bench strength for both the offensive and defensive lines will probably be one of the biggest headaches. This situation was caused to some extent by the absence of Brent Gil-



bert who was lost to a work term committment and further aggrevated by last mondays game injury to Ian Miller. He should be back in three weeks if his shoulder responds to treatment. A not so new problem also is bothering the staff, their 3rd year veteran Dave Groves has had arm trouble and will be playing at flanker. So a very big question mark will remain with the two remaining quarterbacks Gerry Durocher and rookie

to win

Cam Crosby. When asked of the team’s moral, Delahey said, “it is’ exceptionally high which is something that has been lacking in past years. ” In discussing the other OQAA teams, Delahey expects the most trouble from the Queens Golden Gaels who remain almost intact from last season. McGill although losing their offensive line seem strong enough to threaten to repeat as champions. The convincing victory over the

a season????

Saskatchewan Huskies was very satisfying to Delahey, but he warns of overconfidence. This same team was beaten badly by MacMaster who finished winless last season. He feels a truer picture of the team’s overall strengths and weaknesses will be gained, when the Warriors meet the St. Francis X-Men to-night in Antigonish N.S. St. Francis have always had a strong team and this years version has been strengthened

by some american players and two Ontario academic rejects. While in Nova Scotia, they will also play the St. Mary’s Huskies but this should provide nothing more than a chance to play rookies. In summation, coach Delahey sees a season in which the fans should have a lot to cheer about. Let’s hope so, maybe this year the Warriors will finally justify their expense budget.





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216 the Chevron



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aims part of sports

Saturday I was there, the gym, Great harm is done to sport courts were all pool, squash and its participants when it is closed down because the hockey organized for purposes external team was playing in a nearby t0 sport itself. When the precepts arena. of the market-place become the The American coaches at Acadia goals of sport, as they have in the have shown little interest in the case of Canadian hockey, the dev- - indigenous sporting traditions *of estation and dehumanization of the Maritimes (the gym is sport necessarily occur. Sport also plastered with pictures of Ameriloses when it is organizkd for reacan sports heroes) and in developsons of national or institutional ing Maritime athletes (as Dalprestige. housie has done so successfully). And all_ this is defended on Just what happens in these the grounds that intercollegiate latter circumstances became painathletic success is necessary for fully clear to me during a recent alumni dollars and institutional trip to Acadia University in WolfAlthough I know of no ville, Nova Scotia. Sport is ex- survival. existing data which would either tremely important to a campus prove or refute this familiar like Acadia’s, for despite its belief, my own feeling is that quiet charm, Wolfville (pop. who donates to a uni6,000) offers no diversions: no anybody pubs, no restaurants worthy of versity on the basis of its athletic performances doesn’t really know the name, and a cinema that are all about. specializes in Jerry Lewis and what universities Surely our universities are better Walt Disney. The sttident union building is too small for 3,000 salesmen than this. students, so the only outlet is Americanization in sports. Yet because Acadia’s administration is on a sports Acadia ego trip, possibilities for a meanWhat’s doubly sad about this ingful student program have been wave of Americanization in the closed off. Maritimes (Acadia is by no means the only offender) is that it’s Students left in cold bringing with it the American Winning teams are what counts sporting traditions of the 1950’s: at Acadia and to get them the authoritarian coaches with gladuniversity has built a $2.5 million iatorial philosophies and deified athletic building and filled it with athletes who are taught to contough-talking American coaches form to the superman stereotypes and razzle-dazzle American scholof the comic book and the breakarship athletes. Performance-wise fast cereals. During my visit, the program’s been a tremendous several people told me approvsuccess, for already Acadia’s ingly that the hockey coach was basketball team has reached the going to be fired because he renational finals on three occasions fused to tell his athletes to cut and brought back the championtheir hair and the team didn’t ship once. make the playoffs. In the authorBut everybody else is out in the itarian sporting mind, long hair cold. and losing go together. In many Student leaders at Acadia U.S. athletic departments today, charge that more than 80 per cent however, athletes have organized of the athletic budget, raised to overthrow these attitudes and through compulsory student fees, to reassert the values of sport as is spent on the three favoured interplay. On such campuses, the collegiate sports of football, traditional “Fight, kill, win” casketball, and hockey, leaving speech has been replaced by the Tlittle for other sports and the group. I know of one California intra-mural program. Although football team that selects its own Acadia’s scuba diving club is the lineup each week and has gone 45 largest collegiate club in Canada, games without- a 1~s. for example, it receives no asThe new federal sports package, sistance from the university. announced at long last on March 20 by Health Minister John Munro, Although the three favourep teams tour the continent for exhibitions, augurs well for competitive amateur sport, but it is misleading to other teams have to finance their own trips in the Maritimes. Stupublicize it, as he has done, as a dents have no voice in athletic ‘mass participation’ program. spending decisions and no access to The financial and administrative for sports governing specific budget figures. During two assistance seminar discussions in which I bodies promised by the minister is long overdue. It has become participated there, these charges were not challenged. impossible for the volunteer sports executive to perform all the duties Another major complaint that government and the public concerns the availability of the have come to expect of him. new athletic ’ building: most of Equally welcome is the proniise the time it’s monopolized by the of-financial support - up to $2,000 major teams. In those few rea year - for individual athletes, maining hours when it is open to although this will have to be careall, the doors are often locked befully administered if it is to serve cause the varsity athletes, who its purpose of widening the ecoget the jobs of attending the nomic base of amateur sport. locker and equipment rooms, are Unless the temptation to limit at home resting up for their next these grants to established athgame. And when one of the intercollegiate teams are playing, all letes is avoided, the end result will for the rich. other facilities are locked up to be more socialism The program should be extended to encourage full attendance. The coaches as soon as possible. A third new program - an in; crease in the number of country51 King St. N., Waterloo wide competitions such as the Canada Games - is more suspect. Posters, Stag Party Supplies, Party Records Gala events of this kind are great Ask for your students discount showpieces, but they are frightfully expensive and are not always

what every sport needs. Munro described his new policy as a shift in emphasis from programs for the few - those designed to develop high levels of perf ormance - to programs for the many, but in fact, little change in emphasis has taken place. Although the new programs should produce an increase in the number of amateur registrations, the thrust of the program is still fitness through amateur sport.


125 rear orchestra seats are now available on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at a specially reduced rate for student groups purchasing tickets in advance. The group must number over 25. Call Maureen O’Donnell at 416 360-1442 for further information. Note: There are now two matinee performances with lower-scaled ticket pricesSundays and Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.


not for all

No matter how successful, competitive sport as organized by the sports governing bodies can attract only a fraction of those Canadians who might be interested in physical recreation. A great many people, and not, only women and adults over 30 are not interested in organized competitive sport. Some prefer to compete less formally. Others are attracted to activities where the challenge is not against another person but is against oneself (as in jogging) or against the environment (as in camping). A competitive sport program does little for these people. After nine years of floundering, it appears that the federal government has produced the beginnings of a successful overall program for sports development. But if it wants ‘mass participation’, a sports program isn’t enough. The non-athletes have physical recreation needs too.


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b b is h

. by J-G.



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fists are trying to scare us by saying that the average citizen ‘is almost halfway to classic lead ‘poisoning. Certainly. we are absorbing ‘some lead,: and we know that it affects the nerves. So’does mercury used in fungicides. But surely that is what tranquilizers are for. And there are new chemicals developed each - year to help us.

E WHO SUPPORT pollution have . very little too‘.worry about. All the power and good sense is on’ our s&le. . As well, conditions in a few years. will reach the point of no’return, and then we can relax. In the. meantime,. however, we should answer these unthankful trouble makers who oppose pollution and who ’ have been writing a disturbing number of articles and columns lately, How can they Double in thirty years .. _. be so narrow? To be against pollution is i The population of North America isexis be against the public interest. Show me petted to double in the next 30 years,’ but clear sparkling water and I will show you if we are lucky it will do better. Toronto I an economically depressed area. How . needs thousands of people to fill ‘its apartcan they ignore these things.? ,ments so that we,. can build more apart-c The maritime provinces, which still r ments and sell more refrigerators. This, have some areas with un,profitably clean *~ rivers and air, are begging for industry to applies to every city and town. Then we must create new cities, and help their people. On the other hand,. the cities must join to form bigger ones. Our rivers of becoming southwestern Ontario Xgovernment supports this policy, our ecthe Grand, the Thames and so on - are exonomy demands it and the silent majority, ~actly what they should be: the sewers of bless them, are eager for it. ,progress. Look what Highland Creek and ‘In the light of such tremendous plans ’ Don River do forthe miracle of Toronto. in Canada (and in Japan, Germany, U.S., A friend. of mine in Paris, Ont., once _, Russia and elsewhere around the world) told me that the foam from the Grand surely the anti-pollutionists must feel a _ river occasionally tumbled onto hislawn. bit silly talking about a few sludge worms He‘ failed to appreciate that this deterin-Hamilton bay. As well, they must have - gent foam stood for’ a lot of clean shirts read, for example, that if lake Michigan and underwearon thousands of good cancould be‘isolated for the effects of civiliadian laborers and businessmen upstream zation, it would take 506 years for it to who are contributingto the ,gross. nationAnd we are only now getting al product. Surely this is worth all the r cleanse-itself. down to some%erious polluting. . suds that the river can carry. Anti-polluters are not a new nhenomenon. Over 20 years ago a group of them aYe-old sin/imming hole long’ the Spanish river complained about the ‘.KVP company, a pulp mill. They . In ‘june, 1968.,’ Doyle Klyn of Weedend wrote about the charm of “the old swim- ’ were brazen enough to take legal action, a and got an injunction against the comming hole”. She included a picture of pany to stop poisoning ‘the water, which one, with children leaping in and seemwas upheld in courts even after the comingly ‘having a good time, One can, see pany’s appeals. Fortunately in 1950 Onfrom the clean rocks and the laush’foliage tario premier Leslie Frost and his govern_around clear water that the spot is not ment stepped in to introduce and pass the polluted. Now comes the clincher: The “KVP act” in the Ontario legislature. scene is on the Tangier river in Nova The ,act overruled three courts and lifted Scotia - part, of a backward, unprogres-’ the injunction. sive area that some overly polite people In 1966, in Buffalo, New York, people of ._call an “unspo_iled” area of the province:, the. same ilk had the’ gall to present a Ironically <the, very opposite is truebucket ofriver sludge to president Lyndon ,; the area is spoiled, because it is subdued Johnson when he visited their city,. Out : by nature. How the people in the town of, of politeness to these radicals he said, reTangier must long for a pulp mill like the ferring to lake Erie, “This great inland one on the St. John river in New’Brunssea will sparkle again. ” He knew how to wick, which discharges 40 million gallons handle agitators, and he must have had a _ of waste a day. How-they must ache for sense of humor. Probably the sparkle the smell of money that. rolls from the tall he had in mind was the sun reflecting off chimneys. the oil slicks. The lake is one of North The children in that old swimming ,hole America’smost usefulwaste basins. would be so much better off in a tenement ‘building play area with swings and For civiliza tion 3 sake a high fence for safety and a chlorinated Yes, our politicians serve us well, but ’ _ swimming pool a few blocks away. ,You we should not leave it all to them. Here ban rest assured that not one of those boys are five things y,ou can do each day for or. girls in the picture has’a father who is civilization. a company excutive ‘or who’ owns more .I l If you live in a depressed area, you ‘. . than one new car. . 1 ’ I are probably eligible for special assistFor ten years now‘1 have%watched my ance to aid development, such as indusnative St. Lawrence river .become -gradtrial incentive loans. ‘To shut up anti-polually moreuseful; It is the great intestine . . ’ of Canada. Back in the, 30s when we playlutionists, ‘warn them that such special favors could be taken away. resulting in ed hockey on it, we would poke a hole in the loss of that big industry you are all the ice.and drink heartily. But those were looking forward to. . ‘the depression years, and there is your l Remind the carrot-juice, Tiny Tim answer. types that everything cannot be pure. The Today, when I tell my’ children to stay citizen who was reported to have torn out of its oil and slime, I re’mind them that, signs-to I. my pay cheque and their allowance owe i’ do,wn the “unsafe for swimming” have the tourist trade in his district demuch, to this feculence. The river’s comserves a medal. You don’t see “unsafe munities, too, are moving ahead. .The new for working” . hospital in Cornwall has sealed windows; sign at, I for instance, the lung-dest-royin,g fluorspar mines at St. the air is rotten; unfit for the sick to Lawrence in Newfoundland, in which 100 !breathe directly. It has to be purified. miners have died with destroyed lungs The U.S. has ‘114 polluted’rivers, flowin 20 years. How can the purists justify ing brown and, useful, and the number is ._ this discrimination in sign posting? What increasing as the country becomes greathave they got against tourist resorts that er. Pollution, all forms of it, is in the they have not got against mining companschool yards, now play with filtering ies’? masks on, which is a small pric,e to pay l Support the commercial world more for their parents’ having ‘good’. jobs. As fervently. Another medal candidate is , well, their country% wealth can buy can‘reverend Barry Day who, in Peterborough adian wheat; and there is a whole new inon the altar of his church for Thanksgiving dustry in mask manufacturing. placed an electric motor, a boat and other Automobiles, put lead, among other ~ . . .tJQq@, into U-y atmosphere. locally manufacutred objects. IncidenI !%mk scien’

tally; I saw in the novebmer 19,1969, Telegram that Premier Robarts put a couple of smart aleck Trent university students in ‘their’ place when they sent him a report showing that the raw sewage of Lakefield college school is polluting one of /the Kawartha lakes. If you doubt that your government is working for ylou, read the whole article; it will lift -your spirits. Students like that should be forbidden to use the school bathrooms. That would smarten them up. l Fight birth control.. Every day on the face of the earth there are around 190,000, more .people than there were the day before, but Canada is not getting its share. Everybody benefits with the birth of a baby; diaper makers, nurses, undertakers, school teachers, etc. If we do not stop this sinful tampering with nature, where will- we get the people to bring to heel the yet unsubdued areas of our country? l When common’citizens are justified in their complaints, acknowledge them and correct the condition. For instance, the Cuyahoga river in ‘Ohio is so polluted with oils and chemicals that it caught on fire in 1968, burning two bridges and some sho’reline. Obviously, this is a hazard, and can be prevented by adding stillmore pollutants in the form of extinguishing chemicals. Another justified complaint concerns the unfair concentration of sulphur dioxide from a coal burning generating station on Toronto. Higher stacks (iOOfeet) are proposed, which will. give a wider dispessal. It is certainly not fair that a person on Sheppard avenue should breathe less sulphur dioxide than a person on Queen street. The anti-pollutionists has success with their .agitation againt DDT. You would wonder how they could put rodents and ca rsplat tering birds ahead of wormless apples. and bigger dividend cheques. But remember, our government must give a little to gain a little.


for progress

The radicals are- appeased, and they are less likely to notice how ineffectual those other anti-pollution bills are going to be. A token fine imposed on a company will not take the oil off the dead seals and polar bears and put it back in- the broken super tanker. The north must be polluted if we are going to progress. For industrial advancement and their own good’ (which is the same thing) the Eskimos must be brought into our culture and taught a trade.. Only blind st,ubbornness can cause a man to choose a dog team and musk ox meat ahead of a Cadillac and a bowl-of Chex. As.1 say, there is not much to fear from the anti-pollutionists, and I believe that their small number will decrease as ;we make further astounding advances even beyond electric tooth brushes, reducing ’ equipment, snowmobiles, instant breakfasts, super-jets, deformation chemicals and high-rise apartments. It is amazing how organizations like pollution probe and SPEC could even be formed and have the nerve to do anything that might hinder in any way such majestical9 spiralling progress, for which we plan, legislate educate, and even enforce (e.g. Spanish river). It may not be worth the effort, except for the sake of justice, but perhaps the, ringleaders of such groups should be brought into court, or before a government hearing. We have the law on our side. Like Spiro Agnew, I believe that the silent majority respects the law, not the placards of rabblerousers.


J. G. Raycroft, a high School teachr?r for ten years, is now a school librarian in Presto t t, On tario.

Nixon-Litton gravy train -rolls again


HE NIXON ADMINISTRATION recently awarded the biggest navy shipbuilding contract in history, a $2.1 billion deal for 30 destroyers, to the Litton systems shipyards in Mississippi. While the Nixon people have longstanding ties to Litton. (Litton executives were among the biggest contributors to the Nixon campaign-altogether association involving Nixon, Litton, and various Mississippi politicians, has an intricate and suggestive history. In 1967, the Mississippi legislature agreed to issue $130 million in bonds in order to build a shipyard which could be leased to Ingalls shipbuilding Corp., a Litton subsidiary. It is unusual for a state to build a shipyard for private industry, and one of the politicians who helped engineer this novel deal is Ellis Bodron, chairman of the state senate finance committee. Few knew it at the time, but Bodron, a Vicksburg attorney, was also retained by Litton. (Over the years Bodron worked his magic well with the Mississippi legislature for Litton in various ways. When the state presented Litton with a bill for $200 million in back taxes, Bodron used his influence as state finance committee chairman to persuade the state tax commission to drop the matter. The taxes were forgotten for four years until a reporter wrote up the scandal in the New Orleans limes-Picayune. Then Litton quickly shelled out $170 million and everything was hushed up.) Wall Street wasn’t much inter-

ested in the shipyard bonds. Initially the bonds were given a poor rating, which would have meant a high interest rate for the state and poor market reception. Mississippi politicians flew back and forth to New York to cajole the bond men into giving a better rating. At the suggestion of Litton, Mississippi hired the renowned bond attorney, John Mitchell, of the prestigious firm of Nixon, Mudge, to straighten things out. Mitchell interceded with a bond-rating agency, and after he explained the intricacies of Mississippi law, the ratings were revised upwards. The bonds were eventually sold off. There was strong feeling in congress that the huge navy contract should have been spread around among shipyards. A couple of months ago the house approved an amendment by Louis C.-Wyman (R-N.H. ) which would have made construction of destroyers in more than one shipyard mandatory. However, .within the last few weeks, the Senate armed service committee in closed session voted to strike the amendment from a defense procurement bill. The chairman of the senate committee, John Stennis, is believed to have been instrumental in killing the amendment. Stennis and other members of the Mississippi delegation had lobbied hard for Litton. The chief competitor with Litton for the destroyer contract was Bath iron works Corp. in Maine. While Maine is desperate for jobs, the Litton yards in Mississippi already are backlogged with navy work. In previous navy work, Litton ran up big cost overruns. Originally

from the






of the english


whatsoever be thy be done throughout us our usual sops, on divisions,. as we against thee. Turn House of Commons, deliver us from the




by E.P.

in Jhe


WE’RE NOT HERE because we are rabbits-we’d be rabbits whereever we were-we’re all in here because we can’t adjust to our rabbithood. We need a good strong wolf like the nurse to teach us our place. PSYCHO-CERAMICS is the study of the cracked pots of mankind. -Ken Kesey, from One flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

f!!fb& Drummer/FRINS

.the chevmn press

nember: Canadian university (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS). subscriber: iberation news service (LNS) and chevron international news service (ClNS). the chevron is a rewsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1970-71) on tuesdays and fridays by he federation of students, incorporated, University Of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of he chevron staff, of the federation and the university administration.offices in the center; (518) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 029B - 748. circulation 14,000. Alex Smith, editor Peter Wilkinson: his Trypis pipe’ and Bentley A message this week from photographer butane pipe lighter were stolen Saturday night from the food services coffee shop...he would really appreciate their return. And speaking of the coffee house, may we comment that it would indeed be nice if such a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere as was present during Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee’s orientation gig could be achieved during some of the pubs in the campus center through the rest- of the year. There is absolutely no reason on earth why a “pub” on this campus has to be a beersotted orgy of muscular diarrhea. Surely one of the clubs could see fit to limit entrance to a decent number of people so quiet conversation could take place, and provide good local folksingers or blues vocalists in the background. Because of the slight loss of gate money, perhaps- the federation could sponsor this type of pub and assume the small deficit required to pay a reasonable performer. So there.


OUR LORD, who art in the Treasury, name, they power be prolonged, thy will the empire, as it is in each session. Give and forgive us our occassional absences promise not to -forgive those that divide us not out df our places; but keep us in the the land of Pensions and Plenty; and People Amen -William


independent phone


production assistant: Al Lukachko Bob Epp (news), Tom Purdy (creative photo), rats (features)

This week in the news: peter Wilkinson, meg edelman, ross bell, brute meharg dave blaney, diane caron, brian anderson, Steve izma, eleanor hyodo, ron aiken, tom phil elsworthy, janice williams, dave mccutcheon, bill lindsay, certain, jim stone, paul lawson. And tuesday chevrons will not be mailed out this year to co-op students because our budget cannot handle it.

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22 September

1970 (I I: 19) 219


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