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by Eleanor chevron

I he first lesson in 111a t he 171a t i c s for freshmen this year seems to be-one book outlet divided by 12,000 students and tm ultiplied by the nun1 ber of books required ‘l)cir- student equals a waste of t i ni t’ a n d a remainder of un ha ppy people.



Uniwat’s new parking regulations were discussed by Al Romenko and a staff association group at the association’s meeting Wednesday. The group, which had less than a quorum also looked at the development of greivance procedures. Talking about the new system of keys and decals for the faculty and staff parking, Romenko said while “trying not to sell the idea of the old or the riew system of parking”, that the new system is “the best possible at this time; you (the staff association) are coming out pretty good.“President of the staff association, Jim Cook gave the background of the PPR, procedure for problem resolution. He said, “The function of PPR is to try and prevent problems of staff and fa,culty from getting so big they have to go to final arbitration.” A draft proposal for PPR in becoming policy goes through four levels of discussion: the - staff association, the managerial administration of directors and assistant directors, the deans, and the executive committee. Asked how the membership of the staff association could give imput to the altered and non-public draft, after the draft left the staff association, Ernie Lucy of personnel said, “The test comes when the reaction to the policy is negative and destructive.” Asking the meeting to bear with him, Romenko said each faculty, staff and student in the university community of 15,000 people, considers themselves experts with different points of view on the issue of parking. He explained how his department had reversed the regular procedure of doing things. The


staff association and similar bodies were consulted to find out where they stood on parking. “I received thiry-eight letters from members of the association voicing their feelings and concerns,” said Romenko. “It’s grand to hear from all of you; all the total imput goes into a package to serve the university community and its visitors.” Continuing Romenko said, “We’ve- gone to consultarits and great expertise to find the cheapest and best controlled parking without causing debate.” Romenko talked about the new parking procedure for faculty and staff. Both will be provided with a


pre-numbered key and a parking decal. The key activates an automatic gate. The driver has to stop and use the key for entry. Romenko cautioned, “The keys cannot be duplicated here. Some enterprising students will find a way to get one.” He continued, “The keys are pre-numbered and the decals haveto be on the cars.” Both will be checked by security and unissued keys would be requested to be handed over. Romenko‘ related how Burt Matthews, president, asked wherehe would keep his key for parking for usually he would have it on his

key chain in the ignition. How would he get the car going when the keys are in the parking gate? Asking for questions Romenko said, “Anyone here have any htingups? ” Romenko replied to the question of grad students and their lack of similar parking privileges to the faculty, “They’re the greatest offenders.” He said this year there are 200 grad students who have registered for parking and he’s sure many more have cars. Where do they park?

Need cash to register The university’s business office has denied many students lacking money, permission to register this fall. In contrast to previbus years, poor students or students whose government loans have not yet been approved are now denied credit for payment of their tuition and residence fees. , Registrar Trevor Boyes agreed that this was a move to diminish the large number of students in the past who could not make good on their promisory notes. But Boyes said despite the restrictions he didn’t think the university would turn anyone away since, “Everytime we turn away a student we lose the government grant.” , (The provincial government gives each university a money allocation per student at the beginning of each academic year.) Where several students complained the measure would force them to withdraw. Boyes said the university would have to arrange “alternate financing” for the first installment of their; fees-60 per cent of the total. This “alternate financing” is being arranged through John Phillips of financial services. Though Phillips was not available for comment, the university’s head accountant Lloyd Sequin said the university had been in favor of a “normal fee” arrangement which variew with the individual student. .

“If a student is totally unsure of his’ finances, he doesn’t get in. If he has applied for a student loan before august first, we let him in,” said Sequin, “and if he has applied after august first, he gets individual advice form our credit manager (Phillips >.’ ’ In some cases this has meant suggesting the students obtain a bank loan often at an interest rate of 11 per cent, according to a local bank manager.


Sequin added students must have the money to cover minimum residence accommodation. “After all,” he said, “we have to fill the Village in September.” Even though some students admit receiving adequate summer warning of the policy, couthselling services director Bill Dick feels this is characteristic -of “ one more part of our big educational machine which get,s away from dealing with trust on a personal level.” ’ Federation of students vice-president Carl Sulliman said he had arbitrated on behalf of a couple of students this week and had received a satisfactory response form the administration. He warned, however, that escalation of the situation could result in an approach to Queen’s Park for an investigation.



vron ,staff meeting MondaymSeptember

refrigerators (beer)? black & white television colour television I beds . chests desks lounger-chairs etc.


ds arf

This year, the federation of students will supplement its weekly film series with regular “better quality” art films. The federation runs the movies on a break&en basis and if any money





office center


YOU name it we probably have it (we sell used and new arti‘cles also)

is made it is returned to the students in the form of free movies later in the term. The federation said it hoped students would provide feedback about the series.

House of Furniture 46 King St. North Waterloo - 576-5440

Sex lecture


Dr. Jacqueline Frey from the health services staff will deliver a ‘sex’ lecture next monday, september 20, in co-operation with counselling services. Other health services staff who


will be present to answer questions include director Dan Andrew and head nurse Shirley‘ Gutenburg. The lecture will be held in the student lounge on the second floor of the humanities building.


According to federation president Rick Page, prices for federation events will be forced up if undergrads loan their ID cards to friends who are non-members of the federation. Low prices for students are

Administration president Burt Matthews hosted a garden party last Saturday for about 2,500 of the student body. . While the crowds amused themselves drinking, smoking and waterfighting, beer and water-

maintained by charging higher prices to non-federation members. Page said it didn’t seem right for non-members who don’t pay the fee to get reduced rates and force the members who paid the fees to subsidize the non-members.

428 King 490 Highland 2685’King 1209 Victoria

melon was provided by Matthews and the federation. Though several people presssd for tours of the presidents $100,000 home the Matthews’ carefully guarded the unlocked entrances to the house. A grand time was had by all.


This afternoon at 2:OOpm the first annual Youth International, Party Fall Social and Smoke-In will be held on the village moor. When asked the Party’s intentions for the upcoming provincial elections, Dave Metesky, the


that Alex Smith, editor of chevron, be removed.” No reasons were given in resolution by the executive for firing. Smith had been elected by chevron staff to the editorship march.

for .bicycle




the last



- 2 pcs fish


physical resources, institution of controls on bicycle parking has been necessitated 8by damage to buildings, asphalt, windows, lamp posts and kiosks. Bicycles left on lawns have created problems for grounds keepers, and others have been left where they blocked pedestrian traffic. By avoidjng bicycle accidents on the paths, students should avoid the need for restricting locations wheye bicyoles may be ridden. subscription






&dent Send


to University of Waterloo Students & Faculty with appropriate ID (e~;resSept30th)

the the


194 the chevron

Waterloo Kitchener Kitchener Kitchener




Inevitably, this year’s flux of bicycles on campus has led to the institution of rules restricting their use, or particularly, their parking. Soon-the specific date is being kept as a surprise-bicycles parked in other than designated areas will be removed. The university is planning to purchase more bicycle racks, and may acquire some covered shelters. According to the department of

N E N-

Waterloo co-ordinator for the YIP stated “I sure hope someone brings some dope to this smoke-in. We’d planned to bring about four pounds ourselves but we smoked it all at this massive outasite joint rolling party last night”.


Alex Smith, editor of the chevron, was fired Monday as an employee of the federation by the executive committee of the federation of students. The resolution, passed 3-2 with federation president Rick Page not voting, stated in full, “Resolved,



ID cards

Full so&d,


In------ -1II





ince You’ve Been Gone’. We’ve Lowered \ Our Prices

fees address

pc fish





of promptly


students to:

to the

receive chevron,

65 Q


40 F 25 F




the university








Y (one









by of



Sun - Thurs. ‘11 am - 10 pm Fri and Sat til midnight


off-campus Waterloo,

terms. Ontario.







‘a&store nature’ .

C government’s . government will not relax the high standards of pollution control and the chevron is in the process of an environmental clean-up. Energy and resources minister A student asked why the lauded the George Kerr provincial government that has Progressive Conservative been in power for 28 years has just government of Ontario in his -recently started to pay any atcampaign speech to students held tention to the environment. in biology 1 tuesday afternoon. Kerr said, that pollution did not He touched on topics of become a problem until the 1950’s. ‘achievement such as the handling * He blamed the municipalities of the stop the spadina expressway who in the past held too much movement by the Davis governpower. He said things are not ment, housing, aid to Canadian nearly as bad as is made out to be.. publishing companies and “Our lakes are suitable for lowering the age of majority to 18. swimming, and some we are still and the able to drink from.” Kerr’s speech discussion that followed focused on The lack of recycling in general Kerr 3 the environment, specifically was questioned and pollution. reassured the group the Ontario Kerr said “The PC government’s has two experimental projects at plans include cities for people.” present. It intends to utilize public In a marked-off area of transport and “restore nature”. Burlington people have been asked He stressed that the Ontario to separate their garbage and a by Krista




plant is being built in Kingston for that purpose. Usable waste is then recycled. Biology prof Jack Pasternak asked why the province does not encourage municipalities to recycle their paper by assuring them re-emburesement in case ‘of financial loss. He was referring to the’ Kitchener-Waterloo experiment where pollution probe proved to both cities that they would make money if they picked up paper and sold it. The cities turned down the suggestion for fear of loosing money on the project. Pasternak told Kerr how the provincial representative Ken Childs is )actually discouraging recycling efforts. Kerr answered “You are talking of a regional engineer. I’m talking about government policy.” “Is there any place you’d rathe; be? ”

ral- politics meet by Deanna


your jobs, start looking at people provincially, attacked equall;); the around you and love them,” Kemp liberals and the progressive said. conservatives. White-shirt-and-tie politics met Laughter from others in the “I feel sorry about the constreet tactics on campus and came audience. servatives. The faces of Ontario away slightly rumpled but with Other students asked questions and university people are bored ideology still intact. about unemployment and the with politics and with governA smoothly organized political of marijuana and the ment.” meeting of the three candidates for legalization seemed relieved to get He criticized the bills passed in the Waterloo North riding last candidates back to a semblance of what they the last few months of the 1 week slid to a halt when a thin, as order. legislature as being strictly long-haired person standing at the recognized But as Good was monotonously political moves to win votes. \ top of the stairs in the theatre of George Kerr at uniwat: PC’s will ‘restore nature’ working his way through a “There was no question of the arts demanded: Mike Pook, the chevron , priorities; they have to win votes answer on the unem“You have been talking for 20 to technical in certain towns.” 40 minutes and none of you have ployment problem again“Why are very few people Good also attacked the, ruling any idea that this society and listening to you at this moment?” PC’s and offered the Liberal culture is dying. blueprint as alternative. It is is, he “Is this why you go to univer“Is this kind of crap going to sity??’ an older man demanded. said, condensed from the policies save us?” asked the professor, courses available, it is likely that Although uniwat’s psychology suggested by ‘the people. Another murmered “I can’t take later identified as Fred Kemp. department should have known for with part-time students all will be this any more” and left. Good claimed there is an antiThe candidates, Ed Godd, five months that at least three filled. Many part-time students are The question and answer period government trend all across Liberal MPP, Brian Turnbull, sections would be required for teachers-people very likely infaltering from time to Canada and “this must certainly Progressive Conservative, and Jo continued, psychology 214, there will be only terested in the social development throw fear into Premier Davis. Surich, NDP, were visably sur- time but with the candidates one section this fall, leaving many of children or adolescents. presenting their parties’ policies The liberals are ready to go.” prised by the heckling and seemed students out. . Why, then, did the department of OHSIP, auto inTurnbull presented a series of drawn closer together although a on questions Regular students at uniwat not establish another section of questions to himself which he few minutes earlier they had been surance, and daycare centres. preregister in march so that the psychology 214? With an excess of Except for the unscheduled answered-“ why I am a Consercarefully explaining their difdepartments can arrange enough students at pre-registration in interruption the debate followed vative, why I voted for Diefenferences . classes to handle the number of march, and the prospect of conTurnbull, correctly tailored in the usual format of initial baker.” siderable demand from part-time students wishing to take each statement then question and anTurnbull, a planning consul tan t , course. Some of the students who his tweedy mod-cut jacket, weakly students, the need for an additional replied that parties have to get up swer. Although scheduled as part said he was in favor of government registered in march had their section ‘was very clear. The most of the more action which is necessary, but no forms returned with the notation4 to date and Surich demended that of orientation, department had six months to “Psych 214 fits, but was full.” arrange it. Kemp suggest an alternative to than 50 people attending seemed to more than that. By the end of august, this group However, for some reason, the electoral politics. be party supporters rather than “Let private enterprise do the of students was swelled by the psychology department did not “Cheap question.” Cries from freshmen. job, until it shows that it can’t, arrival of part-time evening establish an additional section. some of the audience. Surich, the representative of the such as low income housing,” he students, who also wanted to take Perhaps they were not aware that and explained. “Drop out of university, quit party out of power federally the course, and like the regular the one section was full, in spite of students, were rejected. the alleged purpose of pre: registration. Many of these students were It is also possible that they did undaunted by this, and telephoned intention to the psychology department to see not realize Orlando’s so severely limit enrolment in the if there was another section,, but class, as tbey did not learn the real there was only one section at St. content of t;he comse. Jeromes college. Orlando’s reaction to the At St. Jerones they were told sutdents who showed that they might be admitted by the unregistered up for the class appeared callous. prof John C%rBando, but he would He said that he was adztting not be ava&,%e before classes only those students already start. At least twenty students registered in the course. The were told this. would-be scholars remained in the Orlando’s original intention was corridor, and stared in the to have one class of twenty classroom doorway. They were students, but in the bureaucratic, informed by Orlando that they mixup fifty were admitted by the were embarrassing him, and he computer. wished they would go away. He plans to divide this large Somewhat later father Finnclass into two smaller units. Also, of St. Jeromes’sin spite of the information in the‘ president appeared, and assumed that the university calendar, he will teach the social development of students were in the hall because of insufficient space in the adolescents, not of children. classroom. .Orlando shortly put This entire situation suggests saying he had sufsome inefficiency somewhere in him straight, ficient space, but too many. stuz, the university. This course, dents. i although filled up in march, was listed again in the calendar At this point most of the students published in the summer for partdrifted away to find another. Ecology-minded uniwat students spent a frustrating Sunday afternoon searching for polutants in time students. course, and psych 214 remains Laurel Creek. No injuries were reported in the precautionary With relatively few evening aeration measures, however. closed. the chevron

Too many


students? s

17 September



195 3


New . financial





( Editor’s note: Canadian-born

Cyrus Eaton is a Cleveland industrialist who originated the Pugwash conferences between scientists and statesmen of the East and West. (This article by Eaton appeared in the New York Times of August 31sE)

TO ONE WHO has survived all the financial panics of this century, has known all the presidents and has been privileged to participate in buildingup U.S. industry and agriculture, the disgrace of the dollar in world financial centres is sobering. Who has the main responsibility for this economic debacle? In effect we have a presidential


dictatorship sustained by the greatest propaganda machine in, history: nationwide prime-time television. The President ignores Congress, rarely consults his Cabinet, bypasses the United Nations and announces his decisions over the air to the unsophisticated. In contrast to dempcracies such as Britain and Canada where members of cabinets must be either members of Parliament or the UPPer House, and where premiers and their advisers are always available for public questioning by their fellow elected representatives, U.S. enterprises are carried on by the President in secrecy except for several cronies WEEKDAYS-cont. from 6:30 pm continuous Sat. & Sun. “DESERTER” 1:30 - 450 - 8:30


in the pertinent departments. crushing burden of taxation, the The President has determined high cost of money and formidable disastrous financial policies and competition fram foreign corinternational relations. AS Comporations that heve been submander-in-chief of the armed sidized by U.S. funds. forces, a position of power The most obvious move to help strangely out of place in a the dollar to cut out the expense of especially in this democracy, maintaing U.S. troops. wives and nuclear age when one man’s children in the style to which they fanaticism could end the human have become accusttomed all over race, he carries on illegal foreign the world. wars with the aid of thousands of Future historians may use spies in all nations. such epithets as dictator and Three Wall Street lawyers, demagogue to describe the Richard Nixon, John Mitchell, and President. Philosophers may William Rogers, are spending the assess his intellectual depth in taxpayers’ money arotind the terms of his association with Billy would like drunken sailors. Now Graham, for while scientists and without warning, advice or con- astronomers seek an answer to the sent,, let alone. . consultation, . . , . they have overnight adoptea sensational policies offensive to all other nations. These lawyers have no inLast Wednesday’s psychology ventories to liquidate, they have 206 class proved to be a case of a lucrative Wall Street practices prof taking fifty minutes to say waiting where their services will something that could have taken be especially in demand in view of ten. Students of the class, as well the recent additions to the as prof Phil Bryden, were to blame Supreme Court. - for the inexcusable performance. But many U.S. corporations will Taking ten minutes to sumhave to struggle against the marize an experiment that the

A day

riddle of the universe, Mr. Nixon apparently accepts--or wishes to give that impression-Dr. Graham’s naive theory on the origin and destiny of man. It too, lends itself to distribution by television. No other man I have met has such an accurate and complete understanding of Mr. Nixon as Premier Phan Van Dong of North Vietnam. He said to me : “There will be no end to the war in Vietnam while Mr. Nixon is President. ,Ie will use many pretexts for renewed miltary attacks on us. The war will end only when Congress refuses to provide the money for further participation.” by Cyrus



in themlife.,, class did during the previous lecture, Bryden explained that subjects tend to recoghize familiar neutral words flashed in front of them sooner that they perceive little used ‘taboo’ words. This led to a discussion of perceptual defense which he defined as the observation of emotionally disturbing words objects or expressions being harder to perceive than neutral words. He took the remaining half hour to point out three factors in the design of experiments in perception. The three items mentioned were the accuracy of the figures which were derived from pre-experimentation, reliable figures which had a high degree of repeatability and a more nebulous point which would assure that the question the subject answers was the same as the one given. Bryden concluded the class with a reference to an experiment done by Mathews and Wer Theimer which he claimed was a possibility in eliminating nuisance factors in perceptual experiment. This reporter observed about half of the class bored during the first half hour of class. If they were so,. why didn’t they either get up and leave or tell the prof that he was taking too long. If the prof only intended to say what he said, he should have taken ten minutes to explain it and then dismissed the class. If people want interesting, challenging courses, then someone has to take the initative.

W.W. JOHNSTONB.A.,LL.B. Barrister-at-law announcesthe openingof AREA LOVES “SUMMER” 4 th MONTH

his office for practice of law 155 FrederickSt., Kitchener Ont. Telephone 578-1630







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See us at







196 the chevron .


74 King St. West, (ut Ontario 9t.j Open







KitchEtner 745-788 1 tAont:oys

>If ‘Club Food -additives

are good

for profit...

reen Fee Play&s Welamw

\ The western world, and especially the United States, is slowly eating itself to death as it stokes down nutty doodle snacks, hot dogs, balloon bread, chickens and steaks, canned orange juice, dehydrated soups, soft drinks, cakes made from mixes, and imitation whipped cream-all u sodden with 3000 different synthetic flavors, colors, thickeners, acidifiers, bleaches, preservatives, package contaminants, antibiotics and poison pesticides. The word to the industry is out: the more additives, “the higher the potential profit margin”, (writes Food Engineering, a leading trade journal ) . The corporate food monopolies have taken over and are remaking food in their own image. General Mills, General Foods and Kellogg produce close to 75 percent ‘of all breakfast cereals (most of them a feast of empty calories j. General Foods and General Mills alone manufacture the majority of synthetic foods; in all, ten huge corporations make the bulk of the foods sitting on supermarket shelves (and also export tons abroad). Additives play a crucial role in the maintenance of this hegemony. They allow high-speed production; they minimize costs and let the foods endure over thousands of miles of transportation and buffeting, keeping them fresh-looking and tasting for long‘ periods of time ., The food industry, with $130.6 billion in sales last year-a 63 percent increase since 1960-is the nation’s largest and fastestgrowing business. Sales of con. venience and synthetic foods are outpacing the traditional foods, and the consumer is paying for it. Additives cut costs for the manufacturers : cakes that once needed eggs and butter now need only tiny amounts of synthetic and , flavoring and coloring emulsifier. Fruit juices no longer need fruit. But perhaps the biggest in food is just the “revolution” beginning : the spun ‘soy bean protein, a bland, tasteless creature of industry research. which every additive in existence can turn into something resembling meat, vegtables, almost anything. It’s true that soy products contain as much protein as real meat. But that’s only part of the story. To taste like meat (or vegtables) the soy isolates must be smothered and pumped with every synthetic known. And furthermore,warns one prominent researcher, “When we replace natural foods with. synthetic protein substitutes, we lose many trace minerals and vitamins. We don’t know everything about this area, so we’re in a transition period that has serious dangers.” One pound of isolated soy protein costs only 30 Cents dry-but when it’s hydrated, pumped with water, oil, flavorings and other chemicals it expands to three times its size. When you buy soy protein “beef s troganoff” fro,m the Thomas Lipton company-via Unilever corporation“you’re getting what you pay for,” vice president Ernie Felicieti assures, “since a real meat product would cost four times as much.” But once you realize that this soy protein costs Lipton about one-ninth what meat would cost it doesn’t seem like such a great deal.

Geneticists like Nobel Laureate Joshua Lederberg and Bruce Ames fret about the human gene pool. They think synthetic foods may be fouling it up--only we won’t discover what we’ve done to the human race for generations, when it’s too late. All chemicals in the food supply carry FDA’s blessing for one or two reasons. Either they are listed as GRAS-“ Generally listed as safe,” as are all the additives that were in use when Congress passed the food additive amendment of 1958 and which seem okay after years of use-or food additive regulations restrict their use to levels which laboratory tests ostensibly have shown to be safe. Actually, less than half the additives on the market have ever been tested in a laboratory. It’s hard to eat with gusto when the FDA keeps discovering new toxicological surprises. In the past few years it has been forced to ban






Each year North Americans discard about seven million cars, 48,000,000,000 tin cans and 8O,OOO,OOO,OOOpounds of paper. The average person throws away about a ton of solid wastes per year and the amount increases appreciably each year. More and more disposable products are made. In 1969, for example, 20,000,000,000 glass beverage containers, 453 000,000 hair spray cans and 315,oo0,00o deodorant aerosol cans were produced in the US. Although the reality of numbers may not be comprehensible they certainly illustrate how our society wastes its resources and they poignantly suggest that we cannot continue to produce indiscriminately more and more If the so called con venience products. Anyone with an elementary knowledge of how compound interest works and a bit of environmental foresight appreciates that’ this squandering of our resources cannot persist indefinitely. Even if we were not so wasteful we would still have severe resource problems in the future because we foolishly allow materials that can be reused to be durrped and lie fallow. In the not so distant future we will be mining our present day sanitary landfill sites. What can we of this area do about the solid waste problem? Although total recovery of all the valued components of our rubbish is an exciting goal there is no way that the individual or pollution probe can change the present values and practices of our society. Fortunately we can make a vital start. Waste paper can be recycled easily and economically. A paper recycling industry exists, although it is diminishing. In 1945, about 35 percent of the waste paper was recycled; today we recycle about 18 percent of the waste paper. In the past year, K-W pollution probe has used Kitchener and Waterloo to initiate recycling projects. The standard query of many of the alderman was whether the amount of reusable waste paper in the area was worth considering. However, a few statistics of the local use of newspaper provides the answer. The Kitchener-Waterloo has a net paid circulation

Record of 57,336

18 Hole

safrole, the carcinogenic (ie, cancer-producing substance) flavoring ingredient in root beer; sharply restrict the use of vitamin D in milk; strike the antioxidant NOGA from the GRAS list; fight to keep MSG-source of brain tumors in mice-on the GRAS list; and of course, struggle through the cyclamate controversy. From 1950 on, the FDA continually ignored warnings by its own staff and the National Academy of Sciences that this most widely used artificial sweetener caused tumors in rat lungs, ovaries, kidneys, skin and It finally pulled the uteruses. cyclamates off the market in 1969 only after th.e industry that cyclamates caused bladder cancer in rats. Now, saccharin sales are booming-no matter that FDA’s own labs produced tests last year showing saccharin may also induce tumors in rats.


Course-6,260 Rental Clubs


Fees :

Weekdays Weekends






and about 35,000 of these copies are sold_ in Kitchener and Waterloo. On the average, the weekly weight of the Record is four pounds, thus in. one week 70 tons of newspapers are delivered locally and in one year about 3640 tons of K-W Records are distributed. This amount of paper could fill 300 boxcars and represent the destruction of 62,000 trees. Currently newspapers and magazines are worth 6 dollars a ton. Thus, if only the Records from this community were recycled, they would be worth 21,840 dollars.



from size

To . . . . . plus





307 King E Kitchener 578-8640 closed mondays


ILIIow).~~-----~---------I$) (


Are You Graduating This Year!

I I I I I 1 I









I No. 1 Package $22.50

No. 2 I 2 ; 8 x 10 black & white mounted Package 6 - 5 x 7 black & white mounted $30.50




1 I


& White

No. 1 1 - 8 x 10 oil coloured Package 1 - 8 x 10 black & white mounted $35.50 6 - 5 x 7 black & white mounted


No. 3 3 - 8 x 10 black & white mounted Package 3 - 5 x 7 black & white mounted

I Pollution probe was able to 1 $24.50 prove to the city that in the long run, the city of Waterloo would 1 No. 4 1 - 8 x make a profit of between 1500 and Package 3 - 5 x 2500 dollars over the course of a j $18 ’ 503&ggnted year of collecting paper separate from garbage. During the summer experiment, the city lost money on the first two collections, but after making certain things more efficient made money on the third collection. The foot work has been done. It is up to the people who are responsible for the decision to institute the program to take the next step.

$2.00 &‘tlolid&,



In an attempt to convince the city councils, of Kitchener and Waterloo that municipal paper recycling is feasible. K-W pollution probe in conjunction with the city of Waterloo conducted a short term paper recycling project during june, july and august which enbundled tailed collecting . newspapers and magazines from all households once a month and in Kitchener, K-W pollution probe in with Superior conjunction Sanitation (who volunteered machine and manpower) - and in cooperation with the city of Kitchener conducted pilot projects in specific residential regions during the summer months. The intention of pollution probe was to persuade each city council that municipal paper recycling is feasible and worthwhile as a permanent part of their garbage disposal programs.

yards & Cam

3 miles West-of St. Agatha on E& St:


Of course, the above figures pertain only to the K-W Record. If one had included the Waterloo Chronicle, the Toronto papers, other newsnaners and all the magazines, *the paper recycling potential of this area is obviously considerable.


1 - 8. x 10 mounted 2 - 5 x 7 mounted 9 - Wallet;


No. 2 Package $26.50


4-5x7mounted 4 - 3 x 5 unmounted 9 - Wallets


I 10 black & white mounted 7 black & white mounted

No. 3 Package $28.50

2 -8 2 -5 _

x x

10 mounted 7 mounted /


1, 1






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I ~------I)e~-~~---I)


17 September





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& Poster


The one everything


51 King Waterloo


received a bachelor in fine arts Prints and photographs by two and Canadian artists and a from Mount Allison university a master of fine arts from Cornell photographer from New York are university. on exhibit now at the gallery of the His exhibits include the national theatre of the arts. of Canada centennial William Ross, a native of gallery of Canadian prints for Ponoka, Alberta, has a bachelor of exhibition Australia, Expo 67 and the national fine arts from Mount Allison university, New Brunswick, and is gallery of Canada. Thomas R. Burton of New York a graduate in photography of City has a bachelor of architecture Ryerson polytechnical institute. degree and a master of fine arts He taught art classes for degree from Cornell university. He children and adults and is now and teaching design part-time at has taught both photography silk screening at Cornell. Ryerson. He has exhibited at the Andrew His exhibits include the Seattle Dickson White museum of art, the international printmakers, Althouse college of education, the annual North Dakota print show, memorial art Merton gallery, Ryerson and the the Rochester gallery exhibition and the Franklin McLaughlin art gallery. gallery at Cornell. Printmaker George W. Tiessen, originally from Learnington, Ont., Gallery hours are from 9 a.m. to has taught at Cornell university 5 pm Monday through Friday from and at Mount Allison university -. 2 to 5 pm Sunday. The exhibit will He attended Ontario College of Art, run until Oct. 10.


stop store

Fun Gifts for fun Private Dining or Carry Out



Kitchen &


Bent’s Camera Westmount

Canadians and americcin ’ display at arts theatre -


folk In

St. N. ,578-0070


fails #o come

Robert Nixon, Liberal party ‘leader, made a last minute cancellation of a speaking engagement scheduled here for - yesterday. 1 Nixon apparently cancelled the speech because of the announced provincial election, and that he couldn’t fit the uniwat engagement into his campaign plans.


Federation vice-president Carl Sulliman said, “Robert Nixon indicated to the federation that there were more important priorities for the Liberal leader at this time.” The plans for orientation this year included speaking engagements by representatives of all three major Ontario parties .


George Kerr, provincial energy and resources minister, spoke tuesday and federal NDP leader David Lewis speaks tonight at 8 p.m. in the humanities theatre. inusicicms



Attention Al.1 raduates In order

to leqrn






an’d sign-up processes,. attend o of the following orientation sessions

Room&EL 101 Wed.nesday. September ’ 3:30 Other hdw

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U. of T. handbook attacked

year students. Toronto(CUP)-The 1971 The Toronto Star proposed that and most useful booklets in some university of Toronto student the university administration issue years,” they repudiated j “the tone handbook has been vehemently in in its “a counter-manifesto to the in- and methods expressed” attacked by Toronto’s establishpages”. coming freshmen, warning that “inflammatory ment press and repudiated by its any resort to illegality or violence Much of the-e&t&ial focuses 011 publisher, the students’ adwill be answered with -prompt a criticism of acting president ministrative council. expulsion. ’ ’ In its editorial, the Jack Sword, the man esponsible The main target of criticism was paper demanded Podnick’s ex- for calling potice onto the campus. the handbook’s lead editorial : pulsion as penalty for his “open As yet, he has made no comment. entitled “The Year of the Se&e”. It incitements to defiance of the However, according to SAC concludes that the ad- - law”. officials, Sword’s associate and ministration’s violent tactics must -The Globe and Mail suggested acting vice president, Don Forbe met with violence. ’ that “mr. Podnick’s ravings, if he ster, picked up copies of the One of the administration’s’ attemr>ts to translate them into handbook for his lawyers to tactics outlined in the editorial was actlon, can be dealt with by the determine whether it Gas libelous. ordering the violent eviction of the police.” Metro police intelligence officers Wacheea tent city by calling Metro Podnick said the press was also came for copies. police on campus earlie’r this guilty of sensationalism and The handbook, now in its 70th year-an unprecedented action at deliberate misrepresentation of year of publication, contains 80 U of T. the editorial, and said the papers pages of valuable information for Seizing the opportunity to distort “implied that it was meant to both new and returning students. the editorial’s message, the incite an unprovoked campaign of Only the Globe and Mail news establishment media quoted its ‘violence and intimidation’.” . report acknowledged the booK*s conclusion out of context, implying When the administration called less controversial elements. These that the handbook was designed to in police to evict Wacheea-well include a comprehensive comincite uprovoked violence. aware of the likelihood of munity guide, information on how Although the handbook was violence-despite Sword’s pledge the university actually works, an distributed to 27,000 unto negotiate with them later that exclusive report on the cofidential dergraduate and graduate day morning and despite the fact that proceedings of the presidential students at U of T, the press they weren’t disturbing anyone, search committee, articles about labelled it a “Freshman handthis same press remained mute,” campus clubs and political groups, book”, accusing editor Alex he said. and background material on Podnick, a graduate political recent political struggles on the U While SAC spokesman praised science student. of seeking; to mislead “impr&sionable” firstthe handbook as “one of the best Of T campus. Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m. .

LOST Small black kitten called Tiki. Had habit of hanging around Tim Horton doughnuts. Please call 576-5412 because we love her.

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i Heal+h

This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenr‘ngs on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afte,moons by 3 p.m.

TODAY Toronto express, bus leaves campus center 1: 30 & 4:30pm for islington subway station. Pub in the campus center.Free 128pm Free concertwith Cody and Jazz 81 Fatts & Co. in campus center. l-5pm First Annual Youth international Party Fall Social and Smoke-in. Bring your own. 2pm Village Moor. Pub in food services with Copper federation Penny. 8pm. 25cents members; $1.00 non-members. lxthus coffee house in campus center coffeeshop. 8pm Davis Lewis, national NDP leader, speaking In the Humanities Thearre. Free. 8pm Movies : “Thunderball” and “You only live twice”. Arts Lecture. 50cents federation members-; $1 non-members. Play: “In a Bar in a Tokyo Hotel” by Tennessee Williams. Arts Theartre. Free 8pm

Concert in P&s Ed building with Muddy Waters, Junior Wells, John Lee Hooker, Mississippi Fred McDowell and Buddy Guy. 8:30pm. $1 federation members; $3 nonmemDers in advance. $2 federation members; $4 non-members at the door. SUNDAY Buses returning to campus from lslington subway station. 9pm Sponsored by Federation of Students Organitational meeting of anyone interested and working at Birth

Gay liberation movement general welcome. meeting. Everyone HUM161 Grad Lounge 8pm WEDNESDAY First “French Club” meeting. HUM161 Grad Lounge.


~ THURSDAY Arab Students’ Association fall term tea party. All welcome. 8pm ENG II room 1101, faculty lounge.

Getting Organized? Give us a call at 742-1582 We have new and used rentals -typewriters -desks -adding machines -calculator -file cabinets ...etc... ‘

SATURDAY Ring Road Bicycle Race. 4-man teams, minimum two bikes per team. Meet at Columbia street entrance to campus. loam. Free pub in the campus center. 12noon-8pm University of Waterloo vs R.M.C. Rugger Match at Columbia field. 12 noon. Free concert with Cadman, Kramer & Cadman, Jazz & Fats & Co. and Poor Charlie Robertson, in campus center. Free l-5pm Pub in food services with White Rabbit. 8pm 25cents federation members; $1 non-members. Movies : “Thunderball” and “You only live twice”. 8pm Arts Lecture.





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Your Garden .

the chevron

Have you ever wondered how to grow grass ? Or perhaps how to improve the grass you are presently growing? Maybe you have even wanted to know what Cannabis looks like growing wild. !




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Marijuana”, published just last year, is probably by far one of the most complete technical and informative manuals in this field. Marijuana is perhaps one of the most misunderstood subjects going around today. Besides those who misunderstand its physical effects on humans, a great deal of regular users have some very false ideas about how cannabis grows and how one cultivates it. For this reason I would like to suggest that those who think they know a little and even a lot about cannabis, get this book. What one will find unique about “The Cultivators Handbook’* is that it is written as a guide for the serious farmer and or home cultivator. It is quite technical and has some very “ . . .heavy biological rap(s)...“. This, however, should not stop the curious observer from taking a look. “The Cultivators Handbook” can help the user recognise good grass by how it is grown and detect


treated grass. For the farmer the book4- points out some of the false notions many have about marijuana : did you know that infra-red light is bad for cannabis plants, it can even kill them? that the male plant can be smoked and get you stoned ? (they aren’t as potent but they’re not useless) ; that you can grow really good grass - right in your own living room? He discusses how to recognise a male or female plant, what type of soil, temperature and 3 light, etc., is good for the best plants, and how to recognise good seeds. Included are numerous graphs, charts and drawings. Also in one amazing photograph, there is a forest of cannabis plants looming up over the head of a farmer. Did you know that cannabis can grow as high as 25 feet? Finally, if you are interested, “The Cultivator’s Handbook of Marijuana’* is published in both the U.S. and Canada. I bought my copy at the Book Barn in Waterloo. If they are all gone there, write to the Agrarian Reform Company, P.O. Box 2447, Eugene, Oregon 97402. You might have a little bit of trouble with customs however. One last reminder, marijuana is still, yes still, illegal, but at least one can plan for the future and meanwhile enjoy. Peace.

, redo@


by Joe, Handler the chevron

East Deals East-West Vulnerable

NORTH S.AKJ54 H. J 7 6


D. J 8 5


SOUTH S. 8 7

c. 5 3

S. Q 10 3 2

H. Q 4 D. A K 10 3 2

H.AK10952 3.


C. K Q

C. J 2

10 7 6

EAST S. 9 6 H. 8 3 D.Q9764 C.A984

The Auction ;


200 the chevron




1 H


West pass pass pass pass

North 1s 3H 4s


pass 3 C pass 4 D pass 6H pass pass. ace of spades and starting a low The Opening Lead: Diamond King. On this hand east gave declarer club from the board, and winning a good test before the latter was the king, played from the closed able to bring home his contract. hand. He could now continue with a South knew that he had a very second spade, ruffing the fourth powerful hand, but he needed some round if necessary; or by crossing help from his partner, and so on a spade and repeating the club opened with one heart. South was finesse. Declarer chose to cross to very pleased to hear the one spade the ace of spades, and led a small bid from partner. He bid three club from the board, east again clubs to show his second suit and playing small. Had west, holding some of the strength of his hand. the ace of clubs ducked? Having North took a simple preference to noted at least the king-queen of three hearts at this point. South diamonds and the queen of hearts now chose to cue bid his diamond come from the west hand, declarer void. North realized that his spade decided he did not have the ace of cards together with the ruffing clubs as well. When the queen of value in clubs might be all that is clubs held, declarer simply ruffed needed for the slam. He proudly a club, ruffed to his hand, and bid his ace of spades. South saw no conceded a club to east who could further need for exploration, and hold up no longer. bid the slam. Duplicate bridge is played every West started the diamond king Tuesday evening in the social which declarer ruffed. He had sciences lounge beginning at 7 :00 many lines of play open to him at o’clock. Entry fee is fifty cents. this point, but first he cashed the Mr. Ian Woods will play for free if ace-king of hearts to clear that he presents himself this week, suit. He started by playing to the September 21.




Monday 8pm

meeting 20

September Chevron


office center



by Dr. Jacqueline





8:PM 1 Humanities Room

Building 280 .

Sponsored by University of Waterloo Health Services in Co-operation with Cofltrol Centre & Counselling Services \







Tease r-

-non-s‘top -nothing held back -everything goes u won ‘t be disappointed



23. I trim cheat in numbers game (10). 24. Snakes destroy Khyber (0 25. Arid commercial for nymphs (6). 26. Headquarters in worthless half of bell-tower (4 - 4). DOWN 1. Shell-fish for solitary graduate (7). 2 Governed by the church, the officer in charge has spirited conclusion (9). 3 Dave backed, and Edward briefly got away (6). .

5 In former


distorts due cision (12). 6 1 saw my trol 2 (5).

to head

lacking could

it precon-

7. Left at the race-track after sunrise, drinks are upset (7). 8 Opposed to singing corn mercial (7). 11. Not censured, or are punched (12). 15 Flay noise in the pacific ocean (9). 16 Beware fellows, under-






ACROSS 1,12. I radition offers lace once to bring American colonies together (8 - 2 - 13). 4. A thousand sails from the book in church (6). 9. Last word in 4 is mean (4). 10: Moustaches for drunks who cannot stand on bicycles? (10). 12. See 1 across. 13. Fishy apode swallows man backwards over teeth (6). 14. So, for example, post can become element forms (8). 17. Long coffee interval follows crack of dawn (3 - 5). 18. This dolt is imperturbable (6). 21. First around the Maypole and be followed through many frihulations (4 - 1 - 5-5).



30 King opposite weekdays

St. S. W.a?erloo -6:30-l

Sq. 2:30


tyund .

artists~ (4 - 3). Theologrcal scholar Middle East embraces ~lkme split by tW0 fifties stupid fellow (7). lg. Masqueradef starting with sox perhaps? (5 - 2). 2Q Actually it takes three, but when art goes uP and around, get I in, O.K.? (6). 22 It may Come to a loss Of civil rights in Athens (5).




Blues ’ Saturday Its still not too late to buy tickets for the next campus musical fantasmagoria. ‘Mississippi’ Fred McDowell (see pit), a unique artist, will provide us with an introduction to country blues, a tradition .and style to which the campus has long been denied access. Along with McDowell will be Buddy Guy and Junior Wells, two second generation bluesmen. Wells is internationally known for his harp work, patterned after the immortal Sonny Boy Williamson ; Guy is known primarily for his guitar playing. Rounding out the program are John Lee Hooker and Muddy Waters, both of whom take their places among the giants of the art. All five of these musicians are appearing on a single bill in the physed complex, at 8 :30 pm on Saturday night. See y’all there.








17 September









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hener RANK 6ODBLE is a distinguished-looking man, greying just nicely. He has a good job with the B.F. Goodrich head office here. He is also an alderman for the city of Kitchener. But he is quite open and honest, especially on his doubts about his own real qualifications. for city office, and offers none of the elusive hype which most local politicos use when dealing with the press. Before we got down to talking about the market, Hoddle explained that one of hos own sons had hair longer than mine and that he’d dropped out of school and joined a rock band. But Hoddle explained that it didn’t matter to him, he was going to let his son find his own way without pushing him. Hoddle explained carefully how a citizens’ committee on urban renewal in Kitchener had been formed-at the citizens’ initiative-back in 1963. The 50-person committee gathered renorts lci~~d at nther continually reported their findings and recommendations to city council. All of this, Hoddle pointed out, was done at the committee’s own expense, not the taxpayer’s. Public meetings were held, though they were “not all that well attended.”


aldermen... Urban renewal, it seems, is something everyone likes to hitch about after it gets in gear, but no one likes to help in the complex job of planning it. All along, Hoddle told me, the committee worked around one basic concept: that ring roads will be built around the downtown core, with six parking garages built at strategic sites, to eventually take all traffic off King street, leaving it a “completely pedestrian mall.” The council, recalled Hoddle, agreed with that basic concept in 1965, and models outlining this basic cbncept have been on display at the COE for several years. In 1968, the council officially adopted this concept as its target, and arranged a $16-million grant from the federal and provincial governments for development. The grant, he says, was soon chopped to just $3 million, but council still backed the concept. Here, according to Hoddle, came the crunch: “We on council had to face two clear alternatives, either development by the city or by private developer. I think the answer there is obvious.” The Queen-Frederick street area, he said, has always been looked upon as the worst area of downtown and so council tended to think in terms of improving it first. Between 1968 and 71, Hoddle says, council looked for proposals,

but the offers were either too far out of line with reality or they fell through at the negotiating stage. Then, council was approached by Oxlea Developments, Ltd., an Edmonton firm which has recently re-developed several Canadian downtown core areas. Council, he says, was following two main rules in looking for deals : f li the farmer’s market had to be retained, and (2) the city hall was up for grabs for the right offer. “We adopted the Oxlea plan,” said Hoddle, “because it fit in with the concept, it was in line with the rules and it could be done without an additional burden to the taxpayer. “It is simply unfair to say that it& was sprung on the people suddenly; perhaps it is more fair to say that people knew but weren’t concerned because nothing of substance had been done until then.” The final business deal kwith Oxlea was done in strictest secret, he admits, but Hoddle holds that there was nothing sinister in that“.. .businesses won’t deal on any other basis in matters of this sort.” I asked him if he didn’t feel that the secret deals were contrary to democratic process. “No,” he answered after considering the question for a few moments, “because I think we were following a pattern...perhaps


on renewal



the pattern is outdated in this day and age, but what we did was not out of line with what is being done all over the country in these matters, and its not out of whack with past deals we’ve had, such as getting new industries into this city . No-one complained then. ” Why did you buy the Oxlea deal personally, I asked. “Because I want to bring people back into the core of the city, so that it’s not just a place for cars and machines.” . Hoddle told me that, in his job, he travels quite a bit. He has seen, he said, what is happenning to cities like Niagara Falls, NY, and Akron, Ohio. What about charges that the city was being financially screwed on the deal by Oxlea and not getting what the market and city hall property is worth? “We might have gotten someone who would’ve paid more for the property,” he admitted. “But they wouldn’t have followed the ?ity’s concept of redevelopment. They would have bought the property and it would’ve been theirs to do with as they pleased.” “You see, a lot of people don’t realize that a part of the price we charged for the property was that the developer follow our plans for the ci&. They don’t count that as part of the price we’re getting, which is a lot.”



Then he thought that the deal had been a good one for the city? “Yes, the council acted in good faith throughout, at least according to established procedure from the past.” Ald. Hoddle is quite willing to put his judgement to the test before the voters-“‘ there’s a good possibility it will be an election issue”-and admits openly that he might very well be wrong. “15-n no financial expert of urban development expert. None of us on council are, that’s the problem with democraticallyrun governments. We’re all people who ran for office because we care about what happens to the city and we spend a few hours a week acting on adviCe from people who are ex-’ perts.. .if it were any more than a few hours a week, it would mean professional city councillors.” Hoddle then reminisced with me about his memories of the market when he was young. “I went to the market about 44 years ago, taking my wagon to haul the goods home...horses and buggies were common then.. .there were lots more Mennonite folks, and less traffic.. . “The market is not so much the physical building as it is the people. I’ve always felt it was rather a bad building, but it was a place to meet people. I have no hang-up about the market as a building. ” I


Council’s I

known HAD ONLY Morley Rosenberg through hearsay and his publicity as the only Kitchener alderman to vote against the Oxlea plan for the market and city hall .’ land. I was surprised when I followed his directions to a typical splitlevel suburban house near Stanley park. I was even more surprised to find that the city’s great dissenter is a short-haired very averagelooking lawyer. Unfortunately, that tells you more about me than it does about Rosenberg. At 34, he is the youngest man on the Kitchener council, and, despite his short hair and average-ness, the other aldermen tend to think of him as a hippie-lover and defender of the long-haired youth. There is good reason for this, since Rosenberg is the lawyer for the federation of students and has been involved in a lot of studenthousing and civil-rights cases. His office, incidently, is across the street from the market square and hence part of the area schedule for destruction under Oxlea-Eaton’s plan for redevelopment. Rosenberg has a-very attractive wife and is a father and has been an alderman for four years and has run, unsuccessfully; for both federal and provincial office for the NDP. Although he says he does not plan on running in the next federal or Ontario elections, he is almost Messianic about the coming prominance of the NDP in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Though he has been a minor thorn in the side of the Kitchener council since he was elected, his status as resident rebel wasn’t made official until Rosenberg first


‘not demhcracy’

broke the Oxlea deal to the public decision to ram down the people’s before it was scheduled to be and says Rosenberg in throats,” then became the only dissenter defending his actions, “this was the ‘people’s money we were when council voted 9-l to approve the Oxlea deal. playing with.” Mayor Sid McLennan and many Rosenberg also claims he tried, . unsuccessfully, to defer making of the other aldermen make no the committing, decision for a secret of the fact that they believe month, during which time the Rosenberg did an about-face just before the deal was made public in question could be put to the test of public reaction. order to fuel his own political ambitions, and circumstances lend He also claims this would not have hurt the terms of the contract themselves easily to that view if you do not believe the man when he with Oxlea. He holds the public . meetings says no. His version held by council at various points own differs around Kitchener since then in somewhat from such a coldhearted change of mind. open disdain. ‘Why call meetings with the “Yes,” he admits easily, “I went public when there is no possibility along with the basic concepts of the of reconsidering your decision? urban renewal ideas all along. “That’s not democracy, that’s “And, yes, I went along with the just an exercise in propaganda.” Oxlea thing and the secret He pointed out that the city of meetings at first, though I was Waterloo held a public referendum raising doubts all along as were before going ahead with its other aldermen. shoppingcenter city hall complex. “It didn’t occur to me until june The issue of private bids versus 23 that ‘My God what’s happublic tender in a city governmentpening?’ The people haven’t had directed urban renewal project anything to say about this and here “has not even been raised by the we are ready to commit the city to council’.‘, says Rosenberg. it? ” “They (council members 1 didn’t So Rosenberg broke the newsor allowed it to be broken, the even want to consider the question. Presumably, public tender was out mechanics of what exactly happened aren’t quite clear-to the of the question all during these secret meetings with Oxlea to city’s public that friday. protect the developer from having Rosenberg, who was officially to pay too high prices for the land. acting mayor that friday, simply “But all this land had already told the media that there would be a public meeting of the council on been scheduled for renewal under the already-public renewal plan, so monday which would be of great I don’t know what all the cry about importance. escalation of land prices is about.” From there, the rest was fairly Rosenberg is not as sold on the easy to find out. immediacy of getting renewal The chevron had a community contracts as are most of the other edition on the streets of Kitchener aldermen. He does not see Kitfriday afternoon with the whole chener in the emminent danger of story, and the K-W Record devoted its front page and several others to becoming another US-style ghettocore congested city, as do the story that evening. “This was just too important a evidently aldermen such as Frank Hoddle .


“Kitchener isn’t exactly a bombed-out city,” Rosenberg maintains. “We’ve had urban development going on since 1963, by private developers; things like McKenzie King Square, which. is now in a sort of limbo sincecouncil has committed itself to Oxlea.” Predictably , and unlike Hoddle’s evaluation of the situation, Rosenberg thinks that the majority of Kitchener’s citizens are against what council has done. He can outline several diverse or overlapping reasons various groups and individuals have formed in opposition to the Oxleadevelopment deal, but makes no bones about the fact that he will accept them all into his own opposition. He claims that most opposition forms on the basis of the loss of green area at city hall, poor financial conditions in the city’s part of the deal, the aversion to secrecy in a democratic *civic government, the killing of the atmosphere, if not the structure of the farmer’s .market or a combination of those reasons. Rosenberg also decries what he sees as a slap in the face of the Kitchener voters. “In the past year, we’ve had more public participation in council than the first three years I was on it,” he says. ’ “I hate to see that public involvement shot down now by council’s arrogance.” Rosenberg claims that $1.7 million has already been spent on McKenzie King Square, with the public assuming that the govemment offices were going to be tied in with that. “And regional government is coming,” he insists, “so why are we committing ourselves to 15 years in this Oxlea building? “None of this has been tied in. It’s too premature. Why rush in?”


Rosenberg has not endeared himself to his fellow aldermen, and does not seem to care that many of them think of him right now as a political opportunist. “I’ve alienated them, sure, I’ve raised a lot of issues, I’ve been a$ rebel. But that’s my job as I see it here, to question the staff of the city, the experts, and the other aldermen. “I have no responsibilities or duties to the other aldermen. I do have a duty to the people. “I don’t care if they (the other aldermen) think I’m credible or not. The people are asking for more information on this scheme now, and I think that’s an in-’ dication I’m doing my job as a representative of the people.” Rosenberg also makes no pretensions about his lack of love for the rest of the city govemment’s members. “I think they are running scared,” he says of the mayor and the aldermen who are pushing the Oxlea plan through public meetings and city-funded advertising pamphlets. “All the ads, all the publicity, the whole justification of what they’re doing and what they’ve done. “They see their whole power structure and methods of operating being put to question for the first time by the public, and there’s a cozy little group running things here that doesn’t like questions.” So how far will Rosenberg go in his opposition to the Oxlea situation? . “Right to the end, as far as we have to go,” he states definitely. But, somehow, he doesn’t seem definite about what he means by that.

17 September

by george

kautman the chevron




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your own



“I find that all natural forms are a source of unending interesttree: trunks, the growth ‘of branches from the trunk, each finding its individual airspace, the texture and variety of grasses, the shape of shells and of pebbles. The whole of nature is an endless demonstration of shape and form, and it surprises me when artists try to escape this. Not to look at and to use nature in one’s work is unnatural to me.”

A man who likes nature, sculpture which emits a sense of life, an aesthetic theory which delights in the endless variation of natural forms, all of these can be found at the Kitchener-Waterloo art gallery. What is perhaps most delightful about this exhibit is that it gives the viewer an indepth look at the artist-human and the artistcreator. Arranged in a kind of maze through the gallery are large photographs of the artist, the artist at work, and sculpture. Accompanying these are quotes from Moore about his works, and what happens to these ideas. This is an excellent opportunity for the nonartist to experience the thought processes which are present in creative activity. The first thing one will realize about Moore is that he is a very methodical man. It seems that he approaches his work mostly through a series of self-created problems. This can be seen continually at work from the beginning of his career to the present. Unlike many artists who are obsessed with one single concept, Moore allows hi< work to wander through the endless variations on shape, form, space, and texture and material. Therefore, it isnot surprising to- find his work reminiscent of a large variety of so-called periods or art movements. One example of this would be his series of ‘Holes and Hollows’. He admits to having an obsession with ‘holes’ in one period of his development. His use of ‘holes’ was his solution to the problem of space and three-dimensional form. His continual recognition of the technical force at work within his pieces has consequently produced a large stylistic variety throughout his sculptures. Choosing two contrasting pieces as an example, we find that the piece ‘Helmet’, superb in its use of negative space and internal and external forms, is

different in style to that of ‘Head’, a very smooth, curving work with a feeling of solidness, with the ‘holes’ used for the creation of solidity. Besides getting a thorough idea of Moore the creator, the audience will get a first hand view of the created. Although there are many excellent photographs, theK-W gallery acquisitioned from various Canadian galleries five of his sculptures. Of the five, the most imposing is the ‘Warrior with Shield’ or ‘Seated Warrior’. This bronze piece is a good example of how Moore comes upon an idea and creates from that idea. “The idea for the ‘Warrior with Shield’ came to me at the end of 1952 or very early in 1953. It was evolved from a pebble I found on the seashore in the summer of 1952, and which reminded me of a stump of a.leg, amputated at the hip.”

Moore is a compulsive collector of objects such as flint-stones, pebbles and driftwood and bones; from thkse he gets many of his ideas and often uses them for creating texture on the sculpture. There is some use of this kind of natural texture on the bronze piece ‘Mother and Child? at the entrance to the gallery. Unfortunately, one of the most interesting of the sculptures, ‘King and Qeen’, ia shown in the form of a photograph. The bronze sheds scrne light on the use of symbolism. . “Perhaps the clue to this sculpture is the Kings head, which is a combination of a crown, beard and face, symbolizing a mixture of primitive kinship, and a kind of animal pan-like quality. The King is more relaxed and assured in poise than the Queen who is more upright and conscjously queenly. When I came to do the heads and feet of the figures, they gave me a chance to express my ideas further by making them more realistic to bring out the contrast between human grace and the concept of power in Kingshop.”

There is a slide in the rear of the gallery, narrated by Moore on tape, which adds a great deal to this excellent collage of Henry Moore. There is so much more to be seen in this show, SO the best thing to do is go and see it.





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3ave to write to Cochran? xker here, but she has an *e’s no way you c-an get

tdcrc ,ation


new.9 to take





T A&SO PvIEANS accepting the fact that bIicI Canada is not a colony and that its peopde have some right-cereals an exclusive right to shape the pokies that industry and governmerit kvill prrrsue in their land.

~~~~~~ weep, t”AK~- THREE. THE FUTUR ? EARTH CITY.

11~~~ town of ~t~~rchill Falls, La rador, is corn any property -t hert 1ctt-t\ no I icense plates. VC :~)t~~~.)a~y police check you in and c eck you out. The company Ius l,llilt a ?~errna~e~t town” site for on thousand people with SCIIOOII hospital, hotei, stor s, theatre and recreatio~ai facilities all under otlfl roe-f. Of Churc used to the same peon)I~~; same faces al I p~rt~~ity we had. . .t?vtb months without

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UNIVERSITY PiRISfi EVERYONE WELCOME! Chapel in Notre Dame Residence Building Masses: Weekdays: 12:35and 5:00 pm & 7:OOam Saturday: 9:OOam Sunday: lO:OO, 11:30 (Folk Mass) 5:OOand 7:00 pm (Folk Mass) Roman Catholic Chaplain: Father Tony Burman Telephone: 576-3722 or 744-0946 Come and bring a friend this Sunday

APSPLICATIONS FOR TURNKEYS Are Now Being Accepted . until Sept. 24 5:OOpm


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the chekon



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at ripped-off Being



a compendium

of hinfs Read




the oldies:


Word is out that the cynical 2.1 Attend the Kitchener faryouth of today are true children of mer’s market (Saturday and and sample the mechanical-media rip-off age. Wednesday mornings) If you wnt music, you either pay, the cheese and fruits, maybe even $4.99 to Sam’s for the album (if buy some. Upstairs by the south stairway is you’re lucky enough to like ‘the nice lady selling pancake things groups who don’t put out double for 25 cents each. Do yourself a albums) or you put out $6.50 to the Gardens for a ticket to see the favor and buy one. group live as they travel to 25 cities in 26 days. :I.) Take your dog and you for a If you like movies you lay out splash in Moses Springer Creek. $2.00 to see the second-rate stuff Who was Moses Springer? that hits the Kitchener theatres or $2.50 to see the few flicks that are 4.) Drop into the Kitchener art worth the $2 by traveling to gallery-it’s quiet and free and Count the round-trip Toronto. cost to Toronto in the cost of the they usually have decent exhibits. movies. s.) Hit Tim Horton doughnuts at But, in talking to a few of the preWeber and University between 3 electonic oldies still hanging is nice around campus, we caught a and 5 am. The waitress (really) and that’s more than you glimpse of what life must have can expect at that time of the day been like before the great rip-off age, when beatniks ruled the Left right there. and happiness did not mean, a $12 6. ) Walk around Waterloo square front-row ticket to the Rolling and sniff in the Seagram’s plant Keychains’ concert. If you, too, feel things have gone smell. On a clear day you can get heavy too far, we managed to get out of off on it forever. Especially trip for juicers. the oldies a few things to do around this dull, dreary town when the money runs low. i. ) Hop the trolley and ride it to \A lot of them may seem corny Get and old-f as hioned to YOU the end of the line in Kitchener. off and walk an extra 100 yards to. McLuhanesque preppies, but before you slap dow.n that next $2- the flower gardens. There are nice bill for the double bill of little paths and small water-falls and friendly fish and maybe even a :‘?a Frankenstein meets the Liberated Women and The Bikers versus The few flowers left. Hop the trolley back when you feel like it. The Peace Freaks, consider this, The chevron oldies’ ‘freebies and whole junket costs 50 cents for the ;-,- cheapies : trolley. I.) Go to the A&P grocery store in Waterloo, across from the railroad tracks from the square on King St. Stand around and groove on the old wooden floors and smell the newly ground coffee. It you’re so young you don’t even know what newly ground coffee smells like, you’ll really freak on this one.

8.) There’s another farmer’s market (reportedly even more authentic than the Kitchener version) Thursdays at Bingeman street 1. Park (that’s on Victoria It’s %umored livestock, tools-, machinery and food are sold but we can’t verify it since we haven’t gone yet. Take a chance.

!I.) Walk to the lake across Columbia street and skip rocks and feed the ducks and neck. We know its old-fashioned, but approached in the proper mood it really can be fun.

10. ) In the real fall, walk scuffling the leaves, and snows go tobogganing, without a toboggan.

around when it with or -

II .) Read the bulletin boards-at the student center, they can be both informative and entertaining. 12.) Come to the chevron offices, say ‘Hi, what can I do to help out?‘, and duck. 13.) Watch the Rex Humbard show on the Sunday nights at 11:30. It’s down-homesy and Rex is a good talker, probably one of the greatest con artists around now. You can also groove on the way Maud-Amie mouths those microphones during the hymnsings. a, 14.)’ Try using (pend.) Rosewater killing flies.

the patented method of

Take a dish of soapy water and hold it under a fly which is clinging to the ceiling. When it attempts to fly away from the aversive new stimuli in its environment (you), it will have to fall a little before starting to actually fly, and it will fall into the’ water. Zap, no fly. Fun, huh? 15.) Go to a football or basketball game and cheer and pretend its 1957 again. Buy popcorn for your girl if you’re not a girl and ask what’s going .on all the time if you are.

Besides. being fun, you’ll make the jocks feel good, and god knows that’s a Christian enough act these days. (Hint: Say things like ‘Gosh, that was a. great move.‘) 16.) Orgamze a hootenannv where you jive. You’ll be surprise”d how many quiet people play guitar and remember those good old folkies and sing-alongs. Yes, there really was music ‘before guitars had cords attached to them.

Ii. ) Visit the Tunnel Inn coffee home at the Kitchener YWCA (Frederick between Duke and Weber.) . Friday and Saturday nights, unless things have changed. The entertainment is usually good, sometimes extra-good and ‘mostlv folk. And the price of refreshments and goodies is right. 18.) Take a box and walk in any direction and back for about an hour some day. Put all the trash you find into the box untilit is full. You’ll be surprised how much shit’ we take for granted as normal part of our environment. 1%) Walk down King street in either Kitchener or Waterloo. Smile and say hello to every policeman and elderly person you meet. Don’t laugh afterwards, schmuck. ‘LO.) Sit up late at night with a good friend or friends thinking up freebies and cheapies. Let us know a bout them.

deanna and george


me’ out to the...’ bull gume?

Why not?





i friday’

17 September

1971 (12: 14) 209


1 /







the chevron


e around



I don’t know.




I don’t know

don’t use the stuff.



about it.




The cop shop.

I can’t




got more


of s

1’11 just say

than they need.

I don’t know.






‘The federation






At the local 5 everything

I couldn’t

/ e&n


Are you a narc?

and 10 of course. else. Ask them.



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M(indsor The footballing warriors beat the Windsor lancers 185-135 in yardage last weekend. However ,‘ distance gained is not the factor which differentiates the conquered from the victor. On the scoreboard, the lancers won the game 6-O. Most of the territory covered by the warriors was in their own end. Coach Wally Delahey said, “We would kick from our 45 to their 4, but they would run it right back to the 45”. This downfield punt coverage is one of two main deficiencied which cost the warriors this im,portant league opener. The other big letdown was in pass reception. In the first haif, receivers warrior would-be dropped five of six passes all of which were ‘right on the money’. In the previous two seasons, the main criticism was that the quarterback tossed the ball nowhere near the receivers. The throwing accuracy which may be the saving point of the warriors in future games was demonstrated by Chuck Wakefield. Speaking of his chucker, coach Delahey said, “I was very impressed by Chuck, he called a good game and threw well”. Wakefield played the entire game, but his position is well supported by Chris D’Arcy, a lefthanded freshman quarterback from Toronto. D’Arcy was not called into action during the last game but may experience some playing time tomorrow against the mustangs. When asked what to expect from Western, Delahey said, “A lot of offense. They also have experienced personnel. I believe the mustangs had around 25 players return this season and they picked up some transfers as well. They


-division with u win


have a good running attack and they are also able to pass. Our defense will have to be ready for them.” The warrior defense showed good pass coverage as the lancers ended last weekend’s game with a minus four yard passing average. The Windsor quarterback attempted only two plays in the air. One was intercepted and while rolling out for the other, he was grounded for a loss. The offence also showed signs of fire but were not very consistent. “We showed good offensive action periodically, gaining consecutive first downs, but these were only sporadic” commented the head coach. I Delahey was reluctant to note any outstanding players in last Saturday’s game, stating only that this year’s team strength will rest on their good attitude towards the game and a real ‘team feeling’. The offensive yardage was boosted by Brian Beatty who collected 5 passes for 70 yards and by the punt return efforts of Rick Wiedenhoft collecting an average of 20 yards on each runback. Guard Harvey Weiner also played -a strong game for the warriors. Defensively, linebacker Rick Cheevers taught the lancers to respect number 76. Warriors go back into action tomorrow at 2 :00 pm at Seagram stadium. This game will also be televised live on CHCH-TV channel 11.


a drier~fiekl

to play on this the




for the Mustangs


After a good season last year placing second to McMaster in the western 0-QAAdivision, the warriors waterpolo squad will be in the money all the way this year. ’ Ex-Scottish division A waterpolo star Norm McKee will be taking over the reins of the team for the upcoming. Last year Norm coached the Uniwat soccer crew to a fine season and there is no reason to suspect that it will not carry over to the polo’ers. The team is looking for an experienced goai tender to guard the pipes. Other than this there is a strong number of returnees from last year’s battles

WESiERN to-morrow


to come out thowin,g.

at Mm

and give a bright future for the warriors’ efforts for \ the coming season. ’ Practices are ongoing every monday to thursday UP until the 16th of October when the warriors will host the blues from Toronto. In our only encounter with the blues last year we dropped a 12-6 decision and this encounter should be a good indication of just where our warriors are headed. With the season still three weeks from opening, there is still time to come out and be a part of this year’s polo squad.




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17 September


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HI-LINE NEW MEMBERS TRAINING SESSIONS Begins Wed. Sept. 22 at 7 pm in MC 2066 Hi-Line is a group of concerned students who, each night between 4 pm and 7 am, answer telephone-calls from other students or members of the K-W community. The purpose is to provide a resource center which someone can call anonymously‘for information or discuss any subject from, drugs to suicide, from social behaviour to sex. The only qualifications for becoming a volunteer are a genuine interest in others, a desire to help, and a willingness to devote a few hours of your time. For further information call 745-4733, the Hi-Line number, I after 7 pm.

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or the past three years Gord McLellan has been a football warrior and a student in the school of physical education. His impact on campus after arriving from the Ottawa valley was not long in coming. Electrifying runs and constant enthusiasm saw him boost the warriors with his league fourth in rushing and a total of seven touchdowns: second best for the conference. The runs were fewer and less frequent in the second year, but- Gord managed to show his brilliance by returning punts and kick-offs for remarkable gains. Gord was plaqued with the same blues in his final year here and saved all his magic for one game. It was the or lly win of the warrior year when Gord ran back the bball on three separate occasions for eighteen 011 thn cnnrinrr points anG4 UI1 tiAJbWgtnrlnn , , CACbI I”” clL”I “‘6. Somewhat disillusioned, Gord decided to try another school and h as headed for Queens. So he is now in the hands of Frank Tyndall’s ;ultures and our fate rests in his hands a week this Saturday.












here are several eligible ex-warriors who are either sitting out t season here at Waterloo or transferred and playing for other teams. Don Manahan, captain of last years squad, is playing for the Water1 Lutheran golden hawks this year. From what he has seen of the warric he feels that they won’t win a game this season. He attributes this to t lack of experienced players, but adds that the situation may imporve the coaching problems have been resolved. He can see the golden hawks going all the way this year and when ask about the difference in coaching between Waterloo and Lutheran stated that he could “spend hours on that”. At Lutheran he stated there is great cooperation between players a coaches. “They make you feel like you want to play ball”. “I’ve learnec lot this year . . ..more than in two years at Waterloo,” he asserted. Warren Hull was defensive captain two years ago and played fot t warriors last year as well. He feels that this years team is better than t one two years ago but it still won’t have a winning season . The playt are too young and inexperienced this year, although Hull notes that this a recuring problem. Warren isn’t playing this year because “he didn’t s eye to eye with the coach on the way the team was being run”. Gord McLellan, onetime Warrior backfielder, noted that the warric had lost quite a few players but he hadn’t seen the team work out, so couldn’t comment on their chances this year. Gord is playing for t powerful Queens golden gaels this year and is looking forward to a 1: season. He’s not playing for the warriors because he “wasn’t hap here”. He stated that football meant a great deal to him and he was getting played enough at Waterloo. Bill Hogan, a two year warrior veteran, scored two touchdowns f Lutheran this weekend. He was unavailable for comment, but D Manahan his teammate made it clear that the and Bill had discussed t university of Waterloo situation at length and that Bill too was a lot ma pleased with the coaching at Lutheran. Coach Delahay has indicated that all the problems have been work out this year. It seems unfortunate that this couldn’t have happened 1; year so that we could have still been able to utilize the talents of the able veterans.

layout by Notes and Gord

or the past two seasons there has been considerable player unrest near and at the end of the football schedule. With the completion of the worst season of football at Waterloo the players started to air their beefs a little more publicly. It wasn’t until february of this year and the hockey team’s boycott of the athletic banquet, that Carl Totzke the athletic director, agreed to call a meeting with the players. Most of the meeting was devoted to a variety of subsidiary beefs but the overriding issue of the evening was the status of Wally Delahey as head football coach. The football players were there to demand his resignation, and cut through the preamble of Carl Totzke to press their problems home. It was

From here it was all down hill as the enthusiasm died down and the petition was quickly forgotten. The only course open to the bitter veterans was to pack their bags and head to a new school where they would be happier playing football or stay at Waterloo and choose not to play ball. Some chose to stay and still combine living in Waterloo and playing football, they are now performing for the people down the road, the golden hawks of Lutheran. Looking at the other side of the coin, the athletic department reports that their fences have been mended and no such occurences shall happen in the future. Developments~over the summer have seen the federation of students





majority is achieved. Ta1 federation of students


17 September


(12: 14) 213



The group program offered by Counselling Services this semester, will be open to students, faculty and- staff. The types of groups available will include counselling,sensitivity, couples, parent,anddiscussiongroups.If you are interested, contact Counselling Services for an appointment our group program.






Record Special-Fri mSept. 17- ZOO PM AT TWO SYNTHESIS LOCATIONS r poration Sq. Ontario St., Kitchener Westmount Place Waterloo Emerson Carol

Black Sabbath Master of Reality


King ’


& Palmer Tarkas

Are you interested in playing competitive soccer, flag football, 7-aside rugger, lacrosse, basketball, hockey, or how about instruction in golf, archery, badminton, bowling, curling, fencing, handball, judo, karate, swimming, sailing, squash, or weightlifting, and then there are recreational team events such as ball hockey, 3 man basketball, floor hockey, inner-tube waterpolo, 6 man squash, co-cd broomball and how about gymnastics, orientering, etc, etc,. The list goes on and on with the hope of making this years intramural the biggest and best anywhere in Canada. Take pride in it and make use of it. If you have questions about any events not listed, or how you go about entering vourself on a team. please contact Mr. Peter Hopkins,intramural director or Terrry Morin, his ace assistant at ext. 3532. Saturday morning, September 18 at 10:00 a.m. the second annual ringroad bicycle race will be held. All you bike enthusiasts get a team of 4 cyclists together with at least 2 bicycles and enter with the receptionist in the physical education offices. The idea of the race is for every team member to ride 1 lap around the ring-road. The fastest combined times for all 4 team members is the winner. Last year Upper Eng. won the event with a time of 18 min. 17.0 sets. Think you’re faster; come out Saturday, September 18, 10:00 a.m. and show us. Monday, September 20 through friday, September 24 has been set aside , as the intramural golf week at Foxwood golf course. Any male student can play as many rounds of golf as he wishes, at any time during this qualifying week. Your best 18 hole score will be used. The top golfers will play a 36 hole championship round to determine the overall winner. First 18 - tuesday, September 28,12 noon Championship Final 18 - thursday, September 30,12 noon The cost is only $1.00 per 18 holes. Simply pay $2.00, play your round of golf, validate your score card at the pro shop, sign the sheet and receive $1.00 back. Last year Pat Fallon of Lower Math shot the hottest round and was the xwinner of the Paul Knight trophy. Other special events to look forward to are the track and field night, thursday, September 30 and the co-ed swim meet, Wednesday, October 13. Intramural flyers and advertisements will provide details at a later date.


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Shopping -



7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.


7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.



8:30 p.m.



8:30 p:m.



7:30 p.m.



7':30 p.m.


8:30 p.m.



750 p.m.





850 p.m.









student lounge phys ed complex student lounge phys ed complex athletic complex room 1083 athletic complex room 1063 athletic complex room 1089 athletic complex room 1083 athletic complex room 1089 athletic complex room 1089 athletic complex room 1089 athletic complex room 1089 athletic complex room io83 athletic complex room 1089 athletic complex room 1089

The wanderers orienteering club has held its first meeting and are already out in the bushes navigating the hills and streams around the campus. Anyone harbouring a desire to take part in a car rally, but not owning a set of wheels are invited to try this version on foot. Twenty three levels of competition will be represented and the first competition is on September 19.




(3667) for more




(120 watts) TX700 TUNER




15 Complete with Shure SX330 AM/FM

- (September

Monday Monday

Archery Badminton

M7l Cartridge $139-95 / 1209 Complete with ADC 230 XE Cartridges169=g5


,The first annual engineering short cross country run will be held prior to the warrior night game on September 29. The race will begin with one lap of the track then a three mile course outside the stadium, ending with another lap of the track. All interested personnel are invited to show up at the starting line ready to go at seven pee em. The eng sot office (3327) has further information. The first fall MIAC meeting will be held Wednesday, september l5,8:00 p.m. in room 1089 of the athletic complex. Each unit be sure to have a representative at this meeting. The second meeting has been set one week later, Wednesday, September 22,8:00 p.m., also in room 1089 of the athletic complex. Occasionally there is a request by a group of interested students to in the competitive league in a particular sport but are not able to compete as one of our existing units. Some examples are: Psychology Grads in basketball in 1968, federation of students in basketball, 1971, etc. In order to permit these special interest groups the following policies must be carried out.


a) Must be registered students from the university of Waterloo b) Must apply in writing to MIAC in advance of the league schedule c> Must be accepted by MIAC for each individual team sport These independent teams will be recognized in several situations a) To replace a unit who does not enter a team and fill up the schedule b)Within the limits of facilities and facility usage c)Other


. are . forever


Why We’re There . . Fucsl~men arrtvipg on campus this fall laden wit&ennis shoes and raquets are in for a surprise. is no- pLace to play the sport.. JOY the second consecutive year, the Waterloo tennis club has denied the university use of the facility. . .LSc-l~cduled tournaments for the average on campus buff had to be cancelled. The intramural director is noul conducting a desperute search for available courts. . . It is nmst unfortunate that a unive;YSity with an enrollment above 12,000 cannot provide one tennis court for recreational use, even thou’,, all other universities of similar populgtion have seen the need and * satisfied this reqzhement.

go elsewhere?# just around Westmount

th@ -corner Place

Westmount Jew&IIeiS

too! Blues. lose firsf :Qame The RAVENS 12 UofT 3 ’ halves While the -warriorswere fumbling their way into a 6-6 loss to the university of Windsor lancers, the other league temas were in full force hammering each other. The big upset occurred in Ottawa where Carleton’s ravens put it to the University of Toronto blues, l23.


An excellent defence, good play selection by quarterback Dave Redmond and the kicking of Harber were the vital ingredients the ravens added to cook the blues. The blues held a wide territorial advantage in the first half, allowing ravens across the midfield stripe only twice. But a dropped pass by Cor Doret on the Carleton 40 when he was in the clear, wide field goal attempt by Don Thompson from the 38 and fine defensive plays by the ravens deep in their zone cost Varsity a possible 17 points. The first half closed scoreless. Recognizing Toronto’s control of outside plays, Redmond went inside consecutively to move ravens from their seven to Toronto’s thirty. The turning point came on the next play. A wobbly kick by Harber went uncontrolled and raven’s Allan MacRae recovered. Two plays later, Ross Reid went over for Carleton’s first score which was converted by Keith Guild. Blues struck back late in the quarter with a 32-yard field goal by freshman Don Thompson. Gaining confidence, the Toron to players conceded a safety touch early in the final quarter hoping to generate a touchdown march. That possibility was squelched, however, by Cartleton’s sharp pass defence. Redmond took over again and moved the ball 65 yards to the ten and Guild kicked an easy field goal to clinch the game with only two minutes showing. Carleton’s tight pass defense kept Wayne Dunkley, leading passer in the OQAA last year to three completions in fifteen attempts. Ravens picked up 154 yards rushing and 83 passing to the blues 154 and 57. Carleton held a 14-g advantage in first downs.

game was even in both with the Gee Gees leading lo-’ at ha1f time. ’ York gave up four interceptions and a fumble to pace their defeat.

WLU 34 MAC 13 Lutheran’s golden hawks put together a dazzling first half performance last weekend and at the end of thirty minutes of play,’ led the MacMaster Marauders 27‘* The. Hawks, missing only six players from last year’s squad made good use of former warrior Bill Hogan. Hogan, who played could only manage 23 on the ground and 78 through the air.

New awareness The women’s intramural athletic council is looking forward to a big new season with many more women participitating than ever before. The council is working on a ‘new awareness program’ in hopes of encouraging the females at Waterloo to spend their $22 a little more wisely. The council members and the women’s intramural .director will be visiting all campus residences to explain the IM program. They hope that this directapproach will make the girls on campus more aware of the facilities and equipment available to them and encourage greater female participitation. Some of the more popular

with the Waterloo (university of) team last year, collected three passes for 129 yards two for majors.

Another former warrior, Gord McLellan led the Queen’s Golden Gaels to a 65-6 lopsided victory .over Laurentian with three. touchdowns. The schedule will be shuffled, and teams go into action once again tomorrow. The “other” Waterloo team will meet Guelph,, while Queen’s and Ottawa will ’ have a showdown on the latter’s home field. The warriors will attempt to hand Western their first 10~s and move themselves into the now blank win column.

program programs this fall are expected to be flag football, slow pitch, badminton club, swimming lessons, gymnastics and orienteering. _Detailed information on all IM activities can be found in the pinky newsletter or by calling Sally Kemp at ext. 3533. In brief here are a few starting dates. flag football . September 27 slow pitch September 25 club meeting (all clubs the week of Sept. 27-check IM flyers > swimming lessons monday, september 20, 7: 30, Wednesday september 22, 7:30. If you want to play football or slow pitch but do not know how to ‘get on a team phone Sally Kemp ext: 3533 todav.

You need It’snice to know you’re _ near one. The Commerce. _ Come in? And find out how more of us can do more for you. There’s a Commerce branch ‘Campus

. -





OTTAWA 21 YORK 0 Elsewhere in the league, the other university from the capital city drubbed the York Yeomen 210. The highly rated ‘Gee Gees gained.17 first down’s to York’s 6. Ottawa gained 325 yards, 164 rushing and 161 passing. York

. .1 hiyrrc 012 c0q9z~s for their practice /2oum, the varsity power vole yball team has already hepn pactices. . . Pyedrru)n .workouts begin at six thirty OTLevery‘weekdq morning except wednesahys. , . h&n)i newcomers aye attempting to crack the line Up of returnees and coach Baycroft welcomes others. .







17 September






The Board of Communications of -the Federation of Students is looking for people interested in all aspects of communicat ons. In September this board will be working on the following activities .. a federation newsletter; advertising for all events sponsored by the. Federation of Students; and on the F,ederation of Students radio station Radio-Waterloo (94.1 Grand River Cable). This board is interested in providing a means to involve as many students as possible, p.articuIarly freshmen students. If. you are interested in finding out more about the Federation of Students or the Board of Communications come to the meeting in the Campus Center, Room 217 on m’onday, September 20, at 7:30 pm or contact John Dale at the Federation of Students office in the campus center.

FRI. SEPT. 24, 8 P.M. THE KNACK-Theatre 5, Kingston A comedy about the art of Seduction Humanities Building Theatre ’ Admission $1.00



25, 1:30 & 3:30 P.M.

PINOCCHIO Canadian Puppet Festivals Theatre of the Arts Admission $1.00 Children 50 cents

XJN. OCT. 3, 8 P.M. ‘* PAUL MAURIAT ORCHESTRA -LOf ‘Love is Blue’ fame, Paul Mauriat, singers, present a unique, colourful, programme from light classics to rock. Physical Education Building Admission $2.50, Students $1.50 SPECIAL BUS Special charter from King and beginning at 7:


orchestra ant and fast-pacec

SERVICEPaul Mauriat Orchestra Concerl bus service directly to the Phys. Ed. Building 10 cents each fare each’way University: 15 p.m. No transfer accepted.


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the chevron











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fe Help keep opportunities youth


in place

I would like to urge all students who worked this summer on schemes financed by opportunities for youth grants to write to their member of parliament, Max Saltzman, urging him to support further such projects. There is a possibility that the program may be tiontinued-and’ maybe even expanded-if enough support can be built for it in parliament. Every letter from a voter is an added incentive for Mr. Saltzman to these suggestions consider favora bly . Further, if anyone has cornments or criticisms relevant to opportunities for youth, Canadian youth hostels, kiosks, or travel and exchange programs, they should . / address them to: Susan Farkas,

information ‘co-ordina tor task force street

Evaluation 77 Metcalfe room 207 Ottawa, Ontario Politicians are largely dant on voter ‘feedback’

depento form

La Crise d’octobre by Gerard Pelletier published by Editions du Jour. $4.00

Gerald Pelletier is a man of integrity and great intellectual honesty. So it hardly is surprising that his analysis of “La Crise d’octobre” wavers agonizingly between justification of the government’s hard-line policy and his own logical conclusions. The book may teach us very little new about the FLQ crisis; it teaches us something about the mind of an intelligent man who loves his country and tries to purge his own conscience by writing down his thoughts. “If I had been a commentator throughout the crisis...” is perhaps one of the most significant phrases in the book. Pelletier the journalist had to sit back and let Pelletier the politician follow the government line. But it bothered him. The ambiguity of the book leads to two irreconcilable positions ; the federal and provincial governments were taken by surprise when the two kidnappings occurred, they had to act swiftly, they could not believe it would happen here; on the other hand, they had been carefully watching the growth of the FLQ since 1963 and they had apprehended two potential plots in Montreal only that summer. You can’t have it both ways. Either the government knew what would happen, and showed remarkable weakness in allowing it to escalate, or it was taken by surprise-in which case it would be as well to revise the structures of our police and intelligence forces. Pellet& says the extreme measures were taken because the federal government had to judge not only what it knew about the FLQ but also what the FLQ claimed-in terms of size, following and power. Why, then does he make no mention of the fact that Montreal’s former executive chairman, Lucien Saulnier, told a parliamentary commission a full year earlier that plans existed for an armed

e 0 0



their opinions on domestic policy. Too often only the critical voices raise themselves loud enough to be heard. Please don’t let this happen to opportunities for youth if you feel that it is a worthwhile project. F. Crowley Birth control center an opportunities for youth project

Clean pissed

apartment off




by Susan

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a sub makes one “weak”



I’m pissed off with people who leave apartments in a* d&y condition for new tenants to enter. Don’t people have the common decency to keep places in a clean condition. My wife and I spent the first two weeks of occupancy in our apartment scrubbing floors and trying to clean the walls that the people before us left behind. The thing is that damage and cleaning allowance is not allowed under the landlord tenant act and people can leave their apartments in rotten condition when they leave.

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the chevron

revolutionary insurrection in Montreal. The distinction between popular and non-popular insurrections, is, I think, a question of semantics. 4s Pelletier points out, whether an uprising has popular support or not, it poses a threat and must be dealt with as best the authorities can. He himself draws a parallel between the FLQ and the Nazis in 1938. Here there is another startling ommission-no mention of the alleged conspiracy to form a provisional government. Why? Pelletier claims the government could act only on instinct. Playing the “Monday-morning quarterback” admittedly, he adds “personally, I am not convinced that serious troubles would have resulted had we not taken exceptional measures.” Judgment was made “essentially on probabilities,” he tells us. revolutionary So, as the literature he includes shows, the FLQ was growing in force and sophistication-and the police were not informing the government which was caught unawares. No wonder the result was a Keystone-type search through the cupboards and sewers for more than two months! The significance of the book is perhaps not so much what it says, but why it was written. Disclaim as he might, Pelletier will convince no one that the book is not an official government statement, the closest we probably will ever come to finding out how the federal government acted during the crisis. At least, until some indiscreet cabinet member writes his memoirs years hence. As a counterweight to “Rumors of War,“as an indication of official thinking, as a valuable contribution to the growing literature on the FL&, Pelletier’s book deserves consideration. But Hansard wsr_&d perhaps have been more ealightening about the actual crisis.

Mr. Leonard has a brand new little shape with a bit of sass. Great for leggy back to college iooks. Washable hot pants with their own hot skirt. Solids or textures with matching tuck in tops, shirts & body sweaters . . . zip skirt 17.00 . L . flap skirt 16.00 . . . sizes 6-16 1 . . tops from 10.00 . . . use your “group” charge cwd.*




5 76-07




17 September




(12: 14)


8 0 l


blew it, Abbie.

n a recent chevron review of “Steal This Book” (by Abbie Hoffman) Pamela Ahrens outlines why she feels that measures such as bombing can only defeat the fight against organised power-the establishment. Her feeling is that “bombing makes people more afraid than ever and therefore more willing to strike out to protect whatever they think is being theatened. This is not the way to reach people.” By “the people” I presume Ahrens means everyone who has some stake in keeping the status quo-the objects of conversion, perhaps of the bombers. Her judgement has merit, but should be expanded. People have a very un. derstandable fear of violence and destruction, for pain and death often result from violent action taken against property’. The theme of “Steal This Book” is survival by theft and other means of getting for or against things free. Arguments respect for the property of others may be left for another-time. However, in the case of bombing, Hoffman states that every effort should be made to direct the bomb against property and not people. He says bombs are to be set off in the middle of the night; watchmen should be notified; warnings phoned in to the police, and other measures ensure that no one is killed. He does not mention whether this is because murder gives the cause a bad reputation, or because real concern is involved. The intentions are good on the surface. But, to quote Pamela Ahrens, “(Good) intentions have always been the excuse for failure.”


Belfast failure tragic .

And the failures derground groups

of bombings by unhave been numerous,

tragic and deadly. The most recent failure occurred august 24 in a Belfast office building when a bomb killed one man and seriously injured 35 others. Apparently it was an attempt to destroy only property, the head office of the electricity board. One of the persons responsible for the blast-later explained the incident was’ a “mistake.. .it (the bomb) should have gone off hours before. the workers arrived.” In the spring of 1970 a rash of bombings broke out in New York City, directed mainly at large business corporations. One whole floor of offices occupied by International Telephone and Telegraph was blown apart by a bomb one night, and there were no injuries. My contacts repeatedly explained that since certain corporations were making money from the war in Viet Nam,they were not concerned with people or their opinions. The only way to convince a company like ITT to abandon war profiteering, they said, would be to destroy its property. ITT would see, then, that as long as profits were made by death in Viet Nam they would be wiped out by bombings in New York. That did seem to be an effective and, reasonable tactic. Soon afterward, however,a four-story townhouse in Manhatten was demolished by a tremendous explosion. The building had housed a Weatherman bomb factory. Something had gone wrong and several Weatherpeople were blown to bits. They had less control over the bombs they were making than they claimed. Obviously, an innocent worker could be killed or disfigured as the result of a mistake. Weatherpeople can make fatal technical mistakes because they are far from being explosives experts. In other cases, bombings were technically perfect as to timing

Raids on Arabs, French In 1961 the algerian OAS, a right-wing organization for the preservation of french rule in Algeria conducted terror raids both on Arabs, the native prople trying toassert and on french suptheir independence, porters of de Gaulle, who was steering Algeria to independence. The OAS felt the european community in Algeria was being abandoned to a terrible fate at the hands of the Arabs and believed widespread bombings and grisly murders of influential figures supporting independence would help keep Algeria in european hands. One of their plans was to bomb the apartment of Andre Malraux, the author and minister in de Gaulles’s government. The operation seemed to have been successful. However, the OAS had bombed the wrong apartment. The victim instead was a four-year old girl who was maimed and blinded by the explosion and flying glass. The three instances mentioned above involved what may be termed “innocent mistakes”. Depending on what angle you view the action from, the intentions were “good” but there‘ were fatalities ascribable to human error. Some bombing operations, though, do run perfectly. One such occurred in Jerusalem in 1946. Jewish terrorists, bent on expelling british troops from what was then Palestine, planted a hugh explosive charge in the wing of the King David Hotel which housed british military headquarters. They telephoned two warnings to british officials to have the building cleared of


Capture the watermellon First, the campaign of ill-dressed hippies, yippies, and ‘I assorted hangers-on which was launched to capture the mansion (the federation’s term, not mine) located at 12 wesgate walk (in case you want to talk to the president after hours). President Matthews wanted to know how many people would be arriving so he could help the federation with some planning.. .but it was pointed out that the federation probably wanted to keep him in the dark (element of surprise you understand). .. Saturday was interesting but about four o’clock the inventive minds of the capturers began to run dry. After skipping water fights and of course, that old gourmet standby for a hot afternoon, beer and watermelons, the raiding party began to go home with the . mansion still in the hands of the lord of -Westgate. Speaking of stiff, the engineering raiders did their best with the supplies but the level of decorum was maintained and tbe prestige of Wesgate will live on until the fateful day when it, too, will become a quaint part of the old town, referred to by those with no eloquence, as a slum.



218 the chevron

The Westmount golf and country club, located across the street from the Matthews’ residence, was used for the first time in its history as the location for a frisbee demonstration. Although Westgate Walk has seen skipping, never has it seen the peculiar form of what appeared to be hyperventilation and attempted choking as practised by some of the raiders. Since Matthews was smoking his pipe (to calm his jangled nerves no doubt) he was devoid of any opportunity to address the gathering on the evils of various types of combustibles.

Burying utiicameralism Jack Adams of information services said he had seen Carl Sulliman, vice-president of the federation of students wandering around carrying a coffin, and radio Waterloo asked if anyone had been around asking the president for his measurements (not, necessarily,.of the bicep variety which several female frosh have expressed an interest in...the coffin might be used to bury unicameralism, the concept of a single governing body for the university instead of the bicameral system of board of governors and senate ,which now exist). The unicameral issue was permanently quashed in a meeting of the board and senate on thursday the ninth. Although the unicameral issue has been around for two years or so, with much indecision resulting at the bureaucratic level, president Matthews stated that a lot has been accomplished by ad hoc his words, “There’s been a lot of ad hockery goin’ on around here.” Some of the important changes in the structure of government include voting student representation on the words again, “equal senate and, in the president’s representation for all the sexes.“’ Jack Adams, being a good newsman and always in search of clear, decisive information asked “How many were there at last count?”


tre languishes

On a more serious &lo&e, president Matthews said nothing has been done this summer on the campus center issues and until the election of the campus center board this fall nothing can be done. “Once the campus center board is constituted, then it will be its responsibility to look iGo all matters of space allocation, programming and so on? ’ What about the faculty association conciliation? The profs have been awaiting consideration through a hearing to hammer out salary problems and the hearing date has


the chevron

and strength, because ex-military explosive experts were constructing the bombs and running the operations. But again, stupid mistakes were made.

On vkatermellons and coffins. AKE ONE university president, representatives of information services of the same university, and representatives of the local press (including the campus media of course) and mix in a comfy office with a smiling secretary fixing the coffee and fluffing the pillows and minding the phone and you can have your own presidential press conference... September the tenth dawned bright and clear. The president sat in his office (modern languages building on the right as you enter, in case you want him for anything) and awaited the press. The importance of the occasion could be discussed here in terms of democracy, responsibility to the public, the right of the taxpayer to know, etc., but digression on these points is seldom considered good reporting... Press conferences are held every two or three weeks and all the media attend and then go away with completely different notes and quotes depending upon the views they entered the meeting with in the first place. Basically, it works like this. You take ‘x’ number of words and combine them in random patterns until the president can be quoted to say almost anything. Some days it’s difficult some days it’s easy.. .but always fun. Last ‘friday several topics were covered, with varying degrees ‘of relevance and varying degrees of clarity.

by Lionel

people, and the officer who recieved the message fled quickly. But he didn’t notify any of the other personnel serving in the hotel, because he did not want the king’s army to appear intimidated in case the bomb threat was a hoax. He saved his own skin, but sacrificed 91 others’ to save face. As usual the innocent died because of a miscalculation on the bombers part. They had counted on the commanding officer’s being a sensible man and he was a fool.

Why not make your own? The four organizations mentioned ranged politically and socially from left-wing middle class students (Weatherman> to ultra right wing thugs and army officers (OAS). They were all capable of bungling, and unfortunately the victims of bombing operations they bungled were usually innocent and uninvolved. Let Abbie Hoffman save his ‘revolutionary’ taTtics for the courtroom and the local A&P. Bombing does not make life better or happier for anyone. And any amateurs who plan to follow Hoffman’s bomb construction methods should take out insurance for loss of limbs, eyesight, and life Professionals know better than to try to make pipe bombs with gunpowder as Hoffman suggests-it’s an incredibly stupid risk. But amateurs do not know, and to counsel them to do so is like introducing them to smack. Their lives are fairly certain to ruined-and Abbie Hoffman should know that. So steal that book if you want to, but don’t put much faith in Abbie. Like Nixon, he’s popular as hell, but diesn’t care much about human lives.

by Alan



the chevron

been pushed back to accomodate both sides. To date, nothing has been accomplished and the outcome of that ‘deliberation will be eagerly anticipated by everyone including students. After. all, who wants to haggle for marks with an underpaid professor? The athletic fee question has been decided to some extent with president Matthews agreeing to an increase in the charges for non-student types using the gym facilities and not agreeing to an increase in the student fees until the president’s advisory council task force (whatever that is) completes its study on all fee collections and- budgets other than tuition. The league has been re-structured so the teams won’t have to travel any farther than Windsorsomething that will result in a decrease in expenses for travel.


senator elect ions

In further discussion on the decision to retain the two level structure of university government, Matthews said the election of representatives to the senate from the various groups on campus should be carried out by and from the bodies themselves and not from their corporate bodies. In other words, the federation shall not appoint student representatives, nor shall the faculty association appoint people, rather, the student body and the faculty should elect representatives to speak for them. Federation vicepresident, Carl Sulliman, commented, “The interesting thing is that for four years now, people have conceded there ought to be faculty, staff, and students on t.he senate and board., but that’s no longer at dispute. Now it’s the power structure...the powers and duties and responsibilities of the individual bodies. The students are just left on the outside looking in. The senate makes up its mind what it will be content with and the board makes up its mind what the senate ought to be responsible for. Until both of these bodies can get an intelligent overview of the whole situation, the students are going to sit out&de and everything will be left in the committee stage.” Now all of this might not make much sense to you and you can take it under advisement that you are not alone. But you can take it from the president that it is all for the good. He said, “ It makes so much sense, don’t know why we haven’t done it before now.” So sleep well tonight in the full knowledge that although the reins of power are slippery, forward the corporate mule plods.




here can be no relation more strange, more critical, than that between two beings whb know, each other only with their eyes, who meet eye each tiai ly, yes, even hourly, other with a fixed regard, and yet by some whim or freak of convention feel constrained to act like strangers. between them, II neas i ness rules unslaked curiosity, a hysterical desire to give rein to their suppressed impulse to recognize and address each other; even, actually, a sort of strained but tiutual regard. Fore one human being instinctively feels respect and love for another human being SO long as. he does nqt knqw him well- enough to judge hit%; and that he does not, the craving he feels is evidence. by l~h~~~las




’ L



in Venice

thedlevrwn. member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (CINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year ( 1971-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443; telex 0295748. circulation : 13,ooO Alex Smith, editor

Things fall apart, the center cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.

production manager: George Kaufman; news editor: Bill Sheldon coordinators: Gord Moore (photo), Rod Hickman & rats (features) Newsies:


Barry Brown, Eleanor Hyodo, Una O’Callaghan,


Tomory, Al Lukachko,

Cyrus Eaton. Deanna

Kaufman, Larry Caesar, David Harrington, John Moss, Michael Corley, Jim Allen. Entertainment co-operative: Joe Handler, Mary Holmes, Tony DeFranco, Janet Stoody, David Cubberly, Linda Arnold, Gord Pearson. Sports collective: Dennis McGann, Notes Anderson, Larry Burko, Gerry Baycroft, Terry Morin, Gene Sandbury, Ron Smith, John Cushing.

f riday

19 september





220 the chevron

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