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UNIVERSITY volume friday,


13, number I2 September 15, 1972

BSArocks off Federation




Red tape hits student r vote OTTAWA (CUP&-Most university students won’t be able to vote /where they live at least eight months of the year in the October 30 federal elections unless they lie to enumerators. -. In a series of regulations quietly handed- down in january, the Trudeau government amended the Elections Act in a manner likely to disperse and discourage student voters. Full time students attending any educational institution in Canada must now vote in the constituency from which they originated. To do this, they must contact the local returning officer or their home constituency to ensure their names are on the voters’ list. If students cannot - be in their




ASS~XIII consider

home / constituency for election day, they may designate_ a person from that constituency to cast a proxy vote. Both the student. and his representative must fill out the form in triplicate. Formerly students were allowed to vote in either their home or educational constituency. Now, single students living “away from home” may not legally vote in their campus riding; they must cast their ballots in their parents’ seat. If the enumerator or returning officer thinks the main reason a young person isaway from home is to attend a school, he or she must register in the “home constituency. This definition applies even if a student is also working and attending school part-time. An official from the chief electoral officer’s department told CUP it is possible for students living away from home to vote in the constituency in which they presently reside, but they must virtually lie to do so. Married students will be enumerated normally but others must claim that they live “away from home” and are completely independent of any parental support. The situation must be explained to the satisfaction of the enumerator or returning officer. If a student is challenged at a poll on voting day, he or she must take an oath affirming residence in that constituency. The election act provides penalties for those who make false declarations undel oath, and their vote can be disallowed. Observers doubt federal officials would dare take any action if a large number of students were to violate the new voting law. Some student representatives have icdicated a coiordinated mass violation of the new regulations may be organized, especially in constituencies where thousands of students reside. See concerning procedures.

page 3 for story voting I

the foibles


of the board

of student


bhoto by elIen tolmie


Day care inconcerts’out Students’ council this week came out in support of: babies, political strategies to beat the fees increase and committees to talk about students’ needs. They also expressed opposition to concerts that lose $6,000; and not -much enthusiasm was generated for work to meet students’ needs. The Federation of Students’ day care centre will become a reality with permanent quarters in the near future. Council, passed a motion giving financial aid to the centre in the form of necessary renovations to Isafarm. Dave Robertson, federation vicepresident, in proposing the motion, explained some of the problems the co-op day care centre faced and council’s role in supporting it. He explained that the day care centre which operated during the summer at St. Jerome’s, is now temporarily quartered in the campus centre and desperately in need of permanent facilities. / Through negotiations with the university, council has obtained the Isafarm on-Columbia street for the day centre. The house is being leased from the university at one dollar per year for five years. The only problem is that a number of renovations-up to a possible maximum of $8,400-are necessary before a day care license will be granted. Robertson suggested that although the federation is legal holder of the lease for the centre it should have no control over the policy making or internal workings of the day care centre. Council then requested that a day care committee be struck representing the present centre members to

propose policy concerning the operation of the centre and its relationship with the federation. A motion that the federation pay for the renovations of the proposed centre by taking out a bank loan (which would be paid off .over five years > passed unanimously. Terry Moore, federation president, commented that the centre “has to break even from this point on”. Moore then emphasized to council the need to assess their work load and distribute it among the members. It was suggested that various student committees be reconvened to start fulfilling their (ill-defined) purpose to help students. Executive assistant Brian Switzman outlined a proposal to council which he hoped would be used as a basis for formulating a strategy to combat the fees increase. The proposal requires a great deal of conscientious research and organizational work on the part of councillors. It was greeted with little evident enthusiasm; although a number of platitudes were thrown forward in response to it.



The next item on the agenda seemed to generate a more energetic response. For a variety of reasons, everyone on council displayed a good deal of interest in the money-losing Ike and Tina Turner concert. Paul Dube, board of student %activities chairman, reported that the the concert lost just short of $6,000. With a budgeted subsidy of $2,000 the concert went $4,000 over budget. -continued

on page 3


Reaction to the Ike and Tina Turner concert-which brought to a head growing dissatisfaction with the actions of the board of student activities-has lead to extensive changes in the orientation of the BSA and council in providing entertainment for the campus. In a series of events which saw federation president Terry Moore ask for the resignation of BSA chairman Paul Dube and later withdraw his request, federation executive and BSA members have come up with a new policy concerning organized entertainment on campus. Following a number of informal but tense meetings between various council and BSA members, an agreement has been reached whereby the BSA and council are getting out of direct involvement with large rock concerts. The three, scheduled concerts will still go on but it is unclear whether the BSA will produce them. There is a possibility that they will be sold to outside promoters. There will still be concerts on campus but they will be produced by outside promoters leaving the BSA free to spend its money and energies elsewhere. Moore said that students can be assured of special student prices and a set number of tickets totalling half of those offered for sale. These will be guaranteed for any production on campus. _ The BSA in future will be concentrating on smaller budgeted activities with emphasis on a number of varied and more “intimate” productions. There will be a coffee house on a regular basis in the campus centre which will book week-long folk, blues or jazz acts. Rock bands will be booked for food services-pubs and a number of smaller concerts with a $1500 limit will be staged. To facilitate these changes the internal structure of the BSA will be extensively revamped. It is to be decentralized with present chairman Paul Dube acting as coordinator of the various groups within the board. A meeting of the BSA has been called for six o’clock next Monday to start implementing the proposed changes. -ron




submission to leadership and - . discipline. , h_ Bookchin is attempting to orient - the movement towards a less cataclysmic understanding of, revolution, one in which --the’ institutions of a new civilisation are nurtured presently within the womb of the old. This process

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i growing _ &,n,b-rc


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a series

of s:mall,

d~~~~~~f~~~~~<~~~as followed by ‘a lively discussion amongst the audience4noving from the development of counte: institutions to the power of the state-which lasted for more thah an hour. Unfortunately the talk was attended by about twenty-five people, only a handful of those who might have benefited from the experience.’ .


. Surpiy




If you are a PhD student and hope to-eventually get work related to your professional training, you may have your illusions shattered. A study, for the Economic Council of Canada (ECC!) by economist Max Von Zur-Muehlen entitled “The PhD Dilemma” *indicates that about 7000

slogans of class Mankind is in the grip of a progressive warfare” used by marxist parties ; “sweeping social crisis”, one for Bookchin the only changes this which, barring a ‘freconstruction”, ,type of r understanding and of his.\ entire- relationship with , ,- ,-dhid cubberley is total nature spells doom for civilisation ; organiza tion produce so ~noted Murray Bookchin, an anarchist for more than half a century; at a talk presented on Wednesday night as part of the orientation program. r Pointing to the possibility of. a new form of technology,, built in harmony with nature’s own plan rather than insensitive to it, Bookchin looked , towards the development \ of “an ecological r ‘society in which unity and diversity amongst mankind could - ‘\ be cultivated”. This type of technology, ’ built on a scale tailored to individual men, he believes would effectively transcend “the gigantism and concentration’of modern production and would permit a return of man’s labour to “a natural-human \ scale”. ’ Bookchin claims that as yet !‘no c theory has appeared to enable us to .analyse all of the current social \ problems and to help us reconstruct society” ; she sees his own role in overcoming the poverty of radical thought as acting to “restore and advance the utopian /vfa.rjaleena Repo talks about the “ocgan,ic intellectual”as an agent for social change. tradition” within it. . ).The problems facings radical * social change today are not simply roots of that alienation. Nothing of a product of capitalism, as most this nature is taking place, ,- radicals claim, but rather derive however. NO discussion j debate, \ from ‘the failure to analyse the theoretical struggie, self-criticism continuing instances of heirarchy or re-evaluation of positions.” . and domination in all civilizations Repo felt that since the left rejects ‘_ outside those of the primitives.criticism, the agents for’ change Domination has been the fact of are, to be found outside of it; for modern civilization but, as Bookexample * amongst the chin’s persuasion has it, “cons of overeducated. mutual aid’? were necessary to Johnson, also pointed out _ that j produce the modern l.era. The unemployment is not as much of a arbitrariness of this domination problem among graduates as it is and the possibility of overcoming it among labourers. .are proved for Bookchin by “the Repo’ conceded that the problem egalitarianism and lack ‘of dif’ ‘Although Marjaleena Repo came proletariat. His arguments ‘were is not unemployment but unferentiation’ exhibited by some of to speak about the problem of valid, but overly idealistic given deremployment. Those who cannot the remaining primitive triba. graduate underemployment, the Canadian society “here and now. get’ jobs for which they have been Our civilisation appears as the discussion was initially dominated -Rep0 has explained her position trained, who cannot make it in the by Leo Johnson. . most intense form of hierarchy and in a Trans‘forination article,. “The middle class become coercion to date. Capitalism Earlier Repo had stated her Impoverishment of the Canadian proletarianized. The professions “the utmost ievd of objections to a new left that cannot the working class in its represents Left”, Y.. are forced into unionization (eg. subdivision4nder it the whole’ stand criticism. Johnson. forcibly totality is barely a-ware of the fact teachers), and the general over . world becomes a market place in .argued every /objection raised, to that the lift exists: it knows the left education brings about a surge of which the only tie is between buyer the extent that Repo could hardly groupings from infrequent nationalism. ._get a word in. In effect, what en- newspaper And seller”. reports of political “Nationalism is a petit bourgeois The key to effectively sued was the usual Johnsonian demonstrations, from occasional phenomena”, sa’d Repo. When the i monologue, dotted by some feeble newspapers and leaflets handed j challenging thissystem lies in “not job market abr 6 ad is closed to the I merely isolating classes .or attempts by the frustrated speaker out to them <if they happen to be on PhD and the’ professional, they strike) and ‘the once-in-a-while economic domination” as the sole to bring across her ideas to those become conscious of foreign inx cause of sociil ills, but rather by present. ’ ’ political posters which appear so fhuence over the market at home. \ working from a perspective which She did introduce the concept of out of the place in a working cla?s She concluded that students on anticipates the death of the “organic intellectual”. “These neighbourhood, calling - the the whole are sadly ignorant of the inhabitants to protest the war in domination in .a11 its forms. Bookpeople usually say they are situation. Many still naively , chin .manifested , little liking for apolitical,” she said, but this is a Vietnam, to ‘join an ‘antibelieve that it is up to their own imperialist struggle’ or an ‘area current “communist” societies, negative definition. Although they ability whether they get a job or’ that we “can have a do not associate with any existing _ revolutionary committee’., not. The university is committed to “..‘.One would think that the left classless society and still be subject political structure, they are in fact perpetuating this viewpoint and -. in Canada would be aware of, its to hierarchy and domination on the the real agents for change. students must look to themselves , _ part of the ruling bureaucracy.” Johnson argued that, this is not alienation, its lack of impact, and ‘for an alternative perspective. Solutions to the current social so, and any change will have to that there would -be an- ongoing / ~ -krjsta tomory investigation as to the , splits are “obscured by‘? the come from the left backed by the systeinatic Y. / e--

Marja’leena Repo I , graduate I‘,I,on -underemployment .

Caqadians graduating with PhD’s this decade, will not find work.’ In his study, Von Zur-Muehlen shows that at the very best little more than half the PhD graduates between 1972 and: 1976 who want university teaching jobs will ‘find them; That >ro jet tion assumes that university enrolments will increase by seven per cent annually, a figure more appropriate to the 1960’s than to the 1970’s. Under the more realis tic assumption that enrolment will increase by three to five per cent, “only about one third of the PhD’s graduating in the next five years will find employment according to their career objectives and the traditional employment patterns The approximately 7000 surplus * PhD’s that are /forthcoming will have to consider alternative employment opportunities and compete with the 4000 PhD graduates whose career choice had already been made for industry or government ,‘,’ Von Zur-Muehlen says. The economist points out that other contributors to the Canadian ’ PhD surplus are the 14,000 immigrants who entered Canada between 1962 and 1971 seeking university teaching jobs and the excess of PhD’s produced by American universities who look north where conditions are often considered more attractive. The report notes that in 1970-71, 61 per cent of Canadian - universi t y teachers were Canadian citizens but only 56 per cent ‘of new faculty hired were Canadian. He criticizes ’ Canadian universities for having “failed to advertise vacant teaching positions widely across Canada. The current situation makes this a necessity.” Von Zur-Muehlen maintains that “in a political sense, the citizenship composition of the university faculty and of doctoral students will remain a sensitive issue requiring thoughtful analysis. ” _Von -Zur-Muehlen advocates several measures to relieve, the pressure. Among them are even more precise co-ordination between the university’s peopleproduction-liue and industry; industrial or government internship with students spending at ’ least two years in the work force after their undergraduate work; the exporting ‘of more PhD’s as training personnel abroad; and an - early retirement program for professors. He also suggests that a cutback in the number of PhD’s being trained is not in order. Such a move would only contribute to a cyclic surplus-shortage situation on the market. In other words, keep plugging on those PhD’s-the _more there are, ‘the less industry and, government will have to’ pay for them, and the more choice they’ll: have-and Trudeau pointed ‘. outlast ipring that there are lots of jobs available in domestic situations, the mines.:. .’ i 1 I . ‘.




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the chevron

j-5, 1972


5: Select a proxy from said list. 6. Take the proxy certificate and the registrar’s certificate to the returning officer at -the temporary place of residence so that he may validate them. 7. Send the forms to the proxywho in turn must present them to his returning officer for further validation. The proxy will then present the duly validated forms to. the returning officer when he votes. People may appoint a proxy up to 10 pm the friday before election day and may cancel the same up to 10 pm the Saturday before election day. If for any reason any person has not been enumerated, there will be a revisal court held on october 11, I&13. The times and places of this court will be advertisedin the local papers. , Under the old regulations students could elect to vote in either their home constituency or in their university 4constituency. / Students would have presented a significant block of votes which . could have had the potential of swinging various elections. David Archer, president of the 0nt;irio Federation of labour (at the microphone), met with strikink Dare Politicians would have been forced last fridayi announcing that the OfL would ask the 50 labour councils and (18,000 locqls to pay more heed to the demands of Foqds employees across the province to participate fully in the boycott of Dare products. young people.i photo by-gord moore The Trudeau administration may come under heavy fire for Striking Dare- Foods employees giving young people the vote with listened to some encouraging one hand, and with the other enwords from David Archer, suring that many young people president of the Ontario continued from page‘. 1 won’t be able to exercise their Federation of Labour, at the union newly won right, or at least meeting held on friday, September Dube also said that he-feared the making sure that they will find it &-Archer told the strikers that the situation would repeat itself with Indications -are many students difficult to exercise them. OFL was prepared to institute an future concerts. - will be discouraged from voting The government has thus far extensive and wide-reaching In criticizing the concert, because of the bureaucracy in- encountered. no organized boycott of Dare products. executive member Dave Peltz, volved. Those who do vote will resistance from studentsin Although the Dare workers have said “We must re-assess the value likely be dispersed across the making the changes. Youth is been organizing a boycott of the of concerts.. .the whole thing was country,thereby having little being taken for a ride, but no one company’s products, mainly in the handled incredibly ’ effect on candidates running in seems to be-getting upset about it. K-W area since mid-june, they did competently”. He argued thzt constituencies with a large student Is this apathy, or is it silent protest not have the official-support of the large big-name concerts might not population. against a system of politics from OFL .or the K-W labour council. be the area which demanded the Mr. Woods, the chief returning which they essentially feel However, strikers spent much most attention from the coyncil officer for the Waterloo riding, alienated. time and effort in Toronto and and the BSA. . -renzo bernardini . said that, to add to the problems, Windsor soliciting support from Dube countered that the concerts students never seem to be home. other trade union locals in order to met certain of the students’ “Because of this, we’ have hired strengthen the boycott. “needs” and, “If you want the two extra enumerators for the Archer argued that the an- music, you’re going to have to pay university, villages. There will be nouncement of a total boycott of for it, ok”. 1 enumerating stations set up in the Dare products came later than Peltz asked if the contracts for great hall of Village I and in the many strikers hoped because he ensuing concerts had been signed vestibule of Village II. These will believed that the striking local and whether they were binding. Hebe open all day and all evening on should concentrate, on negotiating asked if the contracts could be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday a settlement. “The main point is to transferred -and presented a. this week. Everyone must be get people back to work,” Archer motion that council attempt to get enumerated by Saturday,” Woods stated. out of its commitments for the said. As far as members of United three following concerts. He said This alteration, even if it is Brewery Workers local 173 are that he was “tired of concerts in imitated by returning officers in concerned, there is no question of the gym:‘. -_ other university towns, will still returning to work without winning “Stand in line outside instead of leave many young people out in the some of the union’s demands for coming in the back door next time, _ cold. better working conditions and then” said Dube. equal pay raises for both men and Peltz claimed that the remark To begin with5 Canadian women. had nothing to do with the issue students studying outside the The workers realize that while and he was allowed in anyway country are -effectively prevented . scab labour can be used to keep the because he was on the executive. from voting. They may not vote by plant producing, a widely supWith the decibel level and tempers proxy; if they wish to vote they ported boycott might apply the rising Dube shouted “No, you’re must journey home. Then, there necessary financial pressure to not”. are the hassles in setting up proxy Dare management to wrest con“Oh, screw yourself, you’re votes -for people who attend a tract improvements. Dare Foods ‘always hassling and avoiding the Canadian educational institution management has remained in- issue! ” shouted Peltz. away from their normal place of transigent throughout the various “Ok, go ahead and make your residence. bargaining sessions over the last 15 damn motion, I’ll have six ready to In this case. the student must: weeks. present next: good ones! ” Dube 1.. I Make sure that they get Because of the company’s un- warned. enumerated in their home riding. ’ willingness to settle the strike, With that, the meeting became 2. Obtain from the office of the Archer announced that the OFL rather chaotic and had to be called registrar a certificate that supwould ask the 50 labour councils to order. Further discussion on the ports the fact that he is attending and 18,000 locals across the issue centered mainly around the said institution. province to participate fully in the question of whether ensuing 3. Obtain from the office of the boycott. The OFL president ended concerts would make any money returning officer, at the place of by asserting, “Together we can and not .what council’s role contemporary residence, a ‘proxyteach Mr. Dare a lesson and we cerning concerts should be. When certificate’. These may be obl can win this strike.” emotions cooled the vote was _ tained in Preston (for Waterloo When you go shppping, don’t buy called and narrowly passed; a voters) at 507 King St. and in goods manufactured in Dare mild surprise for everyone. Kitchener at 15 Duke St. east. t ’ factories. Drop down to the The-rest of the agenda seemed to 4. Secure from someone in their chevron office in the campus be an anticlimax to the few council home polling division (usually a centre to obtain a Lbutton and members remaining. The items parent or anyone else-of voting age bumper sticker urging people not were quickly passed over and the, who is residing there full time) a t,o purchase Dare .products. __ meeting hurriedly adjourned. list of. enumerated electorate for -mike rohatynsky . -ron colpitts that poll. , ,, .


‘just try its

.- dare



bolstered -i

by O’Fi

- ,








Within six years, we will be seeing a return of the conditions of the 1930’s. This was the prognosis of history professor Leo Johnson. Speaking to a gathering of students and interested people from outside the university, he emphasized that the impending crisis will be different than any of the depr&sions >of the past. “Back in l&36, in the 1870’s, in the 1890’s and in the years immediately preceding world war I and II, we saw the occurrence of high unemployment during a period of rising inflation. This phenomenon is only a surface problem. The basic causes are more fundamental.” To prove his point-that we are entering into an economic crisis based on totally new dimensionsJohnson presented an historical examination of three major currents of our capitalistic

economy. Because capitalism is based on the pursuit of surplus value, roughly measured in terms of profit, he attempted to show how three streams of profitability have dried up. In the first instance, capitalism became necessary because its philosophy and practice of continual expansion overcame the roadblocks of the preceding feudal mode of productivity. The rising bourgeois capitalist class of the 17th and 18th century financed explorations for new lands and new Because it was, resources. disrespectful of the old social forms, it quickly utilized the new technologies of steam power, the internal combustion engine and assembly line production. “Most of these avenues for ex.pansion are now used up. It is increasingly more difficult for major corporations to find high quality mineral resources. As a result the price of raw materials keeps going up. Right now in North America, most natural resources are almost depleted. -Also there are very few new techniques creating breakthroughs in pro$ction. Most of the new technology is merely being used to just hold its own. As the revolution in an example, plasties isn’t really producing that many new products but rather plastics are replacing products that were made of wood or metal which are’ the resources that are becoming depleted the fastest.”



The second shrinking area for profitability is the economic transformation from old forms of manufacture to the modern mass

Leo johnson



on the problems


of capitalist

15, 1972



production techniques. As Johnson describes it, “capitalism has profited through the cannibalization of the old forms of production.” He cites the feudal period of anarchistic individual weavers would manufacture; make just about enough to pay for their costs of materials and equipment with a little left over to live on and buy more wool. Then the capitalist came along, and through reorganizing production and by imposing the discipline of the market place, it allowed the workers not just to reproduce


REMINDER 1 The deadline for full assistance under OSAP, is September 30, 1972. Applications -received after this date will be assessed for \ half the ,year’s need. Students twenty-four years of age prior to the first -day of the month of registration who have received a Statement of Award will be eligible to be reassessed under the new regulations pertaining to Group B students. Those students who were previously ineligible for assistance because of family income but who might now qualify under the revised age requirement should. applyfor OSAP as soon’ as possible. Further information and application forms are avalilable from /your Stu’dent Awards Officer.

themselves (pay for food, clothing and shelter so that they can continue to work) but also to make a . surplus. Over the past two hundred years, almost everything has been incorporated under the capitalist mode of production, leaving few new areas for profitability. This shows up statistically in the cost to the firm of capital and servicing per worker. One international’ oil giant invests $50,000 per worker before it begins to receive a return. What this means now is that for many companies, the only way to make a profit is to make its employees work cheaper. Initially that means speed-ups, but when the worker can go no faster he will simply ‘have to be paid less.. The third source of wealth for the capitalists has been ripping .off the third world. Through colonialization and more recently indirect financial control, huge profits on cheap resources and labour could be realized in Africa, Latin America and Asia. This situation. is also ending. The huge oil consortiums which used to pay $2.30 a barrel must now pay twice as much because the Arab countries are organizing to create a monopoly. These three factors taken together are the basis for ‘Leo Johnson’s argument that Canada will. be facing a whole new set of economic factors in the upcoming recession. During the depression of the 1930’s, the solution to the economic ills was solved through economic reorganization. “John M.Keynes invented ways to handle the highs and lows; to straighten out the bumps on a rich but mishandled economy. Now all the c richness is gone.” To support his argument about an impending’ recession depression, Johnson cites the following figures: In 1954 the average rate of profit was 18.5 per cent; in 1960 it dropped to 12 per cent; in 1964-65 it went up to 14-15 per cent and in 1969 it went down to 4.5 per cent. As he states, “If the graph holds true, within the next four years the average rate of profit will be 0 per cent return on investment.” He was quick to add that there were many more signs of the crisis in profitability for corporations.

collar clerical workers. Many of these misplaced workers are being put to work in the public sector. The government is- also helping large companies keep down costs’ by taking over the costs of training the: workers. To this end over nineteen community colleges have been set up in Ontario to do the apprentice and training work that the private sector used to do.”


The theme of alienated labor was pursued by Johnson as he turned his remarks towards the responses of working people living under the present economic regime. He began by stating, “over the past 50 years the commodity-buying power of the workers has doubled. . This means that working people were able to-acquire goods and services over and above the basic commodities that they need , merely to continue working. This was particularly true for wellorganized and ‘highly productive workers such as those employed in the steel, auto and rubber industries. Now, because of the crises which have been developing since the mid-1950’s, the industrialists and financiers will no longer be able to pay off these workers to keep them silent.” But years of alienating labour, turning out products that they usually don’t even want and certainly which they do not take pride in has stifled the creativity of working people. Most of the ’ relationships between people are extensions of their work experience. In a sense, everyone becomes a commodity to be-used. As an example, Johnson pointed out, “One of the major demands of women’s groups has been for day care centres for working mothers to liberate women from the forced labour of being chained to a home; and to allow children to escape from the problems of the nuclear family. All that has occurred is that, rather than a sharing or , , collectivization of work, children have become commodities to be serviced like any other thing.” Turning his critical eye on his audience he went on to say, “at least one third of the people here at Industrial sabotage university are trying to get a certificate to be something and not to do something. The creative ability has been stunted to the “Sheer waste through point where most people cannot do callousness is increasing and is anything unless they are told what , now a major cost of production. Further, in order to cut back on the to do.:’ At this point, the speaker was expense of supporting each worker challenged by a member of the on the production end; cor‘continued on page 6 porations are cutting back on white



the chevron

15, 1972




Rocjosin: \ films credible and real Lionel Rogosin, a Greenwich Village based filmaker, appeared on campus tuesday for the screening of two of his movies to a throng of fifteen or so people oui of the enthusiastic Uniwat population. Canadians, on the whole, watch their documentaries a la CBC or NFB until the obvious conclusion that one must arrive at is that the Canadian filmmaker can use the form satisfactorily. Indeed, Canadians still possess a good record for work in this genre. Yet one doesn’t realize how tired documentary has become in the domestic filmmaker’s hands until one meets up with Rogosin.

The other film screened was Here, much documentary Good Times, Wonderfd Times, work is based on and centred 1961 and 1964. A around the spooning out Of shot between noteworthy point here, is that factual information. Such woik spends a great deal of ‘is typified by the interview in Rogosin time’ making a film. *In the office, alternated by the seventeen years of production interview on the street-corner, he has mad&e only five. This is, alternated ‘by the interview on the fence post; all very cold at least, partly due to theand objective. The camera is amount of time he spends and researching his immobile. Black walls are- casting’ work, something which instimulating against such visual volves the most intimate treatment. contact with characters, Cut to Rogosin’s Black setting, and subject. ‘Fantasy. This. film has been In any case, the second film is built around very long essentially an anti-%ar movie. monologues, of a black man Rogosin wandered around describing what Rogosin terms London looking for the just the the “psycho-iexual effects of . right type of pseudo-sophisracist warfare”. ticates to make the complacent Rogosin draws the audience and often violent remarks about into intimate contact with the war that seem to come from the. person and, through that, the well-fed:, well-dressed set. problem. The thoughts exAgain, like Black Fantasy, the pressed are the man’s own and characters are real and have the man isn’t an actor. Thus been dr-awn out, there is a credibility here that is simply emotionally and intellectually lacki@ on commercial-mill by the filni’aker. The end result work. is a few devastating comments The viewer follows the man about war, military service and through his fantasies about the killing. white woman and the fears and Such comments are made all frustrations and personal the more dkvastating set relationship problems that against some rare footage from stem from the whole white Nazi Germany as well as some female-sexuality problem. The anxiety shown by the man is from the Great War and various fronts of the Second World not new to most people but this War. One gets the effect of a film makes the well worn black cocktail party set in a comissue immediate. Old facts are fortable with embellished with apartment real!y stimulating visuals. The action comfortable music and comfortable conversation ; then cuts from close contact shots flashes to scenes from the .. with the black and his white Warsaw ghetto and conwife to realistic -shots of the centration camps at the height couple’s interraction with persecution; then society to surrealistic shots of of Nazi flashes back to the “triumph of the main character’s fantasies. the will” era. All, of this lends So, the film shows with classic insight into the main element simplicity the greatest strength of war and violence of all types. of a documentary-it infdrms. To this end Good Times, And at the same time, it has Wonderful Times is graphic. great impact. ’

/ Rogosin is a master of improvisation. As a middle range independent filmaker,> working withtitit the assistance of a large corporation like MGM or Paramount, he is forced into the position of part hustler-part artist. He described doing most ,of the visual work in Black Fantasy alone. Yet for him, at any rate there is the element of freedom here that is missing when one tries to work within the institutional confines of the giants. The corporations demand profit above all else and Rogosin has not been able to find anyway, so far, to be creative under such a shadow. Illustrating this point during a discussion period that followed the screening of his films; he noted the drastic downhill progression of friends’ -work as they became more and more deeply i nvo\lved in the bureaucratic and political hassles that accompanied their relationship with the movie giants. Rogosin is working on the idea of making_ a full length feature, ‘but hasn’t come to believe tf?at he can make & good film with money. ,Rogosin may not be a radical in the strictest meaning of the word. Conversation with him. shows an awareness and concern, something which adds credibility to his work. -Rogosin is concerned with truth, something which alienates him from the established film producers, but which puts Rogosin in the position of artist. Film and media as a whole needs all the artists it can catch hold of. --dualey


. r


How did youpay your fe’es? If the federation referendum on October lo-12 calls f ‘or a fees boycott, will you participate?

-,Forum: .

by joan Waltersand larry tiessen






Mary Shea, Biology t don’t pay them myself, I get a grant from. the department of Veteran Affairs. I still haven’t heard from them to see if they’re going to pay them for me. I think the fee strike is a good idea though ; it’s getting ridiculous the price you have to pay.


I’ve paid the first half but I have enough money for the rest without a loan. I’d probably participate. If they held back the fees, maybe the provincial government would listen to the students.

Jones, Science


My parents paid the whole sum but they paid before we heard anything about the federation letter. The increase doesn’t really affect me. Strikes seem pointless because nothing ever seems to happen, and besides you miss classes and I’m one of those people who doesn’t like to miss them. If you miss classes, you’& - missing part of- your education.






I’ve paid the first installment but you’re talking to a-broke student. I’m going to be at the federation refel’endtim. I think it’s a good idea and I’m quite glad about it. I heard that fees were going up another hundred dollars next year. It’s ,kind of hard to- fight the government though, eh?


Ret -2

I think people can work on resolving the fee situation and I think it’s a good idea but I don’t think it’ll pull through this year. Things like that take a long time. I don’t want my parents’ money but I can’t get a loan. Students who feel they’d like ‘to be independent from their parents can’tbecause of the loan situation and the independent age (24).





6 the





16, 197?




mdr.are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are



All classifieds

must be prepaid.

- .1

I FRI. SEPT. 22 - 8 p.m. CANADIAN MIME THEATRE The extraordinary and rapid development of the tinadian Mime Theatre ‘Company has been one of the genuine sensations of the Canadian entertainment world. Adrian Pecknold’s CANADIAN MIME THEATRE presents I “Vl$UAL DELIGHTS ‘72” with Adrian yeckndld, Harro Maskow, Wayne Specht & Maggie Potter. ! Theatre of the Arts \ Admission $2.50, students $1.50









Babysitter wanted some evenings and between classes for 20 month old. Please call Prof Zentner 578-8448. >”

1963 Chevy Nova automatic. Rebuilt engine, excellent body, tires, needs tune-up. Abbut $200.699-4165 after 6 _ pm. ,

Live i&the country with land-to rent for a tipi? Call collect 416-621-3963.

1968 Mini 1000, snow tires, safety check, 31,000 miles. $800. Garrard Ditch girl, 19, seeks Canadian home in turntable $65 ; Silvertone speakers October for a period of approx. half a , $50. Phone 745-2437. year. Will do light housework and childcare in return for room and bqard Beautiful motorcycle; new Honda and a reasbvable opportunity to see CD175 small but loveable. $450 or part of Canada. Please contact Matt offer; worth $700. 742-4004. Daalderop at 884-7095. ) Dietzgen slide rule and case in excellent condition. Best offer. Phone UW FOR SALE ext. 2603. e Priced for quic& sale 1971 MGB convertible, excellent condition, must Be; Bag chairs, wide variety oi sell today new car arrived. Can be seen colours, lightweight, durable, comat 75 Islington Avenue after 4 pm. / fortable. Call 579-4497 or 884-1216.

Frpm Highway Market area to university 9-5, will share gas. Phone ext 3886 Margaret Fraser; after 6 pm 576-6027.

Baha’is on qampus Brian 745-8097,

SAT. SEPT. 23 - 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. THE HEIKEN PUPPET THEATRE The Heikens &ill be presenting “THE ‘SNOW QUEEN”, by Hans Christian Anderson. His stories whjle wonderful for children, are also quite deep (though never obvious, nor do his deep thoughts intrude on the enjoyment of the programme) and his stories are also most suitable for entertaining adults. I Admission $1.25, children 75 cehts. Humanities Theatre TICKETS AVAlLABLE.NOW 254, EXT. 2126 FOR,BOTH

1965 Rambler’ American station wagon. Standard shift,,good condition. All redor’ds kept. Phone 743-9843.




Weaving lessons, beginners’ class and tapestry class. Registration sept 19, 8 pm at Weaver’s Loft, 84 King street north upstairs. For more information call 744-5142.

For sale 1972 Honda 350, low mileage, excellent condition. Phone Bill ext 3258 or 576-2037. _


WANTED ’ Wanted to buy: used small fridge aid hot plate (two burners). Phone 884 7788.

Johnson continued


page 4 \





Will do typing in my home. Experienced. Phone 742-3305 6-9 pm. Willing to do typing in my home. Call ’ 578-1553. a,> HOUSING AVAILABLE Modern furnished room in Waterloo for girl. Private bath, refrigerator, linen supplied. After 6 884-9384. Two single rooms for females, upper apartmept of house on 40 Shanley, Kitchener. Kitchen and bath sha_red with two others. Nine and ten dollars.


the same mistakes. For as Johnson F puts it, “The difficulty of thb new politics is that it took analysis from foreign models and raised it to the level of dogma. It didn’t work regardless of its momentary popularity. These language and models were alien to most Canadians, and so they have been either rejected or more oiten ’

audience who demanded to know, “besides just telling everybody that things are bad, what are YOU doing to .smash Am,erican imperialism?” ’ Johnson responded to the questioner by first warning against simply ignored." He continued by ' the foreign-import thinking of most saying, “I am a nationalist of the left- wingers in Canada.- He b&ause we’ve lived differently pointed Out @at ,“over tl@ast 90 than others and we won’t sub.years. most of the original radicals i- stitute somebody else’s experience were so&al democrats or corn-’ for our own.” munists who came from .Europe The session ended on a final such as the Finns and thh sobering statement by Johnson. ,-Ukrainians who carried with them Although he diagnosed the models from their native lands. developments of an impending These strategies did not take into recession-depression, he stated I account th,e new and particular that “I do not see a major tran‘conditions of Canada so they’didn’t sformation in our society for at take rbt with the majority of o* least another generation in people.” NOW the new, indigenous, Canada.” -brian switzman leftists and activists ?re repeating

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15, 1972


This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 233 I. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 pm. .



Waterloo Christian Fellowship can be met at Sixth Coffee House campus center snack bar 9pm.

Gay Lib Movement general meeting. Everyone welcome. 8pm HUM280.

“The Strolling Players” are performing at several surprise locations on campus during the noon hour and at the Villages and Church Colleges over the supper hour. Watch for them.

U of W Art Gallery 9-4pm Jack Bechtel Retrospective. Free Admission. . TUESDAY Duplicate Bridg-open pairs. Entry fee 50 cents per person. Par-tnerships can be arranged. All bridge players welcome. SSc lounge.

\ SATURDAY The Hei kne Humanltles bldg $1.25; children 3:30pm. Central


Theatre. Puppet theatre. Admission 75 cents. 1:30 and box office ,2126

85 Percent Canadian Quota Campaign open meeting. Guest speaker Barry Lord, National Campaign Chairman. If you want to end American control, please corn& 2pm. CC135. SUNDAY Duplicate Bridge-novice _. game. Entry ^25 cents per person. No experience necessary. 7pm 3rd floor MC bldg. U of W Art Gallery 2-5pm Jack Bechtel Retrospective. Free Admission.





A Legal Information Clinic has opened its doors to K-W residents. Sponsored by the Ontario Legal Aid Plan and 4he local Social Planning Council, the clinic is designed to meet the legal needs of people unable to afford or obtain advice through regular channels. A lawyer will be available for the clinic each Tuesday evening between 7:~) and 9%) pm at the Community Information Centre, 18 Queen St. N. Where further legal services are needed, applications for legal aid may be-made through

Chess Club organizatlonal meeting. Anyone who likes to play chess is invoted to ‘attend. 7: 30pm CC135.



Assoc. general

University flying training ground school. Fee $15 (books extra). 7-10pm MC3003. Advance registration contact Peter Yates, Federation of Students office campus center.


7 Concert

U of W Art Gallery 9-4pm. Jack Bech!el Retrospective. Free Admission.




Series...Saturdays Adults


81 Sundays...7 Students

Series...Sunday Adults


: 30 p.m.


Matinees...2 Students


30 p.m. $8.75



Introductory Meditation sciousness”. MC2065.

Introductory Meditation, sciousness”. MC2065.

talk on’ Transcendentat “The physiology of conSponsored by SIMS. 8pm

U of W Art Gallery 9-4pm. Jack Bechtel Retrospective. Free Admission.








HUMANITIES THEATRE Tickets: Central Box Office Information : - .745-9375



Free Campus Center movies. Krakatoa-East of Java. 10pm.

the clinic. It will not then be necessary to visit the Legal Aid .office which is open only during the daytime hours and therefore inaccessible ‘to many working people. Plans for the clinic were initiated by the Information Centre based on their experience over the .last ten months of the centre’s operation. The range of areas where legal needs have been identified and where it is anticipated the clinic will provide services include : social assistance, unemployment and labor standards legislation, family law, consumer law, landlord and tenant issues, human rights, arrest and bail, personal bankruptcy, pensions and other similar matters.


K-W Wdmen’s Coalition for ..Repeal of the Abortlon Laws meets 7:30pm. All women welcome. HUM151. Phone 7448220 for more Info.

Waterloo Christian Fellowship can be met at Sixth Coffee House campus center 9pm. g

U of W-Art Gallery 9-4pm. Jack Bechtel Retrospective. Free Admission. 1,*










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meeting: r;ports, elections and other business. Everyone Invited to attend. 8 pm MC2066. talk on ?ranscendental “The physiology of conSponsored by SIMS. 8om


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15, 1972

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15, 1972


\fe.edback ,’



Address letters to feedback, the chevron, U of h. Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. letters must be typed on a 32 character line. for legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym ,will be printed if you have a good reason.

Indeed? Although the moderates will raise their quiet and predictable voices crying individual rights, and although the radicals will raise their raucous but no less predictable voices crying repression and fascism, it is abvious to every intelligent and concerned member of our society that such behaviour can never be condoned, either explicitly or implicitly. Imagine the consequences for our economy,. our defense, our very social structure, if large numbers of our population were experiencing such “trips” even infrequently. A wellknown humorist made an extremely valid point when he pointed out, tongue-in-cheek, that he was certainly not going to have his appendix taken out by a surgeon who, scant hours before, had been “jerking spasmodically, nearly out of control.” There are, after all, limits. What scientists call our normal waking consciousness has been good enough to pull us from the primordial oceans of our origin to our present of near-utopian, technological affluence. All that remains is for us to transport these dreams of boundless wealth to the other 84 per cent of the world’s population, and the great and abiding dream of man triumphant over ,nature will become reality. And doesn’t that beat altered states of consciousness? So, get it together, trippers, and lay off.

Based on recently compiled medical-psychological _ research, and the informed opinions of authoritative analysts in government, law, finance, and the media, the Canadian government has moved with commendable speed and foresight in attacking the nation’s lastest in a series of “crazes” or fads notable for their ominous implications. Yes, gentle readers, another “alteration of consciousness” phenomenon seems to be about to burst on the scene. As un-named, the Yet phenomenon appears dangerously similar to some of the “milder” drugs with which our society regularly doses itself, such as marihuana and lsd. In the early stages of addiction, users typically. report relatively slight physical sensations, euph~oria, and laughter. Even at low doses, though, users ’ sometimes experience anxiety or moments of apparent loss of control. In later stages, the effects can become much more pronounced. The sense are altered, sometimes drastically, with visual, aural, and especially tactual sensations assuming new dimension. Sensations of’ space and, more typically, time may be dramatically altered, so that a brief moment may seem to last forever. Use seems to be primarily a b. hemp social phenomenon, although group size is often as low as two, PSY$h 4 and there is a noticeable tendency for users to band together, adopt similar life-styles,. and even undergo substantial and abrupt changes in personality and behavior, affecting their relationships with family, friends, and society at large. Sudden shifts in users’ value structures are often apparent. Although the scientists are less explicit about this portion of their ’ data, there are other disturbing trends associated with this particular alteration of our normal consciousnesses. For example, interviews with both moderate and heavy users continually turn up , phrases with distinctly hedonistic and anti-productive statements. There are unmistakeable signs of paranoia, anxiety, hostility and depression when ’ it is suggested that they give up their addiction. Their attitudes toward authority in general are self-centered and negative. Perhaps the above is less surprising when we consider some of the more extreme forms of behaviour resulting even from short-term use. The following description is based on a clinicians notes, the patient being a young housewife with extremely limited experience. “Every inch of her skin radiated with unimaginable warmth, k and her naked young body seethed with unbridled pleasure. An ocean of bliss surrounded her and her mouth hung open in awe-struck response to the overwhelming delight she was experiencing from her head to her toes.. .. her body jerked spasmodically, nearly out of control..>. no longer able to suppress the ecstatic rush of . pleasure that raced through her body like billowing gusts of wind....” .





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TRANSCENDENTAL Meditation, ,a technique of ACTION, as taught b: MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI, is i natural and spontaneous technique which allows each individual to expanc the consciou-s capacity of his mind ant improve all aspect; of life.

I&OVER WhereTOBEGIN I AND How... 1-WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20 MC 2065 8:00 p.m. ,






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Three years ago, Robin Mathews exposed the American domination of the Arts faculty at this university in his study, the Waterloo Report. J-le pointed out that Canadians held only 26 per cent of professorial positions in the 8 departments studied. Fifty-three per cent of the staff had obtained their first degree in the United States. The report stirred up a great deal of controversy, however 3 years later Americans still hold roughly 47 per cent of these positions. The number of Canadians has risen to about 35 per cent. One seemingly progressive step was taken by the Philosophy department which pledged, in the future, to hire only Canadians except in “exceptional circumstances”. But the present calendar shows only 2 Canadians on a staff of 20. The situation is improving very slowly at Waterloo, but deteriorating rapidly nationally. According to Mathews, 75 per cent of available positions inCanada last year went to non-Canadians. Our universities are rapidly becoming .Americanized. American content takes precedence over Canadian content. Our English department (66 per cent non-Canadian> now offers 3 half courses in Canadian literature while offering 17 half courses of the American brand. A common complaint among on page










&d thath the tfith!



, l:O

the, ch&ron




15, 1972

, Booze, ,pot, hash, ‘acid, mesc, downers, tranqs, speed, smack, coke. - This year’s orientation program _ has recently been enriched by the announcement of a “dope day” to be held on September 26. Spon-, sored jointly by the Federation of Students; and Psychology 363 _ (Drugs and Behavior), dope day - \ivill attempt to provide both recreational and _educational activities focussed on. the problems of drug use and abuse in our society, particularly. as’ those problems impinge ,,upon I college students.

/Do corili

including film on all highlighted Cockburn;

free-form, drug sex workshop. “US,” a Toronto-made. aspects of drug abuse, - (Locations to be announced.) To increase interest in the day, by the>music of Bruce sponsors are announcing a conand an unstructured,

Cn the evening of the 26th, there are plans for’ a pub, where further explorations into altered states of consciousness will be explored, both-on an individual-and a group - basis. Music may be expected to mirror the day’s concerns.


Although most’ events. &ll run from noon till five p.m., the main event W be an open *forGh devoted to dialogue and discussion, ’ to be held-in the great hall of the campus- centre, from 2-5 pm. --Volunteers -are presently contacting local politicians, judges, police officers, educators, and, businessmen to invite their participation. Campus resources will be utilized as well. Other- activities continuous showings

WFurther activities are now. being planned, and it may be expected that spontaneous events will mark +he day as ‘well. ’ So if you’re curious about the legal, scientific , sociological aspects of the various stimuIants and depressants by which we habitually remove ourselves from the real problems of society, bring your questions and opinions to the -great hall tuesday September 26.

v&l’. include of drug films,

your I

t’s tennis any day’for you. Ever Iuring”yourperiod..Tam,pa: ampons free you to be as active IS’ you please. They’re worr ifernalty to give you efficient nvisible protection. Tampa: ampons keep you’in the game Jot on the sidelines. bur only interest



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yaw ska4e is punished _ by sticks, skate bk+des and pucks. So you need a skate that can take it a skate made by ii&“st. Daoust pro&&m The famous Daoust boot is made of high quality materials - like finest Kangaroo leather chosen for strength and durability. Enter-l tried with ballistic nylon mesh and lined with Engfish kip leather provides all-round foot protection. The rigid bcrx toe is gtiaranteed. And on top of all this. . , the Daoust

test :- “Why I like dope....” ib 25 words or less. Maintaining objectivity at all costs, there will be an exactly parallel contest: “Why I do not like dope....” Tentative ^ prizes include free membershipin the faculty club, a gift certificate from the Kent (upstairs or downstairs), a pass to l[;a Petite Theatre’ (see ad), a38 others too numerou_s to mention. Send your entries, clearly labelled DOPE, to the federation offices.

fit -the



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Dadust petiormanca Just as a player must perform under pressure, a skate must perform under punishment. .Y and Raoust skates do just that. An example is the Daoust National 300 - illustrated above. Before this skate leaves the plant in Montr$al, the blade is tested for strength and resistance on the Rockwell scafe. tt must register a reading of 58 to 60 - guaranteeing theXlAQUST standards af excellence. ,

The officiat skate of the Nationat Hockey League Players Association.




15, 1972


NFU ’ fronts nation. -wide boycott :, OTTAWA (CUP&Wander through your local supermarket or corner store some day and take a look at the variety of brands in the dairy products and salad dressing shelves. You’ll find small Kraftco labels on almost all cheeses, and salad dressings. Kraftco Corporation has a virtual monopoly in this area of the food industry; it either makes the products or owns subsidiaries that do. The National Farmers’ Union has taken on this monopolisitic giant in a boycott that is intensifying across the country as it enters a second year. The Boycott was called in response to dairy farmers’ demands for better prices for their products through a collective bargaining agreement and the refusal by Kraft to discuss the matter with the NFU. The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) was founded in 1969 with support coming mainly from western Canada. Since then it has spread across the country, organizing iocals and carrying out militant actions to back farmers’ demands. The NFU is fighting to enable farmers to negotiate in regional groups or on the national level with marketing boards and processors for the prices paid on farm products, and with suppliers for the prices paid on material inputs. ~ At present, farmers do not have such rights and must accept whatever they are offered for their products by the marketing boards and corporate businesses. -Farmers have often been forced to sell their products at below production cost. The NFU says that unless the present system is changed, the Task Force on Agriculture’s goal of removing two-thirds of the present number of farm operators and replacing them with corporate farms will be achieved. Collective bargaining is the vehicle ,to stop rural depopulation and strengthen rural communities, says the farmers’ organization. Locals ‘are encouraged to formulate policy for their area and the national good of all farmers since local decision-making is an important part of NFU policy. NFU president Roy Atkinson puts it this way: “It seems to us to make much more sense to move to a position where you decentralize your population into selfsufficient units. And to maintain on their own people who have to make day-today decisions, rather than tie everyone to a time clock and become part of the industrial machine.” The Kraft Boycott is important to the NFU because it is the means through which farmers may obtain collective bargaining rights. Until now, the precise reasons for making Kraft the victim of a boycott have been unclear to many people. The historical development and implications of the Boycott have now been compiled and can be coherently outlined.

culmination of I7 meetings attended by some 4000 farmers held throughout Ontario. The OMMB district representative, Sarsfield O’Connor, responded by setting up his office inside the/plant. When the bulk milk truck drivers refused to cross the picket line, O’Connor attempted to coerce many of whom were inthe drivers, operators. He reminded them In 1966, there were 22,206 dairy farmers in dependent and that. Ontario; by 1971 7,664 of them had been their contracts could be terminated under the terms of their contract, they were squeezed out of business. In the last twofor the milk in their trucks. and-a-half years, 44 Canadian co-op and responsible O’Connor did this, even though the NFU independent cheese factories closed down. a They handled a combined volume of 600 had given the Ontario Milk Commission list of small cheese factories willing and million pounds of industrial milk.’ able to handle all the milk diverted from While that was happening, Kraft received Kraft. Some of these plants had even offered a $250,000 interest-free, forgiveable loan from the Ontario government to build an to pay up to fifty cents per hundredweight addition to its Ingleside Ontario plant. (A above the market price. They were willing to,pay the higher prices since they suffered forgiveable loan ‘does not have to be paid under the OMMB milk quota system. back. > The milk was finally diverted, but not to The same company that was virtually given a quarter-of-a-million dollars is the the small plants. It was sent to the Ault’s plant at Winchester, Ontario. (Ault’s is largest North American dairy monopoly. owned by Labatt’s Breweries which is also The American-owned corporation has identify their contents on labels. The in the chicken and egg business.) branch plants in more than 100 countries-it “disctinctive name” provision in the 1906 controls 80 per cent of the Canadian cheese At noon of the second day’s picketing, the Act meant that if a manufacturer was clever OMMB announced a price increase of $1.15 production. enough to think up a distinctive designation for industrial milk. The In 1970, Kraft moved from 32nd to the 28th per hundredweight for his product, it would not have to meet farmers decided to remove the picket line largest corporation in North America with standards for similar products under law. sales of $2,751,129,000 and a net profit of and hold a mass meeting the next day. “One such item was Kraft’s “Miracle The following morning over 1000 people $82,006,000. The company’s net profit inWhip”, which appeared to be a salad assembled in the parking lot across from the creased to 91,3OOO,OOO in 1971. The president’s salary was $318,000. ’ Kraft plant for a meeting called only 19 dressing but did not have to meet dressing standards because it was designated as a Knowing the OMMB could Kraft’s total sales rank second only to the hours previously. “whip”.Kraft and Borden used the change the price the next month, the farhuge Swift Packers monopoly in the food distinctive name clause of the law to escape mers decided to demand collective industry. However, Kraft has net profits requirements for process cheese. These bargaining rights with Kraft, without any more than three times as large as Swift’s. cheeses gave Kraft and Borden a way of In 1969, Kraft spent $69 million on ad- government intermediaries. The farniers using up unsaleable cheeses. The low contend that the government agencies are vertising. It is the second largest television quality, hard, and mould cheese that the advertiser in North America. merely vehicles through which corporations public will not buy, can be conditioned, Meanwhile, the’farmer’s share of the food were assured a cheap supply of milk. ground up, heated, and combined with salt, On August 19, 1971, the NFU called for a dollar has steadily decreased from 57 cents water and an emulsifying agent, then in 1949 to 37 cents in 1970. Between 1968 and nation-wide boycott of all Kraft products to poured into packages ready for sale. call for collective 1971, total farm income declined by $137 back the farmers’ “Velveeta” and Borden’s “Chateau” are million or eight per cent, while last year bargaining rights. similar to process cheeses and avoided Kraftco has refused to talk with the alone food prices increased by 7.4 per cent. standardization.. .” National Farmers’ Union. People writing The Canadian farmer’s average net income With the help of concerned citizens, the in 1970 was $3700. thment of Kraft of Canada receive a NFU is now widening its boycott activities, form letter reply. Ontario dairy farmers must sell their milk establishing urban support committees through the Ontario Milk Marketing Board Although Kraft refuses to publicly,discuss across Canada to carry out actions in urban (OMMB 1. Directors are elected by farmers, the boycott, associations to which Kraft areas. These groups are presently involved belongs or over which it has influence have but decisions can be vetoed by the governin informational picketing and leafletting at ment appointed Ontario Milk Commission attacked the NFU. supermarkets. The National Dairy Council, on which (OMC). Some committees are already The OMMB also allocates the amount of Kraft has two seats, has attacked’ the NFU established. The Ottawa committee is “lies”. The Dairy Council milk cheese factories may receive through a for spreading carrying out weekly picketing at superquota system, claimed farmers have no legal right to introduced in 1969. Each markets, using bilingual leaflets. processor was assigned quotas which could obtain collective bargaining agreements. Organizers report consumer response has be bought and sold, thus encouraging the been very favorable. corporate monopolies to take over small The Moose Jaw committee circulated a plants. / petition which thousands signed, demanding In Leeds County near Brockville, Ontario, the provincial government order the there were once 92 small plants; there are organizers of the Saskatchewan summer now two. The Plum Hollow co-op is one. games not to purchase or use any Kraft Local dairy farmers bought Plum Hollow I products. in 1967 and invested $60,000 to make the The provincial minister of youth and plant a paying proposition. In 1970 the coop culture responded by writing to the chairpaid an eight per cent dividend to its man of the organizing committee, asking members. Its location allowed neighbouring him to seriously consider not using any farmers to ship milk to the plant for considerably less than if they shipped to the Kraft products and to avoid purchasing Kraft products with the government money closest Kraft or Ault factory. allocated to the games. The Saskatchewan The new quota system limited Plum Hollow to receiving four million pounds of caucus of the New Democratic Party has also given moral support to the boycott. milk in 1971, half the amount it processed a year earlier. Once the quota was filled, By the end of this year the NFU hopes a solid network of urban support committees farmers-who are in turn operating under a Because the laws have been set up to will be operating across the country. Once system that financially penalizes them for prevent farmers from obtaining a collective producing over their own quotas-are the network is established, co-ordinated bargaining agreement, the Dairy Council’s actions against Kraft will take place across required by law to ship their milk claim is accurate. The boycott is designed to elsewhere. Canada. force a change in the law so farmers can The OMMB price paid to farmers for milk The Kraft boycott is essentially a power bargain collectively . fluctuates greatly. Here is how the prices struggle. If it succeeds, some power will be Kraft’s influence indicated the issues changed in a one-year period for a hundredtaken away from the corporations and raised by the boycott are related to the fight weight of industrial milk: redistributed into the hands of small against corporate monopoly. The $3.70 January 1971 Canadian farmers and consumers. If the domination of Canada’s economy by foreign $4.75 September 1971 boycott fails, the quality of food will concorporations and the control of food quality $4.48 February 1972 tinue to deteriorate and prices will continue and distribution by these corporations are While the consumer was paying moreto rise, with little opposition to corporate all part of the boycott. not less-for milk products, the prices power. Critics have questioned the quality of farmers receive can change monthly. Since profits are the major consideration Kraft’s products. James Turner in The The NFU approached the Canadian Dairy ( !!r+fl?i(.;~l I~‘~~st quotes from Ralph Nader’s for the corporate decision-maker, Kraft will Commission, the OMC and the OMMB with press for legislative changes :dudj group on the United States Food and ‘y,grudgingly statistics showing dairy farmers are not Drug Administration : “. . .one Food and when the boycott starts to hurt seriously. paid enough for their produce. The figures Because the laws now favor Kraft and the Drug Administration official believes that also showed the corporations could well company has money to tap from its other Kraft has been responsible for a major afford to pay farmers more out of the subsidiaries around the ,world, the struggle dec$ne in the quality of cheese made in the enormous profits taken from processing the USA, but the agency can do nothing about it could likely continue for years. milk. The government agencies only offered in spite of various cheese standards. The American United Farm Workers’ excuses why it couldn’t be done. Grape boycott required five years to win “...three of the JllOSt important features in To bring attention to their plight, dairy the (american 1 law were the “distinctive collective bargaining rights for California farmers who were also NFU members, JJ;lJlJC” did ~~J’O\‘~.SIOJI. tile fallurc~ to require an grape pickers. But the grape workers initiated a picketing action at the Kraft indication of ‘quality on labels, and the win and so can Canadian farmers--with the Ingleside plant on july 28, 1971. It was the Mp of’ the Canadian consumer. failure to require that food products clearly --







page 9

feedback academics is that there is a lack of material available on Canada yet only 27 per cent -of American faculty in poli sci departments across the country are involved in research relating to Canada. The figure for other non-Canadians is 37 per cent, and for Canadians, 58 per cent. The Waterloo Canadianization Committee, headed by Ron Lambert, is continuing its work in raising Canadian content in courses. The committee tieeds the help of any students, faculty, and members of the community who want to get involved. al mckeating

On life

How does one cope with the complexities of life which go on in 1 one’s mind. It is said that nature, in its most natural surroundings, is - selfperpetuating because it has this unique and inherent ability to

maintain a balance between its inner activities and its whole. A lesson is to be learned here by man for if he is also to be selfperpetuating, in a sense, he must strike a balance between those thoughts which go on within him and those activities which go on around him. We have found in our day and age that it has become increasingly more difficult for nature to maintain this steady state due to its natural surroun-. dings having become more and more unnatural. These occurances have been the result of man, who has not only affected nature-in this way, but also himself. 1,can not begin to describe how man has accomplished this negative feat but what I can describe is the negative effect it has had on him. It can be observed by all of us that man has become less and less honest with himself. This has become progressively so as his surroundings have taken on an evermore superficial appearance

and therfore, an unnatural outlook. As we have confirmed the existence of unnatural elements in our lives through observing its effects on man’s character, we might also confirm the fact that man is aware of these happenings through the way in which he has tried to combat its existence. It is who have generation my spearheaded this revolution for man in which it has become the conscious effort of a few to see life once more from its roots. The fact that it is a conscious effort, may imply that there is a- certain unnatural element once again prevalent. Perhaps we have gone too far and it is virtually impossible to return to those times, if there were ever such times, when the natural prevailed. The only comfort we might seek is in our believing that the unnatural has become our natural. Oh! how does one cope with the many complexities of life which go ‘on in one’s mind. bob frott

of a beginning Morning. Woke up. Got out of bed. What the hell time is it, anyway?, Peering through the window at the Bank of Montreal clock that seems to hang in the air like a wild strawberry. Ten minutes later I walk out of the door rubbing my eyes, yawning and putting one ‘foot solemnly in front of the. other. Synchronize your watches, team. Hey ! Only ten minutes from home to the first class. Consequently early, I head for a coffee shop. Closed. Shit. A craving. gnaws in my morning mouth for a coffee, a bran muffin and a cigarette. Regretably enough, life goes- on and class starts. * A_*-What dg we have here? A dull orange room in which eight people sit, six of them girls. I am in the corner nearest the door, head in hand, observing the gallery with a calculated look of flabbergasted cynicism (that’s a hard one, believe me>. A professor, dressed for the morning with a deliberate casualness, mumbles incoherently and inaudibly for about 10 minutes. Then, in a classic .Nelson-‘Ijrafalgar type pose (gazing into the haze-for you non-history buffs) he lights a cigarette and suddenly his voice becomes clear (a night school course in public speaking, I ponder). He proceeds to establish himself as one of those wonderful personalities who delight in what they consider to be faithful renditions of confused students : “Duhh! ” he enunciates gleefully, tossing in the occasional twinkle of verve. After this show of confidence in US, which is Simdtan-_ eously a rather shameful display of his own talents, he delivers the line we’ve all been waiting for. Allow me to extrapolate. An obvious expression of the emotion, philosophy and principle inherent in the line I am about t0 qUOk t0 YOU would be: “How do you do? But then, I don’t really care what you


15, 1972

version. “Attendance is required, but of course, it’s up to you. It doesn’t matter to me, one way or the other.” Bowing in humble submission while simultaneously and respectfully shivering in my boots, I prepare to leave, only to be stopped cold by an unexpected response to the commonly ignored * “Any questions?“. I sit back down in my cornei to size up the inquisitor, taking in the carefully programmed coat-anddress outfit, the that-morning shaved-clean legs, the toenail polish, the coquettishly mascaraed eyelashes. Peeking out from under said appendages, she giggled. “Will there be any, well...” a pause to fidget obscenely with a corner of the notebook, then out it spews, “ . . .assignments?” The answer escapes me as I am freaked out and crave my coffee and cigarette even more. Passing it off as extraordinary, unprecedented and a wild coincidence that it all happened, I trudge of to my next Hall of Learning. A cross on the door? Uh oh. Swallowing my liberal if somewhat commonplace convictions, I walk in. There“she Stan&, the kindergarten p6pil’s dream in a plastic brooch. “Hello, boys and girls; I mean, class” she smiles. I grin a buffoon’s grin, wondering if this is all a joke. It isn’t. “It’s Art class so we’re going to paint to music ! Isn’t that wonderful? But first, let’s have a show of hands. How many people here are in first year? Put your hands up high, now!” I decide to fade into a dream world rather than face the fantastic reality. And so it goes. Some classes are good( ! ! ) . The professors seem to intelligent, maybe even open. An anthropology student asks ponderously , “Say I didn’t have a religion. Would that make me not a man?” The questionhangsin the air. We regard our mentor, as he stands with head bowed in reflection at the front of the immense lecture hall. Suddenly a chortle escapes him. “Yes,” he says. And I grin for real. Hey, maybe this will be fun .. . -kim


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15, 1972


the’ chevron



Undercutting the basic premise, of, i democracy by Gord


While it is difficult to generalize about the problems of poverty in Canada, two things remain clear. For one thing, poverty is the leading contradiction of our-affluent society. In tolerating widespread poverty and inequality of opportunity, the capitalistic system has shown no effort to live up to the set of democratic ideals placed before society. For another, considering the total volume of resources, we have the means to solve the problem of the poor minority through redistribution of money and readjustment of the process of production. A valid argument explaining why the unsolved has been problem r,emains succinctly stated in The Real Poverty

Report: /I .. . . the who/e in




of elitist



control basic

premise of democracy. All energies are directed toward1 the maintenance of a political power structure that closes its eyes to the brutalities and irrationalities of an economic system in ,which the increasing/y powerful tools of science and technology are utilized chiefly for private interest. The result is that the needs of society as a whole are ignored. And the needs and demands of the poor are treated with contempt . . ..‘I Because of the “facts of poverty” we have come to realize that the poor cannot be expected to. improve themselves through their own efforts alone. The poor could be assisted in such ways that they, or their children, will gradually find themselves off the relief rolls and on the payrolls being gainfully employed. Butbecause they have been poor for a long time, many of the poor see no way out of their poverty, no way of fulfilling their needs and longings during the course of their lifetime, especially when they see themselves enveloped in a culture of poverty which seems to have its own reasons for being. Most children of poor families can expect to remain poor; a large percentage of the poor presently receiving aid come from families which also received aid. Considerable sociological and psychological literature indicates that a childhood in poverty may produce ,a “poverty syndrome”, an acceptance of defeat and worthlessness that can lock a child, and., eventually his children, into poverty forever. ’ Moreover, by now we should understand that to have a large number of poor is not only unnecessary, but endangers our society as well. Poverty breeds a mental and physical disease which endangers the health of the entire community. Poverty breeds slums which not only infect their inhabitants but become in turn breeding places for crime and delinquency. Poverty affects even the ability of children to learn- well at school and to develop those skills essential for future progress and a sense of dignity.

Myths abo>ut the poor The myths and stereotypes people have employed in the past indicate that the poor have been largely misunderstood. In general it was felt that the poor deserved their fate and were only payihg a fair price for their sins: laziness, lack of ambition, indifference, wasteful habits of living, idleness and extravagance. During most of the nineteenth century and early in the twentieth century, men and ‘government insisted poverty was good for the soul, that it had a “purifying and toughening effect on the moral fibre of man.” Probably most important of all, poverty of the working classes was viewed as a necessary cqndition for

economic growth. As a result, today’s inequality of earnings, and even to a great extent inequality in education and skills, are the result of inequality of power in industry, business, and the economy as a whole. Corporations are sovereign while unions are fragmented. Minorities are systematically excluded from the labour market, or kept at the bottom levels of the work ladder. Many believed (and some still do) that the poor should be left to “make it the ,hard way like I did.” This primarily assumes that those who don’t “make it” are lazy. Yet many of the poor are moonlighters trying to make ends meet; and as a result they rarely have enough time or money, or energy, to take advantage of education programmes which would improve their skills, wages and understanding of_ society. Almost twothirds of poor persons in 1967 were in family units whose major source of income was either wages and salaries or income from self-employment; and approximately one third of low-income family heads &orked full-time during the year. Out of all the family heads who are working full-time year round, one in ten are amidst poverty. These are the working poor. A.. myth was born in North America, especially molded in the United States, the myth of the “self-made” man. -Although the “rags to riches” myth may have been’ true to a minor extent, the idea prevailed that those who were poor had simply been unable to survive in the “natural struggle” among men for wealth, power and position. But there is no basis

for this idea today where there are not enough jobs to go around. Those who receive welfare are, in the main, not: people who do not want to work. In the 1960’s more than 75 per cent of lowincome families had one or more wage earners in the family. Also, the majority of those who receive welfare are outside the work force-the aged, handicapped, widows and mothers who are single heads of families. These myths are usually combined with the “working and saving” ethic that tends to persist today. Such an ethic is increasingly irrelevant since much of our saving is forcibly generated through government and corporative’ policies such as unemployment insurance, Canada pension ,plan and company pensions, and old-age security. Furthermore, machinery and technology have practically eliminated the dollar value of physical labour. In the end, the poor are not likely to have anything to save, nor any real desire to save it. The free enterprise-capitalistic system that has been accepted does not provide for equal opportunity among the poor. Instead, Canadian power politics and western society create, sustain and aggravate the causes of poverty through inequalities built into the system over the years. Particularly in the area of income and taxation the poor, experience an inequality of the tax burden. The poor in Canada (those with incomes, before government transfer payments or taxes, of 2000 dollars or less) pay, on the average, an overwhelming fifty-seven per cent of their income in taxation.


on page

14 A







15, 1972


‘the affluent have the resot,ircesto protect -ire, themselves against 1 consumerGsm.’ People with incomes over 10,000 dollars per year pay only about thirty-eight pet cent of their incomes in taxes. The total tax system is regressive in that it taxes lower incomes more’ than higher ones up to the level of the average living standard. Above that level, the total tax system becomes slightly progressive, at least for the lower brackets of the affluent. The poor are taxedconsiderably beyond their ability to pay; there are no adjustments, and only token exemptions, for the number -of people family size,’ although individual income greatly dependent on an determines just how far that income will go. Today it is generally believed that a percentage of the nation is poor because of a combination of circumstances. Yet social and economic discriminatory government and corporative policies have effectively limitedjobs and educational opportunities that should be open to them. Behind the social concessions made to the poor, one will find a delicate balance between giving enough to take the steam out of social unrest and leaving the distribution = of power undisturbed. It is little wonder, therefore, that the poor cannot break out of their predicament.


of the poor

The main reason the-poor are out of mind is that they are not seen. They inhabit the housing of the central core or the rural backwaters, and are increasingly isolated from contact with anybody, else. The-affluent majority live in the suburbs and send their children to suburb’an schools; living out in the suburbs it is easy to assume that ours is indeed an affluent society. Nor do they want to think about the poor, whom, they say, do not have the will to succeed.

A good number of the poor, being 65 years of age or better, are immobile. The aged members are often sick and cannot move, staying close to a house in a neighbourhood that has completely changed from the old days. The poor are also ignored by the political process since they lack resources and economic power. Furthermore, they are fragmented across the country, most not belonging to unions, political parties or fraternal organizations, and therefore lack a legislative programme and a common voice. Politicians feel they can safely ignore the poor for the immediate future; and when the poor begin to complain, urban renewal and slum clearance can be resorted to for relief, although this effort tends to squeeze more people into existing slums. Moreover, when seen, the poor may not necessarily look poor. They m,ay not be wearing rags, and may even have a radio or television. Still, the poor are subject to constant thievery, that is inevitable in a society major or minor, -control led by corporations: misleading advertising, ravenous finance practices,exploitative prices and shoddy manufacture. The affluent have the resources to protect themselves against this kind of swindling, and tend to see consumerism as a game between customer and producer. Entire business entities are set up specifically to exploit the difference in purchasing power between the poor and the affluent. Corporations are essentially free to charge the prices they care in the market,

severely victimizing the poor. Consumption, unfortunately, is considered an index - of respectability personal worth in North - and America, and, for the poor, the only route to consumption is through credit. The poor are exploited-by finance companies and revolving retail loan .plans, and the prices they finally pay for goods, credit included, are astronomical. The reason the poor mortgage their future for a piece of satisfaction is because their future promises nothing worse. But the core of their proble,m, and the core of the nation’s problem, is the’ illusion that consumption is a good in itself. Advertising, in its creation of spurious need, is the source of that illusion. Since the power of --advertising is the power of the corporation, the solution lies in catching the robbers.

Counting the poor and measuring poverty The poor do not have an adequate enough income to allow ‘them to participate fully and equally in society.- Equally important reasons for the existence of poverty lie in lack of access to opportunities (employment and social), lack of education, and most importantly lack of control over the process of production. As a consequence of these inadequacies the poor are not allowed the stature to develop\ as well-informed, interested, creative and independent citizens.

of poverty does not yielc sense definition, it is high the design of programm The most widely used ar for measuring the extent poverty income levels kr So far, poverty lines have the idea of relativity, lea\ would keep the povert) standard of living. If a poverty line is to bc drawn relative to the ge Yet the Economic Councl attempt to establish a poverty ends and affluen a poverty line based on Their estimate was basec any family which has to income on the basics clothing is trapped in an of poverty. Application c that government minim1 for non-farm families WI Single person Family of two Fami/y of three Family of four Family of five or more Incomes below thcs thought, would enable being poor. On this basi! returns, the number of p( people in 1968; roughly population. Alternatively expenditure on basics 1living in impoverished cir of little less than 10 possibly free an indivi poverty. Furthermore, it was es Porter, a Carleton ulli middle-class life style d idividual until he receiv From income data, he ci only four per cent of all amount in annual inc middle-class-income lir,, 18,000 dollars per year. 1 Congress-showed in Not of inflation, an urban f minimum of 11,000 dbll, meet; the average yea turing during the first dollars. Any poverty line therefore, should be Families living just above same realities as‘those : special circumstances, unusual illness, or the parents, which may COI Much also depends on money will buy at any g estimate by the ,ECC, sidered a highly conser Nevertheless, the ECC is used by established I by the government. TI sequence because it ctincomes alone rise,-pov own. But the same proi remains in the same sta as long as the distribu

‘Any pl line dr; should. recogn i ar II



15, 1972




by gord




tself to any commonimportant in affecting ‘used to eliminate it. pu blicized procedure poverty is to establish Nn as “poverty lines”. lade a passing bow to g out an escalator that ine in step with the f relevance, it must be ral standard of living. jf Canada (ECC), in an t-off point at which begins, has produced lotion of subsistence. n the assumption that 2nd 70 per cent of its ’ food, shelter, and most permanent state lis criterion suggested average expenditures 6. be as follows: - $?,SOO $2,500 $3,000 $3,500 $4,000 levels, it has been assifying families as sing 1961 DBS census was set at 4.7’ million per cent of the total a Level of 60 per cent L,we find 6.6 million nstances. An increase )I lars 11 or

weekly cannot a family from


in 1961 by John sociologist, that t really begin for the 3,000 dollars per year. lated that at that time nadians received that e. In 1970, porter’s “*did amount to almost , the Canadian Labour oer 1969 that because ly of four required a )er year to make ends income in manufacF of 1969 was 5,723 5liy

vn accross society, lgnized as arbitrary. : poverty line face the 0 line. There may be h as large families, 3d to care for aged lute to their poverty. it a given amount of time. The 4.7 million efore, must be conr/e one. icept of poverty lines ia and semi-officially IS a dangerous cons the illusion that as will disappear on its tin of the population f relative deprivation of money does not

verty fvn ociety De led as ltrary.’

change. And as the total population grows, so will the number of poor. A relative poverty line, drawn at one-half the average standard of living of Canadians, is somewhat more realistic than the ECC concept. Under this notion, which emphasizes relative deprivation, people are living in poverty if their income provides them with a standard of living that is 50 per cent lower than the average standardof living of society. This poverty line, likewise delineating a stop-gap measure in fighting poverty, indicates that a family of four receiving an income of 4,800 doltars would be below’ the accepted standard of poverty. Despite the fact that we really cannot form a definite estimate of the extent of poverty, there can be no doubt that substantial poverty exists in Canada. Whether poverty affects I5 or 20 per cent of the population is less relevant than the fact that radical policies have not- been undertaken to effectively combat the causes -and inequalities.

The elderly


The nature of work in an urban-industrial system is radically different from autonomous and irregular work in such occupations as agriculture. Capitalistic enterprises, employing the majority of urban workers, require functionally independent, increasingly skilled and technologically regulated lab.our. Corporative thinking has it that to reap profits from rapid technological progress, the worker must be highly mobile-geographicall‘y as well as occupationally. In addition, a young age means that investments in job training can be fully repaid. The implications are clear; theelderly necessarily come to bear the brunt of technological change in an urban setting. In our society the position of the aged tends to worsen. The long-run decline in death rates, signifying greater longevity, coupled with the inability of

older persons to compete for jobs, and the steady lowering of the age of retirement, expands the unproductive period of their lives. The need for mobility by the young makes living with their children. a highly unlikely alternative to the elderly. The divided family is a universally observed urban-industrial phenomenon. Thus the elderly are alone. An older person has a chance for a fruitful existence if he is married an’d living with his spouse, but many of those 65 years of age have no spouse, and widowhood increases with age at the rate of 20 per cent with each decade after 65. An older person has a chance if he is still working, but most of the aged ‘do not work. Today only a third of persons 65 years of age or older are in the work force, as compared with two-thirds at the turn of the century. Escape from poverty is possible if there is no loss of income, but data show a drop of as much as 50 per cent in income after retirement. Most of the aged also are prone to a high in-, cidence of illness, thus facing the high expenses of drugs and medical care. The chance of a man having a favourable rating on all four of the above counts is seven in a hundred; for a woman over 65, one in a hundred. In the absence of adequate savings and public transfer payments then, this group becomes a major component of the urban poor. Also, the market places of an urban economy cater to those

with resources. Housing units are built for the young who can generate effective demands. The elderly poor must adjust to the sub-marginal opportunities of slums or use their scarce resources to secure accommodation more spacious and more expensive than they require. it is sometimes urged that older persons do not need as much as younger ones because the aged spend less for clothing, housing and food; but the aged spend less only because they have less. The fact is that those aged who do not sustain a loss in ‘income do consume as much as anyone else in their income level. No doubt the aged would be worse off were there no social security payments. Yet a large percentage of social security beneficiaries still require public assistance, mainly because the benefits are too small to maintain them at low levels of subsistence. The same urbanization process that has affected the elderly also’ affects other groups. Female heads of families are immobile in the absence of an adequate system of day-care services, and large families render the head occupationally less mobile. Furthermore, the unemployables, particularly the handicapped and chronically ill, are being forced out of the changing urban economy.

Promotitig middle-class style of life Poverty is closely connected to the urbanization process. The problem of the poor, and especially the urban poor in Canada, has been that neither they nor the public institutions capable of acting on their behalf have been able to adapt to and benefit from the rapid, widespread and irreversible changes. Equally important is the conditioning of children by promoting the middleclass style of life. Such a style of life is a commitment to self-promotion, exclusion and evasion of human problems, placing too high a value on our own comfort; this, in turn, is nourished by a search for status. In middle-class life, people of similar background and circumstances are drawn together in neighbourhoods which have systematically eliminated the “less worthy”. In promoting this life-style and cutting off those people whose needs are most acute, the poor pay a totally unnecessary price. At the same time, the media,‘and the politici&-rs supported and protected by the. media, daily determine the shape and limits of public outcry. In documenting the symptoms of poverty and the inadequacies of existing social programmes, as well as hailing each new band-aid programme, the general population remains apathetic towards the exploitation and inequalities of our economic system. The media-corporation-government manipulation of the idea of democracy is allied with Sartre’s description of the affluent who “have it in their power to produce alterations for the better but instead work assiduously to perpetrate ‘jncient swindles while professing humane goals’j

i I








0 Ia z CK 0 LL ’ Z -


In accordance with the provisions of The University of. Water-too Act, 1972, nominations are requeSted from fulltime und?rgraduate or part-time undergraduate s;tudents. -registered as such by the Registrar of the University, for el&tions to fill six(6) seats on the new Senate,-one (1) candidate to be elected from each of the six faculties, i.e. ARTS, ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, MATHEMATICS, PHYSICAL EDUCATION & RECREATION, SCIENCE. Integrated Studies students will decide by September 15th. which constituency they will be associated with for purposes of this election. The information will be published in the second Call for Nominations to be issued next week. Each nomination must be signed by at least ten (10) time or part-time undergraduate students of the stituency from which the student is to be elected, undergraduate Arts students must be nominated by (10) other undergraduate Arts students.

fullcone.g. ten

Each nomina’tion must specify the stituency for which the nomination


particular faculty is submitted.



The nominee must indicate his/her willingness to stand for election by signing the sheet upon which the original nomination is made and supported, within the time . limit, =+eing to stand as candidate., I - - 1-. II- - __----I ,-,A.,Nommarlons Tar rne vacanr posrs a-re to be sent to the ACCl/rC urrlbiR, UNIVERSITY CHIEF RETURNING SECRETARIAT, UNIVERSI’ l-Y OF WATERLOO, WATERLOO, nkITA nin fiAhiAr\~ L.. A, UIY I ~KIU, ~I+I~I+u~ UY 4130 p.m. September 29, 1972. In approved by Senate on June A- parta--- , the Election I c By-Law II campaigning shall 15, 19/z reaas as tallow: s: “No public The amount take place until after the c lose of nominations. that may shall not . --- be -- spent-. . on be !haIf of any candidate exceed $25.00. I hts sum does not include any material which may be prepared and sent by the Chief Returning Officer.” \ Candidates are requested to include brief resumes with their nominations, if they wish.




Ballots will be mailed to all eligible voters on October 6, 1972 and MUST be returned as prescribed to the UNIVERSITY SECRETARIAT by 4:30p.m. October 23, 1972. Announcements o’f the names of successful candidates will be made as soon as possible after the close of the polls, in the University, Gazette. Eligible voters who advise the Secretariat that, for any reason they-have not received a ballot may obtain one from the Chief Returning Officer by signing an affidavit at the Seiretariat or by mailing an affidavit sworn elsewhere stating that they are eligible and have not received a ballot.







Levis Cords 11.95 Jeans; 10.95 Denim Jackets 12.95


0 xl < 0 c

aJ - SENA TE z elected -rl

Nominations are requested for the following: Six (6) undergraduate students of the University by the undergraduate students, one from each of the six faculties. Terms of Office : The Senate shall determine and select, in such manner as it shall prescribe, whikh elected m,embers shall. serve initially for the periods of one (1) year and two (2) years as 701 lows : One year term from November 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973 Two year term from November. 1, 1972 t9 April 30, -1974 Terms of Reference (summarized) : The Senate has the power to establish the educationat policies of the University and to make recommendations to the Board of Governors with respect to any matter relative to the operation of the University. Eligibility of Nominees: Nd person shall be eligible for elections as a member of the Senate who is a member of the faculty’or a member of.the governing body of the Senate of any degree-granting university, college or institution.of higher learning, other than the’ University and its federated or affiliated colleges, unless such person is a regular member of faculty. Further information . on may be obtained from the ---- elections Secretariat at local 2225.

if we had breeches

15, 1972

0 x z





15, 1972

Irish / struggle in context 0

the feudalization of Ireland . . . ..was the Church.” Thus does Ellis introduce the role of the church, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, into Irish history. However, Ellis avoids the generalization so rampant in popular reports on Ireland’s present conflict, that Irish problems are solely religious. He focuses directly on the institutionalized rape, the church as bully-boy for The church was, imperialism. and continues to be, Used to‘ foster continued disunity among‘lrishmen, a factionalism which kept ‘the wolf of Irish self-determination from England’s door.

But the church was only one The currbnt situation in of the agents so used. Political Ireland demands objective and differences were blown out of comprehensive understanding. Given the somewhat tainted proportion, often by the Irish themselves. The Irish, too, reports which emanate from the were victimized by &elf-seeking news media, that unmembers of the aris!ocracy, derstanding is best gleaned men who led Ireland into the from other sources. ,abyss of union with Britain. “A History of the Irish Such division and betrayal of Working Class” by P. national aims has continued Beresford-Ellis, is an excellent throughout the twentieth beginning towards a practical century. Emerging labour knowledge of Irish problems. by the Irish Published early this ye&-, it unions were broken employers with a viciousness has the great advantage of unrivalled even by their English contemporary relevance. counterparts. Socialism and its Ellis attempts to place recent were outcasts, and events in a framework of a advocates those who espoused. rebellion thousand years of h’istory, and against the British chain were thus point out that these events by the very people for are a logical continuation of an spurned whom they w.orked. And, ancient struggle. In this apfollowing the example of many prdach, ’ Ellis fills the_ gap leftist groups, the Irish created by analysts who treat were torn from modern Irish problems in an socialists within, and i nefrendered - historical vacuum. fective. That early period of some Ellis steps from the torture of thousand years ago lent a the Industrial birth, a retarded tradition of “community-ism” child for Ireland, into the to Irish history, a tradition present centurj/, and does a embodied by the desire of Irish fine job with the drama and people to once again have sole tragedy of a chaotic period. right to their land Jand their For the better part of two labour. Ellis does an excellent centuries, Irish leaders have job of explaining how and why plotted, pleaded, and been embryonic Celtic socialism laid frustrated. The economic reins a foundation for a social order were tightened until Irishmen which has remained imbedded were wNithout land, ir-i%ney, in Ireland’s aspirations.. What food, or future. follows that period, the However there was hope and destruction of “communityhop& gave rise to the ism”, is an object lesson in that Fenians, the Irish Republican -early English coldnization Brotherhood, and the 1916 through feudalism. Rising. That hope gave sub“The biggest and most active stance to the trampled trade agency in preparing the way for

unions, and for the first time in a thousand years, the Irish could envision a collective responsibility for their society. If there are shortcomings in Ellis’ book, it is perhaps due to the range of his topic. In choosing to deal with such a large area, some omissions and oversights are to be expected. These are most obvious in the period after the Second World War. That period is given only two short chapters, and the bibliography in that period is an indication that there are problems with sources. That criticism is outweigh&d by the fact that Ellis has written a general history which urges the reader to continue the search for an understanding of a corn plex subject. As a Marxist, Ellis contributes a political analysis previously absent from Irish history texts, yet he does not overwhelm the reader with his views. Rather, he leads us to a point where we draw our own conclusions. -Finally, ‘Ellis answers those question the who may relevance of Irish history for the Canadian viewer. There _ are obvious parallels, sivce the Irish struggle is to a great extent,‘the fight for economic and cultural self-determination. One struggle is centuries old, the other just beginning, yet the Irish situ$ion is an example of just how tortuous the road to independence can be. . :-ion

The Victoria


__ Nazis . agd labour In his well-argued book, Nazis and Workers, Max H. Kele shows how the NSDAP was able to utilize working class ‘symbols and socialist phraseology to. convince sections of the proletariat of the essential worth of national socialism. The author explains that fascism had roots in the working class movemenf from’ the time that Ferdinand de Lassalle founded the German Workingman’s Association in the 1860’s. He rejected a c&s-oriented party and viewed the state as being a supreme entity. When the Lassalleans and Marxists united in the Social Democratic


Upper Canadian moralizing The Victoria Magazine, 1847more historical information. 1848, published by the Just what was theclass University of British Columbia situation in Canada at that Library, with an introduction by time? What was the position of William H. New, is a the “lower classes” then? What lithographed reproduction of were their interests? What were the journal of the same name, they rea$ng that the Moodies printed in Ontario during the were so convinced that their years indicated. tasts needed improving? In the When reviewing a volume face of the dearth of labour such as this, it is very difficult history in this country, it seems to keep straight whether one is dangerous to assume that this commenting on the journal, the is common knowledge to the work of the well-known reader. As it stands, the book is Moodies, or on the work which primarily of interest to the has been done by the editor. student of literature, as a It would be very easy to be sample of the writing of the tern pted into an Moodies and their sisters. In extensive review of the journal, but this fairness to Mr. New, perhaps has been done by Mr. New in this is what he intended, but it his introduction. He points out seems regrettable when just a the differences in taste of the little more introduction might age in which the journal was have drawn it to the attention of printed and mentiohs the rather historians and sociologists. patronizing tone of The circulation of this journal the Moodies who sought to imat this time seems rather apt, prove the tastes and morals of as students and ‘faculty are concerning themselves more the lower classes of Canadawith ‘relations with, the that is, educate them to ap“workers”. It is easy to resent preciate the standards of or chuckle at the patronizing literary and moral taste in attitude of the Moodies and the vogue ifi England at the time. values foreign to the nation and Mr. New gives a brief run-down class they are addressing. of the state of periodical comment, on the publishing in Canada at the , A final existence of the volume itself: time and comments on the fact one has to be grgteful for the that the journal did not seem to appearance in a readily acreach very far-into its intended cessible form of periodicals public. He notes 4hat the such as this which are so Moodies themselves seem to difficult to acquire for scholarly have done most of the writing,. work in Canada, and if Mr. and without further ado, the New’s introduction may be lithographed journal itself criticized somewhat for its appears. inadequacies, his foresight in Thp i’ntroduction is very brief making the journal available at and is primarily a literary review all is welcome. of the journal. The volume . would have been improved by --judith




Party (SPD), they took great care to convince other Germans of their national allegiance. When World War I commenced, the SPD voted war credits to the Kaiser’s government. In the 1880’s Pastor Stocker. organized the Christian-Social Workers’ Party which was rabidly anti-Semitic. In the early years of the Nazi party, it was but one of many vo/kiscQ, groups which had sprung up after 1918. The Nazis, after Hitler took control of the movem_ent, issued its “Twenty-Five Points”’ which advocated-among other things, the confiscation of dar profits and the prohibition of child labour. In addition, the party symbol, the swastika, was placed upon a red background. The program and the flag were issued to draw workers into the NSDAP. In speeches and publicafions, Nazi leaders went to great lengths to make crude reIatio,nships between “Jewish capital” and “Jewish Marxism”. What seems contradictory, as Kele points out, is that the party did nbt support strikes nor the demand for an eight-hour day. The effects of the 1923 inflation on the NAZI- movement were great, as large segments of the middle class became wage-earners susceptible to national socialist propaganda. The class structure of Germany was changing as a new class of low-salaried employees with proletarian backgrounds emerged. _ These workers formed white-collar unions which had ties with the NSDAP and other volkisch groups. As Kele adequately explains, the Nazis appealed to and ‘captured part of the proletariat because propaganda was ef‘fectively directed. In . such publications as Volkischer Beobachter and Der Angriff, Hitler was protrayed as a working man,- the SPD was shown to be suffering from bureaucratism, the -Communist Part (KPD) was said to be an arm of the “int&national Jewish conspiracy” and the worker wko had defected from the KPD to the .Nazis was pictured as a hero. In the late 1920’s the NSDAP began to organize unemployment cells and units within factories in order to gain more working class support. As the author shows, the Nazis and the Communists found themselves on several occasions to be allies whether it was in the Reichstag or on the picket line. These factors are significant when analyzing the Nazi success of 1930 in. the Reichstag elections. Although Kele could have described in less detail the nature of the various intra-party struggles, the book remaihs a fine piece of historical writing, for it begins to come to grips with a number of problems of ‘German history which have yet to be fully understood. -ml ke rohatynsky






For the young On Friday Sept. 22 at 8pm the Canadian Mime Theatre will be performing in the theatre of the arts here on campus. Students are charged $1.50 and general admission is $2.50. The extraordinary and rapid development of ‘the Canadian Mime Theatre Company has been one of the genuine sensations of the Canadian entertainment world.

at heart

Founded in 1969 by Brian Doherty and Adrian Pecknold, they won acclaim with their original mime creations at the Fire Hall theatre at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Since then, the group has had regular fall seasons at Toronto’s> Central Library Theatre. Having completed a tour of the North-West the Company ‘emTerritories, barked upon acoast-to-coast tour,

Creativity unleashed if you want it n um

There are obviously two sides to the stage; but just because the most accessible side seems to be the seats of the theatre hall, the performing aspect of theatre is not an area restricted to a few people intensely trained in its methods. The resources of the university are vast, though quite often obscured, and in respect to the performing arts there is, a committee of the Federation of Students whose function is to help the participant


weed through the student bureaucracy and get at those ssources. C’reatitity and imagination is easily channelled in the academic corridors of the campus, but through active participation in the forms of the creative arts, selfexpression can be much more meaningfully developed by students individually and collectively . The Creative Arts Board

film festival

Between Sept.16 and Sept.23 there will be a film festival at Stratford. The opening movie, on the 16th, is: Antony and Cleopatra produced, directed pnd starring Charlton Heston, who will be present at the production.

evenings-7pm, Sunday, lirected


Sept. 17, Malpertuis, by Harry Kumel.


.Monday, Sept. 18, Homo Eroticus, lirected by Marco Vicario, Iuesday, directed

Sept 19, Lokis-the Bear, by Janusz Majewski.

Wednesday, Sept. 20, Miss directed by Robin Phillips. Thursday back’s

lirected Triday, lirected

Sept. 21, Sweet Baadassss

by Melvin

and Nights






directed Family


by Akira




by Ken Loach.


directed Sweet-

in the Forest,

by Satyajit

by James




by Fred


Van Peebles.

Sept. 22, Honeymoon, by Claes Lundberg.





by Andrew


On Saturday Sept. 23, at 8:30 pm. The Harder They Come directed by Perry Henzell will be shown. Henzell will be attending this closing program. There will be various international shorts included in most of the grograms. In addition there will be two special series. At the start of each 1 pm showing there will be a NFB short as a “Tribute to John Grierson”. Qnd prior to each 7 pm feature showing there is a B.B.C. series, “Wildlife safari to Ethiopia”.

receiving rave reviews and drawing capacity crowds. This year, the Canadian Mime Theatre will be presenting “Visual Delights 72” here at the university, with Adrian Pecknold, Harro Wayne Specht and Maskow, Maggie Potter. The programme features such skits as: Balloon, Fountain of Youth, Epitaph for a Murder, Rival Wizards, Silent Screen and others. Wherever audiences of all ages gather, you just might find the Heiken Puppet Theatre in one of their preformances. Jack and Judy Heiken have pioneered in the field of children’s entertainment with their unique puppet shows that combine first rate stories with masterpieces of music. The popularity of their shows is not limited to children audiences alone. To quote Jack Heiken: “If the children like it, so do their brothers and sisters and, I must add, so do the adults.” Homebase for the Heikens is Indianapolis, Indiana where for three and onehalf years they appeared on local television with their own regular weekly children’s programme. From their early beginnings with a few public school showings, the Heikens now appear annually in over 32 states. The Heikens will be appearing on Sat. Sept. 23 in the Hum. bldg. at 1: 36pm. and 3 : 30pm., children $.75, and adults $1.25. They are being sponsored by the Cultural Programme Centre. The Heikens will be presenting “The Snow Queen”, by Hans Christian Andersen. Little Greta follows after her beloved Kay, from the warm gardens of the flower lady to the swirling ice mists of the Snow Queen’s palace. A ticket for this journey is the imagination of every child, who will travel the road with Greta. sponsors the extra-curricular participating programme in drama, dance and music by providing funds for the resources necessary in producing these programmes. Everyone on campus is encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to take on a new interest or develop your present knowledge and experience. ’ While the Creative Arts Board programme is dependent upon its subsidy from the Federation of Students, the Cultural Programme Centre sponsors a Professional Programme, called the Performing Arts Series, with university funds. I The activities in drama range from readings and workshops to one-act noon hour plays and major fall and winter term productions. The full-time director of the drama programme is Maurice Evans. The director of dance, Ruth Priddle, along with the skillful members of the dance faculty, provide studio classes in ballet and modern\ dance and instruct the University of Waterloo Repertory Dance Company which presents a fall noon hour production and winter term dance concert. Alfred Kmz, the director of music, conducts the Concert Choir, Concert Band, Chamber Choir and Little Symphony Orchestra. These groups perform on several occasions throughout the year. The Warrior’s Band and Stage Band are the student organized groups which are also very active, If you are especially interested or talented in a creative art which does not presently have a programme, bring it to the attention of the chairman for further discussion. If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, contact the chairman at ext. 3457 in the Cultural Programme Centre, Room 254, Modern Languages Building.

log a


Penny loafers In the film, Play It Again, Sam, Woody Allen plays a film critic who craves the escape and hero adoration so easily accessible in a dark movie theatre. He identifies orgasmically with Humphrey Bogart delivering his lines of noble suffering to Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca, and achieves his goal in life when he can at last, utter those same words to a beautiful woman that he is forsaking for both their own eventual and farreaching happiness. So the patrons arrive at the movie theatre and laugh at Allen’s comic clumsiness and naive romanticism, all the while escaping their own problems by simultaneously identifying with Allen’s awkwardness and being very self-assured of their own, at least minimal, superiority. Allen’s ultimate success with a woman, though thoroughly corny in presentation and sophisticatedly flavoured with cynicism, hits subtley the responsive happyending chord in all of us while not causing embarassment due to the self-debasing mood. The film is definitely a success, but not only in its carefully calculated psychological appeal. Woody Allen can write a good joke, and once the basic premise of self-deprecation is established, he can perform in a very refined style. The character he plays in the film is his standard loser self. His wife leaves ‘him, and he is distraught with fantastical suff ering , remembering again and again her gentle, unbitter words of farewell and imagining her living wildly on the back of a tough greaser’s motorcycle. At this time of crisis, Allan calls in his best friends, a happily married couple, David and Linda. David is a very consciously successful executive whose life is his work. Linda is his pretty young wife, a part-time model who shares many neuroses


15, 1972

in common with Allan and feels very close to him, even when he spills salad on some typically innocent bystander and apologetically retosses it for them. Linda is Allan’s understanding ear throughout his hassles with the traditionally unapproachable ‘gorgeous chicks’ as well as being the only female that he can relax with and be his wonderful, sensitive, real self. Their rapport,, combined with Linda’s husband’s executive continual overinvolvement leads Allan to the final long foreseen realization that he is [oh no! > in love with his best friend’s wife. The ghostly image of Humphrey Bogart has also been advising Allan, appearing at appropriate moments of desperation, suitably entrenched in full Bogart image costume and delivering platitudes like, “There’s nothing that a good shot of bourbon won’t cure,” and, “They like it when you slap ‘em around.” These gems of wisdom do nothing for Allan’s already confused and fantasized existence. Bogart eventually reveals to Allan that everyone is his own individual (yes, it’s true! > and that he must act for himself. Having delivered this immortal truth, the Great Bogie vanishes into the fog in classic style. And Allan lives on to deliver some beautifully written lines to Linda straight from Casablanca. Linda’s tearful, “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard,” is perfectly offset by Allan’s eager, “It’s from Casablanca. I’ve been waiting to say that all my life.” Woody, Allan’s performance is superb. His clumsiness is so incredibly executed, as he topples over a pile of books, scratches his record irreparably in an attempt at finesse and overdoses himself absurdly with Canoe (the manly scent?). The constant repetition of David’s obnoxious habit of phoning his office wherever he goes tends to be a little monotonous but the performance of Diane Keaton as Linda is admirable. The success of the film, Play It Again, Shm, is almost totally attributable to Woody Allan as a writer and as a very polished comedien. The rendition of his antics, combined with his facility for his own dialogue, is wellgrounded on his intrinsic knowledge of what the public is looking for in entertainment: escapism, romanticism, laughs, and a chance to find someone easily inferior to themselves. Superiority is fun ! -kim




15, 1972


TGuttiwuts all iimide _-


mashing --___ Hitchin’ and sometimes. bitchin’ heading east on the do&good old Toronto here we come. Nothing like Toronto, I mean it’s big, it’s noisy, it’s complete. A Hell of a lot of bad but at times a lot of good. I’ll try to concentrate on its better parts so as not to bum you out. Oh by the way. I visit T.O. every two or three months, last time was- for the Rolling Stones. Toronto is a city with a number of favourable qualities. One right off, is Massey Hall, that fine “Ole Opree House” dedicated to ’ Dr. Kildare’s bosses brother (not Dr. Zorba) ; truly a fine structureesoteric values, excellent acoustics. The other quality that made Toronto a worthwhile place to visit was the T. Rex concert. With the concert at 8 p.m. and Marsha and I arriving in T .O. around noon, we had some time to explore a number of boutiques, clubs and other dens of inequity along one of Toronto’s oldest streets “Yonge Street”. There is nothing like shopping in T.O., every store is the same and every bar is the same, so why the hell do we stop at every one along the whole street. I guess that is the enigma of big city shopping. Exhaustion and thirst had overwhelmed us with still two hours to go. Boy, spending money by the fistful is crazy and downright tiring. So where else should we end up, to relax and sip on something cool and alcholic but the Colonial. Christ, its pseudoritzy, dark and very expensive but - thank God at least its funky. As soon as we sat down the band started to play Good Moetown funky soul. We heard an “ayaeeeee” humph-type of scream. In rushes this black dude, all decked out in white, a white fur cap and in his hand a white rifle. Like, he’s running - around with this crazy white rifle. Needless to say I was a bit perplexed. “Pow, Pow, -Pow” smoke, flames, noise, confusion, and a lot of excitement. Nothing like good old rocking chaos and madness: really perks you up. I suddenly realised that all this time the band was playing louder, heavier and tighter: those horns blaring, the drummer heavy on his tom-toms and the guitars getting real sharp and clean. Of course, “click, Flash” it dawned on me that he must be with the band-he was what it was all about. He ran to the mike, threw it down, used the base as a lever and it came back again into his hands as he started laying his jive on us.

At first it was slow and heavy, drawn out, and coarse but as the tempo increased he moved and danced his ,way upstage, downstage, singing and screaming his blues. He was good. He was Von Ryan of Von Ryan’s Express direct from L.A. doing nothing but good Otis Redding. It was now 7% and two -joints later. We found ours&yes inside Massey Hall, left balcony C7. Here we were, kind of relieved, a bit ‘drunk, very stoned and as it goes before every big show, right fucking anxious. Sweaty palms, accelerated heart beat, and speeding like an “over-revved amoeba”. Yet we were still entertained. Pre-show people watching is such a gas, at times people can be fun. Even though the chronological age of the crowd (15, 18, 23) varied, there was unity. Without getting too heavy-h -well-there was an aura of an extra-terrestrial current, passing and giving off, by -everyone present. Anticipation received and given back doubled in power and in scope. Then all of a sudden the lights faded, ai hush, and one ray of light had set down on the stage, converging on a lone tall, dark figure. He introduced himself as a wellknown D.J. from CHUM F.M.In his best, very well pronunciated, clear monotonish voice, he delivered the usual no cigarette-smoking bullshit, the Fire Marshall is getting uptight, and if you don’t stop he’s gonna close us down and so on. The bullshit taken care of, who cares anyways, at least an intro. L.&G. I’ve been playing a lot of their music on the air lately, wanted you to get to know them a little bit. Their music is good and I think you’re gonna like them. L.&G. The Doobie Brothers. Then lights and pause. Lights on.. Immediately a loud b-b-b-ruppBrup-Ta-Ta ch-ch two different drum beats coming all around. Two drummers, one heavy and one pounding, all decked out in red, a minstrel-type garb, hanging sleeves and 200 lb.-big and heavy. The other, blue-jeaned and slim, really making things raspy and smooth with his brushes. Then comes in lead-fine, clear distinct notes, blending into the drummers’beating and rasping. A good fuzzing-is heard, a straight black dude, cool and hanging in tight, a strong bass man.’ The band is strong,precise, and each note is distinct. -The four of them playing

together, no one more or less. This unity is somewhat. broken by fast, sharp, complicated guitarrift by the fifth member of the band. He broke the rythm only for a second and the band started to break loose and rock. Rocking fast and warming up to themselves as well as getting the audience into it too. A good ten-minutee warm-up. The audience responded warmly. We liked them, they felt better and they really felt like playing for US. As for the Doobie Bros., they enjoyed the- concert; they played strong and original. As their show went on they got more relaxed and their music became smoother and easier and rockin’. The crowd- was hot. Lights out-fifteen minute cigarette-joint-drink-toilet break. Lights on-everyone in their seat. A pause then a screaming. Spotlight Mr. D.J. “Hold it down hello can you hear me out there. Quiet.” Order somewhat restored. Thank you. L.&G. They’re gonna tear down Massey Hall in a while, maybe it will come down tonight. T-Rex might have had England for breakfast, but he’s gonna have T.O. for supper. “L.&G. T. Rex.” There was a rush for the stage as the light dimmed, clamouring, yelling. All of a sudden came something of a green flash. It sparkled and gleamed intensified almost a dazzling sheen of green and yellow sparks. The creature screamed. “E Yowie” j He stopped, and his bejewelled, sequined eyes haughtily surveyed the crowd. Oh God, I murmered, not another ego-star-crazedtripper. This impression on my part, was quickly dissipated. Marc Bolan’s seeming arrogance and haughtiness was immediately transformed into a warm friendly gesture. As he broke into a wide boy-like smile, one could, sense’ Bolan’s fun and enjoyment at being on stage. Then “Wow-E-E-E-HumphArgh ; Tw-Tw-Wang:” Rockin’ for T. Rex and for Toronto had begun. Bolan, The Cosmic Centurion, flew into his act. His guitar burned, it throbbed and penetrated, it was Bolan’s other half. A wild, exciting flow of Cosmic energy brought to earth by one truly endowed to do so. T Rex on album and T Rex in concert are virtually two different modes of expression. On disc, Bolan comes across as a sensitive galactic spaceboy poet, whose, lyrics are short, concise and whimsical. In concert the personality changes. Energy becomes a physical phenomena. Just as in “Main Man” (Slider) Bolan likes to rock. And rock he does. And Bolan’s rock is fun, its easy and flippant. He is a master at creating fun. A lot of warmth, fresh good vibes flowed generously from stage to audience and given back adamantly by his audience. It was apparent that audience and performer were becoming one, both complimentary with one another-in the highest degree. Pleasure is sought through music, elation is reached through response. Although T Rex is recognized as Marc Bolan (writes all the lyrics) there is a second to the group. Micky Finn, who loves -and plays his congas with the same energy shared by Bolan. They’ve played together a long time, and each one responded warmly, and frollicked on stage continuously, joking and spoofing the other. Finn and Bolan enjoy the stage. It’s theatre in a sense, just as the late Jim Morrison regarded the stage as being a means in itself. An area for exploration, an ever changing art form. The stage offers a freedom, void of restrictions and law. And it is rock that has the necessary energy that propels the /

imagination to explore this virtu&ly untapped art form. It is a definite outlet for expression for Bolan. He is a clown, a mimic. His spontanaikty is comic. He parodies -_Jagger-the towel swinging spoof. His erotic Hendrix-guitar movements. He keeps you hanging on. Each time he acts out something or another, one thinks he is really serious. Maybe he is, but after each episode, each antic, he would smile and alas the realization of the parody would be acknowledged. Although he rocked, -there were quiet moments. His accoustics were a bit disjointed and lacked the cleanness of smoothness in his L.P.‘s. Tambourine and guitar really mad. Bolan with tambourine up and down guitar.



“Yaizzie-janglelee”. Wow. “Me guttiwutts all inside mish mashing inside over and around me go. The ends of my malenky plot did truly stand endwise. ” Sounds were exploding, music was livened to a pitch of highest intensity. It crashed, it broke, the house was razed. And off ran T Rex. No encore, just sweat, exhaustion and a tremendous sense of exhiliaration and hilarity. A night needless to i say wellenjoyed. Without a doubt T. Rex a young band, fresh and alive, a group who loves to perform-. And perform he does without corn- fl parison or exception. = -ed laba-

“Country Lady”, or k “Rocking Chair Ride”, are bright and pleasant. Others, especially the electric songs, are basically harm/ , less rock’n roll. Accomianied by a bass, drums, and a lead guitar, Kearney explores no new musical paths. Instead, he plays familiar chord patterns and sings semi-meaningless lyrics. Kearney and his sidemen are all competent musicians. However they have very few original ideas. The music is constantly reminiscent of something else. One song in particular, “A Taste of Snow”, sounds exactly like Murray McLaughlin’s, “You Make My Loneliness Fly”. All this is not to say that the music is not pleasing. Many people can never get enough of this kind of music. I personally find it ineffectual and too easy to ignore. Towards the end of his set, Kearney picks up his electric guitar, and the band turns the volume up. Even this does not Chris Kearney’s appearance in catch the attention of the audience. the Campus Centre pub is unusual \ However, it is quite difficult to play in one respect. There is no beer. louder music for an audience of Kearney’s music could be, twenty people. Perhaps all described as harmless country Kearney needs is an audience. folk. Some of the songs such as -milt davis

NO’ beer ’ just

homespun /












15, 1972



(after 250 successful trips last year)

Express BUS c

to the

from the Campus Centre


lslington Subway Station






ARRIVES At lslington Station


11:30 a.m. 1:30 a.m.


7 i 9 PM






Subway .

12:45 p.m.


2:45 p.m.

4:30 a.m,

5:45 p.m.



From Brewer’s Retail Parking Lot at Bloor & lslington

9:00 p.m.

At Campus


The long-run hit play on the screen, with all its humor and all its-heart.


10: 15 p.m. I

ONE‘WAY Highway Coach

Schoot Bus



$1.95 _-




Obtained only at- the Central’ Box Office Driver Cannot Sell Tickets . - v _ , . P

Due to limited space as early as possible

Sponsored by . FederatlOn



be picked

up ’ ’



01 student ‘:s, University of Waterloo I



member: Canadian university press (CUP) and Ontario we’ekly newspaper association (OWNA) ; subscriber: last post news service (LPNS). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and published fifty-two times a year (1971-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus center ; phone (519) 8851660, 885-1661 or university local 2331; telex 069-5248.







15, 1972


Beyond lionised,

art Much of one’s appreciation of an artist’s work can be wasted by a strict perception, in a chauvinist way, of the artist’s “place” in the community. For example, if one is looking for _ familiar land-marks in art he best cherish photographs from a tourist brochure. Often there is promotion of a local artist to some sort of “national calibre” as a way of legitimizing his work. This is a


through the co-ordination of Bechtel’s vision, imagination and . manual technique the viewer can relate these symbols not merely to a group of trees which he himself has viewed in the past (either in Waterloo County ( or anywhere else ,that has trees), but to an underlying common feeling embodied by the trees. Bechtel communicates another aspect of “his” trees-an aspect which transcends the peculiarities of both the trees which he is portraying and the trees which the viewer is remembering or ex, periencing. It is these other aspects that give character to Bechtel’s paintings. Quantitatively, the Theatre of the Arts showing seemed mainly to consist of his varying views of the forest, but at the basis of each forest portrayal is a different theme. The titles of his works help translate the language of his brush: Forest Kingdom, Fantasy Fashioned, Silent Spaces, Dream Rocks. Bechtel saw the life in the forest as something much more


fairly shallow and mostly Irrelevant appraisal, especially for a country of the size and cultural” diversity of Canada. Even worse, expecting a local artist to patronise his community in some promotional way stinks of petty commercialism.




than mineral and vegetable matter and reproduced that life with a de-emphasis of those perspectives. That which he did reproduce was perhaps not only a part of the forest but a part of hi’mself which was’ growing, changing-definitely not a solid form. In the same way the viewer must Jack Bechtal lived most of his life the life and growth of In Waterloo County. He grew up expertence Bechtel’s experiencing not merely the ac- hts own imagination. paintings are not easy to look at; tlvitles of the civilised coma release of the munity but also the natural life of they necessitate processes of the mind’s the fast-decreasing woods and restrictive eye which normally force objects bush areas of this county. He made trips for pajntlng to Into the familiar ( useable forms of northern Ontario, southern U.S., our “functjonal” lives. Bechtel’s mainly in the media of and Mexico, but It seems from the technique, work presently displayed in the acrylics and oil, gives a hint of both the basic symbols (e.g. trees) and Gallery at the Theatre of the Arts the essence of his imaginative that his most motivating interests were of the trees and rocks and other forms of the forests around his home. There IS no indication that he was into any form of souvenir picture production, neither in respect to buildings or ’ man-made, monuments nor even natural landmarks. Someone supposing to recognise his landscape pictures would be as foolish as someone insisting on recognising himself in an abstract Picasso painting. Yet identification with the forms and symbols of the painting is of fundamental impoxr‘tance. Although Bechtel does not allow the viewer of his painting a direct identification of the land around Waterloo County he non-the-less successf u fly expresses the essence of a relationshi’p to his subject matter. Thus in a painting, he has experienced a group of trees in a certain way, which, combined with , other factors such as his immediate personal feelings, the weather etc., has allowed him to form an expression which synthesized those circumstances and concretized the result into a form to which others can relate. This expression experience for

becomes a-t-r the viewer;


expression (silent spaces) in a way which helps the viewer break into his imagination and make the leap between the two points. The works presented In the Theatre of the Arts best cover the period from the early fifties to Bechtel’s death at forty-three in 1966, and convey an interesting progression. Bechtel’s early work is much more realistic, yet still not at all a picture-postcard. Back Streets of Toronto, (1954) in content and painting technique is quite reminiscent of ,Edward Hopper’s Chicago paintings: stark, &rdly cheerful, abnormal use of colours and shadings, yet portraying a familiar urban scene. Other works on display from his same early years are a slightly surreal stacking of Mexican houses and a bleak view of a mine, empty of all life, in northern Ontario. These paintings are apparently products of Bechtel’s travellings at that time and seem to indicate a desenchantment with compressed, mis-structured living situations. 1 But his return to this area seemed to nourish a progressed style. He. painted almost exclusively (according to the showing) the countryside, growing not necessarily more abstract, but more imaginative. There is a tension in-these works between the forces of surreal imagination and realistic presentation: sometimes the work is excruciatingly abstract ; sometimes it is a simple portrayal of trees and rocks. However, by the mid-sixties the tension seems well worked out-there is that balance of symbolism which allows the viewer to stride between concrete symbolism and imaginative release. The brochure available at the showing yields a few indications in talking about Bechtel’s life as to the substance of his expression. He grew up learning to sketch in the woods. Not being able to live by painting alone, he also taught at and helped to set up the Doon School of Fine Arts. He lived and worked in Blair, a quiet village on the Grand River. It is said that he was “often teaching to live rather than living to teach.” He “was an authority on the past of this community, had the back roads all In his head...felt and expressed the cityscapes and the lay of the land...” Much of this seems to indicate an appreciation of those things which grow quietly and gradually and an experiencing of a broader but more immediate world than the


2 1

elctronic vicariousness of urthis or his work. Only personal banized existence. = encounters can really fill out our Although this information is relationship to the man and what useful to us for understanding the he has produced. It is very unbackground to the artist’s work, it fortunate that in the case of Jack is no good to idolize (or despise) Bechtel this is no longer possible. the person on the basis of either -Steve izma



the plague


stumblebums Getting Back Together by Robert Houriet, is fhe account of a year in the life of Robert Houriet, ’ a professional journalist who dropped out of the newspaper rat race in search of the “new America” emerging’ in communes and intentional communities. As an “observing participant,” Houriet bridges the gap between formal sociological studies in this area, of a predictable aridity, an’d the reports/of such insiders as Raymond Mungo [Total Loss Farm], who tend tobe somewhat fixated on their particular communal situations. His background in journalism has its consequences in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of Getting Back Together. It is very clearly and sympathetically written, and makes ’ its points through example rather than declamation. But it is unfortunate that Houriet adopts the role of the objective reporter ; thus he has great difficulty in communicatinghow he affected, and was affected by, his experience, creating the impression that he was simply a neutral recorder of events, despite numerous statements to the effect that-he was profoundly influenced by the situations he encountered. This is, however, a flaw common to many sociological works utilizing participant observation, and it would be misleading to single out Houriet for something which is endemic to most contemporary non-fiction writing. if Getting Back Together is not Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, it does raise several important points about modern communal experiments. Particularly striking are the experiences of those communes which’ attempted to operate without any principle of exclusion. The invasion of hordes -of hippy locusts, for whom “doing your thing” appears to mean “do as little as possible,” proves uniformly fatal to groups which are economically and socially marginal : the locusts devour all the food, piss of the neighbours, and leave just before the wrath of the surrounding community descends. Clearly, the needs of a society of transients are vastly different from those of people trying to create some sort of stability, and it is sheer peacie-loviefeeliedom to pretend otherwise. The dangers of a sink or swim approach to returning to the land are also evident from the number of communes which break up because of a failure to consid’er the possible

of such natural phenomena as winters and insects. More successful, from Houriet’s experience, are those who ease onto the land, learning its idiosyncrasies at the same time as they -ensure their survival with short-term jobs in the city. To paraphrase our old technocrat-cum-guru Robert Heinlein, the land is a harsh mistress, to be painstakingly courted rather than precipitately raped. At the opposite extreme is a fascinating account of Twin Oaks, a Virginia community organized along the lines of B.F.Skinner’s Walden Two. Here order and structure are paramount, resulting in a kind of organized sterility replicating many of the worst features of our cities, but without even their op-. portunities -for spontaneous adventure. If there is anything more frightening than Houriet’s description of Twin Oaks, it is the zeal with which its members defend it, as they monomaniacally build a solitued and call it peace. Despite the numerous failures and wrong turnings., however, one leaves Getting Back Together with the conviction that the communal movement is not merely a temporary aberration, but rather a pioneering effort in the construction of a viable community. * The crucial issue is probably that of growth: while it appears like / that the isolated farm car mune will never be anything nore than a mildly embarras rng wart on the skin of Lechnological society, the F jtablishment of urban corn’ unes, in conjunction wit., various forms of cooperativ enterprise, seems at least tr >oretically capable of generati lg a dynamic transforma’-#on in the allencompassing malaise. As an old sideline scoffer from way back, I’,m aware of how easy it is to put down communes: most of those described in Getting Back Together could be used as case studies of How To Fail At Everything in Sociology I, and the economico-pocio-political ’ naivete of their members is often quite astounding. But they persist, learning that getting back and getting together are interdependent rather than separable, forging a variety of pragmatic idealism which may, just may, be an answer. In the face of the apparent impossibility of doing anything within the context of the status quo, the communal movement is one of the few alternatives to either turning on or fitting in, a direction to explore if not an instant solution for True Believers. -pad




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Mini- opera from Fairport Convention Having remained fairly immune to the charms of Fairport Convention through several albums and an infinity of perI’m really sonnel changes, stunned by the excellence of their latest, Babbacombe Lee (A&M SP 4333). While this may have been brought about by my earwax rather than their deficiencies, I suspect that it also has something to do with the strong “concept” behind the album, and with the particular chemistry of this edition of the Convention (Simon Nicol, Dave DOWNER & BITCHIN’ As many copies as possible urgently needed for this year’s classes. If you’ll share yours, please send or bring to Fred Kemp, Psychology Building, Room 011, as soon as possible. Many thanks.


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15, 1972

Mattacks, Dave Pegg, and Dave sustained, imaginative work Swarbrick). which bears comparison with Babbacombe Lee is the musical that of such contemporary story of one John Lee, an inoperatic composers as Benjamin Britten. Both draw heavily from valided sailor accused of murdering his elderly employer in traditional English popular turn-of-the-century England. music and demonstrate, in their ways, the resources Convicted by a mass of cir- , different Lee’s available to the intelligently cumstantial evidence, execution is stymied by the eclectic musical conservative; failure of the scaffold door to and the Convention has the edge open; repeated three times, the in terms of vitality. Babbacombe subsequent wave of public bee is a winner, and if this group sympathy prompts a resencan ever achieve some continuity tencing to a life term, after of personnel, they will be, as they ^ twenty years of which he is at say, outasite. last set free. Although there is no indication as to the truth or falsity of this unusual tale, it, is fleshed out by a Never Get Out of These Blues very well done pamphlet in which Alive (ABC Dunhill ABCX-736) Lee “tells his own story of a lifeby John Lee Hooker: a rambling, long ordeal, ’ ’ and by the album’s disorganized, and often boring authentic-seeming photographs release attempting to fit Hooker and liner notes. More important into a Muddy Waters-style band, in terms of suspending disbelief, for which he proves to be quite however, is the uniformly serious unsuitable. Alone, or with at approach of Fairport Convention, most drums and bass, Hooker who have fashioned a literate and can weave absolutely spineintegrated musical score which is chilling tales of despair and much more than just a collection loss -check his “Decoration of songs. Day” on It Serve You Right to Sufferbut when fronting a band Connected and contrasted by he seems to be content to mash spoken sections advancing the together a bunch of blues-boogie narrative, the music ranges over cbches and serve it up as “The rill folk, country, and traditional thang.” There is one good cut on English styles with consummate album, a Hooker-Van grace and ease, with the sort of the Morrison duet on the title track, economy possible only to artists but the remainder is strictly from so confident of themselves ‘that Canned Heat. they can utilize simplicities and The Island of Real (Columbia silences as well as virtuoso KC 31103) by The Rascals: Felix pyrotechnics. When individual Cavaliere seems to be staking a excellence is called for, however, claim to the territory vacated by it becomes apparent that each Sly Stone, creatink music which group member possesses a high is essentially electric soul, but degree of both vocal and insoftened with overlays of horns, strumental skill: especially strings, and generally lavish . outstanding are the dulcimer production. Each song flows work of Simon Nicol and the easily into the next, connected by fiddling of Dave Swarbrick. Cavaliere’s-gently expressive lyrics and the efforts of a Who’s With the release of Babbacombe Who of -New York studio Lee, then, Fairport Convention musicians : Joe Farrell, proves that they are capable of Hubert

rockin’ briefs

STUDENTS COUNCIL BY-ELECTION A by-election is called to fill the following vacancies on Students’ Council for 1972-73: Arts 2 seats Environmental

Studies (co-op)

Graduate, Studies




884-1553 _ Special

1 seat


1 seat




NOMINATIONS OPEN on Thursday,September 21, 19 at 9:OO a.m. and close on Thursday, September 28 at 4:30 p.m. Nomination forms are available from Helga Petz in the Federation office (Campus Centre Room 235) and should be returned to that office by 4:30 p.m.September 28. Election will take place on l October 12. Chief Returning Officer



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a group of I people making their own school...together. Lhas a wide variety of learning projects: politics; pottery; psychology; philosophies-East and West; drama; art; video-taping; photography and darkroom facilities; silkscreen; leatherwork; yoga-and more. -is initiating courses for secondary-school credits. -can help organize any learning projects you may want.


I The President hereby ca\lls for applications for the ~position of SPEAKER, Students’ Council, and CHAIRMAN, Board of Publications. Applications should be submitted to Terry Moore by Friday, September 29, 1972. Terry Moore, President Federation of Students





St. West,







Laws, and ex-Butterfielder Buzzy Feiten are prominent. Basically The Island of Real is a sQmewhat tighter Version of Peaceful World, meaning very good indeed. (ABC Dunhill ABCx-741) by The James Gang: having lost Joe Walsh and replaced him with Canadians Dominic Troiano and Roy Kenner, late of The Mandala and Bush, we might have expected some increase in both heaviness and maturity in the James Gang’s music. Straight Shooter, however, seems a “worst of both worlds” album: lacking both 4Walsh”s acne-flavored vocals and Bush’s fire, and settling for an anonymous style which may represent new heights in the deliberate embrace of mediocrity. Primitive as the old Gang were, they did manage some fine stickyour-head-in-the-speaker-and-letit-all-hang-out music (“Closet “Seems to Me”), but Queen,” this album arouses only the desire to find out whatever happened to Joe Walsh, now that I miss, him. McKendree Spring (Decca DL 75332) : mostly fairly pedestrian, and quite overproduced, electric folk rock, with two exceptions: a gritty version of “Down By the River,” and an extended and fascinating exercise in electronic manipulation, “God Bless the Conspiracy.” McKendree Spring, and particularly violinist Michael Dreyfuss, has a good deal of potential, but needs , both stronger material and a loosening of musical inhibitions if they are going to be able to realize it. Straight



State Farm (A & M SP 4332) by Jeffrey Shurtleff: another folk meets Nashville album, distinguished by Shurtleff’s warm and gentle voice, and by an excellent selection df songs by Baez, Lightfoot, Prine, et al. Good as the Area Code 615 boys are, however, they don’t seem to have much rangethey countrify even Ibanez’s “Corn0 Tu”_ which, as GSK suggested last week, likely stems from their heavy recording schedule, and the resultant inability/ to familiarize themselves with other musical styles. This doesn’t affect most of State Faim’s folk material, fortunately, and it can thus be recommended as an extremely plea;Fiant album which just misses being singular enough to rave about. Since Shurtleff spent some time accompanying Baez, it would make more sense, and perhaps better music, to record them together. _-.. Heavy Duty (Daffodil SBA 16013) by Crowbar: a mixed \ blessing, part good 01’ rock’n’roll and part dubious attempts at singing us songs of social significance, with “The Beaver and the Eagle” standing out as probably the worst song which will ever be written about Canadian nationalism. But Crowbar can be a capable rock band: “Hey Baby,” “Cluckie’s Escape,” and “Lay One Down” chunk along nicely, and “Dead Head Out of St. John’s” utilizes a timely interpolation of “You Talk Too Much” to good effect; so if you have ,a fairly high tolerance for ego-rock, Heavy Duty ain’t bad. -Paul




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to think how it all got started?


liz willick, ellen tolmie, chuck david cubberley, mart roberts, Winnie lang, janet stoody, brian renzo bernardnitii,, Steve izma, (nut) neeland, mike izma, ron

Did you ever




Join this list! Contributors and sidebars to this pica-ridden issue: ron colpitts, stoody, george kaufman, dennis mcgann, dudley Paul, mel rotman, gord moore, murray noll, jon mcgill, mike rohatynsky, paul stuewe, cere, larry tiessen, joan Walters, borius prociuk, krista tomory, dennis green, judith miller, margaret shaver, karen kraft, george smith, ed laba, kim moritsugu, and brian switzman.




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hdmmurbl schedde -- starts fdr fall Activities in all facets ,of the intramural program begin next week. Following last year’s high attendance in all activities, a widened and increased program will be offered this fall to students of the University of Waterloo by the intramural department. For competitive activities the units have now been divided into 24 competitive units; 12 on campus and 12 off campus. Team leagues, team tournaments, and individual tournaments are offered in the competitive field. Recreational activities are either team or individual activities. Instructional sessions will also be held in a variety of activities and athletic clubs are active in a large number of varied activities. Listed here are the upcoming events in all fields with entry dates . and organizational meetings. 0.0 If any further information is desired, contact the intramural Office at Ext 3532 or nick UD a CODV of the intramural news. AthleticClubs have all held their meetings this past week, but if you wish to join contact the intramural office for information. .



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Free Time is also- available for swimming, squash, handball, skating, and tennis as well as gym space.- u Entries for all activities should be given to the Receptionist at the Physical Activities Building Office by the entry date. Come out and participate-for your own good. The women’s intramural program is moving into high gear again after a short summer break. The hard working WIAC executive of Heather Kitchen, Karyn Riddell, Allyson Barr and -Vivian Hamill have planned the first women’s intramural athletic council meeting for Monday, September 18th at 7 :30 pm in Room 1089-PAC. The .meeting is open-to everyone and all women’s intramural units should have at least -one representative present. The first meeting is planned as an orientation session so that reps will be knowledgeable in the intramural program. Flag football season is *here again and it would seem that some units are already into their conditioning programs. Entries for the league are due September 20th. There,will be a meeting on that same day at 7 :30 pm in Room 1083PAC for captains, coaches and officials to discuss the rules of play. It is planned to run at least one set of practice games so that players, coaches and officials can familiarize themselves with the rules prior to the set of leagueplay. Usually the experts are not willing to make any predictions on the outcome of league play until after they have seen some of the teams in action, but ,you can bet that Village a-North will make a good attempt to retain their championship and that the Phys Ed and Ret team will be doing their best to take it away. Slow pitch will become a new fall activity and hopefully will enjoy the same popularity that it did in the summer. There will be a women’s tournament on Saturday, September 23rd and also starting on Sunday, September 24th, a co-cd league will get underway. . Entries are due for the women’s tournament by September 21st. Entries for the Co-ed league should be submitted by September 19th. Any questions on either of these programs should be referred to Sally Kemp at Ext 3533.

Upcoming - -htramural ehtry-date

Your kind of jean for your king of worl a . For cycles, cars, girls, 1 _ it’s me and Lee for being caref6e.

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ber 15, 1972


Clubs offered: archery, badminton, bowling, cricket,-curling, fencing,‘gymnastics-, orienteering, rugger, . sailing, _skiing, underwater, weight@fting, and whitewater.







Or~anizational meeting


september&t - 7 :30 pm room 1089 PAC

I 0th



- R*l!i‘nm

room 1089 PAC September 19th September 2lst - 9 :00 pm room 1089 PAC . September 15th September 16th - 11:36 am engineering challenge run Seagram stadium September 18-22 September 26 and _28th golf qualifying week September 19th 4 :3O pm synchronized’ swimming room 1083 PAC Wednesday, September 26th - 7: 30 pm judo rl Combatives Room - PAC karate thursday, September 21st - 7 :30 pm blue activities area - PAC ladies selfdefense to be announced.... tuesday, September 19th - 7: 30 pm squash - Room 1083 - PAC monday , September 18th - 7: $0 pm swimming ’ L Pool Gallery - PAC c monday, September 18th - 7 : 30 pm skin and scuba Pool Gallery - PAC (certification course) -tuesday , September 19th - 8: 30 pm tennis q _ Room 1083 - PAC



septem ber

the chevron

15, 1972

T IS GOOD to hear that Team Canada’s coach, Harry Sinden has decided to read Anatoli hockey coaching methods titled Road to Olympus. Tarasov is the former national hockey coach of the USSR. Hjs string of world titles capped by the winning of this year’s gold medal performance in Tokyo makes him a knowledgable coach whether Canadians want to believe it or not. Coach Sinden said Saturday, “Someone gave it to me and I’ve read part of it. You can bet I’ll read it all before we leave for Sweden.” It is unfortunate for coach Sinden-and Team Canada players that he and assistant coach John Ferguson didn’t decide to pick it up well in advance to the series. Instead they waited until after the fourth game and second defeat at the hands of the classy Soviets to acquire a volumn. Well, now who is doing the learning? All Ferguson had to say was, “I haven’t read it, but I’m sure as hell going to. A lot of people are going to read that book now.” All last year, Coles bookstores had the 175 page coaching manual on sale for 19 cents as if they were trying to unload some trash. Earlier this year, when Canadian officials announced the series, the price jumped to 66lcents and no doubt now has skyrocketed to the original $4.95 price tag.


Hockey tactics Coach Tarasov,_ although not behind the bench of the Soviet believed his Union squad, countrymen would win some games in the series. In a section of his book-‘,Tactics of world hockey: trends in its development’, Tarasov gave each reader insight on how the Soviets would be able to handcuff the NHL’s Team Canada. “The main impression I got from’ the World Championship in Switzerland, (1953, the year the Soviets gained membership in the International Hockey Federation), was that the one that wins is the one who afacks incessantly and wisely. In the future, these impressions were confirmed completely. Looking back at the World Tournaments, at the Olympic Games, at the games in which professionals played, I became more and more convinced that the victory should be sought at the enemy’s net, not at’ our own net. I came to realize that only a team that knows how to attack can count on steady (not accidental) victories.” It was obvious with the wave after wave of incessant attacks around the Canadian net by the Soviets which reminded some veterans in international conflicts of Dunkirk. One team was playing wisely and the other-the Canadians-with their long slap shots, lack of puck control and poor passing were playi’ng for an accidental victory as Tarasov outlined. Is anydne positive the 41 Canadian win i’n Toronto wasn’t an Baccident? Well, we may know the answer after the Moscow set. While some Canadians have thought all along there was a scientific approach to hockey and not just the dropping of gloves game in and game out, it hasn’t been all that evident at the NHL level. If we don’t see a good fight on Saturday nights, the contest is called a dull match. Tarasov all along thought there was a scientific way to play the game and says the professional methods of boarding and dumping the puck into the opponents end would not produce real masters of hockey.


Onceup.on a time, a. V coach wrote a h&key boo <

n n n

So now coach Sinden is, as all Capadians now are from coast to coast, respecting the Soviets as really great masters of hockey. It is interesting to note that those Canadian players who have read Road to Olympus are much better players, able to develop to a higher level in basic skills, react quicker to game Situations, and understand the entire game in greater depth than those around them who were still reading the pro players recollections of a piersix brawl, or the night life in Bean Town.

Read by kids Believe it or not, some nine year old pee-.yees have been beating Harry Slnden to the reading of Road to Olympus-by up to three years-and were probably better able to analyze the games than he was. It was just one of these young pee-wees who said early in t’he second period of the first game as he watched the play being controlled by the Soviets, that Team Canada was psyched-out and wouldn’t win. So where do Canqdians with all that/hockey pride go from here? Do we go further into a shell and refuse to play further international matches, or look for a scape goat; or do we put a few black pucks in our mouths for a while and instead of boasting, listen. Here are a few things Sports Canada, hockey coaches and “Canadians in general can do. First Sports Canada should buy up every one of Tarasov’s books written in every language, especially Russian’ and distribute them to every Canadian. It will still be a bargain at $4.95. Next bring

‘You dropped

Takasov to Canada to do nothing more than train hockey coaches, and our best coaches should be working with those who have to learn the most-namely the peewees or very young. Third, testing of hockey skills levels by Hockey Canada now under way has to be abandoned in favor of the teaching of t!hese skills before the testing. During recent exhibition it-’ Sydney, Australia, the waterbaUp to now; these skills have bies demonstrate the technique of down-under ball-handling. I been taught by coaches who are no more than male babysitters or tide with this sudden realization fathers who didn’t quite go all the of enormous benefit they could way to the top but will make damn add to world inner-tube polo. They sure little Johnny does. A hockey would spread the word of its noble manual show/rig coaches and philosophy, plus beat the ass off players proper on and off the ice any foreign water jocks who training methods based on a challenged them. Playing was tight scientific approach has to be in some areas, but for the most available to all at no more than 19 part it was pretty loose and the cents a copy. ‘babies made the most of their Nine or ten-man team; have to advantages. be re-introduced so everyone gets Right end-smasher Wee Willie more personalized coaching and Shell retired from active commore ice time. There are other Detition after the first half of the side effects too. More rural teams asian tour and is now directing will spring up, players will become the Montreal waterbaby camp for stronger and, of course, their underprivilideged tubers in south hockey skills will develop faster; Montreal. “You know there are not to mention the fact that less kids here who have never owned children will become frustrated or their own tube ?” he asked,I, with quit because of being left out of tears in his eyes. When questioned the game, sitting at the end of a on his decision to retire from the \ bench.!, . game, he commented, “The game Rule changes should also be The internationally reknowned is ?ot what it used to be, there’s initiated; more practices and waterbabies have decided to too much political involvement, less ‘big league’ trips to Finland or ttirow in the sponge-or rather and besides the U of W jock Quebec City should be in order for ’ rel’inquish their prestigious building is not fortified for guerilla the young Canadians of ages 9 to position as undisputed unihibited attacks”. Many of the other 14. The list goes on and on. It isn’t babies have gone into seclusion world champions. They ‘feel a list of excuses of why we lost, but (totally out of a humanitarian and emerge only to receive food rather a plan on how we may be gesture for their love of other and for other necessities of able to take the black pucks out of brother sports-minded fiends) existence (‘nuff said). our mbuths and say something that others should taste the fruits On returning from their meaningful and intelligent about of such glorious and world European tour, the ‘babies hockey-on and off fhe ice. recognized fame. So all liquid fearless leader-coach Jacque If we are ever going to unloving tube-users now have a fair Strappe said the team had a good derstand this hockey’war that the and slightly possible chance of season and the countries they Soviets are nqw waging, in order aspiring to the heights of near visited during the summer lay-off to have a more than accidental waterbaby greatness. were excited and welcomed them chance of winning, we should For those uneducated in the fine with open arms. remember the words of Old Blood points of waterbaby goings-on, “The team had a good season and Guts, General George Patton, (doesn’t everyone know?), let us and the countries they visited as he watched his forces defeat recapitulate. during the summer lay-off were Rommels tanks at El Guettar. “I Last September, in the first excited and welcomed them with read your book Rommel. Dammit. I intramural meet of the united open arms.” coach Strappe said. read your book.” brotherhood alliance of innertube “Yea’h, we’ve beaten the best in -. by Ron Smith waterpolo players association, a the world and now we figure the novice team, the waterbabies time has come for us to step down (now known as THE waterbabies) and allow someone else-a crack at made a big splash; offering no the title,” inside smerk Georgey means of fair competition to the Kauff said at the press interview. other suckers who played them. Jacque, when asked how the The fight was short, but gory. it Commies made out, replied, “The was found during. the course of countries behind the iron curtain events that a certain under water may be able to make vodka, but tactic of this so call uninitiated they -haven’t learned the inteam was to bite their opponents tricacies of the innertube game.” in that part of the anatomy which Defensive left back-bander dangled in the water. All would not Cubber Lee added that he was be so bad except for a- curious surprised and delighted at the disease all water babies seem to reception which greeted the team developwater-rabies.. members during their good will From then on, team after team, tour around ttie world this after team fell to those lymphatic summer. “I think we showed the lunatics of the polo natatorium. It people the advantages of treedow soon became apparent that defeat and democracy,” he smiled. “Yeah, would be impossible. Teams afraid especially the chicks,” interjected of such sudden death downfall middle, queeser Rod Hott. (and also incurable and often fatal The few remaining ‘babies are attacks of water rabies) soon getting into other sports around refusedto play against the the campus this fall and winter, ‘babies’. Their name was spread but coach Strappe is not saying far and wide. In certain drinkin’ which ones., “We want teams to spots of this locale, an awesome sign up for the events before we hush would fall when the the tell them we’re involved, he ex‘babies name’ was mentioned. Of plained, with a wink. course, such infamous regard did When asked about the innot change the very ostentatious volvement of students in sport on modest behavior of the ‘babies. campus, the hardened coach They had conqtiered the campus, added, “Oh nuts, the younger now they would conquer the generation just don’t know how to world. Fortunately the summer have a good time.‘: something.’ lay-off period happened to coin-

‘ba bi,es retire










15, 1972

How theHarvey’s hamburgs saved the Ike & Tina how...


hat may have been the federation’s last Concert promoiion almost never happened at ali, and W the whole, absurd episode provides an interesting case in point on the reason federation heads have decided to pull out of the big rock concert game. Basically, name rock groups have to be booked at least several months in advance, and what might appear a good draw at the time of the booking may very well slip into near-oblivion by the time the concert date comes around, so fickle and unpredictable is the rock audience, and so well-manipulated it is by promoters and record company hype artists. The Ike and Tina Turner review is an especially intriguing example, since it is borderline in the widest sense of the show-business term. For well over 10 years, Ike put together the slick, sexual show the review is today, taking it all across the US., adding, improving, perfecting the style which puts it well above any other soul show on the road. The review was never changed from the original concept, it was only smoothed out. The fact that it never appealed to a large percentage of the possible audience never bothered Ike. Then, that old show-business lightening struck. Ike got the review on the Rolling Stones U.S. tour in 1970. Between the concerts and the film-“Gimme Shelter”of the tour, Tina became something of a rock sex goddess to the large, white rock audience. Even the small glimpse of Tina’s sensual power in her now-famous “I’ve been loving you too long” sequence in the movie suddenly made Ike and Tina Turner a wellknown name. Then came the movie “Soul to Soul”, featuring Ike and Tina, and several television spots. Ike and his promoters, being far from stupid, saw the wave forming, and album after album began to flow from the Turner review-live albums, studio albums, a solo album from Ike. Unfortunately for them, however, the Turner review is less music than it is showmanship, and they weren’t _ flexible enough to keep surprising their audience with new directions-like the Beatles-or entertaining their audience with new and better versions of the same thinglike the Stones. Instead, they just kept doing the same thing in a more openly rehearsed manner. You can only see Tina perform figurative fellatio on a microphone so many times before that kind of thing wears thin, no matter how effective it is the first time. So, the ITT stock began to waver, then slip. But how much? How to gauge it? Had it slipped so much that a bunch of hick college students in southern Ontario wouldn’t fall all over themselves to get tickets? Not -an easy question. The same sort of decision had beeri made last winter when Cat Steven’s meteoric rise through- hypedom had reached its apex, and the result was an overflow crowd in the people’s gym and rock palace. (It may or may not be appropriate to note that the Stevens concert was promoted and run by an outsideTorontc+outfit). But the decision was made. Go with Ike and Tina. Paul Dube-head of Board of Student Activities and the man

now under frre over the big-concert issue-seemed to know immediately that it was a bad decision, telling friends that he would be more than lucky to break even on the ITT and Edgar Winter concerts. Most of the people he told this to assured him both would be big draws. He was right about the Turners; we may not get a chance to see about Edgar Winter now. (See story, page one.) One thing should be made clear here: there are no easy or apparent answers to this type of question. Ike and Tina did not flop here-if, indeed, drawing over 2,000 enthusiastic people is flopping-because, as the promoter declared, there is a prejudice against blacks in this area.. In fact, it would be hard to find a sillier excuse. The K-W region undoubtedly has its share of racism, but it has not been expressed in the form of rock concert turnouts. The promoter pointed to a bad turnout for a Stevie Wonder concert over two years ago. He chooses to ignore the full houses at the people’s gym last year for two different blues concerts, during which exactly one white performer appeared on stage. No, the discrimination of music groups is not by colour around here, but something much more subtle, and it comes down to the whole control of rock audience responses and the massive propaganda machines behind rock music today.

ut back to Ike and Tina and the reason why it’s all such a pain in the ass. There were two shows B going on that night, one which the audience saw on stage, and another behind the proverbial scenes. The one backstage was by far the best, and it’s just a shame that those who paid their money down only got to see the more prosaic show by the three groups who eventually performed that night. Paul Dube is an experienced dude with concerts and performers, and-much more important-performers’ agents. His association with the federation of students can only be described as epileptic, and he has resigned or been “fired” a number of times from his position as head of BSA so the incident following the Ike and Tina fiasco is not exactly earth-shaking. Suffice it to say he is the only person associated with the federation with the savvy to deal with agents and road managers. Much of the credit for the number of big-name low-ticket-price concerts here in the past few years falls to him. 1

But quite a few things were working against kim on this show: first, it was a Sunday night, and quite a few students had either gone home for the weekend, or had not even arrived on campus yet; the advertising and promotion of the concert was minimal; the disillusionment with the slickness of the Ike and Tina show was beginning to wear away the first ecstatic raves of popular discovery; and, a lot of people stayed away for the simple but very real reason that they had been to concerts in the people’s barn before and wanted no more of the hard floor, choking smoke-filled air, amateur stage crews and long waits. But, by six Sunday evening, the stage was basically set up and Dube’s Droogies, all decked out in brand-new “BSA rocks on” tee shirts (the irony of it now that it is suddenly not rocking on anymore) were taking one of their frequent smoke and beer breaks. It was the first large concert of the fall term, so most of the stage crew working with Dube were working their first concert of this size. John Dale, of Radio Waterloo, started off to Hamilton to meet the Turner group and bring them back to Waterloo. About 7:30, ticket-holding fans began to gather around the entrances to the gym, and it almost looked as if a lot more people would show up than ticket sales had indicated. By eight, the fans were let into the building for the ritual half-hour wait in front of the doors to the gym itself. At eight, they were let in, and the floor area began to fill up. A few smoke breaks as joints and beer make the rounds backstage, and Dube goes onstage to announce the “Good Brothers”, an easy-going country group which had been playing to modest crowds in the campus centre pub all week. “Hi,” the head Good brother greeted the audience candidly, “we’re here to fill in some time.” It was obvious things were not going right somewhere. Backstage worry is beginning to build. Where are Ike and Tina? No word yet, so the flowing smoke break continues. Marc Roberts, in his first experience as stage manager, walks nervously back and forth between the back rooms and the stage area, and decides his nerves will be completely shot if he doesn’t take part in the current smoke break. Smoke breaks are beginning to be the thing; a mental and physical release from having to deal consciously with the amount of money represented


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15, 1972



chevron . 2.7 “-.

...and other absurdities of the ‘rock\‘cimcert \


photo, brian cere, chevron here,or the amount of potentially out in front of the stage, anticipating

ugly energy gathered Ike and Tina.

Out in the Waterloo University memorial sounds caverns, the gentle country-rock of the Good Brothers is almost completely lost, but they finish up and leave to polite applause. Still no Ike and Tina. Smoke break. King Biscuit Boy arrives. God, thinks Marc, is he ugly. And he is, but a few beers and Biscuit Boy’s group is satisfied. Due to start at 9:45, they go on at 10: 15. “Where the hell is Ike and Tina?” Marc asks no one. Everyone shrugs and looks around nervously. King Biscuit Boy comes onto stage, harp in hand, promising blues, but his group and his equipment just never allow him to get on with it. He has a new electric piano player who just can’t find his way into the group’s sound, and spends the night effectively -muddying the parts of the music the equipment doesn’t fuzz. BB’s guitar player co,mes on spiffy with a new hair-do, looking more like he would fit into Faces rather than be playing the blues, and that’s how he plays it tonight. He never does play blues-he’s into turning up the amp and laying on the psychedelic rock riffs (at which he is passing good), but he drowns out any chance Biscuit Boy had of getting with the blues. There is applause anywayeveryone is waiting for Tina and couldn’t care less. , While,all this is going on, Ike’s advance stage roadie shows up. *Everyone perks up on the stage crew. He’s small and black and displeasingly arrogant in a very Detroit black way. He doesn’t like the dressing room, he wants the front amps moved out, he wants the amp wires moved off centre’ stage and... ’ . “I’m running the lights, man.” “Sure,” someone replies, “we’ll work something out...” He looks at the dressing-rooms nee jock locker rooms. “Ike and Tina won’t dig this, man.” “Well,” stammers Marc, “I’m sorry, er,-sir.” (Meaning by now: I’m sorry I’m stage manager tonight.) Just before 11, word comes down to those around the stage-Ike’s here, Ike’s here! Big fucking deal; thinks Marc, not impressed, get the fuck dressed and get on. Suddenly, Ike and Tina’s manageress is everywhere, scowling and severe, tough, man, but Chicago-tough. Bad news. “We need four dressing rooms. We won’t play unless we get’um.”

“Nothing we can do, man,” one of the nervous stage crew says. “What -about the ballet room?“, meaning the room upstairs, which is No-No during concerts. “Sorry, we don’t have permisson to use it.” “Well, you’d fucking well better get permission.” “Let’s go,” curtly from Ike, who has been standing silently on the fringe glowering his dark Ike glower. The band begins to pick their equipment and leave the room. None of the inexperienced people on the stage crew know if this is a Chicago put-on or for real. They look at one another. Some gather the rest of the loose crew members and go to one corner of the stage expecting what? Maybe a fight? When it doesn’t happen, everyone looks around, perplexed. They nod. Time for a smoke break. Well, not everyone. Doug Griesbach] his first stint backstage, watches worriedly as the band files out the door. Known to friends as Griesbach the unflapable, he is for the first time in a long while upset. Christ, his first responsibility backstage and here he’s watching Ike and Tina Turner walk out of the concert hall. Suddenly it’s his responsibility whether there is a show or not. He can watch the door shut or he can do something. Luckily for Ike and Tina fans, he did something. He had been a champion runner in high school, but this was his prize-winning sprint, Up the stairs and out into the night, he was just in time to get his foot in the back door of the last car as they were pulling out. He gazed anxiously into the car. “Listen, let’s try again, we can get something together,” he tries. “Just one of you come back and we’ll try it.” Ike is still pisse%d off, and says again, “Let’s split,” but the manageress climbs out of the car. Oh, Christ, no, thinks Doug. Time for a short smoke break. (As it becomes known later, Ike has good reason to be pissed off. The caravan from Hamilton took the wrong’ turn-off-towards Toronto-and wound up taking two and a half hours to make the 50-mile trip.) So, back into the people’s gym and shooting the bullshit while federation president Terry Moore makes a desperate call to security and finally gets the ballet room opened. The band moves the stuff back in. Was the whole thing a put-on by the band with Ike the bad guy and manageress asconcilliator? Probably never know. 1


Marc now knows why Dube gets so knocked out before concerts. Only way to handle this absurdity. Funny, he realizes, he doesn’t give a damn about placating the crowd out front waiting impatiently for the show and not knowing what’s going on back here. All he cares about is getting the band on. He begins to understand the backstage mentality, the callousness. Out front then stage crew and Ike’s roadies begin setting the stage up for the show, every detail looked after. The audience begins to clap their hands in unison, urging the show to start. It’s already 11: 15, and classes start tomorrow. Meanwhile, backstage, the movable theatre of the absurd is reaching for new heights: the lkettes want humburgers and milk. Marc grimaces, decides not to take a chance, and off he and another crew member go in search of the all-American snack. Harvey’s ‘fills the bill, three hamburgs and milks. On the way back, near disaster. This is Marc’s fourth year on this campus. He knows of the chains across the entranceways to the gym, and of all nights to forget, this is not the one. But, walking along with snacks securely in hand, he trips in the dark across the chain, catching himself from falling, but watching horror-stricken as the milk spills over the warm hamburgs. Jesus. He has to laugh. Inside, he entered the dressing room, offered the soggy gifts sheepishly and left feeling strangely aroused from the episode. When he rejoined everyone at stageside, Paul and Joe (federation’s agent) were now arguing with the band about income tax to Canadian government. Finally a phone call to California to someone settles that. Ike’s stage roadie rode herd personally over the moving of every amp, every wire, every stage-light, seeming to enjoy ordering these white kids around. Finally, things seem set, the band files on and the revue is on! The band seemed really good and tight to Marc and Doug and the rest of the crew, but so were their heads. They filed backstage for a long smoke break. Droogies looked at each other incredulously and laughed. And to think people had paid good money to see the dull show out front. Marc had spent the past two weeks looking forward to seeing Ike and Tina, but at this point as far as he was concerned, Tina could shove the mike up her... The crowd could not have disagreed less at this juncture, as Tina came onstage in an ingeniously cut white dress, sparkling white teeth set in ,her Tina lusty smile and the band rocked into all the favorites. Tina used her body, used the band, used the microphone, used the audience and whipped them into a gusty response. It didn’t matter now that all this was well-rehearsed, had been done a hundred times before and would be done a hundred more. It didn’t even matter that Ike not once smiled or even looked out at the audience, that he was going through the motions, working to rule. Tina is that good. When Tina husky-voiced her way through her “I’ve been lovin’ you too long” piece, complete with required microphone blow-job and the band swung through “Proud Mary”, the audience was on its feet yelling for more as Tina hurried offstage and wrapped herself in a robe held there for her. There would be no encore; Ike and Tina had fulfilled the contract and the job was finished. Two thousand people had enjoyed themselves, a handful backstage had been bummed out and every undergrad who didn’t attend the concert chipped in to make up the $6,000 deficit from the night, thanks be to the mandatory federation fee. And Paul Dube’s head was on the block. Ultimate responsibility is nominally his, but in actual control of so little this night. The round ‘definitely went to Ike & Tina. --george s. kaufman and mart roberts, the chevron






15, 1972

Page twenty-five of this issue -- features the review of a hockey coaching manual written by a Soviet coach-Antoli Tarasov. In his review, the writer noted that this 175 page publication dropped in price from four dollars and ninety-five cents to a mere ninQteen cents as Coles bookstores attempted to get rid of the hard-to-sell material. This flagrant disregard of *other possible authorities on what -has become known as ‘Canada’s game’ aptly illustrates the state of. consciousness most of Canada occupied prior to the first Soviet-Canada hockey game. Tarasov’s book, Road to OIympus was ~ overlooked by hockey. buffs while attractively bound trash bearing titles like: Orr on Ice and I’ve Got to be Me (Derek Sanderson) graced coffee-tables across thiscountry. Well-meaning, but unschooled coaches of young hockey players were also gobbled up by the hype, purchasing the ego-tripping books in ‘bundles. Their hope was to produce players typified by the publications they read, and the types they saw slapshooting their way across televisionscreens on wednesday and Saturday nights. The accepted premise was that everyone had a lot to learn from the U.S.-financed, Canadian To assume that superstars. Canadian hockey players could learn from someone else would be nigh to treason. The Russians, in the meantime, were scientifically studying the , game of hockey and developing a technique of playwhich has,+ of late, proven superior. The ripples created by- this series extend far beyond the little pond of the hockey arena and sport pages. The political overtones are far too loud to be ignored. The games being played are not simply one hockey team playing another. They are the communists ’ playing our team. The enslaved corn-mies versus our free people. Capitalism against communism. The enemy is not simply another set of players, -but rather another social system.

Alan Eagleson, well-known and powerful sport entrepeneur, himself accepts this fact saying, “To me, hockey is politics.” John Ferguson, assistant coach of Team Canada, cq_mmented on the coaching techniques of the Soviets adding some intimeations on political differences saying, “As a coach, I’d like to see their kind of disciplinein the NHL, but I know that can’t happen. Discipline to that extreme is just not in the Canadian character. We’re a different breed of people.” Canadian hockey players are the Soviets are subfree; jugated-that’s what it all comes down to. They may be able to play better hockey, but a least our guys are free. Indeed. (Bobby Hull, J.C. Tremb’lay, Derek Sanderson and Gerry Cheevers may have a few words to offer on the topic of freedom). Free as far as the will manipulating owners allow. Is complete isolation from the hearth and home during the Stanley Cup playoffs an example of’ this freedom? But then, the players must be protected from the demon drink and sex; after all, what do middle-age men making half-amillion dollars each year know about self control?: . Can we scream oppression at the ‘communists’ when Alan Eagleson speaks this way of his power-position? “Trudeau ‘gets to drop the p__uck in Montreal, because that’s the opening game. Well, that’s

41Well, at least

okay. But would you believe he wants to drop the puck in Toronto too?. . . I say my friend the premier should drop the puck. “I fig_ure its my television time, they’re my players, I can have Joe Schlunk drop the puck if I want to. We’ll see about that Then there’s the 01’ one.” reserve clause in the standard National Hockey League contract, all examples of the freedom our hockey players enjoy here in good old non-comhunistic democratic Canada. There is also a wierd kind of chauvinism gravitating around this hockey series which smell of an attitude which places -international sport of this sort on th.e level of organized warfare, dojng little to foster ‘international goodwill’; instead it sets back understanding between nations a few decades. The people of Canada were duped. For years we’ve been told the hockey being sold to us by ‘Hockey Night In Canada’ and the NHL was the best this planet had to offer; now it appears that is far from the truth. After all, our conquerors, the soviet team is not even the reigning world champions, the Czechoslovakians havE! earned that right. Where does that put the U.S. NHL all-stars? Right out on their a&es in the snow,


still got the Canadian

fighting with Sweden for third spot. A loss to Swedenthis month would place the off the list as Canadians possible contenders. How much have Canadians been paying for this conjob? Eagleson wangled 2.2 million dollars in advertising for the series. Even the sharp-eyed advertisers were taken in. Big business families like the Bronfmans, Molsons and Ballards have been doing one helluva con job, leeching off hardworking Canadians to satiate their search for money. But they are excused because Canadians are privileged to see the best hockey in the world, or so we understood. Young players drop out of school to pursue a career in thi-s league seeing themselves as the best; once there they do little to develop further hockey skil Is beyond effective boarding, slashing and removal of .gloves at the slightest provocation. A task force report prepared in 1969 for the federal government disclbsed that the average young player who stays in hockey past his early teens and into the junior ranks gets a grade eleven education. For the majority it is impossible to play 70 or 80 games a season and to maintain their studies. If after that they fail to make it in hockey, they are left, with nothing. In return for the exploitation of the talented youth of this country, the National Hockey League offers nothing in return.






To the unfortunates involved, they are told that the NHL is the top of the line-there is nothing further. No need to read books by the Soviets, they need to learn from us. For the masses who pay to get into the arenas, there is no effort made to build arenas for them to play the game. Any extra money which pops up is spent on building more seats in order to admit more payjng customers. The press and the promoters convinced the populace that we could ‘cream’ the Soviets ‘any day of the week’, but that thought fell far short of reality. As a result during the final game- the Vancouver onlookers booed and hissed at our team. The ‘fans’ were disgusted at having been beaten at our own game by a bunch of communists. The players then became the easiest scapegoat. With this kind of hype sweeping the consciousness of the nation, where do the twenty-four losing Canadian hockey players go for consolation? Frank Mohovotich noted after the game that “we played the best we could, but they were better.” Mahovolich’s attitude is understandable and would be accepted and sympathized with ’ under other circumstancesbut not when Canada was beaten by Russia. Hockey was our last frontier-the only claim Canada could make to some sort of supremacy. The United States has its program, Japan has its industry, the Soviets have their vodka-and now they’ve .got Canada’s hockey. The Soviets took the game of hockey and adding scientific technique and intensive practise mastered the game. The result is that Canada’s socalled national pride has been damaged. instead of trying to rebuild the myth, a realistic attitude would entail learning from the Soviet approach and attempting to play good hockey. Now that we’ve been shown how it should be done, perhaps Canadians wii‘l no longer tolerate the violent substitute the NHL has been promoting for s6 long.

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