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the chc Petit discours d’histoire du Quebec Leandre Bergeron’s candid and illuminating appraisal of the political climate within Quebec intrigued some\, and startled others at the informal session he conducted last thursday afternoon. As the au-thor of “Petit Manuel d’Histoire du Quebec”, Bergeron has both assisted in and exemplified the growth of political awareness within Quebec, especially when one compares that province with the rest of Canada. According to a representative of New Canada Press, the “Petit Manuel” has sold 150,000 copies in Quebec, and upwards of 30,000 in the English translation, “The History of Quebec: A Patriote’s Handbook”. The difference between Quebec and the rest of Canada can be easily noticed when one observes that while the “Petit Manuel” was at the top of the bestseller list in Quebec, Jacqueline Susann’s “The Love Mat hine” occupied the same position in English speaking Canada. The politicizing of the Quebecois has become a central theme within the labour movement of Quebec. Where the FLQ left off following the oc tober crisis the common front of labour has taken over; as Bergeron put it: “we have gone beyond the elitist type action” of the FLQ. The common front, consisting of the Confederation of National Trade Unions (CNTU), the Quebec Federation of Labour (QFL), and the teachers association, has gone beyond the restrictive role of mere labour representation and has embarked upon a programme of political education. Study I groups within shop locals, and shop newspapers reflect a political view of Quebec from their standpoint. Evidence of the political undercurrent in the common front, and its political power, were obvious during the events of last may. The province, rocked by massive strikes, was confronted with the militancy of the “rankand-file” worker. The sporadic terrorism of the FLQ was replaced by occupation of key offices, and entire communities-by the workers as a whole. Sept-Iles, one of the highest paid industrial towns in Canada was occupied by the workers in a general expression of dissent focused on the Bourassa government.

Bergeron pointed out the difference between the nationalism of the worker, as in the common front, and that of the Parti Quebecois. The desire for an independent Quebecois nation is common to both, but the PQ excludes the liberation of the working class under capitalism from. its brand of “reactionary nationalism”. For Bergeron the fight for the Quebecois nation goes hand in hand with the fight for the freedom of the working class that will make up the Quebecois state. Political liberation must be combined with the economic liberation of the Quebecois. The threat of the Parti Quebecois in forestalling a genuine workers party is seen by Bergeron in its ability to suffocate polarization. To* overcome this that party must be opposed at all times, and as the Quebec people become steadily more aware of their political and economic position, it will be unable to maintain its credibility. - The struggle for Quebec today is being carried out by an amalgamation of all the different ethnic groups, joined together by their common membership in the working class. As one of the slogans heard last May in Quebec declares, “Nous, le monde ordinaire ! ” (We, the ordinary people), it is the comon people who are now carrying on/ the fight. Bergeron is confident in the ability of such a movement among the rank-and-file both to gain political power, and to efficiently organise the economy of the nation. However, the need at present is for a cohesive and identifiable workers’ party. Once such a party is established, it will focus its attention upon gaining power. The methods to be used were clarified by Bergeron. The “workers party will use the necessary means to bring about change.” Far from excluding armed revolution, Bergeron seems cqnvinced that this is the only possible course to achieve economic, political and social

The University of Waterloo volime 13, number 13 tuesday, 19 September, 1972

control of Quebec by the people. But are the people willing to use such a means? On the basis of the events last may-workers in SeptIles ready to face the Quebec police with crowbars, others with dynamite-Bergeron feels there is genuine support for whatever tactics become necessary. The ability to organise the means of production, once controlled by the workers, was shown last spring in a psychiatric hospital in Montreal. It was taken over by unskilled workers, nurses and doctors and patients were pleased with the service-in fact, the care they received was reputed to have improved with the bureaucracy bypassed. The quiet period in Quebec since last may, Bergeron says, is due to a focus on general analyqis of the situation: “Action in may, reflection now.” The political education continues, and more people are drawn steadily into the political current in Quebecois culture ; political literature is being published and read in Quebec like never before. The struggle continues, less active now than in the past, but Bergeron remains confident in the ultimate victory of the Quebecois. -job

n keyes

Ottawa drops OFS OTTAWA (CUP&Most students at Carleton University appeared to be with-holding their second installment Qf tuition fees this week, while University of Ottawa student representative’s urged their

students to follow suit, despite that school’s withdrawal from the Ontario Federation of Students (OF9 . OFS is organising the appeal to withold the second installment to allow the possibility of a fees strike in January. The strike would be designed to force the Ontario government to retreat from tuition fee increases announced last spring. Carleton student council president Bruce Cameron estimated that 75 per cent of returning students registered by paying in installments. The “overwhelmingly good response” confirms original plans to seek cancellation of classes for a province-wide day of study of the issues October 10, Cameron said. Meanwhile, U of 0 council president Peter Beach said his organizati6n supported the OFS campaign because it had no choice. “We were forced to take the OFS line,” he said. “We feel there must be some solidarity. It impresses the kids, the administration and most of all the government if every university in the province is doing it.” In -the summer OFS meetings Beach had demanded an immediate fees strike in September, but most other student councils opted for the more cautious installment-paying approach. The disagreement was a major reason for U of O’s withdrawal from OFS. But Beach conceded a September fees strike by U of 0 alone would have been futile. He had no idea how many students heeded council’s plea, but noted that about 5ooO students signed a petition calling for the cancellation of the tuition fee increases. U of 0 will hold its day- of study on financing October 4. In Toronto, the graduate students’ union at U of T is joining undergraduates in urging the withholding of second term fees. In addition, as a symbolic protest, the GSU is proposing that $100 of

Leandre Bergeron author of “A Patriote’s Handbook”presents his interpretation odd students sti// interested in the educational aspects of this year’s orientation

of Quebec


to the seventy-

photo by doug


second term installments be hild back and placed in a joint trust fund administered by a tryst company. Fees for most U of T graduate students rose by $100 this year. Other graduate unions, including the one at the University of Guelph, are reportedly proposing similar actions.

85% of what?


At a meeting sponsored by the 85 percent Canadian Quota Committee, Barry Lord, national chairman, started off on the “correct” ideological note by stating that the “problem is not American professors in themselves but U.S. Imperialism”. He then went on to give many , examples of U.S. imperialism and of tax advantages to American professors. Forty-five minutes later, he mentioned the role said American professors play in the imperializing of “Canadian culture”. He explained that graduate students cost the Canadian taxpayer fifty to one hundred thousand big ones each, and that U.S. domination of the Canadian economy means that a large amount of that training will not be used. According to Lord-and pretty well any statistics which deal with the Canadian economy-many branch plants of U.S. firms are shutting down and being relocated at home (including such biggies as ‘Canada’s’ automotive industry). The only response was from a junior go-getter, up-‘n-comin’ technocrat who said, “So what. Japanese labor is considerably more efficient and productive. We could import their cars.” He also talked ‘about the proposed heinous NAWAPA plan to tap all. of Canada’s water resources fdr American industries. Eventually he whipped out the clincher “One of the most vital components of U.S. control of our country is the grabbing hold of our culture”, and the way this is done, Lord says is to gain control of education in our country; He pointed to the Wright report as proof of conscious “dismantling of our education system” on the part of the Canadian government. The situation is worsening, especially in the social sciences and humanities-the “social-consciousness-f orming” set tors of the university. (It’s the old identity crisis, again. > He implied that the high percentage of American professors in our universities is a conscious campaign to “destroy the will (of the Canadian people) to resist”. continued

on page



2 the chevron

Classified ads are accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.

LOST A poor man has lost a gift watch. If you see a Timex electric, chrome case, blue hands, black leather straps please contact Jim Ross at 744-2931. Thank you very much. In one of the church colleges penknife with tower marking. Sentimental value. 578-5195. FOR SALE For sale 1 Electra stereo amp 20 watts. A scant $63.00 Phone 745-2003.

One Traynor Bass Mate amp; one Traynor Reverb unit; Baldwin Howard Organ. Negotiate price as unit or singly. Leave message at Federation . I ~_ ._ Tar uenrs. 1962 Pontiac (or parts of) body and interior excellent. Some motor work required. Best offer. Phone 884-3857. For sale 1967 1225 Volvo $1500 Call John 884-6835. 1968 MGB-GT, British racing green, wire wheels etc. Al condition $1650. Driven with respect by Brenda. 7427083.

WANTED Roommate wanted. Grad or mature female preferred. 2 bedroom available act 1 or sooner. Maria 576-5329. RIDE NEEDED From Highway market area King Street. 8: 30 classes. Share cost. Phone Debi 578-9579 after 6 pm. Ride needed daily from Stratford to University of Waterloo. Willing to share expenses. Phone 271-5578. -

Regina (CUPI-Students at the Univ&sity of Saskatchewan, Regina campus plan to nominate their own candidate for the position of vice-principal of Regina campus. The move was initiated after the student demand for parity on the selection committee was rejected by the university administration. Student members on the committee contacted 11 people considered progressive and asked them to allow their names to stand for nomination. Only Fred Storey m



Regina students nominate V-P

19 September,


has agreed to stand. Storey is a PhD student in psychology and has served as an elected representative of Regina students in many areas. Storey spent several years as a student council member. He was the first student to take his BA and MA and be admitted to a PhD program all at the Regina campus. The selection committee choosing the vice-principal is composed of two board of gover-’ nors members, two members of the Regina campus administration, two faculty members and two student representatives. The students demanded equal representation on the committee but were turned down on the grounds that students already had “parity-the same representation as other groups. The student representatives felt that students should have six members because they comprise the majority of people at the university. The student representatives have. issued an appeal to Regina students for further names for the position. The vice-principal is the chief administrative officer of the campus. The committee has decided to hire a Canadian if the candidate has qualifications equal with a non-Canadian.

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Sponsored by Campus Centre Board


19 September,


the chevron


Cotton cops

85% continued





He then went on to talk about what he emphasized as the most important part of his lecture: solutions to this clearly-defined problem i.e. for everyone to join the 85 percent Can. Quot. Corn. Then, bolstered by the acideological companying arguments, to recruit more members until absolutely everybody belongs, and then to stop hiring Americans, fire Americans who have been in the country five years and are not citizens, and fire all Americans who don’t promise to become citizens as soon as possible (with feeling). That this is happening is exemplified for Lord by one of the many “victories” achieved by the committee. One such victohy was I the rehiring of a teacher at Lakehead University. Three had been’ fired for supporting a professor who lost his job for criticizing the role of KimberlyClark in a small town in northern Ontario. Recognizing that the Canadian people are facing serious problems, there yet seems to be no definition of those problems from Barry Lord or the organization(s) he represents. There was no mention of the class


Barry Lord and A/ McKeating meeting.

at 85 percent

nature of our society and our universities, nor of how an indigenous intGlligensia would in any substantial way, deal with that, Some understanding of the. operations of capitalism on this continent, and of it’s power structure, is necessary before the problems we face can even be defined. A strictly nationalistic definition-U.S. imperialism vs. the Canadian people-fails to deal with the fact that the economic structure of capitalism does not recognize national boundaries. Nor can the culture of any society be

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photo by chuck


viewed as separate from its economic system. Asking for the expulsion of a power bloc which controls Canada’s resources will not deal with problems created by the economic and social structures which define the use made of those resources. In this iight, the committee’s analysis of Canadian society is extremely simplistic, formalistic and supportive only of unqualified nationalism. With that in mind, the committee’s solutions to Canadian problems are completely useless. -ron


In the September 8 issue of the chevron a story described the events surrounding the short stay of the James Cotton Blues Band in Kitchener. The black american blues group was scheduled to appear on campus during the first week of orientation. The story stated that: “there were some comments about discrimination, as shortly after the shuffle at the Riviera Motel a vacancy sign lit up.” More to the point, the following occurred: arrangements made with the Riviera Motel could not be completed since the motel became overbooked. The management of &he Riviera apologized to Cotton, also directing him to the Conestoga Motel where alternative arrangements had been made. The vacancy sign denQted a one bedroom -vacancy, totally inadequate for a group of five. At the Conestoga Motel the band found their rooms unacceptable and decided to return to Chicago. Any innuendo of racism on the part of the Riviera management was unintended by the chevron.

Interfac studies A series of workshops on technological and social problems in Canada,are being set up for credit in interfaculty studies 201. Described as “student investigation into issues of concern”, the course will involve groups of students working on such varied Drojects as the way life and livelihood of young artists in society; a citizens’ righh handbook for the K-W area; &search into local air, water and pollution problems; and work on designing a recycling plant for Waterloo Country. Suggested projects include a cost comparison study and investigation of university investment policy. Students interested in working on these projects or developing new ones should attend an organizational meeting in Social Sciences 352 Wednesday at 3:30. For further information contact Jim Robinson, extension 2896.


Boa/d Of XTERNAL RELATION Federation of Students



*Student Pot it ks Provincially or Nationally? @Conferences? 4nter-University ’ Information Exchange? *Students and the Local Community? etc? etc? etc?


One free loaf Buttermaid bread with purchase of bag or jug milk. /

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the chevron


Counselling will be offering several kinds of groups this fall: sensitivity, couples, women’s

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group, please contact us as soon as possible.

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and counselling groups.

If you are interested in more information, or in joining a


7.25p.m. Ar.




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small groups


G ray Coach University Service Direct from Campus Entrances To Toronto and Woodstock-London

19 September,






19 sepfember,



the chevron

Address letters to feedback, ’ the chevron, U of W. Be concise. The chewron reserves the- right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac tef line. F of legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.



come down to chevron offices and join the lovable gang of merry madcaps who put this thing together. this is your paper.

I would ban the entire team’ from Canadian competition. Should they continue to play, especially using their dangling anatomy dalliance, no team stands a chance. And it’s not hard to understand why.

Babies exposed In the last ish of the Chevron I had the opportunity to read about the internationally reknowned waterbabies. Nice stuff, all-reet, but it’s time the true story about the ‘babies was told. I bumped into the team (all 48 players, including coach Jacque Strappe) in Europe this summer I while they trained with the Russian butterflycatching team on the shores of the PO River in Italy. Now I understand where they developed their infamous play of biting their opponents on the left buttock. Those Russians have been doing the same thing to mesmerize and capture dozens of rare Italian butterflies for years. They would sneak up on a gorgeous orange and blue cecropia-anthrax moth while it was perched on a milk-weed -plant and, well, you know the rest-no butterfly this side of the Alps ever had a chance. The waterbabies refined this rather coarse and insectary technique, practicing it on each other late at night as they played water polo in the PO. At the end of the summer, while on their way back to St. John’s Nfld., they figured from the results the play had on their games in the Queen Elizabeth swimming pool (eighteen torrid days of biting buttock on a boatwow ! ), that they wouldn’t lose a game at Waterloo if they instituted the exciting (sic) maneouver in their play-book. Well, that shows where they developed their derierre play; no nationalists these guys, they had to go to Italy and train with the Russian butterfly team to devise something that would take them to the top of the national waterbaby association in Ontario. What cads! There is no word to describe such despicable trickery. Everybody thinks the waterbabies are truly Canada’s own, a team which plays together and stays together, never importing outside plays or trying to deceive the public about where they learned their skills. If I were Savory Bandage (president of WAB-World Association of ‘Babies),


Saul Persimmon, of Western Ontario

Bite my rock Heartily sick of the plethora of cock-rock, mockrock, and rock-rock infesting the Uniwat campus, a small group of part-time zealots has decided to organize a Jazz and Blues Club. To meet for the first time on Thursday, September 21, at 7 :30 in Room 110 CC, the club will concern itself with promoting greater awareness of, jazz and blues music, presenting concerts, and dynamiting the Campus Centre sound system. People interested in any of these activities are urged to attend the initial _ meeting, after which the members will adjourn to Doug Austrom’s house for a free chittlin’s and Boone’s Farm party. Y’all come. Pablo and the Stern Gang



Sirs, You are a fluke. of the universe you have no right to be hereand whether you kno,w or not, the universe is laughing behind your back.

I it

Nat Lamp

Dear Sirs: Did you know that the Campus Shop sells only medium and large size Jacque Strappes? ,

Ms. Concerned



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the chevron


part Stewart shines through

One of the nicest things about having to listen to review albums is that occasionally a previously underrated artist, heard only fleetingly on the radio or at a purple-hazed pot phantasmagoria, suddenly becomes an integral part of that highly personal musical score which constitutes my daily listening habits. Never A Dull Moment (Mercury SRM l646), Rod Stewart’s new release, is the latest occurrence of this, somewhat humbling phenomenon, as well as one of the finest albums to come my way this year. Stewart’s voice, which often sounds as if it’s being wrenched from the innards of an expiring bullfrog, is the antithesis of the slickness and polish sought by the Three Dog Nights of the rock world. He pushes against his limits, going hoarse here and missing a gear there, but always putting every resource he can muster into an Technically, he’s interpretation. laughable; once you get past that, however-and it took me four or five listenings - his dynamism and sincerity overcome any nagging doubts as to his. innate musicality. Although Stewart’s vocal range is rather circumscribed, the same cannot be said of his choice of other people’s material. Never A Dull Moment includes excellent (Hendrix), “Mama Lersions of “Angel” You Been on My Mind” (Dylan), “Twistin’ the Night Away” (Sam Cooke), and “I’d Rather Go Blind,” an ancient R&B song, and it would be difficult to choose four more disparate examples of what makes up contemporary popular music. In other hands (such as Dave Van Ronk’s) this sort of eclecticism has proven disastrous, but Stewart combines adeptness in a particular idiom with the aforementioned intensity of performance, and stone-fucking-pleasure is the result. The album also contains four original songs, three fine medium-rockers penned with Ronnie Wood, and a StewartQuittenton sequel to “‘Maggie May,” “You Wear It Well.” The latter is if anything superior to its predecessor, mixing such rock cliches as “Eatin’ my heart out tryin’ to get back to you” with the softer “You wear it well-a little old fashioned but that’s alright” in a song of sad but affectionate farewell. It’s super, as is the emotional violin accompaniment of Dick Powell. With the exception of drummer Mickey Wailer, who seems less comfortable with this band than was Kenny Jones, Stewart receives impeccable backing on Never A Dull Moment. The extent of his influence is especially apparent in the way in which ex-Faces Ian< McLagen and Ronnie Lane have become tasteful, subdued accompanists, something which those who heard them in their days with Steve Marriot will doubtless find implausible. And it would be difficult to overrate the guitar contributions of Ron ‘Wood: no flash, just near-total competence, always in harmony with Stewart’s conception of the appropriate mood for a particular song. So it is, indeed, Never A Dull Moment, and I can’t think of a better album to lay on someone mimicking the “Rock is dying” nonsense that critics write when they haven’t anything better to do. It’s an intense, moving, and exceptionally vital achievement, and my only regret is that I now have to buy a mess of Rod Stewart albums and make up for lost time. (I know), I’m Losing You...



Hard Attack (Kama Sutra KSBS 2059) by Dust: a pretty good album of very hard rock. Mediocre original songs are the primary defect, as Dust assumes that intermingling quiet accoustic interludes with throbbing super-loudness equals creativity. When they pull out al,l the

stops, as on “All in All” and “Ivory,” one can shake one’s tailfeathers in most pleasant and uninterrupted fashion. Dust consists of Kenny Aaronson, who plays mean pedal steel and slide, drummer Marc Bell, and vocalist-guitarist Richie Wise, and could well mature into a very exciting group, which is not to say that Led Zeppelin-Deep Purple types will not find them immediately accessible. But bite into those riffs. fellas. Bloodrock Live (Capitol SVBB-11038) by Bloodrock: 2 Lps from a band whose studio work, particularly Bloodrock U.S.A., I’ve enjoyed, but who disintegrate here when given the opportunity to stretch out. A reliance on Black Sabbath type downers doesn’d help matters, nor does their inability to put over an elementary rocker - “You Gotta Roll” might even embarrass GFand Funk, if that’s possible. I earn my freebies when I listen to this stuff, kiddoes. A Night on the Town (Big Tree BTS 2010) by Brownsville Station: a somewhat toned-down version of MC 5, Brownsville Station reputedly tears it up live; but this is a studio album which only intermittently catches fire, given their apparent compulsion to attempt pseudocountry and pseudo-sensitive numbers of no special distinction. As a teenage lust band, however, they churn out 3 excellent songs (“Mad for Me,” “Mister Robert,” and “Wanted Dead or Alive”) redolent of drive-ins, Noxzema, and unused safes moldering in the secret compartment of your wallet/purse, and an entire album of same would go down smooth. Buzzy Linhart (Kama Sutra KSBS 2053): an Lp possessing a tight band, good songs, and exceptional stereo prescence should have a lot going for it; and if it didn’t also have Buzzy Linhart, it might even be a winner. Linhart, whose vocals are perhaps slightly superior to Wild Man Fischer’s bizarre ravingsthen again, perhaps not - is palatable on those few occasions when the band overpowers him, but otherwise manages to destroy material as diverse as “Take Me to the Pilot” and “Tutti Frutti.” An excellent woodwind player named Peter Ponzol from general stands out the apocryphalypticism, but the rest is pain. -pad

release. They have been stalling for too long. Will Winwood split and form another group ? Will he produce a solo album? Hopefully he’ll rediscover the roots that he rocked with as a kid. Visit the Kent some night and play “Gimmee some loving” by the Spencer Davis Group. That’s liberated rock. -mart


Little or no connection Never before in the history of films have geople experienced such a drought in even mediocre, never mind fine or good films. That The Salzburg Connection has been held over at the Odeon Hyland for a second week only testifies to this disappointment. The movie has zero plot and even less of a theme. The feeble attempt at a story line revolves around the idia of international counter-spying and reverse spying, double-spying. But as implied above, it is very difficult to give anything about the movie away as there is nothing to give. And the only taking is done by the people who put out this empty nonsense-and we, the audience, are being took.

19 September,


The movie is not only devoid of any reai story, but character development is also so conspicuously absent one wonders why the director and the actors would participate in this insult to themselves and their audience. If one is to dig, it could be weakly claimed that the theme surrounds the pettiness of international espionage, a wasteful and useless piece of business, and that there is no longer good guy-bad guy stereotypes just the innocent boob and the bad (also stereotypic). The idea of using, as a plot, the innocent bystander duped into working for an espionage ring was first exploited by Eric Ambler. Later John Le Carre used it successfully once (The spy who came in from the cold). These authors point out Fhe valuelessness and the petty intrigues that go into the building of castles in the clouds, an unavoidable phenomenon natural to bureaucracy. But at least there are intricacies to the plot with the odd twist and turn, a sophisticated character analysis and the odd theme even if it is weak occasionally. But this movie, like the book it was adopted from, is so poor that it does not deserve another word. -mel



Low quality sparks Stevie Winwood is a grand master, a superstar, dwelling in Valhalla with Clapton, Page, and the rest of the boys. Assertions like these are the worst enemy of liberated rock. It can so easily be enslaved by this type of artificial heritage. The revolution in music is only realised when the encumberances of form have been overcome. Rock music must swing and embrace chaos, laughing at the belief that there could be anything more worth celebrating than the present. The parasitic roots of fame could easily topple Stevie Winwood. Traffic has released only two albums over the last few years. The latest, “Low spark of the high heeled boys” is a deadingly predictable effort. Dave Mason, one of the original group members, left just before the recording session. Winwood handles all guitar work as well as piano and organ. He shouldn’t be playing guitar. His licks are repetitious and sloppy especially on the seven minute disaster “rainmaker”. There are only six songs onthe album, the title track being the longest (twelve minutes) and by far the best. It reminds me of “John Barleycorn” when traffic was peaking with their jazz-rock interpretations. On this cut Chris Wood’s sax and flute and Winwood’s fine piano work nirvanate and form long-lined counter jazz structures to the bass and drums bottom. This is followed by “light up or leave me alone” a pseudo cockrocker by drummer Jim Capaldi. It features plodding bass, slow guitar, and obnoxious raspy vocals. It’s sijnce Traffic’s last ~ _ _ been _ _ six months

Butterflies are free Butterflies are Free, contains all the ingredients for a light entertaining evening. Goldie Hawn has played in Cactus Flower, and There’s a Girl in my Soup. In Butterflies, now playing at the Lyric, she, as usual, plays a slightly confused, nowgeneration girl who refuses to become emotionally involved with anyone. This is due to a pathetic six-day marriage at sixteen, after which she swears never to hurt anyone again. During the course of the movie she is forced to realize that she really does want to care for someone other than herself. The whole movie evolves around the simple fact that few people wish to admit that no matter who he or she is they need someone else to care for. Edward Albert’s portrayal of the blind boy who has left a sheltered existence to prove his capability of living alone and

becoining a man is effectively portrayed. His resentment of people feeling sorry for him and being ‘kind’ because of his handicap comes across loud and clear; he wants to be accepted for himself. The audience found it hard to realize they were watching an actor who isn’t blind at all. As usual the boy’s mother, played by Eleen Heckart, starts out as just an overprotective, interfering mother. When the boy’s tiother discovers Goldie in her son’s apartment antagonism is brought about between mother and girl-friend. This scene keeps the audience tense, as we expect one or the other women to depart from the polite verbal fencing to hurling insults at each other. Being an upper-class lady, the mother never forgets who she is until, finally, giving way to love for her son, she makes him realize that she isn’t the supermother he had always thought. The movie flows throughout especially during the humourous scenes, although the parts of the movie that tend to be sermonizing come off as overly schmaltzy. --card ~7~3 kn --- -. “hs...,”



19 September,


the chevron


Bishop’s bounced

don’t succeed. . . . . . “. They -didn’t make it this time either. Oh well, there’s always the second half. Nothing different happened in the second quarter except we scored a touchdown after the While half the town’s population quarterback Tade a fine effort was crushed into the Iutheran around the end to take himself gymnasium for a Sha-na-?a gymnastic show, another half and the ball to the far side of the field close to the goal line, the spent the evening in pubs and movie theatres; fhe third and tennis club and out of focus for the normal eye. The next play was the largest half spent their hours one worth six points, the referee meaningfully-participating in the jumped in the air and raised both first football win for the university his arms-everything else was far of Waterloo since last season. The away and jumbled. start of this winning streak A bad snap from center sent the featured a cameo appearance by warrior punter back to his one the Gaiters from Bishop’s U. yard line with the coaches in the With the football performers stands yelling, “Run with it, throw poised and hyped, the warrior it, smother it”. The poor boy was band went into a close approximation of the Hockey Night In confused and decided to kick the thing-right into a Gaiter and Canada theme song. The actions thence into the end-zone. The during the time the philharmonic warriors scrambled and recovered performed showed that a running the ball but got nowhere. One track wasn’t the only thing point for Bishop’s U. (The separating the players on the field scoreboard said two, but we know from those in the stands. Twentyfour football players decked iv better.) Half-time came with hot dogs, gleaming, clean uniforms stood for sixty-. motionless facing the maple leaf more mix and cigarettes five cents, but what the hell, the while three thousand participants attired in a mottled assortment of store is more than two blocki hats and robes chanted and away. After a halftime show featuring stomped work-boots, sandals and an empty playing field and bared feet in almost-unison. assorted scuffles among drunken So the football game began. fans deciding where to go after the Waterloo’s Steve Boghossian Bishop’s came out and kicked the ball into the air to no game, quickly pulled the most dazzling one in particular, someone from play of the game. Bishop’s caught it and was soon This play refied heavily on the stopped. The fans settled in for a Waterloo pass defense going to good evening at the ball park. sleep, and the Warrior intrepids “Hey, this here is the best coke complied politely, watching the I’ve had in a long time.” perfectly-thrown bomb settle into Sometime during their first the hands of the Bishop reciever series of plays, someone on the as he trotted into the end zone, Bishop’s team fumbled the ball (those night games are hard to dancing with glee. The glee quickly died, however, when he learned see), and the home- team w& ready for what appeared to be a the TD was to be called back due to an offsides infraction. sure three pointer (at least). Two Following a recovered Gaiter downs and nowhere, third dowrl tallied again and a whole bunch. What to do, fumble, the Warriors in the third, making it 14-1, and decisions, decisions : happened while “Hey, they’re going for it, then something the fans were jumping up and dammit they’re gbing for it.” They down in front of the chevron didn’t make it. reporters to add two more points, “Dammit, they didn’t make it.” only game in The same situation again, only and that was it-the town . .Score: Sha-Na-Na five minutes later; decisions, $7,500, Waterloo 16 points. decisions. . . . . “if at first you



of the week


to beat t le blues

devoted to the of world sport and physical contact, has been continuing in its tireless search for new and stimulating sporting events. This time we’ve found a ringerTruckin’. The fine art of truckin’ evolved in the frigid, far-reaching expanses of northwestern Ontario. The dropping temperatures spurned research into outdoor activity to keep the inhabitants ‘bot an’ hothered while not within the warmth of their abodes. Thus truckin’ made its start. To understand this sport one must be in full comprehension of its intricacies, rules and assorted trivia.

one point per trucker on commands are “Ready, set, team Truck!” In layman’s terms, the l one point pei step taken. truckers walk taking one step l the truckin’ lean. after another, carefully -O points will be assessed on remembering to wave their _ the style of finger-waving and fingers in rythm to the ancient overall truckin’ dexterity of and very traditional Truckers’ competitors. National Hymn: “keep on The procedure is as follows: truckin’ baby, ‘cause its cold One trucker is chosen as the out tonite”. UnforQmately, the “lead” trucker. The “lead” original manuscript has since stands w’ith right leg forward, been lost so any song of the heel touching the ground (this teams choosing may be used in is important because penalties its place: (in accordance with will be issued to those breaking clause no. 73, Chapter 57, this very essential truckin’ rule) Truckers ’ Association Manual, ’ his left knee should also be 1972-Dunlop-Holmes Pub. Co.) bent. The right arm is raised Truckers keep on truckin’ till with index finger pointing they fall h6lplessly on top of upward (any other finger raised ’ each other, whereupon the in such a manner would lead to referee’s whistle is blown sudden disqualification of the ending any further competition. team for improper truckin’ Points are added and scores behavior). All , of this while ’ finalized. assuming the truckin’ lea; (as Truckin’ takes place in late fall far back as possible with the or early spring when the shoulders off the ground). Next truckin’ urges flow heaviest trucker takes up, a position into the veins of truckin’ adbehind the lead trucker in vacates. The truckin’ field exactly the same manner, as should be grassy (for traction close to the lead trucker’s body and falling down purposes). as can be feasibly managed. Equipment shoulcj be of the The rest of the team follows truckin’ type, namely sturdy, suit, making as compact a regulation truckin’ shoes and truckin’ line as possible any other manner of clothing, if (remember, its cold in those desired. frigid, far-reaching expanses of In summary, certain ’ points the North). should be stressed. ComAt the blowing of the official pactness of bodies, th’e truckin’ trucker’s association referee’s lean, and wave those fingers’ whistle the,team commences t”o so keep on truckin’ baby cause truck. In cases where a whistle cold nit-es are comin’. is not available, the official by Karen Kraft











thedlc member: Canadian university press (cup) and Ontario weekly newspaper association (OWNA) ; subscriber: last post news service (LPNS). The chevron is typeset by dumont press graphix and I pub,lished fifty-two times a year (1971-72) by the federation of students, incorporated, university of Waterloo. Content is the responsibility of the chevron staff, independent of the federation. Offices are located in the campus centre ; phone (519) 885~1660,885~1661 or,univer$ty local 2331; telex 069-5248.

if not in length, the masthead at least is in the right place this week; so fear not, freak not: the masthead’s here, the end near. lotsa people got themselves stoned for to see ike an’ tina, but a whole bunch inebriated themselves...last Saturday most were drunk at the ball game but lots were .T. grassin’ too...who says there is no integration at Waterloo? here at the chevron dungeon this week were: carol czako,.mel rotman, paul steuwe, mart robe&, dudley Paul, renzo bernardini, nat lamp, karen kraft, dennis mcgann, saul persimmon, ron smith, fieldish mellish. from last week ‘lest we forget again: doug epp, fred kemp, john keyes, mary hellen o’neil, ron and lit, george kairfman, gord moore, ellen tolmie and datiti cubberley. remmeber: we are all fielding mellish. toodles.






the chevron



19 September,






Advanced & Remedial Reading Classes welcome back students. the staff of counselling services once’again invites you to attend our reading program classes, at our new location in the student services building, second floor opposite the registrar’s off ice. we have. new facilities and a comfortable atmosphere for your learning assistance. below is a reading class timeta-ble. all classes in any given week are the same. if you miss one, you can pick up another. classes start the week of September 25/72. you attend one hour per week for 11 weeks. 9:30,2:30, 3:30monday 930, 10:30,2:30,3:30 tuesday Wednesday 9:30,2:30,3:30 thursday - 9:30,10:30,11:30,1:30~ friday 9:30 total enrollment is 270 for the fall program repeated in january on a different time schedule. also there are special sessions on a one-to-one basis: mon. 4: 30, t&s. 4: 30, wed. 4:30, thurs. 4:30, fri. 1:30. CALL EXT. 2815 or 2655, or come over and check it out persona Ily. have a good year.


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