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Quiz This picture is on the front’page of the chevron because: (a) a rabid engineer came in and demanded it, and he looked so hopeful we couldn’t let him down, (b) it’s a mistake, (cj cameras aren’t allowed inside the Private Bills Committee room at Queen’s Park, cd) it is the last Engineering stag allowed to be held on the Waterloo campus, making this a historical picture of great importance, or, (e) scratch an artsy and you’// find an engineer. Correct answer will appear in next week’s chevron.

volume 13 number 1 friday may 12, 1972




U of-W Ad passes the only group to win significant inroads from the-committee. The ‘committee overwhelmingly After more than four hours of passed an amendment stipulating that all members of the new board mostly unproductive haggling, the University of Waterloo Act of governors must be Canadian citizens. emerged only slightly altered from the Private Bills Committee room ’ The canadianization advocates at Queen’s Park Wednesday. brought all their heavy ammo to The scene was a long way from try to gain a repeat of. the the shouting crowds and sit-ins of a University of Toronto Act section month ago; bureaucratic hemwhich stated that all members of ming and hawing and the U of T’s new unicameral body parliamentary rule (backwoods will be Canadian citizens. Ontario style) held the day. George Haggar, Jerry Malzan and Leo Johnson from the Following almost automatic Waterloo group and Robin Matapproval by the legislature next thews, Carleton University’s wellweek, the new Act will become known Canadianizationist, all reality in november, with student showed up to argue for the and faculty representation on both requirement. the new Board of Governors and citizenship In a paradox of reasoning, the the new Senate for the first time. legislators later rejected an A ridiculous token concession amendment calling for 85 percent was thrown to the Federation of of the new Waterloo Senate to be Students and Graduate Student citizens. Union in the form of one additional At present, over 90 percent of the representative each on the Board Senate members are Canadian of Governors, and two other imcitizens and only three members of portant concessions were won, but the Board-an Australian, an in general the members of the Englishman and an Americancommittee ignored the student are non-Canadians. representatives and chose to pass However, the federation the sections as submitted. representatives found out that the members were not ready to conOn an amendment to the section dealing with the Board of sider larger student membership on the new Senate. Governors, the members trimmed three of the ten representatives to - Federation vice-president Dave be appointed by the province, Robertson addressed the MPP’s on added one of them to the faculty the students’ case for more representation, and one each to the members, outlining the undergrad and graduate students. federation’s proposal for realignment. After that earthshaking enBut, before Robertson could dorsement of student parity, the even get back to his seat, the. committee then refused to amend chairman took a quick look around the section giving the university powers to penalize students ex- the room and declared the section passed as is, with only nine clusive of court action. students. Members didn’t seem too concerned about the philosophic The students also voiced implications of double jeopardy. disatisfaction with the current “broad spectrum” of represenThe National Canadianization tation from the community at Committee and sympathizers was large on the Board, telling the

by george kaufman the chevron


members that “corporate executives” now rule the university. Under questioning, adBurt ministration president Matthews admitted that there are no women-“ladies”, as he saysno labor representatives and no



on the Board now. the members that the present Board members would appoint representatives for the new board who would be “more representative” by the time the’ new Board meets for the first time next november . But he assured

Despite students members including then-should members legislators out-going

objections from the and a few committee that the new Boardstudents and faculty by choose -its own from the community, the left the decision to the Board members.

at Guelph

by cousin bill dumont the chevron

In a move earlier this week the student government at the university of Guelph tried to shut down the Ontarion, the university newspaper. The staff of the Ontarion have been notified that they are being kicked out of their office, that funds are being withheld, that the Ontarion is no longer the official student newspaper and that the issue they print this week will be their last. No staff members were informed of the student council meeting or asked to speak to council. The student government at Guelph is made up of J the committee of college presidents (CCP) and functions informally without a constitution. The CCP came into existence after the official student union was forced into bankruptcy in 1969-a move that was largely engineered by the university administration. The CCP is closely integrated with a voluntary student activities association called Impact which also grew up after the student union was smashed. Most of the present executive of the CCP work for or have worked for Impact. ,At present the CCP and Impact are beginning to publish a magazine called Looking Glass which is an ‘official organ’ for the two groups. Before Looking Glass the two groups were using a magazine called Dream Magazine as their official organ. However, disagreements arose between the editorial staff of Dream Magazine and the CCPImpact group. Dream Magazine went independant because of this conflict and is still publishing. While-Dream Magazine was the organ of the CCPImpact group there. was considerable antagonism between them and the Ontarion staff. Recently, however, they have been helping the Ontarion to publish partly because they fear that their necks will be next on the CCP-Impact chopping block.

Since the death of the official student union, the Ontarion has been operating on a shoestring budget using off-campus facilities. They have been doing their copy on a selectrix typewriter, doing their own paste-up of copy and trying to pay for printing with ad revenue and minimal grants from the student government. Now the CCP has refused to provide them with funds which were guaranteed for the year beginning in January and they chave been unable to get any response from Impact, which owes them 506 dollars for advertising. The CCP rationalized its actions by stating that the Ontarion has given inaccurate news coverage, has refused to print news and has less than 75 per cent students on the editorial board. Jeff Spalding, editor of the Ontarion, said in an interview, “The charges are all false. We have not distorted or refused to print news, and over 80 per cent of our editorial board have attended university in the last two semesters.” He also said, “We have approached the administration and they have refused to interfere in any way with the CCP’s present actions.” dTom Baker, also on the Ontarion editorial board, questioned the timing of the actions. Guelph is in its summer term with only 1800 students on campus as compared to a fall and winter registration of 6-7,000. Baker pointed out that the present secretary of the CCP is also the editor of the new magazine, Looking Glass. The Ontarion staff feels very strongly that the charges are nothing more than a cover-up for a well planned (and well timed) effort to establish a power monopoly on campus. They feel that the members of CCP-Impact are making that effort in order to gain complete control over student revenues and the campus advertising revenues and that they are doing this without regard to the welfare of the students.


pollution You are invited to enter the annual bike-a-thGn sponsored by KW Probe and the Fat Angel Drop In. The bike-a-thon is one of three events during bike week in K-W. The other two are a raffle for a ten speed bike and a parade down King street. These events are being organized by Probe to promote the use of the bicycle as a healthy, nonpolluting form of transportation and to raise money for its operation. The idea behind the bike-a-thon, which occurs tomorrow, is the same as for a miles for millions walk. The riders find people to sponsor them for each mile travelled. Since the route is 50 miles long, five or ten cents a mile would be a reasonable request. A

A foreign student, in general, is recognized as being very sensitive; he or she might misunderstand and over-react to any prize is being offered for the breaks down. A prize donated by action construed as snobbish. The person sponsored for the largest Dunnette Jewellers is being university realized such dif amount of money per mile. awarded to the first person to ficulties that the foreign student Sponsor sheets are available from finish. undergoes and created the foreign The hard work of the bike-a-thon Probe, the Fat Angel or any record student office to help “break in” shop. drganizers and donations of food these students at the university and such from many industries is and in the local community. The 50 mile route extends through Conestoga, the Elora helping to make this event Unfortunately, foreign students possible. The success of it will have, for a long time, felt that help gorge park and back through Bloomingdale to Bridgeport. There depend on the riders themselves has not been genuinely extended to and their sponsors. will be checkpoints along the way them at the foreign student office. at which free food and drinks will They feel that they are being inbe available for refreshment. The remaining event of bike structed and lectured to when ’ The whole route will be superweek, (to take place on the same instead, they should be received vised by the Red Cross, policemen day as the bike-a-than,) is a raffle with a listening, congenial ear. and ~ Probe members who will for a ten speed bike donated by As a result of growing provide assistance to anyone who ccm. Tickets are available from ’ disatisfaction with the foreign requires it. If a rider cannot finish the Probe office at 25 cents each., student office, Mrs. Edith the distance then they will be For more information on any of Beausoleil, foreign student adtransported back to the city along these things and for sponsor sheets visor, resigned her position in midwith their bike. Bike repairsrs will drop into the Probe office in the april. She did not want all the also be available in case any bike biology building, room 158A. critical publicity her office went through in july of 1968. Foreign students and their This week on campus is a free column for the announcement respective associations stated in a of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and detailed letter to Burt Matthews other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the that Mrs. Beausoleil was generally chevron secretary or call extension 3443. Deadline is tuesday unhelpful and unfriendly towards afternoons by 3 p.m. them, often talking about her Interested in ‘playing sixteenth others. 8pm AL116 Sponsored by personal problems rather than and seventeenth century music? Federation of Students. foreign students’ problems. You’re not the .only one. Ca II ext President Matthews responded by 2505. K-W Bilingual June Bazaar White saying that the situation merited SATURDAY Elephant Sale. Home baking, his earnest concern and sincere Federation Flicks Taking Off and children activities. loam-2pm interest. Tilly and Gus (W.C.Fields) 50 Victoria Park Pavillion. A Federation advisory study has cents U of W undergrads; been initiated to investigate’ the SUNDAY function and purpose of the foreign student office, and a report is Film shows 1) Battle for pending in the fall. Until that time Bangladesh admission free. 2) the position will remain vacant.


FRIDAY Arab Student Assoc. general meeting 8 pm E2 1101 Federation Flicks. Taking Off and Tilly and Gus (W.C.Fields). 8pm AL116. 50 cents U of W undergrads; $1 others. Sponsored by Federation of Students. 1




to members) on I Wednesday, May 17th, 1972 at 8:OO p.m. in the Faculty Club, U. of W. -. -_

Munna by K.Z. Abbas and 3) Jalshagar by Satyajit -Ray. Admission charge for 2 and 3 $1 2 pm AL116. Sponsored by India Canada Association.

Gay Liberation Movement genera I meeting. Everyone welcome. 8 pm cc113.




WEDNESDAY University Flying Training ground school. 7-10pm MC3003. Fee $15 books extra $17.



1955 BSA 500 frame engine for parts; also rebuilt 1956 TRW 500 SV (triumph) engine. Call after 5pm 884- 3797.

One fine person to join one fine house. Two smallish rooms. $60 month. Close to campus and downtown. 44 Dunbar road south 579-4432 or 3754.

flicks Federation Presents Nostalgia Night (vintage 1932) Make a Wish (Bobby Breen) and It Hofner electric guitar in good Happened in New Orleans (Bobby condition $130 or best offer small Breen and Basil Rathbone) 50 cents U of W undergrads;’ $1 \ amplifier is desired. Call Ian Angus 743-1884 or leave message at others. 8pm AL116 Sponsored by chevron. (hi eenie) Federation of Students.

for students interested in a marketing career

in data ,processing. We market the widest range of hardware in the industry and are recruiting students with Bachelor or Masters degrees for positions in Kitchener,as well as other major cities across Canada. Our Managers want graduates with long or short hair, with beards or without. But mainly with brains! Other requirements are a basic knowledge of accounting methods and a course in computer science or other computer related subjects. Excellent training programs q compensation plans and benefits. Please call or write me: ;1. A. Murdoch


In july of 1968, the chevron and the federation of students indicted Edith Beausoleil on the basis of several notarized incidents concerning foreign students. They demanded her withdrawal to prevent further conflict. Then administration president Gerry Hagey was determined to discredit or ignore the denunciations of foreign student advisor Beausoleil. At that time he was concerned about the problems that would arise if he intervened. Hagey however said, “If the federation is concerned about the situation in the office of the foreign-student advisor, we would be glad to investigate their conterns . ’ ’ But former federation president Brian Iler and former past .president Steve Ireland _ maintained that the problem had been brought to the provost’s attention many times in the previous year. No action had been forthcoming until the chevron story. The indictment centered on Beausoleil’s remarks that “if it has anything to do with jews, I don’t want any part of it. It would be on my conscience if I did%nything for Israel.” Chevron editor Stewart Saxe was critical of these views as he suggested they were anti-semetic in nature. Hagey was quick to point out they were not intended to be so, and tried to defend her right to hold such views as a form of academic freedom. After the allegations were printed little else developed until the present situation evolved.


MARKETING MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Burroughs -has specific opportunities


Burroughs Business Machines Ltd. 928 King St. W. Kitchener 744-7367

Go Go weekend


dancers wanted only. 579-8085.



Girl needkd to share apartment immediately. Very inexpensive. Close to university. Phone 5766064.

A 3 bedroom apartment with all appliances and facilities at 43 Bricker. Broadloom throughout; coin laundry; available immediately. Apply Mr Hudson apt 4, 101 Albert street. Unexpected vacancy for male student. One single in clean quiet home five minute walk from university. Private entry and bath; fridge but no cooking. $11 weekly. 204 Lester 743-7202.

Accomodation for students or employees. Kitchen facilities; air condition; close expressway. Phone 744-8432 or evenings 5761224. For rent fully furnished ment may to august. University avenue west. 4105.

apart137 742-

_ Camputs Centre Board

. ,

Centre plagued by same old probkms by waiter powell the chevron

The first campus center board meeting of the summer was held on tuesday in room 211 of the campus center. Such things as whether or not to let the engineers have a ping pong table were’ thrown to the floor with enthusiasm and bantered about with diplomacy. However as the meeting progressed it became apparent that the policies discussed were not as important as the general attitude of the board Through 1,ack of members. organization and irresponsibility the campus center and its facilities are now in a state of turmoil. The campus center board is faced with the problem of straightening things out so that when the new turnkeys take over in a week it may be done with a relative amount of ease. _ The main problem is that the people who use the centre have complete disrespect not only for it, but for their fellow users as well. The situation has degenerated into a kind of game to see if the campus .. center board can put things back together faster than the students are able to destroy them. As an example, at the meeting 125 dollars was alotted to fix the sound system in room 110. This sound

Joisce trial

system is in a continual state of illrepair due to the misuse of it by the students. This is only one example in many. Look around and notice the shit. What happened to the fabled pin ball machines and where is the elusive coffee urn? These things were trashed out by supposedly responsible members of the student body. However the students are not the only ones to blame. When something gets destroyed the blame falls to the turnkey who was on duty at the time and most things get ruined on the “graveyard” shift. During one of these shifts a turnkey can be found either asleep or drunk, in fact, it has been suggested that the only way to handle a graveyard shift is to come stoned and to stay stoned. So at a time when the turnkey is just as beat and bored as everyone else and is quite likely to be asleep, drunk, stoned or a combination of all three, the vandalism goes unchecked. Also, at this time of night the campus centre is a depressing place. Come in some time and see the searching stares of the bridge game freaks or witness the soul rendering gazes of * the human zombies that haunt the halls in the early hours of the morning. As one


Trudeau’s! revenge when he was led away by two officers to a police car. He denied knocking off Underwood’s hat or kicking him in the leg. Another university of Waterloo The prosecution witnesses told’ student has been charged in’ the court that while Joisce was connection with the -alleged being put in the police cruiser disturbance during the prime others opened the opposite door of minister’s visit to Kitchener. the car and tried to pull Joisce out. John Larocque, a general arts He said he may have shouted at student was arrested as he was one point but was usually talking in preparing to testify May 4 at John a normal tone of voice. “It was Joisce’s trial. Joisce was arrested the outside the Valhalla Inn March 23 nice of you to hold back,” crown attorney said. while prime minister Trudeau was Joisce said that Larocque could addressing Kitchener-Waterloo not have jumped on Underwood’s Liberals. back since he was not near Joisce Larocque was arrested after when he was arrested. Although Corporal Donald Underwood told Larocque took the-stand to testify the court he recognized the student for Joisce, he spent some time as the person who jumped on his on the back outside the Valhalla Inn. He denying that he jumped officer. \ was placed in the prisoner’s dock The crown attorney suggested court and in magistrate’s remained there throughout the that ,the mood of the crowd was but Larocque responded three and a half hour trial. He ‘(ugly,” pleaded not guilty to the charge of that instead it was “frightened.” Assistant crown attorney Rae assaulting a police officer and was devoted considerable time to remanded until July 31 for trial. asking the witnesses how Joisce Joisce’s trial was remanded was dressed and how loudly he was until May 26 for Kenneth Rae, speaking. All denied that he was assistant crown attorney, and than the average James Neeb, defence counsel, to any different person attending the demonpresent their summations. The “If he was not unusual court instructed the attorneys to stration. looking, no louder’ than the rest, direct their attention to the matter polite, then why on earth did they of initiating a disturbance. arrest him? ” Rae demanded. The 25-year-old political science A series of defence witnesses student is charged with causing a disturbance and assaulting Un- denied that -Joisce was shouting and said they did not see him derwood during the demonstration resisting arrest, knocking off outside the Inn. hat or kicking him. Although Joisce arrived at the Underwood’s The crown attorney and the demonstration at 5:3O pm, an hour court showed a momentary inafter some 100 persons had gathered, he was designated by terest in a person who was lying on the pavement and police as a ringleader. Joisce had unconscious even asked one of the witnesses not arrived when the prime minister’s party disembarked and who the person was. But the line of was shortly dropped. were showered by slogans and questioning bologna sandwiches. Joisce told The crown attorney asked the the court he had tried to enter the witnesses if they heard the word Valhalla Inn to speak to Trudeau “pig” shouted at police although and was pushed back by police. He the defence was not charging then asked why he could not enter. excessive police reaction in the “1 was told to shut up and go away arrest or in controlling the crowd. by Corporal Underwood,” Joisce Only one witness said she heard said. the phrase (‘fascist pig” shouted Joisce claimed he made no after Joisce was arrested and resistance at all when arrested and driven away. by deanna kaufman the chevron


turnkey put it, “The campus’ center eats souls and is capable of destroying people. We are not psychiatrists and cannot be expected to play babysitters much longer. It is not the turnkeys that are irresponsible, it is the job which alienates us from responsibility.,” As an example, the campus security has told the turnkeys that they are totally useless as anything more than an information desk and a local distributor of cards. (However the security division does not seem to have taken any action either.)

These things do not go unnoticed and the campus center board plans to tighten up this summer. They now have the power to fire turnkeys who prove their. incompetence continuously ; also proposals have come before the board which would close the campus centre. After a lengthy discussion regarding “selective closing” of the campus centre it was agreed that the campus centre close from 2 until 8 during a period from three days after exams end in August

until three days before registration begins in September. It was further agreed without formal motion that arrangements begin immediately to publicize the closing, and the decision could be reversed if it met with too much opposition. There will be a new campus center summer office located in the old Rap Room (106). Also there is a planned program of regular sunday movies and concerts as well as guest speakers who will talk on a variety of subjects including mathematics and engineering.

Sic Semper Tyrannis by mart roberts the chevron

Members of the federation of students have been lobbying with members of the private bills committee in Queen’s Park in order to elicit certain consessions for the proposed University of% Waterloo Act. The federation’s prime concern seems to relate to the general welfare and status of the student. They feel that, due to increased unemployment, a student must take an active interest in ’ the direction that the university takes. The federation is asking for a total of twenty-six seats on the university’s two governing bodies, board of governors and the senate committee. There would be six undergrads and two grads on the board and twelve undergrads and six grads on the senate. Students have tried since 1966 to change four or five items in the act. Countless submissions were made to, various Act committees but all were ignored. The federation executive felt that a unicameral system of government would have served the. “purposes and interests” of the university better than the bicameral proposal that is before the private bills committee now. This bicameral structure is virtually identical to the one that Burt Matthews proposed in september , 1971. His recommendations included the addition of some students on the governing bodies, but in effect were only slightly a revision of the 1959 act. SPECIAL


Section 15, clause Ce) of the Act gives the Boardlof Governors’ the power “to regulate the conduct of the students, faculty and staff and of all other persons coming upon and using the lands and premises of the University”. Section 15 (g> which carries on in the same vein, gives the Board the “to levy and enforce power penalties and fines, suspend or expel from student membership or from employment with the University or deny access to the lands and premises of the university”. These two clauses can potentially create a situation of double jeopardy under which a person may be penalized both by the university and the civil authorities. The Federation of Students feels that ‘the law of the land’ covers all aspects of conduct within the ‘university with the exception of academic conduct. If the university is to be a democratic institution it cannot legislate rules of conduct beyond those set down by our government. Another -objection that should be raised is in regard to Sect. 28 (1) (2)) the provision in the act for the B. of G. and the Senate to hold “in

sessions (a situation in camera” which access to the meeting is restricted to voting members, and these members are obligated to keep all discussions of that meeting confidential > to discuss matters of a ‘confidential nature’. Just what ‘matters of a conefidential nature’ are is left to your imagination and the governors’ discrimination. Furthermore there is the issue of the 10 members to be appointed by the lieutenant-governor in council. It is logical (and in keeping with historical reality) that since the lieutenant governor is only a figurehead he will be acting on the advice of the party in power. It can be concluded that these appointments would probably be political in nature and have nothing in common with the interests of the university. There is also provision for the election to the board by the members, ten members from ‘a broad spectrum of the community ’ . The present board is by no means a representative crosssection of the community, being, almost without exception, from the upper echelons of the business and professional sector. As a safeguard against this happening again, the composition of the community-atlarge portion of the board should be specified so that representation from a broad segment of the community be insured. To complicate matters, the faculty representation on the senate is determined by a formula which specifies that the faculty must hold half of the seats plus one (plus the seven deans). There is also a subsection which specifies that the senate may from time to time-as they see fit-appoint additional ex-officio voting . members to the senate. However, due to the above formula they must also add the equivalent number of faculty. Thus they can effectively dilute what little say students do

have whenever they choose. In . light of the fact that a unicameral system was approved in principle and studied for six years and yet a bicameral system was adopted within two months on the motion by Burt Matthews (who favored . limited student representation from the start) the only possible alternative available is to bring the act back to campus. FEDERATION


l there was a general discussion and a consensus was reached that students (users) should control the athletic (extra-curricular) program. l steering committees regarding an environmental conference are being set up. Tentative dates are 9 13 October with Ralph Nader booked to close the conference. l delegates will be sent to an Ontario federation of students conference on may 26 and 27. Federation is applying for membership at a cost of approx. 25 cents a student. Bernie Mohr. federation executive, will be running for a seat in the Ontario federation. l a housing program to study student problems has been set up and will be run by Eric Mackie, George Green, and Al Lukachko. l applications for managership of radio Waterloo were present for a discussion on the station and the managers position. John Dale was hired as station manager from may 1 to October 31, 1972. Dale is directly responsible to the federation as to the state of the station. 0 consensus reached that federation should continue to support W.U.S.C.; C.U.S.O. and Crossroads Africa on the basis that these operations are of relatively small cost and serve as a useful facility to many people on campus. o consensus reached that the federation will not start any further unbudgeted cooperative services prior to the fall, at which time the year’s revenue will become certain. l thanks to negotiations with Bill Deakes the vending machines are now under one contract - all drinks cost 10 cents. The E.S.S. initiated the action by installing a On the morning of april 11 it was rebel machine in their lounge at discovered that about 1,380 dollars Christmas. had been taken from locked cash l on the line; a worker’s paper boxes contained in locked-desks in in Kitchener, was granted $300.00the engineering society office. l consensus was reached that the Campus security was called in and executive recommends the an investigation began imfederation join the Ontario mediately to determine what had federation of students with a happened. The money in question membership payment of $2500.00 was, in the main, study desk l the day-care center has been refund money. set up. It will be operating in june A 250 dollar reward has been from St. Jerome’s College. If you offered for information leading to are able to help in any way contact the return of the stolen money. Pauline Pariser in the federation Contact any executive member of office. the engineering society or phone l quote of the week: “spell my 885-1211. name right” by Bernie Mohr.

Pimel y note


12 may






by ‘george kaufman the chevron

Cockb’urn & Simon: 2 supe,rb~alb’ums

St. JerorWs College

I first heard (and heard of) Bruce Cockburn over two years ago at Massey Hall, *where he served as warm-up for the Pentangle. Although all the Pentangle fans were anxiously waiting to hear the Efiglish group, Bruce came on so low-key and un-hyped that they were right with him, this little guy out on the stage with just his guitar and a piano.

June 1972 I Cooperative System, with qualified staff. !

It seemed obvious to me then that this man’s song-writing ability and his soft gentle, . voice andabove all-his unique instrumental knowledge would take him far beyond the warm-up stage. I was not, of course, the only person to feel this way about him. After that, every time I saw him performhere, in Kitchener, or in Toronto or at Mariposa -every audience responded to him that way.

Reasonable fees-full \ time or part time. (If you have tqys’that we could use, please bring them to the Federation of Students office in the Campus Center.)

For further telephone

But, somehow, we’ve been frustrated in our hopes of seeing Bruce Cockburn achieve the recognition he deserves. True, he has a good following in Toronto and Ottawa, but for some reason he’s still unknown to too many people. If you’re .one of-the people who’s missed him until now, his recently-released third album,

information, 8850370

dance, should convince you that he deserves a listen. He records on the True North label,’ which has-built up quite a stable of young Canadian musicians in Toronto, but Cockburn is far and away the best of them, and _ perhaps the best in Canada. sunwheei

Though sunwheel dance ’ is in some ways less of an impact than his second album, High winds, White Skies, it is still one of the best albums I’ve heard in quite a while. Like a lot of young musicians in these days of personal music, Cockburn is quite hard to categorize. He comes out of folk,bbut has stepped into folk-rock and other experimentations inLately, his strumentally : arrangments. have taken on a decided Eastern flavour. His poems seem a little weaker on this album- than in his earlier work, but he is still one’of the finest guitarists I have come across and, in addition to some outstanding acoustic guitar passages here, Cockburn also plays electric guitar, mandolin, dulcimer, harp, bottleneck guitar and piano. His guitar work is simply a joyto hear, floating along above and below his gentle voice lines, often mirroring his voice exactly before climbing off on some tangent of its own. The title tune is a great example of4 his guitar ability. It’s a little exercise he has played every time I’ve seen him, in one version or another, although it’s never the same.


CAMPUS ’ ’ SH0.P * -

“My Lady and My Lord”, “Fall” and “Dialogue with the Devil” are all beautiful soft ballads, and the last is one of j the best dialogues between his voice and his guitar. “Up on the Hillside” is a fascinating, bluesy foot-tapper with ’ fine bottleneck work, and “It’s Goin Down Slow” is the closest he’s come to folk-rock.

Ybur Shop operated by Students

is the kind of album you should get if you feel overwhelmed suddenly by amplifiers or you want to give something nice to someone _you love. - Sunwheel



Summer Navy



& Cold


SWEATSHIkTSLong and short sleeve Wide variety of colours




BALLST-shirts Swea tsuits Ping pong racquets and balls _ Adidas Running shoes






Confectionary Bars, Gum

Items: and other



’ Located in the Basement of The Campus$entre


,the chevron



funkel Morning,



put out‘ “Wednesday in 1965. 1

3 a.m.”

This is not to take away from Paul Simon any of the credit which is rightfully his. It is obvious, now that Garfunkel has turned 1,to movies, that Simon’s is certainly the overwhelming talent1 behind the duo. But Simon himself admits that he became accustomed to writing for Garfunkel’s voice (who else could have sung “Bridge over troubled water”?) and I think he hasn’t shaken that habit on this album:


“Mother and Child Reunion”, the lead cut which was released as a single, could have been written in 19% and climbed to the top of the charts. But despite its familiar R and B rhythm, Simon turns it into an enjoyable song. “Everything Put Together Falls Apart” is a fascinating duet between Simon and his guitar, and “Duncan” is reminiscent of “El Condor Pasa” on S and G’s last album, using the same beautiful haunting flute refrains. .Everyone seems to put at least one bottleneck blues-type cut on an album these days, and Simon’s is “Paranoia Blues”, with Stefan Grossman’s guitar work, but the words and arrangement are just unusual enough to make this one interesting. An instrumental, between Simon’s guitar and Stephane Grapelli, “Hobo’s Blues”, is also well done.


Despite the loss of Art Garfunkel’s voice, Paul Simon has put . together a superb travelogue of the , music in his head since the two parted. The tracks are recorded in Jamaica, Pa_ris, New York, Los Angeles and San Fransisco. Simon continues to be one of the more listenable and intriquing characters in the rock world and, unlike Cockburn, his works have been easily taken on by many other performers.

~Firesign friends .




And a new-old album from some other dear friends: the Firesign Theatre, called Dear Friends (Columbia KG 31099). These are actually excerpts from tapes of old radio shows this wacky gang of merry madcaps Paul Simon also possesses a fine performed in the late ‘60’s singing voice, is a very talented Due to the- nature of what the guitarist and is generally Theatre was trying then, this acknowledged to be one of the material has its ups and downs, select few of the “rock poets” especially when they get selfwhose words will outlive our conscious about what they are generation. doing. For anyone unfamiliar with the But still, something seems to be Firesign Theatre, there’s no way I missing from Simon’s first solo can describe them here, you’ll just album, tailed Paul Simon, on have to give them a listen. Three Columbia (KC 307501. And, that I years ago that wouldn’t have been decided after hearing it for three easy, but these days almost or four times, is Art Garfunkel. everyone has at least one of their records, so ask a friend. If you’ve Maybe its nothing more than ever heard tapes of the old “Goon simple Pavlovian conditioning, but Show”, you’ll have an idea. wehn Simon drifts off one one of his For those familiar with Firesign, carefully-woven songs, I find by now you &ther love them or myself waiting for Garfunkel’s have been bored to tears, so judge high, angel-like voice to come this album on that experience. soaring down out of the upper ‘There are some really amusing scales, pulling something special word-play games here, and many out of the vocals, that special of the exchanges were improvised, harmony no other group has which give them a quality missing seemed to be able to duplicate over in their later, more theatrical the years since Simon and Garwork.

Paul Simon


Ya Really Had to be .There to-\ Dig It Last Fall in Toronto the normally staid environs of Massey Hall were temporarily enlivened by a concert featuring those good old local boys, Crowbar, supported by such estimable friends and relations as Lighthouse, Dr. Music, and King Biscuit Boy. The evening was, according to all who were there, a complete success; but LP ‘s worth of good music. Larger Than Life (Daffodil SBBXImagine My Surprise (Columbia, 16007), the resulting double album, C 30966), the second album from strikes me as a very uneven set Dreams, has to be in the running roughly equal containing for the “Most Disappointing proportions of dynamism and Follow-up Of The Year” award, as I lethargy. the group appears to have abanNot surprisingly, such familiar doned the jazz-rock experiments of Crowbar material as “Murder in their initial release for a more the First Degree, ” “In the Dancing conventional Chicago-BS & THold,” and “Oh What a Feeling” Lighthouse style, which is neither comes off best, with Kelly Jay distinctive nor even particularly screaming out the lyrics and “The “good of breed.” Ghetto” tossing off some of the Imagine My Surprise dwells on funkiest guitar licks these ears the level of an album such as have heard lately. The band also Lighthouse’s Thoughts of Movin’ cooks well behind Biscuit Boy’s On : superior arrangements and “Corinna Corinna,” and pays short instrumental musicianship, but energetic tribute to “Rock mediocre material, and amazingly Around the Clock” and “Shake, inadequate vocals. In the case of Rattle, and Roll.” Dreams, however, I know that they When Crowbar forgets to rock, , are capable of much better; and I will therefore not be satisfied with however, the results can be pretty godawful. Their one attempt at slick versions of King & Goffin’s “I Can’t Hear You” or Winwood’s playin’ da blues, “Tits Up On The ted Goo”, good Pavement ,” is, if anything, less “Medica music though they exciting than its ostensible sub- background might be. ject-hitching through Wawa Ontari-ari-oh-and also typifies Although this is by no means a the sort of late 50’s male bad album, it is a rather sad chauvinism preserved in the guise example of the workings of a of being rock’n’roll revivalists. record industry which can force a of unusually talented Several inept exercises in theC & group W vein and a plethora of painfully musicians into a commonplace insincere Kelly Jay raps round out mold. Forget Imagine My Sura release which contains about one prise, but if you want to hear what


Ry, and leave the medicine home next time around. by paul stuewe

Dreams can do, check out the “New York, New York” and “Devil Lady” cuts from their first happening, album-something’s but Dreams’ producers don’t know what it is. Not having heard Luke Gibson since his days with The Apostles, his transformation into a folkie on Another Perfect Day (True North TN 6) required some aural adjustment before I could get into a rather delightful album. In terms of tonal quality, Gibson does sound a bit wasted from his days as a rocker, seldom risking a complete extension of his vocal cords and making frequent use of both background vocalists and acextra instrumental companiment to augment his naturally thin sound. He writes his own stuff, however, and has wisely chosen to stick with relaxed, reflective material quite suited to his voice. Among the highlights are the title song and “Did You Ever,” where Luke sounds very much like Bruce Cockburn (who plays guitar on the album), and the excellent (but uncredited) violin work is also worth mentioning. Another Perfect Day won’t destroy you, but it is an album of small but definite pleasures, undemanding but

rewarding whatever attention you’re able to give it. (Sounds like the perfect relationship, doesn’t it? > Ry Cooder’s new release, Into The Purple Valley (Reprise MS 2052)) is an interesting collection of both familiar and obscure folk songs, performed in an at times disconcertingly tongue-in-cheek fashion. Cooder is a superb guitarist (The Stones supposedly ripped off much of Let It Bleed from him), a competent though unexciting singer, and a man whose taste encompasses “Money Honey” as well as traditional protest protest ballads such as “Taxes On The Farmer Feeds Us All.” Occasionally he becomes patronizing, as in the, phoney revival meeting setting of “Denomination Blues,” where the genre has been parodied so often that something more than goofing on it is required if satire is to succeed. Even the numerous campy moments are rescued, however, by Cooder’s awesome guitar technique, of which his l&string introduction to “Vigilante Man” is perhaps the finest example. So if a fair amount of BS won’t put you off, Into The Purple Valley is recommended; but cut the crap,

show at

An album such as Shawn Phillips’ Collaboration (A & M SP 4324) is really painful to review, because this artist’s obvious talent has been allowed to expand into areas-composition, in particular-for which he just as obviously has no discernable aptitude. Phillips has a very rich, and perhaps a bit foreboding, tenor voice, one which I would love to hear performing songs by other people. But yes, it is his album, and that means that we must be treated to his original materialand that means pain. A snatch of “Us We Are” should suffice: I know I’m living in utopia with a strangely cloying abscence of euphoria.

Throw in standard schlock production, with superflous strings I which somehow add to the banality of the lyrics, and the result is a rather unnecessary release. If he ever teams up with a decent writer, however, Phillips could become a very entertaining performer-but Collaboration doesn’t make it, and that’s something of a shame. Finally: Hot Rocks (London 2PS 6660) is a double set of The Stones big 1964-71 hits, and while quibbling would be possible, it’s quite a good selection of “memorable moments” from a band which just seems to get better and better over time. See what you’ve already got. and decide accordingly.

” mother jones & the birth of american labor ihe Autobiography of Mother Jones, Mary H. Jones, Charles H. Kerr Co., 1972.


Mother Jones has been described in various, apparently contradictory, ways. In the intorduction ’ to this book, ,Fred Thompson tells the reader that she is “one of the most forceful and picturesque figures of the American labour movement.” A prosecuting attorney, pointing his finger at her, states, “Your honour, there is the most’ dangerous woman in the country today.” Born in Cork, Ireland in 1830, she came to the United States when her father sent for the rest of the family. She spent some years in Toronto because her father worked on railway construction in that area. Although Mother Jones married and bore four children, it was not long before she was widowed and childless. for a vellow fever epidemic in Memphis claimed her family. She moved to Chicago where she established a dress-making shop which was subsequently destroyed in the great Chicago fire of 1871.

She became involved in the bourgeois press, against the state American labour movement by and its omnipresent police forces, working with the Knights of and the capitalists who hired Throughout her Labour. lackeys to intimidate strikers. She autobiography, Mother Jones tells the reader that the reason recalls those early years. She violence was endemic, for states that, “Those were the days example, to the Cripple Creek, Col. of sacrifice for the cause of strike, was “just because miners labour...Those were the days of wanted a better chance for their martyrs and saints.” These views children, more of the sunlight, are in stark contrast with those more freedom.” that she holds concerning the elite Her role during industrial of the labour movement in the conflicts varied : Mother Jones 1920’s. She casts aspersion on the I organized women in forces armed modern labour leaders who do not with “mops and brooms and pails share the rigours of the rank and of water” to chase scabs; she file and who wander “from the motivated workers to reverse thorny path of these early decisions which called off strikes; crusaders”. Often, claims Mother and her words, “I nursed men back Jones, workers must struggle to sanity who were driven to against their own leaders as well despair. I solicited clothes for the against the factory owners. ragged children, for the desperate, mothers. I laid out the dead, the During her years dedicated to martyrs of the strike.” the betterment of the working Undoubtedly, the most stirring class, both economically and chapters are those in which Mother spiritually , she travelled throughout the US., helping miners, textile workers, and steel workers to organize themselves. Her autobiography gives a clear picture of the daily struggle of the working class against the

Jones describes the injustices perpetrated by capitalism on children. She speaks of a textile strike in which 10,000 of the 75,006 workers were children, many of whom “were stooped little things, round shouldered and skinny”. This strike prompted Mother Jones to lead a march of young workers to show the evil effects of child labour. There were a number of ideas in, the autobiography which were of special interest to me, namely the role of women in society and the part of violence in industrial struggles. Although she has great faith in women, she believes that careers for them are unimportant and that their prime’responsibility is the training of children. Concerning violence, she advocated,, that workers not use firearms or sticks, clubs, etc., when on strike, but Mother Jones did call for armed retaliation on the part of

strikers if attacked by the militia or company thugs. One remark in the book which has a Maoist touch is, “In the end, bayonets always win.” One of the prominent thoughts within’ the autobiography was that American democracy would ultimately secure for the working class, economic and spiritual wellbeing. I rejected this kind thinking and statements such as, “I believe that this country is the cradle of liberty,” as nothing but rank nationalism. For those interested in’ working class struggles in the US, the book is valuable reading because it presents an account of a segment of the American labour movement in a direct, emotional manner unfettered by theoretical \ argument. mike


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it all



12 may




This method will not 1 inequalities in various progra substantial. fee increase woulc deterent and cause shift to fu$ .., ’ The net financial effects of ‘crease-for various institution?

At present, a dontingent repayment loan plan for Canada is being studied by the Council of Minister of Education and the Federal Goverriment, but may take several years to introduce on a ,’ Canada-wide basis. Increasing the loan portion $000 1972-3 '1 will discourage poorly motivated students on one 4,500 ii hand, but it will also affect students from lower C.A.A.T. 1,100 ’ income income groups unless a contingent Ryerson 310 repayment feature is introduced. Nursing Schools Teachers’ College 100 ’ l Graduate fellowships: 12,900 Universities ihese‘awards could be eliminated and sttideits 18,910 who need assistance would be supported through the student awards program. However, the elimination would reduce graduate enrolment in areas now receiving least support. A system of incentive grants for students in underdeveloped programs could offset this disadvantage. l Teacher education awards: These awards could also be eliminated Limited capital fundin: I providing that t&tion fees are introduced at the requirements for cash flow, th Teachers’ Colleges. This approach would be will be reflected in the redu(: consistent with the policy of basing financial repayments in future years uric assistance on need and might reduce the supply of year term. Limiting or reducing teachers in the future. the post-secondary institutigns l Ontario scholarships: increased utilization of existir These scholarships could be replaced by some Two methods are presented type on non-monetary Honourary Award and 1972-73. funds be redirected to expand the Secondary School ,BurSaries to needy students,in effect, 0 Limit overall annual allot improving accessibility for students from lowConstruction to a fixed $rn income groups. l Reduce 96 net. assignable student used in present 1In mu la -for universities.

Limit capital fundir

‘Tuition fees

The folldwing “confidential” doctiment was 1975-76. Limiting enrolment will- mainly affect prepared by the Treasury Board for the Policy and those students entering the system who are the Priorities Board of the Cabinet in early November, least employable of the 18-24 age group. In. terms 1971. This is the “confidential” report, the conof ,1972-73 projection, this will reduce the freshtents of wh.ich Phyllis Grosskurth leaked ic the men intake by 16,000 and may result in a shift to Globe on March 24, that the Graduate Student. part-timestudy. Union has been so concerned with of late. lt was ln Searching for al&native -ways of reducing intended to give some indication of the type of costs levels to that of the current level of service, post-secondary education questions considered at -or some other level decided upon, the following the Cabinet level. six areas are presented for consideration: . The present %pen-door adm&ion policy” 1. Reduce stirdent assistance. providing student places -to all qualified ap2. Increase tuition fees. plicants now accomodates a total of 176,000 full: 3. Curtail capital expenditure. time students, 18.9 percent of the 18 to 24 age’ 4. Limit graduate enrolment. 5. tiotd basic ‘income unit value. 1 The. full-time enrolment -for 1972-73 group. 6. Revise program weightjngs. is estimtitbd at 2Oq,OOO which represents 20.8 A combination of the above constraint alterpercent of the s%nk age group. Piojecting through to reach the desired to 1975-76 academic year, this policy, would be , natives could be adopted level of expenditure. The resultant savings from expected to serve 244,000 full-time students, or the first three alternatives are in terms of a 100 23.3 percent of the 18 to 24 age group at a cost of ’ cent dollar, while the remaining three alternatives I.055 million dollars. will ~reduce Federal support under the Fiscal The “current /eve/ of service” concept used in Arrangements Act. the five year forecast represents a deviation from this “open-door” admission policyl It reflects the costs of enrolment limited to a constant 18.9 percent of the 18-24 age group, the level bei_ng served in 1971-72. The cost associated with this 0 Loans: level of service is estimated at 719.4 million Increasing loan portion under the student dollars *for 1972-73 rising to 895 million dollars for’ awards program is a cost saving alternative indentified by Department. Basically, the loan could be increased to Can’ada Student Loan Plan limit of 1,000 dollars. Ejeyond that point, provincial funds will be required to finance a Provincial Loan Program.

The present fee structure has remained unchanged for a number of years while operating grants have increased. While any decision to modify the present fee structure is a complex and difficult one, the financial implications are relatively clear cut. Three alternatives are presented and all financial implications are expressed in terms of net savings: l Increase fees for all foreign graduate ‘students tg 970 -dollars. l increase fees in specifi’c programs in 1972-73970 dollars (twice the arts. fee)-.for all programs with form.ula weight of more than 1, 0, and ,’ ’ --a85 dollars-for CAAT, Ryerson, . Teachers’ Colleges and Nursing Schools. 0 Increase fees for all post-secyndary-institutions and introduction of fees at Teachers’ Colleges and Nursing Schools by:, 1972-73 ’

-200 dollar increase for Universities, CAAT, Ryerson -intrdduction of 350 dollar fees for ’ Teachers’ Colleges and Nursing <. schools 1973-75 -further 200 dollars for all institutions 1g74-75 -200 dollars for - CAAT, Ryerson,Tea’chers’ Colleges and Nursing schools.

Reduce student assistance:


Photos by M&c-Andre

Gagne, from Culture





Lim’it graduate e&c at universities Under formula financin , g are in the high-weighting ca1 eg more saving per student if grac curtailed. The number of ’ students has grown from 2,600 13,200 in 1970-71. While it could be achieved by &or enrolment,to be effective,, -plemented in the form of selec certain programs. The curtails students at the entering If program& Throughout the pla F.T.E. graduate enrolment repre yotal university F.T.E. enrolme”ri operating grants- constitute 25 1 grant.


Trlmrm i

Ip to balance s. In general, a end to act as a r part-time study. 30 dollar fee .e as follows:


'3-74 (000 1,200 310 100

1974-75 5,600 1,400 310 100


14,300 21,710


Three alternatives are presented: Overall reduction of 15 percent in weighting for undergraduate non-professional programs. 0 Overall reduction of 30 percent in weighting for professional programs. l Overall reduction of 30 percent in weighting __.for graduate programs. l






?et per weighted ?rim Capital For-

lment aduate programs ry*thus producing date enrolment is Ill-time graduate n 1960-61 to over evident savings rolling graduate lis must be imve curtailment of 7t will only affect /el of graduate ining period, the enJsl0 percent of , but the resultant !rcent of the total


Limit full-time to 1.6 percent


Limit total full-time graduate percent of total full-time dergraduate enrolment.


lent unt.



l only reduces long-term effect on of debenture ‘r the present 30available space to vc.uld necessitate facilities. jr introduction in


Hold level

equivalent graduate enrolment of the 18-24 age group.

full-time gr.aduate of 13,747 students.

enrolment university


to 10 un-

at 1971-72

Hold basic income unit value Under the present system of financing, government grants comprise the major revenue source for post-secondary institutions. A freeze on B.I.U. value would constitute an important cost saving technique since “autonomy” makes it difficult <for the government to pin-point areas where possible savings should be made. Holding down of grants would force the institutions to economize and improve their productivity. The effects of holding B.l.0. value are presented:

Similarly, such effects could be induced in professional or post-graduate courses by reducing Because the formula financing their weights. system has tended to pay much higher grants for graduate and some professional programs than for most undergraduate programs, a reduction of weighting at the graduate and professional levels would be most effective in generating savings to the province and should be effective in transferring more of the burden of education to those who receive the greatest economic benefit. Factors other than savings in Provincial grants should be taken into consideration if the weights are to be revised. For example, reducing the weightings for professions could result in institutions curtailing enrolment in areas where both the need for graduate is great, and the employment prospects are good.

In order to facilitate long range development in the field of post-secondary education, directions in the following areas are required: l Is the primary objective of the post-secondary education to increase the general education level of the population? or 0 Is the primary objective to provide Manpower Training and to maintain balance of supplies and demands in the labour market? l To what extent public support of postsecondary education should be limited to: -three years -all CAAT, Ryerson, Teachers’ Colleges, Nursing Schools, and university undergraduate. programs -continue the present practice -other In order to guide the Department in preparing the 1972-7.3 estimates, decisions as to which constraint alternatives should be followed in meeting limitation on expenditure are required.


Hold at 1971-72 level of 1,730 dollars throughout the period. 0 Hold at 1,730 dollars for 1972-73, allow 2 percent increment for subsequent years. l Hold at the announced 1972-73 level of 1,765 dollars from 1973-74 to 1975-76. l Hold at 1,765 -dollars for 1973-74, allow for 2 percent increment for subsequent years.

Revise we-ighting for universities No major revision in the weighting of different types of courses has been made since the operating formula came into effect. By changing the weighting given to different types of courses, the ease or difficulty of financing these courses could be affected, thereby bringing pressure t9 bear on universities to shift their emphasis. ‘De-emphasizing undergraduate nonprofessional courses by reducing weighting would force universities either to reduce enrolment in these courses or selectively raise fees, thus putting pressure on for reducing enrolment.


he f at ch 0 P\ friday 12 may 1972 (13:l)


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in Boston

On Monday, April 17th; in a small Massachusetts town called Hopkinton there assembled 1,235 marathon distance runners for the 76th running of the famed Boston Marathon. In all there were runners from a record number of *states (42 plus the District of Columbia), a record number of Canadians (671, and a foreign contingent representing 10 nations. Also for the first time in history there were female runners (9) who were eligible contenders in this the most popular marathon in the United States. Waterloo kinesiology student Pat Reid was fortunate enough to qualify for this year’s marathon and took in the event with four _ other YMCA fitness runners from the Kitchener Waterloo twin cities. Highlights of the race for the locals included the start where the KW contingent heard the sourid of the gun but were somewhere “in about 600th place at the time”, and were merely jogging on the spot for about 30 seconds! Finally the mob started to move very slowly but did not thin out for about two miles. All five runners found it very

frustrating to try to pass other runners at that point in the race. At the front of the pack at the start, the top distance men were seeded (given the front two rows> and were able to escape the crunch as they battled it out from the start. The 70 degree weather soon took its’ toll as runners started to drop back, and many dropped out. Thousands of people lined the 26 mile 385 yard course which winds through the many communities between Hopkinton and Boston. At about the 13 mile mark, the students from Wellsley College (girls college) lined the sidewalks to cheer on all competitors, but especially the women. At about the 21 mile mark is the renowned “heartbreak hill” which is an unassuming mile and a half, uphill grind that is situated at a demanding point in the race. Once a runner can get to the top of the grade, the last five miles is roughly downhill to the finish in downtown Boston. Pat Reid finished the course in exactly three hours. He was in approximately 250th position of the 1,235 runners at the end of the race, but none stayed around to pick up exact placings due to the fantastic number of spectators and runners (in varying states of rigor mortis)! which congested the finish area. The first woman to finish the race was 33 year old Nina Kuscsik (housewife and mother of three children). She finished in a time of 3 hours 10% minutes. The top male was Finlander, Olavi Suomalaine in a time of 2 hours 15 min. The team award went to the. Mexicans who placed runners in 3rd, 4th and 5th spots.









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Marathon Another amazing runner was Harry Cordellos of San Franscisco who finished in a time of 3 hours 28 minutes. The amazing point is thrt Harry is totally blind ! He ran with his white cane in front of him and various runners held onto it and guided him over the course and passed most of the competitors. Cordellos has run in 9 such marathons and has a partner who trains with him (has his sight) and who usually accompanies him through his races. This time however, his partner had come down with the flu, so Cordelloa caught a plane to Boston and worked things out on his own.


cumulate the milage during the week preceeding friday afternoons. It is then that everyone gathers at the pub to celebrate their accomplishments by drinking drafts at the rate of one for every mile accumulated. One does not have to accumulate milage using, all three events, any combination of the three is acceptable, or just pick one event. The distances to the pubs increases every week with the first pub>being four miles plus a bit and the last pub being fifteen miles away. The total accumulated milage at the end of the summer will be one hundred miles. This event is for both males and females, and to enter and receive a mug and map see the intramural office for more information.

DIAGNOSTIC CHECK We’ll inspect everything from bumper to bumper...engine, transGReg. 11.95 mission, suspension, exhaust, brakes, tires and all accessories. SPECIAL...










1 ~ _ i

Another amazing pair of runners were the “Kelleys”. They are a , father and son team that has dominated the marathon in it’s 7t; year history. The younger Kelley is “only” in his forties and has won the famed marathon a couple of times in the past. This year, he finished in 79th spot in a time of 2 hours 40 minutes. His father John, Kelley “the elder”, also has won the marathon a couple of times in the past and this year, at 64 years , of age, he was competing in his 41st Boston Marathon ! He finished in a time of 3 hours, 35 minutes. The four Kitchener Waterloo ’ finishers hope to return next year ’ along with other area runners, : including Arthur Taylor who just ( underwent a foot operation and : was unable to compete this year in. i the marathon. (Arthur was 35th . last year). Dr. Mike Houston of the kinesiology faculty at the U. of W. also hopes to return to the same marathon which he has run twice t in the past. I


The new- event of cyswoginsteining this summer will undoubtedly provide many persons with a much needed incentive to keep fit during the next few months. The program incorporates (sw 1, cycling (cy 1, swimming jogging (ogin), and drinking (stein), but not necessarily all four. The idea behind the whole event is to accumulate by cycling, jogging or swimming the number of miles equivelent to the distance to a predetermined pub. Milage is accumalated on the basis of one mile for every mile jogged, one mile for every five miles of cycling or one mile for every quarter of a mile of swimming. One does not have to cycle or swim or even jog to the actual pub, but must ac-


The long awaited and much needed squash court repairs are finally done. The repair work was mostly patch work so there is nq guarantee that the walls will not suffer the same fate in different areas.

I , I

GO BY‘BUS Over 20 recreation, instructional and club Intramural programs are offered this summer, on a team, individual or toed base. The largest number of team activities are offered on a men’s and toed and women’s basis in both indoor and outdoor activities. If you wish to enter a team simply.: (1) Gatlier a group of friends. (2) Pick up an entry form now from the receptionist in PAC. (3) Complete the entry form indicatinga. name of activity b. name of your team-be original c. captain’s name and phone number d. the name, I.D. number, address, faculty year of all team members e. time, day you would prefer to play. (4) Return the completed form to the Receptionist on or before the entry deadline. (5) Must send a team representative ‘to the prescribed organizational meet’ing to pick up schedule and discuss the rules. (6) Anyone who isn’t on a team \and wishes to play, simply come to the organizational meeting.

Softball Over 30 teams are expected from faculty and staff and students. The defending champions from math sot will have heavy ‘opposition from the ever powerful eng sot and phys ed. All gam,es played tuesday and thursday from 4:OO pm. Entry Date: friday, may 12th ’ Org. Meeting: monday, may 15th 7 : 30 pm in Rm 1083 PAC League Meet: tuesday, may 16th.



A relatively new activity starting last summer has seen a rapid growth in interest from 6 teams to i8 this winter. It is similar to road hockey with few rules and no officials: All games played Wednesday at Seagram’s. Entry Date: tuesday, may 16th Org. Meeting: thursday, may 18th 7 :30 pm in Rm 1083 PAC i

Basketball This ever popular activity will be played every Thursday evening in the PA Building. Entry Date: monday, may 15th Org. Meeting: tuesday, may 16th 8:30 pm in rm 1083 \ Pat League


5 Man





Another relatively new event with increasing popularity, features 5 avid squash players on a team basis. Each team plays a match against each other. Special bookings are pre-arranged for matches. Entry Date: friday, may 19th Org. Meeting: Wednesday, may 24th 8:3Q pni in Rm 1083 PAC League Starts: that week.

Soccer A toed team from Math society bewildered everyone last summer with their talent-all games played Wednesday 4 :00-8: 30 pm.- on Columbia 1 Field. Entry Date: tuesday , map 16th Org. Meeting: thursday, may 18th rm 1083 at 8:30 ‘\ ‘\ pm PAC Starts: Wednesday, may 24th.



Should be a successful event this summkr, if the winter term is ‘an indication. All games played tuesday evenings from 8:00 pm in the phys ed building. Ihtry Date: friday, may 12th ’ Org. Meeting: monday, may 15th rm 1083 at 8:30 pm PAC League Starts: tuesday, may 16th.






A unique fun activity. .A must for everyone to try. All games thursday 5 :30-7 : 30 pm in pool of the phys ed building. Entry Date: monday, may 15th Org. Meeting: tuesday, may 16th 7: 30 pm in rm 1083 PAC League Starts: thursday, may 18th at 5:30 pm.




Twelve activities are featured on this level. For- badminton buffs, Wednesday and fridays from 9 :00-lo:30 pm has been established plus free time hours in the PA complex. For golf nuts, practise time has been set for tuesday and’thursday 7 :00-g: 00 pm in red activity area. Simply bring your own equipment and hit away.

G ray Coach U n iversity Service Direct from Waterloo Campus Entrances to Toronto Terminal

Golf Four reduced golf days have been scheduled starting Wednesday may 17th at Foxwood. Simply pay your $2.50 green fee, sign in when your round is completed and get $1.00 back. On june 7th, a second golf date is set for Foxwood. . On june 22nd the second, mixed two ball foursome will be held at Foxwood.



On Wednesday, may 17th at 6: 30 pm on the Village Green all throwers are invited to a frisbee competition. Time

and Place

thur june 8th on the roadway from village 1 to village 2. 2 Entries

. Express via hwy. 401 LEAVE SOUTH CAMPUS ENTRANCE Mon to Fri - 4:50 PM Fridays - 12:35 PM & 3:35 PM. Buses loop clockwise via University, Columbia and Phillip, serving designated ,will stop on signal at intermediate points along University Ave.


6:00 pm.


to swim

For the first time a learn to swini program will be offered to beginners. All those interested are asked to attend the organizational meeting monday, may 15th at 7 : 00 pm in the pool gallery of PAC.




1. Anyone wishing to officiate softball or basketball for pay contact the Intramural office now Ext 3532. 2. Anyone wishing to instl;uct in the Kinder Swim & Gym program contact the Intra,mural office immediately .



Although you may have missed the club meeings . this week, there is still ample-time to get involved. The club program is one of the most varied this summer. Archery Shooting times - monday and Wednesday 7:00-9:00 pm in red activity area. 25 cents range fee. Contact Carson Payne or Eric Wright at 745-2867. Cricket First cricket time is Wednesday may 17th at 6 :00 pm on Columbia field. Contact Jack Morris at Ext 3872 or Dilip Hingorani at 576-8391, Ext 3804. Underwater Several open water dives are planned. Simply contact Mark Yunker at 884-0962. “. _ Whitewater Several excursions & cruises are planned. Contact Bill Byars at 578-5396 or ext 2667 and Dav,e Rees-Thomas at 696-2628 or ext 2886. Sailing With three new Sunflower boats, sailing should be the best ever - if they find water. Contact Bob Ward at 885-0283 or ext 2137. Orienteering Meets are being held every Sunday at various sights. Beginners clinics are held before,each meet. The “Wanderers 0 Club” is going to Hamilton on may 14th and to Guelph on may 21st. Anyone interested contact Molly Targosz ext 3137 or Dayle Smith ext 3550,or Gerrie Bay’croft ext 3663. ’


Westmount,’ stops. Buses en route and

Return Buses From Toronto To Campus


Due at race time. Time



Womens intramural events this term include toed slow pitch on monday nights, toed volleyball on tuesday nights, women’s lib slow pitch Wednesday nights, toed inner tube waterpolo on thursday nights, mixed badminton on friday nights and these are only a small sampling of the activities that are available for the women on campus this summer. Slow pitch is expected to be another big hit this summer as the campus chicks show their talents with the softball bat and glove. In summers past, this modified softball game has been very popular because it is easy to play and its great for girl watching. Rumor has it thehA kin team has been doing some advanced batting practise in an effort to regain the title they have up to 2B last summer. Equipment is available for anyone who wants to practise. If you want to play get a group of lo-15 gals together and enter a team today. Phone Salley Kemp at ext 3533 right now so that your team will be entered. If you don’t have enough people to make up a team let Sally know and she will find a team for you to play on. Some of the greatest social events of the season will be taking place this summer every friday as participants get together to discus,s their cyswoginsteining. You better get in on it. If you don’t know what it is phone ext 3533.

Mon to Fri - 7:00 AM L Sundays - 8:30 PM & lo:50 PM Leave






Additional 950 pm Sunday trip from T.O. runs locally via .Gueiph ADDITIONAL TORONTO EXPRESS SERVICE FROM KITCHENER BUS TERMINAL 6:05 A.M. 7:15

A.M. 7:30 A.M. 8:30 A.M. 10: 20 A.M. 12: 55 A.M. 3:35 P.M. 5:20 P.M. 7:20 P.M. lo:45 P.M.




via hwy. 7 No. 4




Copies of nevir time tables are available at the Kitchener Terminal or from your driver % FARES ARE LOW TO TORONTO ONE WAY $2.75 RETURN $5.25 _BUY “lo-TRIP TICKETS” AND SAVE MONEY!

10 *RIDES (Waterloo - Toronto) $23.40 tickets have no expiry date; they do not have to be used by purchaser; they may be used from Kitchener terminal or from Waterloo



friday12 may


( 13:

1) 9



HURRY . T,here’s


in the chevron


room free


Resurrection of traditional

of iournalism

Courses 0 news


In these days of higher and still higher education where the goal of the graduate is not to gather knowledge but to lean on his winnings, it is a shame that this university is still infested with the academic worst type of pestulance imaginable under present circumstances. I address myself to the well known and acknowledged subject of tlhe



0 feature








traditional student, his dying role in society and associated bemoanings. We of the establishment

and design

have delt with situations before; we can certainly them again.‘

and criticism

No prerequisites ,No tuition fees

weekly planning meetings Thursday 10 a.m. C.C. Rm.‘135 call Fed. of Students 8850370 or Probe ext. 3780 for further information


On a brighter note...there is a way. It’s called “fact”...pure science and mathematics, statistics and information...they approve of us...of it...of this


NEED TWO MORE - COURSES FOR GRADUATION? Have considered YOU ._ correspondence ? The University of Waterloo offers 38 audio tape credit courses for bY correspo-ndence in Chemistry Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Physics. _ FOR INFO-RMATION CONTACT: The Director University of Waterloo Correspondence Programmt University of Waterloo i Waterloo, Ont. Telephone (519) 8851211, exts. 2410, 2196 or 3501 , chevron


system. It’s written down. We’re okay! Oh, we have our faults.‘We have our failings, minor though they may be. But I just remember the words of my father who told me. .. ‘Son, put a colour tv in every livingroom and two cars in every garage and there will be a colour tv in every livingroom and two cars

Whilst the statements made by Mr. Venkataramaiah are not GSU policy, and we are by no means supporting them, we feel that the statements made by the author, who had not even the courage to sign his name, are- personally ’ insulting to Mr. Venkataramaiah and nothing short of libelous. We are disgusted that “Staff News” would publish such a letter without even a disclaimer. Presumably the letter represents staff association ,policy. We can understand that members of the non-academic staff might be hurt by some of Mr. Venkataramaiah’s statements, but to reply by making cheap insinuations about his character in an anonymous letter is only worthy of Archie Bunker. We hope that the next issue of “Staff News” will contain a retraction of these remarks and an indication of the identity of their cowardly author. Fred

W. Hetzel President Graduate Student Union Philip S. English Vice President Graduate Student Union

Exit Sam ’ I would like to inform you I would no longer be living in Canada for some reasons. However, I thank you very much for sending the Chevron news. I was glad to know hundreds and hundreds of students of the university. I We had good times though I was too busy with studies. Unfortunately, university lacked to understand me and consequently flunked me for a few silly marks. I quit of everything; I don’t have time to find all my friends (who know me as Sam (Saranitis) the Greek) and say goodbye. I trust you will find the space in the Chevron to give them the message. Thanks. Good life Chevron. Sam the Greek

in every garage.” My father was truly liberal, leaving all moral decisions to me. And that’s what I ask all of us to do. Leave the moral decisions to yourself. You have to have the guts to make them the way 1 do. If you don’t, you’ll never make it. (speaking

Peter Trudeau. for the people)

Faculty saves students I warmly applaud the challenge of Drs. Haggar and Malzan to the faculty of the University of Waterloo. Although my salary is not paid by the University, it also ultimately comes from tax dollars,, and therefore I do not feel as though I am giving cheap adivce. I have become increasingly uneasy about the high salaries for “the exceptionally pleasant” life of the academic. There is no doubt in my mind that the faculty and administration ought to bear. the cost of the present crisis, and not the students. The university of

‘Staff News’ letter sick



like this deal with

Who is this crying sibling? Why does he sleep in the armchairs of society while questioning the softness of the down? Surely there is some way to make the goal of this system clear.. .

Environmental Conference in Fall



A ddress ‘?tters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 character line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason,

Waterloo could put itself on the academic map- by making a responsible moral decision not only not to accept a raise this year but to take the suggested 4 percent cut in favour of the students and the taxpayers. Walter Klaassen, Conrad Grebel College

Reply to Record As I am a Vietnamese, your article “Why not ask Vietnamese” (Kitchener-Waterloo Record, April 19, 1972) interested me very much and I appreciated your idea to consult Vietnamese, those who “live where the bombs drop” (the quotes come from your article), about the americanbombing in Vietnam. Although I am not living. under the bombs (neither is the interviewed Seantor Tran-QuangThuan who is living, in fact, rather comfortably in Saigon, away from the bombs), I hope your liberal newspaper shall not disdain my opinion. Senator Thuan was perhaps right when he said: “unless the bombing could bring quick victory, it would give the other side the opportunity to rally its people”. But I must add that the bombing would rally not only the North Vietnamese, but also the entire Vietnam, from South to North, in a unified block against those who bomb and devast their homeland, namely the american agressors, the real enemy of the Vietnamese.

Pen pal anyone? -, I am writing to you in the hopes that you will print this in your next edition of the campus newspaper or have it posted on the campus bulletin board. If there is anyone who would like to correspond with me, I would gladly answer all questions, regardless of how personal they may be. I will also answer all letters that are written to me. At the present time I am serving a sentence in the Ohio Penitentiary. I work in the prison hospital as a clerk. I am also an externs clerk. I am 28 years young and was born and raised in Danville, Virginia, U.S.A. I like all sports, especially stock car racing. Also, this is the only penitentiary in the United States that lets the inmates correspond with anyone they want to. The mail is not censored, going or coming into the prison. Your kindness will never be forgotten for accepting these few lines. Thank you very much. Frank


E. Johnson No. 132-254 Box 511 Ohio 43216 U.S.A.

As far as the recent US bombing is concerned, your readers have certainly noticed Senator Thuan’s enthusiastic support for the view of the Nixon government, as well as his insensibility towards the atrocities endured by his compatriots. A Vietnamese saying tells: when the rabbit dies, even the fox puts into mourning. I have no intention to reduce the distinguished Senator Thuan to the level of a beast, but I am certain that your readers would surely recognize traitors to their country. I hope this little quarrel between Vietnamese does not distract our readers from the main point which is. that the Nixon government is leading a war of agression in Vietnam. The slogan saying that the North Vietnamese are trying to take over South Vietnam by force is simply one of the pretexts invented by the Nixon government to mislead the public opinion. In fact, one must understand that it is a duty for each Vietnamese citizen, no matter if he comes from the North or from the South, to defend his country T against foreign agression. The socalled South Vietnam is simply a zone temporarily still under american control, and the North Vietnam a liberated zone. Mrs. Bui-Van

Machismo in Washington I see by the New York papers that the Bronx, like Vietnam, is plagued by civil war. I feel for Congressman Biaggi, who has been trying to bring its rival gangs together. There was something more than faintly familiar in the New York Times account on April 22 of his peace efforts. One gang leader, Ted Gonzalez of the Seven Immortals, avowed that his gang’s intentions were utterly peaceful, unlike its rival the Black Spades. “The Spades just want to fight while we want to make he told Biaggi. “But I tell you, if peace,” fight we must, then we’re prepared for a rumble too. No one’s going to tread on our turf.” This manly readiness to stand up against aggression, to face up to the test of will at whatever cost-this sounds like those who rallied to support Nixon’s bombing of Haiphong in the Senate a few days earlier. If we fail to stand up to the aggressor in Vietnam, Th urmond of South Carolina told the Senate during the bombing debate on April 19, “our nation will be regarded with justification as a paper tiger.” “The invasion of Vietnam,” Dole of Kansas said, “is a test of our national will.” “Should we accept Hanoi’s terms now and surrender,” Tower of Texas declared, “the President would have to crawl on his belly to Moscow in May. ” “The President,” averred Allott of Colorado, “will not be intimidated....” And Goldwater promised that the actions taken by Nixon “will overcome tie weak-kneed, jelly-backed attitude of Members of this body and citizens of this country who think you can end a war overnight by ‘snapping your fingers....” These Senators and the Bronx’s Seven Immortals have machismo in common. A related maxim of statesmanly behaviour was reported by Terence Smith in the New York Times April 23. The day after the bombing of Hanoi and Haiphong the President ran into an old friend as he was leaving a luncheon on Capitol Hill. When the friend asked about the bombings, Mr. Nixon punched him affectionately on the shoulder and said, “When they jump on you, you have to let them have it.” The small boy mentality is also visible in military pronouncements. Orr Kelly, the Was hi ngton Star’s Pen tagon reporter, was given a “background briefing” on the tactics being pursued in the new bombings of the North. “US Following ‘Classic’ Script in Escalation,” said the headline over his story of April 23. The military in the Johnson-McNamara years claimed that the bombing of the North failed because the escalation was too gradual. The theory now being applied by the Pentagon, Mr. Kelly was told, “calls for rapidly increasing pressure on the enemy until he gives up.” The theory is certainly classic in its simplicity. The rationale, Mr. Kelly’s Pentagon informant explained, in an unconsciously revealing simile, “is much like the tactics of two boys fighting”: . If one boy gets the other in an arm lick, the can probably get his adversary to say if he increases the pressure in “uncle” ‘sharp, painful jolts and gives every indication of willingness to break the other boy’s arm. There are subtleties involved, -as in any systems analysis. “Between each painful move,” so Mr. Kelly was briefed, “he must pause long enough togive the other boy a chance to think things over and give up.” But if the pressure is applied “slowly and with obvious reluctance,” as under Johnson and McNamara, “the boy on the ground has a chance to get used to the pain.” This is the mistake the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Nixon are determined to

avoid. Why read Cl Herman Kahn, why d computers, when th IU/J”,, tnnn cnJ” ri11L11 r hx u ctnrn JC”IL

lulation primitives ers


The first rule of thi is that the I leader of a tr appear “chic the cave rn; principle of quarter-cent1 began at H’


of small bov menwho still see war as a the


, ,lart of a diabolical Brezhti&$o pressure him into oscow in 2much more humble n be prone to.” On atelv

second nuc$ thoughts dg In the $4 because Khrushchel nedy, ha4 hard to ke had madt “blinked ” us from desire n giant, a The risk outweigh the risks t world. Crunch may because the man in






so, existed


Seven ne’s7 exints

This’is not a rational planetary or&r: But it would be too easy to biame.,.this’i’on’ the’, ‘,‘politicians.” Their calculus . of political expediency rests on the existence within each nation’s boundaries of a

laws unto yourselves”? Wh~~~‘,‘i~~~~d,~~~~~~~ ‘..’ ,a * ‘,. are. _’ . Had the Cuban nuclear ,.cri% &&ted into nuclear war, Western Europe wo,Gld have been doomed, too. But Kennedy did


not consult our allies in NATO, much less the United Nations. Acheson was sent, after the decision was made, to inform de Gaulle, not to ask his consent to the showdown. Should the Vietnamese confrontation erupt into nuclear war, Japan, the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea, our allies in the Far East, would all suffer gravely, perhaps irremediably, even if only from radioactive fallout. But Nixon is not consulting them either. No doubt Moscow and Peking are terrified of a nuclear confrontation. Nixon’s strategy of spreading terror by unpredictability recalls Hitler. I do not compare the President to the Fuehrer, but in this respect their tactics are similar. Hitler won Munich-style concession after another by them, e,but at a cost Germany and the world remember too well. In the Tonkin Gulf we are again entering waters. The other day an American guided missile frigate, the Worden, was badly damaged by what appeared at first to be enemy planes. It turned out later that the ship was hit by two air-to-ground missiles from American planes assigned to bomb Haiphong. What if an American ship, what if a carrier, should be sunk with heavy loss of American lives? What if the headlines proclaim it an enemy attack? And we do not find out until too late, or perhaps ever, that our own bombs did the dirty work? If we move toward blockade, if we mine the harbours, if Moscow sends protective vessels and mine sweepers, if the havoc done to Haiphong and Hanoi becomes unendurable even to the most appeasement-minded in Moscow and Peking...? The chances of the situation getting out of hand, through accident or loss of nerve or design, will multiply swiftly, the flash point at which neither side can back down may pass much too quickly for anything as archaic as the Congressional right to declare war. Secretary Rogers told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that r&-introducing US combat troops and using nuclear weapons were the only options excluded in escalating the war against North Vietnam. How easily these limits could be swept aside by some unexpected catastrophe! It is time again to “Remember the Maine,” whose mysterious and still unsolved sinking precipitated the SpanishAmerican war. The simple fact is that the world as now organized lives on the edge of destruction. Everyone knows it but everyone tries to forget about it. Most of the planet can be incinerated within less than a day should a crunch get out of hand. This didn’t happen over Cuba, but it may happen over Vietnam. If it doesn’t happen over Vietnam, it may happen over the Middle East. lf it doesn’t happen there, there will be other flash points-Bangladesh was the first flicker of the lightning over the Indian Ocean, the newest theater of confrontation. With each crunch, the probabilityby sheer arithmetic-of its getting out of control will increase. The safety of mankind depends on somehow finding a way to a new world order in which no nation is so “sovereign” that it can press the button that may mean planetary extinction. And what if Nixon “succeeds”? What if he escalates the bombing of the North without precipitating a third World War? What a price to prove that he and America are not “chicken.” How many must die in the smaller countries, how many millions elsewhere must be placed in jeopardy because the superpower suffers from an inferiority complex?

tlgedlemm member: cqnadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (CINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1971-72) by the federation of students, Incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federatic 1 and the university administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 578-707” or university local 3443; telex 0295-748.




one shudders to think just what all of this will look like in print, speaking of which there was, but for the grace of god and roddy & eddy & john 81michael, a fine chance that none of this would ever have seen the light of day which might have been better for the world but certainly not for all the neurotics involved in the matter; which brings us to the story (freddy fireman) of how our typesetters shop almost burned down but was saved by the foresight of the aforementioned valiants, all of whom are probably enjoying nightmare fantasies about how they were made into celluloid and pulp fodder for the local media to consume in paroxyms of ‘human interest’ and ‘sensational’ delights, hows about that and speaking of which the best example of a press that glories in bootlicking and grovelling before certain vested interests is still the gazette, and concerning which we can only note with total joy that the style of reportage concerning the recent general meeting of grad students is tantamount to admitting publicly that they no longer even pretend to be objective and that in future it will no longer be necessary for a gazette reporter to attend news events-in future when something happens president matthews line will be reprinted verbatim (or so it seems to anyone who attended that particular meeting), anyway, not wanting to get too much dung on our shoes too quickly, it is probably time to sign off which we will do forthwith so long as a goodly number of you promise to come in and work, work, work (and if enough come maybe we’ll even field a softball team against the feds and the turkeys, ooops, turnkeys that is) entertainment: this week we were mike rohatynsky (ta-ta-ta-tuh-ta-ta) for his debut), george kaufman, paul w. stuewe, cubsy, ian angus (in charge this time) and janet was missed by all....thanks to the intramural department peter hopkins and sally kemp for the latest word on the intramural scene; pat reid dropped an article in and that’s about it, so anyone else willing to do some sports, either writing or photographic events, drop down to the sports department and talk to us. in general: allan (big al) the co-op Iukachko, deanna kaufman, len greener, mart roberts, Walter Powell, sorry to john dale, rona achillesI maria, Charlotte helped, hello to tom mcdonald, photogs were brian cere, Scott gray, miscellany were peter Wilkinson, john fraser, peter warrian, cousin bill dumont, randy who was handy but got missed above, our apologies to anyone who was missed above but what can you really expect from a crowd of first niters? gudnite, djc & gm.

i.f. stone reprinted from NYR


12 may



1) 1 1


f -

The Lion’s

The light numbs



the gum,s where

Den slightly


teeth once were.

Lions from the tundra wearing parkas and remembering the bolts that sheared in ‘fifty-eight and took an arm and where a cat can drink and not be harmed....





by Ivan




by Brian


the chevron

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