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OFS fee strike off. at UW


The extraordinary general meeting held in the campus centre, Wednesday afternoon addressed itself to future action to be taken on this campus in response to the feet hike. The slightly more than 106 people in the great hall carried on an informal discussion of the situation and put forward possible courses of action. Dave Robertson opened the forum with the results of last week’s OFS referendum. By Canadian University Press figures, 38,000 students on Ontario OFS campuses voted out of the total 100,000, and 70 per cent ratified the demands made by OFS. Fifty-five per cent supported the january fee boycott. However, the results on this campus are even less positive. With a 15 per cent turnout the results do not express any general consensus, and considering that of those voting, only slightly more than 600 were willing to withhold their fees, the fee strike on this campus would be ineffectual. The question then is: what action can be taken? Brian Duffy, launching the discussion with a bang, suggested that measures such as taking over the math and computer building should be considered. Following the occupation, the tapes with the registration records could be erased, thus leaving the administration ignorant of those who still have to pay the second half of their fees. In response to such means, another student advocated students working through their parents, and get the “grown-ups” to exert pressure on the MPP’s at Queens Park. Feeling that the “grown-ups would be listened to” he said, “I’d rather we’d do this with a little bit of order”. A suggestion was put to the floor that some appeal be made to the unions in the area for moral support, as well as help in establishing a strike fund in the event of a fee strike. The sticky economic problem involved in a fee strike is that those students waiting for the grant portion of their student awards will not receive it until the second tuition payment is made. In this situation some form of strike fund may be necessary to maintain student support, and living conditions.

The possibility of some form of alliance between the various groups on campus affected by the fee hike and the general cut in the provincial education budget for the province was considered. In addition to undergraduate students, the government policy affects staff and graduate faculty, students, and if everyone can get together their strength would be much greater. However, Dave Robertson expressed some doubt that there is any relationship between the professor complaining about larger classes and a few more hours a week, while collecting his $20,066--and the student forking out that extra $100 in tuition.

Caucusing collectivley

, the

University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario volume 13, number 20 friday, 20 October, 1972

chiwnm from the fee hike alone to encompass the “total economic position of the universities”. Along the same lines, Brian Duffy questioned a previous suggestion made by federation executive member Dave Peltz that

photo by chuck


madly during Wednesday’s OFS fee strike discussion in the campus centre, bridge addicts calcuate the number of extra hours of losing hands an extra hundred dollars would give them.

Luke Aujame, a member of the federation council, talked about the turnout for the referendum and the, impossibility of a fee strike. Given that about 70 per cent of the students at U of W have already paid their full tuition, the question of a fee strike would not directly affect them, and as a consequence, if the 600 students who voted in favour of the strike withheld payment they would be isolating themselves from the bulk of the student body. Noting that most of those who voted were in favour of some sort of demonstration, Au jame suggested action along this line might be appropriate. A student then proposed that the fee strike be attempted in conjunction with a mass drop-out by those who had paid their fees. This “70 per cent drop-out in coordination with the fee strike” would effectively destroy the budget of the university. Grad student, Peter Warrian, dunned the proposed strike as ineffectual because those most hurt by the fee hike are would-be students who couldn’t make it to university. A strike as suggested by OFS involves only those on campus, those who had the money to pay the inflated tuition, and therefore the “fee strike is a dead issue that will not be re-awakened”. The focus of opposition to the government policy on education said Warrian should be carried on off campus as well as on; and the issue widened

people go into the classrooms to generate discussion on the fee hike among a wider group of students. He said that these people are already on campus and have paid, “it’s not just us that we’re fighting for, it’s others”. Duffy went on to say that there is a need for “confrontation with the government.. .non-violent confrontation, hopefully” which can “show the government that you mean what you say”. “One big demonstration at Queens Park wouldn’t do it”, objected another student. Better to have staggered demonstrations held at all campuses-an ongoing series of confrontations to maintain the focus on the issue. Further proposals were put to the floor concerning visible opposition to the government; among them, mass collect telephone calls to the members of the Ontario legislature ; rotating sit-ins at Queens Park; and a program of action involving the high schools. The meeting went quite well as a whole, considering the poor publicity and relatively small number of people involved. It was decided to call another meeting for next Wednesday, in a less distracting atmosphere than the campus centre, to continue the discussion and make organizational decisions. Next week it will all happen again at 7 pm Wednesday, M&C 5136. , -joh n keyes

Red necks under attack Wednesday evening approximately two hundred U of W students filed into the modern languages theatre hoping to make their debut on television at the tapings of the Under+ Attack. program, debating series of sorts televised from various universtities throughout Ontario.

The audience was admitted at seven o’clock, but for half an hour the producer and roadies made an attempt to organize people into specific areas to look like a real crowd. They were also instructed on how to applaud on cue, -a skill mastered in one easy lesson. Eventually the show did go on. The first victim of the night was W. Clement Stone, a ‘self-made man’ from Chicago, worth (conservatively estimated) 460 million dollars, and an advocate of Positive Mental Attitude (PMA). The panel consisted of Bernie Mohr and Ken Rotenberg, 4th year psychology, and Myles Lollard, 1st year arts. Stone claims, ‘ ‘the depression was the best thing that ever happened” because he believes great men only rise from great problems. When asked if he then considered himself to be a great man, Stone denied any claim to such status. PMA, Stone said, is what let him change his original $100 investment into the multimillion dollar business, Combined Insurance Co. of America, of which he is the president. It would appear PMA is capable of truly remarkable feats, said Stone, when challenged by Mohr as to whether or not it could make men grow taller commented, “it would not be unreasonable.” Stone also put forth the concept that “Money is a good thing; money is power,” because only with excessive amounts of capital could he have built his hospital in the Andes and engaged in other projects all over the western world. “Money is good because of the good works it can do.” During the audience question and answer period, one person challenged his statement that ~ ‘money is power’ and asked to what extent he had supported Nixon in the last election and what he had received in return for his s_upport. At this point Stone said, “in helping Nixon, I asked for only one thing! Good government. And I got it!” (This drew a collective rumble-chuckle-sigh from the masses.) According to Stone, Nixon is a “very strongly religious person” and a true example of what Positive Mental Attitude can do for an individual. -continued

on page 3



the chevron

which white settlers now occupy for the most part, and Fort Churchill, the site of the former military base. A planner would have a field day trying to pull these communities into one. With prime minister’s election promise to make Churchill the major port on Hudson Bay (instead of Chesterfield Inlet as some ex-



photo by ron smith

for a planner

International Nickel’s Pipe Lake open pit operation planners field trip through northern Manitoba.

petted) it looks like the community’s future is the brightest of any in the north. In addition to being a sea port, now only handling grain and some nickel export, there is also a missile range nearby and the national historic site of Fort Prince of Wales and, of course, the dump. , The dump cannot be overlooked or forgotten, for this is the final point on all northern polar-bearsightings expeditions. Over half an hour was spent viewing the distant white things roaming the taiga; some saw the bears and others didn’t.. From Churchill, the grads flew south to Thompson once again to talk with civic and northern regional development officials. While in the city, the group questioned the lack of trees and received negative reports on Leaf Rapids, the new planned community being constructed about 100 miles northwest of the city. Leaf Rapids, although missed by the group, was of particular interest because it is the first attempt by the Manitoba government to end the standard company-run town that has dotted Canada’s mining, milling and railway scene. Back in Winnipeg the Leaf Rapids Corporation presented a slide show on the new town and gave a candid story on the many problems of cutting a community out of the northern bush. The final two days of the field trip were spent in the capital and the Interlake region of the province. This so-called depressed region is being aided with federal funds (the FRED agreement) and looked very healthy, economically. At least from what the group was shown. By the time the grads spoke to the Winnipeg planning department and h,ad a brief meeting with the Deputy Minister of Urban Affairs, questions seemed to be at a premium, but more specific. Exhaustion was about to set in, and the train ride back to Waterloo was about to begin. It was the consensus of the students involved that this was the most successful and important field trip offered by the planning department and more northern


field camps should be undertaken to other areas of Canada. While the trip was just an introduction to the future planners all realize that the north has unique problems; social, economic, and climatic ; and that southern ideas and planning won’t always work. The north is todays frontier.


North by 59 degrees, and they said it couldn’t be done. When Dr. Kamal Sayegh first approached the UW planning department about a northern excursion for the annual fall field trip for the new graduate students most staff members involved said a trip to Churchill would be impossible to arrange. After eleven days of touring northern Manitoba, Winnipeg and the Interlake district of the province all involved would have to say it was a complete success. The eighteen students left .Wa terloo on October 5th and flew to Winnipeg where they met officials of the provincial planning department. Later that afternoon t;hey flew on to Thompson. While in this northern city of 18,000 they were given the VIP’s tour of International Nickel’s smelter and the Pipe Lake open pit mine. Most were overcome with sulphur dioxide and held a negative view of the smelters working conditions. From Thompson the travelling troupe went to Gillam, the site of Kettle Manitoba Hydro’s generating station. Gillam used to be a railway divisional point of- just over 300 people in 1966, but now there are close to 2,000 and next of year, with the construction another hydra project in the area, a new influx of workers is anticipated. The group also saw the unfortunate northern contrasts of social conditions for the first time. With hydro, the community has the highest per-capita income of any provincial community$7,000--however approximately many of the Swampy Cree of the region now travel to the local dump by taxi to scrounge for food. Prior to the dam, their hunting grounds were in the river valley, now, in places, under 50 feet of water. Having been the guests of Manitoba Hydro for a day and two nights, Transair flew the planners to Churchill, just 90 miles from the 60th parallel. This northern town of 3,500 was probably the most interesting of the trip if for no other reason than the twoday bus tour by John Ingebrigison, former member of parliament and resident of the town for over forty years. Churchill is a community of five separate town sites-that area built around Hudson Square, the flats, a shacktown where up to sixteen people live in one room, the Indian village where conditions are no better, , the, Eskimo settlement of around forty homes

20 October,



was the first

Canoes and liberal politics The presentation of a drift-wood plaque to voyageurs Fred Gaskin, Lyle Malcom and George Dobbie of Galt, and Jack Purchase of Kitchener acted as a launch pad for Pierre Trudeau’s election rally in Galt Wednesday afternoon. The four canoeists are the first Canadian crew in history to complete the 630 mile journey up the Back river to Chantrey Inlet on the Arctic coast. Trudeau, himself an arctic explorer, moved easily from the presentation into his speech. After explaining that he wasn’t sure “where I am...Galt or Cambridge”, referring to the new name for the amalgamated cities of Galt, Preston and Hespeler ; the prime minister stated: “There’s a great resemblance between canoeing and governing. That’s true. ..not only because you can go overboard, but for many reasonsfor instance, the historic one...we have to constantly remember that this country was opened up by canoeists.. .” He was off on an impromptu ramble that, sprinkled with references to canoes and the true north, took him through visions of honesty, hard working youth and the accomplishments of what sounded like a vibrant past four years. “Governing is a bit like canoeing because you have to know, if you are going to steer in a current-you have to know that you must go either a little faster than the water or a little slower than the water, otherwise you have no leverage. Therefore you have to also know that you are not fooling around, that you have to be very


on this

years graduate

honest with the elements. You can’t just pretend, you have to face the difficulty and you have to face it in a sincere and honest way. And I think this is what young people are asking of government more and more.” The speech itself held no promises. It was a straight forward appeal to youth, relevence in bright government, a future...Pierre Trudeau makes no bones about it. He’s not running as anything but Pierre Trudeau, one of the smoothest, classiest performers in or out of Canadian politics. He’s not as stylish as he was four years ago; age and

overwork have had some effect. But he picks up his cues, speaks concisely and carries with him enough of the vitality of Canadian politics of old to make Lewis and Stanfield look like stage hands. If you accept, even for one moment, that the Trudeau government is good, the man Trudeau will convince you beyond doubt. The three helicopters, two press buses, squads of police, swarms of media men and a high school band are an underplay behind the elequence. A bevy of naked women would not seem pretentious. The use of the junior and senior high school football squad, the soccer team and the volleyball team as crowd control agents somehow seemed a nice touch. A place for everything, a job for everyone, a challenge for all men. Says Trudeau: “The young people in Canada are not like in other countries, and they’re not copping out. They are looking at the reality and they’re not asking the government to perform miracles. They’re just saying, We want you to be honest with us, tell it as it is and if you can’t, without increasing taxes or without creating hardships on somebody else, tell us. We don’t ask miracles, we ask that you be honest and we ask that you be relevant, not just to shadow-box and fight imaginary problems and run imaginary rapids in the sky...” -brute


photo by bria’n cere


friday, 1

20 October,



chevron --.



likely make him the most qualified candidate to become president in 1976.” Stone is in total support of Nixon . and the continuing war in Vietnam saying, “much better we stop communism in Vietnam than someday have a military force here in Canada.” - As Rotenberg colourfully commented at the beginning of the program-“Stone is a used car salesman trying to sell us an Edsel.” But the hour was not really wasted. Everyone got two free books-“Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, coauthored by Stone; and “The Success System That Never Fails”, by Stone and a copy of his “Success Unlimited”. magazine Then everybody had a fifteenminute break during which lost about a quarter of the audience: The second offering was Lubor J. Zink, a columnist for the ‘Sun’ and a PC candidate for Parkdale in the upcoming -federal election. Zink opened his comments declaring that “the Liberal government has set Canada on its way to destruction” and extending the view that “nationalism is an archaic idea”, and “the nation state is dying”, therefore it is best for us all to accept “the era of larger regional blocs” and align ourselves with the U.S. (Another rumble-chuckle-sigh.) collective Although Zink calls himself a “small 1 liberal” he feels no alli: ante with the federal Liberal party and became a Progressive Conservative because “the PC party is the only organized political force. that can stop Trudeau”, who he says is playing into the hands of the Soviet Union by splitting NATO. Zink doesn’t “see any effort on the part of the U.S. to swallow Canada” and in fact credits them with our high standard of living because “we export 85 per cent of our finished products to the U.S..” As an observer questioned, “Have you forgotten that 60 per cent of our industry is owned by the U.S.? ” However all these truths are irrelevant compared to the fact that “geographically we form one unit.” Could anything be simpier?-Not to Zink. Zink contends that we should be thankful ‘for U.S. interest-after continued from page 1 all, we have Cadillacs as opposed to the “$30 a month” we would be receiving under communist Stone also supports Spiro Agnew as the best candidate for the control. (Another rumble-chucklesigh.) presidency in ‘76, contending that attitude, Isn’t there more to life than 400 “character, ability, experience and actions of the V-P million dollars and Cadillacs? --susan johnson during the next four years will



photo by brian cere

Wee Willie Walker build an insurance

beams while empire.

W. Clement

Don’t gwe a shit “Students overwhelmingly support fees strike,” said all the stories last week. “Students overwhelmingly don’t give a shit,” might have been a better lead. Less than half of the 100,000 students eligible to vote in the Ontario Federation of Students referendum on the fees raise last week availed themselves of the privilege-38,296 or about 38 per photo by brlan cere

Lubor 1. Zink, rabid campus Wednesday

right-wing night.


is confronted

by left-wing



tapingof “UnderAttack”on

Stone explains

how his “Positive

cent to be more precise. UW was predictably below the provincial average with a bare 15 per cent. ‘It could be argued that 38 per cent which excluded results from the University of Ottawa is a pretty reasonable turnout in light of similar and even lower percentages of students who normally go through the ritual of electing their own “student governments”. But that’s like feeling optimistic because there’s only one Pierre Trudeau instead of two. However, the fact remains that, according to CUP figures almost 70 per cent of-those voting supported OFS demands and 55 per cent were prepared to withhold fees. Which, with a little work on the figures, reveals that only 21,000 of the students OFS claims to represent are prepared to strike. And, those 21,000 students are spread around the province on 18 different campuses. And, to really throw a spanner in the works, almost 10,000 of those voting had already paid their fees and have nothing to withhold. So much for this year’s OFS dreams of a student insurrec tion. Of course, if that many students actually get it together in january not to pay their second term fees, there will be quite a few pretty hot university administrations around. But it would hardly be enough of a mandate from the people to cause members of the Conservative government to do more than issue a couple of press statements. So it is hardly surprising to learn that Ontario’s minister of colleges and universities is singularly unimpressed. He compared the OFS effort to “a vote in front of the supermarket asking the customers if they want lower prices.” “Students would be more credible if only they had a broader perspective,” he complained helpfully. Such pressure, advised the minister, would be more effective if applied to the federal government calling for a nation-wid-e review of provincial student aid systems. In other words; “go bother somebody else, kiddies. ” Whether student councils will accept the meagre mandate to go ahead with strike action in january remains to be seen-as the cost of “education” continues-to rise; the quality continues to drop, and the students continue to eat it up regardless. .







Abortion rally On October 21, one week before the federal election, women across Canada will be rallying in support of a woman’s right to choose, for herself, whether or not to bear a child. Organized by the Canadian Women’s _ Coalition for Abortion Law Repeal, the actions will be designed to publicize the facts of the situation, hear testimony from women who have been victims of the present law, and challenge party candidates to state their position on abortion law repeal. Support for the women’s demand to make abortion a private matter between a woman and her doctor continues to grow across Canada. Over 100,000 people have signed petitions calling for removal of abortion from the criminal code. Last year, students on 18 Canadian campuses voted in favour of repeal in campus referenda . K-W women will be going to Toronto on saturday to participate in an assembly and later a march on city hall. Anyone interested may contact the K-W Women’s Coalition at 576-2293 or 744-8220.


marvels Last Sunday afternoon several nudes appeared on the deck of the university pool during family time, and energetically lept into the water. Warned by one of the lifeguards on duty that they’were breaking the Ontario health law, their swim was short lived. This visibly upset at least one of the uncostumed bathers who thought that they were breaking a more serious law. By the time security arrived, the nudists were in the men’s locker room. Both males and females were apprehended, but it is not known what punishment they recieved. It was their second nude swim that day. What will happen next, sunday? Will “family time” again be plagued by these unmasked marvels? I guess you’d have to be there to find out.




the chevron

People or pkmes? Last march, federal minister of transport, Donald Jamieson announced plans for the development . of a second major airport in Pickering township. Within two weeks of the announcement, a group of professionals and concerned citizens formed an organization called People or Planes (POP) to fight the government’s decision. Lorne Almuck, an engineer and the chairman of POP’s technical committee, presented the organization’s position at a general meeting at U of W last week. The main issue considered was that of democracy-or participatory better, the extreme lack of it. Almuck claimed that neither the


people, their MPP’s nor the MP’s were aware of the government’s position until it was announced publicly. He pointed out that, “in the U.S. it is required by law to have public hearings even to extend a runway. The citizens in the area of the four sites at Orangeville, Scugog,‘ Lake Simcoe and Malton (all knew their areas were being considered and in fact submitted briefs against the airport. So far, the citizens in the Pickering area have been denied i this right. ” Why? As yet no one has the answer. The best the government can do is to create public hearings-after expropriation has taken place. As prime minister Trudeau comments, “You are standing on expropriated ground.” The ministry of transport has published about 40 booklets with taxpayers money to convince the taxpayer that the Pickering airport would be a good thing. However, they -hesitated to mention that the Pickering airport is but one phase of a devastating plan for Ontario. Included in this plan is a third airport located near Hamilton to serve southwestern Ontario. And new airports, of course, mean more highways and expressways will have to be built. Many of the consultants that the government hired disagree with the plan. Also discussed was the nature of the environmental impact of the proposed airport. Major points presented were : l The airport would be located in one of the few woodland areas within one hour of Toronto. In addition, the airport will seriously affect ten conservation areas visited by over 350,OoO people annually. l The airport will remove 18,009


acres of “class one” agricultural land from production. l A city of 200,OoO people will be located south of the airport. l To date, neither the federal ministry of the environment nor the ministry of transport have made any ecological impact studies. The Ontario government conducted a “censory‘study” after the decision to build was announced. Not only does this report foresee stream quality suffering “during construction from accidental spills of gasoline and oil,” but it also predicts that “the ecological balance would be irreparably changed’,‘. Almuck went on to explain that the airport conflicts with the regional plan for the area since it will constitute a major development in a “green area”. The engineer also pointed out that the forced removal of over 2,000 people would permanently displace the older farmers, and the tenant farming scheme would lead to the creation of what he calls a “rural slum”. The Pickering site was recognized as being rich Class A farmland. Every year the area supplies 300 million quarts of milk to Toronto. Perhaps you don’t care about people’s rights in decision-making or the environment or the displacement of hundreds of <citizens. If that’s the case, perhaps you’ll care about the cost. The airport in Pickering will consume 2.01 billion extra over Malton during its first thirty years of operation. Put another way, it would be 35-65 per cent cheaper to stay at Malton. The cost might not be so pertinent if we really needed yet another airport-but in fact we don’t. An Ontario Economic Council report, entitled “A Society



Package B

$24.50 plus tax

$27.50 plus tax

in Transition”, stated and technical change obsolete requirements in 1972 for the 1980’s The Pickering airport projected from 1972 2,000.

= = I I = I = I I L= I I = II = I *= = == = = = I = = = = == = = = =

$33.00 plus tax

= = = = \- = = = = I =IV = =-

Other individual packages-in Black & White or Cblor

2,000.” l “The

ground transportation facilities could rely on miniterminals and rapid transit to some extent after 1990.” i “Development costs would be 3565 per cent less than at external sites studied and would save up to 1.1 billion dollars (present value) .” 0 “The proposal would not unduly disrupt the Toronto-centred regional but strong plan, provincial zoning, planning and control would be essential.. . .” It should again be noted that Almuck quoted report after report put out by the government indicating the capacity of Malton to expand to meet the predicted needs of,air passenger travel in the future. POP feels that the major reason for the airport proposal was political-the’ liberal government wanted a political plum to keep its. Toronto following happy. I Two new airports are to be built. Two communities are to be devastated. With three major airports, rapid transit to each will not be affordable. As aircraft become larger, flight frequency will be very low or small, noisy inefficient craft will have to be used. The cost of triplication of service will be enormous.


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A program entitled “Medical Science for the ‘Layman” and sponsored by the K-W Academy of ’ Medicine and UW will offer four j sessions per year over the next three years in an attempt to extend preventative medicine through health education. The series is designed to present current data on some of the more pressing health problems facing man. A wide range of topics will be covered over the next three years -including family planning, cerebrovascular disorders, quackery, cancer, arthritis, drugs, venereal disease and others. Medical Science for the Layman is offered as a “public service”. However although students will be admitted free, the lay public will be charged $1.50 per session or $5 for the series, to cover costs. This year’s programs will begin at 7 :3O pm in’ the humanities building. The topics are Family Planning on sunday october 22 ; arthritis and rheumatism (november 27) ; venereal disease (january 22) ; and cancer (march

Who Are:




In another government study, “Toronto Airport Location, Proposed Malton Expansion” (Confidential), it was concluded that: l “The present facility , (Malton) could be expanded to accomodate all air traffic expected to the year


20 October,

that “social can render visualized and 1990’s.” decision was to the year

--k&i middleton and paul galloway I

r Package C



6J5 Ext. 143


20 october.



Nader on the violent society “Corporations are waging chemical and biological warfare against people every day, by using air and waterways as their private sewer.” ’ Ralph Nader came to the University of Waterloo last Friday night, bringing with him the grim message of unchecked corporate violence and irresponsibility that has made him famous in the six years which have elapsed since the publication of his muckraking book, Unsafe at Any Speed, in 1966. The book, which dealt with the misuse of corporate power by the Detroit automobile manufacturers, formed the cornerstone of the growing consumer movement which Nader helped to found and with which his name is identified. In his campus address last Friday night he dealt principally and the lack of with pollution, answerability enjoyed by large corporations for their crimes of violence on the other users of this continent. Nader is a mine of factual information concerning the issues with which he has involved himself-his ability to marshal this combined with his knowledge, engaging, patently , sincere delivery make him a persuasive powerful and occasionally speaker. The image of Nader as a swashbuckling consumer crusader seems somewhat anomalous when you see him in person-tall, skinny and shabbily dressed, it is hard to accept that anyone so apparently undistinguished could change the course of mighty corporations, leap over tall legislative obstacles, and generally make himself more of a nuisance to the capitalist mafia than any other single man in the history of the United States. Yet this is precisely what he has done. Due to a mix-up at customs, the person assigned to pick Nader up at the Toronto airport missed him, and he eventually arrived by cab ninety minutes late. The crowd of about 1,400 bore this inconvenience remarkably well considering the usual impatience of audiences at Phys Ed Building spectaculars, and sat quietly through a variety of fill-in performers while waiting for the main act to arrive. Nader’s style is remarkably similar to that of a stand-up comic : anecdotal, nightclub conversational and friendly, but he never lets his amiability obscure the gravity of the message he is

And his message is not merely a tale of doom and disaster. Nader sees himself to a large extent as an organizer: he envisions a crosslinked system of autonomous consumer groups across the continent, and he sees the student as the most likely person to form and support such groups. Yet he criticizes students for their lack of involvement in the problems of society, and seems to have difficulty appreciating other forms of social action as being worthy of consideration. But, within the (fairly broad) confines of own approach, Nader has been remarkably effective in dealing with the broad range of problems which he has chosen to face.

The auto industry conspired for 15 years to stop anti-exhaust devices to be required on all cars, he said. There is also increasing drinking-water pollution because antiquated purification systems don’t screen out heavy metals like lead, arsenic and cadmium. Live viruses have been located in drinking water in Massachussetts while heavy metals have been found all over the country. Safety standards for nuclear power plants, Nader claimed, are not up to par, a fact which is particularly dangerous since many plants are located near large cities. Union Carbide is another victim of Nader’s barbs. “The world” Nader says, “is Union Carbide’s toilet”. In West Virginia, for example, the company produces

photo by george kaufman Ralph Nader, self-styled protector of our consumer interests expounds on the chemical and biological damage done daily by the modern (orporation. Nader, known for his feats of daring-do, once told 1or-onto delicatessen magnate Shopsowitz that his all-beef frankfurters

The force which he is able to exert upon corporate and legislative bodies and the amount of information which he is able to gather are magnified greatly by the incredible number of low-paid or volunteer workers, many of them lawyers like himself, who assist him full-time in all facets of his operation. Nader marshalls tale after tale of corporate irresponsibility, almost overwhelming the audience but never letting them forget that it’s not too late to do something. He gives himself as a prime example of a doer. There is a terrible imbalance in the system of law which should be controlling the excessive use of power by corporations, but which isn’t. The corporation has the unique ability to find ways for others to pay its costs of production, by polluting the air and water which are owned by all, Nader said. Industrial pollution, he charged, is silent cumulative violence and is a type of violence that law won’t do anything about. Because the violence is silent and in many cases not immediately obvious there is no public outcry against it as there is to arson, murder, and other forms of “personal” crime. “We don’t grow up learning violence comes in many forms and that many don’t produce immiediate anguish,” he said. While Nader’s speech must have sounded familar to those who have read his books or even read newspapers’ accounts of his activities, his facts cannot be denied. There is as much or more pollution now as when Nader first started talking about it, and only now is the automobile industry producing safer cars-and not of their own

waterways remain their property. So “the Fox” took them at their word. He blocked up the effluent pipes of American Cyanimid Corporation so the pollution flowed back into the plant. “The Fox” has gathered up fish killed by pollution and given them to receptionists in industry offices telling them he believed he had found something that was theirs. Needless to say, Nader said, the police started looking for “the Fox”. He was the criminal, not the corporations that were doing the polluting. Corporate violence was ignored once again by American law. Nader in a sense is very apolitical for a person doing politically controversial things. Someone asked him, if he thought McGovern would be better in enforcing pollution laws than Nixon. “Oh, sure,” he said, “anyone would be,” but he didn’t seem interested in pursuing the question. Nader views himself as a realist. He knows corporations exist and wants to regulate them, not necessarily get rid of them. His reply to critics who condemn him is “so what?“; industry would probably pollute under socialist as well as capitalist organization unless it were regulated. Nader gives the impression he really can’t be bothered with such questions since they just waste his time.


discrimination. Lamb briefly described how 0-PIRG would accomplish it’s objectives. It consists of having over fifty per cent of the student body sign a petition adding a $3 refundable fee to each student’s fee assessment. 0-PIRG would then join funds with other 0-PIRGS’ across Ontario and have a large enough budget (projected at $190,066) to hire fulltime professionals to investigate specific 0-PIRG oriented issues. Lamb pointed out that other PIRG programs were functional in United ‘States, England and Australia. It was stressed that for 0-PIRG to succeed it must be an active group and must organize itself quickly. The campus is to be flooded with 0-PIRG literature and every student should be aware of it’s existence by the middle of next week. A follow-up petition drive is tentatively set for the first week of november, that would lead to negotiations with the administration over the $3 fee. The meeting split up into three sections. The co-ordination section is starting to get in contact with other 0-PIRG groups on other campuses so that co-operation1 will exist and a unified front can be formed. Students in charge of publicity are busy mapping out a strategy of attention-gathering ideas for the campus. The petitioning group is developing a master time-table for when people can petition and educating the petitioners on questions that could be raised about 0-PIRG and how to answer them. On the whole, things appear to be well organized, but there are many problems and few solutions. If this group can get through the hassles of birth, it will be to the credit of those people who participated. In conclusion, I would like to say that I hope it works because it would be good for Ontario.

daily a third as much soot as all of New York City produces in one -deanna kaufman day. Ultimately the conclusion must be reached that corporations like this are deciding who will live and who will die, who will be healthy and who will become ill, he said. “The victims have no say in what is going on. Only a dictatorship has that kind of power, but corporate executives prance around like pillars of the community.” Although Nader is the first to point out the problems of pollution and uninformed consumerism, he is no prophet of doom. Unlike some speakers on ecology, Speaker Barbara Lamb opened Nader doesn’t forsee vast shortages of the first meeting of the Ontario fuel or food that will end civilized Public Interest Research Group life on earth in 36 or 50 years. (O-PIRG) last tuesday with about ninety students attending. 0-PIRG He seems to be a believer in the old liberal ideas of progress and is a Ralph Nader - inspired that people can be educated to act ,organization that will work to rationally and reasonably. Start in, pursue and analyse consumer kindergarten he said, to develop protection, environmental preservation’ corporate and governthe kind of value system that rebels against corporate violence mental responsibility, race and sex and pollution. Nader claims that technology can erase the damage that it has caused; it just has to be applied. “We have far more technology to control pollutants than we’re using, and it can be developed still faster.” The focus of Nader’s philosophy of action is that the individual can have an effect if that person is involved and if he is organized in a group. One of Nader’s favorite studies is about “the Fox” of Chicago, who is apparently a man so angered by industrial pollution that he decided to become a guerrilla on the pollution front. Industries in the United States CJLI’ students gather last tuesday at an have claimed that the con~Cldt~r-tnsI)ired Ontario Public Interest taminants released into public

0-PIRG formed on campus




organizational meeting Research Group.

of the





20 October,



Gray Coach University Service Direct from Campus Entrances To Toronto and Woodstock-London Express via Hwy. 401 YEW WOODSTOCK-LONDON SERVICE Express via Hwy. 401 Read Down Read Up Sundays Fridays Ar. 6.45 p,m. 6.05p.m. Lv. South Campus Entrance He should at least be clued up on birth control. To get the facts in plain language send for the FREE How-Not-To booklet by Julius Schmid, makers of FOUREX, RAMSES and SHEIK Quality contraceptives for-men. Sold only in drug stores.

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TO: Name Address ,




ADDITIONAL DAILY EXPRESS SERVIC FROM KITCHENER BUS TERMINAL See Time Table No. 4 BUY “lo-TRIP TICKETS” AND SAVE MONEY! 10 Rides WATERLOO-TORONTO $24.65 WATERLOO-WOODSTOCK $14.90 WATERLOO-LONDON $27.65 Tickets have no expiry date; they do not have to be used by purchaser; they may be used from Kitchener Terminal or from Waterloo.

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friday, +’

20 October, -

I, pirak studio

This week on campus is a free column for the announcement of meetings, special seminars or speakers, social events and other happenings on campus-student, faculty or staff. See the chevron secretary or call extension 3443: Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.





Program dances, comedy. minutes. and 7:30

clothing. 8 pm CC 135. Sponsored Campus Centre Board.

of Italian Renaissance songs, instrumental music and Performances last about 45 Free admission. 11:30 am and 9 pm. HUM 180.

Pub and dance featuring CoPPer Penny. Admission: federation members $1; others $1.50.8-12 pm festival room, food services. Sponsored by Optometric Students ASSOC. MONDAY Gay Lib social evening. Come and meet .people. Everyone welcome. 8 pm CC --A




Pub with Blackwood Amateur’ night-make up an act and come. 8 pm Food Services. Sponsored by Federation of Students and Environmental Students. Prof Hubert Guindon of the Dept of Sociology, Sir ’ George Williams University will hold a seminar on * “French Canada: Some aspects of the language problem”. Students and f acuity are invited to attend. 1:30 pm HUM 373 faculty



Hatha Yoga, philosophy of Yoga etc. Everyone WdCOtTE. Wear lOOX fitting clothing. 8 pm CC 135. Sponsored by Campus Centre Board. TUESDAY Chess club meeting to elect four executive officers. All members are asked to attend and new members welcome. Instruction available for beginners. 7: 30 pm CC 113. First meeting of Environmental Camera club. 7 pm SSc 210. Hatha Yoga, philosophy of Yoga etc.Every&welcome. -Wear loose fitting

Camous centre pm. ‘Sponsored Board.

movies. “The by. Campus

Fox”. 8 Centre

University flying training ground %chool. Fee $15 books extra. 7-10 pm MC 3003. Advance registration contact Peter Yates, Federation of Students office,

campus center.

The Ontario Federation of Students are holding a conference to discuss the results of the-referendum from October 20 to 22nd in the great hall of’village II. Observer fee is $2.00; everyone welcome. For more information contact the Federation of Students, Campus Centre.

’ I 1automatic, power steering, tires. $525. 884-3837.

FOUND One Parker ball point pen in the undergrad debug terminal math building. Call 578-2227 ask for Rakesh Mital.

Removable white vinyl 1970 Corvette Stingray.

radio, new

hardtop for Phone 578-

0169. PERSONAL Need a tutor? Graduate student in psychology will tutor in psych and sot statistics or psych. Reasonable. Phone 745-1718. FOUR Friends of Ugandan Refugees. Ugandan refugees are now arriving in the Waterloo area. The universities are offering scholarships but community aid is greatly needed in providing I -.. -I II - -I em-accomoaarron, crornes-- s ana ployment. Please contact Colin DeAth at 578-2736 (7-10 Pm); Paul McDonald at 579-1550 or 576-4625 or Abdul Lodhi 579-2084 (7-10 pm)

FOR SALE Speakers Bose 901-These have received more enthusiastic reviews than any other on market regardless of size or .--~price.- New condition. Save ’ $300. First $450 offer takes. Peter

742-5336. Tire F78.15 almost new with rim sell for $35 will sell separately for $20.

885-0404. Good quality Birch desk with glass top and chair, perfect condition. Desk lamp included $50. Also twin beds, white head boards with Sleepmaster box spring and mattress. $50 each. Phone

742-2424. 1966 Ford Galaxie 500, V-8 automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio. This car is in pretty good shape and reasonably priced. Can be seen on campus. Phone Phil 884-7789. evenings thursday-sunday. Raleigh Grand


Norton commando roadster (1971), , must sell. Call Gilles 578-3274 after 6:30 pm. / Black & white Admiral 19" TV, good condition. $60. 745-1534 5-7 pm. 1966 Beaumont,

t-lath; Yoga, philosophy of Yoga etc. Everyone welcome. Wear loose fitting’ clothing. 8 pm CC 135. Sponsored by ’ Campus Center Board. African Students Association. General and election of officers .meeting 2:30 p.m. CC‘ 135.






No.i-2-8xlOand5-5x7 Mounted $30.00

NO. 1 - 1 - 8 x 10 Mounted 3 - 5 x 7 Mounted


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No.2-4-5x7Mounted _ 4 - 4 x ‘5 Mounted


No. 3 - 2 - 8 x 10 Mounted 3 - 5 x 7 Mounted


No.2-l-8xlOand4-5x7 No.3-l-5x7and4-4x5

I Mounted $18.00



Speciul Package Offers - h DhCt COlOf

THURSDAY Sir Kenneth Clark’s civilization series. Subject: Protest and Communication and Grandeur and Obedience. welcome. No admission I Everyone charge. Sponsored by English Dept. 7 : 15-9 pm AL 105.


Black & White Special Pockuge Offers


of payment is $10.00 at time of sitting, is ar>Dlied to your order.


Hatha Yoga, philosophy of Yoga etc. Everyone welcome. Wear loose fitting clothing. 8 pm CC 135. Sponsored by Campus Centre Board.


Waterloo Christian fellowship supper meeting. We offer food for stomach and thought and good fellowship besides. All are welcome. 5:45 pm CC 113.

Wednesday & Friday

Canadian Studies lecture series. Panel discussion. 7-9 pm BIO I room 271. Bal-lai’s on campus fireside. 7-11 pm. All are welcome. formation call 745-8097.

SSc 355. More in-

FASS is an annual satirical review put on by faculty, administration, students and staff. If you can sing, dance, act, write etc. come out and “FASS for the fun of it” 8:30 pm humanities theatre.



or milk



Classified ads pre accepted between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates are 50 cents for the first fifteen words and five cents each per extra word. All classifleds must be paid in advance. Deadline is tuesday afternoons by 3 p.m.


Men’s 10 speed Phone 884-7816.


the chevron


V8, 4 door, hardtop,

1965 Rambler 6 cylinder standard, running condition with snow tires. Ask for $200 or best offer. Call 884-7502. WANTED Jazz and Blues club members interested in working at Sonny-TerryBrownie McGee pubs this coming week (2 nights or more) 745-1534. TYPING All typing done efficiently and promptly. Call Mrs Marion Wright 745-1111

__. durIngme evenings. HOUSING





Room available for 2 students. Own room, private entrance, phone, small kitchen, private bath. $80 each. Phone 885-1842.

The Royal Bank Building Duke & Ontario Sts., Kitchener (one block up from King)’


place now available in towne house. Full use of home and equipment. No restrictions. Mrs Marion Wright daytime 745-1111; evenings 885- 1664.

Furnished home for rent $275. Available march 1973 for 4 months. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dinette etc. On Westmount Cul-de-sac. Married students considered. Contact 576-


- l Television @Fully1Licensed l Special Student Rates on Draft Beer a




the chevron

RESUME WRITING Why Bother with one? How do I write one?


These and other questions will session on “Resume Writing” Planning and Placement Centre.

be answe’red during a held by the Career

Time: 3:30\p.m. Date: October 26 Room: Biology I - 271.

CAMPUS LIFE PLAti endorsed by the Association of Student Councils DO YOU know “Reduceif



is meunf Insufunce

by 3”

for answers to these and other questions call (no obligation) T6/;rlvit7~1ffN PREMIER t , L/FE/NSURffNC~ GOMPHNY

Suite 607 ’ Waterloo Square Phone : 578-2890

r Y , I*



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hlational student union?

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puses will not be recognized by the proposed national union. BC will be represented as a block at the upcoming national conference, with schools working in co-operation. When the Nova Scotia union is formed, it will join the New Brunswick Union of Students (UNENBUS) set up last july, to form a maritime union of students. Student councils at the University of Prince Edward Island and Memorial University in Newfoundland will be asked to join. A maritime union would give us a stronger voice,” Dalhousie council president _ Brian Smith commented. This would be valuable with the advent of the national student union. “A number of us (in this region) question the validity of a national student union,” Smith added. “Ontario and Quebec have the ‘haves’, while the maritimes are the ‘have-nots’ and the former tend to dominate any national organization ,of universities.”

Mix or Mafch - Greaf ,Flavours - [Great Savers

I f



the whole idea from the Atlantic provinces, delegates will probably decide to form the new national organization. Canadian students have been without a nation--wide organization since the demise of the Canadian Union of Students in 1969. Meanwhile, students representing five universities and community colleges in Nova Scotia took preliminary steps toward establishing a Nova Scotia Union of Students two weeks ago. Another meeting was held wednesday in Halifax at Dalhousie University to complete the plans. British Columbia student councils have also established their own provincial organization. Representatives from four postsecondary institutions met at Prince George October 7-9 to1 establish the BC Association of Student Councils. Teri Ball, ex- ’ ternal affairs officer for the University of BC’s council, said one of the association’s first goals will be a student bill of rights. The association’s aims are to pursue matters of concern to ‘BC students, to create greater intercommunication, and to OTTAWA (CUP)-A date has campus finally been set for the founding allow greater use of resources by conference of the proposed other students. The now-defunct national student union. Provincial BC Union of Students failed student unions have already been because it was too structured, Ball said. The new association will have formed on Canada’s east and west coast, joining Ontario’s Federation a procedure manual and operate informally. of Students-;The national conference will be She said the new association will held at Ottawa’s Holiday Inn give a voice to smaller colleges, november 2-5. Despite suspicion of. claiming students on these cam-

20 October,

tti You”





20 October,


Technology and values On thursday October 12, Chris Walker of the Metro Toronto Region Conservation Authority spoke to about twenty people on “Technology and Values” in conjunction with environmental awareness week. Walker’s main sources for the discussion were The Limits To Growth and Abraham Maslow’s psychology. Unfortunately both of these were viewed uncritically which resulted in a severe limitation of the problems that could be approached. In comparison to Bookchin’s (see chevron. October 6) illuminating \ distinction between ecology and environmentalism, we were presented with a clear example of the latter. Ecology is a point of view that sees man as part of a functioning totality, whereas environmentalism attempts to adapt the environment more successfully to man’s use. This viewing of nature as ia kind of storehouse that fulfills man’s needs is precisely the attitude of technology. This is why, when the discussion came round to values, presented with a we were technology of values rather than an evaluation of technology. That is, a judging of the “usefulness” of concepts of good and freedom

rather than, for example, the goodness of use-value. Maslow’s category of selfactualisation was directly linked to industrial society; saying that this was the only road to selfrealization. This connected also. to the discussion of what the “poorer nations” want from us. Again, though some sympathy for these nations was expressed, there was no attempt to confront the factors that set us in opposition. This failure is a direct result of viewing industrial society as the society of the self-realizing individual. The i.mperialist tendencies that result from this superior attitude are obvious. If the Indians aren’t ac tualizing themselves, why shouldn’t we “help” them to do so, i.e. make them like us. The Western imperial powers have always justified their meddling in other’s affairs with the claim that “we’re doing it for their own good”. What’s needed here is a little investigation into the ways of life of the Indians, Africans, or Chinese and it should be clear that this superior attitude has no The foundation. Read Autobiography



compare him to the average Canadian middle-class boor, then tell me who’s actualizing himself. The thrust of the lecturethus reinforced popular prejudices in these ways, though it was combined with an attitude of social awareness and concern. In the view of the increasing environmental and urban crises, governmental and institutional agencies are bound to be expres@ng their concern to an increasing degree. However, they are caught in the contradiction of analyzing a situation that they are bound to perpetuate by virtue of their structural position within society. The result of this is the superficial analyses of present situations that we get from the


come to the library, workshops both the Arts Library and the Engineering, and Science Library.

government and government in-. sti tutions (eg . universities 1. Even a minimally critical’ approach to the environmental crisis would show that wasteful production is geared to maximum profit. We must learn to distinguish a genuine investigation from one that occurs within predefined and safe boundaries. At one point in the lecture all concurred on the universal value of brotherly love. There seemed to be a moment of. silence. But, brotherly love for whom? For the swine who profit from the murder of Vietnamese? For the dogs whose “socialist” army rolled into Czechoslovakia? For strikebreaking firms and demonstrationbreaking cops ? Come on, let’s really begin at the beginning. -ian


Legal thievery n

In Quebec MONTREAL (CUPI)-Bill 51, Quebec justice minister Jerome Choquette’s answer to the nonrenewal of the Public Order (Temporary Measures > Act may have been used recently for the first time in Quebec. The offices of 1’Agence de Press Libre du Quebec (APLQ), the Movement for the Defence of Quebec Political prisoners (MDPPQ) and a moving cooperative, all located at the same

Montreal mysteriously


address, were broken into October


Unknown thieves entered without forcing the doors of the groups’ offices. At APLQ, they, made off with almost a thousand files (200 of them on popular movements and unions), admini,strative catalogues, addressograph plates, lists of addresses, bankbooks and mail. At the MDPPQ, and Co-op de Demenagement offices, all the administrative files, lists of members and their addresses were seized. After the- robbery, the doors were carefully shut again. None of the equipment was damaged or even disturbed. “The confiscation was selective, systematic and neatly carried out,” revealed -an APLQ spokesman. “We have an electronic typewriter worth $700 which wasn’t even touched. Obviously what interested them were the files and our information on unions and popular movements.” “I am convinced that this is one of the first applications of the infamous Bill 51,” said Quebec lawyer Georges Lebel. s Lebel sees only one possible explanation for the theft: a police raid. The lawyer explained that in accordance with the Choquette law on organized crime, terrorism and subversion, the police have the right of seizure at all times and places without any warrant other than Bill 51 itself. Bill 51, allegedly set up to deal with organized crime, was rushed through the Quebec National Assembly in july, just before the summer adjournment. It contained a little-publicized clause which could account for the raid on the groups: “The ( Quebec Police 1 Commission shall also make an inquiry into the activities of an organization or system, its ramifications and persons involved to the extent prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council whenever he



has reasons to believe that in the fight against organized crime or terrorism and subversion, it is in the public interest to order such an inquiry be held.” The bill authorizes the police to search and seize documents without a warrant from the courts, and “in case of urgency”, not even authorization from an administrative body is required. In other words, the regulations which saw 400 persons arrested (but not charged) under the guise of an attack on “terrorists and subversives”, grant almost the same sweeping powers the War Measures act did two years agpexcept that Bill 51 is a permanent law. In camera hearings and testimony may be held before the police commission. The right for any person accused in such testimony to defence is not guaranteed, but placed at the discretion of the commission. No one has the right to refuse to answer questions. At least those interrogated during the American McCarthy era could lean on the fifth amendment.

offered by Mathematics

These workshops, combining a short lecture and tour, wtll take less than an hour and will save you invaluable trme when you come to do assignments and term papers.

WORKSHOP TIMES (both librxuies) Mon. Tues.

Oct. 30 Oct.-31

Wed. Thurs.

Nov. Nov.

1 2

& ’


Mon. Tues.





Wed. Thurs.

Nov. Nov.

8 9



lo:30 a.m.& 1:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. f 2:30 p.m.

These workshops will be filled on a first-come, firstserved basis. Please sign up at the Reference Desk of either library any time up until the workshop begin ; we can only accomodate 20 people in the Arts Library and 12 people in the EMS Library at one time.

‘REMEMBER: go to the workshop which suits your particular needs. If you need help with “arts” research go to the Arts Ltbra.ry; If you need help with “engineering, math or science” research, go to the E.M.S. Library (4th floor, Math-Computer Bldg.)

Idelivery + OPEN:




at no extra


Sat. -9am-9pm Sun -Warn-9pm



parkdale mall albert & hazel POST OFFICE , Mon. - Sat. 9 am - 6pm






20 October,

, t

with a Bang October. Sunday October 22 lo:00 p.m. Stai-tin’ ‘with a- LiNG, lO:lO,


22 to 30

Campus ’



Free ‘skin flick’ in the Campus Centre Great with Sex” in colour and UNCENSORED



to Succeed _I



p.m. Monte Carlo Services.




506 m ; $1.00 8:30 p.m.


go to Circle

K Club.




Coffee House with Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee. Campus Centre Pub Area. $1.25 m; $1.75 n. Tickets on sale in the Federation of Students office (Campus Centre). 12:00 meidnight Free ‘skin flick’ in the Campus Centre Great Hall: “Naked and Free” in colour and UNCENSORED Tuesday

October 24 noon Afternoo,n Pub with Whiplash and Conversation. 25~ in the Campus Centre Pub Area 8:30 p.m. Foot Stompin’ Pub with the Goode Brothers and a Square Dance Caller in Food Services. $l.OOm; $1.50 n. 8:30 p.m. Coffee House with Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee. Campus Centre Pub Area. $1.25 m; $1.75 n. Tickets on sale in the Federation of Students office (Campus’ Centre). 12:00 midnight Free ‘skin flick’ in the Campus Centre Great Hall: “Tender Touch” in colour and UNCENSORED 12:OO

Wednesday October 25 12:00 noon Afternoon Pub with Joe Mendelson. 50~ m; $1.00 n in the Centre Pub Area 8:30 p.m. Amateur Talent Nite with Blackwo,o> Hodge. Prizes! contest, contact the Environmental Studies Society, Social Building Room 356, extension 2321. Food Services, $1.00 p.m. Pub with Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee. Area. $1.25 m; $1.75 n. Tickets oil sale -_ Students office (Campus Centre) 12:OO midnight Free ‘skin flick’ in the Campus Centre Great black and white. and UNCENSORED


To enter Sciences m; $1.50


Campus Centre in the Federation




Pub of


Thursday October 26 12:00 noon Afternoon Pub with Kieth McKie. 50a m; $1.00 n. Campus Centre Pub Area 1:00 p.m. Pinball “Wizards” Tournament. Prizes! Thrills! For more information go to the Campus Centre Games Room 2:OO.p.m. “Strike!” An old fashioned car smash. Two hits for 25~. Proceeds to go to the Dare strikers. Phys. Ed. Courtyard. 8:00 p.m. Federation



Pub with Sonny Terry 81 Brownie McGhee. Campus Cenire Area. $1.50 m; $2.00 n. Tickets on sale in the Federation Students office (Campus Centre) 8:30 p.m. Crap-au-Vin returns with cheap wine, i=heez whiz, crackers Rain. $1.00 m; $1.50 n. Food Services. 12:00 midnight tonight we’re leaving it up to you


Pub of



42:OO noon Afternoon pub


with The Original Sloth Band (appeared-at Mariposa). 50~ m; $1.00 n. Campus Centre Pub Area 8:00 p.m. Federation Flicks8: 30.p.m. PiJb wtth Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee: Campus Centre Pub Area. $1.50 m; $2.00 n. Tickets on sale in the Federation of Students office (Campus Centre) 8:30 p.m. Swingtime Pub with the Tony G. Dixieland Quintet. $1.00 IJI; $1.50 n. Food Services 9:00 p.m. Ctrcus (sorry a real circus would have been too expensive, so....) Instead, if enough people are interested and contact the Federation of Students office, a chartered bus will take people to pubs in downtown Waterloo.

Saturday October 28 12:00 noon “Homecoming Parade” 12:00 noon “Sore Losers” Pub with Whiplash and Tears. Campus C,entre Pub Area. 25a 2:00 p.m. . Football Game: Waterloo vs Waterloo Lutheran 7:00 p.m. Crowbar Pub. Food Services (only 500 tickets $1.50 m; $2.50 n. Tickets on sale in the Federation of Students office (Campus Centre) 8:00 p.m. Federation Flicks 8:30 p.m. Coffee House with Sonny Terry & Brownie McGhee. Campus Centre Pub Area. $1.50 m; $2.00 n. Tickets on sale in the Federation of Students office (Campus Centre) 10: 00 p.m. - Crowbar Pub. Food Services.. (only 500 tickets) $1.50 m ; $2.50 n. Tickets on sale in the Federation of Students office (Campus Centre) Sunday 12:OO


October 29 noon Egg Hunt-on



p.m. Yes-Concert.










n at the door.

$3.00 m; $4.00 n in advance Get your tickets soon.




m - Federation of Students members non-Federation of Students members n



20 October,

the) ( hevron


1 1

fe e db tic k Le:e:s:::y: ::ci: GETTHEFACTS chevron, U of W. Be concise. The’chevfan reserves the fight to shorten letters

cter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a gcxd reason.

Comment on Moore First of all, I have to say you that if you want to publish this letter in your next chevron, you will have to write it in “usual” english. Mine is just a bad translation of french. You asked for “even naive” letters from the students of the university: 1 am not a Canadian student, but this letter may be a naive one. Anyway, your chevron-I read it with pleasure. It is not like these newspapers on which you spend your time turning pages (and you pay for them). So, the Federation of Students has lost Terry Moore as president, I don’t know him, of course, nor any member of the so called Moore mafia. Nevertheless, I have been surprised to read frankly something like this (I have given my chevron to the owners of a restaurant in Waterloo> : “students are not really concerned by their federation life, they leave a few people, like us, actually driving the federation. I resign because I am tired, and the federation will become a poor old thing if students do not make any effort in the direction of being more involved”. He seems to explain the students apathy by invoking some general sickness of the “the University”. Replace “students” by “workers” or “employees” “Federation” by “Imperial Bank of Commerce” and “The University” by “The Education” and you will have very nearly a capitalist president talk. (Very far from my thought is any will to injure Terry Moore.) In fact, not only bosses, but fathers, chiefs of any right or left party, professors, etc. say .the thing a million times a day. They try to persuade us that we must be involved in their enterprises. If my knowledge is not too low, I should perhaps guess that the non-

involvement of people in their work is a direct consequence of our “Cartesian way of life”. I believed these people of the federation more conScious of this. But they are not, and I shall try to explain what I mean. First that when a manager of any social group says such a thing as Terry Moore said, I am irrestibly laughing, having in mind the parallel behavior of the policemen in, France, who argued that it was necessary to cut the trees along the roads because*they were responsible for the death of many car drivers! In other words, the pyramidal structure you have quite naturally adopted for the Federation of Students has as a consequence that only the managers manage, and the others look at the flag. It is an indirect consequence of the Cartesian way life, since one of the main corollaries of Cartesian methods lies in the division of work. The efficiency and power of these pyramidal structures are not to be pooh-poohed. Any human communication is cut between the brain- ( the managers )---and the hands, or better, t!he tools, which are the workers. Furthermore, the efficiency of these pyramidal structures is such that with little or no social base, it can give life to an enterprise. The limiting case is military organization; I wonder if you could find even a drop of democracy in them. But then, they make no claim of democracy. In civil activities, the game is to

misinform people by saying that they are in a democracy (liberal or popular), and proceed to organize social life in a pyramidal structure. Briefly stated, democracy is incompatible with hierarchial structures. To conclude, if Terry Moore is fond of democracy, then it is good that he resigns from the presidency ; if he is completely crazy about democracy, he could try again with some anarchistic organization. The first step would be to have an idea of the social basis of his enterprise, that is: do I really need this federation; why do I need it ; are my interests common to many others? But then, maybe, he would discover that there is a very thin social basis for a Federation of Students. Try something else.. . r.f. prat applied math

Renzo! Would you please inform Renzo Bernardini, author of “Senate candidates” in the last issue of the chevron that I am not an engineering student and that I wasn’t at the tuesday night interview session. I would gladly have been there if some one had informed me of the meeting as I am running for the senate in the mathematics faculty and I am a student who does care. john chisamore

ABOUTCHARTERED ACCOUNTANCY To help students evaluate Chartered Accountancy as a career choice, the WaterlooWellington Chartered Accountants-Association in co-operation with your Career Planning and Placement Office is sponsoring a presentation and discussion on the profession at

Universityof Waterloo Wednesday, October 25,3 in Biology Building,

Students invited interesting



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voter misses out


2r . & .










Though I have previously voted, I can not vote in the coming federal election. I think this an in-

structive example of how theelection system treats students. 1 At normal enumeration time, the enumerators left a note at my residence (Renison College), saying they would be in a common room at 7 :45 of a particular day. I went down at 7 :52; they had gone, never to return. In apparent ,violation of their rules they had not 1) gone door-to-door in the residence, br 2) left cards with their names and addresses. I then tried the court of revision. I felt entitled to vote in Waterloo because (as a graduate student) I live year-round here, and am selfsupporting. The rumour was that election officials would be lenient. However, I was refused since I admitted to “going home to my parents” for two weeks once (last Christmas) in my 16 months here. I was told that there was no appeal.


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to shorten

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ran rese;ves the &ht


OCT. 26,1972


20 October,


A pseudonym have a pod



the letters, must

will be printed


Meanwhile, back in my parents riding (York Centre), the regular enumerator had told my parents that I should vote at my residence riding. I didn’t worry until I was refused at Waterloo. When that happened, I decided to “vote by proxy” in York Centre. This is a fun procedure involving a couple of forms and a special trip by one’s parent to deliver them to the --returning officier. However, I had to be enumerated first. I phoned my parents, who went to their court of revision. The guy there insisted they see the returning officer instead. The returning officer (correctly) said they should have gone to the court of revision. By the time this snafu was settled, the’ court of revision was over. It’s still two weeks to the election but, having exhausted every possibility, I can’t vote any place. My story is unusually involved, but it symbolizes the many dissatisfied students who succeeded only after difficulty or gave up trying. Why? Two reasons, I think. One is the present residence rules for voting, involving lots of forms in the mail, visits to election officials, and hairsplitting arguments about “going home for Christmas”. Two, the election officials who will not follow their own rules, yet are enthusiastically strict on the citizen. Our right to vote depends on a simple and fair election procedure, properly administered. Those who can vote should insist that the candidates present a better answer. stephen clodman grad mech. eng.

Religion to psychology Axiom : one should never examine religion too closely. You’ will probably become converted. The failure of religion? When I read last week’s article (Religion to psychology : the transformation of the phoenix), it seemed as though the author was trying to say that religion was created by man to cure the evils of society. However, if you approach it from the opposite sense, the most controversial part of the phrase is “religion was created by man.” This difference is the only one between that article and this one. As it turns out, this is quite a difference indeed. The author believes that the primary function of religion was to act as a ‘psychic doctor’, or ‘father confessor’.I’ believe that religion exists to spread the news that God is “alive and well”. I must admit that the article upset me very much. About six months ago I was converted to Christianity because I wanted to prove to myself that Christ was a big fake, one lousy hoax. As you see, I failed. continued

on page 13

friday, *

20 October,



feedback ,’ continued

from page 12

So without stepping into a church for at least six years, and without talking to a priest or minister for eight, I was “brought under the control of the church.” This wondorous deed was accomplished by “promoting mysticism and suppressing knowledge.” Religion is not dead! Every day peopleintelligent people-are being forced to admit that God is actually involving Himself in this world. People are being converted by arguments that have been around for two thousand years. Surely if these were faulty they would have been defeated long ago. Now we come to the main ‘fault’ of the church: the pre-occupancy with the sin of the individual. Admittedly the answer is incredulous: the author is right. I am a sinner. A lousy person who wouldn’t hesitate to hurt someone for my own benefit. And when society is 99.99 per cent people like myself, what can you expect as a result? The only way to deal with society is to be pre-occupied with the individual. Whenever ‘society’ steps on you, you can bet it was an individual who did it. By concerning yourself with your sins and your sins alone, you at least’ make the world enjoyable for those around you. Here I’d like to consider the title again. ‘Religion to psychology’, indeed almost everywhere; you get the feeling that religion and science are at cross purposes (I can almost hear people saying, “Hang him with his own words: ” ‘God has shown that this world’s is wisdom (eg. science > foolishness.’ (1 Cor. 1:20) ’ Decidedly, I cannot change your viewpoints by my saying that engineering enhances religion. Perhaps you wouldn’t be convinced if I told you that at a recent Christian weekend, two-thirds of the people there were math students. But ask around. There are Christians everywhere. One of them will give you an answer. You have nothing to lose and someone just may hand your life back to you. , rober t semple systems design 1A

The Liberals and Cape Breton

Earlier this year, in a speech praising the Liberal federal’ government, Mitchell Sharp said, “We have sought to preserve the quality of our environment for present and future generations of Canadians.” For the people of Cape Breton, however, these are empty words. , Walter w. plaut This northernmost portion of journalist Nova Scotia has been one’of the (cape breton pos’t) traditionally exploited regions of Canada. Unemployment is very high here, the existing jobs are tedious and exhausting,- and living costs are exhorbitant. A quart of milk, for example, costs 37 cents home-delivered and 40 to 46 cents ‘ in the store, thanks to processing industry-inspired price fixing by the Liberally-appointed NS Dairy Commission. Too many students for a limited What is worse, the federal and staff has made a farce of at least provincial Liberal governments one fine arts course this fall. And ineptitude in have joined forces to further ex- the . departmental ploit the labour of Cape Bretoners rectifying this dilemma is fast many young Remfor profit while exhausting the alienating region’s non-renewable resources brandts. and poisoning our air, water, soil Finding herself faced with over and food! seventy students in her m&day evening studio, instructor Bev Some years ago the provincial government took over the Sydney -Bald is being run ragged to keep up Steel Corporation (Sysco). The with just marking the projects. She federal government, through the was expecting a maximum of 29 Cape Breton “Development” students? Corporation (Devco), took over the That course, Fine Arts 120 (fundamentals of visual arts), is coal mines and coke ovens here. The coal mines bore deeper and‘ designed around the concept of bideeper under the ocean floor, while weekly projects created in part the coke ovens and steel mill make during classtime. Theoretically, Sydney’s air the most polluted in the students will learn from the Canada. others around and be guided by Instead of installing smokeBald and her assistant. The control devices, the Liberal marking was to be de-emphasized. politicians in Halifax and Ottawa Now, the overflow spills into two have chosen to create additional rooms, and lack of facilities inhibit bureaucratic smokescreens : the students. For many of these departments of the environment. students art is a real love-and this With election time approaching, course makes a mockery of their the governments also sponsored a efforts. To further hinder matters, series of environment hearings in the Fine Arts department has preparation for a do-nothing, directed that the fourth year resources conference. teaching assistant is not qualified The air over Sydney, Cape to assist in marking. So every Breton, is cleaner for the moment, continued on page 14

Fine arts




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i ALL ARTS UNDERGRADS (excluding students registered through St. Jerome’s) /

All arts undergraduates wishing their society fee refunded have until Tuesday, October 24 to do so by presenting their fee statement at the Federation of Students office located in room 235 of the Campus1 ’ Centre, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 12 noon arid 1: 15 p.m. to 5 p.m. ’I



Address letters to feedback, the chevron, ci of W. Be concise. lhe chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Letters must be typed on a 32 charac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with course year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

but only because the steelworkers are on strike. Their provincial employer, Sysco, refuses to give in to, their wage demands, and air pollution hasn’t even been discussed yet. Nova Scotia isn’t the only province whose ecology is suffering under a partnership of Liberal governments. Quebec, Trudeau’s home province, is continuing with its plans to flood vast areas of Indian land around James Bay in order to sell hydroelectric power to the United States. Meanwhile, the federal government has issued a series of postage stamps honouring the Plains Indians. These are just some examples of what has become a standard Liberal ploy : Appear concerned while backstabbing.







is tuesday at 3:00 pm. continued

the chevnm is dititibuted


each --fr/‘day at Reid3 .booksfore in Ktchener

and at

The Book B&n in Waterloo. *******************

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NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN In The Math Society Byelection for the following positions:

3 First year reps 1 2nd year rep. 2 4th year \ regular reps. Nomi\nations close Oct. 20 Nominations forms can be picked up in the Math Society office M&C 3038


Address letters to feed&k, the chevron, U of WI’Be concise. The chevron reserves the right to shorten letters. Lettersmustbe typedona.?Zcharac ter line. For legal reasons, letters must be signed with cpurse year and phone number. A pseudonym will be printed if you have a good reason.

Deadline for chevron TWOC and dassified ads i Any notice or ad ’ received after 3:00 pm ! will not be printed

20 October,

from page 13

second monday is a four hour lineup for a three-minute appraisal of many hours of work. At 100 dollars per student per course, this course is grossing 7,000 dollars for the university. Unfortunately this course is not living up to anyone’s expectations. The answer surely lies not with future limits-on enrolment in this popular and promising course, but with an increase in staff to reflect proper respect for student artists. And changing the marking policy to conform with other faculties will help. Math, for example, has even first year students marking papers and acting as tutors. Splitting the classes (the other sections are also bloated), and working towards the philosophy of the. course Amight just save this fiasco if the fine arts department can move fast enough. At present, for a department which complains sd often of lack of funds, they are doing a good job =of discouraging enrolment in their department and courses. If nothing is done, many students may opt out of the second part (121) and compound financial troubles. There was enthusiasm at the -first in the class; it might return if a little concern is shown. In the meantime, the students are getting pretty good at pitching pennies while \ they wait to see the professor. brute

batchelor sports

Response to ‘Red Peppers’ In all fairness to the cast and direction of Maurice Evans, I feel that I must write a reply to Miss Moritsugu’s thorough and lengthy review. We were flattered that such a short play received such prominence in the Chevron and much of what Miss Moritsugu had to say was warranted. There are however one or two comments I should like to make. First, there was at no time during the rehearsal, any mention of relevance, meaning and drama. Red Peppers’ is a short period piece, it is a characterization play intended to give the audience a brief glimpse at the great gap that exists between on stage and off stage lives. Maurice Evans encouraged us to feel the atmosphere of frustration along with the knowledge that George and Lily were vitally necessary to each others’ person. The violence of the discussions in -the play was perhaps its most real aspect. Tensions run very high in theatre ; projection and overexaggeration on stage is a necessary technique and these tendencies very often spill over into dressing rooms. Keying down after a show takes time and making mistakes doesn’t help much. Theatre people are very open, ‘emotional and dramatic in their release of tension. Our problem in the rehearsal was to get the pitch of the argument up to a level of credibility. One must also keep in mind-that Evans comes by Maurice knowledge of provincial theatre first hand. On a less pointed reply, I checked the script for the alleged repetitiveness of ‘Shut up YOU make me sick’, The phrase ‘shut

up’ appears four or maybe five) times, only twice is it coupled with another phrase. Most of the time it is an attempt by George to prevent Lily from making things worse. What Miss Moritsugu actually quoted was an ad-libbed muttereq aside by Lily uttered ..with no ,vehemence at all. The criticisms of the accent are warranted. It is very difficult to concentrate on both what you are saying and how you are saying it as well. Unless these things come naturally (particularly accents) one will suffer when the other receives full concentration. All of us were attempting cockney for the first time. Twelve rehearsals is hardly enough time to really master it. But no one was being careless, I can assure you. On her evaluationof the characters, I did not think it fair to single out just one person for praise. A noon-hour play is a half hour release from classes and should be seen in that spirit. Such particular and direct criticisms (whether they were warranted or not) do not really encourage people in their first attempts at acting- to keep at it. Hopefully the reviewer will be sensitive to the fact that these kids have 12 or 13 rehearsals to- throw a show together for an audience. There’s no ego-tripping out there. Everyone involved, knows that such short rehersal-time demands team-work. If the performance did not hang together, I apologize, but it wasn’t through lack of effort on our part. To call someone mediocre may be OK, but unprofessional ? Of course it’s unprofessional, no one ever pretended anything else. If it were professional we would perhaps invite the Globe and Mail to review

Finally it is a risky choice of play, I agree. But with a very and unsophunprofessional isticated audience as one finds at Waterloo, any choice of play might be risky. Taking a crack at a thirties piece is no more risky than (trying Albee and Brecht. Kids might still not know what was up. I don’t think Waterloo audiences really would claim to be the intelligentsia of theatre goers. They come into the arts theatre to be entertained. We who perform at noon are in the entertainment business. No more no less. And I would like some suggestions as to something more ‘Canadian’ in content. There are a few good French-Canadian -plays around, but we’d still have the problem of French Canadian accents. Perhaps some one doing recitations of Hockey scores, or take-offs on Labatts ads would be more Canadian. I don’t really know of what’s available in theatre now that would count, let alone be meaningful at Waterloo. It’s anybody’s guess. ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ which Blackfriars is doing isn’t exactly Canadian either. So I must thank Miss Moritsugu for her comments. I hope however, if she reviews future noon-hour plays, more of the spirit of noonhour plays will get into the review and letis qualified critical attention to details which often has a hint of the ‘power-tripping’ that she deplored. Anybody can find fault with something. It’s much harder to build things up. We did work hard and as she noticed, we really got into it. And it was a short-lived run. But we’re not quitting. On December 8 we’re having another go at it ‘cause it was fun. betty trott




as she appeared

in ‘Red Peppers’.

Response to response My review of Red Peppers was a fair criticism. I went to the play as a theatre-goer as well as a spectator. Where the play was unsatisfactory I expressed it in my review. Where it deserved praise, I gave it. I now realize that many of the company were attempting a part for the first time and that it was all put together in only twelve rehearsals. I apologize for my partial misjudgement in criticism. I

sincerely hope that the players to whom I was not favourable will not be discouraged. They are to be commended, as I mentioned previously, for their attempt and evident enthusiasm. Your attitude towards the student audience at Waterloo however, is very negative and selfprohibiting. The appreciation and perception of an audience cannot be judged by their knowledge of names like Albee and Brecht. Finally, I seriously hope that you do not truly believe that hockey scores and beer ads are essentially Canadian. Such an attitude is exactly what. inspires that same opinion. kim moritsugu



20 October,


the chevron

Pressure groups as political strategy At the university of Guelph is a student, Peter O’Malley, who is running for the student federation on the platform that if elected, he will abolish the federation. Bureaucratic structure is beginning to be seen by many as the root of all evil. William Kunstler came to town and examined our society’s problems in terms of established power. Ralph Nader spoke of the complex power structure as having perverted all values but its own. Lao Ztu has said the wise ruler rules by imposing no rules. He defined government not as a

governing body, but a body that the peace marches and they’ve allows things to happen as they failed so far to change very much. will. To enter into a revolution with They have, however, served to preconceived notions as to what bring attention to the problems. will be the final result is not to Awareness of the problems of our revolt at all but to play some society is low but its growing, dictatorial game. which brings me to the purpose of Feel free some evening to drop this article. into one of Fred Kemp’s psych Ralph Nader spoke here last courses this term and reexamine friday and brought with him a education. Education has become viable alternative to the so structured and so task-specific unorganized and fragmented that it has ceased to be education. opposition to the establishment It has become a kind of political which has been seen up until now. and ideological catechism which I must confess I was skeptical at serves to re-affirm the imposed first because I distrust values of our society. organizations of any kind, but by In a sense, we’ve been sold out, the ending of sunday night, after although that’s not really true listening to both he and his because we’ve always been in this ‘associate, Don Ross, I was inposition-n one of several rungs terested. of a heirarchial ladder in which They are advocating the people, regardless of their rung, establishment of a number of inare ripped off for the sake of their dependent groups in different heirarchy. It is no longer a secret regions, who by sheer force of that our society with its comfort numbers, can create an effective and affluence is ripping the living means to control the direction of shit out of the third world. At the our society. same time we’re ripping off the At present there are eleven such lower classes of our own society, groups in the U.S., one in we’ve ripped off the Indians for Australia, and one in England with centuries, we’ve ripped off the about a million people involved. French and the Blacks, in fact The group they are attempting to we’ve ripped off everybody we form in Ontario could have as know-and in turn have been many as eighty thousand students ripped off by everyone who felt so with varying degrees of ininclined. volvement, ranging from token to Reaction to these undeniable total. inequities has been voiced for In theory a small group of years, but so far has served only to students would begin the put the villain on its guard at the organization and, through the same time assuring us with bashmedia and the use of petitions and ful smiles that it had no idea this small publications on each camsort of thing was going on and that pus, would enlist a majority of the a stop will be put to it. If that takes students. Basically, this enlista load off your mind you’re not ment involves getting the students gullible, you’re dangerous. to agree to a three dollar increase We’ve been through the sit-in in their activity fees, an increase period and the demonstrations and which is refundable if desired, and

to use the fee, which could mean as much as two hundred thousand dollars throughout the entire province, to hire full time doctors, lawyers and scientists to research problems. This plan gives the group the power it needs to confront authority and have its demands felt. It creates a power group whose motives are not tied up in the military-industrial complex. It creates a power whose ends are not defined and whose direction depends upon the priorities assigned to it by anyone who, wishes to assign a priority. It is not possible to create the ideal society by first. defining what it would be, theorizing on how to get there and then applying norms’ and values to the structure in order to direct its progress. Even when the Chinese applied marxism to China they did so only in the sense of an economic guideline and have, in fact, radically altered marxism to suit the needs of a growing China. Mao himself has stated that the principles applied to China could not be applied in the west because of vast cultural differences. To know what principles to apply it is necessary to examine the system and begin to direct yourself according to the problems and inequities. Let the social scientists, if they must, play their games of theory and intellectual endeavour as the society changes. They will be the new historians, but they will always be behind society.


As an independent group, the public interest research group, or PIRG, in Ontario would have only as much affiliation with other similar groups as is felt necessary. Each group is primarily concerned with its own problems, although groups could be co-ordinated on specific issues to apply added pressure. In attacking a huge complex such as IT&T or in environmental questions, or the use of resources ; independent action by each group and co-ordinated efforts could apply tremendous pressure for change. Ralph Nader will have little to do with the PIRGs which will form across the world. He is in Washington with about thirty professionals forming their own independent PIRG and also housing a central information warehouse which any other PIRG may use in its research. Nader himself does not conform to any political party, does not define what will be when society is ideal, does not. even mention ideal societies because they don’t exist and it’s doubtful that they ever will. He does not espouse any political ideology. He attacks problems we are faced with, he seeks to change inequity. -david





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How ma.ny grocery stores can have the lowest prices in town?


ild Warehouse Prices”, the bright green advertising banners proclaim all over the supermarket. “We cut the expenses, you save.” Of major retail chain food outlets in KitchenerWaterloo, two openly assert that they are saving you money by “cutting the frill?“, and the rest imply that, despite “the frills” you save by shopping with them instead of their competitors. Can you save money on groceries? Is there really any difference among grocery stores? Are selfproclaimed “warehouse price” stores really cheaper? In a random comparison pricing of 39 basic grocery-list items among six major chain markets in the K-W area, the grand total of the cheapest store was just 71 cents away from the most expensive. In a sampling of this nature, the results of a margin that slim indicate that there is very little measurable difference among the six at all-that they are so competitive to each, others’ prices that quality and service-not cost-should be the main criteria in choosing where to buy your groceries. The results of the survey-while admittedly not scientific and only a rough indicator rather than an. eridorsement of any particular store-tend to dismiss the claims of the so-called “discount price” stores over the regular supermarkets. It seems that the effect of volume buying and pricing by head offices has greatly reduced the margin of price difference among the stores. “Doing away with the frills” seems to be little more than an advertising gimmick to make the customer feel he’s getting more for his money than if he were shopping at a “normal” supermarket; it appeals to money-conscious people who feel they’re pulling one over on the regular grocery stores. Surprisingly, of the 39 items cross-checked, only one-milk-was priced identically at all six stores. The price of milk seems to be set by the dairies and is considered sacrosanct for some reason by the stores, who abide by that set price.


Most chains have their own brand of cheap products comparable to brand-name stuff. But, although the rest of the prices varied-often amazingly widely-among the stores, where one store would be overtly high on one item, it would make up for it magically by undercutting the others on a different item. We use the word “magically” because there seems to be no other explanation for the wide divergence of individual-item prices in view of the extremely close total. For instance, Dutchboy (downtown Kitchener) charges 45 cents for a one-pound box of premium crackers, while the other five all charge 39 cents or less for the same product; but, as if to make up for it, Dutchboy charges only 78 cents for a bottle of Ivory Liquid which costs 89 cents and up at the rest of the stores. Often you can save money by buying the supermarket’s own brand of product instead of the advertised “name” brand. Differences in price are at times quite surprising. The comparison shopping was done on a Monday afternoon when supposedly no advertised specials were in effect at any of the stores, and the same people did all six stores in order to insure uniform resuts. None of the stores was warned of our comparison, although several store managers were contacted later for comments on store policy, advertising, etc. Warehouse Market (Union St. in Waterloo) and WE0 (now A and P WEO, Weber St., Kitchener) are the two area stores which hype themselves as being lower-priced than “normal” supermarkets, due to cutting “the frills.” And, they did place first and second-lowest in the comparison-divided only by a penny-though the margin was not enough to give credence to the ad.vertising which boasts of “large savings.” Warehouse Market at least seems to have lived up to its boast about “cutting frills.” No food items in the store are individually marked for price; the

price is indicated on th customer is expected to crayon. There are also no and carry it to your car; nc like a warehouse. So, the ( surface; do away with i spiffyin’ up for appearan somewhere between thee seems to have caught up \ they have cut the “frills” 2 significantly lower-priced On top of that, WM gent variety (sufficient, mind glutting excesses consic other stores) and no mea’ They make a feeble att! burger, etc., are kept-froze none of it looks very fresh shopped, a freezer unit in was off, and the goods wer

“We’re in business to I we’re not a convenien WEO’s advertising is r~ “discount” claims WM mn; any “frills”, it isn’t very eL could find missing was hc that, WE0 has bag boys, M kept-up store which lot supermarket. In many cas written in front of the di: individual product. Zehr’s (Towers), on ‘t pretend to have cut any fr range of variety and sf delivery (for 75 cents). diabetic foods section an Dutchboy also offers a delivery) plus carrying a and a fair “gourmet” sectil stocks “natural” foods to an adequate diabetic fool HiWay Market won o:Jr award hands down. This I: supermarket; it’s a trip, “use-at-own-risk” escala polished wooden floors bakery to the nicely-price{ fresh-fish section to thr: h food department. It goes o American Dream come tl almost worth going all the as mentioned for record f with an off-again-on-again cutouts. They deliver fc,* E fun of shopping here is t Then we come to Domin “frills” of any other supe “discount-without-frills deeply as anyone. If poss even less substance fc. than for the rest of the t Following hard upon th “Dominion Deep wide campaign, the store at displays signs proclaim knowingly undersold.” The ‘either downright liars in they are exceptionally stul competition. You decide. II IS undersold by at least one on at least 1E of the items list alone. Deception as,dc with all these friends of tt carries a wide variety of fc import section which is t


the chevron



Pick out the ‘discount’ storeDominion


lacking box and the rite the price on in ys to pack your order :liveries; it even looks ms make sense on the that extra staff and ;, you cut costs. But, and practice, reality 7 Warehouse Market; still don’t seem to be 3n the rest. ly has a poor choice of u, but not up to the :d necessary at the apartment to speak of. pt, but steaks, hamIn a trunk freezer and I,? day we comparison! frozen vegies section bit mushy.

I a profit, ?I



2 of the same sort of qi but if WE0 has cut int. The only “frill” we ? delivery. Other than : varieties, and a welljust like any other the price of an itey is jy and again on each other hand, doesn’t and they offer a wide ces, including home tey also offer a fair ome “natural” foods. he services (65 cent od mea? department or this kind of town. It esser extent and has display. !ost Fun To Shop At” e is more than just a qplete from the little up front to the 1 the yummy-smells ?cord bar to the good gourmet and foreign t’s not a store; its the The bakery itself is my out there for; and, ‘1 the prices are good od selection of $1.99 ,znts, but most of the lg the trip. Dominion has all the 3rket, but is into the dvertising game as :, there seems to be Iinion’s price claims z-mongers. eels of the provincescount Prices” ad stmount Place now “We will not be ;;ses at Dominion are s bold statement, or and unaware of their )/nt of fact, Dominion her major competitor )ur random sampling 3 we must, it seems :onsumer), Dominion j and brands, a small 1 to get to for some

Weston Bread ( 2402. ) York Peanutbutter (1202) Dial Bath Soap 2Y0 Milk (bags) Christie Premium Crackers ( 160~) Carleton Crackers (1202) Kellogg’s Corn Flakes (160~) Royalle Toilet Paper (2 roll) Ro yalle Paper Towels (2 roll) Welch’s Grape Jam (9oz) Uncle Ben’s Converted Rice ( 160~) White Rice (160~) Honey (160~) Robin Hood Flour ( 101b) Sugar (10lb) E&w ( Medium A 1 doz ) Hamburger Ulb) Lettuce (head) Toma toes Carrots Onions Bananas (lb) Apples (Delicious) Sunkist Oranges (doz) Schneiders Medium Cheddar (120~) Schneiders Margarine Ontario Potatoes ( 1Olb) Duncan Hine’s Devils Food Cake Mix Betty Cracker Devils Food Cake Mix Ivory Detergent (3202) Frozen Orange Juice Oreo’s Round Steak (lb) Crest (5On.L) Mushrooms Wb) Purina Seanip Catfood (3602) Gainsburgers (12 pack) Red Rose Tea (30-bag) Hellman’s M,ayonnaise (2402)









.35 (Sandwich)








.59 (160~)

.57 (160~)


.25 .87

2i.57 .87

.25 .87

2/.59 -87

.25 .87

.29 .87











































.22 .49

.21 .54

.23 .46 (1202)

.20 .55

.19 .49

.21 .63

1.15 1.47

1.23 1.47

1.15 1.49

1.19 1.41

1.15 1.45

1.19 1.45







.69 .35 .39( lb) .35 (2 bunch) 39 (31b) .ll

.69 .25 .28( lb) .20 .35 PW .13

.69 (frozen) .35 .45 (1402) .19 .39 @lb) -

.78 .30 .34 (1402) .20 .45 (31b) .l7

.84 .29 .39 (31b) .49 (31b) .13

.67 .29 .34 (1402) .15 .33 (21b) .17

.95( 31b)

5 for’ .59

5 for.49

3 for

.69 (1st.)

6 for




































W.59 (60~) .51 (12oz) .87( 1.51b) 1.26 .67

U.49 .51 1.26 .67

.57 (1202) .45 ’ .67

2/.49 .93 1.39 .69

























.59 (160~)








.92 (60~)

2/.85 A37 1.48 .67

.89 (12oz)

2/47 .93 1.27 .67









. Total *Note: Some items due to non-correlative





totaled, nature.

reason, and they deliver. They carry a small health foods section also. For those to whom it would make a difference, Dutch Boy, Dominion, Zehr’s and Warehouse Market all continue to carry Dare products despite the attempt by striking workers to get area stores to comply with a boycott attempt. Marshmellows and caramel candy made by companies other than Kraft are available at Dutch Boy and HiWay Market. Why the discrepancy in prices on each item? Why, since all the stores wind up so close in total price in the end, are all the devious little variances in individual prices along the way? Store managers are not very enlightening on the subject.

We became convinced in one none of the store managers

afternoon that could possibly

believe the signs their buildings.




all over

“Volume purchasing has a lot to do wtth the prices,” said Gordie Sim, of Zehr’s (Erb St.). “But the ability of the store buyer to talk salesmen down also enters into it. It depends on what kind of deal you can get from week to week.” So, it seems, one chain might talk a salesman down from the regular going price on one item, but another chain might then get a deal on another item. Dutch Boy manager Paul Eauer agreed, that its lust a random process of dealing in mass purchases. He didn’t elaborate. “Volume buying allows us to offer lower prices,” WE0 manager George Frank explained mysteriously. When asked then if the WE0 (A and P) volume buying practices are different from the

other stores’, he replied: “No, I wouldn’t say so. I mean, we’re in business to run a profit here, you know, we’re not a convenience.” He didn’t bother to explain why, then, his store is literally covered in gaudy banners shouting: “Wild Warehouse Prices!” Again, the price lists accompanying this article are not meant to be any kind of endorsement or to rank the stores in any kind of lowest-price order. Rather, the fact that there is no real difference between the six stores remains the significant factor. Next time you’re grocery shopping, ask the store manager just what frills he’s done away with to save you money, or the proof that he has the “lowest discount @rices in town.” We bet you won’t be satisfied with the answer. -george and deanna kaufman



the chevron

by clare


“Deliverance” : sensitive novel... embracing movie

” by lames Dickey, HUghton ,,De/iverance Muff/if-i Company, Boston, 7970. For those of us who teel that when a movie is made from a favorite book, the film never quite measures up, the problem is solved once and for all in Deliverance. The screenplay, now at the Hollywood in Toronto, in this instance was done by the author James Dickey, of his very popular novel, and he has avoided all of the pitfalls of his predecessors with the ease and grace of a professional dancer. Instead of trying to transpose one genre into a foreign one or cross the media barriers, he has created two different art forms with similarities but each remaining unique to its own confines. The novel is a sensitive, complex, multilevelled, intellectual, cerebral affair. The characters develop and are probed, each entirely within his own soul and each within a hostile environment. This is impossible to transpose in a McLuhan sense from the

printed page onto the silver screen. And so Dickey has solved the problem by altering the focus. Essentially this could have amounted to four .men who take a canoe trip down a dangerous and alluring river. In the film we have the most beautiful, sensual and powerful visual experience of the year. When the awards are handed out, John Boorman, the young English director now working in the U.S.A., (Point Blank, Hell in the Pacific, Leo the Last), is as worthy of the laurel wreath as Vilmos Zsigmond for his lush and superlative photography. And of course there is Dickey who not only adapted his own novel but also takes a minor yet interesting role in the film as the Sheriff who realises that he has not found the clues, yet he knows that the case is not closed. It is Dickey, the man ,the poet, the novelist, and the Sheriff in one characterization. Aware that a problem exists he is as illusive as Gertrude Stein in providing us or himself with the easy “I am”. Chaucer tells us that “trouthe thee shal delivere, it is no drede”. Dickey is not SO sure.

20 October,


The plot is a unique one. Four businessmen are seeking a deliverance from their existences. They decide to canoe down the Cahulawasse River in Georgia. They are ultimately making a life statement, for this river, (one of the last of its kind in that man has-not somehow exploited it), is about to become part of a reservoir system and the area which borders its lips is to be flooded. The Appalachian people and setting will never be the same and so the men want to touch its pulse one last time. In the novel the men are four complex and round (in the E. M. Forster sense) characters. In the movie, because it is impossible to film inside their thoughts and fears, they become flat ond one dimensional. The fdct that they must be pitted against each other and foils for each other is made very clear for each one is a type.



It is interesting to look at the characters as they exist in the novel and as they are portrayed on the screen. The initial leader is Lewis-a flesh and blood type who builds up mental and physical reserves against the coming of the machines. He has antecedents in those who built bomb shelters ‘for themselves and their families in the fifties. He is a man who exists both as a prime physical and intellectual man. In the book he is fascinating. In the movie Burt Reynolds plays him as Tarzan and in addition to the occasional and silly sinister glare, this modern day Errol Flynn is too fresh from the cover of Cosmopolitan to’be taken seriously. Ed is a quiet family man caught in a maze of his own weaving. He is the 20th Century man who feels man’s inhumanity to man and he is aware that the future may hold nothing more for him than a quiet life of desperation. He is uncertain whether or not to make the existentialistic

leap of faith. He goes on the trip really only to mark time with the hope that Lewis may point to an answer for him. Lewis has dug out a niche for himself in what he calls his “Kingdom of Sensibility”. Perhaps he has made room for Ed. Jon Voight struggles and develops to a degree in the movie but he is too young. It takes more than a pipe to give Ed the maturity and uncertainty he needs. It takes years written in one’s face. Bobby, played by Ned Beatty, is the most uncertain character. He is a boy scout who never grew up. He is the one who still wears the lamp shade on his head at the party only because he is incapable of taking ‘himself seriously. In the film, the part is played for laughs. In the novel, he is much more tragic. It is pitiful to watch a man uncertain of the sobering awareness of his own mortatlty. The fourth man is truly the odd man out. Drew is sensitive and a man of the concrete jungles. He wants to get away but he can only survive in the world of the city. When the other men at the beginning of the trip are wrapped in their store-bought plastic woodsy clothe’s it is Drew who is still wearing his suede coat against the

elements. It is a * subtle point in the movie...but one well made. Because he doesn’t belong he is eventually destroyed. The question is whether or not it is by the w-ill of the gods or by chance. From the film version, Ronny Cox who plays the part of Drew steals the show. His performance is every bit as moving, fascinating and true as Jack Nicholson’s was in Easy Rider. These characters must be dealt with on such a raw and genuine level that it would perhaps have been better if they had all been unknowns. It takes us so long to sublimate the Hollywood image of Voight and Reynolds that much of their depth is lost. This becomes evident when you see the picture fqr the second time. From the flycover of the novel there is a good surface summary. “Four men embark on a three-day canoe trip down a particularly wild section of a

river in the heartland of today’s South. They are, with one exception, seemingly average a mutual funds suburban Americans: salesman, a supervisor in a soft-drink company, and a successful art director in a consulting firm who is the story’s narrator. for them the trip represents a break in the domestic routine, a chance for adventure with few real risks, and the 1st occasion to see a beautiful valley unvisited and free before the river is damned up. Their leader, an enthusiastic outdoorsman and champion archer, is obsessed by the desire to pit himself against nature. “When, the morning of the second day, two of the group are attacke_d viciously and perversely by mountaineers, a mildly adventurous canoe trip explodes into a nightmare of horror and murder. Men stalk and are stalked by other men and the treacherous river becomes a graveyard for those without the strength or the luck to survive. The narrator, forced to assume the leadership of his group and to pursue a dangerous multiple deception, must call upon all his resources to try to achieve deliverance.”


20 October,

the chevron



On the author James Dickey is one of America’s finest contemporary poets. He began writing poetry at the age of thirty eight. He has published in many journals and in 1966 he won the National Book Award in Poetry for Buckdancer’s Choice. Also in 1966 he was appointed the Poetry Consultant to the Library of Congress, and in 1967 the publication of his collected volume, Poems 1957-1967, was hailed as a major event. He has been a star athlete, a night fighter pilot, an advertising executive in New York and Atlanta, (where the characters in Deliverance flee from-in a “Gone With the Wind” sense.), a public lecturer, and professor at numerous universities. He is an avid woodsman, archer, and guitarist. He seems to be a combination of the characters in Deliverance..but of all the characters he seems most like Ed. He is married with two sons, and he is presently the poet-in-residence at the University of South Carolina. Deliverance is his first novel and screenplay. He dealt with the writing of the book from 1962-1970 and it shows. He knows his subject well in every detail. The Cahulawasse River is real and at the same time a metaphor. Its serenity initially lures the men, then plays with them like sexual objects and then finally it ravishes them with a brutality that is horrifying. The -attack and counter-attacks with the primitive, bestial, and sodomizing mountainmen is nothing compared to the river’s last stand against these four men who personify for her, al! men who are coming to is no Hegelian manipulate her. There synthesis here. The answers are no more - obvious at the end of the crisis than at the aimlessness of the beginning incidents.


to terror

In the movie, Bobby says after they first shoot the playful rapids: “We beat it, we beat it, didn’t we ?” But it is Lewis who sees through this child-like innocence. “You don’t beat it”, he says to no one and everyone. “You don’t beat the’ river.” The Appalachian people are interesting to watch in the movie. No actors were used and the images we get are as striking and poignant as the most complicated documentary. The four inen are easily pitted as foreigners and strangers in this hostile land. They become vulnerable and easy marks. Their -plastic bows seem like







by paul hartford


who takes it in his armchair are forced into involvement. This is a man’s book and-that is said with all the chauvinism that it implies. There are no women in the movie, save for a fleeting glimpse of Ed’s wife whom he goes home to but cannot share his terror with. Part of the reason for this is that the men go into the wilderness as individuals and not in a machismo mileau. The women in their lives are part of the reason for deliverance. They must make that lonely and ultimate stand on the soapbox of their wits and beliefs by themselves. The elemental struggle is their oneness-l suspect that Margaret Laurence is doing the same thing in The Fire Dwellers, for women. Close .to the elements, with men they trust, each man comes to face his own maleness and thus defines his own manhood. To each of the characters it gives them the conclusion they deserve. But it is not the Hemingway world which many of the critics have labelled it. Granted there is a ritual and a trial invojyed here. And Lewis is caught up in being involved in the game playing. But the Hemingway man always seemed to have to win. Instead of listening or searching, he had to be a winner and thus spent most of his time defining the rules of the game. These men want to lose themselves in something bigger than themselves before it is too late. They are searching for touchstones .something essential like truth before the last of the primitive Edens is gone for ever. We are all fallen and we are aware of it. These men seek a purge, a baptism and a catharsis before they lose everything. The river lies to their question of truth. It seduces them and then destroys them for the rest of their lives.

Moments Lewis at the beginning represents the new Adam. He is the man of the hour. .the man who is intellectually prepared for-fhe 20th century. He is the son of the counterculture. He is the opposite of Auden when in the 30’s who felt a kindred and need for ‘smokestacks and soot and railroad tracks. When in tribulation and fear each man in the novel and film calls out toGod to save them it is Lewis’s name they shout. But his broken flesh breaks his spirit and the new man must be Ed. The choice is not his but the role-is thrust upon him. -The movie has moments not to be forgotten. The water moccasin weaving and winding against the current; the boy with the banjo and heart that only music will soften; the old man stepping in four-four time while he gives the foreigners gasoline; the real characters in the boarding house; the moment when Lewis touches sensitively the arrow which has run through one of the attackers to see if he is still alive; Drew’s suede; the eulogy, waist deep in the killer water before Drew’s body is weighted to the bottom; Ed, through his love saying that “Drew was the best of us”; the, human slide on the rapids; the beautiful and ugly passions of the river; that improvised banjo tune which whispers as the theme music; and the rope coiling after Ed as he slides down the side of the cliff and drawing of his nails on the cold and grey slate; are images to be seen. There are some moments which needed refilming. The two gold rings on the dead body of the second killer seem incongrous to his lifestyle; the crooked and ugly false teeth; the four

different shapes and sizes of Lewis’ smattered leg as it seeps out of his pant leg; the white plastic hand that rises in the water of Ed’s dream; the flies on Lewis’ wound a few seconds after he lodges his broken body in,the crevice of the whirlpool; the,family about to move before the flood on the back of the Hillbilly truck looks like a scene from the worst of Al Capp; and after three days without shaving there is not a millimetre of stubble on anyone but Ed. But all these things are merely to say that the movie is man made. There is much more to be said especially about the book. Truly this is one of the watersheds in the history of the American novel. We shall be studying it for many years to come. For the moment consid& the Conrad and Melville books as precursors. Dickey seems to have learned a lot from his literary forefathers, especially from his reading of Heart of Darkness, Moby Dick, and Billy Budd. Also look at the construction of the book. There are five chapters in this tragedy and the climax comes in the middle act. (“Before”, September 14, September 15, September 16, “After’‘-the movie doesn’t really deal with the last act.) Shakespeare has the last word. You come away from both the movie and novel with the feeling that: “The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones.” Julius Caesar, Act. III, 1. 38-40. When Ed wakes up with the nightmare of those three days his wife soothes him back like Peona does Endymion. The last scene strikes one with its parallels to MacBeth. “Macbeth, has murdered sleep. Macbeth shall sleep no more.”



the chevron

20 October,

between in his career. Following Scott has been much like being a fan of another on-again-off-again actor, Peter Sellers-in a word, frustrating. Scott has been wasted in bombs like “The Last Run” and “The Hospital”, films which only his name drew many to. Well, in “Centurions” he is back at his peak, mellowing for low-key scenes and then catching fire “We are during dramatic high points. In makes it more blatant: says Scott, one scene, Scott erupts bitterly at the new Centurions”, guarding America from the hordes a slum landlord exploiting wetback just as the Roman Centurions Chicanos, and’ the spark of his guarded Rome from the savages, anger leaps from the screen to the until it fell (get the parallel?). audience with a force which makes But all three films are ultimately you want to jump up and applaud. dishonest. They raise only Scott possesses thatunique ability questions they can answer; offer to make you forget you are watonly scenes which prove their ching two-dimensioned images So many issues and ‘rather than real people. That and a point. questions unanswered in our few other scenes are quite worth society are never broached: the price of admission. Where is the crime against ~/ Unfortunately for the movie, society in homosexuality? _Are Scott’s character is killed off prostitutes criminals or the victhalfway through the plot, and his ims of society’s crimes? Are police absence is heavily felt. mainly used in North America to In the wake of its build-up, enforce the property laws of a few “Centurions” is quite disapagainst the aspirations‘and needs pointing. Supposedly a “true-to‘of the many? What is the police life” recounting of a policeman’s role against civil demonstrators? way of life, it comes off little difWhen do demonstrations become ferent from its recent brethren, “police riots” ? Is there any room “The French Connection” and in the police force for a man who “Dirty Harry”. questions orders, priorities? Are Supposedly an aspiring law large city forces themselves , student, the main character shows hopelessly corrupted by crime? only a pitiful semblance of social With all those real questions left consciousness, and in the end untouched, there certainly is a gives up the law to dedicate motion picture to be himself to “the street”, ,a powerful made about policemen. But these dedication which costs him his three don’t even choose to scratch neglected wife and child. The the surface; they play it for action unappreciated sacrifices of being and a law-and-order “message” a cop are bludgeoned into the plot rather than honesty. Perhaps the again and again during the film, as dynamics of the film industry will in the two other “cop” movies never allow a film like that to be mentioned. “Connection” had its scene where Popeye stood out in made or, if it is, will detour it into just as happened to the cold while the gangster ate in a obscurity, movies like “Burn!” luxurious restaurant, “Dirty The advertising for “CenHarry” showed a young‘rookie get turions” boasts, “A cop tells his shot up and decide to leave the story”. It should’be changed to “A business instead of returning for cop tells the part of his story he more unsung abuse, and “Cenwants heard”. turions” throws-them all in. But, besides all the (probably -george s kaufman justified) harping on this aspect of a cop’s life, there is no attempt at examining the role of cop in our society aside from a few scenes which are-played more for laughs than thought. While on the vice squad, Keach IS detailed to walk at night in a park in order to entice a horn< sexual. After entrapping the man,, he is then joined by six more plain-‘ W’uppet on a Chain-A strange clothesmen hiding in the bushes mixture of the usual into “subdue” this vicious criminal. ternational super-spy stuff and Oh, Roy is bothered by it a little, unusual unexpected twists, but more because of the fact that ,Iltogether good entertainment these assignments keep him from for fans of the genre. It was a enforcing the law “on the streets” super-biggie for several years in than by any consideration about t urope; made in 1968, it the man’s rights. somehow didn’t make it to And, there is Scott’s selfNorth America until last year. righteous speech to the slum landlord, but it is an isolated in~Fool; - Jason Robards stars in cident which is so overshadowed this Geritol-set love story by the brilliance of his acting that takeoff on the Love Story. Silly it does not begin to balance the and sentimental, if you like that no-questions-asked attitude of the kind of stuff: Man meets girl, rest of the film. Sure, Scott is humane, but he also sees prostitution and homosexuality as crimes( just as Popeye loved to lord it over blacks and Dirty Harry got just as many pathological kicks from killing and hurting the “criminals” ****don’t miss it; as the criminals had with their * **try not to miss it; victims. ** don’t miss it if you got All three films show the cop as nothin’ else to do ; an underpaid, unthanked guar+ miss it. dian of society against itself and its enemies-the latest one only l

The . crime 1 <-of-cop movies

Hedid1 with


RAQUEt WELCH beautiful body . ..suffocated

the d world’s most b.eautifulI women6

VIRNA LlSl beautiful body

. ..guillotined


KARIN SCHUEEstT beautiful body . . .shot ALEXANDER ,

w,tt> SYBIL



presents NATHALIE




AGOSTINABEUJ beautiful bodv. ..falconated

beautiful body



. MARILU’ as”Anne


KARIN “* with




v2.tI r
















The New Centurions (playing at the Lyric) is a fairly conventional melodramatic soap-opera which is nevertheless interesting on two counts: the acting of George C. Scott and the film’s place in the recent sp,ate of supposed tell-itlike-it-is cop movies. As for the film itself, it’s a wellacted and smoothly directed piece which suffers badly from an embarrassingly empty screenplay and poor dialogue. Stacy Keach turns in an auspicious performance as the main character, a cop whose career is traced from beginning to premature end. The trouble is that the screenwriters have gone to so much effort to embody the whole message of the film in Keach’s character that it almost turns out to be a policeman version of the “Perils of Pauline”. So,many things happen to this poor guy that his predicaments turn out to be laughable rather than sad. In the course of the movie, Keach gets shot twice-once at point-blank range with a shotgun (and is immobilized only briefly)gets dragged through Los Angeles on the side of a runaway car, loses his wife and child to his goes on. . Supposedly an adaptation of a novel by a real ,L.A. cop, this movie is little more than a well-done action flick pausing every now and again to elaborate in cliches about the unappreciated role of the cop In society. The one bright spot is Scott’s fiery performance as the veteran cop-and his acting can brighten a mediocre movie considerably. Scott’s screen brilliance her; harkens back to his outstanding acting in movies such as “Dr. Strangelove” and “Patton”, movies which seem unfortunately to come much too few and far


This week’s federation flicks

Star chart


20 October,




2 1



Fascist delight via mind contmil “The Avon

Family, Books.




Having lived in Santa Barbara, California for the past three months, enjoying the casual peacefulness of the area, the warm sun, the cool, soft breezes, experiencing the bold rush of waves inward from the sea, I find it difficult to imagine anything as callous as the notorious Manson family ever visiting this splendid city. But in fact, the clan had made ma-ny trips there to visit a Satanworshipping cult called the Process Church of the Final Judgement. In his book, The Family, Ed Sanders traces Charles Manson through a young life heavily-laden with personal conflicts to his infection of followers and finally the killing of others. He spent many years in reform school and prisons being “rehabilitated”. By the time he was let loose on the world again, Manson had learned plenty. He studied magic, hypnotism, warlockry, and subliminal motivation which he later used to assist in his “mind control”. The results indicate that he learned his lessons well. With this new knowledge, Manson was able to gather his followers, extract any material wealth and identification they may have had, and had them carry out his orders without question. Manson established friendships with some of the more “elite” members of society who let him have access to their homes whenever the family felt like

dropping in; or use of their cars and, of course, their money. Charles Manson was doing all right with his group. They began the travelling circus in a schoolbus around Los Angeles, picking up new converts along the way. The family always had food to eat (they made daily garbage-runs to the rear of high-class grocery stores) ,and plenty of fun and excitement (always orgies and drugs around). Later, the Spahn movie ranch finally became home for the “gore group”. The warm, southern California climate draws all types of people from all walks of life; but it especially catches the attention of those who are looking for some new form of excitement and it was there that Manson secured most of his “people”. He preyed particularly on young, misguided runaway females (the younger the better) and undirected males. Although the turnover of members was high in the earlier stages, there was a constant ratio of female to male at about three to one. Then Manson got heavily into talk of gore, blood and murder. This switch from a cheapeefreebe, irresponsible style of living into one with a definite direction, lost a few family members but’ some of the faithful followers stuck by their fearless leader. The change of goal was brought about by what Sanders calls “sleazo inputs”. The Process Church of the Final Judgement and its obsession with death and destruction together with the other Satanic cults in the area turned the heads of the Mansonoids. The heavy use of drugs (especially Belladonna) aided the family to interpret songs by the Beatles (such as “Helter Skelter” and “Piggies”) to support their murder incentive. In the 471 pages of the book, Sanders does not dwell endlessly on what he calls the “chop scenes”. Through his year and a

half of research, he offers information on the group before and after the murders as well as contemporary data in the United States to add historical perspect ive. At the time of Manson-mania, much of the U.S. was involved in race riots. Charles Manson believed the blacks would eventually take over the country and so, to prepare for this, the females of the family were used to lure local motorcycle gangs into their club to form a military wing. This done, the group began collecting dune-buggies (without’ the consent of the owners) to complete the attack battalion. Deserted shacks in the Mohave Desert were termed “The Hole” (Manson’s paradise) and from this new home, “snuff” routes along the roads were established. When the blacks came down and took power, the decided routes would enable them to creepycrawl the area for food and snuff out victims. The Mansonoids, still mindcontrolled were directed by Charles to the .Tate and the LaBianca residences to snuff out the unaware victims. The followers did as directed, also adding small individual touches of their own to complete the well-pu bl icized tragedy. The great chocolate factory and paradise lasted only a short time until they were apprehended by the L.A. police. Sanders book is based on facts, notes and tapes which completely, filled one room in his house. He uses few personal interpretations and while there are a couple of places in his book where the information is a little too detailed, he still keeps the reader interested. It is certainly a worthwhile book to read. Southern California was such a beautiful place but as always, reality steps in and takes your head out of the clouds. Aynn


by dennis mcgann

Nuts and bolts “introduction to Computer Organization,” by Yaohan Chu; Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd%., Toron to, 7970.

Within a young discipline, change is a way of life. While the world of computing continues to change, Waterloo’s undergraduate program in computer science continues to fall further and further behind. While some attempts to institute new courses succeed, the drastic change necessary to retain Waterloo’s reputation as the Canadian leader in computer science education hasn’t materialized. One of the stock replies of the previous CompuSci department chairman to “Why don’t you provide more courses in computer science?” was that there aren’t enough texts-computer science is much too young to have acquired the amount of source material which is taken for granted in other disciplines. The computer science program at the university of Waterloo consists of simply a’ mathematics programme disguised with a smattering of so-called computer science electives-while some are stimulating, most don’t offer enthusiasts much challenge. Perhaps a broadening of scope within the computer science programme is necessary to give interested undergrads the chance to excel in their chosen field. One topic which is not adequately covered in our un-

dergrad curriculum is Computer Organization: a description of the functional architecture and sequential operation of digital computers. It is not enough to describe a computer to computerscience students in terms of big black-boxes, such as arithmeticlogic units, core-memory and so forth-a firm grasp of what a computer system does is attained only by studying the subject in detail. It is not necessary to study interconnections on the logic-gate level; however, if one starts with the system designer’s “basic building blocks” (registers, clocks, decoders, etc.), a clear idea of an operation sequence will lead to a better understanding of computer structure. Chu is not content to discuss these elements in a totally abstract way-he introduces each element as an operation or a datatype in his Computer Design Language (CDL). This language is implem‘ented in a two-part FORTRAN system-a translator and a simulator. While other digital design languages are available, CDL is ideal for student use since it is easy to learn and use, and allows parallel operations as well as timing (clocks). It is definitely a competitor to APL for digital design teaching purposes. The first section of the book introduces unsigned and signed binary arithmetic and gives a quick treatment of boolean algebra. Chu then introduces the elements of a computer, and coincidently, the elements of his design language, CDL.’ Delays, registers, RAMS, logic networks and clocks are first described, then Chu goes on to discuss what he terms microoperations, “elementary functional operations physically built into a digital computer” (for example: clear a register, add two redgisters). CDL has several interesting constructs which allow stating the operation list fairly concisely. Sequencing of operations is covered very well-each example is illustrated with sequence charts. Working through progressively more difficult examples throughout the book gives one a real feel for the timing and control networks which supervise data flow in a digital subsystem. The author also included a chapter on computer programming. Unfortunately, a topic such as this is much too broad to belong in a treatment of computer organization-Chu, I believe tried to cover too much ground here. That chapter, and a few rather obvious typographical blunders were the only faults I found with Chu’s book. My overall impression was that Introduction to Computer Organization would be an excellent textbook for a course on this subject; Chu’s use of CDL would ensure that students receive a firm understanding of the material. I recommend this book for reading and individual study by interested students-no sense waiting for the CompuSci department to make the first move. If enough people show an interest in using the CDL system, the computer center could perhaps be prodded into installing it. -tom purdy



the chevron

20 October,


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20 October,


- eFo-ur

walls Yet - no door After the initial trickle of pleasure at being afforded the chance to publicly tackle the fruits of the record industry is depleted by the conditions surrounding the idiom-repitition, strained descriptive language, absence of background detail on musicians, styles and companies-a reviewer IS left floundering, in search of both form and meaning. A locus of meaning is perhaps the hardest to place, the overall content of a work now governed as much by the use made of it by an audience and the conditions under which -it was produced, as it is by the creative urges it occasionally may express. Today, unless one aims for the patent safety of the Rolling Stone soother review, a reviewer tends to be distanced both from an audience which is often religious In its use and appreciation of music and styles of music the ascent of which are as much a product of the vicissitudes of capitalism as they are of the genius of composition and performance. Unless one can challenge those factors directly, which would require a somewhat broader vehicle than simply a record, the space within which “reviewing” can still fruitfully occur is severely limited. That space is narrowed further when the meaning which language potentially conveys is reduced to an epiphenomenon within the when words are insong, corporated as malleably as background morrocas; not that this is necessarily bad-it remains legitimate for music-but it means that the remaining descriptive space revolves around the emotions struck and the means employed. A case in point is, Jeff Beck Group (Columbia KE 31331) where the effort is most suitably described as nice or pleasant. As regards deveibpment, this work is simply an amplification of the same mix of talents at work on Beck’s last al bum. Apart from a couple of flagging cuts the collection is held together by Beck’s superb guitar work, an individual deve.lopment culminating in “Goin, Down”-a speedy, driving tune guaranteed to appeal to a certain -kind of person on a certain type of ‘day; one might add that the lyrics are vacuous and facilitate rather than express the song, as is the case on “Ice Cream Cakes”, ‘Sugar Cane,’ and many others. Apart from that one might

- the

mention “Glad All Over”, a fast, snappy arrangement of the old complete .with good song, cadenced vocals; or perhaps “I Got To Have A Song” which presents the case for “music, sweet music” a la Edgar Winter’s “Good Morning Music”-an accepted style well done which plays on a desirable -emotional response-we all like music, dig. The one innovative rework, attempted mainly for stylistic reasons, is Beck’s modified “Tonight I’ll Be Staying Here With You” ; resisting the Chickenshack urge to psychedelicize ballads (remember “If I Were--A Carpenter”) vocalist Tenth and friend Beck restrict themselves honourably to agonized voice and tastefully countried guitar, propped up nicely by gentle backup vocals. The album is good fun.. . Another group whose forte was once unique arrangement has taken the big plunge: Comin’ Thru (Capitol 11002) by Quicksilver Messenger Service is one of those albums which, if the record’ industry preserved a vestige of integrity, would never have made it to production. A number entitled “Changes” typifies the whole, a mix of sucky, insipid elements like “I’ll be ‘true to you, baby” lyrics propounded in a whining, pubescent Johnny Rivers style. A concoction of obsolete and offensive elements, mired in mediocrity, it is almost too polite to say that this album is shit. Then again there’s the case of The London Muddy Waters Sessions (Chess 60013)-apart from an attractive cover comprised of high quality paper and well presented graphics guaranteed to stimulate your cosmic imagination while giving longer wear, there is nothing .exciting or new here. Musically speaking, one is hard pressed to ferret out the rationale behind the string of second rate London sessions we have had of late; Grech, Winwood and Waters can not, even superficially, be a new synthesis and the listening effects merely prompt one to pick up an early Waters album for the full Chicago style. Socially speaking, the sessions are much easier to understand, they being a product of our own time-tested “super gullibility (the will to session” Idolatry?) and the fact that the GRT people know how to capitalize on their investments better than (or desire to more than) the Chess people ever did. None of which is to claim that the record is bad-just listen to someone else’s before you buy it. Then again you might look at the Snake (GRT 9098-3037) an instrumental album featuring the virtuoso guitar work of one Harvey Mandel. The album is a menage of competence-from the backup violin of D. Harris Bon to P. Lagos’ drumming and Larry Taylor’s bass-brimming with the acuity and regularity that gain a studio musician his living, always well placed. yet sometimes lacking life. Thematically the album attempts an instrumental web of moods, a journey to and through things eerie, unnoticed, a hint at those things out categories violate etching itself through progressions of lilting, levitating newness using techniques which force the notes to soar, to echo, to uplift. The record’s failing derives from

the group’s internal relationship, so obviously structured to present Mandel a la virtuoso, and his talents, while immense, fall just short of the mastery which might excuse the subjugation of the other players. Other than that the majority of cuts make really fine listening. -dave


The band grid Chicago:

The Band’s studio performances reveal a fair amount of simplification on this album, at least partially because the horn section had only one-chance for rehearsal before actually going on stage. If I hesitate to endorse Rock of Ages wholeheartedly, it is because I sense a certain stagnation in the absence of any first-rate new material, and in the similarity of these interpretations to those The Band has already recorded. It’s nice to have a live version of “Unfaithful Servant”, if only as a historical document, but it doesn’t show much of the growth and development exemplified by The Band and Stage Fright. The Band is keeping up, but they’re no longer keeping ahead; and only time will tell whether Rock of Ages is a springboard into the future, or merely a memorial to past accomplishments. Folks have been putting Chicago down of late, and rightly so: IV was a mess, and both II and Ill paled somewhat beside the superb Chicago Transit Authority album. While Chicago V (Columbia KC 31102) is hardly up to the latter, it does show flashes of instrumental brilliance which raise the hope that this group’s original promise will someday be fulfilled. Unfortunately, Chicago continues to burden itself with some of the most asinine lyrics around, many of which would serve as textbook illustrations for the sort of rad-lib Jekylandhydedness seemingly endemic to one wing of American politics. Thus “State of the Union” exhorts us to “Tear the system down-tear it down to the ground,” while “Alma Mater,” in contrast to the musically similar “Where Do We Go From Here?,” opines that: Everything is going fine And now we just have to keep in mind We must set grand new goals We must not lose control

colxiid back S .ow After the near-disaster of Cahoots, one had to wonder if The Band’s bubble had burst. Were they going to be content with elementary electric funk (“Life is a Carnival”) and we’re-all-drunkhope-you-are-too Yonge St. bar music (“4 Percent Pantomime”), or was there something left from the creative explosion of Big Pink, The Band, and Stage Fright? Well, Rock of Ages ((Capitol SABB11045), a 2-Lp live set, doesn’t provide a clear answer, but it is at the very least proof that The Band’s performing abilities are still pretty awesome. With the exceptions of “Don’t Do It,” a Holland-Dozier-Hofland Motowner, and “Get Up Jake,” a similarly undistinguished original, Rock of Ages consists of familiar material, with few interpretative surprises other than the horn section which appears on several tracks. The latter has been sensibly and sensitively arranged by Allan Toussaint, and while it adds little to such pensive songs as “Caledonia Mission,” some extra punch, is given to the more revivalish and good-timey numbers (“Across the Great Divide,” “Rag Mama Rag,” “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down.“) The extravagant claims made for this album by the Rolling Stone reviewer, Ralph Gleason, indicate that the rock press is going to treat it as some sort of Third Comjng, which it most certainly isn’t, but it would be silly to overreact by being unduly harsh. Rock of Ages’ strong points are good energy and fine live performances; live is emphasized because close comparisons with

Or we’ll find through the hole your own blanks, less sense than

a mole creeping in our soul-fill in it can’t make any this gunk.

Also, I have an elementary notion of character which involves some correspondence between words and actions, and people telling me to tear it down from the safety of a recording studio don’t quite qualify; and as for the “everything is groovy” bu-siness, take a look around you now and tell me what you see.. . If you can get past the lyrics, however, there are several good cuts on Chicago V. “A Hit by Varese” has some of the chuggin right along energy as CTA’s “Introduction ; ” “Now That You’re Gone” showcases Danny Seraphine’s brilliant drumming against good ensemble work by the horns; “State of the Union,” while vitiated by its lyrics, is more Edgar Winter-funky than anything else they’ve ever done; and “Goodbye,” although practically a note--for-note (and uncreditted) cop from the Jazz Crusaders, is a reasonably adept piece of West Coast jazz-rock. Chicago seems to inspire fairly extreme love-or-hate reactions from rock fans, which makes it easier to recommend V‘ to a specific audience: those who liked II and Ill because those albums occasionally reminded them of the freshness of CTA. V will likely do the same, but it may also lead you



to throw up your hands, or perhaps just throw up, at the idiotic words imposed upon some very good music. Question no. 72: Does Chicago really know what time it is?



Brain Capers (Island SW-9178) by Mott the Hoople: an album of psychedelicized 50’s riffs, “dedicated to James Dean,” from a band whom even oceans of media hype can’t push up the charts. Muddy recorded sound, with the lead singer buried way down the mix-not that he deserves better. The creditting of the album’s design to “Bizarre Damage” pretty well sums up the situation. Carlos Santana & Buddy Mites! Live! (Columbia KC 31308) : Side 2, 25 minutes of “Free Form Funkafide Filth,” gets it on for about five and then collapses, but Side 1 is another story. The latter contains exciting performances of “Marbles,” an excellent John McLaughlin tune from Devotion, and a good old “Evil Ways;” and since this is Carlos Santana’s band rather than Buddy Miles’, even “Them Changes” survives its umpteenth reincarnation. Lui,s Gasca and Hadley Calliman supply fine trumpet and sax, the incredible Santana rhythm section does its usual impeccable funk, and if you’re willing to pay full price for about 20 minutes of high quality music, snarf it up. Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake (Daffodil SBA 16015) by The Small Faces: a re-release of a 4year old Immediate album, this Lp is an interesting and, for its trme, fairly far out, effort by Messrs. Marriott, Lane, McLagen, and Jones, whose current activities should be familiar to you. (If not, Marriott is the crust on Humble Pie, the others are backing Rod Stewart). The recorded sound isn’t very good and the songs are a bit too cutesy-wimpy for my admittedly Anglophobic tastes, but The Faces’ instrumental ability and tightness make this an enjoyable album of good old rock’n’roll. If you find The Kinks a bit too lightweight and Led Zep a trifle too heavy, Ogden’s Nut Gone Flake may be your bowl of Wheaties. Free At Last (Island SW;9192) by Free: nothing up to “All Right Now,” but nevertheless a curiously pleasant album by a group which has always struck me as a somewhat more relaxed and thoughtful version of Humble Pie. They’re so relaxed here, in fact, that this is one of the few electric albums which could be described as “sopor if ic” in the positive If there can be such a thing as post-coital rock (can there?), this is it. Groove on. Ursa Major (RCA LSP-4777): do we really need a Canadian version of Grand Funk Railroad? Is heavy-metal where it’s at? Do you dig the Purple Led Butterfly platters spun by the Campus Centre Turkeys ? If “Yes” to all three, buy the new Ursa Major a Ibum-you deserve it. -pad

stuewe ’



the. chevron

the xhd Weneed= ’ ’


news reporters



-Weneedpeopk who wish to view critical& and write about . books l



urban planning





and ’


We can on& report it if me know it’s happening. WANTED

PRESIDENT l Fede-ration of Students .Qualificafiohs: Willing to work 16 hour day, able handle administrative duties, be willing to work wit ’ group of misfits as well as the rest o’f the campus.

j Nominations open Thursday Oct. 19, 1972 I Nominations close Thursday Oct. 26,1972 at 5 p.m. Apply at Federation Office SEEHelga Petz


Hunkey tunkey Upon first hearing “Honky Tonk Angel” (Polydor 2391024) by Ellen Mcllwaine, I was struck both by the variety of the songs and the versatility and power of the performer. Subsequent listenings have- supported my first impression, and much more. Great voice and guitar from Ellen; a fine instrumental blending featuring congas; songs by Isaac Hayes, Jack Bruce and Peter Brown, Steve Winwood and Jimi Hendrix; J.D. Miller’s classic “It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels”; plusa lively duo from Ellen herself make for exciting results. Side A, recorded live at the Bitter End, admirably introduces the performer and displays - her talent. Few have done so well with a Hendrix song. Side B has that something extra that goes with a studio sound. Country, rock, light jazz are all done convincingly well. One fine talent; one fine album. -doug

We ako needlea&

20 October,


Departure or carried away One could easily explain Peter Frampton’s departure from Humble Pie by saying that he wanted to experiment musically with something other than their heavy, hard-driving rock. He has done just that with his new album, Winds of Change (A&M SP 4348). Unfortunately, he gets so carried away with trying many styles ,of rock music that the album emerges with no distinct identity. Despite this overall vagueness, Winds of Change proves Peter Frampton to be a competent and sometimes outstanding musician and songwriter. All the songs except for “Jumping Jack Flash” were written by him. His range of music goes from hard-driving rock “Its a Plain Shame” to soft, sadeyed, laments such as “Oh, for Another Day”. Though the former, style reflects his “Humble” past, he appears to be more at home with lighter music. Frampton’s version of “Jumping Jack Flash” is novel and even admirable, yet one tends to compare it with other, excellent interpretations of this song. He has the Rolling Stones and Johnny Winter to beat, not surprisingly, he does not make it. However, when Peter Frampton manages to combine happy-go-lucky lyrics with bouncy drumming from Ringo Starr, light ‘n lively guitar work from Andrew Bown and himself supplemented by cohesive brass playing from Jim Price, he produces the best cut on the album, “The Lodger”. Winds of Change is by no means a great album but if you are willing to sacrifice excellence in favour of a wide variety of rock music, this is an album to get. -doug


Canadian content


Shirley Eikhard (Capitol ST637 1) For our Canadian content this week we have Shirley Eikhard singing and playing her way into the hearts of Anne Murray fans Canada’s newest everywhere. songstress has on her first album coupled four old standby’s with six compositions of her own. Technically, too much is expected from her “beautiful alto” and too little is accomplished by the extensive string arrangements. The four borrowed songs (eg. J. Denver and Sylvia Tyson) give it commercial strength and a country flavour. As for Shirley’s own songs, they (according to the album cover) “express at an early the imaginative and age stimulated young \mind with the urge to see and know what’s “out there” and to be part of the fascination of life.” Only time and thirty-seven Tommy Hunter shows will tell. A New Place to Live (Mandala SKAO 14003) is a collection of poems by Robert John Gallo set to music. Joey Carbone (vocals) and Richard Zito (guitar) do a creditable job with material that might be suitable as a musical score in the mold of J.C. Superstar or Godspell, as we are warned by “the prophet” of the impending doom if mankjnd conhnues Its ways of war and destruction. Still more hope for junior Christians everywhere. -doug



All this week at 11:30 each day through Friday and again at 7:30 and 9:00 on Friday in the Humanitites Studio Theatre, HUM 180. a programme of Italian Renaissance songs, dances, instrumental music and comedy is being presented. The program is similar in form to the highly successful Elizabethan Revels presented last winter and has been devised and directed by Reg Friesen, Jill Officer, David’ Walker and Karl Wylie. The company includes five dancers, five singers and eight instrumentalists. The instruments that will be heard include a lute, viol da gamba, violin, crumhorn, flute, harpsichord and six sizes of recorders. Among the dances to be seen will be part of Monteverdi’s Ballo delle Ingrate, a bransle and tedesca. Banchieri’s Contraponto Bestiale will be sung as well as works by Gastoldi, Marenzio and Gastoldi. The performances, which last about 45 minutes, are staged In the Studio Theatre which seats only 75 and are intended to be Intimate. Admission is free.




20 October,





DO YOU LIVE In this main campus residence complex?





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The presentation of Fumed Oak last friday contained some fine drama. Billed as an ‘unpleasant comedy’ it was both humorous and sad though not as pointedly realistic as a successful blend of ’ these two moods could have been. The play (at least the two scenes I saw) was about the breakup of a family through the actions of an ‘hen-pecked husband’. His importance t6 the play, however, came as a surprize (unless one has become- cynical’ about dramatic ploys) for at the first, icene of the play he merely sat at a table eating his breakfast. There is nothing very exciting about watching anyone eat breakfast onstage. In fact, the whole drama of the first scene was in the - nattering abuse the wife and mother-in-law of the. play were exchanging. In the second scene, however, Mr. Gow makes his liquor smoothed entry into the dramatic centre of the play. Fortified as he


is, he begins to tell his wife, mother-in-law and daughter what he truly thinks of them. The’ description is not very nice and the glee with which he points out their faults is infectious. He punctures their balloon of selfrighteousness and the sound of the puncturing (weeping and outrage) is very funny by contrast to the former pomposity of their speech. But Mr. Gow’s intent is not simply to damage the pride of\each member of his family. His serious concern is that of leaving this family with whom he has lived for several years. It is this intent which makes Fumed Oak more than a comedy. Another dimension, that of tragedy, is added because. Mr. Gow is /not ‘just drunk’ but seriously intending to leave his family to fend for themselves. Russ Scott made Mr. Gow realistic. His entrance in the second scene was handled with

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the mother-in-law played by Marilyn Turner, both were selfrighteous shrews but also individuals distinguishable from each other. Perhaps this was due more to the actions demanded by Mr. Coward’s script than to their understanding of the parts. At times they seemed uncertain of who they.were. Elsie Gow, the daughter (Helen Read) never seemed to be the brat that her father thought her. She, too, was not a clear character. The drama in the play was thin in parts of the second scene. The openness of the theatre of the arts stage was partly to blame (I think the action needed containing in some obvious way) but so was the lack of synthesis of the play. There were two moods, i.e. one of pathos (for the situation of the women) and of joy (for Mr. Go& freedom) and no clear sense of unity. There seemed to be uncertainty as to how to blend these two moods into a stronger play. -lynn bowers

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One free loaf ) Buttermaid bread with purchase of bag or jug milk.


The Women’s Place is an organizational centre which .is trying to act as a catalyst between various sectors of the women’s movement. They do this by supplying space for meetings, trying to reach women who have had negligible contact with the movement by providing groupings they can get into or help them organize their own. Specifically the ‘place’ is attempting to offer a cultural alternative to the staid, packaged consumer type culture presently being offered to people. For instance three women’s papers operate out of the centre. Services such as: a monthly newsletter, a children’s group, a book store and library, a print shop, mechanics and manual training school, a theatre group, a legal collective, etc., are offered. X On October 20 and 21 in accordance with their aims to promote a cultural alternative the women’s place is having a .film festival at Don Vale Community Centre, 80 Winchester St. at 7:30 pm price, $1.50 per person. On Friday the movies are: Three Lives, by Kate Millet, Growing Up Female by Julia Reichert and Bridal Shower by Sandy Wilson. On Saturday the movies are: The Thiygs I cannot Change by Tanya Ballantyne, To Be a Woman and Mother To Be by Ann Claire Poirier.



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the chevron

waning Track supremacy








There are almost as many diamond shapes as girl shapes. That doesn’t mean pear shaped girls should have pear shape diamonds. But the form you choose should conform to your kind of life. Let us show you brilliants, emerald cuts, ovals, etc. - Touch them. Try them on. Until you find the diamond that fits you best.

This Saturday at Windsor university the OUAA (men’s) and OWIAA (-women’s) track and field championships will be at stake. This co-ed, first-ever style final appeat’s to spell disaster for the Waterloo contingent. First of all, the womens’ group consists of a scant seven girls (two from last year), and no one has returned who has won a title. The lack-lustre attitude of most of the people connected with the womens’ team is disheartening. Lack of interest, lack of stimulation from the womens’ jock department, and a couple of serious injuries has resulted in an absence of talent: The women’s title apiears to be a two team battle between Laurentian and York. Laurentian may appear the stronger over all

20 October,


with sheer numbers of keen holds the OUAA javelin record of athletes, a large and involved 225 feet. 1 coaching staff, and a travel budget The men’s squad is also &fthat is staggering considegng how fering from apparent disinterest.much other universities complain Maybe four consecutive chamabout the dollar pinch. pionships have removed the inOn the male side, the Tait centive or drive that has pulled McKenzie trophy may have ixtogether in the past. ’ cumulated too much dust on the This year many of the medal Waterloo trophy shelf over the hopefuls have turned away from past four years, and it may be track activity, becoming involved ready Tao travel. In all likelihood, with helping other varsity teams the ‘artiq’ from U of T is out to such as the squash and hockey geal Waterloo a lethal blow. They teams. Others have retired to the too have stepped up recruiting, hallowed campus centre walls for financing and developed a diversified stimulation. Other university -summer track team interests have left a gaping hole in which has attracted numerous the squad, with as yet no members athletes from the recently in the shot put, discus, and pole disbanded East York Track Club. vault events, and only one high Both U of T and Queens (with jumper and one javelin thrower. Hugh Fraser-supreme sprinter) Can the men’s team defend are neck and neck with the their title? Well, that depends on struggling Warriors. the weather, the hockey in-, The Waterloo squad will be led tersquad game, the squash team by veterans Bill Lindley, George practices, availability of shoes, and Neeland and Dave Nor-they. All team pride....for those who three will be at least doubling recognize it. their usual number of events as they try to koost the team point total. Bill Lindley will be defending his string of triple jump gold medais accumulated while at Waterloo, as will George Neeland in the 120 yard hurdles. Python ’ Not-they will be leading a strong middle and long distance group that will be the toughest in the The Warrior-trecking-acrossprovince. Another gold medal the-country group was supposed hopeful is Glen Arbeau, who still to send two teams to the cross country meet held at York last Saturday. -Only one Warrior team showed up for the competition. U of T, the team team to beat this year, won the competition by placing five runners in the top ten finishing positions. The Warriors, finished second in the team standings, but a long way back of U of T in the point scoring system. Ken Hamilton, of York, was the indivivual winner as Dan Anderson, last year’s winner, slipped eighth position. The best the Warriors could individually finish was Murray Hale’s seventh. It has been rumoured that the only reason that Hamilton entered the race was because he thought that he would be running against the Warrior’s Python Northey. Python, who has been doing two workouts per day, decided, with a little bit of encouragement from his Toronto Olympic coach, Paul Pace, that he should have a short rest period. He- did- not compete in the race. Most of the trackers will compete in the OUAA track and field meet in Windsor tomorrow. They will return to their country outings the following Saturday.

Cross country

notice ’

MON. O‘CT. 23 9:00 a.m. Single Admission Tickets go on sale for THE CHAMBER PLAYERS OF TORONTO SAT. NOV. 11-8 p.m. Theatre of the Arts Admission $2.50, students %I.50 Central Box Office ext. 2126

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FORUM ‘Darwin, Marx, and Behavibral Models in the Social Sciences” Bill Levant >ept. of Psychology U of Saskatchewan Seminar Friday afternoon October 20th 1~30PM Room 135 Campus Centre



20 October,






Bully in the pasture The rookie athena field hockey team passed up their traditional game uniform for a warmer uniform of sweat suits during their game against Western at Columbia field. The Western team either, not knowing that the temperature was lower than normal for this time of year, or wanting to show that they were tough, clad themselves in the traditional, show some leg, game uniform. The final outcome wasa l1 tie and a happy group of athena field hockey players. The athenas are beginning to show signs of the formation of a solid team as was indicated by their play in the game against Western. Many more attempts to pass the ball to team members, rather than make blind passes, has been noticed in the past couple of games. Last tuesday was an experimentation day as many of the team members were absent from the game at Mcmaster because of interviews. The number of regular players was so few that the manager of the team was recruited to fill in a-vacant forward position. The result of this experimentation was a confused athena team which eventually led to a Mcmaster victory. As seems to be their thing, the athenas had to play a catch-up even though they played an aggressive (the old socially sanctioned aggression thing) game from the start. The athenas had the edge on play during the second half of the game allowing Western only a few feeble attempts to score. The ball was quickly passed up the field by the defence as soon as they gained control of it. The passes by the forwards, in most cases, were in fro& of the intended reciever instead of behind them as had been the case at the beginning of the season. Tomorrow the women will head to Kingston for a tournament in which thay will have a rematch with the strong Queen’s team. One week from tomorrow the athenas will host an OWIAA sectional tournament leading to the final championship tournament. -george


Time and tires What is a car rally? Asked this question, many people have the misconception that it is a race. A race where these crazy people in their little cars roar around back country roads and the first one to reach the finish is the winner. Now, be honest with yourself. That is what you think a car rally is all about, isn’t it? Well, nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, rallying is sort of hard to explain, except that basically, one is not trying to beat the clock, but trying to cooperate with it. It is a course that the navigator must follow, guiding his driver over this course at a set average speed so that they arrive at various time checks, yalled checkpoints, at exactly the time

the organizer has calculated he should be there. A rally is so very hard to describe, for it can be described in as many different ways as there are navigators and drivers. The Kitchener-Waterloo Rally Club, in conjunction with our own Waterloo College Autosport Club, is holding a Rally School. Our fun classes start on October 24, from 7 to 10 pm at Orr Auto on 20 Ottawa St. north in Kitchener. There will also be a marshal1 hunt (search for volunteer officials). Further classes will be held at Waterloo Lutheran library room L7 on october 27 and 31. Then on november 4, you get a chance to apply what you have (hopefully) learned in a rally which starts with registration at 1:OO pm at the library parking lot. First car will leave at 2 :Ol pm and arrive back at approximately 4:30 pm. Then on november 11, a final graduation rally will be held for all the rally students starting at 4 :30 pm, at the library. This will really give you a chance to practice what you have learned. At this rally there will also be trophies awarded. The cost for all this is a mere 3.25 per person, a real bargain. For where else can you get to learn and have a lot of fun at the same time?

Wheelin’ around the ring Eleven and one-half teams braved inclement weather, belligerent autos, and octoberfest hangovers to compete in the third annual bicycle race last Saturday. A unicycle team from the co-op, the half team, broke the record for the slowest time on a 3.3 mile track. Their time of 25 minutes and 54 seconds included a strong effort by anchorman Stu Edwards who cycled the last 300 yards backwards. The co-opers were the best dressed team entered, resplendid in new blue shirts with team initials (C.U.N.T.) written in large yellow capitals. A noisy crowd of groupies and friends wore similar outfits, and a cameraman recorded much of the frivolity to show on blue movie nights at philip street. Each member of the unicycle team completed half a lap, swit-

The race, organized by Jeff Epstien and Peter Hopkins, ran smoothly and without accidents, despite numerous cars and a tree planting truck busy at work along the route. Lower engineering placed second with a time of 17: 55 followed by: Village 1 west at 18: 20; St. Pauls at 18: 57; Village II west at 19:lO. Two Village II north teams took sixth and seventh spots at 19% and 19:47. All teams finished the 6.6 miles. Before the race, rider Rick Crupa from the bagbiters expressed concern about the unusual unicycle entry. He suggested a urinanalysis for the one-wheelers. -agnes



SWiimmers look c stmng The uniwat swimming teams have been hard at it for the past few weeks preparing for the long but very exciting season, under the

Toronto, Cathy Adams, Cathy Brown and Sue Gillespie among others. Captain George Roy, Rolfe McEwen, and Doug Munn will be leading the Warriors into their very hard season. The team will be meeting Notre Dame here on December 8th and this will be the test in the pool this fall for the squad. Newcomers such as Bo Jacyszyn, Richard Knaggs, John Mahoney, Victor Tarnoy, Garth Webb and Dave Wilson among others will be sure to compliment last years proven veterans like Eric Robinson, Bruce Murray, Graham Patterson, and Jim Low. On the boards Lester Newby has never looked better and will be backed up by returnee Ken Hill, and newcomers Allen Lachance and Chris Radigan. For the Athenas Laurie Martin is really coming along on the three metre board and is looking stronger every day. Even so, she would sincerely like to have some company at practices. If there are any gals who would like to learn to dive practices are held at the same time as swimming. The first meets for the squads will be held November 3rd, the annual Chocolate bar meet, followed by the first intersquad meet on the 10th. On the 11th the Athena home season starts with Guelph here at 7 pm. The Warriors open on the 22nd against ,Etobicoke, the Ontario Senior Club champions. -ron



Foo tballlem drubbed The Warrior’ football team are now two and two for the season after their 22-5 defeat by Windsor last Saturday. The Warriors found it difficult in generating any kind of effective offence. Two errors made by the offence set up two Windsor touchdowns. The error may have been the result of Al Pirie, Warrior’s starting centre, having to leave the game because of an injury. The defense appeared to be a little insecure as compared to previous games this year. The Warriors should be able to regain their security in their game against York at seagrams stadium tomorrow. York has succeeded in winning only one game this year. This does not mean that the Warriors will have an easy time tomorrow. What it means is that if the defense can regain its former composure, and if the offence can get its plays to work smoothly, the Warriors will end up on the positive side of the score sheet as well as getting a psychological lift.

thing at Minota Hagey residence and at the Columbia street entrance. The teams using two wheels had to ride twice as far changing riders for each lap of the race. When the final bike rolled over the finish line, it was engineering, averagin a speed of 24 mph that took the title in 16:31 to break the old record of 16:44. Richard Jackson (4: 08)) Rick Bertram (4:15), Doug Corner (4:01), and Rick Killey (4:07) comprised the team. This, was the second win for Jackson and Bertram who rode with the 1970 winning team. Killey and Corner train with the Waterloo cycling club. After the race Killey told the Chevron, “I trained one week because I’m used to longer distances like forty or fifty miles. This was like a sprint all the way.” Killey rode a Peugot cycle worth 350 dollars. His team mates used a Torpado and two Zeus Criteriums. All four bikes were fitted with special racing sprockets and gears. The 1970 champions rode a three speed bicycle which feature a wooden box on the front for text books and a flashlight.

Javelins are daligerous implements, Anne Goodlad of Conisbrough, England discovered, when she took her spear into an open field and cut loose with a mighty throw. The seventeen year old watched as two explosions took place, a fire, and an entire housing development were cut off from lights and electricity for two hours. “It was all a bit embarassing,” she said after explaining that her flying javelin had hit and cut a power line. “But the electricity board people didn’t seem to mind. They saw the funny side of it.” Will the golden Gould lose her amateur status? photo by dick mcgill There is this possibility after the guiding eyes of Coach Bob Australian swimmer appeared in a Graham. television commercial shown By the looks of things this season nation wide in Australia and was may be the most rewarding for reported to the international both the Athenas and Warriors. Olympic committee, aussie IOC There is little doubt in the minds of member Hugh Weir said recently. all team members and those Shane Gould swam to three gold associated with the club that they medals and a few odd silvers and will both be threats for the league bronze in Munich last month but titles this season. Many now Weir, who heads the IOC’s newcomers have been able to fill eligibility committee, is looking the spots left by graduating into the fifteen-year-old’s amateur students while the returning status. members are going to be able to Shane was promoting a women’s provide the needed solid meet-inmagazine which has just started and-meet-out experience. Even so, serializing a book written by her if there are still swimmers on mother titled ‘Swimming the campus who want to join the Shane Gould Way’. squads there is still time to do so. Mark Spitz on the other hand, Practices are at 7: 15 am and 4 : 30’ winning seven golds and named pm weekdays. the male super athlete of the '72 Returnees on the women’s team Olympics, has decided to throw his are co-captains Laura Foley and amateur status to the wind. He figures the wins in Germany are Judy Abbotts, Chris Lutton, Liz Saunders, Debbie Farquhar, worth ten million dollars and will Bridgette Zirger, Maryanne probably endorse any and every Schuett, and Beth Breen just to damn product that comes along. name a few. Joyce Matthison and Bob Hope just forked over $10,000 Joy Stratten who were with the to have him on his special. Spitz champion Athenas squad two w,as asked what the most imyears ago have returned along portant thing was in swimming with the Paris sisters Maida and whereupon he said, “to keep from Margret Murray, Susie Alderson of drowning”.














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Every person connected in any way with the Board of Student Activitie to attend a meeting T uesday, October 24 7:00 PM to discuss the future management and organization of the BSA. If you are interested’ in working at movies, . sound & lighting,: pubs, concerts, advertising, etc., then please attend.

All BSA society and village reps must attend this meeting. Student activities will not work unless creative students \ start getting involved We want and need your assistance to make BSA,work

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meeting in room 110, 19 KING



20 October,






20 October,

the chevrqn



In trar,nuraJis

Staff team - n&er says’ die

League C Optometry Jocks Ccfu’s co-op Co-op Math Upper Eng Lower Eng Math I

440045 78 541030278 431028256 523016454 5230 6134 413021212 4040 0 90 5050 0 00

entry deadline is October 20th at 5 :OO. This is a team event so get all the rowdies together and watch for the schedule. Listen for an up to date intramural sports program beginning soon on Radio Waterloo. Monday was another historic day for football. Last years champs, V2 north and this years inevitables, Vl north, decided to postpone their game until a later date. Both teams have plans to be in top shape for that contest. St. Paul’s posted their third consecutive win of the season with a 14-O victory over V2 east. It looks like this may be the team who faces north I in the play offs. V2 south scored a touchdown and a couple of singles to down VI south 8-O. A touchdown in the first half by Ev Reniers allowed St. Jeromes to slip by Renison 8 6. Ev caught a beautiful pass from the QB in the endzone. In league B, kin & rec. won another one, 6-0, against V2 west. And because Connie G. wants their score stated last, here it is. VI west 13, Conrad grebel 7. As of monday, October 16th, the present league standings are as follows: j

League D Kin and Ret Regular Math Env. Studies Lower Eng (ind) Science Sysdes

440045 78 321015144 422039334 311114213 412124423 4040 1210

TEAM St. Pauls V2 East V2 South St. Jeromes Renison VI South

Flag football standings League A Conrad grebel St. Jeromes Mudders Greenbriar St. Pauls Renison League Village Village Village Village Village Village Village

Men’s Who would have believed that a group of has beens over 30 (minus 1) members of staff could win the summer recreational touch football league. The team-the B’s-which is a short form for somethingamassed an illustrious 2 wins (one by default) 5 losses and finished 6th place during league play, thereby squeaking into the playoffs (all teams made the playoffs). Their point for-against average was indicative of their league play 38 for, 117 against, but not for their ability. However, playoffs are the determining factor. In the quarterfinals, the B’s were matched against the 2nd place Scrotes. Their unique style of play baffled the Scrotes .defense to a decisive 14-13 win. In the Semi’s, the defending champion Mucket Farmers became the second victim of the B’s bungling, losing 13-6 to a surprised but victorious B’s team. The championship game pitted the league leading Underdogs (70) ‘versus the B’s (2-5). In their previous encounter, the latter were humiliated 31-13 by the Underdogs. As fate would have it the B’s won their first and probably only championship by a shut out win 8-O.

Flag football ,results As of October 4th Ccfu’s 20 - Upper Eng Vl-south 18 - V2-south. V2-north 14 - VI-north Optometry 25 - Co-op Vl-east 39 - V2-west ConradGrebel 34 - Greenbriar As of October 10th Vl-west ’ 20 - Vl-east St. Jeromes 10 - Renison Jocks 10 - Ccfu’s Env. Studies 20 - Science Kin and Ret 7 - Regular math Mudders 7 - St. Pauls Lower Eng (ind) 8 - Sysdes As of October 12th St. Jeromes 7 - Greenbriar 9 - Vl-South V2-North Kin and Ret 10 - Science Conrad Grebel 14 - St. Pauls V2-Sout h 6 - V2-West Upper Eng 12 - co-op


9 7 7 0 6 7

0 0 1 12 0 3 0

7 8 0 1 0 1

GP W 6 T PF PA TP 440081208 421128215 321021104 412152643 4 13 0 25 32 2 303014610

B l-West l-East’ 2-North l-South 2South l-North 2-West

,,3 3 0 0 48 7.6 431055286 431037356 532058266 3 12 0 13 32 2 3030 9360 404013690

Lacrosse standings 5 Math St. Jeromes Barflies Village 2-North Village 2-South Renison

c;P W L T PF PA TP 330040136 321028204 321034344 3120 8212 3 1 2 0 13 16 -2 303014330


Soccer standings .. League A Village l-South Village l-north Village 2-North Village l-West Village 2-West

GP W L T PF PA TP 2200444 2110122 2110222 2011131 1010010

League B Chinese Students Seagram’s Sloggers St. Pauls St. Jeromes Renison League C Co-op Math Professionals, Bang-gotchas Env. Studies Parta-ola Sysdezzies Optometry .

2200614 2 1 O-l 2 0 3 2110822 3012232 20200120

3300726 2200624 ’ 2110342 3120342 3120132 3120142 2020020

Tennis This year’s intramural men’s singles tennis tournament attracted 59 competitors to-the clay courts of the Waterloo tennis club. The courts were fast and the competition was fierce . as 73 individual match-ups were needed to produce the final outcome. In the end, Karel Culik of the faculty of analytics and computer science, emerged as champion. Second place went to C. Gowda of the faculty of civil engineering when he lost to Culik in the finals 6-4, 6-3. Chris Gadula of st. jeromes took third place with a consolation championship and a loss to Culik of 6-0, 6-2. 3

Fryer competitive points After 3 events, st. jeromes holds the lead with 21 points based on a third place finish in the engineering challenge run and a first place finish in the track and field competition. Kin and ret holds second with second place finishes in the golf and track and field events with 20.5 points; optometry is third with 19 points, tied with lower engineering.

Townson participation -points After ,3 activities, St. Jeromes is well in front with 154 points principally on 135 points garnered in the track and field meet. Well back in second is kin and ret with 61 points with third place village 2-north at 50 points.

Correction In the little Olympics track and field results, in the 5000 M run, the winner was Peter Camini of St. Pauls with a record time of 15 : 29-6, the best of his career. Second-place went to Campeau of environmental studies with a time of 16:14.

held Connie G. to two singles as north defeated them 20-2. Quarterback Maclean was hitting everyone with touchdown passes. Lynn Grant managed the first score and also got the convert. Mimi Kennedy ran in the second TD pass. In the last half, Artie Koorevar picked off a Connie G. pass and ran it in for the score. Riddell managed a single somewhere in the game to complete the scoring. Conrad Grebel got both their points on singles by their active quarterback. As it turns out, there are no statistics available as to scoring plays on too many of the other games. V2 west and V2 north battled to a 6-6 tie. Touchdowns were scored by Pam Constable who ran back the football and scored for V2 north. Jo-anne Rowlandson got V2 west touchdown. In other games wednesday, St. Jeromes beat V2 east 13-1. VI south and Renison battled to a O-O draw. Kin & rec. whipped VI west 15-O. ’ Our womens’ noon hour fitness classes will have its first general meeting on monday October 23rd at 12: 30 p.m. It will be in the womens locker room and if you can’t make it but want to join, phone Sally Kemp at ext. 3533. If you haven’t already been to the women’s self defense course registration and are interested in protecting your beautiful bodies, more information is available in the phys. ed. office. Recreational basketball gets under way Tuesday Oct. 24th. The entry deadline is _ October 20th at 5:00 p.m. It will be just entering your name not a team. Teams will be drawn up by the intramural department so that kin & rec. won’t ‘wipe out everyone else. Women’s volleyball league will also be getting under way on thursday October 26th and the

Women’s Flag football last Wednesday saw Village I north continue their winning streak by chalking up their third victory of the season. A strong defense led by Dale Tiplady and Joyce (e.b. ) Harper


TEAM VI North Kin & Ret VI West Conrad Grebel V2 West V2 North


League A W L T TP 3 3 0 0 6 4 2 2 0 4 2 2 0 0 4 4 2 2 0 4 30211 40311 League B W L T TP 3 3 0 0 6 43106 42115 4 13 0 2 4 0 2 2 2 30211

Final entry date for co-ed broqmball and recreational hockey is monday, October 23. Organizational meetings -will be held on the 24th in room 1083 of the physical activities complex at 8:30 and 7 :30 respectively.

Curling club Varsity competition will begin during the week of October 23 at the K-W granite club. Any men wishing to enter a team ip this competition should contact the intramural activities office or Terry Olaskey at 884-2277 before October 22. Girls wishing to curl in varsity competition should contact either Judy Moore at ext. 3663 or Terry Olaskey. Curling club activities started on mpnday 16th at the granite club. Anyone wishing to participate in the curling club activities should come as soon as possible to the granite club between 4 &6 p.m. or on monday or thursday contact Terry. . -On Saturday november 4th, the university of Waterloo curling club will host a U of W intramural mixed bonspeil. This event will consist of games, open to all members of the university who wish to represent their faculty, division or intramural unit in competition. Teams must consist of two men from one division and two girls from



Entries must be given to either the physical activities office or to Terry Olaskey at the K-W granite club before friday november 3.









“The cinder-block home of the Hamse family was demolished. The mother, Rasmilla, and seven children from 14 months to 15 years of age were said to have been killed. “A new concrete schoolhouse was reduced to rubble. Officials said the school served 600 children.” - .x New York Times correspondent Jaun de Onis filed the above report from the village of Rafid on September 9. The town, in southern Lebanon, was one of the ten targets hit on the afternoon of September 8 in a seventeen-minute-long Israeli bombing attack on Syrian and Lebanese villages. Between fifty and eighty planes-U.S.-built Phantoms and French-supplied Mirageswere involved in the raids. Because of the swiftness of’the attack, virtually no defense was offered by the Arabs. No Syrian or Lebanese planes were sent into the air; no ground-to-air missiles were fired, and, except in northern Syria; no Arab antiaircraft batteries were used. Israeli military spokesmen described the raids, the most extensive since the june 1967 war, as retribution for the September 5 Palestinian. commando action in Munich during which eleven Israelis were killed. “Our aim,” the Israeli briefing officer said, “is to hit the terrorists as hard as we can, to cripple them and to make it clear that we mean business. The message is directed not only to the terrorists, but also to the countries that harbor them.” On September 9, Syrian jets struck back at Israeli positions in the occupied Golan Heights. In the first dog-fight in the Arab East in more than two years, three Syrian planes were shot down. The Syrian air force claimed three Israeli jets were downed, a claim that was denied by Tel Aviv. On September 7 the New York Times had printed an editorial on the action carried out by the commandos in Munich. Referring to “the Arab murderers,” the Times asserted that “The basic guilt is that of the Arab nations. . . ”


20 October,


The Israeli military apparatus is apAgain on September 9, this voice of a not inconsequentiaI sector of the U.S. ruling parently not yet finished. “Conversations with Israeli government officials here class editorialized that “The Arab murderers in Munich have, in effect, served today,” New York Times correspondent Terrence Smith wrote from Jerusalem notice on the world that no international gathering for any purpose anywhere is September 9, “left the strong impression automatically immune from potential atthat yesterday’s raid and incidents today tack.” were the beginning, rather that the end, of After the Israeli retaliation, which a the Israeli response to the Munich shootings.” Six team members, aroused by WeinSeptember 11 Tim& editorial called “predictable and understandable,” the In a September 10 television interview, berg’s shouting, managed to escape. The editors cautioned Israeli leaders that rest, seven team members and two security Lieutenant General David Elazar, Israeli massive retribution could be self-defeating, chief of staff, called the September 8 raids , agents posing as team members, were taken driving all Arabs to support “terrorism”. hostage by the commandos. “part of a continuous war”. When asked By 6:00 a.m., some 300 West German Another note of caution was introduced: about Arab civilian casualties, Elazar, “Moreover, as Arab civilian casualties striking a familiar note, replied, “We make police, a collection of Olympe officials, and, a delegation of West German politicians had inevitably mount from the bombing and every effort to avoid hurting civilians but shelling, Israel will forfeit much of the many terrorist bases are situated (like arrived at the village. The area was sealed off. widespread sympathy and support it dikes) in the vicinity of civilian settlement. It is therefore, unfortunately , impossible commanded after the senseless slaughter in At 900 a.m. the commandos identified Munich ” always to avoid harming civilians.” themselves as Palestinians. At 9 : 35 a.m. they threw from a balcony a poster on which But there were no tears shed for the dead That the Israeli bombings were in reality were listed their demands in exchange for Arab civilians, no mention was made of the aimed at civilians and not at “terrorist which they would release the hostages. Israeli government’s message to the world bases” is best proven by the simple fact-that The two central demands were that 266 that no Arab village is immune from attack. there are no longer any functional compolitical prisoners held in Israel-they were Most of the Western press and the mando bases either in Syria or Lebanon. exindividually listed-be released and that the governments it supports accepted the This in turn explains to a considerable commandos be granted safe conduct out of Israeli claim that the September 8 bombing tent the origins of the Munich action itself. At 4: 30 a.m. on September 5, five Germany. raids were not directed against civilians but against “terrorist bases”. But de _Onis Palestinian Negotiations with the fedayeen, who commandos scaled the fence several. times postponed their deadline for provided cqunterevidence to that assertion. surrounding the Olympic Village, which housed the more than 10,000 athletes parexecution of the hostages, went on all day. “First, the people in this village are not West German officials offered to substitute Palestinians, and second, there have been ticipating in this years’s edition of the orgy known themselves for the Israeli hostages; they no commandos around here for more than a quadrennial national-chauvinist offered the fedayeen an “unlimited year”, one of the citizens of Rafid told de as The Olympic Games. The five were Onis. joined by three others, who apparently had amount” of money in exchange for the Israelis’ release. Mohammed Khatib, Bonn Rafid, it should be noted, is one of the few gotten maintenance jobs inside the village. representative of the League of Arab States, Israeli targets that even conceivably could At 4 : 55 a.m. the eight fedayeen forced open the door of the building housing the and Mohammed Megdiche, Tunisian amhave harbored fedayeen. Of the eight targets bassador to West Germany, both attempted aside from Rafid and one other village in Israeli team. An Israeli wrestling coach, southern Lebanon, three are in northern Moshe Weinberg, was shot to death trying to to convince the commandos to release the hostages. Syria. ‘Of these, the closest to the Israeli bar the door. Joseph Romano, an Israeli border is a full 100 miles away; two are weight-lifter, was also killed in the assault When all these offers were rejected by the commandos, the West German police set in nearly at the Turkish border; all three are on the building. separated from the “promised land” by’ the entire length of Lebanon. Perhaps realizing that 100 miles is further than even an “Arab murderer” can lob a mortar, the Israeli military officials who explained the raids to Western reporters claimed that the three targets in northern Syria were “Fateh naval bases”. Supporters of the Arab{ revolution, not to mention participants, may be pleasantly surprised to learn that the commando movement has a navy. The surprise should be tempered by suspicion. The same Israeli military officials announced September 9 that the Israeli navy had sunk a “small attack boat manned by Palestinian guerrillas off the southern Lebanese coast early friday morning (September 8).” The sources doubted that the crew exceeded ten in number. A heroic victory over Fateh’s mighty fleet. Objective _observers must conclude that -the bombs dropped on northern Syria, if they indeed touched any boats at all, fell on Arab fishing craft, and not on naval installations. Another target was the village of Nahar el-Bard in northern Lebanon, about eightyfive miles from the northernmost reaches of Israel. Until the Israeli attack, no one had claimed that there were any operational commando bases in northern Lebanon. Three targeted villages are in southern Syria, two of them near the Golan Heights, Syrian territory occupied by Israel since the 1967 war. There have been few, if any, reported attacks there during the last two years. The final target, el-Hameh, is also a considerable distance from Israeli territory. But it is only four miles from Damascus, the Syrian capital. The inhabitants of Damascus, it was reported, could see the Israeli jets swoop in and Could hear the bombs falling . The fedayeen news agency reported September 9 that the total casualties of the Israeli raids were twenty-six dead, most of them women and children, and forty wounded. Arab governments suggested the toll was considerably higher. -



20 October,

the chevron


3 1


motion a plan to execute the fedayeen without regard to the fate of the hostages. At 10 :oO p.m. the fedayeen, along with the hostages, were transported by helicopter to Furstenfeldbruck air field, amilitary base fifteen miles from the Olympic Village. They arrived at 10: 30. The West German officials had agreed to provide planes to transport both the commandos and the hostages out of Germany, although the prospective destination remains obscurer The fedayeen agreed that when the 200 prisoners -in Israel were released, the hostages would be sent back unharmed. Instead, police sharpshooters opened fire on the commandos at Furstenfeldbruck. The commandos defended themselves and a battle ensued. When it was over, five fedayeen and all nine hostages were dead. Three commandos escaped death and were captured. They were charged with murder and kidnapping. Despite the cries of murder by the Western press, it is still not known for certain how the hostages died. Munich Police Chief Manfred Schreiber and Bavarian Interior Minister Bruno Merk both asserted that the police not the commandos, fired first. (An Agence France-Presse dispatch reported September 7 that the three captured fedayeen admitted having participated in the action but denied having fired their weapons at the airport.) But regardless of who actually killed the hostages, their fate was sealed when the police decided to open fire. In defending themselves against charges that they had bungled the operation, Munich police provided some interesting data on the origin of that decision. “The final plan for attempting to liberate the Israeli hostages,” the September 8 New York Times reported, “was approved by premier Golda Meir of Israel, (West German) chancellor Willy Brand& and Avery- Brundage, outgoing chairman of the International Olympic Committee. “Referring to the Israeli Government and to the Arab raiders, Dr. Schreiber said, ‘We could not determine or influence their actions.’ ” Meir was more direct. The September 6 New York Times reported that she “expressed personal satisfaction” for the West German decision to “take action for the liberation of the Israeli hostages and to employ force to this end.” It is quite clear then-and the Israeli government has strongly made this point more than once in the past-that the Zionist rulers have no intention of negotiating with or yielding to commandos who seize Israeli hostages as bargaining pawns. The Israeli government has always favored allowing hostages to be killed rather than dealing with “terrorists.” This precept has now become an international policy. In Argentina, in Turkey, in the Arab East, and in the United States, aircraft hijackers and kidnappers have been shot down without regard to potential loss of life among hostages or innocent bystanders. In its September 7 editorial about “Arab murderers,” the New York Times discussed the so-called rescue operation, complimenting the West German government “whose good will and sincerity of purpose shone forth so clearly during Tuesday’s tragic ordeal.” Actually, the Munich action was carried out by one commando group that is not even part of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the umbrella .coalition that includes most of the Palestinian resistance orgainizations. Black September, the group that claimed responsibility for the action, takes its name from the September 1970 civil war in Jordan, during which King Hussein murdered at least 10,000 Palestinians in refugee camps and broke the power of the fedayeen in Jordan. Tne ideology and activities of Black September correspond to the frustration felt by activists owing to the weakened state of the Palestinian movement. Composed mainly---of former members of Fateh (the Israeli government insists that Black

September is an underground arm of Fateh, which appears to be untrue), the organization has no political program and does not even pretend to be aiming at bringing down the Zionist state. Its activities are designed to publicize the oppression of the Palestinian people and to avenge them for the Jordanian civil war. Black September’s first action was the november 1971 assassination of Jordanian Premier Wasfi Tal. It is believed that the group attempted to kill Zaid Rifai, former Jordanian ambassador to Great Briain. It has hijacked several airplanes in attempts to secure the release of political prisoners in Israel. The activities of Black September, which has a maximum of perhaps several hundred members, are designed primarily to ensure that the elimination of the fedayeen as a singificant political force in the Arab East will not consign the Palestinian people to the oblivion that was their lot from 1948 to 1967. Black September’s operations are thus aimed at attracting the widest possible publicity and creating the greatest possible repercussions. Unfortunately, that type of publicity is to the advantage of the Zionist state, and not to the Arab revolution. Indiscriminate attacks on Israeli citizenry, even if not intended to cause death, allow the Zionist governmentwhich is responsible for thousands of civilian casualties and which has been and will be as long as it exists as a reliable beachhead for Western imperialism-to appear as an innocent victim. Such attacks allow the Zionist rulers to foster the myth that the Arab revolution is directed against the Israeli-Jewish masses; they put antiZionist revolutionists inside Israel in an extraordinarily difficult position. They do absolutely nothing to enable the Palestinian movement to break out of its current isolation. A political assessment of the movement’s past practices and the elaboration of a socialist program for the entire Arab East are necessary if the movement is to prepare for a resurgence. In this context, resort to terrorist actions by small groups or individuals represents a regression for the

movement, a regression that disrupts the crucial process of political reassessment. In the present case, for example, the Western ruling classes are aiming at the elimination of a most important section of the Arab revolutionary movement-Arab workers and students outside the Arab East. septem.ber 8 On Hans-Jurgen Wischnewski, a leading West German Social Democrat, who is said to be an expert on Arab affairs, called for the expulsion from Germany of all Arabs “supporting and tolerating terror.” “We know that this would hit many innocent people,” Winchnewski admitted, “but the safety of our guests and citizens must be considered more important.” On September 9 Willy Brandt announced his support of Wischnewski’s proposal. Involved are 36,000 Arabs, 20,000 of them migrant workers, the rest students. On September 8 the U.S. government announced the formation of an “intelligence committee” to- deal with “terrorism.” Headed by Roger P. Davies, who holds the impressive post of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, the group will be composed of representatives of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA, and the FBI. The new outfit will almost certainly seek out pretexts for deporting political activists among the thousands of Arab students in the United States. The intent of the Israeli government’s call for the expulsion of alleged terrorists operating in West Europe is straightforward enough. Somewhat more perplexing was the September 8 assault on Syria and Lebanon. The briefing officer who described the attack was asked by reporters why Egypt had not been bombed. The unidentified officer answered that Egypt harbored no operational fedayeen bases. This is true enough. But neither do Lebanon and Syria harbor operational bases. The ostentatious sparing of Egypt by Israeli air force appears all the more inconsistent when one recalls the original statements issued by Tel Aviv after the Munich shootings. An official declaration released september 6 identified the “accomplices” of Black September as “Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.” “ The Egyptians are the prime party in this incident,” a “well-placed Foreign Ministry source” told the New York Times. “They have the power and influence to stop these groups, and instead they encourage them.” “The Black September group that carried out the Munich attack is part of Fateh, whatever their differences. Egypt has given its approval to all Fateh operations, so she shares the responsibility for this one.” Israeli deputy premier Yigal Allon, who delivered a chauvinistic tirade during a September 7 service for the dead hostages, denounced the fedayeen as a “bestial clique whose sole object is genocide.” He then repeated his government’s warning that Arab states would be held responsibleEgypt, Syria, and Lebanon. Finally, the Black September communique claiming responsibility for the Munich operation was issued in Cairo. The Voice of the Palestinian Revolution, a radio station based in Cairo, praised the action and scooped all other Arab radio stations in

reporting it. This would seem to indicate that the Cairo-based station knew of the action in advance and that at least the Black September information service is Egyptianbased. Why, then did the Egyptian government, which on September 6 and 7 was “the prime party” in the affair, become in Israeli government eyes wholly innocent of involvement in commando activities on September 8, when the reprisals came? The answer is perhaps provided by the turn made by Egyptian president Ansar elSadat when he expelled Soviet troops and military advisers from Egypt in july. Since then, Sadat’s turn from the Soviet’s to the United States has become increasingly pronounced. On September 8 Mohammed Hassan elZayyat was appointed Egypt’s new foreign minister. El-Zayyat, who was Egypt’s permanent representative to the United Nations from September 1969 to february 1972, replaces Murad Ghaleb, who is an expert on Soviet affairs and a former ambassador to Moscow. A September 9 profile of el-Zayyat published in the New York Times notes that he is regarded as “one of the most moderate of the Arab diplomats on the question of Israel.” Two of el-Zayyat ‘s children attend universities in the United States, of which country he is a great admirer. --ElLZayyat is scheduled to begin a tenday tour of Western European capitals on September 16. His task, in the words of the New York Times, “will be to conduct the major diplomatic offensive that president Anwar el-Sadat announced last month after abruptly ending the Soviet Union’s large military presence.” The Israeli government, under pressure from the domestic chauvinist political climate that it deliberately fosters, felt compelled to strike massively at the Arab states. But not wanting to jeopardize its developing special relationship with Egypt, it spared Cairo. Sadat, on Wednesday a part of a “bestial clique” aiming at genocide, became on friday a man who doesn’t harbor guerrillas. On September 8, the day of the air raids, Golda Meir announced in a newspaper interview that “Under a peace settlement, we shall be very generous with Hussein-port Facilities in Gaza or Haifa, open skies to his planes, and free passage.” This was the first time the Israeli regime had officially raised the possibility of granting Jordan territorial concessions in exchange for a peace agreement. The gesture to King Hussein and the sparing of Egypt, coming as they did on the same day as the massive raids on Arab villages in Syria and Lebanon, indicate to the Arab revolutionists the forces arrayed against them. Hardly less noticeable than the Israeli air force’s avoidance of Egypt was Anwar el-Sadat’s lack of reponse to the aggression against Syria, supposedly a member of the same “federation” as Egypt itself. The coming revolutionary rising in the Arab East will take account of such facts and will direct itself not only against the aggressors in Jerusalem but against their in Cairo and Amman as well. adapted




_thedkvrwn dealing with the mounting frustration from this week’s hollow political lullabies and collectively screaming the production-night warcry “collate you bastard, collate” we were: a. difranco, norm taylor, george neeland, ron smith, pat reid, sue murphy, jacob arsenault, tom macdonald, paul hartford, Susan johnson, kati middleton, paul galloway, john keyes, krista tomory, enam bukhari, Iiz willick, brute Steele, george kaufman, deanna kaufman, nick sullivan, ian angus, jon mcgill, chuck stoody, brian cere, ellen tolmie, t-on colpitts, gord moore, randy hannigan, david cubberley, and of course the hun, marvin rotman, clare mcculloch, paul stuewe, Steve izma and kim moritsugu.


the chevron





.Of cabbages and grads: part two The latest issue of the Graduate Student Union’s “The Grad Bag”, is publication, now in circulation. This paper is representative of both the GSU, and graduate students in general. It is also a feeble and useless potpourri of child-like journalism. The budget for the new “grad is announced in this club” issue, and that budget bears reprinting. It reads as follows: Renovations $17,500 Furnishings $4,500 Carpeting & Drapes $1,800 Entertainment equip $1,600 Bar Equipment $4,000 Misc 33,600 The total is $33,000, and capital expenditure will rise, as the club intends to hire a full





editorial Another Grad Bag has been thrown together, in order, Drimarily, that graduate students might know how heir collective $7.50’s will be ipent this term. It attempts to live a picture of the Grad iouse finances and possible Iperating arrangements. Media mutterings have ;uggested that the Grad -louse will be another bastion If elitism on this cam.pus. I relieve that this is what all ight-thinking grads desire, md we can look forward to the ealization of our dreams in he near future. In former imes, when the rancid breath If the undergraduate masses Iffended our sensibilities, we lad no recourse save perhaps he -carrying of a scented

time bartender. “Sandwiches provided by the faculty club” will be sold, along with your favourite graduate beverage. (J&B on the rocks?) All in all it adds up to a commercial venture, designed to recoup the initial funds used for the establishment of the club. In effect, grads are not only paying for the club by way of compulsory fees, but they are asked to pay off the loan which was necessitated by the concept of a grad club itself. The club can only succeed on those financial terms, and therefore must direct itself towards setting commercial rates for what should be a nonprofit venture. In order to perpetuate both itself and the club, the GSU requires that’ grads pay prices which will, inevitably, compare with those paid to the faculty club. The GSU will no doubt counter these comments with a statement designed to reassure grads that they will pay only “token” rates. Token rates are token only in the eyes of the beholder, not in the eyes of those who, in fact, pay the money. However, since the graduate students insist on imitating the faculty club, it seems only imitatively correct that they pay similar prices. The graduate club is now a reality, and since the voice of grad students has been heard, democratically, it is just and correct that the club exist. Grads, and the GSU, are entitled, and indeed, welcome to it. The “Grad Bag” deals with more than finances and clubs. The back page is devoted to an editorial which, it is to be assumed, is the GSU’s response to a previous chevron article on the drawbacks inherent in elitist, separatist playgrounds. “Media mut-

terings have suggested Grad House will be bastion of elitism campus. I believe that what all right-thinking desire ” That is the of the:;Grad Bag” and clear whether they’have

that the another on this this is grads attitude it is not tongue-

in-cheek. It is clear that the response is arrogant, and that it implies an attitude which dismisses all who haye justifiable misgivings about the GSU. The executive does not feel it necessary to answer previous criticism. They do feel compelled to exhibit their lack of literacy and their isolation from reality. The GSU are

orange before the nose. Now, however, there can be an alternative to this incon;;ni;nce;;e ;:;:J~ h;;;pl;

things ever click again as they more-or-less did a few years

can meet in comfort and mutually strike sparks, as one might say. If our present policy should seem a trifle nauseating to some, they might bear in mind that even the Faculty Club had to open its doors to a wider patronage when the price of elitism became too high. This ain’t Oxbridge, y’know. Any tradition or privilege can find itself on the market at an institution like ours. There may come a day when the student body will be reunited in one organization at Waterloo, realising finally that we are all on the same side of the fence. Nevertheless, there seems no pressing need for such a reunion at present. Grads will have their clubhouse and a “representative” body that will keep an eye on money problems. Undergrads will get all the entertainment they need and as much effete radicalism/environmentalism/ mysticism as they can stomach. Should

there are galvanising issues around at this moment. If you hold this opinion, then you are not voicing it loudly enough. One more thing; our pres. been knocked has somewhat -unjustly, I believe. Sandbox facilities are important in these vacuous times and providing these can be hard work. What of it if one ego trips a little? Pure altruism is as rare as the Arctic Parakeet. In the admittedly unlikely event that anything more significant than announcements of Matthews were press conferences received at the GSU offices for inclusion in the Grad Bag, a new format might be adopted for our organ. (Fortunately, the supply of preprinted “Grad mastheads is nearly Bag” used up). At the very least, we offer you the opportunity to express, in print, your disgust with the GSU, Fred W. Hetzel, the Grad Bag etc. ,1



20 October,


perhaps representative of the supposedly mature people they serve. The Graduate Student Union, graduate students in general, in fact, anyone who wishes, to carry the standard which seems too unwieldy for the likes of Mr.

Hetzel, GSU president and Mr. cornered that market, it Gregory, “Grad Bag” editor, remains that concern with our may want to reply to the society is a more valid vehicle following remarks. for mistakes than concern that The Graduate Student Union grads are fat, drunk and enis merely a haven for frustrated tertained. If the body of high-school student coungraduate students are mature, cillors, whom time has passed , how long must we wait to see by. The. Graduate club is a that maturity in action? manifestation of their inPerhaps it is simply that grads security, a manifestation of the are mature in the materialistic, desire to be something they are broken-backed conservative not-faculty. The “Grad Bag” is, tradition. Perhaps they are a playground for Fred Hetzel mature in the sense that the and friends, a mindless failure people they imitate are which has all of the attitudes, mature-that is, old. The but none of the redeeming editorial effort goes on to add: features of the “Gazette”. “there may come a day when Finally, graduate students the stirdent body will be themselves deserve grad clubs, reunited in one organization at sad rags, tax advisors, and Waterloo, realising finally that executive of the GSU. Graduate we are all on the same side of students are, in the main, out the fence”. of touch, out of focus, and Mr. Gregory, we at one point seemingly, out of reach. While believed that to be true. We had thought that there were indeed, they climb all of the ladders to economic and social success, important alliances to be made, while they isolate themselves common problems to solve. in labs, and seminars, in clubs However, we have come to a and parties, while they play the new position-an awareness part of sycophants for faculty, that giads are different, that they cannot escape what all of they have specific needs and specific us must eventually facemeans to fulfil1 reality. That reality will take the desires. We would also not form of unemployment, unsubject an overburdened underemployment, overdergrad population to the education, and a constant presence of academic and struggle to maintain the social primadonnas. You are middle-class status which their best left to pursue your own university life has forced upon interests, to delineate your own them. The “Grad Bag” editorial concerns and act upon them. remarks upon the “effete Keep your sharp editorial eyes radicalism / environmentalism” on “money problems”, keep which undergrads engage in your eyes also on your grad throughout this and other club, and, whatever else you universities. Certainly, there is do, keep your eyes closed to no monopoly on mindless your own colossal ignorance, activity, and even though the and your own self-important GSU would seem to have posture&


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