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and kefurns


f6 fOld...

photo and story by Bill and Mary Lindsay the chevron

Rick Page went out to the edge, but he decided not to jump. After threatening at the last federation council meeting to resign as federation president and .affirming his intention td the chevron last week, Page mellowed at the last moment at tuesday night’s meeting and allowed himself to be talked out of his brash act. In spite of opinions expressed by some sources that Page was uttering hollow threats and was coasting on a “juvenile ego trip”, he went through the motions and read his letter of resignation before a hushed council chamber. Page reminded fellow members of his warning at the last meeting that their vote on the chevron editor issue was in effect a vote of. non-confidence in him and his executiire. He maintained that when council overturned the executive decision to fire Alex Smith, they were expressing nonconfidence and he had no recourse but to vacate his office. His letter contained his views on the direction student representation will have to take in the future to not only survive but also to fulfil1 a useful purpose. The federation, he said, must follow one of two courses. It must revert to being an entirely “grass roots” organizationwithout such breaths of professionalism as ‘career council members and with a wide student base; or it must be run by a “professional five-man triumvirate” which can pull off a flawless chevron, radio Waterloo, and perfect concerts. Page, during his term, says he has been working towards the former alternative, organizing people and trying to bring the societies on campus to a closer liason with the federation. He wanted to quit now, however, and voiced refusal to run in any subsequent presidential by-election. Council was loath to let him go so easily and platitudes of confidence came from alm’ost all quarters. A true motion of confidence in him was floored as unnecessary. Carl Sulliman, considered the prime replacement for Page since his announc& resignation, dispelled suspicions that he was in contention with Page by promising to be the first to endorse Page’s nomination in the event of a .presidential by-election. Other councillors expressed trepidation as they envisioned the fate which would befall the l.federation if one of its hardest working, most knowledgeable members forced them to assume his workload. Finally, after much so& sear&fig, Page relented. He said he would accept council’s decision when they voted on accepting his <resignation, because of their fears for the future. He said, however, he will ease’ ihimself out of the responsible position he holds now and within three or four months will leave as president if council is progressing well. Previously, the council had received Alex Smith’s official letter of resignation as editor of the chevron and learned that he had been rehired by the chevron staff as one of three paid production coordinators on the paper. A motion was prepared and passed requiring the staff to put forth the full details of the position now held by Smith. They must also advertise the new position and accept candidates according to the federation rules in spite of its - having been filled by him with their approval. In other business, a record co-op was tentatively approved to be oper.ated by the federation. A distributer has been found to

New, reconstituted



supply records at 37 per cent off list price and the co-op will pass them on at cost to students. A photographic co-op proposed by former chevron photo coordinator Peter Wilkinson was also approved, and will involve building two completely-equipped darkroorh facilities in the campus center. With one facility Wilkinson will coordinate a camera club for campus photogs now without darkroom equipment or space. With the other darkroom he will supply low cost wedding, graduation and project photography for students. Where Page last week cotidemnl ed the professionalism of the chevron, this week he urged acceptance of the professional darkroom facilities broposed as well as the 5,200 dollars per year salary that will be paid to Wilkinson. Because Wilkinson will have a contract with the federation, he will be in the same position as other federation “professional” employees : the busifless manager and the secretaries. Other full-time federation em-) ployees are classified “temporary” and have no legal protection. These include the federation president himself, the summer position usually paid the vicepresident and three chevron two of whom have employees, professional journalism It is not known backgrounds. whether the federation will offer contracts to these people ;is well.,

Rick Page (right),


on his laurels:

volume friday

“In the words

12 number 15 October

of Chairman





....but B.udte. calls if q&l;@ by Joan Walters the chevron

John Buote, until recently president of the Waterloo Lutheran student council, has resignedallegedly because of last year’s controversy over student government. In a chevron interview wed,nesday, Buote denied this stating it had nothing to do with Lutheran’s senate committee investigating university responsibility. The committee was formed to reevaluate the responsibilities of various segments of the university staff, faculty and students. Frank Peters, president of Waterloo Lutheran, asked Buote to recommend nine or ten students to

act on the committee. From these names, two regular students and one extension student were chosen.. Criticism from the student council came when it was learned that David Emmerson, execdtive vice president of the council and Reiche, council director of university affairs, had been chosen to serve on the committee. Council felt that a conflict of interest had arisen and were also against appointment instead of election to the senate. Emmerson and Reiche felt that parity was negotiable while the student council did not. The appointments were rejected by council and the two students were asked to carefully consider It was decided their positions. finally to make clear that the two were not representing the views of the council while acting on the committee. Buote stated that his major reason for resigning was a heavy course load, five se&or philosophy classes and lack of time to do a proper job as president. “Travelling between Waterloo and London, where I am living, requires three hours driving per day. At least three hours is needed just behind a desk every day to’ do ti minimal job”, he explained. When he ran for president, Buote was planning to graduate in the fall and remain at Lutheran as a full time president. It was later that he decided to return for a make-up year in preparation for law school. He worked on the council for three_ ‘weeks at the beginning of the fall term to prepare things so that whoever became the new president could take over smoothly. Asked if he was satisfied with the way the council is run, Buote stated, “We are an organization. We have over 500 persons> carrying out our projects and another 2400 students to draw on. We have a cash flow of well over a quarter million dollars a year and are the only student council in Ontario paying for its own building.

“We have been dealing with 1970 realities using an organizational set up that originated in 1954. For each year between then and now, revisions have been made to facilitate the proper running of the student council for that year. The president of the council is the one in the best position to make recommendations for the revision of the constitution. It is not usually the president who makes these recommendations but someone else with very, little expertise.” Buote explained there are two important areas concerning student government-student activities and student politics. Student services should facilitate interpersonal and intrapersonal development and should have unlimited scope. In contrast to the attitude of Waterloo federation president Rick Page, Buote said prc@ssional advice and directive should come from hired personnel. The hired individuals should in turn be responsible to some fixed section of the council or university community that has nothing to do with politics. The aim of student politics is to maximize academic and non academic interests of the students. Buote pointed out two possible problems with this segment of the student council. “When you are working for student interests sometimes you are not working for the good of the university .” He also said that student politics is usually chaotic and insecure and that in any c,entralized group, the backing for power lies with two to three men. Buote is in favour of the decentralization of student government in order that there be more small leaders. Due to the transitory nature of students, power is also transitory in the university. “Political activity should not be a full time paid position” he said. see WLU pg. 5

AIIege $ ,600 \ swindle

“The Influencers”

week period. According to the COPE report, Marler hired around 30 students, paid them $1.25 hourly, but did not inform them they were working on an OFY project. “Only when the students heard that their job was a youth opportunities project did they become suspicious,” the - report said. “They complained to Marler who retaliated by firing the entire lot and then they complained to Ottawa”. “The federal government,” the report continued, “dispatched OFY organizer Shiela Zimmerman, who had approved the project in the beginning. Naturally she was defensive and the whole meeting was entirely unpleasant.” But in the end, the report said, Marler was asked by Zimmerman to vacate his post. He did so

FREDERICTON W’uP)-A lucrative Opportunities for youth project in New Brunswick netted a university of New Brunswick student $8,600 for only six weeks work according to a report prepared for ‘the federal government by the co-ordinating agency for local OFY projects. The report of COPE (Community opportunities providing that employment) claims Jonathon Marler, a second year law student at UNB, received $35,000 from OFY last spring to carry out “an ecological forest survey” in New Brunswick. But instead of probing the woodland ecology, the report alleges Marler rented a tree harvester and chain saws and sold timber and pulpwood to local industrialists at cut rates before complaints -from his employees cost-him his job at the end if a- six-

“none of them looked alike; they had a surprising individuality in their own appearance” ARMIES OF THE NIGHT BvJ Norman Mailer

WALKWEL SHOES 74 King W Downtown Kitchener

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charforte. Rates are 50 cents for - the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

classi LOST Lost last friday, orange three-quarter coat, wire rim glasses in campus center area. Reward. Phone Norm 576-1494. PERSONAL Mature lady will do babysitting home anytime. Waterloo preferred. j44-3231. -

in your area

New pair Allais Majors 200cm with Nevada bindings $180. Gold leather university jacket, size 38-40 unlettered $40. 579-47 19.

TYPING All typing done efficiently and prompltly. Call Mr’s. Marion Wright 7451111 durmg office hours; 745-1534 evenings.

Baby carrier,can carry child up to 40 pounds on back. Call 578-7719.

Essays, thesis, dittos, letters’ etc. After 6 pm call 578-2226; during day call ext. 3476.

Typewriter, maxi coat, fur jacket, small tables, large mirror, pictures, games and misc. Items. 743-9575.

Are there any Jethro Tull or Stones freaks In this ctty? To get together call Fred at 576-5218.

Stereo magnet cartridge 90EEX $28 new. 579-0533.


1968 Chevy II, 6 cylinder, 4 door, good running condition, new tires. Best offer. 579-3 157.

Bean Bag Chairs from $25. Six assorted colours. Contact Dan Mueller 578-4481.


RIDE WANTED Three piece sectional chesterfield, dark brown, excellent condition. 7429395.

reluctantly, it said, but not before he had pocketed $8,600 for himself. A number of people in the region-including the Moncton office of the secretary of state’s department-pressed for an immediate investigation, the COPE report said, but it was turned down by secretary of state Gerard Pelle tier. “Zimmerman issued instructions that there was to be no publicity given to the affair at all,” COPE reported. The report also charged that during his tenure as project manager, Marler issued regular pay cheques to his brother who was not employed on the project, as well as “. . 1two per week to his girl friend who was. Fredericton RCMP say they’ are investigating the affair but no details-have been released.

Ride wanted to or towards Please call Linda 576-5726




Room and board for one student across Unlverity of Waterloo. Call 5787719. GIRLS - 1 place in townhouse, full use of home, no restrictions. Mrs. Wright weekdays 745-l 111; evenings 745f .rn* 1334. Available immediately one single room $15’ per week and room for three students double occupancy $12.50 per week. Phone 579-0573 or apply 206 Allen street east, Waterloo.

This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. S&e the chevron secretary or call extension 3443. DeadliJre is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.







Development Corporation to make first to Canadian-owned firms and U.S. takeover of Ontario’s economy; the financial resources and most mandate to create a clean environ-

Folk singing club-bring instruments, voices, bodies or whatever. New members always welcome. Get involved in all aspects of traditional folk music. 7-10pm campus center music lounge. Seminar, Prof. L. Chopin CUSACHS “Pseudo-Potential Theory; Concept & Usefulness” 3 : 30pm MC5158. Sponsored by the Quantum Theory Group, Dept. of Applied Math. Circle K Club meeting. students. 6pm CC217.

Russian welcome.


Overhaul farm credit policies, establish an Agricultural Industry Bank and bring interest rates on farm improvement loans in line with those in other provinces; Eliminate the costly billing procedures for OHSIP and OHI, and relate the premiums to income.

Faith Missionary Church, 110 Fergus avenue. Invites you to their services. Sundays llam and 7pm. Mondays Youth time 7:30pm. A bus will call at campus center at 9:15am.

to all

Club meeting. 2:30pm ML311.


Career Information talk. Representat ives from Stratford teachers’ college will be on campus to talk with tnterested students. 3:30pm EL103.

Arabian Variety Show. Belly dancer, folk dancing, fashion show. General adtnlsslon $2; students $1. 3pm Theatre of Arts.



TUESDAY Duplicate bridge - open pairs. All bridge players welcome. Partnerships can be arranged. Entry fee 50 cents per person. 7pm SS lounge.

Federation Flicks for Homecoming. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. MC2065. Sponsored by 8v-n Federation of students. ’

One “GOOD“ Term Deserves Another Re

lxthus Coffee House. Free. Come talk about life, love, God. 9pm campus center snack bar.

SATURDAY Federation Flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8pm AL116. Sponsored by Federation of Students.

Relieve property tax by transferring 80% of the cost of education to the province aver a four year period; <: Restore municipal autonomy and stop the centralizing of 4 power at Queen’s Park; Direct the Ontario incentives .available stop subsidizing the $I< Use the technology, important :+e ptib!ic ment in Ontario;

Gay Lib meeting. Guest speaker George Hislop, head of the Community Homophile Association of Toronto (CHAT) 8pm HUM161.

Federation Flicks. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8pm AL116. Sponsored by Federation of Students.




Toronto Express bus leaves campus center for lslington Subway Station 1:30 & 4:30pm: Sponsored by Federation of Students.

Book store returns. Last date for obtaining returns from sale of books. 4: 30pm MC3040.

Ed Good is a life long resident of the area, a businessman in Waterloo, and has been your representative at Queen’s Park for the past four years. Residing in Waterloo, Ed and his wife, Rhea, have three sons. Ed’s activities include the chu:ch, service club, legion, sports, and other community inte; ests.



Federation Flicks for Homecoming. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. MC2065. Sponsered by 8pm i-ederatlon of students. ~~~--Jj-~~~~,b&~~ “under Attack” WI/I be vldeolaping pi-~g<~.lmes with a member of V!et Nam












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students to:

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Peceivo chevron,

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durfng Waterfoo.


terms. Ontarfo.




Veterans of a Just Peace, a pro-war group, and with reigning Miss America 1972. Tickets available FREE on day of performance at theatre box office. 7pm Theatre of arts.. Career Information talk Representatives from College of educationuniversity of Toronto will be on campus to talk with interested students. 3:30pr+1 ELlOl. THURSDAY “Under Attack” will be videotaping programes with a to be announced and Miss Germaine Greer, feminist author. Tickets available free on day of performance at the theater box office. 7pm Theater of arts. Waterloo Christian Fellowshop invites you to uoin us for supper. Special speakers and just plain people getting together in Jesus. 5pm CC113. Sir Kenneth Clark’s Civilization. 7-9pm.


Informal Christian Science testimony meetings. All are welcome. SSc228 9pm. Federation flicks. 50 cents for U of W undergrads; $1 others. 8pm AL116. Sponsored by Federation of students. Career Information talk. Representatives will be on campus to discuss careers In Law. 3:30pm EL211. FEderatioa flicks. X! cents u of ‘iv undergrads; $1 others. 8pm AL1 46. Sponsored by Federation of students.

The unarrest political

camp ign mussucree

In four-purt close harmony and three-man OPP chorus by Nick G. Rqss the chevron


It was...well, one of those perfect pieces of theatre which pulled together that rare combination of actors, directors, bit players and audience which, for a few magic moments, tells something terrible and amusing to all presentsomething close to the point of knowledge of the daily absurdities we all force upon each other. It started out as a walk-on bit of street theatre by the Koop Group; the elusive cosmic combination turned it into a three-act massacree-everyone singing along in time-with a puzzled greek chorus of rural Ontario high school students. It must be education, yes; it happened at the school. It goes like this : The candidates file into the small auditorium, smell of old sweat and echoes. They’ve been to a lot of these and too many more are on their schedules. Campaign speeches, disguised as “educational experiences” for the newly-enfranchised preppies. For this “educational experience”, the speeches had been made optional for the students-no forced democracy here, no. Except that the speeches are scheduled for the last period, when the students are shuttled off to study periods, club meetings, sports, diversions of the sort that allow the prisons of school builldings to call themselves social institutions. Those few students who had the brass to say they didn’t want to hear the candidates speak were hauled off to detention rooms just ahead of sullen glares. Yes, the room was filling up with students, the finely-groomed candidates and their sidemen were making their way ceremoniously to the stage, all finely-attired in the traditional political (read business) costumes of the ruling class and its pretenders and aspirantssuits, ties, short, combed hair, shined shoes, whiter than white smiles (sex appeal), their predetermined answers as polished as their shoes, party lines of everything memorized.

12/I:>;:It-cycle under

Cop played

the (startched)

It was going to be a fine“enriching, uplifting”experience for the boys and girls. But wait...what’s that? That’s not supposed to be part of the enriching experience, is it? Something’s suddenly out of harmony here. Several cars and a van pull up outside the school. And, from them, spill...what can these teachers and principals, vice-principals and students, coaches and secretaries-what do they call them in their minds? Hipppies? Freaks? Longhairs? Worse, anarchists maybe? Yes; they’ve seen this sort of people on television, in the newspapers, the movies. Hippies, probably, here in rural Ontario. Hippies. Right here in front of the school. And they’re going to come in ! The hairy, noisy band enters the foyer, pointing with laughs of recognition at the plaques and the glassed-in trophy cases. At the door to the auditorium, the hippies are met with a wall of people. “You can’t go in there, it’s a meeting,” they are told. A meeting, yes, they answer, they know its a meeting, that’s what they’re here for-the meeting. And what’s more, this longhaired -freak here is one of the candidates, a real legal candidate. Faces suddenly smile and turn towards John Koop, real legal independent candidate for the Ontario legislature from the Waterloo. North Riding. He is official, he is to be treated with respect ; this is a democracy, and tie must go through the motions, during an election, of being fair to everyone, all candidates are created equal; regardless of race, creed, color or chances of winning. So Koop is invited in-despite his long hair and weird looks-to take his place on the stage with the three “party” candidates. The difference, it seems, between being a hippie and being respectable is 100 signatures. Koop is vouched for, never mind by whom.

his part flawlessly collar.

Carl Krasnor, and immediatly

the chevron got hot

Page started

it out and then there

was a n-lad rush to get arrested

After a little talking, his campaign manager-titles, titles, make the difference also-is allowed in. Fearless Nick Savage leaves the real theatre to join the dull, pre-rehearsed pantomime inside. Blew his chances of being busted and hauled in as a political prisoner, but that’s the price you pay for wearing titles. At this point, a few male teachers try half-heartedly to mingle with the outsiders as they mill about past the trophies and the doors to offices. A few attempts conversation are made, but the subject of the hippies being kept out of the meeting is not broached. Teachers, after all, are the most fragile of public creatures. One indiscreet move can cost a lifetime of teaching possibilities. Set status, negotiated salaries, tenure-you don’t mess around with that for a bunch of hippies. One frightened man had met the group outside the building just after they had gotten out of the cars and vans and tried to turn them awav with ridiculous claims of “This is the wrong school, there’s no political meeting here, you’ve got the wrong school.” The other candidates’ men had walked right in-they were in uniform. But Koop’s men-and women, it is important to notesomehow posed a threat, they might not play the game right, might not know the rules, perhaps they would improvise instead of mouthing the lines expected, perhaps they would-disrupt? Yes, that’s what hippies do. Just then two students came out of the gym and asked what was going on. Several of the teachers yelled at them to get back in the gym. Silently, they looked quickly around and darted back into the room, unquestioning about what was happening in their school. After all, this was reality, and they were to be protected from such harsh encounters as that by their overseers. Those two unquestioning high school students were, to the hippies, sad testament of the drubbedin doctrine that education is not learning from what happens to you and around you, but what comes from the mouths of teachers .and the pages of textbooks. During this time, there were several threats leveled at the hippies that the police would be called, but no one stepped forward and identified himself as anj7 sort of authority of the school. But, fl’nally, about an hour after the hippies had first walked into

as a political

the foyer and damned up against the gym doors, in walks The Motorcycle Cop, right on cue. After all, it had been a full turn of the clock since these interesting people had invaded the usually, normal school halls; interest was beginning to flag and so a new plot . twist was needed. And, luck, not only was the cop right on time, but he had his role down perfectly. He immediatly got hot under th& collar. This man, the hippies agreed silently with several nods of heads, is our Motorcycle Cop, yes, he is the right one. Now Principal Gohl saw his cue also, stepping forward proudly and telling the hippies to leave. It was the first official order to leave the school the hippies had heard. The Motorcycle Cop followed up Gohl’s act with a speech of his own, saying the hippies could be’ charged with petty trespassing if they did not leave nicely. When he did not notice a mass rush for the doors, Motorcycle Cop really went into his act. After pushing several of the hippies out of his way, he slowly took off his gloves, put them carefully into his helmut and came back to face his adversaries barefisted. He was then subjected to severe verbal abuse when one of the hippies yelled as he ran his hands through the hippie’s long hair. After several such nonaltercations, the cast slowly moved outside the school just in time for the political speeches inside to be getting out. The stagehands had done their work well, because the school buses were now li,ned up at the driveway’ waiting to take the students home. In ordel; to get to the buses, however, the students had to pass through the band of hippies. Real interaction began, the students asking the hippies what had happened, since no one else would tell them. The hippies, sensing a chance for communication, toned their act dowri. Friendly conversations popped up in small groups between the school and the buses. The principal, hopping from group to group warning the students they could get arrested if they didn’t get away from the hippies, was mostly ignored. They had not been bothered, the school had not been threatened, no one had been hurt-the hippies seemed friendly enough; just why was there all this fuss? then reinforcements But arrived. Two OPP squad cars pulled into the drive to the friday


amazement of the students, and an OPP cop got out of each and headed for the group. After consulting with the Motorcycle Cop, one of them headed for the hippies and grabbed Fred Kemp by the arm. “You’re under arrest” he told Kemp and escorted him to one of the squad cars without further niceties. Rick Page then walked up to an officer to see what was going on aT]d noticed Kemp taken to the car. Yes, he though;, this is it, they’re really that stupid. With a full audience of high school students, they are arresting us and taking us away. He strode toward the car Kemp was in, making the Cop hurry to keep up with him. The rush was on: the hippies, seeing their chance, broke for the squad cars. Ross Taylor spotted the other car, darted to it, and hopped in before the officer had a chance to open the door. The others followed suit, but as only six could fit in each squad car, only twelve were accepted as arrestees. This worked otit perfectly. About half the hippies were driven driven off in the cars and the other half left to explain to the studer$s what was happening. Beautiful. The OPP pulled out in formation, the Motorcycle Cop leading the way. Unfortunatly for the volunteer arrestees, the scene following the mass unarrest turned out to be an anticlimax. The hippies tried to make conversation, nothing heavy-‘Hey, who won the game today?’ and a cop mumbled ‘Pittsburgh’-but the cops w:re til;ed from the first two acts. \ When they arrived at the Kitchener OPP station several. sets of parents were waiting anxaously, but weren.‘t needed. The serio-comedy was finished. A few hippies hung around the station? ta.BBing it ampwith the guys. “Hey, what’s you guys’ platform, anyway? ” “Higher wages for policemen.” “I’ll vote _for you.” No one mentioned charges or the WCEd ‘“arrest” and finally -everyone drifted away. “It wasn’t really a very tight show on their part,” analysed director-actor Ross Taylor after the show backstage. . “We weren’t impressed with their act. The p!ot sort of fizzled out toward the end.” But maybe education at Waterloo-Oxford secondary school got a healthy kick in the ass. 15 October

1971 (12:21)





EDITOR t?equired

kor Probe’s points to be pondered when pries into provincial party politics









Letters of Application



. m


Don Nicholls Lhalrman

Board of Publication Chevron Off ice / University of Waterloo

Public information The information services of the air management branch and the Ontario water resources commission must be immediately revamped in order to make government information public. Many citizens who inquire about specific pollution problems are refused information even though the data is known by the agency involved. The most common reason given for withholding specific information is that the reputation or competitive position of a firm would be injured if this were released. But clearly, a government is in the dangerous position of compromising public health and welfare in order to protect industry or municipal agencies. This information is gathered at public expense and is of vital public interest. Therefore, the AMB and the OWRC must both change their information policy and develop an effective system of making government information publically available. Packaging



The provincial government must institute a crash programme to prohibit excess packaging and to standardize contain’ers. Regulations to this effect must be made under the environmental protection act within one year. The unnecessarily large number of package sizes, shapes, -6nd materials makes reuse of containers difficult, and thus contributes to resource depletion and the solid waste problem. Re-use is one easy way to recycle our resources. Excessive packaging, such as bubblepacked items and- cans ivrapped in paper and rewrapped in cellophane provides much of our vast quantities of garbage. The consumer pays for this excess waste in. the cost of the product, the cost of the disposal, and the deterioration of his environment, Department

of the



The budget of the department of the environment should be at least doubled immediately. Because of its enormous and crucial responsibilities, this department must receive more than its present share of the provincial budget. To give it only a minimal share of Ontario’s total budget is to value the long range quality of our life far less than we do the building of highways or the development of industry. This Department’s branches are badly in need of money and staff. For example, the Waste Management Branch, with only 18 employees, cannot even police the landfill sites for which it is responsible, much less establish recycling systems, or even initiate preliminary research. Society’s priorities should receive the cabinet’s priority budget allocations. Nothing less than doubling the budget of the department of- the environment will achieve this. Recycling



(8:30 pm to 1 am) .

Amateur show Saturday afternoon 3 pm - 5:30






ROYALHOlfl-GUELPH Downtown Licensed


342 the chevron

Guelph-Opp. under





The government must immediately begin to establish large scale regional or municipal recycling programmes for solid wastes throughout Ontario. All disposal systems, especially incinerators, should be phased out. All of the earth’s resources are limited. But at the present time our economy is largely based on a “one-way” system of handling materials ; resources are taken from the Environment, used, and then discarded. Not only is this approach expensive, but it also deteriorates the quality of our air, water and land because of the continually increasing load of burned, buried or flushed-out wastes. Recycling solves both problems of waste disposal and of resource depletion. Many businesses have been recycling for years, but this principle has seldom been applied to municipally collected wastes, except in wartime. Pollution.. Probe believes that the present condition of the environment requires action as vigorous as that undertaken in wartime. Therefore, the government should immediately begin recycling programmes for all our urban areas. Ultimately, all solid waste in Ontario must be reprdcessed and the present system of disposal -(burning or burying) must be phased out. Legal


The department of the environment mustdevelop a new policy whereby the burden of proof falls upon


a particular firm to prove that its effluent is not environmentally harmful, rather than the public (or its agents) having to prove it dangerous. Surely, before anything is dumped into our environment, the onus must be on the dumper to prove it safe. Under the present system, if a firm is suspected of polluting the environment then citizens or their agencies must prove that this effluent is environmentally harmful. Population The Ontario government must begin an imtiediate study to develop a population policy for this province, relating population growth, population distribution, economic growth and per capita consumption to environmental quality. Steps should be taken to implement this policy by 1973. TWO root causes underlie environmental deterioration. One is sheer quantitative growthunlimited population, technological and economic growth. The other is the kind of life style associated with this growth--excessive resource consumption and waste. We must, therefore, learn how much, and what kind, of growth is compatible with environmental quality. This would probably mean stabilizing population in association with more limited and equitable resource and energy consumption. Public


When industrial or municipal polluters apply for government approval for their control facilities, the public must have the right to a government hearing to review why pollution standards cannot be met. Under our present system, many pollution control programmes are approved by government, even though the new programme does not immediately comply with the law on pollution standards. This judgement that a corporation or government agency cannot be expected to meet standards must be open to public scrutiny. Transportation The provincial government should establish an emergency task force with citizen representation to study and implement transportation systems which provide alternatives to the automobile as a means of transporting urban populations. Substantial subsidies for public transit should be provid,ed immediately . The automobile and the automobile industry are major polluters. The construction of inner-city expressways produces irreparable social and environmental damage in downtown areas. Not only must we stop building expressways and deemphasize our spending on roads, but, viable alternatives must also be found-alternatives that maxitiize efficient use of fuels and minimize damage to the urban environment, as well as to suburban and rural areas. Local governments have neither the funds nor the vision to investigate and initiate transportation policies which are environmentally responsible. The provincial government must halt its present incentives to road building and divert these public funds towards programmes that encourage mass transit systems. Onttirio


Ontario Hydro must begin a vigorous campaign to make the public and industry conscious of the need to limit demands on energy supplies and must also serve as a leader in limiting environmental damage resulting from power production, even if that means higher prices for electricity. The demand for power is growing at a tremendous rate, much fast& than the rate of population growth. Ontario Hydro’s policy is to promote greater demands. Such unlimited growth cannot be maintained indefinitely without ever-increasing damage to the environment and depletion of our limited fuel resources. Not only must Hydro seek to impede detrimental growth, but it must also show its environmental responsibility by minimizing effluent and -environmental hazards from those plants which do produce power even if it means increased cost for electricity. How can the Ontario ‘government expect industry to operate cleanly if their own agencies are not operating within acceptable limits.

Inquiry u greywusb ?



When is a graduate student not a graduate student? When .he or she is not an undergraduate either. Because of strange quirks in university bureaucracy, the 45 qualifying year students have been considered to be graduate students by the graduate office which keeps their files, but for all other purposes-especially the collecting of student fees-they have been classified as undergraduates. Qualifying year students pay eleven dollars per term to the federation of students for subsidized concerts and weekend films but because their id cards

have “G” for graduate they have not been able to attend federation events as members. But seemingly for every bureaucratic maze there is a way out. When confronted ’ with the dilemma, Brian Ingram, associate registrar, said he had not realized the problem existed since this was the first year that graduate and undergraduate id cards had been different. He said he would have undergraduate cards made up for qualifying year students so they can take advantage of the twentytwo dollars a year paid to the federation.

Grand r~v&~specicd There will be a special scenic autumn train this weekend sponsored by the KitchenerWaterloo big brothers. The train will follow a route along the Grand river from Kitchener to Brantford and return. The big brothers have arranged with Canadian National railways and Grand River railways to run a special passenger train over the former electrified Grand River railroad and lake Erie and Northern railway tracks. The train will consist of- CN coaches behind

Turnbull Society Eng.

CN and CP deisels. The train ’ will leave Kitchener CN station at 12:30 pm on Saturday travelling to south Kitchener junction. There , it will transfer power and continue to visit the towns of Preston, Galt, Paris and Brantford. Runpasts and photostops are included in the trip. The cost of the trip is 4.50 dollars for adults and 3 dollars for children. The money will go towards expenses for a summer camp for the area’s fatherless children.





Chess Club

Monday’s at 8 o’clock in the Campus Centre. Check the lounges for the specific location.


On act. 19, Brian Turnbull, P. C. candidate for Waterloo north will be speaking to the engineering Science Sot. society council. Milk and cookies will be served afterwards (sorry A pub dance, featuring Dave). Maximum Speed, will be held Tickets are now available for the tonight at 8:30 in the festival room, semi-formal. There are only 180 50 cents-Sci. $1.25 others. and may be. purchased at the Saturday night the Copper Penny engsoc office. will entertain, beginning at 8, 75 T-shirts and telephone direccents sci., $1.25 others. tories are prepared for distribution Optometry Sot at the office. The engineering lounge has been moved to the entrance of E-4. The annual awards banquet will (tuesday’s issue will contain news ‘be held October 26 at 7 o’clock in of engineering weekend coming up the knights of columbus Hall on november 10-14). university ave.

VICTORIA (CUP&An inquiry, headed by justice T. A. Dohm of the BC supreme court, into the Gastown riot in Vancouver august 7th has found that the Vancouver police department used “inappropriate” and “unnecessary, unwarranted and excessive force” in breaking up the disturbance. But after this wrist slap for the police, the inquiry findings accomplish little else. The report, however, was definitely not a whitewash of the affair. The police were naughty, it cannot be denied. But the major offenders were not the police, they merely ‘ ‘overreacted”, the true culprits were Ken Lester and Eric Sommer from the Georgia Straight.




Both the political and student activities sections should be funded independently so that each is a separate autonomous group. Buote stated there is also a need for a management consultant to work with the council. The council should outline its problems and seek a professional to help with / management. “A simple financial procedure is within the grasp of a professional auditor. It’s well worth the money and should pay for itself within three years,” he explained. He emphasized that this did not mean that. there would be no room “Without student for volunteers. input, the auditors and consultants will not be able to do their jobs. Volunteer personnel should always have the final authority over the hired staff .” The student council should set the policies and the consultants carry them out with increased efficiency. Buote does not feel that student apathy exists. “Apathy is as much a myth as motherhood and apple pie. There are so many things competing for the student’s interest at one time that no matter how much one particular thing is propogandized, there will always be only a fraction of the students becoming involved.”

Wmghz .GRAND RIVERCABLE FM Saturday October 16: 9:OO am folk it 12:00 jam time 5:00 pm light rock 7 : 00 Barton’s clasics 9:30 music notes...Dave terviews B.B. King 1O:OO Barfish with Jerry

7:30 9:30 lo:45

folk Al Sterling monday night theatre music 11100 blues with J.J. Pie 12: 00 book before bedtime



Wootton October 19 am Yola’s corner 12:00 rock and buble / 5:00 pm Couson’s words and music 6:30 community and university news 7:00 collection Doug Thomas 9: 15 canada house...84 year old “Wilf Wilford” and guests 9:30. radio gazette with Jack Adams, Bob Whitton, discussing U of W news 1O:OO news 1O:lO rock with Dave Booth 12:O(I book before bedtime 12: 20 musac



sunday October 17: 9:OOam easy listening time 12:00 musical journeys 4:00 pm children’s theatre 5:00 Helmut’s‘folk and jazz 7:00 who 8:00 india association 8:30 Hancock’s half hour 9:00 news one hour 10:00 madness till midnight 12: 00 prestons blues


monday October 18: 9:00 am jazz, blues and the likes 12:00 rock and buble Wednesday October 20 2:00 pm words and music with John 9:00 am nice and light Chrtstle 12:00 rock and burble 4:00 news one and public 2:00 pm. Steele trap...Bruce Steel with affairs in depth music and phone reports 5:00 Tinio’s Country and community ‘5:OO god knows is a crutch 6:00 NDP reports-Jo Surich and 5:15 folk music with John Hall George Mitchell discuss politics with a 6:00 Liberal Reports...Ed Good and Jim Briethaupt discuss their platforms view to the upcoming election 6: 10 Tino’s country and- community 6: 15 folk music 6:30 community and university news 6:30 community and university news

According to justice Dohm, Lester and Sommer promoted the gathering “to protest the law against the use of marijuana and to protest the concentrated drug crackdown activities of the police in the Gastown area. “In my opinion messrs. Lester and Sommer, who testified on this inquiry, are two intelligent and dangerous radical young men. Their true motivation is their desire- to challenge authority in every way possible.” The report goes on to note that: - the Vancouver police had decided not to arrest anyone for smoking dope that evening; - the report of a window breaking incident that prompted the initial charge was false; - “The greater weight of evidence is that the majority of the crowd was not an unpleasant crowd at the time the police decided to move.” - the arrival of mounted policemen caused panic, terror and resentment; - violence occurred only after the mounted police started clearing the streets with riding crops; - the .mounted police were followed by. riot police carrying riot sticks at which point “pandemonium broke loose” ; - 17 people were injured; - the crowd could not be induced to defend themselves although urged to do so by a small group of “agitators”; and in conclusion justice Dohm decided that most police behaved themselves well, despite the “great amount of abuse and insults” they received. The report concluded that the situation wasn’t handled too well,

but that riot control could be handled much more efficiently in the future. After all, crowds of people are always potentially dangerous especially if attacked. In this light the report made ten recommendations : - Demonstrations should be “highly discouraged” in the future. The Vancouver board of police commissione s should no longer allow demons f rators to take over public streets ; - The police departments should prepare squads of men specially trained for riot control (to start or finish riots or both?) ; - Mounted police should only be used as a last resort in crowd control ; - If horses are used they should be kept off sidewalks and out of restaurants and public buildir,gs; - Plainclothesmen should not be used for crowd control and police in riot gear should wear numbered helmets for identification ; - Police should use cameras and sound equipment to document police behavior in order to counteract any false charges of police brutality as well as providing a record of police behavior ; - police should use better amplifying equipment for communica tion with crowds : Tape recordings should be taken of police warnings; , - Motorcycles should not be used in attempts to scare citizens off the streets ; - The commissioners should consider making a team of impartial civilian observers available at the scene of serious disturbances, threatened or actual.

7:00 jazztan - jazz 9: 15 voices...earthquakes 9:30 federation reports Rick Page and Carl Sulliman discuss federation activities g1O:OO news 10: 15 british rock with Gil Zubrigg 12:00 book before bedtime 12:20 who done it

2 Hour

thursday October 21 9:00 am Bruce Hann’s bag 12:00 rock and bubles 5:00 pm Nicoll bag 6:30 community and university news 7:00 Baruch - zone jazz 9: 15 election report 9:30 thoughts to you 10:00 politics and learning looks at the bullshit of politics 10: 30 news lo:45 Lawrence McNaught till two 12:00 book before bedtime friday October 22 9:00 am waves of sound ,12:00 rock and bubles 5:00 pm rick’s spot 6:30 community news 7 :00 classical grass 10: 30 news 11: 15 something different 12:00 book before bedtime




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Students who are not now on the voters list and who wish to vote in the provincial election to be held on October 21 will have until October 18 to complete their arrangements for voting. One possibility is to have one’s name put on the list of local voters, and the other is to arrange to vote by proxy in his home riding. The possibility chosen is determined by a person’s legal residence according to the election act. The act says that this is his true, fixed, permanent home or lodging place to which, whenever he is absent, he has the intention of returning, subject to certain rules.





The place where a person’s family lives is deemed to be his residence unless he takes up residence at some other place with the intention of remaining there. Therefore, a person who normally returns to his parental home for most weekends and holidays and who still depends on that home for certain personal services such as laundry or for financial aid, would still be resident in that home for voting purposes. On the other hand, the single voter who has cut his ties with his parental home and is completely self-sufficient, returning to his parental home only as a visitor, votes where he resides at the time of the election. The residence of a married voter is where his-her spouse and children reside, unless the voter has abandoned his family.

for position of


Technical advisor,

0 BRIAN TURNBULL: - Youthful, articulate, involved


the chevron

his actions speak for him

. now being accepted.

- A professional planner and enviromentalist

(Term ends april 30, 1972) Apply to: Production manager


the chevron, campus center

If a student must vote in his home riding and he will not be there on October 21, he can vote by proxy. An proxy appointment form is obtained from any returning officer-230 Regina st. north in Waterloo. The form is completed by the person appointing the proxy voter, and mailed to him. The proxy voter must have it certified by returning officer in the electoral district where he and the person appointing him are both on the lists of voters. If your name is not already on the voters list in your home riding .you cannot vote. On polling day the voting proxy presents the certified proxy appointment form to the deputy returning officer. The proxy may be any qualified voter in the electoral ‘district, although not necessarily in the same polling subdivision, and as long as he is not voting by proxy for more than one person who is not a relative.

. ONTARIO -Applications deadline: - Growing - for people.

5 pm, October 22, 1971.



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If a student is qualified to vote in Waterloo north, but his name does not appear on the voters list, he can have it put on by the returning officer. The dates for doing this are October 8,9,12, and 13, from ten am to noon and four to eight pm. The last day is monday, October 18, from noon to seven pm. To be qualified to vote a person must have lived in Ontario for the twelve months prior to polling day, and he must be a Canadian citizen or other british subject. Any information can be obtained from the election office at 236 Regina street north, telephone 744 4461.

579-6630 8:30 -5:30 Downtown 68 Queen

Kitchener S.(at Charles)




by Paul Stuewe

The Helmstrom


Q: What has lots of legs, a big stringer, and is six inches long? A: I give up, what? Q: I don’t know either, but there’s one on the back of your neck.... There are lots of them in The Helmstrom Chronicle too, a film that should.add an extra dimension to your next encounter with a cockroach or a mosquito. Expertly photographed by Walon Green, this is a true cinema verite of the insect world, a fascinating glimpse of a level of reality which is ordinarily beneath our notice. It is not, however, just a superb piece of entertainment: it also raises some very disturbing questions while suggesting some even more disturbing answers. “Helm’strom” is the fictional narrator (Lawrence Pressman is adequate, but no more than that, in the role), and he had come to the conclusion that our continued tampering with the biosphere will result in the insects, rather than the meek, inheriting the earth. Insects, he argues, are old hands at environmental adaptation, and their social cooperation is absolute ; whereas man’s adaptive capacities are largely untested, and his individuality a severe

handicap to the solution of selfcreated problems. If this last seems obvious the special enough, it is achievement of The Helmstrom Chronicle that it vividly depicts the ruthless and selfless dedication with which the “social insects” (bees, ants, termites, etc. > respond to outside threats. While man attempts to balance a growing “revolution of expopulation’s pectations” with increasing environmental feedback, the insects simply survive: in “Hellstrom’s” words, “where there is no intelligence, there is no stupidity.” This is not an argument for our conversion to fascism, but rather a plea that we consider the broader consequences of our actions. The very large issues which The Helmstrom Chronicle raises will not be resolved without‘ much further debate - a proof of its comments about human naturebut the film does make a strong case for the importance of its topic, and should at the very least initiate discussion of a problem which appears to be somewhat more pressing than that of non-deposit bottles. its ideological Apart from concerns, however, The Helmstrom Chronicle is a riot of visual

opulence several light-years “nature films” of the beyond Disney variety. Personal highlights were the mating habits of the Black Widow spider-a warning to male chauvinists?and a lyrical depiction of the life cycle of the butterfly, culminating * in an explo&on of flight and beauty. In a class by itself is the final sequence, during which several million driver ants devour everything in sight, including a man-sized lizard, a snake, and various smaller fry. Or, as in the latest album by the creators of Tommy, “Who’s Next?” If I have any fault to find with The Helmstrom Chronicle, it lies in the obviously staged interludes in which “real” human beings confront the insect world. These are gratuitous and unconvincing, but since they are also infrequent they do not significantly detract from the most impressive film of the year. The Helmstrom Chronicle poses an ultimate question-“Will man survive? “-and “Helmstrom’s” final comment summarizes the evidence : “The winner of the evolutionary race will be he who finishes last .” But, aside from winning or losing, do we even know that we’re playing the game?

by Sue

you need a &writer

‘659 KING ST. W.

742- 1582


the chevron


Bert& Brecht, considered to be one of the greatest playwrights of the German theatre, believed that the art of the theatre was not simply to represent real life. His theatre is ‘often highly stylized, never mundane. Somewhat in the same manner as Godard, he believed that the audience must never become so involved in what they are watching that, they forget that they are an and believe what is audien@, happenning on stage or screen is real. The actors also, must never lose themselves in their parts and forget who they are. Evans, resident Maurice director for the theatre of the arts, has created a truly delightful experience of Brecht incorporating many of Brecht’s philosophies. The house lights are left on throughout the performance so that there is little!chance that we become drawn into what is happenning on stage to the exclusion of what 4s happenning around us in the audience. Instead of actors in costume, we see &udents and professors in street clothes. The atmosphere is extremely casual, almost cabaret like, The performers carry their scripts with them on stage and read from them. What we see is not a play really but a collection of bits and. pieces from letters and plays of Brecht which Maurice has put together to give an overall view of Brecht, his incisive wit, his irony, brand of and his peculiar Marxism s The cast, composed of Pat Connor, Mary Fleming, Ivar .Heissler , Manfred Kuxdorf, and Sasha Zweers does a very fine job with the material. Sasha Zweers expecially gives an inspired rendition of the parts he reads. All of the cast seem to have a fine flair for comedy. The program notes inform us that B&hi is very good for what ails you and should be taken in large doses against timidity,

despair, confusion, and stupidity. I recommend that anyone suffering from any of these afflictions make

sure that they attend parts II and III of Brecht on Brecht, November 17 and December 8.

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cximpus question

Is the Chevron worthwhile reading?


at both ROY ROGERS family restaurants

-offeravailablewith presentationof studentcard

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I think it’s a good student It does seem to cover all politics, but personally somewhat biased and

.newspaper. the campus I think it’s amateurish.

It’s good as campus newspapers goes which is not to say that it doesn’t need improvement.



Pigstails Men’s


Luncheons It provides an interesting alternative. Basically I’ll buy it if it was necessary.



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Randy Hannigan, the chevron

‘Melanie To people who know Melanie and her style, the concert Saturday night was consistant with past performances, and probably consistant with future performances. Melanie has two assets, her sincere involvement with the audience, and her dynamic voice. She is a professional and as such can be involved and yet removed from the audience at the same time. She doesn’t respond spontaneously to the audience, but the overall attitude of the audience is very important to her performance. People are aware and have been aware, since her first big hit, “Lay Down Candles” that Melanie has a fantastic voice. After releasing records such as “Ruby Tuesday, Beautiful People, Peace Will Come, etc.” people also realized that Melanie had an unaltering style. To many, a good thing cannot be over done, however there are those who feel that an unaltering style is simply modified repetion in order to exploit the record industry. This arguement can be, and has been extended to include her concerts. The fact seems to be that Melanie does what she feels she can do best. She caters to her fans, which perhaps is an asset in some of the other professional perfarmers.

For a non-committed Melanie fan, the concert lacked an essential element. Melanie herself is not an entertaining performer. Once she is seated, one voice microphone is adjusted, as well as an instrument mike, and she doesn’t move again until her performance reaches the pseudo-exit part. Knowing full well that an encore will be demanded of her, she only walks part way off stage amid a standing ovation. For an encore she sings “Ring Those Living Bells”, for a second time, and in response to the candles in the audience, she sings “Lay Down Candles”. However, “Candles” is always saved for the last song of the encore. The performance itself consisted of everything a Melanie’ fan could ask for. The full line of Melanie hits were performed as well as a few songs from her new album. Anyone wondering about the future style of Melanie only has to listen to these new songs to see that Melanie will continue to perform the way that only Melanie can. Her distinctive folk-rock sound will be around for a while longer and another performance on this campus will be looked forward to by many people. There are three aspects to a concert; the performer, the audience, and the organization of the concert, including the physical site of the performance. The performer has been dealt with, now the organization. Perhaps

with such large masses of people there could be more than one entrance used for students and non-students. Upwards of six thousand people jammed into the jock building to end up stumbling over many profuse bodies in order to find a place to sit. There were just not enough people high enough to float over the crowds. For dedicated concert goers each concert brings with it apprehension about just how the sound system will distort the , sound. In this respect the Melanie concert deserves a fairly high rating, considering other concerts held here. The sound gets more distorted and harder to hear the higher up in the balcony you are, but generally the sound was acceptable to those on the floor. ‘A completely unexpected event was the arrival on stage of a group of local musicians who call themselves “Kit Carson”. They have only been together for about two months, and have played in the campus center previous to this engagement. The group consists of Paul Woolner, Steve Naylor , Dave Papazian and Phillip Ellesworthy, all former students at uniwat. Kit Carson writes all their own lyrics and arrangements. Judging from the great response they received from the audience they can look forward to a promising career.





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Ranyy Hannigan, the chevron

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74499434 next to beer store 15 October





Budget freeze af Laurentian SUDBURY (CUP> - Another university has been beset by economic problems due to a decrease in student registration r this year and a consequent reduction in government grants. In an emergency debate on the budget September 30 the senate of Laurentian university decided to freeze the budgets of three fiscal areas of the university for 30 days. The areas affected are capital expenditures, salaries and hiring of new staff and book purchasing. The freeze brought on by this year’s drop in enrollment is designed to give the university time to examine its economic postion. While no official figures are yet available the student enrollment for this year will likely be 2100. This is a decrease of 300 over the projected figure for the year and of 100 from last year’s registration. This means Laurentian faces a reduction of 1,250,OOO dollars its operating grant from the provincial government. Added to a budgeted deficit of 275,QO0 dollars this puts Laurentian in a serious financial position. Monday (October 4) representatives from Laurentian, Brock, Trent and Lakehead universities met to discuss the falling enrollment and financial problems common to all. It is hoped Laurentian will be able to negotiate with the provincial government to pay a large part of the deficit. In discussing the budget freeze, an amendment was proposed which would add non-academic, sports and cultural affairs to the freeze. The motion failed to carry due to abstentions. Discussion of 1 the motion brought up the sensitive topics the inequality of budgeting between the professional schools 1 and the academic section.

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he position of the poet and the definition of poetry have long been issues which have haunted both poets and readers. Some look at poetry with the attitude that anything at a// can be described’as poetic. Others opt for a stylistic definition. There are still some who fee/ that the important element is a poen~‘s expressed meaning.

he campus has, for some time, been without a medium for the artistic efforts of its members. The supplement appears (or this reason. Poets, prose Ltfriters, painters and designers have remained in isolation. I-wo of the basic precepts of art are expression and communication; as long as we are unpublished, unexposed, or otherwise ignored,.our expressions of se/f and the things around us are

Poets, with few notable exceptions, seldom earn their daily bread from the labours of the craft. Yet, there is a certain urgency in the desire to express oneself. A/though not always a labour of love, poets impose on themselves a discipline -a dedication to communicate some part of their person.

7his is not a supplement to dictate what art should be. /his supplement is meant to be an allocation of space for those who have something to express in what they believe to be their artistic form. /t is . s . . hoped that this supplement will become a meaningfu/ vehicle for the confidence and development of those who wish to publish.

1%/JY /inc.\!








What could be left to express? Perhaps, some of the answer lies in the nature of poetry itself? Poetry is reflective of a feeling set in a specific time and p/ace. Like most everything, poetry has its origins in human circumstance. Given that this circumstance has been continually changing, then we can assume poetry has followed course. As long as the conscious circumstance /eaves something lacking in the human experience, we can be assured there will be poetry. It is the nature of the poetic framework; with its metaphors; rhymes, metaphors, and metre; to evoke more than mere words in the reader’s understanding. Poetry dea/s not on/y in the physical communication of symbols but a/so in emotional understanding of the connection between the symbol and evocative meaning. Somewhere in the meshing of words, structures, and personality; poetry tries to smash the barriers of circumstance and search, in experience, for essence.







Poetry The poet sits at his writing machine man of alliteration creator of personification and rhyme Poet, critic, judge feeler of literary emotion life laid out in line accounted. for by page The poet sits at his writing machine vjaiting for the sound of the meter that takes another fare to concrete destination

The sweetest has gone from poetry, Running to the ground like sap from green trees, Abandoned, bucket-split, left to run slack. Poetry is a sick cow, not the prancing calf I thought and was told it would be; Nor the hulk from which matadors fall back, Legs and courage buckling from shaking knees; Just a sick cow, glazed eye and ruptured spleen, A sticky mess running down one leg. So sickly an impresario would have to beg Someone to buy it for an earful of beans.

Harding Craig





/or now and now ior how and how Look out sow You milked the cow

It seems In reams Ihe lines Of rh yn-,es /It times 110 glean A means /or ever and ever Or for never Do not sever //7e living lever





lor not’and not ior ought and ought ior what we ought /or what we ought not I. forgot

/I seems In reams ’ The lines Of rhymes At times Do glean A means

Robin For t-or The /he

in and in sin and sin whore’s in sin bin



This is your patent: that you carry a manila file of precious poems. That you leaf perpetually through the slapping white sheets with- poised delicate hands, picking out the perfect ones like lucent butterfly wings ready for glass. You suffer long hours with stampeding words. Sometimes with the words whirling in frightening bliss to what you want. But you’ve married a tall man who has gifted two small poems of himself for you to adore instead. You’ve grown thin and curious but you have a keen face and you still encounter trembling when you write with full words. Occasionally you publish and the little magazines stick out like cactus from your arid shelves. .


And you are everything with your docile white hands and floating concerned eyes. You are all the movement of words a poet could make. Still, you are not a poet.





15 October

1971 (1~21)


1 1

Creeping past the musty frozen oranges I slipped into the caramel hearth out of sight of the formless wizards. Pencilling their eyes they caressed a tear passed carefully around the circle. Suddenly a green mist emerged from the breast of the leader. Fuzzing about his head it grew and engulfed them ail in a joint communion. Transfixed, my burning eyes soared to a magic splinter as their communal majesty struck a triumphant chord in the dim recesses of the universe. Moving to a rhythm incarnated from the flying remains of burnt animal’s brains they did from this secrecy into the burning light of orgasmic reality. ~Thus revealing their majesty they were struck by a boar’s host of mingling sterility and frozen from the path written in gold. Bleeding alive from this noisy &feat they converged on a willing soul and scorched his heaven with fire. Thus amazed the chosen one ‘threw his eyelids to the winds and flew away ori the - back of a gigantic eagle. This material ecstasy proved too much for the famished mob who surged foruard to staal a blinding mystery. But as they tore a t


We made up our own games I-ank as school yard weeds, none I wanted to be good at / since we played no rules that a tough enough shout could above. the roar of the wind .


Dancing down the days these were the golden years, waving as the drunken earth weaved spinning out the dying d&k yawning through the trees oh, well we saw the lying of the limbs, brown teeth stretched across the earthquake watching ail the evenings by asboys skipped ‘round the porches smacking feet pounding down the and the grey sun frqwns in passing

But I got caught in the run for home. by




350 the chevron

My careful poet’s game is still suprisec by that sudden smash in the face from the newest kid in the grade establishing his class. Mike



oh those were the senseless days when senses met our minds and rode them down to dreams oh these.are the times we wish we had though they passed us years apart in our once green hearts long we watch for signs of days ago soon before we know, we knew those days are by and round.



Like the names of Sports’ Day heroes my comrades tossed and traded, . I wrote strict poems of secret rage and spat blood from the frail cave of the school’roon(I like staying in at recess).


That night, Mother Rabbit Tucked little Peter safely into his snugly feather bed Beneath his warm eiderdown quilt. “Good night, little Peter,” she said, Then kissed him and turned out the light. Peter. lay quietly for a moment, massaging his stomach (Which ached after puking up the rotten carrots) Then gingerly touched the bandage-swather Remnant of the ear which Farmer MacGregor Had blasted off with his shot-gun. “Aw shit!” he muttered.


I grew up cursing openness.

Ian Angus



No rich kids tyrannized our ‘sun flat prairie town.

iorward to steal a blinding mystery. But as they tore a tiny miracle from ,the rib of the leader who was still exuding green mist the ground opened fW~n~-‘ath their feet exposing the face of a cyclops clncircled by headless worms. Smashing the mystery ca~‘~lr-n.s this tameless reality tore the secret from thG- hands and flung it to the ground where it grt’\l into n fanatic daisychain intermingled with dra~on’s ears. 7hus exposed the crowd retreated to fhcl ilattcst ground to elude the heights- and cl~pths of mountainous creativity. The ragged crew IWLXYI on choosing a stony marigold and occasionally iintling <I living fantasy on which to feed their r~jcsly. kt from this feeding the fantasy emerged LXJW and stronger until it too battled the .. III~~LWS~~ iron, groundless fascination.



ala baster heaven corrodes inexplica bie to perfumed towers incandescent obscurity and strikes my face .bieached does this marvel torture gastric? ponder fuel monstrous harmonies? pull teeth singly from my head? or snatch stars greedily from owning fear tarnished abbey patching gashed elevator splinter? merely moth eyeballs burning skewered rotting bones beneath outside sequence illusion suspending under a flayed calf’s belly burning in midnight’s stolen oil graziag Jupiter’s monsoon body tearing savage hair beyond words exclaiming “surely you’ve seen a young cow’s feet” does this little armchair preview scatter ail you psychic straws? bend and bow to power naked discovered beneath illusion sores? cast loose and show me wonders turning fleeing, fingers burning feet swallow mountain flaming custard join to rapture fool’s complete. Ian Angus





Sna,gged and stfetched slowly by the minute hand, Your veins tauten towards the. separating snap, The battle parade behind flagstaffs of stained porcelain Led by those who cvumpied dollar bills, Stuffed them in your ears, and left.

Sucked back into the universal womb In an inglorious flood of dr6ol and urine, The secret war under your quaking ftannei skies Taken over by those wh,o piled the flowers, . Weighting on your chest, and feft:

, ,

Left with your Bounced back


quivering words at you from hollow wails: “My, my.”





window the tragic rapist and his partner who carries with him the pallor steal silent in the moonless night leaving carrion flesh to waste in the morning sun.



a. di franc0

Autumn coming and the field grasses pollen sea tters

shiver; I

for -Bernadette

As shadows do fade, our father of moon fulls in face to reflect one sun that, till now, has /aced and lain in my woman’s womb, which nurtures now as apricots and lots of leaves that tumble, tumbling to take on airs,. become but one when day’s but done and come to birth. Lift to height, swaddle round long brown dress, longing, about which curls our child’s as lady descends down staris, to hearth and warmth of beating hearts to breasts. as though in jest to me a smile he smiles, my woman’s heart’s undone, neath bosom shadows, draped in down, ‘round our armsha wled son.


ma’r y hoimes

Shadows to catch by circling sun, never a one in passing days though means and ways are on the side, and back, of ones who love in sun.

thigh, legs

The old man in the park half hidden behind a jail of trees doles out food to attendant pigeons passing the seeds slowly- through arthritic fingers as one might a rosary slowly, slowly as if eternity rested . on the ‘last bead the final decade the chain 1 and circle begin again Harding

d. j. Osborne


15 October




0 3

this IS

f-n\ studio, where I affect art, hoardIng ra\z’ material for that intent: - the stained clothing of old lovers, - the scales of dead monsters, - the pipes of rusted sinking. m\ upstairs neighbor is an old cancer-ridden <I ho is “just glad i’m not another damn musician.” I hear her men go in and out, up the stairs, I)ast ni\ dodr.


1. am content here. I come here all the time. I am quiet and have few visitors. I make coffee on a hot-plate, I cram art -stuff into frames like one crams meat ,‘su bmarine”. Into a oh, \es - and I smoke a lot , and dream of getting cancer. A storj,




this: .

One bright fall indian tnorning I arri\/ecf here as pensive and thoughtless as on any other morning. A man shoved by me-quite upset it seemed Is my neighbor charging too much? ,\I\ room was different when i entered. I tound a foot threw my back wall; just stuck the’re near the window down by the floor. the moulding was broken and there were chips of plaster betlzfeen the toes. It was a beautiful footI thought of painting it but laughed at that-what should I paint it-chrome, like a fixture? It was such a delicate foot, with fine pale toes.

But again I am plagued, my eyes are focused on the wall and I fight them back to the task at hand. I fought and cursed the drop of humanity that might still be left inside me. and then I saw her foot turn blue and in anguish I screamed. I ran from the room I threw open my door and stood breathless before the door to the outside. . I stopped and listened. 1 he sound of another door behind me made me stop and wait. I turned at last and now I could see both through my door down the long funneled electric-bright studio and also up the steep shadowed stairs to my neighbor. She was there now, smiling down on me, leaning out to me- I felt her there. but my eyes fixed only on the window of my room. for there i could see my face; rain splattered, crying to come in. I was still. My eyes lifted to the woman above’ me. She cackled and winked and so I went up to her.

I he storm I suppose,

passed, sometime in the early morning. I was not aware. I found myself alone in the passage-way by my studio cioor stiff and bruised. and so Gbd-weary. I found the small sink where I mix my colours and let the water gush cold for some moments while I leaned against the basin. I don’t think I was surprised when two slender arms reached up to me from the sink; bringing the cool liquid to my face, bathing my pin-pricked eyes and messaging with gentle fingers my aching head. tventually I turned again to my easle. I pushed the crazy swirling canvas there aside and placed a plain white card there in its place. -1he sign would read:

1 here was a morning glare on my one window but I could make out the prone, slender body of a young woman. She was smooth like a bar of soap with waves of brown curls and small deliberate breasts. I assumed her to be the owner of the foot. I also dticided that this was the most interesting Incident that had happened here since the previous iall, when a migrating bird had flown right into this very window (I keep it meticulously cleqn) He had sat for several hotirs, stunned and perfectly <till exactly where this woman now lay. I wondered how long she would stay.






:With this new inspiration I worked well for a while. My canvas grew brilliant, revitalized. I invented colour all over again and instead of black, I deepened tone with complementary


by: robin




the wino spat, examined his effort, and rolled over in his Sunday Times. a. di franc0


a. di franc0

OFFERINGS Publication of creative material is difficult. We offer you a place for your offerings: plays, sketches, graphics, poetry, prose, short stories, nondescript articles, just anything dealing in a creative medium. We don’t guarantee that all material will be published, but we do promise that anything printed will not be edited. Ideas; love ‘em. For instance, ike to work with a sketch artist

a couple of us working in poetry would - expansion and integration of media.

Articles should be typed exactly as desired printed; you misspell something and we’ll duplicate it. Stuff your goods into an envelope marked “the inkpot monkey” atid drop it into the chevron office. Leave us a name and phone number if you want to get in on the publication side, _want to talk over ideas, pr just shoot the shit. We can shoot too.




e. holmes

Steve izma

/ 352 the chevron


caught between time and space

One deep late evening, still at work the bitter sky creaked and split open like a monstrous milktieed seeding the world with harsh stones of winter. A crashing black hand whipped the air with leaves and dead grass and the hard ground was thrashed with sticks of rain. My senses were on fire my painting seemed to rage in front of me. She was still there, her delicate white foot still hung from my wall. I shuddered for her cold body‘ I hated her to be so cold. but though my conscience trdmbled I stayed with my painting like a soldier. yet my mind wandered again. the wind exploded whipping the rain still harder. Must I be inside alone? Paint! I thought again. You can build a shrine for her if she dies and besides such obsession is unhealthy, I thought, and lit another cigarette.




Tim Over the next few days I became very attached to n1y “foot”. I felt no need to question it or its owner’s presence there. I enjoyed watching her too. I liked to watch her speaking, I even knew what she was saying and smiled at her while drinking my morning coffee, which, by the way, tasted much better now-with company. I guess I loved her. I spent more and more time at the studio-almost shared now. I went home less and less and all night I heard the bed springs of my neighbor, the old cancerous whorewhat a good host she was.


Craig millage

d-j. osborr-!






exfru protection,


The Canada safety council has the stopping distances of vehicles highway, released its report on the 1971 equipped with standard winter tests of the effectiveness of snow, studded and snow tires. But the increased friction provided by regular highway and snow tires, of sand became tire chains and the application studded tires, insignificant when the temsanded ice surfaces. perature dropped to the 10 degree A main conclusion of the report range. is that studs, tire chains and Studded tires and chains sanded ice are effective at temprovided the biggest decrease in peratures near freezing (but give motorists no extra protection at stopping distances on ice near the temperatures near zero in com- freezing point with the advantage nullified as the temperature apto regular highway sparison - tires. proached zero. Snow tires did not “The Council considers the tests reduce stopping distances on clear provided valuable new information ice in comparison to regular highregarding safe winter driving way tires. When fjtted to all four techniques,” J. C. Thackray, ~wheels studded tires actually president of the council and increa$ed the stopping distance at executive vice-president, bell temperatures near the freezing . Canada, commented. “They show point. conclusively that there is no substitute for caution and skill in Cornering ability these adverse driving conditions.” The tires were tested for stopStudded tires fitted to all four ping distances and in simulated wheels improved manoeuvering lane change manoeuvers indiability in the simulated lane Catillg COl'llfXhlg ability at temperchanges by some 50 per cent on atures ranging from freezing to clear ice near the freezing point in five below on ice surfaces; for comparison to regular highway or stopping distances on sanded ice snow tires. However, the speeds at surfaces and for starting traction which the vehicles equipped with on ice and hard-packed snow surthese tires and aids were able to faces. make the manoeuver were relatively low in both cases. Stopping distances In the higher temperature range, sanded ice reduced significantly

EM studies


The environmental studies library, originally the map library of the department of geography, is located on the main floor of the social sciences building. The core of the environmental studies library collection consists of some 35,000 maps, supported by 2,000 books and reports, 300 atlases, 100 periodical suband 2,006 aerial scriptions, photographs. It is the principal

The advantage provided by studs disappeared when temperatures


in new


repository of maps on the campus, though not the only one. Its books and journals are mainly duplicates of copies in the arts and EMS collections. Like the other libraries, its facilities are open to all members of the university. Further information on the environmental studies library can be obtained if you visit SSC 246, or telephone local 2795.

Appear On Co&t To Coast T.V.: -

ask questions


the audience

“Marriage today is a joke” claims feminist



“The wa r in Asia must be won in order to justify the lives of Americans lost so far”



member of Viet Nam Veterans for a Just Peace “Sex before marriage wrong!’ says reigning

MiSs America Laurie Lea Schaufer One other guest to be announced


on Under


ck .

THEATRE OF THE ARTS 7:00 PM WED OCT 20 THURS OCT 21 Tickets Available Fre’e at Theatre ox Office Days of Peylob-nja ncE$


Chains provided the most bite in the starting traction tests on clear ice followed by studded tires on rear wheels only. Studded tires fitted on all four wheels provided somewhat less traction. Starting traction tests on hardpacked snow - so hard that tires left no tread mark - again showed, that chains provide the best advantage. Snow tires gave no advantage compared to regular highway tires and studded tires gave no consistent improvement compared to the same snow tires unstudded. The 1971 winter tests programme was undertaken by council in co-operation with the federal Mnistry of transport, the Ontario idepartment of transportation and communications and the Quebec roads department. Drivers for the vehicles were provided by the Ontario provincial police and the test vehicles by the department of national defense. The programme was a continuation of the 1970 tests on the effectiveness of studded tires. Copies of the 1971 winter tests report are available from the Canada safety council, 30 Driveway, Ottawa K2P lC9 at ‘$1 each.

SAT. OCT. 16, 8: 15 P.M. Concert - Czech String Quartet Conrad Grebel College Series Admission $2.00, children under

12 $1.00

WED. OCT. 20, 11:30 A.M. Concert - ROBERT MANG - Baritone songs by Handel, Mozart well known composers. Accompanist - Marjorie Wiens Theatre. of the Arts Free Admission



SUN. OCT. 31, 8 P.M. PLAY BACH - JACQUES LOUSSIER TRIO - Updates the baroque art of improvisation, transforming Bach’s themes, into free jazz excursions. Humanities Building Theatre Admission $2.50, students $1.50 Tickets available at Central Box Office, ext. 2126 Pre Concert FRENCH BUFFET - Faculty Club - 5-7 pm $2.50 per person LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR TRAL





,regime in Spain of modern for amnesty be covered a f conference Tragedies

Spanish aristocrat turned activist, the duchess of Medina Sidonia will be a key speaker at the Canadian conference for amnesty in Spain to be held at Ontario institute for studies in education building, Toronto, October 22, 23, 24. Author of two books dealing with social conditions in Spain today, the %-year-old duchess spent a year in gaol for her activities in support of farmers’ and fishermen’s claims against the US foreign claims commission after four hydrogen bombs were accidentally dropped near

Palomares on the south coast of Spain in january, 1967. The diminutive duchess (five feet tall, 95 pounds), who prefers to dispense with her titles and be known simply as Isabel Alvarez de Toleclu, was sent to prison for organizing a march on Madrid by farmers and fishermen dissatisfied with compensation paid for property damage and disturbance, of normal’ activities during the massive US H-bomb recovery operations. Because of continuing difficulties over her books and public statements, the duchess

now resides


in Paris.

The conference for amnesty in Spain will focus on the question of political prisoners, political and police repression under the Franc0 regime, the struggle for free trade unions and oppression of minority groups. A representative of the illegal’ workers’ commissions will talk about the growing dissatisfaction of Spanish workers with the government-controlled syndicates and how workers are creating their own clandestine trade union organizations. In spite of the threat gaol sentences, groups of workers continue to meet secretly to discuss wage tactics, safety conditions and other matters of common interest. Many members of workers’ commissions have been sent to gaol or fired from their jobs for illegal union activities. A number of students organizing democratic unions in the universities also have been gaoled. “This conference will try to bridge some of the gaps in our knowledge of social and political conditions in Spain today-thirtyodd years after Franc0 took power ,” said John H. Morgan, confererice co-chairman. “Canadians can be proud of the (the MackenzieMat-Paps Papineau Batallion which fought against Franc0 in the Spanish civil war) and of the Canadian Blood Transfusion Service organized with such dramatic success by Dr Norman Bethune in the early days of the civil war, but today Spanish workers are looking for a different kind of support. “Spanish workers today need the support of world public opinion to help them win the right to organize democratic trade unions, to win freedom of assembly and freedom to express themselves without the threat of gaol and other repressive measures.” Conference speakers will include Julio Alvarez de1 Vayo, foreign minister in the Spanish republican government (1936-39) ; Marcos Ana, Spanish poet imprisoned for 23 years by Franc0 and now a leader in the movement to free political prisoners ; Robert Colodney , professpr at university of Pittsburgh, veteran of the international brigade, author of “Spain : the Glory and the professor Federico Tragedy” ; Gaeta, university of Buffalo, an informed observer of the Spanish political scene. Among prominent Canadians taking part are Andrew Brewin, MP, David Macdonald, MP, June Callwood, Eamon Park and other leading figures in the cause of civil liberities. Workshops will be held on political prisoners in Spain, the struggle for free trade unions, land ownership and social discontent, division within the church, cultural oppression, Spain in the world today, and Canadian policy toward Spain. Informed resource people both from within and outside Spain will take part in each workshop. The conference for amnesty in Spain grew out of concern over the growing climate of repression Spain, particularly following the Burgos trials of six Basque political prisoners last december and has attracted wide interest among civil libertarians, trade unionists churchmen, parliamentarians and academics across Canada and in the United States. The conference will open with a public meeting at OISE auditorium, friday evening, october 22, to be followed by workshops, films and seminars, Saturday and sunday, october 23 and 24.


354 the dhevron

, Wilfred by Tony



the chevron

Lawrence Ferlinghetti read his poetry at York university on Wednesday October 6. A fairly bald man of moderate proportions, with a beard flecked white lending support to the fact that he is now 52, an aged beatnick, he had sold out the show and we had to wait to see if there was room once all the people with tickets had occupied their seats. Fortunately we were admitted, Six people, two seats, but we didn’t mind for none of us had ever heard him read and only some of us had read his poetry, albeit with mixed feelings. We sat awaiting the bodily manifestation of the much acclaimed bard. Lawrence was ready. The introducer assured us that we would love him-he did. The bard will speak, taking now only a moment’s praise as the beating hands of the long-haired audience enjoined his presence. Indeed we awaited this combination of age and words, this synthesis of thought and muse, this spoken word. We didn’t jar much even as he held up the familiar copy of A Coney Island of the Mind thinking that everyone is entitled to attempt to promote their works: It was the words we had come words we got. for, and Newyorkamericansanfrancisco poetry read up and down, high and low, in and out, soft and emphatic-somehow very American but perhaps, just perhaps, trying to be other than that. Sitting firm I attempted to decipher the code of that language, to understand its mood and its undulations. I knew that there must be some capsule word which would unfold its meaning. I still think there is one. Coney Island and virgins and



unclothed natives of San Francisco battled to create a scenario ; even Saint Francis tried, along with but somewhat removed from Ezra Pound, to capture a scene in the baseball park. Ferlinghetti had an audience and he knows how to play it, perhaps so well that he doesn’t even worry how he plays it. The audience could disperse but it was inconcieva ble that they would ; ‘besides there would be no refund. The feeling that this was hip (even if beatnicks are old stuffGinsberg still writes) permeated the auditorium making it uncool that one should be so square as to not understand that this was poetry. At least wait until intermission ; and the crowd-packed hall did offer a good number of vacant seats during the second half. But now? The audience sat captive to Ferlinghetti. Allusions to the sexual act and especially the word fuck seemed to please the audience a great deal, evidenced by the murmur of knowing guffaws and rippling chuckles. There was no sentimental drivel here. One of us was somewhat impetuous and requested that he read ‘one of his more sensitive poems. Seemingly to his mild chagrin, and to the wonder of the audience who sat through this impetuous and maudlin request, he proceeded to read a poem about real people doing real things like falling asleep in a park, without an undershirt, observed by birds. With this brief interlude complete, Ferlinghetti set himself back upon his former track much to the satisfaction of the audience. Segovia travels from Spain to Siberia, long and heavy, reaching his warm hand to thaw the snowclad earth-one of us fell asleep but awoke, luckily, before

his droning snore rivalled Ferlinghetti’s commentary. Intermission was nigh with promises of a full schedule of events for the second half. Ferlinghetti would chant his poetry to the accompaniment of an autoharp, as well as a presentation of his poetry illustrated by his nine year old son. During intermission I chanced to meet an old friend who reassured me by saying, “You can’t really tell about a poet by one of these readings”. I was glad as he confirmed that Ferlinghetti would show his true mettle in this next half. The lights dimmed preparing the scene for the projection of his son Lorenzo’s illustrations. Wilfred Funk sniffs ‘bicycle seats drew a raving response from a smaller but most receptive audience. Wilfred Funk eats pussy was a close second and Wilfred Funk farts in bed was even a bit funny. Lawrence had written the words and his son had illustrated them with Wilfred Funk contorted in line drawings, with penis in correct position. Lorenzo now has a bookno puritan earwashed kid here. For his last act Ferlinghetti took out his autoharp and began to chant his dirges to its sound. The chanting over, he announced an eight minute unpublished poem to conclude his performance. .The poem lasted, as predicted, eight minutes. Ferlinghetti had his show, and with pen in .hand he signed his name as record to the milling crowd forming about him. Outside we learned that the last poem had the effect of blowing someone’s mind. We thought we had missed something until the same person whose mind had been blown asked seriously of his friend, “Who was the r$al Wilfred Funk”.

Are YOUGraduatinaThi







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81 white

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redo& South’s call of two spades was conventional, showing a hand containing at least five spades and four clubs with 12 to 16 HCP’s. His hand is actually quite minimum for the bid. North then bid 2 NT to ask south to clarify his shape. The bid of three clubs showed specifically 5-2-2-4 shape. North chose to leave the contract here feeling that game was remote. West started the heart seven hoping that east would find the spade switch. East won the heart ace and noted the drop of the queen from declarer’s hand. He saw that declarer could easily scamper for nine tricks, even with the five-none trump split. He then played the ace and queen ^of clubs ^^ - to try - to prevent

by Joe



the chevron


1 ) 1

Matchpoints NS Vulnerable South Deals

NORTH S. VOID H. J 10 6 D.AJ10985 C. K 10 9 3








WEST S. K J 10 9 8 H.75432 D. 6 4 2 C. VOID

The Auction :


PHOTOGRAPHERS 154 King e----------v----~

s. 7 4 3

H.A98 Il. Q 7

SOUTH S.AQ652 H. K Q D. K 3 C.8654 South 2s 3c Heart 7.

West pass pass


North 2N


Largest Selection of Posters In The Universe

East pass pass

bs, led a heart to the king, played ace of spades and ruffed a spade, played a diamond to the king and ruffed a spade with the club ten. East overruffed but




in analysing


did not allow for the fact that south ‘knew nothing ’ of the five-zero trump break.-South will normally contract

can still be made with



Post&s Clearing at 25’ - 95c

Visit Our Freak Out Room ,41 King N.

Waterloo friday

15 October






-get together

For the first time in football history the warriors won three games in a row. Their third win was over the eighth ranked MacMaster marauders by the score of 33-7. As opposed to the other games of the season in- which a few in.dividuals played outstandingly well the whole team played well and it was reflected on the scoreboard.









The warriors took firstblood on a 38 yard field goal by Steve Boghossian that was set up three downs earlier when Stu Koch blocked a Mat punt. The 3-O lead held to late in the first quarter when Mark Baldasaro scored from five yards out to give Mat their only score of the game. The offense which was playing by far and away its best game of the year finally put points on the


by Sergio Zavarella, the chevron their third straight game.

off puce

The second round of the OUAA golf championship was a nightmare for the golfing warriors as the nothing seemed to go right as birdie putts hung on the rim of the cup seemingly defying the law of gravity. Coach Pearse made no excuses for the loss but several legitimate excuses could be offered for some of the high Warrior scores. One of the things that was most obvious was the worsening weather conditions as the day went on and this effected the warriors more than the other team as the low scores from the first day were the last off the tee the second day and the warriors carried two strokes into the final round. Wit.h everything going wrong all day it looked like the warriors were out of contention but Dave Holliger went to the par five eighteenth tee looking for a birdie and a hope of salvaging a tie for first with MacMaster. He smoked a drive too but his second shot caught a tree guarding the green and his ball rolled back down the hill and almost into the water hazard. Hollinger dug deep into his golfing bag of tricks and came up. with a beautiful recovery shot that left him with a twelve foot putt for

356 the chevron

Rick Howse rushed for a total of 138 yards in twenty carries and he graciously* gave credit to the offensive line for much of this total. As a result of the win over Mat the warriors are in playoff contention but the list of possibilities is both complicated and long. A win over Western this weekend is practically a necessity since the two best teams from the Western advance to the conference playoffs.

by one

the needed birdie. He putted the ball and as far as anyone could see it was in the center of the cup but as it rolled, it caught a spike mark and stopped less than an inch from the cup, Dave Hollinger had a 74-80 for 154, one shot off medalist honours; Tim McCutcheon finished with a 75-81 for 156; Jim Melville had an


for IsF;-Ed Heakes a 77-81 for 158; and Tom Porter a 79-82 for 161 for a total of 624. MacMaster had a 623 and Toronto finished with a 625. The team finishes the season with 42 wins and .3 losses and it is interesting that one of those wins was a 20 plus shot victory over mat. 80-77

the chevron

The basketball athenas will have their work cut out for them this season. The newly formed OWIAA (Ontario’ women’s intercollegiate athletic association) has not made the row any easier to hoe. Waterloo drew an easier travel schedule but a pretty heavy competitive load. They will play home and home with each of Lutheran, Guelph, MCMaster, Western and Windsor. All five schools have fielded strong teams in the past. The top two teams in this section will proceed the championships which are to be at university of Waterloo where they will meet the top two from the eastern section. These could be any two of Ottawa, Toronto, York, Queen’s and Laurentian. The forecasters are calling for Ottawa and Queens in the east with Waterloo named as one of the two from the west. The final cuts are not all made yet but athena fans can expect to see last year’s m.v .p. and top scorer Patti Bland head onto the court for her fourth season. Jane Liddell and Mary Ann Kozyzanowski should be able to hold down the center position, while Yonna Luypaert and Sue Murphy are expected to be two strong rebounders and scorers. The guard positions have really been vacated due to the graduation of both Mary Ann Gaskin and Charlotte Shaub however there are several strong candidates for the position including five year veteran Jan Meyer and a freshman from st. jeromes-Loretta Mckenzie. -

Randy Hannigan, the chevron


board midway through the second quarter when Chuck Wakefield hit Pete Bedford for a nineteen ya6d touchdown. Steve Boghossian convert made the score 10-7. The only other scoring in the remaining part of the first half and the third quarter were singles of 60 and 52 yards by Steve Boghossian. Going into the third quarter the warriors held onto a slim five point lead but the defense held Mat deep in their own territory and then forced a hurried punt which to Rick Wiedenhocft. MacMaster had been trying to keep the ball away from Weidenhocft and for good reason because about five seconds after he got the ball he had returned it for a touchdown, his fourth punt return of such a nature in the last three games. It is now strictly a ho-hum affair. The warriors never looked back as they added to more touchdown in the fourth quarter with Wakefield passing for touchdowns to Bedford, his second of the game, and Brian Beatty for the other.

In their first exhibition game of the season, the waterpolo warriors posted a resounding 7-l win over the university of Guelph squad. In final preparation for a clasla with the powerful university of Toronto blues tomorrow, the warriors were led by Mike Quince. The sharp shooting warrior caught the guelph goaltender off guard on many occassions and was good for four goals. Superb at protecting the warrior net was Dick Dahlke who proved tough on many breakaway situations. Following the game this weekend, during which the coach Norm McKee promises a few surprises, there is a strong possibility that the Waterloo squad will meet an all star group from Quebec.


Meets planned

Conrad Grebel continued along their winning ways this week registering their 4th straight win, a 21-10 victory over Co-op. This seems like the team to beat this year as their offense has compiled a total of 70 points, also tops in the league. Four other teams-VISouth, L. Math; Optometry and Phys Ed and Ret are also undefeated all with identical 3-O records. Some of the other scores last week : 3 St. Paul’s Phys Ed 14 VI-South 19 VI-North 12 2 Science s Renison 0 V2-NW 9 VI-East 1 The league standings are as follows as of Friday, October 8th:

Co-ed Swim Meet-Wednesday, October 2Oth, 1971 at 8:30 pm in the phys ed pool. Each unit is allowed to enter one relay team per event and there is unlimited competition in the individual events. You may enter through your Intramural rep or by leaving your name with the receptionist in the athletic complex. Entry date : tues act 19th at 5: 00 pm .)







4 0 70 1 119 122140 123 13.1044 --

12 9

8 2 2 2 2

League A Conrad Grebel St. Jeromes co-op Renlson St. Paul’s


League B Vl v2 VI VI Vl Vl

South NW SE West North East

305915 3 1 44 1 1 1 117

34 14 16

6 6 2 2


2 25 39






3 0 28 2 1 33 1129 010 0 3 20

0 22 19 1 42

6 4 2 0 0

30377 30262 1 17 1 1 3 0 3 g 0 3 0

17 12 21 28

6 6 2 2 0 0

League C Phys Ed & Rec. Science Upper Math Grads Upper Eng.

League D Lower Math Bptometry M.E. 28 Cwil 2B Envr. Studies Lower Eng.

Recreational Friday, October 15th is the deadline for recreational inner tube waterpolo and 5 man squash. Inner tube waterpolo is played similar to waterpolo except that all members are sitting in inner tubes. Games are played in the phys ed pool 7:30-9:3O pm on Wednesday evenings. 5-man squash teams consist of 5 members-each player has one match with one other team per week. The team who score 3 member wins out of 5 wins the match. League starts october 25th.

Archery-Monday, October 25th at 7 :OO pm in the red upper deck of the phys ed complex. All those qualifying for cIthe championship round on monday night will compete Wednesday, October 27th at 9:OO pm at the same location, Ice Times-are still available for team hockey practices. Simply come into the phys ed office and sign the sheets posted on the board.

Singles squash A single elimination squash tournament open to all students, staff and faculty of the university of Waterloo has been plannedstarting tuesday, november 9th. All matches will be played between 7 :00-11 :00 pm in the phys ed complex squash courts. In order to allow sufficient time for a draw to be made up it is imperative that all registrations be in by 1:OO pm Wednesday, november 3rd. No registrations will be accepted after that time. Registration will be accepted in the phys ed office and a list will be posted in the men’s tote room. The draw will be posted by monday, november 8th by the open squash courts.

Women’s intramural Next week is the last week for scheduled flag football games. The week after that, there will be night play-off games for the first and second team in each league. These are the flag football results from Wednesday, October 6th : League I 0 Conrad Grebel 0 VI-South 1 Vl-North Vl-East 22 St. Pauls 13 PE & Ret 13 League II 0 VI-East 2 V2-North V2-South defaulted to Co-op St. Jeromes 7 6 Renison Entries must be in thursday, October 21st for the indoor tennis tournament which will be held tuesday, October 26th. Broomball entries for co-ed teams must be in by friday the 22nd. The next WIAC meeting is monday, October 18th at 6:30 pm in the physical education complex.

?ksychology of the’ superior athlete R MIROSLAV VANEK spoke before a handful of interested observers last week on the much neglected area of sport psychology. After a brief complement to lub, Dr. Vanek brought to view many aspects of a subject well supported in the european countries but sadly overlooked on this continent. Realizing the large spectrum of talent from which the united states draws it’s ‘superior’ athletes, Vanek pointed out the importance of smaller countries, like Canada and Czechoslovakia, developing all the talent available within their borders to the fullest extent. The theories and assumptions of this noted sport psychologist “comes from years of experience in the area and his applied research at Charles university in Prague. Dr. Vanek was appointed to the Czechoslovakian Olympic team at the Mexico city games as team psychologist, and is presently serving as chairman of the department on sport psychology in the faculty of physical education at Charles. I Coaches, he noted, are far too busy developing the skill level of *an athlete and neglecting the improvement of the athlete’s mind towards higher achievement. The actual psychological changes that can be accomplished may, within minutes or seconds, affect a performance increase requiring months or even years to obtain if only the skill increase was stressed. This should explain why athletes may perform superbly on a given day, yet a week later produce a substandard effort. Dr. Vanek’s reference to ‘superior’ athletes includes those qualifying for Olympic competition or any other measure of world calibre skill. ’ The challenge presented to the sport psychologist involves the proper ‘peaking’ condition of the superior athlete for a major competition. This state extends from the ‘long term prestart state’ which may begin months before the actual competition to the ‘race state’ occuring during the actual event. To optimize the level of activation and produce a high ‘psych’ condition, athletes the world over use many methods to get ‘up’ for competition. Sleep, according to Dr. Vanek, is one of the major superstitions in the area of ‘getting psyched’ immediately preceeding competition. He referred to research pointing out that a lack of sleep the night to competing does not affect to a significant degree the physiological outcome of short duration activity. ’ The warm-up beyond the point of injury prevention is more a ’ regulation of arousal level than a physiological necessity.







. -counts


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by Dennis McGann,, , the chevron.

. -a .


Sex effect Music, dancing and sexual activity were some other parameters alluded to as possible tension regulating; mechanisms during the immediate precompetitive time period. Commenting on the latter parameter, Dr. Vanek considers this very helpful but doubtful in it’s effects, not from lack of interest in the area but rather substantiated research. The coach’s role was never belittled by the speaker, but rather, he sees his role as an assistant in an advisory capacity. The psychologist engages the athlete in normal conversation either in a sympathetic vein or an antipathetic one depending on the athletes needs at the moment. Antipathy tends to produce anger in the individual which sometimes improves performance. Continuing on this thought, Dr: Vanek expanded the role of anger in competition. To produce a superior perfomance, the coach or psychologist must impart to the athlete the knowledge and .skill,of maintaining a ‘cool’ outer appearance regardless of the mental processes he is undergoing. The athlete should also not show any irritance at the external environment (weather conditions, officiating> but attempt as often as possible to produce a hot, or ‘uncool’, anger in the opposition. Autosuggestion and hypnosis were other methods mentioned although the latter is a questionable practice. Above all, Dr. Vanek stated, “He must realize that he is well trained and ready He added that if the athlete ‘supposes not to be for competition”. prepared, then poor performance r&ults’.. Because it is more difficult to develop psychological factors in a ‘superior’ athlete than the physical skill, the psychologist considers it the coaches duty to continually increase the athlete’s tolerance for ‘unsuccess’ and increase his need for achievement. Based on his ‘platform of coaching’ model, Dr. Vanek claimed an integration of sports organization, training systems, body science personnel and mind science experts will produce a superior athlete out of a skilled performer. Countries incorporation all these factors will provide champi/ons in the Montreal Olympics and those beyond according to Dr. Vanek. to continually encourage their athletes in becoming selfmotivated and self-educated, decreasing the amount of coach dependency. The point at which the champions are seperated from the ‘others’ in Dr. Vanek’s opinion comes in the area of the psychologist in peaking the athlete for the event through many,avenues open. l As team psychologist for his nation’s ice hockey team, Dr. Vanek is well versed on the level of play in Europe. In an off-thec-uff prediction on the outcome of a hypothesized series between the USSR and an NHL team, he sees the north americans taking &ore than half the games (but not many more>.



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15 october





. . . . . . . . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : ~ ~ . : . :...... .: .. :. .. : . : . : . : . : ~ . : . : . : . .: .. :. ..:...: .. : . : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ : . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : . : ~ : ~ : . : . ~ . ~ : ~ . : . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . %. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~~~.~~~:ss::.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~;:~:.:~:.:.:~~.~~~.:~:~:~~:::::~~.:~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . ~ .1. . . . .. .. . . . . .. *. .. .. .. .. ......... .. .. .Y. .. ....~. . . .. .. .. .. .. .I . .* ., .. .. . , ,.v . . . . . . >. . .........................A .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . ~. . . . . ~ : .: .: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . ,. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .*. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... .... .... ............................................................................... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ......................................................~.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . : f. .. :. .. :. . : . ~ . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . ...~. ..~. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. ‘... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.~ .~. .,.:.....~Z~~. , : .. . .*: .*: ~. . :.. .~. :...: .. .: .. ~. .. ~ . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . y . . . . . . 9. .. a.... .. .. .. .. .. . . ... ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... S..................-.....~ ..... t ........ ... .I. 7. . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . * A . . . . . . . . <*: * . * . ~ . ~ . * . * . * . * . * . * , * . “..:.:.>:*:.:.: .. --q.:.:.:.:.:.:.

. s:::~.:.:~.:.” iJf..>py>y-

feedback An open letter to M. Trudeau I have read your exclusive interview with editor A.C. Forrest, published in the September issue of Observer. I was greatly moved by your deeply humanistic approach towards politics and religion. The interview spoke eloquently of the essential humanism in you-your abiding faith in peace and freedom, trust and tolerance. However, it is your pragmatic approach towards the concept of peace that has touched my heart mor’e than anything else. YOU agree that peace is not an end in itself and that enforced social order within the curtains of military totalitarianism has little relevance towards the realisation of a just society. You go on even to’ subscribe to violence, when it is directed against authoritarianism, military repression and colonialism-areas where the concepts of legal and democratic process have no validity. I have come to Canada about two weeks back from amidst the ruins of what remains of my countryEast Bengal. It is in the context of your qualified consent to violence under specified circumstances, that I am writing this letter. The people of East Bengal have taken to violence not as an end in itself, but as a means to overthrowing the organised governmental violence that now surrounds them viciously on all sides and establishing the ultimate ends of freedom, justice and peace. The road to that end is a long one and a very ardous 3ne. But that is the only conceivable end and the verdict is clearly written on the wall, because as you say, one can not contain ideas by military force. The only pertinent question is, how many more millions must pay the price for it. On behalf of my people, I acknowledge with gratitude the sympathy and understanding shown by the people of Canada. We desperately need help, sympathy and understanding. We have got some. We would welcome more.

55 King St. N. adio





A Bengali Student

A chevron fan! Phone


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Alright, you win: I’ve broken down and I’m going to put out seven cents for a stamp so that I can mail you this little request. It’s not much mind you, in fact I’m rather embarrassed to even write and ask a big outfit like the chevron for it. The truth of the matter is that I miss it. I really do. I miss my little chevron. There, I’ve said it and I’m glad. I know that my chevron also misses me because we had the thing going before I left for my work term and well, you probably know that love is never having to say “stop the presses” and that’s

the way I feel about old chev. I know you wouldn’t want to break up a great thing like this, so won’t you please, please, please send me my chevron which I have already paid for. If I don’t get it I’ll just have to get my money back and I’m sure you wouldn’t want’ that so why don’t you do your job and send me the god damn thing. D. Gooier Kin 3A

Mauriat review pure bullshit Re the review of Paul Mauriat by Lynn Bowers -BULLSHIT !Perhaps if Miss Bowers had opened her eyes she would have appreciated Mauriat more. To give an example of her keen senses, Gaston’s “trumpet” was a tuba. Also if she had cleaned out her ears she would possibly have heard the rest of the audience in stitches as Gaston “was playing hackneyed farces.” And obviously a standing ovation and cries for encores were indicators of the audience’s boredom and disgust with his performance. Mauriat is a brilliant artist. I for one was disappointed that the concert was only two hours long. The Mauriat concert was the most entertaining one I have been to since Lighthouse. I shall not repeat the pleas that have been made for better critics; I say only that the best use I can find for the chevron at present is in my plant press. Jeff Spring Biology 3

Sloppy sex? Re : White intellectual peek-aboo sex by Peter Lang. Peter, It seems you take things too seriously. After all, if one cannot be sloppy with sex, when is it permissable to be sloppy? Eugene Bourgeois integrated


Hats off... Don Nichol’s latest note on violence (Oct. 1 edition) gets a “right on”. Suggestion arising from it is that Nichols do a followup on forced mercenariness, vis 2 vi the unavailability of meaningful jobs in the preserit society. (The broad Websters definition of “mercenary” is “one that serves o@y for wages.“> Hats off to a bright light in the middle of a lot of potential. Bruce Steele Arts



The Kitchener public library board has cancelled the use the meeting room in the library on October ‘20 by the Kitchener worker’s activity group. In a statement from the board it was explained that the library facilities are available to cultural and recreational groups only. The facilities are not open to political or religious groups for a number of unspecified reasons s The Kitchener worker’s activity

group represents the Communist party of Canada (MarxistLeninist identity omitted when the room was booked. The library is trying to contact the group to return a deposit, already paid. The Kitchener worker’s activity group is working with the Canadian workers’ movement, Canadian revolutionary youth and the Canadian socialist movement, all of whom are sponsoring the meeting. /









by Randy Hanngan the chkvrdn


Tease -non-stop -nothing held back -everythin-g goes * won t be drsappoinfed

Last thursday and. friday oui tennis warriors were at western competing for the OUAA western division tennis championship. The tournament was run on a round robin basis with each team receiving one point per victory. Each player was matched against theScorrespondingly ranked player from each of the other four schools. Doubles teams were formed and the same playing format was followed. John Pezzack, number one seed for the warriors, defeated only one of his singles opponents, but teamed up with Brian Robertson to win all four of their doubles matches. This feat qualified them to be sent to queens this weekend to represent the western division in the doubles competition. There they will play-off against the winners of the eastern division, the university of toronto blues. Brian, in addition to his doubles victories, earned the team three more points by defeating three of his four singles opponents. Axe1 Larson (third seed), gained one point through his efforts in the singles and then teamed up with John Beatty for the doubles. Together they added three more points to the team total. John, in his singles played extremly well winning all four of his singles matches and added four more points for the team. With points all totalled, Waterloo - Randy Hannigan, the chevron ended up with 16 of a possible 24 Warrior tennis players served and played well, but only placed two points, to finish second in the team players in the group travelling to kingston next weekend for the standings. Western with 21 points, ‘championship. ’ took the team championship, although they did not win--any of in the short practice season. There to practice, this practice time the individual categories. Windsor are only two and a half weeks being controlled by the Waterloo finished third followed by Mactennis club, since the team uses. between the start of the practices Master and Guelph. and the OUAA tournament. . their tennis facilities. . The first week is taken up Hopefully, in the near future eliminating the thirty odd hopefuls when the university gets their own Coach Gary Buckley felt that the down to a team of five. The team ‘tennis courts the tennis potential problem with this years team lay has only two hours a day in which : on this campus can be realized.

Think of a politician and you immedi-ate!y speeches, .tax-money, promises., But Brian isn’t an old-style politician.

Final tmck in-- ~_~-_Loncfon_-- foduv - - _~ wutmu~ -~ -~~-,- _ -,--,

ife’s young-34 years old-and he’s more interested in doing things for the people he represents than talking about it.



Of the seventeen events featured today, Waterloo has a good chance of taking first place honours in eight. Western is expected only to accumulate six gold medal positions while the 220 yards, 880 yards and the pole vault will ’ probably go elsewhere. George Neeland and Mike


Brian.Turnbull isn’t an Old-style. politician

- ~~--~-

be comprised of Neeland, McGann, Humphries and Murray. This relay ‘group should see a new record entry in the books this year. Quarter miler Al Monks this Bill Lindley and Dennis McGann week suffered a leg injury and will will both be in action today and so - not compete in today’s meet far this season, no other comseriously affecting the mile relay petitor has come close to their team’s chances and team points in performances in the triple and long the 440 yard event. Coach Arthur jumps. Taylor, however, is optimistic With freshman sprinter Mike about his teams chances adding Murray. showing excellent form, that this freshman loaded team the loo-yard raceshould o&e again has surprised the entire league and fall into warrior hands, as will the will attempt to keep Waterloo’s sprint relay event. The team will winning trend intact.


30 King S - opp. Waterloo Sq. Weekdays 6 : 30- 12 : 30 Sat. 2:00-12:30 Oct. 8th~16th-Matinees daily

Coach critical

The track warriors are off to London in a final face-to-face meeting with the university of western Ontario mustings prior to next weekend’s OUAA championships.



Strenge, both defending champions are anticipated to repeat last year’s performances and continue to dominate the two hurdle events.

When you’re ber 21 election, .

think of Turnbull


thinking about the issues in the Octothink about these things:

Regional government: Brian Turnbull made it clear to provincial government cabinet ministers,-that this area should get a guarantee of costs befoie we get regional government. Rural education taxes: Brian Tumbull told education minister Bob Welch that there should be bigger provincial grants to help rural people feeling the pinch of increased taxes from the new country-wide school board. Either that, or encourage schaol boards to spread the increase over three years. The province has since passed legislation making this load-spreading possible. Universities: Brian Tumbull told the Commission on Post-Secondary Education that universities should pay their fair share of municipal taxes. The provincial gov_ ernment has since passed legislation that has reduced honie owrier taxes in Waterloo. And they’ll be lower still in future. Future water supply: Brian- Tumbull conducted a study into the area’s future water supply and told Energy and Resources Minister George Kerr that he is strongly opposed to a pipeline from Lake Erie to the Twin Cities. If a pipeline is necessary, it should come from Lake Huron. New Hamburg water: Brian Tumbull stepped in to help when New Hamburg ran into a water shortage this summer. The real issue in this election is whether an‘MPP in Waterloo North who does things.

you want


Last friday afternoon the soccer warriors played host to the powerful university of torohto blues. Like all’ considerate hosts they let the visiting team defeat them 3-0. With the warriors playing against the wind they tired near the end of the first half, and toronto scored two goals in the last five minutes of that half. Toronto’s first goal was scored in the initial five minutes of play. The second half remained scoreless.



ProgressiveConservative %Vaterloo North


15 October




21 l

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Y outh unemployment-



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values from $8gg5 to $1250° i or $5ggg $6ggg $8ggg

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N UNFORTUNATE SIDE effect of Canada’s recent economic recession is beginning to show as university enrolment t igures and youth unemployment figures are being tabulated this failCanadian youth from the ages of 15 to 25 have no 1)lac.e to go. The labour force, in these times of high unemployment and the new rash of layoffs (due to President Nixon!s import surcharge), cannot accommodate more than 50 percent of the young workers in the job market. And university enrolment is down all across the country due to the fact that the economic squeeze has caused a severe sh.ortage in summer jobs for students, many families of’ tighter money in students, and higher university admission’ standards caused by provincial governments who cannot afford to subsidize universities to the degree that these institutions have become accustomed. Furthermore, university students are beginning to realize that a college degree is no longer a meal-ticket to a cushy job: as the number of college graduates rises, so rises the rate of unemployment among I,eople younger than 25 years of age. And fewer and fewer grads are getting work in their specific field of qualification. It iS clear, in the midst of this economic turmoil, that the proliferation of governnlent task forces, economic reports, and brainstorm youth employment schemes, are really an attack on the symptoms of youth unemployment. The disease-an economy that stresses private profit ins’tead of distribution of wealth-continues its cancerous course unchecked.

...another study So now, after four frustrating years of uneminflation followed by massive ployment, the government has set up an interdepartmental study group (the term ‘task force’ has become passe because of its embarrassing connotations) to form a “brains trust” to study the economy. They will concentrate on high unemployment among youth, and the relationship of this post-secondary to underenrolment in educational institutes. enrolment for postFor, projected secondary institutes this year was 594,000 students; in reality, the figure is only 5 19,000. Projected enrolment for universities CECEP’s) was (excluding the Quebec 341,000; but the true figure is less than 300,000. ’ Where are the missing students? One they aren’t in the labour thing is certain: force. Over half of the 455,000 unemIjloyed persons in Canada today are under 25. -


AIS YEAR the symptoms of high youth unemployment and low university c)nrolment are going to be hard to erase. A quick look at the following selected items from last month’s daily newspapers quickly dispells the myth that all is right with the national


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o Underenrolment at the university of Calgary forced the board of governors there to implement an immediate budget freeze on the hiring of both academic and support staff. The university, with enrolment almost 2,000 below their proj&tion of 10,600, has committed itself to expenditures which could exceed their known resources. b The unemployment rate for people under 25, despite the federal government’s opportunities for youth program and the promised economic upswing, was higher in july (10.8 percent) and august (9.1 percent) this year than a year ago. Q University of Alberta had 1,206 less students thah the expected 19,500, and have been subsidized by the provincial government so that they will lose no more than 500,000 dollars this year. TV The Kingston city council asked the Ontario government to tighte-n up its welfare legislation when the councillors discovered that 100 of the 301 single men drawing social assistance in that city were under 20 years of age. g Donald McDonald, president of the Canadian labour congress, pointed out that the federal government’s “Employee support bill”. would not help stave off unemployment caused by the U.S. import surcharge. The american government could counteract this immediately by implementing its “Countervailing tariff law” which prevents subsidized industries from undercutting american market prices. d Laurentian University in Sudbury froze its budget for thirty days to study the implications of losing $1,250,000 when only 2,100 students (100 less than last year) enrolled. o McMaster un,iversity, Carleton university and the university of Waterloo are trying to juggle their finances to keep the books balanced in the face of surprising underenrolment. .

Lack money This widespread tendency among students not to leave the labour market this fall has its roots in being unable to afford school full time, or in figuring that a university education no longer holds the certain potential of financial security. But half of those students found that while they were still in the job market, they had little chance of breaking into the employed labor force. It’s hard trying to sell your labor in a capitalist country in times of recession, and a hard economic lesson was learned by many as they waited* in the unemployment office queues.




“Well,” said ,Trudeau

9 “it’s ebeing looked into.” being choosy about jobs, workers under 25 do not have any seniority rights in industry and they are rarely unionized. So they tend to get hired for s.hort tertn work, by construction. firms or by cotnunpredictable seasonal \)atl ies with fluctuations; and in times of recession they are the first to be laid off. (Ianada manpower centers, while I,roviding a iood service, are generally Ignored b\ students who do not realize Manpower s potential in the. labor market. Students have not yet identified Manservice agency and Ijower as a social tonsequently less than IO percent of students receiving summe’r employment tincl their jobs through the Manpower Ceti ters. Unless students have attended a i,olytechnical institute or a vocational rchool, they find it almost impossible to oenef i t from apprenticeship programs, or the government’s training in industry, occupational training for adults (OTA) l,rogram.

,\tot-e than 27,000 kids spent the summer 1°C king up garbage in parks, creating c.otii ni it n i ty newspapers and journals, dotng research on community planning and I~ollutioti, and using up 23.3 million’ .cloltat-4 In non-\)ermanent and generally ( oirnt~tI-I’t-0dItctive ways: youth unetn~)Iq’tn~~nt -this summer was higher than is c’\‘t’r

1.11~ ~utnnler months are traditionally those \I it17 the lo\\est rate ol: utiempto\ merit jet 111 jul\ 514,000 Canadians lout ot a total labor force oi 9,068,OOO) \\ere unemplo\ ed, for an’ unenlpl0ynletlt rate of 5 7 \>ercent And 111august, 445,000 I out ot 8,9 72,000) ‘\\ere out ot’ \vork (5.1 p3wntr

But the o\,erall ~rnemplo~~ment rate retatton to jlouth unemdrtltrcial I I1 ~,lo\ merit, \I tiicti IS much higher. 1 he ~rnem~~lo~~t~~ent rate among workers tram 1-l to 2-l \\as 10.8 percent during july and 9 I percent in august Unemployment among l>ersotis over 25 M’as only 3.5 \,ercet+t tn jut\{ and 3.4 percent in august. 30 go\ ertinit~tit econotii~c pal icies, while IlelpIng older \\,orkers, have not created ~017s tor the j’ocrng.

Serious for the poor, It IS &(Tenera knowledge that unem~~~loynient hits peopfe in the lower-income bracket the hardest for a variety of reasons. Unable to compete for many jobs because they lack the education of the other classes, they are the most ex~~enclable and the least able to protect themselves. But \l,hat few/ people realize is that ~rnen~~~loyment is also a serious problem among those- under 25. Couple this with the fact that overall ut~et~~pIoyt~~ent has been getting worse and \jorse over the past decade (last year’s nattonal unemployment rate of 5.9 percent IS the highest since 1962), and the problem tat trig today’s youthful worker becomes c tear A quick breakdown: unemployment among males trot-n 14 to 19 last year was at 15 0 b>et-cent, the highest since 1961; among males 20-24 it was 10.5 percent (the highest stnce 1961); among females 14-19 tt was ‘1’1.4 percent (the highest ever); and, among females 20-24 it was 5.1 percent I the titghest ever). 1 his year the figures to august are even higher, creating a ble.ak picture for, those \ octng ~~q,le \j,ho have to break into the job market for the first time.

...more studies When unemployment among students reached serious proportions in the summer of. 1968, the federal governtnent set up a “task force” to investigate and report. Their report was the cornerstone for the 1969 summer program which included a 8259,000 “hire-a-student” publicity campaign, the hiring of 450 special student counsellors for Manpower centers, an increase of ten percent in federal government ‘student hiring, and a 50 Ijercent reduction in the numb& of foreign students allowed to work in Canada. Student unetnployment rose again that summer (an average of two full percentage points all across the country) and. continued rising in the summer of 1970. The govern men t, it seems, -just didn’t understand: gimmic,kry and short term “make work” programs were not going to work. Student employment had to be considered part of the overall economy; measures had to be taken that would encompass the entire economic situation in this country. Then, in the spring of 1971, the government had another brainstorm. They would keep the student unemployment problem in isolation, and unleash a 23.3 mtllion dollars windfall from the secretary of state’s office under the guise of “OpI)oi-tunities for youth”.


HERE ARE REASONS for youth ittieniployment. And the government is going to have to tace up to them before it is too late. Kec au se, as Mel WatkinS says, when mtddle c lass university educated -students cannot find work, all hell is going to break loose These reasons are connected fully to the basic definitions of university education and employment. When north american society continues on the, basis of fotirlieat-5 - of - liberal - education - for ~‘v~‘ryone and then throws the tinskilled gt-acluattl into the labor force to sell his labor, then there at-e going to be probletns \\,htlnclver the economic situation is below Ilorlll‘Il. the job market today: everyone wants to be an intellectual and nobody wants to be a worker. over the past ten years, e n t-o I m e n t i n Canadian universities doubled to about 299,ObO but this increase in the level of education has not resulted tn tull employment and better jobs for grads. Quite the opposite, in 1969 when a record 66,000 degrees were issued, the total number of graduates hired actually declined, especially atnong graduates from the arts. ’

Retraining? Let’s consider the OTA program first. The F)rogram, set up in 1967, is a combined clducational-industrial package, funded by federal and provincial governments, that upgrading and i n c I ii d es academic technical training. The problem for youth? lo qualify for the training allowance, ,li,I)licants must have been in the labor force for three years. Very few u.niversity dropouts can claim this experience. Al,IIrenticeship programs offer an qually dism;ll outlook. Applicants for these programs are selected and certified by I,rovinciaI labor departments and in order to qualify they must already be etii~~loyecl. Oh, come now, if a young worker already has a job in these times of itn~~nl~,Ioyt7~ent, then retraining hitn is not going to offer employment to those who need it. Why not offer apprenticeship I)rogt-ams to unskilled and unemployed

Why unemployable? Why are Canadian graduates unemployable? l-he answer to this is again to be tound in an overview of our national economics. lack of research cuts down on the employment potential of industry. hlost Canadian industries are no more than branch plants of American corporations, and most of the research done by these corporations is done in the U.S. Another reason for the unemployability of Canadian grads is the surplus of teachers and professors. The teacher shortage of the last generation for primary and secondary schools is rapidly giving way to a surplus. In post-secondary institutions, the lack of research being done and the heavy influx of foreign professors keep research and teaching positions few and far between. And with a university degree, particularly on the masters or doctoral level, the job market looks pretty gloomy when there are no opportunities for teaching and research. There are also reasons why young people without degrees do not get jobs. Other than the young workers themselves



I hc> thtrd scheme is training in industry II t ~der this program, the federal governnltltit (ontracts with private employers to htre trainqes or retrain employees. The t~tnl~loyer chooses the candidates’ and the tedera government pays the cost. Untot-tunatcly this scheme sees tnore old rlm~~loyees getting retrained than new wot~kct-s getting hired and trained. So, all in all, there isn’t much hope for Ijotential workers with a full or partial university education. And government ~~m~~loyment schemes and econot-lit I)olicies are primarily to blame for this c ris’ls. Ccln I rucleau’s new interdepartmental 4tucly group get to the roots of this l,robIcm! Let’s take a quick look at their Initial i~roposals. a I hey hope to offer incentives to industry to i,rovide on-the-job training and to make c Iiangcls in the rules on manpower training to allow young people to enrol in the I)rograms. This proposal, if carried out, woulcl be wc+omed by most unemployed youth. -1litly Iiol)e to create local construction 1)rojec t s ,ilong the lines of the ,nowclbatldot~cd “winter works projects”, and 401 1111 a loan fund to finance provincial c onlt-ct( lion schemes. Again, this would be an in\\~c~rmanent solution-what happens to thG non-unionired young workers who c liavcl no ~,c~niority rights after the con\truction boom is over) I hc:y llav~ given no tndttation that the utilitari,lti function of the university (vclr\u4 1he utilitarian function o! the talc htltccll or vocational coilege) w!ll be ( oti4id~~t-~~cl, 1 And they still insist tlhat vouth c :iemI~I(-)ymt~nt IS an isolated problem, not ( otitiklc tclcl with the national ani: i tift~rtitlttotial c~cotioniic l,ictare. I htl study group’s report, due in Jate oc,tobtlr, . wtll, if adopted as fecleral Ic~gislattOn, only provide another bhot-t t~~rti1 assault on youth ur?etaipIoyt?~ent. Ntlxt sutmmc~r, wait and see, will find tlven Ilighc~tittit~t-rl~~Ioymeti1 among pf- ople ~tticlc~t- 2.5 yclars of age.


the member: canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (CINS), the chevrorl is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1971-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-7070 or university local 3q3; telex 0295-748.


Here a resignation, there a resignation, everywhere a seems there’s a lot of it going around.This campus is beginning to-look like a south american capital after a coup....all kinds of bodies lying around, exposed leaders, ex-leaders coming back, VIP’s sneaking out of town at night...we eat this petty politicking shit right up...with the concerts and movies fizzling out, we need _ something to keep us amused. Note to interested observers from those of us in the know: Watch for a new (an probably unexpected) rash of resignations very soon...heads will roll, mostly of their own accord. It’s actually come to the point where the engsoc reps are making the most sense at the council meetings...everyone else (meaning the remnants of the old longhair reform and-or revolution movement) seems to be off on some sort of cosmic self-destruct ego trip, playing little games like ‘If I don’t win, I’ll take my football home and quit.’ Admittedly, it’s difficult at this point to figure Rick Page out...he’s either completely lost with right-head man Burko away on holidays or he got caught playing a childish game of ego-blackmail with council and decided to ungracefully back down from his origin’al either-or threat...either way, he’s accomplished nothing but hurt the federation for the upcoming referendum this year and lose considerable personal credibility...oh well, as if it all mattered...driving the getaway cars this week were: photo: sergio zavarella, martin grinstein, carl krasnor, Steve izma, david harrington, Scott gray, doug baird, bill lindsay, gord moot-r?, nigel burnett and dudley Paul; entertainment: david cubberley, co-ordinator, mel rotman (gooclbye, m&l), jan stoody, sue minas, randy harrigan, and joe handler; jockstaffers: randy again, don mccufcheon, pete olver, terry morin, Sally kemp, len greener and head jock (jockhead?) &nn,s mcgann; news: joan Walters, deanna kaufman, krista tomory, mare roberts, carl krasnor, bill linclsay, mary iindsay, dudley pau\ and last and least Nick Savage (it-rr) ; news coordinator, bill sheldcn and least but not last, the twilight man himself, alex smith guest starring as technical advisor. apd remember, let he who is without sin be the first to get stoned. gk.


15 October






Quotation by Robert C. Edwards, Calgary Eyeopener, March 9,1918; photo by Dudley Paul, the chevron



the chevron

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