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The greening by Kenn Hyslop the chevron

Speaking to the chevron last monday, federation ‘ of students president Rick Page flatly stated he would resign his position at the next council meeting, October 12. He said his reasons are relatively simple and have been published in two open letters to the campus. Page disagrees in principle with any person having unrestricted control of student funds. He believes that Alex Smith, past editor of the chevron, mismanaged student funds in his expenditure of surplus budget for the magazine, voices. He also expressed concern at the inordinate high cost of the first paper this term.

of Rick Page

Opinions about the necessity of Page’s resignation and the principles which he is attempting to uphold vary across the campus.. Carl Sulliman, vice-president of the council, refused any comment until an official resignation is submitted and nominations for the vacant position are opened. President George Zador of the science society felt that the resignation was a good thing if a better substitute could be found. After conferring with society colleagues, Zador said Carl Sulliman would be a better substitute.

The math society’s spokesman and president, Mike Conroy, said that he agreed with the principle of control behind Page’s resignation Using these points as the basis of their action, the executive, on a and added that in his opinion the executive is the only responsplit vote, attempted to fire Smith. portion of the entire At the next full gathering of sible federation. He also said that the council, Page submitted the council members do not represent executive’s motion with statement the that he personally considered it the students of this campus, societies fulfil1 that function a vote of confidence and would resign if it was not passed. because they have to. Sulliman again received a vote of confidence Unsure of the legality of their position and the veracity of the from a society president with the comment, “he’s be::- running charges, a confused council things around here by himself defeated the motion. At this point . Page .must resign officially and a< anyway.” by-election be announced by Pete Social director for the engineers, Davidson, the chief returning Arthur Ram, is a supporter of officer. Page and commented that the Page also commented on the reasons for Page’s actions were council structure. He said anyone by handling student funds should be just and that he “got screwed” directly responsible to the the council. Ram said Rick Page president of the federation and he frustrated himself to the point of would support a new structure to a resignation and added that the future council rather than any students are losing one of its best specific person. administrators.

Long hairs:


Alderman Stoner admitted that Budd Automotive was the only manufacturing concern that was in contact with the welfare departHave 73 “long-haired, jobless youths” been the first casualties in ment that she knew about. The personnel departments of a counter - revolution against the Union Carbide, the Kitchener post ‘youth cult’ led by so called office, Uniroyal, J.M. Schneiders establishment pigs, or were these were not conpeople victims of their own and Electrohome laziness and willingness to “take a tacted by the welfare department. handout when and where you can regarding how those industries felt concerning long hair and “hippie find it”? types.” Had Bernstihl queried Indeed, who are these 73 people? them, he would have found that Kitchener welfare director J.A. only J .M. Schneiders frowned on , Bernstihl has repeatedly stated the * long hair. 73 people were not removed. He Ralph Misener , personnel’ said the figure of 73 is the number manager of Schneiders, said of people who are not receiving because of hygiene and sanitation, welfare this month from last employees must have their hair month. cut to reasonable lengths. He there were Alderman Grace Stoner of the added that normally more important considerations to welfare committee said there are take into account. than length of “73 fewer people on the rolls because of the stand taken a few hair. months ago” by the committee on people who do not actively look for Individual choice . jobs. by Bob Mosurinjohn connestoga college


Bernstihl has been reported ’ to say the youths are being refused their allowances under provincial regulations which say an administrator must be satisfied that the applicant is seeking work. He added that the unkempt ap-pearance of the young men while visiting his office indicated they were not actively looking for jobs. “Grimy


Along those same lines, Bernstihl said “I know for a fact the larger Kitchener industries won’t even bother handing out application forms to grimy, long haired, bare footed youths.” Bernstihl refused to divulge his source of information on the grounds that it was “confidential.”

The balance of the industries mentioned felt that long hair was an individual’s choice and was a factor only where the position applied for was such that the person would be publicly representing the company.

For a council viewpoint the chevron talked to Bill Lindsay, environmental studies representative to the federation. Speaking only for himself, Lindsay said he thought Page was taking the easy way out and that he’d screwed things up himself. Lindsay stated he did’not agree with the way the chevron was being run, specifically the comics during the summer and the molly-mockup edition at the beginning of this term. Lindsay says he personally tried to get the chevron budget cut ten thousand dollars but he barely got a second on the motion. He said the council made a correct decision in reversing Smith’s firing and if there were more to the issue then Page should have informed the council of all facts. Lindsay suggested there should be more control of the chevron’s budget as well as a complete examination of the dispersal of money in the university. President of the university, Burton C. Matthews felt that it was unappropriate for him to comment on student affairs of this nature. He is certain the students will handle this situation with as much wisdom as they usually handle their situations.

(‘at-l Sulliman (beard): once a bridesmaid, now a bride: bid for president last year, Carl appears to have support of Rick Page’s promised resignation.

Volume fridgy

12 number 8 octobq

.of welfure Pat Mansfield, personnel manager for Budd Automotive, said he has had people refuse jobs because of the collar length hair regulations in effect at his plant. Mansfield, (who said he would “kick their asses” if his daughters appeared on the street looking unkempt) said he has been pleasantly surprised at “university types” who trimmed their hair to conform with plant safety regulations. Mansfield admitted he has contacted the welfare department on occasion concerning applicants’ appearances, but has never been contacted by the welfare department. Hair regulations at Budd are enforced because 40 per cent of the employees are in welding positions. Bernstihl also mentioned bare feet in his condemnation of young people’s appearances. None of the industries polled consider sandals as detrimental to an applicants chances of obtaining a job during the interview. Most manufacturing plants have shoe regulations and after the job is obtained the employee in many cases must wear safety shoes. That is usually made clear before the job is begun. Condemned


Besides young people’s apBernstihl has conpearances, demned the use of drugs on the grounds that they raise welfare costs. Fred Stevens, centre director of the alchohol and drug addiction research foundation in Kitchener, said “if they feel any individual has a problem they



Defeated in in the wake


or laz could call on us.” So far they haven’t, according. to Stevens. He also said there has been no mention of getting together to discuss this type of problem, and feels the initiative should come from the welfare department. John Anderson, metro Toronto social servies commissioner, said he couldn’t see where an overdose of drugs is much. different from alcohol poisoning, and added that he didn’t know how accounts arising from those situations could be avoided. Anderson pointed out that Toronto does have good cooperation between the welfare departments and other social service groups who are trying to improve problems such as the drug and alcohol situations. He said large populations create multiple problems and each should be dealt with individually. Charles Rushton, administrator for Connestoga college Waterloo centre and a person who has been very involved with the types of problems facing young people today, said he supported the- stand taken that welfare recipients shouldn’t have money to freak out on, but the city fathers have failed to provide an alternative for that



problem. Rushton said that in some cases everything a young man once believed in has fallen away, and “we have created the society in which these young people must live.” Rushton favors the. co-ordination of the social service groups in Kitchener and calls for training which might help an individual overcome his problems and allow him to live in this society. Booming


Replying to a comment made by alderman Stoner that things m‘ Kitchener are “booming” Rushton involved in the job situation in Kitchener due to his position with the continuing education centre said he “thought things were pretty tight.” Alderman Stoner cited a letter praising the welfare committee’s action-the only one to date-and said “We are not doing them a favor by hand out gimmicks.” She added that they were giving the “youngsters” a push to get them moving. Alderman Stoner stated that nobody would be taken off the welfare rolls because of drug use and everything possible will be done to help them, although it is too early to formulate policies yet. Morley Rosenberg, alderman and member of the welfare committee, opposes the decision to cut the, 73 from the rolls. While he feels there may be a legitimate complaint concerning drug use in some of the cases, he. said the committee is “trying to use the kids as scapegoats” and added, “they can’t discriminate against any one segment on welfare.”


Yodc aids texpack sMcers~ ISA executive


The members of the international student association elected their executive committee at a meeting held last tuesday, September 27. The meeting was held in math building, room 2065. Members of the new executive are, president: Mutah Ghamian: vice-



president: Krikor Andonian; general.+secretary: Javaid Khan; finance secretary : Anas Khalaf ; social secretary: S. I. Haider; secretary : Levon publicity Karakashian. Executive members hold office for one year.


The association of student councils offers Christmas flights to Europe starting december 16. Rouqd trip

fare, Toronto to London will be 159 dollars. Ski options into the Alps are available.

and the multi-national corporation. For students to seek involvement in such issues, he added, is “To take what you’re learning in the classroom and put it into action.” Council member John McCallum maintained,“1 don’t think that, as a council, we can afford to help them. We have enough problems of our own on campus.” To suggestions that student impact might have been greater through individual letter writing, work on the picket lines, and boycott of Texpack products Chud said, :‘The reality of the stirkers’ lives is groceries next week.” 250 dollars he said will buy groceries for ten people for one week at a cost of about four cents a student. Texpack workers are striking for higher pay: an increase of 65 cents an hour over a three year period from their preient hourly wage of 1.93. Texpack, a branch plant of american hospital supply corporation, is phasing out production at the Brantford plant to make it into a warehouse for packaging hospital and first aid material made in the US.

TORONTO (CUP )-The council of the York student federation monday pledged 250 dollars to the support of strikers in the Brantford Texpack conflitit. In a 9-3 vote, the council defeated the objections that CYSF has neither the right nor the money to get into off-campus activities. calling the strike a fairly clear case of the need for student involvement in the larger community, CYSF president Mike Fletcher said, “You can’t isolate the university from real life. You have to work out what your system of priorities is. Canadians everywhere, including strikers at Texpack, have supported university students through taxes in the past twenty yeqrs, often with no direct benefits themselves. Now it’s time that we students starting repaying back debts.” Echoing this thought, student David Chud said, “If you only talk about the strike and don’t do anything about it you’re living in an ivory tower and are morally bankrupt.” He pointed to the strike as a case of what is being talked about at the university-Americanization

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

wiu full convocufion Professor Thomass B. Symons president and vice-chancellor of Trent university and Dr. Miller Fisher, a leading medical specialist will receive honorary doctbrs of laws’ degrees at WLU fall convocation to be conducted at 2: 30 pm november 7 in the Kitchener memorial auditorium. Professor Symons graduated from the university of Toronto in modern history. He received a masters degree in the same field from Oxford and then pursued independant studies in Paris, Leyden, Rome and Harvard. Recently he was named a one man committee to investigate existing provincial, legislation providing for french language education in this province. The second man to be honored Dr. Fisher, attended K-W

collegiate before entering university ‘of Toronto to study medicine. He is considered one of the world’s authorities in cerebrovascular disease ind is associate clinical professor of neurology at Harvard medical school. Dr. Fisher serves on the US president’s committee for the neurological sciences research and is a fellow of the royal college of physicians and surgeons of Canada. In addition 300 students will receive undergraduate degrees in arts, science and business. A ntimber of master’s degrees in arts will also be awarded. Lieutenant governor W. ~Ross MacDonald, chancellor of the university will be presiding. The public is invited to attend.


dltion. Call 743-7832.

Notre Dame ring, in men’s room Bl, top of dryer. Means a lot. Phone Don 744-8357

Sanyo Md-939 stereo tape recorder with speakers. 16 months old. $150 or best offer. Call 743-3073.


Bradford (Panasonic) AM-FM cassette stereo BSR 510X turntable, speakers, excellent condition. $360 new; $250 now. Village I west 3, room 001.

Matue lady will do babysitting home anytime. Waterloo preferred. 744-3231

in your area

Any one Democratic 0848.

Judo uniform,


size 4, excellent


Player Piano reconverted offer. Phone 576-8193.



Science student-prof night. Free wine and cheese. 8 pm festival room, food services.

Gay Lib Pub with Whiplash. oub.

Gay Lib general HUM161.





312 the chevron





Federation Flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. Sponsored by federation of students. 8 pm AL116. Arabic Movie ‘Akd Elulu’. 8 pm PHY 145. Sponsored by arabic student association. lxthus Coffee House. Come talk about Ilfe, love & God. 9 pm CC snack bar.

Science Society weekend pub dance. Dance with Whiplash. 25 cents science society members; 50 cents others. 8:30 pm festival room.

Federation Flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8 pm AL116. Sponsored by federation of students.

testimony SSc338 9

17 171

Waterloo Christian Fellowship invites you to join us for supper. Special speakers and just plain people getting together In Jesus. 5 pm CC113.


student $end

fees address

entitles changes

Engineering Society B presents Homestead In the festival room food services. Admission 50 cents for Eng. Sot. members; $1.25 others . 8:30 pm SUNDAY Faith Missionary Church, 110 Fergus avenue Invites you to their services. Sundays 11’ am and 7 pm. Mondays Youth Time 7:30 pm. A bus will call at campus center each sunday at 9: 15






Filrta “Civilization” by Sit- Kenneth Clark. 7-- 9 pm ALi05.

a 171

Career Information T;jSk. Repr?sentatlves from the Public Service CornmIssIon of Canada WIII be on campus to discuss careers within the federal government. 3:30 pm ELlOl.

Organization and information meeting for CUSO and WUSC. Everyone welcome. 3:30 pm CC1 13.

Sq.- 64 King S. - 74Xd


Toronto Express Bus leaves campus center for Islington subway station 1: 30 pm and 4: 30 pm. Sponsored by federation of students.

Informal Christian Science nleetings. All are welcome.

Astronomy Nite. Everyone is welcome to joIn the members for an evening of star gazing. Sponsored by physics club. 7.30 PE14-5.

from Waterlgo



Club meeting. Everyone 2:30 pm ML311.


Joe Doyle, 3459.

8 pm CC

Slavic social evening with wine Slavic food. 8-- 12 HUM161.



Radical Communal farm needs people four miles from university. Phone 742I 0848.



Careers Information talk. Representatlves will be on campus to discuss crossroads africa with interested students. 3.30 pm MC2034.



Room for male student. Single bed. Apply 162 University avenue west after 5pm.

Under Attack interviews on campus. lnauire federation of students office,

Open .to all

Duplicate Bridge open pairs Club Championship. All bridge players welcome. Partnerships can be arranged. 7 pm SSc lounge.



$200 or best


Circle K Club meeting. students. 6 pm CC217.


Jvill do typing In my home. Phone 7444388.

Career Information talk. Representatlves from the Ontario department of education will be on campus to talk with interested students. 3:30’ pm ELlOl.

University offidially closed for Thanksgiving Day. *

Russian welcome.


This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campk-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.



Top 40 L.P.‘s and 45’s from 1955 to 1965. Wllllng to borrow, buy or rent. 744-9838.

Wool skirts $5 each size 16; pant suits


Ideal for carrying books


Heath AJ-14 stereo tuner, assembled new. Leave note for Jeff in Eng I room 3522 Desk 1H.



Bean bag chairs from $25. SIX assorted colours. Contact Dan Mueller 5784481.

1970 Triumph Tiger-650, excellent conditon. Leave note for Rae, desk-1G Eng I 3522.


I don’t believe it. 388 Erb Street west. Purveytng waterpipes, copper pipes, holders, candles, rugs, dishes.

Martin D-28 with case, one month old. Reasonable. 576-2229.

interested in the New Youth please phone 742-

1971 Norton, 0092.

$10 and $12 size 16. Call 744-3893 after 6 pm.

1965 Pontiac Laurentian, four door, sedan, six cylinder, radio; snow tires, excellent condition. Owner leaving. Asking $495. Call Das 579-3656.

If you belieie j in a revolutionary transformation of society and communalism contact like minded people write Community for the Humanist Revolutton care of P 0 453, Waterloo, Ontario.





of promptly


students to:

to the

receive chevron,

he unlversl)y


by of



Toronto Express Bus leaves lslington subway station for campus center 9 pn~. Sponsot ed by federation elf students.


off-campus Waterho,

terms. Ontorib.






and retired

r fired I hired

followed one week later by the chevron staff meeting and the After a month of firings, illegal general council meeting. At the votes, confusion, reinstatments, staff meeting the decision was and threatened resignations taken to unofficially and illegally resignations, the dust seems to fire Smith pending the inhave settled in the chevron offices. vestigation of the new position. The status of the student At the council meeting the newspaper was finally settled at executive minutes came up for monday night’s staff meeting, ratification. Federation president during which Alex Smith received Rick Page stated that he cona solid vote of confidence in his sidered the decision a vote of personal role in the paper. confidence and that he would Following the vote, Smith resign if the council did not ra$ify resigned his position as editor and the decision. Smith countered that accepted the job of technical ad- the decision was out of the realm of visor and general bureaucratic the executive or council and that as crap-taker-care-of. long as he operated within th& Before the month-long situation budget of the chevron, the. had been settled monday night, federation had no right meddling however, it had triggered a vote of in campus media. no-confidence in its executive by The executive decision was not 0 the federation council and a ratified and Smith was officially subsequent apparent resignation reinstated. by federation president Rick Page. Following this decision the The issue over the editor started council did ratify the chevron last spring. Several staff members staff’s decision to fire Smith as felt they had been left out of im- editor, pending the investigation portant decisions such as the the new position. ‘Legally however, of production of the magazine voices. neither the staff nor the council The recent complaints centered had the power-to fire an editor around Smith’s inability to relate (except for mismanagement of and interact with parts of the,staff, funds ) . that he had taught the \staff very Smith remained in limbo for a little since he had become editor of the paper, and that nearly the only week, undecided as to whether he would take the position or resign. thing that he had accomplished At last monday’s staff meeting was making the chevron a pretty the discussion dragged on for piece of graphic art. Smith refuted almost four hours and finally a much of this and for the most part vote was taken. the staff remained divided. Smith was unofficially reinOn September 13th the executive stated by a sizeable majority. of the federation of students met in Following this decision, Smith was a special meeting and voted to fire asked if he would resign. He said. Smith on the grounds of financial mismanagement of the paper. The he would not at this point, because the council or charges centered around the he did not to trust follow up the staff September 10th issue of the executive and actually reinstate chevron in which there was a 16- decision pa@ spread in five colours and on him. Many staff members were anspecially weighted paper along noyed at this as they believed there with the actual newspaper. would be xio problem with the The content of the special section featured a special cutout doll council and that Smith’s decision was an act of distrust in staff. called molly mock-up. The total Upon consideration of this, cost of the issue was 4,157 dollars Sm’ith tendered his resignation as opposed to the .usual 1,700 about two hours after the meeting dollars. Smith maintained that the ended. It now remains to have the federation council Oct. 12 approve executive was out of order in firing the staff decision to start a new him arid called for a CUP composition and hire Smith for that mission. The executive decision was position. by Bill Sheldon the chevron


alter Pitman,




with students

in the great hall tuesday


by George Kaufman the chevron

Walter Pitman walked into the great hall of the campus centre tuesday afternoon and, after a quick introduction by Waterloo north NDP candidate Jo Surich, talked twenty minutes into a microphone while students sat on their .asses. Pitman, the deputy leader of the NDP and a long-standing opponent of pollution and status-quo education, apologized for interrupting the students and then went into his criticisms of the Davis government, especially in his pet area, education. “The Ontario government has beeri on a school building mania since the early 1960’s,” he said. “An so. we’ve created a inuch


Pitman reiterated his belief that schools as constituted are little better than prisons-“we’re not educating, we’re holding”with automatons marching dutifully from class to class at the insistence of clanging bells. “The NDP would like to take away the emphasis from holding people in buildings for the convenience of the job market and start to build a real educational system.” stated the two main qf the NDP in the area of : give real equality of OppOrtUnity to all Ontario; and the idea of a structured between the ages of five

‘YWe are now realizing that the industrial state is using the school system as a wierd sort of job selection service,” Pitman said. Kids no longer stay in school because they want to or feel challenged, he contended, but because they ‘are told its the only way they will get a good job later. Pitman then threw the session open to any questions or comments any students present might have. There was one comment about the need for fewer businessoriented people c&trolling schools and colleges in Ontario. Pitman -agreed, pointing out that the NDP was the only Ontario party to vote against the university of Toronto bill in ‘the legislature, because there was not enough student voice on the governing board. Appointees to governing boards of schools under an NDP government, he asserted, would be students, and community people trade unionists and workers, not just the usualy businessmen with the token trade unidnist. Carl Krasnor,

the chevron

f3adge number 43 of the Kitchener police force strode tight-lipped/y intd the campus center sunday atternoon and was heard to mumble something like, “just the facts, hippie student.” But we at the chevron, being journalistically minded, put no faith in rumorurs of that sort. Actually, Kool Hand Kop is said to have been looking for runaway youths, the like of which are widely known to seek shelter and asylum in the sacred recesses of the campus center pool room. The minister of the law was dutifully accompanied in his , searches by one of uniwat’s own security men, who tried to be equally ac cool as his gun-totin’ friend.



more highly educated unemployed force-inStead of dropping out of school and being unemployea, ne now gets a PhD and is unemployed.”

Pitman priorities education 1) To education+ people in 2) End education and 21.

an election

He also denounced the presenl Ontario policy of “formula financing” of colleges, which he charged puts the emphasis on numbers <of students and on graduates rather than undergraduates. _ friday



There were no more questions from the dead audience so Pitman gracefully retired and said if any students wished to speak to him in a smaller group, he would stick around. Evidently he had gotten to a few in the audience, and about twenty students surrounded him at the side of the great hall and deluged Pitman with questions and comments for the next half-hour. Most queries centered around how the NDP would really be tougher on polluters if it became the government. Pir;man, who has been quit@ active both in provincial pollution situations and in fighting polluters in his home riding of Peterborough, assured the students that “get tough with polluters” is more than a political slogan to the NDP members. “We don’t even need new laws,” he told a student. We just need to enforce the ones already. on the books. The conservative government has not enforced the laws against businesses, and so Davis has not approached this issue in the campaign.” He called the Dow chemical law suit presently underway by the Ontario government “nothing but windrow dressing, a cause celebre” on the part of the government. They have bekn openly allowed to pollute for many years-the government inspectors for a long time could not even get into the fortress-like Dow plant without phoning and arranging an appointment--and the suit tit this late date is only for shoui. he argued. Pltman commented before -he left that the Waterloo campus appeared to him to be particularly unconcerned about the upcoming provincial election. “Other campuses--4ike Trent, where I teach-are really . involved. I don’t know what has happened here.”

8 October





Our Service

700 protest Montreal (CUP1 )--In .a relatively peaceful protest against the indefinitely suspended Cannikin atomic blast in the Pacific more than 700 students from Loyola, Sir George Williams, MacDonald.and John Abbot college demonstrated at the border crossing Champlain, New York last friday.

even when

Only a single, unsuccessful tempt was made to block boundary, and that happened soon as demonstrators arrived the crossing.

Ken Hamilton Shell 432 King N

atthe as at

Quebec provincial police had warned previously that any attempted blockage would not be allowed, and Loyola co-ordinators Dennis Mooney and Gordon Clark advised students to leave two lanes open for two-way traffic.

Waterloo merchancilse




There were no incidents, and no one was injured. Police kept demonstrators wellbottled up on the divider, allowing only a few students through to pass leaflets to cars moving through the border.

The members of the Sir George Marxist-Lenninist group then attempted to mobilize people for a “die-in” at the american consulate, but there was little response.



on the scene and finally, after not heeding the QPP’s. order to allow more room, police broke open tear equipment and nudged gas protestors to the grass divider between the a’merican and Canadian immigration offices.

Trouble seemed imminent a second time when Rheas Bctournay, a free-lance Montreal journalist was yanked by his shoulders by police when he attempted to interview the driver of ii car. Aside from a little booing and the odd hysterical shout, students remained calm.

Most students had agreed to this form of protest earlier and allowed traffic . to filter through slowly. 1low ever, they adamantly refused when police told them all four _ lanes should be clear.



A riot-equipped police detachment of 17 constables then arrived





RE-ELECT Prop..-



- member


of O.A.A.


LIBERAL Keep Ed Good at Queen’s Park to represent you. Ed offers his constituents service and loyalty. He is a man who does not break commitments. As your representative at Queen’s Park he has taken part in many debates dealing with local issues.


Political Experience Ed has served on a variety of committees since becoming your elected member. He was a member of the Legal Administration Committee and Critic of the Department of Municipal Affairs for three years. Ed Good joins his leader, Robert Nixon in realizing that the problems facing Waterloo North are problems related to the whole of Ontario. Good government must affect all the voters . . . people must be put back into politics-by local government autonomy and decentralization of government. He stresses the need for more action to control our pollution problems.



Who is Ed Good? He’s been in business in Waterloo since 1946. A life-long resident of the Twin Cities, Ed and his wife, Rhea, have. three sons: Paul, 28, now married looks after the family business ; David, his second son is 25 and John is 21.


Ed Offers Continuing Service

7:00 P-M. SHARP -. .‘. (Latecomers will’ not be admitted) b, . %.. 1~ ROOM MC 2065 ..-.__.. :. “’’ * lNFORMAJ-lOf+,j -SE-SSION ’ ‘::‘_, .‘=-G. b-.,



Ed believes his knowledge of the community and his four years of experience at Queen’s Park are his most valuable assets. The Liberal Party has a comprehensive plan to remove the increasing demands on property tax. Ed believes that property should not. be paying.%for so many services that are not related to property. His party offers good government. As Ed puts it: “The only reasotiabie alternative to 28 years of. Tory government is Liberal: government-Robert Nixon is a reasonable~itItaeon.”-

‘One “GOQD” Term Deserves inher .





the- chevron







Anti-ban& (‘ALGARY (CUP> Senior representatives of the executive branch of the american governn@nt made assurances this week that the threatened Amchitka atomic teat will certainly’ be delayed and probably cancelled. Meanwhile, about 3500 Vancouver-area university students and about 1200 university of Calgary students protested against the threatened blast over the weekend, either by marches or petitions. Earlier that week the american senate and congress had placed total responsibility for the decision of holding of cancelling the test on the shoulders of president Richard Nixon. The U.S. atomic energy commission, an agency of the american government, concieved of fhe Amchitka test as an adjunct to the american anti-ballistic missile program, a program already approved by the U.S. congress. But arguments “against the blast seem to outweigh those defensive ones in favor of it. These arguments include : 0 potential radiation leaks since the blast could be in an unstable geological area, ie along the San Andreas fault 8 political and technological developments which make the test unneccessary, and a tidal wave and other potentially-disaiterous ramificatiqns of the blast.




According to sources the executive branch of the U.S. government now feels that a potentially-disasterous nuclear war is neither necessary nor inevitable. Defence against waroriented thinking and action can be achieved without exposing the planet to the inherent problems of the Amchitka blast. The problem with the U.S. decision-making echelons has apparently been that AEC technocrats figured out how to do something and are now fighting to justify the decision and ,the expenditure of 160 million dollars. However, since the congress had already appraved the ABM program, the problem was not totally their creation. But the proposed 5 megaton blast has also brought to light other factors that the AEC did not take into consideration. Every seven years the danger of earth tremors along the San Andrea fault is at its most extreme because of the wobble of the earth’s axis. This happens to be the seventh and most dangerous year. The experience of atomic testing in Nevada shows the AEC to be notoriqusly inaccurate in predicting the results of nuclear tests. Large areas of the state of Utah for example, were exposed to extreme radiation levels because of the Nevada tests. The decision to cancel Amchitka was really made over a month ago




CUP sources report, and Nixon has received many representations on the matter, including a respectful suggestion that it might not be wise to insist upon California’s premature and physical secession from the american union. _ Apart from the lack of adequate examination of the problem by the

...iis300 CALGARY CUP-Personnel are being phased out of the Amchitka island blast site, with over 300 of the once 700 at-site already having left. Any imminent blast would involve a full complement of staff at the site making preparations until just before blast time. The Washington Post has talked to some american government officials who conceded the blast would be delayed. They gave as an excuse the fact that they don’t want the blast to coincide with the visit of soviet premier Alexei Kosygin’s visit to Canada. Sources indicate a reassessment of the need for the blast; possible radiation leak, tidal wave and geological effects were prime reasons for the decision to delay and the strong inclination to totally negate the blast. However, political considerations, including strong protests from Canada and Japan, undoubtedly bore some weight. In addition the US government has had facts brought to light by the scientific community outside its agencies. There have also been strong protests from conservationists and students.

condition to an abortion, or in any other circumstances.” . To achieve the coalition goals, The Kitchener Waterloo action proposals were passed, women’s abortion action coalition calling for provincially cois a women’s conference that dordina ted activities, including decided to do something about a lobbying, debates, speak-outs, the women’s problem-the necessity challenging of electoral candidates of repealing abortion laws. and individual letter writing. In On Saturday October 2nd, conjunction FREDERICTON CUP-A with women across representatives from the Kitopportunities for youth Canada, K-W women will be lucrative chener-Waterloo section attended project in New Brunswick netted a concentrating on a petition a conference in Toronto and .ac- campaign of New Brunsw’ick for the repeal of the university tively joined with 180 women from abortion law, as stated in the student 8,600 dollars for only six Ontario to launch, the Ontario weeks work, according to a report private <members bills submitted women’s abortion law repeal prepared for the federal governby Grace MacInnis (NDP-MP) coalition. ment by the co-ordinating agency and Hylliard Chappel (liberalAs well as the Ontario for local OFY projects. MP). representatives, women came The campaign, launched on Sept. The report of COPE (community from Vancouver, Saskatoon, 23-d at an Ottawa press conference providing emopportunities Winnipeg and Montreal. will be carried throughout the ployment) claims that Jonathon The coalition will work to make winter. The second major action Marler, a second year law student abortion a women’s right to will be a mass assembly of women at UNB, received 35,000 dollars choose, regardless of age or in Ottawa and a procession from OFY last spring to carry out marital status. This will be ac- through the streets to parliament “an ecological forest survey” in ,amplished by: ’ hill on november 20. Local supNew Brunswick. o Repeal of all sections of the portive actions will also be held on But instead of probing the criminal code dealing with this date. ecology, the report November 20 has been called as woodland abortion. alleges Marler rented a tree sAn investigation into the possible an international abortion action harvester and chain saws and sold day, with activities planned in timber necessity of substitute federal and pulpwood to local inlegislation. Germany, France, England, Italy, dustrialists at cut rates before Australia, New Zealand, Ireland @The establishment of a working complaints from his employees committee to research the related and the USA. We of the K-W cost him his job at the end of a sixsupport the areas including birth control: coalition, fully week period. voluntary sterilization and clinics. decisions of the October 2nd conAccording to the COPE report, The motivation for this policy is, ference. The local coalition will Marler hired around 30 students, “The present abortion laws are meet Saturday October 9th at 1:30, paid them $1.25 hourly, but did not at 42 Westwood dr. apt. 204. responsible for maiming and death inform them they were working on of uncounted numbers of women There will be a more detailed an OFY project. every year at the hands of report on the Toronto conference, with special emphasis on plans for backroom abortionists. They force “Only when the students heard unkown numbers of women to bear implementing the propos;ils 1 that their job was a youth opunwanted children. They place a locally. portunities project did they price tag on the right to abortion: The need for repeal is bringing become suspicious,” the report working women, students, those rich enough to finance a visit housewives and organizations into to a New York abortion clinic, “They ’ complained to Marler More are needed. those with enough money to pay for the coalition. who retaliated by firing the entire For Saturday’s meeting, women an illegal abortion in Canada, have lot and .then they complained to are invited from Galt, Preston, access to this privilege. Hespeler, Guelph, ‘London, -and of Ottawa. “Women from the lower income bracket, students, working wqmen course the general Kitchener“The federal government,” the report continued, “dispatched and housewives do not. Nor do Waterloo area. We are confident women from rural areas where that K-W women will join us in OFY organizer Shiela Zimwhat is becoming a powerful merman, who had approved the there are few facilities. We support the right of all to have ready ac- national organization, to repeal all project in the beginning. abortioq laws. Naturally, she was defensive and cess to birth control information and devices. We also feel that no For further information call Nancy \ the whole meeting was entirely Zantinge - 745-5416; Laurel Fischer unpleasant.” woman should be confronted with But in the end, the report said, forced sterilization as a pre- 576-2293 by Nancy Zantinge the chevron

AEC, the Americans admit that the problem was created by communication difficulties within their government structure. Sources, confirm the executive branch admits that the AEC was probably misdirected, and stands ready to share some of the blame. One of the countries affected by

of skiff leave


by B.S.


The american executive branch appears to be caught between an inadequate asses,sment by one of its own agencies (which is naturally unwilling to admit error) massive controversey over the issue, and significant international political considerations. The issue is sensitive because of the SALT (strategic arms limitation talks). Nixon has had recent meetings in Washington with soviet foreign minister Andrci Gromyko on arms limitation. The US anti-ballistic missle program was& the reason for the A’mchitka test in the first place. Nixon is expect,ed to present a message to the US Congress

referring. to the matter in the near future-a message which will include US policy considerations including the American environmental and arms limitations stances. A second Calgary protest against the Amchitka blast will be held Saturday at the US consulate. Planners for the group include the United Church of Canada, National KAIROS, the Voice of Women, the Committee to Aid War Immigrants, the Calgary InterFaith Council and Eco-centre. Planning has been in concert with< the Canadian coalition against Amchitka. Similar demonstrations will be held in Vancouver and elsewhere.

ST. JOHN’S (CUPI)-Students at Memorial university of Newfoundland, aided and abetted by the student newspaper The Muse and former student leaders, ousted their entire’student council in a referendum Wednesday, september 29 The reactionary council, led by 34-year-old president Dave Rooney

who is well connected within the provincial ProgressiveConservative party, were facing ,their second non-confidence referendum since being elected in a protested election last spring. ‘This time the council’s usually efficient political machine could hold out no longer against the charges of corruption and patronage. The final count in the referendum ballot was 1,530 against Rooney’s council, with 895 supporting it.

Student allegedly trees with OFY


the proposed blast, Japan, has made strenuous representation to the Americans. Tidal waves from the Amchitka blast would affect all the Pacific rim area, including British Columbia, but apart from a motion of the Canadian house of commons, Canadian protests -do not seem to have been strenuous.

cbts grant

Politics, the provincial sport- in Newfoundland, are decided on the university level here much the Marler was asked by Zimmerman same as on the provincial level: by to vacate his post. He did so personalities rather than by issues. reluctantly, it said, but not before But unfortunately, the student he had pocketed 8,600 dollars for bureaucracy at Memorial during himself Rooney’s prematurely-ended A number of people in the reign, was also run in a manner region-including the Moncton akin to provincial politics: by office of the secretary of state’s patronage rather than by department-pressed for an im- democratic means. mediate investigation, the COPE The list sf dia-ectors of the report said, but was turned down council’s $80,000 Opportunities for by secretary of state Gerard Youth program read like a roll-call Pelletier. of the council executive, and most “Zimmerman issued in- paying jobs in the council structions that there was to be no bureaucracy went to council publicity given to the affair at all,” members or Rooney supporters. COPE reported. Rooney himself was accused by The report also charged that The lvmse of taking a $1,500 salary during his tenure as project as the OFY program director in manager, Marler issued rygular addition to his $1,000 summer pay cheques to his brother who was presidential salary. not employed on the project, as So Memorial students, rather well as two per week to his girl than “put up with a miniature friend who was. Smallwood government,” decided Fredericton RCMP say they are to oust the council and start afresh. investigating the affair but no The date of the new election has details have been released. not yet been set.





Radio Waterloo-a non-commercial, non-profit radio stc?tionbroadcasts through thr facilities of Grand River cable FfCI1 at 94.1 mHz. R:adib Waterloo is the studeFts’ station 1. Students kovern the programs heard on this station by their participation, suggestions or complaints. Students are invited to come out and produce their own programs or one with others interested in the same things. Radio Waterloo staff c,an offer all the facilities and help to communicate with others. This idea may be new to many, but consider the possibilities. If there are students who don’t wish to produce a program but are interested in what Radio Waterloo is and hoti it operates, come out and see the station. Located on the north campus in the front of the Bauer warehouse.


8 October




’ .’


C?rtain+ of -Campus 1”


-* _

‘. ,.:


economics, can gain some control 8 recent bomb damage at McGill{ of university ,politics by making,,, Loyola, and St.. Francis Xavier f student radicalism’ too expensive a ‘q radical and inflamat’ory speeche& cross for the universit?es to bear. “made ’ ori Ii univ@sity’ c.ampused _’ -(J’n . an ’ i nsurance claim, a coperating, on the ‘theory. that afl. deductible is that Ifirst part of the serious student demonstrations ‘claim, that the. owner must pay i’n ban be directly’ related! to the a& case of damage, before the in- .tions of one rabble rouser’: 1 _ surance company will undertake to University insurance buyers, the pay the rest. ones being penalized under the new The Canadian Underwriters’ system, feel that the insurance Association (cua) are increasing companies are overreacting to a university vandalism and riot incidents and are insurance rates by as much as 100 few isolated being overly influenced by recent per cent, while also imposing policies adopted by deductible amounts of up to $50,000 insurance american university insurers. per claim on university building Liniversities have always been fire losses. easy marks for the insurance How do insurance companies sharks, and Canadian -universities justify this rate increase? By in particilar were -good inciting examples : vestments for insurers until Q the growing record of student f’ebruary 1969, when militant unrest at the university of British students and Montreal police, -Columbia, Simon Fraser, unwhile using the Sir George niversity of Windsor, Waterloo Willis-ms university computer Lutheran, McGill and Sir George center as a battle ground, turned it Williams. into a two million dollar heap of scrap metal. While the long term effects of this move by the CUA cannot yet be estimated, university officials feel the insurance industry is tackling the “vandalism” problem ass-backwardly. The university people are now suggesting, rather belatedly , a counter proposal. A spokesman for Marsh and McLennan Ltd. of Toronto, a leading broker of university insurance, says that the universities and the insurance agencies should have held meetings to discuss better campus . security arrangements, more realis tic deduction provisions, and other improvements on the risk invalved. But it’s too late since the CUA has already unilaterally made ‘their decision and are in a position to stick to their guns because they are the insurers with the most experience on Canadian campuses. CUA will negotiate deductibles but THERE ARE FOUR SEPARATE’AND DISTINCT CLASSES OF VOTERS WHO MAY VOTE BY PROXY AT THE PENDING only with universities with huge insurance budgets and long PROVINCIAL ELECTION : peaceful histories. 1. MEMBERS OF THE CANADIAN FORCES WHO ARE ABSENT FROM THEIR ORDINARY RESIDENCE AND UNABLE Many universities are now TO VOTE IN PERSO_N. deciding to insure with non-CUA companies, or to take a combination of CUA and non-CUA - 2. PERSONS EMPLOYED IN THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY RAILWAY, AIR, WATER OR MOTOR VEHICLE,. policies. But they still feel that it is WHO WILL BE ABSENT FROM THEIR ORDINARY RESIDENCE AND UNABLE TO VOTE IN PERSON, E.G., AIRLINE their duty to strengthen their own campus security and should not PILOTS, RAILWAY MEN, MARINERS, LONG DISTANCE BUS DRIVERS OR TRUCK DRIVERS. be penalized if their own situation does not warrant higher premiums. * . Q 3. PERSONS WHO WILL BE ABSENT FROM THEIR REGULAR RESIDENCE AND UNABLE TO VOTE AT THE ADVANCE In other words, university adPOLL OR POLLING DAY BY REASON OF ATTENDING AN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION. ministrators are finding it easier to switch insurance companies than to squash student discontent down 4. PERSONS CERTIFIED AS BEING PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO ATTEND THE POLL IN PERSON. to a level that the CUA finds acceptable and profitable. THE PROCEDURE IS SIMPLE. A PROXY APPOINTMENT FORM MAY BE OBTAINED FROM ANY RETURNING OFFICER, COMPLETED BY THE PERSON APPOtNTING THE PROXY AND MAILED TO THE PROXY VOTER. THE PROXY VOTER WILL HAVE IT CERTIFIED BY THE RETURNING OFFICER IN THE ELECTORAL DISTRICT WHERE HE AND THE PERSON APPOINTING HIM ARE BOTH ON THE LIST OF VOTERS, ON POLLING DAY THE VOTING PROXY WILL PRESENT ONTARIO TANNING Co. THE CERTIFIED PROXY APPOINTMENT FORM TO THE DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICER. QTTAWA (CUP) Fire insurance .companies, trying to safeguard +gainst insurance losses due to vandalism bombings,, and riots by ‘ktudent militants; have found. a way to cut”‘costLby ‘imposing fire insurance ‘deductibles and ’ riot premiums on university administrations wishing insurance protection. Liniversity officials across the country are up in arms over the new premiums, but it looks as though they are here to stay. Roy Elms, of the Canadian Underwriters Association, the largest organization of fire insurance companies in Canada, says that the use of deductibles and riot premiums will “encourage university officials to accept more responsibility in controlling losses at the source”. What this means, within the political and economic framework of Canadian universities, is that big business, through insurance





SECTION “133. (a)


































Come See How

RODERICK LEWIS, QC., C ti ief Elect ton Off ice;, Province of Ontario

Hides Are Tanned 220 Spring Valley KITCHENER

742-6701 e

Voting . .\

-problemsq ahswered

For most students of Ontario’s colleges . and tiniv’e~~iti& the’ titiotiing provincial election will be their first apgortunity to vote. In july , i9n the Ontario government enacted legislation which lowered the voting age to 18, and enabled many students who are 18, but who are away from their homes attending an educational inStitution, to votewithout having to travel home as they had to do in previous elections. One member of the provincial parliament will be elected from each of the province’s 117 electoral districts. A returning officer has been appointed to be responsible for conducting the election in each electoral district. Because an electoral district has many thousands of voters, it is divided up into numerous polling subdivisions, each under a deputy returning officer.

Who votes You are qualified to vote in the election if, at the lime of voting, i you are at least eighteen years old; o you are a Canadian citizen or other British subject; o you are not disqualified or prohibited by law from voting ; e you have resided in Ontario for 12 months ’ preceeding the day of voting; and Q you are a resident of the electoral district where you intend to vote. .



Revision If your name has not been included on the list of voters or has been listed incorrectly, you may appear before the returning officer and apply -to have your name included or listed correctly.

How to vote The polls will be open from 9 : 90 am until 8 : 00 pm. You may vote only at the poll in subdivision in which your name appears on the polling list. Even if your name appears on’more than one polling list, there is only one place where you are eligible to vote. It is a serious offence to vote more than once. After your name has been checked by the poll clerk, the deputy returning officer will hand you a ballot which he has initialled. In a compartment provided in the polling place, you should mark the ballot with a cross, using a pen or pencil. The mark must appear in the white circle beside the name of the candidate of your choice. You should fold the ballot so that the initials on the back can be seen and then hand it to the deputy returning officer. Without unfolding the ballot, the deputy returning officer ascertains by examining his initials that it is the same ballot that he gave you and then, while you watch, he places the ballot in the ballot box. Remember your candidate’s name and party affiliation! No indication of political party affiliation is allowed on the ballot. \










Brian Turnbull isn’t an old-style politician

Where,to vote Generally speaking, every qualified, person votes in the place where he has his permanent residence. Special exceptions have been made this year to enable students to vote while away from home attending educational institutions. The following situations illustrate where you are entitled to vote if,you are a student: @If vou are living at your family home on election day, you will vote where the home is located. If you are away from your family home temporarily (such as while attending an educational institution) but you will be in the electoral district where your family home is located on the Saturday or monday preceeding the day of the election, then you may vote on either day at the advance poll for that electoral district. e If you are absent from your family home because you are attending an educational institution, then you are entitled to vote by proxy. l If you are a married student, then you will vote where you live with your spouse. o If you are a single student without any parental home, you will vote wherever you live at the time of the election. 0 If you are a single student living away from your parental home, if you no longer regard that home as your permanent home, and if you consider yourself .a “visitor” in your parental home, then you are entitled to vote where you reside at the time of the election.

The advance poll Anyone who expects to be unable to vote on the regular voting day in the polling subdivision where his name appears on the polling list is entitled to vote at the advance poll -for his electoral district. The advance poll will be held on the Saturday and monday immediately preceeding polling day, between the hours of 12 :00 am and 9 :00 pm. Your name must be on the voters list for a polling subdivision in the electoral district if you wish to vote in the advance poll. ’

Voting by proxy If you are a student voter, you are given a privilege restricted to certain special classes of voters, the privilege of voting by proxy if you cannot conveniently vote in your own electoral district either at the advance poll or on a polling day. The eligibility to vote by proxy is extended to students at the secondary level, as well as post secondary level. A student or any other person who is entitled to vote at an election”by proxy must appoint the proxy in writing . Although not essential, it is advisable to use the official Appointment by Proxy form to avoid any complications in having the appointment accepted.

The voting proxy appointed may be a non-relative or’ a son, daughter, grandchild, brother, sister, parent, grandparent, husband or wife of the voter, as long as the proxy is a qualilied voter in the same electoral district where the student is entitled to Ordinarily you will be allowed to vote only if your in the same polling name is entered on the polling list in the polling. - vote, although not necessarily subdivision. A person may act as a proxy for only subdivision where you are eligible to vote, one non-relative, although he may act for any number of relatives as listed. Therefore, a parent . could act as voting proxy. for several sons and daughters and, in addition for one non-relative. A Shortly after the issue of the.writ for an election, person who has been appointed as a voting proxy is still entitled to vote in his own right. enumerators prepare a list of voters for each polling subdivision by means of a door-to-door canvass. Preferably on or before the last day for revision of The preliminary lists of voters are posted in conthe polling list, the signed appointment of the voting to examine and Spit uous places for persons nroxv must be presented to the returning officer, determine-if they are correctly listed. who &ertifies that he is satisfied that the person If you are away from home, it is wise to remind a appointing the proxy is qualified to vote and that the parent or friend to have your name included in the proxy appointed is qualified to act as a proxy, enumeration or to have your name added to the list However, if this is not possible, the absolute las of voters. opportunity to have a proxy form accepted by the returning officer will be on or before 6 :59 pm on octob& 18. A nerson who claims to vote as a voting proxy must produce the appointment and take the prescribed oath in order to receive a ballot for tht Your name may be omitted from the enumeration proxy vote. or you may know someone whose name has been If you have appointed a proxy and then attempt tc omitted. In either case, you may inform the vote otherwise than by means of the voting proxy retuning officer in writing, giving the names and you are guilty of a corrupt practice and are liable tc ::&rc=sses of those omitted. An enumeration will a severe fine and or imprisonment. !J:! made of all those previously missed. a/: 1C‘ti

The polling list



Think of a politician and you immediately speeches, tax-money, promises. But Brian isn’t an old-style politician.

think of Turnbull

He’s young-34 years old-and he’s more interested in doing things for the people he represents than talking about it. When you’re ber 21 election,

thinking about the issues in the Octothink about these things:

Regional government: Brian Turnbull made it clear to provincial government cabinet ministers that this area should get a guarantee of costs before we get regional government. Rural education taxes: Brian Tumbull told education minister Bob Welch that there should be bigger provincial grants to help rural people feeling the pinch of increased taxes from the new country-wide school board. Either that, or encourage school boards to spread the increase over three ‘years. The province has since passed legislation making this load-spreading possible. Universities: Brian Tumbull told the Commission on Post-Secondary Education that universities should pay their fair share of municipal taxes. The provincial government has since passed legislation that has reduced home owner taxes in ,Waterloo. And they’ll be lower still in future. Future water supply: Brian Tumbull conducted a study into the area’s future water supply and told Energy and Resources Minister George Kerr that he is strongly opposed to a pipeline from Lake Erie to the Twin Cities. If a pipeline is necessary, it should come from Lake-Huron. New Himburg water: Brian Tumbull stepped in, to help when New Hamburg ran into a water shortage this summer. The real issue in this election is whether an MPP in Waterloo North who does things.


8 October


you want ’




Prbgress in Waterloo county; I








Grand to be

by Dr. Larry Martin Yesterday, the Grand river sonservation authority and the 3ntario water resources commission agreed to proceed with the controversial Black Walnut dam to be located just south of the city of Kitchener near Doon on the Grand river. To be completed in 1975, it is estimated the dam WIII cost Ontario taxpayers more than 1.5 billion dollars. This massive earth and concrete structure stretching more than 2 miles across the Grand river valley will rise 350 feet and will impound 2,000 cubic miles of water creating a vast lake extending 25 miles north to Belwood lake. site of an existing conservation authority dam. Although various citizen and disorderly university groups had opposed the dam, bulldozers have already begun to level the village bf Doon In order to provide proper anchorage for the facility. It is expected that valuable fill will be obtained. from the roadbed of the soon-to-be-relocated Highway 8 and Kitchener’s Fairview mall, thus lowering construction costs and resulting in substantial savings to taxpayers. Concieved primarily as a power-producing hydroelectric project, the dam is also expected to go far toward solving the water shortage that municipal officials in the Kitchener-Waterloo area have solemnly predicted for some time, and has been hailed by spokesmen for Ontario Hydro as “the most forward step toward solution of the water crisis since the recent ban on the Saturday night bath.” Power to be generated by the dam’s huge complex of turbines will be used to meet the demand created by the continuing urbanization of those parts of Kitchener and Waterloo that remain above



refrigerators (beer)? black & white television colour television beds chests desks lounger-chairs etc. You name it we probably have it (we sell used and new articles also)

House of Furnwre 46 King St. North Waterloo . 576-5440


318 the chevron

UI. IMdl tttt I3 d professor tn unlwat’: of urban and regiona

department ulanntng


Again this year the board of publications has distributed desk blotters on campus. The blotters are available at the campus center main desk and in the book store, and are free. The blotters are paid for by local advertisers whose ads appear on the pads. In the last two years the blotters have turned a profit for the Lboard; last year, 10,300 blotters cost 1,298 dollars. This year’s figures are not yet available. There has been little feedback of



water. 1he Impoundment is also expected to help solve the problenof Grand river pollution, which has become increasingly serious during these past few years oi rapid growth in the area. “Despite vigorous anti-pollution legislatior we were unable to cut down the volume of pollution,” said 2 representative of the departmeni of health, “but at least this wil dilute It considerably.” Pollutior will also be reduced by the facl that a number of towns that hat previously discharged untreatec sewage into the river - including portions of Bridgeport, Conestoga and Elmira ~- will be under water (“This aspect of the developmeni has been grossly and maliciously exaggerated,” said a representative of the conservation authority. “Actually, persons with sentlmental attachment to towns or homes along the river will be able to VISIT ttiem frequently a: there WIII bw drawdowns of up tc 220 feet during .periods of high power demand.” > Local skllers will be relieved tc learrl that the Ch!copee ski centet will not be affected by the proposed development. The conservation authority wil construct a 2.5 milllon dollar dike around the hill and it will be easily reached during the winter bj crossing the Ice on Black Walnul lake. In replying to the protests of E few crackpot groups, a con. servatlon authority spokesmar called attention to the fact thal this new man-made body of water will be able to accommodate “literally thousands of motor boats.” at one time. “Some people still aren’t adjusted to the prin ciple of multiple use.” he said.

general student response to the blotters; some students have indicated a more aesthetically appealing blotter without such a complete emphasis on advertising would be preferred.


I lwx~gl~oc~~ the past year many I’(‘( ycling of municipal wastes l)rojtlc‘ts have been carried out by t iG/cltis’ groups without govc~rnmcnt involvement. In tin Clttenlpt to demonstrate thrl 1,lc.k of federal policy in the iitlltl of municipal solid waste rt’c ycli ng, the university of 12’,lt~~rloo is contributing one ton oi used computer cards to’ a ICY ycling caravan on behalf of :hrl c ity of Waterloo. Three things tlr~l (ombined in this one action. 111~1university of Waterloo is ~rndr~rtaking a prograaln to begin IX~Cyc-Iirlg of computer cards on ( tlnll),us. Jhe cards are to be rt~turnc~cl to central stores in the 5tlm~’ boxes that they come in. (‘clntral stores will pick up boxes III cjuClntity by having people ~)lion~ 2262 and state quantity of ( Cjrds, room number and building. I his ijroject is being initiated by K-W Ijrobe and several students In intflr-faculty studies. I 11~1city of Waterloo wishes to 11jotlt thcl wishes of its residents by l,~~giniiing recycling of waste n~~~~\1)aI)c~rs. All details have been ctrrc\ngcd except the method of ( ollclction. -1he preferred method, tloor to door collection, has been WCC clssiully carried out for three years in Madison, Wisconsin and it K,ln,ita, Ontario, for one year. I iowf~ver, due to an untortuncltca contract between the ( ity of Waterloo and the city of on the per capita basis, instt:acl of the per ton basis of L\:astes delivered at the landfill 5iglit; the city of Watefioo does not rtlalire the saving’of disposal ( ost4 on I)apcrs it recycles. . - I li~~rofore the city of Waterloo IN optecl to set up a recycling tlt‘ljot in the city works yard. to \I hich I,eople are to bring their I)Cll)clrs. K:-W Probe does not feel this will work successfully and thclrc1fol.e hopes that federal \ul,ljort, provincial support, and ( iti/cn support will encourage the city of Waterloo to do door-

-1he c-,lravan is to arrive at radio W,~terloo on October 8 at IO am whc~n a loading ceremony will t <Ik e I)lace. Attending the ( f’rtlniony will be the three c dncIidates for the Waterloo north





the chevron


proposed investigation since this is The rights and welfare of human subjects participating in research the concern of the researcher’s department and sponsor. The at the University of Waterloo are concern of the office of human part of the concern of the recently established office of human research is to provide assistance in research. determining the ethical acProf. Martha Breidenbaugh, is ceptability, legal liability and coordinator of the new office. This medical advisability of proposed is a formal extension of her human research programs. This is responsibilities as Coordinator of to protect not only the research Child Research for the psychology subject, but also the university and department. In her new capacity its research personnel from unshe is responsible to John dertaking work with human Tomecko, director of the office of subjects which muld result in research administration. possible legal action. “The purpose of the psychology Breidenbaugh is the official liaison between the university and department research,” says the local public and separate Breidenbaugh, “is. to try and find out what makes children tick. We school boards: She is responsible want to discover how they learn for making arrangements to obtain and try and establish basic prinall school-age children fdr ciples on which learning can be research. The office does not make based. Reading difficulties .is decisions pertaining to the scientianother major research area. We fit competence or significance of are trying to establish if the problems are perceptual handicaps or that children haven’t




245 259 218 274 287 311 332 343 501 617 522 582

1103 987 869 1145 815 1183 1250 1334 1346 1273 1340 1713


1958 Many reactionary provincial 1959 governments have tried in recent few years to block efforts of free 1960 1961 collective bargaining. The latest of these attempts is in 1962 1963 Nova Scotia where the liberal 1964 government of Gerald Regan 1965 claims that compulsory ar- 1966 bitration is necessary to solve 1967 strike situations. 1969 The following table shows that Australia-where compulsory arbitration was introduced in 1956 and which has half the workforce of Canada-has had three times the numb& of strikes. These figures ; taken from the year book of labor statistics published by the International labor organization in Geneva only Include strikes of more than ten days duration; startling when you consider that in Australia hundreds of strikes have lasted less than ten days.

Special * Student

Tim’s Sport Shop-



&h pu Iso@ a r bit rat ioh ? by Don

Ijrotect our valuable cargo and iifteen more half-ton pickup trucks are to join the parade. When the cargo reaches the I)arIiamcnt buildings, interesting things <it-e going to ha.ppen...



FOR ALL YOUR HOCKEY NEEDS Sticks by: Northland e Ko Ho $ Louisville 0 Victoriaville


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fhe had

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geography research being undertaken to discover how people think land should be used, and kiriesiology research attempting to see what influence organized sport may have on children.

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/ _--.



Tenure out at U ,of Ca~gaiy? SAT. OCT. 16, 8: 15 ‘P.M. Concert-Czech String Quartet Conrad Grebel College Series Admission $2.00, ctiildren under

CALGARY (CUP )---The university of Calgary senate voted last friday to express dissatisfaction with the concept of tenure as it now exists. At a closed session immediately following -its regular meeting the senate decided that the value of “appointment .without definite term” known as tenure, had become questionable.

. I

12 $1.00

WED. OCT. 20, 11:30 A.M. Concert-Robert Mang-Baritone Theatre of th.e Arts Free Admission SUN. OCT. 31, 8,P.M. PLAY BACH-JACQUES LOUSSIER Humanities Building Theatre. Admission $2.50 students $1.50 Tickets


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As a substitute to tenure, consideration would be given to longterm hiring contracts (five or more years). This would theoretically allow faulty members to have academic freedom while encouraging them. to remain active since they would now be a&ouritable for their inaction.

union president Dave Hunt presented a report and a speech that outlined the need for more student involvemer& in faculty Faculty repreappointments. sentatives instead tried to argue that only tenure could allow “Frue academic freedom .” Concern was expressed by many that the lack of tenured ap,pointments might‘ cause many academics to shy away from the university. . Yet it appears tenured appointments might be abolished because of wide-spread concern that tenure- does nothing but prevent poor professors from being fired.,


l-l t0


Tbes to Sat 10 til 10

Black Walnut . , 320 the chevron


He expressed the hope that something be done to make the method of faculty appointments more realistic. The senate consists of representatives of students, faculty administration and the community. -

. VOTE John KOOP october 21





Though tenure’ will not be eliminated in the near future it appears many members’ of the administration have secretly nurtured a hope tenure will die. At the senate meeting, university president A. W. R. Carrothers expressed the sentiment that tenure as it stands is unrealistic and that little can be done with the rules and regulations of the university that protect tenured faculty.

Although the senate’s decision cannot change university policy, the fact that the university eyen considered the issue will have Alan Watts, western exponent of day seminall; October 16th and 17th repercussions across Canada. No eastern philosophy and religion, at the Claremont experiment other case in the country was will visit Toronto again this fall hou>e on Spadina road. known of where a <senate .has under the sponsorship of the The sessions will begin at 10 am passed any opinion on the issue of Claremont experiment. each day and the central topic will tenure. (The university of Watts will deliver a, public lecbe “The void with the view:the Waterloo senate has granted ture friday, october Mh, at 8 pm in reality and power of emptiness.” several professors’petition for convocation hall, university of ’ Watts has become well-known in voluntary exemption fr’om tenure. > Toronto campus. the past decade as advocate of The fee is two dollars for “self-aw&eness” as put forth in The role of the senate as outlined oriental outlooks ,such as those in Alberta’s universities act is to students and four dollars for nonrepresented by Taoism and act much like Canada’s senate, it students. Watts’ topic will be “Zen-in and Buddhism. has investigative powers but no for the west-a problem of comHe is author of the books “The power to make decisions inmunication between cultures..” way of Zen” and “P’sychotherapy dependent of the university adWatts will then participate in a two East and West,” among others. ministration. The senate is simply to express community interests in the university’ and to investigate matters brought to its attention. No senate member debated the role of students in tenure applications after former student

.12 Kmg North next




headquarteks: . 132 university ave. w. 744-9731 or 578-8780



, <


by Sue



the chevron

When a band performs in a concert situation who are they The audience? playing for? Themselves? Their mothers? Syrinx, a three man Canadian group composed of alto sax, clarinet, tom tom, and moog synthesizer, obviously play for themselves. At their concert at the St. Lawrence center last week they were stoned. out of their minds and enjoying themselves. The audience was not. I have heard them on record and think they are one of the most original, creative groups around. Their use of the moog gives their music a kind of other world quality. However, last Thursday the sax player could hardly blow one clear note and was often off key. His sense of rhythm was so bad that he couldn’t even shake the tambourine in time. The audience seemed relieved when Syrinx finally, mercifully,



concluded. Their response was different to Beverly GlenCopeland, the warm up act. She was called back to play again. There were some very fine moments in her performance although she failed to sustain the power and conviction which came across in flashes. She sang a chant to a Haitian love goddess in which ’ she rolled the sounds around in her throat almost as if she were sensually ‘feeling their texture. She would repeat one sound, ‘meh’, for about five minutes practically caressing it, singing it deep in her throat, then shoot her voice out into the mike in a quick staccato. The effect was hypnotizing. Her guitar playing was passable, open ended tuning, Richie Havens style. Beverley informed us that she had a cold which mtiy have explained her uneven performance. - Well so far we have one wiped out group and a singer with a cold,

ti you intend to participate in fhe prescreening interview programme, You must register .with the Career Planning and Placement Office, 6th floor Math and Computer Bldg. in order to receive * your computer cc+.

but now comes the best part, a really exciting piece of theatre which practically made up for the whole evening. The clownish emcee with the painted face who did the intros invited someone from the audience up to the stage to discuss the election while Syrinx was setting up. So up comes a grinning old man who takes the mike, snaps his fingers for the spotlight and proceeds to tell jokes in a heavy Newfoundland accent. When Syrinx began to play and the emcee wandered off the stage the old man began- to dance. He was smiling, perfectly relaxed, his body swaying gracefully in time, a kind of a soft shoe to a moog. When the spot dimmed on him he kept on dancing. He seemed to be really enjoying moving his body to the music. It was an unexpected, spontaneous example of theatre at the staid old St. Lawrence Center.


No. 1 -


the chevron

sensuousness and become evident. When human beings interact Sandy is unaware of all this and sexually, they eventually come to marries Susan. certain conclusions about human Jonathan meets a new girl sexual wants. This is carnal named Bobby, and balls her. He knowledge. The movie gives the gives his ideas on relationships: conclusions of two young men as that they be clean, light-hearted, they evolve over a span of twenty and easy to get out of. She agrees, some years. Indirectly, it provides and they shack-up. a commentary on the quality of Jonathan is very pleased with american life in general. Bobby because she is SO The two main characters are stimulating. He confesses to Sandy Jonathan and Sandy. Both college that he had been having impotence students, they are also virgins, and fears. He was becoming jaded, and so naturally all they talk about is girls had to be almost perfect to sex, and how does one get laid even get him interested. anyway? While the credits roll off, You get #the impression that they are talking and three *Jonathan totally identifies himself questions come out. What is it like with his sexual prowess. His field to have intercourse? What would of experience is very limited, and they like in women? And most he refuses to accept that anything importantly, what do women want else is really important, in men? Years later, Jonathan has been This is set in the thirties, and at married and divorced. He shows a some wierd social event called a home movie called ‘ball busters’, mixer, Sandy meets his first girl. which is about all the &girls he Her name is Susan, and she takes knew. Sandy and a village girl he is an immediate liking to him. with ~are disturbed, and leave Susan is a very clever, literate, without saying anything. Later on and beautiful young woman. She Sandy, who is finally changing, has aspirations to be a novelist, explains what this young girl lawyer, and to be involved in means to him. He is tired’of games things she wants to do. All this and is now discovering love. produces difficulties in her social Jonathan definitely does not unlife. Several times she had to play derstand. dumb to hold on to a boy she liked. she is very comHowever, fortable and open with Sandy, and Sandy falls in love with her. He tells Jonathan about her, who becomes interested. He hustles Susan, and Susan falls in love wjth him. The result is that Jonathan is the first to ball her. The dilemma Susan is in is very well presented and very touching. I enjoyed this part bf the movie more than any other. For she loses Jonathan, and marries Sandy, and in the end loses her dreams toosomething which happens to many young women. She leaves early as a live character, but hints are given of the desolation and emptiness of her life. Jonathan rather indifferently dror>s her. He is bored with her,-5

Carnal Knowledge

both - and. shallowness


Jonathan goes to this strange apartment. Lying down, he and a prostitute go through a ritual, where she summarizes his carnal knowledge. He gets excited, and she gives him a blow-job. In her speech, she reaffirms his male potency, by saying that the most attractive man is totally conscious‘ of his maleness, and sexual power. Women fear this power, yet seek it, and it is all they really want. Women are ball busters, and men are the stronger. The way this is presented really brings out the obvious emptiness of his philosophy. He needs a prostitute and other sources to even get excited. The film ends with a skater all in white, doing circles on glaring white ice. It is contrasted to carnal knowledge, is pure, eternal, and beyond Jonathan’s understanding, and is the best film ending I have ever seen. It was a message of love.

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742- 1582 friday

8 October




1 1

’ eclectic idioms

A blue review As the program said Paul Mauriat is not another ‘easy listening’ artist. No, he certainly is not. And if you have to suffer a super-warm gym and spartan seating arrangements he comes off as very long-hair. Always so sweet and sentimental on record, why was Mauriat so insipid live? For one thing, two hours is much too much for him. Any program of such length must have enough variety to keep the audience atAlthough Maurlat’s tentive.


attitude toward musical should do this, almost all his numbers suggest not so much hard rock, or classical or jazz, as ‘the Mauriat sound’. Mauriat’s great talent seems to be his ability to imitate himself. Only his blues number remained distinctly itself. Apparently Mauriat knows ‘Mauriat’ is not enough for the stage. For lhis reason he has employed a clown dubbed “Gaston” to add power to the performance. Sometimes “Gaston” was funny (as the bum with musical itches) and the rest of the

Something must Davis is doing it.

.12 ; ,322

Further, and of greater importance, the Ontario Development Corporation is making monies available for Canadian enterprises, new or established, with good growth- potential. So that small business may become big business big Canadian business, that can sell its products and services to the world. ’

the chevron

We got short-circuited on the electric organ deal. But that’s history. And that’s why Bill Davis intends to make sure that the next sound investments that come along get full play - this time in Canada.

is doing Make

by the Youth


for Bill Davis.


And the government is doing things to support our Ontario based book publishing industry an ,important aspect of our national cultural identity.

Too often in our past, we have imported not just foreign capital a necessary commodity but foreign ownership as well - a commodity of perhaps more dubious value. Too often we have failed in the task of funding Canadian enterprises and marketing the products of our own ingenuity. (Like the electric organ).


be done. And

Investment dealers must now raise three quarters of their capital h’ere. Succession duties have been cut, to curb resale of family enterprises, to keep control here. Small Canadian firms facing sell-out may now draw on a new capital fund, to keep control here. lrcome tax incentives have been granted Ontario firms prepared to invest in other capital hungry firms, to keep control here.

It’s the same old tune. We don’t control it because the Canadian who developed it could not find a sponsor in this country. Same with the wire photo. And the diesel electric locomotive. The variable pitch propeller. The commercial jet liner. The inertial navigation ’ system. Nyloncotton thread. The analytic plotter. And the paint roller. The list is a long one. Which is pretty central to. the issue of foreign ownership in this country.


-, 1 ’

Something sing about.

That’s a Canadain invention sitting right there at centre stage. The electric organ not the It was developed by a musician. Canadian in 1927. Now it’s big business, totalling nearly 300 million dollars a year. For the people who control the patent. Namely, the Americans. , I


time he was playing hackneyed farces (the trumpet that falls apart). However, he did partially dissolve the monotony. Mauriat needed a much more sumptuous setting than the phys-ed barn. He needs to play more orchestral music rather than adapting popular songs, some of which (e.g. You’ve Got a Friend) are just too obviously individual to be played orchestrally. He needs to do ,more than show off his sweet and swingy frenchness. Paul Mauriat needs to become a musician.


our own ,



of music. * t

~ chemqhrossword d.

OCTOBERFEST Hungarian Canadian Club Ott 8th, 9th, llth, J5th, 16th MUSIC DANCE ENTERTAINMENT Hungarian & Octoberfest Dishes ADMISSION $1.50 RR2 Preston Between Beaverdale & Brockfield Golf Courses

mugf ull of latier . . ,\lany thanks to Norman Avspitz \vho -took the time to create this little gem. Puzzles will be run as often as we receive submissions, providing they aren’t blatently obscene and are typed on 32 characters per line. Once again, crossword grids are available from the entertainment people in the chevron office. Across Svengali replaces Freud and continues the therapy. (13) 10. The odor is not available but begins to exist. (7) 11. He ate a hundred score. Is he satiated? (7) 12. Take the heads of an enemy and alleviate the rear. (5) 13. He sipped the acid drink after confusing the anode gear,. (9) 14. Fold infinity over the rape of the broken dot. (2,5) 1.

15. Small holes find their ways at a breach of the atoms. (7) 18. A celt surrounds they. Run around through it. (7) 20. Roman title 51. Not the big one. My)

21. After a bait, acid is neither hot nor cold. (9! 24. Oh heavenly gift that mother surrounds the top of the year. (5) 25. Swift lightening loves Dad. (7) 26. On throughout Latin, they sang all together. (7) 27. .A believer in the polytechnic. Talcum powder. ( 13) Down 2. Not at night aye the queen T. When Paul has no troubles. (9) 3. 11 maybut rattle the death bean, (4,1,4) 4. Take the top and bottom of transpose to get a model. (3,4) 5. A blanket, a dog, an asian; only plural. (7)

6. A Yiddish exclamation and an antelope all backwards. What Robert isn’t any more. (5) 7. Within the whole train. (5) 8. One over a shaken naked collection of objects. Insects, octopi, et al. (13) 9. Take the scrambled head of define, the middle of nation, and Marilyn’s last costar and get endless energy. ( 13) 16. Decide on a zero, a yard and a tenth to see better. (9) 17. Mat’s perhaps and Limey’s nae net you a cautious negative. (6,3)

19. Tack the french article eating a doughnut. (7) 20. A miracle without the Italian connective can make you cry. (7) 22. Take the heads of a flower and 12 to get peace.(5) 23. Bombsite without the Ontario M unicipal Board aids digestion.


N.S. Vul.

Deals WEST


S.A83 11. 8 D.5987652 (1. K 9

H.KJ965 D. Q 10 4

C. J 10 5

SOUTH S.Kl09765 H. 4 D. K 3 C.AQ72 The auction :



North 1H 2H pass diamond





pass pass 9.

At one table, north opened one heart and again bid hearts freely over the opponent’s overcall. South decided to gamble on a game in no trump rather than risk being passed in his spade suit before game was reached. The diamond was won by dummy’s ace and the queen of spades led. This was allowed to hold the trick, so declarer con-


West 2D pass.

by Joe

2685 King E Kitchener 1209 Victoria .N Kitchener



Declarer looked _at dummy and saw that he needed to hoid one of the black suits to one loser. He therefore went up with the heart ace and led the queen of spades. Again this was allowed to hold. Declarer continued with a spade won by west. West then led a diamond to dummy’s ace. At this , point declarer could afford to lose two club tricks and make his contract. He then tried to reach his hand by ruffing a small heart-and west overruffed ! West now led another diamond and awaited, further developements. Declarer had to find a way to lead clubs from his hand with onlv one loser. He tried, and the -doubleton king appeared on his left. The gain was

with the deuce. When the jack of spades appeared declarer took his nine tricks for a plus of 600. 620 for a net gain of 20 and 1 IMP. With the finesse losing in both Observe that if declarer takes the clubs and hearts there appear to be club finesse, even if it loses there is no lead which can hurt him. only nine tricks on the deal. At the other table, north-south . Duplicate bridge is played every were allowed to bid to their four tuesday in the social sciences spade game unimpeded, west lounge beginning at 7:OO o’clock feeling that his suit lacked the This week, act. 12 Mr T Baker can texture for an overcall. The lead play as our guest. timed

428 King N Waterloo 490 Highland Kitchener

the chevron

was the heart

s. ,Q 2 H.AQ10732 D. A C.8643



redodbk ~. . , North IMP’s

*and a new low-priced menu

’ 2 Hour Home Pregnacy Test r

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8 October







by Dale Bender the chevron


Concern over legislationwhich will discriminate against Wilmot township citizens living in co-operatives was expressed monday to Wilmot township council. Wilmot includes the towns of New Hamburg and Baden. The meeting held in Baden town hall was to review a brief the council intends to submit to the Ontario municipal board redefining zoning bylaws and in particlJlar changing the legal meaning of “family”. Robert Dahmer, representing the township council as planning consultant, was asked by chairman Shrives of the municipal board to explain reasons why the definition of “family” living in a house was in need of change. . Dahmer stated that the decision had been motivated by previous action in Waterloo township which borders Wiimot and contains Kitchener and Waterloo. He said the populations of these cities had overflowed into Wilmot township, a condition over which the township council wanted some planning control. The council’s recommended growth areas included the county’s hamlets - and villages in order to reduce possible sprawl and unintended rural development. This, Dahmer, stated was why the changes were proposed. The existing law states that a house may be occupied by “one or more persons in a single non-profit unit.” The propsed change in the zoning by-law is to restrict the identity of a family living in a house to those related by blood, marriage or adoption in addition to a limit of three persons who might “live in.” The last point was made largely to include those persons assisting in farm-work since the legislation deals mainly with rural areas. Such a by-law change would make illegal the formation of any family structure not conforming to the “relation by blood” cpncept. In particular, experiments in cooperative and communal living would be legislated out of the township, the reason, i ccording to observers at monday’s meeting, that the council wa-nts t le zoning by-law and definition changes.

University of- Waterloo psychology iecturer, James Davison, spoke unofficially on behalf of many persons living in the township who, if the changes were passed, would be breaking the law.

Council responded that not passing the law was “just asking for and that in rural areas problems,” communes could possibly overburden transportation, policing, fire and health facilities by creating a higher density of peopie. , Davison conceded that for practical purposes zoning by-laws should exist to cover property, but that only the conditions legislated people.

of against

such and

should be not against

Peter Lang of Kitchener expressed his concern about the precedent set if the changes were passed and also questioned the discrepancy in council’s apparent opinion that the number of people in a communal family might overtax municipal facilities while the large numbers in many “blood-related” families would not do so. White replied he felt it is impossible to restrict the latter.

said he considered he council was really



I of overtaxing instead were as to which kind of “suitable” to live in the


discriminating persons were area.

Because of the chairman’s ruling that Lang could not directly question White or Dahmer about their reasons for supporting the council’s bill, White did not answer the discrimination charges. Instead he restated the previous law was not adequate in controlling density and for this reason, the council had arbitrarily chosen to limit the number of people beyond the related family to three. “We could have chosen five or two or ten as the number,” White replied, “but


reasonable .



to us at the




main intention of the charge was preserve the agricultural nature the area,” he said. ****** -



“agricultural” bing only in the recent.


in the area’s

“to of


pattern is distursense that it is so

In the spring of 1970, farmers in Wilmot township had already urged a ban on the tapping or “water mining” of the township wells by the Kitchener water commission for city The tapping had consumption. caused some of the farm wells to run dry .and with increa.sed drilling the

water table in the steadily lowered.




As late as a year ago farmers were refused a resources study even though when Kitchener’s water supply was increased from three ti eight millions gallons a day they complained the area surrounding the Mannheim wells would be turned into


We were expecting to run some pictures of the Wilmot township hearing concerning communes which appears on this page, but chevron representatives ran into one of the silliest episodes of bureaucratic paranoia in a. long time while in the process of reporting the story. Karl Krasnor was peacefully going about his business of taking a few pictures of the hearing chamber in Baden and those present. f Actually, Karl was quite disappointed at the dullness of what he was shooting, since most of the township council members had declined to be seated in the council seats, and tiere sitting in the audience. He had taken several pictures quite openly already, but when he started to


a desert

in a few

pictures at an open meeting of a public body. He was given no answer, but threatened by the OMB man and the Wilmot officials with everything from ’ arrests to bodily attack. Karl was told, after he had refused to give up the film, that he would be sued if he attempted to publish the pictures he had ta ken. Toward the end of the meeting when Karl tried to leave, several locals blocked his way at the door and demanded the film. crying angrily to one another, “I was on that film” and “I know, he got me -in one. too.” Karl finally convinced them they could do nothing about him taking the pictures ’ after the fact-only if he published them. He has the pictures, but decided the content of the shots was not worth taking a chance on being sued. We are left wondering about the petty concern over picture-taking at public hearings. Ontario: is there any place you’d rather he7





spring communalists were forced off a farm which was sold-at a high price to the townshi? then immediately drilled for water. Over a year ago while its own farmers ran dry, Wilmot would not ban well-drilling to supply water to the city of Kitchener (mainly the largemeat and rubber factories), but now communes are being singled out and banned for the sake of preserving the “agricultural nature of the area.” ‘To be fair,










in general

. a’

has seen part of and


Hamburg in particular. New Hamburg 1s opposing a new water pipeline under construction by the Kitchener water commission from the ‘city’s Mannheim wells since it would enable

the city to take






The Ontario water resources commission has suggested to New Hamburg that it join Baden’s water scheme. Mayor Ernst Ritz of New Hamburg has replied the town will need a new source of water by next summer but Baden would


by the Ontario municipal representative-who was in charge o,f the hearing--to come up and surrender his film. Astounded, Karl asked why he could 11ot. as a member of the Dress. take

the chevron


William White, representing council, shifted the focus of the discussion to a specific case of which he knew-a farmhouse being used communally which had extremely unsanitary conditions. Davison countered this by suggesting it would be fairer to let already existing laws govern any unsatisfactory health conditions than to out-I’aw communes generally.



Davison spoke of the prime intent of the council in submitting these changes and suggested how, if implemented, they would directly discriminate aginst . those persons wishing to set up “intentional” families in a house. -

attach his flash unit, he was suddenly


Lang considered

the joint scheme with not be ready for at least

a year. The





certainly be questioned if, on one hand it assumes the social values of

persons might

living “possibly”

together create


in a dwelling problems


an agricultural, rural area while’ on the other hand, real and definite problems which threaten the actual existence of the area are left unresolved.

* ; ,

The passing and enforcement of new definition of family will affect not only communalists but any other projected township development as well. One such case already involves a church organization which had hoped to set, up a home in Baden for between 12 and 15 young delinquent boys who would not face reformatory


and who direction

would of

instead house

project changing

faces extinction of the by-law.

live under the parents. This



Chairman Shrives reserved his jgdgment of the council’s recommendation uhtil a later meeting, probably next week.


. Flashes from the .

(>no wt~k ago, the chevron illlyjC1rtiCIIIy oresen ted the 1Imd i Itld answt~rs to questions (lt~dl~ng with student -centered protdmh from the local can(lld‘lt~ls iOl the provincial I~~~ii41c1turc~.

that time, two young mien havc~ stepped forward and tllrowtl thtlir headbands into the I ing, n(~ithc~r of them aligned with hinc


catty t>xisting I)olitical party. In Ilncl with the unerring


ot tairness and impartiality which 11~1sbecome a chevron trademark, we present this week the answers 10 the same questions by these two new candidates. Again, of course, the answers are completely unedited and 1,Ildl tcrcd; alth&sh the tempt,ltion this time was close to overwhelming. t or those of you who failed to tClke notes at last weeks meeting, wt’ shall give you a break and rciixlc?t the questions:

ction front

Kitchener Riding Ian D,ennison .-

First off, I represent no party or party faction; which means I am free to speak my mind, not the mind of Bill Davis, or whatever. The question of student summer emplojment in this riding is not serious, especially for university and community college students. I obtained two jobs last summer through the student summer job centre. However, for a person graduating, the problem of finding meaningful employment is serious. Jobs are getting fewer and fewer. JThis is a fact of automation. Any candidate can make a short-term promise, but the fact is, this is 1971, and the jobs no longer exist. Rea_d Future Shock by Alvin Toffler, and discover that not everyone is

1) What would solve student

your party do to unemployment?

2) Would you foresee any changes in the student financial systems?

. \

3) There has been severe criticism of the cost of education in Ontario in that it compt?ses some SO percent of the provincial budget. How do you propose to curb the rising costs and make these institutions more accountable to the people?

\ \

expected to hold a job in the future. “Work” has lost its meaning. I can merely advocate an employment project related to cleaning up the environment befdre we destroy it. My student loan last year amounted to over $500 when I lived at home. This year I have been ldaned $235, and am living on my own. Last year the government blew it, so this year they are penalizing us. Some redefinition of standards is obviously necessary. A student living 00 his own should be expected to save that portion of his earnings which does not go toward living expenses. A person living at home and employed for the summer has little excuse for needing much in the way of a loan. Basing the whole deal on parental income is a fallacy. I know of many students with well off parents, whose parents cut them off without a penny. Shouldn’t

those parents _be coerced into paying through their taxes? In other words, base the thing on justified need. Curb rising costs by an immediate halt to building construction in all public and high school are?s. The baby boom is over. Primary grade classrooms are halfempty. Stop wasting bread. Give the kids something more meaningful than a squar’e box classroom inside the prison gates. Take them outside. 2 Make them more accountable? The question, to me is irrelevant as proposed. Rather, provide support not only for Catholic schools after grade ten, but for all manner .of private and public schools. The public school system is blind to a child’s needs. He should be allowed to *get the education he needs and deserves without paying an exorbitant sum for it. Send him to Everdale at the government’s expense.

1, however, will push to phase out loans altogether, simultaneously increasing grants until we are eventually paying students to attend school. This will be financed through revenue recovered through a decrease in the wastage which characterizes education spending in this province, and through a special education tax for corporations. After all, it is the corporations who reap the greatest benefits from our universities, since in many cases the universities represent little more than publicly-sponsored training schools for one or another corporation. It seems reasonable, therefore, to expect that these corporations begin to help pay the bill for this service. Under this salary system, many working-class kids who want to attend college will no longer be prevented from doing so by a lack of funds, or from the fear of incurring large debts if they do not obtain their degree. The first thing that should be emphasized is that the 50 percent figure is misleading. Almost everyone I’ve talked to during my campaign is comp’laining about paying higher taxes, and rightly so. Unfortunately, most of the- politicians from the opposition parties have been focusing public attention on the education bill. The provincial government uses the taxpayers money to provide services. Most of these services go towards helping big business. Millions of dollars have been given away to corporations, many of them huge american branch plants. On the other hand only pittances are’budgeted to serve

the needy while many useful services, such as more and better public housing, are curtailed. As your representative from Waterloo north, I would fight for a thorough revision of the taxation system of this province. It is about time that rich people and corporations stop leeching and start paying their way. However, there are changes that must occur in our educational system right now. We can cut wastage by stopping useless expenditures such as the $IOO,OOO spent on the University avenue overpass. A good deal of money could be saved by curtailing the huge bureaucracy that runs our schools. Most importantly, we must begin to analyze and constantly re-evaluate the spending priorities in our schools. At the university of Waterloo it costs as much to put one book in the library as it does for PP&P to lay down one sod of grass. Right now our school system is geared towards serving mainly the interests of the wealthy. One look at the list of fat cats who make up the boards of governors of our universities proves this point. It it time for a change. At our s~lp01s there should be offered a list of free courses on useful topics such as welfare and tenant organizing ; how people can get together to stop the miiuse of our ecology; etc. Facilities such as- gym; nasiums, pools and video labs should have time-slots for community use.

North It is obvious from the answers of Messrs. Good, Surich, and Turnbull that they do not represent the true desires and opinions of the people of this constitutency. My opponents have all promised to try to create more jobs. Something all politicians say. What this really means is that they will try to put more people into more of the same shitty, backgrinding jobs that most people do today. My platform is based on the call for more unemployment. People do not want to go to mindless, physically dest,ructive jobs anymore. Unemployment should be one of the blessings of the technological age. Man should no longer have to work by the sweat of his brow. People don’t want to spend hour -after hour at a mundane job that they have mastered years ago. It’s common knowledge that the “gears of could easily run at present level on a four production” hour work day. People fear the “social stigtia” and insecurity of not being stkadily employed. WC must realize that the way our economy is running right now, more people are being forced to compete for fewer jobs. The emphasis must be shifted towards sharing -of’ jobs and maintaining the standard of living by redistributing the wealth from large American-controlled industries to the people. No matter which of the three parties comes to power in Ontario, I do not foresee any significant change in these areas.

On a chilly Sept. 15 morning, a bald, bouncing post-war baby was born to Henry and Agnes Koop at the Vineland nursing home. Little did Agnes realize that the slimy little bundle she fondled in those first tender post-natal moments would one day become the independent standard-bearer for the people of Waterloo north. John Koop’s early childhood was simple yet happy. He spent most of his time frolicking in the forests and streams behind his parents’ home in the tiny but picturesque hamlet of Virgil, or helping one of his many uncles bring in their harveSt of sumptuous Niagara fruit. John’s blissful teenage years were spent in splendid isolation at Eden Christian college, a small Mennonite high school near Niagara-on-the-Lake. Even though John was active in academic, athletic and religious

pursuits, he found time to help out in his father’s drugstore. And yet, all the security of home lifedid not sit easily uponhim, and

of superiority to, but complete ignorance of, Canada. At the same time, he began to understand the problems that overpopulation of people and cars in the fallaof ‘66 he answered the His experiences here first call of the mighty computer to the blossoming of that migrate to Waterloo as a math triggered humanitariin zeal which is so freshman. A blinding, mystical bring . with them. He also began to revelation immediately convinced see the profit motive as responhim that fate had woven Waterloo sible for turning a beautiful county deep within his life’s natural waterfall ,into a neon tapestry. tourist trap. ’ “Egad,” he remembers saying John spent the following summer to himself, “this looks like a place working as a folk entertainer and to stand and serve, a place to staff member of a coffee-house employ my unique talents for the drop-in centre in cottage-country good of hu,manity ! ” on Lake Erie south of Hamilton. During the summers of his characteristic of his personality idyllic student years, Koop became and his campaign. tempered by exposure to the posure to other countries, peoples vicissitudes of the working life. As and life-styles, and indeedi John a parking lot attendant in Niagara feels that these travels are a Falls, he learned through exposure definite asset in dealing with a to tourists from across the border variety of people of different the prevalent American attitudes backgrounds.-

John Koop graduated from U of At the end of the school bus W in the spring of 1970, with a BA in season, he put a rebuilt engine into english and drama, but was unable his van himself, and, as the saying to leave his landscaping job in goes, he ‘joined the ranks of the Ottawa to attend his convocation. unemployed’. He was, however, presented with Then, when the provincial a scroll of sod by his fellow election was announced, he began workers, and he sometimes refers to think seriously about running as to this memento with a wry smile LI candidate, and an alternative to ‘as the “most significant award of party politics. my entire life.” He wants to represent the people The last half of the summer he of Waterloo north rather than the worked as a counsellor at camp ‘party line’ of a rigid political Columbia, a camp run by organization, and, given your university students for children support in this month’s election, he whose parentscan’t afford costly’ has pledged to do precisely that. vacations. Over the past winter, the people’s candidate was in the The preceding biography was gracious employ of the Waterloo compiled at a late night session in a County board of education as a smoke filled room by several of canpublic school bus driver. Needless didate Koop’s political supporters and to say, a job of this sort would give high pressure public re.latiok people, one an unparalleled perspective of some’of ylrhom have been brought in what kids are all about ‘and how for this campaign from as far away as schools aff,ect them. Breslau.


staff meeting




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I would’like

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In Canada).

intel lectual peek- a-boo sex


Mike Estok’s smoldering peek-aboo-glance approach to sexuality is illustrative of most sex-alienated intellectuals. Not only is it blind to the point of complete objectification of women, but the sexual fantacies it attempts to induce are sadly masterbative. For someone who presumes to teach “creative writing”,, his poetry exhibits all the vitality of a wet sock. Why someone would write such purile stuff, let alone publish it, is beyond me. Consider for a moment a poem which treats sexuality with some insight as well as talent: lo an African



lo ,ln africdn

’ B



I)irbic- too smdll purple sweater I~I~~Y~s! ( ornrows! /lout!. \‘PS! \I ith wtlird





)‘ou’ wI1o Alit universe! ac‘tual I)rostitctte of a whole fucked Torgy of the self


Lt-c11 )C’ ot my whole black ~nlrg in its unawareness...



roc’c made holy





What Eldridge Cleaver expressed in Soul on Ice about the emptiness of white music and dance might also apply to the poetry of this white intellectual. Cleaver speaks of a new music from out of black America which ‘(was born of a revolt against the sham of Western culture; it was direct and gutsy and spoke to thesenses. As such it was brofoundly subversive. It still is. A music that provoked them into freeing their bodies, activating a dance that defied the staid mechanical movements of a white man’s culture fleeing from his own sensuality. A dance in which the young “couldn’t care less about the old, stiffassed honkies who didn’t like their new dances...AIl they knew is that it feels good to swing to wayout body rhythms instead of dragassing across the dance floor like Zombies to the dead beat of mind-smothered Mickey Mouse music.” But rather than rail against one teacher’s shallow excuse for poetry I’d like to suggest that there is much more vital poetry among us here at Waterloo. How about making the chevron a medium for some real poetry from the people.

\I 110 CIrta my mother t’tl(llf35 (1s she is II ith




flowered (

like, m,lybe I ( oltl liie




dress !




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mado;na (‘yes






black lie

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4~ r~~Citii! your life was a lie! hC~tid-m~~ down hoet hcb \ou I-worn b grown old

oi rag green coat, dues! tlitl 5weet illusion I Ii0 hour l’our IOW




of wine the

womb that has and end less 1111'

e min0


tti C1b401ufion of all sin t or your beauty escapes you.. . 1x1,11 ~1’oman,



by Peter Lang the chevron


a trench

doorway no beginning



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campus a ueSt i0 n FlzirtzE


Is radio Waterloo fulfilling the general needs of students on this campus?

“7” days without


a sub makes one “weak”

A. Farwell Chem Eng 4



1 9


reg 1.05 -for 80 7 different meats

on orders 0 ver $3.00

. . KING



0 - 8

I think they do. By playing records and giving little blurbs as to{ what’s going on In the campus center, it seems to fulfil1 the general need.

a a


l *~~~~~~~~~~mmmrnorrrrrrr~~~~~~~~~r

Derek Smith Ret 2a I think It IS providing IUUSIC for the kids, that’s what they looking for.

the and are

Terry Stewart Ret 2a Who can t adlo?




Lynne Belfry R&c 1 I don’t know? I never listen to I!. I cannot find it on my t adlo.

Spiro Avgerinos Elec Eng 4a Well, I think that there is a lack of International news. Students need to be informed more than the average. I think they, should also provide some news analysis.

Don Fitz-Ritson Psych 2 -I’ hardly listen to it, so I think I can’t give an opinion.



Students IB, ’

328 the chevron


151 King W.





4 Student Discount on AlI


Scott tiray,

I Muscles



he hottest squib on Firecrackerweekend was a loud report that Deborah Van Kiekebelt of Clarkson scored 4,965 in some esoteric nonsense called the pentathlon. The pentathlon, female version, involves a long jump, a high jump, a ZOOmetre dash, a shot put and running 100 metres over hurdles. Seems like a lot of heavy effort to achieve an uncommon lot of sticky perspiration, and what can you say about a shot putter anyway, except to tell him where to put his shot? Anybody daft enough to make a career of throwing a lump of lead further than his neighbor bespeaks a remarkable ‘paucity of imagination. Miss Van Kiekebelt, 17, inspired the local short-pants set to turning jubilant handsprings by setting a hemispherical record in the five-event test. The official world mark, 5,856 points, is held by a European damsel-maybe by a Russian doll accustomed to pulling heavy plows. Miss Van Kiekebelt’s nerformance has Canadian track authorities, a breathless group, talking about a gold medal in the women’s pentathlon during the PanAmerican Games in Colombia this summer. This department \wishes the authorities would knock it off. I am against anything more strenuous than motherhood for the ladies. The most impressive voice in track and field, I am pleased to report, endorses that view. Avery Brundage has said: “It is splendid for girls to swim,’ ski, ice skate, do gymnastics, and fencing, perhaps.” When asked about the dash, the dart, the put and the javelin, the Big Daddy of amateur athletics shook his sage old pate and repeated a favorite ‘Greek maxim, “Nothing in excess.” How


Lib began

Mr. Brundage holds, as your agent does, that the shot put “is not an avocation for women.” It is a trifle late however, for legislating such strenuous exercise off the female track program. Women’s Liberation actually began in the old Grecian days, when the maidens were forbidden from watching Olympic strife. One mother, Pherenice, disguised herself as a trainer and sneaked into the Hippodrome to watch her son compete. He was Peisidorous Chuvalo, a prizefighter. She went to the Games in drag (men’s n!othes) and when Peisidorous won, she embraced him. The Slavery Brundages of the day heard about this outrageous breach of the rules.


Pherenice‘ was put on trial, where she wept and pleaded motherhood as a defence. She was freed, but the judges ruled that all future trainers would have to appear naked at the Games. Muscles

not for maids

Statistics reveal that Russian wenches put the shot and throw the discus and hurl the javelin easy as falling down steppes. But they are a different kind of women, as Mr. Brundage says. “They carry bricks, labor in fields, clean the streets and do hard manual work in their daily life.” One look at the muscular maids in Moscow is indeed unnerving. They look like they’d look very good on a tractor, so massive they make a lot of, uh, broad shade. Do Canadian males want that for Debbie Van Kiekebelt and her comely compatriots? It is true, isn’t it, that competitive sports do not allow a lass to retain her softness? Equestriennes do a jockey’s job at horse shows, but if they don’t quit young they begin to resemble the animals they ride. Skiing? There is a theory that skiing will make a woman look younger, and this is correct. It makes a woman of 40 look like a man of 30. Swimming? Hoydens in this pastime can be hubba-hubba and like that, but even a lobster looks good in the water tanks at a marine museum. Ah, there,



n attempting to speak to the Dick Beddoes of the world, two premises must be assumed: firstly, with the man himself we are not primarily concerned, but the rationale, which unfortunately goes far beyond the existence of Dick Beddoes; and secondly, what is being discussed is not sports, but that age-old, wearying, but obviously unconcluded problem of man and woman, woman and man. Breaking into a categorical consciousness such as illustrated by benevolent Beddoes, needless to say, presents problems. One wonders if perhaps it should all be ignored. How does one begin to grapple with such facile assumptions as implying a good female shot-putter to be, obviously, Russian? Due to Dick’s consistent refusal to equip us with explanations, rhymes or reasons in his off-the-cuff, flippantly witty treatise: on women, we must assume that the Dick, premise no. 1 is that women exist to please men. A woman today could not conceive of a less profitable intrigue than the shot put, if what she is concerned with is desirability. And here, Dick, is where we agree 100 percent: most women presently exist to be desired, and we are sorry, but from this point on you are all wet. Yes indeed Dick, the truth of what surrounds you does not escape you, and for that you are to be commended. The point

tne cnevron

is that that set of relations is normal (i.e. par ,for the course> but not natural, true but sick. And to imply, as you did, that any man lost in the world of throbbing hearts and dripping glances is nothing less than a “monumental bore” who should have more self-importance, and in the same breath suggest that it is within the parameters of this world that a woman define her existence, is simply indicative of your meriting the same descriptionsick, and in incredibly poor taste, a term with which we are sure you are well acquainted. That the potential for bodily feats, let alone intelligence or stability or anything else be determined on the grounds of genitals exemplifies a peculiar form of logic which leaves us mystified. Given the commonality of this practice, one would suppose that both men and women in their separate fields and worlds, be they business, sports, family etc. often experience an aloneness that could only be created through the precluding of half the human race. And it is the likes of you, Dick, and other graduates of the Avery Brundage school of the logic of sports that stop up the progress of sports, rendering any endeavour in that arena a little less worthwhile, and leaving our problem unconcluded. By Jan Stoody, chevron



So I’m old-fashioned, but girls do not stir my hormones if they can fling a shot. I am disgusted by lady rasslers, who are as loving as a black-widow spider. You ever sit around with a lushed-up lover gone goofy over a skirt? Such guys are monumental bores, but they tip off the sort of women that men respond to. Some goofs grieve when they lose a woman because they love to eat and nobody whipped up the goulash better than her. Some weep over sexy singers who cut . them off at the heart. But there’s never been a solitary sap leap off the Burlington Skyway because he couldn’t live without the catcher on the girls softball team. On the farm the hired men were always .- getting busted up over the hired girls. But the hired hands followed a sensible policy, at least in Sheep Tracks, Alta. The policy stressed that a guy was foolish if he fell in love with a girl he couldn’t knock down with the first punch. By Dick Beddoes, The Globe and Mail

Doug Baird, the chevron




8 October






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t. J







Kinder swim and gym A combined kinder swim and kinder gym program will be offered once again this year due to the vast participation by the members of the university community. The classes are aimed at basic instruction in the ,gym and pool for pre-school children aged 1 to 5 years. It is hoped that the children will learn the basic techniques of water awareness and improve theirlevel of aquatic ability. In the gym emphasis will be placed on learning gross motor movements like throwing, jumping and balance. Classes will be held from 9: 30-10 : 30 on tuesday and thursday mornings, with the first session on tuesday, act. 12. Registration date is act. 6-8 in room 2049 athletic complex.



The date for the allcomer’s swim meet has been moved ahead from Wednesday, October 13th to Wednesday, October 20th at 7:30 pm due to the great interest expressed in the octoberfest celebrations being held the previous week. The meet,while incorporating all the strokes such as the butterfly, backstroke, medley, etc. also includes a number of co-cd novelty relays like the lighted candle relay, inner tube relay and the 100 yd long sleeve sweatshirt relay. Each unit is allowed to enter one relay team per event and there is unlimited competition in the individual events. Registration will be accepted up until tuesday, October 19th in the phys ed office. The intra-mural tennis tournament will -take place on act. 12-15 at the Waterloo tennis club. -Entries must be in before 2.:30 act. 12 to the phys ed. office or the tennis club. The entry date for the archery meet is monday, October 25th at 590 p.m. The event will take place Wednesday act. 27th.

Arts rep needed

“Pledge your troth Not your bankbook”

The intramural department is still in need for an athletic representative from the arts faculty. A representative is needed to get organized. Interested persons should contact Peter Hopkins ext. 3532. Recreational activists interested in getting a group of friends together and playing as a team contact the intramural department. Coming up next week are these three sports; 7:00-11 :OO pm at (1) Ball Hockey - Wednesdays Seagrams Play with regular hockey sticks and a ball hockey ball. Teams may consist of 10 players or more but only 5 play per shift. Limited equipment permitted. (2) 3 Man Basketball - Teams consist of a least 5 with only 3 players on the court at once-games are played across court at Seagrams. Starting date‘Monday, October 18th, 7:00-11:00 pm at Seagrams. - Tuesdays 7:00-1O:OO pm (3) Co-ed Volleyball starting Ott 19th at seagrams. 9 members per team. Teams must have at least 2 girls playing at all times. Registration deadline for the above programmes is Friday, October 8th. For further information please contact Peter Hopkins or’ Terry Morin at Ext. 3532.



Practises will start for the competitive hockey league on Wednesday, October 13th and run until -* Bctober 2&t, -Ice times are a.vailable (1 time-slot per.. L ..y-.









330 the chevron







. unit) by signing a list posted in the intramural office, room 2049 of the physical education building.

Special events


Whitewater Canoe and Kayak Club - Beginners Excursion - Sunday October 10th to elora gorge. Group leaves parking lot b at-11 : am on sunday. Whitewater film session thursdyy October 28th in room 1083 in physical education building at 8:00 pm -- films include trip down the grand canyon and world champoinships. Phone bill byars ext 2667 for further information. Remember, points are accumulated over tne entire year on the basis of participation and standings in each event. The points are then totaled and the unit with the largest number of points is awarded the McCormick trophhy.

Girls activities

Girls, interested in a little exercise this term? The womens intramural sports program has a variety of events open to all girls on campus. To be part of an intramural team, be it basketball, volleyball, broomball or any other sport that may interest you, contact any one of the following persons : Isabel Fairchild 579-0147 Sandra Broad 579-0809 . Cathy Hart 576-8056 Sally Kemp Ext. 3533 All girlsliving off campus will have a short meeting between 12:30 and 12:45 or 1:30 - 1:45 pm. on wednesday, act. 13, in red north upper deck area. The toed swim meet is coming up on act. 20. For more information contact your representative and watch for the pinky flyers that will be out before the end of the week. For persons interested in co-cd broomball there is a league organizational meeting on monday October 25th. After that the playing times are monday nights 11:15 pm-l:15 am; Wednesday nights 10 : Oo1: 00 am ; and friday afternoons 12 : 00 noon-5 : 06 pm at the moses springer arena. Synchronized swimming meets will be 2:30 pm to 4 :OO pm every thursday and friday starting next week. Last, but not least, the flag football results from monday, October 4th were:

League I Village 1-W over Vl-S 12-O Village 1-N over Conrad 8-O PE & Ret over St. Pauls 1-O League II V2-W over V2-S by default V2-N over St. Jeromes 2-O Co-op over Renison 12-O The standings, in both leagues, League 1 G W.L PE & Ret 33006. Vl-East 2 2 Vl-West 3 2 Vi-North 2 1 St. Pauls 3 1

to this point are: T P 0 1

0 0

4 4











League II V2-West co-op V2-North Renison V2-East V2South St. Jerome‘s




3 20 22004 3 1 2 01 202 30300

15 2



11 00

The next WIAC meeting will be on monday, october 18th at 6:30 pm in the Physical Education buildi,ng <in room 1089. -:- . . ;f .?tf3r-


JJck Walton,

the chevron

by Dennis McGann the chevron I or thtl ,Iv~~ragc~ track and field spectator, the ~11\t~\n(t’ t~~lnts tend to be rather bland, maybe t~ft~ti Cl l)it boring. While the sprints, hurdles, pole-vault and ()t htir 4hot.t duration activities are being pertorn~~~l, viewc‘rs usually are interested and seldom Itbt~~/tb lo got I)oI)corn, hotdogs or to visit other ttsstvl t i,ll c onveni~~nces. I htb (‘XC iting steeplechase track event is the onI), t’~~tlotion to this commonly occurring trend IfI 1~1~~(lislCltic~~~ races. 121I ‘stcleljl<l’ runners are obligated to negotiate IOLI~ 4olici b,lrritlrs and one water jump on each lap ot tIlr1 rC1cc~. I he strategy and skill required to ov~~rconic~ these ‘nuisances’ is revealed by a c on41dtlt ( hCinging leader when this race is tc~,ltirrclcl \\,hic h increases spectator excitement. /It thra annual meeting last march, John P. h\<)tras director of the university of western ontClrio’s CIthletic department, won an appeal to 11041 thtlis year’s (-haiiiI)ionships. I hth homes stadium advantage was evident last III~VJ~I~ when the warriors performed to their u1nlo>t’ ‘It Seagram stadium outpointing all teams 1)y 0 \2ti(le niargi n. With western being a close ( oml,~ltitor for the title, there is little question \I Ilc, tllClt university should be eager to assume the ttl\l)onsibility of hosting the event. IitlC~li/ing, that wtlstern’s J.W. Little stadium had 110 \2fCiter junij), Carl Totzke the university of \\ CI1tlrloo’s (lirector, moved to cancel the event \\tlic h ,~~~‘nls to be the only viable alternative. ,\tt’frcls, holyf>ver, showing his ignorance of this I)I.II~I~’ olyml)ic sport, suggested that the race be I 1111over the normal 13000 meters but that the five l),lt-ri~~r> (inc Iuding the waterSjump) be replaced by lllJlxlIt~4. I Ili4 Iiidicrous amendment, which would ( Il,lngcl the’ cbvent to a distance hurdle race, was Ilot only seconded by another sharp director but (IlIt rlclt4 I orke’s motion by a 13-l IV vote. There 11~14no nlclntioll of pIacing a water bucket beyond one’ ot thcl hurdles to the water jump. C tltlCl(lCt hCls recently won the bid to host the 197ci olynil)icgamuts which will turn the eyes of t ht> Ilforlcl on __ our sport knowledge and org,~ni/cition. If 111cl ,Ithleticdirectors from thirteen univer41fios In t hc> most powerfu I intercollegiate leagud In thrl country can ttlink in this fashion, we \llutldc\r to I)rcbdict the outcome in Montreal.




After the organization meeting last night the Warriors swim team looks stronger than ever for the up-coming season. Nearly all of last year’s squad has returned and a number of new students were out. Even so, new blood is always needed. This is especially true on the girls squad which last year didn’t field a full team, but were still third in the nation. If a full Athena swim team is put into competition there is a good chance they will move closer to being number. one. Co-captains George Roy and Brian “Zack” Bachert along with Rolfe McEwan, Bruce- Murray, Doug Lorriman and Paul Sharpe are all back. On the Athena’s team butterflyer Judy Abbotts, backstroker Laura Foley and I.M’er Chris Lutton are some of the returning girls. Anyone wee has competed in aqtiatics, in&ding diving, or who

wants to give the sports a whirl, practices are held daily at 4: 30.

The warrior’s water polo team takes to the pool for the first time next Wednesday at 7 p.m. Ttie university of Guelph’s squad, always a threat; will be their first opponents. Last year guelph seemed to have continuous trouble keeping the warriors in check and it is sincerely hoped their misfortunes will continue this season and in the future. Even so, guelph’s coach Bob Stallman is in the habit of putting a fe$v new suprise horses in the ,/‘ ‘~~~~” water each year. Coach Norm McKee and the , entire uniwat squad are confident they can handle anything from down the road and may have a few -Gord Moore, the chevron suprises of their own. For anyone new on campus this k~ach Norm McKee will lead the year, or who hasn’t witnessed the \%ater polo warriors again this game of water polo, the roughest of year to the championships!

Footbtill stats


As of the games played to october 2, the team standings and statistics of the western section has western -winning three of its five games as has Windsor. Both teams are leading the western division with six points each. Waterloo, having won only two of their five games follow with four points. In the central division, macmaster leads with eight points having won four of their five games. Lutheran follows with six points winning three of their five games. Guelph trails with nil points having lost all of their attempts. In the individual stats, Waterloo has two top men. Brian Beatty is leading the western section in pass receiving with eleven completions and 97 yards gained. Al Haehn, however, has gained 110 yards wia eight completions, and is tied for fourth spot. Steve Boghossian is the leading punter of the west?rn section. With 37 punts, his total yardage is 1490, with an average of 40.2 yards. His best punt was 77 yards, the longest recorded so far this year. In the” leading scores division, Rick Wiedenhoft is sixth with three touchdowns for 18 points. Rick House is the fourth leading rusher with 53 carries for a total of 208 y,ards.

The University of Waterloo golf warriors are off to vineland this week to participate in the OUAA golf championships. Outright winners two years ago and tied with queens last year the warriors will be attempting a repeat performance of two years ago. The warriors earlier won the Windsor Invitational, finished second to Toronto in the Trent Invitational and won their own tournament, the Waterloo Invitational last friday to complete their preparations. Members of the five man team will be chosen from the following six players: Dave Bogdon, a freshman from st. jeromes high school in Kitchener, Ed Heakes, a first year math student from Weston, Ontario, Fin Melville, a student in ‘integrated studies, Tim MeCutcheon, a sociology student and Tom Porter, a second year civil engineering student.

all aquatic sports, the pool gallery should be opened by 6: 45.

Water polo

Dave Hollinger, a third year psychology student is the captain of the warriors this year.

Field Hockey


In a well played, hard fought battle the Waterloo athenas last to the Macmaster field hockey team by a score of 3-2. The score had been tied until there was less than thirty seconds remaining in the game. It was then that macmaster slipped the ball past the Waterloo goalie. Scorers for Waterloo were Marilyn Woods and Ruth Vasiliadis. A fair number of spectators were on hand to cheer the girls on. The next game will be played next Wednesday October 13 at four oclock at Colombia field. The athenas will host the team from the university of Guelph. Practices start next week for the men’s varsity basketball and hockey teams.

Tennis Head tennis coach, Gary Buckley will take his Waterloo tennis warriors to London in an attempt to win the OUAA western set tiqn tennis championships. Coach Buckley has not picked the final composition of this year’s warriors as yet. The number l-3 positions are fixed but the fourth and last spot is up for grabs. Buckley has designated the vetern John Pezzack as his number one player. Brian Robertson will be filling the number two spot, with John Beatty taking over the third position. Battling it out for the fourth and last spot on the team will be Axe1 Larson, Don Burke and Allan MacLellan. Terry Keys has been chosen as the alternate. In addition to the four singles players each university enters two doubles teams.the number one doubles team for the warriors will be Pezzack and Roberston. Buckley has not chosen his second doubles team. Assuming a win at western our team will travel to queens to compete against the winners of the eastern division.

(&arterbacl\ Chuck Wakefield was responsible for first place standing in pass reception in the western football conference.


8 october

Brian Beatty‘s section of the

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’ The warrior track and fielders took yet another team victory in the series of OUAA warm up meets. The site of this second victory was seagram stadium. Using their home grounds to advantage, the waterloo squad piled up 122 points only two short of the second, third and fourth place teams combined. As is usually the case in at home meets, the warriors fielded an almost complete squad to take the home competition. Second year arts student Al Monks had the best day of the competitors taking the 460 meters for the second week. Monks then stepped down to the 200 meter sprint event and surprised most onlookers by -grabbing third place. Hugh Fraser of queens, the reigning junior national champion in both the loo and 200 meter events, met warrior sprinter Mike Murray in the shorter race. Leaving the blocks in a powerful start, Murray battled the high headwind to easily outdistance Fraser and claimed victory with a 11.0 second clocking. ., Neither sprinter, however, accepted the race’s outcome&as indicative of how the OUAA race will end. Murray, however, did say that he considers himself third in the national ranking and the other two athletes ‘were not running today’. George Neeland made it three straight in as many meets when he ambled to a 15.1 second sprint hurdle win. Neeland was ahead after the first hurdle but didn’t seem interested in stretching out the lead, “I knew I was out front and couldn’t psych myself enough to drive very hard against that wind” he explained. The other warrior hurdler, Mike Strenge took third place honors. Hairy Nigel Strothard went with the gun in the 806 meter in an attempt to lead a fast race. Vince Evers of queen’s proved to be the strongest contender and hung onto Nigel’s heels throughout the race. “I had to get out there and lead a hot pace, because Evers is fast on the final straight”, the Waterloo runner commented. In keeping with his race plan, Nigel went through the first quarter mile in 58 seconds and began to stretch his lead out to ten yards on the back straight. .






ome meet

Evers, living up to his reputation, began a kick on the final bend and drove past Strothard as they approached the final yards. Les Hatton of mat showed signs of a late sprint, but Nigel’s earlier strength carried him through the line comfortably in second. The event was won in 1 minute 56.8 seconds, a full two seconds slower than Strothard’s winning time in the mat invitational two weeks previous. Waterloo’s weakest points fall in the distance events, but Jon Arnett, a cross country competitor, came home in the 1506 meters a scant second out of second place for the warriors only points in that event. Python Northey squared off against Kipchoge Sumner, now of queens, and Dan Anderson of the warriors. Northey is ineligible to compete for the school because he forgot to write a sub last summer. As the race progressed, Northey extended his lead and lapped most of the field. Meanwhile, Kipchoge fell farther and farther back then disappeared into the dressing room. He, promised, however, to be back for the championships. Dan Anderson, finishing almost a full minute behind Python was the first eligible runner to cross the line. In the field events, Bill Lindley took both the triple and the long jumps with distances of 47%‘~” and 21’8” respectively. Andy McGann took second in the triple, while Andy Schwieger grabbed third place honours in the long. Bruce Clarke, in his first meet, high jumped 5’10” to take the high jump. Terry Wilson chucked the spear over 200 feet for the first time this season and won the event with a toss five feet beyond thatmagic figure. While the guy-warriors were annihalating their opposition, the girl-athenas lost by one point to Laurentian 45-44. Pan-am competitor Joan Eddy led the team with a 60.8 second 400 meter win and sparked two relay vie tories. Marlene Peters *took the 100 meter hurdles in a 16.2.second into the wind clocking. She also placed second in the 106 meter dash sprinting 13.4 seconds in that race. Athena Karla Peters took the 208 meter sprint with a time of 26.7 seconds.





. winner.

. winner.




8 October

. 100 meters 1971







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really in wonderland


In a recent edition of the chevron, tuesday, Sept. 21, you permitted the printing of an article criticizing the proposals of the NDP in regard to alternatives “within capitalism”, so-called. Your competent writer should first of all get his definitions straight. Capitalism involves ownership, control and direction by privately owned business organizations. Come now, state capitalism (euphemistically called socialism ) ? r And what is really monopolycorporate state-capitalism? Most students at this university are aware of the environmental problems facing the world today. They also know that many of those predicaments, ie. the eutrophication of Lake Erie waters, the toxic air inversions in the Los Angeles area, are a direct result of private enterprise. Answers always come less easily, and what the NDP suggests makes more sense than useless nonsense such as “capitalism is pollution”. Industries have little to gain by abating pollution. Trudeau knows it and so does David Lewis. And Lewis’ alternative is government control of industries, certainly not “state capitalism” within private enterprise. How much longer must we put up with this revolutionary dreamworld bull-shit approach to solving the problems of our environment? Is it Lewis in wonderland - or Lenihan we’re speaking of? SEBASTIAN OOSENBRUG man-environment

Students of phys


locked out ed lockers

The phys ed depart’ment’s bungling inefficiency and their total lack of concern for the studen’ts here at this university breed nothing but disgust and contempt for the jock population on this campus. ’ Two and a half weeks have passed since registration began and students still can’t get lockers in the phys ed building. Furthermore dozens of people ask the tote room attendent daily when lockers will be released. The same answer is returned every single day, “I don’t know.‘! Finally upon approaching facilities manager D. Brown, I found that lockers have not been released yet since a few phys ed students are still registering and must receive lockers first. OnIy then can all other students ,/be.. assigned lockers: . ~ Why they ,;c’anno&: set aside a locker for each student tire- ,. registered in phys ed ph.& a

shower heads), sauna (whenever it opens again) or play squash (in courts left for repair until september ). However, the latest word is that there will be an announcement in the next gazette (published Wednesday) that lockers were released on monday, Sept. 27. Nice going, guys. And as yet the tote room attendents have not yet been informed of this secret. But we can rest assured that these annoying inefficiencies will be straightened out by february when again the phys ed department will give out tickets for the Blues-Warriors home hockey game. We can certainly count on being jammed in a narrow stuffy corridor by the hundreds against all fire regulations waiting for hours for just one stupid line of ticket exchange. Not seven or eight lines like modern banks and grocery stores but one measly line for all those hundreds of students. And with all the secretaries we have on this campus who will be sitting there punching tickets at the head of this ridiculous line but Bob McKillop, head coach of the Warriors hockey team! Good luck! JIM GARTENBURG cng;. 3a

Chevron chided over Amchitka Over 4000 people in British Columbia saw fit to demonstrate against the proposed nuclear test on Amchitka by the US! And yet the chevron relegated the topic to the 6th page of its last edition, giving a mere description of the above mentioned demonstration and failing to discuss or oven outline the issues at all. This action could only be justified on the grounds that the question at hand is of no great importance. If this is the opinion of the chevron, and the writers believe this is so (one need only consider the articles featured in the past few issues: Miss Oktoberflesh and the Rigid Tool, and federation waffle) then it appears that the chevron has abnegated its responsibility to concern itself with important moral and national issues. Yours sincerely, Lorraine Hodgson (Geog. IV) Peter Nadebaum (Chem. Eng. Grad)

The chevron is not a daily newspaper. Students, if they care at all, know by now about the Amchitka tests, the Greenpeace mission and scatteredL border demonstrations by -,students. Unfortun&ly, Waterloo has no ‘American border or US consulaie. So, interest on this‘campus to garner some sort of display of protest has blank& amount of say 5(jm~~e‘f& he&-&Se to nil. lf‘something like ttiat latecorrieis in that depalitment and :. .happen&d on this campus, it wow‘ld undoubtedly be front-page news f& release the .remaining 500 or 600 lockers to’ all &her &dents the Ahe chevron. As it stands, it is linfirst day of classes is beyond me. If L ternational news and must be followed through daily papers or TV and radio. only 30 of that 50 are eventually Don’t mourn. organize. - the lettitor.

required for phys ed students after three weeks, then assign the remaining 20 at that time to other students. But instead they hold up over 500 lockers just for a few dallying jocks. Meanwhile equipment and wallets are left open for thieves while people shower (all from six


feedback -

f RIDAY TUES.-WED.-V\CED.-THUR. 2 SHOWINGS 7:15 & 9:15 SATURDAY SUNDAY--MONDAY CONTINUOUS from 1:30 pm. 1.30 3:30- 5:35- 7:35-99.40.

Address /e tters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.




..__ -----.---..----


Dissenter answers \ Rick Page’s letter

AS a member of the student council, I would like to answer . very briefly Rick Page’s open , letter which appeared in the last chevron. I voted against the firing of Alex Smith as editor of the chevron for mismanagement of funds. It should be made clear that the question of mismanagement of funds is NOT the real issue. It is used as a pretext by Page and Larry Burko to hide the reasons of their sudden involvement with the Chevron. The real question is that they want to “control” the content of the chevron (and make it a Yippie newspaper? ) . This was very clear at the last council’s meeting (both used the expression) and is exPosed even more Precisely in Page’s article. Talking about the sept. 10th issue of the chevron as well as of voices, he writes: “1 _ don’t think that any board or subsidiary of the federation should spend money on nothing, just so a budget can be totally used” (my emphasis 1. In other words, Page does not agree with the content of the paper. I could agree with him that there can come a point when the content of the chevron will determine the f’edera tion’s publishing it. Nevertheless, this question was not raised by Page. As long as this is not solved, I do not see how the *council or the federation as a whole could “censor” the chevron. The chevron’s staff is completely in’dependant in its editorial decisions from the federation and should remain so.

Thus Page wanted the Council to concerts but don’t tell me that accept his “idea” of what should or there exists a student who does not should not be published in the even care about what he is going to chevron. This is what he calls do with all the knowledge he has “refused to accept their respon- been accumulating for years. sibility", I certainlyrefuse it. To answer those questions, Page In his article, Page introduces and Burko have not even tried. And another argument for Smith’s now Page talks of decentralization, 1”lrlng: . the professionalism of the participation, professionalism. chevron, the professionalism of the You will never get participation federation. with a policy which encourages the Rather, as he says, he “feels the passivity of students. They’re not same professionalism in the job”. going to “care”, Rick Page, just of’ Page feels that he has been because you beg ,them to. Unless acting like a bureaucrat for the your patience is infinite. last few years,I could not agree It seems that there has been Illore. misuse of the chevron’s perogative The last part of his article of bringing important issues before reflects this very clearly: he wants the university body and in to solve the problems of the provoking student interest beyond federation through a VerY the parochial realm of themselves “I clchnical” operation that he calls and the university. decentralizatibn. Hopefully _ this situation will Another screen.Anotherscreen to hide the real question.YOUcando improvein the future* anything you want with this word. In itself, it is not going to change anything. The real question is that Luke Aujame the peoplewhohavebeenrunning the federation in the last years tlave been incapable of relating to Newfoundland has the student Droblems. Worse. thev have not even tried. When he ran women on jury duty f’or president last year, Page explained that since students were so Just a little note on a CUP story apathetic and that since they were of last week stating (among other only interested in pubs and conthings>. that women are not certs, this is what they were going allowed - on jury duty in to get. “People have the leaders Newfoundland. It might be inthey deserve” is Page’s motto. He teresting to note that in reveals thus his complete conNewfoundland not only are women tempt of students. allowed to serve on jury duty, they The role of the federation and also are allowed to refuse a jury those who run it should be to offer summons, a privilege men are not students frames and means granted. through which they, can express Men’s liberation anyone? their own aspirations and find themselves the solution to their Problems. ANDREW COLLINS E’es, there should be pubs and math 1


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8 October





t s ;

The unveiling of Nixon’s .’ economic policy TI


HE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of Nixon’s economic policy is illusion-the illusion that something is being done to alleviate unemployment and the illusion that his measures are simply normal actions taken in normal circu mstances. . Perhaps the illusion created will restore consumer confidence and bring the US economy out of its stagnation; for Nixon’s policies certainly won’t. According to the Hrookings institute, the direct effect of Nixon’s measures will provide 4.5 billion dollar expansion per year, a negligible amount in the face of a 1,000 billion dollar + economy with 6 percent unemployment.

Lollipop Boutique / Westmount Place (just behind Dominion) Nixon’s foreign program in a show of rage aginst world speculators who were weakening the US dollar Nixon suspended the con-, , vertibility of the dollar into gold. The world speculators were US corporations exchanging their dollar holdings for marks, francs and yens. The suspension confirmed the wisdom of their actions: it also delivered a fatal-blow to the weakening dollar. Since the dollar was in excess supply at its pre-august 15 level, it iet I in value. relative to al I the major currencies. The blow was premeditated. A drop in the value of the tlollar with respect to other currencies makes foreign goods more expensive for the american consumer and enables Clmc>rican exporters to sell their products for a lower price 111 foreign countries. American consumers are thereby supb’orti ng the profits of’ the exporters. While denouncing the unfair edge possessed by foreign ~oml~etition Nixon imposed a ten percent surcharge on t’xports. Done arbitrarily without consultation with any of the governments of the countries involved, the surcharge was in direct violation of the general agreerilent on tariffs ,Ind trade (GATT). Apparently the US administration does not take its own free trade ideology seriously when it is al,plied to the US. The import surcharge is applicable to all goods not limited by import quotoas (such as oil and gas) or subject to special trading agreements (such as the auto I>act and the defense production sharing agreement). Its general impact is on manufactured goods. Raw materials are as a rule excepted. 7 he tariff was aimed primarily at Japan which had been clxporting a mere 100 million dollars more than it has been been importing from the US. The tariff can be seen c>ssentialJy as a club with which to force or enforce a revaluation of the major currencies, to a level which the US government deems proper. It is however, highly unlikely that the Japanese will further revalue the yen as it will render Japanese exports more vulnerable in the entire world market.

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336 the chevron

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A\ t~sual ~h~~t~ wake those who consider themselves tnno~ ant by~tandc~rs. About 20 percent of Canadian and 15 I)or( ant ot far tlast (1 aiwan, Hong Kong, Phillipines and A\,ll,lysiC~) tBxI)orts wire also affected. Since a fair portion of 111111~ onomi~~s of thclse countries is devoted to exports, ~Ilrly nl;ly 1~1 in tor a considerable amount of economic (Ii~lo( ,Ition. In ~11~.~~115 the imI)act of the surcharge and devaluation (1r1’ Iikoly to IX) ntlgligiblcl. Trade represents only 5 percent ot thcl (iNI’. If foreign manufactured gbods are bought I,1rg:tbly IXY Crust’ oi their quality and if their new price is still I~llow that of comparable US goods, the consumer will not 4witch but simI)ly ~)ay more. This seems to be the case in thtl most visible industry-the automobiles. A11 Ci(l(l~~<l I)roI)osalthe> job development tax credit \I 111~h i3 t~cIuivnI~lnt to 7 Ijercent of the cost of new III(I( Ilitit>rc ,ln~l c~quipment I)roduced in the US, further iil( IX’~~VY thcl citttlc.tivc>ness tariff rate for the capital goods ~ill(ltl\try. I Ilou~lI hcrrt~ng the tiny canadian industry, the 0111Y t oi Illtl ( redit dclpends on whether the business ( Ollllllllllit j’ 1)t’ I I~VC’S Nixon’s I)romises of a shining future. I Iltlr~l is I)Icxnty 01 ~YXCCSScapacity in existence now without C\ddlng 11101’(‘. I hV\V 111~‘~1511r~‘s ‘flS0 I-e-c>stablished the financial tt’\l)t~ t,l/)iIity ot 111~~nCition in the eyes of the world. I l~o~~~h US tlxI)orth havt~ ~xceedc~l US imports for the last 78 \ ~‘~11.4,t I~(> US 11~14had sine61 thp late 50’s an unfortunate (l(tt i( it III !ho hCllcln( tl oi l)~lytllc‘nts~amoLlnting to 6 billion (10ll~~r~ III 1000 ,1n<l 4 billion in 197(i. US duty towards world }‘1’<1(t’ ‘tln~l (l~~v~~loI)m~~nt has taken its toll I Iltl L’it~tnClnl \I’~II’ <I( (ountc~l for an 11 billion dollar drain OII tllrl 1~1~111~(1 ot I)aymclnts from 1965 through 1968-6 l)lllion (IoII~II.~ it1 (III-TV t military c~xpenclitures abroad and 5 l)~Ilioii (lolIt~r~ on ~~xtr,l imI)orts ,Ind reduced imports due to II~c~ I~oomiti~, ~2or-tinici clc‘ononi3. In aclclition the american ( OI I)oI’~I~IoI~~ \l)clnt 8 biI,lion dollars more abroad than was sI)til‘lf It1 tllcl 1JS t,)l torclign (Or~~OratiOiiS. I{\ I”( king, CII~ 11~~~t,lb-the difference between net US ~~\I)ort\ ,1n(l tllonoy ilow out of the US, the europeall ( tantrCll t~nl\~ Irlnt cl ht1lI)ing hand in these endeavours. I hcly (ould have used the US dollars to buy US g:dods or ‘\( llt~~l~,~~(l thclm ior IJS gold. Either action could have ~~\trClin~~(l US \I)c~nding abroad. In recent years, however-, uroI~1 htl\ t)tlc om(’ incre~ingly restless. Complaints about lltb US tltliic it 12’clrc’ h~~arcl with increasing frequency. In rbllltb(lyi ng thins tlclfic it Nixon also avoids criticism from uroI)cI with rtasI)ect to the import restrictions,

by Jan


the chevron

I inancial orthodoxy, however, impelled him toattemp t to rt’cover these expenditure,s and not -to burden the amt~rican people with a wanton deficit. So Nixon cut the I)roI,oscd government employee salary bill by 1.8 billion tlollars and reduced grants to the states for welfare exI)~~n(liturc~s by 2.9 billion dollars. In his enthusiasm he also r~~luc~~d foreign aid by about 200 million dollars and ( ontributions to the World Bank by 2 billion dollars. That oo Ijclrc-ent of the money the US spends on its ‘aid’ I)rograms is tied to purchases of US goods evidently 0s~ aI> him. The net effect of Nixon’s balancing act is transfclrring income from the rich to the poor. The fiscal C1n~l Ijrotectionist policies of the government will hardly in( rtlastl the aggregate demand by the 80 billion dollars nt’(‘fhssary simply to hold the present level of employment. All the economic, games served to mask something far more significant. In nlay 1970, Congress again abdicated its respon~ibilitic~s and power to the president. The ‘Economic St,1biIi/ation Act’ of 1970 gave the president powers unI)rt~ ~4~~nted during peace time. It gave him a blank ( Ilt~(Iue-an economic Gulf of Tonkin’ resolution. He is ,luthori/c~d “lo issue such orders and regulations as he may c/cY/~) ,?j,propriate to stabilize prices, rents, wages and \tlltlrics ,lt levels not less than those prevailing on may 25, 1970.” (;ross inequities- may be adjusted. Willful violations ot tln order or regulation are punishable by fines up to ‘,,OOO tlollars and injunction ‘may be obtained to enforce tlM~ll1.

A\ thcl wClge price freeze is simply an enshrinement of tllrl \totLis q~o and does nothing to alter the fundamental (1~ononlic strclctcire which conditioned its use, it will of I>(‘( rlssity become a permanent fixture of the american ( ,lI,italist syste!ll. I{!( ,In arbitrary fiat the circle of power has been further . nC\rrow4tram the individual corporations to an adillinistrative body acting on their behalf. For all the initial l)tlllic osity of the union beaureaucracy, it has backed off tram (.ontesting the legality of the wage price freeze. If the Lrnions want to join in the ‘planning’ they will have to c ontrol their rank dnd file. This should not be too difficult. I htl unions are alreidy a primary instrument for integrating thtl workersinto the capitalist system. lh~ litlpublican president has quietly ushered in a pltmwd c.apitalist economy.

Nixon’s domestic policy lo inc rf’astl aggrcgatc demand Nixon presented a 6.2 l)illion (lollal- I)ackage of relief from income tax, a repeal of t11(, 7 I)~~rct~nt tlxc-isc tax, on automobiles and a 7 percent tax (.redit on new industrial machinery. The package of tax relief covers everyone from the poverty level to the t ountry clubs. The seven percent tax credit goes towards increasing the profits of the corporations, and the 7 per(clnt reduction in the price of automobiles to the middle r\nd uI)I,er c-lasses who buy new cars.



member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (GINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year ( 1971-72) by.the federation of students,

incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3443: telex 0295498. Now you’ll get a cleaner, brighter

life with new, improved chevron. take two a week and call us in

the morning at the office seems things may be getting back to abnormal, dare we hope? we found, outside our locked door this week, a letter to the editor from god. handwritten, yet, his secretarial staff must be on strike. if god will come down and give us his real name, we’ll be happy to run his heavenly message. speaking of strikes, the five zehr’s employees are still out on strike and could use support by boycotting weston empire establishments. don’t mourn, organize. Seen at the scene of the crime this week were:‘entertainment-janet stoody, lynn bowers, greg Williams, sue minas, dirk deboeck, david cubberly, joe handler and norman avspitz of all people; photo-doug bait-d, Scott gray, gord moo’re, sergio zavarella, dudly Paul, karl krasnor, bill lindsay, brian cere, Steve izma, mike pook and even david harrington; laboring with herclean efforts to complete the overloaded pages thrust upon the jock department-randy hannigan, george neeland, dennis mcgann, lefty smith, irene vay eyck and a lot of photo stuff; news-al lukatchko twice, nancy zantinge, deanna kaufman, joan Walters, gord pearson, barry brown, jan laube, lionel koffler, mart roberts, kenn hyslop, bob mosurinjohn, dale bender, don nichols, nick savage, larry martin,-peter lang (a true volunteer), and the tremendous triumverate-bill Sheldon, george kaufman and alex -_\ smith. yours in the sure and fervent faith for a Christian tomorrow, gk. \.

, friday

8 October






338 the chevron

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