
Page 1

I War


on Campus


hopes for involvement

The university of Waterloo fede&ion of students has establishI ed a sub-committee, headed by Abie Weisfeld and Jim Chisholm, Y to investigate the research situa! tion on this campus. They will investigate and report to student’s council on: the nature of research being carried out on the university campus; the source and application of funding for all research programs; and the overall research policy of the university of Waterloo. In a recent interview Weisfeld said- that the university research administration office is permitting the committee access to its research files. Prior to this students had access only to less detailed files on research, in the arts library. He said that the committee hopes to look into all as- pects of research on this campus. Weisfeld said the Vietnam mobiliza tion committee urged the formation of this committee when it found in the US congressional record a listing of the military research being carried on at universities. At this time, the US air force is financing a research project at this university. There were fifty-six projects listed being conducted at Canadian universities for the american military. Weisfeld also estimated that perhaps half of all research being conducted at the university of Waterloo might be supported by Canadian and american deEngineering dean Archie Shevfense organizations. The national Jouvne (right, with cigar)-and research council also subsidizes much of the research being carhis senate disciples were conried out on Canadian university gratulated warmly last thurscampuses. day for their stand on ‘morWeisfeld sees US involvement in ality’ by federation’ of studresearch on Canadian campuses ents chaplain Carl Sulliman. as a significant revelation of the overall research policy of the See story this page. university ; it is pertinent to

by Barry chevron



know the policy does permit the use of university facilities for US war research. He also pointed out that the university’s research policy, must be related to the entire concept of the university’s purpose and general philosophy. If it accepts, or even seeks funds from the american department of defense, it is unlikely that it would permit the teaching of ideas antagonistic to that department. Weisfeld said administration president Matthews’ position

the university’s research policy is it is up to each individual researcher, and not a concern of the administration. Weisfeld doubted the truth of. this statement and he considered it inadequate. He pointed out no one on campus is receiving funds for research done for the red Chinese. Weisfeld is also concerned that this report is not merely submitted to the student’s council.He hopes the students take action to establish a more satisfactory policy, if the present policy is

found wanting. It is unfair, for instance, that the entire university community should be implicated in the war in Indo-China because of the actions of a few people. He forsees increased action by students, perhaps lead by the VMC, on the issue of Canadian complicity in the Vietnam war. He stated Canadian students have , r,ecently focused their attention on other issues, but that there are optimistic signs that this is changing.

Sen-ate sifts federation Assuming to influence student opinion over the internal affairs of the federation of students, the university senate voted last thursday to seek a student referendum concerning the collection of a student activity fee. The motion supposedly arising from senate executive but proposed and amended by engineering dean Archie Sherbourne, implores the board of governors to see that the federation supervises such a referendum before next december 15. The motion further demands the referendum wording be approved by a committee of the student society presidents and that a minimum vote be achieved. Sherbour’ne seemed to be responding to the complaint of several final year engineering students that their relations with the federation have not been good. The students referred to an “impeachment” petition allegedly signed by 600 students against federation president Rick Page that resulted from federation council’s denunciation of a strip show held by graduating engi-

neers late last term. They claimed the council acted “immorally” in calling for quorum call before it decided whether to accept the enginners’ petition. At the march council meeting, pe titian sponsors repeatedly ‘urged moral decisions were a personal affair when challenged that exploitation of the female body was “immoral”. (Technically, council cannot accept any impeachment motion. The bylaws under which the federation was granted incorporation make no reference to f‘impeachment”, but set out correct procedures to follow when challenging a council decision. Petition organizers failed to follow these procedures. ) Part-time instructor Lynn Watt (past chairman of the nowdefunct Unicameral act committee studying ons4ier university government hotly supported Sherbourne ignoring senate alumnus Richard Van Veldhuisen and chemical engineering professor Robert, Huang who felt the senate should leave the mat-


ter to the students themselves for resolution. Watt vociferously. claimed the activity fee was an academic matter and did not respond to challenges that neither he nor anyone else on senate had bothered to seek the federation’s response to the criticisms voiced. I Federation representatives said little at the meeting, but indicated later they will not accept what they consider senate “demands” in an ‘area they feel is off-limits to senate concern, though c the possibility of a referendum was not discounted. The fee in question is illegally listed in the new academic calender under “incidental fees.. .federation of students” despite acknowledgement last july by administration president Burt Matthews and the administration lawyer that the fee was a university, and not a federation fee. The senate motion, admitted by one senate member as “sneaky”, to the board of governors in june.


s 0cia.l

Sterilize il 742:4488 TAvt=N 0 0 a 8






Ottawa (CUP) - A prominent psychiatrist has begun looking at the whole of society in discussing future use of involuntary sterilization on a wider basis. Dr. John Fortheringham, an associate professor at the Ontario institute for studies in education, made his comments in the current issue of the Canadian medical association journal. “When one looks around and sees the number of children who are in the care of non-retarded persons who are incompetent for the task, living in squalor, ignorance and suffering, one wonders whether the principles outlined



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here for dealing w&h the retarded do not apply equally well to us all,” he said. Noting that only British Columbia and Alberta now have provisions for involuntary sterilization of the retarded, Fortheringham posed either . contraception or sterilization as facilitating more humane treatment of mentally de: fective persons. Many of those in confinement could be released if unable to bear children, and for those in confinement sterilization would end the necessity for sexual segregation. With five to ten per cent of the

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Evans, I Director.

TODAY Federation Flicks. $1 members; $1.50 non-members. 8pm AL1 16 Sponsor-, ed by Federation of Students.


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days; 745- 1534 evenings. HOUSING AVAILABLE Male students - two single rooms for summer months. Private bath, cooking facilities. 12 dollars weekly. Phone

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Security Campus security ........................... Waterloo police ........................ Kitchener police .......................


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Only Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec permit marriage of the mentally defective or mentally ill. Many people incompetent to raise children are capable of dealing with other marriage responsibilities, henoted.

Contact is a service provided by the chevron for listing important telephone numbers often sought when a university directory is not available. If you- wish an exceptional number listed, call 3443 bet ween 9 and 5.



population mildly retarded, there is the problem of practicality of large-scale sterilization in addition to questions of infringment on civil rights. Only after voluntary birth control programs have been tried and fail should less voluntary methods be applied, he said. .

SATURDAY Federation Flicks. $1 members; $1.50 non-members. 8pm AL1 16 Sponsored by Federation of Students.

MONDAY Waterloo University Gay Liberation Movement general meeting. Everyone welcome. 8pm HUM161 Grad Student Lounge. TUESDAY Five hour pub-dance with music by Whiplash and Band Harold. 8pm campus center pub. Sponsored by Federation of Students. Flying club ground school. welcome. 7pm MC3007.


WEDNESDAY All Christians interested in forming a prayer group for the summer meet in apt. 209 Waterloo Towers 8pm or phone 743-1738 ask for John. Sponsored by IVCF. THURSDAY Federation Three Flicks 75~ members; $1.50 non-members. 8v-n AL1 16 Sponsored by Federation of Students.


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2? the chevron






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press conference

,Poster warns

of soft c-ontact le.rises

Dr. Maurice Poster, chairman food and drug directorate does of american optometric commitnot have to approve contack lentee on contact lenses, warned ses, and so the Griffin lens can be against- the indiscriminate use of distributed here now. The reason for the FDA’s conthe new soft contact lenses last friday at a press conference in the cern was the possibility of bacmath & computer building. teria culturing on the absorptive Dr. Poster stated caution should surface of a soft lens and pass be exercised in distributing soft through -the lens into the eye. contact lenses until they have been Chairman Poster stated bacteria more properly evaluated. Optomcould culture on the surface of a etry School director, Ted Fisher contact lens, but would not pass said he was not against the new - through to the eye. soft lenses, but felt they should be As compared to hard lenses, the used with extreme caution. one ~main advantage of the soft contact lenses is they do not cause The soft contact lenses are now the initial irritation to the cornea available in Canada. The Griffin and eyelids some patients experNatura/ens is being fitted by some ience. practitioners here and the Bausch Because they are more comand Lomb Sot/ens should be available near the end of 1971. Only - fortable the move to contact lenses might be less traumatic than the Bausch and Lomb contacts use of hard have been approved by the US with the immediate food and drug administration. The contact lenses. Griffin lenses are still being There is also less likelihood of studied by the FDA and have not soft contacts being dislodged from yet been approved. The Canadian the eye, and can be used for sports



m Radio Waterloo . granted; aid




About two percent of all canadians now wear hard contacts, and ophthalmologists now recognize that their value is more than just cosmetic. Sometimes contacts are helpful when spectacles are not. Visual acuity with contacts is superior to spectacles. Many people who use contacts find that their eyes stop changing. Even with all of the problems associated with them, the development of soft contacts is definitely seen as a progressive step in the development of contact lenses. The optometrists hope that some day a material will be found combining the advantages of both hard and soft contacts;. and spectacles will be replaced entirely. I


Radio Waterloo received written confirmation Wednesday that their summer project of community involvement in student, broadcasting will receive financial support of 7,466 dollars from the federal government. The purpose of the project will be to study the programming requirements of Kitchener-.Waterloo area and university communities and set up a nonprofit community oriented radio station which will. fill the void left by commercial broadcasters and the CBC. Radio Waterloo will be working along with a similar project which is producing programmes for Grand River Cable’s community channel 12. The two groups are intermeshed because of their common goal of community involvement in the media. Both groups in conjunction are titled “Wired World-Waterloo County Community Media”. Every effort will be made to make Radio Waterloo’s facilities available to anyone or any group wishing to use them.


In the near future, the university of Waterloo plans to institute a form of unicameral government. - On the surface this seems like a more efficient system, but this tendency to more centralization carries with it dangers-which the board of governors and senate are neglecting to deal with. The federation of- students minority report, released wednesday,- points out a few items which -

\ 0

The disadvantages of the soft lenses are many. They do not provide as good vision as conventional cornea1 lenses. When the eyelid blinks the lense tend to change shape, sometimes causing a blurring’of vision. The material of the lens can also haze from the secretions of the eye. They are not as stable as hard cornea1 lenses and will not last as long.

They can break and tear. They must come in contact only with saline or other special solutions, and handling is a problem. Heavy eye make-up, for instance, cannot be used with soft lenses because they could be damaged. There is a great deal of concern whether the public will give these lenses proper care. The cost of maintenanck is about five dollars a month for the Griffin lens, much more than for the hard lenses. The initial cost is also greater, perhaps fifty dollars more than for the hard lenses. The soft contacts require more time for fitting, and more aftercare is required, in spite of what has appeared in the press.


Camp Columbia and Radio Waterloo now have written acknowledgement from the federal government that they will receive money to carry out projects under the summer opportunities for youth program. Camp Columbia’s 20,600 dollar grant will be used to increase activities the camp has, been engaged in over the last two years. The ’ money will allow four sessions, compared to three sessions held last year, and another fifty kids to attend the camp situated on the north campus next to Columbia lake. The field trip program which allowed one session of last summer’s camp to. travel to Toronto’s Ontario science center, will be able to include one field trip for each of the four sessions. In a breakdown of the costs involved 12,ooO dollars will -be used to employ 20 councillors for the ten week period. The remaining 8,006 dollars is broken down for supplies, rental of equipment, transportation and other program expenses. _-


except for swimming. Because the lenses are porous, they will absorb chlorine, microorganisms, and other substances from the water, which could cause irritation or infection of the eyes. Finally, soft contacts can also be used for applying and holding medication to the eye.


The chevron wishes to acknowledge and correct two mistakes made in last friday’s paper. The story “Medical director wants more campus services” read, “The duties of the psychiatrist would be.. . ” but should have read, “The duties of the director of health ser-


are of concern to students. If the act is passed without consideration of these facts, the student at the university of Waterloo will be relegated to a third class citizen. The proposed use of “in camera” sessions will effectively ‘leave decision making powers in the hands of a few-a situation which already exists. Under the structure the report charges decisions will not be made public, or

S ta


vices are.. . ” Also, in the story entitled, “Student-teacher rap on radio Waterloo forum on page three Thomas is quoted as saying that he dominated discussion since he loved to hear himself talk. This should read, “Ferguson said he dominated discussion since he loved to hear himself talk. ”

The Ontario government ment page 10.

does it again. Ontario Place, can you take it seriously? See com-

Davis assails. insurance sure the public that it’s operating in the best interests of society at large. There must be a public Premier Bill Davis speaking on trust in the industry if it is to the role of the insurance industry at a dinner on may 8, stated that secure the support it deserves and the industry is being challenged as which will reduce public pressure on government to move into* its to fair treatment by a questioning field”. public. “The industry must examine Davis said he felt some of the itself closely”, he said “to as- criticism of the industry was unfair but there has been some which is deserved. The tardiness and incomplete settlement of claims was cited as an example. For this reason, David said the even available to the university financial and commercial affairs community until it is too late to minister set up a committee on act on the delayed information. automobile insurance- settlements, The act gives the university the and this committee is now holding power to discipline students for hearings. Davis said he was sure actions they feel are unworthy that this examination will proof a university student. The re- duce- a more effective insurance port shows that the committee on industry which will justify a unicameral government neglects greater degree of public confithe fact that there is. a bill of rights dence. in Canada, there are already laws He said the committee chairwhich govern Canadian society as man has been. asked to report a whole, and that a double jeopback to the minister as soon as ardy situation is created J for stu- possible and make recommendadents. tions for improvements in the Finally, if the university is ever going to seriously be considered a community of scholars, decision making and policy formation will have to reflect this. As it - .stands, all important decisions are LaPaz (CINS) - The bolivian being made in a very unrepresengovernment has declared the Untative fashion. ited States Peace Corps unnecessary and said the 100 members Decisions involving academia have no business in the hands of working in Bolivia will have to administrators and bureaucrats. leave the country. Students and faculty constitute a The announcement by foreign university. Decisions involving ac- minister Huascar Taborga last night followed demands by leftademia should be left in their wing students and worker organhands. by Jim Parry chevron staff



settlement claim procedures. A joint government-industry committee was formed last october to study the whole field of automobile insurance. This committee was asked to give special attention to no fault insurance, a complicated and poorly understood area. “It should be pointed out” said Davis, “that a form of no fault insurance is now available.. . ” but he also pointed out that questions exist as to whether this is sufficient and if the public is aware of its existence. , The establishment of ‘such an automobile insurance scheme on a more clearly defined basis does not necessarily mean that government has to run the insurance plan. _ He concluded,” The challenge which the insurance industry as a whole must face is to assure that the public has confidence in its ability to carry out in a fair and equitable manner the responsibilities which it now has and which it may have in the future.”



izations that the corps be expelled on the grounds that it included drug addicts and spies for the US central intelligence agency. Taborga told a news conference the government was ending the agreement of june 19, 1962, under which the US government agreed to send Peace Corps volunteers to Bolivia. friday




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LAWRENCEOFARABIA Lawrence of Arabia, showing at the Lyric, is in fact three films. It is a costly spectacle ,of panorama beauty, a lengthy character study and a political study of Arabia during the first world war. Made in 1962, this film was part of the resurgence of the Hollywood extravaganzas of three and four decades age. Shot in Jordan, Morroco and Spain, the movie drenches the audience in the colors and sights of exotic landscapes. There can be no doubt that two of the seven oscars won by Lawrence of Arabia for best color cinematography and best art direction were all earned. The vastness of the deserts and almost still-life shots of solitary bluffs bathed in subdued sunrises create moods and images that the action of the story fail to live up to. The problem with director David Lean’s use of prolonged scenic vistas and extended long-shots of Lawrence’s desert treks is that it does create an overly long movie and parched viewers. The crush at the water fountain and pop machines during intermission was immense However, the film’s screen play, written by playwright Robert Bolt, tries to make the character of T.E. Lawrence the central focus of the film and not the desert. After three hours, the viewer was left with the impression that the director should have stuck to the desert. Peter O’Toole who plays Lawrence, is constantly guilty of overacting. As in his other leading roles in Lord Jim and Beckett, he plays an individual, forced by historical circumstances to choose between contradictory moral paths. O’Toole acts out each conflict in the film with clear, pale blue eyes turned heavenwards, and his face twisted in ethical torment. To put it mildly, there is only so much personal anguish that can be withstood before vomitting fits take over. In his portrayal of T.E. Lawrence, O’Toole crosses this boundary and ends up turning this historical character into a cartoon caricature. Most of the supporting actors are exceptionally good. Jack Hawkins as general Allenby who was the military architect of the Palestinian state, succeeds admirably in portraying the sly army man who trys to sustain the illusion that war is separate from politics until his enemies and his allies have been outmanouvered. These were the men in the field who built the british empire and Hawkins creates the kind of character that allows us to understand what they were like and how they did it. Equally good performances were turned in by Alec Guinness as the autocrat Prince Feisal and Anthony Quinn as Anda Abu Tayi - the arab equivalent of Zorba the greek. An excellent

Bov scouts I

PHILADELPHIA (CUPI) Documents said to be among those stolen from the FBI indicate that the agency encourages local police departments to recruit Boy Scouts as informers. . Six documents evidently used by bureau police instructors were made available by the National Action Research on the Military -- Industrial Complex

cameo performance by Jose Ferrer as a pewerted turkish officer perfectly captured the total military and decadent decline of the turkish empire. On the other hand, Omar Sharif as the principaled, young arab nationalist and particularly Arthur Kennedy as the american journalist become tiresome in their constant moral judgements. Beyond the character study and a few scattered action scenes lies the historical event. The present upsurge in the quest by the arab peoples for liberation from foreign domination (and in some cases internal oppression) traces its roots directly back to the establishment of british colonialism in the middle east in 1918. The usual pattern of british imperialism - an alliance with the self seeking royal’autocrats - is clearly shown. Emphasis put on the diplomatic nature of military tactics (and visa versa) is portrayed chiefly through the ’ role of Mr. Dryden of the arab bureau played by Claude Rains and by the manouvering of general Allenby. Yet when it comes to depicting the arab peoples themselves, Lawrence of Arabia, falls down badly. To be sure, in the film Lawrence attempts to challenge the overt racism of the british officers who call the arabs wogs. The film also truthfully shows the historic divisions and antagonisms between the various arab tribes. But on the whole the film expresses a more subltle racism. With a few individual. exceptions a rather simplistic picture of the arab peoples is presented. The natives are totally undisciplined when it comes to the intricacies of sustained military campaigns or political rule. Arabs are characterized as ruthless and bloodthirsty butchers without the redeeming Christian passion exhibited by Lawrence. In addition, the arabs are shown as a superstitious people who attribute all human acts as the work of Allah and therefore totally, inscrutable and unchangeable. This -leaves these ,people prone to be led (misled?) by puppet gods like T.E. Lawrence. More importantly, the film is likely to leave present day western viewers with the impression. that arabs are child-like people who are incapable of ruling themselves. They need western leaders to deliver them from their ignorance of technology (i.e. Arabs were incapable of working the electrical and water plants in Damascus) and their primitive childish bickering. So much for Hollywood’s role as imperialist propagandizer. Yet I wonder how many other viewers of Lawrence of Arabia were able to get through the stoning effect of the scenery to get at the appeal to their racism that the film trys for. But what the heck, I only go to films to be entertained. (NARMIC), a program of the American Friends Service Committee here. Scouts are given identification cards with police, FBI and other “emergency” numbers on the reverse side, and told to watch for a report on “unusual activity or lack of activity in neighbours’ homes, criminal acts, suspicious acts including persons loitering.. . ”

by Dave Cubberley chevron

Jean-Paul Sartre: The Philosopher by Benjamin Suhl Columbia University Press, 31 I


as Literary



Given the intellectual climate of the north american university, one can almost hear the ‘Sartre not again’ exploding inside the inmates’ harried little empirical minds. ‘Modern thought’, languishing in its comtean solemnity, diddling along amidst its aggregations and models, footloose and value-free, preserving and fattening its image as befits a lord and master, remains fixed in its dominion, if only by dint of sheer number. Content with its present condition, favoured by government, business and yes, even the military, little critical air ever penetrates its stagnant hold; the beginner entering this morass with an untrained eye quite easily mistakes its bluster for real fight. Fraught with holes, incapable of instilling itself with confidence in times of social crisis, its stodgy appearance incapable of inspiring all but the most meagre minds, this porn-_ pous edifice, dodders ’ past the most pressing questions with its vanity intact. Not a little of this attitude pervades the Canadian university today. Analytical-empirical thinking accords no charity to sallies against its empire - here the boast of ‘academic freedom’ is most clearly contradicted; its battles are purely internal, most often comprised of rival formulations with nearly identical methods and premises competing for power. Any suggestion that there exist other ways of conceptualizing the world (which in turn might, horror of horrors, suggest other ways of living and changing the world) is quickly smothered; those who attempt to create such alternatives receive little more than an academic hatchet job. This is the backdrop against which thinkers such as Jean-Paul Sartre receive their ‘due’. When ‘aired’, the outing is brief, usually comprising an encounter with one of his literary pieces; the reasons for this are simple and revealing - a reading of Sartre demands different intellectualhabits than the university of late is accustomed to fostering - it requires an effort at sustained logic, a willingness to combine disciplines and most importantly, a commitment to question first premises. Sartre’s effort has been, broadly speaking, the restoration of human freedom to its rightful. place within our understanding, not as an additive or afterthought, but as the very basis of life itself. As such it is an attack on the behavioural ‘sciences’ and that method of inquiry which reduces knowledge of man to the same level as the investigation of natural phenomena ; contrary to ‘popular’ opinion, his work goes far beyond an anti-determinist polemic. In its entirety it represents an effort to lay the foundations for a positive comprehension of man - man taken as that entity which transforms I the structures that limit his world, rather than servilely responding to their dictates, as the behaviourists would have it. Empirical analysis finds a home within Sartre’s system, but as a useful tool and not as a self-sufficient starting point. Suhl’s achievement in relation to all of this is twofold: most significantly he portrays Sartre’s work as an integrated whole, thus rescuing him from the spurious parcelling he receives from many academicians; we experience him now, not as a sometime philosopher, a former playwrite

and novelist who dabbled in literary criticism - rather Suhl, despite the brevity of his book, achieves the whole man, whose life (to use Sartre’s own term) is a project developing itself on levels simultaneously. many Suhl’s technique is superb and thoroughly Sartrian itself - working from an in-depth understanding of his philosophy, Suhl ex@ores his development as a critic by relating it to the genesis and refinement of his me taphysits. For Sartre the value of literature is immense - creative writing is ‘action through disclqsure’, the presentation of a piece of life through a particular set of lenses; writing is more than simple entertainment, more than a reproduction of life as it is universally experienced - all writing is interpretive, presenting human actions in a specific fashion, structuring them according to an insight or PreconcePtion, is thus ‘committed’. To understand a work we must take it ‘on its own suspending immediate terms’, judgement and allowing for its self development, all the while looking for essential features; in this way we can retrace the author’s steps, finally arriving at his premises; For Sartre, literature is a sort of multidemensional philosophy, capturing life in its fullness while at the same time presenting an interpretation. He criticizes the determinist novel which reproduces the past as a simple mechanical recounting, pre-empting any effort to convey events as they are lived, in their immediacy and urgency, conditioned by a future with many possibilities - that is, a future weighed down by our own freedom, cluttered with choice and


the responsibility it creates. Also discounted are - formula novels, no matter how literate, that cash in on a time-tested. style with its assured response. For Sartre, literature can only exist as an effort in ‘anguish’, a conscious project which seeks to go beyond the structures that limit human expression. The critic himself does not emerge unscathed. Sartre mounts a lucid attack against those who adopt the genre of criticism as an excuse to parade their own belief s. Art exists somewhere between the capacity of the artist to reveal life in its richness and the readers desire and ability to be uprooted by it. This rule holds for the critic - the work only achieves itself in the interplaybetween the reader and the author - if a critic is unwilling to be affected, to be worked over and changed, creation is precluded ; judgement cannot then be generated from the experience itself - it is simply preordained. Further, in the act of criticizing and locating the art-

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Sughl’s effort is invaluable. Admittedly not a beginning point for those with little or no knowledge of Sartre, certainly in no way meant as a substitute for involvement with his creations, it is an excellent, if brief, analytical presentation of the man which erects a valuable framework for further study; well researched and written, it spans his entire intellectual career. The ‘sense’ of Suhl’s work, its merit, is that we emerge with an admiration for the breadth of Sartre’s talent and are drawn to him as an as-yet untapped resource. Suhl is a concise, convincing invitation to the Sartrian world.


by Linda chevron

Arnold staff

ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO go and see the exhibit at the ‘GalQuestion - What were several lery of Ontario on Dundas street thousand people crowded into in Toronto. The new additions inthe art Gallery of Ontario doing? clude Picasso, Dali, Leger and Looking at Art? Perhaps, but many more. If you’ve never thursday’s gala affair, given for heard of these people, it doesn’t the members of the gallery, lookmatter, go any way. Their work ed more like a cocktail party for the members of Canada’s jet will speak for them. set. Sipping on mixed drinks, they crowded into the various rooms conversing and bumping into one another, hardly noting the fantastic collection of art works surrounding them. SEOUL (CUPI) - South korean The honorable John Robarts, riot police were called out to conthe piece de resistance of the ‘, trol a peaceful anti-war protest by evening, with his stunning set of off-duty american military perteeth and honest to God, Glory sonnel, their girlfriends, and a few to the Flag and Mamas’ apple locals on May 16. The over-reacpie eyes, gave an extremely bortion came as the group marched ing speech in honor of the donasilently through a crowded shiption of the Samuel Zacks art colping area on Myongdong street, lection. This type of evening in the heart of thecity. makes one wonder just what art The korean girls were taken to a is all about. It certainly can’t police hut for questioning after be for these people who set their 1 the group ignored a police order empty glasses and dirty ash to disperse and the demonstration trays at the base of a sculpture was broken up. The GIs were turnof Giacometti’s over turning the ed over to U.S. MPs. The three ashes and remains of the drink on american women military dethe inscription. pendents, dropped out prior to the Perhaps this is a good sign. If police moving in. Before the prothese plastic people who only pay test ended, the group had swelled lip ‘service to the art world, have to 30. never felt the fantastic output of energy in these canvases and sculptures - then possibly, the Everyone has choice common man has this part saved .when to and not to raise for himself. their voices; it’s you Finally and what I wrote this for, was to encourage everyone to that decides.




28 may

7977 f 72:3)



At the university of Toronto in the late 1950s students studied history in the paneled library and vaulted dining room of a converted mansion bordering on a tended park. The aristocratic surroundings, the size of the class (36 graduated in history), the belief of the professors that they were training the future leaders of the country (that is, the boys were to be leaders ; girls were to be the wives and mothers of leaders), all of this contributed to the awareness of being an elite. On graduation day, feelings of importance were confirmed by Claude Bissell, then in his first year as president of the university, who described the graduates as the fortunate few whose decisions and actions would shape not ohly the country but the world. That’s not exactly what he said, of course, but there’s no question that’s what they all took him to mean. Certainly they believed it. And there was endless evidence that they were- right. There were then more jobs to be done than there were graduates. Those feelings they had in 1959 of being the chosen remained strong among the graduates of succeeding classes. The whole country was caught up in the gung-ho conviction that Canada’s future depended on the leadership and the inspiration of highly educated -young people. In the cause of that abundant future people gladly of’fered up their tax dollars to build education plants and, to induce youth into those plants, and gladly offered up yet more tax dollars for loans, bursaries, scholarships, student housing and graduate schools. In june of 1966 Macleans called that effort “our billionldollar gamble on national greatness.” A Niagara of concrete was poured at Toronto to form new buildings for physics, chemistry, medicine, zoology, dentistry, education research, pharmacy, law, music and engineering. These bulky, usually ugly structures were xeroxed on every existing campus in the country, and where campuses didn’t exist to be expanded new ones were thrust down raw. That ma n s i on where students had “read” history was distended soon after’ by a massive addition of glass and brick that spread over a huge piece of that lovely park. The new students who came to study history did so in a de-humanizing concrete learning plant, where professors seemed less tutors to the elite than office managers, except they were there to process students instead of paper. (It was as a reaction against “being processed? that the student power movement erupted in 1965.) But if in the mid-sixties the university felt like a factory and the students like its products, at least the ‘factory worked efficiently and the product was in strong demand. Business, industfy, government and academia all courted untried college graduates like suitors pursuing heiresses, Seniors in engineering were playing off three and four job offers. To dispel the boredom of their studies, some of them would fly off blithely on cross-country weekend junkets for interviews with employers whose


26 the chevron


offers they had no intention of accepting. Law students’ already prodigious sense of superiority was confirmed by the number of big city law firms competing for their services. Teachers were graduating into a job market that seemed insatiabie, and even a BA was a certain enough guarantee of employment that arts graduates were emboldened to harangue campus placement officers for their failure to offer “relevant” and “socially useful” positions. see comment



All has changed ‘Suddenly all that has changed. Suddenly there is so little demand for university graduates that a frightening and frightened segment of the class-of ‘71 can’t find even the mundane opportunities that in years past they might have sneered at. No one knows how many of the 75,000 graduates in the ‘class of ‘71 have been unable to find the kind of work they have been trained for, but it could be as many as half. The only students untouched by the employment squeeze are those who, by luck or good planning, are picking up the “right” degree from their chancellors this june. A medical degree is good, a dental degree is better, geology, metallurgy, business and commerce, some engineering specialties - ‘these degrees still make their recipients winners in the education sweepstakes. But they will be the fortunate exceptions. For the rest, we don’t have the jobs to match their skills or their expectations and, what is worse, maybe we never will. Arts graduates may still start off arguing they didn’t spend three years at university to spend the rest of their lives selling life insurance, that sych a proposal is an insult to their philosophy major and their psychology minor, but, as campus placement officers tell it, “when that’s all we have to offer them, you’d be surprised how quickly they take it.” “You know,” one bemused but not unpleased employer smiles, “I’m actually getting kids coming in for job interviews and offering to shave off their beards if I thought it would improve their chances of being hired.” Law students are complaining this year about the lack of interviews, never mind jobs. And the companies that used to fly planeloads of engineers on hiring junkets aren’t even springing for the price of a single fare to fly their recruiter to the students. With few first-rate opportunities available, engineers are being encouraged to switch to chartered accountancy, accept subprofessional work for a while or push off for the boondocks of Wabush or Sept Iles.




The class of ‘71 is the victim of what is coming to be known as the great training robbery. This year’s graduates, whom we sloganeered into believing they had only one problem, to choose

(“Should I be an engineer or an architect, a teacher or a social worker, a chemist or an astronomer?“), and only one task, to get certified so they could start collecting the goodies we promised, are only the first casualties. Cab-driiing PhDs may be apocryphal but the prevalence of underemployment among the highly educated is fact. This spring when the federal government advertised 40 low-level computer-programming jobs requiring only technical-school qualifications it was swamped with 560 applications, an embarrassing number of them from over-qualified MAs and PhDs unable to find work appropriate to their training. A PhD in economics from McGill applied in desperation to Memorial university in Newfoundland for a post she really considered beneath her. She found 300 better qualified applicants in line ahead of her. In Toronto many arts graduates who really don’t want into the Ontario college of education can’t get in when, for lack of other opportunities,Jhey apply * The hardest hit of all are those unfortunate students who at convocation this spring will collect a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science (that’8 half the class j71 right there) or a PhD in just about anything. As Alice Martin, the manpower officer at the Regina campus of the university of “Things are always bad for Saskatchewan, says, arts graduates out here. This year they’re not even that good. ” How far away all those conferences on the future I attended all through the sixties now seem, all those technicolor visions of government leaders and professional futurists who exhorted us to give our children the skills and flexibility of mind they’d need to handle the mind-blowing challenges of the 1980s and ’90s. How inconceivable it would have sounded then - and, to me, still sounds - that a highly complex society can’t make use of the cream of its educated crop. Yet there are the statistics telling us that a disproportionate numbed of the unemployed are young. If between 7 percent and 8 percent is the rate of unemployment for the population as a whole, almost 13 percent is the rate for young people under 25. (That high figure would be even higher if it didn’t ignore the number of students who are staying in school beyond the point where they would nol;mally leave, the number so discouraged that they withdraw and stay home and are listed as “retired,” and the number working as few as ‘15 hours a week who are still listed as “employed.“) Graduates who couldn’t find jobs last year could still persuade themselves that their predicament was temporary and that a high-status ,job wotild be theirs for the asking when the economy iscranked up again. But by now it’s clear, even if many of the class of ‘71 aren’t yet prepared to face it, that the unemployability of university graduates is specific and transcends the present economic slump. All of which, unhappily, fulfills the predictions of a young Queen’s university economist, David Dodge, who for several years has


been warning that the exp, ties in the sixties was crel ates who would not find jot appropriate for college-edL would have to get used tc jobs there were the same 1 ates used to.



Abraham Rotstein, an versity of Toronto, believe as much as we mislead 01 them up to believe in We created a myth that as many engineers, as many political scientists everybody fell for it. The find jobs-now is the result economic planning in this , graduate engineers, who I political scientists working .Michael Cross is an history and dean of me university of Toronto. HI casualties of the great trr “They want to hear that porary, that if they go a year or two or three they mess has been all sorted ( honesty I can’t give them crave. This isn’t going‘to p times we won’t need the n now have. I don’t think we’1 That kind of pessimism unsympathetic reception these days from the emplc after them. Industry exec the high turnbver of uni% of whom left their first jl They questioned the return these graduates, but most: what they regarded as their in this period of economi are sifting over a box of tried graduates they norn ed over from the new tee munity colleges, and tht dents capable. It’s highly times will send employers ary demands of the univc sides, they much prefer t who walk in willing to stal insisting on it. A longtime industry I! many management people vinced of the necessity of e ed staff. “Oh they alway: make them look progres! we’ve got three MBAs on one bank that has a whole on the payroll, and every ( some sport out of going ir one of them. ”

n of the universimasses of graduIt they considered 1 people and who apping over what iigh-school gradu-

Imist at the unimisled ourselves uth. “We brought isperity Forever. leeded everybody, ny teachers, as re could get, and re of the young to aving no organs of &y, and so we have be draftsmen and erks.” tant professor of Victoria college, s been counseling 7. robbery all year. troubles are temand wander for a return to find the )r them. But in all reassurances they tter. Even in boom er of graduates we r need them again.. sed, in part, on the uates are getting who used to chase !s always resented y graduates, most vithin three years. heir investment in ?y felt put down by !en arrogance. Now bvnturn, employers slates. Many have would have pass11 school and comfound these stu;tionable that good ( to the higher sal-bred product. Belmility of students the bottom, indeed iter confides that re never been conbving highly educatre a few around to ‘Look at us, premises. ’ There’s of ‘educated people in a while they get he cage and killing



The taxpayer, too, is feeling vindictive. For a while now he’s been begrudging the money spent on thankless young people, and now that he’s financially strapped he’s pressing the politicians to cut back on university spending. In Ontario John White, the new minister of university affairs, has announced a program that will give the “more scholar for the dollar.” That’s province not very far from “fewer scholars for fewer dollars,” which is just as rhythmic and would probably have even more voter appeal. Yesterday’s Philistines are about to become today’s heroes. Yet, despite the unemployed 1970 model BAs, MAs and PhDs still in inventory as the new ’71s (with no added features to make them any more marketable) pour off the line, the students themselves have so bought the gospel of higher education that their first response to bad times is to go back to school for more. The experience of their classmates leaving university with MAs and PhDs should prove to them that more education often makes them less employable, not more. But they are like speculators drilling for riches who, failing to make a strike at the level they expected, continue drilling into the barren pit. Locked in by their investment, they rationalize that if they failed at 1,500 feet they can’t miss at 2,000. Graduate school, volunteer work in underdeveloped countries, communes, travel - any temporary shelter will do to tough out the hard times which all but the most politically radical of the class of ‘71 nervously trust will be over soon. You get the feeling that given a chance many of them would gladly call off graduation entirely this year. Unable to arrange that, they’re doing the next thing - ducking. Considering the excuses they have for belliger-ence, the graduates I’ve spoken to on campuses across the country seem inexplicably passive and submissive. Few of them are yet able to face the possibility that their long-promised payoff of a high-paying, high-status job is in jeopardy. Even students at the volatile CEGEPs, Quebec’s junior colleges, seem to have gone mushy, stretching two-year programs into four by taking a minimum number of courses each semester, going along with the provincial government, which clearly has no jobs for them. (The joke going around Quebec campuses this spring is, “Question: What’s been banned -as too erotic? Answer: The 100,000 positions of Robert Bourassa.“) Thousands of graduates are making a temporary career out of welfare, and some, of them are among the most realistic of the graduating class. They are convinced they aren’t needed by society and are willing to live at a subsistence level, spend lots of time reading, play the music they like, do drugs. If they are criticized for their indolence they argue that, in fact, they are doing everyone a favor, taking pressure off the job market and providing a model, in an era of insufficient work, of how to live happily without it.


to privacy

But most young people seem to be abandoning the communal feelings and the consciousness of themselves as a nation that was said to characterize youth in the sixties and are retreating’instead into privacy. It’s that new every-man-for-himself mentality that makes them see their personal employment problems as individual acts of failure. “We’ll have to scrounge for a while,” says Michael Sefton, a graduate in chemical engineering at the U of T who plans to go on to grad school. “Only half my classmates have jobs. But we’re not growing any revolutionaries over this. Engineers are supposed to be conservative, you know. Anyway there’s nothing to be gained by blaming the system. ” What the class of ‘71 is more inclined to blame, if they blame anything, is themselves. Job counselors are troubled by lamentations that sound like unconscious imitations of mouthwash commercials. What’s wrong with me?” moans Frederika Rotter, an MA grad in english from Montreal. “I’ve always had good marks, I’m fluently bilingual, I’m clean living, I don’t have messy hair, I’m not ugly. And yet the best job offer I can get is to baby-sit an autisticnine-year-old boy.” Such introspection soon undermines self-confidence and leads to much more damaging apathy and indolence. Counselors are finding it impossible to persuade students who have had a few rejections to continue looking for work, especially if the rejections were, as they often are, brutal (“You think you’re worth 8,500 dollars with that fancy MA, I can buy better than you for 6,000 dollars”). At the university of Toronto there are still on file 1,000 jobless graduates from the class of ‘70, 800 of whom their placement advisers have written off as unemployable because their morale and self-esteem have been so deeply eroded by continual rejection. Organized activity on campus political and social, has declined. Canadian university press, an association of student newspapers, reports a nothing year for campus news. Plays, when they are presented at all, are not well attended. At U of T’s Victoria college there were six closing formal dances last year. This year there are none. Claude Bissell, who is retiring as president of the university of Toronto, finds this inertia and apathy are making him almost nostalgic for the cocky, assertive students of the late sixties. “Their sense of power as a class is gone. I was at a graduation banquet a few weeks ago and was struck by their lack of goals and what I can only describe as their cynical gaiety. They seemed almost clownish to me, wandering about the hall, distributing marshmallows, that sort of nonsense. They seemed a very confused group.”


left leaders

through the system last year, and the few who remain-seem to be paralyzed by the same wave of apathetic introspection that has overcome their less political fellows. “Campus radicals? None here,” I was helpfully advised at the university of Manitoba. “Why don’t you try Regina?” Joan Williams, who is graduating this year with a Master’s in social work and whom professors at U of T remember as a “very provacative student,” describes the mood of radical students as reflective. “There weren’t enough victories. A lot of energy has been expended and the only results have been burned-out people and very little change. So they are retrenching and rethinking, _, wondering what to do next.” Despite the continuing job discrimination, despite their newly acquired “consciousness; ” women on campus are also keeping a low profile, especially in the professional schools. The younger women now in first and second year seem more assertive, but those who are graduating. this year are still so grateful to have been there at all they’re not about to make waves. Faith, especially in the young, dies hard, and for the next three to five years university enrollment will continue to rise. Besides, the campus is as congenial a place as any to be in bad times and, even if universities. no longer offer useful job training, even if they are thinly disguised relief agencies, a kind of young folk’s home, the young will still sign on because there aren’t many alternatives. But extravagant expenditures on higher education can only be justified if there are dividends. And the sight of PhDs (whose education cost the taxpayer as much as 150,000 dollars per graduate) pounding the sidewalk is too offensive to be tolerated for long. Cutbacks in spending are just the beginning. The universities will be forced to accept what until now they’ve tried to repudiate: . that their job-training faculties are an accessory to business and industry and that their output of graduates must not exceed the demand. But that will come too late for the class of ‘71. It’s tragic for young people who have gone the prescribed route, never questioned the itinerary and of ten fulfilled societies demands brilliantly, now to be victimized by society’s lack of foresight and unwillingness to plan. David Currey, placement director at the university of Toronto, worries that “we are going to end up with a group of people who won’t be able to fit in ever, even into a perfect economy. Their failure to fulfil1 their expectations will permanently change their lives. ” Just as surely as the philosophy of individualism formed the outlook of my graduating class in the Fifties and social idealism stamped the graduating classes of the sixties, so the collective experience of being unwanted will mark the class of ‘71.


Most of the new left leaders tions, the building take-overs,

of the demonstrathe sit-ins, passed



” ‘71”


by Barbara

28 may

Frumm, Macleans


7977 (72:3)



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there’s almost a -crunch in ., there (9), 26. To create sex B.A. properly only aggravates ( 1-l). a hwn


1. and 14. Is xii>t like-most biby foods and is twice blessed (72-5).

2. Bursting into flam& with a .-smell at the end ,(9). 3. To subdue tbpless veg&bie,

1. One of the Diane’s ask .me, did _. (5). ‘it carry ai 20 on the journey 4. Charged part&s choseii by fioti mneveh? (11) God? Not generally (9f. 7. IS a shake- of -the head a brilL , 5. See 13. _’ iant ideC( 5-4). 6. Give aithority to captured 8. Swift kiiock to one’s primitive _ soldier in -ends of system .erupinstincts (5) tion (7). I 10. It’s-. after a French artic!e, 1 7. Little George is after love iil also several articles (5) : a .back rub,‘that is, in the mid-11. How about &ng- back after dle(l1). I tandom shot to get warm aqd 9; May be soilded’ senior citizen, wet? (3-6). ’ I . but (mainly- odd loyeless- rot 12. Fawkes’ companions all steam(5-3-5). X*c. . 13. :and 5. Sailor now landlubber .- ed - up__could cause !1(7).: 14. See 1 down. is one of the choicest few? 16. Take me bit in the &$h _and -(4-2-3-5). 1’ go round the e&th (7). ’ - 1% Not,, perhaps, a madam, but .18. Crazy cheat in the beginnings mav ‘raise cute kittens (6-3). of sleep carries the boo&s (7) .17. Aft& breaking a hb ’ the ! 20. With nicely built’. hips boast a French saint has pqti, of -a safety measure at sea (5-4): brush (7). 23. Colour heraldic hoof and horns . 19. The ale inside is hers - make * difli;ztly ‘ differently abqut us better (7). 21. A colour miired, that is,. a 24. Pr&lud’e embrace/ by -fastest I snake. (5). , 1 .operator ,(5). 22. A rough and ready rule of it

Mara,tho.ner Last Monday, warrior coach Arthur Taylor ventured out in the rain for a 15 mile workout. On initial viewing, this does not represent a phenomenal feat since the experienced marathone’r often runs distances of this nature five ‘times each week. However, the day before this jaunt, Taylor completed his second marathon of the year. Running in the trials for the Pan, American games marathon team, Taylor placed fourth in a personal best time of 2:27:22. This time represents a very respectable one for any marathoner, and only approaches the spectular when turned in by a runner in his twentieth ‘year of competing. Running his p&race plan, Taylor went the distance alone, and ended with more gusto than any of the top ten finishers. He finished only 5 seconds’ behind Bob Moore, Canada’s representative at the Commonwealth Games last year. Eminent in coach Taylor’s mind at present is the ‘72 masters Olympics which will be held in Munich following the regular games. In the marathon event, he ranks as the top world contender and his hopes for a gold medal are justified. Another master’s meet (for athletes over forty) is scheduled for Czechoslovakia this July. Here next summer’s competition should show their talent. Arthur Taylor is the prime Canadian entry.

in Pan Am trials-

Students’ Council By-Election A by-election is, called to fill the vacancies on Students’ Council:



3 seats

Mathematics *


1 seat

Nominations open MONDAY, MAY 31, 1,971 and close MONDAY, JUNE 7 at 5:OO p.,m. Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation l of Students office located in the Campus Centre, and should be returned to that office by 5:00 p.m. June 7. Election will-take place June 2-I. Chief Returning Officer Federation of Students

The Book3tore


Will be CLQSED FOR INVENTORY June ,3rd & 4th

-Dennis McGann, the chevron










Re-opening June 7th Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 pm Monday - Friday




Outfitted in old sweatshirts and ‘cutoffs’, the warrior fastballers have taken to the field on two occasions. In both instances, the campus ball players soundly trounced the opposition. Playing coach Don Scott pitched both games, and in the league opener, led the ‘ragmuffin’ warriors to a 9-3 bombing of Marsland Engineering. Chemistry grad Paul Driedger, former Conrad Grebel track star, boosted the team with a three run homer. In .their second game, the warriors tackeled a few hotelmen from the kent. Great defensive plays by Phil Richards at second base kept the - players at bay while the warrior batters pounded out eight runs to the opposition’s four. _ Next Tuesday, the team faces J.N. and R. Fina at centennial park. Team spokesman Greg Wood does not view this game as a particularly formidable one. He considers Office Auxillary the team to beat. Himself batting .500, Greg forsees new uniforms ’ within the near future, and the league title not long after .




Unless more teams enter soccer, five ‘man squash, rugger and touch football, the activities will be dropped. To date there are not enough teams to warrant the drawing of a full schedule. If you are interested in entering a team in one of the four activities, complete the registration form and return it to Mary, PE receptionist - Ext 2156, by 5: 06 pm today.



Today is the final day for registration in the Second Annual Faculty and Staff “Puttin and Glutton” Golf Tournament. It will be held on Wednesday, June 2nd at Beaverdale Golf Club starting at 1:OO pm! Cost is $6.00 including green fees, meal and prizes. Last year around 20 avid golfers joined in the fun and frolic on the greens and in the trees. Simply see the receptionist in the PE Complex by today, pay your fee and select your starting times. The Phys Ed facu1t.y feels that they without a doubt will field the best team

entry, consisting of John Nash, Jack Pearse, Peter Hopkins and anonymous participants. However, rumour has it that Arts, Math and Engineering have been practising and should give the jocks a challenge.





Seven out of eight games were played last Thursday as 16 of the 28 teams went to bat. 4A Mech Eng looked powerful as they downed 4A .Electrical 8-O while The Iron Rings squeaked by 4A Civil 5-3. Civil 74A held a mighty bat bombing 3A Elec’ trical16-9. In Court Basketball, US defeated {Psych Grads 48-30, while L. Math pulled the upset of the night by putting down the Grads 23-21. Kin 4A humiliated the Farkle Family 39-12 with--Math Sot outhustling the Chem Eng Hippies 35-18. It should be noted that an all-star team will be selected to play against the University of Guelph in late June.



Glose to 50 golfers took to Foxwood last Wednesday in the First Half-Price Gof Day. For the price of a $1.00, they were entitled to slice into the trees, use a driver on a 170 par 3 hole, four putt No. 17, and in general had a good time. Next golf day is Wednesday, June 16th at Foxwood or Open Mixed Two Ball at Doon Tuesday, June 22nd. For further information contact Mr. Peter Hopkins, Director of Men’s Intramurals Ext 3532 or Mary.


NO TENNIS Waterloo Tennis Club has denied the University of Waterloo any time for tennis this term. There will be no recreational tennis offered by the Intramural Department .



If you are interested in recreational participation this summer but cannot find enough cronies to form a complete team, do not fear. There are many others in this position . . simply see mary in the jock building and tell her your plight and she’ll take care of it.

l l l l l l Open





578-7350 OTTAWA










579-l 520 466.ALBERT


28 may

7977 (72:3)

29 9

Avoiding infection With the Ontario Plague. r D OZENS OF MALEVOLENT clowns lurking behind turnstiles. Millions of marching bands squeeling insignificantly into the bowels of Lake Ontario. Hundreds of cherry-cheeked university youth, the apple of our eye, the cream of the crop; unemployed just days before and unemployable in years to come-but resplendent in blue tennis shoes and becrested blazers: “Ontario Place. ” Parking. The bearded lot attendant flashes a ‘peace sign as we drive by. Groovy. Entrance. Clowns accost someone’s puling brat and we pass through with tickets intact. We can use them- again, we chortle, thinking we have put one over on the government. Little did we know. Overture. Quickly, go this way to escape the New Lasalle Prancing Harlots Drum and Bugle Treat. Pass the cafes How acrylic .-How quaint. Pass the marina. If you’ve got the money, why not? Pass a horrid little pump feverishly * sucking rivulets of sludge from the landscaping. How delightful, we murmur as we hustle around its disturbed, throbbing activity, that someone has finally discovered a way of disposing of lost children at affairs like this. Cinesphere ? Actually, you can’t get there from here. Cinesphere. Fifteen minutes through a black passageway to get there, and we wonder how many arrests there will be this summer for assault, indecent exposure and child molesting. Thrilling. “Sit in the front row; wow, its really


far out,” slobbers the guide, a wildeyed thing in yellow hpttish pants, pony tail and white knee socks. We S,‘t through thirty minutes of startling technique and wonder if -anyone will allow this Cinerama x 3 to develop beyond presenting forest fires, waterfalls and river valleys. The movie, “North of Superior” is like a collection of Molson Entertains and Labatts Blue commercials. Pure Teknique, and predictably impressive becaiise of it. This way to the exhibits, please. Pass some twit in a checkered suit and papire-mache head. “How delightful to meet you Mr. Davis,” we say extending our hands. He ignores us and procedes to accost a drooling urchin wit! suckers and ballons. We stand in a group of about seventy and watch starry-eyed with anticipation as four or five uniformed girls frantically answer telephones in front of us and a guide snorts incomprehensible truisms through a hoarse megaphone. A digital clocks sedately reads 10:40. The time is 11: 10. Genesis. The World’s GovernmentProduced Pornographic Movie ; Hurry, Hurry... “Thrusting, pulsing,“, intones the narrative as a film portraying the birth of the planet flutters arid twinkles across huge, plastic bosoms. The connotations are so obviously purile that we laugh ,hysterically. No one else is Amused. Exptosions. A filmed history of Ontario’s economic growth clanks through the expected steel plants groans through Pioneer Village mills and wheezes under modern skyscrapers while screen panels oc-

by Alex Smith chevron staff

i ~. casionally slide back to reveal stationary sets and slide images change in sequence around the film. A panel slides back to reveal a Christ figure on a cross. Someone who has left her glasses on the night table beside a bottle of Courvoissier turns ko her husband and charms “Look hon, a totem pole.” We erupt into wild gales of maniacal laughter but everyone else is Not Amused. Some film footage is-good, but the message is nothing new; ‘only the tech-‘ ‘i nique is imaginative. Ontario Style. A meandering course through ten-foot high cylanders, some hard, sQme smooth, others rough, some dull, others shiny, all unbearable. Slide and motion pictures are projected on to the cylander surfaces and depict provincial history from god-knows-when until the end of the last war. Significantly, Onta-rio’s “style” seems decidedly war-oriented. Everything sort-of Peter Challenges. Max; you know, the original copies of Maclean’s and Chatelaine, the old Mercury suspended from the ceiling, groovy larger-than-life figurines, neat Electrohome TV sets from Kitchener that don’t resporid to any of the-buttons pushed, subtle murals tucked away discretely in obvious places screaming Ontario’s gross provincial product figures... and a final, glorious film. Eight million brats skipping through the usual forests, the expected steel mill, the anticipated Restored Village, the quaint river stream, the innovative highway boulevard, the obvious CNE grounds and finally, the expensive Qntario

’ I-Figh,ting in earnest-soyou

won’t have to fight anymo-re.’. .T HE NOTION THAT “Canada’s future depended on the leadership and. inspiration of highly educated young true. However, the people” is i‘rrevocably education system is tied directly to the market system as Barbara Frumm has’ graphically illustrated in this week’s centerspread feature. The reason for this is that the -operative definition of education society and government to educator, means the training of individuals in skills useful for industry. It does not refer to the realization of the capacity to think.



Even in high-school, just a few years ago, the university handbooks illustrated this relationship to industry by listing the supposed starting salary after each kind of degree. The implication was obvious and students entering university held it as an operative assumptign; a&er graduation their cup would runneth over in green. A@ it was Written and Guaranteed.> This list is noticeably absent in current issues. In order to guarantee that investment in the future and in order to prevent ending up “with a /group of people who won’t be able to fit. in ever, even into a certain reassessments perfect economy” have to be made. As Frutim suggests “the degree as a commodity” value must be changed and the definition of education, formal or otherwise should be questioned. It must become a continually on-going - process throughout an individual’s life. Only masses of dedicated people with disciplined, keen minds and tremendous enthusiasm will fulfil1 -man’s desire for peqce, both internal and political. Only these people can solve problems like pollu-


30 the chevron

tion and over-population. But if you rob them of the dignity that gives them enthusiasm, their initiative to accomplish will be destroyed. Therefore the guarantee fails. So the problem will have to be attacked from the macro-level of government and society and the micro-level of the individual student .

Larger Society and er problems; situation arid and direction the future.


government inherit the larghow to handle the -present also how to change the value of an education system for

See also feature,



par now, the g;aduates could be employed en masse (financed by a capital gains to use one example for pure research. There is no sense training an astronaut, investing a veritable fortune in the process, than wasting all that by letting him be a truck driver. Such resgarch could solve present problems of pollution and urban sprawl and at the same time provide data and means to plan more efficiently and effectively. Though this implies engineering and science graduates, the arts students could also be, employed effectively in developing the Canadian arts. Instead of giving research grants to people doing a thesis on Hemmingway, limit grants to emphasize Canadian content. Stati$tics show that 95 percent of the north american population is psychologically -maladjusted. With moral and financial support the thousands of psychology majors and minors could become clin-

ical psychologists problem.

rj I

to help






There is much useful work to do. that needs the special skills of a graduate. Instead of cutting down elm trees put a thbusand students on the problem and cure the disease. The government must do something positive, not makeshift. While this employment en masse is taking place, the roTe of formal education must be reconsidered. That the degree can no longer be considered a market commodity -is obvious. How else, then, can we consider it? Towards what end must a .system be directed? Do we even need a formal education system? What ‘are the alternatives? These questions were raised by educator A.S. Neil more than forty years ago. But for a government to act on them now requires the resolute leadership of a McKenzie-King or an F.D.R. which we sadly lack in this desparate age. Rather, we have Herbert Hoovers with their “Prosperity is just around the corner” approach to these problems. This bring us to the second area of concern, the individual graduate. He (no offence to women’s lib!) must stop feeling sorry for himself. It is easy to blame society and say there is no solution. It takes guts to do something about it. The cup that was guaranteed to runneth over his suddenly dry, but it won’t help to sit and do nothing or merely voice accusations.


Place rooftops. Flags flutter. Voices soar (as only the pristine innocence of the pre-bra set can) to an almost violent conelusion. “This is the place to be, this is the place to be, this is the place thisisthe placethisistheplacethisisthe.. . Jesus God. We leave, .skippirig -hand in hand,L all agog with pride. It’s starting to rain and the temperature is 40 degrees. But of course, this is the place to be. Dead fish litter the’shore of Lake Ontario. This is the place to be. Last year, the Hearn generating station (Ontario Hydro) dumped more sulfur pollutant in’to Toronto air than did any other single outlet for this kind of pollution in I any other north american city. Indeed, this is the place-to die, pl’obably. There is no point condemning, in all the trite detail, the PR nature of Ontario Place. It remains for us to wonder only why, when given plenty of warning, the people of this province did nothing to .at least fill the pretty shell with meaning. Seldom, in fact, has so much been ignored by so many for so long. Only the “forum”, to ‘be the scene of concerts, drama and possibly debates and forums hold any hope of relating tieaningfully to the ordinary/citizen who will not be taken in by the plasticity. At the exits to Ontario Place grounds plastic hippies sell roses to the fleeing, clutching crowds. And we all knew what somebody said about a rose. There was only one solution‘to laugh. Hysterically. But we were decidedly not amused. -



The ‘71 graduates and all those from here on in, will have to accept the situation as it stands. This does not mean draw-

by Rod Hickman chevron staff

ing into a shell, rather, if anything, it means liberation. Instead of being an automation from nine to five for the ‘company store’, the graduate now must face the fact that he will have to use his own initiative, be innovative and creative on his own or perish. Part of this responsibility may mean getting actively involved in political par- , ties. In order to get that effective, resolute leader we need so much, the so-called educated graduates who- are supposed to have the intellectual ability to lead and make decisions, must flood the parties such that their numbers will influence and their abilities become effective. Unless and until grass roots political participation occurs, any hope of a realistic, positive change is non-ex‘istent . This same argument applies to the socalled “uneducated” employed. Both the government and the individual worker must take positive steps to solve any problems. As Buckminster Fuller suggests, pay them all to go back to school. Maybe one in a thousand will be a Newton or an Einstein. At any rate, the return will exceed the investment because the other 999 will be able to participate more actively in the society as a whole because of their resultant attitude change and new awareness. There is a loser in this struggle. Hopefully, the loser will be the capitalistic system. It is about time this anachronism and dehumanization value give way -to somereasonable and ethically thing more sound. If what has been suggested does not come to pass then we must consider the alternative postulated so eloquently in. the last sentence of The Strawberry Statement: “One day I may fight in earnest so I won’t have to fight anymore.”


member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), east european international news service (EEINS) and chevron international new service (CINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (197 l-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Con/tent is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295-748. summer circulation: 8,000 Alex Smith, editor We look with amusement upon the senate charade of engineering dean Archie Sherbourne who seems to have been taken in by a number of student opportunists who have openly campaigned for a federation of societies based on a voluntary fee. Aside from the prjce reductions the current strong, central federation has effected on campus, the present council is beginning to work strongly in tenant-landlord relations, legal advice, relations with the K-W city councils, and on the superb submission of the vice-president, secured $20,000 from the federal government for Camp Columbia. We can just see eight cut-throat society presidents running a volunteer fee student council: not only would there be no-one who could care less or with the authority to deal properly with a situation like that of securing money for Camp Columbia, activity prices would be at -least twice their present level. It is true, though, that while the administration president has admitted he wants a strong central federation (as it now exists), he feels students should regularly reaffirm commitment to an activity fee. We would suggest this silly request is tantamount to asking the Ontario voter to vote every three years on whether he wishbes to continue contributing tax dollars to the coffers of the university of Waterloo. The president would find that the incomplete knowledge of the voter, his fickleness, and the fact that it is difficult to see the tangible result of his payment (even though he reaps the benefit of it in a hundred ways every day) would all combine to reduce the university’s income to practically nothing. What the president wants leads to the regular appropriation of-.large amounts of money for expensive public relations campaigns and gets a body such as the federation-or the Ontario government-into the vicious circle of having to justify itself constantly in a less than ideal fashion. Witness, for example, Ontario Place/ Watch for a substantial move soon to equalize library loan priviledges among faculty and students/... and note the impressive score for this university in receiving successful bids for money this summer under the opportunities for youth program: four projects (value over $40,000) approved with final wordsto be heard on at least two more. The federation’s grant was one of the biggest awarded in all Canada. Where was Frank Deeg and his crew when the federation was doing that and not wasting its time over a stripper? Thought for the week: idiots. production editor: Al Lukachko r coordinators: Steve lzma (photo), Mel Rotman (entertainment), r Dennis McGann (sports), Rod Hickman & rats (features) The Bunch this week: ban-y brown, peter warrian, dave cubberley (Ottawa bureau), brian switzman, lesley buresh. jim parry, ted mcdermott, peter hopkins, ralph photog, linda arnold, terry qualter. Exit.




my boy -

is your




28 may

7977 f 72.3)

3 I


L c 1. One million Canadians without jobs. 2. Canadian youth graduating from school and college to unembloyment. _ / . 3.,1,250,000 Canadians receiving Welfare payments. 4. 6,00&000 Canadians living at or below the poverty level, according t&he Economic CounFil of ‘I Canada. / Y 5. Plant closures - lay-offs increasing. / \ 6. Farmers are being driven off the land. 7. Small Businessmen are being wiped out. 6. lnadequate-iiousing & Development. Progrkn, has created a one million housing unit shortage. \ \ -

>. . ‘\

, i



All told, the situation confronting Jreat potential wealth as Canada.


us is verging

on the disastrous

for a country

The f&ts are-that 1961 to 197&w&e bonanza years for -Big tiusiness, which fdttened on rising inflation. But with workers trying to catch up on the inflation through and through strikes when neceskary, goverriment and big business, using inflation as the bogey, stepped up their attacks on labour, and deliberately brought about a slowdown in the economy, using increased unemployment as a brake on labour’s demands, Lvith the results-we seti today - mass unemployment and-prices and taxes still climbing.

with such


to the’crisis &nditions, is the fact that - will prophesy igures - other than politicians zconomy under the political conditions of to-day..Adding

very few economists or leading public any appreciable upward climb for the,


_ The statements of Government and Leaders of Industry have placed the blame for this situation at the feet of the working people of this cquntry. However an eiamination of the facts clearly refutes this claim. -





LABQUR - IS NOT TO BLAME -YFOR 0 The foreign conirol of-our industry. 0 The giveaway of Canada’s natural resources. 0 The war in lndo China, which is the major cause of inflation. 0 corgivable -_ loans to assist in runaway plants to low wage areas. 0 The vast amounts of Canadian Capital leaving this country. -0 Price N(anipulation and Profit Gou$ng. 0 Unemployment. .

ACTioN call for-united action and -tpoverty,


Workers employed in basic industry and service THilR JOBS to the extent’ by which they participate rights for those who are unemployed. .



as ,a vehicle \

of unemployment -_

6. develop East-West electrical grid, oil and gas pipelines -to tie Canada more gether and assure primary Canadian Development, industrial and economic. 7. Implement

to advance


Carter Commission

10. _

Provide immediate on the land. ’


Sharply reduce .‘defense” ate Canadian needs.


Report 6;-Taxetion.

Apply legislative_ restrictions 0-n multi-national corporations, re: exqo,rt parent-subsidiary pricings. Opening foreign markets for Canadian subsidiaries. J

9. Restrict imports where these imports are detrimental






of dividends

to vital Ctinadian Industry.










and fabricate Crown Corporations to process and fabricating now done outside of Canada. _ ’

Establish processing



_2. Build 250,000 low cost and low rental housing units per year fgr the next five years as a minimum., Ease tax at& other restrictions which hold back this development. Substantial allocation of funds at both the Federal and, Provincial levels ior urban renewal Publit works, including financing of needed public works at the I eunicipal le.vel, such as sewage treatment plants and other polluiion controls. I Develop Canadian Development Corporation an lndustrjalization-and Independence.

occupations WILL ONLY SECURE in’the struggle for jobs and equal


workers, along with those who suffer the effects of the following program and its implementation:-

1. Piace- a moratoriuk on plant closures and lay-offs in both the private and public sector until alternative .empIoyment is found for every worker affected by such contemplated closures or lay-offs.



TJe Trudeau Government boldly admits it created the-unemployment situation in this country. The resolve of the problem f6r the Canadian people in coming to grips with growing unemployment and poverty, is to develop a peoples’ program of action.! Such a program must be placed before Government .at all levels and actively campaigned for. We must call upon the Trudeau Liberal Government at Ottawa to reverse its economic policy of catering to Big Business and to embark upon a policy of full employment.


by employed in support

\ \





‘5 ,




materials -



5. Stop the give away of Canadian ;esources. use for - or uptil Canada’s future potential is assured. -~__





no sale i-





expenditures ’ /

by two


to provide



Research _and development expenditures of govirnment to go only to Canadian con trolled corporations_ to assure -Canada as most technologically advanced nation. Im plement Freedman Report on technological advancement. 1 / . ’




Wh*ile this job program is getting underway there remains the pressing problem aged, the underprivileged, the unemployables and the unemployed. The following by government are immediately urgent to meet these problems: \ l


Immediate surtax.


tax reduction

on F&m/ly Incomes



of the actions ,’

a year and rebate

Increased Canada and Quebec .Pension Plans by adjustment and salary level and maintain the relationship. ,, _ * _ -


6f l


A guaranteed tests.

annual income at a health 2nd_ddecency

level for all Canadians




12 32


the chevron



benefit td $200

per month plus full


Establishing a minimum prices and wage levels.

wage of $2.50

an hour -






in relation


to rising

no means l


d- -



Providing unemployment*Grance all _ who are willing to work.


at 75% of earnings \

for duration

of unemployment


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