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volume 13 number 10 friday 18 august 1972


Board selects American

/ At the \uly 24 meeting of the OFS, Young Socialists present their resolution demanding the abolition of all tuition fees as the more sedate student delegates vote in an intensive educational campaign

Fee a



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focuses on the following three demands : l that the Ontario student awards program be amended to facilitate greater student access to it* ammendments t0 include elegibility of part-time students, lowering of the loan ceiling from $800 to its former level of $666, and reduction of the independence age . l that the Ontario government actively seek increased federal financial participation in postsecondary education. l rescinding of the tuition fee increase until there has been full consultation of affected groups about the - financing of postsecondary education, and the final report of the province’s commission on post-secondary education has been released.

vote in from& October

TORONTO (CUP)---Ontario post-secondary students will decide in an October referendum whether to protest increased tuition costs by a second term fees strike. An Ontario Federation of Students (OFS) general meeting monday july 24 chose the referendum as part of an intensive educational campaign and rejected a proposed September fees strike. In a recent mail ballot, only two of the-eighteen member councils favored the immediate strike. The educational campaign

An OFS delegation presented the demands to minister of colleges and_ universities George Kerr Wednesday july 26, but received few assurances. Kerr restated the government’s position that tuition and student award loans would increase by $100 and $200 respectively. Student councils plan to distribute an OFS pamphlet to their constituencies this month. It will explain the present situation and advise students to pay only their first term installment of fees, thereby keeping the january fees strike option open. The mailing will include a letter from the local council concerning the particulars of their own institution. Councils will step up their activities during orientation week, using general meetings and educational seminars to lobby support for an internal petition campaign stressing the OFS demands. The petitions will be forwarded to the Ontario government. Information tables will be set up in registration areas to further persuade students to withhold their second installment. Individual councils will weigh the merits of holding accessibility concerts to demonstrate their

_ photo by chuck to reject rejected,

the fee increase. to be reintroduced

concern, build support protest, and raise funds campaign.

for for


The proposed September fee str%ke was in an October referendum.

the the

The fees strike referendum will take place October 10-12. A subsequent OFS general meeting will plot further strategy once the referendum results are known. In other business, the OFS demanded that the minimum wage laws be applied uniformly. At present, the Ontario law has a $1.36 an hour student minimum while non-students get $1.65 an hour. The Federation also went on

Dare strike After meetings with union officials and the K-W labour council, and with the death of a fellow worker, Dare strikers find themselves in a crucial situation. After almost twelve weeks on strike pay, the economic hardships for the 377 workers are becoming crtitical and the situation has been deteriorating quickly during August. Still, the workers-almost 90 per cent are women-have managed to retain their stamina and have brushed off Dare management’s “last invitation to return to work.” The’ striking union members that have returned to work are estimated at about 5 per cent. Many new workers have been hired by Dare’s, so that now there are almost 100 workers working on the single shift. Production at the Dare plant on Kingsway Drive is operating at approximately two per cent, according to a description from a striker who worked one day to find out. The union is contemplating bringing charges against Dare for “not bargaining in good faith”. Evidence supporting this charge includes newspaper ads in the K-W

record as opposing the dropping of the traditional summer stipend for physical therapy and occupational therapy students. Second and third year students must do the work as part of their course requirement. OFS strongly protested the nonconclusive manner in which health sciences stipends were cut and fees raised. The delegates also condemned the practice of some institution of having students perform work for them -4thout pay, insisting there should be payment for such work in the future. Record, letters to employees and frequent phone calls to strikers ; attempting to bargain with individual strikers contravenes the law stating that the union is to be the sole bargaining agent. On August 8 a memorial service was held at the Dare plant for David Rushton, 26, who was found asphyxiated in the garage of his parents home over two weeks ago. Lou Dautner, international representative with the UBW, has said the union leadership tried to prevent the mourning session because “it could have meant automatic jail sentences of up to a year for a large number of our members” for breaking the terms of the injunction order. Picketers refused to cancel the mass memorial demonstration, and about 60 picketers turned out with placards, some with Rushton’s photo, and black arm bands, defying a Supreme Court of Ontario injuction limiting the picket total to 16. Rushton was one of 3 people charged with obstructing police after pickets clashed with workers attempting to enter the strikebound plant in July. A shipper at the Dare plant for three years, Rushton had been one of the most active members in local 173. He appeared in Supreme Court last month on a charge of violating an earlier injunction and had testified at the hearing. continued

on page 3

On july 20, 1972 the Waterloo county board of education unanimously ratified the selection of James Edward Dudeck as coordinator of psychological services. Dudeck has signed a probationary one-year contract for $19,560 which will be raised to a cool $20,500 on certification of his doctoral thesis by George Peabody College. Dudeck, who hails from Indiana, undertook his undergraduate and M.A. studies (guidance counselling) at Ball State University. After having held positions as a psychometrist at Ball State (1963-65) and as a school psychologist for the Northern Indiana school study council (196569), he returned to academe to acquire a Phd. in psychology. Other of Dudeck’s practical and intellectual activities have included : providing counselling service for reading disability children, participating in the administration of a workshop “designed to explore selected models and approaches to mental health service delivery in the public schools”, and writing a master’s thesis entitled, “Predicting Achievement via Perceptual Modes: Effects of Haptic-Tactual Intervention.” The board, with the assistance of a committee composed of trustees and administrators, advertised for an educational psychologist in the


Globe and Mail, Ottawa Citizen, London Free Press, and Windsor Star, at the Canadian

Psychological Association convention in Montreal, through the regional offices of OISE and through the university of Waterloo psychology department. Of the twelve applicants and two inquiries received, about “threequarters were Canadian.” Four applicants were rejected on the grounds that they did not possess, nor would obtain in the near future, the requisite qualifications for the position. From the four persons who were granted interviews, Dudeck was selected by the hiring committee. Lorraine Mansfield, a trustee who sat on the committee, stated that Dudeck was recommended to the post “because he was the most suitable candidate in terms of experience and areas of research.” Expressing similar sentiments, Grant MacDonald, also a trustee on the committee, claimed that the American psychologist “conformed strongly and positively” with the principles contained in a special education report adopted by the county board. continued

on page 3


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The 0 fall roster Orientation '72 will be a departure from orientations of the recent past to the extent that other things besides entertainment will play a prominent role. Attempts will be made to focus more attention on the various “social difficulties” people experience in and around the university community. Last year, the report of the commission on post-secondary education (Wright report) and the university of Waterloo act caused many Waterloo students to begin reevaluating the nature of the university. Cutbacks in the Ontario student awards program, higher tuition fees, and rising student unemployment forced many students, as well as the federation of students, to start asking questions about the relevance of university education. All major government reports have recommended that students should bear more of the total cost of their education. Seen in this ’ context the recent tuition-loan changes would appear to be just the beginning of a trend to redirect government spending priorities. To center attention on, and to begin to develop an understanding of the student’s position in the financing of higher education the federation is planning for a general meeting of the student body on Wednesday, September 6, in the great hall of the campus centre. This will be a VW-Y important meeting and all are / urged to attend. There will also be two forums in the first week dealing with the “culture-shock” that many freshman students experience in their new social environment. Co-operatives (eg . food co-ops, record co-ops) and communes *(living situations involving varying degrees of sharing) are interesting alternatives to the conventional competitive in-

atitutions in our society. On Wednesday evening, September 6, there will be a forum on the, benefits and problems resulting, from these attempts to make cooperation a greater part of one’s life. The forum wX probably ‘break into two workshops, on cooperatives and communes I respectively. Recently there has been an increasing belief on the part of many /people in the western world that our society’s attitudes to human sexuality may not be the only valid ones. On thursday evening, september 7, there will be a forum on this subject. The panel, consisting of representatives from women’s groups, gay liberation and the birth control center, will discuss present sexual attitudes that influence our behaviour and inhibit sensitivity in relating (sexually and non-sexually) with other people. Part of the student federation’s attempt to promote a better awareness and deeper political consciousness among students this year is a week-long program entitled ‘Human Liberation’ which will be held during September eleventh to the fifteenth, the second week of orientation. The program generally comprises a series of political entertainment and educationals. The list that follows is tentative and will probably be greatly improved by September. Throughout the week there will be a smattering of entertainirg political films scheduled for 10 pm each night in the campus center. As well, Lionel Rogosin, an internationally known radical filmmaker will be on campus with some of his films. One of these films, ‘Black Fantasy’ will be a Canadian premiere. An open seminar with Rogosin is already planned, as are the presentations of his films. A ‘People’s Music’ concert is scheduled for one afternoon in the campus center. Beverly Dobrinsky from Winnipeg, who sang at the women’s festival this summer, will be returning to participate. Also, David Levine from Philadelphia who is a member of the International Workers of the World (IWW) is tenatively scheduled. Murray Bookc hin whose dynamic writings heavily influenced the early development of the new left in North America, will be on campus. The author of “PostScarcity Anarchism”, Bookchin will probably do a seminar on “Towards a Liberatory Technological and Ecological Society”. A ‘People’s Rock’ concert is planned for one afternoon in the campus center. Horn-Metesky from Toronto is tentatively scheduled. This group operates as two collectives, one a rock band and the other a guerilla theatre troupe. A seminar on Quebec has been planned for the latter part of the week. The purpose is to provide some analysis of the nature of recent events in Quebec as well as an understanding of where Quebec is heading. Leandre Bergeron, author of the best selling “Petit Histoire du Quebec” has promised to attend.

Nonetheless, without trying to overwork cliches like ‘let’s work together’, there is something that can be done. One of the federation’s major thrusts this year will be the promotion of active course unions-development of departmental unions that push for hopefully will representation on all department committees. This, coupled with students on all faculty councils and students on the senate, can be the beginning of a powerful student lobbying force. If a concentrated effort is made, the possibility exists for a strong student voice in the areas of budget, curriculae, hiring-f iring, research, etc. Legitimate channels may prove fruitless but as yet, many of us are unprepared to make that realization. Within the isolation of the university it is very easy for students to spend four or more years in a virtual vacuum, oblivious to external forces. This luxury is rapidly being wiped out. The Wright Report and the recent changes in government spending (decrease in university financing and increse in corporate tax benefits) are concrete examples of how external forces, over which we have no control, affect our lives. In this area, the federation is attempting to set up an educational programme (by way of speakers, forums, movies, seminar groups and research) through which we can achieve a better understanding of our social reality-the economics and the politics of everyday life. If we are being critical of outside organizations we must also be critical of our own. The federation is the central student organization on campus and as such, it often makes - decisions on students’ behalf and represents them in many ways, often (with the exThe university is one of the most ception of students’ council) influential forces in the lives of without much student input. With or without much student influence, students. But, it has been standard practice for this institution to the federation exists and will ignore our concerns and to treat us continue to exist. The federation paternalistically-witness the does affect your life, but the difUniversity of Waterloo Act debate. ference between it and other is that it can be The point that should be stressed is bureaucracies that students should have influenced and if it is to be sucsignificant influence over the cessful it must be influenced. The federation executive, with decision-making processes of the the help of students’ council and a university. small number of volunteers have This idea has become one of the drawing up a main concerns of the federation of spent the summer programme. As a result, the students. Being realistic, however, for the upcoming year the federation’s potential to I programme now exists on paper; to make it promote social change is not great and our sphere of influence is very exist in form necessitates active participation and involvement. limited.

Paul Lin from McGill University will hopefully attend at some point during the week to highlight a seminar on China. Lin, over the last few years has become recognized as the international expert on China and will probably talk on “China-The New Man”. Leo Johnston has agreed to speak on the important question of “Where is Canada Going?“. Seen in the context of american corporate control, of Canada, this could be a highlight of the orientation programme. Similarly, Marjaleena Repo, editor of Transformation has promised to attend and speak on unemployment and Waterloo students and what we can do about it, a topic which is certainly relevant to most people. Women’s and gay liberation will also bring in speakers during the week. To finish off the week, ‘A Day of Cultural Euphoria’ will be held on Saturday, September 16th on the village moor. Arts and crafts displays, workshops, Spott Farm, Perth County Women, the Jesus Forever Family, ethnic dance groups and kendo displays will provide an interesting day for most anybody.

. -Using YOl Y union I

PERSONAL Need legal advice? Call Youth in Legal Difficulty. 744-1641.

1963 Volvo 544. As is-needs work. Best offer. Phone 884-3327. Ask for Barry. WANTED

Volunteers needed for Big Sisters and Summer Drop-In Center serving youth in downtown Kitchener-Waterloo. Phone 744-1711 and leave your name and number.

Ranch hands wanted full and parttime. Apply Roy Rodgers Family Restaurant between ,2 and 4pm.

Piano Lessons. Qualified and experienced teacher specializing in young beginners 5-13. Please call 7447767 any pm.


FOR SALE Tape recorders: UHER-4000 Reporter-L, with many accessories. ITT-Schaub-Lorenz Recorder SL-55 Automatic. Call extension 2344 Hgfner electric guitar for sale: $120 or best offer. Ian Angus at 742-2356.

Attention wanted go-go dancers for weekends only. 9-9 Phone 5798085 Mrs. Ferguson.

Experienced anytime. HOUSING





Apartment to share, private room, bath, fridge, stove, desk. $50 per month. Location 93 Columbia. Contact Dennis Munn 519-676-2631 or 519676-8282 Cedar Springs, Ontario.


18, 1972

Birth control Do you feel you are prepared for any situation that may arise in your first year here at U of W? If so, .think again. Our experience here at the birth control centre has shown us that too many people aren’t. One of the main reasons is a reluctance to take responsibility for one’s actions; it’s easier to just ‘ ‘let things happen”. When it comes to birth control, it’s sometimes hard to know what to do. Most of the values and ideals that you bring with you will be questioned and challenged. In seeking to develop and define your own sexuality, you will have to resolve many conflicts and questions. One of these is the issue of pre-marital intercourse. Whatever your decision, be ready to accept the responsibility that goes with it. ’ Perhaps you feel you will have no need of birth control. Perhaps you think you may need it in a year or two, but not right now. Or perhaps you need it now but aren’t sure exactly what to do about it; or else are one of those people who hate to make a doctor’s appointment. Whatever your position, just remember that we are here to help you. The birth control centre is staffed by trained student volunteers who are more than willing to talk to you. If you have questions about different methods of birth control, VD, pregnancy, abortion, or other related topics, don’t hesitate to drop into Room 206 in the Campus Centre, or call us at 885-1211, extension 3446. Remember, “just this once” could be once too often, and you will have enough hassles here without the added problem of having to face an unplanned pregnancy. If you don’t feel quite “ready” for birth control, then you’re not ready for intercourse. Think about it.

Two double rooms, single beds; males only; bedding and linen supplied, private kitchen, washroom facilities. $12 weekly. 885-0914. 91 Blythwood Road.

Wanted two girls to share a three bedroom apartment with two other girls. Erb and Westmount. Call Ann Langmuir 744-4471 ext 215; evenings 578-4755.



Wanted a 3-4 bedroom house; large spacious rooms; reasonable rent; no subdivision. Call Dave Cubberley at 885-1660 before 4: 30 pm. Want to sublet one bedroom apartment in married student residence immediately. Call 884-3474.




18; 1972

A morsel of LeDain Possession of cannabis will remain illegal in an attempt to deter new users said health minister John Munro as he announced the new government policy on dope july 31. While possession of grass or hash will remain illegal, they will now come under the food and drug act, unlike harder drugs which will continue to be covered by the narcotics control act. Penalties for simple possession of cannabis will be greatly reduced in accordance with some findings of the LeDain commission. The policy on the popular drug came three years and two months after the inquiry commission, headed by Gerald LeDain, dean of osgoode hall law school in Toronto, began its work. The commission’s final report brought out earlier this year recommended removal of all penalties for possessing mari juana or growing it for personal use while the drug would remain illicit. That was their Catch 22-making it legal to possess an illegal drug. There are five basic elements in the Liberals’ new dope policy, Munro said : l the government does not intend to legalize the use or possession of cannabis in any form. 0 stiff penalties will be retained for importing dope while the impact of the law will lessen for _ simple possession. 0 the government wants to discern clearly between cannabis and narcotics such as heroin. This means moving cannabis offences and controls to the drug act from the narcotic controls act. o the government will “reduce the consequences of certain unlawful acts relating to cannabis.” 0 research and educational programs on the non-medical use of drugs, including dope, will be increased. In making the announcement, Munro expressed concern about the possible effects of long-term usage of cannabis. This apparently was a major factor the government took into consideration in deciding on its policy. “Our concern centers on its possible effects on the maturation of adolescents, on the possibility that long-term heavy use may.resuIt in significant mental disorder, on the implication of automobiles and other machinery, and on the relationship between cannabis and the increase in multiple drug use,” he said. Bearing this in mind, a formal statement issued july 31 at the news conference provides a warning for those hoping for legalization of cannabis. “The Government has no, intention to legalize possession of cannabis in any form, nor does it intend to legalize the cultivation of cannabis for personal use,” the statement said reinforcing the first element in the Liberals’ policy. Munro himself said he does not think legalization is inevitable. One reason for this may be that

the’ chevron

Munro believes the use of marijuana by young people has reached its peak and is “on the wane”. Commission head LeDain disagrees with this observation. While he thought the government’s action is “a good step....a move along the lines we’ve been emphasizing”, he had a warning. He thinks Munro and the federal government may be forced to reopen the issue sooner than ex.pected. The five commissioners found no factual ‘basis to support Munro’s idea that cannabis use is going out of style. “Our impression of the situation was a steady increase in use and a steady increase in convictions,” professor LeDain said. He also cautioned there may be problems of judicial inequality resulting from the new federal reliance on conditional or absolute discharge to avoid criminal records for simple possession of cannabis. Because the government has not forced judges to use discharge procedures, some first offenders will have criminal records while others have none, he warned. LeDain was referring to the criminal law amendments of july 15 which make it possible for judges to direct a person accused of possession of cannabis be discharged absolutely or under probation conditions. An absolute discharge means there will be no criminal record on the books, even though someone is found guilty of possession. The department of justice has instructed all criminal prosecutors in cannabis cases to urge the courts to apply this type of decision for possession of cannabis if there is no concurrent conviction for other offences and if the accused has no previous criminal record. Munro agreed this was much too severe, suggesting a distinction had to be made between those cultivating dope for profit motives and those growing plants for their own use. While consumers will get off easily, those providing dope will have some problems. Importing cannabis will receive harsher penalties than trafficking in Canada, so perhaps the homegrown variety will soon become popular and necessary. At the moment, people convicted of cultivating cannabis receive a maximum of seven years imprisonment. That’s where the government brings in their Catch 22. You will be dealt with less harshly if you are convicted of simple possession or growing dope for your own use. That should mean everyone would have to grow their own. But the- person who supplies you with dope or the seeds will have it rough. You can’t get away from it. Present penalties are quite severe. Cannabis offences except for possession are indictable offences like those involving true narcotics under the narcotic act. Importing or exporting brings prison terms of seven years to life. Convictions for trafficking or possession for trafficking dope can bring life imprisonment, while cultivation can lead to a maximum seven years imprisonment. Summary conviction penalties are up to six months imprisonment with or without a $1000 fine for a first offence, and a maximum one year with an optional $2066 fine in subsequent convictions. There is no minimum penalty. Convictions for possession on indictment can be as high as seven years in prison. The government will introduce legislation covering the reduced maximum penalties for possession when Parliament reconvenes


September 28. Munro suggested the maximum penalty for first offenders would drop to $266 and to $460 for following offences. Last year, 6481 people were given fines only for simple possession of cannabis. Jail sentences were handed out to about 570 people., Fifteen people had jail terms on a first offence, according to Dr. A. B. Morrison, assistant deputy minister of health. The average fine for possession was $154.27 across the country, he added. Manitoba had the highest provincial average while Newfoundland’s was the lowest. OTTAWA


Vending machine boycott Price increases on Kitchener Beverages’ campus vending machines have lead to a boycott call by the Engineering Society, Math Society and Federation of Students. Signs posted on pastry machines ask patrons to purchase food elsewhere and, according to Engineering society spokesmen, the boycott is effective. Prices increased when Vachon, the pastry supplier, raised their prices on the retail shelves from 10 to 12 cents per unit due to increased costs. Since machines are not geared to accept pennies, Kitchener Beverages were “forced” to up their prices to 15 cents. It is estimated that Kitchener Beverages’ profits have increased by as much as 150 per cent; Interestingly enough, items such as potato and corn chips have been removed from vending machines leaving the hungry little of no’s pastry or nothing. It is hoped that Kitchener Beverages can be persuaded to review their price increase. In the meantime, the boycott continues with thoughts of student run pastry and small foods sales outlets in the fall as a further incentive to the local distributer to lower -prices and increase variety.

Cheap whole foods The Organic Food Co-operative was started in december1971 to make available low cost, whole foods. There are now about 100 members and a store, pending rezoning approval by the city, at 30 Young St. west, Waterloo, near Albert street. Items include grains, nuts, flours, honey, meat and fresh vegetables organically grown in our gardens. The foods are bought direct from wholesale and local farmers, and the whole sale price of each item is marked. Members pay an additional 15 per cent to cover costs such as transportation, rent, etc. Working capital comes from the membership fee of $5 per person or $10 per family. . For further information, call 5761494, or contact Susan at the Federation Office.

photo by chuck


Dare continued

American from page 1 The document articulates the purposes and objectives of psychological services for the board, the necessary qualifications of the co-ordinator and the broad parameters within which he must operate. As his foremost priority during his first contract Dudeck will undertake a “study on the work, responsibilities and inservice needs of his department.” In choosing Dudeck, the committee strongly felt that he would perform his work with expertise and humaneness. The group asserted, on the basis of his education, his field-work, and two interviews, that “the particular type of man” the -position demanded, was Dudeck. As Mansfield said, “The fact that he is an American was not questioned.” Peter Barrow, information officer of the board, reinforced this attitude by stating, “The fact that he is an American we feel, takes second place because he has demonstrated the human qualifications.” The committee foresees no major problems with a person who seems to be unfamiliar with the Ontario educational system and more specifically, with that of Waterloo county. The argument of the committee is predicated upon the assumption that “a background in psychology is international; it has no bearing on his work.” Generally, most behavioral psychologists operate on the premise that only individuals can be deviant, while society remains responsible, rational and good. Dudeck’s academic and practical background, firmly rooted in American behavioral psychology, will have ramifications for his work. Dudeck will undoubtedly fit in well with the Waterloo board, which views its educational purpose primarily as the development of students who are supposed to be well-rounded persons contributing responsibly to society. continued




page 1

A note left by Rushton complained of the depression caused by restrictions placed on him by the court order to stay ljOOO feet from the picket line. Also he was to have no contact with union members nor attend meetings following the charge. His trial had been set for October 20. Wayne Zettler, 28, another man under court order not to associate with Dare employees or strikers, and a good friend of Rushton, was charged shortly after appearing in the memorial service for violation of his release on his own recognizance. He was released from custody after 2,060 dollars bail had been signed by his father. Zettler , faces four charges, including one assault, two mischief and one property damage, laid June 2 and July 7 after incidents at the plant involving Canadian Driver Pool. He is still under order to remain 4,ooO feet from the Dare plant. At a K-W labour council meeting last week a -young woman Dare worker said “we have to fight management and our union representatives. They’re not with us; they’re fighting us.” Dautner did not attend the labour council because he had other business to attend to. Local 173 members have met with the union leadership to discuss their differences. Some of the recommendations from that meeting were : l to have a general meeting of the executive and strikers at least once a week for the duration of the strike; l to send a letter to the Minister of Labour protesting Manpower’s sending scabs to Dares; 0 to take union action to publicly deny the company lies printed in the media. (e.g. William Thorn’s statement in the August 9 K-W Record concerning David Rushton) ; l To picket and boycott companies aiding Dare, such as Riordan, Hertz, Apex, Newtex Cleaners, Versafoods, etc. The meeting, attended by approximately 130 people, restored unanimity among union members after the admission of mistakes on both sides. - gord moore




the chevron

Comment Blind justice assaulted For most of the participants, last spring’s demonstration against Pierre Trudeau and company was a futile and frustrating expression of anger. But for a small group of people, that march demonstration has had longer and more serious effects. The first was John Joisce, a political science student at this university. He was arrested and charged with assaulting an officer and creating a disturbance. At his trial in may he was convicted of the second and lesser offence. The affair might have ended there but for the determination of police and crown prosecutor to extract more than their pound of flesh for the real or imagined injury to their dignity. During the Joisce trial a police

witness for the crown testified that he had been assaulted during the demonstration and that his assailant wqs outside the courtroom waiting to testify as a defence witness. At the prosecutor’s suggestion, the officer proceeded to arrest and charge with assault John LaRocque, also a university of Waterloo student. On july 31, four months after the event in question, the LaRocque trial took place. Although the hearing itself was postponed to September, it served as an object lesson for any who still entertained doubts as to the validity of criticisms of Kitchener’s lamentable sense of due process. Blind justice loosened her blindfold just long enough to spot another in the continui-ng series of police assailants. This suspected defiler of public authority was promptly informed of his arrest and imminent charge. ihe fact that the accused had not been at the demonstration nor anywhere near the area lent an aura of Alice in Wonderland to the austerity of the court. Yet the charge alone may cost the man his job. The whole affair might be humorous but for the fact that the guardians of our safety were ,

and are quite serious. What for most of us was an ineffective and now long-ago demonstration apparently remains fresh and irksome in the minds and hearts of the local legal establishment.


The machinery of justice has been grinding people beneath its wheels for years. The recent events arising from a legitimate demonstration cannot be interpreted as isolated‘ vind ict iveness. The incredible arogance of the purveyors of justice in this city had to be’seen to be understood. The police have convinced themselves that they /were indeed assaulted and victimized at the demonstration, and they are operating from a sense of injured pride, coupled with outdated self-conceptions. These events and the attendant distrust and alienation, have served to disrupt and confuse the minds of several people, who have now experienced what many have only talked about. In a very real sense, some eyes and ears have been opened, and that, at least, is a positive thing. Although it is an unfortunate method of education, it is perhaps an effective way to the realization that there is something wrong; and that we are all involved. -jon

u of w Act students lose again by Federation

of Students


After six years of committee meetings, minority reports, nia jority reports, lobbying, frustration, debate and defeat the new University of Waterloo Act received third reading and became law this summer. The issues raised and objections expressed by the students over that period of time were primarily ‘the same : abolish double jeopardy, remove, any in loco parentis clauses, restrict ‘in camera sesions’, create a unicameral system, and provide for significant student reprehentation. The final student proposal and recommendation was submitted by the federation of students to the private bills committee on march 28, 1972 and was debated oh may

mcgill I

august 18, 1972 F -

1972. The position the federation adopted was one of compromise. We were willing to accept a revised bicameral system (a two-tier government structure comprising a senate and board of governors) even though we strongly and realistically believed in the principle of unicameralism : that is, that there can be no artificial distinction between financial and academic considerations. We were also willing to accept student representation at a level below that of parity. It appear% however, that our willingness to compromise and act on good faith was not met by an equal willingness to compromise on the other side. Our demands were still reacted to as being outrageous and unrealistic, and the attitude expressed by the other side still had the same elements of pomposity , paternalism and self righteousness that students so often”witness in their dealings with the ‘powers that be’. Furthermore, the experience in dealing with the members of the private bills committee was as bad or worse than that-of dealing with the administration. Where the administration would listen with dead ears, the members of Parliament didn’t even make a pretense. of hearing what was to be said; they just couldn’t care less. Everything was cut and dried, the decision had already been made outside of the committee debate. As one member remarked after the session, “If this was based on arguments alone, the students would have walked away with everything they wanted and more. IO,

Buy now. while the savings are the biggest during Schneider’s Storewide An, niversary Sale . . .

Everything is on sale!






l l

Recording Microphones


Tapes l


l Stereo Turntables



Components l Speaker



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9 - 6,

Radios Cassette


9 - 9

4 /




18, 1972

Unfortunately, that isn’t how it works.” It seems, as is so often the case, that all we lacked was the power ! The structure of the university under the new Act consists of two bodies. One is the senate and the other is the board of governors. The board of governors consists of 36 members, each of whom shall be a Canadian citizen (one concession that we did get; unfortunately the same principle was refected at the senate level). The membership is comprised of: l Five ex-officio members; the president and the chancellor of the university, the mayor of kitchener, the mayor of Waterloo and the warden. l Seven members to be appointed by the Lieutenant-governor in council (probably party hacks). l Seven members to be appointed by the senate from among the members of faculty of the senate. l Five members, two of whom shall be graduate students, to be appointed by the senate among the student members of the senate.. 0,Two members of the full-time staff. l Ten members from the community at large, three of whom shall be alumnae. (To insure that the communityat-large members would represent a broad spectrum of the community, the federation suggested that they be elected by the new board of governors which would be far more representive than the present one. Even this modest proposal was rejected because the administration argued that it would be “a slap in the face” for



Our Compromise

What We Got

1) 5 ex officio 2) 10 Lieutenant-Governor appointments 3) 6 Faculty 4) 2 Undergrads 5) 1 Graduate 6) 2 Staff 7) 10 Community

1) 2 ex officio 2) 8 Lieutenant-Governor appointments 3) 6 Faculty 4) 6 Undergrads 5) 2 Graduates 6) 2 Staff 7) 10 Community

1) 5 ex officio 2) 7 Lieutenant-Governor appointments 3) 7 Faculty 4) 3 Undergrads 5) 2 Graduates 6) 2 Staff 7) 10 Community

the members of the old board who to establish, maintain, modify or have done an excellent job in remove, curricula of all courses of governing. The present board is instruction including extension con trolled to an overwhelming courses ; degree by corporate executives. It c> to determine policies conwill be interesting to see what they cerning the qualifications of consider to be ‘a broad spectrum’ faculty members within the of the community.) university with respect to apTo better understand the impointments or promotions in rank, portance of why-there should have or to the granting of tenure, in been greater student represenconnection with research or tation it is necessary to review the teaching or academic adpowerthat the senate has. ministration ; The senate has the power to d) to determine standards of establish the educational policies admission of students to the of the university and to make university ; recommendations to the board of e) to consider and determine the governors with respect to any conduct and results of matter relative to the operation of examinations in all faculties or, the university and without academic units ; restricting the generality of the f) to hear and determine appeals foregoing, this includes the power, from the decisions of the faculty a> to make recommendations to councils on applications and the board of governors relative to examinations by students ; the ’ creation, establishment, g) to confer degrees, diplomas maintenance, modification, or and certificates or other awards in removal of organizational strucany and all branches of learning tures such as faculties, schools, and in any .subject taught in the institutes, departments or chairs university or its federated or afwithin the university ; filiated colleges ; b> subject to the approval of the h> to confer honorary degrees in without fees, upon the board of governors, in so far as the divinity, expenditure of funds is concerned, recommendation of any

theological college federated or affiliated with the university; i) to col&er honorary degrees in any department of learning; j> to undertake, consider and coordinate long-range academic planning k) to consider and to recommend to the board of governors policies concerning the internal allocation or use of university resources ; 1) to consider and to recommend to the board of governors the federation or affiliation of the university with any college for teaching any branch of learning ; m> to create councils and committees to exercise its wishes; n) to provide, if considered necessary, for an executive committee which shall act in the name and on behalf of the senate between regular meetings of the senate ; and 0) to enact by-laws and regulations for the conduct of its affairs. The senate, which is the highest academic body consists of 67 members. The following chart shows what the federation wanted, what the university wanted, what we both got.

Univ. Proposal

Our Compromise

1) 18 ex-officio 2) 34 faculty 3) 6 undergrads 4) 3 grads 5) 3 alumni 6) 3 members Board of Gov.

1) 18 ex-officio 2) 24 faculty 3) 12 undergrads 4) 6 grads 5) 3 alumni 6) 3 members Board of Gov.





Remember the federation’s ’ proposal was in no way a statement of what we thought students were entitled to, but rather what we thought we might be able to get away with. In light of the fact that the senate is overwhelming controlled by faculty members-a group that _ has vested self-interest-it is easy to determine the amount of influence that student senators will be able to exert. The political reality of the situation is that it is not simply the validity of your arguments that counts but it is the ability to back them up with real power. On the senate, ‘numbers’ are power and the faculty has, the / numbers. In the final analysis the new act represents the preservation. of the ‘status quo’. -The faculty and the administration got everything ; the students got nothing. It is, however, the first time since the conception of the university that students have been allowed to sit on the board and the senate. When you havenothing you have nothing to lose. Perhaps if we were to be optimistic we could view it as a retarded beginning.




. What We Got ’



1) 18 ex-officio 2) 34 faculty 3) 6 undergrads 4) 3 grads 5) 3 alumni 6) 3 members Board of Gov. TOTAL:





















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18, 1972


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Dear friends, if you aren’t ready for libraries, our trained scouts are ready for you. Take an all-expensepaid tour of the library of your choice. Come alone, in pairs, or organize a party for reduced rates. For those of you who incline to the humanities and social sciences, may we recommend the beautifully appointed Dana Porter artslibrary with chairs for 700 and standing room for thousands more? This handsome white edifice in the cubical style is a repository for 315,000 bound volumes, countless periodicals, documents, etc., as well as being a perennial tourist attraction.Who could forget the baroque splendor of the government publications ? those cosy rendepartment dezvous up on the tenth floor? the fabulous union catalogue where you let your fingers do the walking? the picturesque scouts at the reference desk in. absolutely authentic costume? the all-e& tric arts library elevator? No, dear friends, there’s no substitutes here. ’ For our patrons in the pure and applied sciences, why not visit us amidst the studied informality of the engineering, mathematics -and science library located on the fourth floor of the mathematics and computer science building? The EMS Library has seating for 550, standing for several hundred others and roller-skating for the privileged few. (Ask at the circulation desk about part-time employment. ) The EMS collection is 135,000 volumes, plus 2500 current journals, plus what we make at the door. Map enthusiasts won’t want to miss the environmental studies library on the second floor of the social sciences building. This cartographer’s paradise does not slight those of the book persuasion, but contains several thousand of these items. The library tours are being arranged for %the arts library and the EMS Library as part of a continuing orientation program. You may want to take our basic tour- “The Promenade” ‘at orientation during the first week of September. Towards the end of September you may want to follow it with our deluxe tour-“The Voyageur”. Finally, if you get off on it, why not enrol in “The Scout” a workshop tour towards the end of October? And remember our scouts’ motto: be prepared.



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by Jim Parrott

One of my most rewarding experiences has been my involvement in the Gay Lib&ration movement here at the-university of Waterloo. Before I get into it, I have to say that after my yeat and a half in the GLM I have come to believe that we gay people have very little in comrrqn beyond being oppressed and being capable of especially deep relationships with people of tthe same sex. For this reason I don’t feel I can speak for other gay people-I won’t even try to get into generalizations about gay life. I’m speaking for myself, of my own experiences, and to a lesser extent of those that friends have shared with me. For other people, the experience has been very -different. Before I joined GLM, the basic problem I had as a -gay person (aside from meeting other gay people> lay in the honesty of my relationships with straight people. I had a great desire to be honest -- about myself as a total person but I also had a great fear of freaking

name to a letter to the Chevron. The big surprise was that the only reactions have been good. I have lived away from home for some time and have seen my family fairly infrequently mainly because I have assumed that they would not accept my gayness (have you got a grip on the word yet?) But I was starting to see the bind I had gotten into-I assum-ed what their response would be, and reacted to this fictitious response. So I went home for one last try at Christmas. One of my sisters had known for- the last five yearswe’ve been very close. My other sister was very cool but she warned me our mother could never get a grip. The next day I found out that she could in fact get a grip but


there was no grip in sight for “your father”. So I left it there. I came back and got involved in sensitivity groups within the movement. Some people got very little dut of the groups, but I know I did. Because the more open methods of communication I learned have helped at many times-and no time more than this summer when my parents were visiting. I remember telling my father as he and I sat in the park, and I remember wondering how my parents had gotten into such a liberated headspace. I guess now I’m thinking I was ready to accept their acceptance and maybe their acceptance was so freely given because they could see how much more at peace I am.

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relationship with my parents. In‘ those days I did manage to tell some very close friends that I was gay,. but it was always -an 1 agonizing experience. I couldn’t see my parents accepting my - gayness at all. The first GLM meeting was quite a bit to cope with but I felt proud of myself for taking the first step, although it wasn’t until after several meetings that I stopped wondering whether someone were watching the door to see who came and went. I guess I stopped caring. I also st_opped worrying about unwelcome advances by other members of GLM when- I realized it’s just part of life and anyway the members seemed to be fairly good about not hassling new people that way. However I wasn’t ready for the first dance we had because I had _ never seen gay people dancing together. As a result I understand how hard it is for some people to get a grip on it when we dance at the straight pubs on campus. The point at which I really became conscious of different attitudes within the GLM was during the gay march on Ottawa last summer (August 1971). (Incidentally, I was worried at the time about getting my face on the T.V. news.) We were asked to make posters to carry. So everyone else had sincere posters like “God loves homosexuals” and “Gay is love” ‘and I came with a poster saying “Support your local monarch, hire a queen”,Not only was I freaking the straights, but a lot of the gays as well. During all this time, through my association with gay people who had their heads fairly together, I was getting mine more together. I began tg find telling people about being gay as easy and about as --important as felling people I am into surrealist art. Both gay and surrealism are important parts of me, and parts I expect friends to accept as valid head-body spacesregardless of whether they are into them themselves. Eventually last fall I went public by signing my,




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18, 1972




With this money COSE has paid the salaries of the two coordinators who help students initiate their own small cooperative business. The co-ordinators primary function is that of researchersfurther developing the superstructure, charter, by-laws, communication channels, and general philosophy of Co-operative These are difficult aspirations for any Student Enterprises. While they assist the small co-operatives wherever possible, they organization, much less a student-founded one running on a shoe-string budget. do not have any direct responsibilities to the businesses other ’ than insuring that the Crucial to the success of COSE operations is a readiness among students to accept a businesses operate within the existing COSE non~employer-employee relationship, both guidelines. The co-ordinators are also solely amongst themselves and in their association responsible for obtaining alI the operational with co-ordinating aspects of the overall funds. COSE group. This readiness is perhaps the Beyond the expenditures on co-ordinators salaries and general organizational exmost difficult part for most students who have been socializedinto readily abdicating penses, the rest of the money raised has personal responsibility to an “employer”, or been used to aid in the initial capitalization who are attuned to the weekly dole on of seven businesses. These co-op businesses government make-work projects. The abare an antique shop, a furniture refinishing by arthur c. grumble dication of responsibility to oneself is and reupholstering shop, a maintenance Running a busines: successfully these probably one of the major problems in all service, a house painting and landscape co-operative situations. People (especially service, a bicycle shop and a health food -days takes more than skill, interest and initiative. Flexibih;;y is the key-word both in students) have this type of abdication restaurant. All of these are operating reinforced through the successfully with. the exception of the health movement of capital and movement of the continually traditional hierarchy of the educational food restaurant which has closed down. lips. Often, the fastest mouth gets to the system as well as in the mundane employerAlthough Co-operative Student En- capital first, the man with the ‘ideas’, or as would say, “the dream”. employee relationships encountered exterprises could, on superficial analysis, be John Diefenbaker seen as just another corporate endeavor, Often, the result is rather like the man ternal to the university. ’ who set up an office, hired his staff, Although COSE has a Board of Directors upon closer inspection it becomes readily which includes the mayors of Kitchenef and apparent that the politics of COSE markedly developed a bureaucracy, gathered his workers and then set out in search of natural Waterloo, the university presidents and‘ contrast with that of almost all other types some major corporate leaders, the board of corporate entities. Personal rights take resources and a market. Somewhere, a has not only a plurality, but a majority of precedence over any property rights; each vacuum develops between the ideas and the student members sitting as completely member gets a single vote, regardless of results and the vacuum is as impenetrable equal directors. These student directors are as the words of the business men who their external financial power or wealth; drawn from the students’ councils and from relations are built on trust, and value perdevelop the gap can make it. the various businesses themselves. This This is all very fine and well for the guysonal potential. COSE’s first priorities lie means that the organization remains ’ not on efficiency in producing or marketing, who is willing to use his own capital. In the student controlled and the direction it takes but rather in attempting to provide a instance that his business turns out to be is determined by students. It also actively flexible alternative along co-operative lines. nothing but hot air, it’s his fault alone. But involves in the direction of the organization Co-operative Student Enterprises ‘has in when he uses someone else’s money and those students who are actually in the its first summer of operation been facilities he becomes accountable. And businesses themselves. The board also acts responsible for its share of error and when he makes account to those who are the as a control agent over the two central co- mistakes. COSE however has never pursource of finance it shouldn’t be in the form ordinators. posely misled any group, or individuals as to of insult or sociological claptrap about what by bernard j. mohr Co-operative Student Enterprises in its its aims, intentions or responsibilities. the system does to workers, ideas or inThis article is written in partial response first summer of operation has been- granted Change is difficult. We believe that there dividuals . to a “news” story run by the chevron (Vol. approximately 7,700 dollars from various is a possibilty within the structure of COSE It is to be assumed that anyone putting up 13 no. 9) on juIy 21, 1972. Upon analysis of sources, including 1,500 dollars from the to alleviate in part some of the traditional money for a scheme knows the odds...if federation of students and 1,200 dollars alienation that we are all subjected to in a _they’re small time, they take ,a risk...if that article it became apparent there‘ consumer-product-property oriented existed not less than 23 emperically inworth of office space from the students they’re big time, they make a donation. council at Waterloo lutheran university. Anyone ’ who bitches after they’ve bought correct, twisted, bent or misleading “factsociety. s”. This article does not make any attempt shouldn’t have bought in the first place. As . Bill Graham of the Filmores, East and West to reply to that type of journalism on that level, but rather attempts to give the reader on the says, “When you run a business honour system, you don’t hire people on the some understanding of the basic principles and dynamics inherent in co-operatives and basis of recommendations. You sit and rap with them.” specifically Co-operative Student Enterprises. Co-operative Student Enterprises gathered money from people who should From the start, co-operatives have been know about investment. They either figured bereft of the “grand theory”, something it was a good idea, or, at least, harmless. akin to a broad rationale explaining the coCo-ordinators Bernard J. Mohr and A. operative vis-a-vis “the system”. As R. J. Bruce Wilson obviously had ideas and Margolis (Origins of Co-operatism) points flexibility of the tongue. out, “Co-operatism was less a philosophy But the result ‘of the development of than a technique of organizing and coC.O.S.E. is a sort of Chamber of Commerce operative leaders were less philosophers with guts (finances). . .but without any than doers. They believed neither in the businesses to represen:. _ automatic perfection of a free market So the businesses were developed under society nor in the inevitable triumph of the the high and fine aims of the program. proletariat. In fact they operated on the However, the effect of COSE contracts was assumption that all social arrangements, disheartening. In effect, those financed being the products of men, were alterable by were given the opportunity to accept sound men. They were as impatient with deterfinancial footing in lieu of an opportunity to minism as they were with injustice”. make an unlimited profit in future. Should a The basic foundations and philosophies for COSE scheme be successful in terms of Co-operative Student Enterprises, a student profit, that profit would belong to COSE and initiated-directed, marketing-producing COnot to the venture initiating the profit. This op came from a basic consonance with does not create an alternative to big Margolis’ description of the co-op business practice...r?ther it puts the student movement. Co-operative Student Enin a position of being an employee of COSE terprises (COSE), founded by two local while being totally responsible for his students in mid-April has established and venture and agreeing, at the same time, to determined to follow these guidelines : the CASE definition of co-operation. All ventures shall: If, for instance, COSE decided to open a o be co-operative, sharing, organizations. whore house with the profit made by a l be student initiated and directed. student business and found sufficient in0 be designed so as to protect consumer terest among potential workers and values (which is accomplished by following clientele, then a whore house it would be. a minimization of profit theory rather than a It’s like being forced to donate to the maximization of profit structure). Catholic Church 10 per cent of your income l encourage student participation in the Kfor purposes undefined. W community. Little wonder co-operation was lacking. 0 provide students the opportunity to work Little wonder Messrs. Mohr and Wilson fell in a non-hierarchical, shared decisioninto employer roles. They had a system they making and generally non-alienating felt could work and that was their insituation. terest.. .to get the system going. l designed to provide students with an The idea is good and honourable and opportunity to make a reasonable wage photo by chuck stoody hopefully will be continued with the COSE within a flexible alternative employment The Old Bake Shop-a co-operative COSE antique shop. experiment as something to go to school on. situation.


’ two


the creator’









18, 1972

-fat\ The fat gallery is for fat kids and skinny kids,. tall, short, funny, mean, and sad kids, happy, tough, and fragile kids. Also for yellow, green, orange, red, and purple kidsor any variation of great gucky colors they can manageto get on them through the course of a hectic day of fat gallery. And then there are the-big kids who run the place. They like it as much as the little kidsin fact behind all the hair and jeans and paint blobs, only size will tell the difference. The fat gallery was started on government money as an evolving gallery. The kids produce and the product keeps changing. The little kids taught the older kids that the process was much more interesting than the product, simply by taking apart and continually changing anything that was remotely close to a finished state. Static is unheard of at the fat gallery. It started before school was out with all sorts of animal-people and weird-people with turbans and capes comin-g bouncing out of the trees at recess-time promoting this art gallery-fat with things to do. Sixty kids showed up for opening day at the gallery workshop behind the Tempo theatre on Princess street. Th-ey were given tickets with directions to bob apples or throw water balloons or pitch paint or GO TO J AIL.You had to eat peanut butter and crackers and whistle to get out-jail became a very popular place. In fact jails started to go up all over-and they were-much get in to than out of. And there was a fishpond to stare at and huge cookies that spelt ‘Fat’ to eat (if you could)






18, 1972

and a fortune teller and even a ROCK , GROUP.... And everyone took films of the guck and the mess and the blobs and speels of kids having a great 01 time and when the films came back they got to see it all over again.’ A wood structure in the middle of the gallery is continually moving up and down and in and out with imaginative minds building and rebuildingand generally messing around. There were, at one time or another, pyramids and boxes and caves and, to be sure, jails. ’ Of course the mainstay of an art gallery is paint and a favorite way to make paint DO THINGS for you is ‘to mix in lots of glue to make a sticky, mucky, icky, great stuff, to toss and sling around. And paint-oh the paintings are everywhere, in fact the floor is a very interesting concoction. And there’s the ‘daily mural on the right wall: It all runs together with so much color and zap and MESS. The only complaint from/the kids is that the gallery isn’t open on Saturdays. And financed under Opportunities for Youth, it is only running for the summer-but seems to be the biggest ofy success in town for little people.

photo feature by ellen tolmie



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18, 1972


by david


Labour study’ points to public inquiry From labo ur’s vantage, organized and legally -protected invasion of the picket line is easily the most potent tool available to management. ‘Since 1965 over 50 legitimate unions have been broken in Ontario alone. Paralles to this is the massive growth of privately owned, provincially licenced “security agencies”; Ontario sports over 200 registered agencies which in turn command an-army of 16,000 men. Many pf these firms provide security for struck plants, supply drivers, dockers and equipment or simply break picket lines. Other firms (McDougall ksociates, W.R. Broak and Associates, etc.) specialize in maintaining labour spies-permanent infiltrators inside the union-who make weekly reports on union activities for a , fixed fee. Rent-a-cop is a booming business in Ontario-licences are remarkably easy to come by and the “standards” security agents are required td meet are abysmally A 322 page report charging the low. Salaries also remain low-usually provincial government, numerous local around the federal mimimum-except in police agencies and the press with enspeciaIiz&’ operations couraging and ‘permitting ‘the rise bf --‘the case of highly continual risks: Characstrikebreaking activities %th’rdughout then ’ _involving province was presented to the Otitario _teristically the three largest security agenicies are american owned (Pinkerton’s Federation of Labour on July 21, 1972. Prepared %t a cost of $30,000 over a six month period, it was authored by former Toronto Telegram labour reporter Marc Zwelling. The study, commissioned jointly by th.e OFL and th e Metro Toronto Labour Council, is pr’emised in the belief that the current rise of strikebreaking “may threaten the balance of collective bargaining and the security of the comnic4;;it’y” and concludes that “strikers, management, the police and the government are all potential victims of professional strikebreakers.” The body of the repqrt outlines the prominence of strikebreQking as an accepted management practise in Ontario; it illustrates both the way in which the corporate bias of existing law and of agencies encourages such activities, and the extra-legal methods strikebreaking agencies employ. Zwelling’s research culminates in a lengthy list of indictable offences on the part of such clgencies-nmost of which were known to ,juthorities-that points to a pattern of government and civil complicity in antilabour affairs. Despite the mass of criminal evidence elicited Zwelling argues that “an investigation-even of this scope in time and resources-can barely open a crack in wall of the mystery that shields professional strikebreaking rackets and labour-spy rings operating in Ontario today.” He concludes that “bnly the government has the capacity to conduct a definitive investigation.”

of Canada, W.J. Burns International Detective Agency, The Wachenhut Corporation.) and all three are actively involved in strikebreaking. Anning InLtd. (now Wachenhut) vestigat’ons “boasted” working 35 strikes in Ontario in a three year period; Anning claimed a gross profit of $l,OOO,OOO in 1969, a figure said to double each year of operation. Desoite the ease with which licences are acqui;ed, operations which specialize in trampling the rights of labour could not succeed without a willingness of the part of provincial atid civic officials to aid their operation, or at least to avert their eyes. Indeed, without hinting at a conspiracy, the study outlines a pervasive indifference on the part of elected representatives and public servants towards the machinations of strikebreakers. Nowhere is this more evident than in the case of a highly organized and often employed strikebreaking firm like Canadian Driver Pool, Ltd. Zwelling’s investigation shows the Driver Pool operation to be , if not typical, illustrative of the direction strikebreaking is taking-the practices engaged, the types of men used and the conditions they ‘are subjected to, not to mention the enormous profits reaped. The report eats away the glossy image of Richard Grange, CDP founder, created and publicly flaunted by the press; he has been pictured as a hard nosed individual, a graduate of the Ontario College of Art and the messiah who will save industry from the spectre of international unionism while becoming a millionaire by age 27. This immaculate picture is sullied somewhat by his early history of vandalism outlined in the study-including a train derailment, a bombing and a conviction on twelve counts of breaking entering in 1963. The O.C.A. business is a fabrication which the press swallowed whole. Grange’s final escapade before his mature career was a partnership in C & C Sales, a Toronto front for a mafia-connected stolen car ring in Buffalo; the cars were rebuilt and re-licenced in Canada and sold for a handsome profit. Smashed in-1968 by metro police, Grange’s partner and three employee-friends were sentenced but Grange himsellf managed, to stay clear. Testimony given during his trial for illegally wiretapping if+:ior: phones at Redpath Sugar recently indicated that Grange had destroyed evidence which would point to his role in the stolen car ring



A criminal past is a poor brush with which to tar a person’s present-however in Grange’s case there is no break, only continuity. After an initial venture into the trucking business which established CartRite Cartage Ltd-through which Grange raided established haulage outfits and occasionally ran overloaded rigs- he became actively involved in strike work. While the existing legal structure is receptive to this type of move, Grange managed to overstep even its limitless bounds in the following manner. l Zwelling notes that inter-city trucking licences are hard to obtain under the Public Commercial Vehicles Act; however by setting up two corporations, “one company to lease drivers and another to rent trucks” one can still gain an almost legal entry to an “already overcrowded and fiercely competit’ive business.” In late 1970 Grange requested and was permitted to incorporate both Canadian Driver Pool and Intercontinental Container Leasing under the auspices of the provincial government. The report notes that the application was routinely forwarded to the Department of Labour for inspection, but that no investigation of the range of CDP’s activities was undertaken. Given the wideranging and nonspecific terms of reference for CDP on its application and Richard Grange’s past record, the report charges the government with, gross negligence for not investigating. l Long before Grange was granted the legal right to call CDP a “limited” company, he flaunted the law by advertising it as such. A letter mailed .out to numerous piospering businesses billed CDP as a company “formed two years ago due to circumstances which necessitated the formation of an organized comapay.” Had the government investigated, these facts would have become clear. l Zwelling notes- that Grange was not above misleading prospective clients from Jhe outset of his career-in the widely circulated letter, information about the number of previous strike invovements under his belt, the number of successes and the level of plant productivity achieved during a strike was all fabricated. l Beyond that Grange’s letter offered “a separate Security division” to bolster his other services, one which was the “most experienced organization in this field on the North Americam Continent”, specializing in “crowd control and plant security” and employing “the latest electronic equipment”. Even under the corporate charter granted at a much later date, Grange did not have the legal right to advertise security services, or to utilize










towards l

organized industrial warfare

e After performing security work illegally Grange applied for a for some time, licence in June of 1971. After Glange was charged, along with a metro policeman, for illegal wiretap he quickly withdrew his application. A day earlier a Driver Pool employee applied for a security licence from the 0.P.P; to cover himself he swore out an affadavit that he would be sole owner of the firm and that it had no connection with Grange. The licence. swiftly granted, days later the applicant signed over 7.5 percent ownership to another Grange associate (again, an illegal move). The matter was raised in the Ontario legislature, but the government took no action. term 0 illegal use of the corporate “limited” seemed to appeal to Grange, who went on to employ it with Pro-Con Consolidated Warehousing and Metro Car Lease-both of which were tied in with the strikebreaking operation. Neither firm was listed in the government roster of limited corporations. ’ l CDP regualarly did security work, with or without a licence. The report notes one instance in which Kimberley Clark was

billed for “trucking services” during a strike at the plant; in reality CDP’s time was spent checking company phones for bugging devices and giving “some additional consultation on security.” l CDP’s operation requires centralized control for which Grange employs a large two-way radio system; the report notes that “according to the Federal Transport Depatrment” he does not have the “citizens’ band licence required by law.” These infractions point not only to government’s .gross laxity in administering corporate law, but as well to a widespread bias in favour of as contentious and violent an activity as strikebreaking. This is attested to by a refusal on the part of numerous agencies and officials-from a succession of labour ministers like Carton and Bales, through the Attorney General and on down to the Ontario Provincial Police-to either speedily prosecute or thoroughly investigate flagrant violations of the law. However strikebreakers could never achieve their aims without the active co-operation of, many lower level civic and provincial officials, especially in regard to on-the-job incidents. Struck corporations employing strikebreakers have, with the over zealous aid of the press, laid full blame on the unions for-picket line violence. The report paints quite a different picture, charging that for the most part press, police and courts have placed themselves on the side of management. Existing legal structures, having as their keypoint the sanctity of private property, would seem to push officials in that direction. Yet even within that frame-work these institution have failed- to play their parts honestly., Strikebreakers-understand that in order to make their money a strike must be prolonged significantly and there has to be trouble; one former Driver Pool employee notes that “the company’s not going to pay for anything if there’s nothing happening.” Zwelling adds that “professional strikebreakers will do more than just hope for trouble. Trouble is their business, and they know how to make it.” Reams of charges are laid against picketers especially by CDP; the report charges that strikebreaking outfits are responsible for creating the circumstances within which the violence occurs. CDP has had the full support of the’ police so long as it has kept its actions minimally within the law; however, even when these parameters have been overstepped, the police have been kind. l Even with the odds heavily on their side CDP heavies have run up a long list of infractions. To date seven charges have been laid against CDP for having “hit strikers or missed them so narrowly that charges were laid.” These driving offences all occurred when rented trucks stormed union lines. The report also notes many

The OFL study contains among others a resolution calling for “mass picketing to fight strik members from numerous Kjtchener locals demonstrated their support for the Dare strike ar outfits like CDP from this area. If executive recommendations axe followed up, the point w1 the future. occasionsp upon which ;tri kers were molested, threatened, assaulted or beaten. l The instance of a strike at Central Precision Ltd in 1972 clearly indicates the position of police and courts. At that time the union president’s car was firebombed and later the strike headquarters, a rented trailor, was attacked; union members identified the assailants as CDP personnel but a local Justice of the Peace refused to pursue the matter unless actual names could be provided. 6-i other occasions police have been given leads and complaints have been filed, but no charges have ensued. l Many CDP drivers have incredibly bad driving records; some of them work regularly with no permit at all. On checking provincial files investigators found the licence of one CDP driver-listed as permanently “unrenewable”the man having run up 27 convictions’in less than five years. l Interviews with former CDP employees resulted in claims that at one time better than 90 per cent of the drivers were using drugs as a regular facet of their employ. More insidious than this is the fascination many CDP regulars have with guns, a. preoccuaption which has encouraged their use to intimidate several individuals, not to mention their recreational value which has reportedly resulted in shootouts

against imaginary invaders in a Grange warehouse. In other regards the report speaks of an . informal but operative overlap between Grange and the institutions of administration and justice. Former employees claim that Grange brags of having police officers at his disposal, moreover that there exists a CDP manual listing “key” policemen and their home numbers. Reportedly police have attended parties thrown by Grange; further that Grange has gained access both to classified government information and restricted police information. Also interesting is the unique mix of men said to comprise the work force used by the strikebreaking operation; typically, former police, security or military types co-ordinate much of the tactical area while the drivers andcameramen are often men with a lengthy criminal background. As background to the idea of an overlap between police and strikebreaking agents, the report quotes Syd Brown of the Toronto Police Association as stating that “several hundred” officers have left the force to go into security work “in the past several years.” Zwelling also adds that “the three Ontario guard companies bought out and merged by American guard mogul George Wackenhut in 1971 all were headed by ex-pol icemen .”

Ontarib Fderation of Labour president D.B. Archer addresses delegates durjng the strikebreaking was presented. Archer stressed the need to take the report back to the /OC Executive members hope this move will help “to create the necessary ‘political climate’ i, with their demands.





king”. Earlier this summer led upon the city council f/y be made on the picket


union to ban line in

Ich of the drawing power of firms like can be attributed to money. Drivers work from 60-80 hours a week and III paychecks may hit $400 a week. irds are juicy for the corporation as -court records from Grange’s wiretap Indicate that Redpath Sugar Ltd paid s much as $75,000 for CDP services; sport also notes that during the legthy 1 at Cidon Industries Ltd, recently Id, Grange was picking up $4,000 a . However, working conditions in the Se operation are far from pleasantfrom the violence and danger built the job, working relationships within it-ml appear fiery and short lived; the 1 quotes a long line of “former” rs, most of whom have nothing good 3y about the conditions they exriced. Further, even in his oyer Grange has few qualms about tepping the law. rt of the strikebreaking service is the resume production, j capacity t0 ; “scab” labour, in face of the union 3ts; this serves both to defer the omit leverage the strike gives the 1 in its bargaining and demoralizes 3 who man the pickets from day to In this regard CDP has been inlental in the recruitment and transfer mmigrants, staying in Canada on --

?ntipn at which the report on /el, there to be put into action. ?r to approach the government”



visitor’s permits without the proper legal status to take on employment, to operate production lines at struck plants like Cidon. The report claims that Grange does not inform the immigrants concerning either the labour dispute or their legal status before hiring them on to the job. l The report charges him with evasion of the provincial laws on “wage exploitation, vacation pay and hours of work.” CDP operatives work well over the stipulated weekly maximum; Grange protects himself by breaking down the total monies owed to each driver into smaller amounts, each of the remaining sums paid by cheques from different corporations he controls. The report states that the Department of Labour knows of the practise but has done nothing about it. l Driver Pool continues to employ, in a management capacity, a non-Canadian who has no work permit and who has reportedly been refused one by federal authorities. Zwelling takes pains to show that strikebreaking is bad for everyone envolved, not least of all the struck firm. He makes a case which proves that it inevitably brings violence, negative publicity and a prolongation of settlement. J-he report indicates that Grange has a way of endearing himself to the struck company, a method of making his services, once employed, essential to the further progress of the strike. His intitial draw on the corporate mind can be attributed to the many services he professes to providesold to management as a the incombative to the strength ternational unions seem to represent, a means by which to tip the balance in bargaining in their favour. Once in action Grange would seem to control furiher developments: “when a management’s telephone lines have been “swept” for non-existent taps, when floodlights are up, when Grange astonishes them with the exploits of his crew, the company is under his spell. He becomei their security advisor, a confidante of presidents, a Rasputin in the corporate castle.” There is no doubt that thus far Grange’s work has been impressive for a good portion of the business community. In fact he has been actively courted by none other than the Canadian Manufacturer’s Association which, under the auspices of a high ranking Honeywell .executive, has arranged speaking engagements for him and publicly endorsed his efforts. There3 no gainsaying the a&uracy of the information presented in the report, or the necessity of making it public; it is quite






within that Ontario is rife with legally supported anti-labour practises to which, for the most part,_ public servants lend support by their refusal to use available powers to curb them. Further, inasmuch as the press has lent its assent to this situation, the report is a potential forum for focusing discussion on the secrets surrounding strikebreaking, labour spying, and slave and scab labdur markets. Finally, considering the nature of the evidence presented, which implicates at least four provincial agencies, the call for a full scale publicty-financed investigation is -entirely legitimate. other aspects of the report are -1 Certain less satisfying. For the better part it centres directly on the development of CDP, while the numerous other outfits currently providing similar services-all equally worthy of decription, even if they are less cavalier in their style than CDP-are mentioned mainly in passing. Because of this the study tends more to examine violent excesses of one particular group, than it raises the question of the social and legal conditions which make possible the growth ot’ such activities. Out of this many sympathetic readers may be encouraged to look more closely at the nature of existing law and the interests its current administration serves. tiowever given the exigencies of time and money, the report is I)robably best viewed as a hasty but necessary response to pressing social evil. Getting the Tories to move on the matter is quite another battle, one requiring massive doses of public pressure. I he OFL convention in Toronto presented

a resdlution to its delegates callirig upon the legislature to “outlaw professional strikebreaking and anti-union espionage ifi the public interest”; members were asked to take the resolution back to their local councils to rework it and then to attempt to pass it through their city councils. OFL president D.B. Archer characterized the of public support strategy as a “winning plus legislative backing and approval.” Early indications are that labour executives will concentrate on gaining “legislative backing” on the local level, a strategy which in the absence of a strong bid to create open discussion amongst rank and file unionists and the community at large, entails a number of dangerous pitfalls. lnd-icative of these failings is the Kitchener experience, where the city council has passed a resolution calling for legislation against strickbreaking but with the added rider that absolutely no third parties be involved in the strike process. tven this resolution, which could hardly be said to be in the best interests of labour, was quickly “noted and filed” upon receipt by the Waterloo council. Sporting enormous paranoia, enough to forego any the matter, a motion discussion on sponsored by local industrialist R.Cruise quickly consigned the ‘matter to the dustbin. When labour places its case before city councils across the province, its arguments will fall on disinterested ears. Councils are often dominated by “good corporate citizens”, individuals who in the absence of a vocal community pressure will “note




at wit I; barring


some will pass “versions” of the original resolution distinctly not in labour’s interest. Cap-in-handing its requests to local governments will not sponsor for labour the types of measures necessary to eradicate strikebreaking; nor will overreliance on the virtues of so-called public investigation, especially investigation carried out at the behest of, and under the guidance of a government which has courted the interests of capital since its inception; moreover neither will the vague hope that the memory of labour’s historic muscle will coerce public representatives into creating a “legal” solution to what is essentially a social problem. Strikebreaking does not arise as a simple function of legal loopholes being utilized by certain social misfits; the entire social fabric must be receptive to its rise before it can ever reach the proportions indicated in Ontario., A real solution can only arise from the creation of a socially conscious citizenry; while the responsibility for producing that can never lay entirely with an organization like the OFL, an earnest effort to educate its membership-the rank and file-to the situation faced by labour could begin the process. That would require transforming “recommendations” for widespread education into a specific program, one which would enervate the now-passive relationship between union members and their local labour councils.


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38, 1972


1 .T


J.L. Borges

,Strength enough “_ for reason Jorge Luis Borges was born in Buenos Aires in the year of 1899. He was the son of a lawyer and a teacher of english and pychology, a man, who, in the words of Borges was a “philosophical anarchist”. It is to his father that Borges attributes his understanding that “words are not only a means of communication but also magic symbols and music.” Borges spent much of his ‘childhood lamenting the fact that he was a frail and bespectacled myopic boy, “a bookish kind of person and not a man of action”. He reports that it was not until he was thirty that he was able to shake himself of this guilt. To the youthful Borges books possessed an intrinsic magic which need not be interfered with by the subject matter therein. “I have always come to things after coming to books”,- he states in an autobiographical essay. The gauchos and the hoodlums that emerge in a number of his short stories are I-,om his imagination and his reading-and although the hoodlums he speaks of walked the streets of his childhood their paths never crossed. Borges received his formal education in G.eneva where his major study was Latin. !%ring his stay in Europe he became versed in the languages and the literatures of the English, the Germans and the French. After he received his bachelor’s degree he set himself upon the, understanding that he would devote himself to writing. This was a $.qsk which remained formidable and frustrating for many years and one which still takes its toll today. It was in Geneva that Borges learned he must use his own vision and words in his writing rather than rest on the laurels of erudition and fine prose. It was this task which, although it was easily understood and agreed upon, remained most difficult. In speaking of his book The Maker (retitled Dreamtigers in the English translation), a collection of tales in which “...Each piece was written for its own sake and out of an Lh,ner necessity”, Borges states his view of writing : “I had come to realize that fine writing is a mistake, and a mistake born out of vanity. Good writing, I firmly believe, should be done in an unobstrusive way.”

It is affectation and pedantry that Borges calls “fine writing”. His criticism falls on those masters of the craft whose fine and fancy prose besets upon the construction of protracted and meaningless diatribes. In his simplicity, and although Borges treats of a straightforward style his content is never simple, he leaves behind the motley crew of affected writers. Upon his return to Argentina‘Borges came to the realization that he would forsake the flowery languages learned abroad, for writing purposes, and exact his art in the Argentine version of the Spanish Language. The language of Spain was quite different than that of Argentina, and was scarcely thought of as the mother tongue. Borges is presently Director of the Argentine National Library, a position he was awarded in 19% with the overthrow of the dictator Peron, somewhatas a political favor. In the same year he was made professor of English and American literatures at the University of Buenos Aires for which he had made the simple application: “Quite unwittingly, I have been qualifying myself for this position throughout my life”. The


and other



and Other Inquisitions 1937-1952, are amongst some seven books that Borges has translated into English. The first two are collections of tales and short stories while the third is a series of essays. His most recent book Doctor Brodie’s Report, is a collection of short stories written over the past seventeen years after blindness overtook him. It was not an unexpected occurrence to Borges-since he was a child his sight had been impaired as had been his father’s. The occurrence, blindness for any purposes of reading and writing, nevertheless took its toll of Borges. He had just at this time become known on an international level, and feared that his craft and his muse would cease to have an outlet. His fears were dismissed, fortunately, and with the aid of his mother, who read to him and acted as his secretatry, and with the aid of various scholars who rallied to his side, he was able to overcome the handicap. Most of the stories in this collection were written and translated into English more or less simutaneously, with the help of Norman Thomas di Giovanni. As a consequence the translations are very close to the original Spanish in mood and innuendo. Each of the eleven short stories has a narrator who by some means or another‘has received the tale. The circumstances surrounding the acquisition of the tales lend credibility, or, at least interest the reader in proceeding. Borges has mastered the craft he deals in. He is concise, never wasting -_- .- -

-. -. --._

Borges spent his childhood with books. He often questions whether or not he ever did leave his father’s t library in Palermo. Borges does not rest on this erudition. He, an artist, creates with his intellect and his imagination. It is not merely to fancy that Borges sets his imagination, although he has written and enjoys writing pieces of fancy > and fun. His tales are often credible, and in many cases quite possible. The imagination is never, for Borges, a substitute for reality. An imagined tiger remains an imagined tiger. It is never quite as magnificent as the beast it represents from reality, the one which provides the material for the dream. It is a dreamtiger. Borges is not a moralistic writer. In his, preface to Doctor Brodie’s Report, he states “...I am not... what used to be called a preacher of parables or a fabulist and is now known as a committed writer.” The words. The tales are personal and in questioning of morality is not, however, them one realizes that a secret is being told, beyond the scope of Borges. sometimes in confidence and sometimes Morality is something which is created; because it can no longer be contained. most often in quite an arbitrarymanner. The stories are quite sketchy in detailSince morality is created then perhaps it is -and Borges is quick to point this out to the done sanely with constant reevaluation. reader, who becomes repeatedly aware that Morality is constantly in question in his it is being narrated from a particular point writings. of view with no pretense that this is obIn the absence of this questioning the jective truth. If the reader himself is suspect academic problem of right and wrong of the tale, so much more so is Borges who remains; the approach to this situation is for comes to the aid of the reader in providing : prone to result in an impasse--except many reasons why the story should be those in power already. Liberalism mainsuspect. tains in power those who use discretion, and at the same time Borges often tells the tale as if he is quite arbitrarily, speaking to an acquaintance or at least pretends that they represent the.will of their Borges is not a liberal, statedly someone who is familiar with the history or electorate. subject matter. The characters in the story he is a member of the conservative party of Argentina. He has a bias, one which he does display that they too are all too human. The story teller is not intrinsically a story teller. not attempt to deny, and which he keeps open to questioning. Borges sees more than It is the particular circumstances which bring together the story teller and his just two sides to a conflict and realizes that audience. That they could switch roles is its resolution lies in mutual struggle rather always understood. than in the mere acknowledgement of the “The Gospel According To Mark”, one of dispute. the tales in the collection, and “perhaps the Borges does not feign objectivity. He will best in this collection”, according to Borges, give account of circumstances, yet his construction of the circumstance is in itself is taken from a dream of one Hugo Rodriguez Moroni. It concerns a city youth, a bias. Borges is clever enough that he does not trap himself in his biases. “I tell tales”, a law student, who vacations in the country with relatives and is isolated by rainstorms is a common statement of his. Never does he claim that they are simple tales: “I have with three superstitious and uneducated gauchos. He reads to them from Saint Mark. done my best.. . to write straightforward They learn their lessons well, making the stories. I do not dare state that they are simple; there isn’t anywhere on earth a student a Christ, and proceed to ensure that history is repeated. single page or a single word that is, since Another story, which lends the book its each thing implies the universe, whose most obvious trait is complexity”. title derives from Lemuel Gulliver’s last Borges has achieved this economy of voyage. It becomes a play on moralities, calling upon the powers that be, in this case words, this straightforwardness. In each is left to judge and, some unidentified colonial state, to set its story or tale thereader mind to the salvation of a degenerate tribe as often, to conclude the tale. The novel-too cumbersome with its found by Dr. Brodie. With the exception of this tale the stories lengthy description and character its appeal for Borges. found in this collection are realistic-rich in development-lost the invention of circumstances ,but neverMoreover it is a form which, too often, provides too leisurely an activity for the theless realistic. Unquestionably Borges is one of the most reader, necessitating little speculation or The plot is self-sufficient and prolific writers of short stories and tales of involvement. our time. His subject matter in invariably too often given as some objective reality. Borges provides interesting outlines and the environment (about him, both imagined circumstances which invite, almost demand and real, dealing in fantasies and peron the part of the reader. No ceptions, some observed at a distance and interpolation milk feeder is this man Borges. some personal. The fame that Borges has, goes beyond his He is not trapped within the confining small coterie of followers in South America, structures of a language, any language. and his works enjoy the readership of many Language is a tool. Borges understands and demonstrates the necessity of learning the throughout the world. But, for certain, his appeal commands a fairly esoteric artful and articulate uses of the language, lest it, in itself, become the master. To use audience. It remains an erudite clique of persons who share and enjoin in the fanthe words of Bernard Shaw, “reason enslaves all whose minds are not strong tasies that Borges so gracefully pens. enough to master her.” ’ Continued on page 19 reading


I 8


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18, 1972




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18, 1972



that he’s being fucked over by a heartless record company (the two favorite explanations for bummer albums by proven performers). This would almost certainly be naive, however, in view of two things: the content of Lennon Remembers, and John’s music industry reputation as a shrewd promoter of his interests. In a Rolling Stone article on Pete Bennett; an American promo-man for Apple Records, Lennon was .described as a wizard at hyping his new albums, as well as a man whose actions were characterized by calculation rather than impulse. Even more revealing, however, are some of the comments in Lennon Remembers, for example: I’m sick of these aggressive hippies or whatever they are, the Now Generation...demanding my attention as if I owed them something. I’m not their fucking parents...they frighten me, a lot of uptight maniacs going around wearing fucking peace symbols.

Well, hasn’t

John Lennon: decline and fall Last Fall I made a serious mistake. Reviewing Lennon Remembers, a “Rolling Stone Interview” with the ‘.Power to the People” man himself, I opined that Lennon’s “brutally honest” cynicism was a healthy response to the strains of being a Superstar, and that his solo albums seemed to indicate “that he is once again engaged in the process of self-creation.” With the appearance of Sometime in New York City (Apple SVBB 3392), I stand most humbly corrected. Of the two records contained in the album jacket, a “bonus” LP of jamming with The Mothers and a George Harrison aggregation can be immediately dismissed: it is simply atrocious, inept and egotistic and poorly recorded to boot, the sort of thing you would issue only if you thought (1) your fans were complete imbeciles or (2) your farts were perfume. The album as a whole suggests that John Lennon subscribes to both these propositions. The title LP consists of ten message songs, dealing with such contemporary phenomena as Women’s Lib (“Women is the Nigger of the World”) and the New Left ( “John Sinclair”) in conventional leftliberal rhetoric : oppression is bad, freedom is good, I’m o.k. and you’re o.k. and if we could just wish away the Fascisti then everything would be hunkydory ; and despite performances which sound like The Association being raped by Yoko Ono, we might be inclined to lay the album’s failure at the door of over-enthusiasm, issue a mild slap on the wrist, and conclude with some variation on “Get back, John.” Yes, it certainly would be nice if we could assume that John doesn’t really mean it, or

John may be frightened, but that deterred him from offering us Sometime in New York City, which contains ten songs about the causes espoused by those “uptight maniacs” and their “fuckin’ peace symbols.” One thing about “fucking parents,” they usually tell you what to fuckin’ think, in tones of such portentious seriousness that you know they aren’t kidding. Here’s Papa John on Angela Davis : They They They but

gave you sunshine gave you sea gave you everything the jailhouse key.

They They They but

gave you coffee gave you tea gave you everything equality. (“Angela”)

(Or maybe the point is that we are all lyricists-a variation on “We are stardust.” How about .They gave you anvils . They gave you elephants They gave you everything but a pair of cast-iron underpants.

Think I’ll go to Frisco, buy a wig, and sleep on Owsley’s floor.) Now I don’t want to imply that Lennon’s brand of calculated cynicism is some sort of Absolute Evil; hang around the Chevron long enough, in fact, and you’ll conclude that it’s the only Viable Position. But when John decides to retail that cynicism, to sell it back to some of the people he’s been fooling all of the time, then I do think that he’s meat for the Obituary Page. Fortunately, Lennon Remembers provides one ready-made:

reuniting the “Experience” of Hendrix, Mitchell, and Redding, of which “Red House” is a 13-minute exercise in electric blues virtousity. Basically, an album of typical Hendrix, which means pretty damn good to these ears; and sound quality is excellent for a live recording. The Road Goes Ever On (Windfall 5502) by Mountain: given an o.k. live side on Flowers of Evil, I suggested that West, Pappalardi, &ZCo. do a whole album outside the studio. Wrong again. If crude technique and ludicrous over-amplification don’t bother you, you might conceivably get into Road, but otherwise proceed with caution. West occassionally manages a coherent four-bar phrase, although Pappalardi’s stomachrumbling bass usually overwhelms everything; Corky Laing stands out even in a category (rock drummers) already crammed with incompetents; Steve Knight’s keyboards are merely inaudible ; and on the whole I’d rather listen,to Grand Funk.

Slaughterhouse-Five: Themes Film (Angel S-35876) : scored

Mud (London XPS 612) by Z Z Top: an outstanding Texas trio, whose hardrockers are “good of breed,” but who really shine on songs where country and blues influences predominate. Notable are “Just Got Paid,” an Allman Brothers-ish money in my pockets-ants in my pants number, and “Apologies to Pearly,” Iwhich makes the same intelligent use of a classic Elmore James riff as The Yardbirds’ “The Nazz are Blue. ” Lead guitarist Billy Gibbons is particularly impressive, double-tracking on most cuts for denser textures, and the band writes excellent original material. It’s their second album, and if you’re listening, Vince, I wouldn’t mind a copy of their first. Eat a Peach (Capricorn 2CP 0102) by The Allman Brothers Band: a double album, three sides capturing the group before Duane Allman’s death. Two sides and 35 minutes of “Mountain Jam” are not quite up to the Live at the Fillmore material, although the guitar duets between Duane and Dickie Betts are superb; but-Side 3, also live, is a complete delight: fine blues (“One Way Out” and “Trouble No More”), a redhot “Stand Back,” and \a gorgeous “Blue Sky” which would by itself justify the album. The Allmans minus Duane are on Side 1, and the loss is evident, with some rethinking and/or a replacement appearing to be in order before they record again. Despite some unevenness, then another fine album from a truly monster group. Hendrix in the West (Reprise MS 2049) by Jimi Hendrix : mostly straight-ahead versions of standards (“Blue Suede Shoes,” “Johny B. Goode”), but also containing 3 tracks Rio Grande






by Glenn Gould, although not the original soundtrack, this collection of Bach excerpts and “electronic environments” by Douglas Leedy is an effective juxtaposition of the classical and the experimental (as is Vonnegut’s prose style). The Bach pieces are performed by the best (Menuhin, Malcolm, Walcha), and Leedy’s work is as eerie as it is intriguing, so that the album can be enjoyed by itself even if you’ve never heard of Slaughterhouse-Five; and it should also serve as an excellent introduction to both kinds of music represented here. -Paul


1972. R.I.P.

Rockin’ briefs



. ..the dream is over. It’s just the same only I’m thirty, and a lot of people have got long , hair, that’s all.

John Lennon,


His becomes the fate of so’ many exemplary writers, in that his comments reach those who are in a position of comfortable detatchment from the subject matter of the tales. It would be an error to heap on Borges the blame for having a vision, a knowledge not yet apparent or available to the mass of ’ people in this world. Rather one w.ould seek to understand the meaning of this “lack” and to work toward its destruction by creating towards, and with, man’s potential. What a shame it is if the only persons who reap the benefit of this art are those who are sufficiently abstracted from its reality and merely observe from- their glazed benches. The culprit here seems to be the mystifications perpetrated by our knavish systems of education where the academic is confused with the intellectual, where, in this havoc, original art is reduced to affected conversation in the parlors of the liesurely. Borges is not caught in this confusion. He recognizes it duly and proceeds in constant criticism of that activity; unfortunately the recipients of the criticism are also duIy protected by their inability to make the association. Borges has lived through uprisings and revolutions, and in 1955 lent his support to the overthrow of the dictator Peron. If Borges is not constantly acclaiming his revolutionary nature his works still serve as some arguement for human radical change. In the words of Schopenhauer, a man with whom Borges feels some vague affinity, “the completest erudition compares with genius as a herbarium compares with the ever self-renewing, ever fresh, ever youthful, ever changing plant world, and there is no greater contrast than that between the erudition of the commentator and .the childlike naivete of the ancient author.” Many writers have sought their fame and culmination in erudition; Borges has labouriously sought, and at times found his “own words”.

Boone’s farm good wine; but 0.0 On the recommendation and advertising hype of Jim Messina (something about, “very special artistically inclined people”), I ordered a review copy of Boone’s Farm (Columbia KC314081 by none other than Boone’s Farm. I hoped and expected that Boone’s Farm, who most likely ripped off their name from the infamous, el-cheapo, american wine&maker, would be a “real find” ; at least, something slightly better than the ‘mediocre shit that record companies have been pushing of late. Nope. Boone’s Farm really disappointed me. At first, I thought I had missed something, but after several listenings I realized that there was nothing to be found. Boone’s Farm attempts several styles of music and they all sound like third rate imitations of musical groups such as Sly and the Family Stone, Richie Havens, and. even the Guess Who. The lyrical content is so instuff like; smile on your neighbour, we gotta be free, peace and love, etc; etc-that it seems like an attempt by Boone’s Farm and CBS to make lotsa money. The only cut worthy of mention is “If you can’t be my women.” This song features really pretty vocals but again lyrical content left this listener with an uneasy feeling. So Mr. Messina, I am very glad I didn’t have to lay out $4 for this album. If I had $4, I would buy the real thing: two bottles of strawberry and one bottle each of apple and grape-doug






the chevron

L,JWhen theatre 0


mere display


Man in his need to survive and feel life has created unlimited manifestations of himself and the world he lives in. Men as a body have created tribes, communities, and societies-each, with its own particular devices of order and control. In a consumer-oriented society such as ours, social control is enforced largely throughthe creation of false needs, i.e. a false sense of what it takes to survive. Man’s existence is weighed in relation to all the “necessities” of stylish clothing, cars, coloured tv’s, living-room suites, etc. Concurrently, man’s worth is valued by the goods he accumulates or possesses. His importance and the respect given that importance increases as his possessions increase. This emphasis on accumulated property is not limited to objects or goods. It incorporates the whole of man’s being, not only in a material sense but in a spiritual sense. The synonymous relationship of property and power determines what is right or wrong, or, if you like, the code of morality that man sets up for ‘himself. Man’s orientation in a consumer-oriented society is that of buyer to commodity. Everything that is, tangible and even that which is intangible becomes another item, another piece of merchandise for his consumption. Value and worth become measurements of material gain and acquisition. The aesthetic interpretation of value and worth is overcome by the conventional need for acclamation and position.

That which normally cannot be transacted (i.e. ideas, aesthetic becomes appreciations) categorized, defined, and accounted for. In the case of theatre, the medium of expression and communication, is assimilated into what we call “culture.” Culture, therefore, exists as an acquisition indicating excellence in taste, a sign post of the educated. The reality of life and this ominous image must somewhere correlate, and the theatre is one of the better vehicles for pointing out the correlation. George Bernard Shaw’s Getting Married is now playing at the Court House Theatre, Niagara-onthe-Lake. This play opened July 16 and will continue running until September 2. It is one of the two Shaw plays being performed at the Shaw Festival this year. George Bernard Shaw (185619501, a Fabian socialist at 28, wrote with the express intention of influencing social change. His work was and is aimed very critically at conventional middle-class values. Shaw never presented his argument dogmatically but rather reasonably and carefully. He tried to involve his audience in a dialogue that, although not verbal, demanded deliberate consideration and thought. In Getting Married Shaw is not condemning marriage but rather portraying marriage “for better or worse. ” Each of Shaw’s characters express a view of marriage that is different from that of the

Tom Kneebone’s


others. Each presents his case and argues his dissatisfaction. Eventually the audience is forced into the position of weighing a reasonable outcome. This technique for dramatic involvement was a Shaw quality that made his plays controversial and popular. Unfortunately, this technique has little or no impact in Shaw Festival ‘72. The audience that attends Niagara-on-the-Lake is primarily middle class. They are a stylish, polite, good audience that attend Shaw Festival for its stylish, polite, good atmosphere. There seems to be little or no realization on their part that Shaw was a severe critic of not only their social position but social conventions. Shaw Festival reduces Shaw’s works to mere spectacle. Not that Shaw did not mean his plays to be amusing and entertaining. He did. But there was more to Shaw than his wit and eloquence of language. Shaw very explicitly believed in an evolutionary social change that demanded the personal and firm commitment of individual men. It is a curious kind of hypocrisy that allows the very segment of society that Shaw was most critical of to support and attend year after year the beautiful, rich Niagara-on-the-Lake, Shaw Festival. The stage setting was colourful and exact; the acting reasonable and at times good; the costuming, appropriate. It was all very attractive and proper. And we sat, ready to be entertained. And we were. But somehow there was none of the feeling and conviction that Shaw bred into his writing. No, it was merely a nice evening, with nice people, in a nice town, in a nice part of the country.

and childish







Oh PShaw-


18, 1972


Satirizing the family “If you want to produce anything in the way of great poetic drama,” declared George Bernard Shaw, “you have to take a theme, as Beethovan did in his symphonies, and keep hammering at the one theme.” ’ As Shaw developed from his exploitations of popular genres to the full-fledged discussion play, he became more and more adept at the development and counterpointing of ideas as if they were musical themes. With Misalliance, (and Getting Married) currently playing at the Courthouse Theatre in Niagara-onthe-Lake, Shaw set out to prove that he could make a play out of the materials of a debate. Here, ‘Parents and Children’ is theme. In its variations Shaw explores the everpresent generation gap. He believes that youth and old age are always incompatible, thus parents cannot possibly have a happy relationship with their children. From this point of view he creates a farce that mocks both. Misalliance, first performed in 1910, is a comedy with elements of farce, its realism forming the background for fantasy. It is an

unapologetic discussion play, with a minimum of plot. The dramatic movement has a clean, direct flow. Intermissions are inserted for the convenience of the audience. There is no curtain; the actors freeze in action and the lights black out. The Shaw Festival production of Misalliance is superb entertainment. Although the play lacks the Shavian hero, the characters being pure caricature, their interpretation on stage is subtly infused with human nature. The action takes place at the summerhouse of a wealthy underwear manufacturer, Mr. Tarleton. His daughter Hypatia is engaged to Bently Summerhays, son of Lord Summerhays. There are all the usual or more correctly unusual romantic entanglements characteristic to Shaw. Lord Summerhays is enamoured by Hypatia and asks her to become “his widow”. Then out of the blue sky falls an aeroplane, right into the Tarleton greenhouse. This incident produces two more characters ; Joey Percival, with whom Hypatia finally pairs off, and Lina Szczepanowska, a polish acrobat. For no apparent reason Shaw brings in an additional character, A Man with a gun, planning to shoot Tarleton. He is disarmed by la Szczepanowska, and the debate continues. Unfortunately the play does not end, but grinds to a halt as the characters run out of topics to discuss. Ronald Drake’s Mr. Tarleton ‘is the pivot of the action. He is pompous, genial and weighty in appearance and speech. Angela Wood as Lina Szczepanowska is completely the Shavian woman ; independent, unpredictable. Wenna Shaw as Hypatia Tarleton does not convey mystery-mystery of the female mindas Shaw originally intended, but aptly presents the young woman bored with the life of wealth and gentility. Tom Kneebone’s performance as the spoilt aristocrat, Bently Summerhays, is so smooth and natural, that his whining and childish hysterics never appear ludicrous. The scenery and sound effects accentuate realism, to the extent that one is convinced there is. a forest just behind the props. This masterly performance of Shaw’s views and thought, clearly demonstrates that the philosophy of the turn of the century moralist is as relevant today as it was in 1910. --krista




f :,. i : , 1 s


18, 1972

Orford string She




conquer While smith’s

the plot of Oliver eighteenth century

as Mrs. Hardcastle, plays her role to perfection. ’ But the Oscar for really outstanding comic characterization must go to a relatively minor character-Stanley Coles in the role of Roger, an ordinary plowman “elevated” to the status of domestic servant for the occasion of the suitors’ visit to the Hardcastle home. Although Coles has only one line, he participates in much of the action, and his very appearance on stage ellicits laughter. He never steps out of his role, wearing an idiotic (but endearing) grin the whole time. Finally, Alan Scarfe as Tony Lumpkin gives another fine performance. He is the only character who is at all two-dimensional, and the audience is carried from dislike to sympathy to respect for the overly-mothered young man. She Stoops to Conquer, then, must be highly recommended.

attempt to cope with the death of its male head. His presence and threatened disappearance played an important part in the lives of his wife, daughter, and son-in-law. As husband, father, breadwinner, and head of his family his person was crucial to that of the other family members. Their defined existence as a family and personal identity within that family depended on his particular role in their lives. The normal routine and balance of Mark’s family is upset when death enters their once comfortable and protected environment. Death is a stranger to their world of family-life. It has no definition or place. It is not a father or mother, or daughter or son-inlaw. It is not a person or thing. Yet it is there staring them face to face, challenging their very existence. Wylie contends that she “wrote a play about a family and its relationships as illuminated by the’ death by cancer of its head.” Wylie staged a demonstration of the, predicted reactions of a family to’ death. Her failure to ask why such reactions are predictable offered little insight into the dynamics of family life. Mark faced other disadvantages. It was performed on the Third Stage, with poor ventilation, on an extremely warm and humid day. Also, the seating arrangements created a circus-like effect,(where the entertainers were in the centerring as, we, the spectators, viewed from the stands. The acting ranged from painful, to fair, to fairly good. To comment any further on the performance of the actors and actresses would be totally unfair. They faced incredible odds and did well considering.

Goldplay, She Stoops to Conquer, is hopelessly mundane, and too obviously dated to be of any but historical significance, Goldsmith’s comedy, remains timeless. She Stoops to Conquer is a very funny play-notsomuch in routine, but by the fact of its brilliant comic dialogue and its excellent characterizations. \ The story concerns the courtship of two young women, Kate Hardcastle (Pat Galloway), and Constance Neville (Carole Shelley). The plot is complicated-in true _ -heather Webster soap-opera fashion-by the and jane harding exuberant meddling of Kate’s over-zealous step-mother (Mary Savidge), who attempts to engineer a match between her effeminate son, Tony Lumpkin (Alan Scarfe), and her young I ward, Constance. The match is mutually undesirable, and Tony’s aid is. eventually enlisted in bringing Constance and her chosen (Barry MacGregor ) , together. This summer, in Stratford, Mark Kate’s romance is almost thwas performed. Betty Jane Wylie’s warted by the mischevous pranks two-act drama explores the perof her half-brother, who leads her sonal and emotional impact of a suitor (Blaine Parker), to believe that the Hardcastle home is an inn, death within the family. Speaking of Mark Ms. Wylie has and Mr. Hardcastle (Tony van written “an act of creation should Bridge), the inn-keeper. The suitor it should not serve a treats Hardcastle #in an ap- be gratuitous; purpose, either as propaganda or propriate manner, and the latter comfort. It maintains a state of confused in- pain or as spurious dignation throughout most of the simply is. It stands alone.” Unfortunately, Betty Jane Wylie play. The entire misunderstanding achieved exactly what she set out is cleared up in the end, of course, Winnie lang to accomplish. Mark not only stood and both couples are happily 1 lone and barren but it simply was. united. What could have been a shared Even the -most brilliant comedy experience between actor and needs to be sustained by superior became nothing more acting, and the cast of She Stoops audience of simple cause to Conquer does an excellent job. than a prortrayal and effect. Both young women give very credible performances, although Death is one truth that resists illusion. It is final and complete. too much alike perhaps, in voice, appearance and mannerism. The Wylie failed to-present the question of death to the audience: How does Cellist Antonio Janigro mu di suitors do a marvellous job as well, death change what is familiar to have been surprised when he especially Blaine Parker, whose us? Why does it change that which walked out on stage Sunday role is more versatile than is familiar to us? What is the morning at Stratford to perform. MacGregor’s. One need hardly Only the night before at Lincoln --mention the acting of Tony van vacuum that is felt when someone Bridge-this veteran actor always ’ close dies? Center in New York City he had In Mark we watched a family played to- ,a, packed house, performs -,,.,dl ._I - , , the .,..,.., . well. 3 And Mary Savidge

Marked death

Janigro dings

Y) ‘,

The July 21 chamber music concert at Stratford featured the, Orford String Quartet. All firsttickets to which had been sold out rate Canadian musicians, the weeks in advance. . The smaller Quartet is in residence at the festival hall at Stratford was less University of Toronto. than a third filled, certainly a The program began with disappointment to an artist of Haydn’s Quartet in G major, Opus Janigro’s stature and reputation. 54, No. 1. This lovely work, bright Janigro has recorded over fifty and well proportioned, was played albums, is a seasoned recitalist with clear voice leading and and conductor, and teaches master delicacy by the group. The rondo of classes in cello at the Zagreb the final movement was especially Conservatory in Yugoslavia, well performed, ending the work in where he makes his home. exhilaration. The program opened with The Haydn work was followed by Beethoven’s Variations on the Bei Canadian composer Murray Meannern duet from Mozart’s Schafer’s Quartet No. 1. A free opera The Magic Flute. These form composition of one variations, the most mature of movement, the piece nevertheless Beethoven’s works for the cello has several distinct sections. The and piano, were executed with first section is built on successive great warmth and style by Janigro tone clusters, creating a swarming and his accompanist, Charles effect. The lyrical second section I Reiner. In fact, Mr. Reiner, a found the most interesting in pianist on the faculty of McGill mood, if not especially original. University, exhibited an incredibly The final section was a series of sensitive touch and feeling for the musical quotations, or thematic classical repertory. metamorphosis, of all that had The seven variations were been presented before, ushered in followed by Couperin’s Pieces En in each instance by a snap of a Concert, a piece in five movements cello string against .the fingerfor cello and harpsicord. I found it board. According to the, composer, this represented the shutter of a very boring musically and wondered why, with all the music ’ of camera creating snapshots or the Baroque at his disposal, flashbacks from an earlier part of Janigro had included this in the the movement. While the work concert. Also, the harpsicord was contained rich textures and some too far back stage, the result being interesting mood changes, it didn’t that it could scarcely be heard strike me as being unusual. The- final selection was the throughout the entire composition. Next was Debussy’s Sonata No. 1 hauntingly beautiful Ravel F major Quartet. This was played for Cello and Piano. Again, I found the first two movements nebulous with great intensity and eloquence and weak, but in the finale Janigro by the group and it sounded to me displayed the brilliance and wide as if they loved playing it as much as I loved hearing them perform it. tonal palette long associated with his playing. The experience stayed with me Following the intermission, long after I had left the Festival Brahms’ Sonata No. 1 in E minor Hall. closed the program. One of BrahMy only complaint with the ms’ first published works, it is performance of the Orford Quartet somber, but deeply romantic. I was with the first violinist, Andrew have heard this composition Dawes. Without disputing his performed many times, and felt virtuosity and fine musicianship, I that on Sunday it lacked the found that many times 1during the. surging intensity needed to bring it performance he sacrificed lyrical off. I felt that Reiner was clearly strength and the melodic out of his milieu in the romantic leadership which is his, as first, repertoryJ chair player, for a thin vibrato Altogether I found the recital sound on his instrument. Whereas disappointing and far below the this is a valid preference on his level of my expectations, con- part, I still found myself wishing sidering the artist involved. I felt that he would play a little more this was in some way due to the deeply into the strings so that the choice of repertory, which could melodic line, which was weak in have been more imaginative and many instances, would have come perhaps Janigro’s feeling of through a bit more clearly. disappointment to be playing to Nonetheless, the total effect was such an unfilled house. first-rate and well worth attending. -=Jpg!Jgyg A,e’a.‘A;;L’L; :r-Lb i,:/“3r-1;LPJc*l,~;



. r


the chevrbn






Pieces for instrumentrental for booking Music Directbr


of the

3rd Mass by Haydn



Oct. 11-13 11:30 RED PEPPERS









for noon




by Noel Coward


’ Resident








or The Lord Nelson) Centre




NOV. 2,3,& 4tb



P.m. c

THE MARQUISE by Noel Coward

are in dateorderasfellnws



WED.&THLJRS.SFPT 138 14--7.?nnrn SUN. SEPT. 17 - 2:00 p.m. MON. SEPT. 18 - 7:30.p.m.




room 121, ext. 2533





All auditions




SEPTEMBER 13th 7:00 pm (Dance SEPTEMBER l+th 7:00 p.m. (Dance

Company is composed in the aud-ition.

of students


are in the Theatre

of the Arts

COMPANY Studio) Studio) in performing.

All newcomers


and backstage,


Earl Stieler,




of t.he Arts,


SPONSORED BY THE CREATIVE ARTS BOARD - FEDERATIO-N OF STUDENTS The Creative Arts Board is interested in sponsoring individuals or groupsof students in producing programes FYTnA =?ODUCTIONS the above. For further information contact Mike Izma, Board Chairman, ext. 3457.



7, 8, 9, 10


11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17



21, 22, 23, 24



28, 29, 30, 31




5, 6, 7,.8




12, 13, 14, 15




19; 20, 21, 22


on a Chain,


26, 27, 28, 29

One Day Denisovich,



Count Yorga Vampire, Dr. Phibes; .Dunwich Horror, Theatre of Death

in Men’s Soul



9, 10, 11, 12

Tales from The House


16; 17, 18, 19



23, 24, 25, 26

Sunday, Laughter

November & December December






to Soul












’ other




Ivan No Bugles

Us Do Part

The Crypt That Dripped

- Blood

Out back

Bloody Sunday in the Dark Visitor,







150 UNIVERSITY AVE.W. AT PHILLIP ST. and Moskowitz Puzzle of a Downfall





in the No Drums,

2, 3, 4, 5

. .




1, 2, 3 7, 8, 9, 10

are invited





Director of Dance, Physical Educa-tion Building, room 2060, ext. 3147 Dance Faculty: Judy Jarvis, Jill Officer, Eric Hyrst, Maxine Sheets Students interested in lighting, room 122. ext . 2128



Dec. 6-8 12: 00 noon STILL LIFE

The University of Waterlob Repertory Dance join our introductory meeting and participate


5:30-7:30 -.









7:00-9:00 pm 5:30-7:OOpm 7:30-9:00 pm

room 6, ext. 2439.


14 ’

contact Mrs. Sandra Brown, ext. 3572 Practice Studios contact the Cultural Programme

of Music, Arts Lecture,





Auditions for solo parts in Haydn Mass 2 sopranos, 1 alto, 1 tenor, &d 1 bass




AL 113 AL6 AL6


Unless otherwIse Dosted. all tllms WIII be showr in AL 113 dr‘AL i 16 at 8:00 PIIl. Sunday dates are tentative






18, 1972

Athletes or ego trippers Many highschool athletes after entering university find themselves participating in the intramural sports program offered by the athletic’ department. To some, this may seem a degrading drop in status from their original aspirations of being a varsity sports hero. The step from first-string lineman on the senior football team in highschool to first-string lineman at university is a very big step; a big step both in ability, in dedication and in discipline. Eventually, though, even the most hard-headed jock will begin to ask himself why he is subjecting himself to the often forced dedication and discipline required by most varsity coaches. It’s not because you want to win for the school, because if it is you are wasting your time; the majority of kids on campus don’t give a damn about you or your team. In one way or another it’s for yourself that counts; it’s you the athlete who has to gain from playing varsity sports. Some athletes actually want to further their athletic abilities; most, however, want to further their ego. The sports field has become their area for personal recognition. This is more true of the spectator sports, football, basketball and hockey than of the lesser known sports such as fencing and synchronized swimming. If i nobody came to watch, the athletes would not perform. It must be sad, however, for a varsity football player to look up into the stands, and suddenly come to the realization that the majority of the fans did not come to watch him or the team, but came to _ perform their own show for the others in the stands. The football team merely provided the often needed excuse for the people to be where a lot of other

Introduction* to

ihtramurals The intramural department attempts to present a program of activities that are enjoyable and a worthwhile experience and which also give one the opportunity to make effective use of his leisure time. It also enables an individual to learn a particular ‘activity or skill. The program serves those who may not be athleticly inclined by offering the opportunity to be an official or an organizor of an / event or activity. The intramural program itself is divided into four levels, those being competitive, recreational, club, and instructional. The competitive program is the most structured and is comprised of both men’s and women’s sections as well as several co-cd activities. Competitive units are set up according to the place of residence, faculty, year or some other designation of the students that have entered the events. For example, the villages are a competitive unit, as is upper engineering and coop math. Special units are sometimes set up for those students who are team, camp already in a group, the chevron I Columbia, or the student federation as well as several staff and faculty groups. In this level teams compete for a championship and overall trophies. There are individual as well as team awards, and competitive and participation points are awarded to the unit.


people are. After all, what is the use of getting drunk if nobody else knows your drunk, especially if you are supposed to get drunk under the pretence of cheering your team to victory? This situation admittedly is almost exclusively related to the football season. It is difficult for anyone who has had a bit of sports glory to give it up in favour of more personal Often an athlete’s personal development. developments are obscured by the drive to please the crowd and to stand out. But once the fans stop watching there is very little for that athlete to compete for, and for every athle’te there comes a time when the fans stop watching. Their is another type of, athlete, or would-be athlete, -who is compelled to play sports competitively. This type of person has not developed the skill of the varsity athlete, but has to play competitive sports in order to prove to himself and others, not necessarily in that order, that he is better than someone else. These players are constantly looking for opponents whom they can beat easily, thus getting a somewhat distorted sense of accomplishment. These types of players are found mainly in the competitive leagues of the intramural programs, but some of the more ambitious players enter into the recreational level of intramural sports hoping to find ‘enough easy opponents there. It is these people who should stop to re-evaluate the philosophy of sports, not only concerning how it affects them but how it affects the others playing the game. They- should redefine the priority of winning, think about what they are really winning and what they are losing in the process of winning. The value in sports is learning to understand the other persons needs, and learning to cooperate with everyone, so that each person will have some sense of achievement. There will always be people that you can beat and people that can beat you, if you look for them. If you want to really enjoy a sport lose by default and then play the game.



The intramural athletic councils are responsible for the supervising and governing of the intramural programs. There is a mens council (M.I.A.C.) and a womens council, (W.I.A.C.). The councils are composed of one student representative from each of the intramural units on campus. Each unit is responsible for choosing representatives to sit on the councils, which consist of an executive committee and standing committees. The council acts as an advisory body to the Athletic Advisory board which in turn acts as an advisory body for the President’s Advisory council, as well as being the governing body of campus athletics.

Situated on picturesque, one and a half acre treed lot, site of former Floradale school. The stately white front entrance, spacious foyer with cathedral ceiling, leads to an impressive hall, complete,with indirect lighting, which can be used as a music room. ’ Large combined living and dining room with built-in glass-shelved cupboard and crystal chandelier, has four large windows overlooking the countryside. Large knotty pine family room has fireplace and glass doors leading to deck. Adjoining is a knotty pine kitchener, a delight to any woman, with built-in desk, 2 lazy susans, dishwasher, garburator and dining area. Three large bedrooms with dado boards, two and one half bathrooms, panelled den or fourth bedroom, complete the main floor. Maple floors enhance. the entire home, as do many extras, and storage. Laundry is on mezzanine floor. The basement has recreation area and hobby shop room. Immediate possesion To see this desirable


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has been laid for the six new courts behind the Waterloo tennis club. Although the exact days have not been announced, the university will have use of the six courts five days a week between September 75 and October 75. During the winter months the university will use the covered courts two days a week. The rest of the time will be used by the Waterloo tennis club.





The asphalt



Approximately thirty activities are offered on this basis. The recreational level is primarily geared to the individuals effective use of leisure time. Free time activities, scheduled team activities, and scheduled individual activities are all part of the recreational level. Almost all recreational activities are toed, and are opened to all staff, faculty and students. The co-cd instructional program is set up to provide instruction in activities where there is a definite need for them. Instruction is usually done through instructional clinics--qualified students are employed as instructors where they can be found. Athletic clubs are formed when there is an interested group of staff, faculty or students who wish to promote or participate in an activity. The club is responsible for their own program, budget and slate of officers. Presently there are fourteen clubs on campus with such activities as sailing, badminton, and curling are represented.










Retreat ion continued

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With the recent increased attention given the financial aspects of university tuition, the question rose of how much students pay for the intramural program. Presently, about twenty-five per cent of the athletic fee (twenty-two dollars.) is used for it; the rest goes to varsity sports. Forty-two (per cent of the men felt th;lt this was not adequate, and that the figure for the intramural budget should be raised to fifty per cent of the twenty-two dollars. Most students also felt that the current voluntary five dollar fee paid by faculty and staff for the same privilegks as students receive for twenty-two dollars was too low. Figures of from ten to twenty-five dollars weke given as possible fees.


A similar survey study was done in the spring to determine non-student usage of the recreational and- intramural programs. This survey dealt with all male and female faculty and staff on campus. The trends were found to be much the Fame as in the student survey. Ninety percent of the male faculty and staff knew that they could participate in the intramural program, but only about haif had participated in any of the four levels of activities. The recreational -level was again the most popular, followed by the

competitive level, . and then the clubs and instructional level. Sixty percent of the male respondents stated that their families took part in some of the facilities at the school. Squash ranked the highest in interest and usage as far as the males were concerned with swimming a close second. Several of the families also used those two facilities the most. The gym was used for jogging a”fair amount, as well as playing volleyball. Tennis courts were the number one priority for added facilities. Forty percent of the faculty felt that the fee for faculty and staff should be raised to the-twenty-two dollars that the students pay. The average suggested fee was about ten dpllars. -Randy

/ feedback

Possibly they have never sat *up nights with a fifteen-year old girl who experiences nightmares that are beyond most people’s wildest imagination. Why? -Because of her father being attacked with a butcher knife by her mother, or maybe it was the forced incest with the father or possibly the inumerable beatings. I am not a psychologist. I don’t know why. The problem does not stop with children, crimes of violence, alcholism, drug abuse and many other problems which can be traced to childhood. Our m&al hospit+ls are full of people who’s minds,. have been twisted and distorted beyond repair, by being unloved.

say; it is becoming apparent that it is not the whole answer. Birth rates are not declining, and illegitimacy rates are up. Nor is it the uneducated who are the problem. Research shows that most of the young people are aware of contraceptive devices. Yet pregnancy still occurs with alarming regularity. “‘Puritanical and moralistic attitudes” have never worked throughout history so it is rather doubtful they will now. Other soluiions may be possible, but they take time. (measured in years). So are we, as human beihgs, to allow millions of unwanted children to enter a world that is not prepared to care for them and love them? Think about it. A child needs love to grow. keith


More Dare This is just a note to express my appreciation for your issue of June 9th concerning the Dare strike. I would like also to express my admiration for the well-researched and well-expressed articles. Solidarity forever ! boris mather director Canadian communications workers council





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Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be-typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

The pro-abortion vs. antiabortion groups are mustering forces in the U.,S. as the presidential election draws nearer. I wonder how much thinking those opposed to abortion have done on the effects of a no-abortion legislation. For that matter I wonder how many of the proabortion group have given it much thought, although the “every child a wanted child” slogan gives a superficial indication of some rational thinking. I wondered how attitudes would change if some of these people had Some say these cases are few. been in an emergency ward when a I cannot judge as to numbers. Last baby with a fractured skull, plus . year however there were 300,000 multiple fractures, was wheeled illegitimate births in the United in. The mother isisted the child States, plus at least a million “fell down the stairs.” -abortions. These figures do not take into account the children whoOr how many have tried for are wanted for selfish reasons hours to penetrate the icy stare of a rather than for a genuine love of ten-year old child who has been in children. Nor does it consider the a state of shock for six weeks, after unwanted child born within a watching his mother blow her marriage. These are but two’other brains out with a shot-gun in a areas that can extend these conToronto ghetto. Then there is the servative estimates. twelve-year old emotionally Solutions? Abortion is one, not disturbed boy who, because he the best but under our present feels unloved, insists he will kill system a real alternative to misery himself (his psychiatrist concurrs and suffering. “Education”, some that he very well might).


18, 1972

Faculty and staff ‘* add opinions...


Need love to grow


& Young



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ber of O.A.A.

friday, _ _ august . ----- - 18,1972

the chevron


thumb) to be greeteb by Toronto’s unnatural humidity and heat. To escape the weather, remained indoors until the last possible moment before entering the stadium for the once-everyfour-years encounter. Grant McLaren (University of Western Ontario) in the 5,000 meters and Bruce Pirnie of Saskatchewan added sortie quality to the men’s event. Pirnie’s shotput toss put a fraction of an inch on Dave Steen’s national record while McLaren’s time kept him in the top five world-wide. The women, usually Canada’s track and field strongpoint, were adversely affected by the conditions, putting out excellent efforts but not a$ exceptional as the

They ,were of all ages; from every province they came, some glum, others intent but most outwardly smiling. These were the two hundred or so of Canada’s best track and field athletes hoping for a place on the Olympic team. A trip to Munich to compete with the best in the world was the goal, and Scarborough’s Birchmount stadium was the site for this ultimate test of strength and, speed. Out-of-province athletes arrived by all possible means (some by



by gord moor-e

crowd of 4,000 would have expected for their six dollar weekend admittance pass. It will be surprising to see an Olympic medal from this year’s crop of athletes, but many predict this to be the breakthrough year... and onward and upward to Montreal in ‘76.

Canadian Olympic by dennis



Ice hockey, monopoly and a law suit It has been rumored that the stuff which makes democracy work and this country of ours great is the existence of ‘free enterprize’. Subjects of the governments of Canada and the United States are fed the fallacy that our democratic system allows the little guys to make it to the top. (After all, Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin and eventually inherited the white house.) Try as we may, to swallow the myth of a ‘free enterprize system, it continually sticks in the throat and is prevented from going furthzr by an ever present clog-the awesome existence of monopolizing, gigantic businesses. The hallowed halls of sport have been kept virgin-white from the illnesses of our society by its business organizers ; and we (in the vain hope that here we can expect some kind of ‘moral’ actions) have been irrepairably stained by the actions of such a monopoly. The ‘vested interests’ of the National Hockey League, in its never-ending pursuit of profit has toppled the world of sport from its

much touted pinnacle of virtue and shown us its poisoned innards. No longer may we exempt sport from society’s common illnesses; Clarence Campbell and his group of owners have let the world know that monopoly is their business and no World’ Hockey Association or national team will stand in the way of their singular goal. In ’ response, the WHA has composed an anti-trust suit against the NHL monopoly. The total amount to be asked for is thirty-six million dollars, in reaction to five restrictions imposed by the NHL ensuring their continuance as the only group doling out hockey to the masses. These were: ’ -6 Attempting to control the entire structure of amateur and professional hockey in North America (through agreements with amateur organizations and minor hockey leagues). l Attempting to commit itself to most of the available raw hockey talent and hockey arenas by contfnuing to expand. l Attempting to use a reserve clause “to make it impossible for any competing league to begin business”. 0 Barring from competition in the Team Canada-Russia series any player who.has not signed an NHL contract. B Attempting to cancel a series being negotiated between a Czech team and the WHA by offering, “to play the Czechs if the Czechs cancel their series with the WHA.” The National Hockey Lea&e had a lot of time to barricade its position. When a team owns a star player at the age of eleven (the case with Bobby Orr and the Boston Bruins 1, one can expect a great deal of foresight to protect interests from outside competition. The World Hockey Association, however, seems to be loaded with financial backers offering multimillion dollar contracts to players. They don’t seem ready to expire SO the NHL’s competition is formidable. Maybe the players and viewers will come out ahead, this time.. . .maybe.

Students’ view of campus retreat ion

With regard to usage of recreational facilities on campus, sixty per cent of the women used the facilites less than once a week, while fifty eight per cent of the men used the facilities at least once a week. Usage could include anything from participation in one of the organized leagues, to taking a sauna and shower. Night time usage of the facilities is more popular than using them during the day. Most people felt, however, that the facilities were open at convenient times. Swimming pool hours were criticized the most-students felt that the hours were too late and too limited during the day. Another criticism by the women was the lack of a sauna in the girls locker room, the inaccessibility of the men’s sauna for girls, and the domination by the men of the squash court bookings list, which is ‘kept in the men’s 1oCker room. Of the four levels of activities available to students, recreation was most popular with both males and females. Seventy-three per cent of the women indicated that they had participa’ted at the recreational level, while only twenty-eight per cent were involved at the competitive level. Only nineteen per cent participated at the instructional level with eleven per cent using the club .activities. Sixty-seven per cent of the female respondents felt that the emphasis should be placed on recreational activities instead of competitive activities.

In the fall of last year a group of students conducted a survey study of student interest and participation in recreational activities at the university Recreation on this campus is largely defined as the intramural program run by the athletic department. The survey found that ninety per cent of the men sampled and one hundred per cent of the women felt a definte need for a recreational program, although only a half of both the women and men knew the workings of the intramural Males were evenly split on inprogram. Also, it is interesting to I in the recreational and note that one of the complaints of . volvement competitive aspects of the both men and women respondents program, fifty per cent being inwas the lack of communication volved in each level. Only ten per between the athletic department cent indicated that they took part and the students. Most students in the clubs and* instr‘uctional had iearned about the intramural levels of the program. Some of the program from friends who had men were obviously participating participated or had read about the in more than one level at one time various activities in the chevron or on intramural posters. or another.

The activities that the girls have participated in range from ballet. to broomball, but the most popular sports activities were swimming, volleyball and basketball, in. that order. Cofipetitive volleyball and basketball were next on the list followed by various club and instructional atitivities. Tennis was mentioned the most as an activity the girls would have liked to take part *in, but were unable to due to lack of facilities. Several women-sixty one per, cent-felt that the intramural program should be expanded to include riding, pottery, and yoga, and other comparable activities. Both yoga and riding could be classified as physical activities. However, oil painting, bridge and chess were included-these being non-physical activities. Tennis courts were referred to most often as a needed facility to improve the intramural program. In the men’s division, competitive basketball, football, and hockey ranked along with recreational swimming and squash as the most popular activities. Again, club and instructional activities were not well used. Recreational tennis was mentioned ,again as the most desired activity that there are no facilities for. SQme of the men thought that in addition to the tennis courts the campus could use an arena and more squash courts. There are ten at present, eight singles courts and two doubles courts. Bridge, chess, music appreciation and riding were the most mentioned non-physical activities desired by some of the males. continued

on page



26 .- --- the



Dividends, .aboiiginal 9 r Igh ts Ian foreign control .

Energy Minister Donald Macdonald has confirmed the selling of “substantial quantities of Canadian natural gas into the American market”, once the Mackenzie pipeline is built. If those sales are surplus to Canadian needs and the pipeline is controlled by Canadians, then this policy can be pursued.


uring prime minister Trudeau’s speech at the national newspaper-awards meeting in Toronto last april, the PM revealed the government’s northern develqpment plan. The economic development has been prepared by the Arctic Transportation Development Agency., affects 40 per c&t of Canada’s land mass above the sixtieth parallel, and is scheduled to begin by early 1974 at the latest. It includes a northern deepwater port and improved air services, but the spine of the system will be the Mackenzie Valley corridor, carrying a 5 billion dollar gas pipeline, an all-weather 1,050-mile highway to the Arctic coast (already under construction in some sections), and possibly a 5 billion dollar oil pipeline by 1984. All this is part of 50 billion dollarsmostly public dollars-earmarked for northern development over the next few decades-a sum equal in amount to half of Canada’s total annual output of goods and services. The Mackenzie Valley corridor is placed alongside the equally expensive, giant James Bay power development, another scheme aimed at harnessing Canadian resources for predominantly American needs. Trudeau likens the northern transportation system to the CPR and continent:wide fur trade, elevating his own project to these two which have shaped much of Canadian history. The CPR, the twin of Confederation, insured that the west would be hinterland to Toronto and Montreal, available to the exploitation of eastern capitalists rather than American capitalists. Although Trudeau argues that the northern transportation system will protect Canadian sovereignity over the Arctic, it appears that the system is more likely to link the Arctic to the United States. Canada, through its economic development, has become an in_termediate zone through which minerals, oil and natural gas extracted from the Arctic must pass on their way to processing in the. U.S. The official objectives of northern development have been set forth very clearly in recent speeches of. federal government ministers. The most significant objectives mentioned in their speeches are: l to provide a rising standard of living and quality of life for northern residents, particularly the indigenous peoples, by methods compatible with -their own preference and aspirations. viable economic 0 to encourage development in the north so as to realize the potential contributiori to the national economy. l to maintain and enhance the norLthern environment’s ecology.

l to maintain Canadian sovereignty and security in the north. If the 50 billion dollar development plan was designed to meet these objectives, there would be little to criticize in it. Strong support would come from southerners and northerners alike. As far as the government’s first objective is concerned, the fact remains that once construction of the northern corridor is completed _ native people-Indians, Eskimos and Metis-can expect little permanent improvement in their lives.


a voice

The native people of the Northwest Territories are determined to use the Mackenzie Valley pipeline debate to win hefty land or cash rewards from Ottawa as part of their efforts to settle their demands for aboriginal rights. Their demands.. appear legitimate and they cannot\ be blamed for trying to get the best deal they can under the circumstances. Relative to the wealth that will be mined, the return they are demanding is trifling. The Canadian government does not recognize an aboriginal claim by northern Indians, but a case now before the Supreme Court may force it to. The Indians are trying to halt all construction work through applications for injunctions. Indian representatives say the fact that treaties were made is the best proof that there are aboriginal rights; energy minister Donald Macdonald believes aboriginal rights were extinguished by Treaties 8 and 11. These two treaties cover the 7000-odd Indians in the NWTthe 13,000 Eskimos and 5,000 Metis have no treaty. The treaties have never been settled but provide one square mile for each family of five who elect to live on a reserve or, “for such families or to individual Indians as may prefer to live apart from band reserves....Cand in severality to the extent of 160 acres to each Indian.” The older Indians have said they never agreed to what the treaties say in writing-that is, they thought they were getting more. The Indians, in bargaining for what they consider their natural rights, are acutely aware of the Alaskan land settlement. In 1971, the U.S. Congress solved the Native problem by passing the Alaska Act--5OOmilIion Claims Settlement dollars in cash, a 2 per cent royalty on oil 500 and gas production up to another million dollars, and 40 million acres of land-a distinct recognition of aboriginal rights. At this point, it would be better for the Indians to demand a permanent voice in

determining the nature and content of the development plan, and a large share in all profits earned from northern development. Only as owners of the means of production can the native people avoid being exploited. During Macdonald’s tour of the proposed Mackenzie Valley corridor late in july, he was warned that the natives will blow up the pipeline unless they get their development and share from gas Macdonald sums up the production. possibility of construction delay from Canadian native claims in this way: “I can see the possibility of there being a protracted _hearing before the National Energy Board, but thereafter I don’t see there being much scope for court actionfor a judicial review of what is basically an economic decision.” I

The existing


The government uses the lure of corridor construction jobs to relieve native frustrations and to take the “legal heat” off Ottawa. Most skilled jobs have always gone to white men from the south, and the natives have been left to scramble for the remaining menial Tasks. The federal government has stated- that it regards the employment issue as a prerequisite to authorizing a pipeline permit. The territorial government has warned industry that menial jobs alone will not be sufficient to meet its employment expectations; it wants natives trained to operate the oil and gas pipelines, a task that would be highly automated and of a sophisticated vature. Although the petroleum industry has agreed to co-operate in training programs, so far it has only qualified a handful of operatives, none of whom is in the management category. The commonality of experience, values and aspirations between government and is great; the natives industry predicament is in no way the result of a conspiracy by the oil companies-it is a natural consequence of the existing system. While the aboriginal claims debate waxes, the government and petroleum companies make way for the construction



18, 1972

of the gas pipeline. The Gas A’rcticNorthwest Project Study Group, an ex,tremeIy powerful consortium of 16 oil utility companies (12 American’ and 4 Canadian) functioning as industry’s continuing Arctic research vehicle, will apply to Canadian and American government agencies early next year to proceed with the multi-billion-dollar gas pipeline connecting Prudhoe Bay in Alaska and Mackenzie delta gas discoveries with markets in southern Canada and the United States. Under winter construction it is estimated the pipeline could be completed in two years. The consortium is the consolidation of the Gas Arctic Group and the Northwest Project Study Group, which originally had rival pipeline plans. Present company participants in the group are: Albtirta Gas Trunk Line Co, Trans-Canada Pipelines Ltd, Canadian National Railway Co, Canadian Pacific Investments Ltd (the four Canadian-owned companies), Atlantic Richfield Co, Columbia Gas System Inc, Gulf Oil Canada Ltd, Humble Oil and Refining Co, Imperial Oil Ltd, Michigan W’isconsin Pipe‘line Co, Natural Gas Pipeline Co of America, Northern Natural Gas Co, Pacific Lighting Gas Development Co, Shell Canada Ltd, Standard Oil Co (Ohio), Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. Two other groups have applied for admittance to the consortium, and are likely to be accepted this fall. They are the Mountain Pacific Group and the Canadian Development Corporation. The former group consists of Mountain Pacific Pipeline Ltd of Calgary, controlled by Westcoast Transmission Co Ltd of Vancouver, Canadian Bechtel Ltd of Vancouver, El Paso Natural Gas Co of El Paso, Texas and Southern California EdisonXo of Los Angeles.

Consortium and Canadian control The CDC, a federal government agency, is intended to “represent the people of Canada” by selling shares in the organ-ization so Canadians can participate in the pipeline: It is also believed that the CDC can ensure‘that federal government


the chevron



environment and development guidelines in the Arctic are observed. In addition, the CDC is expected to negotiate with Ottawa to take over the government’s interest in Panarctic Oils Ltd, a major CanadianAmerican gas exploration consortium in the Arctic Islands, and to participate in developing the Mackenzie transportation system. Canadian government and industrial representatives have agreed for nearly two years now that a gas pipeline south down the Mackenzie Valley would be economically feasible once minimum of 15 trillion cubic feet of gas has been proved in the Mackenzie delta. To date, the North Slope has yielded natural gas in such large amounts that the oil companies will be forced to market it; burning off such gas ,is illegal and there will be too much to make re-injection feasible. The need for production of immense natural gas reserves on the Slope is even more pressing than the need for oil. Proved natural gas reserves in the U.S. are down to about a 12-year supply, the lowest ever. Moreover, there is little hope for new discoveries of gas south of #the Canadian border. American demands have been filled by imported natural gas in liquified form from Algeria at a cost 3 times greater than for the domestic product. After seeing the petroleum research facilities at Sans Sault, Norman Wells and lnuvik in the NWT three weeks ago, Energy Minister Macdonald confirmed once again that the gas pipeline will be built as proposed: “I don’t think there is any question of the engineering infeasibility of the project; it can be done. What we are looking for now is some way to get the transmission line built at somebody else’s expense. Of course we are going to be selling substantial quantities of Canadian gas into the American market. This is, in essence, how we are paying for a greater reserve fc;Canadians.” He added that, “to a degree, the development of resources for export has made it possible to develop them for use by Canadians. The long-run potential reserve in the Mackenzie delta region for Canadians will be developed at the expense of Americans.” This appears to be in contradiction with Macdonald’s earlier demands for “maximum Canadian leadership and a choice few companies in participation”, the huge consortium support. Macdonald wanted most of the estimated 1 billion dollars needed for the actual building of the line to be raised in Canada, and the vast majority of the consulting and engineering work to be handled by Canadians. Whether Canadians will be financing, building, operating and regulating the pipeline through Canadian j territory remains to be seen. There is little objection to selling Arctic gas to the gas-hungry U.S. as long as those sales are surplus to Canadian needs. The pipeline must be Canadian controlled if Canada is to meet its ,own gas requirements in the future. A political gambit has been long in the making though; in order to obtain control of the line, the Nixon administration is being advised to take none of the surplus Arctic gas from Canada in order to prod Ottawa to negotiations on such matters as the auto pact. In view of the fact that the gas wells will be foreign owned and will likely be piped to refineries in foreign countries, the contribution of oil exploration to the of enhancing Canadian objective sovereignty is at least dubious. And in view of the substantial tax concessions available to the gas and oil industry, and the few jobs that are created by this part of the economy, its contribution to the national economy is marginal. The question of. benefits to Canadians needs to be further re-examined other than by the government. -gord



The Ballad

Of Peter Trudeau


0 he is the pretty Prince of the land, (A colony’s Prince, you understand), And he’s built an army of unemployedAn army he does what he can to avoidAs every week from New York Town Yanks’shut another branch-plant down, So Canadian boys go out on the streetYou can hear the march of that army’s feet. He tells them our wealth is equally shared. And tells them “Why doncha Mangez de la Merde.” He is our leader, our Prince, our joy, The fighting P.M., the millionaire boy, The lover, the dilettante, swimmer, and Pet, Canada’s male Marie Antoinette. And he h,ates most of all the national care That wants Independence, free and fair, So he’s selling us off a bit each day, Piece by piece to the USA. His rose is bloody, Peter TrudeauBut he thinks he has even farther to go!

There stands the hero, Peter Trudeau, The Canadian toughie who woudn’t go To fight in the Second Imperialist War (The one of the ‘forties and just before). He wouldn’t help the foreign swine Of Empire take what’s yours and mine. But now up front on Parliament Hill He leads his own force. And with a will We see him wave and shout Hurrah! As he sets his troops on the Quebecois.

He wants to have one victory more ‘To give his life a perfect score. So he’s building up his personal Aids, And starving the pbor till they’re all afraid; Selling the water, the air, and the landA little each day, you understand, Till a revolt will begin-as it will one day. Then our Peter will have his way. Towards the border he’ll march straight forth As the U.S. army moves up North, And as it waves and shouts Hurrah! He’ll lead it up to Ottawa.

We see his eyes go cold as ice. ’ We know he doesn’t care what price Is paid by whom or where or when As he keeps us safe for IBM. Safe to be used by the USA, Safe to be sold in the Liberal way. And his boys pay them money every week, Saying, “Take it all, yank, whatever you seek,” As he flicks a red rose and hums ‘tra la’ And sets our troops on the Quebecois.

Robin Matthews

thee member: Canadian university press (CUP) and underground press syndicate (UPS), subscriber: liberation news service (LNS), and chevron international news service (GINS), the chevron is a newsfeature tabloid published offset fifty-two times a year (1971-1972) by the federation of students. Incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, Independent of the federation and the univer,Sity administration. Offices in the campus center; phone (519) 885-1660 or 8851661 or universtty local 3443; telex0295-748. circulation

: 13,000 (fridays)

This issue of the chevron is being mailed to all freshmen registered for the falltermat the university of Waterloo. hopefully it will indicate that they are moving, not just to a university, but into a community. just what kind of school and community they’re in for is up to them to discover. suffice it to say that while national statistics show a decrease in narcotics arrests over the past year, the last 12 months in Kitchener-Waterloo have resulted in an increase of drug convictions. it’s a busy town...with a busy morality squad to augment RCMP efforts. greeting freshmen at school is a two week job for the student orientation committee with help from ike and tina turner, king biscuit boy, the james cotton blues band, Christopher kearny and other bands and artists. in the coming year, issac hayes, pink floyd, emmerson lake and palmer...not to mention the line-up at Waterloo Lutheran university which includes taj mahal and billy Preston. the chevron line-up this week: ron colpitts, liz willick, mary holmes, randy hannigan, mike rohatynsky, dennis mcgann, gord moore, brute steele,chuck stoody, ellen tolr@e, murray noll, jon mcgill, dave robertson, terry moore, carol cza’ko, mel rotman, george kaufman, dave cubberly; Winnie lang, krista tomory, paul stuewe, renzo bernardini, doug austrom, tony difranco, Suzanne berg, heather Webster, jane hardirig, peter warrian and arthur c. grumble.


18, 1972


1st Week











30 p.m.


















p.m. p.m.
























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2nd Week

MON. SEPT. 11/72





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